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Ancient Nepal

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Number 160, May 2006

 Full Download (24 MB)

 Cover and Contents (890 kb)
 The points of milestones to the west of Kathmandu (2.6 MB, 1-8)
author: Sukra Sagar Shrestha
 थिथि बालकुिारी िन्दिरसम्बन्धी केही कागजात (7.5MB, 9-28)
author: योगे श राज
 पाल्पाका रणदे ल पाां डे र भारतीय डााँ का थगरफ्तारी सिभभ (4 MB, 29-39)
author: डा. भवे श्वर पांगेनी
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाका सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धको ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (8.2 MB,
 About the Authors (586 kb)
Number 159, June 2005
 Full Download (52 MB)
 Cover and Contents (2.3 MB)
 "Nanyadeva, His Ancestors and their Abhijana" (Original Homeland) (14 MB, 1-20)
author: Shiva Raj Shrestha 'Malla'
 नेपाली वास्तु र वास्तु ग्रन्थको सां थिप्त पररचय (8.8 MB, 21-34)
author: तारानि थिश्र
 चाबथहल न्दथित धिो चैत्य जीणोद्धारबारे केही चचाभ (26 MB, 35-78)
author: प्रकाश दनाभ ल
 About the Authors (538 kb)
Number 158, March 2005
 Full Download (19 MB)
 Cover and Contents (908 kb)
 RAMAGRAM-IV (8.3 MB, 1-22)
author: Sukra Sagar Shrestha
 थशखर वास्तु शैलीका उत्कृष्ट निूना: बै तडी दे वलहाटका दे वलहरू (5.5 MB, 23-35)
author: लोकनाि दु लाल
 आ. व. ०६०/६१ को पुरातत्त्व थवभागको गथतथवथध (4.2 MB, 36-48)
author: थवष्णुराज काकी, सरस्वती थसां ह, जयन्ती श्रेष्ठ
 About the Authors (522 kb)
Number 157, November 2004
 Full Download (48 MB)
 Cover and Contents (2.4 MB)
 Ramgram-III (20 MB, 1-36)
author: Sukra Sagar Shrestha
 सु खेत िे त्रको राजनैथतक, धाथिभक तिा साां स्कृथतक इथतहास (14 MB, 37-57)
author: तारानि थिश्र
 अथहलेसम्म प्रचारिा नआएको पचपन्न झ्याले दरवारका थचत्रिय राग राथगनी (6.4 MB, 58-68)
author: पुरुषोत्तिलोचन श्रेष्ठ
 पाल्पाको िािागढी एक अध्ययन (2.4 MB, 69-72)
author: राि बहादु र कुाँवर
 Corrigendum (44 kb, 73-74)
 Appendix (1A) (499 kb, 75)
 Appendix (1B) (392 kb, 76)
 Appendix (1C) (465 kb, 77)
 About the Authors (638 kb)
Number 156, July 2004
 Full Download (5.4 MB)
 Cover and Contents (276 kb)
 śivagala, canigala and vandigala (Three Toponyms from Medieval Bhaktapur) (485 kb, 1-10)
author: Yogesh Raj
 दु िाजुदेवी-भक्तपुर (1.6 MB, 11-24)
author: पुरुषोत्तिलोचन श्रेष्ठ
 थवष्णुपादु काका पुरातान्दत्त्वक अवशेषहरू (505 kb, 25-30)
author: सोिप्रसाद खथतवडा
 पुरातत्त्व थवभागका गथतथवथध आ. व. २०५९/०६० (191 kb, 31-36)
author: थवष्णुराज काकी, जयन्ती श्रेष्ठ
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाको सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धको ऐथतहाथसक सािाग्री (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (2.3
MB, 37-55)
 About the Authors (62 kb)
Number 155, June 2004
 Full Download (3.4 MB)
 Cover and Contents (241 kb)
 Halji Monastery- a Hidden Heritage in North-West Nepal (279 kb, 1-5)
author: Keshav Bidari
 Meshroom Varah of Ghandruk (234 kb, 6-9)
author: Ram Bahadur Kunwar
 Evolution of Buddhism and Archaeological Excavations in Lumbini (498 kb, 10-18)
author: Tara Nanda Mishra
 धु लीकोट राज्यको ऐथतहाथसक सवे िण (704 kb, 19-31)
author: प्रा. डा. राजाराि सु वेदी
 पचलीन्दथित बम्बीर थबकटे श्वर िहादे व िन्दिर जीणोद्धार (1.4 MB, 32-53)
author: प्रकाश दनाभ ल
 About the Authors (48 kb)
Number 154, March 2004
 Full Download (39 MB)
 Cover and Contents (2.4 MB)
 Salyantar Excavation (15 MB, 1-32)
author: Shukra Sagar Shrestha
 The Prehistory of Nepal (A summary of the results of 10 years research) (12 MB, 33-53)
author: Gudrun Corvinus, Nepal Research Centre, Kathmandu
 थव. सां . ६३३ दे न्दख िानदे व सां वत चलेको भन्ने आधार खोज्दै जााँ दा भे थटएको इथतथसद्ध कुरा (4.8 MB, 54-
author: श्यािसु िर राजवां शी
 िानदे वका पालाको थविलसङ्घको अथभलेखको यिािभ अिभ र व्याख्या (थव. सां . ५४३) (4.7 MB, 61-67)
author: ज्ञानिथण नेपाल
 About the Authors (703 kb)
Number 153, June 2003
 Full Download (8 MB)
 Cover and Contents (300 kb)
 Petroglyphs And Abandoned Sites In Mustang: A Unique Source For Research In Cultural History And
Historical Geography (1.9 MB, 1-14)
author: PD Dr. Perdita Pohle
 The Sinja Valley Excavation in 2000 A.D. (3.8 MB, 15-42)
author: Christopher Evans & David Gibson with U. Acharya, T. Harward and R. Kunwar
 सां वत् ४०७ को थविल सां घको थशवथलङ्ग र त्यसिा दु रुस्त अथभलेख (1.7 MB, 43-56)
author: श्याि सु िर राजवां शी
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाको सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धको ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (गताां कको बााँ की) (338 kb,
 About the Authors (45 kb)
Number 152, March 2003
 Full Download (7.2 MB)
 Cover and Contents (662 kb)
 Nepal-Bhutan Relations (A Study Of Its Past) (110 kb, 1-6)
author: Dr. Suman Dhakal
 Conservation of in-door Archaeological Objects (385 kb, 7-13)
author: Om Prakash Yadav
 वराहिे त्रको िकरसां क्रान्दन्त िेला (1.5 MB, 14-19)
author: सोिप्रसाद खथतवडा
 स्याङ्जान्दथित चौथबसी राज्यहरूको इथतहास (2.2 MB, 20-52)
author: डा. राजाराि सु वेदी
 िाथसां दैछन् पाटी, पौवा तिा सत्तलहरू (2.1 MB, 53-62)
author: प्रकाश दनाभ ल
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाको सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धको ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (गताां कको बााँ की) (193 kb,
 About the Authors (62 kb)
Number 151, November 2002
 Full Download (7.9 MB)
 Cover and Contents (235 kb)
 The Ancient City Of Kapilvastu-Revisited (373 kb, 1-7)
author: Swoyambhu D. Tuladhar
 Important Archaeological Sites Of Devadaha Village (384 kb, 8-12)
author: Ram Bahadur Kunwar
 टुाँ थडखे ल वरपरका अश्वारोही साथलकहरू (1.8 MB, 13-26)
author: श्याि सु िर राजवां शी, जयन्ती श्रेष्ठ
 थत्रपुरेश्वर िहादे व िन्दिर जीणोद्धार कायभ एक थववे चना (326 kb, 27-32)
author: शोभा श्रेष्ठ
 थलच्छथवकालीन लोकपालस्वािी शैवदे वता हुन् (551 kb, 33-36)
author: भरतिथण जङ्गि
 साम्राज्ये श्वर िहादे व िन्दिर तिा धिभशालाको जीणोद्वार तिा व्यवथिापन एक ररपोटभ (1.1 MB, 37-44)
author: भे षनारायण दाहाल
 पुरातत्त्व थवभागको गथतथवथध (आ. व. ०५८/५९) (1.6 MB, 45-57)
author: शोभा श्रेष्ठ
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाका सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धको ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (1.7 MB, 58-64)
 About the Authors (19 kb)
Number 150, June 2002
 Full Download (38 MB)
 Cover and Contents (1.9 MB)
 The Kohla Project 2000 -The First Season Of Excavation (10 MB, 1-19)
author: C. Evans, J. Pettigrew, U. Acharya and Y. Tamu
 Tukan Bahal Stupa (9 MB, 20-38)
author: Sukra Sagar Shrestha
 Archaeological Activities In Nepal Since 1893 A.D. To 2002 A.D. (5.6 MB, 39-48)
author: Prakash Darnal
 लिजुङ्ग राज्य (5.3 MB, 49-57)
author: डा. राजाराि सु वेदी
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाको सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धको ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (गताां कको बााँ की) (4.4 MB,
 About the Authors (524 kb)
Number 149, March 2002
 Full Download (36 MB)
 Cover and Contents (1.8 MB)
 Lomanthang Town Wall: A Living Monument Awaiting Conservation (3.2 MB, 1-6)
author: Neel Kamal Chapagain
 Index of Ancient Nepal (From 1 to 148) (24 MB, 7-53)
author: Ram Bahadur Kunwar in Collaboration with Basanti Basnyat, Mangita Shrestha
 सम्पदा सां रिण, सां लग्न सां थिा र दे न्दखएका सिस्याहरू (3.4 MB, 54-59)
author: शोभा श्रेष्ठ
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाको सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धको ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (गताां कको बााँ की) (2.9 MB,
 About the Authors (545 kb)
Number 148, November 2001
 Full Download (36 MB)
 Cover and Contents (2.3 MB)
 Ramagrama Excavation II (14 MB, 1-29)
author: Sukra Sagar Shrestha
 Cultural, Religious and Archaeological Heritage of Lomanthang and their Restoration (4.8 MB, 30-38)
author: Prakash Darnal
 Antiquity of Manuscript Painting in Nepal (2.4 MB, 39-42)
author: Sabitree Mainali
 थकसान जाथत एक थचनारी (5.6 MB, 43-52)
author: केशव प्रसाद अथधकारी
 पुरातत्त्व थवभागको गथतथवथध (आ. व. ०५७/५८) (5.8 MB, 53-64)
author: सरला िानन्धर
 About the Authors (567 kb)
Number 147, June 2001
 Full Download (10 MB)
 Cover and Contents (48 kb)
 The Vedic-Aryan Entry Into Contemporary Nepal [A Pre-Historical Analysis Based on the Study Of
Puranas] (327 kb, 1-8)
author: Shiva Raj Shrestha "Malla"
 Chemical Conservation Of Monuments (752 kb, 9-17)
author: Griha Man Singh
 नेपाल + थतब्बत सम्बन्ध: ऐथतहाथसक थसां हावलोकन (184 kb, 18-23)
author: श्रीिती इन्दिरा जोशी
 भक्तपुरका असु रथित अथभलेख (1.9 MB, 24-40)
author: डा. पुरूषोत्तिलोचन श्रेष्ठ
 िकवानपुर राज्य (259 kb, 41-48)
author: डा. राजाराि सु वेदी
 साम्राज्यश्वर िहादे व िन्दिर तिा धिभशालाको सां रिण तिा सां वद्धभ न: एक जानकारी (806 kb, 49-54)
author: शोभा श्रेष्ठ
 शोभा भगवती िन्दिर िे त्रन्दथित िूथतभ बारे सां थिप्त चचाभ (2.4 MB, 55-60)
author: प्रकाश दनाभ ल
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाका सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धको ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (2.2 MB, 61-64)
 About the Authors (83 kb)
Number 146, November 2000
 Full Download (6.2 MB)
 Cover and Contents (76 kb)
 Dated Figure of King Jayavarma, The Tradition Of Figure Making and The Historical Importance Of This
Discovery (1.4 MB, 1-23)
author: Tara Nanda Mishra
 Conservation Of Shristi Kanta Lokeshwor: A Challenge For The Conservators (304 kb, 24-29)
author: Om Prakash Yadav
 बासु की कुण्डका नागनाथगनी (719 kb, 30-34)
author: जीतबहादु र िानन्धर
 गणपत्य सां प्रदाय र चोभारका जलथवनायक (1 MB, 35-41)
author: सरस्वती थसां ह
 नीप सां घशासक पशुपालक गणजाथत होइन (1.3 MB, 42-51)
author: थदवाकर आचायभ
 पुरातत्त्व थवभागको गथतथवथध (आ. व. ०५६/५७) (1.1 MB, 52-62)
author: शोभा श्रेष्ठ
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाको सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धको ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (गताां कको बााँ की) (246 kb,
 About the Authors (119 kb)
Number 145, July 2000
 Full Download (4.5 MB)
 Cover and Contents (47 kb)
 Purnachandi Temple Of Lalitpur (921 kb, 1-6)
author: Shobha Shrestha
 The Nepalese Quinquennial Missons Of 1792 And 1792 To China (405 kb, 7-18)
author: Dr. Vijaya Kumar Manandhar
 Conservation Of Wall Paintings Of Ram Mandir, Battisputali (825 kb, 19-24)
author: Om Prakash Yadav
 अथग्नदे व र उनको प्रथतिा (300 kb, 25-32)
author: डा. वीणा पौड्याल
 चन्द्र शिशेरका पालािा भारतिा पठाइएका थवद्यािीहरूको छात्रवृ थत्त सम्बन्धी व्यवथिा (1.1 MB, 33-49)
author: भवे श्वर पांगेनी
 नेपालका िूल पुरोथहतहरू (146 kb, 50-53)
author: प्रकाश ए. राज
 अांशुविाभ को राजधानी नगर : हां सगृ हद्रङ्ग (239 kb, 54-61)
author: भरतिथण जांगि
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाको सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धको ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (गताां कको बााँ की) (496 kb,
 About the Authors (67 kb)
Number 144, March 2000
 Full Download (36 MB)
 Cover and Contents (3.3 MB)
 I Baha Bahi - A Buddhist Monastery (6.3 MB, 1-12)
author: Sarala Manandhar
 Archival Documents And Its Conservation and Restoration (Civil Servant Records 2001 B. S. Darsan Bhet)
(7.2 MB, 13-27)
author: Griha Man Singh
 Eradication Of Plants And Trees From Historic Buildings And Monuments (2.5 MB, 28-32)
author: Om Prakash Yadav
 हारती (एकजटी) (6.8 MB, 33-45)
author: तीिभलाल न:घ: भनी
 थ चतवनका िारूहरूले िनाउने सोहराई चाड: एक अध्ययन (3.7 MB, 46-52)
author: रीता ढुां गेल
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाको सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धको ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (गताां कको बााँ की) (1.7 MB,
 पुरातत्त्व थवभागको गथतथवथध (आ. व. २०५५/०५६) (3.8 MB, 56-64)
author: श्रीिती शोभा श्रेष्ठ
 About the Authors (608 kb)
Number 143, June 1999
 Full Download (12 MB)
 Cover and Contents (463 kb)
 Lumbini the Peace-Shrine and Place of Pilgrimage (481 kb, 1-7)
author: T. R. Vaidya
 Animistic Practices among tharus of Dang and Deokhuri (906 kb, 8-20)
author: Poonam Rana
 Khaptad Region in Mythology (541 kb, 21-30)
author: Shiva Raj Shrestha
 वै रोचन बु द्धको हस्तिुद्रा - एक अध्ययन (1.9 MB, 31-38)
author: डा. नरे शिान बज्राचायभ
 श्री ३ चन्द्रशिशेरका सियको काजी िहावीर गडतोडाका नािको सनद पत (2.2 MB, 39-44)
author: डा. थवजय कुिार िानन्धर
 थबग्रे को साइतिा कााँ गडाको युद्ध (1.2 MB, 45-49)
author: श्रीिती इन्दिरा जोशी
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाको सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धको ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (गताां कको बााँ की) (2.4 MB,
 पुरातत्त्व थवभागको गथतथवथध (आ. व. २०५४/०५५) (1.7 MB, 55-64)
author: शोभा श्रेष्ठ
 About the Authors (24 kb)
Number 142, March 1999
 Full Download (11 MB)
 Cover and Contents (431 kb)
 Ramagrama Excavation (3.3 MB, 1-12)
author: Sukra Sagar Shrestha
 The Nativity Tree Of Prince Siddhartha (1.3 MB, 13-23))
author: Basanta Bidari
 Conservation of Archaeological Sites in Nepal (1.3 MB, 24-30)
author: Chandra P. Tripathee
 भक्तपुर तलेजुको राजेन्द्रथवक्रि शाहको अथहलेसम्म प्रकाशिा नआएको ताम्रपत्र (919 kb, 31-38)
author: डा. पुरुषोत्ति लोचन श्रेष्ठ
 कालिोचनघाट र आसपासका िठ, िन्दिर एवां सत्तलहरू (1.6 MB, 39-46)
author: सरला िानन्धर
 साां स्कृथतक पररप्रेक्ष्यिा हलेसी िहादे व (1.9 MB, 47-56)
author: ओि प्रसाद सु वेदी
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाको सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धको ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (गताां कको बााँ की) (834 kb,
 About the Authors (56 kb)
Number 141, June 1998
 Full Download (6.1 MB)
 Cover and Contents (367 kb)
 A Cultural Heritage Conservation Strategy in the Context of Urban Development (1.5 MB, 1-24)
author: Hans Christie Bjønness
 Rath Jatra of Rato Machchhendranath (636 kb, 25-29)
author: Siddhi B. Ranjitkar
 जालन्धरी राजा (315 kb, 31-37)
author: डा. राजाराि सु वेदी
 सु वणभ द्वार (1.3 MB, 38-45)
author: डा. पुरुषोत्ति लोचन श्रेष
 उग्रतारा िन्दिरको सां थिप्त ऐथतहाथसक पृष्ठभू थि (639 kb, 46-49)
author: सरला िानन्धर
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाको सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धको ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (1.4 MB, 50-58)
 About the Authors (19 kb)
Number 140, February 1998
 Full Download (33 MB)
 Cover and Contents (889 kb)
 Foreword (512 kb MB, 1-2)
author: Dr. Saphalya Amatya
 Sa-'dul dgon-pa: A Temple at the Crossroads of Jumla, Dolpo and Mustang (6.1 MB, 3-21)
author: Franz-Karl Ehrhard
 Houses and Households in Southern Mustang (5 MB, 23-37)
author: John Harrison and Charles Ramble
 Watermills in Mustang: Notes on Architecture, Function and Management (3.9 MB, 39-52)
author: John Harrison and Charles Ramble
 Ritual deposits at Garab-Dzong, Dist. Mustang (4.3 MB, 53-64)
author: Angela von den Driesch, Henriette Manhart, Petra Maurer and Ernst Pohl
 Archaeological Research in Mustang: Report on the Fieldwork of the years 1994 and 1995 done by the
Cologne University Team (5.8 MB, 65-83)
author: Angela Simons, Werner Schon, Sukra Sagar Shrestha
 Excavations at Gotihawa: A note on the results obtained during the firsrt excavation campaign in winter 1994-
95 (6.1 MB, 85-105)
author: Giovanni Verardi
 About the Authors (598 kb)
Number 139, June 1996
 Full Download (45 MB)
 Cover and Contents (2.8 MB)
 Tusa Hiti (9.1 MB, 1-10)
author: Sukra Sagar Shrestha
 Forest and Trees Associated with Lord Buddha (7 MB, 11-24)
author: Basanta Bidari
 Ancient Towns of Kathmandu Valley: A Survey of Legends, Chronicles and Inscriptions (7.6 MB, 25-35)
author: Sudarshan Raj Tiwari
 The Archaeological Activities in Lumbini (6.8 MB, 36-48)
author: Tara Nanda Mishra
 Historical Background of the Kathmandu World Heritage Sites with Special Reference to Patan Monument
Zone (5.5 MB, 49-59)
author: Riddhi Pradhan
 Scope and Definition of Cultural Industries in The Area of National Strategies and Policy (3.9 MB, 60-67)
author: Khadga Man Shrestha
 Errata (1.2 MB)
 About the Authors (563 kb)
Number 138, September 1995
 Full Download (92 MB)
 Cover and Contents (2.5 MB)
 A Few Words on Archaeological and Archival Research in Southern Mustang (2.2 MB, 1-4)
author: Khadga Man Shrestha
 Investigations in the History of the Muktinath Valley and Adjacent Areas (39 MB, 5-54)
author: Dr. Dieter Schuh
 Role of the Bhaladmis in the Management of Local Affairs in Southern Mustang in the 19th and 20th
Centuries (10 MB, 55-74)
author: Mr. M. L. Karmacharya
 Wild Life in Ancient Khingar, Mustang (9.9 MB, 75-94)
author: Dr. Angela von den Driesch
 Excavation at Garab-Dzong, Dist. Mustang Preliminary report of the campaign 1994 (5.9 MB, 95-106)
author: Dr. Ernst Pohl and Mr. Chandra Prasad Tripathee
 Dead and Living Settlements in the Shöyul of Mustang (14 MB, 107-130)
author: Dr. Charles Ramble and Dr. Christian Seeber
 Short Remarks on the Caves at Tabo in Spiti (7.4 MB, 131-138)
author: Dr. Christoph Cüppers
 About the Authors (423 kb)
Number 137, August 1994
 Full Download (65 MB)
 Cover and Contents (2.7 MB)
 A Few Words on the History of the Muktinath Valley (4.7 MB, 1-8)
author: Khadga Man Shrestha
 Investigations in the History of the Muktinath Valley and Adjacent Areas (40 MB, 9-91)
author: Dr. Dieter Schuh
 The Prehistoric settlement of Mustang - First results of the 1993 archaeological investigations in cave systems
and connected ruined sites (17 MB, 93-129)
author: Angela Simons, Werner Schon and Sukra Sagar Shrestha
 About the Authors (624 kb)
Number 136, Special Edition on Mustang 1994
 Full Download (86 MB)
 Cover and Contents (2.9 MB)
 A Few Words about Study on High Mountain Archaeology (3.9 MB, 1-7)
author: Khadga Man Shrestha
 A Brief Note on the Seminar on High Mountain Archaeology of Nepal (3.9 MB, 9-15))
author: Janak Lal Sharma
 People’s Participation on the Management of Local Affairs in Southern Mustang in the 19th and 20th
Centuries (3.4 MB, 17-22)
author: M. L. Karmacharya
 KAGBENI : Structural Analysis of Dendrochronological Data (14 MB, 23-50)
author: Dr. Niels Gutschow
 Preliminary Report on the 1992 Campaign of the Team of the Institute of Prehistory, University of Cologne
(11 MB, 51-75)
author: Angela Simons, Werner Schon, Sukra Sagar Shrestha
 Archaeological Excavation at KHINGAR and DZARKOT (1.6 MB, 77-79)
author: Chandra Prasad Tripathee
 Reflections on the Existence of Castles and Observation Towers in the Area under Investigation, the South
Mustang (3.5 MB, 81-87)
author: Dr. Christian G. Seeber
 Civic Authority and Agrarian Management in South Mustang (29 MB, 89-135)
author: Dr. Charles Ramble
 The Chorten of the Cave at Luri (4.2 MB, 137-145)
author: Dr. Niels Gutschow
 The Archaeological Research in the High Mountains of Mustang District: An Assessment of the Situation
(7.5 MB, 147-160)
author: Tara Nanda Mishra
 About the Authors (666 kb)
Number 135, October - November 1993
 Full Download (2.4 MB)
 Cover and Contents (72 kb)
 A Fragmentary Inscription From Simraongarh, The Ancient Mithila Capital (388 kb, 1-9)
author: Riccardo Garbini
 A Test Trench Through The Fortifications of Simraongarh (417 kb, 10-21)
author: M. Vidale, C. Balista, and V. Torrieri
 The traditional material and techniques used in the conservation of Nepalese historical monuments (318 kb,
author: Tara Nanda Mishra
 Speech delivered by the Director General, Mr. Khadga Man Shrestha in the concluding session of ICOMOS
International Wood Committee Conference (41 kb, 32-33)
 िाथलगाउाँ िा प्राप्त नयााँ अथभलेखको बारे िा थवचार थविशभ (82 kb, 1-3)
author: शांकरिान राजवां शी
 काठिाडौांिा िनाइने पाया: र त्यसको ऐथतहाथसक िहत्व (282 kb, 4-12)
author: कल्पना श्रेष्ठ
 लथलतपुरको थछन्निस्ता: एक सां थिप्त अध्ययन (105 kb, 13-16)
author: श्रीिती राज्यश्री श्रेष्ठ
 भक्तपुरिा ढु ङ्गेधाराको थवकास व्यवथिा (205 kb, 17-24)
author: लीलाभक्त िुनांकिी
 थवतभ वाल िारू (436 kb, 25-27)
author: ते जनारायण पांथजयार
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाका सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धका ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (सां ख्या १२८-१२९ को
बााँ की) (140 kb, 28-32)
 About the Authors (47 kb)
Number 134, July - August 1993
 Full Download (2.9 MB)
 Map (468 kb)
 A Few Words on the Theme (113 kb, a-d)
 Excavations at Khingar Mound 1991 (746 kb, 1-17)
author: Dr. Hans G. Hüttel
 Faunal remains from early houses in Khinga (97 kb, 18-22)
author: Prof. Dr. Angela von den Driesch
 Tibetan Sources on Muktinath (337 kb, 23-41)
author: Dr. Franz Karl Ehrhard
 Settlement Processes and the Formation of States in the High Himalayas Characterized by Tibetan Culture and
Tradition (579 kb, 42-54)
author: Prof. Dr. Willbald Haffner and Dr. Perdita Pohle
 Geographical Research on the History of the Cultural Landscape of Southern Mustang (538 kb, 57-81)
author: Prof. Dr. Perdita Pohle
 Cartographic Activities in the Mustang District (262 kb, 82-88)
author: Prof. Dr. Robert Kostka
 About the Authors (14 kb)
Number 130-133, June 1992 - January 1993
 Full Download (2.3 MB)
 Cover and Contents (105 kb)
 A Few Words (66 kb, a-b)
 Introduction (448 kb, c-m)
 Trial Excavation of a Cave System in Muktinath Valley (693 kb, 1-19)
author: Angela Simons
 Dendrochronological Research in South Mustang (350 kb, 20-33)
author: B. Schmidt
 Important Trade Routes in Nepal and Their Importance to the Settlement Process (457 kb, 34-48)
author: Rainer Graafen and Christian Seeber
 A Ritual of Political Unity in an Old Nepalese Kingdom (204 kb, 49-58)
author: Charles Ramble
 Chörten in Mustang (74 kb, 59-62)
author: Niels Gutschow
 About the Authors (38 kb)
Number 128-129, February - May 1992
 Full Download (2.6 MB)
 Cover and Contents (56 kb)
 Restoration of Viswanath Temple at Patan Durbar Square (251 kb, 1-4)
author: Shobha Shrestha
 Gold Gilding (A Traditional Craft in Kathmandu Valley) (132 kb, 5-9)
author: Sukra Sagar Shrestha
 सद्योजात (533 kb, 1-10)
author: जनकलाल शिाभ
 नेपालिा सू यभ िूथतभ र उपासना (167 kb, 11-14)
author: िोहनप्रसाद आचायभ
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाका सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धको ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (1.5 MB,
 About the Authors (55 kb)
Number 126-127, October 1991 - January 1992
 Full Download (2.5 MB)
 Cover and Contents (78 kb)
 Archaeological Investigations At Simraongarh, February-March 1991 (1.1 MB, 1-35)
author: Massimo Vidale and Francesca Lugli
 थदगु तलेज्यू (पाटन) (294 kb, 1-7)
author: कुलचन्द्र कोइराला
 नाला (उग्रचण्डी) भगवती िन्दिर : केही थजज्ञासा (332 kb, 8-14)
author: प्रकाश दनाभ ल
 भक्तपुर राजदरवार र िूलचोकको ऐथतहाथसकता (256 kb, 15-19)
author: लीलाभक्त िुनांकिी
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाका सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धका ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (458 kb,
 About the Authors (51 kb)
Number 123-125, April - September 1991
 Full Download (2.1 MB)
 Cover and Contents (62 kb)
 The Reconstruction of the Eight-Cornered Pavilion (Cyasilin Mandap) on Darbar Square in Bhaktapur-Nepal
(621 kb, 1-9)
author: Niels Gutschow and Gotz Hagmuller
 Further Renovations of Svayambhunath Stupa (From the 13th to the 17th centuries) (312 kb, 10-20)
author: Dr. Franz-Karl Ehrhard
 डोल्पाका प्रथसद्ध थत्रपुरासु िरी भगवती (527 kb, 1-15)
author: रत्नाकर दे वकोटा
 जीतबहादु र : एक उपेथित ने पाली कूटनीथतज्ञ (210 kb, 16-22)
author: डा. तीिभप्रसाद थिश्र
 नाट्यशास्त्रको आवाहिा आवास पाठ खााँ चो हो थक, सच्याएको हो ? (234 kb, 23-30)
author: ज्ञानिथण नेपाल
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाका सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धका ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (221 kb,
 About the Authors (35 kb)
Number 121-122, December 1990 - March 1991
 Full Download (2.8 MB)
 Cover and Contents (137 kb)
 The Role of Swarup Singh Karki During the Second Half of the 18th Century Nepal (483 kb, 1-11)
author: T.R. Vaidya and B.R. Vajracharya
 हााँ थडगाउाँ सत्यनारायण-थिानको अनुपरिको अथभलेख (461 kb, 1-9)
author: वे णीिाधव ढकाल
 योथगनी-एक दृथष्ट (253 kb, 10-12)
author: जीतबहादु र िानन्धर
 भादगाउाँ पाठशाला (170 kb, 13-16)
author: थशव रे ग्मी
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाका सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धको ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (गताां कको बााँ की) (1.3 kb,
 About the Authors (31 kb)
Number 120, October - November 1990
 Full Download (3 MB)
 Cover and Contents (123 kb)
 The Stupa of Bodhnath: A Preliminary Analysis of the Written Sources (445 kb, 1-9)
author: Franz-Karl Ehrhard
 Chortens (mchod-rten) in Humla, Observations on the variation of a building type in north-western Nepal in
May 1990 (620 kb, 10-21)
author: Niels Gutschow
 वै ष्णव धिभको इथतहास र फथपभङका थशखरनारायण (598 kb, 1-13)
author: उद्धव आचायभ
 थसद्ध िीननाि (334 kb, 14-20)
author: डा. राजाराि सु वेदी
 थलच्छथवकालीन श्रीराजथवहारको थिापना काल (168 kb, 21-24)
author: शङकरिान राजवां शी
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाका सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धको ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (812 kb,
 About the Authors (57 kb)
Number 119, August - September 1990
 Full Download (2.7 MB)
 Cover and Contents (91 kb)
 The Political Organisation of Southern Mustang During the 17th and 18th Centuries (224 kb, 1-7)
author: Dieter Schuh
 The Original Buddha and the Recent Buddha: A Preliminary Report on Buddhism in a Gurung Community
(264 kb, 8-13)
author: Heinz Bechert
 पशुपथतप्राां गणाथभलेख (सां . ३८१) को पररष्कार (232 kb, 1-6)
author: वे णीिाधव ढकाल
 भोटिा नेपाली खचडा (629 kb, 7-20)
author: डा. तीिभप्रसाद थिश्र
 दथिण काथलका (फथपभङ) (645 kb, 21-35)
author: कुलचन्द्र कोइराला
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाका सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धको ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (634 kb,
 About the Authors (54 kb)
Number 116-118, February - July 1990
 Full Download (2.5 MB)
 Cover and Contents (56 kb)
 Dhunge-Dharas in the Kathmandu Valley - An Outline of their Architectural Development (442 kb, 1-9)
author: Raimund O. A. Becker-Ritterspach
 Dhunge Dhara: A Case Study of the Three Cities of Kathmandu Valley (282 kb, 10-14)
author: Riddhi Pradhan
 दे वदे वीको खट (197 kb, 1-6)
author: तीिभलाल न:घ: भनी (राजभण्डारी)
 नेपाल-भू टान आथिभक सम्बन्ध : ऐथतहाथसकता र सम्भाव्यता (514 kb, 7-20)
author: सु शीला िानन्धर
 दथिणािूथतभ िन्दिर जीणोद्धार (276 kb, 21-25)
author: सरला िानन्धर
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाका सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धको ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (776 kb,
 About the Authors (45 kb)
Number 115, December 1989 - January 1990
 Full Download (3 MB)
 Cover and Contents (132 kb)
 Frog Worship: A Unique Culture (232 kb, 1-5)
author: Nirish Nepal
 Nepal (continued) (347 kb, 6-12)
author: Sylvain Levi
 पशुपथतनाि प्राां गणिा प्राप्त अप्रकाथशत थलच्छथव अथभलेख (185 kb, 1-2)
author: श्यािसु िर राजवां शी
 कपदाभ र भोटु पााँ डे (399 kb, 3-9)
author: ज्ञानिथण नेपाल
 नेपालिा िानवको उद् भव र थवकाससम्बन्धी थचन्तन-परम्परा : एक अध्ययन (745 kb, 10-24)
author: केदारनाि प्रधान
 जोगीचक्र (305 kb, 25-31)
author: लीलाभक्त िुनांकिी
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाका सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धको ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (764 kb,
 About the Authors (33 kb)
Number 114, October - November 1989
 Full Download (3.4 MB)
 Cover and Contents (155 kb)
 A Renovation of Svayambhunath-Stupa in the 18th Century and its History (according to Tibetan sources)
(459 kb, 1-8)
author: Franz-Karl Ehrhard
 Nepalese Thakali at Gyantse (1905-1938) (429 kb, 9-17)
author: Dr. Tirtha Prasad Mishra
 An Ethno-Archaeological Investigation into Irrigation Agriculture and Water Systems in Mid-Western Nepal
(continued) (310 kb, 18-23)
author: Thomas M. C. Pinhorn
 Nepal (continued) (949 kb, 24-40)
author: Sylvain Levi
 वां शावली र वां शावलीहरू (387 kb, 1-7)
author: डा. जगदीशचन्द्र रे ग्मी
 बोडे (धिभपुर) को ऐथतहाथसकता (416 kb, 8-15)
author: सु श्री सु लोचना थचत्रकार
 स्वेष्ट (इष्ट) दे वता तलेजु र िानेश्वरी (308 kb, 16-20)
author: लीलाभक्त िुनांकिी
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाका सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धको ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (86 kb,
 About the Authors (70 kb)
Number 113, August - September 1989
 Full Download (2.8 MB)
 Cover and Contents (100 kb)
 On the Manufacture of Ink (294 kb, 1-7)
author: Christoph Cuppers
 The Victoria Cross and the Nepali Gurkhas (265 kb, 8-14)
author: Prem Uprety
 An Ethno-Archaeological Investigation into Irrigation Agriculture and Water System in Mid-Western Nepal
(Continued from No. 109) (489 kb, 15-22)
author: Thomas M. C. Pinhorn
 Nepal (Continued from No. 109) (150 kb, 23-26)
author: Sylvain Levi
 पल्लो थकरााँ तको चैनपुर : एक िहत्वपूणभ ऐथतहाथसक प्रदे श (955 kb, 1-17)
author: रिेश ढुां गेल
 थवश्वकिाभ (185 kb, 18-21)
author: जीतबहादु र िानन्धर
 तनहाँ को राजनीथतक इथतहास (294 kb, 22-28)
author: श्रीराि थघथिरे
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाका सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धको ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (सां ख्या १०९ को बााँ की)
(147 kb, 29-32)
 About the Authors (45 kb)
Number 110-112, February - July 1989
 Full Download (2.2 MB)
 Cover and Contents (45 kb)
 सां रथित स्मारक िे त्रको अवधारणा, पररचय र िहत्त्व (85 kb, 1-3)
author: साफल्य अिात्य
 सां रथित स्मारक िे त्रको वातावरण सां रिण कायभ िा थवथभन्न थनकायहरुको दाथयत्व (254 kb, 4-11)
author: प्रफुल्लिान थसां ह प्रधान
 सां रथित स्मारक िे त्र र सोको सां रिणसम्बन्धी कानूनी प्रावधान (235 kb, 12-18)
author: भीिप्रसाद नेपाल
 हनुिान् ढोका दरबार सां रथित स्मारक िे त्रको पररचय, वातावरण सां रिणिा दे खापरे का सिस्या र सिाधानका
उपायहरू (310 kb, 19-26)
author: ते जरत्न ताम्राकार
 स्वयम्भू सां रथित स्मारक िेत्रको पररचय, िहत्त्व, वातावरण सां रिणिा दे खापरे का सिस्या र सिाधानका
उपायहरू (222 kb, 27-33)
author: ऋन्दद्ध प्रधान
 बौद्धनािको पररचय, वातावरण सां रिणिा दे खापरे का सिस्या र सिाधानका उपायहरू (248 kb, 34-40)
author: श्रीिती शोभा श्रेष्ठ
 भक्तपुर दरबार सांरथित स्मारक िे त्रको पररचय, िहत्त्व, वातावरण सां रिणिा दे खापरे का सिस्या र सिाधानका
उपायहरू (228 kb, 41-46)
author: थवष्णुराज काकी
 लथलतपुर दरबार सां रथित स्मारक िे त्रको सिस्या र सिाधान : एक थववे चना (386 kb, 47-55)
author: ईश्वरिान थसन्या श्रेष्ठ
 चाां गुनारायण सां रथित स्मारक िे त्रको पररचय, िहत्त्व, वातावरण सां रिणिा दे खापरे का सिस्या र सिाधानका
उपायहरू (166 kb, 56-60)
author: शुक्रसागर श्रेष्ठ
 सम्पादकीय (134 kb, 61-64)
 About the Authors (43 kb)
Number 109, December 1988 - January 1989
 Full Download (3.5 MB)
 Cover and Contents (143 kb)
 Architectural Woodwork in Nepal (134 kb, 1-3)
author: Shaphalya Amatya
 An Ethno-Archaeological Investigation into Irrigation Agriculture and Water Systems in Mid-Western Nepal
(continued) (885 kb, 4-12)
author: Thomas M.C. Pinhorn
 Nepal (continued) (490 kb, 13-22)
author: Sylvain Levi
 कुिारी र कुिारी यात्रा (788 kb, 1-12)
author: तीिभलाल न:घ: भनी (राजभण्डारी)
 भक्तपुरको थबस्केट् जात्रा र यसको प्रागै थतहाथसक िहत्व (584 kb, 13-23)
author: केदारनाि प्रधान
 गणे श िथहिा (343 kb, 24-31)
author: लीलाभक्त िुनांकिी
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाका सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धको ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (223 kb,
 About the Authors (39 kb)
Number 108, October - November 1988
 Full Download (3.2 MB)
 Cover and Contents (128 kb)
 Baghbhairav Temple (709 kb, 1-11)
author: Sukra Sagar Shrestha
 An Ethno-Archaeological Investigation into Irrigation Agriculture and Water Systems in Mid-Western Nepal
(continued) (691 kb, 12-18)
author: Thomas M. C. Pinhorn
 Nepal (continued) (221 kb, 19-23)
author: Sylvain Levi
 कालराथत्र पूजा र भक्तपुरको कोलुकयात जात्रा (205 kb, 1-4)
author: लीलाभक्त िुनांकिी
 सां वत् १९०९ को एक थटपोटे थकताब (696 kb, 5-22)
author: डा. जगदीशचन्द्र रे ग्मी
 थवथभन्न सां वत्हरूिध्ये लक्ष्मण सां वत् र थतनको सम्बन्ध (233 kb, 23-27)
author: शङ्करिान राजवां शी
 गिगढीको एउटा रोचक सां स्कार (224 kb, 28-31)
author: जीतबहादु र िानन्धर
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाका सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धको ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (137 kb,
 About the Authors (63 kb)
Number 107, August - September 1988
 Full Download (2.9 MB)
 Cover and Contents (121 kb)
 An Ethno-Archaeological Investigation into Irrigation Agriculture and Water Systems in Mid-Western Nepal
(232 kb, 1-5)
author: Thomas M. C. Pinhorn
 The Royal Devotion to Deity Taleju (236 kb, 6-9)
author: Sushila Manandhar
 Nepal (continued) (171 kb, 10-14)
author: Sylvain Levi
 इथतहास लेख्ने परम्परा र नेपालवृ त (475 kb, 1-10)
author: ज्ञानिथण नेपाल
 भगवान् रुद्र-थशवका वाहनहरू (178 kb, 11-14)
author: हररराि जोशी
 नेपालको १.१ करोड वषभअथघको रािनरवानर-नेथपिेकस् को सिभभ िा आथदिानवको उद् ्‍गि र उद् ्‍गिथिल
(गताङ्कको बााँ की) (677 kb, 15-29)
author: केदारनाि प्रधान
 तान्दन्त्रक आधारिा नवदु गाभ नाचको शुरुवात (584 kb, 30-41)
author: पुरुषोत्तिलोचन श्रेष्ठ
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाका सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धको ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (323 kb,
 About the Authors (60 kb)
Number 106, June - July 1988
 Full Download (2.6 MB)
 Cover and Contents (96 kb)
 Pujari Math: The Background History of the Bhaktapur Development Project (300 kb, 1-7)
author: Shaphalya Amatya
 Archaeological Remains of the Dang Valley (355 kb, 8-12)
author: Dilli Raj Sharma
 Nepal (continued) (86 kb, 13-15)
author: Sylvain Levi
 नेपालको १.१ करोड वषभअथघको रािनरवानर-नेथपिेकस् को सिभभ िा आथदिानवको उद् ्‍गि र उद् ्‍गिथिल
(704 kb, 1-17)
author: केदारनाि प्रधान
 आधु थनकीकरण र ताल्तीखोलाका चेपाङहरू (266 kb, 18-23)
author: डा. गणे शिान गु रुङ्ग
 गोकणे श्वर िहादे व िन्दिर जीणोद्धार (469 kb, 24-30)
author: शोभा श्रेष्ठ
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाका सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धको ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (361 kb,
 About the Authors (56 kb)
Number 105, April - May 1988
 Full Download (3 MB)
 Cover and Contents (80 kb)
 Caste and Social Domination (323 kb, 1-8)
author: Shanker Thapa
 Nepal (continued) (129 kb, 9-12)
author: Sylvain Levi
 B. H. Hodgson as a factor for the fall of Bhimsen Thapa (290 kb, 13-20)
author: Ms. Rukmani Rana
 िन्थलीका िाझी (697 kb, 1-15)
author: भू पहरर पौडे ल
 से नवां शी राजाहरूको ऐथतहाथसक पररचचाभ र पूवी पहाडका केही ब्राह्मण वां श (759 kb, 16-24)
author: कुलचन्द्र कोइराला
 नेपाली िूथतभ कलािा नृ त्य गणे श (329 kb, 25-29)
author: रािशरण दनाभ ल
 िाथहला नानीसाहे वको न्दथिथतलाई प्रकाश पाने अन्य दु ई रूक्काहरू (237 kb, 30-34)
author: सु शीला िानन्धर
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाका सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धको ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (254 kb,
 About the Authors (49 kb)
Number 104, February - March 1988
 Full Download (2.3 MB)
 Cover and Contents (74 kb)
 Paganism and Spiritism: A Study of Religion and Ritual in the Sherpa Society (750 kb, 1-25)
author: Dr. Ramesh Raj Kunwar
 Nepal (continued) (265 kb, 26-34)
author: Sylvain Levi
 श्री ३ जुद्ध : केही थटपोटहरू (292 kb, 1-7)
author: डा. जगदीशचन्द्र रे ग्मी
 भक्तपुर तलेजुको िा पूजा : एक ऐथतहाथ सक थवश्लेषण (441 kb, 8-18)
author: पुरुषोत्तिलोचन श्रेष्ठ
 काठिाडौां िखनटोलन्दथित गरुडको पादपीठ अथभलेख (372 kb, 19-24)
author: श्यािसु िर राजवां शी
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाका सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धका ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (153 kb,
 About the Authors (46 kb)
Number 103, December 1987 - January 1988
 Full Download (3.4 MB)
 Cover and Contents (135 kb)
 Premise, Problems And Prospective of Ethnic Studies in Nepal (232 kb, 1-5)
author: Dr. Dipak Raj Pant
 The Historical Dynasties and Ancient Archaeological Sites in Nepal (620 kb, 6-15)
author: Tara Nanda Mishra
 Nepal (continued) (139 kb, 16-18)
author: Sylvain Levi
 नेपाल-थनरूपण (स्वन्दस्त ने पाले भ्य:को शुद्ध पाठ र सही अिभ) (884 kb, 1-14)
author: ज्ञानिथण नेपाल
 कास्की राज्यको न्यायप्रणाली (456 kb, 15-22)
author: राजाराि सु वेदी
 लोप्रा (नोप्रा?) का कागते (834 kb, 23-40)
author: भू पहरर पौडे ल
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाका सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धका ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (133 kb,
 About the Authors (48 kb)
Number 102, October - November 1987
 Full Download (3.7 MB)
 Cover and Contents (147 kb)
 MSL: A Study of Three Corner Complex with Special Reference to the Sherpas of Khumbu and Mt. Everest
Expedition (1.5 MB, 1-27)
author: Dr. Ramesh Raj Kunwar
 Nepal (continued) (104 kb, 28-29)
author: Sylvain Levi
 िुन्दक्तनाि : केही ऐथतहाथसक तथ्य (1 MB, 1-15)
author: रिेश ढु ङ्गेल
 पााँ च रुक्काको आधारिा िाथहला नानी साहे बको न्दथिथत पररचय (573 kb, 16-22)
author: सु शीला िानन्धर
 प्राचीन नेपाली सिाज (337 kb, 23-27)
author: डा. थदनेशचन्द्र रे ग्मी
 About the Authors (68 kb)
Number 101, August - September 1987
 Full Download (3.1 MB)
 Cover and Contents (103 kb)
 Samrajyeswar Mahadeva Temple: A Case of Archaeological Renovation Outside Nepal (363 kb, 1-6)
author: Dr. Rishi Keshab Regmi
 Archaeology in the Indian Subcontinent: An Approach to Methodology and Direction (399 kb, 7-15)
author: Dr. Prem K. Khatry
 Nepal (continued) (229 kb, 16-20)
author: Sylvain Levi
 साझा बाजे िलैबम्म (319 kb, 1-6)
author: राजाराि सु वेदी
 बजारका ठे केदारहरूले िुद्दा हे नेबारे को सां वत् १९९३ सालको अप्रकाथशत सनद (332 kb, 7-11)
author: शांकर िापा, अिरनाि श्रेष्ठ
 हाम्रो नृत्येश्वर (265 kb, 12-15)
author: शङ्करिान राजवां शी
 नेपालका अल्पसां ख्यक र लोप हुन लागे को जाथत: हायू (913 kb, 16-34)
author: भू पहरर पौडे ल
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाका सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धका ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (268 kb,
 About the Authors (56 kb)
Number 100, June - July 1987
 Full Download (3.2 MB)
 Cover and Contents (125 kb)
 Yama (228 kb, 1-5)
author: Hari Ram Joshi
 Goddess Tara: A Short Study (158 kb, 6-9)
author: Jagdish Chandra Regmi
 Nepal (continued) (689 kb, 10-25)
author: Sylvain Levi
 सां गीतकलाकी अथधष्ठात्री दे वी सरस्वती (240 kb, 1-5)
author: रािशरण दनाभ ल
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाका सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धका ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (695 kb,
 चन्द्र शम्शेरको प्रधानिन्दन्त्रत्वकालको एक सनदको अ ाधारिा कानूनी व्यवथिाको सिभभ (411 kb, 21-26)
author: सु शीला िानन्धर
 फथपभङ्गको हररशांकर यात्रा (702 kb, 27-36)
author: उद्धव आचायभ
 About the Authors (57 kb)
Number 98-99, February - May 1987
 Full Download (3.2 MB)
 Cover and Contents (81 kb)
 Umamahesvar Temple of Kirtipur (365 kb, 1-8)
author: Sukra Sagar Shrestha
 Report on the Monuments of Northern Nepal (continued) (345 kb, 9-16)
author: Corneille Jest
 Nepal, Historical Study of a Hindu Kingdom (Volume III) (370 kb, 17-24)
author: Sylvain Levi
 नेपालेश्वरसां ग थभिा याचना (149 kb, 1-3)
author: जगदीशचन्द्र रे ग्मी
 श्री ३ िहाराज चन्द्र शिशेर र थचथनया सम्मान (563 kb, 4-13)
author: तीिभप्रसाद थिश्र
 फथपभङ्गको ऐथतहाथसक पररचय (835 kb, 14-25)
author: उद्धव आचायभ
 सृ थष्टको प्रतीक थलांगपूजा (260 kb, 26-31)
author: थडल्लीराज शिाभ
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाका सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धका ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (261 kb,
 About the Authors (53 kb)
Number 92-97, February 1986 - January 1987
 Full Download (2.9 MB)
 Cover and Contents (69 kb)
 Virupaksha (182 kb, 1-5)
author: Hari Ram Joshi
 Report on the Monuments of Northern Nepal (continued) (284 kb, 6-13)
author: Corneille Jest
 Nepal (continued) (776 kb, 14-29)
author: Sylvain Levi
 सपादलि साम्राज्यको अवसानपथछ (441 kb, 1-7)
author: राजाराि सु वेदी
 नेपालिा दासप्रिाको िोचनका प्रयास र सफलता (343 kb, 8-14)
author: थदलबहादु र ित्री
 राजा वीरिल्लको भू थिसम्बन्धी तिसू क ताडपत्र (172 kb, 15-18)
author: श्यािसु िर राजवां शी
 सतार सां स्कृथत: एक थचनारी (360 kb, 19-26)
author: िदनप्रसाद कट्टे ल
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाका सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धका ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (365 kb,
 About the Authors (39 kb)
Number 91, December 1985 - January 1986
 Full Download (3.3 MB)
 Cover and Contents (54 kb)
 Shakta Iconology of Nepal (868 kb, 1-15)
author: Mrs. Sony Maskey
 The Late Neolithic-Early Iron Age Limestone Secondary Jar-Burial Complex in the Caves of Salangsang,
Lebak, Sultan Kudarat, Philippines and its Implications in the Chronology of Southeast Asia (258 kb, 16-20)
author: Samuel M. Briones
 Tibetan Collections of Nepal (326 kb, 21-26)
author: Dr. N.D. Bolsokhoyeva
 Report on the Monuments of Northern Nepal (continued) (139 kb, 27-29)
author: Corneille Jest
 Nepal (continued) (168 kb, 30-32)
author: Sylvain Levi
 रणथजत् िल्लका थसकूचा िोहर (341 kb, 1-5)
author: पूणभदास िानन्धर
 प्राचीन नेपाल वस्ती-थतिालको इथतहासिा प्रकाश (335 kb, 6-9)
author: चन्द्रप्रसाद थत्रपाठी
 नेपालका धिाभ थधकारीहरू (551 kb, 10-18)
author: राजाराि सु वेदी
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाका सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धका ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (325 kb,
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्रस्तम्भ (52 kb, 25)
Number 90, October - November 1985
 Full Download (2.5 MB)
 Cover and Contents (73 kb)
 Recent Archaeological Discoveries in the Central Asia (335 kb, 1-3)
author: V.M. Masson and V.I. Raspopova
 Monuments of Nepa (401 kb, 4-9)
author: Mrs. Sarala Manandhar
 Report on the Monuments of Northern Nepal (continued) (228 kb, 10-18)
author: Corneille Jest
 Nepal (continued) (294 kb, 19-26)
author: Sylvain Levi
 जांगबहादु रका िान-अपिानका कुरा (524 kb, 1-14)
author: ज्ञानिथण नेपाल
 राजा िहीन्द्रथसां हदे व (भाष्कर िल्ल) को तिसु क ताडपत्र (152 kb, 15-18)
author: श्यािसु िर राजवां शी
 उदयपुर र यसको ऐथतहाथसक पररचय (344 kb, 19-27)
author: भरतराज रावत
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाका सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धका ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (156 kb,
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्रस्तम्भ (68 kb, 31-32)
 About the Authors (40 kb)
Number 89, August - September 1985
 Full Download (3.3 MB)
 Cover and Contents (62 kb)
 Preliminary Report on the First Campaign for the Preservation and Study of the Mural Paintings in the Royal
Palace of Bhaktapur (806 kb, 1-16)
 Excavation in the Kathmandu Valley (1.2 MB, 17-30)
author: Chiara Silvi Antonini and Giovanni Verardi
 Report on the Monuments of Northern Nepal (continued): Monuments of Nuwakot District (62 kb, 31-32)
author: Corneille Jest
 Nepal (continued) (94 kb, 33-34)
author: Sylvain Levi
 जांगबहादु रप्रथत दगा र गोठू बस्नेतको अवज्ञा (830, 1-17)
author: ज्ञानिथण नेपाल
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाका सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धका ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (185 kb,
 थऐतहाथसक पत्रस्तम्भ (36 kb, 22)
 About the Authors (49 kb)
Number 86-88, February - July 1985
 Full Download (3.2 MB)
 Cover and Contents (40 kb)
 Report on the Work Done in the Project of Quaternary and Prehistoric Studies in Nepal (185 kb, 1-6)
author: Gudrun Corvinus
 Prehistoric Discoveries in the Foothills of the Himalayas in Nepal 1984 (703 kb, 7-12)
author: Gudrun Corvinus
 Report on the Monuments of Northern Nepal (continued) (342 kb, 14-21)
author: Corneille Jest
 Nepal (continued), Two Months in Nepal, Jaunary-March 1898 (37 kb, 22)
author: Sylvain Levi
 जनरल भक्तवीर कुवाँ र राणाले छोराहरूलाई थव. सां . १९१२ िा गररथदएको अांशबण्डापत्र र तात्काथलक केही
आथिभक सािै अन्य ऐथतहाथसक सवालहरू (1.5 MB, 1-24)
author: रिेश ढु ङ्गेल
 दु रा जाथतको थचनारी (162 kb, 25-27)
author: िुन्दक्तनाि थघथिरे
 श्री १०८ हां सानि स्वािी परिहां स (237 kb, 28-31)
author: राजाराि सु वेदी
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाका सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धका ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (90 kb,
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्रस्तम्भ (42 kb, 34)
 About the Authors (20 kb)
Number 85, December 1984 - January 1985
 Full Download (3 MB)
 Cover and Contents (135 kb)
 Cave Burials From Western Nepal, Mustang (1.1 MB, 1-12)
author: Devendra Nath Tiwari
 Report on the Monuments of Northern Nepal (433 kb, 13-24)
author: Corneille Jest
 Nepal (continued), Two Months in Nepal, January-March 1898 (223 kb, 25-30)
author: Syvain Levi
 भौिगु प्तपथछ अांशुविाभ को द्वै धशासन (306 kb, 1-8)
author: शङ्करिान राजवां शी
 थतब्बत र नेपालिा बौद्धधिभको उत्पथत र थवकास (697 kb, 9-24)
author: रिेशराज कुाँवर
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाका सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धका ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (43 kb,
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्र-स्तम्भ (31 kb, 26)
 About the Authors (49 kb)
Number 84, October - November 1984
 Full Download (3.2 MB)
 Cover and Contents (110 kb)
 Preliminary Report On the Northern Regions' Cultural Heritage (1.3 MB, 1-18)
author: Corneille Jest, Tej Ratna Tamrakar, and Vishnu Ranjit
 From Hunting-Gathering to Food Production: A Brief Look on Impact of Early Man's Shift to Farming (312
kb, 19-26)
author: Prem K. Khatry
 Nepal (continued), Two Months in Nepal, January-March 1898 (73 kb, 27-28)
author: Sylvain Levi
 राजा नृपेन्द्रिल्लको भू थिसम्बन्धी तिसू क ताडपत्र (82 kb, 1-2)
author: श्यािसु िर राजवां शी
 नेपालिा कररया िोचन (557 kb, 3-13)
author: होिप्रसाद 'गृ हथिी'
 प्रधानिांत्री जांगबहादु र राणाका सियका नेपाल-भोट यु द्धका ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (696 kb,
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्र-स्तम्भ (85 kb, 29-30)
 About the Authors (66 kb)
Number 83, August - September 1984
 Full Download (2.3 MB)
 Cover and Contents (84 kb)
 Terracotta Human Figurines from Tilaurakot: The Ancient Kapilvastu (751 kb, 1-12)
author: Sarala Manandhar
 Nepal (continued), Two Months in Nepal, Jaunary-March 1898 (346 kb, 13-24)
author: Syvain Levi
 प्राचीन जाथत 'थशवी' (212 kb, 1-5)
author: पूणभदास िानन्धर
 राजकुिार नायब बहादु र शाह र उनले बााँ धेका न्दथिथत (444 kb, 6-17)
author: ज्ञानिथण नेपाल
 थलच्छथवकालिा व्यवहार गररएका सां वत् (114 kb, 18-21)
author: शङ्करिान राजवां शी
 उदु म्वरपुरी (201 kb, 22-28)
author: राजाराि सु वेदी
 प्रधानिांत्री जांगबहादु र राणाका सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धका ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (121 kb,
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्र-स्तम्भ (50 kb, 33-34)
 About the Authors (41 kb)
Number 82, June - July 1984
 Full Download (2.7 MB)
 Cover and Contents (90 kb)
 The Dress Rehearsal of Anglo-Nepal War of 1814 (276 kb, 1-9)
author: Shaphalya Amatya
 The Birth Place of Lord Buddha (662 kb, 10-18)
author: Babu Krishna Rijal
 Baikunthapur - A Village in Western Tarai (237 kb, 19-26)
author: Dr. Rishikeshab Raj Regmi
 A Vertebrate Fossil Find in the Kathmandu Valley (214 kb, 27-30)
author: G. Corvinus, Janak Lal Sharma
 Nepal (continued), Two Months in Nepal, January-March 1898, Note book to sojourn (174 kb, 31-36)
author: Sylvain Levi
 थलच्छथवकालीन भोटाथहटीको अथभलेख (536 kb, 1-4)
author: शांकरिान राजवां शी
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाका सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धका ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (80 kb,
 श्री तलेजु भवानी (411 kb, 7-17)
author: तीिभलाल न. घ: भनी
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्र-स्तम्भ (39 kb, 18)
 About the Authors (60 kb)
Number 81, April - May 1984
 Full Download (3 MB)
 Cover and Contents (102 kb)
 Nepalese Society: Liquor and Culture (1.8 MB, 1-31)
author: Ramesh Raj Kunwor
 Nepal (continued), Two Months in Nepal, January-March 1898, Note book to sojourn (35 kb, 32)
author: Sylvain Levi
 श्रीपाली बम्म सन्तथत: एक थववे चना (882 kb, 1-21)
author: पूणभप्रकाश नेपाल ‘यात्री’
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाका सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धका ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (125 kb,
 सु दूर पथििाञ्चल िे त्र अन्तगभ त जोरायल (122 kb, 25-27)
author: शांकरिान राजवां शी
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्र-स्तम्भ (28 kb, 28)
 About the Authors (53 kb)
Number 80, February - March 1984
 Full Download (3 MB)
 Cover and Contents (60 kb)
 A Contribution to the Preservation of the Cultural Heritage of Nepal: The Restoration of the Brahmayani
Temple in Panauti (1 MB, 1-10)
author: Riddhi Pradhan
 Small Farmer's Development: An Anthropological Approach (139 kb, 11-14)
author: Rishi Keshab Raj Regmi
 Nepal (continued) (390 kb, 15-25)
author: Sylvain Levi
 गनगाईां जाथत (378 kb, 1-8)
author: भू पहरर पौडे ल
 नेपालिा िृ त्युदण्ड उन्मूलन गने सम्बन्धी थव. सां . १९९३ सालको अप्रकाथशत सनद (125 kb, 9-11)
author: शेषराज थसवाकोटी
 थलच्छथवकालीन अप्रकाथशत बु द्धिूथतभ (253 kb, 12)
author: शांकरिान राजवां शी
 नेपालको धरहरा (199 kb, 13-17)
author: राजाराि सु वेदी
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाका सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धका ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (408 kb,
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्र-स्तम्भ (73 kb, 27-28)
 About the Authors (71 kb)
Number 79, December 1983 - January 1984
 Full Download (2.4 MB)
 Cover and Contents (130 kb)
 Kautalya's Pindakara - Reconsidered (404 kb, 1-11)
author: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Kolver
 17 Million-Year-Old Primate Fossils Could Be Link Between Man and Ape (769 kb, 12-32)
author: Janak Lal Sharma
 A Brief Note on Strategy of His Majesty's Government on Heritage Conservation (169 kb, 33-36)
author: Shaphalya Amatya
 Deterioration and Restoration of Painting (317 kb, 37-46)
author: Bhimbar S. Thapa
 Nepal (continued) (71 kb, 47-48)
author: Sylvain Levi
 गु ठीसम्बन्धी ऐथतहाथसक पत्र (109 kb, 1-3)
author: शङ्करिान राजवां शी
 प्रधानिन्त्री जांगबहादु र राणाका सियको नेपाल-भोट यु द्धको ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (253 kb, 4-8)
 नेपाली सिाजिा गोपाली – एक पररचय (161 kb, 9-12)
author: िदनकृष्ण श्रेष्ठ
 गाम्नाङ गाउाँ का केही ऐथतहाथसक सािग्री (66 kb, 13-14)
author: होिप्रसाद "गृ हथिी"
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्र-स्तम्भ (63 kb, 15-16)
 About the Authors (57 kb)
Number 78, October - November 1983
 Full Download (2.6 MB)
 Cover and Contents (94 kb)
 A Report On Preliminary Investigating Of The structural Condition Of The Chandeshwari Temple-Banepa-
Nepal (354 kb, 1-4)
author: John Sanday
 Nepal (continued) (161 kb, 5-8)
author: Sylvain Levi
 वली-अहद त्रै लोक्य वीर थवक्रिका िहारानीहरू र रणोद्दीपथसां हको तीिभयात्रा (464 kb, 1-11)
author: ज्ञानिथण नेपाल
 आगािी आकषभण (171 kb, 12-16)
 डोटी र डाँ डेलधु राको ऐथतहाथसक सवे िण-प्रथतवे दन (963 kb, 17-35)
author: शङ्करिान राजवां शी, बच्चुराि शिाभ दाहाल, गां गाप्रसाद चाथलसे , धिभरत्‍न बज्राचायभ
 कठजोर थतल्पुांगका ऐथतहाथसक रथसद र तिसु क (392 kb, 36-47)
author: भू पहरर पौडे ल
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्र-स्तम्भ (84 kb, 48-49)
 About the Authors (54 kb)
Number 77, August - September 1983
 Full Download (2.4 MB)
 Cover and Contents (97 kb)
 A glimpse of Archaeological Studies in Nepal (659 kb, 1-6)
author: Riddhi Pradhan
 Nepal (continued) (150 kb, 7-10)
author: Sylvain Levi
 खश-सम्राट् नागराज र श्रीपाली वां शावली (494 kb, 1-12)
author: पूणभप्रकाश नेपाल 'यात्री'
 'प्राचीन नेपाल' : एक झलक (302 kb, 13-22)
author: बलरािदास डां गोल
 प्राचीन तिसू क ताडपत्र (146 kb, 23-26)
author: शङ्करिान राजवां शी
 तीनधारा सां स्कृत छात्रावासको ताम्रपत्र (501 kb, 27-42)
author: भू पहरर पौडे ल
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्र-स्तम्भ (85 kb, 43-44)
 About the Authors (61 kb)
Number 76, June - July 1983
 Full Download (2.6 MB)
 Cover and Contents (75 kb)
 A Brief Note On Museum Development In Nepal (145 kb, 1-2)
author: Janak Lal Sharma
 AAn Introduction to the Bramayani Conservation Project, Panauti (378 kb, 3-7)
author: John Sanday
 Nepal (continued) (699 kb, 8-26)
author: Sylvain Levi
 प्राचीन नेपालिा राजपि र यातायातका साधनहरू (925 kb, 1-20)
author: तारानि थिश्र
 प्राचीन तिसू क ताडपत्र (177 kb, 21-25)
author: शङ्करिान राजवां शी
 गाम्नाङ् कुश थवताभ का अांशीयारको वण्डा-पत्र (215 kb, 26-31)
author: होिप्रसाद "गृ हथिी"
 About the Authors (49 kb)
Number 75, April - May 1983
 Full Download (2.2 MB)
 Cover and Contents (73 kb)
 Neolithic Tools From Nepal (583 kb, 1-12)
author: Janak Lal Sharma
 Lamaistic Graphic Works From Nepal (224 kb, 13-19)
author: Adam Latusek
 The Kushan Coins From Rangapur (280 kb, 20-29)
author: Tara Nanda Mishra
 Nepal (continued) (437 kb, 30-42)
author: Sylvain Levi
 बझाङ्ग थजल्लाका 'डोि' - एक पररचय (183 kb, 1-5)
author: राजेश िािेिा
 िल्लकालीन भू थिसम्बन्दन्ध – तिसू क ताडपत्र (154 kb, 6-10)
author: शङ्करिान राजवां शी
 वीरशाली पन्तको जीवनीिा नयााँ प्रकाश (179 kb, 11-15)
author: राजाराि सु वेदी
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्रस्तम्भ (127 kb, 16-19)
 About the Authors (49 kb)
Number 65-74, August 1981 - March 1983
 Full Download (2.5 MB)
 Cover and Contents (88 kb)
 Report on Two Tours in Search of Sanskrit Manuscripts in Some Part s of the Kingdom of Nepal (262 kb, 1-
author: Prof. Dr. Albrecht Wezler
 A Report on the Structure and Conservation of the Temples of Helambu in Nepal (1.4 MB, 9-34)
author: Janak Lal Sharma, H. Shakya, T.R. Tamrakar, J. Sanday, C. Jest
 Nepal (continued) (626 kb, 35-53)
author: Sylvain Levi
 थलच्छथवकालीन सभ्यता (123 kb, 54-56)
author: शङ्करिान राजवां शी
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्रस्तम्भ (81 kb, 57-58)
 About the Authors (45 kb)
Number 61-64, December 1980 - July 1981
 Full Download (2.7 MB)
 Cover and Contents (67 kb)
 नेपालिा िानव जाथतको पुखाभ (753 kb, 1-15)
author: जनकलाल शिाभ
 कणाभ टवां शी र िल्लराजवां शीको सम्बन्ध हुनािा केही घटना (616 kb, 16-27)
author: शङ्करिान राजवां शी
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्रस्तम्भ (187 kb, 28-32)
 Nepal (continued) (1.1 MB, 1-34)
author: Sylvain Levi
 The Cult of Bhimasena (60 kb, 35-36)
author: Jagadish Chandra Regmi
 About the Authors (45 kb)
Number 59-60, August - November 1980
 Full Download (3.6 MB)
 Cover and Contents (116 kb)
 आभीर (239 kb, 1-4)
author: हररराि जोशी
 थलच्छथवकालीन दावाकोट (282 kb, 5-9)
author: शङ्करिान राजवां शी
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्र-स्तम्भ (295 kb, 10-15)
 Nepal (continued): History of Nepal (1.4 MB, 1-40)
author: Sylvain Levi
 An Early Sculpture of Gaja-Laksmi From Patan (1.2 MB, 41-56)
author: Lain Shing Bangdel
 About the Authors (45 kb)
Number 58, June - July 1980
 Full Download (2.6 MB)
 Cover and Contents (97 kb)
 राजकुिारी जयसु िरीको थनवास जयपन्दल्लकाग्राि (163 kb, 1-4)
author: शङ्करिान राजवां शी
 िध्यकालीन अथभलेख (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (873 kb, 5-29)
author: हररराि जोशी
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्रस्तम्भ (95 kb, 30-32)
 Nepal (Volume 2) The Worship: Monuments and Feasts (1.3 MB, 1-38)
author: Sylvain Levi
 About the Authors (62 kb)
Number 57, April - May 1980
 Full Download (2.7 MB)
 Cover and Contents (60 kb)
 थलच्छथवकालीन पु ण्डीराजकुल (119 kb, 1-3)
author: शङ्करिान राजवां शी
 िध्यकालीन अथभलेख (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (1.5 MB, 4-46)
author: हररराि जोशी
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्रस्तम्भ (155 kb, 47-50)
 Nepal (continued) (900 kb, 1-24)
author: Sylvain Levi
 About the Authors (56 kb)
Number 53-56, August 1979 - March 1980
 Full Download (2.8 MB)
 Cover and Contents (97 kb)
 थलच्छथवकालीन दथिण राजकुल (135 kb, 1-3)
author: शङ्करिान राजवां शी
 िध्यकालीन अथभलेख (1.7 MB, 4-46)
author: हररराि जोशी
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्रस्तम्भ (140 kb, 47-50)
 Nepal (Continued) 'The Local Divinities' (765 kb, 1-24)
author: Sylvain Levi
 About the Authors (36 kb)
Number 49-52, December 1978 - July 1979
 Full Download (2.7 MB)
 Cover and Contents (59 kb)
 थलच्छथवकाल नेपालिा गु प्तको राजनीथत (190 kb, 1-5)
author: शङ्करिान राजवां शी
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्रस्तम्भ (413 kb, 6-14)
 सप्तरीको चन्द्रभागा र कान्छा खोरीयाको भग्नावशेषहरु (770 kb, 15-25)
author: साफल्य अिात्य
 Nepal (Countinued From No. 28) 'The Gurkhas' (1.3 MB, 1-35)
author: Sylvain Levi
 About the Authors (48 kb)
Number 46-48, June - November 1978
 Full Download (1.3 MB)
 Cover and Contents (52 kb)
 नरे न्द्रदे वको क्रान्दन्त र थलच्छथवको पुनरुत्थान (146 kb, 1-4)
author: शङ्करिान राजवां शी
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्रस्तम्भ (143 kb, 5-10)
 आगिानुसन्धानको सिभभ िा-प्रे िथनथध पन्त (449 kb, 11-25)
author: थवश्वनाि भट्टराई
 Survival of Wooden Art in Nepal: An Overview (273 kb, 1-8)
author: Ronald M. Bernier
 The Failure Of Captain Knox’s Mission In Nepal (250 kb, 9-17)
author: Shaphalya Amatya
 Sakya Token from Tilaurakot (76 kb, 18-19)
author: Babu Krishna Rijal
 About the Authors (30 kb)
Number 43-45, December 1977 - May 1978
 Full Download (1.5 MB)
 Cover and Contents (66 kb)
 उत्तर प्राचीनकालीन नेपालको प्रशासन थदग्दशभ न (416 kb, 1-11)
author: हररराि जोशी
 थलच्छथव सां वत् को थनष्कषभिा अनुसन्धानको बाटो (90 kb, 12-14)
author: शङ्करिान राजवां शी
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्रस्तम्भ (194 kb, 15-18)
 वराहिे त्रको प्राचीनति वराहिाथि एक सां थिप्त थटप्पणी (284 kb, 19-21)
author: रिेशजांग िापा
 अांशुविाभ को राजनीथत क्रान्दन्त र अभ्यु दय (316 kb, 22-27)
author: शङ्करिान राजवां शी
 The Outcomes of the Scientific Mission to Nepal in Brief (179 kb, 1-2)
author: Professor Dr. Schetenko
 About the Authors (35 kb)
Number 41-42, August - November 1977
 Full Download (5.3 MB)
 Cover and Contents (53 kb)
 अनुसन्धानको एक थनष्कषभ (146 kb, 1-4)
author: शांकरिान राजवां शी
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्रस्तम्भ (135 kb, 5-9)
 थवश्वकिाभ : एक सां थिप्त अध्ययन (184 kb, 10-14)
author: हररराि जोशी
 फाखेलिा फेला परे का धातु का प्रथतिाहरू (2.6 MB, 15-25)
author: रिेशजङ्ग िापा
 Lichchhavi Art Of Nepal (continued) (345 kb, 1-10)
author: Rehana Banu
 Tilaurakot Excavations (2023-2029 V.S.) (1.9 MB, 11-31)
author: Tara Nanda Mishra
 About the Authors (40 kb)
Number 40, July 1977
 Full Download (4.7 MB)
 Cover and Contents (121 kb)
 कणाभ ली प्रदे शका विभन् (233 kb, 1-5)
author: िोहनबहादु र िल्ल
 सै द्धान्दन्तक एक थनष्कषभ (338 kb, 6-12)
author: शङ्करिान राजवां शी
 वे द-पुराण एक अनुशीलन (302 kb, 13-18)
author: दे वी प्रसाद लांसाल
 गणे श (667 kb, 19-29)
author: हरर राि जोशी
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्रस्तम्भ (238 kb, 30-35)
 तानसे नका ढलौट तिा काां सका भाां डाकुडाां आथद बनाउने बाां डा सिुदायको सािाथजक तिा आथिभक जीवन
(1 MB, 36-50)
author: ऋथष केशव राज रे ग्मी
 इनरुवाको नरथसां ह (958 kb, 51-58)
author: रिेश जांग िापा
 Lichchhavi Art of Nepal (continued) (598 kb, 1-16)
author: Rehana Banu
 Principles of the Conservation of Ancient Monuments with Special Reference to Nepal (419 kb, 17-27)
author: N.R. Banjeree
 About the Authors (40 kb)
Number 30-39, January 1975 - April 1977
 Full Download (7.6 MB)
 Cover and Contents (81 kb)
 शाह राजाहरूको छत्रछायािा नेपाली साथहत्यको थवकास (751 kb, 1-18)
author: प्रा. थशवगोपाल ररसाल
 जुम्लाको अन्त्य (176 kb, 19-22)
author: िोहनबहादु र िल्ल
 रसु वा र धाथदङ थजल्लािा गररएको अनुसन्धान-भ्रिण (648 kb, 23-38)
author: दे वी प्रसाद लम्साल, वलराि थचत्रकार, राधे श्‍याि भट्टराई
 प्राचीन डोटी राज्यको राजनैथतक तिा साां स्कृथतक इथतहास (2.6 MB, 39-96)
author: थवश्वनाि भट्टराई
 तारीख सरिौर (498 kb, 97-108)
author: थलप्यन्तर तिा अनुवाथदका सु श्री रे हनावानू सै यद
 पनौतीको सां थिप्त ऐथतहाथसक पृष्ठभू थि (133 kb, 109-112)
author: साफल्य अिात्य
 आज सम्म प्राप्त नेपालका थलच्छवी अथभलेखिा सवभ प्रिि कुन? (304 kb, 113-118)
author: शांकरिान राजवां शी
 से ती िहाकाली भ्रिणको ऐथतहाथसक साराां श डोटीको राजनीथतक इथतहासको रूपरे खा (134 kb, 119-122)
author: शांकरिान राजवां शी
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्र-स्तम्भ (206 kb, 123-128)
 The Medieval Settlements With Special Reference to Balambu and Bungamati (260 kb, 1-5)
author: Chakramehr Vajracharya
 The Conservation Of Tang-kas (327 kb, 6-14)
author: Laura Mora Sbordoni and Paolo Mora
 Lichchhavi Art of Nepal (534 kb, 15-27)
author: Rehana Banu
 Archeological Activities in Lumbini 1976-77 (1.1 MB, 28-43)
author: Babu Krishna Rijal
 About the Authors (76 kb)
Number 29, October 1974
 Full Download (3 MB)
 Cover and Contents (63 kb)
 गोरखा वां शावथल (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (1.1 MB, 1-24)
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्रस्तम्भ (646 kb, 25-38)
 भौिगु प्तको पतनपथछको नयााँ सां वत् (185 kb, 39-42)
author: शांकरिान राजवां शी
 कलािा बु द्धजीवनी एक सां थिप्त अध्ययन (305 kb, 43-49)
author: हररराि जोशी
 Nepal: The Population: The Newars (765 kb, 50-67)
author: Sylvain Levi
 About the Authors (53 kb)
Number 28, July 1974
 Full Download (3.1 MB)
 Cover and Contents (93 kb)
 गोखाभ वां शावथल (1.4 MB, 1-28)
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्रस्तम्भ (123 kb, 29-31)
 श्रीिानाां क िुद्रा – एक अध्ययन (274 kb, 32-37)
author: हररराि जोशी
 नेपालका केही िहत्वपूणभ थभत्तेथचत्रहरू (381 kb, 38-45)
author: साफल्य अिात्य
 Nepal (continued) (845 kb, 46-64)
author: Sylvain Levi
 About the Authors (43 kb)
Number 27, April 1974
 Full Download (4 MB)
 Cover and Contents (74 kb)
 नेपाल दे शको इथतहास (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (1.6 MB, 1-32)
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्रस्तम्भ (571 kb, 33-44)
 कांकेश्वरीको गू ठीव्यवथिा (189 kb, 45-48)
author: शांकरिान राजवां शी
 जाजरकोटे राजा र िल्ल राजाहरूको वां शावथल (353 kb, 49-55)
author: सां कलक –थवश्वनाि भट्टराई
 धाथिभक अथभलेख (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (111 kb, 56-58)
author: शङ्करिान राजवां शी
 कणाभ ली प्रदे शका विभन् (238 kb, 59-62)
author: िोहनबहादु र िल्ल
 Nepal (continued) II Chinese and Tibetan Document (922 kb, 63-80)
author: Sylvain Levi
 About the Authors (41 kb)
Number 26, January 1974
 Full Download (3.1 MB)
 Cover and Contents (72 kb)
 नेपाल दे शको इथतहास (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (661 kb, 1-14)
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्र-स्तम्भ (352 kb, 15-22)
 जनकपुर अां चलको पुरातान्दत्वक सवे िण २०२८ (489 kb, 23-35)
author: दे वीप्रसाद लांसाल, राधे श्याि भट्टराई
 कणाभ ली प्रदे शका पाल (120 kb, 36-38)
author: िोहनबहादु र िल्ल
 धाथिभक अथभलेख (70 kb, 39-40)
author: शांकरिान राजवां शी
 Excavation and other archaeological activities in Tilaurakot (Ancient Kapilavastu): 1973-1974 (244 kb, 41-
author: Babu Krishna Rijal
 Nepal (continued) (1.1 MB, 46-53)
author: Sylvain Levi
 About the Authors (55 kb)
Number 25, October 1974
 Full Download (3.4 MB)
 Cover and Contents (51 kb)
 नेपाल दे शको इथतहास (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (738 kb, 1-20)
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्रस्तम्भ (721 kb, 21-38)
 ब्राम्ही तिा दे वनागरी थलथपिा ितितान्तर (167 kb, 39-42)
author: शांकरिान राजवां शी
 शाहवां शका नरे शहरूको साथहन्दत्यक दे न (256 kb, 43-48)
author: बु न्दद्धसागर पराजुली
 Nepal (continued) European Documents (1.5 MB, 49-79)
author: Sylvain Levi
 About the Authors (49 kb, 80-81)
Number 24, July 1973
 Full Download (2.8 MB)
 Cover and Contents (93 kb)
 नेपाल दे शको इथतहास (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (1.2 MB, 1-23)
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्रस्तम्भ (248 kb, 24-28)
 ओां िथणपद् ्‍िे हुां (121 kb, 29-31)
author: हररराि जोशी
 हाम्रो वणभ िालाको िहत्त्व (124 kb, 32-34)
author: शांकरिान राजवां शी
 गणे श्‍वर तिा थसिरौनगढका िन्त्री र पुरोथहतहरू (293 kb, 35-42)
author: तारानि थिश्र
 Nepal: The Kingdom (764 kb, 43-60)
author: Sylvain Levi
 About the Authors (38 kb)
Number 23, April 1973
 Full Download (4.7 MB)
 Cover and Contents (126 kb)
 नेपाल दे शको इथतहास (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (637 kb, 1-10)
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्रस्तम्भ (130 kb, 11-12)
 कोशीका िारूसिुदाय र थतनको पररवतभ नशील सां स्कृथत (2.4 MB, 13-51)
author: ऋथषकेशवराज रे ग्मी
 वणोच्चारणको वै ज्ञाथनकता र त्यसको थलप्यांकन (233 kb, 52-55)
author: शांकरिान राजवां शी
 Nepal: Historical Study of a Hindu Kingdom (1.1 MB, 56-75)
author: Sylvain Levi
 About the Authors (77 kb, 76-77)
Number 22, January 1973
 Full Download (4.4 MB)
 Cover and Contents (132 kb)
 नेपाल दे शको इथतहास (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (1.2 MB, 1-20)
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्रस्तम्भ (575 kb, 21-28)
 भक्तपुरका तिसु क ताडपत्रहरू (252 kb, 29-33)
author: शांकरिान राजवां शी
 गोपाल वां शावथल (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (890 kb, 34-53)
author: जगदीशचन्द्र रे ग्मी
 नेपालिा थवष्णुथवक्रान्त (311 kb, 54-59)
author: हररराि जोशी
 Excavation, Exploration and other Archaeological Activities in Tilaurakot: 1972-73 (1.1 MB, 60-71)
author: Babu Krishna Rijal
 About the Authors (64 kb, 60-71)
Number 21, October 1972
 Full Download (2.8 MB)
 Cover and Contents (55 kb)
 नेपाल दे शको इथतहास (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (1 MB, 1-28)
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्रस्तम्भ (141 kb, 29-32)
 िारूजाथतको िूलघर कहााँ ? (144 kb, 33-36)
author: श्री बाबु राि आचायभ
 नापको िाध्यिको रूपिा पािीको प्रयोग (334 kb, 37-43)
author: तारानि थिश्र
 गोपाल वां शावथल (438 kb, 44-55)
author: जगदीशचन्द्र रे ग्मी
 कीथतभ पुर उिािहे श्‍वर िन्दिरन्दथित सरस्वती एक अध्ययन (154 kb, 56-59)
author: हररराि जोशी
 इथतहास थशरोिथण बाबु राि आचायभ का स्मृथतिा (366 kb, 60-61)
author: सू यभथवक्रि ज्ञवाली
 Newar Marriage Customs (153 kb, 62-63)
 About the Authors (57 kb, 63-64)
Number 20, July 1972
 Full Download (3.1 MB)
 Cover and Contents (139 kb)
 नेपाल दे शको इथतहास (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (1.3 MB, 1-24)
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्रस्तम्भ (355 kb, 25-31)
 थलस्तीको आड (610 kb, 32-33)
author: िोहन प्रसाद खनाल
 नेपालिा सौयभ सम्प्रदाय तिा नवग्रहिूथतभ (516 kb, 34-41)
author: तारानि थिश्र
 भक्तपुरको िल्लकालको ऐथतहाथसक ताडपत्र (112 kb, 42-44)
author: शांकरिान राजवां शी
 नेपालिा काथत्तभकेय एक अध्ययन (453 kb, 45-55)
author: हररराि जोशी
 Newar Marriage Customs (132 kb, 53-55)
author: Purna Harsha Bajracharya
 About the Authors (36 kb, 56-57)
Number 19, April 1972
 Full Download (2.5 MB)
 Cover and Contents (89 kb)
 नेपाल दे शको इथतहास (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (1.1 MB, 1-23)
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्रस्तम्भ (610 kb, 24-36)
 नवग्रह – एक अध्ययन (347 kb, 37-44)
author: हररराि जोशी
 नेपाली तिा सिुद्रयात्रा (115 kb, 45-47)
author: सू यभथवक्रि ज्ञवाली
 िल्लकालको तािापत्र र त्यसको अनुवाद (79 kb, 48-49)
author: शङ्करिान राजवां शी
 कणाभ ली प्रदे शका िल्ल (122 kb, 50-52)
author: िोहनबहादु र िल्ल
 Preliminary report on Tilaurakota (Nepal) skeletal remains (138 kb, 53-55)
author: V.V. RAO
 About the Authors (76 kb)
Number 18, January 1972
 Full Download (2.9 MB)
 Cover and Contents (69 kb)
 नेपाल दे शको इथतहास (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (1.1 MB, 1-24)
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्रस्तम्भ (708 kb, 25-40)
 लुन्दम्बनी अांचलका ऐथतहाथसक पत्र (262 kb, 41-46)
author: शङ्करिान राजवां शी
 The Early Sculptures of Nepal (345 kb, 47-51)
author: Dr. Stella Kramrisch
 The Rise and Development of the Baisi States (continued) (373 kb, 52-64)
author: Ram Niwas Pandey
 About the Authors (55 kb)
Number 17, October 1971
 Full Download (3.2 MB)
 Cover and Contents (51 kb)
 नेपाल दे शको इथतहाससां ग्रह (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (503 kb, 1-11)
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्रस्तम्भ (135 kb, 12-14)
 जयप्रकाश िल्लको घोडा (83 kb, 15-16)
author: सू यभथवक्रि ज्ञवाली
 पाथिभवेन्द्र िल्लको थव. सां . १७४२ को तािापत्र (98 kb, 17-18)
author: शङ्करिान राजवां शी
 पूवी नेपालका थधिाल (2.3 MB, 19-51)
author: ऋथषकेशवराज रे ग्मी
 The Rise and Development of the Baisi States (continued) (72 kb, 52-56)
author: Ram Niwas Pandey
 About the Authors (39 kb)
Number 16, July 1971
 Full Download (2.7 MB)
 Cover and Contents (87 kb)
 नेपाल दे शको इथतहास (गत सां ख्या १४ को बाां की) (1.2 MB, 1-24)
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्र-स्तम्भ (182 kb, 25-28)
 बु द्धपररथनवाभ ण सां वत् का थवषयिा नेपाली ित (84 kb, 29-30)
author: सू यभ थवक्रि ज्ञवाली
 कान्दन्तपुर ओांबहालटोल ओांबहालबारीको थशलालेख (141 kb, 31-36)
 प्राचीन नेपालिा थभिु णीसां घ तिा उपाथसकाको परां परा (262 kb, 37-41)
author: तारानि थिश्र
 पवभ तको इथतहास (547 kb, 42-53)
author: िोहनबहादु र िल्ल
 The Rise and Development of the Baisi States (222 kb, 54-59)
author: Ramniwas Pandey
 About the Authors (30 kb)
Number 15, April 1971
 Full Download (3.6 MB)
 Cover and Contents (73 kb)
 डोल्पो र केही अन्य थिलका पुरातान्दत्वक उपलन्दि (2.7 MB, 1-38)
author: जनकलाल शिाभ
 The History of the Kallala Dynasty (823 kb, 39-61)
author: Ram Niwas Pandey
 About the Authors (46 kb)
Number 14, January 1971
 Full Download (4 MB)
 Cover and Contents (97 kb)
 नेपाल दे शको इथतहास (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (1.2 MB, 1-24)
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्रस्तम्भ । (483 kb, 25-34)
 िकवानपुरका केही पुरातान्दत्वक उपलन्दि (1.7 MB, 35-54)
author: साफल्य अिात्य
 थलच्छथवकालीन दु इ िाटाका छाप (116 kb, 55-56)
author: बाबु कृष्ण ररजाल
 अांग्रेजको आक्रिणिा पृथ्वीनारायण शाहको थवजय (238 kb, 57-61)
author: िोहनप्रसाद खनाल
 Inscriptional Evidence on the Preservation of Monuments in Nepal (287 kb, 62-68)
author: Dr. N.R. Banerjee
 About the Authors (52 kb)
Number 13, October 1970
 Full Download (2.8 MB)
 Cover and Contents (48 kb)
 नेपाल दे शको इथतहास(गताङ्कको बााँ की) (1.1 MB, 1-24)
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्रस्तम्भ (360 kb, 25-32)
 प्रताप िल्लका पालाका पााँ च अथभलेख (209 kb, 33-38)
author: जगदीशचन्द्र रे ग्मी
 नुवाकोटिा उपलि ऐथतहाथसक उपकरण (207 kb, 39-44)
author: शङ्करिान राजवां शी
 इथतहास सां शोधनको केही सां शोधन (121 kb, 45-47)
author: िोहनप्रसाद खनाल
 श्री ५ पृथ्वीनारायण शाहको कान्दन्तपुर-प्रवे शको थदनथवषयिा केही थवचार (78 kb, 48-49)
author: नयनराज पन्त
 Inscriptional Evidence on the Preservation of Monuments in Nepal (764 kb, 50-66)
author: Dr. N.R. Banerjee
 About the Authors (35 kb)
Number 12, July 1970
 Full Download (2.1 MB)
 Cover and Contents (47 kb)
 नेपाल दे शको इथतहास सां ग्रह (1.1 MB, 1-27)
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्रस्तम्भ (321 kb, 28-35)
author: श्री दु गाभ ज्यूसाइ
 वै थदक थशल्पथवज्ञान : एक थदग्दशभन (130 kb, 36-38)
author: खोिराज नेपाल
 श्री ५ बडा िहाराजाथधराज पृथ्वीनारायण शाहको सां थिप्त जीवनी र जन्मकुण्डलीको व्याख्या (288 kb, 39-43)
author: शङ्करिान राजवां शी
 The Kallala Dynasty of the Jumla Valley (201 kb, 45-52)
author: Ram Niwas Pandey
 About the Authors (32 kb)
Number 11, April 1970
 Full Download (2.5 MB)
 Cover and Contents (48 kb)
 नेपालको इथतहास राजभोगिाला (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (773 kb, 1-17)
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्रस्तम्भ (207 kb, 18-24)
author: श्री दु गाभ सहाय
 श्री पृथ्वीनारायण शाहको नालदु िथवजय (250 kb, 25-28)
author: िोहनप्रसाद खनाल
 िहाकाली अांचलको पुरातान्दत्वक अन्वे षण (628 kb, 29-35)
author: साफल्य अिात्य
 िानव शरीरिा अांगुष्ठको थिान (103 kb, 36-38)
author: दे वीप्रसाद लांसाल
 केही ऐथतहाथसक उपकरण (140 kb, 39-42)
author: शांकरिान राजवां शी
 The Ancient and Medieval History of Western Nepal (397 kb, 45-60)
author: Ram Niwas Panday
 About the Authors (28 kb)
Number 10, January 1970
 Full Download (2.7 MB)
 Cover (57 kb)
 नेपालको इथतहास राजभोगिाला (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (1 MB, 1-24)
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्रस्तम्भ (154 kb, 25-30)
author: श्री दु गाभ सहाय
 पालुङ्को िानवशास्त्रीय सवे िणको सां थिप्त प्रथतवे दन (592 kb, 31-36)
author: ऋथषकेशवराज रे ग्मी
 नुवाकोटिा उपलि ऐथतहाथसक उपकरण (174 kb, 37-42)
author: शङ्करिान राजवां शी
 थलच्छथवकालीन केही ब्रम्हाका िूथतभ हरू (133 kb, 43-45)
author: बाबु कृष्ण ररजाल
 नेपाली कलािा बु द्धजीवनी (224 kb, 46-47)
author: पां हे िराज शाक्य
 वाभू तिा राजग्रािको भौगोथलक थनणभ य (150 kb, 48-52)
author: िोहनप्रसाद खनाल
 The Ancient and Medieval History of Western Nepal (283 kb, 53-62)
author: Ram Niwas Pandey
 About the Authors (33 kb)
Number 9, October 1969
 Full Download (2.5 MB)
 Cover (108 kb)
 नेपालको इथतहास राजभोगिाला (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (1.1 MB, 1-24)
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्रस्तम्भ (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (159 kb, 25-28)
author: श्री दु गाभ सहाय
 योगप्रकाश िल्लका तािापत्र, ताडपत्र र तिसु कहरू (142 kb, 29-32)
author: शङ्करिान राजवां शी
 शाह वां शका केही राजाहरूका राज्यकालका थवषयिा थवचार (107 kb, 33-35)
author: सू यभथवक्रि ज्ञवाली
 तान्दन्त्रक दशभन-एक पररचय (195 kb, 36-40)
author: खोिराज नेपाल एि. ए. आचायभ
 थहन्दू थववाहपद्धथतको वै ज्ञाथनकता (232 kb, 41-46)
author: दे वीप्रसाद लांसाल
 राजा भास्कर िल्ल (िहीन्द्र थसां ह)का थवषयिा सां सोधन र थनणभ य (306 kb, 47-52)
author: िोहनप्रसाद खनाल
 Neolithic Tools from Nepal and Sikkim (185 kb, 53-58)
author: Dr. N.R. Banerjee and Janak Lal Sharma
 About the Authors (68 kb)
Number 8, July 1969
 Full Download (1.8 MB)
 Cover and Contents (41 kb)
 नेपालको इथतहास राजभोगिाला (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (1 MB, 1-24)
 ऐथतहाथसक पत्रस्तम्भ (114 kb, 25-28)
author: श्री दु गाभ सहाय
 लथलतपुरका िल्ल राजाका ताडपत्र तिसु कहरू (171 kb, 29-33)
author: शङ्करिान राजवां शी
 थववाह (183 kb, 34-38)
author: बु न्दद्धसागर पराजुली
 िोिथसन्दद्ध सां थिप्त पररचय (144 kb, 39-42)
author: िधु सूदन ररसाल "प्रदीप"
 ग्रन्थपररचय - थववाह पटल (98 kb, 43-45)
author: दे वीप्रसाद लांसाल
 The Birth of Rana Feudalism in Nepal (89 kb, 46-49)
author: S.C. Lohani
 About the Authors (34 kb)
Number 7, April 1969
 Full Download (2.1 MB)
 Cover and Contents (42 kb)
 नेपालको इथतहास राजभोगिाला (1.2 MB, 1-24)
 पत्रस्तम्भ (199 kb, 25-28)
 अघाभ बाट प्राप्त केही ऐथतहाथसक पत्र (358 kb, 29-37)
author: शङ्करिान राजवां शी
 जलथवज्ञान (दकागभ लबाट उद् धृ त) (147 kb, 38-41)
author: दे वीप्रसाद लांसाल
 बौद्धदशभन (130 kb, 42-44)
author: बु न्दद्धसागर पराजुली
 Indo-Nepalese Relations in the Beginning of the 19th Century (1799-1801) (99 kb, 46-49)
author: Shaphalya Amatya
 About the Authors (29 kb)
Number 6, October 1969
 Full Download (2 MB)
 Cover and Contents (39 kb)
 काठिाडौां उपत्यकाको एक राजवां शावली (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (1.3 MB, 1-29)
author: सम्पादक बालचन्द्र शिाभ
 थहन्दू वणभ िाला र थतनका अथधपथत (175 kb, 30-35)
author: शङ्करिान राजवां शी
 बौद्धदशभन (288 kb, 36-42)
author: बु न्दद्धसागर पराजुली
 British Diplomacy and its Various mission in Nepal from 1767 to 1799 (114 kb, 1-5)
author: Saphalya Amatya
 Discovery of the remains of Prehistoric Man in Nepal (87 kb, 6-9)
author: Dr. N.R. Banerjee
 About the Authors (31 kb)
Number 5, October 1968
 Full Download (1.5 kb)
 Cover and Contents (38 kb)
 काठिाण्डू-उपत्यकाको एक राजवां शावली (गताङ्कको बााँ की) (699 kb, 1-17)
author: सम्पादक बालचन्द्र शिाभ
 चावाभ कदशभन (120 kb, 18-20)
author: बु न्दद्धसागर पराजुली
 अश्विेधीय यात्रा (260 kb, 21-28)
author: दे वीप्रसाद लांसाल
 श्रीथनवास िल्ल र योगनरे न्द्र िल्लका ताडपत्र तिसु कहरू (150 kb, 29-33)
author: शङ्करिान राजवां शी
 Museums - Their Nature and Their Practical Services to Archaeology and to Education (190 kb, 34-41)
author: Grace Morley
 About the Authors (32 kb)
Number 4, July 1968
 Full Download (2.5 MB)
 Cover and Contents (51 kb)
 Editorial (29 kb, a)
 काठिाण्डू-उपत्यकाको एक राजवां शावलीको सम्पादकीय थटप्पणी (87 kb, 1-2)
author: बालचन्द्र शिाभ
 काठिाण्डू-उपत्यकाको एक राजवां शावली (662 kb, 3-15)
author: सम्पादक बालचन्द्र शिाभ
 िकवानपुरको से नवां श (162 kb, 19-20)
author: िातृ काप्रसाद कोइराला
 नेपालिा शैव र बौद्ध धिभको सिन्वय (63 kb, 21-22)
author: चूडानाि भट्टराय
 थसन्दद्धनरथसां ह िल्लका ताडपत्र तिसु कहरू (142 kb, 23-26)
author: शङ्करिान राजवां शी
 वराहिे त्र र केही अन्य थिल (643 kb, 27-36)
author: जनकलाल शिाभ
 Thee Early Sculptures in Stone from The National Museum, Kathmandu (474 kb, 37-43)
author: N.R. Banerjee and B.K. Rijal
 A Eulogy on the Great King Prithvinarayan Shah (165 kb, 44-47)
author: C.R. Swaminathan
 Hinduism and Buddhism in Nepal (114 kb, 48-51)
author: G.C. Shastri
 About the Authors (35 kb)
Number 3, April 1968
 Full Download (3.1 MB)
 Cover and Contents (49 kb)
 थटप्पणी र सिाचार (67 kb)
 Notes and News (38 kb)
 नेपाली सां स्कृथतको भू थिका (216 kb, 1-5)
author: बालकृष्ण सि
 श्री ५ राजेन्द्र थवक्रि शाह र तत्कालीन नेपाल (321 kb, 6-12)
author: ढु न्दण्डराज भण्डारी
 बै तडी र डाँ डेल्धु राको लोकसाथहत्य (190 kb, 13-17)
author: धिभराज िापा
 कोशी प्रदे शका िाझी जाथत (133 kb, 18-20)
author: शांकर कोइराला
 योग (691 kb, 21-25)
author: बु न्दद्धसागर पराजुली
 श्री ५पृथ्वीनारायण शाहका लालिोहर र धै बुङको अथभलेख (723 kb, 26-32)
author: शङ्करिान राजवां शी
 काष्ठिण्डप (166 kb, 33-36)
author: रिेश जांग िापा
 पररथशष्ट (355 kb, 37-40)
 Kashthamandapa (92 kb, 41-43)
author: Ramesh Jung Thapa
 Comparative Survey of the Coins of the Shah Dynasty (153 kb, 44-48)
author: Pashupati Kumar Dwivedi
 About the Authors (36 kb)
Number 2, January 1968
 Full Download (2.5 MB)
 Cover and Contents (51 kb)
 थटप्पणी र सिाचार (70 kb, क-ख)
author: रिेशजङ्ग िापा
 Notes and News (46 kb)
 थचतवनदे न्दख जनकपुरसम्मका केही पुरातान्दत्वक थिल (938 kb, 1-10)
author: जनकलाल शिाभ
 ऐथतहाथसक थनरीिण र त्यसको उपलन्दि (222 kb, 11-16)
author: शङ्करिान राजवां शी
 'हरिे खला’ - एक पररचय (404 kb, 17-26)
author: कृष्णप्रसाद भट्टराई
 Parvati's Penance as Revealed by the Eloquent Stones of Nepal (819 kb, 27-38)
author: N.R. Banerjee
 About the Authors (30 kb)
Number 1, October 1967
 Full Download (3 MB)
 Cover and Contents (228 kb)
 नेपाली सां स्कृथतको ऐथतहाथसक आधार (140 kb, 1-4)
author: सू यभथवक्रि ज्ञवाली
 Notes and News (83 kb)
 सु िथततन्त्र (135 kb, 5-10)
author: दे वीप्रसाद लांसाल
 वास्तु (123 kb, 11-14)
author: बु न्दद्धसागर पराजुली
 Archives and Nepal (109 kb, 15-18)
author: R.J. Thapa
 Nepal's Heritage (1.1 MB, 19-21)
author: C. R. Swaminathan
 A Note on the Iconography of Uma-Mahesvara in Nepal (1.1 MB, 22-33)
author: N.R. Banerjee
 About the Authors (33 kb)

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