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Arriesgado College Foundation, Inc.: Media & Information Literacy

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#201 Bonifacio St., Tagum City



Edson B. Besinga

Name: ________________________________________________ Course: _________________ Date: _______________

Directions: Read and understand what is asked in every b. Word Processor Software
item. Then, select the best answer form the options c. Excel Software
given. Shade the letter (or circle) corresponding to your d. All of the above
chosen answer. 8) It entails the use of visual media (that may or
may not be accompanied with audio/sound) in
1) Refers to the changing of the typeface of fonts the form of photographs, motion pictures,
such as bold, underline, italics, subscript, video recordings, graphic arts, visual aids, and
superscript, shapes, shapes, font sizes and other displays that may use pictorial
colors. representations (Dictionary of Military and
a. Unformatted/Plain Text Associated Terms, 2005).
b. Formatted Text a. Text Media
c. Hypertext b. Visual Media
d. Link c. People Media
2) Consisting of fixed sized characters having d. Audio Media
essentially the same type of appearance 9) The specific tone of color
a. Unformatted/Plain Text a. Hue
b. Formatted Text b. Saturation
c. Hypertext c. Brightness
d. Link d. Magenta
3) Serve to link different electronic documents and 10) The relative lightness or darkness of a particular
enable users to jump from one to the other in a color.
nonlinear way. a. Brightness
a. Unformatted/Plain Text b. Hue
b. Formatted Text c. Saturation
c. Hypertext d. Cyan
d. Link 11) Pictures that depict some real world situation
4) Knowledge was passed on through folk media typically captured by camera
and indigenous forms of media. a. Graphics
a. Pre-Spanish Era b. Color Models
b. Spanish Era c. Color
c. American and Japanese Era d. Image
d. Post-war Era 12) Pictures drawn or painted that depict any
5) During this era, major newspaper (i.e. Manila fictitious scenario.
Times and Manila Bulletin), radio broadcasting a. Graphics
and movies became available. Media was used b. Color Models
for propaganda by government and other c. Color
groups. d. Image
a. Pre-Spanish Era 13) The former used for colored lights like images
b. Spanish Era on a monitor screen.
c. American and Japanese Era a. CMYK Color Model
d. Post-war Era b. RGB Color Model
6) The golden age of Philippine Journalism. c. HSB Color Model
Advertising, Communication Education, and d. Color Model
press freedom flourished in this era. 14) It uses colored inks likes images printed on
a. Pre-Spanish Era papers.
b. Spanish Era a. CMYK Color Model
c. American and Japanese Era b. RGB Color Model
d. Post-war Era c. HSB Color Model
7) Is any computer software used to “produce, d. Color Model
edit and format mainly text-based documents 15) Which are used to recognize and communicate
[such as] writing letters, memos, reports, color information, define set of colors.
creating letterheads, producing labels etc. a. CMYK Color Model
a. Presentation Software b. RGB Color Model
c. HSB Color Model d. Color Model

Test II. Matching Type: Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided
on the space before each number.


______1. Is much like an image especially when a drawing is digitized using scanner. a. Text Information

______2. Is produced through computer software; thus, it is already in digital form. b. Visual Information

______3. With curves, such as Times New Roman, Book Antiqua, Cambria, c. Martial Law Era
Copperplate Gothic Bold and Courier New

______4. Fonts without curves, such as Arial, Tahoma, Verdana and Calibri d. Serif
______5. PNG e. Vector Graphic
______6. PDF f. Raster Graphic
______7. People Power brought greater freedom for Philippine media. During this g. Post-EDSA Era
era, the new Constitution recognized the vital role of communication and
information in nation building. Press freedom influenced the growth in media
______8. Highlights of this era include the government takeover of media and the h. Sans Serif
press and the image engineering of the Marcoses in the name of nationalism.

Test III. Enumeration

1. Common File Formats of Text

2. Common File Formats of Visual

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