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L4C6 - Fire Investigation (2017)

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IFE Level 4 Certificate in Fire Science and Fire Safety

IFE Level 4 Certificate in Fire Science and Fire Safety

Unit 6: Fire Investigation

Unit Reference Number: T/505/5936

This unit focuses on the specialist understanding and knowledge required by those who carry out
fire and explosion investigations whether they work within the uniformed fire and rescue service or
within the private sector. It covers the scientific principles that underpin the dynamics of fire as
well as the process of investigation.

Learning Outcomes
Candidates who achieve this unit should be able to:

• apply fire science principles in carrying out fire investigations and arriving at conclusions
• explain the preparations and procedures to investigate an incident involving fire and/or
• explain and apply the principles that underpin the collation and analysis of evidence
• analyse information to produce conclusions based on evidence and fire science

Unit Status


1. Chemistry of Combustion and Fire Dynamics

Assessment Objective Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

1.1 Explain the physical processes • Heat, temperature and the states of matter
involved in a fire • Heat transfer
• Flame height
• Upper layer temperature
• Radiative feedback
1.2 Explain the characteristics of • Characteristics of a flaming fire
different types of fire and their • Characteristics of a smouldering fire
impact on investigation • ‘Flashover’ and its impact on the investigation of a
compartment fire
1.3 Understand the chemistry of fire Definition of the following terms:
• Stoichiometric mixture
Date issued: 26 August 2017
IFE Level 4 Certificate in Fire Science and Fire Safety

• Flammability limits
• Flash point and fire point
• Radiation induced flashover
• Flames
• Smouldering combustion
• Spontaneous combustion
• Spontaneous ignition temperature
• Auto-ignition temperature
1.4 Describe the properties of common Flammable materials to include:
flammable materials and assess the • Methane, propane and butane
implications in relation to fire • Acetylene
• Hydrogen
• Petroleum products
• Paraffin
• White spirit
• Diesel oil
• Ethanol (alcohol), methylated spirit, methanol (methyl
alcohol) and isopropanol (2-propanol)
• Plastic and chemicals that are used in plastic
manufacturing industries
• Rubbers (natural and synthetic)
• Carbohydrates
• Cellulose
• Proteins
• Fats
• Wood
1.5 Assess, applying fire science, the Factors to include:
factors that affect accuracy in • Size of fire
determining the location of a seat • Flashover
of fire • Smouldering
• Firefighting procedures
• Fuel load
• Backdraught
• Collapse
• Burn patterns
• Human or animal interaction
1.6 Understand the physical signs that • Low level burning
can illustrate the general locality of • High level burning
a seat of fire and relate those signs • Depth or severity of burning
to fire dynamics (radiation, • Smoke spread
convection, conduction and heat
• Patterning (heat/burn/smoke)
• Glass fracture, melting, discolouration or staining
• Heat effect on metals
• Melting and degradation of plastics
• Burning effects of timber

Date issued: 26 August 2017
IFE Level 4 Certificate in Fire Science and Fire Safety

2. Ignition

Assessment Objective Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

2.1 Explain the process of ignition and • Combustion processes:
the way that the properties of o Spontaneous heating
materials involved affect ignition, o Spontaneous ignition
incubation and fire growth o Spontaneous combustion
• Combustion of solids, liquids, gases, transient dust
and vapour phases
• How and why substances/fuels burn
2.2 Explain how static electricity can • Ways in which heat can be achieved in a circuit
become a source of ignition • Electrical causes of fire and the effects of fire in
electrical equipment
2.3 Explain the types of explosions that • Types of Explosion:
may occur and the materials that o Detonation
can be involved in explosions o Deflagration
o Mechanical
• High Explosives
• ‘Condensed Phase Deflagration’
• ‘Dispersed explosion’
• ‘Pyrotechnics’
• ‘Ventilation induced flashover’
• Importance of preservation of evidence of an
explosion and the procedure for searching for the
remains of a high explosive device

3. Investigating Fire Scenes

Note to candidates: fire scenes include buildings, transportation contexts and wildland

Assessment Objective Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

3.1 Understand the effect that • Structures to include:
structures and voids have on a fire o Buildings
o Road, rail, aviation and maritime
• Effects of ventilation
• Effects of modern methods of construction on fires in
moving vehicles
3.2 Assess the effects that the contents • Contents to include:
of a building/structure have on a o Traditional furniture
fire o Modern furniture and furnishings
o Floor and wall coverings
o Transport loads
• Concept of fire load density and orientation
3.3 Assess the effects that occupancy • Buildings/structures to include:
can have on a building/structure o Houses and other domestic residences
involved in fire
Date issued: 26 August 2017
IFE Level 4 Certificate in Fire Science and Fire Safety

o Factories
o Chemical works
o Hospitals and residential homes
o Schools
o Transportation
• Human behaviour in fires
3.4 Outline the effects of firefighting on • Water damage e.g. causing collapse
structure/contents involved in fire • Movement or destruction of items by firefighting
and assess the implications for fire water
investigation • Dilution of liquids
• Hotspots and areas of late extinguishment
3.5 Explain and assess the • Scene priorities
organisational aspects of fire • Range of resources to be used and their application
investigation • Potential and actual contamination of a scene
• Evidence preservation
• Possible hazards which may pose a risk to the fire
investigator at a fire scene including:
o Collapse
o Sharps
o Trips and falls
o Chemicals
o Respiratory risks
o Lone working
• Dynamic Risk Assessment (DRA)
3.6 Describe and assess the aids, • Human nose
including their limitations, that are • Dog
available to the fire investigator to • Portable equipment
detect hydrocarbons • Specialist sampling equipment
3.7 Explain and assess the indirect Indirect methods including:
methods of locating the seat of fire • Observations of witnesses
• Corroboration of witnesses
• Reversal of fire fighting
• Points of entry and exit
• Position of bodies
• Structural collapse
• Knowledge of materials present
3.8 Explain and evaluate the methods • Reconstruction
used to carry out the investigation • Fact finding and testing
• Excavation including:
o Extraneous items and materials
o Fire accelerants (liquid and dry)
o Liquid burn patterns
o Significant items and materials
• Study of pre-fire events
o History
o Odours
o Changes
o Weather

Date issued: 26 August 2017
IFE Level 4 Certificate in Fire Science and Fire Safety

o Disputes
• Explain and apply the term “radius of error”

4. Collect, Record and Analyse Information and Evidence

Assessment Objective Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

4.1 Explain the type of information that is • Cause and origin
required to develop a full and • Fire spread
comprehensive report • Background
• Findings
• Conclusion
• Recommendations
4.2 Outline the ways and methods used to • Observation
collect information and assess the • Research
advantages and disadvantages of each • Interview
method • Witnesses
• IT examination (including CCTV, AFD and mobile
phone data)
• Use of private agents
• Use of forensic accountants
4.3 Identify evidence at the scene of a fire • How glass can provide evidence to assist in the
and analyse its significance investigation of a fire
• How smoke records can provide evidence to
assist in the investigation of fire
• How evidence can be gained from instrument
marks, footwear impressions and tyre marks
• Indicators which may suggest the presence of an
ignitable liquid at a fire scene and what resources
may be available to the investigator to confirm
• Potential ignition sources
4.4 Explain the use of trace evidence found • Radiation effect
at fire scenes including directional • Blast
evidence • Travel via voids
4.5 Describe the recording of information • Drawings
relating to the positions of movable • Notes
objects and fire seat location • Photographs
• Witness marks
• Reconstruction
4.6 Explain the process of effective • Define the terms “lay witness” and “expert
interviewing of a witness and assess the witness”
evidence provided by different types of • Formal/informal approaches
witness • Legal caution
• Putting witnesses at ease
• PEACE model
4.7 Describe the specific factors to be • Photo Log – no deletions (accepted protocols if
considered by the investigator when available)
Date issued: 26 August 2017
IFE Level 4 Certificate in Fire Science and Fire Safety

taking photographs at a fire scene to • Accurate date/time

ensure clear and readable images which • Personal photographic ability
may be presented as evidence in a court • Zoom in/out for location of points of interest
of law • Logical sequence of images
• No finger pointing
• Use tape measure or standard template square
4.8 Identify where fires may be due to arson • Explain the reasons for suspecting arson as a
and present evidence cause of fire from the general circumstances
• Explain the reasons for suspecting arson at or
after the investigation of the scene of fire
• Discuss the types of persons who set fires and
explain the classification of them into certain
4.9 Explain how to evaluate information to • Compilation methods
form and test hypotheses • How to interpret results
• Identification of inconsistencies
• How to qualify conclusions
• How actual fire safety measures and practices, or
lack of same, contributed to the incident
4.10 Assess the methods and equipment for • Importance of maintaining continuity records
handing and storing evidence to • Methods of provision for secure storage and
preserve continuity, avoid damage and transportation
cross contamination

5. Fatal Fires

Assessment Objective Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

5.1 Explain the fundamental features of an • Evidence that needs to be collected to establish
investigation when a person dies as a the location of death and when and how the
result of fire deceased died
• Factors which would lead an investigator to
recognise a death in fire as a murder or suicide
5.2 Explain the factors to be considered • Ways in which the deceased may be identified
when dealing with fatalities • Points to consider when removing bodies at fire
• Effect of fire on bodies and factors affecting
• Basic medical terminology that may be
encountered during an investigation and
subsequent post mortem
• Recovery of evidence and liaison with
appropriate personnel
• How to avoid causing unnecessary stress and
treating deceased with due regard

Date issued: 26 August 2017
IFE Level 4 Certificate in Fire Science and Fire Safety

6. Testing

Assessment Objective Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

6.1 Explain the taking and examination of • The chain of continuity for law
fire debris samples • Avoidance of contamination
6.2 Explain the principles of laboratory • Incendiary devices
analysis of material and samples • Containers
collected at the scene of fire • Clocks and watches
• Hair and clothing
• Paint
• Other articles and evidence that may be found at
a fire scene
• Fuels and fire accelerants – hydrocarbons
• Fuels and fire accelerants – non-hydrocarbons
• Toxic combustion products

Date issued: 26 August 2017

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