Alternative Fuels Notes
Alternative Fuels Notes
Alternative Fuels Notes
[3 0 0 3]
No. of Lecture hours: 36
Engine pollutant formation and control: Introduction to pollution, Nitrogen Oxides, kinetics of
NOX formation in SI engine and CI engine. CO emission, UBHC emission, flame quenching, HC
emission from SI and CI engines. Particulate emissions, soot formation, oxidation and
adsorption and condensation. Exhaust and non-exhaust emissions: Exhaust emission control
methods- thermal reactors, catalytic converters and particulate traps, chemical methods like
ammonia injection. EGR technique, Non- exhaust emissions - evaporative emissions and crank
case emissions and its control. . [10]
1. Ganeshan V., Internal Combustion Engines, (3e), Tata McGraw Hill Education
Private Limited, New Delhi, 2007.
2. Mathur and Sharma, A Course in I C Engines, DhanpathRai Publishers, New
Delhi, 1981.
3. John B. Heywood, Introduction to Internal Combustion Engines, Tata McGraw
Hill Education Private Limited, New Delhi, 2011.
4. Lichty L.C., International Combustion Engines, McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1951.
5. Edward F. Obert, Internal Combustion Engines and Air Pollution, Harper & Row,
Publishers. Delhi, 1973.
6. Richard Stone, Introduction to Internal Combustion Engines, The McMillan
Press, New Delhi, 1999.
• Poor volatility characteristic hence vapor lock problem during hot starting and
• Water absorption- hence metal corrosion problem
• Chemical attack on plastic components in direct contact
• Lower overall system efficiency- production to utilization.
Alcohol gasoline blends (upto 20% alcohol) can be used in SI engines without any engine
• Utilization of alcohol blend for automobiles requires proper monitoring, accounting and
caution in handling stations.
• Utmost care should be taken to store the alcohol and its blends to keep away from
• Adequate steps should be taken to double the alcohol production to meet the
Utilization of alcohol in Diesel engines
• Blend of moisture free alcohol in Diesel ( Upto 20%) can be used
• Duel injection (Upto 20%)
• Bi fuel operation (Upto 50% in DI engines) by fumigation
Hydrogen has the fastest burning velocity which causes rapid combustion and hence
high engine speed, thereby improving the specific output.
It has an excellent lean burning ability which improves its thermal efficiency.
It has a high Octane Number, which enables higher CR to be used with the associated
higher Klimep and higher energy conversion efficiency.
It has a high self ignition temperature (581ºC compared to 450ºC for gasoline or 466ºC
for propane and 534ºC for methane) which makes it highly knock resistant.
When it burns in air it produces steam and the exhaust is devoid of CO, CO 2, SO2, smoke
and Carcinogens. The only expected pollutant is NOx which can be easily controlled by
lean burning or by EGR technique.
Tasteless, odourless and non-toxic by itself, hydrogen gives out just clean energy
producing steam, thereby maintaining the Nature’s balance of water in the
It is highly combustible, requiring very little energy (1/12 of gasoline) to ignite it. (0.02
mJ compared to 0.25 mJ for gasoline and propane and 0.3 mJ for methane under similar
laboratory test conditions).
It has a very high calorific value on mass basis.
Its high combustibility can cause fire hazards and inlet back fire. This requires flame
traps, flash back arresters and crank case ventilation to prevent explosions due to blow-
by accumulation.
Even when a fuel cell is being used, the design has to account for the weather, because
in cold weather conditions there will be freezing of water which is a byproduct of the
reaction. The freezing of water can be harmful for the fuel cell.
Due to its very low density (0.09 kg/m³ for the gas) it has a very low volumetric energy
density and hence on-board storage requires a large volume for a given mass.
Due to complexity and cost of cryogenic liquid hydrogen storage, carrying hydrogen on
board in a vehicle is a challenging task. One of the acceptable solutions is storage in the
form of metal hydrides, which, unfortunately, can hold only about 2 to 8% by mass of
hydrogen in it.
Hydrogen is very expensive and its production is highly energy intensive.
Hydrogen can be produced by several methods. 65% of the total production of
hydrogen in the world is by catalytic steam reforming of methane or naptha, 25% by
partial oxidation of heavy oils, 7% by water gas reaction from coal/coke and 3% by
electrolysis of water.
Direct thermal splitting of H2O (at 3000ºC) using solar focusing collectors, thermo-
chemical splitting of H2O (at 850ºC) using FeCl2 or CrCl2, modified photosynthetic
reactions in green plants and algae using specific enzymes etc. are some of the
techniques under consideration and development to produce hydrogen.
In the chart it can be seen that transportation of hydrogen is very inefficient. If the total mass of
the container and fuel is 2090 kg, only 19.5 kg of the total mass will be hydrogen gas. If
hydrogen is transported in liquid state, then for a total mass (Container+Fuel) of 136 kg, only
19.5 kg will be liquid hydrogen.
• The cars must have detectors that will immediately recognise a leak. Hydrogen disperses
very fast because it is very light.
• The safety features involve a hydrogen vent which will immediately vent the hydrogen
in case of an accident.
• In hydrogen supply we tend to think in terms of weight and not in terms of volume,
because volume can change depending on the pressure at which the hydrogen is
• To increase the mass of hydrogen going in the hydrogen is supplied at a high pressure.
So the pump when you clamp the nozzle onto the gas tank has to form a very tight seal.
Unless the pump knows that the seal is tight, the pump will not turn on.
Hydrogen as an alternative fuel –conclusion
Technical feasibility of hydrogen as a renewable alternative to petroleum fuels has been
successfully demonstrated by experiments in the laboratory as well as on the road. However,
before hydrogen can be considered for wide use in automobiles further research efforts are
required in the following areas-