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Expanding Earth

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by Degezelle Marvin
December 2018

1. Introduction
2. Age of the oceanic lithosphere
2.1 Paleomagnetism
2.2 Isochron map of the ocean floor
3. Expanding Earth concept
3.1 History
3.2 The basics of the theory
3.3 Primitive size
3.4 The orange peel effect
3.5 Relief map
3.6 Biogeographic evidence
3.7 Fish fossils on mountains
4. Plate tectonics problems vs Expanding Earth
4.1 Driving force mystery
4.2 No adequate explanation for how plate tectonics began
4.3 The subduction enigma
4.3.1 The Pacific Basin
4.3.2 Plates cannot subduct in an arc
4.4 The Africa enigma
4.5 The Antarctica enigma
4.6 No possible Atlantic tectonic closure
4.7 The enigma of India’s drift
4.8 The ‘Pacific Triangle’
4.9 The extraordinary coincidence of maximum floor ages
4.10 Volcanic chains
4.11 Mountain formation
5. Mechanism for Earth expansion
5.1 Revision of geophysics of Earth
5.2 Potential mechanism for increased mass
5.3 Potential mechanism for increased volume with conservation of mass
6. A call for a new gravity theory
The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth

by Degezelle Marvin, December 2018

Subject classification:
Earth expansion, isochrons fitting, geophysics of the Earth, gravity


In the early 1900s, a major debate emerged when German geo- The expanding or growing Earth hypothesis has already been
physicist and meteorologist Alfred Wegener proposed his con- widely discussed within the scientific community; however, the
tinental drift theory. He noticed that Earth’s major landmasses general consensus is that Earth maintained its radius for at least
could be fitted together like a jigsaw puzzle and stated that the 4.5 billion years. Even though most scientists reject the Earth
continents had once been joined together in a single landmass, expansion theory, it’s a very interesting and complex problem
Pangaea, and that they had later drifted apart. He could not pro- that can have major consequences for the current understanding
vide a mechanism so his work was derided and ignored for dec- of the geophysics of the Earth.
ades until they provided proof of seafloor spreading that resulted
in the plate tectonics theory. Even though Wegener had a limited Modern geotectonics has been dominated by the plate tecton-
amount of data or available technology compared to the present ics theory since the publication of several papers between 1961
time, his theory was not changed dramatically. and 1970 (Dietz, 1961; Hess, 1962; Isacks et al., 1968; Le Pichon,
1968; Morgan, 1968; Le Pichon et al., 1976). This theory is based
Various combinations of geodynamic hypothesis like contrac- on much older hypotheses like continental drift (Wegener, 1915,
tionism, expansionism or mobilism on a fixed-dimension planet 1924) and subcrustal currents (Ampferer, 1906). Ampferer (1906)
have been proposed but most physicists and geologists now suggested that vertical movements of the Earth’s crust might
accept Earth’s radius had remained constant. However, present be the result of subcrustal currents as a result of differences in
studies of the isochron map of the ocean floor demonstrates that subcrustal density and temperature. He suggested that verti-
Earth started expanding 180 million years ago. There are numer- cal movements cause secondary movements. Convergence of
ous indications of the growth or expansion of the Earth. The subcrustal currents could cause the formation of mountains and
expanding Earth hypothesis is mainly supported by paleontology, their divergence could cause rift valleys.
paleomagnetism, paleoclimatology, and geology data. Isochrons
of the ocean floor do not fit on a same sized Earth. The analysis Alfred Wegener provided evidence in 1912 that the continents are
will show that the isochrons only fit on a smaller Earth with cal- in motion, but could not explain what forces could move them.
culated radius. Surprisingly, mountain formation is shown to be Wegener referred to the paper of Ampferer so he took his idea.
the result of the Earth expansion. This paper will also provide a He mentioned: “Probably it will be wise for now, to consider
physical mechanism to explain Earth expansion and implications the continental displacements as the consequence of irregular
of the geophysics of the Earth. Problems and flaws in the theory currents inside the Earth” (Wegener/Jacoby, 1912b/2001, part
of plate tectonics will be revealed and explained. II: 47-48). He did not provide proof for this statement. He also
Plate tectonics has survived for decades because its proponents writes that the depth variation appears to suggest that the Mid
have increasingly detached their theory from reality by system- Atlantic Ridge should be regarded as a zone in which the floor of
atically rejecting or overlooking any contrary evidence, and the Atlantic, as it keeps spreading, is continuously tearing open
selectively picking only the data that support plate tectonics. The and making space for fresh, relatively fluid and hot sima from
consensus that Earth does not change in mass or volume has depth (Wegener/Jacoby, 1912b/2001, part III:55) .
been maintained for almost a century, so new theories like “sub-
duction” has been invented to explain the mystery of vanishing In 1910, Alfred Wegener had noticed on a world map that the
oceanic lithosphere. east coast of South America fits exactly against the west coast of
Africa, so they must have once been joined, he thought.
The history of the plate tectonics theory on an equal-sized Earth He looked for further evidence, found it and published it in his
is an example of how falsified scientific hypotheses can survive book The Origin of Continents and Oceans (1915). By his third edi-
their own failure, gradually shifting towards and beyond the lim- tion is his book (1922), Wegener was citing geological evidence
its of scientific investigation until they become pseudoscientific that some 300 million years ago all the continents had been
beliefs. joined in a supercontinent stretching from pole to pole. He called
it Pangaea and said it began to break up around 200 million years
ago when the continents started moving towards their current
positions. He also cited the fit of South America and Africa,
ancient climate similarities, fossil evidence and similarity of rock

The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth
M. Degezelle - December 2018
Ring of Fire

Fig 1.2 - This map shows the concentration of earthquakes recorded on

Earth. Seismology and the New Global Tectonics (1968)

The principles of plate tectonics were based on research results

of the oceanic crust with the assumption that the dimensions of
the Earth have been constant throughout geological time.
This assumption created a problem. Le Pichon (1968) wrote:
“If the Earth is not expanding, then there should exist another
plate margin along which the plates are shortened or destroyed”.
It was assumed that the areas where newly formed oceanic
lithosphere is plunging into the mantle are located in the Benioff
zones, most of them at the so-called “The ring of Fire” (Fig 1.2),
which is a long chain of volcanoes and sites of seismic activity or
earthquakes around the edges of the Pacific Ocean. The process
of recycling old oceanic crust, called subduction, could offer an
explanation for the disappearing of newly created oceanic litho-
sphere at the ridges. With the assumption that Earth does not
change in size, there can be stated that mainly subduction (and
also mountain formation) avoids extra surface being added to the
Fig 1.1 - This illustration of Wegener (1924 : 6) shows the breakup of
Pangea and subsequent drifting of continents.

Geologists reacted to Wegener’s ideas with contempt. He was

seen as a pseudoscientist. If his hypothesis was accurate, they
knew it would shake the foundations of their discipline. In fact,
he was only a meteorologist in their eyes. Radical viewpoints
threaten the authorities in a discipline. His ideas challenged scien-
tists in geology, geophysics, zoogeography, and paleontology. No
wonder he received many reactions from different communities
of scientists. One of Alfred Wegener’s critics, the geologist R.
Thomas Chamberlain, suggested that: “If we are to believe in Wege-
ner’s hypothesis we must forget everything which has been learned in the
past 70 years and start all over again.” He was right. But only in the
mid-1960s, his hypothesis was widely accepted by the scientific Fig 1.3: Principle of subduction
community when it evolved into the theory of plate tectonics.
Geologists today understand that the Earth’s surface, or crust, is
In 1968, Oliver, Isacks & Sykes wrote “Seismology and the New broken up into 8 to 12 large plates and around 20 smaller ones.
Global Tectonics” and that was for many the convincing proof These plates move in different directions and at different speeds
for plate tectonics. It showed that shallow earthquakes, occur- and are not directly related to the landmasses on them. Over the
ring along mid-ocean ridges and deep earthquakes near Fuji and last 500 million years the continents have come together into one
Tonga in the South Pacific, made sense if the Earth’s crust is large mass and then split apart again – possibly as many as three
divided into separate plates that move relative to each other. As times. Scientists can only guess when the first plates formed and
plates pull apart, crash together, slide past each other, they fuel how they behaved in the past since there is no direct evidence.
volcanoes, generate earthquakes and push up mountains.

The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth
M. Degezelle - December 2018
Fig 1.4 - The tectonic plates of the World

The force that moves the plates is thought to be convection cur- Earth expansion has been the subject of specific symposia organ-
rents in the mantle under the Earth’s crust. The mantle is solid in ized by major scientific institutions (Carey, 1983a; McKenna,
the short term but flows very slowly over geologic timescales. 1983; Scalera et al., 2012). Finally, the Earth expansion theory has
Where the edges of the plates meet, several things may hap- found some credit among biogeographers (Ager, 1966; Glasby,
pen. If both plates carry continents, which are lighter than the 1999; McCarthy, 2003, 2005a, b, 2007; McCarthy et al., 2007)
ocean floor, they may collide and cause high mountains to rise. because of some in-triguing biogeographic transpacific correla-
If one plate is heavier, it may go under the other or subduct. Or tions.
the plates may move sideways, grinding against each other. This
grinding produces cracks or faults in the plates, also called “trans- The Earth expansion hypothesis is definitely not entirely baseless.
form plate boundaries.” It has many parallels with plate tectonics and continental drift
theory, which is now well-established. According to the major-
Contractionism is one of the other hypotheses that have been ity of scientists, continental drift is happening as tectonic plates
proposed. The basis of this hypothesis is the cooling of the Earth move and subduct with earthquakes and volcanoes occurring
from its early red-hot condition to the present cooled condition. around their edges. A new scientific revolution is needed to
During the cooling, the Earth contracted. Those who contributed understand the current position of the continents and even more
to this hypothesis are Lapworth and Love, Gregory, Sues and important, a revision of the geophysics of Earth will be neces-
Argand, Chamberlain, Kober Jeffreys, etc. All these scholars sup- sary.
posed that due to slow cooling, its upper layers cooled faster than
the inner ones. They stated that contractions caused folding of
the upper layers that resulted into mountains.
The contraction hypothesis has been totally rejected when the age
of the oceanic lithosphere was mapped.

Expansionism was and still is a more discussed theory.

Expanding Earth is still being developed at some scientific centers.
Heezen (1960) thought that the discovery of a vast global system
of ocean-floor spreading and the young modern oceans indicate
the possibility of the entire planet having expanded through geo-
logical time. Heezen’s proposal was not taken up by the scientific
community. However, expansionist papers have been
published in scientific journals and lectures were dedicated to the
expanding Earth theory : at the 30th International Geological
Congress, Beijing (Dickins, 1996; Hongzhen et al., 1997), 32nd
International Geological Congress, Florence (Anonymous, 2004),
and 34th International Geological Congress, Brisbane (Anony-
mous, 2012; Choi and Storetvedt, 2012a, b).

The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth
M. Degezelle - December 2018

2.1. Paleomagnetism At temperatures above the Curie Temperature, permanent mag-

netization of materials is not possible. Since the magnetic miner-
The reason why Wegener’s theory was not accepted by geologists als take on the orientation of the magnetic field present during
and geophysicists in the 1920’s was that he proposed that conti- cooling, it’s possible to determine the position of the magnetic
nents slide over the ocean floor. According to them, the ocean pole at that time.
floor did not have the strength to support the continents and
too much frictional resistance would be encountered. Evidence Studies of the position of Earth’s magnetic pole conducted in
for continental drift was provided in the 1950s and 1960s when Europe showed that the magnetic pole had apparently moved
studies of the Earth’s magnetic field showed a direct link with the through time. Similar measurements were made on rocks of
ocean floor. Paleomagnetism is the study of magnetic rocks and various ages in North America, however, a different path of the
sediments to record the history of the magnetic field. magnetic pole was found.

Fig 2.3: History of the position of the magnetic pole in Europe and

Fig 2.1: Earth’s magnetic field and inclination This either suggested that (1) the Earth has had more than one
magnetic pole at various times in the past (not likely) or (2) that
Earth has a giant magnetic field that causes a compass needle to the different continents have moved relative to each other over
point toward the North magnetic pole, currently located near the time. Studies of ancient pole positions for other continents con-
rotation pole. The magnetic lines of force intersect the surface firmed the latter hypothesis and seemed to confirm the theory of
of the Earth at various angles that depend on the position on Continental Drift.
the Earth’s surface. This angle is called the magnetic inclination.
The inclination is 0° at the magnetic equator and 90° at the In the 1940’s, geologists employed by the military carried out
magnetic poles. Thus, by measuring the inclination and the angle topographic and magnetic studies of the seafloor. The data from
to the magnetic pole, one can tell position on the Earth relative their magnetometers showed magnetic anomalies on the sea
to the magnetic poles. In the 1950s, it was discovered that when floor. Parallel stripes of alternating high and low magnetism on
magnetic minerals cool below the Curie Temperature, areas either side of the oceanic ridges were found.
within the magnetic mineral take on an orientation parallel to the
external magnetic field present at the time they cooled below this Studying piles of lava flows on the continents, geophysicists
temperature. found that over short time scales the Earth’s magnetic field
undergoes polarity reversals, this means that the north magnetic
pole becomes the south magnetic pole and vice versa.

Fig 2.2: Magnetic inclination and the effect on magnetite grains.

Fig 2.4: Pile of lava flows shows polar reversals over time.

The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth
M. Degezelle - December 2018
By dating the rocks using radiometric dating techniques and This data led to one of the most important maps for geologists
correlating the reversals throughout the world, they were able to and geographers: the crustal age map of the ocean floor.
establish the magnetic time scale.
2.2. Isochron map of the ocean floor
Morley and Larochelle (1964); and Vine and Matthews (1963) put
this information together with the bands of magnetic stripes on The first digital age grid was created in 1997 (Müller, Roest,
the seafloor and postulated that the bands represents oppositely Royer, Gahagan, and Sclater) from paleomagnetic data, geo-
polarized rocks on either side of the oceanic ridges, and that new logical data and published plate models. The map had an error
oceanic crust and lithosphere was created at the oceanic ridge by rate between 0.5 My and 10 My. An isochron map is a type of
eruption and intrusion of magma. As this magma cooled it took geological map that has a better readability. It has what is called
on the magnetism of the magnetic field at the time. When the isochron lines on an isotope or ratio diagram showing a suite of
polarity of the field changed, new crust and lithosphere created at rock or mineral samples which were all formed at the same time.
the ridge would have a different polarity. This hypothesis ulti- This map (Fig 2.6) is showing isochrons of the entire world. The
mately led to the theory of seafloor spreading. colored stripes are representing a certain age of rock or mineral.
The red is representative of the youngest (0-5 My) and the blue
the oldest (180 My). Except for the Mediterranean Basin, all
ocean floors of Earth do not exceed 180 million years of age.
This is a shocking discovery, even for an open-minded scientist.
If new oceanic lithosphere is continually being created at the
oceanic ridges, the oceans should be expanding indefinitely, un-
less there was a mechanism to destroy the oceanic lithosphere.
If subduction is questioned and cannot fully answer this enigma,
Earth expansion must be considered as a potential fact and this
option may not be excluded. If Earth expands from the interior,
it could explain the continental drift and the current position of
the continents.

Fig 2.5: Symmetrical, parallel stripes of inversed magnetic polarity

Fig 2.6: The age of the oceanic lithosphere (Christopher Scotese)

The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth
M. Degezelle - December 2018
3. EXPANDING EARTH CONCEPT many textbooks of the history of science. It was during this
symposium that Carey proposed abandonment of the subduc-
3.1. History tion concept and put forward step by step the concept of Earth
Expansion. In 1976, Carey publishes the book “The Expanding
It’s important to notice that the original idea of a continental drift Earth”, where he explains the subject in detail. He also stated,
came from the Italian Mantovani and not from Alfred Wegener. and he is not the only one that came to this conclusion: “If all the
Roberto Mantovani was a defender of the continental drift and continents were reassembled into a Pangaean configuration on a model
planetary expansion. He was a violinist and scientist, born in representing the Earths modern dimensions, the fit was reasonably
Parma on March 25, 1854. He was part of an orchestral team precise at the center of the reassembly and along the common margins
reaching the volcanic Réunion Island in 1878. During his stay on of north-west Africa and the United States east coast embayment, but
the island, Mantovani had the occasion of observing the huge vol- became progressively imperfect away from these areas”.
canic fractures on the Indian ocean shore near the town of Saint
Denis. He was arguing that the volcanic fractures observable on Scientists tell us that the universe is expanding. But also suns
the island’s shore might have undergone, on a minor scale, the are expanding. According to plate tectonics, there is one very
same process of breakup of the continents. The global fractures special and magical place in the universe that is not expanding
are today the oceans. Later in France, he gave public conferences and that maintains a constant size: Earth. Robert Stern, profes-
on the idea of planetary expansion. His ideas, published in 1889 sor Geoscience stated: “Earth is the only planet with plate tectonics.
and 1909, together with a ‘Pangea reconstruction’. In the paper of That means it’s special in space, and it’s probably special in time, too.
1909, he drew a map of the opening Pacific with dotted lines to There must have been a time when the Earth didn’t have plate tectonics.
show the points on the opposite side of the oceans that were once The Earth had a very different tectonic, geologic style. There were no
in contact. He concluded that the size the Earth must have been mid-ocean ridges with continents moving apart. There were no subduc-
smaller in the geologic past than today. tion zones where oceanic crust would have been going down.” Earth
is the only planet where subduction is known to occur. Without
subduction, plate tectonics could not exist. Samuel Carey had an
answer on the question of why plate tectonics only occurs on
Earth: “Subduction exists only in the minds of its creators”
(Carey, 1976)
He said that scientists believe in subduction like a religion. He
had taught subduction for more years than any of the present
generation of people had been with it. “When they have been
in it as long as I have they’ll abandon it too”, he stated in 1981.
“If 50 million believe in a fallacy, it is still a fallacy” is a famous
quote of him about plate tectonics. ‘The father of modern Earth
Expansion theory’ died in 2002, but Dr. James Maxlow took over
Fig 3.1 : Mantovani’s map of the expansion of the Earth (1909) with his book Terra Non Firma Earth in 2005.

Wegener was even advised to quote Mantovani in 1924, by a

paper of Bourcart, written to show that the Italian had similar
conceptions: ‘‘In 1909, Mantovani drew some maps illustrating his
ideas on continental displacements. His ideas are in some aspects differ-
ent but in others astonishingly coinciding with mine. For instance, this
was the case of the ancient grouping of the southern continents around
austral Africa.” He did not mention the idea of Earth’s expansion.
Mantovani was not only a precursor of the continental drift idea
but was also far ahead of Wegener, who was even not taking into
account the possibility of variation of the Earth’s radius.
(Scalera & Jacob 2003)

The concept of Earth expansion was later explained in Ger-

man books by Lindemann (1927), Bogolepow (1930), Hilgen-
berg (1933), and Keindl (1940) but got little attention in English
literature. A second wave by Egyed (1956), Carey (1958), Heezen Fig 3.2: Earth expansion according to Maxlow. Terra Non Firma Earth,
(1959), Neyman (1962), Broskke (1962), Barnett (1962), Creer 2005
(1965), Dearnley (1965), Jordan (1966), Steiner (1967), and
Meservey (1969) ran against the orthodox tide but never got Bringing together geological, paleomagnetic, space geodetic,
attention. One of the most important proponents of the Earth geographical, biological and climatic evidence, Maxlow presents
expansion theory was Samuel Warren Carey. He organized a se- a well-argued case for Earth expansion over plate tectonics as a
ries of international symposia. The best known of these was the major mechanism for planetary geological development.
Continental Drift Symposium of 1956 that has featured in

The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth
M. Degezelle - December 2018
3.2. The basics of the theory

The concept of the expanding Earth is that the radius of the

Earth has increased over time. The term “expanding” can be
misleading. If every atom of the Earth was expanding, we would
get an ‘expanding’ Earth with increasing radius. The correct term
should be something different, but it depends on the mechanism
behind it. A ‘growing’ Earth or ‘inflating’ Earth is actually a more
accurate term because it agrees more with the evidence. But the
‘expanding’ Earth theory is more commonly used so this term
will be used in this paper for convenience sake.
Fig 3.4: Expanding Earth experiment with a balloon (L. Modersohn)
The most important data used for explaining the Expanding
Earth theory is the age of the oceanic lithosphere. Every scien- 3.3. Primitive size
tist should be baffled when he sees this map (Fig 3.3) because it
exposes the young oceanic crust, not older than 180 million years, Today, the total area of continental crust is 2,19 x108 km²,
while it is known that continental crust is much older, around 4.5 covering 42,9% of the Earth’s surface. If the oceanic crust of
billion years old. At the spreading ridges, new oceanic crust is maximum 180 million years old is eliminated, all continents join
added to the surface of the Earth, so the volume of the Earth also together into a supercontinent on a smaller sphere.
increases. That’s how the idea of Earth expansion originated.
The radius of the primitive Earth at 180 Ma was:
Surface area A = 4πR²
R² = A/4π
R = 2,19 x10 km

R = 4174,6 km

The volume of the primitive Earth at 180 Ma was:

Volume V = πR³
Fig 3.3: The age of the Oceanic Lithosphere (Muller, 2008) V= π 4174,6³ = 0,3047 ×1012 km³
If we go back in time and eliminate all the oceanic crust, the con- Current physical characteristics of Earth:
tinental crust neatly encloses the whole earth on a globe a little
less than two-thirds of the diameter of the current globe. Radius = 6371km. Volume = 1,08321×1012 km³

Since there is no data available of primitive oceanic crustal age, This means the current volume of the Earth is 355.5% greater
there can be assumed that the radius of the Earth remained con- than the primitive volume over a time period of 180 million
stant until 180 Ma, when Earth’s volume started to increase. All years. The mean radius of the Earth is 152.6% greater. The aver-
continents were connected at that time, probably mostly covered age rate of the growth of the Earth’s radius is 1.22cm/year.
with oceans, so continental crust broke apart randomly to create
the first continents. Oceanic basins were filled with seawater and To analyze the growth rate of the expanding Earth, each total
sea levels dropped during Earth’s expansion. Seawater prob- surface area of the isochron strips were compared in time.
ably was initially fresh water and when it came in contact with
subcrustal salty layers when the crust broke apart, it turned into
salt water. Continents started to rise above sea level and were
spreading apart at a speed depending on the spreading rate of
mid-ocean ridges. Earth is still expanding today, so it is highly pos-
sible that continents will break further apart in the future.

An experiment can be conducted to explain how Pangaea broke

up into multiple continents. A half-inflated balloon is covered
with a thin layer of plasticine or clay that represents the continen-
tal crust. When the balloon is further inflated, this layer starts to Age of oceanic lithosphere
0-30 mA
break up into pieces comparable with the breakup of Pangaea. 30-60mA
The space between the pieces of plasticine represents the oceans. 90-120mA

Fig 3.4: Various polygons for surface area calculation (Google Earth)

The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth
M. Degezelle - December 2018
Google Earth is a useful software tool to measure the surface of The main difference is that Earth’s expansion theory can explain
urface (km²)
drawn areas. Polygons were drawn over the isochrons that cover a the young Pacific Ocean. Just like the Atlantic closure, there is
time interval of 30 million years. evidence for a smaller, completely-enclosed Pacific Basin in the
mA Surface (km²) Late Cretaceous.
0-30 91 896 786
30-60 66 187 317
60-90 51 182 792
90-120 40 387 661
120-150 27 117 551
150-180 14 284 247

Subtraction of the current surface of the Earth with these calcu-

lated areas makes it possible to calculate the primitive radius of
the Earth.
Age Surface (km²) Radius (km) Fig 3.5: Expanding Earth evolution of the Pacific from the Late Triassic
180mA 219 008 117,91 4174,699064 to Late Cretaceous to the present as constrained by crustal age
data. The reconstructions are the result of removing crust that postdates
150mA 233 292 364,91 4308,690814
the time period of interest, resulting in the convergence of the circum-
120mA 260 409 915,91 4552,226123
Pacific continents as the analysis moves backward in time. Eventually,
90mA 300 797 576,91 4892,515776
the continents reunite along matching geological outlines in the Early
60mA 351 980 368,91 5292,419843
Jurassic/Late Triassic. (McCarthy 2005)
30 mA 418 167 685,91 5768,598368
now 510 064 471,91 6371 There should be noticed that the expansion on the Southern
Surface (km²) Hemisphere is much more empathic than on the Northern
600 000 000,00 Surface (km²)
Hemisphere. In the Atlantic spreading basin, the hinge point is
600 000 000,00
500 000 000,00 located close to the North Pole in the Laptev Sea and on the oth-
500 000 000,00
400 000 000,00 er side of the Atlantic, between South Africa and South America
400 000 000,00
300 000 000,00
where the spreading is the fastest, there is a gap of 6300 km.
Surface (km²)
300 000 000,00
Surface (km²)
200 000 000,00
200 000 000,00
100 000 000,00
mA Surface (km²)
100 000 000,00
mA 0-30Surface (km²)91 896 786
0,00 0-30 30-60 91 896 786
66 187 317
0,00 180mA 150mA 120mA 90mA 60mA 30 mA now 30-60 60-90 66 187 317
51 182 792
180mA 150mA 120mA 90mA 60mA 30 mA now 60-90 90-120 51 182 79240 387 661
90-120 40 387 661
120-150 27 117 551
120-150 27 117 551
Radius (km) 150-180 14 284 247
Radius (km) 150-180 14 284 247
3000 RadiusRadius
(km) (km)



0 0
180mA 150mA120mA
60mA30 mA
30 mAnow now

The resulting graph teaches us that the expansion of the Earth is

not constant, but is gradually increasing over time. Both surface Fig 3.6: The Atlantic ocean floor is tearing apart from North to South
and radius are in fact gradually increasing. This means the expan- Pole.
sion of the Earth is accelerating.
This spherical distortion was considered by van Hilten (1963,
3.4. The orange peel effect 1965), during early investigations into paleomagnetism, suggest-
ing that, during Earth expansion, the outer rim of the continental
There are some interesting parallels between the Earth expansion lithosphere would distort and be displaced by forming a number
theory and Wegener’s continental drift theory. Both theories sug- of radial tears. Van Hilten (1963) introduced the term “orange
gest that the coastlines of South America and Africa were once peel effect” (Fig 3.7) to describe such a process.
joined. But the continental profiles have a perfect reciprocal fit on
a smaller Earth, while mobilist reconstructions leave open gaps. The expansion of the Earth explains the continental spreading.
Wegener also connected India to both Africa and Asia in his In both longitudinal and latitudinal direction, Earth’s circumfer-
paleogeographic maps. ence is increasing.

The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth
M. Degezelle - December 2018
Fig 3.10: Radial growth of the African Plate
Fig 3.7: Van Hilton’s (1963) “orange peel effect” model for Earth expan-
sion. Van Hilton suggested that, during expansion of the Earth from A The spreading of the continents due to the expansion of the
to B, the continental lithosphere would distort and displace by forming Earth is not entirely symmetrical. Although there is symmetri-
radial tears. (From Owen, 1983b) cal spreading in the Atlantic and around Antarctica where the
spreading ridges are located in the center, the Pacific Ocean
South America had to separate from the main body of Antarctica shows an asymmetrical spreading.
by a minimum of 7 latitudinal degrees and most likely between
12 and 20 since the Cretaceous; and if over the same period of
time, North America and its Bering bridge has had to drift slightly
away from South America then North America has had to move
north with respect to Antarctica since the Cretaceous. This entails
that the Pacific Ocean Basin has increased in length north to
south since that time. (McCarthy 2005)

Fig 3.8: North–south expansion of the Pacific Basin since the Creta-
ceous. The Americas have separated slightly since the mid-Cretaceous,
and South America has drifted away from Antarctica, requiring north–
south expansion of the Pacific Basin. (McCarthy 2005)

The age of the oceanic lithosphere of the Antarctic plate and the Fig 3.11: Asymmetrical spreading of the Pacific
African Plate obviously expose their radial growth.
The reason for this is that some continents are more attached
to the subcrustal layer than other continents. Places with more
friction have more earthquakes. A simple experiment can explain
this. If you attach a piece of paper (that represents a continent)
to a half inflated balloon with superglue and you inflate the bal-
loon, the non-covered part of the balloon will stretch and you
will hear no sound. But if you attach the piece of paper with a
glue stick and let it dry, you will hear a cracking noise from the
friction of the balloon with the paper that is not well attached.

The spreading in the Pacific is ‘extreme’, about is 3.5 times faster

than the spreading of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and more impor-
tantly, the adjacent continents tend to rotate or slightly move
Fig 3.9: Radial growth of the Antarctic Plate relative to the mantle. Therefore there is a lot of friction at the
Ring Of Fire that results in higher earthquake activity.

The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth
M. Degezelle - December 2018
3.5. Relief map India and Madagascar were also joined together. The direction of
the scars also shows that Australia was connected to Antarctica.
The relief map of the ocean floor reveals some important proof The same reasoning can be applied to the Pacific. First, the west
for the Expanding Earth. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge can be easily coast of North America broke apart from Asia, Zealandia, and
spotted by its scar-like feature in the center of the Atlantic Ocean. South America in a later stadium. The fit between the northern
There are stripes of oceanic lithosphere that are running perpen- edge of Zealandia and the continental edge of South America
dicular to the oceanic ridges like scars that show the direction of that is respected by the Andes is nearly perfect.
the spreading continents. The same type of features can be seen
in the Pacific Ocean. It is remarkable that those ‘scars’ can be seen
on aerial imagery in Google Earth. These ‘paths’ reveal the old
position of the continents.

Fig 3.14 : The almost perfect fit of Zealandia and South America
(Mestan, 2017)

Note that these “scars” are not prominently present in the

oceanic zones (blue, purple and pink) older than 90 million years
most likely due to lithosphere erosion.

This relief map (Fig 3.13) proves that 180 million years ago, all
Fig 3.12 : ‘Scars’ in the Pacific (a) and Atlantic Ocean (b) (source: Google Earth)
continental crust were attached to each other in one giant conti-
nent, Pangaea.
In the Atlantic Ocean, the east coast of North America was joined
with Africa (Fig 3.13), South America joined with Central/South
Africa. Madagascar was part of Kenya and Somalia.

a’ e

b g

g’ h’
c f
d c’


Fig 3.13 : Topography map of the sea floor merged with the age of the oceanic lithosphere

The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth
M. Degezelle - December 2018
3.6. Biogeographic evidence

In 1915, German geologist Alfred Wegener used the fact that

identical fossil plants and animals had been discovered on oppo-
site sides of the Atlantic as proof of continental drift.
Key for 6th Grade Exercise
The sixth grade exercise does not include North
America, Madagascar, or Eurasia. A high school version
will be released in the future that will contain additional
continents along with the rock evidence.


Fig 3.16: The Fiji banded iguana and the closest relatives in the Americas.

Heads (1999) and Grehan (2001) analyzed distributions of Com-

positae (Fig 3.17 D). Multiple, patterned disjunctions linking New
Zealand and S. Chile; New Guinea and California. Glasby (1999)
analyzed distributions of freshwater worm Namanereidinae
with multiple trans-tropical and trans-South Pacific disjunctions.
U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S. Geological Survey
This Dynamic Planet; A Teaching Companion
Wegener’s Puzzling Continental Drift Evidence
U.S. Geological Survey, 2008
For updates see <>
(Fig 3.17 E). New Zealand’s Tuatara (Fig 3.17 F), is biophysically
Fig 3.15: Biogeographical evidence for continental drift (U.S. Geological limited and has a narrow-range, common distributional pattern.
Survey, 2008) He is not found en route and does not occur on any other oceanic
island group, but the closest relative is found in Patagonia, South-
At the Pangean land connections, we see shared fossil remains of America which indicates that there was a land connection in the
the Triassic land reptile Cynognathus and Lystrosaurus, the fossils past.
of the fern Glossopteris and the fossil remains of the freshwater
reptile Mesosaurus. Since the ocean was too far for them to have
traversed on their own, Wegener proposed that the continents
had once been connected.
Because of this biographical evidence, scientists concluded that
the Atlantic Basin was completely enclosed until the late Triassic. C
But the same reasoning can be used for the Pacific Basin.

The distributions of Cretaceous terrestrial taxa, mostly dino- D

saurs, imply direct, continental connections between Australia
and East Asia, East Asia and North America, North America and E
South America, South America and Antarctica, and Antarctica
and Australia. These taxa cannot cross oceans by swimming of
jumping over the superocean Panthalassa. Earth’s expansion is the
most plausible way to explain such fossil similarity of marine and F
terrestrial taxa on opposite sides of the globe. The precise regions
that unite along the matching outlines share hundreds of poor-
dispersing sister taxa found nowhere else in the world. Fig 3.17 The trans-Pacific zipper effect (McCarthy, 2003)

One of the hundreds of examples is the Fiji banded iguana. The Taxa that are able to cross large marine gaps are wide-ranging
closest relatives occur in California and Mexico. No other iguanas and appear on other oceanic islands. For example, all species of
inhabit any other island in the Central or West Pacific. (see fig plants on Pitcairn are from wide-ranging ancestors, distributed
3.16). To solve this migration problem may be that there was a throughout the Pacific. Pitcairn, unlike New Zealand, does not
smaller or completely‐enclosed Pacific basin in the past. This is exclusively share any plant with South America, even though Pit-
exactly what the Expanding Earth theory predicts. cairn is roughly half as far away from S. America as New Zealand.
Quite simply, taxa that can reach remote oceanic islands can reach
Ager (1988) analyzed distributions of Early Mesozoic brachio- nearer ones too. This empirically challenges hypotheses of cross-
pods. There are multiple links between Western Americas and ocean dispersal currently used to explain narrow-range, trans-Pa-
East Asia. (Fig 3.17 A). More examples: the shallow marine taxa, cific biotic disjunctions. In other words, if the poor-dispersing taxa
like pistosaurs and thalattosaurs (Fig 3.17 B), the Fiji banded shared by South America and New Zealand, New Caledonia, and
iguana (Fig 3.17 C) Fiji really are capable of cross-ocean dispersal, they should appear
on at least a few of the 25,000 other islands in the Pacific, and they
do not. (McCarthy, 2003)

The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth
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Of more than 25,000 islands in the Pacific, only three are old
enough to have once been in proximity with South America ac-
cording to expanding Earth paleographical maps: New Zealand,
New Caledonia, Fiji. All problematic disjunctions of narrow-
range taxa occur on those three islands - or the more ancient
continental regions of Australia, New Guinea, and Indonesia.
None of the other islands in the Pacific boast problematic disjunc-
tions of poor-dispersing taxa with the Western Americas. Hawaii,
which is merely 3900 km from the nearest continent, has no
native, non-volant terrestrial vertebrates at all - let alone all from
one particular narrow region 7000 km away.

During the late Cretaceous, the Pacific allowed some taxa to cross
the South Pacific and many other taxa. There were four bridges Fig 3.20: World distribution of Petaluridae
that were needed for biotic interchange. The Austral-Asian Bridge
(Carnosaurs, Protoceratopsians, Oviraptorosaurs,.. ) and Ameri- cross the existing Panthalassa. The Expanding Earth model seems
can Bridge (Sauropods, Hadrosaurs, Caimans,..) perfectly fit into to fit better for this family as it forms evidence of the zipper effect
the expanding earth theory. proposed by McCarthy (2003).”

3.7. Fish fossils on mountains

Before the Earth expanded, the sea level must have been much
higher even when we do not take into account the melting of the
polar ice caps. Geologists have found fossils of sea creatures on
every continent, from immature to fully grown, in rock layers
well above sea level; such as in the Grand Canyon rim at 2000m
above sea level. Its Redwall Limestone is home to brachiopods,
corals, crinoids, gastropods, trilobites, and other various marine
fossils. Even in the Himalayas, the ‘rooftops of the world’, marine
fossils have been found. Marine cephalopod fossils are found in
Fig 3.18: The four bridges for biotic interchange limestone beds in Nepal’s mountains; and it is agreed that ocean
waters carried them there and then receded. However, it’s true
The vanished Panthalassa hypothesis fails paleomagnetic, sedi- that mountain chains like the Andes and Himalayas had experi-
mentary, geological, and, most importantly, biogeographical enced huge upthrusting during the last 180 million years and that
analyses. Despite frequent radical transformations, conventional sea levels were lower in comparison with the altitude were the fish
paleographical maps have become the sole guide to distributional fossils were found. But this explanation is inadequate. American
explanations for those who favor extreme dispersal. And the geologist Dr. John Morris estimates that as much as “95% of all
paleographical have more than just biogeographical problems. fossils are marine invertebrates, particularly shellfish” and they are
found all over the continents at high altitude.

Fig 3.19: Conventional paleographical maps; Upper Triassic (McCarthy Fig 3.21 : Fossils of fish and sea creatures
Another paper of 2016 by Milen Marinov, The seven “oddities” of It is also a well-known fact that dinosaurs lived in a swampy
Pacific Odonata biogeography, discusses some of the problems of environment. Professor Brian J Ford even claims that dinosaurs
the dispersal of ancient insects like the dragonfly around the Pa- were too big and heavy to support themselves on dry land and
cific Ocean and then considers expansion as a plausible answer to must have lived in water. He believes their tails were too large and
the problem: “A closed Pacific Ocean in the geological past would cumbersome for them to hunt or move with agility. “Just imagine
explain the disjunction of the ancient family Petaluridae. In the that the landscape was water – it suddenly makes sense. This huge
plate tectonic model the recent members of this family become tail is buoyant, floating in the water. It becomes a swimming aid. I
very wide apart which would take an extreme dispersal power to argue that they must have evolved in shallow water.”

The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth
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4.1. The driving force mystery It’s very controversial to suggest that a gravitational pull on the
oceanic lithosphere at the subduction zones causes the plate
Plate tectonics requires a mysterious subcrustal mechanism movements. The average thickness of the oceanic crust is 5km
that makes continents drift for thousands of miles at least over a while the continental crust has an average thickness of 35km.
period of 180 million years, since the breakup of Pangaea. The
theory of mantle convection was proposed to provide a driving Even though the density of the oceanic crust is higher, there
mechanism for continental drift (Schubert 2001;Bercovici, 2007) should be subduction of continental crust in this reasoning.
According to plate tectonics, the thin oceanic crust at the Peru–
Thermal convection in the Earth’s mantle, the rocky layer be- Chile Trench is sliding under the much thicker continental crust
tween core and crust, is supposed to be caused when material at a of South America. There should be a piling up or folding of
deeper level is heated to the point where it expands and becomes oceanic lithosphere at the trench. Try to push a tablecloth under
less dense than the material above it. When this occurs, the hot a thin magazine, it won’t work because there will be folding. It’s
less dense material rises. Rising hot material will eventually cool very paradoxical that subduction in the Atlantic Ocean is non-
and become denser than its surroundings. This cool dense mate- existing. If the same mantle convection mechanism is pushing
rial must then sink again and thus creates convection cells, with oceanic lithosphere, it’s a mystery why it is pushing the entire
hot rising currents and cool descending currents. If the astheno- continent South America on one side and slides under the conti-
sphere is in fact moving as a result of convection, then convection nent at the Pacific side.
could be the mechanism responsible for plate tectonics. Hot rising
currents would occur beneath oceanic ridges.

Magma intruding into the ridge would push lithosphere apart
at the ridge. As the new lithosphere cools, it will slide off the
topographic high that results from the upwelling of the mantle
and will eventually become cold and dense. This dense lithos-
phere will tend to pull the rest of the lithosphere downward. A no subduction
combination of dragging the lithosphere along the top of the no subduction
convection cell, ridge push, sliding, and slab pull all appear to be
contributing factors to the cause of plate tectonics. subduction

There is still some debate as to whether asthenospheric convec-
tion drives the plates or the plates themselves drive plate tecton-
ics. This alone should question the convection theory itself.

Fig 4.2: Subduction paradox at the Pacific vs Atlantic Ocean

Today, radioactivity is provided as the mechanism for both con-

vection and the existing amount of heat in the core. However,
there is no evidence to support the existence of radioactivity
below the upper mantle. If radioactivity represented the driving
force for convection then why don’t we observe large amounts of
radioactive elements in deep-seated volcanic eruptions?

Another argument against convection comes from the nature of

melts within the mantle. Magma is more compressible than the
rock from which it came. (Agee, 1998). Rock that melts under
the extreme pressures will contract and occupy a smaller volume
than it did before melting and is too dense to rise, so magma can-
not circulate inside the mantle.

The main problem of plate tectonics is the missing mechanism

or lack of evidence for the proposed solution to that problem,
thermal convection. Many scientists confirm that if convection
or something similar doesn’t occur, neither can plate tectonics.

Fig 4.1: Principle of mantle convection cells

The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth
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In 1982, the assessment was: “At the present time the geometry of Because this subcrustal layer is exposed, it is logic that the density
plate movements is largely understood, but the driving mecha- is higher than continental crust because of the higher compres-
nism of plate tectonics remains elusive”. By 1995 we find that: “In sion by gravity. The average density of continental crust is about
spite of all the mysteries this picture of moving tectonic plates has 2.7 g/cm³ while the density of the oceanic crust is about 3.0 g/
solved, it has a central, unsolved mystery of its own: What drives cm³.
the plates in the first place? That has got to be one of the more
fundamental problems in plate tectonics,” notes geodynamicist The oceanic lithosphere that is torn apart because of the expan-
Richard O’Connell of Harvard University. sion, so the thickness decreases. However, at the mid-ocean
ridges new crust is being created and mantle upwelling results
“Alfred Wegener’s theory of continental drift died in 1926, prima- in various mountains linked in chains, typically having a valley
rily because no one could suggest an acceptable driving mecha- known as a rift running along its spine.
nism. In an ironical twist, continental drift is almost universally
accepted, but we still do not understand the driving mechanism in To illustrate this, imagine an old and thick rubber band that is be-
anything other than the most general terms”(Alvarez 1990). ing stretched. The outer, discolored rubber breaks but the inner
rubber is still intact and stretches, hence deeper, until the point
In 2002 it was said that: “Although the concept of plates moving that it is going to snap.
on Earth’s surface is universally accepted, it is less clear which
forces cause that motion. Understanding the mechanism of plate The driving force for the spreading of the continents is the
tectonics is one of the most important problems in the geo- expansion of the Earth itself. No mysterious forces are needed
sciences”. A 2004 paper noted that “considerable debate remains that push continents thousands of km, just the mechanism for
about the driving forces of the tectonic plates and their relative the expansion needs to be explained. The continents do not re-
contribution”. ally move away from each other, that’s an illusion. It’s the space
between them that is increasing because of that stretching of the
The debate over the driving mechanism of plate tectonics has oceanic lithosphere.
continued since the early 1970s, with increasing sophistication
but still no general solution. One of the most uncomfortable
contradictions in current plate tectonic theory is the protracted
collision between India and Asia. That the two continents should
collide by subduction of the intervening ocean is reasonable;
that India should continue to drive northward into Asia for some
38 million years after the collision is not. In fact, the protracted
continental collisions in the Alps, Zagros, and the Himalayas,
which have continued to deform continental crust since the early
or middle Cenozoic, are therefore anomalies in standard plate
tectonic theory. In plate tectonic theory, the collision between
two continents should quickly terminate because of continental
buoyancy. Buoyancy considerations predict that shortly after such
a continent-continent collision, a new subduction zone should
form (Alvarez, 1982).


The expanding Earth theory offers a reasonable solution to the Fig 4.4: Experiments to show the spreading continents.
discrepancies and paradoxes of convection cells and plate tecton-
ics. The expansion of the inner Earth volume made the conti-
nental crust to break apart and created the oceanic lithosphere
between them.

Fig 4.3: Cross section of the Atlantic ocean basin

The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth
M. Degezelle - December 2018
4.2. No adequate explanation for how plate tectonics or sub- The first and most common explanation for subduction is that
duction began. as the oceanic lithosphere ages and cools, its density increases so
that an instability arises and the plate sinks spontaneously in the
Nowhere in the literature does any scientist adequately address mantle under its own weight” (Gurnis et al., 2004).
how the observed “plates” came into existence in the first place.
Perhaps more perplexing is how subduction commenced. The It’s very hard to believe that oceanic lithosphere suddenly sinks
scientific community seems to concur that plate tectonics began into the mantle when it has a certain age, in this case it is 180 Ma
at some point in Earth’s history, yet no one seems to know how old. You cannot find oceanic crust that is 200 Ma old because it
such a process could possibly begin. Various dates in the history would have sunk? What about the continental lithosphere that is
of Earth had been proposed. The lack of proof is reflected in the much thicker and older?
disparity of proposed dates that vary between 0.85 Gya (Hamil-
ton 2011) and >4.2Gya (Hopkins et al. 2008). From Rodinia to Pangaea to Pangea Ultima: how can plate
tectonics explain the forward and backward movements of large
continents explain? Do convection cycles suddenly turn in op-
posite directions? It doesn’t make sense.

Fig 4.7: Pangea Ultima


The start date of the Earth’s expansion can be pretty simple

derived from the age ocean map: it started 200-180 million years
ago. Earth’s volume remained constant until it mysteriously
started expanding. If the expansion continues, we can predict
that the spreading oceans will continue to grow and that the
continents will further drift apart. The reason and mechanism for
the expansion will be discussed later.

Fig 4.5: Proposed start dates of plate tectonics

How could a thick oceanic lithosphere with an average density of

about 3.0-3.4 g/cm³ begin to subduct into a mantle with an aver-
age density of between 4-5.7 gm/cm³ and with greatly increasing
geostatic pressures with depth (see figure below).

Fig 4.6: Impossible geostatic pressures must be conquered during subduc- Fig 4.8: Empirical Cumulative Surface Areas

The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth
M. Degezelle - December 2018
4.3. The subduction enigma to the African Plate. This means a minimum subduction rate of
67 to 85mm/y since the Nazca Plate and South American Plate
4.3.1 The Pacific Basin are moving towards each other.

Spreading ridges are constantly creating new oceanic lithosphere

so new seafloor area is added to the surface area of the Earth.
Scientists proposed a theory to solve this problem: subduction.
Subduction is purely hypothetical because it is based on a funda-
mental assumption that the planet has always been the same size
since it was formed 4.5 billion years ago; something almost im-
possible to prove. This philosophical assumption requires that any
addition of surface area to one part of the planet would require
an equal compensatory loss in some other region of the planet.
The total new seafloor growth along the 65.000 kilometers of
mid-ocean ridges vary from 1.3 to 18.3 cm/year and all of it must
be vectored into the Pacific Ocean basin, the only area on the
planet where subduction is believed to occur.

“People don’t want to see it. They believe in subduction like a

religion.” -- Samuel W. Carey, geologist, 1981

“I had taught subduction for more years than any of the present
generations of people had been with it. And when they have been
in it as long as I have they’ll abandon it too.” -- Samuel W. Carey,
geologist, 1981

“Subduction is not only illogical, it is not supported by geological

Fig 4.9 : Nazca Plate movement
or physical evidence, and violates fundamental laws of physics.”
-- Lawrence S. Myers, cryptologist/geoscientist, 1999

There are vast amounts of new seafloor being added around Ant-
arctica that are causing Antarctic Plate to increase in total surface
area and expand radially outward. Also, the African Plate is radi-
ally growing that it is, in turn, part of the growing Atlantic basin.
Every single km² newly created oceanic crust at those plates must
be subducted at the Ring Of Fire in order to maintain the same
Earth’s radius. Not only that but also the East Pacific Rise (EPR)
also generates new oceanic seafloor, from 80 to 160mm/yr that
must be subducted. How can the East Pacific Rise, that is located
in the middle of the supposed subduction area, add seafloor to
the Pacific at a rate that is the highest in the World (4x normal)
and simultaneously subduct a greater amount elsewhere around
its perimeter to compensate all that new seafloor at the rest of
the planet? This is a valid reason to doubt the credibility of sub-

If we try to figure out the subduction rate at Chile, we find rather

unexpected results:
1) In the last 5 million years, the EPR created between 420 and
480km seafloor at the Nazca Plate. That’s an average of 90mm/ Fig 4.10: South American Plate movement
2) The South African plate moves westward at a speed of The official speed of the Nazca Plate (40-51mm/y) relative to
+-19mm/year relative to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge since the spread- the African Plate is very doubtful if we look at the isochrones. In
ing rate is 95km in the last 5 million years. So without adding an 30 million years, the EPR created +-2000 km of seafloor at the
extra subduction rate to compensate, the subduction at Chile Pacific Plate and +-3000km at the Nazca Plate. So the spreading
should be minimum 90mm + 19mm = 109mm/year. speed is higher at the Nazca Plate and yet, the official speed of
the Pacific Plate is 56–102 mm/year, almost double.
However, according to official data, the Nazca Plate is moving
40-51mm/y and the South American Plate 27-34mm/y, all relative

The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth
M. Degezelle - December 2018
2000km 3000km

Fig 4.11 : The East Pacific Rise and the created oceanic crust in the last
30 million years.

Then why is the official speed of the Nazca Plate only 40-51mm?
The funny thing is, if we compare the official subduction rate
(max 85mm/y), with the 90mm/y created at the EPR, there
is still no explanation for the missing 5mm/y and all the other
created ocean floor at the rest of the planet. Is there really is sub- Fig 4.12: Subduction of the Pacific Plate at Zealandia and subduction
duction, where are the measurements showing the Pacific Ocean of the Nazca Plate at Chile
basin is decreasing in width?
If Africa is set as a fixed point, we learn that Australia and
Why is there no physical evidence of seamounts or soft sedimen- Zealandia has moved 8050km or 67mm/y and South America
tary debris filling the deep ocean trenches, semi-liquid debris that 5600km or 46mm/y towards the Pacific. The East Pacific creates
would easily have been scraped off the top of any subducting on average 70mm/y on western side and 80mm/y on eastern
ocean floor? The amount of fish fossils or residues should be side, which means we should see a staggering 137mm/y and
overwhelming at subduction zones. These soft sediments make 126mm/y of subduction. Since the data shows us only a subduc-
an unconsolidated top layer of ocean floor ~10 meters thick. tion of max 67mm/y at the Tonga Trench, there is a missing
Massive amounts of sediments should be piled up against conti- 70mm/y recycling of litho-sphere.
nental shores, or in the deep ocean trenches off the eastern coasts
of Asia and Australia, the western coasts of North and South Another source (see Fig 4.12) shows a subduction speed of the
America, or in the Aleutian Trench. The sediments just aren’t Nazca Plate at Chile of 66mm/y. So there is a missing 60mm/y
there; the ocean trenches are relatively free of sediments and recycling of lithosphere at the coastline of South America.
there are no mountains of soft sediments piled up against any Pa-
cific shore. As noted by Roger Revelle in 1955, material recovered This poses a serious question for the subduction theory. How
from even the deepest trenches “resemble in many ways deposits can worldwide seafloor growth in oceans outside the Pacific be
laid down in shallow water.” vectored smoothly into the Pacific basin where the EPR is gener-
ating a prodigious volume of new seafloor in the middle of the
A section along the Tropic of Capricorn reveals the real prob- Pacific subduction area?
lem of subduction. According to plate tectonics, the Panthalassa
ocean shrank after the breakup of Pangaea 180 million years ago
until it became the Pacific Ocean as we know today.

Africa Australia Zealandia ? mm/y S America

Pangaea, 180 Ma

67mm/y 46mm/y
8050km 5600km
70mm/y 80mm/y
Africa Australia Zealandia S America

0 Ma
137mm/y 126mm/y
recycling recycling

Fig 4.13: Section of the subducting lithosphere along the Tropic of Capricorn according to Plate Tectonics.

The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth
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4.3.2 Plates cannot subduct in an arc EXPANDING EARTH VIEWPOINT

It is physically impossible for the lithosphere to subduct in an Peru–Chile Trench

arcuate shape without either significant compression in a concave
shaped arc or extension in a convex shaped arc. If you bend in While the isochrons are running parallel with the east coast
a thick magazine half downward, it will bend only in a straight of South America, they clearly do not at the other side of the
line. Along trenches with concave arcs, massive folds and moun- continent. This suggests that South America moved relatively to
tain building would be evident along the hinge of the subducting the Nazca Plate. Also, the formation of the Andes and volcanic
lithosphere. Similarly where convex trenches occur, large exten- activity is evidence that South America is sliding over the Pacific
sional faults perpendicular to the trench would have to occur, yet oceanic crust. Scientists probably confuse this relative move-
we observe neither of these two conditions. The entire Pacific ment with subduction. While plate tectonics suggests that the
basin has trench systems that are arcuate in shape, not straight Nazca Plate is moving under the continent ánd South America is
as must occur by physical laws of mass balance. Clearly, another moving towards the Nazca Plate at the same time, the expanding
process created these trenches. Earth theory agrees on the fact that South America is moving
slightly and relatively to the growing Nazca Plate.

Fig 4.15: The small relative motion of South America to the Nazca Plate

A possible explanation of this ‘false’ subduction is the orange

peel effect of the continents during expansion. When a continent
must adapt to the decreasing curvature of Earth, at least one
edge has to move relatively to the stretching oceanic lithosphere.
Later we will explain that this process is also the cause of moun-
tain formation. Probably because of the fast expanding Pacific
basin in comparison with the Atlantic, the flattening motion of
the continent happens in the direction of the Pacific (Fig 4.17).

Fig 4.14: The Mariana Trench is a perfect example of a volcanic arc. Fig 4.16: Left: natural model of a peony bud; Right: orange peel on a
larger grapefruit (Jan Koziar, 2017)

The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth
M. Degezelle - December 2018

Pacific Atlantic

‘false’ subduction ‘false’ subduction ‘false’ subduction fixed edge

Pacific Atlantic

Fig 4.17: A) Symmetrical expansion, minor ‘false’ subduction B) Asymmetrical expansion, for example South America with fast
spreading Pacific basin that causes a greater ‘false’ subduction.

With exception of the Peru-Chile Trench, it can be stated that Carey’s Arctic Paradox
most continents retained their positions relative to the expand-
ing mantle. Some scientists see this as important evidence: Carey (1976) noticed that all plates except for the Antarctic move
northward. Carey checked this motion in the northern hemi-
“Although never mentioned by most geologists these days, sphere by northward shifting of paleoclimatic zones and paleo-
there is a plethora of evidence in favor of Earth Expansion. For magnetic latitudes. On an Earth of constant dimensions, such a
example: one of the most compelling pieces of evidence is that northward motion of the plates should result in convergence in
the paleomagnetism of the continents seems to show that they the Arctic zone. However, the dominating structure in this region
have retained their relative positions over geological time-scales is the Arctic Ocean which is of divergent origin. This structure
and had common polar wandering paths. In other words, they attests to a general southward motion of plates beyond the Arctic
are in the same relative position today as they were in the most area. The dual opposite movement is precisely what creates the
remote geological times, something that is impossible if sub- Arctic Paradox (but only on a constant size Earth). The only solu-
duction occurs.” Stewart, AD, “The Expanding Earth” Nature. tion of this paradox is the expanding Earth. Carey demonstrated
the solution on his model of a schematic opening flower bud.

Fig 4.18: In this flower bud model of the Arctic Paradox all of the young post-Paleogene lithosphere together with the whole Antarctic plate
is removed; all northern plates form one huge megaplate, a) motion of the expanding mantle relative to the megaplate, b) apparent motion of
parts of the megaplate relative to the expanding mantle (Jan Koziar, 2017)

The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth
M. Degezelle - December 2018
4.4. The Africa enigma

According to plate tectonics, tectonic plates move relative to each

other and maintain a certain speed and direction. It’s absolutely
unclear to determine in what relative direction Africa moves. At
the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, the African plate is pushed eastward, a
spreading ridge in the Red Sea is pushing Africa southwest and
new spreading ridges are forming in the East African Rift Val-
ley. The Karoo basin system in the NW-trending Ubende Belt in
Tanzania and East Congo is a manifestation of the early stage of
Gondwana break-up in East-Central Africa. (Delvaux, 2001).

It should be noticed that it is physically impossible for a solid

tectonic plate to move in completely different directions.

Fig 4.20: Isochron map of the African Plate

There is a total absence of subduction at the east coast of Africa.

This is conflicting with the convection current theory; an almost
completely symmetrical system around the axis Mid-Atlantic
Ridge predicts a trench at the east coast of Africa, similar to the
Peru–Chile Trench. Plate tectonics cannot explain this.

Fig 4.19: Compilation of different movement directions of the African

plate on a single map.

If all the proposed movement directions are combined on one Fig 4.21: Missing subduction at the east coast of Africa.
map there are major contradictions. Arrows are pointing in every
direction. The theory of plate tectonics suggests that the Afri- EXPANDING EARTH VIEWPOINT
can Plate together with the Arabian Plate is colliding with the
Eurasian Plate. Probably a new, miraculous convection cell has It’s obvious that the African Plate is growing in size, as expected
recently formed to break apart the African continent at the Red with the expanding Earth theory. The spreading ridges in the Red
Sea. Also, it’s a mystery why the spreading ridge in the Gulf of Sea and in the East African Rift Valley indicate that Africa will
Aden that extends in the Arabian Sea isn’t affected lateral by the break apart in the future.
simultaneous movement of the 2 tectonic plates in the past 120
million years.

Africa is surrounded by its seafloor spreading rift zone, shaped

like an inflated contour of Africa, almost twice its own area. The
plate tectonics theory demands that somewhere on the African
plate, an area of oceanic lithosphere greater than Africa subduct-
ed. Africa does not shrink nor there is such thing as subduction or
mountain formation at the coastlines. To escape the dilemma of
missing subduction zones, plate tectonics transfers Africa’s sub-
duction problem to the Pacific trenches. The Peru-Chile trench
has to swallow more than 1600km of Africa’s share, 1400km
of South America’s share, 3700km from the South Pacific, and
another 6000km of oceanic lithosphere between Africa and Aus-
tralia. There is a total absence of oceanic sediment scrapings of
13000km. (Carey 1981) Fig 4.22: Future break up of Africa

The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth
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Africa does not really move; there is only spreading. We could The reason for this rare continental crust rupture is the stretch-
use the term ‘expansion tectonics’ instead of plate tectonics. ing of the border of the continent due to expansion. Only in
This term was introduced by Dr. James Maxlow, a prominent certain cases when the continent covers a large part of the Earth
supporter of the Earth Expansion theory. The further breakup both longitudinal as latitudinal, this phenomena can occur.
of Africa in multiple parts is predicted as Earth expands continu- An exaggerated example of this is a spherical cap that is put on a
ously in time, like a balloon plastered with wet paper or plasticine sphere with lower curvature or with larger radius. The base circle
that is being inflated at a constant rate until its maximum volume is stretched, so cracks will appear in the spherical cap.
is reached.

There is an interesting case of continental crust rupture in the

Gulf of Aden. This opening formed during Oligocene, some 30
million years ago, as a result of Earth’s expansion.

Fig 4.26: Exaggerated example of continental crust ruptures.

Stretching of the spreading ridges

One of the major proofs of the Earth’s expansion is the elonga-

tion or stretching of the spreading ridges. As the Earth expands,
the primitive fracture lines, that are now the spreading ridges,
must elongate along with the increasing volume. Africa has the
Fig 4.23: Isochron map of the Gulf of Aden most striking and crucial geotectonic feature of our globe: the
enlargement of the outline of the African plate relative to its
On a smaller Earth, this region was closed and the coastlines of initial shape or contour of the African continent.
Jemen and Somalia were joined together, which is also confirmed
by the data of the isochron map.

Fig 4.27: Enlargement of the Atlantic oceanic

border of the African plate relative to its
parent continental border

Fig 4.24: Opening of the Gulf of Aden during Earth’s expansion

This phenomenon is very rare on Earth because most continents

can handle this by the flexibility of the continental lithosphere
that eventually leads to new mountain formation. Other exam-
ples we see in the Bay of Biscay and at the east coast of Kamt-
sjatka, in the Bering Sea.

Fig 4.28: Rubber disc experiment with the African plate (Koziar, 1980)

A paper model of Africa is placed on a rubber disc and then out-

lined with chalk. Due to the limited stretchability of the rubber
disc, the model of the starting plate includes some older oceanic
lithosphere (-90ma). Then the rubber disc is stretched. The plate
Fig 4.25: left: Bay of Biscay; right: Bering Sea contour is enlarged and when compared with the real contour of
the present African plate, the match is almost perfect.

The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth
M. Degezelle - December 2018
4.5. The Antarctica enigma
of the Cretaceous Period, when the mass extinction of dinosaurs
Antarctica is almost entirely surrounded by divergent plate occurred. The two types of dinosaur species identified by the
boundaries. Plate tectonics cannot explain why the boundaries research group were iguanodontia and hadrosaurus. Along with
are not at the coastlines unless they have mysteriously moved the dinosaur bones, 34 different leaves identified as Nothofagus,
away from them. Antarctica is not shrinking nor is there evidence a family of a tree from which ten species can be found in modern
of subduction. Only the South Shetland Islands in the Bransfield day Chile. This type of tree is no more than 50 million years old.
Basin are believed to have formed from a period of subduction Other scientists also have doubts about the timing:
that occurred between the Phoenix plate and the Antarctic plate “Developing a more complete floristic and faunistic fossil record
starting roughly 200 million years ago during the Mesozoic. from other intervals and areas will provide critical informa-
(Schreider et al 2014). The Bransfield Strait is an example of a tion for reconstructing the biogeographical history of the final
basin that formed by rifting within a continental volcanic arc breakup of Gondwana.” (Reguero et al, 2014)
(Lawver et al 1995). However, the basin extends no more than The relative pre-drift positions of the Antarctic Penin-
500 kilometers and can never be accounted for all the miss- sula and Patagonia continue to be subjects of controversy. Miller
ing oceanic crust within the Antarctic Plate. Studies even show (2007) concluded that contradictory opinions remain over the
that no or little subduction is active. “Regional tectonics of the relative paleo-position of the Peninsula as a more or less straight
Antarctic Peninsula support the hypothesis that little or no active prolongation of the Patagonian Andes, versus a position parallel
subduction is occurring beneath Bransfield Strait and the South to Patagonia along the Pacific coast. He said: “as in the past, for
Shetland Islands. What little subduction that may be occurring solving those remaining queries, new facts, close discussion with
would be equal to the amount of extension in Bransfield Strait.” scientists from all branches of geosciences, and new fantasy are
(Lawver et al 1995). There should be noticed that every km² of needed.” Indeed, fantasy is also needed to explain plate tectonics
newly created oceanic lithosphere between the boundaries of the on the Antarctic Plate. Mysterious convection cells are sup-
Antarctican Plate should be subducted or recycled somewhere posed to be the driving force for the drifting of Australia, South
else on Earth. America, and Africa. If Antarctica is considered to be at a fixed
The Antarctic Peninsula fits perfectly with the southern- position relative to the surrounding continents, a few possible
most tip of South America, at the Drake Passage. The isochron explanations could be hypothesized.
map shows that South America and Antarctica were connected 30
million years ago. However, there is still a debate going on about 1. Divergent ridges at the coastlines
the timing of the Antarctic breakup. Floristic and faunistic fossil
records can give some answers about the timing. Even though it would be logic to suggest that the divergent
ridges are fixed and the continents moved away from Antarctica,
it contradicts the seafloor data. In this case, the divergent ridges
should be at the coastlines where the new seafloor is added.

Divergent Antarctica Divergent





Fig 4.30: Convection cycle scheme with fixed divergent ridges

This would result in a totallyAntarctica

different isochron map. Between
Ridge and Australia, the pink isochron (0 Ma)Divergent
would be at
the coastline of Antarctica, next the red (10 Ma), etcRidge
(fig 4.29).
Because Antarctica doesn’t shrink nor has subduction, the theory
Fig 4.29: Isochron map of the Antarctic region of convection cells fails to explain the colliding subcrustal mantle

flows under Antarctica. (see question mark at fig 4.30)



It was previously thought that during the Turonian era around


85-90 million years ago, when the supercontinent separated into

land masses, South America split from Gondwana. But in 2013,
Chilean researchers have found proof that the two continents
were connected around at least 20 million years later, at the end

The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth
M. Degezelle - December 2018
Divergent Antarctica Divergent

? coastlines
2. Divergent ridges move away from EXPANDING EARTH VIEWPOINT

In order to match the data from the isochron map of the Antarc- The theory of the Expanding Earth offers a perfect solution to


tic region, the divergent boundaries must have moved away from the problems that are occurring with plate tectonics and convec-

Af r

the coasts at the same speed new oceanic crust is being added. tion cycles. The Antarctican Plate is simply growing because the
The idea is very controversial because this would mean that Aus- Earth grows/expands. The continents around Antarctica were
tralia is pushed twice as fast without any subduction or mountain joined together on a smaller Earth.
formation. In a period of 90 million years, Australia has drifted
around 3000km thus the average speed is Vavg = 16.6mm/y.
mo Antarctica
Ridge Divergent



Fig 4.33: The expanding Earth as a cause for the growing Antarctican
a Plate

The northern part of Antarctica is showing the oldest isochrons

(150-165 mA) which indicates that there was a preliminary
breakup in this area. The plate boundaries of the Antarctican
Fig 4.31: Convection cycle scheme with moving divergent ridges Plate are the primitive fracture lines of the breakup of Pangea
in the southern polar region. The same principle applies to all
The moving divergent ridge is located perfectly at the center other divergent ridges on Earth. Mostly, these ridges are located
between Antarctica and Australia so Vavg = 8.33mm/y. exactly at the center between two continents that ‘drifted apart’.
The average spreading rate is exactly the same Vspr = 8.33mm/y The most prominent example of this feature is the Mid-Atlantic
It should be noticed that this is a major coincidence and this is Ridge, but there are exceptions like in the Pacific ocean where
also the case between New Zealand and Antarctica, and Africa the spreading is not symmetrical. At the divergent ridges, the
and Antarctica. Antarctica
lithosphere is torn apart and the space that this creates is filled
with new crustal material sourced from molten magma that
If the spreading ridge is moving at the same speed as the spread-

forms below. In this process, new oceanic lithosphere is being

ing rate, it can explain the isochron map but it still cannot explain created.



why Antarctica is not shrinking or why there is no subduction. Or

do we have to imagine a strange situation that those surrounding
convection cycles do not affect the Antarctic plate at all? Yes, in Au
order to have no friction on your wall when you use a belt sander, lia

you will need to move it in the same direction of the rotating belt
and at the same speed! Does this sound plausible?

Ridge Divergent




Ridge Divergent



Fig 4.32: A belt sander


Similar to this belt sander example, if convection cells around

Antarctica do not affect the plates at all, then what is the point or
purpose of the convection cells in the first place? It undermines Fig 4.34: The breakup of Pangea at the Antarctic region
the whole concept of plate tectonics.

The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth
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Isochron length analysis proves Earth expansion is occurring. On
a globe of modern dimensions, isochrons would have the same
length as the corresponding coastlines of the drifting continents.
But the data shows that the length of the isochrons increases
the closer they are located at the divergent ridge. This is a direct
result of the expansion of the Earth, as expected. While the Earth
expands, the isochrons must stretch. However, most isochrons
show elongated zigzag lines that seem to have been squeezed.


Fig 4.35: Current isochron map shows that the length of the isochrons
increases the closer they are located at the spreading ridge


Fig 4.36: Fictional isochron map if the Earth had a constant radius.

The same experiment as we did with Africa can be done with

Antarctica. Fig 4.37A shows the initial situation with a paper
model of Antarctica on a rubber disc. The outline is drawn on the
rubber and after stretching, the similarity of the expanded Antarc-
tic plate contour with the real contour of the present Antarctic is
very striking (see Fig 4.37B) (Koziar, 1980)

Fig 4.37: The rubber disc experiment with the Antarctic plate

So it has been shown that the Earth’s expansion perfectly explains

the current isochron locations around Antarctica.

The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth
M. Degezelle - December 2018
4.6. No possible Atlantic tectonic closure
There should be noticed that these efforts to try to join the
The approximate fit of the coastlines of South America and continents in the Atlantic based on Mercator’s projection still
Africa is the main part of the evidence used by Wegener (1912, has an error rate. A projection on a flat map distorts the real
1924) to support the continental drift hypothesis. However, the measurements of a continent, so more accurate results must be
real boundaries of the continents are located at large distance obtained with a three-dimensional model of the Earth. Modern
from the current coastlines, mostly at several hundreds of kms. 3d software like Gplates offers a novel combination of interactive
plate-tectonic reconstructions, geographic information system
(GIS) functionality, and raster data visualisation.

continent ocean

current coastline real edge of continent

Fig 4.38: The location of the coastlines would be very different at a lower
sea level

The real edge of the continent is the continental slope where the
sea floor runs down steeply from a few hundred meters to a few
kms. This deeper seafloor is much younger than the continental
seafloor and is not older than 200 million years old. Wegener
noticed that the fit should be made at the continental edge, but
did not investigate the matter in detail. Carey (1958) was the first
to show that the fit of Africa and South America is much closer at
the continental edges than it is at the coastline. But Jeffreys (1964) Fig 4.40: Age of ocean floor. Isochron map (Muller et al 2008, DOI:
has expressed a total disbelief in the reality of the fit. ‘I simply 10.1029/2007GC001743) applied on a globe with GPlates software
deny there is an agreement.’ he said. Others concluded it is im-
With Gplates software, isochrons can be left out to reconstruct
possible to get any reasonable fit without some distortion of the
the relative position of continents and tectonic plates in the past.
continents (Bullard et al 1965). There are gaps and overlapping
According to plate tectonics, the radius of the Earth didn’t
parts of the continents when the coastlines of Africa and South
change over time, so the primitive radius was approximately
America are brought together.
6371 km. This means the isochrons of the same age should fit
perfectly together like a jigsaw puzzle. A tectonic reconstruction
at -60 Ma is made by removing the seafloor younger than 60 Ma
and closing back the conjugate margins.

Fig 4.39: The fit of Africa and South America, Mercator’s projection.
Overlaps in red, gaps in blue (Bullard et al 1965) Fig 4.41: No possible Atlantic closure at -60 Ma, starting from the Arctic

The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth
M. Degezelle - December 2018
It is shown that it is not possible to achieve a good fit from the
Arctic to Antarctic oceans. Considerable distortion of the Atlantic
ocean floor to obtain a better fit is not possible because it would
violate the plate tectonics fundamental principle that each side
of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge behaves as a rigid lithospheric plate. If
we start to match the isochrons from the bottom at the Antarctic
Ocean, we get similar results. There is a large gap at opposite po-
lar region, so in both cases, there is no possible Atlantic closure.

Fig 4.44: No possible Atlantic closure at -90 Ma, starting from the
Antarctic Ocean


A person doesn’t need to be a trained professional in geography

to have the intuitive feeling that a tectonic reconstruction on a
smaller Earth would have a much better result. To find out if the
isochrons in the Atlantic should fit perfectly together like a jigsaw
Fig 4.42: No possible Atlantic closure at -60 Ma, starting from the Ant- puzzle, a 3D experiment is carried out. 3D modeling software
arctic Ocean (3ds max) is used to create a model of the Earth. After remov-
ing the unnecessary isochrons, a reconstruction is created on a
A tectonic reconstruction at -90 Ma also shows there is an Atlantic smaller, calculated Earth by bending the remaining continental
mismatch. Twisting of North or South America to try to close crust. The method used to fit the higher curvature is a double
the gap in the northern Atlantic region should not be considered bending, along the X-axis and Y-axis. Minor distortions cannot be
because it would also violate the data from the map of the age of avoided. The result is a synclastic curvature of the continent.
the oceanic lithosphere.

Fig D8: examples of a synclastic curvature

Atlantic closure experiment at -60 Ma

A tool (included in the 3d software) to measure the surface area

is used. The surface area after removing the isochrons younger
than 60 million years is 360.567.407 km².

A = 4 π R²
R= A

R = 5356 km

Fig 4.43: No possible Atlantic closure at -90 Ma, starting from the Artic
So the radius of the Earth at -60Ma was 5356 km.

The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth
M. Degezelle - December 2018
The isochrons fit almost perfectly on a smaller globe with a radius 4.7. The enigma of India’s drift
of 5356 km, as expected. There are no huge gaps or overlapping
lithosphere, so the 3d experiment can be called successfull. According to many proponents of the plate tectonics theory,
the Indian Plate that was part of the supercontinent Gondwana
during Permian till the late Cretaceous, drifted northward and
collided with Asia, around 10 million years ago. Some scientists
believed it has begun colliding with as early as 55 million years

Fig 4.45: The Atlantic closure at -60 Ma is nearly perfect on a smaller,

calculated sphere.

A vigorous defender of the Earth expansion theory was S. War-

ren Carey. Carey embraced the theory in the mid-fifties after Fig 4.46: The drift of India according to plate tectonics
attempting but without success, to reconstruct Pangea on a globe
of modern dimensions. No matter how the continents were ar- So it is believed that India traveled some 9000 km in 85 million
ranged, huge ‘gaping gores’ would appear between regions years (Dietz and Holden, 1970; Chatterjee and Scotese, 1999;
with known geological connections, just like the model showed Chatterjee et al., 2013). This is a relatively great speed because
with GPlates (Fig 4.41, 4.42, 4.43 and 4.44). He said: “It was my the Indian plate moved with a dazzling average speed of 105
implicit assumption that the Earth of Pangea was the same size mm/year! In plate tectonics terms, that’s very fast. It’s like if
as the Earth today. The assembly of Pangea was not possible on a some subcrustal speedboat was attached to India if you fast for-
globe of present radius, but on a smaller globe, ...these difficulties ward geological time. The convection cell below India must be
vanished.” (Carey, 1976). Carey had found the missing link. very unique, you need a lot of fantasy to accept this as a reality.

We are also led to believe that 9000km of oceanic crust between

India and Asia just vanished by subduction. What happened to
the continental shelf sediments and ocean sediments? The pile-
up should be massive.

The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth
M. Degezelle - December 2018
The formation of the Himalayas is believed to have started when Several basins in India have also yielded a rich assemblage of
India collided with Asia. Since the initial encounter, the subcon- Gondwana vertebrate fauna of Permian-Middle Jurassic age from
tinent of India supposed to have moved 2,000 kilometers farther nine different horizons, showing that India was clearly a part
north at a rate of 5 centimeters a year, sliding beneath Asia as of the Pangean domain (Bandyopadhyay, 1999). Colbert (1973)
it moves. Consequently, the crust has become unusually thick, noted the abundance of Early Jurassic and Late Cretaceous dino-
reaching a maximum of 78 km beneath the Tibetan plateau. saur fossils in India and commented that there had to be overland
This thick, light crust rides atop the denser mantle, adding to the communication between India and other continental regions
Himalayas’ great height. throughout these times. Similarly, the discovery of mammals,
dinosaurs, and crocodiles of Madagascar in Late Cretaceous that
are closely related to forms in India, and South America (Krause
et al., 1999), also negates isolation of India and points to overland

The terrestrial faunal resemblance between India-Africa and

India-Europe throughout the Mesozoic suggests that there were
close terrestrial links between India, Africa, and Europe during
this vast span of time (Chatterjee and Scotese, 1999).

The idea of landbridges is controversial and seems to be just

another convenient creation for trying to fit things in the poor
plate tectonics model. Another problem for PT is the presence
of equatorial and Tethyan nature of the Late Jurassic-Cretaceous
fauna at the southern tip of India (Meyerhoff and Meyerhoff,
1974), which indicates that India has not moved since at least
the Late Cretaceous (60 Ma). This would lend support to the
argument that India has always been close to where it is today.
(Sarwar 2017)

Fig 4.47: The formation of the Himalayas according to plate tectonics Sarwar and Khalil concluded in a recent paper that there is no
evidence that India collided with Asia after all: “The application
Biotic evidence against isolation of India of PT model to the dispersal of Gondwana fragments has been
controversial in that India’s incredibly long drift, both in space
The long-term isolated drift of India between its rift and collision and time, has not been backed by any credible field, stratigraphic,
with Eurasia is not supported by the fossil evidence. In Indian am- paleontologic, paleogeographic or petrochemical data. Instead,
ber, 50 million year old insects (arthropods) were found that are the whole story of India’s northward drift and collision with the
close relatives of species found in Eurasia at the time, indicating Eurasian blocks is based on various aspects of the controversial
that there may have been island chains linking India and southern PT model and other wishful constructs such as land bridges,
Asia by 50 million years ago, or better said, that is was connected plate rotation and Pangaean reconstructions based on a globe of
all this time (Rust, 2010). Gondwana type Permo-Triassic (250 present-day Earth volume.” (Sarwar 2017)
Ma) vertebrate fossils have been reported in the Xinjiang province
of northwestern China (Sun Ai-Lin, 1972). EXPANDING EARTH VIEWPOINT

There is no real mystery about India according to the concept

of the Expanding Earth. As stated before, India has always been
attached to the Eurasian continent.

Fig 4.49: The spreading of the Indian Ocean (James Maxlow)

It will be later explained how the Himalayas were formed.

Fig 4.48: The breakup of Pangea resulted in Laurasia and Gondwana,

with the Tethys Sea in between (Wikipedia map)

The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth
M. Degezelle - December 2018
4.8. The ‘Pacific Triangle’ Christopher Scotese, a geologist who makes paleogeographic
maps, believes the triangle was formed from ridges propagat-
The oldest oceanic floor of the Pacific is located at 1750km east ing from the tiny triangle. The maps of fig 4.51 show the Pacific
of Guam and lines of equal age (165-170 million years old) forms Triangle appearing in the Pacific Ocean, but gets divided between
the ‘Pacific Triangle’. The ocean floor gets younger in three direc- the lower right and left in this projection. There it is, starting
tions from the dot in the center of the purple triangle. out rather too large at 170mya, but infilling properly with older
material at 160 and 150mya. Scotese actually believes the ridges
propagated from a tiny triangle and fills almost the whole Pacific
today! In fact, the Pacific Triangle IS the Pacific Plate in this


Fig 4.50: The mysterious ‘Pacific Triangle’

If this were the remains a hot spot where ocean floor was emerg- ++
ing and spreading out, it would be progressively younger towards +
the center. Another possible explanation is that a tiny triangular ++
ridge emerged at the dot and migrated away. Neither possibility
can be accounted for in the plate tectonics theory. But amazingly, +10000km
some geographers are actually using that last principle.

Fig 4.52: The migration of the Pacific ridges, the remnants of the original
Pacific Triangle

According to this theory, the Juan de Fuca Ridge, that is located

off the coast of the Pacific Northwest region of North America,
is a remnant of the original triangle and its signature can be
a) traced back to the 170mya isochron. This ridge had to migrate
7000km relative to the triangle. The East Pacific Rise that also
was part of it, had even migrated more than 10000km.
Additionally, the Pacific Triangle had to move thousands of kms
along a wandering path, as pointed out with white crosses in fig

It is clear that plate tectonics proponents were struggling to find

a reasonable answer to the young Pacific basin. How can a ridge
from one point split into a new triangular plate to form ultimate-
ly the whole Pacific ocean? As shown in fig 4.51, the primitive Pa-
b) cific Triangle was already formed in the center of the Panthalassa
170 Ma. If this triangle is surrounded by spreading ridges, why
is there no colliding oceanic lithosphere? Where is the mountain
formation or subduction? How do the convection cells look like?
How can a spreading ridge move at the same speed as the spread-
ing rate? All questions that are crucial for the credibility of plate
tectonics. Once again we see a huge paradox in plate tectonics:
are spreading ridges pushing plates away from them or are ridges
moving away leaving oceanic lithosphere behind with no plate
movement at all?
Fig 4.51: Ocean floor maps from 170 Mya-150Mya by Christopher Scotese
a) 170 Mya b) 160 Mya c) 150 Mya

The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth
M. Degezelle - December 2018
any evidence and at least one spreading ridge did subduct and
disappear in an unexplainable way.

Fig 4.53: Plate tectonics explanation for the young Pacific basin and Pacific
Triangle. Age and bathymetry of the Pacific Ocean for the last 140 million years
(Müller et al, 2008)
Fig 4.55: The problem of the younger oceanic lithosphere between the Pacific
Probably the most radical statement is that spreading ridges can Triangle and the Mariana Trench
slide under continents or even subduction zones. As seen in Fig
4.53, the southern ridge of the primitive triangle slides under EXPANDING EARTH VIEWPOINT
Australia at 50 Ma to move just to the center between Australia
and Antarctica at present time. The northwestern ridge moved The young Pacific Ocean and Pacific Triangle can be perfectly ex-
to the Japan trench and Kuril trench, in line with the coastline of plained by the Expanding Earth theory. When the Earth started
East Asia where it mysteriously disappeared. The eastern ridge to expand 180 Mya, the continental crust of Pangaea broke apart
similarly moved to the North and South American West Coast and Pacific lithosphere was being created that started as a small
where it stayed aligned with the Cascadia subduction zone. area.

? 180 Ma

0 Ma

Fig 4.56: Creation of the Pacific Ocean due to the expansion of the

Fig 4.54: Possible explanation for the disappearance of spreading ridges makes
no sense at all

It seems rather impossible for plate tectonics to explain the diss-

appearing of the spreading ridges. How can the convection cycles Fig 4.57: Simplified illustration of the creation of the Pacific Triangle
and spreading ridges subduct or even pass the subduction zone?
And if the East Pacific Rise is pushing the other convection cycle The illustration above shows how a similar oceanic triangle can
as shown in red in figure 4.54, why are there no colliding plates or form due to the expansion of the Earth. However, the Pacific
trenches? Triangle did not form symmetrically. First, Australia and North
America broke apart and only at the end of the Jurassic, the Pa-
If the current movement of the Pacific plate is driven by the con- cific Triangle broke apart from Asia. This is also the explanation
vection cycles below the East Pacific Rise, plate tectonics cannot of why the Pacific Triangle is surrounded by younger oceanic
explain the younger oceanic lithosphere at the west of the Pacific lithosphere. The East Pacific Rise is the primitive fracture line
Triangle. Between the Pacific Triangle and the Mariana Trench, from the continental breakup 180 Ma ago since then, the Pacific
we should see older crust according to plate tectonics theory but Ocean hasn’t stopped expanding. Note that the EPR also runs
we see the opposite. Or maybe the mysterious triangle surround- along the North American coastline so this means that North
ed by spreading ridges did actually exist without leaving America hasn’t moved relatively to the EPR since the breakup.

The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth
M. Degezelle - December 2018
4.9. The extraordinary coincidence of maximum ocean floor ages existed in the center of this triangular plate 140 million years ago
because spreading occurred from 3 different sides. If a spreading
According to the plate tectonics theory, there was a superconti- ridge can push giant continents thousand of km away like the
nent called Pangea surrounded by the Panthalassan Ocean, the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, why isn’t there any folding of oceanic crust
superocean that occupied almost 70% of Earth’s surface during or even subduction within these boundaries? What mechanism
the Paleozoic-Mesozoic transition. Around 180 million years ago, can be invented to explain subducting divergent ridges? A lot of
Pangea started to break apart until the continents were in the fantasy is needed.
positions we recognize today. Plate tectonics existed much earlier,
so the age of the Pathalassan Ocean floor must have been greater
than zero which seems evident. On the current ocean age map
however, not a single km² is older than 180 million years.

Fig 4.59: If subduction already existed 180 Mya, we would rather

expect a situation like the map above. Pacific crust older than 180 Ma
should be found.


Fig 4.58: The maximum age of the seafloor in all the oceans is 180 mil- The idea that not only the Atlantic Ocean, but also the Pacific
lion years old. Ocean did not exist roughly 180 million years ago, is confirmed
by the analysis of the age map of the ocean floor. The same
A huge amount of oceanic lithosphere must have subducted maximum age of the Atlantic and Pacific is perfectly explainable
during Post-Triassic times that seems too difficult to imagine. It if the Earth was smaller in the past with only a supercontinent
seems pretty clear that it is a major coincidence that no oceanic (mostly covered with water) that broke apart 180 million years
floor is left from during Pangean times. The oldest Atlantic and ago. Although there is an inequality of the spreading rate of
Pacific ocean floor have exactly the same age. A spreading rate in oceans, the expanding Earth theory doesn’t have to explain the
the Pacific Ocean that is only a little less than the actual should disappearance of 70% of the ocean floors because they simply
have been sufficient to expose that older oceanic crust from the didn’t exist.
Triassic and Early Jurassic. The Pacific spreading rate is up to 5
times the Atlantic one, so any other spreading rate would have re-
sulted in different maximum floor ages of the Pacific and Atlantic.

Reconstructions of the history of the seafloor isochrons of the

Pacific Ocean have been suggested by Müller et al. (1997; 2008)
and others. (See Fig 4.53, pg 32)

The surprising young Pacific Ocean floor has to be explained with

plate tectonics if the theory doesn’t want to fall. Müller pro- Fig 4.60: Expanding Earth evolution of the Pacific from the Late Trias-
vided a very controversial solution. He suggested that 140 Ma, a sic to Late Cretaceous to the present as constrained by crustal age data.
triangular shaped tectonic plate or a primitive stage of the Pacific (Mccarthy, 2005)
Plate, existed in the middle of the Panthalassan Ocean, surround-
ed by divergent boundaries. This tectonic plate expanded by All oceanic crust is less than 180 Myr old and most of the South
rifting while the boundaries moved at the same rifting rate. At 50 Pacific formed < 40 Ma. The reconstructions of the Pacific hemi-
mA, the north-western boundary of this expanding Pacific plate sphere are the result of removing crust that postdates the time
vanished mysteriously under Asia by subduction. The southern period of interest, resulting in the convergence of the circum-Pa-
boundary even managed to move through or under Australia cific continents as the analysis moves backward in time. Eventu-
to form the current ridge between Austalia and Antarctica. The ally, the continents reunite along matching geological outlines in
north-eastern boundary of the initial triangular shaped plate the Early Jurassic/Late Triassic. (Mccarthy, 2005).
moved towards the Americas to form the East Pacific Rise. It’s
hard to imagine that no uplifting of colliding oceanic lithosphere According to the expanding Earth theory, it’s not a coincidence
that the maximum ocean floor ages of the Atlantic and the Pa-
cific are the same, but it’s a prediction.

The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth
M. Degezelle - December 2018
4.10. Volcanic chains

When oceanic plates move over a hotspot, the volcanoes formed motion quickly. But the age ocean map does not confirm this.
over the hotspot form a series of volcanoes that increase in age in
the direction of plate motion. The presumption of plate tectonics EXPANDING EARTH VIEWPOINT
was that the hotspot is stable and stays in one location.
Similar to plate tectonics, volcanic tracks are explained by the
The most interesting volcanic chain is the Hawaiian–Emperor Expanding Earth theory as a result of stretching of the upper
seamount chain. The volcanic islands of Hawaii represent the mantle basement over the mantle plume. The mantle plumes
youngest end of an 80 million years old and roughly 6,000 kilo- which form at the mantle boundary are not necessarily in a fixed
metres long mountain chain on the ground of the Pacific Ocean. position relative to the Earth’s center, but move relative to the
oceanic or continental lithosphere.

Fig 4.61: A cutaway view along the Hawaiian island chain showing the
inferred mantle plume that has fed the Hawaiian hot spot on the over-
riding Pacific Plate.

But there is a problem. There is a unique, sharp bend of 60° in

fixed mantle
the Hawaiian-Emperor seamount chain that contradicts plate plume : volcanic island
tectonics. The islands from Hawaii (0 Ma) to Daikakuji (47 ma)
form the Hawaiian Chain and are almost aligned with the Pacific Fig 4.63: How fixed mantle plumes create volcanic chains on an Ex-
plate motion (with an error of 29°), but the Emperor Chain from panding Earth
Koko (49 Ma) to Detroit (80 Ma) runs perpendicular to the plate
motion. How is it possible that those islands were formed in that As the Earth expands, new oceanic lithosphere is formed at the
direction? midocean ridges and slide over the mantle plumes. When the
volcano is active, a new volcanic island is formed.

Ian Stewart made a comparison of the distances between pairs

of hot spots and their traces for different ages. He concluded that
the changes in great circle distance between plumes are consist-
ent with an increase of the Earth’s radius. (Stewart, 1976)

plate m


Fig 4.62 : the mysterious bend in the Hawaiian-Emperor Chain

Fig 4.64: Present and past plume traces. (Ian Stewart, 1976)
Scientists then proposed a new theory that suggests that the
hotspot may have drifted over time. The Hawaii bend was also
used as a classic example of how a large plate can change its

The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth
M. Degezelle - December 2018
Fig 4.66: Locations of the apparent polar wander path (Smethurst 2002)

When the Pacific Ocean was almost enclosed 80 million years

ago, the hinge point that is currently located at Kamtsjatka was
located near the current position of Hawaii. While Earth ex-
panded, the Pacific Ocean was created, expanded and moved rela-
tive to the subcrustal layers. So the Hawaiian-Emperor seamount
chain is the evidence of this relative movement of the oceanic
crust over the hotspot at Hawaii. The isochrons do not indicate
this movement since the seamount chain is running along the
isochrons between 90Ma and 120Ma. But because the oldest
island of the seamount chain is only 80 million years, the hotspot
was only from that moment active or was the first 100 million
years of the expansion covered with continental crust, which is
more likely.

Fig 4.65: Table with hot-spot pair separations within the same plate and
on different plates (Ian Stewart, 1976)

The tables above show the present surface separations and those
inferred for the 50-My paleo-patterns for a number of hotspot
pairs within the same plate and on different plates. The ratio
past vs present size of the Earth clearly indicates Earth was
smaller. It has to be noticed that the volcanic chain of the Azores
even crosses the Mid-Atlantic ridge, which cannot be explained
with plate tectonics.

The Hawaiian-Emperor seamount chain

The existence and meaning of a true polar wander (TPW) has

intrigued the geophysical community from the beginning of
paleomagnetism and no definitive linking of this phenomenon
with other geophysical processes has been found. Mantle convec-
enclosed pacific
tion and hot spot concepts are incompatible with the TPW. How-
ever, there is a striking similarity between this true polar wander
and the Hawaiian-Emperor seamount chain. There is almost
the same L shape and the age of the volcanic island in the bend,
Diakakuji (47Ma), coincide with the time that the TPW took the Fig 4.67: Relative movement of the upper crust over the hotspot that
bend (50Ma). created the Hawaiian-Emperor seamount chain.

The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth
M. Degezelle - December 2018
4.11. Mountain formation

According to the plate tectonics theory, mountains are formed at

convergent boundaries were continents have collided. Upper rock
layers are squeezed together, fold and are pushed upward. Fold
mountains are formed when two tectonic plates move together
and are usually formed from sedimentary rocks which accu-
mulated along the margins of continents. When plates and the
continents riding on them collide, the accumulated layers of rock
may crumple and fold particularly if there is a mechanically weak
basal layer. (Ulmer S., 2011)
Fig 4.70: Schematic view of mountain formation due to the expansion of the

Fig 4.68: Formation of fold mountains according to plate tectonics

Examples of fold mountains are the Alps in Europe, the Andes in

South America, the Rockies in North America and the Urals in
Russia. Some mountain ranges are not caused by the folding of Fig 4.71: Illustration of mountain formation with shortening of the upper crust
the earth’s crust, such as the Himalayas. The main mechanism
causing a thickening of the crust at these sites of continent-conti- EXPERIMENT 1
nent collision along a convergent boundary is thrust faulting.
A strip of balsa wood with a thickness of 2mm and length of 1m
is being bent with a rope attached to the ends of the board. The
length of the rope can be adjusted so the curvature of the board
can be increased or decreased. In this experiment, a wide tape is
put on the balsa board. The rope length C is 90cm and the height
H is 18,7cm.

Fig 4.69 : Geological profile across the Himalayas of Nepal and Tibet construct-
ed from cross sections by Cattin and Avouac (2000), DeCelles et al. (2001 and
2002), and Hauck et al. (1998).


During Earth’s expansion, the continental crust must distort,

bend, twist and turn to continuously adjust for the change in sur-
face curvature. When the expansion started 180 million years ago,
the surface curvature of continents were constantly decreasing.
Gravity is pushing the continents against Earth so it constantly
bends to fit the curvature of the Earth. This results in a shorten-
ing of the upper crust and thus folding. Geologists are misinter-
preting this folding as “colliding continents” but the result is the The segment radius by chord and height: R = h + c²
same: mountain formation. The upper crust shortens and can 2 8h
give the false illusion that crustal plates are moving to each other. Then you can calculate the segment angle: α = 2 arcsin c
αg = 180 α π2R
Arc length: L = αg 2πR

The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth
M. Degezelle - December 2018
When the balsa board is bent, the outside is stretched and the In previous calculations, we learned that Earth’s original radius
inside is shortened while the center of the board has its original was 4175km.
length. In this experiment, the outer segment radius is +1mm,
with L= 1016mm. When the balsa board is brought back to its
original, folds and ripples appear on the tape because it has shor-
tened 16mm. R = 4175km

360 . 4000
α1 = = 54.89°
2π . 4175

Lb = 2π(4175-50) = 3952 km
So 3952 km is the segment length of the inner circle of the conti-
nent on an expanded earth with R= 6371km
This experiment is a perfect illustration of mountain formation
on an expanding Earth. While the Earth is expanding, continents
are shortening with a certain distance and folding is occurring.

R = 6371km
The distance D that a continent is shorting in lateral or longitudi-
nal direction while Earth is expanding is found by: 360 . 3952 = 35.82°
α2 =
α2 2π(6371 - 50)
D = Lc - 2πR2 35.82
360 Lshortened = 2π 6371 = 3983km
360 Lb 360 Lc
with α2 = α1 = D = 4000 - 3983 = 17 km
2π(R2 -T) 2πR1
α1 So the continent has shortened 17km in longitudinal direction,
Lb = 2π(R1-T)
360 which would result in a large amount of mountain formation.
There has to be noticed that not only in longitudinal extends but
Lc = original length continent on surface also in latitudinal or other directions, shortening of the conti-
Lb = arc length continent on inner circle nents can occur.
R1 = Radius of the primitive Earth
R2 = Radius of the current Earth (= 6371km)
α1 = angle of segment on primitive Earth EXPERIMENT 2
α2 = angle of segment on current Earth
T = thickness continental crust Continental crust will buckle upwards and forming new moun-
tains mostly at the weakest zones of the continents. In this
When the continental crust was formed on a smaller Earth, it so- experiment a piece of foam board is cut into the form of Europe
lidified and had a greater curvature than the present. This means and bent in multiple directions. Cracks and folds begin to appear
that the inner circle of the continent, where there is contact with at the weakest points as predicted. In the same way, new moun-
the subcontinental lithosphere mantle, is the best candidate for tain formations like the Alps and Pyrenees have formed due to
remaining constant on an expanding Earth. the expansion of the Earth.


A fictional continent with longitudinal length of 4000km and

thickness of 50km expanded 180 million years ago until the
present day.

Fig 4.72: foamboard with the shape of Europe is bended to form ‘moun-
tains’ at the weakest zones

The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth
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-2600m -2500m

a b



c -2000m

d e
Figure 4.73 : a. the Alps - b. the Pyrenees - c. The Caucasus and the Zagros Mountains - d. the Ural Mountains - e. the Himalayas
It’s important to notice that in many cases adjacent landmasses The Ural Mountains is a 2500km long mountain range that
below sea level are part of the continents. The seafloor of shallow runs from the coast of the Arctic Ocean to the Ural River and
seas like the North Sea make part of the continental lithosphere northwestern Kazakhstan. It splits the Eurasian continent basi-
and are sometimes no less than 100m deep. These ocean floors cally into two parts and it’s one of the longest continental uplifts
however cannot always be seen as ‘weak zones’ and must be due to Earth’s expansion. The Caucasus mountain range and the
taken account in the prediction of mountain formation as a result Zagros Mountains can also be assigned to Earth’s expansion and
of an expanding Earth. The most obvious example is perhaps the stretches roughly from the Black Sea to the Arabian Sea.
Pyrenees as a weak transition zone between Spain and France,
located between the deep oceanic floor of the Bay of Biscay and Other types of mountains like dome mountains, volcanic and
the deep waters of the Western Mediterranean Sea. plateau mountains are left out in this discussion because vol-
f the weak zone is less distinct, the mountain formation is typi- canoes and erosion are the main causes, not necessarily plate
cally building up deeper inland like the Alps and the Himalayas. tectonics or the expansion of the Earth.

The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth
M. Degezelle - December 2018

5.1. Revision of geophysics of Earth Earth’s expansion by increasing mass, because we know large
meteor impacts only happen every x million years and the size of
The reason why Wegener’s theory was not accepted by geolo- the meteorites almost never exceeded 5m.
gists and geophysicists in the 1920’s was that there was a lack of
a mechanism for continents to plow through the firm oceanic Cosmic dust
crust. When he published his theory, Wegener did not propose
a means by which the different land masses could break away Cosmic dust, also called space dust, are particles between a few
from each other. It wasn’t until the early 1950s when data from molecules to 0.1 µm in size. By estimate, as much as 40.000 tons
paleomagnetic studies started to support Wegener’s theory. In the of cosmic dust reaches the Earth’s surface every year. This con-
1960s, the seafloor spreading data supported even more the theo- tradicts the exponential growth of the Earth during the last 180
ry. So eventually, Wegener’s theory became a scientific consensus. million years. Moreover, about 95.000 tonnes of hydrogen and
1.600 tonnes of helium escape Earth every year. The rough result
When the Expanding Earth theory was proposed, it was also is -50.000 tonnes/year, which is about 0.000000000000001% less
rejected because there was no valid mechanism for the increased mass every year.
mass. But it is just a matter of time before a valid mechanism
becomes scientific consensus and the expanding Earth theory will Giant-impact hypothesis
be finally accepted. However, the most important thing to notice
is that the mass of the Earth not necessarily had to increase to It has been proposed that a large astronomical body has collided
increase in volume. with Earth in the past. This hypothesis, also called the Big Splash,
suggests that the Moon formed out of the debris left over from
There are 2 options to solve the Earth’s expansion enigma: a collision between Earth and an astronomical body the size of
- If the mass of the planet increased with its volume, a mecha- Mars, approximately 4.5 billion years ago, in the Hadean eon
nism to increase the mass must be found. about 20 to 100 million years after the solar system coalesced.
- If the mass remained constant while the volume increased, then (Canup & Asphaug 2001).
there’s the problem of explaining the consequent density change
or the cavities within. A collision with a large astronomical body could explain a huge
It can also be a combination of those 2 options. mass gain of the Earth, but it would occur almost instantly. No
evidence points to a similar event 180 million years ago when
5.2. Potential mechanisms for increased mass the Earth expansion started. There is also no explanation for the
exponential growth of Earth.
1. Aggregation of extraterrestrial material
2. Generation of mass in the core
Comets and meteorites
An alternative hypothesis is that new mass is continuously
Earth is being bombarded with comets and meteorites since the
generated inside the planet (Carey, 1988 ; Edwards, 2006; Betelev,
formation of Earth 4.5 billion years ago. But if there were con-
2009). This idea could find support in the hypothesis of Hoyle
stant impacts, Earth would have grown steadily in volume. The
(1948) and Hoyle et al. (1993) that matter is created in the uni-
increasing radius would even have slowed down.
verse to sustain the model of a steady-state universe. Not only
has evidence of this process never been found but the cosmic mi-
If we assume that Earth has been bombarded daily with one
crowave background radiation discovered by Penzia and Wilson
comet or meteorite with a radius of 1km and only in the last 180
(1965) is considered crucial proof against a steady-state universe
million years, what would be the resulting volume growth?
(Smoot, 2006). Any newly generated particles in the universe
must be in the form of elementary and stable particles, neutrons.
Vmeteorite = 4/3.π.1000³ = 4188790204 m³ Nucleosynthesis of heavier elements can only happen inside stars
and during supernova explosions through processes requiring
Total volume meteorites Vm = 180 . 106 x 365 x 4188790204 m³ physical conditions not existing inside planets (Wallerstein et al,
= 275 . 1018 m³ 1997). Even if newly created neutrons emerged inside Earth, they
Vm / Vcurrent earth = 2,75 . 1020 m³ / 1.083 . 1021 m³ = 0,25 = 25%
would soon decay to protons and electrons with the emission of
So Earth’s volume would be 25% less than current volume with
R = 5778km. (V = 0,808 .1021 m³)
The process of mass creation or pair production would not only
need an enormous amount of energy, so far there is no explana-
That’s still much more than the calculated radius of 4175km at
tion that it could happen inside Earth or in the core. And if it
180 mA. The largest meteorite ever found, the Hoba meteorite,
exists, there would be a continuous growth of the Earth’s mass
was only 2.7×2.7×0.9 metres. It can be said with certainty that
since its creation, 4.5 billion years ago.
comets or meteorites are not the cause of a possible cause of

The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth
M. Degezelle - December 2018
It’s very unlikely that Earth’s mass remained constant in combina- 2. Hollow Earth
tion with a similar geophysics of the Earth. If the Earth remained
solid and Earth’s mass has remained constant, the average density It is believed that planets in our Solar System formed because
would be nearly 40gr cm-3 when compressed in a planet with particles in the spinning disc or solar nebula began to clump
half of Earth’s radius. Osmium is currently one of the heaviest together as gravity attracted them to each other. This accumula-
elements found on Earth and it has a density of 22 gr cm-3. So it’s tion of material to form planets, also called accretion, is the main
unthinkable that 180 million years ago, Earth consisted of a mate- reason why scientists assume planets are solid with a dense core.
rial almost twice as dense. Planets have their own gravitational field that pulls every mass
towards the center. But what if this is only partially correct?
There is a need to find a mechanism for Earth’s expansion with- Similar to the life cycle of a sun, is there something dramatically
out increasing the mass. The most obvious theory is that there is changing in the dynamics of the core with a resulting expansion
conservation of mass after the creation of Earth until now. at the end of its lifetime? If a sun expels its outer layers after it
has become a Red Giant, the core contracts and will become
5.3. Potential mechanisms for increased volume with conser- a White Dwarf. It is believed that suns expand due to thermal
vation of mass expansion when it is starting to burn helium. But if the core has
the ability to repel mass, we should get a similar result but in this
1. Expanding atoms case, the Sun would be hollow.

Currently, our Sun is not expanding significant but it is expected It is a controversial idea, but the hollow Earth (and planets/suns)
that it will in about 5 billion years and turns into a Red Giant. The theory is probably the best candidate to explain our Expanding
Sun’s core is burning hydrogen until it is depleted. The collapsing Earth. Similar to suns, our Earth didn’t change in size the first bil-
core and its increasing heat will puff out the outer layers of the lion years of its lifetime. This doesn’t necessarily mean that Earth
star, which is what makes a star a red giant. Core collapse conti- was 100% solid during that first period. Perhaps a void already
nues until either it becomes hot enough to start fusion of helium. existed between the core and the outer shell. After the expansion
The size of the Sun will increase 30 times but almost never grows started, this void enlarged and the outer shell became thinner.
in mass during its life cycle.

Fig 5.1 : Life cycle of the Sun Fig 5.3: Section of an expanding, hollow earth

If the core of the Earth is gradually heating and also burning Shell calculation
hydrogen like our Sun, is it perhaps possible that expanding
hydrogen gas builds up the pressure so extremely that Earth is
expanding? It’s rather contradictory. Compressing gas will reduce
its volume and turns into liquid. Scientists even turned hydrogen
gas into solid metallic hydrogen using immense pressures, above 4174,6km
325GPa. So the idea that expanding atoms inside the Earth is 6371km
the main mechanism for expansion is highly doubtful because it
violates the laws of thermodynamics.

Volume V1 = πR³
V1 = π 4174,6³ = 0,3047 ×1012 km³
Current Earth’s Volume:
V3 = 4 π 6371³ = 1,0832 ×1012 km³
V2 = V3 - V1 = 1,0832 ×1012 - 0,3047 ×1012 = 0,7785 ×1012 km³

R2 = 3 V2 = 5706,765 km

Shell thickness D =6371 - 5706,765 ≈ 664 km
Fig 5.2: Matter (2-D) phase boundary diagram

The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth
M. Degezelle - December 2018
If the assumption is made that that Earth was solid after creation 6. A CALL FOR A NEW GRAVITY THEORY
and that there is no compression of matter during expansion of
the Earth, the thickness of the shell is maximum 664 km. The expanding Earth in combination with the hollow Earth theo-
ry does not only have a major impact on the current understand-
Psychological experiment ing of the geophysics of the Earth, but there is also a possible
need to review the concepts of gravity.
First, since there is currently no evidence that Earth’s mass has
increased drastically in the last 180 million years, we can assume Even a century after Albert Einstein showed that gravity is the
there is conservation of mass. Second, we can assume that atoms result of matter warping space and time around it, we still don’t
inside Earth did not increase extremely in size because that would know where gravity comes from. General Relativity remains just
violate the laws of thermodynamics. With these two assump- a description or graphical presentation of the force we call grav-
tions in mind, we can do a little psychological experiment. ity. It leaves unanswered the key question of exactly how matter
affects space and time.

1 2
Fig 5.5 : General Relativity by Albert Einstein
Fig 5.4 : Psychological experiment with a closed jar. As stated before, if cores of heavenly bodies have the ability
Situation 1: a foam ball is lying on the top of the sand to push mass or let’s call them ‘gravicores’, then there can be
Situation 2: the foam ball has disappeared, the sand level is higher assumed that this is the true origin of gravity. These gravicores
from which gravity emerges still have an unknown composition
Consider a closed jar filled with sand and a foam ball lies on the
and are shrouded in mystery. However, some researchers suggest
top it. Then the jar is shaken until the sand covers the foam ball
that the heat in the core is supplied by radioactive decay or by
so we don’t see the ball anymore. The sand level has increased
a nuclear georeactor (Fukuhara, 2016). At the Kamioka Liquid-
since the ball has taken the volume of the sand. If a person sees
Scintillator Antineutrino Detector (2005) and Borexino (2007),
the jar in the situation 1, leaves the room and when he comes
scientists detected signals of antineutrinos (i.e., “geoneutrinos”)
back and sees the jar in situation 2, he can be 100% sure the foam
produced inside Earth. Neutrinos, very light subatomic particles,
ball is hidden in the sand. He didn’t have to see the shaking of the
are generated by the nuclear fission and decay of radioactive
jar since he knows the jar was closed all the time.
elements as well as by nuclear fusion that occurs in the Sun and
stars. These infinitesimal small particles at lightspeed as well as
The same experiment can be extrapolated to the Earth. Since
possible other yet undetected particles could be the source of
there is evidence Earth’s volume has increased 356% its original
size, we can be 100% sure Earth is filled with caves, holes or one
big void. At least, if the two assumptions, conservation of mass
White Dwarfs are probably the purest mass expelling celestial
and conservation of atom volume, are valid. Note that in this
bodies in the universe and can be called freed gravicores. Others
case, the foam would be the void or empty spaces.
have a dim veil of darkness or mass around their gravicores, like
planets. Others have a flaming outer shell like stars or in later
stadium Red Giants. Mass can block gravity coming from those
gravicores but it depends on the density of the surrounding shell.
A large planet with a very thin outer shell will only be able to
block a small part of the gravity coming from the gravicore.

The universe is expanding, so the distances between galaxies

are increasing. In 1998, it was discovered that the expansion of
the universe is also accelerating. This means that the velocity at
which a distant galaxy is receding from the observer are continu-
ously increasing with time.

Physicists at one time were assured of the deceleration of the

universe’s expansion, because they assumed that after the Big
Bang matter would slow down and attract each other so that the
expansion of the universe would eventually reverse and collapse
again, also called the ‘Big Crunch’.

The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth
M. Degezelle - December 2018
Physicists at one time were assured of the deceleration of the universe’s expansion, because
they assumed that after the Big Bang matter would slow down and attract each other so that
the expansion of the universe would eventually reverse and collapse again. (Big Crunch)

Heavenly bodies at bodies

Heavenly the center
universeofare relatively
the universestationary and do not
are relatively experienceSimilar
sta- a to neutrinos, material objects are almost entirely trans-
resulting force that
tionary andmoves themexperience
do not in a certain direction.
a resulting force that moves them parent to the corpuscles and the force of gravity depends on the
The galaxies at the outer edges of the universe are experiencing the greatest forces from the
center of a certain
universedirection. The
and that’s why galaxies
they at the
are moving outer edges
at tremendous of the
speeds uni- space, mass and size of an object. Between 2 expanding, hollow planets
maybe close lightexperiencing
speed. the greatest forces from the center of the (Fig 5.8), there is a ‘shadow zone’ between them because fewer
F universe and that’s why F F speeds
they are moving at tremendous particles are F
passing through this zone. F
The closer the planets,
F through
F F closeFto light speed. F
space, maybe F F
the stronger theFshadow zone soFthe greater
F the planets are
driven together.


3F 2F 3F
4F 2F 0Ffig 5c 2F 4F
F 2F F
Cores of 5.6 : Principle of the
and suns have theexpansion of the
ability to push Universe
mass, lets call them ‘gravicores’ from which
gravity emerges. White Dwarfs are probably the purest mass expelling celestial bodies in the
outer so
universe and can be called freed outeror mass around
Others have a dim veil of darkness
their gravicores, like planets. Others have a flaming outer shell like stars or in later stadium Red
Giants. Mass can block gravity coming from those gravicores but it depends on the density. A
large planet with a very thin outer shell will not be able to block all the gravity coming from the
gravicore. (However, the size of the planet or star is probably a decisive indicator to blockFig 5.9 : The closer planets get, the more they are pushed to each other.
Gravity as ‘mass attracts mass’ is an illusion.
ity.) 4F
2F 4F These renders with surrounding light particles are illustrating how
gravity particles are blocked by creating a darker shadow when the
planets are closer to each other. The left images show the density of the
Fatio-Le Sage
Fig 5.7 theory
: Horizontal section supposes
of the universe. The that
outer the
stars getapparent
the great- force of gravitational attraction between
shadows using white dots as a representation.
est resulting
Why Gravity asforce
‘massfrom themass’
attracts center of illusion.
is an the universe
rial objects might be due to an imbalance of repulsive
The Fatio-Le Sage theory supposes that the apparent force of gravitational attraction between
Effect of light arising
on gravitational from the impacts of
corpuscles Why
material objects as ‘mass
might be dueatto anlightspeed
attracts mass’ is an
imbalance of repulsive from
forces arising from outer
the impacts
tiny corpuscles moving at lightspeed coming from outer space. Mass can block these particles
of space. Mass can block these particles so
LouissoRancourt was a professor at College Boreal in Sudbury
cts would objects tend
The Fatio-Le tend to
Sage shield
to shield othereach
theory this other
from that shower from
of corpuscles,
the apparent forcesothis shower
they would
of be
towards each other. The strength of this effect would be inversely proportional to the square of
pushed of corpuscles,
conducted so understand
experiments to better they would beonepushed
gravity. In
gravitational attraction between material objects might be due to experiment, he wanted to see if a laser could interrupt the grav-
rds each other.ofThe strength
forces arisingof this
the distance between the objects, in accord with Newton’s law.
an imbalance repulsive from effectof would
the impacts tiny itybe
fieldinversely proportional
of an object. He to the
used a laser beam between square of
a pendulum
istance between the objects, in accord with Newton’s
corpuscles moving at lightspeed coming from outer space. Mass
can block these particles so objects would tend to shield each
and mass to see if the laser could affect the gravity field of the
mass. The expected outcome was that the pendulum would
other from this shower of corpuscles, so they would be pushed swing away if it interrupted the gravity field or maintain the
towards each other. The strength of this effect would be inversely same position if it did not. To his surprise, the pendulum moved
proportional to the square of the distance between the objects, in toward the laser. He removed the mass and conducted the same
accordance with Newton’s law.

Similar to neutrinos, material objects are almost entirely transparent to the corpuscles and the
force of gravity depends strictly on the mass of an object. Between 2 expanding, hollow plan-
ets (figure x), there is a ‘shadow zone’ created because less particles are passing by. The closer
the planets, the stronger the shadow zone so the greater the planets are driven together. (+ afb

This principle shows that the gravitational attraction between two masses is an illusion. Masses
do not attract each other, they are pushed towards each other.

Fig 5.8 : The principle of the illusional attraction between two expanding and hollow celestial bodies.

The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth
M. Degezelle - December 2018

lar to neutrinos, material objects are almost entirely transparent to the corpuscles and the
experiment. He observed the same CONCLUSION
effect. After countless hours of ex-
perimenting with the laser and the New and radical scientific theories are likely to be dismissed
pendulum, he concluded that there by mainstream science at a certain time in history. It required
is a force acting on both sides of tens of centuries to pass from flat Earth to spherical Earth. The
the pendulum. The laser was inter- continental drift by Alfred Wegener has been ignored for decades
rupting one of the forces and this until it was finally accepted. Although the expanding or growing
caused the pendulum to move Earth hypothesis is still being dismissed in the mainstream sci-
toward the laser. entific world, there is geological, paleomagnetic, space geodetic,
geographical, biological and climatic evidence that supports the
theory. It just takes some time to be widely accepted.

The problems with plate tectonics were presented in this paper.

Earth scientists dogmatically follow the plate tectonics theory
that is falsified by geological data while Earth expansion is clearly
a viable candidate to replace plate tectonics. Analysis map of the
age of the oceanic lithosphere showed that the isochrons only fit
on a smaller Earth with calculated radius. Mountain formation
has even been presented as a logic result of the Earth’s expan-
sion. The average rate of the growth of the Earth’s radius is
1.22cm/year, obtained by geological methods.

Despite almost a century of speculation on the various possible

Fig 5.10: When the light beam was going on the North side of the mobile mechanisms advocated to explain Earth inflation, scientists must
mass, it was pushed towards the North side. When the light was trans- admit that lack of consensus about the mechanism does not nec-
ferred to the South side, the mass immediately went towards the light as essarily means the Earth expansion theory is false. The “where
if the forces pushing the mass were blocked partially by light. does the extra mass come from?”-question is too narrow-minded
to ignore and dismiss the theory.
If gravity was a repulsive force from space, then to reduce the
weight of an object, the beam has to be positioned above it. He
There is a need to revise the geophysics of Earth if there is con-
conducted his experiment and, as predicted, the weight of the
servation of mass. Since there is no logical explanation to clarify
object was reduced. The effect was very subtle but measurable.
the potential, sudden expansion of the mass of the inner Earth,
So gravity particles from outer space can not only be blocked by
the hollow Earth theory has been presented as a valid candidate
mass, but also by light.
to explain the expanding Earth and simultaneously solves the
mass problem. Gravity itself as a push force emitted from the
The results confirm Le Sage theory after 200 years and we can
cores of heavenly bodies is the possible main mechanism behind
control gravitational forces in the labs. This means that gravity
the expanding Earth. Much reflection is needed to an elaborate
is not an attractive force but a pushing force. Atoms are moved
theory of this revolutionary mechanism but this is not the pur-
when that force hits them. Atoms block some of that force and
pose of this paper.
most of it goes right through objects because atoms are almost all
empty space. (L. Rancourt 2012,

The Expanding Earth and implications on the geophysics of Earth
M. Degezelle - December 2018

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