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Barangay Baay Senior Citizens Association

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The document outlines the constitution and by-laws of the Barangay Baay Senior Citizens Association, including its objectives, membership requirements, leadership structure, and financial matters.

The objectives of the association are to implement policies that protect senior citizens' well-being and welfare, and to motivate cooperation and friendship among members.

To be a regular member, one must be 60 years or older and a resident of Barangay Baay. Membership requires an annual fee and yearly dues. Honorary members include local government and school officials.

Republic of the Philippines

Province of Pangasinan
Municipality of Lingayen

Constitution and By-Laws of the Barangay Baay Senior Citizens Association (BBSCA)


We, the Senior Citizen of Barangay Baay Lingayen Pangasinan imploring the aid and
guidance of the Divine Providence in order to establish unity, promote and enhance the prestige
and dignity of the Senior Citizens and to preserve the valued reverence for the elderly, do hereby
organize ourselves into an association and pledge to be guided by the following Constitution and
Article I-Name of the Association
Section 1. The name of the association shall be the “Barangay Baay Senior Citizens
Association” (BBSCA).
Section 2. The headquarters of the association shall be at the Senior Citizens building
situated at the compound of Baay Elementary School.
Article II-Objectives
Section 1. The Association shall primarily aim for the implementation of the policies,
principles, intents and objectives of Republic Act 7432 and its implementing rules and regulations
and its allied laws. The Association shall endeavor to:
A. Motivate and encourage the Senior Citizens to contribute to the promotion of
friendship and mutual cooperation among themselves.
B. Help protect their well-being and welfare through the acquisition of their rights,
privileges and benefits.
Article III-Membership
Section 1. Senior Citizens of the barangay who are sixty (60) years old and above and who
opted to be members shall be considered regular members of the Association.
Section 2. A member who becomes inactive for a number of years and expresses his/her
intention to re-activate his/her membership shall be re-accepted on condition that he/she shall
pay the annual membership and yearly dues which have not been paid while inactive in the
Section 3. Senior Citizens who shall be accepted as members of the Association shall be
sixty (60) years old with a cut-off age of 65 years.
Section 4. The following shall be deemed as honorary members of the Association:
a. The Municipal Social Welfare and Development Officer of Lingayen.
b. The Barangay Captain and members of the Sangguniang Barangay of Baay
c. The School Principal and Teaching staff of Baay Elementary School
Article IV-Funds
Section 1. A membership fee of One-hundred pesos (Php 100) shall be paid by every
member annually and yearly dues of one-hundred twenty pesos (Php 120). The amount collected
shall constitute the general fund of the club and shall be under the custody of the treasurer of
the club. In no case shall the amount collected on any part of it be spent without the approval of
the President of the Association and/or the majority of the members.
Section 2. The annual membership fee of one-hundred pesos (Php 100) and yearly dues
of one-hundred twenty pesos (Php 120) shall be paid every January of the ensuing year with a
graced period until February 28 or 29 if it is a leap year. If a member has not paid until the end of
the graced period, he/she shall still be a member, but deprived of the benefits accorded to a
member of the Association specifically the death benefit. However, if he/she pays the arrears,
he/she shall again be entitled to said benefits.
Section 3. An active member who has already completed the Two-thousand pesos (Php
2000) payment since his/her membership and which is intended for the death benefit shall
automatically be exempted from paying the annual membership fee and yearly dues of two-
hundred twenty pesos (Php 220) and shall enjoy his/her continuous active membership for a
Section 4. In case of death of an active member, a financial aid of two-thousand pesos
(Php 2000) shall be given to his/her beneficiaries.
Section 5. The Association is for public service; thus, it may receive voluntary donations
from civic-spirited citizens to be used for public purpose.
Article V-Officers
Section 1. The Barangay Baay Senior Citizens Association shall have a set of officers who
shall be the governing and policy determining body of the Association with the following duties
and functions.

A. President
1. Presides over the meetings of the Association
2. Has the power to call for special meeting of the Association
3. Represents the Association in all official functions.
B. Vice-President
1. Be vested with all powers, duties and responsibilities in the absence or incapacity of
the President.
2. Assists the President in any or all of his/her duties and responsibilities as the President
may direct.
C. Secretary
1. Keeps all the minutes of the meeting of the Association.
2. Attends to official correspondence of the Association.
3. Be the custodian of the roster of officers and members, minutes of the meeting,
resolutions, correspondence and documents of the Association.
D. Sub-Secretary
1. Performs the functions of the secretary in his/her absence.
E. Treasurer
1. Be the custodian of the money of the Association
2. Responsible for the collection of fees and dues of the members of the Association
3. Records and keeps all receipts and disbursements of funds in the Book of Accounts
provided for the purpose.
4. Disburses the funds of the club only upon approval by the President and majority of
the members of the Association
5. Prepares and reports the financial status of the Association as needed.
F. Sub-treasurer
1. Performs the functions of the treasurer in his/her absence
2. Assists the treasure in the preparation of the finances of the Association.

G. Business Managers
1. Help manage the implementation of the different activities of the Association.
2. Collaborate with the auditors and treasure regarding the expenditures of the
H. Auditors
1. Check and examine the financial records or Book of Accounts of the treasurer from time
to time and certify to the correctness of the reports.
2. See to it that the expenses of the Association shall be within the provisions of the
Constitution and By-Laws
3. Have a summary of records of the treasurer’s collection and disbursements.
I. Public Information Officers
1. Handle all publicity and propaganda and make such releases for public information as
maybe necessary in the interest of the Association subject however, to the approval of
the President.
Section 2. The officers of the Barangay Baay Senior Citizens Association shall be elected
by VIVA VOCE or by standing for every candidate for the position to be voted upon.
Section 3. Election of officers shall be held on the second Saturday of January every after
three (3) years and be entitled for re-election until the third term.
Section 4. In the event that a vacancy or vacancies occur due to death, resignations or
incapacity of any of the officers, the officers next in rank shall assume the vacated position of the
unexpired term of office.
Section 5. The Barangay Baay Senior Citizens Association Officers and members shall hold
the regular meeting every 2nd Saturday of the month. In case of special meeting. All members
shall be notified by the President and/or Secretary of the Association.
Article VII-Committees
Section 1. The following shall be the standing or accredited committees of the
a. Committee on Membership
b. Committee on Finance
c. Committee on Social Action
d. Committee on Programs and activities
e. Committee on Election
Section 2. The chairman of any of the accredited committees shall be appointed by the
President from among the officers of the Association and shall serve for three (3) years.
Section 3. The chairman of any of the committees shall be authorized to appoint
membership of two (2) members except the Committee on Programs and Activities where the
chairman can appoint as many members as necessary.
Section 4. The different committees through their chairman shall formulate the policy and
program which shall govern their activities pursuant to Republic Act 7432 and its Implementing
Rules and Regulations and other allied laws.
Article VIII-Order of Business
Section 1. The following shall be the order of business during regular and special
a. Invocation/Opening Prayer
b. National Anthem/Pilipinas kong Mahal
c. Call to order
d. Roll Call
e. Reading and Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
f. President’s Report
g. Treasurer’s Report
h. Business of the day/Agenda
i. Other matters
j. Adjournment
Article IX-Amendments
Section 1. The constitution and By-Laws of the Barangay Baay Senior Citizens Association
maybe amended by 2/3 votes of all its members at a regular or special meetings called and held
for the purpose.

Article X-Effectivity Clause
This Constitutions and By-Laws of the Barangay Baay Senior Citizens Association shall take
effect immediately upon its adoption and ratification by the Association in regular/special
meeting held/assembled.
We, hereby certify to the correctness of the foregoing Constitution and By-Laws.

Antonio L. De Guzman

Marita D. Anselmo

____________________ Nieves M. Santos
Tomas S. Ulanday (Vice President)
The officers and board of directors of Baay Senior Citizen’s Association
____________________ ____________________ ____________________
Tomas S. Ulanday Ernesto C. Tabora Delia P. Ursal
(President) (Auditor) (Business Managers)
____________________ ____________________ ____________________
Nieves M. Santos Corazon B. Caoile Generosa E. De Leon
(Vice President) (Auditor) (Public Information Officers)
____________________ ____________________ ____________________
Antonio L. De Guzman Cecilia C. Datuin Carlina DL. Alonzo
(Secretary) (Auditor) (Public Information Officers)
____________________ ____________________ ____________________
Lucia Cineta Abella Ester F. Cabrera Norma N. Viray
(Sub-Secretary) (Business Managers) (Public Information Officers)
____________________ ____________________ ____________________
Marita DG. Anselmo Clara F. Arias Myrna R. Laguerta,
(Treasurer) (Business Managers) (Public Information Officers)
____________________ ____________________ ____________________
Lolita C. Ulanday Rolando C. Somintac Norma O. Zacarias
(Sub-Treasurer) (Business Managers) (Public Information Officers)
Virginia M. Cruz
(Business Managers)


____________________ Lydia E. Estrada (BOD)

____________________ (BOD) Merla B. Roque,
Angel B. Estrada ____________________ (BOD)
(BOD) Lolita G. Caoile ____________________
____________________ (BOD) Angelita F. Beltran
Nita C. Caolboy ____________________ (BOD)
The following are the Chairmen and members of the different committees under Article
VII Sections 1-4.
A. Committee on Membership
1. Chairman
2. Members
B. Committee on Finance
1. Chairman
2. Members
C. Committee on Social Action
1. Chairman
2. Members
D. Committee on Program and Activities
1. Chairman
2. Members
E. Committee on Election
1. Chairman
2. Members


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