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San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 1


The Phenomenological Study of Ukay-Ukay Trade in Calamba City Laguna

A Thesis presented to

The faculty of Senior High School Department

of San Sebastian College – RecoletosCanlubang

In partial fulfilment

Of the requirement for the

Accountancy, Business and Management Strand

Briones, Micah Isabelle A.

Buno, Nikka Mae C.

Caspillo, Maria Donafel C.

March 2019
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 2



Researchers: Micah Isabelle A. Briones

Nikka Mae C. Buno

Maria Donafel C. Caspillo

School: San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang Campus

Adviser: Paolo J. Endaya

San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 3
Approval Sheet


UKAY TRADE IN THE PHILIPPINES”, prepared and submitted by Micah Isabelle
A. Briones, Nikka Mae C. Buno, and Maria Donafel C. Caspillo, in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the subject of Research in Daily Life 1, is hereby
recommended for oral communication.





Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of


Member Member

Accepted and approval in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject of
Reseach in Daily Life 1.


High School Principal

San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 4

The researchers would like to acknowledge the following persons for their
contributions, without them, this paper would not be possible.

The researchers would first want to express their heartfelt gratitude to God, who
has given them the sufficient wisdom and strength to do this study. All praise, honor and
thanks to Him!

To their family who are always there to support them in every decisions of their
lives and for being so understanding and thoughtful in many ways;

To Mr. Paolo J. Endaya, their research adviser for his valuable and intelligent
input, his expertise in the field of research, and the kindness and patience he has
extendedto the researchers despite their lack of responsibility in the course of making the

To …. , their research editor for humbly and painstakingly checking the text, for
proofreading this research , and for making it comprehensible;

To the panelist, Mr. Jun Quitos and Mrs. Len, who shared their constructive
feedback and suggestions that guided the researchers to improve this study;

To the respondents, for lending their time to answer the survey/questionare and

To Mrs. Menorca ….
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 5



Ukay-ukay is more than the democratization of fashion. The industry that

develop second hand clothes generates millions of income for sellers, and saves millions
more for the people who buy from them.

Many people might have heard the term “UK” and they would say it is ukay-
ukay. However, do they know where did the “ukay-ukay” word came from? First of all,
the term ukay- ukay was derived from the Visayan term “halukay” which means the act
of digging. Ukay-ukay shopping is like treasure hunting, but what makes it different is
that we’re digging from the piles of clothes which are mostly vintage but of a high value.
(de Jong, 2011)

Filipinos tend to buy clothes to ukay-ukay shops because of the inflation in

clothes. People do not foster but merely in light of the fact that it is not sufficiently
advanced for anybody to buy high-priced clothes. Ukay-ukay may be considered a
“special” type of good available in the market because it has a different marketing and
sale process.

The ukay-ukay shopping phenomena flourished from Baguio. It has sprouted to

different places and people really likes to visit just to buy low-priced clothes. Due to the
frequency of calamities happening in our country, a certain humanitarian group called
the Salvation Army used to ship second-hand garments and other goods as a form of
help to the Filipino victims. As the goods piled up, business-minded people decided to
buy them at a very low cost and sell them to the public. Thus, ukay-ukay was born.

We chose ukay-ukay as our topic to open the minds of every people that ukay-
ukay is significant and important. We buy things from ukay-ukay because of the high-
inflation in clothes. The positive experiences and effects that every people witnessed
will help other people to see the beauty in ukay-ukay. It will help us to save money and
have an idea that ukay-ukay can help us to be thrifty.
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 6
Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to identify if ukay-ukay is a good business and if we can save
up money when we purchase their products.

The main concern of this study is:

“What is the essence of the lived experiences of the seller and the customers
within the ukay-ukay trade in the Philippines?”

The researchers sought to find answers to the following questions:

1. What are the experiences of the seller of ukay-ukay?

2. What are the experiences of the customers of ukay-ukay?

3. What are the reasons on why sellers work in ukay-ukay business?

4.Why do customers patronize ukay-ukay products?

5. What are the effects of ukay-ukay to the following:

a. Seller

b. Customer

Theoretical Framework

Psychoanalytic Theory (by: Sigmund Freud)

Freud believed that humans are not able to fully understand their own
motivations because the psychological factors that shape them are largely unconscious.
According to psychoanalytic theory, consumers respond to symbolic concern as much as
they respond to those of economics and function. Freud’s work implies that external
factors such as age and income cannot fully account for consumer behavior because
motivations lay deep in the psyche. As we connect this to our topic, it seems that
consumers might be greatly affected to different circumstances as their behavior change
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 7
Conceptual Framework

Ukay-ukay Trade

Owner Customer


Negative Positive




Figure 1.1 Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework above ought to know the positive and negative
experiences of both the seller and the customer within the ukay-ukay trade in Calamba
City Laguna. It is to enlighten the Filipinos on how significant ukay-ukay is. With the
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 8
gathered information we have, we can share the knowledge to everyone who is
interested to know or study ukay-ukay trade.

Scope and Delimitation

The research study focuses on the lived experiences of the sellers and the
customers within the ukay-ukay trade in the Philippines. The researchers will be
selecting six respondents, 3 of them are the sellers of an ukay-ukay shop and the another
3 are the customers who patronize ukay-ukay products. The age of the selected
participants ranges from fifteen (15) and above from both of the genders. The
researchers chooses the current academic year 2018- 2019 so that the research will be
limited only to the chosen participants of the study. The results of this study are
applicable only to the participants of this study but not to other people who do not
belong on the population of the selected participants.

Significance of the Study

The following people below could benefit from the study:

The government. This study will make the government realize that even though
ukay-ukay imports and sells cheaper second hand clothes, still it has a great help
especially to the citizens who are in the poverty line.

The customers. Through this study, the people will know the essence of ukay –
ukay trade in the Philippines and will help them to gain more knowledge regarding the
experiences of other customers who purchased second-hand items.

The students. This study will help the students who cannot afford to buy high-
priced clothes. It will give them wisdom in choosing items they want to purchase.

The researcher. This study will help the researcher to gain more knowledge
about the ukay – ukay trade in the Philippines and to find answers to existing problems.

The future researchers. This study will help the future researchers to see the
status of ukay-ukay before and ukay-ukay in their existing time.
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 9

Definition of Operational Terms

To avoid confusion and to have a better understanding, the following terms are
operationally and conceptually defined as:

Commodity. A raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought

and sold.

Democratization. The action of making something accessible to everyone.

Foster. Encourage or promote the development of (something, typically an

authority. something regarded as good).

Invocation. The action of invoking something or someone for assistance or as

phenomena. A remarkable person, thing, or event.

Second – hand. On the basis that something has had a previous owner.

Ukay-ukay. A Philippine store wherein second hand apparels such as

clothes, bags, shoes and other accessories are being sold at a very cheap
and bargained prices. Items sold at the ukay-ukay are commonly shipped from
different countries.

Owner. The one who has the legal or rightful title to something or one to whom
property belongs

Customer. A person or organization that buys goods or services from a store or


Seller. A party that makes, offers or contracts to make a sale to an actual or

potential buyer.

Positive Experiences. Provide people with memories for life and experiences
which are favorable, good and admiring.
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 10
Negative Experiences. Provide people with unpleasant occurrences and
experiences which are unfavorable, hostile, and unhappy.

Easy. Presenting few difficulties and free from worries or problems.

Uneasy. Used to describe a situation or condition that

makes people slightly worried, often because it may not continue successfully.

Maximum of one thousand. Any one application must not exceed at 1000

Minimum of five hundred. The smallest amount or number of a product that a

certain person will use

Hard. Needing much effort or skill to accomplish or deal with.

Depend on. Used to express uncertainty or qualification in answering

Bargaining. Discussions between people in order to reach agreement on

something such asprices, wages

Rent. Pay someone for the use of (something, typically property, land, or a car).

Inconsistent. Not staying the same throughout.

Unfixed. Not fixed in a definite place or position.

Customer Service. The assistance and advice provided by a company to those

people who buy or use its products or services.

Markdown. A reduction in price.

Fulfilling. Making someone satisfied or happy because of fully developing their

character or abilities.

Additional income. Net after taxes but before qualified plan deduction

Beneficial. Favorable or advantageous; resulting in good

Cheap. Low in price; worth more than its cost

Mother’s influence. The action or process of producing effects on the actions,

behavior, opinions, etc., of another or others because of the mother
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 11
Fashionable. Dressing or behaving according to the current trend

Budget Friendly. Affordable. If something is affordable, it's priced reasonably

Presentable. Clean, well dressed, or decent enough to be seen in public.

On trend. Conforming to the latest fashion

Good. To be desired or approved of.

Less trouble. Less dificulties

Socialize. Mix socially with others.

Management. Controlling things or people.

Save money. To budget, to economize

Being practical. Refers to a person, idea, project, etc, as being more concerned
with or relevant to practice than theory

Positive Effect. An outcome that involves positive emotions and good self-

Negative Effect. A personality variable that involves the experience of negative

emotions and poor self-concept.

Confidential. Entrusted with private or restricted information.

San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 12



This chapter presents the review of related literature and important studies that
are gathered. This includes the following: Experiences of the Sellers, Experiences of the
Customers, Challenges of the Seller, Reasons on Why Customers Patronize the Product,
Reasons on Why Sellers Work in an Ukay-ukay Business, Effects of Ukay-ukay Trade,

Related Literature

Experiences of the Sellers

According to Balagbag, entrepreneurs who wish to last in this business: “There

are days when business is slow. There are also those days when you have almost nothing
to sell because your supply is yet to arrive, yet you still have to pay your rent. You must
be able to endure these times. You must know how to manage your funds.”

According to Han (2013) Customer service and Markdown of price is one of the
best and common strategies the seller do.

Lee 2014 said that since most items here are quite old and used, finding brand
new items could be as challenging as finding a needle in a haystack. But there are some
second-hand items that are really in good condition. Also look for stains that might not
be washed off, or holes that are quite huge you would have a hard time mending it.

According to Reyes (2015), Among the many forms of expression, fashion is a

straightforward gauge of one’s individuality. You are what you wear, but that is so much
as the brand and price tag as the way you carry yourself. In search of value for money,
many Filipinos turn to ukay-ukay stores or thrift shops for quality clothing at very
affordable prices.
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 13
According to Valdez, J.A.P, B.R.L Acosta & B.V. ramos, Ukay-ukay business in
not stable when it comes to sale. The common problem the caretakers encounter is that
unduly high rate of tax and especially the negative consumer behaviors.

The review of related literature tackles the experiences of the sellers of ukay-
ukay. They are in the same page because they are all experiences of the sellers which
comprises marketing strategies, challenges, profit, experiences, and problems when it
comes to selling ukay-ukay garments. Sometimes, there would be trouble and sometimes
there would be not. That means sellers have coped up and are used to selling second-
hand garments.

Related Literature

Experiences of the Customer

According to Ekstrand , a retail marketing strategist , the individuals truly need

to be on pattern and they need to look on style. She also stated that Individuals are
getting progressively innovate with shopping and tell us that "On the grounds that you
can be the point at which you shop at thrift stores. Thrift shopping is a courageous affair,
it's never one simple thing twice over, and clients appreciate that rush of the chase. You
can't find that in customary retail shopping." (Zaleski, 2018) (2018) Some shopping mall sells clothes with the cheap or
cheaper price and if you are patient enough you can get 4 clothing for ₱100.

According to Valdez, J.A.P, B.R.L Acosta & B.V. ramos, the major problems that
the consumer encounter when buying clothes is that the effort and times are wasted
when finding the nice clothes. The limited space also became a problem.

The review of related literature talks about how customers witness negative or
positive experiences regarding the ukay-ukay products. They are in the same page
because it tackles about the challenges, hardship and also the joy when it comes to
purchasing items from an ukay-ukay shop.
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 14

Related Literature

Reasons on Why Sellers Work in an Ukay-ukay Business

According to Hudson, "We pay ridiculous amounts of money to universities in

order to have them stamp us with a seal of approval: "ready to join the workforce." In
every country, in every culture, in every society in the world, people are working. What
we do need is to survive — and in order to do that, and because we live in the world that
we live in, we need to be capable of paying the cost of living.

According to Thompson, there are two main flavors of happiness, the researchers
said: a present-based happiness, which feels like calmness, and a future-based happiness,
which feels like excitement.

Related Literature

Reasons on Why Customers Patronize the Product

A thesis entitled “Economics of Secondhand Retail Trade: An Analysis of the

Market for Ukay-ukay by Luisito Abueg said that “It is clear that people see this market
as an alternative to counterpart goods burdened with soaring prices; however, with the
invocation of laws that prohibit importation and sale of secondhand garments,
consumers of such commodity have different reactions and suggest alternative solutions
so as not to be affected negatively.” (Abueg, 2010)

According to Sahod Chronicles, It’s cheap! Obviously, shopping at ukay-ukay is

cheap. This is the first reason that comes to mind. You just need to know where to shop.

According to Silverio (2011) cited by Abueg (2010) people prefer to buy in an

ukay-ukay store because of its brand new garments and because of its affordable price.

Related Literature

San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 15
According to Seavers (2018) Mother is the best influencer since she is your
biggest brand advocate, has fantastic brand understanding and has great engagement and

Related Literature

Effects of Ukay-ukay

According to Celestial the most important principle to remember when buying

clothes from the ukay-ukay is don’t buy something if you’re not really happy with it.
Otherwise, you did not really save money on your purchase. Ukay-ukay gives us
ordinary people the chance to buy high-end clothes at ridiculously low prices. You just
have to be conscious about brands, quality and make. You can really get good buys.

According to Flores, "At first I went just because it was a bang for the buck. But
now it's one of the best ways to be creative, try new things and explore different styles.
Aside from having no sales people or visual merchandising to distract you, it's definitely
the thrill of the chase! 90% of my wardrobe comes from thrift shopping! I can’t
remember the last time I wore an outfit that was head-to -toe from retail... I'm always
very, very excited each time I step into a store because I never know what I'm going to
find," shared Shaira.

According to Jordan Bayot clothes from thrift shops – or “ukay-ukay” – could be

a good avenue for his creativity. He could turn the previously owned pieces into
something freshly stylish and trendy.

According to Portia Ladridoor for the poor, thrift shops have been the most
practical place to shop for clothes because of its low prices. However, if these clothes
were goods that were intended to be given to them anyway, they’ve only become another
victim of an underground ukay trade that also rips off millions from the government.


The review of related literature tackles the lived experiences of the people who buys
ukay-ukay items from different parts of the world. It is said that we are patronizing
ukay-ukay products because of high inflation in clothes and those who cannot afford
items in mall. It is not just about buying, some people defines ukay-ukay as a
counterpart because of burdened soaring price. Also, some Filipinos’ hobby is to collect
items in an ukay-ukay shop, which make them think they are thrifty.
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 16



A lot of people are addicted in buying “ukay-ukay items”. This research is

designed to know the reason on why sellers work in this kind of market and why
customers patronize the products. This chapter is divided into several parts addressing
the research design, locale, and data collection procedures.

Research Design

This study will utilized a qualitative type of research. It attempts to seek in-depth
understanding of the social phenomena within their natural setting. It is a
phenomenological type of research which studies the experiences of the respondents.

Research Locale

The study will be conducted in the Calamba City, Laguna. The respondents will
be interviewed in the shop or any comfortable place that the respondent will choose.The
researchers also gathered respondents who frequently buy clothes or items in an ukay-
ukay shop. The researchers chose the place of implementation because it will give the
researchers the needed information for the. The study will be conducted in the second
semester of the academic year 2018-2019.

Sampling Design

The sampling design we are going to use is convenience sampling and purposive
sampling. Convenience sampling relies on data collection from population members
who are applicable and ready to participate in the study. On the other hand, we will also
use purposive sampling method for the selection of the participants. It simply refers to
the willingness of respondents and how they are going to value the study.

Respondents of the study

San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 17
The respondents of this research study are 3 customers and 3 sellers of ukay-
ukay clothing. The male and female respondents will be chosen by the researchers to
answer the questionnaire during the interview The respondents chosen are those who
take care of ukay-ukay shop and those who buy ukay-ukay clothing.

Research Instruments

Researchers will conduct the study by interviewing the respondents. A set of

survey questions will be asked by the researchers that is relevant to the study.

a) Interview will help us to gather information for this study and it consists of
open-ended questions to get the in-depth aspects of the topic. Three (3) respondents
consist of people who regularly buys an item in an ukay-ukay shop and another three (3)
are the sellers of ukay-ukay business; they will be interviewed by the researchers one by
one. This instrument will inquire as to how ukay-ukay affect their daily lives. b)
Cellphones will be used as a recording device during the interview.

These are the following questions that will be asked by the researchers:


1. What are your experiences when it comes to selling ukay-ukay products?

2. Does selling second hand garments easy?
3. What challenges do you encounter in selling second-hand items?
4. What is the minimum profit of the ukay-ukay shop in a week?
5. What inspires you in applying here as the caretaker of the ukay-ukay shop?
6. What are the marketing strategies you perform in this kind of industry?
7. What pushes you to work in this kind of market?
8. What are the effects of ukay-ukay trade to you?
9. How does ukay-ukay help you with your financial situation?
10. How does ukay-ukay help you with your everyday outfit?
11. How did ukay-ukay change your life?
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 18

1. What are your experiences when it comes to purchasing ukay-ukay products?

2. Is it easy to find nice clothes in an ukay-ukay shop?
3. Have you ever experienced trouble in purchasing ukay-ukay products?
4. Why do you patronize ukay-ukay products?
5. How much is your estimated money that you will spend in buying items in an
ukay-ukay shop?
6. Who introduced ukay-ukay to you?
7. What pushes you to buy items in an ukay-ukay shop?
8. What are the effects of ukay-ukay trade to you?
9. How does ukay-ukay help you with your financial situation?
10. How does ukay-ukay help you with your everyday outfit?
11. How did ukay-ukay change your life?

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers gathered data by using structured questionnaire to be answered

by the respondents. We will find appropriate respondents for the study.Tabulation and
analysis of data gathered will be done after collecting all answers to find resolution for
the central and corollary problems. The researchers prepared the necessary data
measurements from the entire interview in the structured questionnaire. After the
interview they will analyze the gathered data and make conclusions and

Ethical Consideration

We will consider and pursue the standards and gauges to give and ensure the
secrecy and privacy of the respondents. The researchers ensure that the respondents are
very much educated to the strategies of the investigation. The respondents ought not
bring any mischief and any deceptive data. Biased must be avoided.The analysts will
likewise ensure that the respondent will have the full consent prior to the study. In the
event that the respondents need to decline or discontinue their participation, they may do
so. The respondents may have a duplicate of the outcome after the study is finished.

Treatment of Qualitative Data

San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 19
After interviewing the respondents, the researchers would treat the collected data
with utmost confidentiality. We transcribed all the gathered data and will use thematic
analysis. The interviews with the owner and consumer, with the help of the research
adviser, is analyzed and grouped or categorized into themes and clusters. The emerging
themes will be extracted from the responses per line of the given verbatim transcriptions.



This chapter presents the responses of the six respondents to the eleven semi-
structured interview questions provided by the researchers. Their responses have
generated interpretations to be able to answer the central and corollary problems of the
research. For the central problem, this study answers:

“What is the essence of the lived experiences of the sellers and the customers
within the ukay-ukay trade in the Philippines?”

Meanwhile, the five corollary problems are answered under the provided

Corollary Problem 1: What are the experiences of the customers of ukay-ukay?

Interview Question No.1 (Customer)

What are your experiences when it comes to purchasing ukay – ukay products?


Annotated Exemplars on the Purchasing Experiences of the Respondents when it

comes to Ukay-ukay

San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 20
R1 2 My experience when it R1 answered the Negative
comes to buying in ukay- question calmly. Experience
ukay, the space stinks and But you can see
it’s crowded because many in her eyes the
customers wanted to be the dismay from her
first to get the items they experience.

R2 24 It’s hard to buy because On my Negative

unlike to malls, there observation she is Experience
an organized
is a specific section for person

R3 46 So far so good because the As I can see she Positive

items I bought are very is really satisfied Experience
helpful and convenient to with the product
use. that ukay-ukay is
giving her.

According to the respondents’ answer, some of them experienced getting

negative experience (R1,R2) and positive (R3). Some of them answered that they had
difficulties in finding clothes in ukay-ukay.

According to Ekstrand , a retail marketing strategist , the individuals truly need

to be on pattern and they need to look on style. She also stated that individuals are
getting progressively innovate with shopping and tell us that "On the grounds that you
can be the point at which you shop at thrift stores. Thrift shopping is a courageous affair,
it's never one simple thing twice over, and clients appreciate that rush of the chase. You
can't find that in customary retail shopping."

San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 21
Summary of Emerging Themes on the Experiences of Customers when it
comes to Purchasing Ukay-ukay Products

Emerging Themes Essence of the lived experiences

Positive Experience According to the respondents’

answer, they witnessed having negative
experiences and positive experiences
when it comes to purchasing ukay-ukay
Negative Experience items. Some of them answered that they
had difficulties in finding clothes in
ukay-ukay which are common because
most ukay-ukay shops’ clothes are placed
on pile.

Table includes the emerging themes and its respective essence among the
answers of the respondents to the question pertaining to their experiences on purchasing
ukay-ukay products. This includes the related literature

Interview Question No.2 (Customer)

Is it easy to find nice clothes in an ukay-ukay shop?


Annotated Exemplars on the Purchasing Experiences of the Respondents when it

comes to Ukay-ukay


R1 6 If you know where your As R1 answered Easy

desired style is placed, it is our question we
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 22
easy. can see that she is
really thinking
about what she is
going to answer.

R2 26 Not really because in thrift She has a lot of

shop you really need patience on her
patience. body. Uneasy

R3 48 No. Because it will take When R3

lots of space before you answered this I
find nice clothes and you can feel that she
really need patience to find is a little bit
one. impatient person.

According to the respondents, each one of them have a different answer. R1

seems to hesitate a little whether he/she would say yes or no while R2 has answered the
question with understanding clear in his/her eyes and tone and the R3 firmly answer a no
that seems like he/she has an experience of almost spending his/her time trying to find a
nice clothing

According to Valdez, J.A.P, B.R.L Acosta &B.V. ramos, the major problems that
the consumer encounter when buying clothes is that the effort and times are wasted
when finding the nice clothes. The limited space also became a problem. Our
respondents said that it’s hard to find nice clothes if the space of the shop is small. It’s
becoming a problem on the grounds that they can’t move freely and stroll the shop.


Summary of Emerging Themes on the Experiences of Customers when it

comes to Purchasing Ukay-ukay Products

Emerging Themes Essence of lived experiences

Easy According to the answers of the

respondents, their experiences when it
comes to looking for nice clothes in an
Uneasy ukay-ukay shop, it’s uneasy but worth it
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 23
when you find the clothes you want.

Table includes the emerging themes and its respective essence among the
answers of the respondents to the question pertaining if it’s easy to find nice clothes in
an ukay-ukay shop. The related literature tackles the limited space of the shop becoming
a problem to the customers.

Interview Question No.3 (Customer)

Have you ever experienced trouble in purchasing ukay-ukay products?


Annotated Exemplars on the Purchasing Experiences of the Respondents when it

comes to Ukay-ukay


R1 6 Sometimes, because it is R1 let us see her Damages

second hand, you cannot soft side. She is
check the quality of the item kind and from her
if there are damages or stain answer we can
but it’s alright since it’s just see that she is
second hand. very

R2 28 I haven’t experienced R2 seems to have Have not

trouble because when i shop a strong bond experienced
because i bring my friends with her friends.
with me for second opinion.

R3 50 Some clothes aren’t worth it We noticed that Unworthy

to buy even though it’s not all products
cheap. from ukay-ukay
shop aren’t worth
it to buy.
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 24

According to the respondents, R1 seems to hesitate a little whether he/she would

say yes or no while R2 has answered the question with understanding clear in his/her
eyes and tone and the R3 firmly answer a no that seems like he/she has an experience of
almost spending his/her time trying to find a nice clothing

Lee 2014, said that since most items here are quite old and used, finding brand
new items could be as challenging as finding a needle in a haystack. But there are some
second-hand items that are really in good condition. Also look for stains that might not
be washed off, or holes that are quite huge you would have a hard time mending it. The
respondents said that some items have damages or stain and are unworthy to buy, since
Lee said that the items here are old and used, that might be one of the reason on why
there are things in ukay-ukay shop that are not worth it to buy.


Summary of Emerging Themes on the Experiences of Customers when it

comes to Purchasing Ukay-ukay Products

Emerging Themes Essence of lived experiences

Damages According to the answers of the

respondents, some of them experienced
Have not experienced
trouble in finding nice clothes because
Unworthy some items are old and unworthy

Table includes the emerging themes and its respective essence among the
answers of the respondents to the question pertaining if they’ve experienced trouble in
purchasing ukay-ukay items. The related literature written by Lee tackles some items in
ukay-ukay which are used and old. Some of our respondents answered there are products
that are not worthy to buy because it has damages or stains.
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 25
Interview Question No. 5 (Customer)

How much is your estimated money that you will spend in buying items in an ukay-ukay


Annotated Exemplars on the Purchasing Experiences of the Respondents when it

comes to Ukay-ukay


R1 10 Maybe starting from 500 I can see that R1 Maximum

to 1000 because you can is really fond of of one
buy many times in low- buying clothes. thousand

R2 32 As I am still a student, R2 is a
my allotted budget is responsible
atleast 500 only a student because
month. she already have Minimum
that mindset of
saving money. of

R3 54 500. Based on R3’s five

answer, 500 pesos
is already enough
in buying items in
an ukay-ukay

According to the respondents, two of them have 500 pesos as the minimum
amount for buying clothes in an ukay-ukay and he/she seems like to patronize ukay-
ukayclothings greatly while the other two has the maximum amount of 500 since one of
them is a student and the other one seems to value the amount of money and the value of
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 26
According to (2018) Some shopping mall sells clothes with the
cheap or cheaper price and if you are patient enough you can get 4 clothing for ₱100.
This just shws that even you have five hundred pesos, you can already buy many things
in ukay-ukay shop.


Summary of Emerging Themes on the Experiences of Customers when it

comes to Purchasing Ukay-ukay Products

Emerging Themes Essence of lived experiences

Maximum of one thousand According to the answers of the

respondents, their estimated money when it
comes to buying ukay-ukay products is
Minimum of five hundred 500-1000 pesos because ukay-ukay shops
sell some items lower than tweny pesos
which can be distinguished as cheap.

Table includes the emerging themes and its respective essence among the
answers of the respondents to the question pertaining how much is their estimated
money in purchasing ukay-ukay items. The related literature said that there are shops
who sell four good-quality clothes in one hundred pesos. It includes that the 500-1000
pesos budget of our respondents is already budget friendly.

Corollary Problem 2: What are the experiences of the sellers of ukay-ukay?

Interview Question No.1 (Seller)

What are your experiences when it comes to selling ukay – ukay products?

San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 27
Annotated Exemplars on the Selling Experiences of the Respondents when it comes
to Ukay-ukay


R4 68 My experience in selling Based on the Positive

ukay-ukay item is, response of R4, it Experience
customers kept on asking shows that the
about the preferences of caretakers must
the certain item, if it is know the details
brand new or already used about the certain
but since it’s an ukay- product..

R5 92 My experience when it R5 answered Positive

comes to ukay-ukay, it is calmly and gave a Experience
more profitable since I brief explanation
sell items that are cheap about ukay-ukay.
but pricey when you
search it online.

R6 117 In ukay-ukay, other people R6 looks irritated Negative

misinterpret the way on how while answering Experience
ukay-ukay was delivered. the question. He
Sometimes customers are so said people mostly
pushy, when we sell items
think negative
worth 50 pesos they kept
about ukay-ukay
asking if they can buy it at
20 pesos but we can't sell it
that way since we need the
profit to pay rent and other

Based on the respondents' answer, it is the people's point of view about ukay-ukay that
makes other consumer's behavior change. It might happen like they are asking about the
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 28
certain product or some people's word about ukay-ukay that can be positive ( R4, R5)
and negative (R6).

According to Reyes (2015), Among the many forms of expression, fashion is a

straightforward gauge of one’s individuality. You are what you wear, but that is so much
as the brand and price tag as the way you carry yourself. In search of value for money,
many Filipinos turn to ukay-ukay stores or thrift shops for quality clothing at very
affordable prices. Some of the seller said that ukay-ukay is profitable since it is cheap
and also fashionable. Altough it is cheap, it is branded and stylish.


Summary of Emerging Themes on the Experiences of Sellers of Ukay-kay

Emerging Themes Essence of lived experiences

Positive Experience According to the respondents answer, it is

the people's point of view about ukay-ukay
that makes other consumer's behavior
change. It might happen like they are
Negative Experience asking about the certain product or some
people's word about ukay-ukay that can be
positive and negative.

Table includes the emerging themes and its respective essence among the
answers of the respondents to the question pertaining the experiences of the seller when
it comes to selling ukay-ukay items. Since many Filipinos turn to ukay-ukay stores or
thrift shops for quality clothing at very affordable prices, fashionable, and branded

Interview Question No.2 (Seller)

Does selling second hand garments easy?

San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 29

Annotated Exemplars on the Selling Experiences of the Respondents when it comes

to Ukay-ukay


R4 70 It’s easy to sell ukay- R4 calmly Easy

ukay garments answered the
because Filipinos question, she said
also know that the it is easy to sell
products we sell has a second-hand
good quality

R5 94 It depends on how high Based on R5’s Depends on

the quality of the product answer, she said
is. If it is good, then we that consumer
can sell it easier and mostly buy high
faster. quality clothes.

R6 119 It’s hard, since some of I observed that Hard

the customers think that some people
we just pick the items thinks ukay-ukay
here and there. They is just something
don't know that we also like trash.
have capital to buy the
items we sell

According to the respondents, it depends on how people see ukay-ukay. Some of

them find it negative but most of consumers find it positive. It really differs to the place
where you built your ukay-ukay shop. R4 and R5 answered it with enthusiasm maybe
because they've had many customers but R6 find it difficult because the shop will just hit
big time when they have their salary.
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 30
According to there are many items that have damages yet
they still sell it to gain profit and in order to sell it, they deliberately hide the damages
with the use of price tags.

Each of respondents answer differently, they say it is easy,hand and depends on.

Interview Question No.3 (Seller)

What challenges do you encounter in selling second-hand items?


Annotated Exemplars on the Selling Experiences of the Respondents when it comes

to Ukay-ukay


R4 72 The challenges I I’ve noticed that Inquisitive

encounter is when R4 is a very
customers kept on asking positive person
if the products were good and knows how to
and because I’m the entertain
seller, I need to explain customers.
that even though ukay-
ukay is second-hand, it is

R5 96 Some of the customers R5 is a very Bargaining

buy the items in its fixed understanding
price but some customers seller and she has
wanted to buy the items a long patience
in almost half of the for those
price. consumers who
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 31
want to buy the
items in half-

R6 121 Rent is the common R6’s answer Rent

challenge we encounter shows that it is
and our profit in not that not easy to sell
stable, sometimes we second hand
even use our own money garments because
as "abono" sometimes, it will
cost you a lot.

It is very much obvious that consumers like to buy low-priced products. We

should all know that a business also has its roots. They also pay for their rent, water, and
electricity (R6). But what we cannot do is to ask for a payment half of its original price
because re-sellers will get nothing (R5).

According to Valdez, J.A.P, B.R.L Acosta & B.V. ramos, Ukay-ukay business in
not stable when it comes to sale. The common problem the caretakers encounter is that
unduly high rate of tax and especially the negative consumer behaviors.Sometimes their
profit is not that stable beause of the customers who wants to buy the fixed price in half
and the rent they need to pay is high.


Emerging themes Essence of the lived experience

Inquisitive According to the respondents, they like to

buy low-priced products. We should all
know that a business also has its roots.
Rent They also pay for their rent, water, and
electricity. But what we cannot do is to ask
for a payment half of its original price
because re-sellers will get nothing.
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 32
Interview Question No.4 (Seller)

What is the minimum profit of the ukay-ukay shop in a week?


Annotated Exemplars on the Selling Experiences of the Respondents when it comes

to Ukay-ukay


R4 74 I cannot answer this I observed that Confidential

question, the shop R4 is shocked
owners could. with the question
because it’s
confidential and
can be only
answered by shop
R5 98 It depends, sometimes R5’s answer Positive
there are lots of shows there is no Experience
customers, sometimes fixed amount of
there are not. profit, it all

R6 123 It depends, sometimes I’ve noticed that Negative

there are no customers the profit of the Experience
and they buy when they business depends
get their salary. on the consumer’s

According to the respondents, they all said that the profit of the ukay-ukay is not fixed it
depends on how many people are coming to their shop.

According to Balagbag, entrepreneurs who wish to last in this business: “There are days
when business is slow. There are also those days when you have almost nothing to sell
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 33
because your supply is yet to arrive, yet you still have to pay your rent. You must be able
to endure these times. You must know how to manage your funds.”

Emerging themes Essence of the lived experiece

Confidential According to the respondents, they all said

that the profit of the ukay-ukay is not fixed
Positive Experience
it depends on how many people are
Negative Experience coming to their shop.

Interview Question No. 6 (Seller)

What are the marketing strategies you perform in this kind of industry?


Annotated Exemplars on the Selling Experiences of the Respondents when it comes

to Ukay-ukay


R4 78 Customer service, if you I’ve observed that Customer

know how to engage with R1 is very Service
customers, your business welcoming to the
will boom. customers.

R5 102 Be kind to your customer R5 seems to have Customer

and be approachable. a long patience Service
when it comes to
serving his/her

R6 129 If new arrival, it is more R6 answered the Markdown

pricy then after that we question with
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 34
gradually lower the price. enthusiasm.

According to the respondents, two of them answered that you should know how to treat
your customers properly and the other one answered how they put items on sale.

According to Han (2013) Customer service and Markdown of price is one of the best
and common strategies the seller do.


Emerging themes Essence of the lived experience

Customer Service According to the respondents, two of them

answered that you should know how to
treat your customers properly and the other
one answered how they put items on sale.

Corollary Problem 3: Why do sellers work in an ukay-ukay business?

Interview Question No. 5 (Seller)

What inspires you in applying here as the seller of ukay-ukay shop?


Annotated Exemplars on the Reasons on Why Respondents Choose Ukay-ukay



R4 76 It’s confidential, so I’ve observed that Confidential

pass. the informations
are private that’s
why she didn’t
answer the
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 35

R5 100 When customers buy I’ve observed that Fulfilling

items in our shop since it she is very
is cheaper here, it makes positive and
me happy and fulfilling. answered the
question with a

R6 125 Here, I have free shelter, R6’s answer is all Beneficial

food, and free from about getting free
transportation expense. things while he is
selling ukay-ukay

According to the respondents, it is satisfying to see that by selling products they can help
other people because of the low price clothes they are selling and ofcourse one of the
reason is they are getting free things with their job.

According to Thompson, there are two main flavors of happiness, the researchers said: a
present-based happiness, which feels like calmness, and a future-based happiness, which
feels like excitement.


Emerging themes Essence of the lived Experience

Confidential According to the respondents, it is

satisfying to see that by selling products
they can help other people because of the
Beneficial low price clothes they are selling and
ofcourse one of the reason is they are
getting free things with their job.

Interview Question No.7 (Seller)

San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 36
What pushes you to work in this kind of market?


Annotated Exemplars on the Reasons on Why Respondents Choose Ukay-ukay



R4 80 We have different R4 seems to use Confidentia

experiences and reasons. many words but l
cannot explain it

R5 34 Additional income, I've observed that Additional

because money is easy and R5 is a business- Income
is much easier to sell ukay- minded person
ukay since it is cheaper. because she uses
ukay-ukay as
source of income.

R6 56 Just like what I’ve said, R6 seems to be Beneficial

everything is almost free thrifty because he
since the house we use is works in a place
located in our boss’ where food and a
property. place to stay in is
free. He use his
work as a
counterpart to
save money.

According to the respondents, they have different answers. The other one is because of
the extra income and the other is because of the free things he will be receiving aside
from his/her salary.

According to Hudson, "We pay ridiculous amounts of money to universities in order to

have them stamp us with a seal of approval: "ready to join the workforce." In every
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 37
country, in every culture, in every society in the world, people are working. What we do
need is to survive — and in order to do that, and because we live in the world that we
live in, we need to be capable of paying the cost of living.


Emerging themes Essence of the lied experience

Confidential According to the respondents, they have

different answers. The other one is because
Additional Income
of the extra income and the other is
Beneficial because of the free things he will be
receiving aside from his/her salary.

Corollary Problem 4: Why do customers patronize ukay-ukay products?

Interview Question No.4 (Customer)

Why do you patronize ukay-ukay products?


Annotated Exemplars on the Reasons on Why Respondents Choose Ukay-ukay



R1 8 Bacause it’s cheap and With R1’s Cheap

you can choose or buy response we can
more styles that you say that she wants
want, you will be on to save money but
the trend you want to at the same time
be in
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 38
she wants to be

R2 30 Our main reason is We can see that Cheap

because it’s cheaper buying affordable
and there are plenty of yet beautiful
nice clothes in thrift clothes is her main
shop. objective in
buying in ukay-

R3 52 Because it’s cheap and She wants to tell Cheap

you can see plenty of other people that
beautiful designer you can buy
clothes and plenty of branded clothes or
statement clothes that things without
you can buy without spending that
spending lots of money much.

According to the respondents, the three of them say the same thing. The main reason
why they patronize ukay-ukay product is because it is much cheaper and helps them
save money and the vintage style which is popular in the Philippines.

According to Silverio (2011) cited by Abueg (2010) people prefer to buy in an ukay-
ukay store because of its brand new garments and because of its affordable price


Emerging themes Essence of the Lived experience

Cheap According to the respondents, the three of

them say the same thing. The main reason
why they patronize ukay-ukay product is
because it is much cheaper and helps them
save money and the vintage style which is
popular in the Philippines.
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 39

Interview Question No.6 (Customer)

Who introduced ukay-ukay to you?


Annotated Exemplars on the Purchasing Experiences of the Respondents when it

comes to Ukay-ukay


R1 12 My friends, also my R1 based her Mother’s

mother because answer from the influence
sometimes she tells me experiences she
story about when she buys had with her
in thrift shops, items are mother and
cheap and you have many friends.
choices that you can
afford to buy.

R2 34 My mother because when With the answer Mother’s

I was still a kid when she of R2, they have a influence
goes to the city, we ask strong
her to buy things in ukay- relationship with
ukay. her mother.

R3 56 My mother. Based on the Mother’s

response of R3, influence
she answered our
question with her
experience with
her mother.
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 40
According to the respondents, all of them answered the same thing, their mother and
friends. They said that their mother used to wear an ukay-ukay clothing or their mother
buys them clothes.

According to Seavers (2018) Mother is the best influencer since she is your biggest
brand advocate, has fantastic brand understanding and has great engagement and


Emerging Themes Essence of the Lived experience

Mother’s Influence According to the respondents, all of them

answered the same thing, their mother and
friends. They said that their mother used to
wear an ukay-ukay clothing or their
mother buys them clothes

Interview Question No.7 (Customer)

What pushes you to buy items in an ukay – ukay shop?


Annotated Exemplars on the Purchasing Experiences of the Respondents when it

comes to Ukay-ukay


R1 14 Being fashionable to Based on the Fashionabl

supply the style that you answer of R1 to e
want and also maybe answer she wants
because it's cheap. That to tell other people
is the main reason that you can be
because their items are fashionable
cheap. without spending
too much money.
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 41
R2 36 The main reason, because R2 is trying to tell Budget
it's budget friendly so if other people that Friendly
you need clothes for you don’t need to
some events that you buy expensive
think your budget can't clothes for the
afford it. It is really nice event that you’ll
in thrift shops because be attending if you
there are many beautiful can buy in an
clothes. ukay-ukay.

R3 58 The price itself because Based on the Cheap

it's cheap and really experience of R3,
convenient and also she see’sukay-
you'll be in style without ukay as convenient
spending lots of money and budget

According to the answers of the respondents all of them wants to save money
while being fashionable.

According to Sahod Chronicles, It’s cheap! Obviously, shopping at ukay-ukay is

cheap. This is the first reason that comes to mind. You just need to know where to shop.


Emerging themes Essence of the lived experience

Fashionable According to the answers of the

respondents all of them wants to save
Budget Friendly
money while being fashionable.

Corollary Problem 5: What are the effects of ukay-ukay trade to the following:

a. Customer
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 42
b. Seller

Interview Question No.8

What are the effects of ukay – ukay to you?


Annotated Exemplars on the Effects of Ukay-ukay Trade To Respondents


R1 16 Effects.. Maybe being Ukay-ukay helps Positive

practical and to save money. R1 to me more Effect
practical when it
comes to money.

R2 38 I am also getting Based on the Positive

satisfaction when I am response of R2,
buying in thrift shops she’s satisfied with Effect
because I am discouraged to the things that she
spend more money just to gets from ukay-
buy the clothes i need. ukay.

R3 60 It's good thing because it R3 based her Positive

helps me everyday in my answer from her
everyday lifestyle because i experience with the Effect
used to wear clothes from clothes that ukay-
thrift shops ukay clothes she
used before.

R4 82 I see that my co-workers are Ukay-ukay helps Positive

becoming confident because people to boost
of selling ukay-ukay items. their confidence. Effect

R5 106 It is enjoyable since I can With the response Positive

also use ukay-ukay products of R5, people are Effect
and it is imported encouraged to buy
ukay-ukay clothes
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 43
because of the
branded clothes that
you can find here.

R6 133 I doesn't have any effect on Based on the No Effect

me actually, it just gave me answer of R6, the
salary that's all. ukay-ukay don’t
have effect on

According to the respondents, they all have different answers. The 5 of the have positive
effect from ukay-ukay (R1, R2, R3, R4, R5) while the other one said ukay-ukay don’t
have effect on him/her.

According to Portia Ladridoor for the poor, thrift shops have been the most practical
place to shop for clothes because of its low prices. However, if these clothes were goods
that were intended to be given to them anyway, they’ve only become another victim of
an underground ukay trade that also rips off millions from the government.


Emerging themes Essence of the lived experience

Positive Effect According to the respondents, they all

have different answers. The 5 of the have
No Effect
positive effect from ukay-ukay while the
other one said ukay-ukay don’t have effect
on him/her.

Interview Question No.9

How does ukay-ukay help you with your financial situation?

San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 44
Annotated Exemplars on the Effects of Ukay-ukay to the Respondents


R1 18 In financial, i have said it From her response

already a couple of times we can say that
you can save money then she learn to save
you can buy more items. more money. Save
R2 40 It helps me to save because It helps her to be
it doesn’t turn me to buy a practical.
costly one.

R3 62 It helps a lot specially I'm a Based on her Budget

student and I don't earn experience it helps friendly
money by myself thats why her to be in trend
it helps me because its specially that she
budget friendly. don’t earn money.

R4 86 It helps when it comes to R4 said that ukay- Positive

financial situation. ukay has helped
her in her financial Effect

R5 108 It helps me greatly since it R5 based his Cheap

is cheaper many customers response to his
buy items from ukay-ukay experiences when
it comes on how
ukay-ukay helped
him with his
financial situation.

R6 135 Compare to other shop that This helps him/her Save

sells pricey items, in ukay- to have branded money
ukay you can buy it much clothes without
cheaper spending much
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 45

According to the respondents, they all have the same answer in this question.
Ukay – ukay helped them all with their financial situation by saving some of their
money because of the low priced clothes that they bought from ukay-ukay and from the
freebies that they get from them.

According to Celestial the most important principle to remember when buying

clothes from the ukay-ukay is don’t buy something if you’re not really happy with it.
Otherwise, you did not really save money on your purchase. Ukay-ukay gives us
ordinary people the chance to buy high-end clothes at ridiculously low prices. You just
have to be conscious about brands, quality and make. You can really get good buys.

Emerging Themes Essence of the lived experience

Save money According to the respondents, they all

have different answers. The 5 of the have
Budget Friendly
positive effect from ukay-ukay while the
Positive Effect other one said ukay-ukay don’t have
effect on him/her.

Interview Question No.10

How does ukay-ukay help you with your everyday outfit?

Table 5.1.3

Annotated Exemplars on the Effects of Ukay-ukay to the Respondents


R1 20 I can buy all the styles Based on her Fashionable

that i want. response, she can
be in with the
new clothing
trend without
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 46
spending much.

R2 42 It helps me to look Based on her Presentable

presentable without experience she
spending that much can look
because our thrift shops presentable with
are budget friendly. the clothes from
ukay – ukay.

R3 64 It helps me to be From her/his

fashionable and in style response we can
always even though its tell that she is a
not that expensive. practical person.

R4 88 You’re becoming a Based on the Fashionable

fashionista and you know response of R4 it
what products are seems that ukay-
signature. ukay helps her to
be fashionable.

R5 110 If I found an item I want It looks like that On trend

in ukay-ukay then I ukay-ukay helps
would buy to be on trend them a lot when it
in ukay-ukay style. comes to their
everyday outfit.

R6 139 Since I am here, I don't Based on the Good

need to buy in other shop response of R6,
since the clothes in ukay- ukay-ukay help
ukay are good. him/her with her
daily outfit
because this is
where they get
their clothes.

According to the respondents, they all have the same answer that ukay-ukay helps them
save money.
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 47
According to Jordan Bayot clothes from thrift shops – or “ukay-ukay” – could be a good
avenue for his creativity. He could turn the previously owned pieces into something
freshly stylish and trendy.

Emerging themes Essence of the lived experience

Fashionable Ukay-ukay help the respondents to have

a good sense of fashion and help them to
save money and be on trend.
On trend


Interview Question No.11

How did ukay-ukay change your life?


Annotated Exemplars on the Effects of Ukay-ukay to the Respondents


R1 22 Maybe to be strategic when it With her response Practical

comes to money because of I can say that R1
the poverty now a days and is a practical
there are plenty of new trendy person.
styles that if you buy in the
malls you can't meet the
standards thats why in the
thrift shops everthing you
wanted you can buy it.

R2 44 It helps me to value money, She enjoys Creative

be gumptious and to be buying clothes
creative because sometimes, I from ukay-
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 48
buy in thrift shops because I ukaybecause she
want to create something that can exercise her
out of that products that I've creativity skills
bought in thrift shop. when it is time to
match the clothes
that she buy.

R3 66 When thrift shop was From her Less

introduced to me, thats when I response it seems trouble
knew that I can have clothes, I that ukay-ukay
can have those things without made a big
difficulties and I won't spend change with her
lots of money unlike before. life.

R4 90 It helps us to socialize with Based on his/her Socialize

other people. answer, you can
improve you
skills because you
are always
socializing with
other people.

R5 112 It helps me manage my every R5 learned how Managem

day needs since we gain to manage ent
profits because of ukay-

R6 141 The needs of my family was It seems that Beneficial

taken care of since I have ukay-ukay have
work and the shelter and food been a big help
is free. with R6 because
of the salary that
he/she is getting
from it.
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 49
According to the respondents, ukay-ukay change their lives in different ways.
Some of them made some realizations because of ukay-ukay and some of them make
profit out of ukay-ukay.

According to Flores, "At first I went just because it was a bang for the buck. But
now it's one of the best ways to be creative, try new things and explore different styles.
Aside from having no sales people or visual merchandising to distract you, it's definitely
the thrill of the chase! 90% of my wardrobe comes from thrift shopping! I can’t
remember the last time I wore an outfit that was head-to -toe from retail... I'm always
very, very excited each time I step into a store because I never know what I'm going to
find," shared Shaira.


Emerging Themes Essence of lived experience

Practical Ukay-ukay helped our respondents in

different aspects. It has helped them to be
practical, creative, face less trouble, to
Less trouble socialize with other people, to help them
manage money, and is very beneficial.


San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 50



This study presents the summary of findings, conclusions, and recommendationsyhat

were based on the result of the study.

Qualitative design was used in this study , specifically, ethnographic qualitative research
that studies social interaction, behaviors, and perceptions that happens in an organization
or community. Three customers and three sellers where chosen as the respondents. The
response of each respondents were recorder, transcribed, and analyzed. Subthemes and
superordinate theme were answered based on the answer of the respondents. The
following discussion are the results of the research questions on the first chapter of the

Summary of Findings

The lived experiences of the customers and sellers in Calamba City Laguna were
essential and has flaunted the experiences, effects, and impacts of ukay-ukay trade to
every Filipinos. It became an eye opener to those people who doesn't have enough
money and have shown importance to those who benefit for the profit.

Indeed, ukay-ukay sellers have shown compassion and competitiveness to bloom the
business. Despite of the challenges and negative experiences they faced, the seller made
it the reason to earn more.

We cannot count the minimum profit of ukay-ukay shop. Even if it's for the day, week,
or month. It all depends to the customers. Sometimes they even ask for the half price of
an item than the original price. In a business, there are good customers and some are
kind of rude which is inevitable.
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 51
Selling ukay-ukay garments is fine but some people think ukay-ukay is just a trash being
picked by the re-sellers. It makes the caretaker offended knowing they have also worked
hard for it. In this industry, earning money is easy but knowing you will also pay for the
utilities, it makes you agitated.

Being a caretaker isn't easy. You have to entertain all the customers and their questions
with regards to the item they are interested to purchase. Customer's behavior will be also
under this. If you are a certain consumer, and the caretaker welcomed you with a smile
on her face, you will think it's nice to buy items here knowing you are friends with them.

We cannot deny ukay-ukay is a trend nowadays. Looking at some facebook posts makes
us curious if there are really good products in ukay-ukay shops. Indeed, to the
experiences of every persons, we can say that ukay-ukay is really a good start for you to
save money. We are burdened with high inflation in clothes that's why most consumers
think this is a counterpart to atleast have good fashion sense. If there are good products,
we cannot avoid reject products. These are the negative sides of an ukay-ukay shop aside
from it's smell. If you are influenced by the people around you, it could also be the
reason on why you patronize ukay-ukay items.

Some consumers are selective in buying items in an ukay-ukay shop. Some shops smell
bad that's why choosing a place to build your store is also considered. But being able to
buy things in a low-price is really heartwarming. Some of Filipinos don't know that the
products from ukay-ukay shops aside from second-hand garments that can be still used,
but the signatured clothes from the other country which are not popular here in the

In buying items here, it is really needed to haggle and dig into the piles of clothes to find
the item you want. Purchasing items in a low price is very essential specially to the
students who want to look good but doesn't have enough money and to everyone who
wants to save money.

It lessens the burden of everything in us. We also have so many things to pay, that's why
buying products in an ukay-ukay shop is highly recommended. You have to choose the
best item, wash it, wear it, and rock it.

San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 52
The lived experiences of the respondent shows that even though there are negative sides
of ukay-ukay shop, we cannot deny that positive things about it soar a lot. Ukay-ukay is
really more than the democratization of fashion. The industry that develop second-hand
clothes generates millions of income for re-sellers, and saves millions more for the
people who buy from them.

The findings of theme analysis that the three caretakers and three consumers of ukay-
ukay shop have coped up with the positive and negative experiences together with its
effects. This is significant to the 6 respondents because they have saved enough money
for them to use in the future. This implies that the journey of every consumers and
caretakers will be filled with changes and experiences to their everyday lives.


In convenience with the feelings of the research the following recommendations could
be considered to help the caretakers to handle their job in a better way and give ideas on
how to be more business minded person and also help consumers and public regarding

The researchers suggest that consumers, public, and students should patronize ukay-
ukay more but still be wary when it comes to cleanliness and safeness of the product. In
caretakers, researchers suggest that customer service should be practice more in order to
attract the public's attention and also to purchase the ukay-ukay products. Moreover, we
highly recommend that each of us should patronize ukay-ukay products than class A

Each ukay-ukay should have a health certificate regarding the products they sale or at
least organize the clothings regarding their style in order to attract customer's eye.
Customers always buy clothing that is fashionable but if it's dirty or smelly, the fashion
or style if the clothes will be ignored but the smell and dirt of the clothes will be a major
turn off.

We recommend to the government that ukay-ukay selling must be legalized because it

has helped Filipino Citizens a lot.

The future researchers will gain more knowledge about ukay-ukay's importance and
significance. We suggest to them to interview the owners of an ukay-ukay shop which
we didn’t had the chance to do to and enhance the study. Discuss the comparison
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 53
between high-end business who sells low-priced clothes and ukay-ukay shop who have
low-priced clothes to know the differences and similarities between both parties.



Silverio, I. (2011) The Economics of Ukay-ukay. Retrieved from (2018) UKAY FANS WILL LOVE THESE THRIFT STORES IN MANILA. Retrieved from

Sahod Chronicles (n/a) Why You Should Start Buying Clothes in Ukay-Ukay. Retrieved from

Ladrido, P. (2018) When ukay-ukay is more than a challenge. Retrieved from
challenge.html (2012) The University of Ukay. Retrieved from

San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 54
Lee, G. (2014) 8 Ways to Master Ukay-ukay. Retrieved from

Seavers, D. (2018) 5 Reasons Why Your Mother is Your Best Influencer. Retrieved from

Hudson, M. (2019) 5 Most Important Elements of Visual Merchandising. Retrieved from

Thompson, D. (2014) How Consumers' Moods Drive Decisions. Retrieved from

Han, J. (2013) Understanding second-hand retailing: A resource

based perspective of best practices leading to
business success. Retrieved from

Reyes, B. (2015) Business unusual: Operating an ukay-ukay store. Retrieved from

Abueg, L. (2010) The economics of secondhand retail trade: an analysis of the market
for ukay-ukay. Retrieved from

Flores, P (2016) How Shaira Luna Proved That 'Ukay-Ukay' Clothes Would Never Make
You Look 'Cheap'. Retrieved from
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 55

Zaleski (2018), How thrift shopping's positive social impact helps people overcome
barriers. Retrieved from


Interview Transcript of “R1” (Customer)



1 R “What are your experiences when it comes to purchasing

ukay – ukay products?”

2 R1 “Uhm my experience sa pamimili ng ukay – ukay, uhh

medyo mabaho yung space nila then medyo maingay kasi
nga madaming taong namimili then yung may time na nag
aagawan kayo nung sa isang item kasi limited yung ano
nila style or sizes ganun.”

3 R “Is it easy to find nice clothes in an ukay – ukay shop?”

4 R1 “Uhm yeah kung alam mo kung saan nakalagay yung mga

gusto mong styles na bibilhin kung san siya naka pwesto,
yeah easy.”

5 R “Have you ever experienced trouble in purchasing ukay –

ukay products?”

6 R1 “Sometimes kasi nga diba dahil second hand sila di mo

naman siguro pag super daming nabili di mo machecheck
lahat kung meron ba siyang mantsya or merong konting
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 56
sira pero okay lang kasi nga diba second hand.”

7 R “Why do you patronize ukay – ukay products?”

8 R1 “Uhh dahil siguro mura then you can choose or you can
buy more styles na gusto mo na dahil din sa uso na gusto
mo din makasabay sa uso.”

9 R “How much is your estimated money that you will spend

in buying items in ukay – ukay shop?”

10 R1 “Siguro start 500 to 1,000 kasi madami ka nang mabibili

kasi nga mura yung item nila.”

11 R “Who introduced ukay – ukay to you?”

12 R1 “My friends and also siguro my mama kasi minsan nag

kekwento din siya na pag bumibili siya sa ukay – ukay
yun nga mura tyaka madami kang pag pipilian na kaya mo
siyang bilhin.”

13 R “What pushes you to buy items in an ukay – ukay shop?”

14 R1 “Uhh being fashionable para masupplyan or matugunan

mo yung mga gusto mong styles o din siguro dahil mura
yun, yun talaga pinaka ano dun mura yung mga item

15 R “What are the effects of ukay – ukay to you?”

16 R1 “Effects.. siguro being practical and to save money.”

17 R “How does ukay – ukay help you with your financial


18 R1 “Sa financial ayun nga pinapaulit ulit ko na makakapag

save ka ng money then you can buy pa more items na and
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 57
yun to save money.”

19 R “How does ukay – ukay help you with your everyday


20 R1 “Every day.. ukay-ukay.. uhh natutugunan o nabibili ko

lahat ng gusto ko na styles and yeah nabibili ko lahat ng
gusto ko na styles.”

21 R “How did ukay – ukay change your life?”

22 R1 “Siguro being diskarte na din it comes with the money

dahil nga dahil sa kahirapan din ngayon tas madami pang
na uusong mga uhh styles na kapag binili mo sa mall or sa
mga mamahaling store di mo siya matutugunan kaya sa
ukay – ukay lahat ng gusto mo pwede mo siyang bilhin
kasi nga sila ay mura.”

Interview Transcript of “R2”(Customer)



23 R “What are your experiences when it comes to purchasing

ukay – ukay products?”

24 R2 “Ayun nahihirapan lang mamili kasi di tulad sa mga malls

pupuntahan mo lang yung section kung nasaan yung size

25 R “Is it easy to find nice clothes in an ukay – ukay shop?”

26 R2 “Hindi naman masyado kasi nga diba sa ukay – ukay halo

halo na kailangan talaga diyan tiyagaan saka pasensya
kapag nag ukay – ukay ka.”
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 58
27 R “Have you ever experienced trouble in purchasing ukay –
ukay products?”

28 R2 “Wala pa naman kasi kadalasan kapag nag uukay ukay

ako kasama ko yung mga kaibiganko para ano alam mo
yun second opinion.”

29 R “Why do you patronize ukay – ukay products?”

30 R2 “Yun nga kasi diba yung main reason natin kasi cheaper
siya tapos ano tiyaka madami din kasing magagandang
damit sa ano eh sa ukay – ukay.”

31 R “How much is your estimated money that you will spend

in buying items in ukay – ukay shop?”

32 R2 “Bilang estudyante parin naman ako my allotted budget is

atleast 500 pesos only a month.”

33 R “Who introduced ukay – ukay to you?”

34 R2 “Ano yung nanay ko, kasi nung bata pa kami kapag

napunta siya ng bayan ang gusto naming pasalubong eh
ukay – ukay.”

35 R “What pushes you to buy items in an ukay – ukay shop?”

36 R2 “Yun nga yung ano yung main reason kasi nga budget
friendly so kung may kailangan kang damit sa isang event
na sa tingin mo di kakayanin ng budget mo so ano
maganda talaga yung ano yung sa ukay – ukay kas inga
diba madami ng magagandang damit dun sa ukay - ukay.”

37 R “What are the effects of ukay – ukay to you?”

38 R2 “Ayun nakakakuha din ako ng satisfaction kapag

nakakabili kasi hindi na ako naeenganyo na gumastos pa
ng mahal para lang mabili ko yung kailangan kong
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 59

39 R “How does ukay – ukay help you with your financial


40 R2 “Uhm it helps me to save kasi it doesn’t turn me to buy a

costly one.”

41 R “How does ukay – ukay help you with your everyday


42 R2 “Ayun, it helps me to look presentable without spending

that much kas inga diba budget friendly yung ukay – ukay

43 R “How did ukay – ukay change your life?”

44 R2 “Ayun nga it helps me to value money be gumptious and

to be creative kasi minsan diba, I buy sa ukay – ukay kasi
because I want to create something that out of that product
that I’ve bought sa ukay – ukay.”

Interview Transcript of “R3”(Customer)



45 R “What are your experiences when it comes to purchasing

ukay – ukay products?”

46 R3 “So far so good kumpleto naman lahat ng nabili ko dun is

good para sakin nagagamit ko lahat and okay siya sakin
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 60
12 R “Is it easy to find nice clothes in an ukay – ukay shop?”

48 R3 “No. haha Because it will take lots of spaces bago ka

makahanap ng magandang clothes and kailangan talagang
mag tiyaga ka para makakita ka.”

49 R “Have you ever experienced trouble in purchasing ukay –

ukay products?”

50 R3 “Ahmm so far meron kasi yung ibang mga damit hindi

naman talaga worth it bilhin although it’s cheap kaya lang
hindi lahat okay.”

51 R “Why do you patronize ukay – ukay products?”

52 R3 “Because it’s cheap and marami kang makikitang

magandang designer clothes maraming statement clothes
na mabibili dun without even spending lots of money.”

53 R “How much is your estimated money that you will spend

in buying items in ukay – ukay shop?”

54 R3 “Hmm. Mga 500.”

55 R “Who introduced ukay – ukay to you?”

56 R3 “Si mama.”

57 R “What pushes you to buy items in an ukay – ukay shop?”

58 R3 “Ahmm. The price itself kasi it’s cheap and convenient

talaga and also you’ll be in style without spending lots of

59 R “What are the effects of ukay – ukay to you?”

60 R3 “It’s a good thing kasi nakakatulong siya sa everyday,

everyday lifestyle lifestyle ko kasi I used to wear clothes
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 61
na galling dun.”

61 R “How does ukay – ukay help you with your financial


62 R3 “It helps a lot lalo pa lalo na I’m a student and I don’t earn
money by myself kaya it helps me kasi budget friendly
lang lagi.”

63 R “How does ukay – ukay help you with your everyday


64 R3 “It helps me to be fashionable and in style always kahit

hindi, kahit hindi siya super mahal.”

65 R “How did ukay – ukay change your life?”

66 R3 “Uhm. When ukay – ukay was introduced to me tiyaka,

tiyaka ko nalaman na I can have clothes, I can have those
things na hindi naman talaga ko mahihirapan and hindi
ako mamamahalan unlike before.”

Interview Transcript of “R1” (Seller)



67 R “What are your experiences when it comes to selling

ukay-ukay products?”

68 R1 “Yung mga experience nila dito ma'am is when it comes

to selling ukay-ukay products, alam nila yung... yung
kunware may mga customer na gamit ba yung mga to? B-
brand new ba yung mga to? uhm uhm syempre when it
comes to ukay-ukay is second-hand talaga naman yan
pero hindi naman ibig sabihin na second-hand second-
hand is hindi na sya pwedeng gamitin or ano kasi yung
ukay-ukay kasi ma'am is ukay-ukay is imported..
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 62
imported sya tapos ano yung mga iba signatured, yung
mga iba signatured sila sa ibang bansa na hindi kilala dito
sa Pilipinas tapos orginal clothing pa sya kaya mas
matibay sya kaysa sa mga class a na binebenta sa mga
ano.. yan yung differences ng ukay-ukay.”

69 R “Does selling second hand garments easy?”

70 R1 “And naman sa mga ahh selling hand garments is uh

second-hand garments easy? easy naman sya ma'am kasi
alam naman na yung mga pili kasi yung mga sa ating mga
pilipino pilipino alam natin alam naman natin na yung
second-hand ukay-ukay garments yung kagaya ng mga to
is alam natin na matibay talaga sya compared naman na
bibili tayo ng ng mga brand new na hindi naman sya ano...
ganun. yun lang ang masasabi ko.”

71 R “What challenges do you encounter in selling second-

hand items?”

72 R1 “Challenges, yun na nga yung mga nagsasabi uhm

kunware yung may mga customer na ay ukay-ukay,
maganda ba yung mga ra-ganito, syempre explain m osa
kanila na yes ma'am maganda naman yan kahit kahit
second-hand yan maganda yan ma'am kasi orginal naman
sya mga ganon..”

73 R “What is the minimum profit of the ukay-ukay shop in a


74 R1 “Ay yung may ay di ko masasagot yan ma'am kasi

depende yun sa selling ng ano tsaka ah very fragile yung
ganyang topic yung kung kumbaga sa shop owners na

75 R “What inspires you in applying here as the caretaker of

the ukay-ukay shop?”
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 63
76 R1 “Uhm ano yan ahh medyo fragile na yan. pass muna tayo

77 R “What are the marketing strategies you perform in this

kind of industry?”

78 R1 “Marketing strategies? uhm ano customer service.. talaga.

top- number one is customer service kung alm mo yung
kung paano makikisalamuha sa customer sa mga
customer.. boom talaga ang business mo.”

79 R “What pushes you to work in this kind of market?”

80 R1 “Iba iba naman kasi yun maam ihh hindi yung ahh uhh
yung iba iba yung reason jan maam iba iba yung reason

81 R “What are the effects of ukay-ukay trade to you?”

82 R1 “Yun nga po yung effect nya is syempre dati yung mga

yung mga kasama namin hindi nila alam kung paano yung
ganito mga maytatabilangangbente yung effect nya dati ay
itong mga itong mga kasama ko nakikita ko naman na ano
nagiging nabuibuild up yung confidence nila.”

83 R1 “eto po 400 lang ”

84 R1 “ano na lang tat- dalwa na lang po.”

85 R “How does ukay-ukay help you with your financial


86 R1 “Na nasagot ko na yan ah.. uh okay naman sya when it

comes to financial situation meron naman.”

87 R “How does ukay-ukay help you with your everyday

San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 64
88 R1 “Syempre nagiging fashionista ka na ganun. Alam mo na
yung mga signature yung mga ganun.”

89 R “How did ukay-ukay change your life?”

90 R1 “yung yung ito naman sa ano sa yung mga sa mga change

your life na ito.... how did ukay-ukay change your life?
may ba may pagbabago talaga sa buhay na nila kasi
nakakasalamuha sila ng ibat ibang mga tao then na naa
uplift yung yung kanilang ano yung yung kaalaman or
naging socialize na sila sa mga ano...”

Interview Transcript of “R2” (Seller)



91 R “So here’s the first question, first, what are your

experiences when it comes to selling ukay-ukay

92 R2 “Ahhhh selling, ako ‘yung nagbebenta, ayon, aba’y ‘yung

experience … mas uhm…kumbaga ano malaki ‘yung
kinikita sa ano kasi syempre ukay nga, ayon mura, mura
ang halaga, nabebenta mo ng murang halaga, yung
kumpara sa tunay na presyo noon sa mga isesearch mo,
tunay na presyon noon ay halos ¼ na ng ano, ng price..”

93 R “Second question, does selling second hand garments

easy? Madali lang po bang magbenta ng mga second-hand

94 R2 “Depende, it depends to the… to the product ganun kung

magugustuhan ng ano syempre mga ano namimili din ng
kumbaga yung yung quality na ano kumbaga talagang
magan..maganda yung quality noobng bibilihin.”
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 65
95 R “Third question, what challenges do you encounter in
selling second-hand items?”

96 R2 “Ang mga challenges ‘yung nandyan yung merong

mamimili na yung agad namang binibili sa presyong ano
pero meron din na halos tumatawad na halos kalahati na
yung tawad nila, yun ang ano, yun ang mga experience ko
sa pagbebenta.”

97 R “Fourth question, whaat is the minimum profit of the

ukay-ukay shop in a week? Magkano daw po ‘yung
nabebenta nyo sa isang linggo?”

98 R2 “Isang linggo depende, kasi hindi naman yung uh onga,

hindi nman araw-araw meron tayong napagtinda…meron
naman time na ano, merong time na sa isang luinggo
malakas, sa isang linggo mahina, hindi ano yung benta,
hindi fixed sa isang price lang.”

99 R “Fifth question, what inspires you in applying here as a

care…caretaker of ukay-ukay shop? Anod aw po ang nag-
inspire sa inyo kung bakit kayo nagtrabaho bilang
tagabntay nitong ukay-ukay shop?”

100 R2 “Syempre naiinspire ka kasi maraming namimili… oo

paarang, parang ang sarap-sarap ng feeling na pumapasok
‘yung mamimili dahil nga sa mahal ng bilihin, nakaka
uhm bili sila ng mura dun sa ukay-ukay.”

101 R “Sixth po, what are the marketing strategies you perform
in this kind of industry? Marketing strategies?”

102 R2 “Marketing strategies yung syempre magiging ano sa

bagangag para ka maging ano sa marketing nay an
syempre kailangan mong maging ano sa customer…
kaialngan maging mabait ka sa customer parang umfskt
tamang approach para kumita yung ano mo… kaulangan
maganda yung approach mo sa customer.”

103 R “Seven, what pushes you to work in this kind of market?”

San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 66
104 R2 “Ano, syempre ang nagpush sayo para dagdag income..
kung meron ka pa namang kinikita syempre kung naanjan
ka sa ukay mas mabilis ang benta dahil nga mura, edi
dagdag income yun, kung ano ma yung business na ano

105 R “Number eight, what are the effects of ukay-ukay trade to

106 R2 “Uhhh… ‘yung epekto noon? Uhhh sa akin… yung ano
yung parang naeenganyo na rin ako na halimbawa tulad
ng ukay-ukay na products parang naaano ka na rin na
naeenganyo ka na rin na gumamit ng ukay-ukay products
dahil nga bukod sa mura, galling pa sa ibang bansa dba
imported yan.”

107 R “Number nine, how does ukay-ukay help you with your
financial situation?”
108 R2 “Uh.. Malaki ang naitutulong nun sa financial mo kas inga
yung madaming bumibili kasi nga ano ito ay mura sa
murang nabibili nila kaya maraming ano maraming
namimili dahil uso nga ngayon ang ukay-ukay.”

109 R “Number ten, how does ukay-ukay help you with your
everyday outfit?”

110 R2 “Ahhh oh yun ukay-ukay syempre dun nga nagtatrabaho

sa ukay-ukay aba ay syempre bilang ano, yung sarili
mong pera.. halimbawa gusto mo ring bumuli ng gusto
mong ano gusto mong may Nakita kang maganda dahil
syempre bibili ka rin non, pansarile para makasunod ka
rin sa kung ano man yung uso ngayon na tionda sa ukay-

111 R “Number eleven, how did uky-ukay change your life?”

112 R2 “Ahhh ukay-ukay ano sa pamamagitan nga ng

pagtatrabaho sa ukay-ukay o pagmamanage mo,
nagmamanage ka ng ukay-ukay, edi syempre, ay malaking
tulong iyong pang araw-araw na kabuhayan kas inga dun
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 67
sa kinikita mo.”

113 R “Ayun lang po..”

114 R2 “Yun lang?”

115 R “Thank you po.”

Interview Transcript of “R3” (Seller)



116 R “So first question what are your experiences when it

comes to selling ukay ukay products?”

117 R3 “Ukay ukay ih ano ih ma ang ibang tao ay parang ang alm
ih walang ano tong ukay ukay walang … parang
kinukuha lang naming ,walng .. *sniffs* hindi nila akam
ay may puhunan rin ho kami umuupa rin ho kami ganon
kaya ang gusto nila eiy pagsabing singkwenta ey gusto ey
bente di nila alam na ang upa naming ang tubig naming
ang ilaw namen yung hora namen diba? ganun po.”

118 R “Second question po, does selling second hand garments

easy? Madali lang po bang magbenta ng mga second hand

119 R3 “Mahirap den yung nga ang alam ng mga tao ih parang
ano parang pinupulot lang naming parang tinatapon na
dinadampot naming eh hindi nila alam na may puhunan
din ho kami kaya mahirap din mahi mahirap.”

120 R “Number three po, what challenges do you encounter in

selling second hand items? Anod aw po yung mga
challenge na nararanasan nyo sap agbebenta ng ukay-
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 68

121 R3 “Challenge sa ano sa challenge ay ang upa ho ang

talagang ano, ang ano ho ang kala.. kalaban talaga naming
yaang upa, hindi …hindi ano ‘yung puhunan mo kasi ano
naman ang nakukuha naming tsaka minsan ey nag-aabono
pa ho kami, yaan po ang ano naming.”

122 R “Fourth po, what is the minimum profit of the ukay-ukay

shop in a week? Magkano daw po ang kinikita ng ukay-
ukay shop sa isang Linggo kahit minimum lang po?”

123 R3 “Ay depende ho, minsan eh, min..minsan eh may benta

may minsan eh ay walang benta. Kaya mahirap din kasi,
kasi di moa lam ang ano ng tao, saka lang pag sahod lang
saka ano medyo mataas yun.”

124 R “Yung fifth po, what inspires you in applying here as the
caretaker of the ukay-ukay shop? Ano daw po ang nag-
inspire sa inyo para maginng taga-bantay nitong ukay-
ukay shop?”

125 R3 “Ano ho uhm, kasi libre tirahan na ho, libre kain ho, ay
pag um-apply kasi sa ano eh, alangan eh, nag-ano ka pa,
bumili ka ng pagkain mo, mamamasahe ka. Dito eh naka-
ano ka lang kapag naka-ano ka lang, loki..walking
distance lang tapos yun nga libre kain na libre tulog, yun

126 R “Sixth question po, what are the marketing strategies you
perform in this kind of industry?”

127 R3 “Ano ho yun?.”

128 R “‘Yung mga strategy nyo po sa pagbebenta po ng mga

ukay-ukay products?”

129 R3 “Eh yung strategy naming kapag ano, kapag new arrival
syempre mataas pero pagka nabawi na naming ng konti
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 69
yung puhunan tsaka upa, ibabagsak rin naming yan,
ibabagsak rin naming.”

130 R “Seventh question, what pushes you to work in this kind

of market? Ano daw pong nagtulak sa inyo para
magtrabaho po dito?”

131 R3 “Yun nga yung sinabi kong hindi ka na mamasahe, hindi

ka na…. libre kain mon a, libre tu- stay in ka na ganyan,
libre kasi tirahan namin lupa ng boss naming jan sa taas,
iyun po. Di mon a kailangang umano, ng pamasahe, di
mon a iintindihin ang pagkain, yun ho.”

132 R “Number 8 po, what are the effects of ukay-ukay trade to

you? Anod aw pong mga epekto ng mga ukay-ukay po

133 R3 “Epekto? Parang wala naman…hmm.. parang wala naman

eh, syempre ako ey caretaker ako…sumasahod lang ako,
ganun lang.”

134 R “How does ukay-ukay help youwith your financial


135 R3 “Ahm syempre ano, yun ano bumibili ako ng mga

mamahaling ano.. yung mga halibawa may mga pantalon
may mga nagkakahalagang three five, yung mga
ganunang ukay-ukay, mabibili ko na lang ng mas mura
mga halagang dalawang daan, tatlong daan ayos na.”

136 R “Mas nakakatipid po kayo?”

137 R3 “Oho ganun ho.”

138 R “How does ukay-ukay help you with your everyday


139 R3 “Everyday outfit? Ay, yun nga syempre uhm ditto ako
kumukuha ng mga damit ko, hindi ko na kailanganag
bumili sa .. sa labas, sa mga ano kasi ay anfg mga tela
naman sa mga ukay-ukay, ayos naman. Kaya wala na
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 70
akong talo ma’am.”

140 R “How did ukay-ukay change your life?”

141 R3 Change your life? Ahh, parehas lang naman, wala.. wala
ring pinagbago.. ayos lang…ayos lang naman..hmm ano
Ma’am syempre pag ano ih sumasahod ka pang araw-
araw hmmm may ano ka na sa araw, may work ka na, may
atleast libre ano ka na. eh yung pamilya mo naman
poproblemahin mo eh ngayon hindi na.

February 18, 2019


San Sebastian College-Recoletos
Wisdom Ave, Carmelray industrial Park 1,
Canlubang, Calamba City, Laguna

Dear Mrs. Menorca,

San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 71
Good day! This is to formally ask for your permission we would like to conduct
an interview with regards to the research entitled “UKAY-UKAY: EXPLORING A
SHOPPING TREND IN THE PHILIPPINES”. The participants will be three (3)
respondents consist of people who regularly buys an item in an ukay-ukay shop and
another three (3) are the caretakers of ukay-ukay business; they will be interviewed by
the researchers one by one.
This study aims to know what is the essence of the lived experiences of the
caretaker and the consumers within the ukay-ukay trade in the Philippines. The
respondents are those who manage an ukay-ukay business and those who buy ukay-ukay
For confidentiality the names of the respondents will not be revealed. Their
answers on our interview will be transcribed and will be provided as the output of the
study. Attached are the actual questions that will be asked to the respondents.
Hoping for your consideration with this matter.

Very truly yours,


Noted by:
Research Instructor
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 72

February 18, 2019

Dear Respondents,

We are Nikka Mae C. Buno, Donafel C. Castillo and Micah Isabelle A. Briones,
students of Grade 11 ABM of San Sebastian College-Recoletos. We will be conducting
PHILIPPINES” as a partial fulfillment for our research subject in SSCR-Canlubang,
Calamba City, Laguna.
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 73
The purpose of our study is to gather information about the experiences of both
the caretaker and consumer of ukay-ukay.

You will be asked to answer the interview questions of the researchers. A

recorder will be used to transcribe all the conversation that will be made during the
interview. Your identity as a respondent will not be divulged by the researchers, as your
name will not be included when the recording is transcribed. You can also decline to
answer any parts of the questions.
Your participation is highly appreciated.

Very truly yours,


Noted by:
Research Instructor
San Sebastian College-Recoletos Canlubang 74

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