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Electrical Machines Laboratory - II



Electrical Machines Laboratory-II explores all the possible design connections of an AC
machines like Transformers, Induction & Synchronous and it also experimentally obtains the
characteristics and thus observes the performance of AC motors and generators.
At the completion of this lab, the student will be able to:
 Obtain the operating characteristics of AC machines.
 Examine the relationship between torque, speed, voltage and current for various types of
motor connections in no-load and loaded configurations.
 Predict, by calculation, the performance of Transformers and Synchronous Generators.
 Analyze and select appropriate AC machines for given applications.

List of Experiments


1. OC & SC Tests on 1-ϕ Transformer

2. Scott Connection of Transformers
3. Parallel Operation of 1-ϕ Transformers
4. Sumpner’s Test on a Pair of 1-ϕ Transformers
5. Brake Test on 3-ϕ Induction Motor
6. Determination of Xd and Xq of a Salient Pole Synchronous Machine


7. Separation of Core Losses of a Single Phase Transformer

8. No-Load & Blocked Rotor Tests on 3-ϕ Induction Motor
9. Equivalent Circuit of a 1-ϕ Induction Motor
10. Regulation of a 3-ϕ Alternator by Synchronous Impedance & MMF Methods
11. Regulation of 3-ϕ Alternator by ZPF and ASA Methods
12. V and Inverted V Curves of a 3-ϕ Synchronous Motor

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Electrical Machines Laboratory - II

Circuit Diagram:

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Electrical Machines Laboratory - II



AIM: To predetermine the %efficiency, %voltage regulation of a 1- Transformer by conducting OC

(Open Circuit) & SC (Short Circuit) tests on it

Parameter LV Winding HV Winding

Rated Power 3 KVA
Rated Voltage 115V 230V
Rated Current
No. of Phases Single phase Single phase

Name of the
S.No. Range Type Quantity
(0-2) A MI 1
1 Ammeter
(0-20) A MI 1
(0-75) V MI 1
2 Voltmeter
(0-150)V MI 1
150V, 2A, LPF DM 1
3 Watt meter
75V, 20A, UPF DM 1
4 1- Auto-Transformer 230V/(0-270)V,10A Wire Wound 1
5 1- Transformer Shell 1
230V/115V, 50Hz
6 Connecting wires --- ---

1. Avoid loose connections and parallax error while taking the readings.
2. Use LPF type wattmeter for OC test and UPF type wattmeter for SC test.
3. The auto-transformer should be kept in minimum position initially.
4. The auto-transformer should be varied slowly and uniformly.

OC Test:
1. Make the connections as per circuit diagram.
2. Keep the autotransformer in zero output voltage position and close the DPST switch.
3. Vary the autotransformer variable knob and apply rated voltage across LV winding of the 1-
ϕ Transformer.

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Circuit Diagram:

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Electrical Machines Laboratory - II

4. Note the values of no load current, no load voltage and input power.
5. Bring back the auto transformer to zero output voltage position and open DPST to
disconnect the circuit.
SC Test:
1. Make the connections as per circuit diagram.
2. Keep the autotransformer in zero output voltage position and close the DPST switch
3. Vary the autotransformer variable knob and allow rated current through HV winding of the
1- Transformer.
4. Note the values of short circuit current, voltage and input power.
5. Bring back the auto transformer to zero output voltage position and open DPST to
disconnect the circuit.

For Open circuit test:
Cos  0C
I O Sin
Im = OC

I O CosOC
IW =
Shunt branch resistance, Ro =

Shunt branch reactance, Xo =
For Short circuit test:
Wsc  Isc 2  R01

Where R01 is total Eq. Resistant of the T/F refer to HV Side

R01  2
I sc

X012 = Z012 –R012 Where X01 is total Eq. reactance referred to HV Side

I 2 R cos   I 2 X 02 Sin
%Regulation = 02
*100 Where Cos = P.F of load

% = X 100 ( i/P = o/p + Total Losses)
i/ p

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OC Test:

Open Circuit Voltage Open Circuit Current Open Circuit Power

V0 (Volts) I0(Ampere) W0(Watt)

SC Test:

Short Circuit Voltage Short Circuit Current Short Circuit Power

VSC (Volts) ISC(Ampere) WSC(Watt)

To Find % Efficiency

Cu losses Iron losses Total losses I/P power %η
S. No. Loading power
(W) (W) (W) (W) (%)
1 N.L
2 ¼ F.L
3 ½ F.L
4 ¾ F.L
5 F.L

To Find % Regulation

Power Factor % Voltage Regulation

0.4 (lag)

0.6 (lag)

0.8 (lag)


0.4 (lead)

0.6 (lead)

0.8 (lead)

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Efficiency Characteristics

%Efficiency (%)

Output Power (W)

Regulation Characteristics
% Voltage

Leading Lagging

Power Factor

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Electrical Machines Laboratory - II



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Circuit Diagram:

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Expt. No:

AIM: To conduct Sumpner’s test on a pair of identical single-phase transformers and to determine
efficiency and regulation at different loads for a given power factor.

Parameter LV Winding HV Winding

Rated Power 2 KVA
Rated Voltage 115V 230V
Rated Current
No. of Phases Single phase Single phase

Name of the
S.No. Range Type Quantity
(0-5) A MI 1
1 Ammeter
(0-10) A MI 1
(0-75) V MI 1
2 Voltmeter (0-150)V MI 1
(0-600)V MI 1
150V, 2A, LPF DM 1
3 Watt meter
75V, 10A, UPF DM 1
4 1- Auto-Transformer 230V/(0-270)V,10A Wire Wound 2
5 1- Transformer Shell 2
230V/115V, 50Hz
6 Connecting wires --- ---

1. Avoid loose connections and parallax error while taking the readings.
2. The auto-transformer should be kept in minimum position initially.
3. The auto-transformer should be varied slowly and uniformly.
4. SPST should be closed only when voltmeter connected across it shows zero reading.

1. Make the connections as the circuit diagram.
2. Close the DPST switch and make sure that SPST connected on secondaries of transformers
are in open.

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Transformer-1 Transformer-2
W1 W2
V1 (Volts) I1 (Ampere) V2 (Volts) I2 (Ampere)
(Watts) (Watts)

To Find % Efficiency

Cu losses Iron losses Total losses I/P power %η
S. No. Loading power
(W) (W) (W) (W) (%)
1 N.L
2 ¼ F.L
3 ½ F.L
4 ¾ F.L
5 F.L

To Find % Regulation

Power Factor % Voltage Regulation

0.4 (lag)

0.6 (lag)

0.8 (lag)


0.4 (lead)

0.6 (lead)

0.8 (lead)

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Electrical Machines Laboratory - II

3. Apply rated voltage on LV side by adjusting the variable knob of 1-ϕ auto-transformer-1.
4. Note down readings of all meters connected on the LV Side.
5. If the volt meter connected across two secondary windings of transformers reads zero
voltage then close SPST switch, otherwise interchange the any one of the secondary winding
for series opposition.
6. Apply rated current on HV side of transformers by adjusting the variable knob of 1-ϕ auto-
7. Note down readings of all meters connected on the HV Side.
8. Bring back the two auto transformers to zero output voltage position and open DPST to
disconnect the circuit.


For Efficiency:

Wiron = W1/2 (watts) & Wcu = W2/2 (watts).

For Regulation:

Reh=Wsc / Isc2 (Where Wsc =W2 / 2 ) and Zeh= Vsc / Isc (Where Vsc= V2 / 2 & Isc= I2)

Xeh= Zeh2 – Reh2

I HV R eh Cos   X xh Sin  
% regulation =


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Efficiency Characteristics

%Efficiency (%)

Output Power (W)

Regulation Characteristics
% Voltage

Leading Lagging

Power Factor

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Electrical Machines Laboratory - II

 Sumpner’s test is much improved method of predetermining regulation and efficiency than OC
and SC tests.
 The Sumpner's test requires two identical transformers.
 Thus in the sumpner's test without supplying the load, full iron loss occurs in the core while full
copper loss occurs in the windings simultaneously. Hence heat run test can be conducted on the
two transformers. In OC and SC test, both the losses do not occur simultaneously hence heat run
test cannot be conducted. This is the advantage of Sumpner's test.

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Circuit Diagram:

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Electrical Machines Laboratory - II

Expt. No:

AIM: To obtain balanced two phase supply from balanced three phase supply by connecting two 1-
transformers in Scott connection

Parameter LV Winding HV Winding

Rated Power 3 KVA
Rated Voltage 115V 230V
Rated Current
No. of Phases Single phase Single phase

Name of the
S.No. Range Type Quantity
(0-600) V MI 1
1 Voltmeter
(0-150)V MI 2
2 3- Auto-Transformer 415V/(0-470)V,10A Wire Wound 1
3 1- Transformer Shell 1
230V/115V, 50Hz
4 Connecting wires --- ---

1. Avoid loose connections and parallax error while taking the readings.
2. The auto-transformer should be kept in minimum position initially.
3. The auto-transformer should be varied slowly and uniformly.

1. Make the connections as per circuit diagram.
2. TPST Switch is kept in open position & autotransformer is kept in zero output voltage
position initially.
3. Close the TPST switch, adjust the variable knob of 3- auto-transformer in steps and
increase the voltage applied. Note down secondary side voltmeter readings V2, V3 & primary
voltmeter reading V1 in each step.
4. Applied voltage is increased until the secondary voltage (V3) of main transformer reaches its
rated value.

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Secondary Secondary Resultant

voltage Voltage Voltage
line V2l=√2V2 V3l=√2V3
S.No of Main of Teaser 2 2
Transformer Transformer (V) (V) Vl2 + Vl3
V1 (V)
V3(V) V2 (V) (V)


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5. Autotransformer is brought to minimum output voltage position & the TPST switch is

6. Values are tabulated. 2 V2 & 2V3 are calculated.

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 There are two main reasons for the need to transform from three phases to two phases,
 To give a supply to an existing two phase system from a three phase supply.
 To supply two phase furnace transformers from a three phase source.
 If desired, a three phase, two phase, or single phase load may be supplied simultaneously
 The neutral points can be available for grounding or loading purposes



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Circuit Diagram:

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Expt. No:

AIM: To connect two 1- transformers in parallel to load and check the load sharing of each

Parameter LV Winding HV Winding

Rated Power 2 KVA
Rated Voltage 115V 230V
Rated Current
No. of Phases Single phase Single phase

Name of the
S.No. Range Type Quantity
1 Voltmeter (0-300) V MI 1
(0-10)A MI 2
2 Ammeter
(0-20)A MI 1
3 1- Auto-Transformer 230V/(0-270)V,10A Wire Wound 1
2 KVA,
4 1- Transformer Shell 2
230V/115V, 50Hz
5 Resistive Load 5 KW Wire Wound 1
6 Connecting wires --- ---

1. Avoid loose connections and parallax error while taking the readings.
2. The auto-transformer should be kept in minimum position initially.
3. The auto-transformer should be varied slowly and uniformly.
4. Adjust the measuring instruments for zero error.
5. The condition for Parallel Operation should be strictly established before transformers are

Polarity Test:
1. Connect the primaries of two identical transformers in parallel and secondary’s on open
circuit for polarities of the windings by a voltmeter of double range of normal secondary

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Secondary Secondary
Supply Load
Applied Current of Current of
Voltage Current
Load Transformer-1 Transformer-2
V (V) IL (A)
I1 (A) I2 (A)


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2. If the voltmeter reads double the secondary voltage then it is concluded that opposite
polarities have been connected.
3. If the voltmeter reads zero voltage then it is concluded that same polarities have been
4. This test is necessary for secondary windings only.

Parallel Operation:
1. When voltage polarities have been find out completely then give the connections as per
circuit diagram.
2. Switch on the supply and gradually increase the 1- auto-transformer to rated voltage of the
3. Now apply the load in steps up to rated current of the transformer and at each step the
voltage should be maintained constant.
4. Note down the readings of voltmeter & ammeters.
5. After taking the readings remove load and bring the 1- auto-transformer to zero position.
6. Switch off the supply.

Necessary Conditions:

Sufficient Conditions:

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To Main
Rotor Wound
for two phases

Incoming Stator Wound
Machine for two phases


 A synchroscope is an instrument for indicating the correct time for switching on. For operation
of large machines, it is a suitable device. It consists of a small motor with stator and rotor
windings of both wound for two phases.
 Its working is based on the rotating magnetic field principle.
 The pointer position of the synchroscope indicates the phase difference between the voltages of the
incoming machine and the infinite bus.
 When the frequencies are equal, the pointer is stationary. When the frequencies differ, the pointer rotates
in one direction or other.
 The direction of motion of the pointer shows whether the incoming machine is running too fast or too
slow, that is whether the frequency of the incoming machine is higher or lower than that of the infinite

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Circuit Diagram:

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AIM: To determine the voltage regulation of a given alternator by synchronous impedance method
and mmf method.


S.No Parameter
DC Shunt Motor Alternator
1 Rated Voltage
2 Rated Current
3 Rated Power
4 Rated Speed
5 Rotor type


S.No Name of the Apparatus Range Type Quantity

(0-2)A MC 1
1 Ammeter
(0-10)A MI 1
(0-30)V MC 1
2 Voltmeter
(0-600)V MI 1
3 Rheostat 300Ω/2A wire wound 2
4 Potential divider 850Ω/0.6A wire wound 1
5 Tachometer (0-3000)rpm Digital 1
6 Connecting wires --- ---

1. Avoid loose connections and parallax error while taking the readings.

2. The 3-point starter should be varied slowly and uniformly.

3. Adjust the measuring instruments for zero error.

4. Keep the motor field rheostat at minimum position.

5. Keep the synchronous generator field rheostat at maximum position.

6. Keep the maximum resistance in A-V method initially.

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Open Circuit test:
Open Circuit
Open Circuit
Field Current Voltage
S.No. If (Ph)
(Amps) Eoc/Ph=
Eoc (Volts)
Eoc/L/√3 (Volts)

Short Circuit test:

S.No. Current

To find voltage regulation:

Eg= (V cos  I a Ra ) 2  (V sin   I a X S ) 2 Eg  V
S.No. cosϕ sinϕ
Lagging Leading Lagging Leading

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1. Make the connections as per circuit diagram.
2. Close the DPST switch and start the motor using 3-point starter with minimum resistance of
motor rheostat.
3. Adjust the motor field rheostat till the rated speed of the generator is achieved.
4. To Conduct OC Test, excite the alternator field rheostat in steps till the alternator builds up
to 125% of its rated voltage and note down the corresponding values of no-load generated
emf and the shunt field current.
5. Again keep the alternator field rheostat in maximum position.
6. To Conduct SC Test, close the TPST switch on alternator terminal side.
7. Excite the alternator field rheostat in steps till the alternator reaches to its rated current /
short circuit current and note down the corresponding value of the field current.
8. Again keep the alternator field rheostat in maximum position, Open the TPST switch.
9. Keep the motor filed rheostat in minimum position and open the DPST switch.
10. Plot the Open Circuit Characteristic (OCC) curve between field current (vs) no-load
generated emf and Short Circuit Characteristic (SCC) curve between field current (vs) rated
current / short circuit current.

To determine effective resistance (Re):

1. Make the circuit as shown in Ammeter-Voltmeter method.
2. Initially keep the rheostat in maximum condition.
3. Close the DPST Switch to provide DC supply to any one of the phase of armature winding of
4. Vary the rheostat in steps up to the rated current rating of rheostat and note down the
corresponding readings of voltmeter and ammeter.
5. Open the DPST switch and calculate armature resistance in each step and find the average
6. Calculate effective resistance,
Re = 1.5 * Ra avg

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Value of ‘E0’ (for lagging load)

Considering load current (Ia) as a reference,

lagging load current ‘Ia’ is lags behind the voltage
(V) by an angle ‘∅ ‘.

From the Phasor diagram of lagging power factor,

OD2 = OB2 + BD2

Eg2 = OD2 = (OA + AB)2 + (BC + CD)2

Eg = (V cos ∅ + Ia Re)2 +(V sin ∅ + Ia Xs )2

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For leading load:

Consider terminal voltage (V) as a reference, load current (Ia) leads terminal voltage ‘V’
by an angle ‘∅ ‘.

From the Phasor diagram of leading power factor,

OC2 = OD2 + DC2

Eg2 = OC2 = (OE + ED)2 + (BD - BC)2

Eg = (V cos ∅ + Ia Re)2 + V sin ∅ - Ia Xs

Eg - V
 % Voltage regulation = × 100 about 30%

Where, V = terminal voltage obtained by rating of an alternator

Ammeter – Voltmeter Method :- (To obtain the value of Re)

Va Ia Ra
(Volts) (Amps) (Ω)

Average Resistance

Effective resistance, Re = 1.5 * Ra avg

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Ifm  is the main field current required to generate rated induced emf under Open-Circuit condition

Ifr  is the main field current required to produce the armature or full load current under Short-
Circuit Condition

Ift  is the main field current which gives the maximum open circuit induced EMF

Ift , Ifm and Ifr are also represented in terms of ∅fm , ∅fr and ∅ft respectively.

Ift = Ifm + Ifr

For Lagging power factor load:

Here Ifm and ‘E’ are taken as reference vectors

Ifr lags behind E by ‘’

Ifr1 and Ift1 are actual values i.e., obtained by direct

load method

For lagging, Ift angle  900 + 

For Leading power factor load:

Ifr leads E by ‘’

 = Load power factor angle

For leading, Ift angle  900 - 

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 Calculation or estimation of regulation of the machine without actually loading the machine, by
using indirect methods is known as predetermination of regulation.
 The value of voltage regulation estimated by EMF method is always higher or poor than the actual value
and hence this method is called pessimistic method.
 The value of voltage regulation estimated by MMF method is always lower than the actual value and
hence this method is called optimistic method.
 In EMF method all the MMFs are replaced by emf for voltage regulation where as in MMF method all
the emfs are replaced by mmfs for voltage regulation.

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Circuit Diagram:

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AIM: To determine Xd and Xq of a 3- phase salient pole alternator by conducting slip test.


S.No Parameter
DC Shunt Motor Alternator
1 Rated Voltage
2 Rated Current
3 Rated Power
4 Rated Speed
5 Rotor type


S.No Name of the Apparatus Range Type Quantity

1 Ammeter (0-10)A MI 1
2 Voltmeter (0-150)V MI 1
3 Rheostat 300Ω/2A wire wound 1
4 3- Auto-Transformer 415V/(0-470)V,10A Wire Wound 1
5 Tachometer (0-3000)rpm Digital 1
6 Connecting wires --- ---

1. Avoid loose connections and parallax error while taking the readings.

2. The 3-point starter should be varied slowly and uniformly.

3. Adjust the measuring instruments for zero error.

4. Keep the motor field rheostat at minimum position.

1. Make the circuit as shown in circuit diagram.
2. Keep Shunt motor field regulator in minimum resistance position and TPST in open position
3. Close the DPST switch and start the DC motor. Adjust its speed to the speed slightly less than
the rated speed with the help of field rheostat.

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S. Imax Imin Vmax Vmin Xd = Vmax/Imin Xq = Vmin/Imax

No (A) (A) (V) (V) (Ω) (Ω)

Average Xd = _________ Xq = _________


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4. If the voltmeter across the field reads twice the rated voltage, then change the phase sequence
(such that the voltmeter reads zero)
5. Close TPST switch and apply 25% of rated voltage to the alternator stator by adjusting 3-phase
6. Introduce some slip by varying the speed of alternator till the fluctuations in the voltmeter and
ammeter are maximum.
7. Note down the maximum and minimum values of currents and voltages (Vmax, Vmin, Imax, Imin) in
the armature circuit.
8. Calculate Xd and Xq using Xd = Vmax / Imin (per phase) and Xq = Vmin /Imax (per phase).
9. Repeat the above procedure for different values of applied voltage to the alternator. Take the
average of all the values of Xd and Xq.



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Circuit Diagram:

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Expt. No:

AIM: To conduct brake test on 3- Induction Motor and to determine its performance characteristics.


S.No Parameter Range

1 Rated Voltage
2 Rated Current
3 Rated Power
4 Rated Speed
5 Rotor type


S.No Name of the Apparatus Range Type Quantity

1 Ammeter (0-10)A MI 1
2 Voltmeter (0-600)V MI 1
600V, 10A, UPF
3 Watt meter DM 1
(Double Element)
4 3- Auto-Transformer 415V/(0-470)V, 10A wire wound 1
5 Tachometer (0-3000)rpm Digital 1
6 Connecting wires --- ---


1. Avoid loose connections and parallax error while taking the readings.
2. The auto-transformer should be kept in minimum position initially.
3. The auto-transformer should be varied slowly and uniformly.
4. Adjust the measuring instruments for zero error.


1. Connect the circuit as per the diagram and taking care that the brake belt is loose and the
brake drum is filled with water for cooling.
2. Start the motor and note down the readings of ammeter, wattmeter and the speed of the
motor in the table.

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r = radius of brake drum = ____________

Applied Load Speed Spring Fields Input Torque Output Power % Efficiency
S=S1-S2 2πNT Po/p
S. No. Voltage Current IL N S1 S2 Power Pi/p T=9.81*S*r
(Kg) Po/p = (W) η= *100 (%)
(V) (A) (rpm) (Kg) (Kg) (W) (N-m) 60 Pi/p

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3. Load the motor by tightening the brake belt in steps up to full load (the full load current read by
the ammeter).
4. Note down the readings as per tabular column.
5. Plot the performance characteristics of the motor.


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%Efficiency (%)
Torque (N-m)

Speed (rpm)



Output Power (W)

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The advantages of brake test,

1. Actual efficiency of the motor under working conditions can be found out.
2. The method is simple and easy to perform.
3. Can be performed on any type of asynchronous motor.

The disadvantages of brake test,

1. Due to friction, heat generated and hence there is large dissipation of energy.
2. Some type of cooling arrangement is necessary.
3. Convenient only for small machines due to limitations regarding heat dissipation arrangements.
4. The power developed gets wasted hence method is expensive.
5. The efficiency observed is on lower side.



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Circuit Diagram:

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AIM: To plot the circle diagram of the 3- induction motor to determine its slip, Torque, output,
efficiency at full load, maximum Torque, slip at maximum torque, starting torque by conducting no
load and blocked rotor test.


S.No Parameter Range

1 Rated Voltage
2 Rated Current
3 Rated Power
4 Rated Speed
5 Rotor type


S.No Name of the Apparatus Range Type Quantity

1 Ammeter (0-10)A MI 1
(0-600)V MI 1
2 Voltmeter
(0-300)V MI 1
600V, 10A, UPF DM 1
3 Watt meter
300V, 10A, UPF DM 1
4 3- Auto-Transformer 415V/(0-470)V, 10A wire wound 1
5 Tachometer (0-3000)rpm Digital 1
6 Connecting wires --- ---


1. Avoid loose connections and parallax error while taking the readings.
2. The auto-transformer should be kept in minimum position initially.
3. The auto-transformer should be varied slowly and uniformly.
4. Adjust the measuring instruments for zero error.
5. Increase the applied voltage slowly & carefully in blocked rotor test.

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Circuit Diagram:

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No load Test:

1. Make the connections as per the circuit diagram.

2. The 3- autotransformer is kept in zero voltage position and see that the brake drum rotates
3. TPST switch is closed. By adjusting the 3- auto transformer variable knob, increase the applied
voltage gradually until the voltmeter reads the rated voltage of the motor.
4. Note the voltmeter (V0), Ammeter (I0) & Wattmeter (W1, W2) readings.
5. Bring the 3- autotransformer to zero output voltage position and open the supply TPST switch.
Blocked Rotor Test:

1. Tight the belt around the brake drum to block the rotor of induction motor.
2. The applied voltage is increased slowly by varying 3- autotransformer variable knob until the
ammeter reads rated current.
3. Note down Voltmeter (Vsc), ammeter (Isc) & wattmeter (Wsc) reading.
4. Bring the 3- autotransformer to zero output voltage position and open the supply TPST switch.

Circle diagram:

1. Draw voltage phasor along Y-axis.

2. Select a suitable scale for current. (Say Xamp = 1cm)
3. I0 (O - O`) making an angle of 0with Vt, ISC (O – A) making an angle SC with Vt and I1 (O –
H) which is any load current making an angle 1 with Vt are drawn to the suitable scale.
4. Join O`A, which represents the output line.
5. Draw horizontal line joining the points O` and G.
6. Draw a perpendicular bisector to O`A, which intersects O`G at point C.
7. Draw a semicircle with center C & O`C (CG) as radius.
8. Drop a perpendicular from point A that intersects O`G line at point E & X-axis at point F.
9. Divide the line AE by D into two segments such that
AD/DE = Rotor copper losses/stator copper losses

i.e. AE represents the total copper losses.

10. Join O`D, which represents Torque line.

11. Join O`J, which represents power input at no load (constant losses).

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Locating point D:

1. When rotor is cage type:

Stator resistance R1 is determined by ammeter voltmeter method.

Power input to motor blocked rotor test, stator copper loss = 3Isc2 R1

Rotor copper loss = Wsc – 3Isc2 R1

D is located such that AD/DE= Rotor copper loss/ Stator copper loss.

2. When it is a wound Rotor:

R1, R2 are calculate of by voltmeter – ammeter method

AD/DE = (R2/K2)/R1 = R2`/R1

K may be found by connecting two ammeters one in stator circuit & other in rotor circuit in
blocked rotor test.


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No-Load Test:

No-Load No-Load P0
No-Load Power ϕ0 = cos-1
Voltage Current W1(W) W2(W)
P0= W1+ W2 (W) √3 V0 I0
V0 (Volts) I0 (Amp)

Blocked Rotor Test:

Short Circuit Short Circuit Short Circuit PSC

Voltage Current W1(W) W2(W) Power ϕSC = cos-1
VSC (Volts) ISC (Amp) PSC= W1+ W2 (W) √3 VSC ISC

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 The Circle diagram provides information which is not provided by an ordinary phasor diagram.
A phasor diagram gives relation between current and voltage only at a single circuit condition. If
the condition changes, we need to draw the phasor diagram again.
 But a circle diagram may be referred to as a phasor diagram drawn in one plane for more than
one circuit conditions. Therefore, we can get information about its power output, power factor,
torque, slip, speed, copper loss, efficiency etc. in a graphical or in a diagrammatic
 The circle diagram of an induction motor is very useful to study its performance under all
operating conditions.



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Circuit Diagram:

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Expt. No:

AIM: To determine the equivalent circuit parameters of a single phase induction motor by
conducting No-Load and Blocked rotor tests.


S.No Parameter Range

1 Rated Voltage
2 Rated Current
3 Rated Power
4 Rated Speed
5 Rotor type


S.No Name of the Apparatus Range Type Quantity

(0-10)A MI 1
1 Ammeter
(0-20)A MI 1
(0-300)V MI 1
2 Voltmeter
(0-150)V MI 1
300V, 10A, UPF DM 1
3 Watt meter
150V, 20A, UPF DM 1
4 1- Auto-Transformer 230V/(0-270)V,10A Wire Wound 1
5 Tachometer (0-3000)rpm Digital 1
6 Connecting wires --- ---


1. Avoid loose connections and parallax error while taking the readings.
2. The auto-transformer should be kept in minimum position initially.
3. The auto-transformer should be varied slowly and uniformly.
4. Adjust the measuring instruments for zero error.

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Circuit Diagram:

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No-Load Test:

1. Connect the circuit as shown in circuit diagram.

2. Keep the auto Transformer in Zero voltage position.
3. Close the DPST Switch and apply rated voltage to the stator of induction motor and run the
motor on no load.
4. Note down ammeter reading I0, Voltmeter reading V0 and Wattmeter reading W0.
5. Reduce the applied voltage to zero and open the DPST Switch of the supply.

Blocked Rotor Test:

1. Block the rotor by tightening the belt.

2. Close the DPST switch and gradually increase the voltage until the ammeter reads rated
3. Note down the short circuit current ISC, Voltmeter reading VSC and Wattmeter reading WSC.
4. Reduce the applied voltage to zero and put off the power supply.

Equivalent Circuit:

Blocked Rotor test:

Determine r1, r21, x1 and x21 from the test data given above.
When the rotor is blocked, S=1 and X0/2 is much larger than the impedance in parallel with it.
Therefore the equivalent circuit reduces to the one shown below.
RSC = r1 + r21 = WSC / ISC2 = 2 r1 =2 r21 because in all the machines


2 2
XSC= x1 + x21 = ( Z SC  R SC )=2 x1 =2 x21

No Load Test:

At no load S is very small hence r21/2S is very large as compare to X0/2. More over r21/ 2 ( 2 – S) =
r21/ 4r21/ 4 + r21/ 4 + JX21/ 2 is very small as compared to X0/2.
The shunt branch resistance R0 is neglected. Therefore under no load condition the equivalent circuit
becomes as shown below
R1, R21, X1 and X21 are known from blocked rotor test.

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No-Load Test:

Input Input Input

Speed N Cos  0
Voltage V0 Current I0 Power W0
(rpm) = W0 / V0I0
(Volts) (Amps) (Watts)

Blocked rotor Test:

Input Input Input

Current ISC Voltage VSC Power WSC
(Amps) (Volts) (Watts)


Calculation of Xm:

 1 1
Vab  V0  I 0 0 (r1  r2 /4)  (X1  X 2 /2) 
Since r1, r21, X1 and X21 are known from blocked rotor test.

Then X0/2 = Vab / I0

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(Stator Equivalent Circuit)

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Circuit Diagram:

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AIM: To conduct suitable test to plot ‘V’ and ‘Inverted V’ curves of a given Synchronous Motor.


S.No Parameter Range

1 Rated Voltage
2 Rated Current
3 Rated Power
4 Rated Speed


S.No Name of the Apparatus Range Type Quantity

(0-10)A MI 1
1 Ammeter
(0-2)A MC 1
2 Voltmeter (0-600)V MI 1
600V, 10A, UPF
3 Watt meter DM 1
(Double Element)
4 Rheostat 300Ω/2A wire wound 1
5 Tachometer (0-3000)rpm Digital 1
6 Connecting wires --- ---


1. Avoid loose connections and parallax error while taking the readings.
2. The starter should be kept in position-1 initially.
3. Adjust the measuring instruments for zero error.

1. Connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram.
2. The resistance in the field circuit of motor is kept at minimum position to stud-1.
3. Close the TPST Switch, start the synchronous motor starter making the starter position to
4. Then make the starter position to stud-2, varying knob of starter and note down the readings
of voltmeter, ammeter & wattmeter.

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Applied Load Field P

Input Power
S. No. Voltage Current IL Current IL cos ϕ =
P (W) √3 VL IL
VL (V) (A) (A)


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5. By varying the variable rheostat from maximum to minimum position, note down the
6. Brought the field rheostat to minimum position, synchronous motor starter to the initial
position and switch-off the supply.
7. Plot the curves, field current versus armature current and power factor.

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‘V’ Curve:

Armature current Ia (A)

Field current If (A)

‘Inverted-V’ Curve:
Power Factor

Field current If (A)

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Circuit Diagram:

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AIM: To determine the voltage regulation of a given alternator by zero power factor method and
ASA method.


S.No Parameter
DC Shunt Motor Alternator
1 Rated Voltage
2 Rated Current
3 Rated Power
4 Rated Speed
5 Rotor type


S.No Name of the Apparatus Range Type Quantity

(0-2)A MC 1
1 Ammeter
(0-10)A MI 1
(0-30)V MC 1
2 Voltmeter
(0-600)V MI 1
3 Rheostat 300Ω/2A wire wound 2
4 Potential divider 850Ω/0.6A wire wound 1
5 Inductive Load 415V, 10A wire wound 1
6 Tachometer (0-3000)rpm Digital 1
7 Connecting wires --- ---

1. Avoid loose connections and parallax error while taking the readings.

2. The 3-point starter should be varied slowly and uniformly.

3. Adjust the measuring instruments for zero error.

4. Keep the motor field rheostat at minimum position.

5. Keep the synchronous generator field rheostat at maximum position.

6. Keep the maximum resistance in A-V method initially.

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Circuit Diagram:

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1. Make the connections as per circuit diagram.
2. Close the DPST switch and start the motor using 3-point starter with minimum resistance of
motor rheostat.
3. Adjust the motor field rheostat till the rated speed of the generator is achieved.
4. To Conduct OC Test, excite the alternator field rheostat in steps till the alternator builds up
to 125% of its rated voltage and note down the corresponding values of no-load generated
emf and the shunt field current.
5. Again keep the alternator field rheostat in maximum position.
6. To Conduct SC Test, close the TPST switch on alternator terminal side.
7. Excite the alternator field rheostat in steps till the alternator reaches to its rated current /
short circuit current and note down the corresponding value of the field current.
8. Again keep the alternator field rheostat in maximum position, Open the TPST switch.
9. Keep the motor filed rheostat in minimum position and open the DPST switch.
10. Plot the Open Circuit Characteristic (OCC) curve between field current (vs) no-load
generated emf.
11. To obtain ZPF, make the connections as per the 2nd circuit diagram and follow the points
same as 2, 3.
12. Now close the TPST switch, vary the 3-ϕ Inductive load & field rheostat such that obtain the
condition that the rated terminal voltage, armature current and field current is achieved and
disconnect the circuit.
13. Tabulate the readings and plot the zpf curve

To determine effective resistance (Re):

1. Make the circuit as shown in Ammeter-Voltmeter method.
2. Initially keep the rheostat in maximum condition.
3. Close the DPST Switch to provide DC supply to any one of the phase of armature winding
of alternator.
4. Vary the rheostat in steps up to the rated current rating of rheostat and note down the
corresponding readings of voltmeter and ammeter.
5. Open the DPST switch and calculate armature resistance in each step and find the average
6. Calculate effective resistance,
Re = 1.5 * Ra avg

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Open Circuit test:

Open Circuit Open Circuit

Field Current
Voltage Voltage (Ph)
S.No. If
(L-L) Eoc/Ph=
Eoc (Volts) Eoc/L/√3 (Volts)

Short Circuit test:

Field Current Short Circuit

S.No. If Current Isc
(Amps) (Amps)

Zero Power Factor (ZPF) test:

Rated Terminal Field Current Short Circuit

S.No. Voltage If Current Isc
(V) (Amps) (Amps)

To find voltage regulation:

Eg= (V cos  I a Ra ) 2  (V sin   I a X S ) 2 Eg  V
S.No. cosϕ sinϕ
Lagging Leading Lagging Leading

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Steps to find the regulation:

1. No-Load or Open Circuit Characteristic curve (OCC curve) obtained by OC test.

2. Full-Load zero power factor curve also called the wattless load characteristic. It is the
curve of terminal voltage against excitation when armature is delivering full-load current at
zero power factor by conducting inductive load on load terminals of alternator.
3. P’ point was obtained when wattmeter was reading zero.
‘A’ point was obtained from a short-circuit test field current with a full-load armature current.

(i.e., Ifr)

‘OA’ represents field current which is equal and opposite to the demagnetizing armature
reaction and balancing leakage reactance drop at full-load.

4. By knowing ‘P’ and ‘A’ points, the full-load curve at zero power factor ‘A P’ is drawn.
5. From ’P’, PQ is drawn equal to and parallel to OA. From point –‘Q’, QR is drawn parallel to
OE i.e., tangential or air-gap line. Hence we get ‘R’ point on No-Load or OCC curve, which
corresponds to point ‘P’ on full-load zero power factor curve. The triangle ‘∆PRS’ called
known as potier triangle. This triangle is constant for a given armature current.
6. Draw RS perpendicular to PQ. The length RS represents the drop in voltage due to armature
leakage reactance XL.
i.e., RS = IXL & PT = Ia(Xa + X L)

PS = field current necessary to overcome demagnetizing effect of armature reaction at full-load.

SQ = balancing the armature leakage reactance drop RS.

Vector diagram for lagging load:

Ift1 = field current to compensate drop due to saturation and is added in phase with Ift
Measure ‘E0’ corresponding to Ift1 .

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Ammeter – Voltmeter Method :- (To obtain the value of Re)

Va Ia Ra
(Volts) (Amps) (Ω)

Average Resistance

Effective resistance, Re = 1.5 * Ra avg

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Circuit Diagram:

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AIM: To predetermine the %efficiency, %voltage regulation of a 1- Transformer by conducting OC

(Open Circuit) & SC (Short Circuit) tests on it


1-ϕ Transformer 3-ϕ DC Shunt
LV Winding HV Winding Alternator Motor

Rated Power 3 KVA

Rated Voltage 115V 230V
Rated Current

Name of the
S.No. Range Type Quantity
1 Voltmeter (0-300)V MI 1
2 Watt meter 300V, 5A, LPF DM 1
3 1- Transformer Shell 1
230V/115V, 50Hz
4 Rheostat 300Ω/2A wire wound 1
5 Potential divider 850Ω/0.6A wire wound 1
6 Tachometer (0-3000)rpm Digital 1
7 Connecting wires --- ---

1. Avoid the loose connections.
2. Avoid parallax error while taking the readings.
3. Keep the field rheostat in the minimum resistance position
4. Keep the potential divider, alternator field rheostat in maximum voltage output position.

1. Connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram.

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2. Initially keep both the rheostats connected in series with the field winding and armature of
DC motor in minimum resistance position.


Iron losses
Speed Frequency V/F No Load
Voltage per cycle
S.No. N F=PN/120 Ratio Power
(Volts) WO/F
(rpm) (Hz) (v/rpm) WO (watts)

P=Number of poles in alternator, F=Frequency


From the graph

OA=K1, Slope of AB=K2 =dy/dx

Hysterisis loss at any frequency=K1*f

Eddy current loss at any frequency=K2*f2

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3. Start the DC motor with the help of starter.

4. Adjust the variable knob of the potential divider and rheostat until the generator generates
the rated voltage of HV Winding of the transformer.
5. Calculate V/F Ratio for the rated values of voltage and frequency.
6. Change the speed (By field control or armature control) and generated voltage (By changing
the excitation) such that V/F is kept constant.
7. Repeat the procedure for various values of frequencies (speeds) & Tabulate all the values.

Note: V/f should kept constant at every step


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1. Which losses are called magnetic losses?
2. Write equations for hysteresis and eddy-current losses?
3. What are the conditions for maximum efficiency in a transformer?
4. Explain why low power factor meter is used in O.O. test?
5. Why iron losses are neglected when S.C test on a Transformer?
6. What are the advantages of Sumpner’s test?
7. Draw the phasor diagram for a S.C. test on a transformer?
8. How do you reduce the hysteresis and eddy-current losses?
9. ls the transformer core laminations are insulated? Why?
10. Represent the step up and step down transformer?
11. Draw the equivalent circuit of a transformer?
12. Why transformer efficiency is more than an induction motor?
13. Write equations for emf of a transformer?
14. What is the magnitude of no-load current?
15. What is the function of an auto-transformer?
16. What happens to Transformer when DC supply is given?
17. How do you mark dot on a transformer?
18. Does flux in a transformer changes with load?
19. Why transformer no-load current is a small value in spite of its primary impedance is very
20. A transformer is designed for 50Hz. lf the supply frequency is 60 Hz. What is the change in
its performance?
21. A transformer has primary more than secondary turns. ls it step-down or step-up
22. How do you identify core-type of transformer?
23. One transformer has cruciform type and second transformer has square type of core which is
the better one?
24. Define voltage regulation with equation for lagging and leading loads.
25. Draw the phasor diagrams for leading and lagging loads.
26. For a step-down transformer which winding has low resistance?
27. Draw the phasor diagram for lagging load.
28. What are the conditions required to parallel two transformers?
29. What is the full name of C.R.G.O.S. core material?
30. Generally what is the efficiency percentage of a transformer?
31. What is the role of Buchholz relay?
32. What is the material kept inside a breather?
33. Write the relations between line-currents, phase-currents and line, phase voltages in a star
and delta connections.
34. What is the use of Scott connection?
35. Compare open delta, Scott connections
36. Draw the phasor diagram for Scott connection.
37. Draw star/star, star/delta, delta/star, delta/delta winding connections when three single phase
transformers are used.
38. What is the use of tertiary winding in a transformer?
39. How can you use a 3-phase auto-transformer as a step-up autotransformer?

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40. Explain the working principle of Back to Back Transformer Test.

41. What is Magnetostriction?
42. lf a transformer primary is energized from a square wave voltage source, what type of
outputvoltage is obtained?
43. Why noises exist in Power Transformer?
44. Why transformer rating is given in KVA?
45. What is meant by leakage flux?
46. Differentiate Sumpner’s test and OC, SC testson transformer?
47. What is the basic principle of a transformer?
48. Draw the phasor diagrams when the load on the transformer is;
(a) Lagging (b) Leading and (c) UPF

Three phase induction Motor:

1. How do you connect the six terminals of the motor as Delta or Star?
2. What are the different starting methods used?
3. What is the role of a rotating flux?
4. How do you change the direction of rotation?
5. Why star point of the motor is not connected to neutral point of the Supply?
6. Does the motor start when supply lines are connected?
7. For a two-phase supply waveform & leading current, lagging current with respect to the
8. Draw the Three-phase supply waveform& leading current, lagging current with respect to the
9. What is the advantage of star delta starter when compared to, D.O.L. starter?
10. For a 6-pole machine what is the value of synchronous speed?
11. Why slip cannot be zero in induction motor?
12. What are the two different types of rotors?
13. Why one spring balance always indicate zero in a load test?
14. When one phase is removed in a three-phase supply it is called single phase supply instead
of two-phase supply. Why?
15. Draw the Torque-slip, Torque-speed characteristics of a wound rotor motor and mark stable
and unstable area.
16. What is the relation between Torque and voltage?
17. Is it possible to get speed control from zero to rated speed in an induction motor?
18. Why do we say that induction motor is similar to DC shunt motor characteristic?
19. lf one phase flux is from a three phase running motor, does it continue to rotates or stops?
20. Which type of motor is used to start with load?
21. Draw the equivalent circuit of a 3-phase induction motor.
22. Why do we say that Induction motor is similar to a rotating transformer?
23. What are the parameters required to draw a circle diagram?
24. Draw the performance curves of an induction motor.
25. What is the advantage of a circle diagram?
26. Why iron losses are considered-as zero?
27. What is relation between Torque, power and angular velocity?
28. Define speed regulation.

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29. Does speed falls from no load to full load. if so, how much?
30. Why rotor bars in a squirrel cage rotor are skewed?
31. If the external resistance is kept permanently in the rotor circuit, what is the disadvantage?
32. What are the different power stages in an induction motor?
33. What is the electrical equivalent of mechanical load in an induction motor?
34. Which types of instruments are used in A.C. circuits and D.C. circuits and both?
35. Which instruments are called Transfer instruments?
36. What are the different types of analogue instruments?
37. Write Torque equation for induction motor.
38. Explain circle diagram
39. What is Cogging and Crawling in an induction motor? How are they prevented?
40. What is the speed of an induction motor for (i) 4% Slip (ii) 100% slip?

Synchronous Machines:

1. Why Synchronous motor is not self starting motor?

2. What happens if excitation is changed?
3. When load is increased on a synchronous motor, does the speed fall like an induction motor?
If not, explain how the load torque is produced?
4. Which motor requires both AC and DC supplies?
5. Define pull in and pull out Torques?
6. What is potier Triangle?
7. What are the different types of field constructions in a synchronous
8. Draw V and inverted V curves of a Synchronous motor.
9. Significance of Xd and Xq in an alternator.
10. Why ASA method is superior to ZPF method?
11. Why do you conduct Slip-test?
12. Describe voltage regulation of an alternator.
13. Describe Speed regulation of a Synchronous motor.
14. What is another name of potier Triangle method?
15. What are the different methods used to rind out the regulation? Compare them.
16. What is the reaction theory and what is its significance?
17. What is emf equation of an alternator?
18. How do you calculate Synchronous Impendence using OCC and SC test on Synchronous
19. What is the use of Damper Windings?
20. What are the different methods of starting a synchronous motor?
21. Define Pitch factor, Distribution factor and their advantages.
22. The armature winding of an alternator is in star or delta or both.
23. What are the conditions required to synchronize an alternator with. APSPDCL supply?
24. How can you increase the share of an alternator when it is connected to an infinite bus?
25. At what condition the power output of a synchronous generator connected to an infinite bus?
26. How can we run a synchronous motor as synchronous condenser?
27. Expression for Power developed in an alternator.
28. What is meant by Hunting?

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29. Explain why synchronous machines are designed to have a high ratio of armature reactance
to resistance?
30. Why alternators run in parallel?
31. Draw the phasor diagram for alternator and synchronous motor for leading and lagging
power factors.
32. What is the role of damper windings?
33. ln which type of alternator, damping windings does not exist?
34. When do we say an alternator is under floating condition during parallel operation?
35. Which machine requires both AC and DC?
36. Equation for emf generated in a synchronous motor.
37. What is pitch factor and distribution factor?
38. What is meant by full pitch winding?
39. Draw the curves between V and l. at distribution power factor loads.
40. What is short circuit ratio?
41. Potier triangle is drawn between which two characteristics?
42. Which method is used to find out the regulation in a salient pole Synchronous machine?
43. Define Xq and Xd .
44. Draw the graph between torque angle and Po for a Synchronous machine.
45. What are the different methods used for parallel operation of the alternator?
46. How do you increase the voltage of an alternator?
47. Draw the graph of V and inverted V curves for different loads.
48. When do you say the synchronous motor is running as a reluctance motor?

Single Phase induction motor:

1. Which theory explains the performance of the single phase induction motors?
2. What are the different types of single-phase motors?
3. Draw the phasor diagram for sprit-phase and capacitor-run motors.
4. Explain Cross field theory.
5. Explain' Double revolving field theory.
6. What is the importance of the compensation in single phase motors?
7. What are the applications of Universal motors?
8. What are the applications of Shaded pole motor?
9. Explain the importance of capacitors in capacitor start motors.
10. Why the single phase motors are not self starting?
11. When a single phase series motor is operated on no-load.
12. What are the motors used for household refrigerators, ceiling fans, hair dryers and mixes.
13. When a capacitor start single phase induction motor is switched on the supply with its
capacitor replaced by an inductor of equivalent reactance value. What will happen?
14. Lf the ceiling fan when switched on, runs at slow speed in the reverse direction what is your
15. How can you reverse the speed of the split phase motors?
16. How will the reluctance motor run?
17. How will the repulsion motor run?
18. How will the hysteresis motor run?
19. What are the differences between AC series motors & DC series motors?

Narayana Engineering College :: Gudur 99

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