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A List of Non-Cognitive Assessment Instruments

Tina Kafka

January 2016

In discourse on student learning in school settings, “non-cognitive skills” refers to a group of

skills and attributes that, although difficult to define and measure, are widely acknowledged to be
essential for student success. Development of these skills promotes students’ ability to think
cogently about information, manage their time, get along with peers and instructors, persist
through difficulties, and navigate the varied landscape of academic and nonacademic requirements
that college students face from their entrance into college through to graduation (Conley, 2010).
The interest in developing and measuring non-cognitive skills has spurred the growth of
instruments used to assess students’ competencies in these areas.

The table that follows shows a wide variety of currently available instruments that aim to assess
non-cognitive characteristics that support college student success. The table lists each instrument,
its author (when available) and publisher, as well as basic information about what factors are
assessed and how it is administered. The table does not indicate if any of these instruments is
more suitable or effective than another; however, information regarding the strengths and
limitations of many of the instruments listed can be found in Carlson, Geisinger, and Jonson


Carlson, J. F., Geisinger, K. F., & Jonson, J. L. (Eds.). (2014). The nineteenth mental measurements
yearbook. Lincoln, NE: Buros Center for Testing.

Conley, D. T. (2010). Eligible and ready for college. Principal Leadership, 11(4), 18–22.
Instrument Author/Publisher URL Factors Assessed Administration Details
Academic Advising Sandor, J. A. and http://www.academic- • academic decision-making • 57 items
Inventory Winston, R. B. • academic majors and courses • 20 minutes
• exploring institutional policies • online or hard
• personal development and interpersonal copy format
• personalizing education
• registration and class scheduling
• selecting courses
• teaching personal skills

Achievement Motivation Friedland, J., Mandel, • motivation for achievement • 140 items
Profile (AMP) H., and Marcus, S. gr=IO&prod=amp&id=overview • inner resources • 20-30 minutes
(1996); Multi-Health • interpersonal strengths • online format
Systems, Inc. • work habits

ACT Engage ACT • academic discipline • 108 items

features.html • academic self confidence • 30 minutes
• general determination • online format
• goal striving
• commitment to college
• communication skills
• social connection
• study skills
• steadiness

EQ-i 2.0 Multi-Health Systems, • decision making • 133 items

Inc. (2011) • interpersonal relationships • 20-30 minutes
• self-expression • online format
• self-perception
• stress management

The California Critical Facione, P., and • analyticity • 75 items

Thinking Disposition Facione, N.; Insight Products/Products-Summary/Critical- • confidence in reasoning • 30 minutes
Inventory (CCTDI) Assessment Thinking-Attributes-Tests/California- • inquisitiveness • online or hard
Critical-Thinking-Disposition- • maturity of judgment copy format
Inventory-CCTDI • open-mindedness
• truth-seeking
• systematicity
Instrument Author/Publisher URL Factors Assessed Administration Details
College Student Inventory, Ruffalo Noel Levitz • academic motivation • 74 items
Form C student-retention/retention- • general coping • 20 minutes
management-system-plus/college- • receptivity to support services • online format

College Success Factors Hallberg, E., and • college involvement • 100 items
Index 2.0 (CSFI) Hallberg, K.; • competition • 70 minutes
Cengage Learning • expectations • online format
• family involvement
• precision
• persistence
• responsibility/control
• task planning
• time management
• wellness

Community College Center for Community Provides information on student engagement • 38 items
Survey of Student College Student aboutsurvey.cfm and assesses institutional practices and student • 45 minutes
Engagement (CCSSE) Engagement behaviors correlated with student learning and • hard copy format

Community College Center for Community Identifies key promising practices, the target • 117 items
Institutional Survey (CCIS) College Student student populations of those practices, and the • online format
Engagement scale at which practices are implemented.

Grit Scale Duckworth, Angela; • grit • 8 or 12 items

Duckworth Lab, pages/research • self-control • hard copy format
University of
Pennsylvania (2007,

Learning and Study Weinstein, C. E., • self-regulation of strategic learning: time • 60 items
Strategies Inventory Palmer, D. R., and LASSI management and concentration • online format
(LASSI) Acee, T. W.; H&H • skill: information processing, selecting main
Publishing ideas, test strategies
• will: attitude, anxiety

Mindset Dweck, Carol Uses a growth-versus-fixed mindset paradigm to • 16 items

(2006); Random testyourmindset/step1.php assess students’ mindset and teach them to • online or hard
House develop a growth-based mindset. copy format
Instrument Author/Publisher URL Factors Assessed Administration Details
Motivated Strategies for Pintrich, P., Smith, D., • control of learning beliefs • 44 items
Learning Questionnaire Garcia, T., and motivated-strategies-learning- • critical thinking • 20-30 minutes
(MSLQ) McKeachie, W.; questionnaire-mslq • effort regulation • hard copy format
The University of • elaboration
Michigan • extrinsic goal orientation
• help seeking
• intrinsic goal orientation
• metacognitive self-regulation
• organization
• peer learning
• rehearsal
• self-efficacy for learning and
performancetask value
• test anxiety
• time and study environment management

Non-Cognitive Sedlacek, W., and • availability of a strong support person • 23 items
Questionnaire (NCQ) Tracey, T. J.; html • demonstrated community involvement
Jossey-Bass • knowledge acquired in a field positive self-
• preference for long-term over short-term
• realistic self-appraisal
• successful handling of the system
• successful leadership experience

Perceptions, Expectations, Weinstein, C., Palmer, Assesses students’ expectations about college in • 30 items
Emotions, and Knowledge D., and Hanson, G.; peek/ terms of three general categories of the college • online format
about College (PEEK) H&H Publishing experience: academic, social, and personal.
Study Behavior Inventory Kerstiens, G., Bliss, L., • short- and long-term study behaviors • 46-items
(SBI) and Marvin, R. assessment/essays/Bliss- • academic confidence
(2003); 6.12.03.html • time management
Andragogy Associates • study reading
• general study habits
• listening and note-taking
• writing
• test anxiety
• test taking
• faculty relations
Instrument Author/Publisher URL Factors Assessed Administration Details
Student Adaptation to Baker, R., and Siryk, • academic adjustment • 67 items
College Questionnaire B. (1987); Western 2949/student-adaptation-to-college- • attachment to institution • 15-20 minutes
(SACQ) Psychological questionnaire-sacq • personal-emotional adjustment • hard copy format
Services • social adjustment
Student Readiness Le, H., Casillas, A.,| • academic discipline • 108 items
Inventory Robbins, S., and UserGuide.pdf • academic self-confidence • 30 minutes
Langley, R. (2005); • commitment to college • hard copy format
ACT • communication skills
• general determination
• goal striving
• social activity
• social connection
• steadiness
• study skills

SuccessNavigator ETS • academic skills • 30 minutes

about/ • commitment • online format
• self-management
• social support

Survey of Students Paterra, M. E.; • comprehension • hard copy format

Assessment of Study The Cambridge studyskills/prepost.html • effective test taking
Behaviors (SSASB) Stratford Study Skills • efficient learning tools
Institute (1991) • high performance writing
• positive attitudes
• useful work habits

Transition to College Calliote, J., Pickering, • athletic orientation • online and hard
Inventory (TCI) J. W., Zerwas, S. C., tci/TCI_brochure.pdf • college involvement copy formats
and Macera, A. C. • independent activity focus
(2003); Old • influences on college choice
Dominion University • institutional commitment
• personal/academic concerns
• self-confidence
• socializing orientation
• student role commitment

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