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Module 1 Lesson 2

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Building and Enhancing New

Literacies Across the
1. Mrs. Galang often makes use of experiential
rather that the rote method in teaching; she is,
thus, observed to provide ‘custom-made’ activities
for her pupils. The curriculum pattern she
apparently follows is that of:
1. Mrs. Galang often makes use of experiential
rather that the rote method in teaching; she is,
thus, observed to provide ‘custom-made’ activities
for her pupils. The curriculum pattern she
apparently follows is that of:
2. Which condition most likely could help in the
fast and smooth implementation of the K-12
curriculum in schools of the Philippines?
A. Decrease the driving forces.
B. Decrease the restraining forces.
2. Which condition most likely could help in the
fast and smooth implementation of the K-12
curriculum in schools of the Philippines?
A. Decrease the driving forces.
B. Decrease the restraining forces.
3. Which of the following represents a miniscule
A. Reference materials that supplement the text
B. Lesson plan that teachers prepare
3. Which of the following represents a miniscule
A. Reference materials that supplement the text
B. Lesson plan that teachers prepare
Integrating New
Literacies in the
Multidisciplinary Approach

Interdisciplinary Approach

Transdisciplinary Approach
Multidisciplinary Approach
approach focuses
primarily on
different disciplines
Interdisciplinary Approach
organize and
capsulize the
curriculum around
common learning
across disciplines
to emphasize
skills and concepts
Transdisciplinary Approach
design a curriculum
within student needs
and concerns
Comparing and Contrasting
the Three Approaches to
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 2004
Aspect Multidisciplinary Interdisciplinary Transdisciplinary
Organizing • Standards of the • Interdisciplinary • Real-life context
Center disciplines organized skills and concepts • Student questions
around a theme embedded in
Conceptualiza • Knowledge best • Disciplines • All knowledge
-tion of learned through the connected by interconnected and
Knowledge structure of the common interdependent
disciplines concepts and skills • Many right answers
• A right answer • Knowledge • Knowledge
• One truth considered to be considered to be
socially indeterminate and
constructed ambiguous
• Many right
Aspect Multidisciplinary Interdisciplinary Transdisciplinary
Role of Disciplines • Procedures of • Interdisciplinary • Disciplines
discipline skills and concepts identified if
considered most stressed desired, but real-
important life context
• Distinct skills and emphasized
concepts of
discipline taught

Role of Teacher • Facilitator • Facilitator • Co-planner

• Specialist •Specialist/ • Co-learner
generalist • Generalist/
Aspect Multidisciplinary Interdisciplinary Transdisciplinary
Starting Place • Disciplinary • Interdisciplinary • Student questions
standards and bridge and concerns
procedures • Know/Do/Be • Real-world

Degree of Moderate Medium/intense Paradigm shift

Assessment Discipline-based Interdisciplinary Interdisciplinary
skills/ concepts skills/ concepts
stressed stressed
Aspect Multidisciplinary Interdisciplinary Transdisciplinary
Learning to Know Concepts and essential understandings across disciplines
Learning to Do • Disciplinary skills • Interdisciplinary • Interdisciplinary
• Interdisciplinary as the focal point skills and
skills also included • Disciplinary skills disciplinary skills
also included applied in a real-
life context

Learning to Be • Democratic values

• Character education
• Habits of mind
• Life skills (e.g., teamwork, self-responsibility)
Aspect Multidisciplinary Interdisciplinary Transdisciplinary
Planning • Backward design
Process • Standards-based.
• Alignment of instruction, standards and assessment
Instruction • Constructivist approach
• Inquiry
• Experiential learning
• Personal relevance
• Student choice
• Differentiated instruction
Assessment • Balance of traditional and authentic assessments
• Culminating activity that integrates disciplines taught
Integration of New Literacy in
the K to 12 Curriculum
Literacy Subject Area Outcome Strategy Assessment
4. Financial Math Solve Problem Scores in
Literacy problems in solving problem
the context solving drills
of business and exercises
TLE Apply Business Business plan
effective simulation and
techniques in and inventory
budgeting immersion
and income
Literacy Subject Area Outcome Strategy Assessment


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