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The Effect of Text Messaging On The Writing Skills of The Senior High School Student

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The Effect of Text Messaging

on the Writing Skills of the

Senior High School Student

Background of the study
The exchanging handwritten letters to exchanging of electronic letters or also known as
electronic mail (e-mail)only validates that the only thing permanent in this world is change. It is
so very true. Everything in this world almost change. The popularity of cellular phones among
students from elementary to college level has become increasingly excident. For many students,
the cellphones are just as important as pencils, notebook, and textbooks because one of the most
widely used features of cellphones are text messaging. Text messaging or ‘texting’ is the act of
typing and sending a brief electronic message between two or more mobile phones or fixed or
portable devices over phone networks. The youth today grew up using mobile phones and text
messaging in addition to computers and internet. With the use of phones it is very possible to
send and receive information in a blink of an eye. Technology boomed in this generation and
cellphones is one of the effects of growing technology in the world. People have two options on
how to communicate using cellphone with others, either by calling and texting. Most users
choose texting because they can think and express their feelings in a shortened way. An example
of this is when a user say “I’ll be late, could you save a sit for me. Thank you”. In text language
“ILBL8 C%D U save a sit 4 m? TNKU”. However, nobody knows of it may affects the writing
skills of a person.

Writing skills are an important part of communication. Good writing skills allow
individuals to communicate their message with clarity and ease to a larger audience than through
face-to-face or telephone conversations.

In this digital age most people have turned to text messaging instead of the writing of
letters to convey messages and information to friends. This while texting is associated with short
cuts. For instance instead of writing “what is happening?”, “good morning”, “see you”, “good
night”, one will write “tup”, “gm”, “Lya”, got it. Most people affected by this are the students
because of over exposure to mass media.

Statement of the problem

This research study aims to investigate the effects of text messaging to the writing skills
of Grade 11 students of Enrico T. Prado National High School.This research study further seeks
to answer the following questions:
1. How do students communicate through text messaging?
2. What are the effects of students’ use of text messaging on their writing skill?
3. How does text messaging affects the writing skills of a student?
4. What are other factors that may affect the writing skills of student?

Ho: These is no significant effect of text messaging to the writing skills of the SHS
H1: There is significant effect of text messaging to the writing skills of the SHS students.

Significant of the study

The result of this study will definitely arouse the consciousness of the following student
specially the cellphone or their writing skills. This can help the student of Enrico T. Prado
National High School a better one specially in developing their writing skills.
This research study can also help educator to be aware about the effect of the text
messaging on the student writing skills and further suggest activities that would none this
This is to help student in SHS to develop their grammar/spelling on their writing skills.
The future researcher can use the result of this study in further research study.
Scope and limitation
This study focuses on the effects of text messaging on the writing skills of the Enrico T. Prado
National High School. The respondents since many of them are using cellphones. The study will
be conducted at the Enrico T. Prado National High School senior high building at the given time
S.Y. 2018-2019.

Definition of terms
• Text Messaging - the act of sending short, alphanumeric communications between
cellphones, pagers or other hand-held devices, as implemented by a wireless carrier
• Skill - the ability and capacity acquired through deliberate, systematic, and sustained
effort to smoothly and adaptively carryout complex activities or job functions involving
ideas (cognitive skills), things (technical skills), and/or people (interpersonal skills).
Chapter II
Review Of Related Literature

According to (counter,2018;Douglas,2008;Ross,2007). In one corner are those argue that

misspellings, short words and the extensive use of abbreviations typically used in IM but mostly
in SMS message are showing up in formal school paper.

According to American life project (2008) 88% of the teenagers using electronics
communication including text messaging. This situation put throwback adult spelling and
grammar ability. And also according to According to American life project (2005) they claimed
that text messaging is more widely use among collage age 19 generation of those with cellphones
regularly send text message.

Scholar argue text messaging should not be fought, but can be used to engage young
people to supplement the expression of thought to their writings and even improve spelling skill.
Other side of debate are scholar feel that language is a living creation and prone to evolve with
new technologies and changing need for communication according to Craig ( 2003) .

The study of Witte (2007) demonstrates that a student who was write in class papers was
writing profusely online. She successfully used students interest in online use text to get the
student interested in class writing assignments.

According to AHN Media Corp.(2010),texting has become important to daily life of

people specially to the Filipinos and they treat texting as a “Gods gift”.

According to Montiel and Estuar (2006) texting is the fastest way of communicating with
other people and the cheapest among the communicating technologies of the new generation
because of its sending shortened messages.

The students want to get everything written as fast as possible they don’t want to bother
with drafting, revising and editing (ross,2007 )

According to Edwards (2009)said that texting contributes to people’s indolence when it

comes to writing because on his experience he developed changes on his writing abilities ever
since he engaged intext messaging and according to him it helps in speeding up communication
and because of frequent usage of shrtened messages in texting it becomes a habit.

According to Guevarra (2007) althrough most of the people are frequent texters but not all
of them apply sorthand texting when writing . she said that students say it does affect their
writing proficiency and some of them say that it has no impact to all.
In Rosen(2009) showed that youths who used shorthand texting (LOL,gudnyt,etc.) in
everyday writing developed the worse formal writing than those youth who rarely used shortened
text and those who used shorthand texts for communication were better “Informal” writers.

Mhyra (2010) conclude that frequent sending of text messaging could affect the students
way of writings. Because students have develope habit of writing in shorthand form which
caused them to write informally. Thats why texting has effect the students in writing and
grammar negativelly.

According to Kate Ross (2010) state that use of cellular phones are affecting students
spelling and grammar negatively have evedenced from their use of abbrevriated words. Ross is
a instructional coach for language arts teachers, and she discoverd and see shortened words or
sentences in text messging dialogues on students composition.

in banton et al(2010) said that same assumptions rose about the negative claims on text
messaging he conducted a study by giving out pre survey on those students were phones owners
and non owners of phonesand their daily time allotment for cellular phone use. And research
resulted with the following:students who had lower average score compared to those who were
who were not frequent texters to all. The main reason is shorthand, mispelling and grammar they
get low average.
The conceptual framework shows that writing skill can be affected by the wrong practices in text
messaging that resulting to some writing skills problem.

This chapter presents the research design and the process undergo by the researcher to
collect the desire data frequency and percentage were employ the significance deference
of the study.
In this study the researchers will use a descriptive research design, descriptive research
design is used in preliminary and exploratory studies to allow researchers to gather
information, summarize, present and interpret for the purpose clarification. All the grade
11 students of the Enrico T. Prado National High School will be the participants for this
study. Because we all know that most of the students nowadays have their own
cellphones and they are involved in what we called text messaging.
The researcher will make a questionnaires that will be given to the participants at the
same time the researchers will also ask the participants to write essay prepared by the
The researcher aims to determine if their is an effect on the writing skills in grade 11
student of Enrico T. Prado National High School.

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