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Background of The Study

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Background of the Study

Education aimed of strengthening the workforce. This workforce are

the future graduates, who would apply for jobs and live professionally.

Students will need good solid reading and writing skills which is said to be

deteriorating due to effect of text messaging on students academic

performance and behavior. Finger texting is the culprit behind students

atrocious spelling skills today. The main benefit of texting which is speedy

communication is undermining proper spelling and punctuation according to

Chua et., al., (2004), which are important of delivering a formal writing and

grammar as well, not to mention the reported incidents of juvenile

delinquencies and other crimes committed inside the classrooms related to

cellphone use. Lastly, many say texting is a great destructor that badly

affects learners focus to the lesson.

Texting became a habit of people in all walks of life. The Philippines

which is on the vanguard of cellphone use is considered to be "the texting

capital of the world", Cruz (2001) as cited by Alajid (2006), which shows how

Filipinos over the years adopted the new melieu of communication to adhere

globalization. According to Tomaszewski (2011), while this communications

boom has been praised for its educational benefits some argue that a

negative side effect is beginning to take hold in class rooms. Texting have

crept into students formal writing and behavior.

Texting is the omitting of vowels, disregarding of punctuations, and

doubled consonants in a word to shorten the texts for speedy

communication. While it contributed allot to communication, educators saw

the problem to students in terms of their skills in Language subjects,

specifically in English.

The texting behavior of the students is undoubtedly prevalent ever

since the cellular phones came out in the market and now as part of the daily

life regardless of age, gender, and socio-economic background which could

lead to destruction and compromise learning.

It was observed that the some grade eight students of Dologon

National Highschool Annex-Kiharong showed signs of negative texting

behaviors inside the classroom. Majority of them have cellular phones, and

whenever it rings some of them could not refrain from checking whether

what's in it, either somebody is calling or sending a message despite the

presence of their teacher delivering the lesson. In relation to that, Textism is

manifested on their quizzes and assignments which caused spelling and

grammatical errors making it hard for the teacher to distinguish what they

are trying to express .In this case, knowing that they are not into using

English as first and or second language textism is making the situation worse

which prompted the researcher to conduct this study.

Statement of the Problem

1. What is the profile of the grade 8 students of Dologon National High

School Annex-Kiharong?

2. What is the level of performance of the grade 8 students of Dologon

National Highschool Annex-Kiharong?

3. What is the level of texting behavior in terms of positive and negative

behaviors among grade 8 students from Dologon Nationsl Highschool Annec-


4. What are the effective strategies used by the teacher to control the

negative texting behaviors of grade 8 student from Dologon National High

School Annex-Kiharong?

5. Is there a significant relationship of the profile of the student, to their text

behavior and scholastic performance in English?

Significance of the Study

The data gathered from this study will serve as practical guidelines of

the educators and the parents upon handling student's texting behavior. The

outcome of this study will develop awareness of the effects of text behavior

to students' academic performance in English and how to possibly develop

favorable ways to use cellular phones and texting skills to promote harmony

in students school life. The result of the study could provide some insights

into how to improve the students, parents, and teachers' relationship among

grade 8 students of DNHS-Annex Kiharong for the common interest of

improving scholastic performance not just in English but to all subjects in the


Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study is limited only to 45 students in grade 8 from Dologon

National High School Annex-Kiharong, Maramag ,Bukidnon. The study will

focus mainly on the text behavior of the students and how it affected their

scholastic performance in English.


Review of related literature and studies

This chapter contains the review of related literature and studies,

conceptual framework, conceptual paradigm, and the hypothesis of the


Personal Attributes

Age. Teenagers explore their interpersonal and intrapersonal

attributes they resort for what is in the trend and they strive for

belongingness and acceptance. The University of Haifa in Israel focuses on 9-

12th grade students at three different highschools out of the 591 students

surveyed a whopping 95% said they regularly sent emails or texts during

classroom lesson. Overall 60% of students use their cellphones in class with

10th graders to the survey. In addition , according to Katz et al. (1987) as

cited by Agustino (2013) in her study of "The level of usage of mobile phone

of AB and BSE English students" which followed the uses of gratification

theory, stresses that users actively attempt to satisfy their technological

needs and desires completely .The desires involved are information and

social interaction. When seeking to fulfill this desires an individual will need

to make a decision as technology offer gratification which are expected by

the audience. These gratifications can be thought of as experienced

psychological effects which are valued by individuals. Lastly, Agustino

(2013) added that the recent study by the CTIA wireless association, over

90% of the. U. S population now subscribes to cellphone service. Even young

children are joining the wireless revolution, over 20% of 6-9 year olds and

60% of 10-14 year olds own a cellphone based on C & R research. This trend

is getting stronger as years pass by, in fact here in the Philippines

elementary pupils already own cellphones and other types of electronic

gadgets with them regardless of purpose intended for it.

Sex. Research on vocabulary learning strategies showed that girls tend

to outperform boys in various language. It is also revealed that females are

more motivated to learn English than their male counterpart (Wong, 2010),

also an article by Schieder (2013) reports that boys are more on mental

capacities dedicated to spatial- mechanical strengths whereas girls generally

demonstrate a focus on verbal- emotive processing. Girls tend to have focus,

read and write at an earlier age than boys and boys are often misdiagnosed

with learning disabilities and attention-deficit issues than girls. These

differences call for an education attention in order to assess the needs of

male and female students in the process of second language learning. In

English as second language, learners prefer any of learning may influence

their overall orientation to the learning task in the kind of input they find it

easiest to work with. Boys are hardwired to be single-task focused, whereas

girls hard wiring demonstrates strength in multi-tasking as cited by Custudio

(2015) on her study of Vocabulary learning strategies .Nevertheless, Dela

Cruz (2012) as cited by Quirog (2015) in her study of "Print, electronic,

and Social media exposure of students and English proficiency", girls

appeared to be more interested in their overall school achievement in the

sense that they tend to work harder than boys and more after to graduate

from highschool which manifested on the analysis were 68 (66. 7%) of the

respondents were females and 34 (33. 3%) were males .This shows that

there were more female than male in grade 9 studied in Banisilan National

Highschool. On the other hand, according to Llana (2004) as cited by Alajid

(2006) on his study of "Effects of mobile phone use among parents and

youth of Brgy. Pualas Don Carlos Bukidnon" men are more interested in using

mobile phones to initiate sexual liason, whereas women tend mainly to

discuss personal problem for therapeutic grounds.

Dialect.According to Crawford (1993) in her book Language and

literacy in multi-cultural classrooms educators had to deal with students

who spoke little or no English , or who spoke a dialect of English which

significantly different from the standard English used as language of

instruction. Initially, English as a second language were offered to students

mainly not fluent in the language with the intention to raise the students


Parents educational background and guidance. According to Crawford

(1993), parents can play a significant role inculcating literacy for children.

The significance of their role indicates the importance for development

culturally appropriate educational programs and implies the environment of

parents from various cultural communities who work with school to change

environment, curricula, and learning strategies. In the studies of dominant

culture homes when parents provided access to education, children were

more likely to succeed. Home experiences often included literacy

experiences and parent interceded with the school on behalf of their children

which is also supports the recent study made by Chua and Dionisio (2004) in

the study conducted in. Ateneo de Manila Highschool to find out how parents

of student achievers manage to develop positive academic outcomes of their

children responded that they spend even at least an hour a day with their

children after school without any interruptions like phone calls and texts to

update home works. Majority of these parents were able to finish college and

value education significantly. Finally, Parents have an enormous influence on

their children's education for several reasons, but most importantly because

they are their childrens first teachers (Gratz, 2006).

Various behaviors resulted from texting.

Goddard and Geesin (2011) emphasized that teenagers addicted to

their mobile phones are more likely to drink and smoke, a study suggests

constant texting and non-stop calls are seen as rebellious by 14-16 year olds

and smoking and drinking is just another part of "street culture"

psychologists say. Yet the self-styled rebels may not be quite as anti-

establishment as they believe. Many are middle-class and rely on part-time

jobs and pocket money to fund their habits. A study of 3, 500 youngsters in

Finland which has similar rates of mobile phone use to Britain, found

teenagers spent up to four hours a day on the phone, according to the

report. Another article clipping entitled "Texts cause more than dope" by

Geornina Littlejohn in her small study of causes of habitual texting to people,

reported that more than 6 in 10 workers admit they are addicted to checking

their emails and text messages so much they look at work -related ones

even when at home. Half said they always responded to an email as soon as

possible and 1 in 5 would interrupt a meeting to do so. It may also damage

the users image among friends, as 9 out of 10 people think those who

interrupt what they are doing to answer calls and text are rude. As cited by

Lloa (2014) students who are regular text users engage in text messaging

during class lectures said that in class texting partially interferes with a

student's ability to pay attention which prior studies show is necessary for

effective cognitive learning in his study in the University of Pittsburgh-


Moreover, according to Allen (2001) as cited by Lloa (2014) one of

the destruction caused by uncontrolled texting which can be observed in

their behaviors is the temptation to use phone and forget the important

things to do while Boise (1996) as cited by Agustino (2012) proposed that it

increases the rate of telling lies and cheating among students. Also

irresponsibility during the time when they should be studying said by Watson

(2008).Furthermore, Vega, Prieto, and Carreon (2006) said that a person too

much exposed to any technology related tool shows lack personal

connection, passive and cold in actual conversation with people. Lloa (2014)

who studied the "Usage of mobile phones and academic performance of 1st

year highschool students" findings supported the study made by Protheroe

(2005) which revealed that students have the behavior of keeping their

mobile phones during classes. Texting diverts student's focus from the main

learning task because they lack self-control in directing one's learning

process. Lastly, some say that mobile phone use in general is that 'a source

of irritation, delinquency and even crime.'(Katz,2001)

Teacher's intervention strategies

The authors Acero, Javier, and Castro (2004) of the book "Human

growth and development learning" cited that Vygotsky believed that children

must also be aware of the phonetics dissect each word to spell it and

reproduce the words with the symbol of words because the written form of

language is as equally important as speech because it is the most elaborate

form of language and the development level required to learn to write is

usually underestimated .Vygotsky's study focused on children yet its

instructional insight are equally applicable to adult learning. He is interested

in the childs potential for intellectual growth led him to develop the concept

of the cone of proximal development. In recent years this concept has led to

the use of scaffolding, an instructional process in which the teacher adjusts

the amount and type of support offered to the child to suit the childs

abilities, withdrawing support as the child becomes more skilled. Language

plays an important role in Vygotskian theory. As children begin to use social

speech, egocentric speech, and inner speech, they learn to communicate

and to form thoughts and regulate intellectual functions.

Fundamentals of good teaching

Moreover , according to Shipley et al (1964) as cited by Aquino (2004)

the fundamentals of good teaching as consist of two elements : (1) the

teachers personality and (2) principles of good teaching to teaching that

facilities student achievement. A relatively recent conceptualization to which

certain qualities or characteristics are attached is "active teaching" , defined

as " teaching which recognizes that teachers must adapt instruction to

individual differences in students, mediate and transform learning

opportunities , and at times reteach to provide enrichment " (Good and

McCaslin, 1992). However, Samalonis (1970) believe that every teacher.

has the responsibility of teaching all her students how to be as successful in

school as the possibility can be. The consensus that seems to be gaining

ground is that any teacher who gives an assignment must be reach to help

her students acquire the attitudes, habits and skills that they need to do the

schoolwork properly

Finally, Agustino (2013) cited that since mobile phones are widespread

everywhere and are popular among students for communication with each

other, they may offer a motivating alternative for second language learning.

Using real world resources for teaching and learning in the classroom can

make education more meaningful and relevant to students and see mobile

learning can offer some assests (Protheroe, 2005). These are collaborative

learning activities that use camera phones or multimedia messaging to add

visual and audio material to a web-based multimedia map or picture.

Furthermore, there are mobile phone text messaging quizzes by developing

an SMS quiz engine .There is also mobile phone SMS mini language course

that includes 100 concepts and for each concept there are textual and test

dialogues which have been created. The learners send their answers via text

message and the system verifies the result and sends the student new SMS

containing the test results and the suggested improvements. Yet, according

to Katz (2001) some opposes of mobile phones in education call out to ban

mobile phone technologies in schools. Their reaction to the mobile phone is

that it is "a source of irritation, delinquency and even crime" .Also, using

mobile in the classroom would end up causing more destructions and they

just intercept teaching.

Conceptual Framework

This study is anchored on Albert Bandura's 'Social learning theory' that

says people can learn by observing the behaviors of others and the

outcomes of those behaviors. However, learning can occur without a change

in behavior and their learning may not necessarily be shown in their

performance. Learner observes a model which constitutes cognition process

within a social environment, emphasizing that people undergoes

observational learning .Moreover, based on the theory a person is strongly

influenced by society's reward and punishment systems and model their

behavior accordingly. But, the theory also recognizes that just because

something has been learned, it does not guarantee that it will result in a

change in behavior.

Apparently, according to Palispis (2008) technological change denotes

revisions that occur in man's application of his technical knowledge and skills

as he adapts himself to his big physical environment. Perhaps, in a society

learners are exposed to influential models, such as members of the family,

peer group, teachers at school and characters in the social media or

television. These models provide examples of behaviors to observe and

imitate and they strive to follow the trend in order to blend-in which triggers

some undesirable or desirable responses toward him self and others.

In this study students pay attention to people in their community and

what others may do in their surrounding (live modeling) and in the television

(symbolic modeling) and imitate those that captures their interests after an

observation. If the consequences of that action are rewarding, the students

are likely to continue this practice.

According to Mphahlele and Mashamaite (2005) in their study of

'Language proficiency cited by Asiz et al. (2003) textism is used in social

communication , business transactions, and even in advertisement,

learners have tendency to use it as an officially accepted and standard

language and thus make different errors from incorrect spelling to even

ungrammatical sentence constructions. This phenomenon is a great

challenge to English language educators accordingly. As a result, educators

penalize the learners for non- standard spelling, grammar and punctuation

which causes loss to the students if this language is used in academic

writing. Aside from that their behaviors in class is also responsible for their

successful learning. Students noted that their cellphones had becomecan

essential aspect of their lives, mentioning that the device is "like an

appendage...youre never without it." (Walsh,2004).

Moreover, Tomazewski (2011) cited 'The times daily' newspaper

report from 'Pew Internet and American life project', "Writing, technology

and teens", which revealed that cell phone text-based abbreviated

communications teens use are showing up in more formal writing. A public

Facebook page entitled "If you think the rules at Union Country High School

are ridiculous", dealing with school policies in Union, student council offers

these examples: e. g (1) " the new policy on dress code they handed out last

week is our lask chance 2keep us out of uniforms .the. new super indendant

as u all know is from spartanburg is using the saturday school crap 2 take a

note on how many offenses we have & will use it 2 make her decision so we

need 2 stop breaking the dress code or we might have 2 really fight uniforms

next year". e. g (2) " don't worry abt us wearing uniforms nxt year. our

parents wont buy them & the district can't even give us the first set cuz our

parents pay the taxes & we can't afford them. so get ur parents opinion &

make them disagress with uniforms! ". These examples alarmed language


In the first place, society and language are inseparable as well as it

greatly impacts the tiny segments of student's personality such as age, sex,

parent's educational background, and dialect (which are part of personal

attributes) the behaviors, and intensions which will also be triggered by

social influences including technology putting them to information and social

interaction desires, and the teacher who are looked up to by students even

model and seen to be the ideal person to follow brings impact on student's

performance as a whole. The researcher believes that these factors will

somehow contribute to the development or failure of each learner.

This is illustrated in the conceptual paradigm in which the independent

variables such as profile of the students in terms of age, sex , dialect,

parent's educational background, family's annual income, and text behaviors

in in terms of positive and negative behavior, and strategies used by the

teacher to control negative texting behaviors greatly contribute to the

dependent variable which is their scholastic performance in English.

Profile of the students
Conceptual Paradigm
Age Family's annual
income variables Dependent
Sex Daily allowance
Parent's education background

Text behaviors of the student in terms



Inquiring about school matters

through text.
Showing interest to reach out to
classmates and teacher through

Neglecting home and school
duties performance of the
Telling false information about
one' self grade 8 students in
Cheating in exams through text
Using incorrect spelling, grammar English.
and punctuation when texting.
Checking on one's phone in class
Immediate reading and replying

Strategies used by the teacher to

control the text behaviors
Hypothesis of the Study
Turning off phones in class
Confiscation of phones during
Imposing punishments

Figure I. Schematic diagram of the conceptual paradigm on "Texting habits among

grade 8 students of Dologon National Highschool Annex-Kiharong."

Hypothesis of the Study

There is no significant relationship between the profile of the students

to their texting behaviors and scholastic performance in English.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined operationally for further understanding

of the study.

Age refers to the respondent's amount of time during which they engaged in

Behavior is the way a person responds to its environment.

Dialect is a person's first language.

Educational background is the level of knowledge, skill and

understanding you acquire from attending school.

Sex is the state of being male or female.

Intervention is to come in between before any harm is done.

Scholastic performance refers to the intellectual outcome of a person in


SMS is the abbreviation of Short Messaging Service or Texting.

Social Learning Theory is the learning theory by Vygotsky that says

learning occurs within a social context through observation, modeling, and

Strategies is the carrying out plans to achieve a goal.

Texting is the act of using mobile and portable devices to communicate with
shortened words.

Textism is a practice of exchanging brief written messages.


Research Methodology

This chapter presents the design of the study, the research procedure,

the research instrumentation, the research locale, the tools use in gathering

the data, the administration of the instrument and the treatment of data.

Research Design

The descriptive research method was used in this study, utilizing both

structured and unstructured interview. Observation was also used to counter

check the data gathered.

Research Locale

The study was conducted among grade 8 students of Dologon National

Highschool Annex-Kiharong, Maramag Bukidnon for school year 2016-2017.

Dologon National Highschool Annex-Kiharong is 6.5 kilometers away from


Research Procedure

Requesting permission to conduct a study was sent to the principal of

Dologon National High School Annex-Kiharong.

The researcher used purposive sampling since the study is only limited

to 45 grade 8 students. In the process of administering the questionnaire,

the researcher will approach the grade 8 adviser for assistance and results

will be retrieved after 2 days from the administration.

The researcher got the respondent's average grades in English subject

in the S.Y 2015-2016 to determine their scholastic performance.

Research Instrumentation

A questionnaire was used as an instrument for data collection. The

questionnaire consists of four parts; Part 1 will inquire on the profile of the

students in terms of age, sex, dialect, parent's educational background,

family's annual income and daily allowance. The second part will look into

the text behaviors of the students in terms of positive and negative

behaviors Part 3 will look on the strategies used by the teacher to control

text behavior of the grade 8 students of Dologon National Highschool Annex-

Kiharong in class.

Analysis of Data

The data gathered were analyzed using frequency, percentage and

means in answering about the profile of the students, text behaviors, and

strategies used by the teacher to control text behaviors. To investigate if the

above mentioned have a significant relationship on the scholastic

performance in English of the grade 8 students of Dologon National

Highschool Annex-Kiharong, the respondent's profile was correlated with

their text behaviors using Pearson correlation analysis. Means was also be

used utilizing Likert measurement using 1 to 5 point scale.


Presentation of findings, interpretation and analysis of the data.

PART.1 Profile of the respondents

Table 1.

Age n %

13 9 20

14 27 60

15 7 16

16 2 4

Total 45 100

Majority or 60% of the respondents are ages 14 years old with 27

respondents, followed by ages 13 years old with 9 respondents or 20%.


Gender n %

M 14 31

F 31 69

Total 45 100

Majority or 69% of the respondents are females with 31 respondents,

followed by males with 14 respondents or 31%.


Dialect n %

Cebuano 44 97.8

Boholano 1 2.2

Total 45 100

Majority or 97.8 % of the respondents speak Cebuano or 44
respondents, followed by Boholano 2.2 % with 1.

Table.4 (a)

Father's educ. n %

Elementary 24 53.3

Highschool 15 33.3

College 6 13.3

45 100

Majority of the father's educational background is Elementary or 53.3

% ( 24 ), followed by Highschool 33.3 % ( 15 ).

Table.4 (b)

Mother's educ. n %

Elementary 14 31.1

Highschool 16 35.6

College 15 33.3

Total 45 100

Majority of the mother's educational background is Highschool 35.6

% ( 16 ) , followed by College having 33.3 % ( 15 ).


Family's annual income n %

Less than 50,000 20 44.4

50,000-100,000 17 37.80

100,000-150,000 4 8.90

Greater than 150,000 4 8.90

Total 45 100

Total 45 100

Majority of the family's annual income is less than Php.50,000 with 44.4
%(20),followed by 50,000-100,000 37.80 % or 17 respondents.


Daily allowance n %

15.00-20.00 38 84.5

20.00-40 5 11.1

40.00-60.00 2 4.4

Total 45 100

Majority of the daily allowance is Php.15.00-20.00 84.5 % or 38

respondents, followed by Php.20.00-40.00 11.1 % or 5 respondents.

Part 2.Level of performance in English


Scholastic performance n %

90 and above 4 8.90

85-89 18 40

80-84 19 42.2

75-79 4 8.90

75 and below - -

Total 45 100


90 and above -Outstanding 75-79 -Fairly Satisfactory

85-89 -Very Satisfactory 75 and below -Did not meet


80-84 -Satisfactory ( K+12 Curriculum grading system )

Majority or 42.2 % (19) of the respondents are Satisfactory, followed by

40% (18) respondents Very satisfactory.

PART 3.Level of texting behaviors in terms of :


Positive behaviors: Mean QD

Inquiring about school

related matters through
text. 3.24 High

Showing interest to
reach out to classmates
and teacher through 2.56 Undecided

Negative behaviors:

Neglecting home and 2.53 Undecided

school duties.

Telling lies about one's 2.58 Undecided

self and others in

Cheating in exams 1.49 Not at all

through text.

Using in correct spelling, 3.07 High

grammar, and
punctuation when

Frequent checking on 2.53 Undecided

one's phone in class

Immediate reading and 1.58 Not at all

replying text messages
during classes.

Irritable when being 3.29 High

disturbed while texting.


5- Strongly High = 4.81-5.00 2-Undecided =1.81-2.80

4-Moderately High = 3.81-4 80 1-Not at all =1.00-1.80

3-High =2.81-2.80

Majority answered inquiring on school related matters through text with

the mean of 3.24.In the negative texting behaviors majority answered
irritable when being disturbed while texting with the mean of 3.29,followed
by using incorrect spelling, grammar and punctuation with the mean of 3.07



Strategies used by the

teacher to control
negative texting Mean Qualitative description

Turning off phones in 3.07 Very effective


Confiscation of phones 1.58 Not at all

in class

Imposing punishments 2.27 Effective


4-Very much effective = 3.26-4.00 2-Effective =1.76-2.50

3-Very effective = 2.51-3.25 1-Not at all =1.00-1.75

Majority of the respondents answered that turning off phones in class is

very effective with the mean of 3.07, followed by imposing punishments with
the mean of 2.27 effective.


Table 11.

Variables r-value p-value

Age -0.142 0.352 ns

Sex -0.148 0.332 ns

Dialect -0.098 0.522 ns

Father's educ. 0.074 0.628 ns


Mother's educ. 0.070 0.646 ns


Annual income -0.050 0.743 ns

Daily allowance -0.150 0.325 ns

Texting behaviors -0.155 0.310 ns

Strategies used by the

teacher to control
negative texting 0.271 0.072 ns

Legend: Not significant if >0.05

**Significant bet. 0.01-0.05

Results and Discussion

The respondents were 45 grade 8 students. In terms of age majority

are 14 years old 62.2 % or 28 respondents. Majority are female 68.9% or 31

of the respondents. The major dialect is Cebuano 97.8 % or 44 respondents

answered. Regarding father's educational background majority attained

elementary level-graduate 53.3% or 24 while mother's educational

background is highschool level-graduate composed of 35.6 % or 16

respondents. Futhermore, it was found out that the respondents belong to

the low income status based on the year 2009 Family income and

expenditures survey (FIES) of the National Statistics Office (NSO) families in

the bottom 30 % (poor families) had annual income averaging Php.62,000

and it was revealed by the use of frequency that their family's annual income

is less than Php.50,000 44.4% or 20 of the respondents. As well as the

allowance 84.4% or 38 of the respondents answered Php.15-20.00 a day.

The level of scholastic performance is Satisfactory which the rate of

which is from 84 to 85 % based on the K+12 Dep.ed curriculum's latest

grading system. Moreover, the tabulation revealed that the level of texting

behavior in terms of positive behaviors they answered 'High' on inquiring

about school related matters through text 3.24 % which means that they

update on the happenings and possible requirements in school. In terms of

negative texting behaviors majority answered 'High' on irritable when being

disturbed while texting with the mean of 3.29 which means that they

become compulsive when they are disturbed though they seldom text in a

day. This phenomena is the same with the study made by Landman (2015) in

her article Compulsive texting takes toll on teeanagers she said "Compulsive

is more than just the number of text teens are engaging in." According to the

study teens who were females 14-17 years old feel anxious, girls text

compulsively at a far higher rate than boys do. Studies have shown that

communicating by cellphone about problems or negative feelings is more

common among young women than among men and have poor performance

in school which is seen by the researcher as their difference among that

aspect of both studies. The grade 8 students of Dologon National Highschool

Annex-Kiharong got good grades over all. Additionally, the respondents also

answered 'High' on using incorrect spelling, grammar and punctuation w/

that mean of 3.29 which id also the same on the foriegn and local studies

made in the previous and recent time. This findings is supported by Chua

et.,al.,(2004) that says the main benefit of texting which is speedy

communication is undermining proper spelling and punctuation which are

part of delivering formal writing and grammar as well.

The triggering factors why they do so was explained by Thurlow(2003)

as cited by Goddard and Geesin(2011) that he called Sociolinguistic maxims

such as (a) speed-texter- have to speed up their pace of communication so

need to take short cuts, (b) brevity- texters have only limited space for their

communication so need to omit any elements that are not strictly necessary

for understanding,(c)paralinguistic restitution-texters used to find ways to

replace the aspects of physical communication(such as body language) that

are absent ,and lastly (d) phonological approximations- texters want to build

in ways for readers to 'hear' their voice, so try to change the written

language to represent this .On the other hand, the students are able to

control their negative texting behaviors. This suggests that they are texters

but they can manage their texting behaviors and could avoid from texting

whenever they have exams or class that are needed to be done. Dumalag

(2015) in her study entitled Extent of text messaging and spelling

proficiency of fourth year high school students in MCMSHl states text-style

writing could cause long term effect on students skill in spelling and

grammar and to the second language learning as well. However, the grade 8

students are in general aware of their texting behaviors and not dependent

on their mobile phones. It was also revealed that they perform good on their


Albert Bandura's "Social learning theory" supports the findings of this

study that a person is strongly influenced by society's reward and

punishment system which model their behavior accordingly. But, the theory

also recognizes that just because something has been learned (like those

texting behaviors) it does not guarantee that it will totally result in a change

in behavior due to many factors that influence the person's ability for self-



Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation

This chapter presents the summary of the findings of the study, results

and discussion, conclusions are drawn from the findings and proposed

recommendations are presented.


1. What is the profile of the grade 8 students?

Majority of the grade 8 respondents are within the of age 14 years old,

female, who commonly speaks Cebuano, whose father's educational

background is elementary level-graduate, whose mother's educational

background is high school level-graduate, family's annual income is less than

Php.50,000.00, and daily allowance is within 15.00 to 20.00 pesos.

2. What is the level of performance among grade 8 students in English?

The level of performance in English among grade 8 students is


3. What is the level of text behavior among grade 8 students in terms of

positive and negative behavior?

In terms of positive behavior majority answered 'High' on Inquiring about

school related matters through text.

In terms of negative behavior majority of the respondents answered

'High' on irritable when being disturbed while texting, followed by using

incorrect spelling, grammar and punctuation when texting.

4. What are the strategies used by the teacher to control the bad texting

behaviors among grade 8 students?

Majority of the respondents answered 'Very effective 'in turning off

phones in class, followed by imposing punishments 'Effective'.

5. Is there a significant relationship between the profile of the students to the

texting behavior and scholastic performance in English?

The profile of the students from Dologon National Highschool Annec-

Kiharong, and texting behavior in terms of positive and negative behaviors

have no significant relationship to their scholastic performance in English as

revealed by Pearson correlation analysis.


Based on the findings presented, it is concluded that majority of the

respondents do not have enough money to regularly buy load since they

belong to low income families whose fathers are elementary level-graduate,

mothers are highschool level-graduate and whose daily allowance is suitable

only for basic needs in attending to school daily. The socio-demographic

characteristic as a whole does not have a linear relation to their level of

performance in English since they performed well even though they belong

to low economic status and no matter what the sex, or dialect they use.

The level of performance in English among grade 8 students is

satisfactory means that they are responsible enough and they take efforts

abstain from texting in class to be more focused on the lesson.

The level of texting behaviors of the students in terms of positive and

negative behaviors also does not have relationship to their level of

performance in English because they were able to control those behaviors

mentioned previously.

In terms of the effective strategies used by the teacher to control the

negative texting behaviors it also does not have relationship because

students are aware of the rules and most of them do not defy with the said


Therefore, the null hypothesis that states that there is no significant

relationship between the profile of the students, texting behavior in terms of

positive and negative behaviors to the scholastic performance of the grade 8

students of Dologon National High School Annex-Kiharong in English is



Based on the summary, findings and conclusion in this study the

recommendation below are given:

1. The School should strengthen the policies in texting and cellphone use

inside the classrooms so that the students will be able to direct themselves

to focus hardly on the lessons.

2. The School might look into the potentials of cellphones to the curricular


3. The teacher should continue her strategies in controlling negative texting

behaviors and must be quick in actions to those students who sneak using

their phones during classes.

4. The teacher should also be tactful in reprimanding some nuisance

students in class since there are cellphone-related crimes in the country

committed by student toward their teachers such as murder and other

juvenile delinquencies.

5. The teacher should use varied strategies to cater different interests of her


6. The teacher must know when students feel bored so that they will not turn

to using phones between lectures.

7. The parents should discipline and guide students specially that they are

teens which are highly curious, minimize or control negative texting

behaviors by giving them time and attention.

8. The parents should cooperate and constantly communicate with the

teacher to monitor and help motivate students to perform well on their


9. The parents must set rules at home not to use phones nor text when home

works and other school matters are not yet done.

10. The students must find ways to control their irritability that could lead to

something serious.

11. The students must refrain from using incorrect spelling, grammar, and

punctuation to improve their language skills.

12. The students should continue doing their best to learn more and be

responsible in their behaviors to achieve their goals in life.

13. The researcher could study deeper on the effects of excessive texting to

the health of the texters.


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