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Network Analysis OLD

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1. a) Differentiate between planar and non planar graphs with suitable examples? 2M

b) Briefly explain the classification of electrical networks? 3M

c) Explain in detail how to write fundamental cutset matrix? 5M
d) What is an electric circuit? What is a magnetic circuit? Make a comparison between electric 5M
circuit and magnetic circuit.
2. a) Define Tree, Co-tree, Twig and Link? 2M
b) What is an incidence matrix? What are properties of complete incidence matrix? 3M
c) Coil 1 of a pair of coupled coils has a continuous current of 5A, and the corresponding fluxes 5M
ϕ11 and ϕ12 are 0.2 and 0.4 mWb respectively. If the turns are N1 = 500 and N2 = 1500, find
L1, L2, M and k.
d) Find the equivalent inductance of the given circuit and also find coefficient of coupling. 5M

3. a) Explain Active elements in detail? 2M

b) Define Graph, Tree, Basic Cut set and Basic Tie set. Illustrate with an example 3M
c) Explain in detail how to write fundamental tieset matrix? 5M
d) What is an ideal transformer? Explain how ideal transformer change the impedance of a 5M
4. a) What is meant by coupled circuits 2M
b) Explain the classification of Ideal and practical electrical networks. 3M
c) For the network shown in below Figure find Zab and Io. 5M
d) For the circuit shown in figure below solve for currents I1 and I2 and also find the ratio V1/V2. 5M

5. a) What is coefficient of coupling? 2M

b) Explain the concept of Self and Mutual inductance? 3M
c) Find the input impedance of the circuit shown in Figure. Assume that the circuit operates at 5M
ω = 50 rad/s.

d) Determine the steady state currents i1 and i2 in the given circuit? 5M

1. a) What are initial conditions? 2M
b) Explain the procedure to evaluate initial conditions? 3M
c) A series RL circuit with R=50 ohms and L=10H has a constant voltage V=100V applied at 5M
t=0 by the closing of the switch. Find i) the equation of I, VR and VL. ii)the current at t=0.5
seconds and iii) the time at which VR=VL.
d) A series RL circuit with R=5000 ohms and C=20µF has a constant voltage V=100V applied 5M
at t=0 and the capacitor has no initial charge. Find the equations of I, VR and VC.
2. a) Define Resonance? What are the types of resonance circuits? 2M
b) Derive an expression for response in a R-C circuit excited by a d.c. source. 3M
c) Show that the resonant frequency ωo of a series RLC circuit is the geometric mean of ω1 and 5M
ω2, the lower and upper half power frequencies?
d) Given a series RLC circuit with R = 10 ohms, L = 1 mH and C = 1 μF is connected across a 5M
sinusoidal source of 20 V with variable frequency. Find: i) The resonant frequency
ii) Q-factor of the circuit at resonant frequency iii) Half power
3. a) Define Bandwidth and Quality factor. 2M
b) Derive the expression for voltage and current in a series connected RL Circuits. 3M
c) A series-connected RLC circuit has R = 4 Ω and L = 25 mH: 5M
i) Calculate the value of C that will produce a quality factor of 50.
ii) Find ω1, ω2, and B.
iii) Determine the average power dissipated at ω = ω0, ω1, ω2. Take Vm = 100 V.
d) Given a series RLC circuit with R = 100 ohms, L = 0.5 H and C = 40 μF, 5M
Calculate the resonant, lower and upper half – power frequencies.
4. a) For the circuit shown in figure, if v=10e-4t V and i= 0.2e-4t A, t>0, find R and C? 2M

b) A constant voltage is applied to a series RL circuit at t = 0. The voltage across the inductor at 3M
t = 3.46 ms is 20 V and 5 V at t = 25 ms. Obtain R if L= 2H.
c) An impedance Z1 = 10 + j10 Ω is connected in parallel with another impedance of resistance 5M
8.5 Ω and a variable capacitance connected in series. Find C such that the circuit is in
resonance at 5 KHz.
d) Derive and draw the response of a series RLC circuit for step input. 5M
5. a) For the series connected RL circuit shown in figure find i(t), the inductor has a current of 2A 2M
at t=0.

b) A dc voltage of 20V is applied in a RL circuit where R = 5ohm and L = 10H. Find 3M

i) The time constant
ii) The maximum value of stored energy.
c) For the circuit shown in figure, the switch is opened at t=0, find i(t) for t>0. 5M

d) Find the value of L for which the circuit of figure shown is resonant at a frequency of 5M
ω=5000 radians /sec.

1. a) Define Laplace transform of a function f(t)? 2M
b) Explain the advantage of using Laplace transform method? 3M
c) Derive an expression for the response in the system in Figure 1 by time domain and Laplace 5M
transform techniques. Cross check the answer. V(t)=5Sin(103t+π/6)?

Figure 1.
d) Derive the expression for the transient response of RC series circuit excited by a sinusoidal 5M
excitation. Use Laplace transform approach
2. a) State initial value theorem and final value theorem? 2M
b) Define and explain the characteristics of unit step function? 3M
c) A sinusoidal voltage of 100Sin50t is applied to a series circuit of R = 15Ω and L = 2.5H at 5M
t=0 is shown in Figure 2. By Laplace transform method, determine the current i(t) for all t≥0.
Assume zero initial conditions.

Figure 2.
d) State and prove the convolution theorem of Laplace transform? 5M
3. a) List the properties of Laplace Transform? 2M
b) Define and explain the characteristics of unit ramp function? 3M
c) Find the Laplace transform of exp(-at)sinωt? 5M
d) Derive the Laplace transforms of standard time functions? 5M
4. a) Derive the relation between RMS and maximum value? 2M
b) Define and explain the characteristics of unit impulse function? 3M
c) Find the Laplace transform of exp(-at)cosωt? 5M
d) Find the Laplace transform of the following waveform? 5M

5. a) State the various properties of Laplace transform? 2M

b) Define form factor and peak factor? 3M
c) Derive an expression for response in a R-L series circuit for a sinusoidal excitation. Use 5M
Laplace transform approach.
d) State and prove the various properties of Laplace transform? 5M

1. a) What is a two port network? 2M
b) What is a symmetrical network? 3M
c) Find the Z-parameters for the circuit in Figure.3. 5M

d) 5M
2. a) What is a reciprocal network? 2M
b) Define characteristic impedance. 3M
c) Find y-parameters for the circuit in Figure.2. 5M


d) Express Y – parameters in terms of h – parameters. 5M

3. a) Z-parameters for a two port network are given as Z11=25Ω, Z12=Z21=20Ω, Z22=50Ω. Find 2M
equivalent T-network?
b) Derive the condition of symmetry for Z-parameters? 3M
c) Find the h-parameters for the circuit in Figure.3 5M

d) Express h-parameters in terms of ABCD parameters. 5M
4. a) State the properties of driving point impedance of LC Network? 2M
b) Explain different types of interconnection of two ports? 3M
c) Find the abcd-parameters for the circuit in Figure.4 5M

d) Express Z parameters in terms of ABCD parameters. 5M
5. a) State the properties of driving point impedance of RC network? 2M
b) Define image and iterative impedance.? 3M
c) 5M


d) Find the relationship between z and h parameters. 5M

1. a) Define Foster’s reactance theorem? 2M
b) Write short notes on m-derived filters? 3M
c) Draw the circuit diagram of a High pass filter. Explain the design procedure of the above 5M
filter in detail.
d) Design k-type band pass filter having a design impedance of 500 and cut-off 5M
frequencies 1 kHz and 10 kHz.

2. a) What are driving point functions? 2M

b) Define pass band, stop band and cut off frequency? 3M
c) Draw the circuit diagram of a Band pass filter. Explain the design procedure of the above 5M
filter in detail.
d) Design a band elimination filter having a design impedance of 600 and cut-off 5M
frequencies f1=2kHz and f2 = 6kHz.
3. a) What is constant K filter? 2M
b) Explain why constant K filter is called prototype filter? 3M
c) Design a symmetrical T attenuator to give 2 dB attenuation to have a characteristic 5M
impedance of 150Ω.
d) Design a constant ‘K’ T-section low pass filter having cutoff frequency of 2 kHz and nominal 5M
characteristic impedance of 600 ohms.
4. a) Draw and explain T section network.? 2M
b) List out the drawbacks of prototype filter? 3M
c) What is an m-derived filter? Explain the general configuration and parameters of m- derived 5M
low pass filter for T and Π-Sections.
d) Derive the equations to find the inductances and capacitances of a constant K high pass filter 5M
5. a) What are the demerits of m-derived filter? 2M
b) Explain the steps involved in composite filter design? 3M
c) Design a constant - K T – section and π- section high pass filter having cut off frequency f = 5M
10KHz and characteristic impedance Z0= 600Ω. Also find the characteristic impedance at 25
d) Design a low pass filter (both π and T- sections) having a cutoff frequency of 2 kHz 5M
to operate with a terminated load resistance of 500.

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