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An Unconventional Therapeutic Approach To A Migratory IUD Causing Perforation of The Rectum

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Journal of Surgical Case Reports, 2016;2 , 1–2

doi: 10.1093/jscr/rjw004
Case Report


An unconventional therapeutic approach to a migratory

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IUD causing perforation of the rectum
Grace W. Ma1,2,*, Andrew Yuen1, Paraskevi A. Vlachou3,4, and
Sandra de Montbrun1,3
Department of General Surgery, University of Toronto, Canada, 2Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Canada,
St Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, Canada, and 4Department of Medical Imaging, University of Toronto, Canada
*Correspondence address. Tel: +1-647-822-8192; Fax: +1-461-864-5565; E-mail:

Intrauterine devices (IUDs) are a commonly used form of contraception. The risk of perforation and migration of these devices
have been reported to be 1 in 1000. Migration into the rectum is even more uncommon. The following case illustrates a
previously healthy 37-year-old woman who experienced a perforation and migration of an IUD into the rectum necessitating
endoscopic removal. To our knowledge, this complication of IUD and subsequent endoscopic removal has not been previously
described and presents a viable first-line therapeutic option in a stable patient.

INTRODUCTION which demonstrated protrusion of the IUD into the rectal lumen.
The patient was then referred to a colorectal specialist.
The intrauterine device (IUD) is a popular method of contraception
An magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) performed 1 month
with worldwide use approaching 15% [1]. It is, however, associated
following the original CT demonstrated the T-arms of the IUD
with an estimated uterine perforation rate of 1 per 1000 insertions
to have migrated within the rectum ∼10–12 cm above the anorec-
[1, 2]. Various retrieval methods of migrated extra-uterine IUDs
tal junction at or just above the peritoneal reflection.
have been described in the literature including endoscopy, laparos-
At this point, the patient was relatively asymptomatic except
copy or laparotomy. The following case report outlines the endo-
for non-cyclical painless bleeding. She was consented for transa-
scopic retrieval of a migrated IUD into the rectal lumen.
nal IUD extraction with the possibility of a laparoscopic extrac-
tion and repair. The patient was brought to the operating room,
CASE REPORT given sedation and positioned in left lateral decubitus for endo-
A 37-year-old woman had an IUD inserted 1 year after her only scopic extraction. A flexible gastroscope was advanced to the
pregnancy. The patient experienced post-procedural bleeding. level of the T-arms which were caught proximal to a rectal fold.
At her follow-up, the strings of the IUD were not visualized, The arms were grasped with alligator forceps and manipulated
which was suspicious for IUD migration. An attempt at laparo- in a proximal direction to dislodge the device. Once the entire
scopic retrieval was unsuccessful. A computed tomography (CT) IUD was free, the stem was pulled distally and removed transan-
scan showed migration of the IUD with the T-arms of the device ally. The scope was then reinserted, and the rectal wall appeared
seen posterior to the left vaginal fornix with the shaft within the healthy with no evidence of intraabdominal perforation. The pa-
lower rectum (Fig. 1). A general surgeon was subsequently con- tient tolerated the procedure well and was discharged home after
sulted, and a diagnostic flexible sigmoidoscopy was performed, an overnight observation period.

Received: November 8, 2015. Accepted: January 4, 2016

Published by Oxford University Press and JSCR Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved. © The Author 2016.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (
licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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2 | G.W. Ma et al.

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Figure 1 (a) Sagittal CT Scout view shows IUD (arrow) in very posterior location, probably within the rectum. (b) Sagittal contrast-enhanced CT of the pelvis showing
the extra-uterine position of the contraceptive device (arrow) posterior to the uterus. (c) Axial contrast-enhanced CT of the pelvis reveals extra-uterine position of the
contraceptive device arms (arrow) posterior to the cervix (*). (d) Axial contrast-enhanced CT of the pelvis showing the extra-uterine position of the stem of the
contraceptive device within the rectal lumen (arrow) after perforating the uterus (*).

A follow-up CT was performed on Postoperative Day 2 with with proper technique and preoperative planning. This case de-
rectal contrast showing no extravasation of contrast to suggest scribes the successful retrieval of an intraluminal IUD using care-
a leak. The patient was subsequently discharged from hospital ful endoscopic manipulation to extract the device without
without complication. further injury to the rectal wall.

Many IUD-associated uterine perforations are asymptomatic,
None declared.
and the actual incidence may be higher than reported [3].
Although uterine perforation may be painless, migration into
the gastrointestinal tract may present as chronic lower abdomin-
al pain, fever or diarrhea [3].
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doscopy, laparoscopy and laparotomy are described methods of 2. Cetinkaya K, Kumtepe Y, Ingec M. Minimally invasive ap-
retrieval. Removal of an IUD using endoscopy has been described proach to cases of lost intra-uterine device: a 7-year experi-
in cases of migration through the lower rectum [4] and colon [5], ence. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2011;159:119–21.
but there has been no previous report of perforation in the upper 3. Sentilhes L, Lefebvre-Lacoeuille C, Poilblanc M, Descamps P.
rectum to our knowledge. The benefit of an endoscopic approach Incidental finding of an intrauterine device in the sigmoid
as first-line therapy is the avoidance of an operation that could colon. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2008;13:212–4.
require extensive dissection to the lower rectum with risk of in- 4. McCombie JJ, Le Fur R. Colonoscopic removal of an ectopic
jury to pelvic nerves and vasculature [4]. If the IUD is amenable intrauterine device. ANZ J Surg 2012;82:369–70.
to endoluminal retrieval, this approach may also prevent the 5. Gonenc M, Kalayci MU, Turhan AN, Deniztas C, Alis H. Endo-
need for a colotomy (and primary repair) or resection (and anas- scopic treatment of a transmigrated intrauterine device to co-
tomosis or stoma) in order to remove the IUD [5, 6]. lonic wall: a case report. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2011;204:e3–5.
Penetration of the rectal lumen is an uncommon complica- 6. Alis H, Soylu A, Dolay K, Kalaycı M, Ciltas M. Surgical interven-
tion of IUD migration after uterine perforation. Removal of the tion may not always be required in gossypiboma with intra-
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