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Tetrahedron Letters 55 (2014) 3938–3941

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A novel and convenient route for the construction

of 5-((1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)methyl)-1H-indoles and its
application in the synthesis of Rizatriptan
Yi He  , Xiaolong Li  , Jue Li, Xiaocen Li, Li Guo, Li Hai ⇑, Yong Wu ⇑
Key Laboratory of Drug-Targeting of Education Ministry and Department of Medicinal Chemistry, West China School of Pharmacy, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this study, a novel and convenient route for the construction of 5-((1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)methyl)-1H-
Received 27 February 2014 indoles (8) is presented starting from (1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)methanol (5) and indolines (6) under 98%
Revised 7 May 2014 H2SO4 at room temperature for 4–24 h, followed by deacetylation and dehydrogenation. Based on this
Accepted 15 May 2014
finding, a novel route to synthesize Rizatriptan starting from tryptamine was designed and accomplished
Available online 22 May 2014
with 48.5% overall yield in 6 steps. Compared with operational art, the new route afforded higher yield
and more pure products requiring no chromatographic purification, which may further be applied in
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Indole and its derivatives are very important physiologically

active substances which are widely distributed in nature. Chemi-
cals with the indole structure are also important heterocyclic inter- N
mediates for the synthesis of agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, and H
finechemicals.1 Meanwhile, 1,2,4-triazols constitute an important
class of heterocyclic nitrogen derivatives showing various biologi- N
R= CH 2CHR1NR2R3 , N R4 N
cal activities such as herbicides, defoliants, growth regulators, fun- H
gicides, and insecticides.2 Ploya reported 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole’s Rizatriptan
application as the neutral herbicide and defoliant of cotton.2 Scalzo N
, N
et al. described the antimycotic activity of (1H-1,2,4-triazol-1- R4
ylmethyl)aniline derivatives.3 EI-Zemity et al. also synthesized a
R1,R2, R3,R4 = hydrogen or C 1-6 alkyl
series of (1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-ylmethyl)aniline derivatives, showing
good potency in molluscicidal activity.4 The fusion of these two
Figure 1. Structure of 5-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)methyl substituted indoles (I) and
structures gave out a family of tryptamine-based drugs, containing Rizatriptan.
5-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)methyl substituted indoles (Fig. 1, I) certi-
fied to be the effective 5-HT1B/1D receptor agonists which can be
used in the treatment of migraine and associated conditions.5 methods: Fisher indole reaction and palladium-catalyzed coupling
Rizatriptan is a triptan drug for the treatment of migraine head- ring closure reaction (Scheme 1). Previously, Houghton6 described
aches, which has been on market in the form of benzoate since a process starting from 4-((1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)methyl)aniline (1)
1998. and the hydrazine intermediate(2) experienced Fisher indole reac-
However, preparations of 5-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)methyl tion with 4,4-dimethoxy-N,N-dimethylbutan-1-amine to construct
substituted indoles (I) are limited. In the synthesis of Rizatriptan, the substituted indole ring structure to make Rizatriptan
construction of the indole structure was realized mainly via two (Scheme 1, route a, operational route). Baker et al.5 also described
a homothetic route in earlier time. The construction of the indole
⇑ Corresponding authors. Tel.: +86 02885503235; fax: +86 02885503666 (L.H.); structure was achieved via Fisher indole reaction in 5 N HCl at
tel./fax: +86 02885503666 (Y.W.). reflux for 4 h, which provided a lot of byproducts with low yield
E-mail addresses: (L. Hai), (Y. Wu). (38% yield for single step of construction of the indole structure5a).
Yi He and Xiaolong Li are co-first authors.
0040-4039/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. He et al. / Tetrahedron Letters 55 (2014) 3938–3941 3939

NaNO2 SnCl2 N N,N-dialkylanilines by triazolylalkylating the substrates with (1H-
1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)methanol (5) in the presence of 37% HCl or CH3-
COOH. In particular, when the substrates are anilines, N-alkylani-
1 2
lines, and N,N-dialkylanilines, the substitution happened on the
N para-position. Inspired by this and for application in preparing
Rizatriptan, we tried 5-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)methylation of indo-
N N lines (6) under the condition of 37% HCl or CH3COOH, hoping to get
H2SO4 N N 5-((1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)methyl)indulines (7) as the main product,
which could be further dehydrogenated to yield the 5-(1H-1,2,4-
triazol-1-yl)methyl substituted indoles (8) (Scheme 2). As the
dehydrogenation of compounds with the indoline structure has
route a(operational route). been abundantly explored9 and realized very successfully by us
later, our work mainly focused on the preparation of key interme-
diate 7.
I OTES As a model reaction, 6a was first adopted as the substrate to
NH2 N Pd(OAc) 2, NaCO3 react with 5 under literature conditions.8 Disappointedly, as shown
NH 2 in Table 1, no 5-((1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)methyl)indoline (7a) was
1 3
found under the condition of neither 37% HCl nor CH3COOH
OR N (Table 1, entries 1 and 2). Contrarily, acetylated 5-((1H-1,2,4-tria-
zol-1-yl)methyl)indoline (7b) was obtained as the main product
2N HCl MsCl,Et3N
N N under the condition of CH3COOH in a poor yield of 11% (Table 1,
40%NHMe2 N N entry 2).
Considering the different results described in the literature,8 we
supposed that 7b with 1-N acetylated might be more stable than
7a under the reaction condition. This may result from the elec-
route b. tron-withdrawing effect of acetyl, which makes the electron den-
sity of benzylic carbon of 7b lower than that of 7a, declining the
Scheme 1. Two main routes to prepare Rizatriptan. leave-taking of the triazol under strong acid environment which
could cause the degradation of the product described by Katritzky
et al.8,10
The purification of the final product was very tough and column
So we then chose 1-(indolin-1-yl)ethanone (6b) as the substrate
chromatography had to be adopted, leading to very low total yield
to screen the best triazolylalkylating condition in the presence of
of 11.1%.5a Houghton6 later improved total yield to 45% but column
varying proton or Lewis acids. The reaction was monitored by
chromatography was used in purification with high cost. Cheng Y.
TLC and the results are shown in Table 1. Firstly 37% HCl and CH3-
Chen et al.7 represented a process to prepare Rizatriptan, by palla-
COOH were tried as the literature procedure.8 And to ensure the
dium-catalyzed coupling ring closure of 3-iodine-4-aminobenzyl-
exhaustion of 6b, the reactant ratio (5:6b) was added to 1.5
triazol (3) with bis-TES-butynol to the corresponding tryptophol
(Table 1, entry 3 and 4). Unfortunately, only trace amount of 7b
intermediate (4) (Scheme 1, route b). This process was catalyzed
were found. We then applied several classic Friedel–Crafts acyla-
by palladium acetate in dry dimethylformamide in the presence
tion conditions, utilizing Lewis acids such as AlCl3, ZnCl2, and resin
of Na2CO3 at 100 °C for 4 h. The palladium catalyst is expensive,
in the solvent of nitrobenzene under 80 °C (Table 1, entries 5–7).
and the quite strict oxygen-free and anhydrous conditions need
But no product was formed. Then lower concentrations of acids
high-level equipment requirement, complexing the operation and
such as 15% HCl, 20% and 50% H2SO4 (Table 1, entries 8–10) were
increasing the costs. Also n-BuLi was used in preparing bis-
used. There was no desired product, which suggested that too
TES-butynol in this route, which is often eluded in industrial
much water might be negative to the reaction. Therefore, organic
production. Most of other reported routes were similar to the
acids such as HCOOH, CF3COOH, and CF3SO3H (Table 1, entries
two routes above. Obviously, neither Fisher indole reaction nor
11–13) were also tried. When CF3SO3H was tried, 7b was generated
palladium-catalyzed coupling reaction could meet the demand
in 6% yield. Encouraged by this result, we then tested some other
for high purity and yield in the preparation of Rizatriptan. We
strong acids with dehydration such as PPA and 98% H2SO4 (Table 1,
herein report a new method to prepare I starting from (1H-1,2,
entries 14–15), getting 7b in 13% and 16% yield. The positive per-
4-triazol-1-yl)methanol (5) and indolines (6).
formance of PPA and 98% H2SO4 might be the dehydration property
Katritzky et al.8 published a method to provide (1H-1,2,4-tria-
of them that can facilitate the ionization of the triazole methanol to
zol-1-yl)methyl substituted phenols, anilines, N-alkylanilines, and
smooth the reaction (Scheme 3).
As PPA is very viscous and difficult to stir at low temperature,
N OH we focused on the conditions using 98% H2SO4 to optimize the
N R2 reaction condition. Different temperature and reactant ratios
5 N
(Table 1, entries 16–21) were tested. Even though the yield was
acid N Dehydrogenation N
the most optimal with a ratio of 1.5 at 25 °C for 24 h (Table 1, entry
R1 18), it was still very low and not enough in application.
R2 R1
Considering that the introduction of side chain may make the
7a-c 8a-c product more stable and applied in the synthesis of Rizatriptan,
we attempted to choose 6c as the substrate to react with 5, expect-
a R 1=R2=H ing the high yield of 7c under specific conditions. Similarly with 6b,
b R1=Ac, R2=H
only CF3SO3H, PPA, and 98% H2SO4 generated the usable amount of
c R 1=Ac, R2=CH2CH 2N(CH 3)2
product (Table 1, entries 22–24). Encouragingly, the yields of those
Scheme 2. A novel construction of 5-((1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)methyl substituted were respectively higher than that of 6b, which revealed that the
indoles (8). introduction of side chain was indeed positive to the reaction. Then
3940 Y. He et al. / Tetrahedron Letters 55 (2014) 3938–3941

Table 1
Optimization of reaction conditions for the synthesis of 7
R2 R2
N a R 1=R2=H
N + b R1=Ac, R2=H
N c R 1=Ac, R2=CH2CH 2N(CH 3)2
R1 R1
5 6a-c 7a-c

Entry Indolines Acida Reactant ratio (5:6) Temp (°C) Timeb (h) Product Yieldc (%)
1 6a 37% HCl 1 Reflux 7 — 0
2 6a CH3COOH 1 Reflux 7 7b 11
3 6b 37% HCl 1.5 Reflux 7 7b Trace
4 6b CH3COOH 1.5 Reflux 7 7b Trace
5 6b AlCl3 1.5 80 7 — 0
6 6b ZnCl2 1.5 80 7 — 0
7 6b Resin 1.5 80 7 — 0
8 6b 15% HCl 1.5 80 7 — 0
9 6b 20% H2SO4 1.5 80 7 — 0
10 6b 50% H2SO4 1.5 80 7 — 0
11 6b HCOOH 1.5 80 7 7b Trace
12 6b CF3COOH 1.5 80 7 7b Trace
13 6b CF3SO3H 1.5 80 7 7b 6
14 6b PPA 1.5 80 7 7b 13
15 6b 98% H2SO4 1.5 80 7 7b 16
16 6b 98% H2SO4 1.5 80 3 7b 10
17 6b 98% H2SO4 1.5 50 12 7b 22
18 6b 98% H2SO4 1.5 25 24 7b 24
19 6b 98% H2SO4 1.2 25 24 7b 15
20 6b 98% H2SO4 0.5 25 36 7b 8
21 6b 98% H2SO4 5 25 18 7b 18
22 6c CF3SO3H 1.5 80 7 7c 16
23 6c PPA 1.5 80 7 7c 23
24 6c 98% H2SO4 1.5 80 2 7c 33
25 6c 98% H2SO4 1.5 25 4 7c 71
Typical procedure: in entries 1–4; 8–25: 1 mmol 6, n mmol 5, 1 ml acid; in entries 5–7: 1 mmol 6, 1.5 mmol 5, 1 mmol Lewis acid, 1 ml nitrobenzene.
Complete reaction time of substrates.
Isolated yield by column chromatography.

N OH CF3COOH12 to provide 10. After acetylation, 11 then reacted with

N (1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)methanol (5) in 98% H2SO4 at room temper-
N N ature for 4 h to produce the key intermediate 7c in 71% yield after
+ N N recrystallization with ethyl acetate–hexane (4:1). 7c was further
H 2O N H
H 7a deacetylated by 40% NaOH, to form 12, and after dehydrogenation
CH 2
CH3COOH, heat NOT stable
with DDQ9b in toluene the product was obtained, which was then
N N recrystallized in ethyl acetate to produce high purity Rizatriptan. In
+ N
N this route, the raw material tryptamine is a biological metabolite
N N N which is commercially available, making the scale production of
Ac Ac Rizatriptan by this route feasible. Moreover the key step reaction
to form 7c is under mild conditions without catalysts, and other

Scheme 3. Mechanism of the 5-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)methylation of indolines.

NH 2 N N

i ii iv

the reaction time, temperature, and reactant ratio were screened, N N N

and finally, the yield was improved to 71% when the reaction R
was conducted at 25 °C for only 4 h at the reactant ratio of 1.5 tryptamine 9 iii
10 R=H
11 R=Ac
(Table 1, entry 25).
As the deacetylation and dehydrogenation were later proved N N
with high yield successfully by using 40% NaOH and DDQ, this mild
condition was sufficient enough for application, compared to N vi
that of fisher indole reaction (38% yield for single step) in the N N
operational art. And purification of 7c can be easily obtained R H
via recrystallization in ethyl acetate–hexane (4:1), requiring no v 7c R=Ac Rizatriptan
12 R=H
chromatographic purification.
Based on the results above, a novel route to synthesize Rizatrip- Scheme 4. A novel route to synthesize Rizatriptan. Reagents and conditions:
tan was achieved from tryptamine as outlined in Scheme 4. In (i) HCHO/MeOH, NaBH4/H2O, MeOH, 5–15 °C, 90.2%; (ii) Et3SiH, CF3COOH, 50 °C
brief, tryptamine first underwent reductive amination with HCHO 16 h, 94.1%; (iii) CH3COCl, CH3COOH, 90 °C 2 h, 100%; (iv) (1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-
and NaBH411 to afford 9, which was then reduced by Et3SiH in yl)methanol, 98% H2SO4, rt 4 h, 71.2%; (v) 40%NaOH, MeOH, 80 °C 1.5 h, 96.3%; (vi)
DDQ, toluene, reflux overnight, 83.4%.
Y. He et al. / Tetrahedron Letters 55 (2014) 3938–3941 3941

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