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Methods Volume 4 | Number 11 | November 2012 | Pages 3499–3898
Published on 22 August 2012 on | doi:10.1039/C2AY25772F
Downloaded on 07 December 2012
ISSN 1759-9660
PAPER Registered Charity Number 207890
D’Auria et al.
Determination of benzyl methyl ketone – a commonly used precursor in
amphetamine manufacture
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Cite this: Anal. Methods, 2012, 4, 3558 PAPER
Determination of benzyl methyl ketone – a commonly used precursor in
amphetamine manufacture
Published on 22 August 2012 on | doi:10.1039/C2AY25772F
Stefano Di Giovanni,†a Antonio Varriale,†a Vincenzo Manuel Marzullo,a Giuseppe Ruggiero,a Maria Staiano,a
Alberto Secchi,b Luigi Pierno,b Anna Maria Fiorellob and Sabato D’Auria*a
Received 18th July 2012, Accepted 21st August 2012
DOI: 10.1039/c2ay25772f
1-Phenyl-2-propanone (P-2-P), also known as benzyl methyl ketone (BMK), is a colorless or slightly
yellowish liquid. It presents a density similar to that of water as well as a pleasant scent. Even if there are
few legitimate uses of BMK such as in the production of the pharmaceutical drug propyl-hexedrine,
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most frequently BMK is used as an illicit compound for the illegal manufacture of amphetamine.
Actually, BMK is identified by classical methods such as gas chromatography, NMR or HPLC. These
methods are costly, time-consuming and require the presence of trained operators. It appears obvious
that there is an urgent need to develop a new easy and fast method that allows us to detect the presence
of traces of BMK. In this work, a new chemically synthesized BMK derivative covalently attached to an
immunological carrier was used for producing antibodies against the BMK molecules. A fluorescence
polarization-based bioassay was developed by using the produced anti-BMK antibodies and the BMK
derivative. The assay exhibits interesting analytical performances with a limit of detection of less than
100 nM and an almost linear response up to 600 nM. Interestingly, the proposed assay could be
performed using a customizable portable instrumentation and could be used by non-instructed
personnel at custom borders and checkpoints or for quick spot-checks.
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synthesized fluorescence BMK derivative and specific antibodies Antibody production and IgG purification
generated against the analyte. The limit of detection (LOD) of
A rabbit was immunized following a standard protocol by intra-
the assay is 50 nM. Importantly, the whole apparatus used for
dermal injection. After the immunization period, the rabbit was
our experiments could be replaced by a small and cheap optical
sacrificed and its blood collected and centrifuged to separate
device, which is capable of revealing polarization fluorescence
blood cells from serum. A 2.0 mL sample of serum of the rabbit
changes upon interaction between the BMK derivative and anti-
was diluted 1 : 1 in 50 mM Tris–HCl at pH 7.0 (binding buffer)
BMK antibodies.5,6
and applied to 0.5 mL of resin protein A SepharoseTM 4 Fast
Flow (GE Healthcare). The IgG fraction was purified according
Materials and methods to the manufacturer’s instructions. The IgG fraction was eluted
Published on 22 August 2012 on | doi:10.1039/C2AY25772F
All reagents were of the highest commercially available quality with glycine (0.1 M) at pH 2.8 and immediately buffered with
and used as received. 1-[3-(Dimethylamino)-propyl]-3-ethyl- 1.0 M Tris–HCl at pH 8.8. Elution of IgG proteins was moni-
carbodiimide (EDC), bovine serum albumin (BSA; fraction V), tored by absorbance at l ¼ 278 nm and SDS PAGE was carried
carboxymethoxylamine hemihydrochloride, benzyl methyl out to evaluate the purity of the samples (data not shown). The
ketone (BMK), EAH Sepharose 4B resin and buffers were obtained samples were collected and dialyzed against 10 mM
purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. The fluorescent probe CF488A PBS at pH 7.4.
was purchased from Biotium Inc. Nitrocellulose transfer
membrane Protran from Schleicher & Schuell and ECL detection Affinity column preparation of BMK–EAH Sepharose 4B
reagents from Amersham Biosciences were used in Western blot
The affinity column was obtained by conjugating the derivative
experiments. Goat polyclonal to rabbit IgG–HRP conjugate
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This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012 Anal. Methods, 2012, 4, 3558–3564 | 3559
Western blot experiments dialysis tubes with a cut-off of 3500 Da (Spectrum Labs) over-
night at 4 C.
The proteins (4.0 mg of each protein) were loaded, separated by
sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (12%
Steady-state fluorescence measurements
SDS-PAGE), and then transferred overnight at 4 C onto a
PVDF membrane. The membrane was blocked by 50 mL of the Steady state fluorescence experiments were carried out on an FP-
blocking buffer (TBS containing 5% skimmed milk) for 1 h at 8600 Fluorescence Spectrometer (Jasco) equipped with a one-cell
room temperature. After three washings with TBS–Tween (TBS- temperature controlled sample holder. For BMK–BSA-488
Tween 0.05%, 10 minutes per washing), the filter was incubated (Abs488 0.018 OD), the excitation wavelength was fixed at 488 nm
with a purified specific antibody against BMK, obtained by and emission spectra were recorded between 500 nm and 600 nm
Published on 22 August 2012 on | doi:10.1039/C2AY25772F
affinity chromatography on an EAH–BMK column (1 : 500 in with an emission slit-width of 2.5 nm. Measurements were per-
TBS-Tween 0.05% 1% skimmed milk) for 1 h at room tempera- formed in 10 mM phosphate buffer at pH 7.4, at room temper-
ture. After three washings with TBS-T (TBS-Tween 0.05%, 10 ature. BMK–BSA-488 was incubated with a range of
minutes per washing), the filter was incubated with a secondary concentration of antibodies against BMK from 0.0 to 600 nM for
antibody (goat anti-rabbit horseradish peroxidase-conjugate, 10 minutes, and fluorescence spectra were carried out. The
1 : 3000 in TBS-Tween 0.05%, 1% skimmed milk) for 1 h at room polarization fluorescence measurements were carried out, by
temperature. Finally the filter was washed three times as inserting a Glan polarizer between the excitation source and the
described above and then developed with the detection reagent sample, with a vertical (0 ) excitation polarized filter and with a
ECL. horizontal (90 ) emission polarized filter.
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3560 | Anal. Methods, 2012, 4, 3558–3564 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012
Published on 22 August 2012 on | doi:10.1039/C2AY25772F
from the ketone (A) (1-phenyl-2-propanone, 99% Sigma Conjugation of the BMK derivative to GlnBP and BSA
Aldrich), and the linker (O-(carboxymethyl)hydroxylamine
GlnBP9 was chosen as a carrier protein and the 1-methyl-2-
hemihydrochloride, 98% Sigma Aldrich) was used as received
phenyl-ethylideneaminooxy (BMK derivative) hapten was
without further purification. A refluxing ternary mixture
conjugated to it via the carboxyl reactive group by the water-
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Fig. 2 H-NMR spectra of BMK-oxime in CDCl3, 400 MHz.
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Published on 22 August 2012 on | doi:10.1039/C2AY25772F
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Fig. 3 ELISA assay of anti-BMK IgG. The assay was performed in the Tris–borate buffer in the presence of 0.005% Tween and 1% milk. Temperature
was set at 25 C.
Fig. 5 Polarization emission spectra of BMK–BSA–488. Temperature In order to perform polarization immunoassay for BMK, we
was set at 25 C. generate a labelled BMK–BSA with CF488 (BMK–BSA–488).
3562 | Anal. Methods, 2012, 4, 3558–3564 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012
Published on 22 August 2012 on | doi:10.1039/C2AY25772F
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Fig. 6 Polarization emission spectra of BMK-BSA-488 in the presence of increasing concentration of BMK-specific antibodies. The inset shows the
variations of the polarized emission at 512 nm as a function of the antibody concentration.
To ensure that the sample does not have any free dye in the These results show that only the addition of increasing anti-
solution, that could interfere in the measurements, gel filtration body concentration of 200 nM causes an increase in BMK–BSA-
and dialysis were performed to remove the unreacted probe 488 polarized fluorescence intensity. The spectra show that the
before the polarization measurements were made. Fig. 5 shows addition of antibodies (600 nM) resulted in an approximate 36%
the polarized emission spectra of BMK–BSA-488 at 25 C. The increase in the BMK–BSA-488 intensity.
excitation was fixed at 488 nm and the spectra were acquired Fig. 6 inset shows the variation of maximum of polarized
from 500 nm to 600 nm. The maximum of emission of BMK– fluorescence emission at 512 nm as a function of the antibody
BSA-488 was centred at 512 nm. concentration. These results show that the increase of intensity
Fig. 6 shows the polarized emission spectra of BMK–BSA-488 was linear with the addition of antibodies in the concentration
in the presence of increasing concentrations of BMK-specific range from 0.0 nM to 600 nM.
antibodies. The measurements were done at 25 C and a solution
of antibodies was added in a range of concentration from 30 nM Polarization competitive immunoassay
to 600 nM.
The FP immunoassay was used to measure the competition
between the tracer of unlabeled BMK in solution and BMK–
BSA-488 for binding with specific antibodies anti-BMK.
Different samples with a fixed concentration of antibody
(460 nM) were incubated with increasing concentration of BMK
in the range of 0.2–1.0 mM. Each sample was mixed off-line and
allowed to incubate for 30 minutes before the fluorescence
polarization measurements.
Fig. 7 shows the decrease of polarized fluorescence emission as
a consequence of increase of unlabeled BMK in solution. By
analysing the data shown in the figure, it appears that with this
method it is possible to detect amounts of BMK less than 50 nM.
In conclusion, a new polarization fluorescence-based assay has
been developed for the detection of BMK. The materials used for
the assay have been synthesized starting from commercial sour-
ces. The molecular structure of BMK has been changed for easy
Fig. 7 Titration of FP immune-assay with increasing concentration of binding to the GlnBP protein to produce an immune-reactive
unlabeled BMK. conjugate and, subsequently, to generate specific antibodies
This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012 Anal. Methods, 2012, 4, 3558–3564 | 3563
anti-BMK in rabbits. The developed assay shows interesting Acknowledgements
analytical performances with a LOD of less than 100 nM and an
almost linear response up to 600 nM. In addition, the assay This project is in the framework of the FP7 EU Project
presents a high reproducibility in the entire range of BMK ‘‘CUSTOM’’ grant agreement number: 242387. We would like to
concentrations, as shown in Fig. 7. thank Prof. Alfonso Iadonisi, University of Naples ‘‘Federico II’’
The main advantage of this assay is the possibility of con- for the NMR experiments.
structing a simple optical apparatus which is capable of detecting
changes in polarization fluorescence intensity5,6 that could be References
used by non-trained personnel at custom borders and check-
points and for quick spot-checks. 1 R. Leuckart, Ueber eine neue Bildungsweise von Tribenzylamin, Ber.
Published on 22 August 2012 on | doi:10.1039/C2AY25772F
3564 | Anal. Methods, 2012, 4, 3558–3564 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012