IPhO 2010 Theo Problem 2
IPhO 2010 Theo Problem 2
IPhO 2010 Theo Problem 2
2. Chimney physics
Gaseous products of burning are released into the atmosphere of temperature TAir through a high
chimney of cross-section A and height h (see Fig. 1). The solid matter is burned in the furnace which
is at temperature TSmoke. The volume of gases produced per unit time in the furnace is B.
Assume that:
Task 1
a) What is the minimal height of the chimney needed in order that the chimney functions
efficiently, so that it can release all of the produced gas into the atmosphere? Express your
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Task 2
a) What is the efficiency of the solar chimney power plant? (2.0 points)
b) Make a diagram showing how the efficiency of the chimney changes with its height. (0.4
Manzanares prototype
The prototype chimney built in Manzanares, Spain, had a height of 195 m, and a radius 5 m.
The collector is circular with diameter of 244 m. The specific heat of the air under typical operational
conditions of the prototype solar chimney is 1012 J/kg K, the density of the hot air is about 0.9 kg/m3,
and the typical temperature of the atmosphere TAir = 295 K. In Manzanares, the solar power per unit
of horizontal surface is typically 150 W/m2 during a sunny day.
Task 3
a) What is the efficiency of the prototype power plant? Write down the numerical estimate.
(0.3 points)
b) How much power could be produced in the prototype power plant? (0.4 points)
c) How much energy could the power plant produce during a typical sunny day? (0.3 points)
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Task 4
a) How large is the rise in the air temperature as it enters the chimney (warm air) from the
surrounding (cold air)? Write the general formula and evaluate it for the prototype chimney.
(1.0 points)
b) What is the mass flow rate of air through the system? (0.5 points)