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Pan Pearl River Delta Physics Olympiad 2017

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Pan Pearl River Delta Physics Olympiad 2017

2017 年泛珠三角及中华名校物理奥林匹克邀请赛
Sponsored by Institute for Advanced Study, HKUST
Simplified Chinese Part-1 (Total 7 Problems, 45 Points) 简体版卷-1(共7题,45分)
(9:00 am – 12:00 pm, 3 February, 2017)

Please fill in your final answers to all problems on the answer sheet.
At the end of the competition, please submit the answer sheet only. Question papers and
working sheets will not be collected.

1. No-Shadow Day (6 points) 立竿无影(5 分)

(a) In the figure, ABCD is a rectangle lying on an inclined plane making an angle  with the
horizontal plane. ABEF is the projection of the rectangle on the horizontal plane. If the
measure of the angle DAC is , derive an expression for the angle . [1]
如图所示,矩形 ABCD 位于斜面上,斜面与水平面夹角为。ABEF 为该矩形于水平
面的投影。设角 DAC 为,试推导角的表达式。[1]


 F
  E


(b) The ecliptic is the plane on which the Earth revolves around the Sun. The axis of rotation of
the Earth is inclined at an angle of 23.4o with the normal to the ecliptic. The day of the
Summer Solstice (in the Northern Hemisphere) is 21 June. The latitude of Hong Kong is
22.25o, and the no-shadow days are those days on which the Sun does not cast a shadow of a
vertical pole at noon in Hong Kong. Using the result of (a) or otherwise, derive the angular
displacement of the Earth’s revolution between the Summer Solstice and the no-shadow days
in Hong Kong. Give your answer to 3 significant figures. [2]
为 23.4o。在北半球,夏至的日期为 6 月 21 日。香港位于北纬 22.25o,而当某日正午
(c) Write the dates of the no-shadow days in Hong Kong. [2]

2. Six Missiles (5 points) 六枚飞弹 (5 分)

Six missiles are initially located at the six vertex of a regular hexagon with side length a. The
speed of the missiles in the plane is v. Each missile is equipped with an automatic navigation
system. The automatic navigation system of each missile guides itself to aim at the current
position of its counterclockwise neighbor.
今有飞弹六枚, 分别位于一边长为 a 的正六边形的六个角上。 每枚飞弹都装置有自动导航
系统。 该系统会指示飞弹永远以速率 v 飞向其逆时针方向之近邻。
(a) Find the radial component of the missile velocities relative to the center of the hexagon. [2]
(b) Find the time taken for a missile to hit another. [3]

3. Falling ladder (15 points) 下跌中的梯子(10 分)

A ladder of length 2𝑙 and mass m is standing up against a vertical wall with initial angle 𝛼
relative to the horizontal. There is no friction between the ladder and the wall or the floor. The
ladder begins to slide down with zero initial velocity. Denote 𝜃(𝑡) as the angle the ladder makes
with the horizontal after it starts to slide and (𝑥(𝑡), 𝑦(𝑡)) be the coordinate of the center of mass
of the ladder. In this problem, you should take the gravitational potential energy to be zero at y =
一个长度为2𝑙、质量为 m 的梯子靠着一道垂直的墙,并与水平形成初始夹角 α。梯子与墙
成的夹角, (𝑥(𝑡), 𝑦(𝑡)) 表示为梯子质心的坐标。在本题中,你应将在 y = 0 处的引力势能

CM = (x((t), y(t))

(a) What is the initial total mechanical energy of the ladder in terms of 𝛼? [1]
(b) Write the potential energy of the ladder in terms of 𝜃(𝑡) when it is sliding. [1]
(c) Write the total kinetic energy of the ladder in terms of 𝑥̇ (𝑡), 𝑦̇ (𝑡), 𝜃̇ (𝑡) when it is sliding.
(Hint: The moment of inertia of a rod of length 2𝑙 and mass m about an axis through the
center of mass and perpendicular to its length is 𝐼 = 𝑚𝑙 2 /3.) [1]

请用𝑥̇ (𝑡), 𝑦̇ (𝑡), 𝜃̇(𝑡)写下梯子下滑时的总动能。 (提示: 一条长度为2𝑙、质量为 m 的杆
子,相对於通过杆子质心并垂直于杆子的转动轴,其𨍭动惯量为𝐼 = 𝑚𝑙 2 /3。) [1]
(d) As long as the ladder is in contact with the wall, find the relation between 𝑥(𝑡) and 𝜃(𝑡), and
similarly the relation between 𝑦(𝑡) and 𝜃(𝑡). [2]
(e) Write the total mechanical energy of the ladder in terms of 𝜃(𝑡) and 𝜃̇(𝑡) only by eliminating
any dependence on 𝑥(𝑡) and 𝑦(𝑡). [2]
在消去𝑥(𝑡)和 𝑦(𝑡)后,只用𝜃(𝑡) 和 𝜃̇(𝑡)写下梯子的总机械能。[2]
(f) Derive the relation between 𝜃(𝑡) and 𝜃̈(𝑡). [1]
(g) Find the angle 𝜃𝑐 when the ladder loses contact with the vertical wall. [2]
找出当梯子和墙身失去接触时的角度 𝜃𝑐 。[2]

4. Photon Gas (5 points) 光子气体(5 分)

The kinetic theory is very useful in understanding the properties of gases. In this problem we
apply the theory to a gas of N photons inside a cubic box with side length L. The energy-
momentum relation of a photon is given by E = |p|c.
分子运动理论于理解气体性质时非常有用。 在本题中我们把这理论应用於一长度为 L 的
立方盒子中的 N 粒光子。 光子的能量-动量关系为 E = |p|c。
(a) Express the time taken between two consecutive collisions of the same wall of the box
normal to the x direction in terms of L, p, px and c. [2]
找出一光子连续两次撞击同一面向 x 方向的盒壁之间的时间间距。答案以 L, p, px 和 c
(b) Express the internal energy U of the photon gas in terms of its pressure P and volume V. [3]
找出光子气体的内能 U。 答案以气体的压力 P 和体积 V 表达。[3]

5. Sea Surface Sound Transmission (5 points) 海面传音(5 分)

In a region where the ocean has a constant depth of h, a sound source emits sound wave with
frequency f. Suppose the frequency is so high that sound waves can be treated as rays, and the
refractive index of water for sound wave is n. Let the sound speed in air be c. The source is
moving with constant horizontal speed v < c towards a stationary receiver at distance D, both
located just above the ocean surface, as shown in the figure. It is also assumed that the speed is
𝐷 1
low so that ≫ 𝑣, where 𝜏 ≫ is the observation time. Assume we can ignore reflection by the
𝜏 𝑓
ocean surface and consider only reflection by the ocean floor.
在一处海床深度为常数 h 的海面上, 一声源发出频率为 f 的声波。假设该频率足够高使得
声波可以被视为声线束, 而海水对声线束的折射率为 n。设空气中的声速为 c。如图中所示,
声源与一静止接收器皆位于海面上, 两者距离为 D。声源以均匀速率 v < c 向接收器移动。
𝐷 1
假设该速率足够慢, 使得 𝜏 ≫ 𝑣,其中𝜏 ≫ 𝑓为观察时间。假设海面的反射可以忽略, 只需考

Receiver Source
接收器 Refractive index = 1 聲源
折射率 = 1 v

Refractive index = n
折射率 = n

Express your answers from (a) to (c) in terms of c, f, n and v.

在(a)至(c)中, 答案以 c, f, n, 和 v 表达。
(a) Find the frequency of the sound arriving at the receiver through air. [2]
找出声音经过空气到达接收器的频率。 [2]
(b) Find the frequency of the sound that will arrive at the receiver via the ocean when 𝐷 = 2ℎ. [2]
找出当𝐷 = 2ℎ时发出的声音经过海洋到达接收器的频率。[2]
(c) Find the instantaneous beat frequency when the sound waves in (b) reach the receiver. [1]

6. Electron Trajectory in a Cavity (10 points) 空腔中的电子轨迹(10 分)

As shown in the figure below, a spherical cavity is carved out from a uniformly positively
charged sphere with radius R. The radius of the cavity is R/2, located at a distance R/2 from the
center of the large sphere, O. The total positive charge in the system is Q.
如下图所示,在一个带均匀正电、半径为 R 的球体内挖出一半径为 R/2 的球形空腔。空腔
中心与大球中心 O 距离为 R/2。系统的总正电荷为 Q。


O x

(a) Consider a point in the cavity at distance r and polar angle  from the origin. Calculate the x
and y components of the electric field at the point. [5]
考虑空腔内一点, 其与原点距离为 r, 极角为。计算该点电场的 x 分量和 y 分量。[5]
(b) As shown in the figure, electrons are emitted from O in all directions with speed v and
direction  ranging between 0 and , but none of them can reach the opposite end of the
diameter of the cavity. Gravitational forces are negligible. Find the equation of the envelope
of all trajectories of the electrons. [3]
如图所示,现考虑许多电子由 O 以同样速率 v 向 0 至的各方向射出。但其动能不足
(c) Find the maximum x coordinate where the electrons hit the inner surface of the cavity.
Express your answer in terms of Q, the absolute value of the electronic charge e, electron
mass m, R, and v. [2]
找出电子打中空腔内表面处最大可能的 x 坐标。答案以 Q、电子电荷绝对值 e、电子
质量 m、R 和 v 表达。[2]

7. Proton Motion Near a Charged Current-Carrying Wire (5 points)

带电荷电流线邻近的质子运动(5 分)

As shown in the figure below, a proton of charge moves with velocity v parallel to an
infinitely-long, thin wire, at a distance r from the axis of the wire. The wire carries a current I,
and its charge per unit length is (assumed positive and uniform). Both the proton and the wire
are in vacuum.
如下图所示,一个带电荷+e 的质子在一条无限长的幼导线附近运动,速度为 v,方向与导
线平行。质子与导线轴的距离为 r。导线载着电流 I,且每单位长度电荷为 (假定为正及
Express the answers from (a) to (c) in terms of r, I, , the permittivity of vacuum 0, the
permeability of vacuum 0, the speed of light c, and the unit vectors in cylindrical coordinates er,
e and ez.
在(a)至(c)中,答案以 r、I、 、真空电容率 0、真空磁导率 0、光速 c 和柱坐标的单位
向量 er、e及 ez 表示。


(a) Find the electric field experienced by the proton. [2]

求质子所感受到的电场 E。[2]
(b) Find the magnetic field experienced by the proton. [2]
求质子所感受到的磁场 B。[2]
(c) Find the speed of the proton such that it moves in a straight line parallel to the wire. [1]

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