Business Plan
Business Plan
Business Plan
A. Business Name:
Dulcis Dente.
Our business only focuses on one type of food product. But there will be a twist on
the product to make it unique and different from other products.
We came up with the name of the business “Dultis Dente” which means sweet tooth
in Latin because it is different and appealing.
Since we will only offer one product we will offer a variant of flavors of it to the
B. Address
C. Entrepreneurs:
Dultis Dente is a food business, for we will be preparing a food product for
In order to operate the business, we need a capital to start and progress. Having a
capital is an essential element in the business industry. As we cross the threshold in business
life and entrepreneurship, the capital needed for our business will be coming from money
from our own pockets. An amount of Php 1200 will be used as our capital. Each of the six (6)
partners in this business will equally share an amount of Php 200 and whatever gains or
earning we will get, we will divide it equally to each partner.
Dultis Dente is a sweet candy food business focusing on home-made pastillas which
favors elementary, high school, college and even teachers who are our main targets. It
specializes on pastillas with various flavors and expects to catch the attention of students
and teachers because of its affordable price, uniqueness and great taste.
We came up with Dultis Dente as the name of the business because it different and
unique from other businesses.
Entering into this kind of business will be hard because of the other businesses of the
same venture in the university, which are highly competitive.
To overcome these adversities, our group wants to provide and sell products with
the highest quality at an affordable price to meet the demand of the target customers.
Public health policies are pushing for more organic food.
Current policies push for the public to be more conscious in buying food.
Healthier foods are pricier compared to manufactured foods.
Global economic crisis.
Our business will change based on customer’s demand.
Customer awareness, changing expectation.
New information and communication technologies.
Online groceries for faster food delivery.
Changes of laws.
Increase litigations.
Products that will be more eco-friendly.
We will be purchasing our supplies from 3 (three) different places, enough for
us to buy all the raw materials needed and to not lack from it.
Since our business is near from the UNP-LS, where most of the population are
students/teachers. A lot of students will be attracted by the lush flavors of the
The level of competition will be difficult since the marketing will be due on
after the work immersion, it will be expected that there will be numerous
competitors, including other groups and the existing canteens/stalls in the campus.
A Caramel Graham, Cookies and Cream, and Milo flavored filling and coated
with a very popular desert of Filipinos, Pastillas.
Our Vision
Our mission is to be the most successful, well known and to be the world’s best
Our Mision
Our Values
A passion to serve
D. Location of the Business and its Major Physical Assets
The Dultis Dente is located at the West side part of the CBAA
building.wherein a lot of students and teachers always pass by. The location is easily
noticed because it is just 10 meters away beside the Flagpole.
Purchaser of Raw
Jiezzone Mart Balido Reliable
A. Manufacturing Process
Mold the mixture into jack stone ball shape then put a
caramel filling inside.
Mold the mixture into jack stone ball shape then put a
cream filling inside
B. Physical Plant
C. Machinery and Equipment
Tools Equipment
Wooden Spoon
Measuring Cups
Cleaning Mop
D. Suppliers of Raw Materials
Table 5. Future Capital Equipment Needed for the Expansion of Dultis Dente
B. Flow of Orders
For every business, customer’s contentment of the company’s service is one of the
important things the business should maintain. To suffice customers’ wants and needs,
there should be a good flow of orders for goods and services.
The assigned workers of each section will do their tasks harmoniously in order to
have a good flow of service.
Place the
Serve the
Finishing the order, the sales man will hand it to the customer.
C. Promotion
D. Sales Forecasts
A. Form of Ownership
Our business will be a partnership because there comes a time in the world of entrepreneur
that running a business on your own becomes too difficult due to various reasons. It could
be due to expansion demands that call for financial injections, or too much workload in the
enterprise that needs someone else in the enterprise that needs someone else in the mix
this means that forming world a partnership at times the business world becomes a
B. Partners
Lanz Aquino
Table 10. Summary Table Showing Details about the manegement team
Benedict Harry Purchasing and Know how to ensure Had a summer job
Ragon Production manager that the production expirience in a shop
is cost effective
Jonell Taculog Marketing Manager Enrich our careers Work experience as a
page and social Recruitment
media accounts with Marketing Manager
multimedia, posts or similar role
and employee
John Luke Del Finance And Hr Possesses the Expirienced working
Carmen Manager evidence of in a school
continous environment
Ranier C. Duquez Sales and Marketing Knows how to Expirienced selling in
Manager engage in superior an online shop
customer service
Jiezonne Balido Administrative Organize and Familiarity with
Manager supervise other financial and
office activities facilities
(recycling, management
renovations, event principles
planning etc.)
E. Roles and Responsibilities of Management Team
Table 11. Summary table Showing the Roles and Responsibilities of the Management Team
A. Assumptions
It is assumed and estimated that the group will have sales of twice the capital
income by the end of the year and maintain a healthy cash flow
Table 12. Sample Projected Sheet, as of End of First Year (in pesos)
Current Assets
Cash 1200
Accounts Receivable
Fixed Assets
Equipment 300
Total Assets
Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar TOT
Sales 33. 39.6 47.5 48. 43. 47. 50. 52.7 55. 45. 43. 46. 549.
2 7 89
Cost of Sales 21.7 26.1 31.3 31.3 29.7 28.2 31.0 37.6 41.6 32.7 30. 32. 374.
5 2 2 5 6 9 2 32
Gross Margin 11.2 13.5 16.2 16.2 15.3 14.6 16. 17.6 19.4 15. 16. 28. 191.
5 8 1 7 15
Depreciation 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 42
Total Operating 8 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 90.5
Net Profit (loss) 3.25 6 8.7 8.7 7.88 7.11 8.57 10.1 11.5 8.04 8.04 11.7 99.6
Table 14. Dultis Dente, Projected Income Statement,
Year 1 % Year 2 %
Sales 549.89 100 739.564 100
Cost of Sales 374.32 65.71 482.817 65.71
Gross Margin 191.15 34.09 249.352 34.09
Sales Expense 48.5 8.69 58.2 8.02
Depreciation 42 7.53 50.4 6.95
Total Operating 90.5 16.22 108.6 14.97
Net Profit (loss) 99.6 17.86 138.61 19.11
The capital that will be exploited will be from the shares of the 6 partners. The total
capital will be Php1200. Thus, the share of investments is Php200 each industrial partner.