Reading Comprehension
Reading Comprehension
Reading Comprehension
Potash (the old name for potassium carbonate) is one of the two alkalis (the other being soda,
sodium carbonate) that were used from remote antiquity in the making of glass, and from the
early Middle Ages in the making of soap: the former being the product of heating a mixture of
alkali and sand, the latter a product of alkali and (5) vegetable oil. Their importance in the
communities of colonial North America need hardly be stressed.
Potash and soda are not interchangeable for all purposes, but for glass-or soap making either
would do. Soda was obtained largely from the ashes of certain Mediterranean Sea plants, potash
from those of inland vegetation. Hence potash was (10) more familiar to the early European
settlers of the North American continent. The settlement at Jamestown in Virginia was in many
ways a microcosm of the economy of colonial North America, and potash was one of its first
concerns. It was required for the glassworks, the first factory in the British colonies, and was
produced in sufficient quantity to permit the inclusion of potash in the first cargo shipped out
of (15) Jamestown. The second ship to arrive in the settlement from England included among
its passenger’s experts in potash making.
The method of making potash was simple enough. Logs was piled up and burned in the open,
and the ashes collected. The ashes were placed in a barrel with holes in the bottom, and water
was poured over them. The solution draining from the barrel was (20) boiled down in iron
kettles. The resulting mass was further heated to fuse the mass into what was called potash.
In North America, potash making quickly became an adjunct to the clearing of land for
agriculture, for it was estimated that as much as half the cost of clearing land could be recovered
by the sale of potash. Some potash was exported from Maine and New (25) Hampshire in the
seventeenth century, but the market turned out to be mainly domestic, consisting mostly of
shipments from the northern to the southern colonies. For despite the beginning of the trade at
Jamestown and such encouragements as a series of acts "to encourage the making of potash,"
beginning in 1707 in South Carolina, the softwoods in the South proved to be poor sources of
the substance.
2. All of the following statements are true of both potash and soda EXPECT:
(A) They are alkalis. (B) They are made from sea plants.
(C) They are used in making soap. (D) They are used in making glass.
6. It can be inferred from the passage that potash was more common than soda in colonial
North America because
(A) the materials needed for making soda were not readily available
(B) making potash required less time than making soda
(C) potash was better than soda for making glass and soap
(D) the colonial glassworks found soda more difficult to use
7. According to paragraph 4, all of the following were needed for making potash EXCEPT
(A) wood (B) fire (C) sand (D) water
10. According to paragraph 5, the softwoods in the South posed which of the following
problems for southern settles?
(A) The softwoods were not very plentiful.
(B) The softwoods could not be used to build houses.
(C) The softwoods were not very marketable.
(D) The softwoods were not very useful for making potash.
Questions 11-19
The response of most animals when suddenly faced with a predator is to flee. Natural selection
has acted in a variety of ways in different species to enhance the efficacy of the behaviors,
known as "flight behaviors" or escape behaviors that are used by prey in Line fleeing predators:
Perhaps the most direct adaptation is enhanced flight speed and agility. 5 Adaptations for speed.
However, are likely to require sacrifices biter attributes, so we might expect only some species
to adopt a simple fast flight strategy. Another way of enhancing the effectiveness of flight is to
move in an erratic and unpredictable way. Many species, like ptarmigans, snipes, and various
antelopes and gazelles, flee from predators in a characteristic zigzag fashion. Rapid
unexpected changes in flight direction make it 10 difficult for a predator to track prey.
In some species, like the European hare, erratic zigzag flight might be more effective in the
presence of predators that are faster than they are and straight flight more effective against
predators that are slower. One observation that supports this suggestion is the recorded
tendency for slow flying black-headed gulls, which are normally able to escape predators by
means of direct flight, to show frequent 15 changes in flight direction when they spot a
peregrine falcon (peregrines are adept at capturing flying birds). A quite different way of
enhancing escape by flight is to USB so-called "flash" behavior. Here, the alarmed prey flees
for a short distance and then "freezes."
Some predators are unexcited by immobile prey, and a startling flash of activity followed 20
by immobility may confuse them. "Flash" behavior is used in particular by frogs and
orthopteran insects, which make conspicuous jumps and then sit immobile. In some species,
"flash" behavior is enhanced by the display of bright body markings. Good examples of insects
with colorful markings are the red and yellow underwing moths. At rest, both species are a
cryptic brown color. When they fly, however, brightly colored 25 hind wings are exposed,
which render the moths highly conspicuous. Similarly, some frogs and lizards have brightly
colored patches or frills that may serve a 'flash" function when they move quickly, some
species even appear to possess "flash" sounds. The loud buzzing and clicking noises made by
some grasshoppers when they jump may serve to emphasize the movement.
(A) encourage
(B) resist
(C) increase
(D) reveal
12. The description of the prey’s movement as “zigzag” in line 9 suggests that the movement
(A) reliable
(B) fast
(C) constant
(D) unpredictable
13. It can be inferred from the passage that the European hare
(A) gazelles
(D) frogs
15. It can be inferred that black-headed gulls change direction when they spot a peregrine
falcon for which of the following reasons?
(A) moving
(B) selected
(C) frightened
(D) exhausted
17. All of the following are mentioned as characteristics of “flash” behavior EXCEPT
(B) immobility
(A) especially
(D) frequently
19. The hind wings of red and yellow underwing moths function in a way that is most similar
Questions 20-30
Some animal behaviorists argue that certain animals can remember past events, anticipate
future ones, make plans and choices, and coordinate activities within a group. These scientists,
however, are cautious about the extent to which animals can be credited with conscious
(5) Explanations of animal behavior that leave out any sort of consciousness at all and ascribe
actions entirely to instinct leave many questions unanswered. One example of such unexplained
behavior: Honeybees communicate the sources of nectar to one another by doing a dance in a
figure-eight pattern. The orientation of the dance conveys the position of the food relative to
the sun's position in the sky, (10) and the speed of the dance tells how far the food source is
from the hive. Most researchers assume that the ability to perform and encode the dance is
innate and shows no special intelligence. But in one study, when experimenters kept changing
the site of the food source, each time moving the food 25 percent farther from the previous site,
foraging honeybees began to anticipate where the food source would (15) appear next. When
the researchers arrived at the new location, they would find the bees circling the spot, waiting
for their food. No one has yet explained how bees, whose brains weigh four ten-thousandths of
an ounce, could have inferred the location of the new site.
Other behaviors that may indicate some cognition include tool use. Many (20) animals, like
the otter who uses a stone to crack mussel shells, are capable of using objects in the natural
environment as rudimentary tools. One researcher has found that mother chimpanzees
occasionally show their young how to use tools to open hard nuts. In one study, chimpanzees
compared two pairs of food wells containing chocolate chips. One pair might contain, say, five
chips and three chips, the other (25) our chips and three chips. Allowed to choose which pair
they wanted, the chimpanzees almost always chose the one with the higher total, showing some
sort of summing ability. Other chimpanzees have learned to use numerals to label
quantities of items and do simple sums.
21. Which of the following is NOT discussed as an ability animals are thought to have?
(A) Selecting among choices (B) Anticipating events to come
(C) Remembering past experiences (D) Communicating emotions
24. What did researchers discover in the study of honeybees discussed in paragraph 2?
(A) Bees are able to travel at greater speeds than scientists thought.
(B) The bees could travel 25% farther than scientists expected.
(C) The bees were able to determine in advance where scientists would place their food.
(D) Changing the location of food caused bees to decrease their dance activity.
25. It can be inferred from the passage that brain size is assumed to
(A) be an indicator of cognitive ability (B) vary among individuals within a species
(C) be related to food consumption (D) correspond to levels of activity
26. Why are otters and mussel shells included in the discussion in paragraph 3?
(A) To provide an example of tool use among animals
(B) To prove that certain species demonstrate greater ability in tool use than other species
28. It can be inferred from the statement about mother chimpanzees and their young (lines 21-
23) that young chimpanzees have difficulty
(A) communicating with their mothers (B) adding quantities
(C) making choices (D) opening hard nuts
30. Scientists concluded from the experiment with chimpanzees and chocolate chips that
(A) lack abilities that other primates have
(B) prefer to work in pairs or groups
(C) exhibit behavior that indicates certain mathematical abilities
(D) have difficulty selecting when given choices
Questions 31-40
According to the controversial sunspot theory, great storms or eruptions on the surface of the
sun hurl streams of solar particles into space and eventually into the atmosphere of our planet,
causing shifts in the weather on the Earth and interference with radio and television
A typical sunspot consists of a dark central umbra, a word derived from the Latin word for
shadow, which is surrounded by a lighter penumbra of light and dark threads extending out
from the center like the spokes of a wheel. Actually, the sunspots are miler than the rest of
the photosphere, which may account for their apparently darker color. Typically, the
temperature in a sunspot umbra is about 4000 K, whereas the temperature in a penumbra
registers 5500 K, and the granules outside the spot are 6000 K.
Sunspots range in size from tiny granules to complex structures with areas stretching for
billions of square miles. About 5 percent of all sunspots are large enough so that they can be
seen from Earth without instruments; consequently, observations of sunspots have been
recorded for thousands of years.
Sunspots have been observed in arrangements of one to more than one hundred spots, but they
tend to occur in pairs. There is also a marked tendency for the two spots of a pair to have
opposite magnetic polarities. Furthermore, the strength of the magnetic field associated with
any given sunspot is closely related to the spot's size. Sunspots have also been observed to
occur in cycles, over a period of eleven years. At the beginning of a cycle, the storms occur
between 20 and 40 degrees north and south of the equator on the sun. As the cycle continues,
some of the storms move closer to the equator.
As the cycle diminishes, the number of sunspots decreases to a minimum and they cluster
between 5 and 15 degrees north and south latitude. Although there is no theory that completely
explains the nature and function of sunspots, several models show scientists' attempts to relate
the phenomenon to magnetic field lines along the lines of longitude from the north and south
poles of the sun.