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Contoh Soal TOEFL Structure

1. _____ the demands of aerospace, medicine, and

agriculture, aengineers, are creating exotic new metallic
(A) Meet
(B) Being met are
(C) To meet
(D) They are meeting
2. _______ James A. Bland, Carry Me Back to Old
Virginny was adopted is the state song of Virginia in 1940.
(A) Was written b
(B) His writing was
(C) He wrote the
(D) Written by
3. Mary Garden, ______ the early 1900s was considered
one of the best singing actresses of her time.
(A) a soprano was popular
(B) in a popular soprano
(C) was a popular soprano
(D) a popular soprano in
4. In the realm of psychological theory Margaret F.
Washburn was a dualist _____ that motor phenomena have
an essential role in psychology.
(A) who she believed
(B) who believed
(C) believed
(D) who did she believe
A. Contoh Soal TOEFL Written Expression
16. On Ellesmere Island in the Arctic one fossil forest
consist of a nearly hundred

large stumps scattered on an exposed coal bed.
17. The surface conditions on the planet Mars are the more
like the Earths than are
those of any other planet in the solar system.
18. The midnight sun is a phenomenon in which the Sun
visible remains in the sky
for twenty-four hours or longer.
19. The Humber River and its valley form a major salmonfishing, lumbering, hunting,
and farmer region in western Newfoundland, Canada.
Pembahasan Soal dan Jawaban
A. Structure
1. Jawab
: (C) To meet
: the demands of aerospace
Pembahasan : Pola infinitive phrase: to infinitive +
object of to infinitive
Kalimat tersebut menyatakan tujuan atau
maksud. Maka dibutuhkan to infinitive prhase.
Sehingg pilihan phrase yang tepat untuk
mengisi rumpang tersebut adalah to meet.
2. Jawab
: (D) Written by
: James A. Bland
Pembahasan : Kalimat di atas membutuhkan Adjective
Phrase untuk menerangkan kata benda Carry Me Back to
Old Virginny.

Frasa ajektif yang paling tepat adalah

Written by. Mengapa disebut frasa ajektif, karea past
participle (v3) yang
tidak ditemani bentuk be atau have adalah
sebuah ajektif.
3. Jawab
: (D) a popular soprano in
: Mary Garden
Pembahasan : Kalimat pada soal membutuhkan
Appositive Phrase. Mary Garden dan appositive phrase (a
popular soprano)
memiliki makna yang sama. Maka
jawaban yang tepat adalah a popular soprano in.
4. Jawab
: (B) Who believed
: a dualist
Pembahasan : Pola adjective clause : (Conj. + S + V).
Untuk menerangkan kata benda a dualist
maka klausa yang tepat adalah who believed.
B. Written Expression.
16. Jawab
: (B) a nearly
: hundred large stumps
Pembahasan : a nearly -> nearly
Kata a nearly tidak memerlukan
indefinite article/determiner a, karena kata benda stumps
adalah plural.
17. Jawab
: (B) The more
: the planet Mars
Pembahasan : the more -> more
Pola comparative: more ___ than ___
Maka seharusnya tidak perlu definite
article the tapi cukup more saja.
18. Jawab
: (B) visible remains
: the sun
Pembahasan : visible remains -> remains visible
Kata the sun dalam anak kalimat di atas
memerlukan predicate bukan noun phrase (visible remains).
Yang tepat seharusnya remains visible.
19. Jawab
: (D) farmer
: and
Pembahasan : farmer -> farming
Konjungsi and digunakan untuk
menghubungkan kelas kata yang sederajat. Karena sebelum
and bentuk
katanya adalah gerund maka kata farmer
seharusnya diubah dalam bentuk gerund juga yaitu farming.
1. I wish you would tell me .(A)
Who is being lived next door
(B) Who does live in the next door
(C) Who lives next door
(D) Who next door was living
Urutan kalimat yang benar adalah subject + verb +
(complement) + (modifier). Jadi kalimat (D) sudah
pasti salah karena tidak sesuai aturan baku.
Sedangkan pada kalimat (A), is being lived tidak
mungkin pada model struktur verbal. Kemudian
kalimat (B) dapat diabaikan karena kata does dan
in the tidak penting berada dalam kalimat model
ini. Jadi jawaban yang benar adalah (C).
2. During the Daytona, the lead car
.., leaving the others far behind.
(A) Forwarded rapidly
(B) Advanced rapidly
(C) Advanced forward rapidly
(D) Advanced in a rapidly manner
Setelah subject the lead car tentunya Anda akan
membutuhkan verb untuk melengkapi kalimat
tersebut. Kata forward bukan merupakan verb, jadi

jawaban (A) salah. Lalu jawaban (B) adalah benar

verb + adverb rapidly. Jawaban (C) berlebihan
karena advanced artinya move forward, sedangkan
jawaban (D) tidak tepat karena rapidly harusnya
digunakan sebagai bentuk adjective.
3. In the(A) United States, there(B) are much(C)
holidays throughout the(D) year.Dalam kalimat ini
tampak bahwa kata much dapat dikategorikan
sebagai non-count nouns sedangkan kata holidays
merupakan count noun.
Jadi kata yang salah adalah (C) yang harusnya
diganti dengan kata many.
4. Tomatoes(A) grows(B) all(C) year long in(D)
Florida.Melihat keseluruhan konteks dalam kalimat
tersebut, maka jelaslah bahwa yang dimaksud
disini adalah tomatoes dalam bentuk plural. Maka
dari itu, pasangan yang sesuai setelah bentuk plural
adalah singular. Jadi jawaban (B) salah dan
harusnya diganti dengan kata singular grow.
Perhatikan Kosakata dan Tata Bahasa yang Benar
Seperti yang telah diuraikan di atas bahwa TOEFL structure
merupakan bagian yang paling sulit dari keseluruhan
pembelajaran tes TOEFL. Oleh karena itu, Anda tidak akan
dapat mengerti serta memahami apa itu structure dan
bagaimana metode yang benar untuk mengerjakannya hanya
dengan sekilas pandang atau mempelajarinya dalam waktu
yang pendek. Misalnya, Anda tidak mungkin bisa menguasai
soal-soal structure jika Anda baru mulai belajar pada hari
Sabtu sementara Anda akan mengikuti tes TOEFL pada hari
Senin. Sebagai tambahan, komponen utama dalam tata
Bahasa Inggris adalah adanya subject dan verb.
Kehadiran subject dan verb ini sangatlah penting sebagai
komponen dasar kalimat. Sementara itu, tata Bahasa Inggris
juga mengenal perbedaan waktu pengucapan, apakah itu
terjadi pada masa sekarang, masa lampau, atau masa
mendatang. Perbedaan waktu ini akan turut mempengaruhi
bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan serta rumus yang
digunakan. Jadi, pemahaman akan bentuk atau pola rumus
(Simple Present atau Simple Past atau Simple Future Tense)
merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam pembahasan
TOEFL structure.
Soal Toefl Reading Practice Section 3
The Reading Comprehension section contains reading
passages and questions about the passages. The questions
are about information that is stated or implied in the passage
and about some of the specific words in the passages.
Because many English words have more than one meaning,
it is important to remember that these questions concern the
meaning of a word or phrase within the context of the
Answer all questions about the information in a passage on
the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage.
Read the following passage:
The railroad was not the first institution to impose
regularity on
society, or to draw attention to the importance of
timekeeping. For as long as merchants have set out
their wares at
daybreak and communal festivities have been
celebrated, people
have been in rough agreement with their neighbors as
to the time of

day. The value of this tradition is today more apparent

than ever.
Were it not for public acceptance of a single yardstick
of time,
social life would be unbearably chaotic: the massive
daily transfers
of goods, services, and information would proceed in
fits and
starts; the very fabric of modern society would begin
to unravel.
Example I
What is the main idea of the passage?
A. In modern society we must make more time for our
B. The traditions of society are timeless.
C. An accepted way of measuring time is essential for
the smooth functioning of society.
D. Society judges people by the times at which they
conduct certain activities.
The main idea of the passage is that societies need to agree
about how time is measured in order to function smoothly.
Therefore, you should choose answer C.
Example II
In line 6, the phrase "this tradition" refers to
A. the practice of starting the business day at dawn
B. friendly relations between neighbors
C. the railroad's reliance on time schedules
D. people's agreement on the measurement of time
The phrase "this tradition" refers to the preceding clause,
"people have been in rough agreement with their neighbors
as to the time of day." Therefore, you should choose answer
Now begin work on the questions.
The Alaska pipeline starts at the frozen edge of the
Arctic Ocean.
It stretches southward across the largest and
northernmost state in
the United States, ending at a remote ice-free seaport
village nearly
800 miles from where it begins. It is massive in size
and extremely
(5) complicated to operate.
The steel pipe crosses windswept plains and endless
miles of
delicate tundra that tops the frozen ground. It weaves
crooked canyons, climbs sheer mountains, plunges
over rocky
crags, makes its way through thick forests, and passes
over or
under hundreds of rivers and streams. The pipe is 4
feet in diameter,
and up to 2 million barrels (or 84 million gallons) of
crude oil can
be pumped through it daily.
Resting on H-shaped steel racks called "bents," long
sections of
the pipeline follow a zigzag course high above the
frozen earth.
(15) Other long sections drop out of sight beneath spongy

or rocky
ground and return to the surface later on. The pattern
of the
pipeline's up-and-down route is determined by the
often harsh
demands of the arctic and subarctic climate, the
tortuous lay of the
land, and the varied compositions of soil, rock, or
(permanently frozen ground). A little more than half of
the pipeline
is elevated above the ground. The remainder is buried
from 3 to 12 feet, depending largely upon the type of
terrain and
the properties of the soil.
One of the largest in the world, the pipeline cost
$8 billion and is by far the biggest and most expensive
project ever undertaken by private industry. In fact, no
business could raise that much money, so 8 major oil
formed a consortium in order to share the costs. Each
controlled oil rights to particular shares of land in the
oil fields and
paid into the pipeline-construction fund according to
the size of its
holdings. Today, despite enormous problems of
climate, supply
disagreements, treacherous
terrain, a certain amount of mismanagement, and even
theft, the
Alaska pipeline has been completed and is operating.
PRACTICE QUESTIONS (Soal Toefl Reading Practice
dan Jawaban)
1. The passage primarily discusses the pipeline's
1. operating costs
2. employees
3. consumers
4. construction
2. The word "it" in line 4 refers to
1. pipeline
2. ocean
3. state
4. village
2 According to the passage, 84 million gallons of oil
can travel through the pipeline each
1. day
2. week
3. month
4. year
2 The phrase "Resting on" in line 13 is closest in
meaning to
1. Consisting of
2. Supported by
3. Passing under
4. Protected with

The author mentions all of the following as

important in determining the pipeline's route
1. climate
2. lay of the land itself
3. local vegetation
4. kind of soil and rock
2 The word "undertaken" in line 26 is closest in
meaning to
1. removed
2. selected
3. transported
4. attempted
2 How many companies shared the costs of
constructing the pipeline?
1. 3
2. 4
3. 8
4. 12
2 The word "particular" in line 29 is closest in
meaning to
1. peculiar
2. specific
3. exceptional
4. equal
2 Which of the following determined what
percentage of the construction costs each member
of the consortium would pay?
1. How much oil field land each company
2. How long each company had owned land
in the oil fields
3. How many people worked for each
4. How many oil wells were located on the
company's land
2 Where in the passage does the author provide a
term for an earth covering that always remains
1. Line 3
2. Line 13
3. Line 19
4. Line 32
Jawaban Soal Toefl Reading Practice
Penasaran dengan kemampuan anda, setelah mengerjakan
soal di atas silahkan cek menggunakan kunci jawaban yang
sudah disediakan di bawah ini. Answer Key for Reading
Comprehension ini bisa anda gunakan untuk mengukur
seberapa jauh kemampuan anda dalam reading.
Section 3 Reading Comprehension
1. D
2. A
3. A
4. B
5. C
6. D
7. C
8. B
9. A
10. C
Toefl Structure + Jawaban
Directions: Questions 14 are incomplete sentences.
Beneath each sentence you will see four words or phrases,
marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one word or phrase that

best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet,

find the number of the question and fill in the space that
corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.
Look at the following examples:
Example I
Geysers have often been compared to volcanoes _______
they both emit hot liquids from below the Earth's surface.
A. due to
B. because
C. in spite of
D. regardless of
The sentence should read, "Geysers have often been
compared to volcanoes because they both emit hot liquids
from below the Earth's surface." Therefore, you should
choose answer B.
Example II
During the early period of ocean navigation, ________ any
need for sophisticated instruments and techniques.
A. so that hardly
B. where there hardly was
C. hardly was
D. there was hardly
The sentence should read, "During the early period of ocean
navigation, there was hardly any need for sophisticated
instruments and techniques." Therefore, you should choose
answer D.
1. Refrigerating meats ________ the spread of bacteria.
1. retards
2. retarding
3. to retard
4. is retarded
2. Throughout the animal kingdom, ________ bigger than
the elephant.
1. whale is only the
2. only the whale is
3. is the whale only
4. only whale is the
3. The fact ________ money orders can usually be easily
cashed has made them a popular form of payment.
1. of
2. that
3. is that
4. which is
4. The first article of the United States Constitution gives
Congress ________ to pass laws.
1. the power
2. has the power
3. the power is
4. of the power
Soal Written Expression + Jawaban
Directions: In questions 510, each sentence has four
underlined words or phrases. The four underlined parts of
the sentence are marked A, B, C and D. Identify the one
underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for
Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question
and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the
answer you have chosen.
Look at the following examples:

The sentence should read, "Guppies are sometimes called

rainbow fish because of the males' bright colors." Therefore,
you should choose answer A.

The sentence should read, "Serving several terms in

Congress, Shirley Chisholm became an important United
States politician." Therefore, you should choose answer B.

Jawaban Toefl Structure and Written Expression
Soal section 2 di atas, setelah dikerjakan bisa dicek hasilnya
menggunakan kunci jawaban yang ada di bawah ini.
Silahkan bandingkan dengan hasil yang anda dapatkan
1. A
2. B
3. B
4. A
5. C
6. A
7. A
8. C

9. D
10. D
Listening Comprehension, Parts A, B and C
Directions and Practice Questions
Directions and examples of the types of questions you will
find in the Listening Comprehension section of the
TOEFL test are below.
There are three parts to this section, with special directions
for each part. Answer all questions based on what is stated
or implied by the speakers you hear.
Do not:
take notes or write in your test book at any time
turn the pages until you are told to do so.
Part A
Directions: In Part A, you will hear short conversations
between two people. After each conversation, you will hear
a question about the conversation. The conversations and
questions will not be repeated. After you hear a question,
read the four possible answers in your test book and choose
the best answer. Then, on your answer sheet, find the
number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds
to the letter of the answer you have chosen.

Here is an example.
On the recording, you will hear:

I don't like this painting very



Neither do I.


What does the man mean?

2. You will hear:


Do you mind if I turn the

television off?


Well, I'm in the middle of watching

a program.


What does the woman imply?

You will read:

A. The man should watch the

program too.
B. The man should leave the
television on.
C. The program will be over soon.
D. She'll watch television later.

3. You will hear:


I heard the math requirements for

graduation are being changed.


Yes. And I may be short one



What does the man mean?

You will read:

A. He isn't sure what course to

B. The math course is too short.
C. He may not meet the graduation

In your test book, you will read:

A. He doesn't like the painting
B. He doesn't know how to paint.
C. He doesn't have any paintings.
D. He doesn't know what to do.
You learn from the conversation that neither the man nor the
woman likes the painting. The best answer to the question,
"What does the man mean?" is A, "He doesn't like the
painting either." Therefore, the correct choice is A.
1. You will hear:

Shall I lock up the computer lab

now before I go home?


Don't bother. I'm not leaving for a

while, I can check it on my way


What will the woman probably


You will read:

A. Lock the computer lab later.

B. Leave with the man.
C. Buy a new lock for the
computer lab.
D. Show the man where the lab is.

D. The graduation date has been

Jika anda masih kuat untuk melanjutkan belajar dengan
Contoh Soal Toefl Listening ini sekarang anda bisa
langsung mengerjakan soal pada bagian kedua yaitu part b.
Baca petunjuknya baik-baik dan ikuti arahan yang ada,
usahakan anda mengerjakan soal ini seolah-olah sedang
mengikuti test toefl jadi diakhir nanti anda bisa dengan
mudah mengukur sejauh mana kemampuan anda saat ini.
Part B
Directions: In this part of the test you will hear longer
conversations. After each conversation you will hear several
questions. The conversations and questions will not be
After you hear a question, read the four possible answers in
your test book and choose the best answer. Then, on your
answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the
space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have
Remember, you are not allowed to take notes or write in
your test book.




Questions 4 through 7. Listen to a c


Are you ready for "The Big Apple"?


Excuse me?

Who gave New York

You know, New York City. You are going to New York with us, aren't you? I
wanted to show everybody around my old neighborhood.
You will read:
A. Painters.
Oh...sure! I wouldn't miss it especially when the tour guide is a native New
B. Tour guides.
I thought we could start at the Museum of Modern Art. Right now there's
C. Musicians.
exhibit on twentieth-century American painters.
D. Grocers.
Fine with me...but what were you saying
Part Cabout...a big apple?

In this
partI of
the test
"The Big Apple." It's a nicknameDirections:
for New York.
I think
it hear several
questions. The
started with jazz musicians in the 20's.
talks and questions will not be repeated.
After you hear a question, read the four possible answers in
your test book and choose the best answer. Then, on your
Whenever they played a concert in
a city,sheet,
they find
city an
In and fill in the
of the
those days, New York was the biggest
in corresponds
the country, to
so the
of itthe
answer you have
Big Apple."
Hey, I have an idea! Let's go to a jazz club while we're there.
Here is an example.
Sounds good.
On the recording, you will hear:

Listen to an instructor talk to his cl


I'd like to tell you about an interes

Thursday. It'll be on from 9 to 10 p
"Mysteries of Human Biology." Th
how it functions and how it can
dreams, memory, and depression.
computer animation that makes th
to see this show. Since we've been
you'll find it very helpful.

4. You will hear:
You will read:


What is the man planning to see?

A. An art exhibit.
B. A Broadway play.
C. A modern dance production.
D. An opera.

Here is an example.
5. You will hear:

You will hear:


What can be inferred about the


You will read:

A. He is a jazz musician.


In your test book, you will read:

B. He wants to join the woman's


A. To demonstrate the latest use of

computer graphics.

C. He is in his twenties.

B. To discuss the possibility of an

economic depression.

D. He was born in New York.

C. To explain the workings of the


6. You will hear:


You will read:

What does the word "Apple" in the

phrase "The Big Apple" refer to?
A. An instrument.
B. A city.

What is the main purpose of the


D. To dramatize a famous mystery

The best answer to the question, "What is the main purpose
of the program?" is C, "To explain the workings of the
brain." Therefore, the correct choice is C.

C. A theater.
D. A concert.
Here is another example.
7. You will hear:

You will hear:


Why does the speaker recommend

watching the program?

In your test book, you will read:

A. It is required of all science
B. It will never be shown again.

C. When they are socializing.

D. When they are eating.
10. You will hear:

What physiological reason for

yawning is mentioned?

You will read:

A. To exercise the jaw muscles.

C. It can help viewers improve

their memory skills.

B. To eliminate fatigue.

D. It will help with course work.

C. To get greater strength for


The best answer to the question, "Why does the speaker

recommend watching the program?" is D, "It will help with
course work." Therefore, the correct choice is D.
Remember, you are not allowed to take notes or write in
your test book.

D. To gain more oxygen.


Answer Key: Listening Comprehension, Parts A, B and

Sudah selesai, sekarang apakah anda sudah siap mengetahui
soal di atas? Jika anda sudah dengan
Questions 8 through 10. Listen to ahasil
talk anda
animal behavior.
sungguh-sungguh mengerjakan soal di atas layaknya anda
Today's discussion is about a common
The sekarang bisa
sedang animal
test toefl
dictionary defines a yawn as "an mengukur
to fatigue
or boredom."
kunci jawaban yang ada.
That's certainly true for human yawns,
not necessarily
yawns.di atas adalah
Kunci but
untuk SoalforToefl
The same action can have quite
sebagai berikut:
1. A
For example, some animals yawn to intimidate
2. B intruders on their territory. Fish
and lizards are examples of this. Hippos
3. use
C yawns when they want to settle a
quarrel. Observers have seen two hippos
4. A at each other for as long as two
5. D


6. B
As for social animals like baboons or lions
C they yawn to establish the pecking
order within social groups, and lions
8. A yawn to calm social tensions.
Sometimes these animals yawn for a strictly
9. B physiological reason that is, to
increase oxygen levels. And curiously 10.
D when they yawn for a physical
reason like that, they do what humans

try to stifle
by looking
: Question
away or by covering their mouths.
Beneath each sentence you will see for words or phrases,
marked (A), (B), (C) and (D). You are to choose one word or
phrase that best complete the sentence.

8. You will hear:


You will read:

What is the speaker's main point?

A. Animals yawn for a number of
B. Yawning results only from
fatigue or boredom.
C. Human yawns are the same as
those of other animals.
D. Only social animals yawn.

You will read:

The sentence should be read "The swimming instructor

came to see if the apartment was still available." Therefore,
you should choose A.
Now begin work on the questions.

9. You will hear:


Example I
The swimming instructor came... if the apartment was still
A. to see
B. seeing
C. saw
D. for seeing

According to the speaker, when

are hippos likely to yawn?
A. When they are swimming.
B. When they are quarreling.

1. The committee has met twice and ....

A. they reached a final decision
B. a final decision was reached
C. its decision was reached
D. it has reached a final decision

2. The manager won't be able to attend the shareholders'

meeting tomorrow because....
A. he must to give a lecture
B. he will be giving a lecture
C. of he will give lecture
D. he will have giving a lecture
3. Brenda's score on the test is the highest in class.
A. She should study hard last night.
B. She should have studied hard last night.
C. She must have studied hard last night.
D. She had to study hard last night
4. To answer accurately is more important than...
A. to finish quickly
B. a quick finish
C. you finish it quickly
D. quick finish
5. Having been served lunch,....
A. the problems were discussed by the participants.
B. the participants discuss the problems.
C. it was discussed by the participants.
D. A discussion of the problems were made by the
6. East Kalimantan relies heavily on income from oil and
natural gas, and....
A. Aceh province also.
B. Aceh province too.
C. Aceh province is as well.
D. so does Aceh province.
7. The participants have had some problems deciding....
A. when they should announce the result of the meeting.
B. when are they sgoing to announce the result of the
C. when should they announce the result of the meeting.
D. the time when the result of the meeting to announce.
8. This year will be more difficult for our organization
A. we have less money and volunteers than last year.
B. there is a little money and volunteers than last year.
C. it has less money and fewer volunteers than it had last
D. it has fewer money and less volunteers than it had last
9. Professor Baker told his students that...
A. they can turn over their reports on Mondays.
B. the reports can turn over on Monday.
C. they could hand in their reports on Monday.
D. the reports they can hand in on Monday.
10. The adder is a venomous snake ... bite may prove fatal to

A. its
B. whom its
C. that
D. whose
Sepuluh Soal TOEFL dan Kunci Jawaban di atas bisa
dijadikan pemanasan. Kalau sudah, silahkan lanjutkan
dengan 5 soal berikutnya di bawah ini.
11. .... a bee colony gets, the more the queen's egglaying
capability diminishers.
A. It is more overcrowded.
B. The more overcrowded.
C. More overcrowded than.
D. More than overcrowded.
12. The chairwoman requested that ....
A. the participants studied more careful the problem.
B. the participants study the problem more carefully.
C. the participants studied the problem with more
D. the problem be studied more carefully.
13. Unlike the earth, which rotates once every twenty-four
hours ... once every ten hours.
A. the rotation of Jupiter
B. Jupiter rotates
C. Jupiter rotation
D. Jupiter rotate
14. Jackson,... capital of Mississippi, is the largest city in the
A. the
B. it is the
C. is the
D. where the
15. The various types of bacteria are classified according
A. whose
B. how they are
C. have
D. their
Kunci Jawaban Soal TOEFL
1. D
2. B
3. B
4. B
5. B
6. D
7. A
8. C
9. C

11. B
12. B
13. B
14. A
15. B

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