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Task 2 (M4 LA3)

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Statement / line Evidence

Ads that have Choice of word Meaning Lexico- Grammatical Features

implied meaning
Ads 1 The shoe works The Nike Sweet “The shoe works Imperative Sentence
if you do Classic High is if you do”gives a - The sentences “Stay fly, stay fresh, and get
comfortable while message that the yourself a pair” and “Just do it” are persuasive. It
still remaining in shoe will work and arises the readers’ impulse to buy the product.
style. With great help us carry out
quality and a wide daily activities
variety of color when we do it.
options, these These shoes will
sneakers are perfect give comfort and
for casual use. Stay style to the wearer.
fly, stay fresh, and
get yourself a pair.
Ads 2 We’re Real Real cheese people “We’re Real Disjunctive Clasue
Cheese People know which snack Cheese People” - The sentences “Real Cheese People know which
leads the protein gives a message Snack Leads the Protein Pack.We’re Real Cheese
pack. that the people who People”give the readers sense of closeness.
choose Sargento
snacks are people
who know that
sargento is a snack
that has very good
and high protein
content than other
Ads 3 Your lovely Always fresh It means that these Comparative and Superlative Adjective
breakfast Best in town donuts are foods - Use superlative adjective
that are very “Always fresh,
suitable for eating
as a breakfast Best in town” the word “Best” gives impression and
menu because they convince people that this product is the best donut in
are always fresh the town.
and best in the city
Ads 4 Turn up the Re-energize It means that when Compound Word
energy of your we use the soap, - The word “Re-energize “ is eye catching. Easy to
day we will feel as if remember
the soap provides a - Imperative sentence
sensation of “Turn up the energy of your day” is persuasive in the
increasing our advertisement.
energy in living
everyday life.

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