CODE NO: : Utkal University Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
CODE NO: : Utkal University Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
CODE NO: : Utkal University Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
CODE NO : ………………
For official use only
10th semester
AREA- Civil
LAW/STATUTE INVOLVED – Order 39, Rule 1 & 2 of CPC and Section 36 & 38 of
Specific Relief Act, 1963.
Defendant no 2 filed CMP against order in High Court and notice for
AREA – Civil
LAW/STATUTE INVOLVED – Order 39, Rule 1 & 2 of CPC and Section 36 & 38 of
Specific Relief Act, 1963.
Defendant no 2 filed CMP against order in High Court and notice for
Area – Criminal
Client – Sir, my name is Sonali Panda and I want to file a divorce against my
Advocate – What is the name of your husband and what does he do?
Advocate – What is the reason that you want to file for divorce suit against
your husband.
Client – Sir, my husband has been torturing me both physically and mentally.
Advocate – Why?
Advocate – Then.
Client – Then, as my mother was very ill, my father was unable to pay the
remaining amount. After that my in-laws started torturing me both physically
and mentally.
Client – Sir, I was unable to bear the torture, so I have been staying with my
Advocate – So have you finally decided to take divorce from your husband?
Advocate – Ok. We will file a petition u/s 13(1) of Hindu Marriage Act,1955 for
divorce and I will try my best to help you.
•That the defendant id the owner of suit property and it has been recorded in
her name in major settlement record of rights and she is possessing the same.
One Krushna Chandra Panda, who is the relative of the husband of defendant
and also he is known to the husband of the plaintiff. The said Krushna Chandra
Panda came to the plaintiff along with the husband of defendant with the
proposal to purchase the suit land. Due to the neceesity of the defendant, she
wanted to sell the suit property at Rs 75 lakh and a deed agreement was
executed by the defendant. In the said registered agreement, Krushna Chandra
Panda and K.M Sahoo were attesting witnesses. The husband of defendant was
identifier. The agreement was duly presented before sub- registrar for
registration by the defendant and she also admitted the due execution before
the sub- registrar. The plaintiff paid Rs 1,00,001 /- by demand draft no 675447
dated 16.10.2015 of the SBI Bank, BBSR to the defendant on the date of
execution of agreement and the defendant also endorsed the registration
ticket in favour of plaintiff. It was stipulated in the agreement that after receipt
of balance, consideration amount within a period of 6 months from the date of
agreement, the defendant would execute and register the sale deed. The
plaintiff also paid Rs 4,00,001 /- by bank draft on 18.10.2015 to the defendant.
Thereafter the plaintiff offered the balance amount to the defendant and
requested her to execute and register the sale deed but the defendant
registered post on 11.01.2016 but defendant refused to receive the notice on
14.01.2016 and the plaintiff also asked the defendant to bear the registration
charges. But the defendant did not do anything. Then the plaintiff further by
notice requested to defendant to remain present on 31.01.2013 to receive
balance consideration amount and execute and register the sale deed in the
sub- registrar office, Puri but the defendant did not turn up on that day till the
registration period was over, the plaintiff verbally intimated to the sub-
registrar. Thereafter on the same day, she sent an application to DSR by
registered post.
• The Plaintiff filed the agreement dated on 17.01.2012 ROR of suit land.
• Defendant has admitted the execution of agreement for sale between her
and the plaintiff on 17.10.2012 an agreement for sale of suit property executed
between the plaintiff and defendant. Pw1 proved Ext1 as the said agreement
for sale. Defendant was admitted his signature. There is clear evidence
showing payment of Rs 4, 00,001 /- as part consideration amount by plaintiff
after payment of Rs 1,00,001 /- admitted in the agreement Ext1 to the
defendant. This argument is answered in favour of the plaintiff.
• During the course of argument, it is argued from the side of the defendant
that the plaintiff has no capacity to pay the money. She is only a house wife
though she has started to receive balance consideration amount in her bank
account. Hence plaintiff cannot be said to be capable of paying balance
consideration amount.
The suit is decreed on contest against the defendant with cost. Defendant is
directed to execute and register sale deed taking balance consideration money
of Rs 69,99,998 /- from the plaintiff within 3 months from the date of this
judgement. Plaintiff is directed to offer rest amount to the plaintiff within
period of 3 months from the date of this judgement.
In the Court of Additional Session Judge, Puri
All the sons of Late Rama Chandra Mallik and resident of Bamadeipur, PO –
Brahamanapada, PS – Satyabadi, District Puri
………………………… Petitioner
• This revision has been preferred under section 397(1) CrPC by the
revisionists, who were the 1st party members in Crl. Misc case no 370 of 2012
before the Court of learned sub-divisional Magistrate, Puri challenging the
legality, priority and correctness of the order passed by the learned SDM Puri.
• The criminal misc case no. 370/2012 was instituted before learned sub-
divisional Magistrate, Puri by the 1st party members against Bhanushankar
Mishra and Krushnashankar Mishra with averments that the grandfather of the
1st party members namely Bandhu Mallik was in possession of the disputed
land with the dwelling house constructed thereon from pre-independence
period. On 8.7.2012, the opposite party members along with 40 to 50 hired
goondas armed with deadly weapons destroyed the household articles of the
petitioners on the schedule property for which the petitioners had to lodge
written report at Satyabadi police station. It was stated that the 1st party
members were landless persons.