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University of Jammu, Jammu: Syllabi and Courses of Study For Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

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University of Jammu, Jammu

Syllabi and Courses of Study for

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

Semesters I – 2014, 2015, 2016

Semester II – 2015, 2016, 2017
Semester III – 2016, 2017, 2018
Semester IV – 2017, 2018, 2019
Semester V – 2018, 2019, 2020
Semester VI – 2019, 2020, 2021






1.1 Introduction to Political Science, Politics and Political Theory

1.2 Nature and scope of Political Science
1.3 Traditional Approaches to the study of Political Science (Philosophical, Historical,
Legal Institutional)
1.4 Modern Approaches (Behavioural and System)


2.1 Meaning and Elements of State : Difference between State, Society and Nation
2.2 Theories of Origin of State : Divine, Historical/Evolutionary and Social Contract
2.3 Theories of Nature of State ; Origin, Liberal and Marxist
2.4 Sovereignty and its Theories : Austin’s Theory and Pluralistic Theory


3.1 Right and various Perspectives ( Liberal and Marxist) and Concept of Justice ( Social,
Economic, Political and Legal)
3.2 Liberty, Equality and their Relationship
3.3 Power, Authority and Legitimacy
3.4 Democracy: Meaning, Evolution and Types


4.1 Liberalism: Classical, Modern and Contemporary

4.2 Socialism: Evolutionary (Fabian) and Revolutionary (Marxian)
4.3 Securlarism: Western and Indian Perspectives
4.4 Feminism: Meaning and Issues

Note for Paper-setter:

Theory Examination: The question paper will be divided into two sections.

Section-I: It will carry 20 marks. There will be total 08 short answer type questions in this
section. Students will attempt any four questions with upper limit of 150 words in every
answer. Each question will be of 5 marks.
Section-II: It will consist of08 questions of which students will attempt 04 questions from
within unit choice. The upper limit of answer to each question will be 750nwords. Each
question will be of 15 marks. Total marks in this section will be 60.

Internal Assessment (Total marks: 20):

Twenty (20) marks are for internal assessment in each paper on the basis of following

(i) Class Test 10 marks

(ii) Two written assignments/project reports 10 marks (05 marks each)

Suggested Readings:

Aggarwal, R.C. Political Theory, S.Anand, New Delhi, 2004

Heywood, Andrew Political Ideolgies: An Introduction, Palgrave, N.York, 1992

Jain M.P Political Theory, Guild, Delhi, 1989

Johri, J.C. Contemporary Political Theory: Basis Concepts and Trends,

Sterling Publishers, New Delhi, 1987

Joad, C.E.M. Modern Political Theory, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1924

Kapoor, A.C. Principles of Political Science, Sterling Publishers, New

Delhi, 1985

Laski, Harold Grammar of Politics, Yale University Press, Michigan, 1925

Ray, Amal Political Theory: Ideas and Institutions, Bhattacharya, Mohit

Eastern Publishers, New Delhi, 1962

Vermani, R.C. An Introduction to Political Theory, Gitanjali Publishing

House, New Delhi, 2001

Semester- II





1.1 Indian Constitution: Evolution, Ideological Basic and Features

1.2 Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles of State Policy and Fundamental Duties
1.3 Federalism: Structure, Nature and Emerging Trends
1.4 Procedure for Amendment


2.1 Indian Parliament: Composition and Law Making Procedure

2.2 The President of India: Formal Powers and Position
2.3 The Prime Minister and Council of Ministers: Formal Powers and Position
2.4 The Supreme Court of India: Jurisdiction, Judicial Review and Judicial Activism


3.1 Party System in India: Evolution from One Party Dominant System to Multiparty
3.2 Coalition Politics: Nature and Trends
3.3 Ideology and Social Base of National Parties: Congress, Bhartiya Janata Party and
Communist Parties
3.4 Nature and Evolution of Regional Parties: Akali Dal, AIADMK and TDP


4.1 Ethnicity and Identity Politics in India

4.2 Role of Caste in Indian Politics
4.3 Communalism in Indian Politics
4.4 Regionalism in Indian Politics

Note for Paper-setter:

Theory Examination: The question paper will be divided into two sections.

Section-I: It will carry 20 marks. There will be total 08 short answer type questions in this
section. Students will attempt any four questions with upper limit of 150 words in every
answer. Each question will be of 5 marks.

Section-II: It will consist of08 questions of which students will attempt 04 questions from
within unit choice. The upper limit of answer to each question will be 750nwords. Each
question will be of 15 marks. Total marks in this section will be 60.

Internal Assessment (Total marks: 20):

Twenty (20) marks are for internal assessment in each paper on the basis of following

(i) Class Test 10 marks

(ii) Two written assignments/project reports 10 marks (05 marks each)

Suggested Readings:

Basu D.D Introduction to Constitution of India, Wadhwa Publishers,

New Delhi, 2001

Brass, Paul Ethnicity and Nationalism: Theory and Comparison, Sage,

New Delhi, 1991

Chandra, Bipin India After Independence, Penguin, New Delhi, 2000

Chandra, Bipin Nationalism and Colonialism in Modern India, Orient

Langman, New Delhi, 1979

Chatterjee, Partha State and Politics in India, OUP New Delhi, 1999

Chauhan & Vasudeva Coalition Government in India, OUP, New Delhi, 2013

Fadia, B.L. Government and Politics, Sahitya Bhawan, Agra, 2008

Hasan, Zoya Politics and the State in India, Sage, New Delhi, 2000

Kaviraj, Sudipta Politics in India, Orient Langman, Delhi, 1979

Mahajan, Gurpreet Democracy, Differences and Social Justice, Oxford, New

Delhi, 1998

Natrang, A.S Indian Government and Politics, Gitanjali Publications, New

Delhi, 2000

Political Science

Course no. PS-301 Title: Western Political Thought

Duration of Exam.: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100

Theory Examination: 80
Internal Assessment: 20

Unit-I: Plato (427 B.C. – 347 B.C.)

1.1 Concept of Justice: Prevalent Theories of Justice and Plato’s Concept of Justice
1.2 Concept of Education: Education in Ancient Greece and Platonic Concept of Education
1.3 Concept of Communism: Communism of Wives and Children and Property
1.4 Concept of Ideal State and Philosopher King

Unit-II: Aristotle (384 B.C. – 322 B.C.)

2.1 Aristotle as Father of Political Science: A shift from Political Philosophy to Political
2.2 Aristotle’s views on Household: Criticism of Plato’s Concept of Communism and
Aristotle’s Concept of Slavery
2.3 Aristotle’s Classification of Government and Concept of Revolution
2.4 Aristotle’s best practicable State: Concept and Characteristics

Unit-III: Machiavelli (1469 -- 1527 A.D.)

3.1 Renaissance and its impact on Machiavelli

3.2 Machiavelli’s views on Human Nature and Motives – Implications and Evaluation
3.3 Machiavelli’s views on Relationship between Ethics and Politics
3.4 Machiavelli’s views regarding Preservation and Extension of State Power

Unit-IV: John Stuart Mill (1806 – 1873)

4.1 Concept of Liberty, Thought, Expression and Action

4.2 Mill’s views on Women’s Equality
4.3 Mill’s views on Representative Government:Proportional Representation and Plural
4.4 Relevance of Mill’s Ideas on Modern State and Government

Note for Paper-setter:

Theory Examination:The question paper will be divided into two sections.

Section-I: It will carry 20 marks. There will be total 08 short answer type questions in this
section. Students will attempt any four questions with upper limit of 150 words in every
answer. Each question will be of 5 marks.
Section-II:It will consist of08 questions of which students will attempt 04 questions from
within unit choice. The upper limit of answer to each question will be 750nwords. Each
question will be of 15 marks. Total marks in this section will be 60.

Internal Assessment (Total marks: 20):

Twenty (20) marks are for internal assessment in each paper on the basis of following

(i) Class Test 10 marks

(ii) Two written assignments/project reports 10 marks (05 marks each)

Suggested Readings:

Annas, J, An Introduction to Plato’s Republic, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1981.

Aristotle, The Politics, OUP, Oxford, 1982.
Brian, Nelson, Western Political Thought, Second Edition, Pearson, New Delhi, 2006.
Barker, Ernest, The Political Thought of Plato and Aristotle, Methuen, London, 1906.
Sabine, George and Thomas L. Thorson, A History of Political Theory, Fourth Edition,
Oxford and IBH, New Delhi, 1973.
Jones, W. T., Masters of Political Thought – Machiavelli to Bentham, Houghton Miffin
Company, Boston, 1947.
Ten, C. L., Mill on Liberty, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1980.
Wayper, C. L., Teach Yourself Political Thought, Surjeet Publications, Delhi, 2007.

Political Science

Course no. PS-401 Title: Comparative Politics

Duration of Exam.: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100

Theory Examination: 80
Internal Assessment: 20

Unit-I: Understanding Comparative Politics

1.1 Comparative Politics: Meaning, Nature and Scope

1.2 Distinction between Comparative Government and Comparative Politics
1.3 System and Structural-Functional Approach
1.4 Political Economy and Dependency Approach (A. G. Frank)

Unit-II: Political Processes and Political Development

2.1 Political Culture: Meaning, Types and Determinants

2.2 Political Participation: Meaning, Types and Determinants
2.3 Political Socialisation: Meaning and Agents
2.4 Political Development: Concept and Ingredients

Unit-III: Political Dynamics: Democracy, Electoral Process and Party System

3.1 Theories of Democracy: Elitist and Pluralist

3.2 Theories of Representation: Territorial, Proportional and Functional
3.3 Party System: One Party, Bi-Party and Multi-Party
3.4 Features of Authoritarian and Democratic Regimes

Unit-IV: Emerging Issues in Comparative Politics

4.1 Globalisation: Meaning, Nature and Evolution

4.2 Women’s Issues: Welfare to Empowerment
4.3 Climate Change: A Comparative Perspective of North and South
4.4 Human Rights: Meaning, Significance and Trends

Note for Paper-setter:

Theory Examination: The question paper will be divided into two sections.

Section-I: It will carry 20 marks. There will be total 08 short answer type questions in this
section. Students will attempt any four questions with upper limit of 150 words in every
answer. Each question will be of 5 marks.

Section-II:It will consist of08 questions of which students will attempt 04 questions from
within unit choice. The upper limit of answer to each question will be 750nwords. Each
question will be of 15 marks. Total marks in this section will be 60.

Internal Assessment (Total marks: 20):

Twenty (20) marks are for internal assessment in each paper on the basis of following

(i) Class Test 10 marks

(ii) Two written assignments/project reports 10 marks (05 marks each)

Suggested Readings:

Almond, Gabriel, A., et. Al., Comparative Politics Today, Pearson, New Delhi, 2006.
Biswal, Tapan, et. Al., Comparative Politics: Institutions and Processes¸ Macmillan, New
Delhi, 2013.
Dubash, Navroz, K. (Ed.), Handbook of Climate Change and India: Development, Politics
and Governance, OUP, New Delhi, 2012.
Goodhart, Michael, Human Rights: Politics and Practice, OUP, London, 2013.
Hague, R., Haroop, M. and Breslin, S., Comparative Government and Politics: Introduction,
Macmillan, London, 1993.
Stiglitz, Joseph E., Globalisation and Its Discontents, W. W. Norton, New York, 2002.
Ray, S. N., Modern Comparative Politics: Approaches, Methods and Issues, Prentice Hall,
New Delhi, 2006.

Political Science

Course no. PS-501 Title: International Politics

Duration of Exam.: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100

Theory Examination: 80
Internal Assessment: 20

Unit-I: Meaning and Approaches

1.1 International Politics: Evolution, Changing Nature and Scope

1.2 Idealist (Woodrow Wilson) and Realist Approach (Hans J. Morgenthau)
1.3 Decision making approach (Richard C. Snyder) and
1.4 Peace Approach (Johan Galtung)

Unit-II: Key Concepts: National Power and National Interest

2.1 National Power: Meaning, Forms and Role

2.2 Elements of National Power:
Tangible: Geography, Economy, Military
Non-tangible: National Character and Morale, Political Leadership and Ideology
2.3 National Interest: Meaning, Nature and Kinds
2.4 National Interest and Foreign Policy

Unit-III: Instruments for Promotion of National Interest

3.1 Diplomacy: Meaning, Importance and Types

3.2 Imperialism and Neo-imperialism
 Meaning and Nature of Imperialism
 Concept of Neo-imperialism with special reference to Foreign Aid and Multi-National
3.3 Nonalignment: Rationale and Relevance
3.4 Propaganda: Techniques and Efficacy; and War: Meaning, Causes and Effects

Unit-IV: Management of Power

4.1 Collective Security and Collective Defence: Concept, Meaning and Distinction;
Collective Security under UN Charter: Provisions, Working and Evaluation (with special
reference to Korea and Kuwait Crises)
4.2 Balance of Power: Meaning and Devices and its Contemporary Relevance
4.3 Disarmament and Arms Control: Meaning and Distinction, Need for Disarmament, Major
Efforts and Obstacles in achieving Disarmament
4.4 Emerging Global Power Structure: From Cold War to Post-Cold War Era

Note for Paper-setter:

Theory Examination: The question paper will be divided into two sections.

Section-I: It will carry 20 marks. There will be total 08 short answer type questions in this
section. Students will attempt any four questions with upper limit of 150 words in every
answer. Each question will be of 5 marks.
Section-II:It will consist of08 questions of which students will attempt 04 questions from
within unit choice. The upper limit of answer to each question will be 750nwords. Each
question will be of 15 marks. Total marks in this section will be 60.

Internal Assessment (Total marks: 20):

Twenty (20) marks are for internal assessment in each paper on the basis of following

(i) Class Test 10 marks

(ii) Two written assignments/project reports 10 marks (05 marks each)

Suggested Readings:

Carr, E. H., International Relational Relations between Two World Wars: 1919-1939, St.
Martin, New York, 1969.
Calvocoressi, Peter, World Politics since 1945, Longman, London, 1990.
Fleming, D. F., The Cold War and its Origins: 1917-1960, OUP, London, 1961.
Kegley, C. W. Jr. and E. R. Wittkopf, World Politics – Trends and Transformations, St.
Martin, New York, 1981.
Kumar, Mahendra, Theoretical Aspects of International Politics, Agarwal Publishers, Agra,
Morgenthau, Hans J., Politics among Nations,Calcutta, 1985.
Palmer, N. D. and H. C. Perkins, International Relations: The World Community in
Transition, CBS, New Delhi, 1985.
Weigall, David, International Relations, OUP, London, 2002.

Political Science

Course no. PS-601 Title: Government and Politics in

Jammu and Kashmir

Duration of Exam.: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100

Theory Examination: 80
Internal Assessment: 20

Unit-I: Historical Background

1.1 Formation of J&K State: Geo-Political overview

1.2 Political Awakening in Kashmir: Reading Room Party, Muslim Conference and National
1.3 Political Awakening in Jammu: Dogra Sadar Sabha and Praja Parishad
1.4 Instrument of Accession and its Background

Unit-II: Constitutional Structure

2.1 Basic Features of J&K Constitution

2.2 Special Status, Article 370 of Indian Constitution and Presidential Order of 1954
2.3 Permanent Residents of Jammu and Kashmir State and their Rights
2.4 Directive Principles of State Policy and Panchayati Raj in J&K

Unit-III: Governmental Structure

3.1 Governor: Appointment, Powers and Role (Section 92 of J&K Constitution)

3.2 Chief Minister and Council of Ministers: Powers and Role
3.3 Legislature: Composition, Powers and Functions of Legislative Assembly and Legislative
3.4 Judicial System: Powers and Functions of High Court

Unit-IV: Political Processes and Dynamics

4.1 Changing Nature of Party System in Jammu and Kashmir and Coalition Politics
4.2 Inter-regional and Intra-regional Demands and Politics
4.3 Ladakh Region: Demands and Politics with special reference to Hill Council
4.4 Displacement and Resettlement

Note for Paper-setter:

Theory Examination: The question paper will be divided into two sections.

Section-I: It will carry 20 marks. There will be total 08 short answer type questions in this
section. Students will attempt any four questions with upper limit of 150 words in every
answer. Each question will be of 5 marks.
Section-II:It will consist of08 questions of which students will attempt 04 questions from
within unit choice. The upper limit of answer to each question will be 750nwords. Each
question will be of 15 marks. Total marks in this section will be 60.

Internal Assessment (Total marks: 20):

Twenty (20) marks are for internal assessment in each paper on the basis of following

(i) Class Test 10 marks

(ii) Two written assignments/project reports 10 marks (05 marks each)

Suggested Readings:

Bamzai, P.N.K., The Development of Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir, Universal Law
Agency, New Delhi, 1998
Bazaz, P.N., Struggle for Freedom in Kashmir, Pamposh Publications, Delhi, 1954
Bhushan, Vidya, State Politics and Government, Jay Kay, Jammu, 1998
Puri, Balraj, Kashmir Towards Insurgency, Sterling, Delhi, 1992
Campbell, Johnson, A Mission with Mountbatten, Roperphale, London, 1952
Hudson, H.V., The Great Divide: British, India and Pakistan, Hutchison, London, 1969
Korbel,Joseph, Danger in Kashmir, PUP, New York, 1954
Khan, G.H., Government and Politics of Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar, 1998
Menon, V.P., The Story of Integration of Indian States, Orient Longman, New Delhi, 1957
Russel, Brine, Indo-Pakistan Conflicts, Pall Mall Press, London, 1969
Sharma, Y.R., Political Dynamics of Jammu and Kashmir, Radha Krishan Anand, Jammu,
Verma, P.S., Jammu and Kashmir at Political Crossroads, Vikas, New Delhi, 1994


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