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Mastery Test in DRR 2

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San Isidro, Bohol


Name:______________________________________________Year & Section:__________________ Date:____________________

Teacher: Ms. Juliville H. Salinas Score:___________________
I. Identification. Write directly the answer on the space provided.
_________________________________1. It refers to a feeble shaking to violent trembling of the ground produced by the sudden
displacement of rocks or rock materials below the earth’s surface.
_________________________________2. These are earthquakes that are generated by the sudden displacement along faults in the
solid and rigid layer of the earth.
_________________________________3. These are earthquakes that are induced by rising lava or magma beneath active volcanoes.
_________________________________4. It refers to a fracture, fissure or a zone of weakness where movement or displacement has
occurred or may occur again.
_________________________________5. It is an earthquake hazard which is a disruptive up-down and sideways movement or
motion experienced during an earthquake.
_________________________________6. It is an earthquake hazard characterized by a displacement on the ground due to movement of fault.
_________________________________7. It is a process that transforms the behavior of a body of sediments from that of a solid to
that of a liquid when subjected to extremely intense shaking.
_________________________________8. It is a series of giant sea waves commonly generated by under-the-sea earthquakes and
whose heights could be greater than 5 meters.
_________________________________9. A type of tsunami that is confined to coasts within a hundred kilometers of the source usually
earthquakes and a landslide or a pyroclastic flow. It can reach the shoreline within 2 to 5 minutes.
_________________________________10. These are tsunamis that can travel from 1 to 24 hours before reaching the coast of the
nearby countries.
_________________________________11. It refers to the amount of energy released, measured by the amount of ground
displacement or shaking.
_________________________________12. It is the strength of an earthquake as perceived and felt by people in a certain locality.
_________________________________13. These are maps that show different hazards that may affect a certain area.
_________________________________14. These are phenomena arising from volcanic activity that pose potential threat to persons
or property in a given area within a given period of time.
_________________________________15. These are stream-like flows of incandescent molten rock erupted from a crater or fissure.
_________________________________16. These are showers of airborne fine- to coarse-grained volcanic particles that fallout from
the plumes of a volcanic eruption.
_________________________________17. These are turbulent mass of ejected fragmented volcanic materials (ash and rocks), mixed with hot
gases (200oC to 700oC to as hot as 900oC) that flow downslope at very high speeds (>60kph).
_________________________________18. These are rapidly flowing thick mixture of volcanic sediments (from the pyroclastic
materials) and water, usually triggered by intense rainfall during typhoons, monsoons and
_________________________________19. These are gases and aerosols released into the atmosphere, which include water vapor,
hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride.
_________________________________20. It is a massive collapse of a volcano, usually triggered by an earthquake or volcanic eruption.
_________________________________21. Volcanic materials directly ejected from the volcano’s vent with force and trajectory.
_________________________________22. It is a downward movement of geological materials such as soil and rock.
_________________________________23. These are depressions or openings in the ground surface and are generally formed as the
result of a collapse in the ceiling of an underground cavity or cavern.
_________________________________24. It is the exercise of the correct manner of proceeding during and after an earthquake.
_________________________________25. It is an open space evaluated as safe from falling debris and other materials that may
collapse, where evacuees proceed to during evaluation.
_________________________________26. It is a pre-arranged signal like siren/bell that indicates the earthquake/ground shaking.
_________________________________27. It is the abandonment of the room/building after the siren stops; evacuees follow the
evacuation plan representing the routes, exit points and evacuation area.
_________________________________28. It is a scheme or method of evacuating from indoor, which is developed in advance.
_________________________________29. It is the tally or run down of the evacuees per class or group who are present in the
evacuation are to ensure that all evacuees are accounted for.
_________________________________30. It is the gathering of evacuees at the assigned part of the evacuation area, where members
of the same class group together.
________________________________31. It is associated with having no rain, hence the fear of drought and consequently dried-up
fields and low water levels in dams and reservoirs for domestic, agricultural, and industrial uses.
________________________________32. It is associated with heavy rainfall and hazards such as flood.
Please proceed to the next page.
________________________________33. It is an intense low pressure system with a minimum sustained wind velocity of 35
kilometers per hour.
________________________________34. It is a localized windstorm characterized by a visible funnel-shaped, rapidly whirling cloud
extending downward from the base of a dark cumulonimbus cloud.
________________________________35. It is a localized storm cloud that produces lightning and thunder, and often brings heavy
rain shower or hail as well as strong gusty winds.
II. True or False. Write X if the statement is correct and Y if it is wrong.
______1. When the shaking starts, I should run I immediately and leave the room to get out of the building as fast as I could.
______2. During an earthquake and I am outside, it is best to take shelter under trees, power lines, posts and concrete structures.
______3. If near the shore and a very strong earthquake is felt, one must move quickly to higher ground even if there is no immediate
information of the possible source and location of the earthquake.
______4. During an earthquake, to make it faster to get out of the building, use the elevator.
______5. In the chemistry lab, breakable items, harmful chemicals and flammable materials are be stored properly in the uppermost secured shelves.
______6. After a very strong earthquake, employees of an office located on the 10th floor of the building should immediately evacuate
by going down the building and finding the designated open space for temporary evacuation area.
______7. Pyroclastic flows and surges are potentially highly destructive owing to their mass, high temperature, high velocity and great mobility.
______8. Lahars are rapidly flowing thick mixture of volcanic sediments (from the pyroclastic materials) and water, usually triggered by
intense rainfall during typhoons, monsoons and thunderstorms. Lahars can occur immediately after an eruption or can become
long-term problem for as long as there are excess sediments on the volcano’s slope and water to remobilize these.
______9. Lava flows are considered the most dangerous type of hazard from a volcano and is always a big threat to human lives.
______10. During eruption, excessive ashfall is dangerous as it can cause poor or low visibility.
______11. Ash from volcanoes are also abrasive, because of this, ash suspended in air is also dangerous for airplanes as this can cause
the engines to fail if the suspended ash is encountered by the airplane.
______12. High concentrations of CO2 which is colorless and odorless can be lethal to people, animals and vegetation.
______13. In order to assess and forecast a volcano’s activity, volcanologists need only to use one parameter.
______14. Aside from instrumental monitoring, people living near volcanoes on their own, may observe premonitory events before an
eruption such as intensified steaming activity.
______15. As the volcano unrest progresses into an eruption, volcanic earthquakes not only increase in number but the number of
earthquakes felt by many people become more and more frequent.
______16. Measuring the amount of gases being emitted by volcanoes is also an important aspect of volcano monitoring.
______17. The development and use of remote sensing technology in monitoring volcanoes has greatly contributed to the safety of scientists.
______18. In visual observation, it is not only the increase in volume of steam that is observed but the color of steam, which might
drastically change from “white” to “dark gray”.
______19. Be aware of community efforts such as identified evacuation areas as well as designated pick up points.
______20. At the peak or height of eruption, one can go out and do sightseeing as eruptions are a sight to see.
______21. Heavy ashfall can severely reduce visibility that is why people are advised not to drive.
______22. During and after heavy ashfall, if you must use tap water, always boil water first before using.
______23. To remove ash inside the house, use damp cloth and vigorously rub off the surface covered with ash.
______24. Wear dust-mask or cover your face with clean dry towel or cloth to prevent ash from irritating the eyes and entering the
respiratory track.

III. Matching Type. Identify the disaster risk factor. Write only the letter of the correct answer.
_______1. low symmetrical accumulations of cinder (scoria) and or tuff (ash) a. Calderas
_______2. mound-shaped or convex volcanoes formed by repeated slow extrusion of viscous magma b. Volcanic domes
_______3. cone-shaped volcanoes typically having one or several summit craters and formed by c. Strato-volcanoes
repeated alternate deposition of lava and pyroclastic. d. Monogenetic cones
_______4. large volcanic edifices typically composed of several volcanic centers around a central 2 km wide crater.

IV. Complete the table by supplying the missing information.

Categories of Tropical Cyclones Speed of Maximum Sustained Winds
Tropical Depression 35-63 kilometers per hour
1. 3.
Typhoon 4.
2. More than 180 kilometers per hour

V. Give the meaning of the following acronyms.

1. PAGASA-_____________________________________________________________________________________________
2. DENR - _____________________________________________________________________________________________
3. MGB -______________________________________________________________________________________________
4. DOST -______________________________________________________________________________________________
5. PHIVOLCS-____________________________________________________________________________________________

Please proceed to the next page.

VI. Enumeration.
1-3. Types of Flood
4-6. Stages of Thunderstorm
9-13. Types of Landslide

-End of Test-
God bless us all.

VII. Enumeration.
1-3. Types of Flood
4-6. Stages of Thunderstorm
9-13. Types of Landslide

-End of Test-
God bless us all.

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