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Microsoft Official Academic Course

HTML5 Application Development

Fundamentals, Exam 98-375

| i
EDITOR Bryan Gambrel
MICROSOFT PRODUCT MANAGER Rob Linsky of Microsoft Learning
TECHNOLOGY AND MEDIA Tom Kulesa/Wendy Ashenberg

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Foreword from the Publisher

Wiley’s publishing vision for the Microsoft Official Academic Course series is to provide
students and instructors with the skills and knowledge they need to use Microsoft technol-
ogy effectively in all aspects of their personal and professional lives. Quality instruction is
required to help both educators and students get the most from Microsoft’s software tools and
to become more productive. Thus our mission is to make our instructional programs trusted
educational companions for life.
To accomplish this mission, Wiley and Microsoft have partnered to develop the highest quality
educational programs for Information Workers, IT Professionals, and Developers. Materials cre-
ated by this partnership carry the brand name “Microsoft Official Academic Course,” assuring
instructors and students alike that the content of these textbooks is fully endorsed by Microsoft,
and that they provide the highest quality information and instruction on Microsoft products.
The Microsoft Official Academic Course textbooks are “Official” in still one more way—they
are the officially sanctioned courseware for Microsoft IT Academy members.
The Microsoft Official Academic Course series focuses on workforce development. These
programs are aimed at those students seeking to enter the workforce, change jobs, or embark
on new careers as information workers, IT professionals, and developers. Microsoft Official
Academic Course programs address their needs by emphasizing authentic workplace scenarios
with an abundance of projects, exercises, cases, and assessments.
The Microsoft Official Academic Courses are mapped to Microsoft’s extensive research and
job-task analysis, the same research and analysis used to create the Microsoft Technology
Associate (MTA) and Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD) exams. The text-
books focus on real skills for real jobs. As students work through the projects and exercises
in the textbooks they enhance their level of knowledge and their ability to apply the latest
Microsoft technology to everyday tasks. These students also gain resume-building credentials
that can assist them in finding a job, keeping their current job, or in furthering
their education.
The concept of life-long learning is today an utmost necessity. Job roles, and even whole
job categories, are changing so quickly that none of us can stay competitive and productive
without continuously updating our skills and capabilities. The Microsoft Official Academic
Course offerings, and their focus on Microsoft certification exam preparation, provide a
means for people to acquire and effectively update their skills and knowledge. Wiley sup-
ports students in this endeavor through the development and distribution of these courses as
Microsoft’s official academic publisher.
Today educational publishing requires attention to providing quality print and robust elec-
tronic content. By integrating Microsoft Official Academic Course products, WileyPLUS, and
Microsoft certifications, we are better able to deliver efficient learning solutions for students
and teachers alike.

Joseph Heider
General Manager and Senior Vice President or
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Welcome to the Microsoft Official Academic Course (MOAC) program for HTML5
Application Development Fundamentals. MOAC represents the collaboration between
Microsoft Learning and John Wiley & Sons, Inc. publishing company. Microsoft and Wiley
teamed up to produce a series of textbooks that deliver compelling and innovative teaching
solutions to instructors and superior learning experiences for students. Infused and informed
by in-depth knowledge from the creators of Microsoft products, and crafted by a publisher
known worldwide for the pedagogical quality of its products, these textbooks maximize skills
transfer in minimum time. Students are challenged to reach their potential by using their new
technical skills as highly productive members of the workforce.
Because this knowledge base comes directly from Microsoft, creator of the Microsoft
Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD) and Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) exams
(, you are sure to receive the topical coverage that
is most relevant to students’ personal and professional success. Microsoft’s direct participation
not only assures you that MOAC textbook content is accurate and current; it also means that
students will receive the best instruction possible to enable their success on certification exams
and in the workplace.

■ The Microsoft Official Academic Course Program

The Microsoft Official Academic Course series is a complete program for instructors and institutions
to prepare and deliver great courses on Microsoft software technologies. With MOAC, we recognize
that, because of the rapid pace of change in the technology and curriculum developed by Microsoft,
there is an ongoing set of needs beyond classroom instruction tools for an instructor to be ready to
teach the course. The MOAC program endeavors to provide solutions for all these needs in a sys-
tematic manner in order to ensure a successful and rewarding course experience for both instructor
and student—technical and curriculum training for instructor readiness with new software releases;
the software itself for student use at home for building hands-on skills, assessment, and validation of
skill development; and a great set of tools for delivering instruction in the classroom and lab. All are
important to the smooth delivery of an interesting course on Microsoft software, and all are pro-
vided with the MOAC program. We think about the model below as a gauge for ensuring that we
completely support you in your goal of teaching a great course. As you evaluate your instructional
materials options, you may wish to use the model for comparison purposes with available products. or
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Illustrated Book Tour

■ Pedagogical Features
The MOAC textbook for HTML5 Application Development Fundamentals is designed to
cover all the learning objectives for that MTA exam 98-375, which is referred to as its
“objective domain.” The Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) exam objectives are high-
lighted throughout the textbook. Many pedagogical features have been developed specifically
for Microsoft Official Academic Course programs.
Presenting the extensive procedural information and technical concepts woven throughout the
textbook raises challenges for the student and instructor alike. The Illustrated Book Tour that
follows provides a guide to the rich features contributing to Microsoft Official Academic Course
program’s pedagogical plan. Following is a list of key features in each lesson designed to
prepare students for success as they continue in their IT education, on the certification
exams, and in the workplace:
• Each lesson begins with an Exam Objective Matrix. More than a standard list of
learning objectives, the Exam Objective Matrix correlates each software skill covered in
the lesson to the specific exam objective domain.
• Concise and frequent Step-by-Step instructions teach students new features and provide
an opportunity for hands-on practice. Numbered steps give detailed, step-by-step
instructions to help students learn software skills.
• Illustrations: Screen images provide visual feedback as students work through the
exercises. The images reinforce key concepts, provide visual clues about the steps, and
allow students to check their progress.
• Key Terms: Important technical vocabulary is listed with definitions at the beginning of
the lesson. When these terms are used later in the lesson, they appear in bold italic type
and are defined. The Glossary contains all of the key terms and their definitions.
• Engaging point-of-use Reader Aids, located throughout the lessons, tell students why
this topic is relevant (The Bottom Line) and provide students with helpful hints (Take
Note). Reader Aids also provide additional relevant or background information that adds
value to the lesson.
• Certification Ready features throughout the text signal to students where a specific
certification objective is covered. They provide students with a chance to check their
understanding of that particular MTA objective and, if necessary, review the section
of the lesson where it is covered. MOAC offers complete preparation for MTA
• End-of-Lesson Questions: The Knowledge Assessment section provides a variety of
multiple-choice, true-false, matching, and fill-in-the-blank questions.
• End-of-Lesson Exercises: Competency Assessment case scenarios and Proficiency
Assessment case scenarios are projects that test students’ ability to apply what they’ve
learned in the lesson. or
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vi | Illustrated Book Tour

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Lesson Features F-403

Building the User LESSON 3

Interface by Using
HTML5: Organization,
Input, and Validation
Exam Objective Matrix
Choosing and Configuring Choose and configure 2.4
HTML5 Tags to Organize HTML5 tags to organize
Content and Forms content and forms.
Choosing and Configuring HTML5 Choose and configure HTML5 2.5
Tags for Input and Validation tags for input and validation.

More Information
article element
Key Terms Reader Aid
c01ManagingtheApplicationLifeCycle.indd Page 5 10/16/12 3:36 PM user-f494 /Users/F-440/Desktop
nav element
aside element ordered list
autofocus attribute pattern attribute
automatic validation placeholder text
Managing the Application Life Cycle | 5
client-side validation required attribute
datalist element section element
email attribute semantic markup
The Web addresses used in the previous exercises are repeated here for your convenience—consider
footer element server-side validation bookmarking them for later use. You can find information on the HTML5 standard on the W3C Web site at
form input table One Web site that provides HTML5 tutorials is at
global attribute html5/default.asp. Microsoft provides useful information to new developers at the Beginner Developer Learning
unordered list
Center ( and the MSDN site at
header element validation
menu element Web form
Creating Apps

HTML5 apps are much easier to develop than similar apps that use other technologies
One of your new tasks as an intern at Malted Milk Media is to create a Web form that
restricts what a user can enter into the form fields and validates the input. To prepare to Business such as Adobe Flash and Microsoft Silverlight. HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript are
interpreted languages, which means they do not require compilation. You can debug the
create the Web form, you must first learn how best to organize or structure the markup code within a browser, make quick edits, and then refresh the browser window to see the
using new HTML5 elements. Scenario result of the changes.

Although you can create a lot of code using a simple text or HTML editor, if you want to
package and deploy your app, you’ll need to use an application development tool such as
Microsoft Visual Studio.

Figure 1-3
Plan Design UI Update Manifest
General steps for creating
an app

c01ManagingtheApplicationLifeCycle.indd Page 2 10/16/12 3:36 PM user-f494 /Users/F-440/Desktop Test and Debug Build App Write Code

Package Validate Deploy

2 | Lesson 1

In this section, you will learn the general steps involved in creating an app. Figure 1-3
You are the new intern at Malted Milk Media, a creative agency that creates rich media illustrates the steps, which are explained as follows:
applications for clients. The company will soon begin using HTML5 in its projects. • Plan your project: Think about the type of app you want to create. Whatever you
Your manager asked you to research HTML5 and its related technologies and present choose, it’s best to keep it simple while you’re first learning HTML5 app development.
a report on significant changes from HTML 4.01 to HTML5. You must also include After you decide on the main action of your app, create an outline of the general flow
information on how HTML5 can be used for creating touch-screen applications, such as of the application from start to finish. Also determine the type of user interactivity
those for PCs, slates, tablets, and smartphones. you want to include, such as a touch interface, whether you need to save data outside
of the app, and whether the app should connect to other apps or services (such as an
RSS feed).
■ Understanding Platform Fundamentals • Design a UI: When designing the user interface, determine how you want the app
to appear to users. Group the content in a way that makes logical sense. Begin listing
the commands you will need for the app to run as expected, and gather images and
HTML5 is the latest HTML standard and a family of technologies that includes HTML,
multimedia clips if necessary. At a minimum, today’s apps require a launcher icon,
CSS, and JavaScript. Although the HTML5 standard won’t be finalized for a few years,
which represents your app.
THE BOTTOM LINE most modern Web browsers already support HTML5 elements, and HTML5 app
development for Web and mobile device browsers is well underway. • Update the app manifest: Every app requires a manifest file. The manifest file
describes properties of the app and what the app needs to run (see Figure 1-4). The file

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the language you use to describe Web pages. It is a
Bottom Line includes many different pieces of information, such as a display name that users see, a
description of the app, the app’s orientation (portrait, landscape, etc.), the file path to the
markup language, not a programming language, which means HTML uses markup tags such as app’s icon, the app’s capabilities (system features or devices that your app can use), and
<body> and <h1> to describe parts of a Web page. An HTML file doesn’t “run” like a program. much more.
Instead, an HTML file is interpreted by a browser to display a Web page based on the tags.
W3C® is a trademark Since 1999, HTML 4.01 has been the standard for Web pages, but the world has changed
(registered in numerous quite a bit since then. Web users want richer Web applications that incorporate audio, video,
countries) of the World and a lot of interactivity on the Web sites they visit. And with the surge in popularity of
Wide Web Consortium; mobile devices like slates, tablets, and smartphones, users want to experience the same rich-
marks of W3C are reg- ness and interactivity in mobile applications regardless of which device they choose.
istered and held by its All of this has prompted the need for a new standard, which will be HTML5. The World
host institutions MIT, Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is the main standards body developing specifications for
ERCIM, and Keio. HTML5, which should be finalized in 2014. The HTML5 logo is shown in Figure 1-1.

Figure 1-1
The HTML5 logo

Even though HTML5
is still under develop-
ment, most of the major
Web browsers such
as Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Google
Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, This work is attributed to the W3C.
Opera, and Apple Safari
support many HTML5
elements. An important point to remember about HTML5 is that it is both a standard and a combination
or family of new HTML markup tags, CSS, JavaScript, and other related technologies. Cascading
Style Sheets (CSS) defines styles for HTML in a separate file, so you can easily change fonts, font
CERTIFICATION READY sizes, and other attributes in a CSS file and the changes are reflected across all HTML files that ref-
What are the three erence the CSS file. The latest version of CSS is CSS3. JavaScript is a scripting language (a pro-
primary technologies in gramming language that uses scripts and requires no compiler) that adds interactivity to Web pages.
the HTML5 family?
Although you can use HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript to create Web pages, you can also use
the combination to develop client applications (apps) that run on touch-enabled devices like or
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Illustrated Book Tour | vii
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Managing the Application Life Cycle | 9

Figure 1-5
A portion of the MSDN
Developer Network Samples
Web page

2. Scroll down and click the HTML5 link in the left pane, currently near the bottom of
the list.
3. Browse through the samples and find an app that displays “HTML5” after the app
description, such as the stocks end-to-end sample. Click the link to the app.
4. The resulting page indicates which program is required to open and edit the app’s
files and which technologies are included in the app. The stocks end-to-end sample
requires Visual Studio 12 and includes JavaScript and HTML5, as shown in Figure 1-6.

Figure 1-6
Viewing a sample app’s
Web page

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5. Click the Browse Code link, click StocksSample in the left pane, click html, and then Managing the Application Life Cycle | 11
click dashboard.html. The HTML markup displays. Scroll through the markup to get a
feel for the type of code you’ll see many times in this book. Screen CERTIFICATION READY
State management is the process of maintaining Web page information during multiple

Images What is the difference

between session state
requests for the same or different Web page. When a user first requests access to an
application, the session state is created. The state ends when the user closes the session.
and application state? An alternative to the session state is the application state. The application state is created
1.2 when the Web browser sends the first request for a Web page to the Web server, and it ends
when the user closes the browser.
What is the significance
Persistent state information is data that an application needs after the session ends. Many
of persist state Web applications need to store data (make it persistent) so that users can pick up where they
information? left off when they return to the site.
Storing State Data Using Local and Session Storage
c03BuildingtheUserInterfacebyUsingHTML5OrganizationInputandValidation.indd Page 60 17/10/12 2:01 PM user-f396 F-403

Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP) is the protocol that transfers data on the
World Wide Web. It defines the actions Web servers and browsers take in response to
commands by users. For example, when you enter a uniform resource locator (URL) in
the address field in a browser, the browser sends an HTTP command to the Web server
60 | Lesson 3
Certification requesting the Web page. HTTP is a stateless protocol, which means it doesn’t retain
data from session to session. When you close a Web browser after visiting a Web site, the
data is not saved.
An example of markup for Previous-Home-Next links follows, with vertical bars after each
navigation item to separate it from the others visually: Ready Alert
To work around the limitations of HTTP protocol, developers historically have used cookies,
<nav> which are small files that contain information about the user and the Web site visited and
How does HTML5
<a href="">Previous</a> | are saved on the user’s computer. When a user returns to a visited site, the browser sends the
manage state data?
<a href="">Home</a> | cookies back to the Web server. Cookies help a Web server “remember” a user and customize
<a href="">Next</a> the user’s experience on that site.
<br /> However, cookies have proven to be a security risk. In addition, if large amounts of data are
involved, all of the data gets sent between the browser and server upon every request, which
The links would appear in a Web page as shown in Figure 3-6. would cause a noticeable performance decrease to the user. In HTML5, developers can use the
Web storage instead, which offers more flexibility, larger data sets, and better performance.
Navigation is often displayed in a vertical list, which you’ll learn how to do later in this
The localStorage method allows users to save larger amounts of data from session
Which two HTML5/ to session (persistent data), and there’s no time limit as to how long the data exists. The
JavaScript methods sessionStorage method keeps data only for one session (until the browser is closed),
enable an application to which is also referred to as “per-tab storage.”
Figure 3-6 store persistent data?
Using these methods, specific data is transferred only when requested, so it’s possible to store
Previous-Home-Next naviga- 1.2
a relatively large amount of data without slowing down the connection or site.
tion with vertical bars separat-
ing each link
Another way to use Web storage is to store data locally when a user is offline. The Application
Cache, or AppCache, stores resources like images, HTML pages, CSS files,and JavaScript—
data that would ordinarily be stored on a server. Because the resources are stored on the cli-
ent’s hard disk or device, the resources load faster when requested.
Using AppCache, a developer uses a text file called a “cache manifest” to specify the files a
Web browser should cache offline. Even if a user presses the Refresh button offline, the app
will load and work correctly. A cache manifest file looks similar to the following:
You’ll learn more about
GET READY. To add the nav element to an HTML document, perform the following images/dot.png
using AppCache with
JavaScript in Lesson 8.
1. In your HTML editor or app development tool, open the L3-MyPage.html file scripts/main.js
(if it’s not already open) and save it as L3-MyPage-nav.html to create a
new file.
2. Include the following nav tags and content within the <header> tag:

<h1>Selecting a Concert Style</h1>
Cross Reference
<a href="#symphonies">Symphonies</a> |
<a href="#raves">Raves</a>
Reader Aid

This navigation block will link to the Symphonies and Raves sections in the HTML
3. To make the links work, modify the Symphones and Raves <h1> heads as follows:

<h1><a id="symphonies">Symphonies</a></h1>
<h1><a id="raves">Raves</a></h1>

Step-by-Step Exercises or
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viii | Illustrated Book Tour
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22 | Lesson 2

The busy Web site developers at Malted Milk Media have asked you to research new
markup that’s available in HTML5. They’re particularly interested in graphics and
multimedia-related tags. Your task is to learn all that you can about new HTML5
markup tags and prepare brief descriptions and provide examples of each.

■ Understanding the Essentials of HTML

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) uses markup to describe content for display on a
Web page. An element is the combination of tags and the content they enclose. You may
THE BOTTOM LINE need to use special characters on a Web page, which requires character encoding. Finally,
every Web page requires the doctype declaration at the top of the page.

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is called a markup language because you use it to
describe (mark up) pieces of content to display on a Web page. A Web page with markup
means it includes tags, which are keywords that help to give an HTML page structure.
(You’ll learn more about tags shortly.) The key to using HTML is learning which tags to use
and when. The combination of content, tags, and perhaps graphics, multimedia, and so on
are what build a Web page.
You can easily identify an HTML document because it has an .htm or .html file extension.
When a Web browser or mobile device such as a smartphone opens an HTML file, it renders
(interprets and reproduces) the content of the page.

Basic Markup and Page Structure

Every HTML page includes tags. A tag is a keyword surrounded by angled brackets.
Most tags come in pairs; one tag is called the opening or start tag, and the other is the
closing or end tag. A tag pair is case sensitive—a closing tag must have the same case as
Take Note
the opening tag. A closing tag is identical to an opening tag except the closing tag
includes a slash before the keyword. Reader Aid
Tags surround content and give it definition. For example, this markup creates a first-level
<h1>Pet Care 101</h1>

HTML also uses some single tags, like <br /> for a line break and <hr /> for a horizontal
c03BuildingtheUserInterfacebyUsingHTML5OrganizationInputandValidation.indd Page 55 17/10/12 2:01 PM user-f396 F-403
line. In HTML 4, these tags are called empty tags because they don’t require an end tag.
HTML5 is less restrictive than HTML 4. You don’t have to include end tags for all elements
(although some elements still require start and end tags), and you can enter tags in uppercase
or lowercase. However, this book uses start and end tags, and all lowercase for markup,
for consistency.
Building the User Interface by Using HTML5: Organization, Input, and Validation | 55
There are many tags available for HTML pages. Some of the most commonly used tags are
listed in Table 2-1. The first four—<html>, <head>, <title>, and <body>—are required
on every Web page. Figure 3-1 HTML 4.01 HTML 5
A comparison of document <div id = "header"> <header>
parts marked up in HTML 4.01
<div id = "nav"> <nav>
and HTML5
<div class = "article"> <article>
<div id =
<div class = <aside>
"sidebar"> <section>

<div id = "footer"> <footer>

Notice how HTML5’s semantic markup gives more specific meaning to parts of an HTML
document, making the structure easier to understand.

Using Tags to Add Structure to an HTML Document

New HTML5 elements for structuring and organizing content in an HTML document
CERTIFICATION READY include header, footer, section, nav, article, and aside.
Which HTML5 tags are
used to structure and Now that you understand semantic markup, let’s look at several of the new HTML5
c07ManagingtheGraphicalInterfacebyUsingCSS.indd Page 163 9/17/12 10:01 AM F-400 organize a document? elements for organizing documents. Table 3-1 lists new HTML5 structure-related tags and
describes them.

Table 3-1
New HTML5 markup tags for T AG D ESCRIPTION
Managing the Graphical Interface by Using CSS | 163 organizing content and creat-
ing structure <address> Defines an area for contact information for a page or section

<body> <article> Defines an article, such as a magazine or newspaper article, blog post, or
<div>A box example</div> similar content
</body> <aside> Defines content that’s separate from but related to the page content; simi-
</html> lar to a sidebar in book chapters and magazine articles
2. Save the file as L7-box-exercise.html. View the file in a Web browser, which should <details> Contains additional details pertinent to text around it; creates an interac-
look similar to Figure 7-4. tive widget a user can display or hide
<footer> Defines a footer for a document or section; may include the document
Figure 7-4 author, contact information, copyright information, and links to terms
A box with rounded corners of use
<header> Defines a header for a document or section; may contain introductory con-
tent or navigation links

3. To add a drop shadow, add the following line to the style element: <hgroup> Groups headings and subheadings (using the <h1> to <h6> tags) for
multi-level headings
box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px #999;
<nav> Defines a block of navigation links
4. Save the file and view the results in a Web browser. The box should resemble
Figure 7-5. <section> Defines a section in a document, such as chapters, parts of a thesis, or
parts of a Web page whose content is distinct from each other
<summary> Defines a visible heading for a details element; user can click to display or
Figure 7-5
hide information
A box with rounded corners
and a drop shadow <wbr> Defines a possible line break; when a word is very long, or you’re con-
cerned the browser will break a line at the wrong place, you can use the
<wbr> element to break the word or line appropriately

5. Leave the file, editing tool, and Web browser open if you complete the next exercise
during this session.

An opaque item does not let light pass through, whereas you can see through a transparent
item. Even though the terms are opposite, by reducing the opacity of an item or increasing its
transparency, you eventually reach the same point.
Figure 7-6 shows the effect of transparency (or reduced opacity) on an image. The original
image is on the left; the image with a 50% transparency applied is on the right.
Easy-to-Read Tables
Figure 7-6
Illustrations: © AVTG/iStockphoto

Transparency applied to
an image

Original With transparency

Which CSS property The syntax for applying a transparency to an image or other element is:
enables you to apply a
transparency to an image opacity: value
or element?
The value is a floating-point value between 0.0 (100% transparent) and 1.0 (100% opaque).
To apply a 45% transparency, for example, you would use the value 0.55 (1.0 – 0.45). or
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Understanding CSS Essentials: Layouts | 133

Although this example used the auto keyword, you can use any of the values for grid-rows
and grid-colums as listed in Table 5-2.
The specification for grid template layouts is very much in draft format and isn’t supported
by any Web browsers at the time of this writing. However, you might come across grid tem-
plates on the MTA 98-375 exam. Therefore, you should check the latest W3C CSS Grid
Template Layout Module specification when preparing to take the exam.

Skill Summary
• User interfaces can be clean and simple or more complex with several sections, buttons,
and controls.
• Designing an interface that renders well on large PC screens and small mobile devices
used to require a lot of markup and code. Today, the CSS Flexbox Box and Grid Layout
models reduce the amount of code required for cross-device compatibility. Because the
CSS specifications are not yet final, you’ll need to use vendor prefixes before CSS property
names to make everything work.
• Flexboxes are designed for toolbars, menus, forms, and similar elements in Web pages and
applications. Grids are better suited to more complex designs.
• Both a flexbox and its contents can be configured to change size, horizontally and verti-
cally, when the screen on which they’re displayed changes size. You can also reverse the
direction and order of flexboxes with one line of code.
• A flexbox can include child boxes that are flexible by height and width. You use the flex
property to work with child boxes. The flex-flow property sets the flex-direction
and flex-wrap properties of a flexbox (the parent box) at the same time.
• Grid layouts are similar to spreadsheets in that they use columns, rows, and cells, but
you can create many different types of layouts that, in the end, don’t look like a
spreadsheet at all.
• You use the CSS properties display:grid (or display:inline-grid), grid-columns,
and grid-rows to create grid structures. The size of columns and rows can be fixed or flexible.
• Flexboxes and grids are designed to scale proportionally.
• The flex-order property enables you to change the order of child items in a flexbox, rear-
ranging them in any order you like without having to change them in the HTML markup.
• A grid template uses alphabetical characters to represent the position of items in a grid. c03BuildingtheUserInterfacebyUsingHTML5OrganizationInputandValidation.indd Page 86 17/10/12 2:01 PM user-f396 F-403
You use the alpha characters with the grid-template, grid-rows, and grid-columns properties
to create a grid into which data flows.

86 | Lesson 3

■ Knowledge Assessment 10. What is the format for the HTML5 tag that validates an email address?
a. <input label="email" name="URL">
Fill in the Blank b. <form id="email">
c. <label for="email">Email</label>
Complete the following sentences by writing the correct word or words in the blanks provided. d. <input type = "email" name = "email">
1. A is the portion of a Web site or application with which a user interacts.
2. In the original W3C CSS box model, the is the space between border
True / False
and the content of the box. Circle T if the statement is true or F if the statement is false.
T F 1. In a table, the tfoot element must appear before the tbody element.
T F 2. You can use numbers or letters for each item in an ordered list.
T F 3. You can specify the height of an input element using the size attribute.
T F 4. The label element displays the caption, or title, for a table.
T F 5. The nav element defines a block of navigation links.

■ Competency Assessment
Scenario 3-1: Markup for a Newsletter Article Assessment
Sally Rowe, the document controller at Malted Milk Media, wants to publish a series of
Knowledge Assessment articles on the company intranet regarding document security and versioning. She needs to
create a skeleton of the HTML5 markup for an article that will appear in the monthly online
newsletter created by one of the Web developers. Each article will have a title and subtitle,
c05UnderstandingCSSEssentialsLayouts.indd Page 133 17/10/12 2:00 PM user-f396 F-403
several paragraphs of text, and her name and the article date in the footer. What should her
article markup look like?

Scenario 3-2: Displaying Long Tables in HTML

Vince generates accounting reports for the VP of Finance at Momentum Strategies, a PR firm
Understanding CSS Essentials: Layouts | 133 geared toward political campaigns. Vince regularly prints tables that are two- or three-pages
long and delivers hard copies to senior management staff. He wants to publish them to a
secure area of the company intranet, but the rows of data separate from the column headings
Although this example used the auto keyword, you can use any of the values for grid-rows
and totals line at the end. He wants to know how to present the tables properly in HTML5.
and grid-colums as listed in Table 5-2.
What do you tell him?
The specification for grid template layouts is very much in draft format and isn’t supported
by any Web browsers at the time of this writing. However, you might come across grid tem-
plates on the MTA 98-375 exam. Therefore, you should check the latest W3C CSS Grid ■ Proficiency Assessment
Template Layout Module specification when preparing to take the exam.
Scenario 3-3: Creating a Glossary of Terms Assessment
Waylon is a student working on a term paper. His instructor requires each student to format
S K I L L S U M M A RY the paper for display on the Web. Waylon wants to include a glossary of terms at the end of
the paper but can’t produce the right “look” using an unordered list. Which markup would be
better suited for Waylon’s glossary?

• User interfaces can be clean and simple or more complex with several sections, buttons, Scenario 3-4: Using Proper Input Types in a Web Form
and controls. Margie is creating and testing a Web form that includes an email field, a Web address field,
• Designing an interface that renders well on large PC screens and small mobile devices and a zip code field, among others. When she has a few co-workers test the form, she finds
used to require a lot of markup and code. Today, the CSS Flexbox Box and Grid Layout they often enter the email address in the Web address field by mistake, and sometimes enter
models reduce the amount of code required for cross-device compatibility. Because the too many or too few numbers in the zip code field. She doesn’t want to use a pattern expres-
CSS specifications are not yet final, you’ll need to use vendor prefixes before CSS property sion because she says it’s too complicated. What other input types can Margie use?
names to make everything work.
• Flexboxes are designed for toolbars, menus, forms, and similar elements in Web pages and
applications. Grids are better suited to more complex designs.
• Both a flexbox and its contents can be configured to change size, horizontally and verti-
cally, when the screen on which they’re displayed changes size. You can also reverse the
direction and order of flexboxes with one line of code.
• A flexbox can include child boxes that are flexible by height and width. You use the flex
property to work with child boxes. The flex-flow property sets the flex-direction
and flex-wrap properties of a flexbox (the parent box) at the same time.
• Grid layouts are similar to spreadsheets in that they use columns, rows, and cells, but
you can create many different types of layouts that, in the end, don’t look like a
spreadsheet at all.
• You use the CSS properties display:grid (or display:inline-grid), grid-columns,
and grid-rows to create grid structures. The size of columns and rows can be fixed or flexible.
• Flexboxes and grids are designed to scale proportionally.
• The flex-order property enables you to change the order of child items in a flexbox, rear-
ranging them in any order you like without having to change them in the HTML markup.
• A grid template uses alphabetical characters to represent the position of items in a grid.
You use the alpha characters with the grid-template, grid-rows, and grid-columns properties
to create a grid into which data flows.

■ Knowledge Assessment
Fill in the Blank
Complete the following sentences by writing the correct word or words in the blanks provided.
1. A is the portion of a Web site or application with which a user interacts.
2. In the original W3C CSS box model, the is the space between border
and the content of the box. or
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Conventions and Features
Used in This Book
This book uses particular fonts, symbols, and heading conventions to highlight important
information or to call your attention to special steps. For more information about the features
in each lesson, refer to the Illustrated Book Tour section.


This feature provides a brief summary of the material

THE BOTTOM LINE to be covered in the section that follows.
CLOSE Words in all capital letters indicate instructions for opening,
saving, or closing files or programs. They also point out
items you should check or actions you should take.
CERTIFICATION READY This feature signals the point in the text where a specific
certification objective is covered. It provides you with a
chance to check your understanding of that particular MTA
objective and, if necessary, review the section of the lesson
where it is covered.
Reader aids appear in shaded boxes found in your text.
* Take Note provides helpful hints related to particular tasks
or topics.
These notes provide pointers to information discussed
elsewhere in the textbook or describe interesting features
of HTML5 that are not directly addressed in the current
topic or exercise.

Alt + Alt A plus sign (+) between two key names means that you
must press both keys at the same time. Keys that you are
instructed to press in an exercise will appear in the font
shown here.
Example Key terms appear in bold italic. or
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Instructor Support Program

The Microsoft Official Academic Course programs are accompanied by a rich array of resources
that incorporate the extensive textbook visuals to form a pedagogically cohesive package.
These resources provide all the materials instructors need to deploy and deliver their courses.
Resources available online for download include:
• DreamSpark Premium is designed to provide the easiest and most inexpensive
developer tools, products, and technologies available to faculty and students in labs,
classrooms, and on student PCs. A free 3-year membership is available to qualified
MOAC adopters.
Note: Microsoft Visual Studio and Micrsoft Expression can be downloaded from
DreamSpark Premium for use by students in this course.
• The Instructor Guides contains Solutions to all the textbook exercises and Syllabi for vari-
ous term lengths. The Instructor Guides also includes chapter summaries and lecture notes.
The Instructor’s Guide is available from the Book Companion site (
• The Test Bank contains hundreds of questions in multiple-choice, true-false, short
answer, and essay formats, and is available to download from the Instructor’s Book
Companion site ( A complete answer key is provided.
• A complete set of PowerPoint presentations and images are available on the Instructor’s
Book Companion site ( to enhance classroom
presentations. Approximately 50 PowerPoint slides are provided for each lesson. Tailored
to the text’s topical coverage and Skills Matrix, these presentations are designed to con-
vey key concepts addressed in the text. All images from the text are on the Instructor’s
Book Companion site ( You can incorporate
them into your PowerPoint presentations, or create your own overhead transparencies
and handouts. By using these visuals in class discussions, you can help focus students’
attention on key elements of technologies covered and help them understand how to use
it effectively in the workplace.
• When it comes to improving the classroom experience, there is no better source of
ideas and inspiration than your fellow colleagues. The Wiley Faculty Network con-
nects teachers with technology, facilitates the exchange of best practices, and helps to
enhance instructional efficiency and effectiveness. Faculty Network activities include
technology training and tutorials, virtual seminars, peer-to-peer exchanges of experi-
ences and ideas, personal consulting, and sharing of resources. For details visit or
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xii | Instructor Support Program


DreamSpark Premium is designed to provide the easiest and most inexpensive way for uni-
versities to make the latest Microsoft developer tools, products, and technologies available
in labs, classrooms, and on student PCs. DreamSpark Premium is an annual membership
program for departments teaching Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
(STEM) courses. The membership provides a complete solution to keep academic labs,
faculty, and students on the leading edge of technology.
Software available in the DreamSpark Premium program is provided at no charge to
adopting departments through the Wiley and Microsoft publishing partnership.
And tools that professors can use to engage and inspire today’s technology students.
Contact your Wiley rep for details.
For more information about the DreamSpark Premium program, go to:
Note: Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Expression can be downloaded from
DreamSpark Premium for use by students in this course.

■ Important Web Addresses and Phone Numbers

To locate the Wiley Higher Education Rep in your area, go to
college and click on the “Who’s My Rep?” link at the top of the page, or call the MOAC
Toll Free Number: 1 + (888) 764-7001 (U.S. & Canada only).
To learn more about becoming certified and exam availability, visit
learning/mcp/mcp. or
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Student Support Program

■ Additional Resources
Book Companion Web Site (

The students’ book companion site for the MOAC series includes any resources, exercise files,
and Web links that will be used in conjunction with this course.

Wiley Desktop Editions

Wiley MOAC Desktop Editions are innovative, electronic versions of printed textbooks.
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prefer to read in hard copy. Students also have access to fully integrated resources within their
Wiley Desktop Edition. From highlighting their e-text to taking and sharing notes, students can
easily personalize their Wiley Desktop Edition as they are reading or following along in class.

■About the Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA)

Preparing Tomorrow's Technology Workforce

Technology plays a role in virtually every business around the world. Possessing the funda-
mental knowledge of how technology works and understanding its impact on today’s academic
and workplace environment is increasingly important—particularly for students interested in
exploring professions involving technology. That’s why Microsoft created the Microsoft Technology
Associate (MTA) certification—a new entry-level credential that validates fundamental technology
knowledge among students seeking to build a career in technology.
The Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) certification is the ideal and preferred path to
Microsoft’s world-renowned technology certification programs, such as Microsoft Certified
Solutions Developer (MCSD). MTA is positioned to become the premier credential for indi-
viduals seeking to explore and pursue a career in technology, or augment related pursuits such
as business or any other field where technology is pervasive.

MTA Candidate Profile

The MTA certification program is designed specifically for secondary and post-secondary
students interested in exploring academic and career options in a technology field. It offers or
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xiv | Student Support Program

students a certification in basic IT and development. As the new recommended entry point
for Microsoft technology certifications, MTA is designed especially for students new to IT
and software development. It is available exclusively in educational settings and easily inte-
grates into the curricula of existing computer classes.

MTA Empowers Educators and Motivates Students

MTA provides a new standard for measuring and validating fundamental technology knowl-
edge right in the classroom while keeping your budget and teaching resources intact. MTA
helps institutions stand out as innovative providers of high-demand industry credentials and
is easily deployed with a simple, convenient, and affordable suite of entry-level technology
certification exams. MTA enables students to explore career paths in technology without
requiring a big investment of time and resources, while providing a career foundation and the
confidence to succeed in advanced studies and future vocational endeavors.
In addition to giving students an entry-level Microsoft certification, MTA is designed to be a
stepping stone to other, more advanced Microsoft technology certifications, like the Microsoft
Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD) certification.

Delivering MTA Exams: The MTA Campus License

Implementing a new certification program in your classroom has never been so easy with the MTA
Campus License. Through the purchase of an annual MTA Campus License, there’s no more
need for ad hoc budget requests and recurrent purchases of exam vouchers. Now you can budget
for one low cost for the entire year, and then administer MTA exams to your students and other
faculty across your entire campus where and when you want.
The MTA Campus License provides a convenient and affordable suite of entry-level technol-
ogy certifications designed to empower educators and motivate students as they build a foun-
dation for their careers.
The MTA Campus License is administered by Certiport, Microsoft’s exclusive MTA exam
To learn more about becoming a Microsoft Technology Associate and exam availability, visit or
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Student Support Program | xv

■ Activate Your FREE MTA Practice Test!

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Please go to and use the following validation code to redeem your
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The GMetrix Skills Management System provides everything you need to practice for the
Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) Certification.
Overview of Test features:
• Practice tests map to the Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) exam objectives
• GMetrix MTA practice tests simulate the actual MTA testing environment
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■ MOAC MTA Technology Fundamentals Reviewers

We’d like to thank the many reviewers who pored over the manuscript and provided invaluable feedback in the service of
quality instructional materials:

Yuke Wang, University of Texas at Dallas Douglas Tabbutt, Blackhawk Technical College
Palaniappan Vairavan, Bellevue College David Koppy, Baker College
Harold “Buz” Lamson, ITT Technical Institute Sharon Moran, Hillsborough Community College
Colin Archibald, Valencia Community College Keith Hoell, Briarcliffe College and Queens College—
Catherine Bradfield, DeVry University Online CUNY
Robert Nelson, Blinn College Mark Hufnagel, Lee County School District
Kalpana Viswanathan, Bellevue College Rachelle Hall, Glendale Community College
Bob Becker, Vatterott College Scott Elliott, Christie Digital Systems, Inc.
Carol Torkko, Bellevue College Gralan Gilliam, Kaplan
Bharat Kandel, Missouri Tech Steve Strom, Butler Community College
Linda Cohen, Forsyth Technical Community College John Crowley, Bucks County Community College
Candice Lambert, Metro Technology Centers Margaret Leary, Northern Virginia Community College
Susan Mahon, Collin College Sue Miner, Lehigh Carbon Community College
Mark Aruda, Hillsborough Community College Gary Rollinson, Cabrillo College
Claude Russo, Brevard Community College Al Kelly, University of Advancing Technology
Heith Hennel, Valencia College Katherine James, Seneca College
Adrian Genesir, Western Governors University David Kidd, Western Governors University
Zeshan Sattar, Zenos or
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Brief Contents

Lesson 1: Managing the Application Life Cycle 1

Lesson 2: Building the User Interface by Using HTML5:
Text, Graphics, and Media 21
Lesson 3: Building the User Interface by Using HTML5: Organization,
Input, and Validation 53
Lesson 4: Understanding CSS Essentials: Content Flow,
Positioning, and Styling 87
Lesson 5: Understanding CSS Essentials: Layouts 110
Lesson 6: Managing Text Flow by Using CSS 137
Lesson 7: Managing the Graphical Interface by Using CSS 159
Lesson 8: Understanding JavaScript and Coding Essentials 189
Lesson 9: Creating Animations, Working with Graphics,
and Accessing Data 215
Lesson 10: JavaScript Coding for the Touch Interface,
Device and Operating System Resources, and More 243
Appendix 268
Index 269 or
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Lesson 1: Managing the Application Choosing and Configuring HTML5 Tags to Display
Text Content 29
Life Cycle 1 Text Elements from HTML 4 with New Meaning or
Functionality 29
Exam Objective Matrix 1 New Text Elements in HTML5 31
Key Terms 1 Text Elements Not Used in HTML5 32
Understanding Platform Fundamentals 2 Choosing and Configuring HTML5 Tags to
What’s New in HTML5? 3 Display Graphics 34
Creating Apps 5 Using the figure and figcaption Elements 35
Exploring Packaging and the Runtime Environment 7 Creating Graphics with Canvas 38
Understanding the Host Process 7 Canvas Basics 39
Understanding the App Package and App Container 8 Creating an Outline of a Shape 40
Understanding Credentials and Permission Sets 10 Providing an Alternate Image or Text for Older Browsers 41
Understanding and Managing Creating Graphics with SVG 42
Application States 10 When to Use Canvas Instead of SVG 44
Storing State Data Using Local and Session Storage 11 Choosing and Configuring HTML5 Tags
AppCache for Offline Files 11 to Play Media 45
Understanding Touch Interfaces and Gestures 12 Understanding and Using Video Tags 45
Leveraging Existing HTML5 Skills and Content for Understanding and Using Audio Tags 47
Slate/Tablet Applications 13 Skill Summary 49
Debugging and Testing HTML5 Apps 13 Knowledge Assessment 49
Validating HTML5 Code 14 Competency Assessment 51
Validating a Package 14
Proficiency Assessment 52
Publishing an Application to a Store 16
Skill Summary 17 Lesson 3: Building the User
Knowledge Assessment 18 Interface by Using HTML5:
Competency Assessment 20 Organization, Input, and
Proficiency Assessment 20 Validation 53
Lesson 2: Building the User Interface Exam Objective Matrix 53
by Using HTML5: Text, Key Terms 53
Graphics, and Media 21 Choosing and Configuring HTML5 Tags to Organize
Content and Forms 54
Exam Objective Matrix 21 Understanding Semantic HTML 54
Using Tags to Add Structure to an HTML Document 55
Key Terms 21 The header and footer Elements 56
Understanding the Essentials of HTML 22 The section Element 57
Basic Markup and Page Structure 22 The nav Element 59
Using Attributes 23 The article Element 61
Nesting Elements 24 The aside Element 61
Understanding Entities 24 Using Tags to Create Tables and Lists 64
Understanding the Doctype 25 Creating Tables 64
Exploring the Markup of a Simple Web Page 26 Creating Lists 69 or
xviii | call the MOAC Toll-Free Number: 1+(888) 764-7001 (U.S. & Canada only)
Contents | xix

Choosing and Configuring HTML5 Tags for Input Applying Proportional Scaling within a Flexbox 116
and Validation 72 Changing the Direction of Child Items in a Flexbox 122
Understanding Input and Forms 73 Ordering and Arranging Content 126
Exploring Form Creation, Input Attributes, and Values 77 Using Grid Layouts to Establish Content
Understanding Validation 81 Alignment, Direction, and Orientation 128
Skill Summary 83 Creating a Grid Using CSS Properties for
Rows and Columns 130
Knowledge Assessment 84
Understanding Grid Templates 132
Competency Assessment 86
Skill Summary 133
Proficiency Assessment 86
Knowledge Assessment 133
Lesson 4: Understanding CSS Competency Assessment 135
Essentials: Content Proficiency Assessment 136
Flow, Positioning,
and Styling 87 Lesson 6: Managing Text Flow by
Using CSS 137
Objective Domain Matrix 87
Exam Objective Matrix 137
Key Terms 87
Key Terms 137
Understanding CSS Essentials 87
Using the Appropriate Tools 88 Managing the Flow of Text Content by Using CSS 137
Exploring the Link between HTML and CSS 89 Understanding and Using Regions to Flow Text
Separating Content from Style 91 Content between Multiple Sections 139
Understanding Selectors and Declarations 92 Flowing Content through Containers Dynamically 140
Understanding Fonts and Font Families 94 Overflowing Text 142
Managing Content Flow 96 Microsoft’s Implementation of CSS Regions 142
Positioning Individual Elements 99 Using Columns and Hyphenation to Optimize
Applying Float Positioning 99 the Readability of Text 145
Applying Absolute Positioning 100 Creating Columns 146
Managing Content Overflow 102 Using Hyphenation 150
Understanding Scrolling Overflow 102 Using CSS Exclusions to Create Text Flow
Understanding Visible Overflow and Hidden Overflow 104 around a Floating Object 152
Skill Summary 105 Skill Summary 155
Knowledge Assessment 106 Knowledge Assessment 155
Competency Assessment 108 Competency Assessment 157
Proficiency Assessment 109 Proficiency Assessment 158

Lesson 5: Understanding CSS Lesson 7: Managing the Graphical

Essentials: Layouts 110 Interface by Using
CSS 159
Exam Objective Matrix 110
Key Terms 110 Exam Objective Matrix 159
Arranging User Interface (UI) Content Key Terms 159
by Using CSS 111
Using Flexbox for Simple Layouts and Using Grid for
Managing the Graphical Interface with CSS 159
Creating Graphics Effects 160
Complex Layouts 112
Creating Rounded Corners 160
Using a Flexible Box to Establish Content Alignment, Creating Shadows 161
Direction, and Orientation 114 Applying Transparency 163
Work with Flexboxes and Flexbox Items 116 Applying Background Gradients 164 or
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xx | Contents

Understanding Typography and the Web Manipulating the Canvas with JavaScript 220
Open Font Format 166 Sending and Receiving Data 224
Applying 2D and 3D Transformations 167 Transmitting Complex Objects and Parsing 227
2D Translation 168
2D Scaling 169 Loading and Saving Files 229
2D and 3D Rotation 171 Using the Application Cache (AppCache) 231
2D and 3D Skewing 172 Understanding and Using Data Types 233
Understanding 3D Perspective, Transitions, and Animations 173 Using JavaScript to Validate User Form Input 233
Applying SVG Filter Effects 179
Understanding and Using Cookies 235
Using Canvas to Enhance the GUI 182
Understanding and Using Local Storage 237
Skill Summary 185
Skill Summary 239
Knowledge Assessment 186
Knowledge Assessment 240
Competency Assessment 188
Competency Assessment 242
Proficiency Assessment 188
Proficiency Assessment 242

Lesson 8: Understanding
JavaScript and Coding Lesson 10: JavaScript Coding for the
Essentials 189 Touch Interface, Device
and Operating System
Objective Domain Matrix 189 Resources, and More 243
Key Terms 189
Exam Objective Matrix 243
Managing and Maintaining JavaScript 189
Creating and Using Functions 193 Key Terms 243
Using jQuery and Other Third-Party Libraries 197 Responding to the Touch Interface 244
Updating the UI by Using JavaScript 199 Capturing and Responding to Gestures 246
Locating and Accessing Elements 201 Coding Additional HTML5 APIs 249
Listening and Responding to Events 203 Coding to Capture GeoLocation 249
Showing and Hiding Elements 206 Understanding Web Workers 252
Updating the Content of Elements 208 Understanding WebSockets 255
Adding Elements 209 Using File API for File Uploads 258
Skill Summary 211 Accessing Device and Operating
Knowledge Assessment 212 System Resources 260
Accessing In-Memory Resources 260
Competency Assessment 214 Accessing Hardware Capabilities 262
Proficiency Assessment 214 Understanding Global Positioning System (GPS) 263
Understanding Accelerometer 263
Accessing a Camera 263
Lesson 9: Creating Animations, Skill Summary 264
Working with Graphics, Knowledge Assessment 265
and Accessing Data 215 Competency Assessment 267
Objective Domain Matrix 215 Proficiency Assessment 267
Key Terms 215
Coding Animations by Using JavaScript 216 Appendix 268
Creating Animations 216
Index 269
Working with Images, Shapes,
and Other Graphics 219 or
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Managing the LE SS O N 1
Life Cycle


Understanding Platform Understand the platform 1.1
Fundamentals fundamentals.
Understanding and Managing Manage the state of an 1.2
Application States application.
Understanding Touch Interfaces Understand the platform 1.1
and Gestures fundamentals.
Debug and test an HTML5-based 1.3
touch-enabled application.
Debugging and Testing HTML5 Apps Debug and test an HTML5-based 1.3
touch-enabled application.
Publishing an Application to a Store Publish an application to a store. 1.4

app container markup language
app package media queries
AppCache Metro-style user interface (UI)
application programming interface (API) namespace
application state permission sets
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) persistent state information
cookies platform-independent
debugging scripting language
gesture session state
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) sessionStorage
Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP) touch event
HTML5 touch-screen simulator or emulator
identity permissions validator
JavaScript Windows Runtime (WinRT)
launcher icon Windows Store
localStorage World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

2 | Lesson 1

You are the new intern at Malted Milk Media, a creative agency that creates rich media
applications for clients. The company will soon begin using HTML5 in its projects.
Your manager asked you to research HTML5 and its related technologies and present
a report on significant changes from HTML 4.01 to HTML5. You must also include
information on how HTML5 can be used for creating touch-screen applications, such as
those for PCs, slates, tablets, and smartphones.

■ Understanding Platform Fundamentals

HTML5 is the latest HTML standard and a family of technologies that includes HTML,
CSS, and JavaScript. Although the HTML5 standard won’t be finalized for a few years,
THE BOTTOM LINE most modern Web browsers already support HTML5 elements, and HTML5 app
development for Web and mobile device browsers is well underway.

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the language you use to describe Web pages. It is a
markup language, not a programming language, which means HTML uses markup tags such as
<body> and <h1> to describe parts of a Web page. An HTML file doesn’t “run” like a program.
Instead, an HTML file is interpreted by a browser to display a Web page based on the tags.
W3C® is a trademark Since 1999, HTML 4.01 has been the standard for Web pages, but the world has changed
(registered in numerous quite a bit since then. Web users want richer Web applications that incorporate audio, video,
countries) of the World and a lot of interactivity on the Web sites they visit. And with the surge in popularity of
Wide Web Consortium; mobile devices like slates, tablets, and smartphones, users want to experience the same rich-
marks of W3C are reg- ness and interactivity in mobile applications regardless of which device they choose.
istered and held by its All of this has prompted the need for a new standard, which will be HTML5. The World
host institutions MIT, Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is the main standards body developing specifications for
ERCIM, and Keio. HTML5, which should be finalized in 2014. The HTML5 logo is shown in Figure 1-1.

Figure 1-1
The HTML5 logo

Even though HTML5
is still under develop-
ment, most of the major
Web browsers such
as Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Google
Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, This work is attributed to the W3C.
Opera, and Apple Safari
support many HTML5
elements. An important point to remember about HTML5 is that it is both a standard and a combination
or family of new HTML markup tags, CSS, JavaScript, and other related technologies. Cascading
Style Sheets (CSS) defines styles for HTML in a separate file, so you can easily change fonts, font
CERTIFICATION READY sizes, and other attributes in a CSS file and the changes are reflected across all HTML files that ref-
What are the three erence the CSS file. The latest version of CSS is CSS3. JavaScript is a scripting language (a pro-
primary technologies in gramming language that uses scripts and requires no compiler) that adds interactivity to Web pages.
the HTML5 family?
Although you can use HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript to create Web pages, you can also use
the combination to develop client applications (apps) that run on touch-enabled devices like
Managing the Application Life Cycle | 3

PCs, slates, tablets, and smartphones. Essentially, the same technologies developers use to build
* Web pages are now beginning to be used to build applications that run on different devices.
You’ll learn about CSS3
and JavaScript in depth HTML5 is also platform-independent. That means you can create apps using the HTML5
in later lessons. family of technologies that can run on different desktop and mobile device operating systems,
such as Microsoft Windows, Internet Explorer, and Windows Phone. You can also run them
in Mac OS X, Android, iOS, and Blackberry OS. Because HTML5 is built on an open
standard, users of HTML5 apps do not have to download a plug-in or use devices that have
plug-in support. Instead, you can use any Web browser, whether on your PC or mobile device,
and get the same rich Web experience.
Finally, an important part of app development in the Windows environment is the Metro
style user interface (UI), which is the UI used by the latest Microsoft Windows version:
Windows 8. The Metro style UI includes features like a clean, uncluttered look and feel, use
of the full screen, large hubs (graphical buttons), and a focus on lateral scrolling, to name a
few. See Figure 1-2 as an example.

Figure 1-2
The Windows 8 Start screen
is a Metro style UI

Because this book helps prepare you for the Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA)
98-375 certification exam, HTML5 Application Development Fundamentals, examples in
the lessons use Microsoft tools as much as possible. However, the exam does not focus on
a specific set of tools. You can work with the HTML5 family using many different tools
* from many different companies. Even a simple text editor like Notepad or Notepad++ does
the trick when working with HTML markup, CSS, and JavaScript. You need the more
comprehensive tools, like Visual Studio, when debugging a lot of code, packaging apps for
distribution, and similar tasks. Free development tools for creating Metro style apps are
available at

What’s New in HTML5?

The HTML5 family includes many new markup tags and technologies like media
queries, geolocation, Modernizr, and much more. These technologies add a lot of
functionality to HTML-based apps and help make the finished product more stylish.
4 | Lesson 1

The following is a short list of these new features and brief descriptions:
• Audio and video tags: Embeds audio and video multimedia using the HTML5 markup
tags <audio> and <video>.
• Canvas: An HTML5 element that creates a container for graphics, and uses JavaScript to
draw the graphics as needed.
• Media queries: A CSS3 feature that detects the user’s type of screen and sizes the output
• New application programming interfaces (APIs): Give apps access to a plethora of
resources, such as files, webcams, and hardware-accelerated animations.
• Geolocation: Uses JavaScript to detect the location (geographic positioning) of a client
device, whether it’s a Windows Phone, Android phone, or a PC.
• Modernizr: A JavaScript library that helps you deliver the new capabilities of HTML5
and CSS3 in older browsers.
This is a small sampling of the available features and technologies. You’ll learn how to use
many of these in lessons throughout the course.


GET READY. To learn about the HTML5 standard, perform the following steps:
1. Go to the W3C Web site at
2. Read the content on the first few pages, until you reach the Table of Contents and
then address the following questions:
• What is the latest published version of the standard?
• Which working group is responsible for the specification?
• What is the name of the Web page that tracks bugs, and what are three bugs that
have not yet been addressed?
• What is the name of the Web page that tracks outstanding issues, and what are
three issues that have not yet been addressed?
3. On the main HTML5 Web page, spend about 15 minutes browsing the remainder of the
page to become familiar with the topics.


GET READY. To learn about app develop resources provided by Microsoft, perform the
following steps:
1. Go to the Beginner Developer Learning Center Web site at
2. Click the Getting started with Windows Metro style apps development link. On the
resulting page, browse the information. Which technologies or development tools can
you use to create Metro style apps?
3. Go to the HTML/CSS for Metro style apps Web page at
4. Click the HTML and DOM reference link and then answer the following question:
• What is the Document Object Model (DOM) and what is its significance to Metro
Style apps?
5. Return to the HTML/CSS for Metro style apps page at Click the
Cascading style sheets reference link and then address the following:
• Name three elements of Web pages that are controlled using CSS.
6. Go to the MSDN site at Browse the information to become
familiar with the site.
Managing the Application Life Cycle | 5

The Web addresses used in the previous exercises are repeated here for your convenience—consider
bookmarking them for later use. You can find information on the HTML5 standard on the W3C Web site at One Web site that provides HTML5 tutorials is at
html5/default.asp. Microsoft provides useful information to new developers at the Beginner Developer Learning
Center ( and the MSDN site at

Creating Apps

HTML5 apps are much easier to develop than similar apps that use other technologies
such as Adobe Flash and Microsoft Silverlight. HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript are
interpreted languages, which means they do not require compilation. You can debug the
code within a browser, make quick edits, and then refresh the browser window to see the
result of the changes.

Although you can create a lot of code using a simple text or HTML editor, if you want to
package and deploy your app, you’ll need to use an application development tool such as
Microsoft Visual Studio.

Figure 1-3
Plan Design UI Update Manifest
General steps for creating
an app

Test and Debug Build App Write Code

Package Validate Deploy

In this section, you will learn the general steps involved in creating an app. Figure 1-3
illustrates the steps, which are explained as follows:
• Plan your project: Think about the type of app you want to create. Whatever you
choose, it’s best to keep it simple while you’re first learning HTML5 app development.
After you decide on the main action of your app, create an outline of the general flow
of the application from start to finish. Also determine the type of user interactivity
you want to include, such as a touch interface, whether you need to save data outside
of the app, and whether the app should connect to other apps or services (such as an
RSS feed).
• Design a UI: When designing the user interface, determine how you want the app
to appear to users. Group the content in a way that makes logical sense. Begin listing
the commands you will need for the app to run as expected, and gather images and
multimedia clips if necessary. At a minimum, today’s apps require a launcher icon,
which represents your app.
• Update the app manifest: Every app requires a manifest file. The manifest file
describes properties of the app and what the app needs to run (see Figure 1-4). The file
includes many different pieces of information, such as a display name that users see, a
description of the app, the app’s orientation (portrait, landscape, etc.), the file path to the
app’s icon, the app’s capabilities (system features or devices that your app can use), and
much more.
6 | Lesson 1

Figure 1-4
An example of a manifest file

• Write code: During this phase, you compose the code for your application, which might
include a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
• Build the app: Using an app development tool such as Visual Studio, convert your code
and other resources into an actual application.
• Debug and test: You must test your app thoroughly and fix any problems that appear. If
the app uses a touch interface, it’s highly important to test the app on a touch device or
use a touch emulator.
• Package: Packaging an app creates a container that holds all of the various files required
by the app, such as JavaScript, images, and so on.
• Validate: Validating your app means running it through a validation program to ensure
nothing is missing,
• Deploy: Upload your app to a marketplace such as the Windows Store.
Apps that you plan to deploy to many people, especially through a marketplace such
as an app store, must be reliable and secure. Many apps are also designed to run on
multiple operating systems. Be sure you have tested your app thoroughly and validated
it with the proper tools. You should also consider providing technical support for more
complex apps.


GET READY. To prepare to work with HTML5 and develop apps, perform the following steps:
1. Look for sources of free, non-copyrighted images on the Web. Even if you’re capable
of creating many of your own graphics, having resources to draw from will come
in handy.
2. To work with HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript files, download and install a text or HTML
editor, such as Notepad++. (Just search for Notepad++ using a Web browser.) A
more full-featured tool is Visual Studio Express for Web, available from the Visual
Studio Web site at Express for Web lets you open your files
into a Web browser with one click and provides lots of templates to help you create
files quickly.
Managing the Application Life Cycle | 7

3. Ensure you have the latest versions of your browser installed.

4. To create apps for the Windows Store, download Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Express
for Windows 8 from and install it. The program requires Windows
8 to be installed.

Exploring Packaging and the Runtime Environment

The Windows Runtime environment is the foundation of the Windows 8 operating

system and provides functionality to Metro-style apps.

When an application is launched, it’s considered to be in a runtime environment (RTE). This

is the environment in which developers test their applications, and where users run the apps.
Windows has its own runtime environment, called Windows Runtime (WinRT).
The WinRT is the foundation of the Windows 8 operating system, and is made up of layers
that provide functionality to Metro-style apps and the Windows shell. WinRT supports apps
written in different languages that use the Metro UI.
The Windows Core layer is at the base. This layer includes the Windows kernel, services, and
user mode. Moving up, the Windows Runtime Core includes additional services like memory
management and globalization. Above the Windows Runtime Core are layers related to devices,
along with media, networking, local and remote storage, and more. The UI layer supports
HTML5 apps, along with others.
The WinRT works with C#, C++, Visual Basic, and JavaScript. You can build Metro style apps
with the WinRT and Windows Library for JavaScript APIs. An application programming
interface (API) is simply a list of instructions letting a program communicate with another
program. In a Web app, an API enables a Web browser or a Web server to communicate with
other programs. There are hundreds of APIs available for many different uses.

The Document Object Model (DOM) is an important API to keep in mind. The DOM
is designed for HTML and Extensible Markup Language (XML), and allows programs
* and scripts to update content, structure, and styles on the fly—essentially anything in an
HTML or XML file can be modified. The DOM is neither HTML nor JavaScript, but it
ties them together.

The Windows Library for JavaScript includes JavaScript and CSS files which developers can
Which environment gives use to create Metro style apps more easily and quickly. You use the library along with HTML,
developers access to a CSS, and the WinRT to create apps.
user’s device? The runtime environment is responsible for access to devices, media, networking, local and
1.1 remote storage, and other items. A developer can use APIs and the runtime environment to
request access to user devices within an app. In a Windows 8 app, for example, the device
could be a keyboard, mouse, touchpad, printer, webcam, or microphone.

For more information about Windows Runtime, visit the “HTML, CSS, and JavaScript features and differences”
Web page at


Whether an app is a Web app or whether it’s created for Windows, an app requires a runtime
host to start it. For example, when you start Internet Explorer, a host process in the operating
8 | Lesson 1

system controls the overall execution of the browser. (A “process” is simply a program that’s
being executed.) In this case, each browser tab gets its own process, so if you have three tabs
open, the system has three processes running for each of those tabs.
When you run a Metro style app that was created with JavaScript, Internet Explorer renders
the HTML much like when you browse to a Web page, but the browser is hosted by a
different process, called WWAHost.exe. This process runs the app inside of an app container.
(You’ll learn about app containers in the next section.) WWAHost passes the HTML, CSS,
and JavaScript into the default.html page that is the start of your app.

To keep things orderly, the code running in a Metro style app container is restricted to certain
What is the role of the actions, by default. If you want your app to access a device, another app, the Internet, or any-
host process in managing thing outside of itself, you must declare (specify) the interaction in the app manifest. These
apps? declarations are located in the Capabilities section of the manifest. When the end user installs
1.1 the app, the user must give permission for the requested access.
Metro style apps use contracts, which are essentially agreements, and something called exten-
sions when creating interactions between apps. WinRT APIs handle the communication
between the apps.


The purpose of an app package is for ease of distribution and deployment. Application pack-
aging bundles an app’s files and folders into a distributable package. An app container ensures
the application runs in its own memory space and doesn’t corrupt the operating system.
Application packaging is the process of bundling an application and its various files into a
distributable file, making it easy to deploy the app. The app package is the result of the pack-
aging process. Packaging is similar to archiving a folder that contains files and subfolders. It
would be difficult to send all of the files and subfolders to someone as is, but the job is much
easier when you compress everything into a single archive file. App development packages
CERTIFICATION READY like Visual Studio provide the functionality to create app packages. A user acquires an app
What is the purpose package, usually from an online app store, and installs it on a PC or device. The application
of packaging an executes in a runtime app container, which means a separate memory space. An app con-
tainer prevents corruption of the operating system if the application fails for some reason and
enables a user to cleanly uninstall the app.
Some things you should know about packages are as follows:
• A package may contain Web pages, code, database tables, and procedures. When a
package has a user interface, it’s referred to as an application.
• A package can contain other packages.
• You can move one or more elements in or out of a package. Because a package is in its
own container, if you move a package, then everything in the package moves as a unit.
• A user can install, upgrade, or remove a package.
A single package can have a lot of functionality. To keep all of the components separated so
they don’t conflict, a package defines a namespace. Think of a namespace as a work area for
related objects (pages, code, etc.).


GET READY. To explore the kinds of sample apps that are available for download, perform the
following steps:
1. Go to the MSDN Developer Network Samples Web page (see Figure 1-5) at Microsoft provides a wide range of sample apps and code
samples, which you can download and open in an app development tool like Visual
Studio. You can also view the code for many sample apps online.
Managing the Application Life Cycle | 9

Figure 1-5
A portion of the MSDN
Developer Network Samples
Web page

2. Scroll down and click the HTML5 link in the left pane, currently near the bottom of
the list.
3. Browse through the samples and find an app that displays “HTML5” after the app
description, such as the stocks end-to-end sample. Click the link to the app.
4. The resulting page indicates which program is required to open and edit the app’s
files and which technologies are included in the app. The stocks end-to-end sample
requires Visual Studio 12 and includes JavaScript and HTML5, as shown in Figure 1-6.

Figure 1-6
Viewing a sample app’s
Web page

5. Click the Browse Code link, click StocksSample in the left pane, click html, and then
click dashboard.html. The HTML markup displays. Scroll through the markup to get a
feel for the type of code you’ll see many times in this book.
10 | Lesson 1

6. Click css in the left pane and then click dashboard.css. The CSS code displays.
7. Click js in the left pane and then click default.js. The JavaScript code displays.
8. If you have an app development tool (like Visual Studio) already installed, feel free
to download and open the sample app to browse all of the files in the package.
9. You can also go to the Web site, click the Posts & Tutorials menu
at the top of the screen, check the Samples check box, and then browse how each
sample works along with its code.
10. Close any open windows.

For more information about the app package, visit the “App packages and deployment” Web page at

Understanding Credentials and Permission Sets

The .NET Framework provides a secure environment in which HTML5/JavaScript apps

can run. The framework uses security transparency to separate different kinds of code while
running, and uses permission sets and identity permissions to control the environment.

Code security is a priority with app developers. The monetary loss from viruses, Trojans,
cross-site scripting attacks, and other malware distributed across the Internet increases each
year. Creating a safe and secure environment for apps to run in is vitally important to most
individuals and organizations today.

The good news is that the .NET Framework 4.0 supports building and running Metro style
How do credentials and apps, among other technologies. The .NET Framework is a Windows component that runs in
permission sets protect the background, providing the code-execution environment for scripted or interpreted code
apps? (like JavaScript), helping them run with relatively few problems. It also provides an object-
1.1 oriented programming environment for object code.
The .NET Framework now relies more heavily on security “transparency” than in past
versions. Transparency prevents application code from running with infrastructure code.
The .NET Framework uses permission sets and identity permission. Permission sets are
groups of permissions. Transparent code executes commands that don’t exceed the limitations
of a permission set, and transparent code is even more limited when it comes to critical code.
The .NET Framework defines several levels of permission sets, which range from Nothing (no
permissions exist and code cannot run) to Full Trust (code can access all resources fully).
Identity permissions protect assemblies (compiled code libraries) based on evidence, which
is information about the assembly. Each identity permission represents a particular kind of
evidence, or credentials, that an assembly must have in order to run.

■ Understanding and Managing Application States

A session state is created when a user first requests access to an application, and it ends
when the session closes, such as when a user logs off. An application state exists from
the time a Web browser requests a Web page until the browser closes. Persistent state
information is data that exists after a session ends. In HTML5, developers can use the
localStorage and sessionStorage JavaScript methods to deal efficiently with state
data. In addition, AppCache enables a user to load data ordinarily stored on a server even
when the user is offline.
Managing the Application Life Cycle | 11

State management is the process of maintaining Web page information during multiple
What is the difference requests for the same or different Web page. When a user first requests access to an
between session state application, the session state is created. The state ends when the user closes the session.
and application state? An alternative to the session state is the application state. The application state is created
1.2 when the Web browser sends the first request for a Web page to the Web server, and it ends
when the user closes the browser.
What is the significance
Persistent state information is data that an application needs after the session ends. Many
of persist state Web applications need to store data (make it persistent) so that users can pick up where they
information? left off when they return to the site.
Storing State Data Using Local and Session Storage

Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP) is the protocol that transfers data on the
World Wide Web. It defines the actions Web servers and browsers take in response to
commands by users. For example, when you enter a uniform resource locator (URL) in
the address field in a browser, the browser sends an HTTP command to the Web server
requesting the Web page. HTTP is a stateless protocol, which means it doesn’t retain
data from session to session. When you close a Web browser after visiting a Web site, the
data is not saved.

To work around the limitations of HTTP protocol, developers historically have used cookies,
How does HTML5 which are small files that contain information about the user and the Web site visited and
manage state data? are saved on the user’s computer. When a user returns to a visited site, the browser sends the
1.2 cookies back to the Web server. Cookies help a Web server “remember” a user and customize
the user’s experience on that site.
However, cookies have proven to be a security risk. In addition, if large amounts of data are
involved, all of the data gets sent between the browser and server upon every request, which
would cause a noticeable performance decrease to the user. In HTML5, developers can use the
Web storage instead, which offers more flexibility, larger data sets, and better performance.

The localStorage method allows users to save larger amounts of data from session
Which two HTML5/ to session (persistent data), and there’s no time limit as to how long the data exists. The
JavaScript methods sessionStorage method keeps data only for one session (until the browser is closed),
enable an application to which is also referred to as “per-tab storage.”
store persistent data?
Using these methods, specific data is transferred only when requested, so it’s possible to store
a relatively large amount of data without slowing down the connection or site.


Another way to use Web storage is to store data locally when a user is offline. The Application
Cache, or AppCache, stores resources like images, HTML pages, CSS files,and JavaScript—
data that would ordinarily be stored on a server. Because the resources are stored on the cli-
ent’s hard disk or device, the resources load faster when requested.
Using AppCache, a developer uses a text file called a “cache manifest” to specify the files a
Web browser should cache offline. Even if a user presses the Refresh button offline, the app
will load and work correctly. A cache manifest file looks similar to the following:
You’ll learn more about
using AppCache with images/dot.png
JavaScript in Lesson 8.
12 | Lesson 1

For more information about state management, and local and session storage, see the “Storing and retrieving
state efficiently” Web page at

■ Understanding Touch Interfaces and Gestures

On a touch-screen device, a finger move is called a gesture, and the response by the app
to that gesture is called an event. Developing touch-enabled apps requires thorough
knowledge of how fingers interact with the screen and planning for different sizes
of fingers. You can use JavaScript to create touch-enabled apps, primarily using the
touchstart, touchend, and touchmove events.

Today’s mobile devices and many PC monitors incorporate touch-screen technology, which
What is a gesture, and makes it easier for many users to interact with the devices and their programs. A simple finger
what is its significance tap selects an object or presses a button, a finger swipe scrolls a list of photos on the screen,
with touch devices? and a pinch zooms out on an image.
1.3 Any finger move is referred to as a gesture, which can involve a single finger (one-touch, such
as press, tap, press and hold, slide to pan, and so on) or a finger and a thumb (two-touch,
such as a pinch and stretch or a turn to rotate). The action the application takes in response
to a gesture is called a touch event. You can use JavaScript to create touch events in touch-
enabled apps. In JavaScript, the three primary touch events are touchstart, touchend, and
When designing apps for a touch-screen environment, gesture responsiveness is key. Slow
performance will frustrate most users. Incorporate physics effects such as acceleration and
You’ll learn how to inertia to create a more fluid interaction between the user and screen.
create JavaScript code Visual feedback for successful interactions and other notifications is highly important. This
for touch interfaces in allows the user to understand whether he or she is using the touch landscape appropriately.
Lesson 9. Snap points help users stop at a location within the interface where intended, even if a gesture
is a little off the mark.
You should also keep in mind that users have different size fingers, and it’s a best practice to
design for wider rather than narrower digits. And of course, users will be either right- or
left-handed, so a well-designed app uses vertically symmetric navigation and provides for
flipping the screen 90 degrees to go from portrait to landscape or vice versa.

Multi-touch occurs when a user must press multiple buttons or locations at once. This is
What are some touch- common with games on a touch-screen device, where the user often uses several fingers and
enabled best practices both thumbs simultaneously or in very rapid succession. In this situation, swipes and gestures
you should test for? don’t work well, resulting in unintended zooming and scrolling instead. The fix is to disable
1.3 zooming and scrolling in JavaScript.
Another item to test for in a multi-touch app is the reaction to touch events. There will be
many events occurring at the same time, which requires proper tracking of fingers and render-
ing in a loop to get the best performance.
When developing any touch-enabled app, be sure to test for the following:
• Overall responsiveness and fluidity
• Tapping, pinching, rotating, and other common gestures
• Controlled scrolling
• Controlled panning
Managing the Application Life Cycle | 13

• Ability to disabled scrolling and panning

• Accuracy of snap points
• Unintended zooming or scrolling, especially in a multi-touch environment
• Proper touch event reaction, especially in a multi-touch environment
Designing and developing well-formed touch-enabled apps takes practice, and a lot of testing.
If you don’t have a touch-screen device, you can use MouseTouch events and a touch-screen
emulator or simulator. Try Microsoft Surface SDK and Runtime for Windows 7, or the
Windows Simulator tool in Visual Studio 11. A touch-screen simulator or emulator imitates
a system that only has touch capabilities. Several free emulators are available online.


GET READY. To learn about different kinds of gestures, perform the following steps:
1. Go to the Touch interaction design Web page at
2. Read the content on the Web page.
3. Bookmark the page for future reference or locate and click the link that downloads a
PDF version of the Web page to your computer.
4. Close the browser window.

You can find the WC3 touch specifications at For more information about touch and
gestures, visit the “Responding to user interaction” Web page at

Leveraging Existing HTML5 Skills and Content for

Slate/Tablet Applications

An advantage for seasoned developers who want to create Metro style apps is that their
existing HTML5 skills and code lend themselves well to Metro app development.

A highly flexible aspect of developing touch-enabled Metro style apps is that it doesn’t require
Does a Web developer a big learning curve for developers who are already using HTML5 and other methods of app
need to gain new skills to development. They can apply their existing skills and code to creating Metro style apps almost
be able to create Metro immediately. A Web developer’s experience with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and JavaScript librar-
style apps for touch ies is an advantage when transitioning to touch-enabled Metro app development.
In addition, Microsoft.NET Framework and Silverlight developers can apply their XAML,
C#, and Visual Basic experience to Metro projects. Game programmers who are well versed
with Microsoft DirectX 11 can also apply their skills creating Metro apps.

■ Debugging and Testing HTML5 Apps

All apps must be thoroughly tested and debugged to ensure they run reliably and as error-
THE BOTTOM LINE free as possible before distribution and deployment.

Debugging an application involves detecting, finding, and correcting logical or syntactical

errors. A syntax error is a typo in the code or a similar error, which is usually revealed during
runtime for interpreted apps. A logic error results in the app behaving differently than expected.
14 | Lesson 1

Testing and debugging code is a standard part of app development, and the majority of tools
What can a developer do like Visual Studio have debugging features built in to the software. Some errors are easy to
to help ensure that a new detect and fix, whereas others can require hours or even days to resolve, depending on the
app is reliable and as complexity of the application.
error-free as possible?
Either way, the testing and debugging phase is highly important for several reasons:
• Your goal is to provide a reliable, secure, and useful app to customers. Debugging and
testing help to ensure all three are met.
• High-quality apps garner high ratings, which can boost your profits and drive sales of
future apps.
• If you plan to publish your app through the Windows Store or another reputable
online app marketplace, the store will require validation or certification that your app
has been tested.

Validating HTML5 Code

One of the first steps in the debugging and testing phase is to validate your HTML5
code. Validation means verifying the validity of your code. A validator looks for
anything that could cause the code to be interpreted incorrectly, such as missing or
unclosed tags, an improper DOCTYPE declaration, a trailing slash, deprecated code,
and so on. (Don’t worry about those details right now. You’ll learn about them in
Lesson 2.)

The W3C provides a code validation service for all active versions of HTML on its Markup
Validation Service Web page at The service is free for anyone to use.
You simply click a link to upload your file to the service, or copy and paste the content of
your file into a text box on the Web site. After that, click the Check button. The validation
service checks your code and reports any errors or problems you need to fix.
A validator is not the same as an emulator or a simulator. A validator actually tests the code
and reports inaccuracies, giving you an opportunity to make changes. Emulators and simula-
tors simply provide an environment in which to run code.

The W3C also provides a link checker at This service

* checks that all links in your HTML file are valid. The CSS Validation Service at checks your CSS files.

Validating a Package

Microsoft provides a free tool called the Windows App Certification Kit for testing local
apps. The kit is a type of validator that tests your app on your computer before you
attempt to package and publish it to the Windows Store.

The Windows App Certification Kit is included in the Windows Software Development Kit
(SDK) for Metro style apps, available on the Microsoft Web site. To use the kit, you must
first package and install the app locally using an app development tool. Then open the kit,
select the application you want to validate, and run the validator. A report displays noting
any problems with the app. The Windows App Certification Kit might also be available as
a menu choice within your app development tool.
Correct the problems in an app development tool and then test the application again. You’ll
repeat this process until your app validates.
Managing the Application Life Cycle | 15


GET READY. To become familiar with the W3C Markup Validation Service, perform the
following steps:
1. Go to the W3C Markup Validation Service Web page at
2. Click the Validate by File Upload tab.
3. Click Browse.
4. Navigate to and select an HTML file from one of your sample apps. Click Open, and
then click Check.
5. Scroll down the page and read the errors and warnings, if any. Figure 1-7 shows an

Figure 1-7
Errors and warnings as a result
of attempting to validate an
HTML Web page

6. If the validator provides links to more information about errors or warnings, click
through to at least two of them and read the information.
7. When you’re finished, leave the Web browser open.


GET READY. To become familiar with the W3C CSS Validation Service, perform the
following steps:
1. Go to the W3C CSS Validation Service Web page at
(see Figure 1-8).
2. Click the By file upload tab.
3. Click Browse.
4. Navigate to and select a CSS file from one of your sample apps. Click Open, and then
click Check.
16 | Lesson 1

Figure 1-8
The W3C CSS Validation Service
Web page

5. Scroll down the page and read the errors and warnings, if any.
6. If the validator provides links to more information about errors or warnings, click
through to at least two of them and read the information.
7. When you’re finished, leave the Web browser open.

■ Publishing an Application to a Store

Once your app has been tested, debugged, and the code validated or certified, you need to
take a few more steps to prepare it for upload to a marketplace such as the Windows Store.
You can use Visual Studio 12 or Visual Studio 12 Express to complete the project.

Publishing your app to a public marketplace like the Windows Store is the pinnacle of all
of your planning, designing, coding, and testing. The Windows Store is an online global
marketplace for Metro style apps. Publishing your app for distribution through the store can
possibly turn a good idea into a lucrative venture.
Another bonus to selling through the Windows Store is that you get access to several handy tools,
such as Microsoft Visual Studio Express and Microsoft Expression Blend. You can also download
personalized app telemetry data, which can greatly speed up app creation and deployment.
Before publishing your app to the Windows Store, you must do the following:
• Sign up and pay for a Windows Store developer account, and reserve a name for your
CERTIFICATION READY app. You’ll also need to edit your app’s manifest file.
How do you publish an • Go through the app submission checklist at The checklist
app to the Windows includes tasks such as naming your app, choosing selling details such as selecting
appropriate pricing and a release date, assigning an age rating, describing your app,
and more.
Managing the Application Life Cycle | 17

• Use the Windows App Certification Kit to test your app, if you haven’t done so already.
• Capture some screen shots of significant or unique features of your app to showcase in
the store. You can use the Snipping Tool, which is built into Windows 7 and Windows 8,
to capture screen shots or you can use another tool of your choice.
• Have other testers or developers test your app on as many different devices and platforms
as possible, especially if you tested it only in a simulator or emulator.
• Include a privacy statement if your app gathers personal information or uses copyrighted
software to run.
* When you’re ready, use your app development tool (such as Visual Studio 12 or Visual
You must sign up and Studio 12 Express for Windows 8) to create a final app package and then upload it to the
pay for a Windows Windows Store.
Store developer account
to add your app to the It’s customary to wait for approval from the store. If approved, your app will be certified and listed.
store menu. However, even after all of your preparatory work, your app could be rejected, which means you
must fix any problems noted by app store personnel if you want to retest and republish the app.


GET READY. To learn more about Windows Store requirements, perform the following steps:
1. Open Internet Explorer, then go to
2. Search for Windows Store Marketplace and go to the site.
3. Browse the categories of apps. Note the three highest rated apps, and another three
apps that interest you.
4. Read the description of each app and make notes that could help you write an
appealing description for your app.
5. Note the number and quality of screen shots provided for those apps.
6. Note the quality of the launcher icon and any other graphical details.
7. Note the price and age rating of each app.
8. Note any other details that might help you sell your app when it’s ready.
9. When you’re done, close all open windows.



• HTML5 is the latest HTML standard and a family of technologies that includes HTML, CSS,
and JavaScript. Although the HTML5 standard won’t be finalized for a few years, most
modern Web browsers already support HTML5 elements, and HTML5 app development for
Web and mobile device browsers is well underway.
• The HTML5 family includes many new markup tags and technologies like media queries,
geolocation, Modernizr, and much more.
• The general steps for creating an app are: plan the project, design a UI, update the app mani-
fest, write code, build the app, debug and test the app, package the app, and deploy the app.
• The Windows Runtime (WinRT) environment is the foundation of the Windows 8 operating
system and provides functionality to Metro style apps.
• Metro style apps created with JavaScript and that are opened in Internet Explorer are run
by the WWAHost.exe process. This is a different process than the host process that ordi-
narily runs Internet Explorer.
• The purpose of an app package is for ease of distribution and deployment. Application
packaging bundles an app’s files and folders into an app package.
18 | Lesson 1

• The .NET Framework provides a secure environment in which HTML5/JavaScript apps can
run. The framework uses security transparency to separate different kinds of code while
running, and uses permission sets and identity permissions to control the environment.
• A session state is created when a user first requests access to an application, and it ends
when the session closes.
• An application state exists from the time a Web browser requests a Web page until the
browser closes.
• Persist state information is data that exists after a session ends.
• In HTML5, developers can use the localStorage and sessionStorage JavaScript
methods to deal efficiently with state data.
• AppCache is a type of Web storage that enables a user to load data that’s ordinarily
stored on a server even when the user is offline.
• On a touch-screen device, a finger move is called a gesture, and the response by the app
to that gesture is called an event.
• Developing touch-enabled apps requires thorough knowledge of how fingers interact with
the screen and planning for different sizes of fingers.
• You can use JavaScript to create touch-enabled apps, primarily using the touchstart,
touchend, and touchmove events.
• An advantage for seasoned developers who want to create Metro style apps is that their
existing HTML5 skills and code lend themselves well to Metro app development.
• All apps must be thoroughly tested and debugged to ensure they run reliably and as error-
free as possible before distribution and deployment.
• Once your app has been tested, debugged, and the code validated or certified, you need
to take a few more steps to prepare it for upload to a marketplace such as the Windows
Store. You can use Visual Studio 11 or Visual Studio 11 Express to complete the project.

■ Knowledge Assessment
Fill in the Blank
Complete the following sentences by writing the correct word or words in the blanks provided.
1. HTML is a __________ language, not a programming language, which means HTML
uses markup tags such as <body> and <h1> to describe parts of a Web page.
2. ____________________ defines styles for HTML in a separate file, so you can easily
change fonts, font sizes, and other attributes.
3. Windows 8 users the __________ user interface (UI).
4. The __________ is the foundation of the Windows 8 operating system, and is made up
of layers that provide functionality to Metro style apps and the Windows shell.
5. _____________ is the process of bundling an application and its various files into an
app container, making it easy to distribute and deploy the app. The app package is the
result of this process.
6. The ____________ state is created when the Web browser sends the first request for a
Web page to the Web server and it ends when the user closes the browser.
7. The ___________ method keeps data only for one session (until the browser is closed),
which is also referred to as “per-tab storage.”
8. Any finger move is referred to as a ________, which can involve a single finger
(one-touch) or a finger and a thumb (two-touch).
Managing the Application Life Cycle | 19

9. A ________ looks for anything that could cause code to be interpreted incorrectly,
such as missing or unclosed tags, an improper DOCTYPE declaration, a trailing slash,
deprecated code, and so on.
10. The ____________ is an online global marketplace for Metro style apps.

Multiple Choice
Circle the letter that corresponds to the best answer.
1. Which three components are the primary elements of the HTML5 family?
a. XML
c. CSS
d. JavaScript
2. JavaScript is a type of:
a. Program compiler
b. Markup language
c. Scripting language
d. Validator
3. All of the following are true of HTML5 except:
a. It requires Windows 8
b. It can be used to create Web apps and PC and device apps
c. It is platform-independent
d. It is built on an open standard
4. Which operating system environment allows a developer to access a camera or webcam?
a. localStorage
b. WinRT
c. the session state
d. Metro
5. You are developing a Metro style app and want the app to access another app. Where do
you declare the interaction?
a. App manifest
b. CSS
c. At the top of the HTML file
d. Nowhere; you do not have to declare the interaction
6. Which of the following is used to create an app package?
a. JavaScript
b. CSS
c. DOM
d. An app development tool
7. Which API allows programs and scripts to update content, structure, and styles on the fly?
a. JavaScript
b. WinRT
c. The DOM
d. RTE
8. AppCache, localStorage, and sessionStorage are forms of:
a. Web storage
b. HTML commands
c. Standards
d. Namespaces
20 | Lesson 1

9. Which of the following does not usually work well with multi-touch environments and
should be disabled? (Choose two.)
a. Tracking
b. Zooming
c. Scrolling
d. Gesturing
10. Which tool is a type of validator that tests your app on your computer before you
attempt to package and publish it to the Windows Store?
a. WinRT
b. Windows 8
c. W3C Markup Validation Service
d. Windows App Certification Kit

True / False
Circle T if the statement is true or F if the statement is false.
T F 1. An application programming interface (API) is a list of instructions letting a pro-
gram communicate with another program.
T F 2. A best practice is to publish your app without validation to perform live online
T F 3. An emulator searches HTML and CSS documents, looking for errors.
T F 4. It’s a best practice to design touch-enabled apps for wider rather than narrower
T F 5. A platform-independent app can run on different desktop and mobile device oper-
ating systems.

■ Competency Assessment
Scenario 1-1: Understanding New Features in the HTML5 Family
Your manager, Marylyne, wants to learn about the HTML5 family to decide if the company
should begin using it on new projects. She asks you to provide her a list of five or six new
features. What items do you include in the list?

Scenario 1-2: Creating an App

Marylyne approaches you again, this time wanting to know what is involved in creating an
HTML5 app. She asks you to provide an outline. What steps do you include in the outline?

■ Proficiency Assessment
Scenario 1-3: Sharing Touch-Enabled App Development Tips
Antoine is working on a touch-enabled app and asks you for development tips and items he
should be sure to test on his tablet. What do you tell him?

Scenario 1-4: Publishing an App to the Windows Store

Sammy created his first app and wants to publish it to the Windows Store. What are three
preparatory steps he should take?
Building the User LE SS O N 2
Interface by Using
HTML5: Text,
Graphics, and Media


Understanding the Essentials
Choosing and Configuring HTML5 Choose and configure HTML5 tags 2.1
Tags to Display Text Content to display text content.
Choosing and Configuring HTML5 Choose and configure HTML5 tags 2.2
Tags to Display Graphics to display graphics.
Choosing and Configuring HTML5 Choose and configure HTML5 tags 2.3
Tags to Play Media to play media.

attribute figure element
audio element global attribute
canvas element nesting
codec raster image
compression render
deprecation Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
doctype tags
element valid
empty tag vector image
entity video compression
figcaption element video element

22 | Lesson 2

The busy Web site developers at Malted Milk Media have asked you to research new
markup that’s available in HTML5. They’re particularly interested in graphics and
multimedia-related tags. Your task is to learn all that you can about new HTML5
markup tags and prepare brief descriptions and provide examples of each.

■ Understanding the Essentials of HTML

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) uses markup to describe content for display on a
Web page. An element is the combination of tags and the content they enclose. You may
THE BOTTOM LINE need to use special characters on a Web page, which requires character encoding. Finally,
every Web page requires the doctype declaration at the top of the page.

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is called a markup language because you use it to
describe (mark up) pieces of content to display on a Web page. A Web page with markup
means it includes tags, which are keywords that help to give an HTML page structure.
(You’ll learn more about tags shortly.) The key to using HTML is learning which tags to use
and when. The combination of content, tags, and perhaps graphics, multimedia, and so on
are what build a Web page.
You can easily identify an HTML document because it has an .htm or .html file extension.
When a Web browser or mobile device such as a smartphone opens an HTML file, it renders
(interprets and reproduces) the content of the page.

Basic Markup and Page Structure

Every HTML page includes tags. A tag is a keyword surrounded by angled brackets.
Most tags come in pairs; one tag is called the opening or start tag, and the other is the
closing or end tag. A tag pair is case sensitive—a closing tag must have the same case as
the opening tag. A closing tag is identical to an opening tag except the closing tag
includes a slash before the keyword.

Tags surround content and give it definition. For example, this markup creates a first-level
<h1>Pet Care 101</h1>
HTML also uses some single tags, like <br /> for a line break and <hr /> for a horizontal
line. In HTML 4, these tags are called empty tags because they don’t require an end tag.
HTML5 is less restrictive than HTML 4. You don’t have to include end tags for all elements
(although some elements still require start and end tags), and you can enter tags in uppercase
or lowercase. However, this book uses start and end tags, and all lowercase for markup,
for consistency.
There are many tags available for HTML pages. Some of the most commonly used tags are
listed in Table 2-1. The first four—<html>, <head>, <title>, and <body>—are required
on every Web page.
Building the User Interface by Using HTML5: Text, Graphics, and Media | 23

Table 2-1
<html> Identifies the page as an HTML document. The <html> tag
encompasses everything on the page other than the doctype
declaration at the top.
<head> Contains markup and code used by the browser, such as scripts that
add interactivity, and keywords to help search engines find the page.
Content in the <head> tag can also include formatting styles for
the page.
<title> Displays the title of the Web page, which appears at the top of the
Web browser, usually on the page’s tab in a tabbed browser.
<body> Surrounds content that’s visible on the Web page when viewed in a
Web browser.
<a href=URL> Generally used to anchor a URL to text or an image; can also create a
named anchor within a document to allow for linking to sections of
the document.
<b> Applies boldface to text.
<hx> Creates a heading, which can be first level (h1) through sixth level (h6).
<img> Inserts an image from a file or another Web site.
<p> Defines text as a paragraph.

A tag pair or an empty tag is also called an element. An element can describe content, insert
graphics, and create hyperlinks.

Not all tags describe data on their own or at least not in enough detail for rendering, so some
elements must include attributes, which are modifiers of HTML elements that provide addi-
tional information.
Attributes are easy to use and are just extensions of elements. You add attributes to elements
according to this basic syntax:
<tag attribute="value">

Notice that the attribute and its value are both inside a tag. You must include an attribute
within a tag so that the Web browser knows how to handle the attribute. A good example of
an attribute is when creating a hyperlink, as follows:
<a href="">This is a link.</a>

The Web browser uses the combination of the anchor element and the href attribute to display
a hyperlink. Figure 2-1 shows how a Web browser interprets this bit of markup.

A good Web page editor or app development tool should show you which attributes you
* can use with an element, which is a time saver. The tool should also help you debug the
markup if you used an attribute incorrectly.
24 | Lesson 2

Figure 2-1
A hyperlink is the result of
the anchor element using the
href attribute

Two of the most common uses of attributes are to create hyperlinks and to insert simple
graphics. You’ll learn how to work with graphics later in this lesson. HTML5 includes several
global attributes, which you can use with any HTML5 element. Examples of global attri-
butes include id, lang, and class, among many others.

How a Web browser displays your HTML depends on the way you combine elements, their
attributes (if any), and content. When two or more elements apply to the same block of text,
you should nest tag pairs appropriately so that they do what you intended. Nesting means to
place one element inside another. Here’s an example of correct nesting:
<p>Make sure your pet has plenty of <i><b>fresh water</b></i>
during hot weather.</p>

In this case, we want the words “fresh water” to stand out so they are italicized and bolded by
using the <i> and <b> tags. If you placed the </b> end tag after the </p> end tag (shown
below), the words “fresh water during hot weather” would appear bold but only “fresh water”
would be italicized. It would look awkward, as shown in Figure 2-2.
<p>Make sure your pet has plenty of <i><b>fresh water</i>
during hot weather.</p></b>

Figure 2-2
Incorrectly nesting tags

The rule for nesting is that nested tags must be closed before their parent tags. Looking back
at the correct example, notice that the paragraph element opens first, followed by the italic
element, and then the font element. Then the bold element closes, followed by the italic ele-
ment, and finally the paragraph element. The italic and bold elements are completely nested
within the paragraph element.

An entity is a special character, such as the dollar symbol, the registered trademark (a capital
R within a circle), and accented letters. The process of incorporating entities in a Web page is
Building the User Interface by Using HTML5: Text, Graphics, and Media | 25

called character encoding. Today’s Web editing tools and browsers do a good job of handling
special characters that appear on your keyboard, such as those above the number keys. In
most cases, those characters render without any problems.
With some browsers, the character you expected doesn’t appear and you get a gibberish char-
acter or symbol instead. Those situations are easy to handle. Each special character that can be
reproduced in a Web page has an entity name and a numerical code. You can use either in a
Web page. However, it’s generally safer to represent symbols like the trademark using a num-
bered entity to ensure proper rendering in a wide variety of browsers.
An entity begins with an ampersand (&) and ends with a semicolon (;). For example, the
entity &reg; represents the registered trademark symbol, and its numerical code is &#174; .
When a browser encounters an ampersand, it tries to match the characters that follow with an
entity. If the browser finds a match, it displays the special character in place of the entity.
Table 2-2 lists a few commonly used entities.

Table 2-2
for HTML5
© Copyright &copy; &#169;
° Degree &deg; &#176;
$ Dollar &dollar; &#36;
% Percent &percnt; &#37;
® Registered trademark &reg; &#174;

Another important thing to know about character encoding in HTML5 is that you should
use UTF-8 encoding whenever possible, because most browsers use UTF-8. That means you
add the following declaration to the head element:
<meta charset="UTF-8">

The HTML5 specification requires that the whole meta element fits in the first 1,024 bytes
of the document, which is why you include it at the top of the page in the head element.

For a list of entities supported in HTML5, go to


The doctype is a declaration that is found at the very top of almost every HTML document.
When a Web browser reads a doctype declaration, the browser assumes that everything on the
Web page uses the language or rules specified in the declaration.
In HTML 4, all <!DOCTYPE> declarations require a reference to a DTD, which stands for
Document Type Definition. The DTD is simply a set of rules that help a Web browser turn
tags and content into the pages you see on the Web. There are a few different DTDs that an
HTML 4 Web page can use. Because of how HTML5 was created, it doesn’t require a refer-
ence to a DTD.
In HTML 4, the doctype declaration specifies the HTML page’s language and DTD, and
looks quite complex. Here’s an example:
26 | Lesson 2

The new HTML5 doctype, in comparison, is very simple:

<!doctype html>

The HTML5 doctype is case-insensitive, so the keyword “doctype” can be uppercase or lowercase.
This simplified doctype is partially responsible for why HTML5 pages easily lend themselves for
viewing in a Web browser on a computer or a mobile device. HTML5 is designed to be broadly
compatible with both new and old Web browsers, and the mobile device environment.


An example of markup and content for a simple HTML5 Web page looks like this:
<!doctype html>

<title>78704 Pet Services</title>

<p>Your dog is a friend for life. Why not
provide the best care possible?</p>


The blank lines between parts of the page, such as between the doctype declaration and the
<html> tag, don’t appear on a Web page. Neither do indents, such as those for the para-
graphs. (Notice that the paragraph elements are indented a bit from the <body> tags. Blank
lines and indents simply help you read the markup more easily in an editing tool.
Figure 2-3 shows the rendered Web page for the previous HTML markup.
Figure 2-3
A simple Web page rendered
by a browser

Recall from Lesson 1 that you can use the W3C’s validation service at
to check and validate HTML code. If a Web page adheres to the specifications perfectly, it is
considered valid.


GET READY. To create a simple Web page and see the effect of missing tags, nesting, and enti-
ties, perform the following steps:
1. On your computer or a flash drive, create a subfolder within the My Documents folder
that will hold the files you work on in lessons throughout this book. This is your
working folder. You can name the subfolder HTML5 or something similar.
Building the User Interface by Using HTML5: Text, Graphics, and Media | 27

2. Open a Web page editor, app development tool, or even a simple text editor like
Notepad and type the following:
<!doctype html>
<title>78704 Pet Services</title>
<h1>Care and Feeding</h1>
<p>Your dog is a friend for life. Why not provide the best
care possible?</p>
<p>Make sure your pet has plenty of <i><b>fresh water</b></i>
during hot weather. When taking your dog on long walks,
bring along a collapsible water dish and bottled water.
You can find specialty water dishes at many pet supply
stores for $10 or less.</p>

You have a lot of choices when it comes to editors and development tools. Notepad is the
built-in text editor in Windows, but you can download Notepad++ for free from the Web.
Notepad+++ offers features that make it easier to create and edit HTML documents.
* TextWrangler has a similar feature set and is designed for Macintosh systems. Free HTML
editors include HTML-Kit and KompoZer. Development tools include Microsoft Visual
Studio, Visual Studio for Web, Microsoft Web Matrix, and Microsoft Expression Web,
among many others. All of these applications enable you to create and edit HTML files.

3. Save the file as L2-pet-orig.html in the working folder you created in My Documents.
4. Navigate to your working folder and open the HTML page in a Web browser. It should
look similar to Figure 2-4.

Figure 2-4
The 78704 Pet Services Care
and Feeding Web page

5. To see the effect of a missing tag in a tag pair, delete the </b> end tag after
“water.” Create a new file to test the changes by saving it as L2-pet-test.html and
open it in the browser. Now all of the content from “fresh water” to the end of the
document is in boldface.

In Internet Explorer 9, you can press F12 to open browser mode. This mode enables you
* to edit pages without leaving the browser. In addition, you can click Document Mode on
the menu bar and then select an older version of the browser to see how a page renders.
28 | Lesson 2

6. To see the effect of improper nesting, move the </i> end tag to appear after the last
</p> tag. Save L2-pet-test.html again and view it in a browser. Now all of the con-
tent from “fresh water” to the end of the document is in boldface and italics, as
shown in Figure 2-5.

Figure 2-5
Effects of improper nesting
of tags

7. Close the L2-pet-test.html file in the editor and open L2-pet-orig.html.

8. Add a copyright line to the bottom of the page by pressing Enter a few times after
the closing </p> tag and typing <p>&copy; 2012</p>. Substitute the current year
for “2012”, if necessary. Press Enter to add a blank line. Make sure the copyright line
is above the </body> and </html> end tags.
9. Create a new file again by saving L2-pet-test.html as L2-pet-copyright.html and
view it in the browser. Does the circle C symbol appear as shown in Figure 2-6? If
not, change &copy; to &#169;, save the file, and then view it again.

Figure 2-6
A copyright symbol appears in
the lower-left corner

Copyright line with symbol

When viewing Web pages that you’re editing, it’s best to use a variety of Web browsers to
ensure your markup renders as expected for the widest audience. Some editing tools let
* you select a browser for previewing Web pages from a list. If your tool doesn’t include
that option, you’ll need to install three or four different browsers and open your Web
pages in each one.

10. Go to the W3C Markup Validation Service Web page at

Upload L2-pet-copyright.html and click Check to have the service check it. Fix any
errors reported by the checker that relate to missing tags or typos, if any.
Building the User Interface by Using HTML5: Text, Graphics, and Media | 29

11. You probably received an error message about character encoding. To fix this, open
L2-pet-copyright.html in your editing tool, insert <meta charset="UTF-8"> in
the head element, on its own line, just before the title.
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>78704 Pet Services</title>

12. Save the file, upload it to the validation checker again, and check it. The checker
should indicate that your file is valid.
13. Leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you’re continuing immediately to the
next section.

If you find yourself struggling with the topics in this section, consider taking some tutorials such as those at the Web site.

■ Choosing and Configuring HTML5 Tags to Display Text Content

HTML5 uses most of the same elements and attributes specified in HTML 4, and has
introduced some new tags, modified the preferred usage of others, and no longer supports
THE BOTTOM LINE certain elements. New text-related elements include command, mark, time, meter, and
progress. A few of the deprecated elements are basefont, center, font, and strike.

All of the elements covered in the first section in this lesson work well in HTML5, even
though they have been used for years in previous versions of HTML. For the most part,
HTML5 replaces very little HTML syntax. That means developers can still use most of the
same elements they always have. Some elements have the same tag but slightly tweaked func-
tionality, which you’ll learn about shortly.
X REF HTML5 also includes many new elements that increase the functionality of Web pages or
streamline the markup. These include multimedia elements such as audio and video, and
HTML5 layout, section-
elements that make the structure of a Web page seem more intuitive. Structure-related
ing, and form creation
tags include elements for page sections, headers, footers, navigation, and even sidebars.
markup is covered in
If you create Web forms, new form features make creation and validation much easier.
Lesson 3.
This section, however, focuses on HTML5 markup for text.

Text Elements from HTML 4 with New Meaning or Functionality

Some HTML 4 text-related elements now have slightly different meaning or functional-
ity in HTML5. The elements include <b>, <i>, <strong>, <em>, and <small>. The
<b> element should now be used to offset text without conveying importance, such as
for keywords or product names. The <i> element now indicates content in an alternate
voice or mood, like spoken text. The <strong> element indicates strong importance,
whereas the <em> element indicates emphatic stress. The <small> element should be
used for small print, like a copyright line.
30 | Lesson 2

Let’s look at some of the text elements carried over from HTML 4 that have slightly different
meaning or functionality in HTML5:
• <b>: This commonly used element has always represented boldface, and was often used
for emphasis or to convey importance. The W3C suggests you now use it to indicate
“stylistically offset” text without conveying importance. Use <b> for keywords, product
names, and actionable items (such as items you click or press in a list of how-to steps).
For example:
<p>Click the <b>Check</b> button, and then click
<b>OK.</b> </p>

• <i>: The italic element is now used for text in an “alternate voice or mood.” This
could be spoken text, thoughts, or something similar that doesn’t convey importance
or emphasis. It may also include technical terms and transliterated foreign words.
For example:
<p><i>He truly has a kind heart,</i> she thought.

• <strong>: The strong element is for strong importance, where the content is more
important than nearby words. For example:
<p>Courtney wore the <strong>same</strong> outfit to work three
days in a row.</p>

• <em>: The emphasis element indicates emphatic stress. For example:

<p>You should <em>always</em> validate your HTML
markup before sharing it with others.</p>

• <small>: The small element should be used for small print or side comments. This
element is useful for copyright lines or adding a source line to an image. For example:
<p><small>Copyright 2012 by XYZ

The intended functionality for some of these elements in HTML5 can be confusing, such as
knowing when to use the italic element. The best approach is to strive for consistency within
a page or Web site, and watch how other developers use the same elements.


GET READY. To modify tags in a Web page, perform the following steps:
1. In your editing tool, open L2-pet-copyright.html if it’s not already open.
2. In the following paragraph, replace the italic and bold tags with the strong element.
<p>Make sure your pet has plenty of <i><b>fresh
water</b></i> during hot weather.</p>
The resulting markup will look like this:
<p>Make sure your pet has plenty of <strong>fresh
water</strong> during hot weather.</p>
Note that the strong element will look like the bold element. The W3C prefers
that you use <strong> over <b>, although they seem to produce nearly
identical results.
3. Add <small> start and end tags to the copyright line, nesting them properly within
the paragraph tags.
4. Save the file as L2-pet-modified.html and view it in a Web browser. See Figure 2-7.
Building the User Interface by Using HTML5: Text, Graphics, and Media | 31

Figure 2-7
Using <strong> and
<small> tags

Strong element applied to “fresh water”

Small element applied to copyright line

5. Leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you’re continuing immediately to the
next section.

New Text Elements in HTML5

New text-related elements in HTML5 include <command>, <mark>, and <time>, along
with a few others. The <command> element creates a command button. When the user
clicks a command button, a command executes. The <mark> element highlights text on
a page, similar to the highlighting feature in Microsoft Word. The <time> element dis-
plays a machine-readable time and date, such as 10:10 A.M., CST, July 19, 2012, which
is handy for blogs and calendars, and potentially helps search engines provide better
results when time and date are part of the search criteria.

Let’s take a look at some of the new text elements in HTML5 along with some examples:
Which HTML text-related • <command>: The command element is used to define a command button that users click
elements are new in to invoke a command. The command element has many attributes you can use, such as
HTML5? type, label, title, icon, disabled, checked, and radiogroup. For example:
<menu label="Music Genre">

<command type="radio" radiogroup="musicgenre"


<command type="radio" radiogroup="musicgenre"


<command type="radio" radiogroup="musicgenre"



• <mark>: The mark element is very handy for highlighting text on a page. You could use
it on a search results page, for example, or to set off a block of text that you want to draw
to the reader’s attention. For example:
<p>Since I started jogging last fall, I have <mark
style="background-color:yellow;">lost 35 pounds</mark>.</p>
• <time>: The time element indicates content that is a time or date, which can be made
machine-readable with the datetime attribute. The time element defines time on a
24-hour clock and a date in the Gregorian calendar. One benefit of making times and
32 | Lesson 2

dates machine-readable on your Web page is that it helps search engines produce better
search results. For example:
<time datetime="2013"> means the year 2013
<time datetime="2013-04"> means April 2013
<time datetime="04-15"> means 15 April (any year)
Two other new elements are meter and progress. The meter element indicates content that’s a
fraction of a known range, such as disk usage. The progress element indicates the progress of
a task towards completion.


GET READY. To use the mark element to highlight text, perform the following steps:
1. In your editing tool, open L2-pet-modified.html if it’s not already open.
2. Modify the following paragraph by inserting the mark element around the text
“friend for life”.
<p>Your dog is a <mark style="background-color:orange;">
friend for life</mark>.

3. Create a new file by saving it as L2-pet-mark.html and view it in a Web browser.

Figure 2-8 shows the highlighted text.

Figure 2-8
The mark element highlights
specific text

Highlighted text

4. Leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you’re continuing immediately to the
next section.

Text Elements Not Used in HTML5

While new elements become available, the W3C earmarks other elements for eventual
removal because their functionality is no longer useful. Removing elements from the
list of available HTML elements is referred to as deprecation. (The same thing applies
to attributes.)

X REF Deprecation may be due to a new element replacing the functionality of an older element, or
the preference of a new method of formatting over an older element.An example of the latter
Lesson 4 explores CSS
is formatting with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Using CSS to change the look and feel of
essentials and the sepa-
text, images, and other Web content separates style from content. The W3C has been
ration of presentation
nudging developers toward using CSS to control Web page formatting instead of using
(style) from content.
local formatting for quite some time, and it’s clearly the method to be used in HTML5.
Building the User Interface by Using HTML5: Text, Graphics, and Media | 33

This makes sense because you can easily change styles in CSS that apply across a Web page or
even a Web site. Inserting individual styles throughout even a single Web page can be time
consuming to modify when a change becomes necessary.
The following HTML elements are considered deprecated and are not supported in
HTML5 pages:
• <acronym>: Defines acronyms in HTML 4 that can be spoken as if they are a single
word, such as GUI for graphical user interface. Use the <abbr> tag instead.
• <applet>: Defines an embedded applet. Use the <object> tag instead.
• <basefont>: Defines a default font color, font size, or font family for all the text in a
document. Use CSS for applying all fonts.
• <big>: Makes text bigger relative to the current font size. Use CSS instead.
• <center>: Center-aligns text and content. Use CSS instead.
• <dir>: Defines a directory list. Use the <ul> tag instead.
• <font>: Specifies the font face, font size, and font color of text. Use CSS instead.
• <frame>: Defines a particular frame (a window) within a frameset (see the next
bulleted item).
• <frameset>: Defines a frameset for organizing multiple frames (windows).
• <noframes>: Displays text for browsers that don’t support frames.
• <strike>: Defines strikethrough text. Use the <del> tag instead for small amounts of
text, or use CSS for large blocks of text.
• <tt>: Defines teletype or monospaced text. Use the <code> tag or CSS instead.

Just because an element isn’t supported doesn’t mean it won’t work within certain browsers.
Many users still use older versions of browsers, and many deprecated elements render well in
those browsers. However, a best practice is to create pages assuming Web page visitors use a
current or near-current browser, which means using the latest HTML elements. If you know
all of your Web page visitors use an older browser version, it’s acceptable to use deprecated
elements. Regardless, if you need to apply a lot of formatting to any Web page, it’s best to use
CSS for efficiency.
The following attributes are not used in HTML5, although these attributes are not actually
part of any HTML specification:
• bgcolor: Applies a specified background color to whatever content its associated
element describes, which is usually a table or a page. Use the CSS property
background-color instead.
• bordercolor: Applies a specified color to the cell of a table. Use the border-color
CSS property instead.
• bordercolorlight: Applies a specified color to the upper and left corners of a table
cell. Use the border-color CSS property instead.
• bordercolordark: Applies a specified color to the lower and right corners of a table
cell. Use the border-color CSS property instead.
Like with deprecated elements, you may use these attributes if you know that your Web page
visitors use older browsers. Be aware that your attempts to validate your Web page will result
in errors, which you can ignore if you’re certain your visitors’ browsers support the attributes.

To find out about new features of HTML5, browse the “Learn HTML5 in 5 Minutes!” Web page at and the W3C “HTML elements” Web page at
34 | Lesson 2


GET READY. To see the effects of deprecated elements in an HTML5 Web page, perform the
following steps:
1. In your editing tool, open L2-pet-mark.html if it’s not already open.
2. Modify the h1 heading to incorporate the center element, as shown:
<h1><center>Care and Feeding</center></h1>
3. Create a new file by saving it as L2-pet-temp.html and view it in a Web browser.
Did the element center the heading in your browser?
4. Add the big element to the following content, as shown:
<p>Your dog is a <mark style="background-color:orange;">
<big>friend for life</big></mark>.
5. Save the file and view it in a Web browser. Do you see the effect of the big element?
See Figure 2-9 as an example.

Figure 2-9
The effects of the center and
big elements

6. Go to the W3C Markup Validation Service Web page at

Upload L2-pet-temp.html and click Check to have the service check it.
7. Notice that the validator displays errors regarding use of the deprecated elements.
What can you conclude about using deprecated elements in HTML5? (Deprecated
elements don’t validate but many of them still render properly in a Web browser.)
8. Close L2-pet-temp.html and leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you’re
continuing immediately to the next section.

■ Choosing and Configuring HTML5 Tags to Display Graphics

Use the img element to display linked images in a Web page. The images can be located
with the Web pages HTML files, usually in an images subfolder, or on a different server
or Web site. The figure and figure caption elements are new to HTML5, and give you
more control of the type of image you are displaying and the ability to include captions.
THE BOTTOM LINE The canvas element is used for drawing, rendering, and manipulating images and
graphics dynamically in HTML5. Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) enables you to create
scalable objects that resize to best fit the screen on which they’re viewed, whether a PC
screen or a smartphone.
Building the User Interface by Using HTML5: Text, Graphics, and Media | 35

You can display different kinds of images on a Web page, most of which fall into two main cate-
gories: raster (or bitmap) and vector. A raster image is made up of pixels, whereas a vector image
is made up of lines and curves based on mathematical expressions. A photograph is a type of ras-
ter image and is most often in JPG format. Other raster file formats that work well on Web pages
are PNG, GIF, and BMP. A vector image is an illustration, such as a line drawing. Developers
often convert vector file formats from programs like Adobe Illustrator or CorelDRAW, which
aren’t supported by Web browers, into PNG or GIF for Web display. An important difference
between the two types of files is that raster images lose quality (they become pixelated) as you
enlarge them, but vector images maintain quality even when enlarged.
What markup do you use
to display an external The primary way to add images to an HTML document is with the img element. Like the
image on a Web page? anchor tag, the img tag does nothing by itself and requires attributes and values that specify
2.2 the image the Web browser should display.
For example, to insert an image named redball.jpg that’s in a subfolder called images, type
this element:
<img src="images/redball.jpg" alt="Red ball graphic" />

The image will display as long as the images subfolder is accessible. Both the src attribute
and the alt attribute are required to be fully valid. The value of the alt attribute (short for
alternate text) displays when a user hovers the mouse pointer over the image; in this case, the
phrase “Red ball graphic” would display. The W3C requires the alt attribute for accessibility
by people with disabilities. People with limited vision may use a screen reader, which reads
aloud the alternate text for each image. Search engines also use the alt attribute to identify
types of images and what’s in them, since search engines can’t “see” pixels in images.
As another example, to insert an image named bluelogo.png that’s accessible from another
Web site, type the following element:
<img src=""
alt="Company XYZ blue logo" />

The img element uses several attributes, which are described in Table 2-3.
Table 2-3
img element attributes A TTRIBUTE V ALUE D ESCRIPTION
src URL Specifies the image’s location, such as a path or URL
alt Text Specifies alternate text for the image, which displays when
the user hovers the mouse pointer or other pointing device
over the image
height pixels Specifies the height of an image
width pixels Specifies the width of an image
ismap ismap Specifies an image as a server-side image map
usemap #mapname Specifies an image as a client-side image map (which is a
picture with defined areas that are clickable links)

Using the figure and figcaption Elements

Two new graphics-related elements introduced in HTML5 are the figure and
figcaption elements. The figure element specifies the type of figure you want
to use in an HTML document, such as an illustration or photo. The figcaption
element provides a caption for the figure.
36 | Lesson 2

The figure element specifies the type of figure you’re adding, such as an image, diagram, photo,
and so on. This element provides a major benefit: the ability to easily add multiple images side by
side. With HTML 4, doing so requires a good bit of markup. The figcaption element is
optional. It adds a caption to an image on a Web page, and you can display the caption before or
after the image.
The following markup uses the figure element, specifies the width and height of the image,
and adds a caption. The result is shown in Figure 2-10:
<img src="doghappy.jpg" alt="Happy dog"
width="100" height="125" />
<figcaption>Happy dogs are good dogs</figcaption>

Figure 2-10
Using the figure and

Illustration: © MightyIsland/iStockphoto
figcaption elements
to display an image with a

The following markup is for a figure with multiple images that share a single caption, the
results of which are shown in Figure 2-11:
<img src="doghappy.jpg" alt="Happy dog"
width="100" height="125" />
<img src="dogpaws.jpg" alt="Happy dog"
width="100" height="125" />
<img src="dogwalk.jpg" alt="Happy dog"
width="100" height="125" />
<figcaption>Happy dogs are good dogs</figcaption>

Figure 2-11
Using the figure and
Illustrations: © MightyIsland/iStockphoto

figcaption elements to
display multiple images side by
side with a single caption
Building the User Interface by Using HTML5: Text, Graphics, and Media | 37

To learn more about displaying images on Web pages, go to You can find out more about
image maps at


GET READY. To display an image in a Web page, perform the following steps:
1. Locate a JPG, PNG, GIF, or BMP file on your computer to use in this exercise. The image
can depict anything you want, but something to do with pets would be most appropriate.
2. In your editing tool, open L2-pet-mark.html.
3. Remove the <mark> tags from the first paragraph.
4. Insert the following markup after the h1 element, leaving a blank line before and
after it, and replacing dogwalk.jpg with your own image file:
<img src="dogwalk.jpg" alt="Walking a dog"
width="100" height="125" />
<figcaption>Happy dogs are good dogs</figcaption>
5. Create a new file by saving it as L2-pet-image.html and view it in a Web browser.
The page should look similar to Figure 2-12.

Figure 2-12
The Web page with an image

Illustration: © MightyIsland/iStockphoto

6. Leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you’re continuing immediately to the
next exercise.


GET READY. To display an image in a Web page, perform the following steps:
1. Locate two additional JPG, PNG, GIF, or BMP files to use in this exercise. The image
can depict anything you want, but something to do with pets would be most appro-
priate. You should have three images to work through these steps.
2. In your editing tool, open L2-pet-image.html if it’s not already open.
38 | Lesson 2

3. Replace the markup for the figure that follows the h1 element with the following,
replacing the image file names (doghappy.jpg, dogpaws.jpg, and dogwalk.jpg) with
your image file names:

<img src="doghappy.jpg" alt="Happy dog"

width="100" height="125" />

<img src="dogpaws.jpg" alt="Dog paws"

width="100" height="125" />

<img src="dogwalk.jpg" alt="Walking a dog"

width="100" height="125" />

<figcaption>Happy dogs are good dogs</figcaption>


4. Save the file as L2-pet-multpimage.html and view it in a Web browser. The page
should look similar to Figure 2-13.

Figure 2-13
The Web page with multiple
images and a caption

Illustrations: © MightyIsland/iStockphoto
5. Close the L2-pet-multpimage.html file. Leave the editing tool and Web browser open
if you’re continuing immediately to the next exercise.

Creating Graphics with Canvas

The canvas element is new in HTML5 and creates a container for graphics, and uses
JavaScript to draw the graphics dynamically.

With canvas, the Web page becomes a drawing pad, and you use JavaScript commands to
draw pixel-based shapes on a canvas that include color, gradients, and pattern fills. Canvas
also enables you to render text with various embellishments, and animate objects by making
them move, change scale, and so on.
Building the User Interface by Using HTML5: Text, Graphics, and Media | 39

Developers use canvas to create online games, rotating photo galleries, stock tickers, and
* much more. The canvas element graphics and animation functions are intended to provide
quality similar to those in Flash movies.

To use canvas, you first define a canvas in HTML. The basic syntax for the canvas element is
as follows:
<canvas id="smlRectangle" height="100"

CERTIFICATION READY This element creates your drawing pad. The canvas element requires the id attribute to reference
What is the basic syntax the canvas in JavaScript and to add it to the Document Object Model (DOM). You should also
for the canvas element in specify the dimensions of the canvas—the height and width—which are in pixels. JavaScript
an HTML document? works with the two-dimensional (2D) application programming interface (API) to actually draw
2.2 items on the canvas.


GET READY. To use the canvas element to create a shape, perform the following steps:
1. In your editing tool, type the following markup:
<!doctype html>

<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Canvas Test</title>

function f1() {
var canvas =
context = canvas.getContext("2d");
context.fillStyle = "rgb(0,0,255)";
context.fillRect(10, 20, 200, 100);

<body >

<canvas id="smlRectangle" height="100" width="200 ">




You can include JavaScripts inside the head element of your HTML document, or in an
* external file.

The onload attribute causes the JavaScript function in the script to run. This script
first finds the element with the id smlRectangle:
var canvas = document.getElementById("smlRectangle");
40 | Lesson 2

The context.fillStyle method fills the rectangle with a blue color using the RGB
values 0, 0, 255. The context.fillRect method creates a 200-pixel wide x 100-pixel
You’ll learn how to use tall rectangle, positioned 10 pixels down and 20 pixels over from the upper-left corner
JavaScript in Lessons 8, of the canvas and fills it using the color specified by fillStyle.
9, and 10. 2. Save the file as L2-canvas.html and view it in a browser. The shape should appear as
shown in Figure 2-14.

Figure 2-14
The Web page with a canvas

3. If a blue rectangle doesn’t appear, go to the W3C Markup Validation Service Web
page at Upload L2-canvas.html and click Check to have
the service check it. Fix any errors reported by the checker. Save the file again and
view it in a browser.
4. Leave the file, editing tool, and Web browser open if you’re continuing immediately
to the next exercise.


To create an outline of a rectangle without a fill color, use the context.strokeRect
method. It uses the same values as context.fillRect. To modify the color of the outline
(the stroke color), use context.strokeStyle. For example, to create a 200 x 100 pixel
rectangular outline in red, use these methods in your JavaScript:
context.strokeStyle = "red";



GET READY. To use the canvas element to create the outline of a shape, perform the
following steps:
1. In your editing tool, save L2-canvas.html as L2-canvas-stroke.html.
2. Replace the fillStyle and fillRect code lines with the following:
context.strokeStyle = "red";

3. Delete the width and height attributes from the canvas element in the body
(after id="smlRectangle").
4. Save the file and view it in a Web browser. The shape should appear as shown in
Figure 2-15.
Building the User Interface by Using HTML5: Text, Graphics, and Media | 41

Figure 2-15
The Web page with a canvas
shape outline

5. Close the file but leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you’re continuing
immediately to the next exercise.


Some older browsers cannot render canvas drawings or animation. Therefore, you should add
an image, text, or some other HTML content within the canvas element that will display if
the drawing cannot. The “backup” content, also referred to as fallback content, won’t display
if canvas is supported. This example displays an image (smlRectangle.jpg) similar to that
which a filled rectangle canvas would create:
<canvas id="smlRectangle" height="100" width="200">
alt="A blue rectangle" />

To display text instead of an image, you would insert text in place of the <img> tag.


GET READY. To add a fallback to your HTML document, perform the following steps:
1. In your editing tool, open L2-canvas.html and save it as
2. Replace the canvas element with the following:
<canvas id="smlRectangle" height="100" width="200">
Your browser does not support the canvas tag.
3. Save the file and view it in the Internet Explorer 9 Web browser. You should see the
canvas drawing.
4. Press F12 to enter browser mode, click Document Mode on the menu bar, and select
Internet Explorer 7 standards.
42 | Lesson 2

5. Press F12 again. An error message appears, stating that it doesn’t recognize a
property or method. Close the error message. The browser window displays the
fallback text, as shown in Figure 2-16.

Figure 2-16
Text displays if the browser
doesn’t support canvas

6. Leave the file, editing tool, and Web browser open if you’re continuing immediately
to the next exercise.

For more information on the canvas element, visit the Microsoft HTML5 Graphics Web page at
The HTMLCenter Web site at lists RGB color codes.

Creating Graphics with SVG

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a language for describing 2D graphics in

Extensible Markup Language (XML). XML is a cousin to HTML, and has played an
important part of HTML 4.01 Web pages. SVG technology is not new, but HTML5
now enables SVG objects to be embedded in Web pages without using the <object>
or <embed> tags. (All types of SVG graphics are referred to as objects, and SVG
loads into the DOM.)

The main purpose of SVG, as its name implies, is to create scalable vector graphic shapes,
CERTIFICATION READY but you can create images and text as well. Much like canvas, you can apply solid colors,
What type of objects can gradients, and pattern fills to SVG objects, and copy and clone objects. You can also use
you create with SVG? SVG anywhere you would insert a PNG, JPG, or GIF. With SVG, you provide drawing
2.2 instructions rather than an image file.
One of the major benefits of SVG is its flexibility. Its vector graphic changes size to fit the
screen on which it’s displayed, whether the screen is on a 32-inch computer monitor or a
mobile device like a smartphone. Because only the XML that describes the SVG graphic is
transmitted, even large images don’t require a lot of bandwidth. This makes SVG handy for
use as a Web page background without having to use the repeat property. (Most solid Web
page backgrounds are actually a thin line that’s repeated using a CSS style.) In addition, SVG
can be indexed by search engines because it’s created by XML.
Building the User Interface by Using HTML5: Text, Graphics, and Media | 43

You can include attributes such as color, rotation, stroke color and size, and so on, to each
SVG object. The following markup can be included in an HTML file to create a purple ball:
<svg id="svgpurpball" height="200"

<circle id="purpball" cx="40" cy="40"

r="40" fill="purple" />


The cs, cy, and r attributes help to define the circle by defining the center x and y points
and radius. SVG has a plethora of attributes, which help you create all kinds of shapes. The
attributes are available on the W3C Web site at
For more information on SVG, visit the Microsoft SVG Web page at


GET READY. To create a simple SVG vector graphic, perform the following steps:
1. In your editing tool, type the following markup:
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>SVG Star</title>
<svg xmlns="" version="1.1">
<polygon points="100,10 40,180 190,60 10,60 160,180"

The points attribute defines the x and y coordinates for each corner, or “point,” of
the polygon. The fill-rule determines how the inside of the polygon is filled.
2. Save the file as L2-SVG.html and view it in a Web browser. The page should look
similar to Figure 2-17. If the page doesn’t appear, check it using the W3C Markup
Validation Service at and fix any errors.

Figure 2-17
The Web page with an SVG
44 | Lesson 2

3. Change a few of the polygon point parameter values. Save the file as L2-SVG-test.html
and view it in a Web browser. For example, changing the first parameter value from
100 to 50 produces the polygon shown in Figure 2-18.

Figure 2-18
Changing even one parameter
value changes the shape of
the object

4. Delete fill-rule:evenodd;, save the file, and then view it in a Web browser.
Compare the polygon to Figure 2-17.
5. Close any open data files. Leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you’re
continuing immediately to the next exercise.

When to Use Canvas Instead of SVG

CERTIFICATION READY There are no hard and fast rules for choosing to use canvas or SVG. Your choice depends
When should you use the mainly on the nature of your project, and your skill level in one or the other.
canvas element instead
of SVG?
2.2 The following are some considerations that will help you make the right decision:
• If the drawing is relatively small, use canvas.
• If the drawing requires a large number of objects, use canvas. SVG begins to degrade as it
continually adds objects to the DOM.
• Generally, use canvas for small screens, such as those on mobile devices. As the size of the
screen increases and more pixels are needed, canvas begins to pixelate so use SVG.
• If you must create highly detailed vector documents that must scale well, go with SVG.
• If you are displaying real-time data output, such as maps, map overlays, weather data,
and so on, use canvas.
A tip from Microsoft: Think of canvas as being similar to Microsoft Paint. You can draw
images using shapes and other tools, and the result is pixel based. Think of SVG as being sim-
ilar to an Office PowerPoint slide, which uses scalable objects.

For more information on how to choose the best drawing method—canvas or SVG—go to
Building the User Interface by Using HTML5: Text, Graphics, and Media | 45

■ Choosing and Configuring HTML5 Tags to Play Media

HTML5 introduces the audio and video elements, which do away with the need for
THE BOTTOM LINE plug-ins or media players to listen to music or watch videos via a Web browser.

The audio element and video element are two of the major changes in HTML5,
enabling you to provide multimedia from a Web browser without the need for plug-
ins, such as those for Microsoft Windows Media Player, Microsoft Silverlight, Adobe
Which HTML5 tags Flash, or Apple QuickTime. That means users can simply open an HTML5-supported
enable you to incorporate browser to listen to music or audio books, enjoy rich sound effects, and watch video
multimedia in a Web page? clips or movies.
The HTML5 specification includes the <video> and <audio> tags to incorporate multimedia.
The following sections cover each in detail.

Understanding and Using Video Tags

You use the video element along with the src attribute to designate a video file to be
played in an HTMLt document. Including he height and width attributes enables you
to control the size of the window in which the video displays.

The video element enables you to incorporate videos in HTML documents using minimal
What is the markup for code. The structure for embedding video is simple. The following is an example of the
using the HTML5 video markup for adding an MP4 file to a Web page:
element? <video src="intro.mp4" width="400" height="300">
The src attribute points to the name of the video file (in this case, video.mp4) to be
played. The height and width attributes specify the size of window in which the video
will display.
Other attributes are available that you can add for control of the video:
• poster: Displays a static image file before the video loads
• autoplay: Start playing the video automatically upon page load
• controls: Displays a set of controls for playing, pausing, and stopping the video, and
controlling the volume
• loop: Repeats the video
Using all of the controls listed above, the markup would look similar to this:
<video src="/videos/intro.mp4"
width="400" height="300


Notice that this markup refers to an MP4 video file. Other popular Web video formats also
include H.264, OGG, and WebM, although WebM is used less than 10 percent of the time.
Along with a video format, you should also specify the codec, which is a technology used for
46 | Lesson 2

compressing data. Compression reduces the amount of space needed to store a file, and it
reduces the bandwidth needed to transmit the file. Video compression reduces the size of
video images while retaining the highest quality video with the minimum bit rate. All of this
makes for better performance.
In a nutshell, the main video formats along with codecs (for the last two) are:
• MP4 or H.264
• OGG + Theora with Vorbis audio
• WebM + VP8
A best practice is to use the type attribute to specify the video format. You should also
use the codecs attribute to specify the codec(s), if applicable. Sample markup is shown
as follows:
width="400" height="300"

<source src="intro.mp4" type="video/mp4" />


The <source> tag is being used as content of the video element so that the type attribute
can be set and so that the multiple format option is available.
Not all video formats are supported by all browsers, although MP4/H.264 is the most
widely used by both Web browsers and mobile devices. (The HTML5 Video Web page at displays a table showing which video
formats work for what browser. The table is updated regularly.) To help make your video
viewable by the majority of browsers and devices, you can use the source attribute to
include multiple formats in your markup. This example shows the same video available in
two formats, and the OGG format specifies codecs:
width="400" height="300" poster="image.png"

<source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4">

<source src="video.ogg" type=’video/ogg;

codecs="theora, vorbis"’>



GET READY. To work with the HTML5 video element, perform the following steps:
1. Locate a video clip, and an image file to use as a poster. If you don’t have a video
clip, search for a public domain MP4 file on the Web and download it. Save the video
and image files to your HTML5 folder.
2. In your editing tool, create an HTML file with the following markup. Substitute
appropriate file names for your image file and video clip. Change the type attribute,
if necessary, and replace sample.mp4 with the name of your video file.
Building the User Interface by Using HTML5: Text, Graphics, and Media | 47

<!doctype html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Video Test</title>
width="400" height="300"
<source src="sample.mp4" type="video/mp4" />

3. Save your file as L2-video.html.

4. Go to the W3C Markup Validation Service Web page at
Upload L2-video.html and click Check to have the service check it. Fix any errors
reported by the checker that relate to missing tags or typos, if any.
5. Open the HTML file in a Web browser. Does the video play automatically? Do the
controls appear? You should open the L2-video.html file in a variety of Web
browsers as a test.
6. In your editing tool, delete the autoplay line and replace controls="controls"
with simply controls.
7. Save the file again and validate it. It should validate with no errors. That indicates
that HTML5 allows you to use a shorthand method of specifying the controls attribute.
The same principle applies to the autoplay and loop attributes.
8. Leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you’re continuing immediately to the
next exercise.

Understanding and Using Audio Tags

The HTML5 audio element works much like the video element but for sound only. To use
the audio element, include the <audio> tag and a path to the file on your hard drive or a
uniform resource locator (URL) that points to the audio file.

The audio element enables you to incorporate audio, such as music and other sounds,
in HTML documents. You can include the same control-related attributes as the video
CERTIFICATION READY element: autoplay, controls, and loop. the following example shows just the
What is the markup for controls attribute included:
using the HTML5 audio
element? <audio src="sample.mp3" controls="controls">

If you use the autoplay attribute so that the audio plays automatically when the Web
* page loads, use a short clip such as a sound effect. Many Web visitors dislike automatic
sound and prefer to have more control.
48 | Lesson 2

The three primary types of audio files supported by popular browsers are OGG, MP3, and
WAV. However, not every browser supports every audio file format, at least not today. For the
most part, MP3 is the best choice for multiple browser compatibility.
To help ensure your audio plays on the majority of browsers and devices, use the source
attribute to include multiple formats in your markup. This example shows the same audio
file available in two formats:
<audio controls="controls">
<source src="sample.ogg" type="audio/ogg" />
<source src="sample.mp3" type="audio/mp3" />

You can find a lot of free audio files, which are also royalty and copyright free, at This is a good resource for learners, and for developers who may need
a sound effect for a project. Another source is the Public Domain Sherpa Web site at You can also make
your own recordings using your computer and recording software. Windows 7 includes the
Sound Recorder, which lets you save audio files in WAV format.


GET READY. To work with the HTML5 audio element, perform the following steps:
1. Locate an audio clip.
2. In your editing tool, create an HTML file with the following markup. Substitute the
appropriate file name for your audio clip.
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Audio Test</title>
<audio src="sample.mp3" controls="controls">

3. Save your file as L2-audio.html and view it in a browser. You should see something
similar to Figure 2-19. Because we didn’t include the autoplay attribute in this
example, you need to click the Play button to start the audio clip.

Figure 2-19
HTML5 default audio controls
in a Web browser
Building the User Interface by Using HTML5: Text, Graphics, and Media | 49

4. If the audio controls don’t appear, go to the W3C Markup Validation Service Web
page at Upload L2-audio.html and click Check to have the
service check it. Fix any errors reported by the checker that relate to missing tags
or typos, if any.
5. Save the file again and open it in a Web browser. Play the audio clip.
6. Close any open files, including the editing tool and Web browser.

For more information on incorporating multimedia into HTML5 Web pages, and the audio and video elements in
particular, go to



• Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) uses markup to describe content for display on a
Web page.
• An element is the combination of tags and the content they enclose. You may need to use
special characters on a Web page, which requires character encoding.
• Every Web page requires the doctype declaration at the top of the page.
• HTML5 uses most of the same elements and attributes specified in HTML 4, and has intro-
duced some new tags, modified the preferred usage of others, and no longer supports certain
elements. New text-related elements include command, mark, time, meter, and progress. A
few of the deprecated elements are basefont, center, font, and strike.
• Use the img element to display linked images in a Web page. The images can be located
with the Web pages HTML files, usually in an images subfolder, or on a different server or
Web site.
• The figure and figure caption elements are new to HTML5 and give you more con-
trol or the type of image you are displaying and the ability to include captions.
• The canvas element is used for drawing, rendering, and manipulating images and graph-
ics dynamically in HTML5.
• Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) enables you to create scalable objects that resize to best
fit the screen on which they’re viewed, whether a PC screen or a smartphone.
• HTML5 introduces the audio and video elements, which do away with the need for
plug-ins or media players to listen to music or watch videos via a Web browser.

■ Knowledge Assessment
Fill in the Blank
Complete the following sentences by writing the correct word or words in the blanks provided.
1. An HTML tag that doesn’t require an end tag is called a(n) tag.
2. A(n) works with an element to describe data in enough detail
for rendering.
3. The is a declaration that is found at the very top of almost every Web page.
4. A element or attribute has been removed from the list of available
HTML elements according to the W3C.
50 | Lesson 2

5. A image is made up of pixels, whereas a image is

made up of lines and curves based on mathematical expressions.
6. New to HTML5, the element specifies the type of figure you’re add-
ing, such as an image, diagram, photo, and so on.
7. The element adds a caption to an image on a Web page, and you can
display the caption before or after the image.
8. Using the element, the Web page becomes a drawing pad, and you use
JavaScript commands to draw pixel-based shapes on a canvas that include color, gradi-
ents, and pattern fills.
9. is a language for describing 2D graphics in Extensible Markup
Language (XML).
10. The HTML5 element and elements enable you to
provide multimedia from a Web browser without the need for plug-ins.

Multiple Choice
Circle the letter that corresponds to the best answer.
1. Which of the following tags are required on every Web page? (Choose all that apply.)
a. <html>
b. <head>
c. <title>
d. <body>
2. Which of the following is the syntax for creating a hyperlink in HTML?
a. <link href="">link</a>
b. <a href=""> link text</a>
c. <link></link >
d. <>
3. Which HTML5 element defines a command button that users click to invoke a
a. <objectbut>
b. <combutton>
c. <command>
d. <cbutton>
4. Which HTML5 element enables you to highlight blocks of text in an HTML document?
a. <mark>
b. <highlight>
c. <emphasis>
d. <yellow>
5. Which of the following tags are deprecated in HTML5? (Choose all that apply.)
a. <big>
b. <center>
c. <font>
d. <time>
6. Which tag is used with the <figure> tag to display an image?
a. <img>
b. <src>
c. <fig>
d. <a>
Building the User Interface by Using HTML5: Text, Graphics, and Media | 51

7. Both canvas and SVG require which of the following?

a. Microsoft Silverlight
b. An external drawing program, such as Microsoft Paint
c. A large amount of storage space or bandwidth
d. JavaScript
8. When deciding whether to use canvas or SVG, which of the following considerations
are true?
a. If the drawing is relatively small, use SVG.
b. Generally, use canvas for small screens and SVG for larger screens.
c. If the drawing requires a large number of objects, use SVG.
d. If you must create highly detailed vector documents that must scale well, go with
9. Which of the following is the general format of the video element?
a. <movie src="file.mp4" width="X" height="Y">
b. <movie href="file.mp4" width="X" height="Y">
c. <video src="file.mp4" width="X" height="Y">
d. <video href="file.mp4" width="X" height="Y">
10. Which of the following is the general format of the audio element?
a. <audio src="sample.mp3" controls="controls">
b. <audio href="sample.mp3" controls>
c. <sound src="sample.mp3" controls>
d. <sound href="sample.mp3" controls="controls">

True / False
Circle T if the statement is true or F if the statement is false.
T F 1. The canvas element requires JavaScript to create shapes.
T F 2. Creating an SVG object in HTML5 does not require JavaScript.
T F 3. The audio element can provide playback controls with a single attribute.
T F 4. Deprecated elements cannot render in an HTML5-supported browser.
T F 5. The most popular format for audio files is MP4.

■ Competency Assessment
Scenario 2-1: Correcting Simple Markup Errors
Geraldine, the assistant to the company owner, is learning HTML. Her markup as shown
below isn’t rendering as she expected. The boldface doesn’t stop after “Thursday.” The image
of the company logo doesn’t display, even though it’s saved in her images subfolder like all of
her other images. The alternate text doesn’t display either when she hovers her mouse pointer
over the image placeholder. What do you tell her?
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
52 | Lesson 2

<h1>Staff Meeting</h1>
<img src="cologo.jpg" olt="Company logo" />
<p>Report to the <strong>Blue Conference Room</strong> at
<strong>10:00 a.m.</strong> on <strong>Thursday<strong> for an
emergency staff meeting.</p>

Scenario 2-2: Working with Symbols

Petra is formatting some accounting-related documents to be hosted on the company’s
intranet. She says the dollar signs and percent symbols look fine when she views them in one
browser, but only garbage characters appear when she views the documents on a different
browser. What should she do?

■ Proficiency Assessment
Scenario 2-3: Canvas or SVG?
M.A. is a graphic artist at ClickTick Watches, an upscale wristwatch manufacturer. She has
been asked to refresh the company logo and create it using a tool that scales well whether the
image is viewed on laptops or smartphones. She has also been tasked with creating interactive
graphs for sales staff to use on their slate or tablet devices. She wants to keep her skillset cur-
rent by learning as much as possible about HTML5 technologies, but doesn’t know whether
to focus on canvas or SVG for these projects. What do you suggest?

Scenario 2-4: Selecting Appropriate Web Video Formats and Codecs

Sammy is responsible for setting up meetings for employees of Clear Blue Resorts. He wants
to post a video from the CEO, who is overseas reviewing possible locations for new resorts, to
the intranet for the upcoming employee appreciate party. He knows Clear Blue standardized
on Internet Explorer 9, and he has heard that he can easily display video in HTML5 but
doesn’t know where to start. What do you tell Sammy?
Building the User L E SS O N 3
Interface by Using
HTML5: Organization,
Input, and Validation


Choosing and Configuring Choose and configure 2.4
HTML5 Tags to Organize HTML5 tags to organize
Content and Forms content and forms.
Choosing and Configuring HTML5 Choose and configure HTML5 2.5
Tags for Input and Validation tags for input and validation.

article element nav element
aside element ordered list
autofocus attribute pattern attribute
automatic validation placeholder text
client-side validation required attribute
datalist element section element
email attribute semantic markup
footer element server-side validation
form input table
global attribute unordered list
header element validation
menu element Web form

One of your new tasks as an intern at Malted Milk Media is to create a Web form that
restricts what a user can enter into the form fields and validates the input. To prepare to
create the Web form, you must first learn how best to organize or structure the markup
using new HTML5 elements.

54 | Lesson 3

■ Choosing and Configuring HTML5 Tags to Organize Content and Forms

HTML5 introduces several new elements for organizing content and forms. They represent
THE BOTTOM LINE the new semantic markup that’s an important part of HTML5.

HTML5 markup introduces many new markup tags for organizing the structure of HTML
documents, which makes documents easier to create and modify. The new tags have more
intuitive names than similar constructs in previous HTML specifications; the tags are named
more appropriately for the part of the page they apply to, such as <header>, <section>,
and <footer>.
HTML5 has also streamlined table creation, moving many of the table attributes that affect
width, cell padding, and vertical and horizontal alignment to the CSS file.

Understanding Semantic HTML

Semantic markup uses tag names that are intuitive, making it easier to build and modify
HTML documents, and for Web browsers and other programs to interpret.

One of the very handy new features of HTML5 is the use of semantic markup, which gives
What is semantic better meaning, or definition, to several tags so they make more sense to humans, programs,
markup? and Web browsers. As mentioned in Lesson 2, not all HTML tags have been replaced or
2.4 updated for HTML5, but some new tags introduced in HTML5 make the work of creating
Web pages a lot easier.
In HTML 4.01 and prior specifications, a developer creating the structure of an HTML
document uses the <div> tag frequently throughout. The <div> tag often includes a class or
ID attribute, which may also include CSS styles such as background-color, height, and
width. A simple example of a <div> tag is:

<div id="header" > This is a header </div>

class and id are global attributes, which means they can be used with any HTML
* element. You can see the complete list of global HTML attributes at

The div element alone doesn’t have much meaning without the id or class attribute. Even
the ID can be assigned a value of your choice, such as "header", "header_inner", "slo-
gan", "content", "style", and many more. An example from an HTML 4.01 document
is shown as follows:
<div id="header">
<div id="header_inner">
<img src="images/doghappy.jpg"
alt="Attaboy Pet Services" />
<div id="slogan">Happy dogs are good dogs</div>

HTML5 uses simpler tags to replace many of the div tags, some of which are shown in
Figure 3-1.
Building the User Interface by Using HTML5: Organization, Input, and Validation | 55

Figure 3-1 HTML 4.01 HTML 5

A comparison of document <div id = "header"> <header>
parts marked up in HTML 4.01
<div id = "nav"> <nav>
and HTML5
<div class = "article"> <article>
<div id =
<div class = <aside>
"sidebar"> <section>

<div id = "footer"> <footer>

Notice how HTML5’s semantic markup gives more specific meaning to parts of an HTML
document, making the structure easier to understand.

Using Tags to Add Structure to an HTML Document

New HTML5 elements for structuring and organizing content in an HTML document
CERTIFICATION READY include header, footer, section, nav, article, and aside.
Which HTML5 tags are
used to structure and Now that you understand semantic markup, let’s look at several of the new HTML5
organize a document? elements for organizing documents. Table 3-1 lists new HTML5 structure-related tags and
describes them.

Table 3-1
New HTML5 markup tags for T AG D ESCRIPTION
organizing content and creat-
ing structure <address> Defines an area for contact information for a page or section
<article> Defines an article, such as a magazine or newspaper article, blog post, or
similar content
<aside> Defines content that’s separate from but related to the page content; simi-
lar to a sidebar in book chapters and magazine articles
<details> Contains additional details pertinent to text around it; creates an interac-
tive widget a user can display or hide
<footer> Defines a footer for a document or section; may include the document
author, contact information, copyright information, and links to terms
of use
<header> Defines a header for a document or section; may contain introductory con-
tent or navigation links
<hgroup> Groups headings and subheadings (using the <h1> to <h6> tags) for
multi-level headings
<nav> Defines a block of navigation links
<section> Defines a section in a document, such as chapters, parts of a thesis, or
parts of a Web page whose content is distinct from each other
<summary> Defines a visible heading for a details element; user can click to display or
hide information
<wbr> Defines a possible line break; when a word is very long, or you’re con-
cerned the browser will break a line at the wrong place, you can use the
<wbr> element to break the word or line appropriately
56 | Lesson 3

As you learned in Lesson 1, the HTML5 standard won’t be finalized for several years,
which means changes to the specification are still occurring. The major Web browsers, like
Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox, support many HTML5 elements but not
all of them. The “When Can I Use” Web site at is an excellent source
* for determining which browsers support specific HTML5 features. The Web site is updat-
ed regularly, so you should make it a part of your essential HTML5 resources. In addition,
you can test any browser’s support for HTML5 by browsing to the HTML5 Test Web site

Let’s look more closely at the HTML5 tags shown in Figure 3-1, which are the most com-
monly used structure-related HTML5 tags.


The header element defines a header for a document, section, or article. In HTML 4.01,
you use the header div as mentioned in the previous section (<div id="header">). The
footer element defines a footer for a document or section, and typically contains informa-
tion about the document or section, such as the author name, copyright data, links to related
documents, and so on. The footer element doesn’t automatically appear at the bottom
(or foot) of the document—you need to use CSS to instruct the browser where to display
the footer. Footers that appear at the bottom of every Web page or document are known as
“sticky footers.”
An example of an article with a header tag and a footer tag is as follows:
<h1>Learning HTML5</h1>
<h2>The New Elements</h2>
<p>New HTML5 tags make Web page and application
development easier than ever.</p>
<p>Published: <time datetime="2012-09-
03"September 3, 2012</time></p>

Like the div element, you can use the header and footer elements multiple times in an
HTML document, as shown in Figure 3-2.

Figure 3-2 HTML 5

Multiple instances of the <header>
header element



Building the User Interface by Using HTML5: Organization, Input, and Validation | 57


The section element defines a section in a document, such as a chapter, parts of a thesis,
or parts of a Web page whose content is distinct from each other. The WC3 specifies uses
for the section element to differentiate it from other structure-related elements, mainly that
it contain at least one heading and that it define something that would appear in the docu-
ment’s outline. For example, you should use the section element to divide different parts
of a one-page Web site or to create a portfolio of images. The following is an example of a
simple section:
<h1>Eight Count</h1>
<p>Hip-hop dance instructors often teach moves
CERTIFICATION READY that have eight counts per set.</p>
When should I use the
<section> tag versus
another type of element? Table 3-2 lists situations in which you should avoid using the section element, and provides
the better technique.

Table 3-2
Situations in which you S ITUATION U SE
should not use the section
element Separate content that is independent from the rest of the content article
on the Web page or document
Plan to syndicate a block of content article

Create a sidebar aside

Wrap and position multiple sections that are not related to div
* each other
The new HTML5 struc- Add a drop shadow to or border around an item div
ture-related tags don’t
replace the <div> tag
entirely, but HTML5
tags greatly reduce the
Knowing when to use the <section> tag versus a different element can be tricky at times.
number of <div> tags
When you’re working on an HTML document and are unsure which element to use, browse
needed in an HTML
the W3C HTML5 specification or research the Web to see how other developers have han-
dled a similar situation.
When defining a section header, which may contain h1 through h6 headings, you can use the
hgroup element to group headings. The hgroup element affects organization but not presen-
tation. Consider using hgroup when you have a heading and a subheading one right after the
other, as follows.
<h1>Hip-Hop Dance Routines</h1>
<h3>The Eight-Count Method</h3>
<p>Hip-hop dance instructors often teach
moves that have eight counts per set.</p>

This markup would appear in a Web page as shown in Figure 3-3.

58 | Lesson 3

Figure 3-3
Using hgroup to group head-
ings in an HTML document


GET READY. To create an HTML document using the HTML5 header, section, and footer
elements, perform the following steps:
* 1. Using an HTML editor or app development tool and a Web browser, create a simple
Remember, you have HTML document that incorporates the <header>, <section>, and <footer> tags.
several choices of tools Include two sections, and be sure to include at least one h1 element within the sec-
to use for creating tions. You can include images if you want. The markup might look like the following:
HTML documents. For
the PC, consider the <!doctype html>
Notepad or Notepad++ <html>
text editors, the HTML- <head>
Kit or KompoZer <meta charset="utf-8" />
HTML editors, or <title>My Page</title>
development tools like </head>
Microsoft Visual Studio, <body>
Visual Studio for Web, <header>
or Microsoft Expression <h1>Selecting a Concert Style</h1>
Web. </header>
<p>A symphony is a type of musical composition generally
performed by a full orchestra.</p>
<p>A rave is a gathering of people who listen and dance to
music, especially electronic music, usually performed by a
live band or live DJs.</p>
<p>Author: Nathaniel Becker</p>
Building the User Interface by Using HTML5: Organization, Input, and Validation | 59

This markup would display in a Web page as shown in Figure 3-4.

Figure 3-4
An HTML document with a
header, footer, and section



2. Save the file as L3-MyPage.html.

3. Validate the document using the W3C Markup Validation Service at http://validator. If you need help doing so, refer to Lesson 2.
4. Leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you continue to the next exercise
during this session.


The nav element defines a block of navigation links. The nav element is useful for creating
a set of navigation links as your document’s primary navigation, a table of contents, bread-
crumbs in a footer, or Previous-Home-Next links.
The W3C mentions that you don’t have to use <nav> tags for all navigation links, just major
blocks of links. Because <nav> tags are interpreted by screen reader software for the visually
challenged, the software can determine if it should make the navigation links available to the
user immediately or not, depending on their importance.
The following example shows the <nav> tag in use:
<a href="/hiphop/">Hip-Hop</a>
<a href="/modern/">Modern</a>
<a href="/swing/">Swing</a>
<a href="/tap/">Tap</a>

The links would display in a Web page as shown in Figure 3-5.

Figure 3-5
Simple links using the nav
60 | Lesson 3

An example of markup for Previous-Home-Next links follows, with vertical bars after each
navigation item to separate it from the others visually:
<a href="">Previous</a> |
<a href="">Home</a> |
<a href="">Next</a>
<br />

The links would appear in a Web page as shown in Figure 3-6.

Navigation is often displayed in a vertical list, which you’ll learn how to do later in this

Figure 3-6
Previous-Home-Next naviga-
tion with vertical bars separat-
ing each link


GET READY. To add the nav element to an HTML document, perform the following
1. In your HTML editor or app development tool, open the L3-MyPage.html file
(if it’s not already open) and save it as L3-MyPage-nav.html to create a
new file.
2. Include the following nav tags and content within the <header> tag:

<h1>Selecting a Concert Style</h1>
<a href="#symphonies">Symphonies</a> |
<a href="#raves">Raves</a>

This navigation block will link to the Symphonies and Raves sections in the HTML
3. To make the links work, modify the Symphones and Raves <h1> heads as follows:

<h1><a id="symphonies">Symphonies</a></h1>
<h1><a id="raves">Raves</a></h1>
Building the User Interface by Using HTML5: Organization, Input, and Validation | 61

4. Resave the file as L3-MyPage-nav.html and then open it in a Web browser. The
navigation links would appear in a Web page as shown in Figure 3-7.

Figure 3-7
Page with newly added
navigation links


5. Leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you continue to the next exercise
during this session.


The article element defines a part of an HTML document that consists of a “self-
contained composition” that is independent from the rest of the content in the document.
Content set off by <article> tags can be distributed in syndication, so think of it as con-
tent that makes sense on its own. (Web syndication is the process of making content from
one Web site available to many Web sites.).

The W3C encourages use of the article element rather than the section element for any
* content that could be syndicated

Examples of content suitable for tagging with <article> include a magazine article, a blog
entry, or content for an RSS feed. You can also use the article element for About and
Contact content, which are independent from the rest of the page on which they reside but
aren’t necessarily going to be syndicated.


The aside element is used to set off content that’s related to the current topic but
would interrupt the flow of the document if left inline. Essentially, the aside element
is used for information that lends itself to sidebars and notes. This content might give
a more detailed look at a topic, offer related reading links, or display definitions for
keywords in the paragraph. The aside element doesn’t change the position of content
or how the content displays; it simply lets the browser and search engines know that it’s
related content.
62 | Lesson 3

<h1>Learning HTML5</h1>
<h2>The New Elements</h2>
<p>New HTML5 tags make Web page and application
development easier than ever. One of the very
handy new features of HTML5 is the use of
semantic markup.</p>
<h4><b>semantic markup</b></h4>
<p> gives better meaning, or definition,
to tags so they make more sense to humans,
programs, and Web browsers</p>
<p>Not all HTML tags have been replaced or updated
for HTML5, but some new tags introduced in HTML5
make the work of creating Web pages a lot
<p>Published: <time datetime="2012-09-
03">September 3, 2012</time></p>

The markup would appear in a Web page as shown in Figure 3-8.

Figure 3-8
An example of an aside


As you can see in Figure 3-8, the aside content doesn’t really stand out from the rest of the
content. You could add the horizontal rule <hr /> tag before and after the aside content,
which would appear in a Web browser as shown in Figure 3-9.
Building the User Interface by Using HTML5: Organization, Input, and Validation | 63

Figure 3-9
Using the <hr /> tag to add
horizontal rules to set off aside

You could also use CSS to adjust the margins of the aside content so it’s indented on the left
and right. In later lessons, you’ll learn CSS layout techniques to display similar content in a
box along the left or right side of the corresponding body text.


GET READY. To add the aside element to an HTML document, perform the following steps:
1. In your HTML editor or app development tool, open the L3-MyPage-nav.html file (if
it’s not already open) and save it as L3-MyPage-art-aside.html to create a new file.
2. Include an aside element just before the footer, as follows:
<hr />
<p>Note: The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration is also
interested in raves. Go to
ongoing/raves.html to learn more.</p>

3. Resave the file as L3-MyPage-art-aside.html and view it in a Web browser. The page
should look similar to Figure 3-10.
4. Validate the document using the W3C Markup Validation Service at http://validator.
5. Close the file, and then leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you continue
to the next exercise during this session.

To find out about new features of HTML5, browse the “Learn HTML5 in 5 Minutes!” Web page at http://msdn. and the W3C “HTML elements” Web page at
64 | Lesson 3

Figure 3-10
An HTML document that
includes article and aside


Using Tags to Create Tables and Lists

Tables and lists give structure to specific information in HTML documents. A table con-
tains rows and columns, and displays data in a grid. In HTML, you can create ordered
and unordered lists. Each item in an ordered list is marked by a number or letter. An
unordered list is a bulleted list.

This section focuses on how to create tables and lists using HTML elements. HTML5 intro-
duces some new elements for both tables and lists, but most of the tags and concepts are the
same as previous specifications. If you’ve ever created an HTML table or list, you should be
able to breeze through this section.

An HTML table contains rows and columns, and is used to organize and display information
CERTIFICATION READY in a grid format. Some developers use tables for layout purposes, such as to position or align
How do you create a content with images, but that’s not the best use for tables.
table? Regarding markup, every HTML table begins with the <table> tag. Rows are marked by the
<tr> tag, column headers use the <th> tag, and cells are defined by the <td> tag.
The markup for a very basic two-column, five-row table is as follows. Comments have been
added to indicate columns and rows, which are informational only and don’t appear when the
document is viewed in a browser, is shown in Figure 3-11:
<table border="1">
<tr> <!--first row-->
<th>Quarter</th> <!--first column in first row-->
<th>Total Sales</th> <!--first row, second column-->
<tr> <!--second row-->
Building the User Interface by Using HTML5: Organization, Input, and Validation | 65

<tr> <!--third row-->

<tr> <!--fourth row-->
<tr> <!--fifth row-->

Figure 3-11
A simple table

Building on a simple table, you can use the <caption> tag to add a caption above or below
the table. To apply inline styles using HTML rather than CSS, use the <col> tag to apply
styles to an entire column. (You’ll learn about inline formatting shortly.) The <colgroup>
* tag groups columns within a table so you can apply formatting to the group rather than just a
You must include the
thead and tfoot ele-
ments before the tbody When creating a long table that requires scrolling within a browser, use the <thead>,
element so the browser <tfoot>, and <tbody> tags. The content within the table header and footer will remain on
can render the table the page while the content marked by <tbody> will scroll between them.
header and footer before
The <thead> tag creates column headings (bolded by default), and the <tfoot> tag is
receiving all of the rows
used to display the last row, such as a totals row. The <tbody> tag defines all of the content
of data.
between the header and footer.
The following is an example of the markup for a table with three columns and five rows, the
first row being the column headings and the last row the table foot. The markup also includes
a caption above the table. The markup is shown rendered by a browser in Figure 3-12:
<caption>Sales for Employee ID 2387</caption>

66 | Lesson 3

Figure 3-12
A more advanced version of a
simple table


<th scope="col">Quarter</th>
<th scope="col">Total Sales</th>
<th scope="col">Goal Met?</th>
<th scope="col">Total</th>
<th scope="col">$18,118</th>
Building the User Interface by Using HTML5: Organization, Input, and Validation | 67


Notice in the preceding example the use of background color for grouped columns. This is
an example of inline formatting. The style attribute uses one or more CSS properties and
values, separated by semicolons. For HTML color, you can use either the color name or the
hexadecimal code. The hexadecimal code #EEE8AA produces the pale goldenrod color. The
hexadecimal code #00FA9A produces the spring green color. An HTML standard color chart
is available at
You could also center the content in a cell, column, or column group using style="text-
align:center". To string multiple properties and values in the same style attribute, use
syntax similar to style="color:blue;text-align:center". CSS and its many proper-
ties are covered in Lessons 4 through 6 of this book.
Table 3-3 summarizes the common elements used to build tables in HTML5.

Table 3-3
Common elements used to E LEMENT D ESCRIPTION
build tables
col Defines a table column
colgroup Defines a group of columns in a table
caption Marks text as a table caption
table Defines a table
tbody Defines a group of rows in a table for formatting and scrolling
td Defines a table cell
tfoot Defines a group of footer rows in a table for formatting and
scrolling purposes
th Defines a table header cell
thead Defines a group of heading rows in a table for formatting and
scrolling purposes
tr Defines a table row

If you’ve created tables using HTML 4 or earlier, you might be familiar with the cell-
padding, cellspacing, frame, rules, summary, and/or width elements. They are
* deprecated and not supported in HTML5.
68 | Lesson 3

GET READY. To create a table, perform the following steps:
1. Using an HTML editor or app development tool and a Web browser, create a file
named L3-PracTable.html with the following markup:

<!doctype html>

<html lang="en" xmlns="">

<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>High-grossing Movies</title>
<table border="1">
<th>Gross Proceeds</th>
<td>$2.7 billion</td>
<td>$2.1 billion</td>
<td>The Dark Knight</td>
<td>$1.0 billion</td>

2. Italicize the title of each movie by using the <i> tags.

3. Modify the table to add a caption above the table that reads “High-grossing Movies”
and a footer that includes the word “Total” and “$5.8 billion”.
4. Change the background of the entire table, from column headings through
the footer, to khaki, using hexadecimal code #F0E68C. To do so, add the
following colgroup markup between <table border="1"> and <thead>,
as follows:

<table border="1">

5. Save the file and view it in a Web browser. The finished table should look similar to
Figure 3-13. Revise your markup if necessary and resave the file.
6. Close the file, and then leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you continue
to the next exercise during this session.
Building the User Interface by Using HTML5: Organization, Input, and Validation | 69

Figure 3-13
The final high-grossing
movies table

How do you create CREATING LISTS
an ordered list and an Creating lists in HTML5 is simple, especially if you’ve created them in previous HTML spec-
unordered list? ifications. The rules are nearly identical, although HTML5 modified how one list item should
be used and introduces some new attributes.
There are two primary types of HTML lists:
• Ordered list: Orders the list entries using numbers, by default. It uses the <ol> tag. You
can use the following attributes with an ordered list:
a. reversed: Uses the value “reversed,” which reverses the order of the list, in descend-
ing order; this attribute is not supported in most browsers as of this writing
b. start number: Specifies the start value of the ordered list
c. type: Specifies the kind of marker to use at the beginning of each list item; the value
“1” is the default and displays decimal numbers, the value “A” uses capital letters, the
value “a” uses lowercase letters, the value “I” uses uppercase Roman numerals, and
the value “i” uses lowercase Roman numerals
• Unordered list: Displays list entries in a bulleted list. It uses a <ul> tag.
Items in a list are marked by <li>, which indicates an ordinary list item. Let’s look at
some examples.
Here is an ordered list, shown in a browser in Figure 3-14:
<p>Favorite cupcakes:</p>
<li>Chocolate chip cheesecake</li>
<li>Strawberry delight</li>
<li>Italian creme</li>
Here is an unordered list, and shown in a Web browser in Figure 3-15:
<p>Cupcake flavors:</p>
<li>Strawberry delight</li>
<li>Chocolate chip cheesecake</li>
<li>Italian creme</li>
70 | Lesson 3

Figure 3-14
An example of an ordered list

Figure 3-15
An example of an
unordered list

You can change the round bullet symbols in an unordered list by simply adding an attribute
to change the nature of the bullets. For square symbols, add type="square" to the <ul>
tag, and for empty circles add type="circle". You can also add the attributes to individual
list items (marked by <li>) to affect individual points. For example, to display all bullet sym-
bols as filled-in squares:
<p>Cupcake flavors:</p>
<ul type="square">
<li>Strawberry delight</li>
<li>Chocolate chip cheesecake</li>
<li>Italian creme</li>

The markup would appear as shown in Figure 3-16.

Building the User Interface by Using HTML5: Organization, Input, and Validation | 71

Figure 3-16
The bulleted items have
filled-in squares as symbols

Another type of list is the definition list. It displays items with their definitions below the list
item and indented. The <dl> tag defines the list, the <dt> tag marks each term in the item,
and the <dd> tag defines each description. Here’s an example of the markup, and Figure 3-17
shows the rendered list.
<dt>Strawberry delight</dt>
<dd>Strawberry meringue buttercream with
tiny wild strawberries</dd>
<dt>Chocolate chip cheesecake</dt>
<dd>Mini chocolate chips blended with creamy
cheesecake and a chocolate brownie bottom,
topped with cream cheese frosting</dd>
<dt>Italian creme</dt>
<dd>Italian cream cake topped with cream
cheese frosting and toasted coconut</dd>

Figure 3-17
An example of a definition list
72 | Lesson 3

HTML5 also uses the menu element, which presents a list (or menu) of commands, usually
* with buttons. The W3C prefers that you use the menu element only for context menus, lists
The menu element was of form controls and commands, toolbars, and similar items. The HTML5 menu element is
deprecated in HTML not widely supported by browsers as of this writing.
4.01 but has been rede-
fined in HTML5.


GET READY. To create an ordered list, perform the following steps:
1. Using an HTML editor or app development tool and a Web browser, enter the following:
<!doctype html>


2. Save the file as L3-OrderedList.html and view it in a Web browser.

3. To change the initial markers to capital letters, insert type="A" in the <ol> tag,
like this: <ol type="A">
4. Save the file and view it in a Web browser. Do the list items now start with A, B, C, and D?
5. To start list numbering at 5, insert start="5" in the <ol> tag. Replace the current
<ol> tag with this: <ol start="5">
6. Save the file and view it in a Web browser. Do the list items now start with 5 and end
with 8?
7. Close the file, and then leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you continue
to the next exercise during this session.

■ Choosing and Configuring HTML5 Tags for Input and Validation

Developers use Web forms as the interface for collecting information from Web site and
THE BOTTOM LINE client application users. HTML input elements serve to build a form’s interface and ensure
that information is collected from users consistently. Validation ensures that the entered
information is in the correct format and usable before sending the data to the server.

In HTML, input and validation apply to forms. A Web form is a Web page that provides
input fields for a user to enter data, which is sent to a server for processing. From there, the
information is stored in a database or forwarded to a recipient.
Web forms are used as the interface for many different tasks:
• To log in to a Web site, server, or network
• To collect contact information, such as name, email address, phone number, and mailing
• To sign up for emails or newsletters from an organization
Building the User Interface by Using HTML5: Organization, Input, and Validation | 73

• To capture user comments after an article on a Web site

• To select preferences on a Web page
• To enter reservation information

Many client applications use some kind of Web form to interact with the user.
You use HTML input elements to build a form’s interface and ensure that information is collect-
ed from users consistently. Validation ensures that the entered information is in the correct format
and usable before sending the data to the server. For example, if you enter “637 Park Street” into
a Web address field, which is expecting something like “”, validation will
fail and prompt the user to correct the input. Validation also reduces the amount of spam and
malicious content that can make its way to the server or the recipient of the form’s data.

Understanding Input and Forms

Most Web forms, or at least many fields in most forms, require specifically formatted
input. The new HTML5 form and input attributes are intuitive, easy to use, and replace
a lot of scripting that was required in HTML 4.01 and previous versions.
Check the functionality Form input is the information a user enters into fields in a Web or client application form.
of any form you create (To keep things simple, we use the term “Web form” most of the time, but it applies to client
in many different brows- application as well.) HTML5 introduces several new form and input element attributes, such
ers during development. as url for entering a single Web address, email for a single email address or a list of email
This ensures the ele- addresses, and search to prompt users to enter text they want to search for. The new attributes
ments and attributes you make form development much easier than in the past. What used to take a lot of scripting
select work as expected can be accomplished by HTML5 tags.
or the fall-back
On the flip side, many of the new attributes are not yet supported by all of the major brows-
method collects accept-
ers. However, if you use a new element or attribute that isn’t yet supported, the browser “falls
able input.
back” to an alternate display, a different form of input, or what have you.
HTML5 introduces two new attributes for the form element—autocomplete and novali-
date. All attributes for the form element are listed in Table 3-4, with the new attributes indi-
cated with a double asterisk.

Table 3-4
Form element attributes used A TTRIBUTE V ALUE D ESCRIPTION
in HTML5
accept-charset character_set Specifies a set of character encodings the
server accepts
action URL Specifies the Web address to which form
data is sent
autocomplete** on Specifies whether autocomplete is on or off
off in a form or input field; can be “on” for
specific input fields and “off” for the form,
or vice versa
enctype application/x-www- Specifies the encoding type for form data
form-urlencoded when submitting the data to a server;
multipart/ used only for method="post"

74 | Lesson 3

Table 3-4
method get Specifies the HTTP (transmission) method
post used when sending form data; use “get”
for retrieving data and use “post” for
storing or updating data or sending email
name text Specifies the name of a form, which is used
to reference form data after a form is
novalidate** novalidate A Boolean attribute that specifies that the
form data (user input) should not be vali-
dated when submitted; HTML5 also allows
Boolean attributes to be set by mention-
ing the attribute without an equals sign or
assigned value
target _blank Specifies where to display the response
_self received after submitting the form
_parent _blank loads the response in a new,
_top unnamed browser window
_self loads the response in the current
window; this is the default, so it’s use
isn’t required
_parent loads the response in the parent
window (the browser window that opens
CERTIFICATION READY the form window)
Which HTML5-specific _top loads the response in the full
attributes do you use for browser window
restricting form input?
**New in HTML5.

HTML5 introduces numerous input element attributes. The attributes for the input element
are listed in Table 3-5; new attributes in HTML5 are indicated by a double asterisk.

Table 3-5
Input element attributes used A TTRIBUTE V ALUE D ESCRIPTION
in HTML5
accept audio/* Specifies file types the server accepts; used
video/* only for type="file"

alt text Specifies alternate text for images; used only

for type="image"; commonly used when
creating a custom Submit button from your
own image file
autocomplete** on Specifies whether autocomplete is on or off
off in a form or input field; can be “on” for
specific input fields and “off” for the form,
or vice versa

Building the User Interface by Using HTML5: Organization, Input, and Validation | 75

Table 3-5
autofocus** autofocus A Boolean attribute, specifies that a control
is to be focused, or selected, as soon as the
page loads
checked checked Specifies that an input element be pre-
selected upon page load; used only for
type="checkbox" or type="radio"

disabled disabled Disables an input element

form** form_id Specifies the form (or multiple forms)
an input element belongs to
formaction** URL Specifies the Web address of the file that will
process the input control when the form is
formenctype** application/x- Specifies the encoding type for form
www-form- data when submitting the data to
urlencoded a server; used only for method=”post”

formmethod** get Specifies the HTTP (transmission) method

post used for sending form data to a Web
formnovalidate** formnovalidate A Boolean attribute that prevents validation
when submitting input
formtarget** _blank Specifies a keyword that indicates
_self where to display the response
_parent received after submitting the form

height pixels Specifies the height of an input element;

used only with input type="image"
list** datalist_id Refers to a datalist element that contains
predefined content to autocomplete input,
such as selecting an item from a drop-
down list
max** number Specifies the maximum value for an input
date element
min** number Specifies the minimum value for an input
date element
multiple** multiple A Boolean attribute that specifies the user
may enter multiple values
pattern** regexp Provides a format (a regular expression) for
the input field; the input element’s value is
checked against the expression

76 | Lesson 3

Table 3-5
placeholder** text Displays a key word or short phrase that
describes the expected value of an input
field, such as “Email” for an email input
field; placeholder disappears when user
enters data
readonly readonly Restricts an input field to read-only
required** required A Boolean attribute that requires an input
field to be filled out before submitting the
size number Specifies the width of an input element, in
number of characters
src URL Specifies the Web address of the image
used as a submit button; used only for

step** number Specifies the accepted number of intervals

for an input element; can be used with the
min and max attributes to create a range
of values
For example, you are creating a slider bar for
input. If you set step="3", each time the
user move the slider, the input value increas-
es or decreases by 3
type button, checkbox, Specifies the type of input element to display
color, date,
email, file,
hidden, image,
month, number,
password, radio,
range, reset,
search, submit,
tel, text, time,
url, week

value text Specifies the value of an input element

width pixels Specifies the width of an input element;
used only with input type=”image”

**New in HTML5.
Building the User Interface by Using HTML5: Organization, Input, and Validation | 77


To create a form, use the <form> start and end tags. All of the form’s content and fields go
between the two <form> tags. Most forms also include the id attribute in the start tag, as follows:
<form id="keyword">
<content and fields>

The fieldset element is used with many forms to group related elements. The <fieldset>
tag draws a box around individual elements and/or around the entire form, as shown in
Figure 3-18.

Figure 3-18
The fieldset element
groups related elements in a
form and adds a border

If the form is included in an HTML document with other items, you can use the <div> tag
at the beginning and end of the form to separate it from other content. Using the <div> tag
also lets you include inline formatting, if the form uses tags to align fields vertically short and
simple and you don’t want to create a CSS style sheet. The <div> tag uses the id attribute
and appears before the first <form> tag. The label element displays the label for each field.
An example of the markup for a very simple form is:
<div id="contact-form"
style="font-family:'Arial Narrow','Nimbus Sans
<form id="contact" method="post" action="">
<label for="name">Name</label>
<input type="text" name="name" />
<label for="email">Email</label>
<input type="email" name="email" />
</div> <!-- end of contact-form -->

The form is shown in Figure 3-19.

78 | Lesson 3

Figure 3-19
A very simple form

Now let’s look at some of the new HTML5 attributes and values. Although this section
doesn’t address everything listed in Tables 3-4 and 3-5, it does describe and show examples of
some of the most commonly used attributes and values.
The required attribute requires information in a field when the form is submitted. The
email attribute (shown in the preceding example) requires the user to enter an email
address. The browser will alert the user with an error message to fix these issues.
An example of an input element with the required and email attributes is:
<input type="email" required />

To make a form more user-friendly, add placeholder text. Placeholder text is text displayed
inside an input field when the field is empty. It helps users understand the type of informa-
tion they should enter or select. When you click on or tab to the input field and start typ-
ing, the newly entered text replaces the placeholder text. An example of the placeholder
attribute is:
<input name="fName" placeholder="First Name" />

The pattern attribute provides a format (a regular expression) for an input field, which is
used to validate whatever is entered into the field. For example, let’s say you have a required
input field for employee ID. Every employee ID begins with two capital letters followed
by four digits. You would use a text input field with the required and pattern attributes to
ensure that the field (1) is populated when the user clicks the submit button and (2) con-
tains a value that matches the correct format for an employee ID. If the user hovers over the
field, the message in the title attribute displays, which you add separately. An example of
the pattern attribute is:
<input type="text" id="empID" name="EmployeeID"
required pattern="[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{4}"
title="Employee ID is two capital letters followed
by four digits">

You can use the pattern attribute with these <input> types: text, search, url,
telephone, email, and password.
Building the User Interface by Using HTML5: Organization, Input, and Validation | 79

The datalist element enables you to present the user with a drop-down list of options
to select from. Only the options in the list may be selected. Alternately, you could insert
type="text" into the input element to create a text box in which the user enters text. The
following example lets the user select from one of three countries:
<input id="country" name="country"
size="30" list="countries" />
<datalist id="countries">
<option value="United States">
<option value="Canada">
<option value="United Kingdom">

The search value for the type attribute enables you to create a search feature for a Web
page. An example of the markup is:
<input name="search" required>
<input type="submit" value="Search">

Finally, the autofocus attribute moves the focus to a particular input field when a Web
page loads. An example of autofocus is when you open a search engine Web page and the
insertion point automatically appears in the input box so you can type search terms with-
out first clicking in the box. An example of the markup to place the focus on a field named
fname when a page loads is:

<input type="text" name="fname"

autofocus="autofocus" />

autofocus has historically been handled by JavaScript, and if a user turns off JavaScript in a Web
browser, the autofocus feature doesn’t work. To work around this issue, the HTML5 autofocus
attribute is supported by all major browsers and behaves consistently across all Web sites.


GET READY. To create a simple Web form, perform the following steps:
1. Using an HTML editor or app development tool and a Web browser, create a simple
Web form with the following markup:
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Contact Us</title>
<div id="contact-form">

<form id="contact" method="post" action="">


<label for="custname">Name</label>
<input type="text" id="custname" />
80 | Lesson 3

<label for="email">Email</label>
<input type="email" id="email" />

<label for="phone">Phone</label>
<input type="text" id="phone" />

<label for="message">Questions or
<textarea name="message"></textarea>

<input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit"

value="Submit" />


</div><!-- End of contact-form -->


2. Save the file as L3-WebForm-orig.html. The rendered version is shown in

Figure 3-20.

Figure 3-20
The beginning of a Web form

3. The Web form looks unstructured. Ideally, you would use CSS to apply alignment, but
because you haven’t learned CSS yet, you can apply a workaround to make the fields
align vertically. One method is to add <fieldset> start and end tags around each
label/input pair. This would align the fields vertically and add boxes around them.
Using opening and closing <p> tags instead of <fieldset> tags would accomplish
the same thing but without adding boxes. For this exercise, use the <p> tags.
Figure 3-21 shows the same Web form with <p> tags around the label/input pairs,
including the comments field.
Building the User Interface by Using HTML5: Organization, Input, and Validation | 81

Figure 3-21
A Web form using <p> tags to
align fields vertically

4. Add placeholder text to all fields. The result should look similar to Figure 3-22, if
viewed in the Mozilla Firefox Web browser.

Figure 3-22
A Web form with placeholders
added to each field

5. Save the file as L3-WebForm-placeholders.html.

6. Leave the file and editing tool open if you continue to the next exercise during this

To learn more about HTML5 input element attributes, visit the Web site at

Understanding Validation

HTML5 provides new attributes that validate Web form fields as users are entering
data or when they click the submit button. The attributes include required, email, and
pattern, among others.
82 | Lesson 3

Validation is the process of verifying that information entered or captured in a form is in the
correct format and usable before sending the data to the server. Some things that are verified
during validation are:
• Required fields are empty
• Email addresses are valid
• Dates are valid
• Text does not appear in a numeric field or vice versa

Using HTML 4.01 and previous specifications, you often needed to use a lot of JavaScript
or scripting in another language to create custom validity rules and response messages, or to
determine if an element is invalid.
In HTML5, several of the input element types you learned about in the last section offer
automatic validation of input, which means the browser checks the data the user inputs.
This is referred to as client-side validation, because the input data is validated before sub-
CERTIFICATION READY mission to the server. (In cases in which the server validates data received from an input form,
How does HTML5 it’s referred to as server-side validation.) If the user enters the wrong type of data into a field,
validate data entered into such as an email address in a field with the url attribute, the browser instructs the user to
a form by a user?
enter a valid URL. Let’s look at examples of the default error messages that are generated dur-
ing automatic validation.
The required attribute avoids the problem of empty fields that need to be populated. When
a user skips a required field and clicks the submit button, an error message appears as shown
in Figure 3-23. This example uses the Mozilla Firefox Web browser.

Figure 3-23
Error message in the Firefox
browser for a required field

HTML5 also offers validation of Web addresses entered into fields with the
<input type="url"> construct, and numbers entered into fields with the <input
type="number"> construct. If you use the min and max attributes with type="number",
you will receive an error message from the browser if you enter a number that’s too small or
too large.
Finally, the pattern attribute prevents the user from entering data that doesn’t follow
the pattern expression. In this example, the pattern attribute validates a five-digit zip
<input type= "text" name= "zipcode"
pattern= "[0-9] {5}"
title= "Five-digit zip code" />

Incorrectly entering data in the Zip Code field in the Firefox browser results in the error mes-
sage shown in Figure 3-24.
Building the User Interface by Using HTML5: Organization, Input, and Validation | 83

Figure 3-24
Error message in the Firefox
browser when entering an
incorrect pattern

As mentioned previously, no markup is required to activate HTML5 form validation—it’s on

by default. To turn it off, use the novalidate attribute for specific input fields.


GET READY. To add validation fields to a Web form, perform the following steps:
You must also vali- 1. Using an HTML editor or app development tool, open L3-WebForm-placeholders.html.
date Web forms just 2. Save the file as L3-WebForm-valid.html.
as you do an ordinary 3. Add the required attribute to the email field, as follows:
HTML document
using the W3C Markup <p>
Validation service at <label for="email">Email</label> <input type="email" name="email" required
placeholder="Email address">

4. Add the pattern attribute to the phone field. The expression should restrict entry to
area code and phone number, in the format XXX-XXX-XXXX, as follows:
<label for="phone">Phone</label>
<input type="text" name="phone" pattern="[0-9]{3}-
[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}" placeholder="Phone number">

5. Save the file, and then view it in a Web browser. Type text in each input field except
the email field and click the Submit button. Did you receive an error message
prompting you to enter an email address?
6. Type text in each field again including the email field, but this time type a phone
number without the area code and then click Submit. Did you receive an error regard-
ing the phone number field?
7. Close the file, the editing tool or app development tool, and the Web browser.



• HTML5 introduces several new elements for organizing content and forms. They represent
the new semantic markup that’s an important part of HTML5.
• Semantic markup uses tag names that are intuitive, making it easier to build and modify
HTML documents, and for Web browsers and other programs to interpret.
• New HTML5 elements for structuring and organizing content in an HTML document
include header, footer, section, nav, article, and aside. These elements reduce
the number of div tags required in a document.
• Tables and lists give structure to specific information in HTML documents. A table contains
rows and columns, and displays data in a grid. In HTML, you can create ordered and

84 | Lesson 3

unordered lists. Each item in an ordered list is marked by a number or letter. An unordered
list is a bulleted list.
• Developers use Web forms as the interface for collecting information from Web site and
client application users. HTML input elements serve to build a form’s interface and ensure
that information is collected from users consistently.
• Most Web forms, or at least many fields in most forms, require specifically formatted
input. The new HTML5 form and input attributes are intuitive, easy to use, and replace a
lot of scripting that was required in HTML 4.01 and previous versions.
• Validation ensures that information entered in an input field of a Web form is in the cor-
rect format and usable before sending the data to the server.
• HTML5 provides new attributes that validate Web form fields as users are entering data
or when they click the submit button. The attributes include required, email, and pattern,
among others.

■ Knowledge Assessment
Fill in the Blank
Complete the following sentences by writing the correct word or words in the blanks provided.
1. An HTML contains rows and columns, and is used to display infor-
mation in a grid format.
2. Class and ID are attributes, which means they can be used with any
HTML element.
3. An list orders the list entries using numbers, by default.
4. An list displays list entries in a bulleted list.
5. The HTML5 element presents a list (or menu) of commands, usually
with buttons.
6. Form is the information a user enters into fields in a Web or client
7. The attribute requires information in a field when the form is submitted.
8. text is displayed inside an input field when the field is empty. It helps
users understand the type of information they should enter or select.
9. is the process of verifying that information entered or captured in a
form is in the correct format and usable before sending the data to the server.
10. The attribute moves the focus to a particular input field when a Web
page loads.

Multiple Choice
Circle the letter that corresponds to the best answer.
1. Which HTML5 element defines subdivisions in a document, such as chapters, parts of a
thesis, or parts of a Web page whose content is distinct from each other?
a. aside
b. section
c. header
d. article
Building the User Interface by Using HTML5: Organization, Input, and Validation | 85

2. Which HTML5 element defines a part of an HTML document that consists of a “self-
contained composition” that’s independent from the rest of the content in the document
and may be syndicated?
a. aside
b. section
c. header
d. article
3. Which HTML5 element is used to set off content that’s related to the current topic but
would interrupt the flow of the document if left inline?
a. aside
b. section
c. header
d. article
4. Which HTML5 attribute provides a format (a regular expression) for an input field,
which is used to validate whatever is entered into the field?
a. pattern
b. autofocus
c. required
d. placeholder
5. Which of the following does validation not check and return an error for, by default,
if invalid?
a. Required fields are empty
b. Valid email addresses
c. Email address to the wrong recipient
d. Text in a numeric field or vice versa
6. Which of the following is a practical use for a Web form?
a. To collect contact information from a user
b. To capture user comments after an article on a Web site
c. Both a and b
d. Neither a nor b
7. Which of the following are new form attributes in HTML5? (Choose all that apply.)
a. autocomplete
b. target
c. method
d. novalidate
8. What pattern attribute expression would you use to enter a product code that consists of
three digits, separated by a hyphen, and then a single lowercase letter?
a. [a-z]{1}-[0-9]{3}
b. [0-9]{3}-[a-z]{1}
c. [A-Z]{3}-[0-9]{1}
d. [0-9]{1}-[a-z]{3}
9. Which of the following displays a key word or short phrase that describes the expected
value of an input field, and then disappears when a user enters data?
a. label
b. placeholder
c. title
d. email
86 | Lesson 3

10. What is the format for the HTML5 tag that validates an email address?
a. <input label="email" name="URL">
b. <form id="email">
c. <label for="email">Email</label>
d. <input type = "email" name = "email">

True / False
Circle T if the statement is true or F if the statement is false.
T F 1. In a table, the tfoot element must appear before the tbody element.
T F 2. You can use numbers or letters for each item in an ordered list.
T F 3. You can specify the height of an input element using the size attribute.
T F 4. The label element displays the caption, or title, for a table.
T F 5. The nav element defines a block of navigation links.

■ Competency Assessment
Scenario 3-1: Markup for a Newsletter Article
Sally Rowe, the document controller at Malted Milk Media, wants to publish a series of
articles on the company intranet regarding document security and versioning. She needs to
create a skeleton of the HTML5 markup for an article that will appear in the monthly online
newsletter created by one of the Web developers. Each article will have a title and subtitle,
several paragraphs of text, and her name and the article date in the footer. What should her
article markup look like?

Scenario 3-2: Displaying Long Tables in HTML

Vince generates accounting reports for the VP of Finance at Momentum Strategies, a PR firm
geared toward political campaigns. Vince regularly prints tables that are two- or three-pages
long and delivers hard copies to senior management staff. He wants to publish them to a
secure area of the company intranet, but the rows of data separate from the column headings
and totals line at the end. He wants to know how to present the tables properly in HTML5.
What do you tell him?

■ Proficiency Assessment
Scenario 3-3: Creating a Glossary of Terms
Waylon is a student working on a term paper. His instructor requires each student to format
the paper for display on the Web. Waylon wants to include a glossary of terms at the end of
the paper but can’t produce the right “look” using an unordered list. Which markup would be
better suited for Waylon’s glossary?

Scenario 3-4: Using Proper Input Types in a Web Form

Margie is creating and testing a Web form that includes an email field, a Web address field,
and a zip code field, among others. When she has a few co-workers test the form, she finds
they often enter the email address in the Web address field by mistake, and sometimes enter
too many or too few numbers in the zip code field. She doesn’t want to use a pattern expres-
sion because she says it’s too complicated. What other input types can Margie use?
Understanding CSS LE SS O N 4
Essentials: Content
Flow, Positioning,
and Styling


Understanding CSS Essentials Understand the core CSS concepts. 3.1

absolute positioning font-family property
block flow hidden overflow
bounding box inline flow
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) monospace
class rules
CSS3 sans serif
declaration scrolling overflow
float positioning selector
font visible overflow

A designer at your company, Malted Milk Media, has mocked up the design for an
online application for a new client, Trusty Lawn Care, Inc. You have been asked to work
on the project, and you need a clear understanding of what CSS can do for you and how
to make the most of it.

■ Understanding CSS Essentials

CSS is a crucial tool for achievement of much of the appearance and even behavior of
modern mobile applications as well as Web sites. To build the “front end” of an app or Web
site, and especially to keep its appearance correct and “fresh” as functional changes are made
THE BOTTOM LINE to the app or Web site during its life-time, you need to understand CSS well and how CSS
co-operates with other tools including HTML and JavaScript. You’ll also be in a far better
position to estimate the effort required for particular projects when you fully digest concepts
of user interface “style” as CSS uses them.
88 | Lesson 4

Think of Trusty Lawn Care’s Web site. Near the top are the words “Trusty Lawn Care”:
that’s a title or heading. The detailed appearance of that heading might show individual
letters in italics, bold, or even color; the letters will have a particular size, and be chosen
from a specific font; and a wealth of more subtle special effects is also within the reach of
advanced Web developers. All these elements of presentation, as opposed to content, are part
of the style of the Web site. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a language that defines style of
HTML elements.
What does “cascading” mean here? One of the original principles of HTML is that the
CERTIFICATION READY appearance of an element is controlled not only by CSS but also by the way the end user
What is the purpose configures his or her browser or desktop. A vision-impaired end user can, for example, request
of CSS?
that content be displayed in a particularly large font size. In HTML theory, definition of
appearance cascades between these different style sheets.

It’s common for Web designers to call the file that holds CSS rules a style sheet or “the
* CSS.” Some style coders and many programmers say “CSS source” or “CSS file” to refer
to the same.

As you learned in previous lessons, HTML’s responsibility is to structure content; CSS’s

responsibility is to format that content. CSS3 is the version of CSS that corresponds to
HTML5, and most modern Web browsers support CSS3. The exciting basis of this book
is that modern tools leverage the same standards to construct mobile applications: HTML,
CSS, and JavaScript let you build apps, too.
The good thing about CSS3 is that it’s backward compatible with previous versions of CSS, so you
can start using CSS3 with your existing Web pages without having to change anything. CSS3 gen-
erally adds features and functionality rather than changing how CSS has always been used.
Some of the significant additions to CSS3 are selectors, the box model, 2D and 3D transfor-
mations, animations, and multiple column layout. CSS3 also lets you create rounded borders,
add shadows to boxes and text, use multiple images in a background, and use any font you
like, whether it’s on the user’s computer or not.
These topics are covered in this lesson or Lessons 5 and 6 of this book. Much like HTML5,
CSS3 is still under development at the time of this writing. However, because most browsers
already support CSS3, many developers are already incorporating CSS3 into their Web sites
and applications.

Using the Appropriate Tools

You can create CSS files entirely from a simple text editor like Notepad. However, many
HTML editors and application development tools provide a debugging feature that
helps you quickly find errors in your markup and code. These tools also usually include
a button to open a Web browser rather than having to do so manually.

As you begin to work with CSS, decide which editing tools you need: you can work with
markup and source code using anything from the Notepad program built into Windows to
an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) specific to a particular mobile environment.
Just like when working with HTML, at any one time, you’ll have at least two applications open:
• An editor (open to a CSS source and an HTML document), which might be Notepad,
Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft Expression Blend, Expression Studio, notepad++ for
Windows or textwrangler for Mac OS, Microsoft Web Matrix, or a number of other tools.
• A Web browser, such as Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, etc.
Understanding CSS Essentials: Content Flow, Positioning, and Styling | 89

You can use whatever you’re comfortable with, but Notepad has its limitations and wasn’t
designed as a full-featured editor. Many HTML editors and application development
In Lesson 2 you learned tools include time-saving features like debugging, line numbers, and a button to open a
the basics of editing Web browser.
HTML source and
viewing the resulting Exploring the Link Between HTML and CSS
display. Use the same
skills to work with CSS.
The <link> element links an HTML file to a CSS file. This section briefly covers
fundamental CSS styling and how HTML and CSS files are linked.

When you create an HTML page and want to pull styles from a CSS file, you must
include a <link> element to the CSS file in the HTML page. (You can reference more
than one CSS file in an HTML page.) An example of correct syntax for a <link> is
as follows:
<link href = "filename.css" rel = "stylesheet"
type = "text/css">

An HTML file might have a name like myproject.html or file1.htm; a typical CSS
filename is myproject.css. Their contents also look quite different: HTML source is orga-
nized around tags, while, as you’ll see below, CSS is a sequence of rules.
Commercial organizations often enforce specific filesystems. You might, for example, develop
a CSS source that fulfills specific requirements. During your development, you refer to
your work as ... href = "mytheme.css" ... The larger team might not even make
explicit, though, its assumption that it expects a reference such as ... href = "styles/
mytheme.css" ...
CERTIFICATION READY It’s important to recognize that if you misspell the CSS file name, or “stylesheet,” or
How is content created “text/css” within the HTML page markup, the resulting Web page doesn’t apply any of
with HTML and then the styles in the CSS file. The HTML page treats the link to the CSS as simply missing.
styled with CSS?
The default behavior for all leading Web browsers is not to complain or warn about the


GET READY. There are a number of ways to style an HTML page with CSS styles. Here is a
basic way to start:
1. Use a text editor or app development tool to create a file in your home directory
called e1.html with the following content:
<!doctype html>
<title>Trusty Lawn Care, Inc.</title>
<link href = "e1.css" rel = "stylesheet"
type = "text/css">
<h1>Trusty Lawn Care, Inc.</h1>
<p id = "slogan">We keep you in green.</p>
<p>Trusty Lawn Care can keep your lawn looking lush and vigor-
ous all season. We use only natural fertilizers, mulches, and
soils to boost the health of your turf.</p>
90 | Lesson 4

2. Create a second file, in the same folder as the .html source; name it as e1.css and
use the following content:
#slogan {
font-size: 20px;
color: green;
font-style: italic;

3. Open the e1.html file in a Web browser. The page should look like Figure 4-1.

Figure 4-1
Simplest possible home page
for Trusty Lawn Care

In this example, the HTML file (e1.html) defines content and structure: it has the words
“Trusty Lawn Care, Inc.”, it identifies five words as part of a slogan, and so on. The CSS file
(e1.css) provides style to that content. To make certain characters green, the CSS file doesn’t use
green paint or green light, but instead the word “green” to communicate to the browser how to
color the slogan. The files are linked together using the <link> element in the HTML file.

You can specify color using a name or a hexadecimal value. For example, to use the
standard blue color, the color name is “blue” and the hexadecimal value is #0000FF. You
* can see a list of color names and their values at

CERTIFICATION READY Let’s try creating a Web page and CSS file and then modifying the CSS file to see how the
What are essential CSS changes affect the Web page. You’ll be able to understand for yourself how HTML and CSS
styling principles?
work together to produce displays in your Web browser or mobile application.


GET READY. To explore basic CSS styling, perform the following steps:
1. Create a Web page named e1.html and a CSS file named e1.css using the markup
shown previously.
2. Point your Web browser to e1.html to display the rendered page.
3. Edit e1.css to make the slogan appear in a larger font, such as 25px. Change the
color from green to #00CC00. Change its style from italic to bold. After you make
each change, confirm that the corresponding display updates as you expect. You final
Web page should look similar to Figure 4-2.
Understanding CSS Essentials: Content Flow, Positioning, and Styling | 91

Figure 4-2
The modified Trusty Lawn Care
Web page

4. Close the HTML and CSS files. Leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you’re
continuing immediately to the next section.

It’s essential that you are comfortable with CSS basics. If you find yourself struggling with the
basics while working through the lessons and exercises, consider taking some CSS tutorials
online such as those offered on the Web site.

Separating Content from Style

In HTML documents, it’s standard practice to maintain HTML files, which contain
content, and simply reference a separate CSS file, which contains code for styling the
content in the HTML files. This enables you to change styles in only one file (the CSS
file) and see those style changes made throughout all associated HTML files automati-
cally. When working on a small, standalone HTML file in which the styles probably
won’t change, it’s acceptable to include CSS styling code within the HTML file itself.

You can create pages as “pure” HTML, that is, with a single HTML source file and no
CSS file. HTML has the ability to specify italicization, color, and more. Simple Web sites
sometimes don’t use CSS, or they use it in an inline syntax.

Even something as simple as coloring a text block green can be done in several distinct
ways. Manuals and references often switch between these different styles with little
explanation. You might see any of “<div style = ‘color:green’ …” in HTML, or “div
* {color:green …” in CSS, or “<style …> div {color:green …</style>” in HTML, or pos-
sibly even more unusual combinations. The first is often called “in-line”, to underline
that the CSS specification appears in the same HTML expressions which define struc-
ture and content.

However, separating HTML and CSS into different files is itself a fundamental concept you
How do Web sites need to understand. “Separation of content and style” is a phrase often repeated by those who
manage “content” work on Web sites and mobile apps. Content is managed as HTML and style as CSS. This
and “style”? division of labor often mirrors the organization of project teams: different people are respon-
3.1 sible for content and style. The separation of HTML and CSS helps make it possible for two
people to work simultaneously without interfering with each other.
In addition, separation of content and presentation helps you conform more closely with
HTML5, which is becoming the new standard for Web pages and applications.
92 | Lesson 4

This lesson shows correspondences between CSS and a Web page. Keep in mind that
the Web page depends on a larger configuration, typically including at least an HTML
file and a browser. Don’t think you can learn CSS in complete isolation from these other
parts. A second correspondence is between CSS and the display of a particular mobile
* app built with that CSS. While your purpose in learning and working with CSS might
be to develop apps, all the instruction of this chapter will be in terms of Web pages. The
tools for mobile apps are changing rapidly, and aren’t as well standardized as the Internet
Explorer (IE) Web browser. Therefore, all examples will be shown with Release 9 of IE.
All you learn about CSS applies equally well for programming your apps.

Understanding Selectors and Declarations

Once these basics are comfortable for you, you are in a position to look more deeply at CSS
source files. A CSS file typically contains a sequence of style specifications or rules and might
include an initial @import rule. The order of the rules will be significant in later lessons.

Each individual rule has two primary parts: a selector and one or more declarations. The
selector is usually the HTML element you want to style. The declaration is the style for
a specific selector. A declaration has a property, which is a style attribute, and a value. The
general syntax of a declaration consists of a property keyword followed by a colon and space,
and then a value followed by a semi-colon terminator. A declaration is within curly brackets.
These concepts are illustrated in Figure 4-3.
Figure 4-3
Describing a selector and

Consider this example:

/* This is the content of the file e1.css. */
p {color: brown;}
#slogan {
color: green;
font-style: italic;

Content between /* and */ in a CSS file is called a comment. It’s a note inserted by the
* developer for informational purposes only and it doesn’t affect the CSS or Web page.
Comments can appear anywhere in a style sheet.

This example has two rules, one for “p” and one for #slogan. The first rule applies to all con-
tent within all paragraph tags (or type) <p> on the Web page. The second rule applies
only to the unique HTML element with ID “slogan.” The selector part of a rule can be quite
complicated; for now, think of selectors as one of the following three:
• HTML tags, like <p> above. CSS rules also commonly select such tags as <h...>,
<table>, <a>, and so on.
• ID selectors, like #slogan above. For these, the symbol # is a prefix that determines that
selection is by ID.
• Class selectors, like the example that follows.
Understanding CSS Essentials: Content Flow, Positioning, and Styling | 93

Notice that an ID should be unique within a particular HTML instance. Several elements
may share a class, though. Class is an attribute a Web author uses to provide structure to a
document beyond the meaning HTML builds in with elements such as paragraph, header,
and so on. We might choose to label some content on a page “opinion” and other “fact.”
These kinds of categories are conveniently implemented as classes, because CSS can manage
content in terms of its class definitions. The following markup illustrates the use of a class.
This is the content of an HTML file, named e2.html:
<!doctype html>
<title>A class example</title>
<link href = "e2.css" rel = "stylesheet"
type = "text/css">
<h1>About States</h1>
<p class = "fact">Alaska is the largest U.S. state
in area.</p>
<p class = "opinion">New Jersey deserves its
nickname "Garden State."</p>
<p class = "fact">A single congressman represents
Wyoming in the national House of

This is the content of the associated CSS file, named e2.css:

p {color: black;}
/* The prefix for a class selector is a period: '.' */
.opinion {color: gray;}

With these two files in place, opening e2.html produces a display that looks like Figure 4-4.
Figure 4-4
Use of a class selector to
specify a paragraph’s color

How do you remember the syntax for different selectors? Here’s a mnemonic that works
for some: the prefix for a class is period—that’s because in school, a class fills up one
* period. The prefix for an ID is a ‘#’, sometimes called the “number sign.” A common ID is
your Social Security number—number, ID.
94 | Lesson 4

Be careful with IDs. You probably understand that they need to be unique within your
HTML. They can also appear in JavaScript and CSS. Many teams find they have to
* take special pains to keep IDs unique across all these different forms of source. If there’s
a slip—if someone introduces an ID that duplicates another already in use by a single
page—it can be difficult to debug the subsequent errors.

Understanding Fonts and Font Families

Typography has to do with the appearance of letters, numbers, and other characters.
Typography is a large and involved subject, well beyond the scope of this lesson. It is
important, though, to recognize some of its vocabulary.

A font is a set of characters of a particular size and style. Graphic artists often have strong
beliefs about the readability and visual appeal of different fonts, and you might be asked to
arrange a display or parts of a display in specific fonts, or in fonts with particular characteristics.
Monospace is often used for technical material such as formulas, numbers, codes, and so on.
Serifs are the details at the ends of particular letters; look at the “d,” “p,” and “t” in this sentence
for examples of serif characters. Sans serif fonts are simply type styles drawn without serifs,
such as the Arial font. See examples in Figure 4-5.

Figure 4-5
Examples of a serif and a sans
serif font

The primary way to specify fonts in a CSS file is to use the font-family property. The
font-family property can declare either a specific font, like Garamond or Arial, or a wider
family that includes many different fonts, such as “serif.” Particularly when developing for
mobile handsets, it’s safest to specify a broad family, like monospace or sans-serif, because it is
hard to predict which particular fonts will be available on a particular handset.
For example, when you include font-family: monospace in a CSS file, you tell the
browser to choose characters where each letter occupies the same width on a line, whether
the letter itself is as wide as “m” or as narrow as “i.” You aren’t specifying a specific monospace
font; you are specifying only the monospace family.


GET READY. To understand the basics of font control, perform the following steps:
1. Open the e1.html and e1.css files from the previous exercise in in your editing tool.
Save them as e3.html and e3.css, respectively.
2. Change e1.css to e3.css in the link element in the e3.html file and then save the file.
3. Within e3.css, add a new rule for #slogan that declares font-family: monospace:
p {color: brown;}
#slogan {
font-family: monospace;
color: green;
font-style: italic;

4. Save the CSS file and then view the HTML file in your Web browser. The results are
shown in Figure 4-6.
Understanding CSS Essentials: Content Flow, Positioning, and Styling | 95

Figure 4-6
Applying the monospace font


5. In the CSS file, change the rule to font-family: sans-serif;.

6. Save the CSS file, and then view the HTML file in your Web browser. The results are
shown in Figure 4-7.

Figure 4-7
Applying the sans serif font

Sans serif

7. Change the rule to font-family: Garamond;, save the CSS file, and then view the
HTML file in your Web browser. The results are shown in Figure 4-8.

Figure 4-8
Applying a specific font to the
slogan element

Garamond font

8. Close the e3.html and e3.css files. Leave the editing tool and Web browser open if
you’re continuing immediately to the next section.
96 | Lesson 4

Prior to CSS3, developers had to use Web-safe fonts and/or fonts the developer knew was
installed on a Web page visitor’s system. The list of Web-safe fonts is relatively short and
doesn’t offer much variety. Using anything other than Web-safe fonts usually meant creating
images for titles and headings, and using other workarounds.
CSS3 provides the @font-face rule, which enables developers to use any font they choose.
To do so, you first create a font-face rule by assigning a name to the font. The font must be
located on your Web server, or you can include a URL to where the font is located if it’s on a
different Web server. Here’s an example of a rule for a font named Euphemia that’s located on
your own Web server :
font-family: TrustyHomePage;
src: url('Euphemia.ttf'),

Just like with images, you (or a client you work for) must own a legal copy of the font to use
it in any Web pages you create.

To learn more about CSS style essentials, visit the Microsoft’s Web page on Cascading Style Sheets at You can also take free CSS tutorials on the Web site at

Managing Content Flow

You can manage the flow of content in an HTML document using inline flow and block
flow properties in CSS.

“Flow” or display style is a fundamental HTML concept. It has to do with filling horizontal
How do Web sites lines from left to right across the display, and separation of lines from top to bottom as one
manage content flow? moves down the display.
3.1 Consider these two alternatives for display of a visual element:
• Inline flow: Fills only as much width as required
• Block flow: Fills as much width as is available
Control of the geometry of your user interface, and particularly the horizontal extent of the display,
is important. It is correspondingly important to understand flow. A few examples will help.
Inline flow “fits.” It forces no new lines before or after the inlined element, but simply places
the element between the content before and after the inlined element.
Look at this paragraph:
This is a paragraph in which a word appears in bold and another word is italicized.

In a typical HTML coding, the words “bold” and “italicized” appear as <b> and <i> ele-
What is the difference ments, respectively. These elements are inline: they occupy only as much space in the lines of
between inline flow and text as necessary, and they are not forced to new lines.
block flow? In block flow, in contrast to inline flow, an element is separated from other elements by new
3 .1 lines above and below, and fills from left to right the horizontal extent where it appears.
Understanding CSS Essentials: Content Flow, Positioning, and Styling | 97

The paragraph you’re reading now is itself a block-flow element: above it and below it are new
lines, and the paragraph fills its extent from left to right.
Display flow is under your control. List items, for example, default to block flow.
With CSS, though, you can “inline” them to achieve a different and distinctive appear-
ance. While they remain list items, with list item’s other usual attributes and behav-
ior, a change in display style allows them to appear one after the other in a horizontal
sequence, left to right.
Warm up your editor. It’s time to try out a few small segments of CSS for yourself.

The beginning of this lesson went to pains to explain how HTML and CSS files work
together as a team to achieve design effects. For the next example and subsequent exam-
ples, though, the CSS styling is collapsed into the HTML source file. HTML recognizes
the <style> element, which makes this possible. When learning CSS attributes, it is
* generally much, much more convenient to work within a single source file, so all except
the simplest sections of the lesson are implemented within a single HTML source. Keep
in mind that most commercial work will be structured in terms of separate HTML and
CSS sources.


GET READY. To explore inline flow and block flow, perform the following steps:
1. Create the file e4.html with the following contents:
<!doctype html>
<!-- This is the content of the file e4.html.-->
<title>Block and inline flow</title>
<link href = "e4.css" rel = "stylesheet"
type = "text/css">
<style type = 'text/css'>
.toolbar li {
<h1>Block and inline flow</h1>

<p>Here are choices you can make:</p>

<ul class = "toolbar">
98 | Lesson 4

2. When you display this source in your browser, you see something like Figure 4-9.

Figure 4-9
Default appearance of list

3. Update the source of e4.html so that the <style> segment looks like
<style type = "text/css">
.toolbar li {
background-color: #EEE;
border: 1px solid;
border-color: #F3F3F3 #BBB #BBB #F3F3F3;
margin: 2px;
padding: .5em;
4. Save the file and refresh your browser. The list display updates, as shown in Figure 4-10.
Notice how this example illustrates that control of flow is useful for visual effects.

Figure 4-10
Appearance of list elements
re-styled with inline flow

5. Close the e4.html file. Leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you’re
continuing immediately to the next section.

To learn more about the CSS display property and managing content flow, visit the CSS display
Property Web page at
Understanding CSS Essentials: Content Flow, Positioning, and Styling | 99

CERTIFICATION READY Positioning Individual Elements

How are individual
elements positioned HTML and CSS support a number of ways to specify where individual HTML elements
on an HTML page
appear within a display. The two most important for our purposes are float positioning
using CSS?
and absolute positioning.
3 .1

The default positioning method for all elements is “static”, that is, immediately after the
document’s previous element. To place any element in any other position, use CSS to change
CERTIFICATION READY the default to either float or absolute.
How is float positioning
3 .1
Float positioning often is useful when a layout is in columns, at least in part. To float an element
is to have it move as far as possible either to the right or left; text then “wraps” around the element.
Simple columns are constructed by floating several different elements in turn. Suppose you need
Managing content flow to produce four-column layout of textual content. Style each of the pieces of content that should
and using columns for appear in successive columns as float positioned; each element “floats” to the side, but is kept
readability are covered separate from the ones before and after it. Note that in this kind of column, text which overruns
in detail in Lesson 6. the bottom of one column does not flow to the top of the next one.


GET READY. To apply float positioning to multiple columns, perform the following steps:
1. Create the file e5.html with the following contents:
<!doctype html>
<!-- This is e5.html. -->
<title>Float positioning</title>
<style type = 'text/css'>
#col1 {
float: left;
width: 150px;
background-color: lightskyblue;
#col2 {
float: left;
width: 120px;
background-color: yellow;

<h1>Float positioning</h1>
<p id = "col1">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer pretium dui
sit amet felis. Integer sit amet diam. Phasellus
ultricesviverra velit.

<p id = "col2">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer pretium dui
sit amet felis. Integer sit amet diam. Phasellus
ultrices viverra velit.
100 | Lesson 4

<p id = "col3">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer pretium dui
sit amet felis. Integer sit amet diam. Phasellus
ultrices viverra velit.


This section and following section do not always present complete HTML and CSS mark-
up; they instead show only crucial lines. This kind of abbreviation is common in reference
materials and everyday communications among developers. You are expected to embed
* such a line in the larger source file in the correct position. This is the equivalent of a lesson
in cleaning an automobile’s spark plugs, which assumes you already know how to start the
engine, open the hood, hold a wrench, and so on.

The “Lorem ipsum” text is called filler or dummy text, commonly used in design circles.
While it has the appearance of Latin, it in fact is not meaningful. It’s just standard text
* that looks like content in its sequence and frequency of characters. It’s easy to gener-
ate dummy text in Word, for example, by typing =lorem() into a blank document and
pressing the Enter key.

2. Display e5.html, as shown in Figure 4-11. Note how content appears in columns,
indicated by the background colors which appear behind the text.

Figure 4-11
Multiple columns with the float
attribute applied

3. In the browser, col1 and col2 appear as two fixed-width columns, and col3 fills up
any remaining space. If you change the two CSS float attributes from left to right,
how does the display appear?
4. Make the change.
5. Were you correct? Did display of the updated HTML source look as you expect?
6. Close the e5.html file. Leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you’re
continuing immediately to the next section.


With absolute positioning, an element is removed from its position within the body of a
document and placed at a geometric position in the display. “Geometric position” here means
a location a definite distance from two sides of the display—the top and the right-hand sides,
for example.
Understanding CSS Essentials: Content Flow, Positioning, and Styling | 101


GET READY. To apply absolute positioning to multiple columns, perform the following steps:
1. Create e6.html by opening e5.html saving a copy as e6.html.
2. Replace the comment at the top with:
<!-- This is e6.html. -->

Replace the content within the <head> tags with the following:
<title>Absolute positioning</title>
<style type = 'text/css'>
#col1 {
position: absolute;
bottom: 100px;
right: 100px;
background-color: lightskyblue;
#col2 {
background-color: yellow;


3. Within the body element, change the <h1> heading to:

<h1>Absolute positioning</h1>

4. Display e6.html, as shown in Figure 4-12. In this example, the col2 (yellow background)
and col3 (no colored background) paragraphs appear “normal,” near the top of the dis-
play. Col1, however, ends at a position locked to the lower-left of the displaying window.

Figure 4-12
Multiple columns with the
absolute attribute applied

5. Resize the window and see how the three different paragraphs adjust.
6. Close the e6.html file. Leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you’re
continuing immediately to the next section.

Absolute positioning generally hasn’t been used in Web work as much as float positioning.
Mobile applications often have a display window of a known, definite, and relatively small
size, though. For mobile applications, in contrast to the majority of Web applications, it is
relatively common to use absolute positioning.
102 | Lesson 4

To learn more about CSS float, go to You can
get additional information about the CSS position property at
css/css_positioning.asp and

Managing Content Overflow

Another crucial concept in HTML design is the bounding box. This section explains
overflow in relation to bounding boxes.

When you view letters and characters on a page, look at them as marks rather than letters.
Each HTML element occupies a rectangle. The word “rectangle,” for example, isn’t particu-
larly rectangular: the “t” and “l” stick out above, and “g” dangles below. For the purpose
of HTML layout, though, “rectangle” fits within a small rectangle (or bounding box) that
includes all the letters of the word along with their background, as shown in Figure 4-13.
CSS styling is expressed in terms of this box.

Figure 4-13
Bounding box example

In particular, CSS makes it possible to limit the width of an element. What happens if the
Which CSS property element doesn’t fit in the space CSS defines for it? CSS’s overflow rule controls this.
controls content
3 .1
When an element overflows its box, and its overflow is set to scroll, all the content of the
element stays within the box; none of the overflow appears outside the box. This is referred
to as scrolling overflow.
Content has to stay inside the box, but it doesn’t fit; what can resolve such a conflict? Pretend
Which CSS overflow
that the box looks down into a larger area, and that the viewer can move around in this
property value prevents larger area by moving scrollbars. That is a way for the viewer to reach all the content. You can
scrolling overflow? achieve this using the scroll value with the overflow property.
3 .1 Experience this for yourself with the following experiment. Use your editor to experiment
with the powerful mechanism of scrolling.


GET READY. To practice scrolling overflow, perform the following steps:
1. Create e7.html with the following contents:
<!-- This is the content of e7.html. -->
<!doctype html>
<title>Scroll overflow</title>
<style type = "text/css">
#col1 {
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
background-color: lightskyblue;
overflow: scroll;
Understanding CSS Essentials: Content Flow, Positioning, and Styling | 103

#col3 {
background-color: yellow;

<h1>Scroll overflow</h1>

<p id = 'col1'>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer

adipiscing elit. Integer pretium dui sit amet felis. Integer
sit amet diam. Phasellus ultrices viverra velit. Pellentesque
habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames
ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae,
ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit
amet quam egestas semper.
<p id = 'col2'>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipi-
scing elit. Integer pretium dui sit amet felis. Integer sit
amet diam. Phasellus ultrices viverra velit.
<p id = 'col3'>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipi-
scing elit. Integer pretium dui sit amet felis. Integer sit
amet diam. Phasellus ultrices viverra velit.

2. This source renders as a display similar to Figure 4-14.

Figure 4-14
Display of scrollbars created
as overflow controls.

3. Experiment with the source to see how HTML renders under different circumstances.
For example, what happens with a width of 400 px?
104 | Lesson 4

4. How does the display look when you delete half of the text of col1 from e7.html?
5. Don’t save your changes to e7.html. Leave the Web browser open and the
e7.html file open in your editing tool if you’re continuing immediately to the
next section.


Visible overflow writes over the content that follows it. Hidden overflow makes overflow
Think again of the situation the last section introduced: your display assigns a fixed area to
Which CSS overflow
a particular piece of content—but that content is so long that it doesn’t fit in its assigned
property values show space. The last section demonstrated how scrollbars give the user a chance to see all the
visible overflow and hide content without taking up additional display space. Two other tactics for this situation are
visible overflow? to use the overflow property with the visible and hidden values, respectively. You’ll
3 .1 understand these alternatives best when you experiment for yourself with them and the
displays they produce.


GET READY. To practice visible overflow and hidden overflow, perform the following steps:
1. Open the e7.html file from the previous exercise (if it’s not already open).
2. Change the overflow of e7.html from scroll to visible.
3. Save the file and view it in your Web browser, as shown in Figure 4-15.

Figure 4-15
Visible overflow writes over
the content that follows it

Visible overflow

4. Study the details of this display. Visible is the default value of overflow. With
visible set, the elements of the HTML display are laid out in order—then any
overflow simply overlays other elements.
5. Note that background-color does not apply to the overflow content: col1 has a
light sky blue background, but the overflow text reverts to a default background.
6. Now change the overflow of e7.html from scroll to hidden.
Understanding CSS Essentials: Content Flow, Positioning, and Styling | 105

7. Save the file and view it in your Web browser, as shown in Figure 4-16. With hidden
overflow, the overflow simply becomes invisible.

Figure 4-16
Hidden overflow is simply

8. Close the editing tool and the Web browser.

Hidden overflow keeps a design under control: it guarantees that overflow won’t “pollute”
a nice design with pieces out of place. On the other hand, hidden can lead to surprises. If a
vision-impaired end user, for instance, specifies a larger font than you expected, use of hid-
den overflow might make crucial elements of your design completely invisible and inacces-
sible; in the worst case, your end user might face a screen with no visible controls or ways to
navigate back “home.”

For more details about CSS overflow, visit the CSS overflow Property
Web page at You can also search
for msdn css content flow, msdn css positioning, and msdn css overflow using your
favorite search engine.



• CSS is a crucial tool for achievement of much of the appearance and even behavior of
modern mobile applications as well as Web sites. To build the “front end” of an app or
Web site, and especially to keep its appearance correct and fresh as functional changes
are made to the app or Web site during its lifetime, you need to understand CSS well and
how CSS co-operates with other tools including HTML and JavaScript. You’ll also be in a
far better position to estimate the effort required for particular projects when you fully
digest concepts of user interface “style” as CSS uses them.

106 | Lesson 4

• You can create CSS files entirely from a simple text editor like Notepad. However, many
HTML editors and application development tools provide a debugging feature that helps
you quickly find errors in your markup and code. These tools also usually include a button
to open a Web browser rather than having to do so manually.
• The <link> element links an HTML file to a CSS file.
• In HTML documents, it’s standard practice to maintain HTML files, which contain content,
and simply reference a separate CSS file, which contains code for styling the content in the
HTML files. This enables you to change styles in only one file (the CSS file), and see those
style changes made throughout all associated HTML files automatically.
• When working on a small, standalone HTML file in which the styles probably won’t
change, it’s acceptable to include CSS styling code within the HTML file itself.
• A CSS file typically contains a sequence of style specifications or rules and might include
an initial @import rule.
• Typography has to do with the appearance of letters, numbers, and other characters.
• You can manage the flow of content in an HTML document using inline flow and block
flow properties in CSS.
• HTML and CSS support a number of ways to specify where individual HTML elements
appear within a display. The two most important for our purpose are float positioning and
absolute positioning.
• The HTML bounding box is a rectangle that includes all the letters of a block of text along
with its background. CSS styling is expressed in terms of this box. The bounding box is not
visible on Web pages by default.

■ Knowledge Assessment
Fill in the Blank
Complete the following sentences by writing the correct word or words in the blanks provided.
1. HTML has responsibility for content, and CSS for _________.
2. An HTML source file refers to an external CSS source file with the _________ element.
3. A CSS source file consists of zero or more individual _________.
4. An individual CSS rule has two parts: a _________ and one or more declarations.
5. An individual declaration within a CSS rule consists of a _________, followed by a
colon, then a value, and a semi-colon terminator.
6. The most common CSS selectors are: element or type, id, and _________.
7. The two visible HTML content flows are _________and block.
8. To make HTML elements appear in columns, it is common to apply _________
9. Suppose an element is subject to overflow: it might grow beyond the size allocated for
it on the screen. To give it scrollbars which make it possible for an end user to see the
entire element, declare the overflow property to have the _________ value.
10. The most common values for the float property are _________ and _________.
Understanding CSS Essentials: Content Flow, Positioning, and Styling | 107

Multiple Choice
Circle the letter that corresponds to the best answer.
1. Which of the following best summarizes a useful pattern for commercial development?
a. Web pages are written in HTML
b. Designers need to learn Java or Ruby to layout displays
c. CSS takes responsibility for visual style
d. CSS defines structure, and HTML assigns colors and fonts
2. Which of the following codes a comment within CSS?
a. <!-- … -->
b. /* … */
c. # …d.
d. // ...
3. How many different rules within a single valid CSS source file can declare the style of a
paragraph <p> element?
a. 0
b. 1
c. 1 or 2, depending on whether HTML5 is used
d. 0 or more
4. Sometimes colors are expressed with English words and sometimes they are expressed
with symbolic numbers. Which of the following means “blue”?
a. 009
b. #0000FF
c. !008000
d. (128, 128, 128)
5. A paragraph appears on an important display coded as “<p id =
'introduction'>Trusty Lawn Care takes . . .”. You’ve been told this
paragraph must appear in the Tahoma font. Which of the following will best help
you define an appropriate rule?
a. p {font: Tahoma;}
b. #introduction {font-family: Tahoma;}
c. .introduction {font: Tahoma;}
d. .p {font-family: Tahoma;}
6. Someone has set up a Web page with HTML that links to three different CSS source
files. The name of one of the source files is misspelled in the HTML. Which of the
following is a Web browser most likely to display?
a. It shows a display as though the link to the CSS with a misspelled name is
simply missing.
b. It shows the misspelled name of the CSS source along with an error message.
c. It shows as much of the display as possible, using the last CSS correctly linked in
place of the CSS with a misspelled name.
d. It displays a warning that the CSS can’t be found and asks whether you want to
continue anyway.
7. The anchor tag <a > is the HTML element defined for definition of hyperlinks, among
other things. Name the default content flow for an anchor.
a. Inline
b. Block
c. Hidden
d. Visible
108 | Lesson 4

8. Your team is constructing an application that embeds a long license statement end-users
must have a chance to read and approve. You want to limit the amount of space on
the screen the license fills up, at the same time as you make every word of it available
to end users who choose to read all of it. Which of the following is most likely to help
you code this?
a. {position: scrolling;}
b. {fixed: scrolling;}
c. {overflow: scrolling;}
d. {overflow: scroll;}
9. The latest CSS standard that is still under development but widely used is:
a. CSS8
b. CSS5
c. CSS3
d. CSS2
10. When HTML links to CSS you have written, which is most likely to be a useful part
of the link?
a. type = ‘text/css’
b. CSS = “SOME_NAME.css”
c. type = "style/CSS"
d. Web = "style/css"

True / False
Circle T if the statement is true or F if the statement is false.
T F 1. A CSS source file includes two different rules for the font of an h1 element. Your
Web browser applies the rule one closer to the top of the source file, and ignores
the one that appears closer to the bottom.
T F 2. Overflow for a particular element is defined through CSS to scroll. There happens
to be no overflow, because the content of the element is unusually short at the
moment. Even in this case, the scrollbar is visible.
T F 3. You’ve been asked to layout a design with columns. Float positioning is more likely
than absolute positioning to be useful for this situation.
T F 4. If you use the latest CSS standard in your coding, end users who rely on old Web
browsers will be warned that your pages present security risks.
T F 5. Before you can test the CSS you write, you need to make sure a Python compiler
is installed on your computer.

■ Competency Assessment
Scenario 4-1: Basic Workflow
Your team is developing an application. You have responsibility for “styling the layout.” What
files are you likely to update?

Scenario 4-2: Client Consultation

A customer has defined a rather rigid layout in which one news item area occupies a fixed
location within the display. The news item has the potential to overrun the area assigned
to it. Quickly create sample displays that show for the customer how the layout works
with scrollbars for the news item, or with the news item simply truncated if it overruns its
assigned “box.”
Understanding CSS Essentials: Content Flow, Positioning, and Styling | 109

■ Proficiency Assessment
Scenario 4-3: Theatrical Dialogue
An application already in use displays dialogue for different actors. The display seen by a
particular actor has his or her lines in normal font, while everything spoken by others is
italicized. This was originally implemented by putting each speech in its own paragraph, with
successive paragraphs labled “paragraph1”, “paragraph2”, and so on. CSS then styled the para-
graphs by speaker. Show your team a more efficient and easily maintained way to use CSS to
achieve the same result.

Scenario 4-4: International Cooperation

You’re a member of a distributed development team. A public-relations firm in Virginia is
responsible for copy that will appear on a Web site; at the same time, a Belgian consultan-
cy is providing fashionable typography, while coders in Egypt make sure that the lay-out
has the correct appearance and color scheme. How would you outline the file structure of
this project?
Understanding CSS
Essentials: Layouts



Arranging User Interface (UI) Arrange user interface (UI) 3.2
Content by Using CSS content by using CSS.
Using a Flexible Box to Establish Arrange user interface (UI) 3.2
Content Alignment, Direction, content by using CSS.
and Orientation
Using Grid Layouts to Establish Arrange user interface (UI) 3.2
Content Alignment, Direction, content by using CSS.
and Orientation

block-level element grid template
border inline element
content margin
flexbox media queries
flexbox item padding
Flexbox Box model parent/child relationship
grid item user interface (UI)
grid layout vendor prefix
Grid Layout model

Stacey, the Web site manager at Malted Milk Media, heard you’re working with the cli-
ent application development team and are learning about HTML5 and CSS3. Stacey is
also sharpening her HTML5 skills and would like to begin incorporating flexbox and
grid layouts into the Malted Milk Web site once the specifications are more widely used.
She would like you to gather facts on flexbox and grid layouts, including current browser
compatibility, and create a brief cheat sheet of their CSS properties.

Understanding CSS Essentials: Layouts | 111

■ Arranging User Interface (UI) Content by Using CSS

User interfaces can be clean and simple or they can be more complex with several sections,
buttons, and controls. Designing an interface that renders well on large PC screens and
small mobile devices used to require a lot of markup and code. Today, the CSS Flexbox
Box model and the Grid Layout model reduce the amount of code required for cross-
device compatibility. Flexboxes hold text, images, and other content, and the browser auto-
THE BOTTOM LINE matically adjusts the size of the box depending on the screen size being used to view the
HTML document. The same principle applies to grid layouts, which are simply columns
and rows that control the layout of content in an HTML document. Because the CSS
specifications are not yet final, you’ll need to use vendor-specific prefixes before CSS prop-
erty names to make everything work.

A user interface (UI) is the portion of a Web site or application with which a user interacts.
The UI has a layout, which can range from ultra simple with just a button or two to highly
complex with many parts, and each part can contain one or more buttons, menus, toolbars,
forms, and so on.
With such a wide range of layouts, creating UIs that work well for Web sites and applications
viewed on mobile devices is challenging. Positioning and autosizing of UI elements has become
central to good design. For example, relative positioning of UI elements is appropriate for
many Web pages, and Web developers have used the float property for years to achieve flexi-
bility in their designs. (You learned about the float property in Lesson 4.) But relative posi-
tioning doesn’t work for most mobile Web applications because it results in inappropriate
overlapping of elements or elements appearing in the wrong places.
A combination of absolute positioning and flexible boxes (containers) works much better for
mobile Web applications and parts of Web pages in general. For example, a UI element that
should always appear in the same place on the screen, such as a header or footer, should use
absolute positioning. For flexibility, the CSS3 Flexbox Box model is ideal for items that
CERTIFICATION READY should resize or reposition themselves (horizontally or vertically) depending on the size of the
How is CSS used to control screen. Another UI-related model is the CSS3 Grid Layout model, which gives you greater
the arrangement of a UI?
control over complex layouts than the flexbox model. This lesson focuses on the Flexbox Box
and Grid Layout models.
Before we dive into this lesson’s topics, you need to understand a few things about CSS3
and browser compatibility. Like HTML5, the CSS3 specification is still in draft format and
undergoing modifications. The names of some properties can change from one version of the
CSS3 draft specification to the next, and new property values can be introduced while others
are removed.
To help ensure that CSS3 styles work during this transition phase, many of the major Web
browsers offer alternative property names. These workarounds simply add a vendor prefix,
which is a keyword surrounded by dashes, to the front of a CSS3 property name. Keep the
following in mind as you work with CSS3 properties:
• Internet Explorer uses the -ms- prefix.
• Firefox supports the -moz- prefix.
• Opera supports the -o- prefix.
• Chrome and Safari support the -webkit- prefix.
For example, a CSS3 property you’ll learn about in this lesson is the flexbox property. To
apply the flexbox style to elements and view them in Firefox, you currently need to use the
-moz-flexbox property.
112 | Lesson 5

A best practice is to include all four vendor prefixes for CSS3 features that are still emerging.
That way, your Web page has the best chance of being viewed properly regardless of which
major browser is used. However, including all four vendor prefixes in your code makes your
code longer, and it doesn’t guarantee the CSS3 feature will work within all of the browsers. If
a browser simply doesn’t support the feature or the vendor prefix property, the feature will not
display properly. The “When Can I Use” Web site at helps you determine which
browsers support specific CSS3 and HTML5 features.

Another best practice, especially during the transition to CSS3, is to use generic font
families to prevent potential viewing problems across different browsers. A monospace
font family, either serif or sans serif, is the best way to avoid unexpected results. However,
* CSS3 also offers the ability to use any font you want. The key is to learn when to use
monospace and when it’s OK to use a fancier font. You’ll learn more about typography
and Web fonts in Lesson 7.

Using Flexbox for Simple Layouts and Using Grid for Complex Layouts

Flexboxes are designed for toolbars, menus, forms, and similar elements in Web pages
and applications. Grids are better suited to more complex designs.

Years ago, the W3C created specifications for a simple box model, called the CSS Box
What is the purpose of model. This model describes the boxes that surround content in an HTML document,
the CSS Box model? whether the document becomes a Web page or a Web application. Think of every part of
3.2 an HTML document as being in a box. Each box must conform to rules defined by the
box model.
The CSS Box model is shown in Figure 5-1. The parts of the CSS Box model are margin,
border, padding, and content.

Figure 5-1
The traditional CSS Box model

The margin is transparent and sits at the outermost edge of a box, providing space between
the box and other boxes in the document. The border surrounds the box itself. A border can
be transparent, or it can be colored and have a pattern like a dashed line. The padding is the
space between the border of the box and its content. Padding generally takes on the same
color as the box’s background color. The content is whatever is displayed in the box, such as
text and images. You use the border, margin, padding, height, and width CSS properties to
modify the various parts of the box model.
A major issue with the CSS Box model is that different Web browsers apply the CSS
properties differently. For example, although the W3C states that the height and width
properties define the height and width of a box’s content, older versions of Internet
Explorer apply the same properties to the height and width of the border, which includes
the padding and content.
Understanding CSS Essentials: Layouts | 113

Web page and Web application designers often resort to using hacks (customized CSS
property values) to force Internet Explorer to use CSS tags that other browsers will ignore.
* The concept is similar to the vendor prefixes for CSS properties mentioned in the preced-
ing section.

Two other concepts to understand about the CSS Box model are block-level and inline
elements. A block-level element creates boxes that contribute to the layout of the docu-
ment. Sections, articles, paragraphs, lists, and images are examples of block-level ele-
ments. Inline elements are designed for laying out text and don’t disrupt the flow of
the document. Applying boldface and the new HTML5 mark element are examples of
inline elements.
Finally, the parent/child relationship is important to understand when working with the
CSS. Essentially, a parent box can contain one or more boxes. The boxes contained with-
in a parent box are referred to as child boxes. Figure 5-2 shows a simple example of a
parent box with a nested child box. A child can inherit CSS styles from a parent, which
means styles applied to a parent also apply to a child. Not all CSS properties are inherit-
able; when applying styles, you need to check the CSS specification to determine
property inheritance.

Figure 5-2
Parent and child boxes

What CSS has lacked since its inception is an easy way to arrange elements horizontally and
What is the Flexbox vertically in an HTML document—to use CSS to control layout that renders well in various
Box model? browsers and when viewed from different screen sizes. The CSS3 Flexbox Box and Grid
3.2 Layout models address this concern.
The CSS Flexbox Box model is a layout mode for using flexible boxes in user interfaces. The
model is part of the CSS3 draft specification. A flexbox offers flexible layouts for UI design.
You can create Web pages and mobile applications with elements, controls, toolbars, menus,
and forms that resize and reposition automatically when the user changes the size of the
browser window. The browser takes the available space into account and calculates the dimen-
sions for the user, which enables relative sizes and positioning.
For example, Figure 5-3 shows a horizontal toolbar with icons in a flexbox. The parent flex-
box is indicated by the shaded background and the icons are the child boxes. When a user
increases the size of the screen horizontally, the flexbox expands too, distributing an even
amount of space between the children.

Figure 5-3
A flexible toolbar
114 | Lesson 5

You can lay out the contents of a flexbox dynamically in any direction, whether left, right,
up, or down. You can also swap the order of boxes and flex their sizes and positions to fill
the available space. A multi-line flexbox wraps content into multiple lines, much like a word
processor handles text in a paragraph.

Flexbox layout is similar to block layout, but flexbox doesn’t use columns or floats. In
* addition, whereas block layout typically lays out content vertically (and inline layout tends
to lay out content horizontally), a flexbox resizes in either direction.

Where the Flexbox Box model is suitable for simple things like buttons, toolbars, and many
What is the Grid Layout forms, you can use the CSS Grid Layout model for more complex layouts. The grid layout
model? model lets you control the design of sections or entire HTML-based documents using CSS3.
3.2 As the name implies, a grid layout uses rows and columns to make the design look cleaner
and structured (see Figure 5-4).

Figure 5-4
An illustration of a grid layout

Grid layout also offers modularity, so you can easily drop elements into a grid, or move parts
of a grid to a different area of a document. Grids are much more flexible and easier to work
with than using HTML tables or even columns or floats to structure layout.

The New York Times Web site ( is an example of a grid layout, as are most
* online newspaper sites.

■ Using a Flexible Box to Establish Content Alignment, Direction,

and Orientation

Both a flexbox and its contents can be configured to change size, horizontally and vertically,
when the screen on which they’re displayed changes size. You can also reverse the direction
and order of flexboxes with one line of code.

You define an element as a flexbox using the CSS properties display:flexbox or
How is flexbox used display:inline-flexbox, which are described as follows:
to establish content • flexbox: Sets the flexbox as a block-level element
alignment, direction, and
orientation? • inline-flexbox: Sets the flexbox as an inline-level element
3.2 A box within a box is a child box, which can be flexible or not. A child box is referred to as a
flexbox item.
Understanding CSS Essentials: Layouts | 115

Flexbox also introduces nine other properties, as listed in Table 5-1. You’ll learn how to use
many of these properties and values in the following sections.

Table 5-1
Flexbox properties and values P ROPERTY V ALUE ( S ) D ESCRIPTION
flex pos-flex Makes child boxes flexible by height
neg-flex and width

flex-align start Sets the default alignment for child boxes; if

end the orientation of the parent box is
center horizontal, flex-align determines the vertical
baseline alignment of the child boxes, and vice versa

flex-direction row Controls the direction of child boxes in the

row-reverse parent box; also affects the flex-pack
column property

flex-flow flex-direction Sets the flex-direction and flex-wrap

flex-wrap properties at the same time
flex-item-align auto Overrides the default alignment of child
start boxes styled with the flex-align property

flex-line-pack start Sets child box alignment within the parent

end box when extra space exists

flex-order number Assigns child boxes to groups and controls

the order in which they appear in a layout,
beginning with the lowest numbered group
flex-pack start Justifies the alignment of child boxes within
end a flexbox to ensure all whitespace in the
center parent box is filled
flex-wrap nowrap Determines whether child boxes
wrap automatically create a new line and wrap
wrap-reverse onto it or overflow the flexbox

Use the preceding table as a reference when learning how to create flexboxes and flexbox items.

For more information on flexbox, visit the W3C “CSS Flexible Box Layout Module” at
116 | Lesson 5

Work with Flexboxes and Flexbox Items

A flexbox can include child boxes that are flexible by height and width. The flex proper-
ty makes child boxes flexible. The flex-flow property sets the flex-direction and
flex-wrap properties of a flexbox (the parent box) at the same time.

Let’s take a look at flexbox in action. Assume a company provides three main types of servic-
es, which are displayed and briefly described in three paragraphs on a Web page. The three
paragraphs form three containers of information, as shown in Figure 5-5.

Figure 5-5
A parent flexbox with three
child boxes (flexbox items)

Notice the extra space to the right of the last child box, labeled Child 3. You can modify the
CSS that controls the boxes so all three child boxes automatically expand in size uniformly to
fill the available space in the flexbox. You could also modify one child box, such as Child3, to
make it flexible to fill the space, as shown in Figure 5-6.

Figure 5-6
Modifying the third child box
to fill the available space


The W3C specifies the flex property, which controls the height and width of flexbox items.
Whereas the display: flexbox property creates a flexible parent box, the flex property is
what gives the flexible nature to child boxes.
The display: flexbox property is used without additional values.
The flex property can take on a positive and/or negative flex value, a preferred size, and the
none keyword, as shown:

flex: pos-flex neg-flex preferred-size none

The positive and negative flex values indicate flexibility. Contrary to the use of the word “neg-
ative,” both are actually positive numbers, like 1, 2, 3, and so on. (You can also use 1.0, 2.0,
3.0, etc.)
If space is left over in the flexbox when the screen size increases, the flexbox items expand to
fill up the space based on the positive flex value. A value of 1 means each flexbox item will
take up one equal part of the available space, a value of 2 means each item will take up two
equal parts, and so on. If the flexbox items overflow the parent box because they are collec-
tively wider than the parent, the browser uses the negative flex value to determine the height
or width of each item.
If you don’t specify a positive flex value, it defaults to 1. Omission of a negative flex value
defaults to 0.
Understanding CSS Essentials: Layouts | 117

The preferred-size value can be any value that’s valid for the CSS height and width proper-
ty, such as 100px. If you don’t specify a preferred-size value, the default is 0px. You can also
set the preferred-size value to auto, which uses the value of the width or height property as
the preferred size.
The keyword none is equivalent to 0 0 auto.

The flex property value may need some additional explanation. Let’s say you have a
flexbox with three child boxes. The flex value for child1 and child2 is 1 and the value
for child3 is 2. A child with a flex of 2 is twice as flexible as a child with a flex of 1.
* This doesn’t necessarily mean that child3 will be two times as wide as child1 and
child2. The flex value is a calculation based on available space for stretching or shrink-
ing; the change is assigned based on the portion of flexibility compared to the other
child boxes.

The power of flexbox items is that they can freely scale or dynamically adjust their main size.
How does a flexbox The items increase or decrease in size based on the available space in the flexbox in which
provide proportional they reside.
scaling of elements? In the following CSS code and HTML markup, the flexbox contains four flexbox items. Each
child has a flex value of 1 and is set to auto. When the user changes the size of the browser
window, the child boxes should expand and contract along with the parent box.
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Flexible Child Box Example</title>
div { display: flexbox;
outline: 2px solid silver
p { flex: 1 auto; margin: 1em;
font-family: sans-serif;
color: white;
background: tomato;
font-weight: bold;
text-align: center;

<p>This is the child1 box.</p>
<p>This is the child2 box.</p>
<p>This is child3.</p>
<p>This is child4.</p>

Figure 5-7 shows the before and after effects of resizing the browser window.
118 | Lesson 5

Figure 5-7
Flexible child boxes in a
parent box

The child boxes

resized automatically
along with the parent


GET READY. To learn how to create a flexbox with flexbox items that have a fixed height but a
flexible width, perform the following steps:
1. In an editing tool or app development tool, create an HTML file that includes the fol-
lowing CSS code and markup:
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Flexible Child Box Example</title>
div { display: flexbox;
outline: 2px solid silver }
p { flex: 1 auto; margin: 1em;
font-family: sans-serif;
color: white;
background: limegreen;
height: 25px;
padding: 1em;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: xx-large;
text-align: center;
Understanding CSS Essentials: Layouts | 119

<p>This is the child1 box.</p>
<p>This is the child2 box.</p>
<p>This is child3.</p>

The display: flexbox CSS property creates the parent box—the flexbox. A
silver outline is created for the flexbox, which simply helps you see the flexbox in
the browser window for purposes of this exercise. The paragraph (p) styles apply to
the flexbox items (the child boxes). The flex property applies flexibility to each
child box. The items have a preferred width of 75 pixels. If space is left over in
the flexbox when the screen size increases, the flexbox items expand horizontally
to fill up the space.

The use of an outline around the flexbox (parent box) is to make it easier to identify the
* borders of the flexbox. You don’t have to include an outline around flexboxes in your
applications or Web pages.

2. Save the file as L5-flexbox-exercise.html and open it in a Web browser. The display
should look similar to Figure 5-8.

Figure 5-8
Creating a flexbox with
flexbox items

3. Resize the browser window, making it narrower and wider, by dragging the right edge
of the window toward the center of the screen and then back toward the right. Notice
how the flexbox items expand and shrink along with the flexbox.
4. Close the file but leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you complete the
next exercise in this session.
120 | Lesson 5

Alternatively, you can use the CSS flex function with the CSS height or width
property to control the height and width of flexbox items. The flex property and
flex function behave the same but use slightly different syntax—a function includes
values within parentheses.
The next exercise shows you how to use the flex function and introduces the flex-wrap
property. The flex-wrap property determines whether child boxes automatically create a
new line and wrap onto it (as shown in Figure 5-9). The flex-wrap property uses the
nowrap, wrap, and wrap-reverse values.

Figure 5-9
An example of wrapping using
the flex-wrap: wrap property

Illustrations: © MightyIsland/iStockphoto

As you’ll see, the CSS code uses vendor prefixes (-ms-, -moz-, -o-, and -webkit-), which
are required to make the flex-wrap property work. Remember, vendor prefixes are frequent-
ly used during the transition to CSS3 to make the code compatible with as many browsers as


GET READY. To create flexbox items with the flex function and use the flex-wrap prop-
erty, perform the following steps:
1. In an editing tool or app development tool, create an HTML document with the fol-
lowing markup:
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Flex Function Example</title>
div {
display: flexbox;
display: -ms-flexbox;
display: -moz-flexbox;
Understanding CSS Essentials: Layouts | 121

display: -o-flexbox;
display: -webkit-flexbox;
flex-wrap: wrap;
-ms-flex-wrap: wrap;
-moz-flex-wrap: wrap;
-o-flex-wrap: wrap;
-webkit-flex-wrap: wrap;
height: 200px;
padding: 1em;
color: white;
outline: 2px solid silver;

div>div {
width: 75px;
width: -ms-flex(1 75px);
width: -moz-flex(1 75px);
width: -o-flex(1 75px);
width: -webkit-flex(1 75px);
margin: 1em;
height: 100px;
background-color: #b200ff;
font-family: sans-serif;
text-align: center;
line-height: 100px;
font-size: xx-large;

<div>Service 1</div>
<div>Service 2</div>
<div>Service 3</div>
As in the last exercise, the display: flexbox property creates the parent box. The
second set of div styles (div>div, which is simply a shorthand way to apply styles to a
group of HTML elements without assigning classes) apply to the flexbox items: the
width property along with the flex function control the width of the flexbox items,
which have a preferred width of 75 pixels but will fill any available space when the
screen size increases. The flex-wrap property with the wrap forces flexbox items to
wrap within the flexbox.
2. Save the file as L5-flexfunction-exercise.html and open it in the Web browser. Be sure
to maximize the window. The file should look similar to Figure 5-10.

Figure 5-10
Flexbox items in a parent
122 | Lesson 5

3. Reduce the width of the browser window slightly by dragging the right edge of the
window toward the center of the screen. Notice that as the flexbox (indicated by the
silver outline) shrinks, the flexbox items uniformly shrink in size. Figure 5-11 shows
the flexbox with flexbox items after reducing the size of the browser window.

Figure 5-11
The flexbox and the flexbox
items shrink when the size of
the browser window is reduced

4. Decrease the size of the window further until the flexbox items wrap.
5. Open the file in each of the other major Web browsers to see if the file renders
6. Close the file but leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you complete the
next exercise in this session.

A good way to determine whether your Web browser can render flexbox properties is to
use the controls on the Flexin Web page at
* Flexin/Default.html. Click each control to see if the sample flexbox and flexbox items
change. For example, some browsers render horizontal justification correctly and others
don’t. The same applies to flexing child items.

A few other properties you might use fairly often with flexboxes are:
• flex-pack: Justifies the alignment of child boxes within a flexbox and minimizes
whitespace in the parent box. This property accepts one of four values: start, end,
justify, or center.
• flex-align: Sets the default alignment for child boxes, but with a twist. If the orienta-
tion of the parent box is horizontal, flex-align determines the vertical alignment of the
child boxes, and vice versa.
After a flexbox’s children have finished flexing and if space is still available in the flexbox, the
children can be aligned with the flex-pack and flex-align (or flex-item-align)
properties. The most important thing to remember is that you apply the flex-pack prop-
erty to the parent flexbox in your CSS code, and apply flex-align to the child items.


The flex-direction property affects the direction of child boxes in the parent box. It uses
the row, row-reverse, column, and column-reverse values.
The flex-flow property sets the flex-direction and flex-wrap properties at the same
time. The following example uses the flex-flow property with the column value.
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Flex-flow Example</title>
div {
display: flexbox;
display: -ms-flexbox;
Understanding CSS Essentials: Layouts | 123

display: -moz-flexbox;
display: -o-flexbox;
display: -webkit-flexbox;
flex-flow: column;
-ms-flex-flow: column;
-moz-flex-flow: column;
-o-flex-flow: column;
-webkit-flex-flow: column;
height: 400px;
padding: 1em;
outline: 2px solid silver;
color: white;
font-family: sans-serif;

p {
width: 100px;
margin: 1em;
height: 100px;
background-color: dodgerblue;
text-align: center;
line-height: 100px;


The result of rendering this code and markup in the Web browser is shown in Figure 5-12.
Figure 5-12
Three child boxes in
numerical order
124 | Lesson 5

To reverse the order of the child boxes, change each of the flex-flow column values to
column-reverse, as follows:
flex-flow: column-reverse;
-ms-flex-flow: column-reverse;
-moz-flex-flow: column-reverse;
-o-flex-flow: column-reverse;
-webkit-flex-flow: column-reverse;

Compare Figure 5-13 to Figure 5-12 to see the effects of the reverse value.
Figure 5-13
The same child boxes in
reverse order


GET READY. To create a flexbox that reverses the order of the flexbox items, perform the fol-
lowing steps:
1. In an editing tool or app development tool, create an HTML document with the fol-
lowing markup:
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Flexbox Items Reverse Order Example</title>
div {
display: flexbox;
display: -ms-flexbox;
display: -moz-flexbox;
display: -o-flexbox;
display: -webkit-flexbox;
flex-flow: column;
-ms-flex-flow: column;
-moz-flex-flow: column;
-o-flex-flow: column;
Understanding CSS Essentials: Layouts | 125

-webkit-flex-flow: column;
height: 400px;
padding: 1em;
outline: 2px solid silver;
color: white;
font-family: sans-serif;
font-weight: bold;

p {
width: 300px;
margin: 1em;
height: 100px;
background-color: olive;
text-align: center;
line-height: 100px;


2. Save the file as L5-reverseorder-exercise.html and open it in the Web browser.

Adjust the size of the Web browser window so the display looks similar to
Figure 5-14.

Figure 5-14
A flexbox with flexbox items in
a vertical orientation

3. Open the file in each of the other major Web browsers to see if the file renders
126 | Lesson 5

4. In the HTML file, reverse the order of the columns by using the flex-flow: column-
reverse value, as follows:

flex-flow: column-reverse;
-ms-flex-flow: column-reverse;
-moz-flex-flow: column-reverse;
-o-flex-flow: column-reverse;
-webkit-flex-flow: column-reverse;

5. Resave the file and open it in the Web browser. The display should look similar to
Figure 5-15.

Figure 5-15
The flexbox items are in
reverse order

6. Open the file in each of the other major Web browsers to see if the file renders
7. Close the file but leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you complete the
next exercise in this session.


You can control the order and arrangement of the contents of a flexbox using the flex-
CERTIFICATION READY order property. This property rearranges child items within a flexbox. To do so, the property
How are flexboxes used assigns child boxes to groups, and then controls the order in which they appear in a layout,
to order and arrange beginning with the lowest numbered group.
Let’s see how the flex-order property works. The following CSS code and markup creates
three child boxes in a flexbox:
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Flexible Order Example</title>
<style media="screen">
div {
display: flexbox;
display: -ms-flexbox;
Understanding CSS Essentials: Layouts | 127

display: -moz-flexbox;
display: -o-flexbox;
display: -webkit-flexbox;
flex-flow: row;
-ms-flex-flow: row;
-moz-flex-flow: row;
-o-flex-flow: row;
-webkit-flex-flow: row;
height: 200px;
padding: 1em;
background-color: palegoldenrod;
font: bold 100%/1 sans-serif;
div>div {
width: 100px;
margin: 1em;
height: 100px;
background-color: dodgerblue;
text-align: center;
color: white;
font-size: x-large;
line-height: 100px;


Opening the file in the browser displays the results shown in Figure 5-16.

Figure 5-16
Three child boxes in a flexbox
with a horizontal orientation

The preceding HTML style element includes the media=screen attribute, which is a
media query. Media queries enable you to adapt an HTML document to end-user devices.
* HTML media element types include aural, braille, handheld, print, projection, screen, tty,
and tv. The same syntax can also be used with the @media and @import CSS rules. The
@media all rule indicates that the CSS should be applied to all output media.

The flex-order property places child boxes into ordered groups. The default group is 0.
You declare groups and assign a number to them in CSS using the flex-order property,
and any child items not explicitly assigned to a group remain in group 0, and declared groups
128 | Lesson 5

appear before group 0. So, to reorder the child boxes so that the Keys and Wallet boxes
appear before the Phone box, add this code to the bottom of the style section:
div>div:last-child {
flex-order: 1;
-ms-flex-order: 1;
-moz-flex-order: 1;
-o-flex-order: 1;
-webkit-flex-order: 1;
Opening the file in the Web browser produces the results shown in Figure 5-17.

Figure 5-17
Reordering child boxes in a
parent box


GET READY. To explore the flex-order property, perform the following steps:
1. In an editing tool or app development tool, create an HTML document based on the
code shown previously for Figure 5-16.
2. Save the file as L5-flexorder-exercise.html.
3. Add the following code to the end of the style section:
div>div:last-child {
flex-order: 1;
-ms-flex-order: 1;
-moz-flex-order: 1;
-o-flex-order: 1;
-webkit-flex-order: 1;
4. Save the file and view it in the Web browser. It should look like Figure 5-17.
5. Open the file in each of the other major Web browsers to see if the file renders appro-
priately. Note which browsers support the flex-flow and flex-order properties.
6. Close the file but leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you complete the
next exercise in this session.

■ Using Grid Layouts to Establish Content Alignment, Direction,

and Orientation

Grid layouts are similar to spreadsheets in that they use columns, rows, and cells, but you
THE BOTTOM LINE can create many different types of layouts that, in the end, don’t look like a spreadsheet at all.

Grid layouts are best suited for more complex layouts than flexbox can easily handle. Game
interfaces are good candidates for grids, as are newspaper layouts (see Figure 5-18). A grid layout
Understanding CSS Essentials: Layouts | 129

enables you to position rows and columns for precise control over your layout, with a fraction of
the CSS code as would be required using older techniques. Another benefit of grids are their
modularity. To move blocks of content from one part of a page or application to another, you
simply move some code lines in CSS.

Figure 5-18
A newspaper layout using
a grid

You define a grid element (layout) using the display:grid or display:inline-grid CSS
property. This creates the container for the layout.
CERTIFICATION READY Child elements of a grid are called grid items, which you position and size according to:
How is grid layout used
to establish content • Grid tracks: The columns and rows of the grid; you define grid tracks using the
alignment, direction, and grid-rows and grid-columns properties
orientation? • Grid lines: The horizontal and vertical lines that divide columns or rows
• Grid cells: The logical space used to lay out grid items, similar to a cell in a spreadsheet
The grid properties and their values are listed in Table 5-2.

Table 5-2
Grid properties and values P ROPERTY V ALUE ( S ) D ESCRIPTION
grid-columns length Specifies parameters for one or more
or percentage columns or rows in a grid
grid-rows fraction
(min, max)

grid-template string+ Provides a visualization of the grid element’s

none structure and defines the grid cells
grid-cell string Positions a child item inside a named
none grid cell
grid-column [integer or Places child items in a grid
or string start]
grid-row [integer or
string end]

grid-column-span integer Defines the dimensions of a grid cell by

or specifying the distance (in lines) from the
grid-row-span starting line to the ending line

130 | Lesson 5

Table 5-2
grid-column-sizing track-minmax Changes the size of implicit columns or
or rows, which are auto-sized by default

grid-flow none Creates additional columns or rows as

rows needed to accommodate content

grid-column-align start Controls a child item’s alignment

or end within a cell
grid-row-align center

With all of the available properties, you might guess that you can specify the structure of the
grid element and position and size grid items in multiple ways.

Creating a Grid Using CSS Properties for Rows and Columns

The CSS properties display:grid (or display:inline-grid), grid-columns,

and grid-rows are used to create grid structures. The size of columns and rows can be
fixed or flexible.

The primary properties that create a grid are display:grid (or display:inline-grid),
grid-columns, and grid-rows.
You can define columns and rows to have a fixed size, which doesn’t resize when the screen
size changes, or a fractional size relative to the grid. Fractional sizes are defined using fr, so a
row defined as 2fr will be twice the size of a row defined as 1fr. The value 1fr stands
for "one fraction." You can also use the "auto" value to make columns
CERTIFICATION READY or rows fit their content.
What are the CSS The following CSS code and HTML markup provide an example of a grid layout. The
properties for grid rows
-ms- vendor prefix is included at the beginning of all grid-related constructs because, as
and columns?
of this writing, only Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 supports grid layouts. This is shown
in Figure 5-19.

Figure 5-19
A simple grid layout
Understanding CSS Essentials: Layouts | 131

<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Grid Example</title>
<style type="text/css">
#grid {
background: palegoldenrod;
border: silver;
display: -ms-grid;
color: white;
font-family: sans-serif;
font-weight: bold;
-ms-grid-columns: 150px auto 2fr;
-ms-grid-rows: 50px 6em auto;
#logo {
background: dodgerblue;
-ms-grid-row: 1;
-ms-grid-column: 1;
#item {
background: olive;
-ms-grid-row: 2;
-ms-grid-column: 2;

<div id="grid">
<div id="logo">Logo</div>
<div id="item">Item</div>


In this example, the grid structure has three columns and three rows. The first column is a fixed
width of 150 pixels. The second column adjusts its width to fit the column’s content, as indicated
by the auto keyword. The third column is two fraction units of the remaining space in the grid.
The first row is 50 pixels tall, the second row is 6 ems tall, and the third row adjusts to fit the
content of the row.


GET READY. To create a simple grid layout, perform the following steps:
1. In an editing tool or app development tool, create an HTML document based on the
code shown previously for Figure 5-19.
2. Save the file as L5-grid-exercise.html.
3. Open L5-grid-exercise.html in Internet Explorer 10. Rendering the HTML file in any other
browser will produce unexpected results. The layout should look like Figure 5-19.
132 | Lesson 5

4. Add another item to the grid so a cell appears in the third row and third column. To
do so, insert the following at the end of the style section:
#item2 {
background: orange;
-ms-grid-row: 3;
-ms-grid-column: 3;

5. Insert the following after the item div in the body section:
<div id="item2">Item2</div>

6. Save the file again and view it in a Web browser. The layout should look like Figure 5-20.

Figure 5-20
A third item added to the grid

7. Close the editing tool and the Web browser.

For more information on grid layouts, visit the “CSS Grid Layout” page at

Understanding Grid Templates

A grid template uses alphabetical characters to represent the position of items in a grid.
You use the alpha characters with the grid-template, grid-rows, and grid-columns prop-
erties to create a grid into which data flows.

CERTIFICATION READY The W3C’s CSS Grid Template Layout Module presents another approach to grid layouts by
What is a grid template?
creating a grid template, which is like an empty table into which data can be flowed. A grid
template uses alphabetical characters to represent the position of items in a grid.
You use the grid-position property and assign an alphabetical character as a position
value. The following examples show the grid-position property defined for four items:
news { grid-position: a; }
weather { grid-position: b; }
sports { grid-position: c; }
events { grid-position: d; }

After assigning positions, you create a layout using strings of characters. A string equals a row,
and each character in the string is a column. For example, to create a grid with one row with
four columns that size to fit the content, you would use the following syntax:
div { grid-template: "abcd"; grid-rows: auto;
grid-columns: auto;}
Understanding CSS Essentials: Layouts | 133

Although this example used the auto keyword, you can use any of the values for grid-rows
and grid-colums as listed in Table 5-2.
The specification for grid template layouts is very much in draft format and isn’t supported
by any Web browsers at the time of this writing. However, you might come across grid tem-
plates on the MTA 98-375 exam. Therefore, you should check the latest W3C CSS Grid
Template Layout Module specification when preparing to take the exam.



• User interfaces can be clean and simple or more complex with several sections, buttons,
and controls.
• Designing an interface that renders well on large PC screens and small mobile devices
used to require a lot of markup and code. Today, the CSS Flexbox Box and Grid Layout
models reduce the amount of code required for cross-device compatibility. Because the
CSS specifications are not yet final, you’ll need to use vendor prefixes before CSS property
names to make everything work.
• Flexboxes are designed for toolbars, menus, forms, and similar elements in Web pages and
applications. Grids are better suited to more complex designs.
• Both a flexbox and its contents can be configured to change size, horizontally and verti-
cally, when the screen on which they’re displayed changes size. You can also reverse the
direction and order of flexboxes with one line of code.
• A flexbox can include child boxes that are flexible by height and width. You use the flex
property to work with child boxes. The flex-flow property sets the flex-direction
and flex-wrap properties of a flexbox (the parent box) at the same time.
• Grid layouts are similar to spreadsheets in that they use columns, rows, and cells, but
you can create many different types of layouts that, in the end, don’t look like a
spreadsheet at all.
• You use the CSS properties display:grid (or display:inline-grid), grid-columns,
and grid-rows to create grid structures. The size of columns and rows can be fixed or flexible.
• Flexboxes and grids are designed to scale proportionally.
• The flex-order property enables you to change the order of child items in a flexbox, rear-
ranging them in any order you like without having to change them in the HTML markup.
• A grid template uses alphabetical characters to represent the position of items in a grid.
You use the alpha characters with the grid-template, grid-rows, and grid-columns properties
to create a grid into which data flows.

■ Knowledge Assessment
Fill in the Blank
Complete the following sentences by writing the correct word or words in the blanks provided.
1. A is the portion of a Web site or application with which a user interacts.
2. In the original W3C CSS box model, the is the space between border
and the content of the box.
134 | Lesson 5

3. In the W3C CSS box model, a -level element creates boxes that
contribute to the layout of the document.
4. Flexbox children are called and are laid out using the flexbox model.
5. Child elements of a grid are called .
6. offers flexible layouts for UI design, mainly to create controls, toolbars,
menus, and forms that resize and reposition automatically when the user changes the size
of the browser window.
7. The relationship describes how a parent box can contain one or more
child boxes.
8. A is like an empty table into which data can be flowed.
9. An element is designed for laying out text and doesn’t disrupt the flow
of a document. Examples include boldface and the new HTML5 mark element.
10. Where the flexbox model is suitable for simple things like buttons, toolbars, and many
forms, you can use the model for more complex layouts.

Multiple Choice
Circle the letter that corresponds to the best answer.
1. The original W3C CSS Box model does not include which of the following?
a. margin
b. border
c. toolbar
d. padding
2. Which of the following is best suited for buttons and toolbars?
a. Flexbox Box model
b. CSS Box model
c. Grid Layout model
d. none of the above
3. You are using CSS to create a flexbox in an HTML document for work. Everyone
at work uses the Internet Explorer Web browser. Which prefix should be used
with the CSS property names to ensure compatibility while viewing the HTML
a. -moz-
b. -ms-
c. -webkit-
d. -o-
4. Which flexbox property makes child boxes flexible by height and width?
a. flex
b. flex-child
c. flex-wrap
d. flex-align
5. You want to ensure that extra space in a browser window is distributed equally to the size
of all child boxes in a flexbox. Which CSS property should be used?
a. flex-align
b. flex-wrap
c. flex-order
d. flex-pack
Understanding CSS Essentials: Layouts | 135

6. Which flexbox property assigns child items to groups to control arrangement within a
a. flex
b. flex-group
c. flex-direction
d. flex-order
7. Which of the following places child items in a grid?
a. grid-columns
b. grid-column
c. grid-flow
d. grid-pack
8. Which of the following enables you to adapt an HTML document to end-user devices?
a. Media queries
b. The CSS Box model
c. The grid-template property
d. @import
9. Which of the following is the best use of a grid layout?
a. Menu
b. Toolbar
c. Footer
d. Game interface
10. What is the primary purpose of a grid template?
a. To style a grid
b. To create a table that will hold data
c. To ensure your grid has equal numbers of columns and rows
d. none of the above

True / False
Circle T if the statement is true or F if the statement is false.
T F 1. A flexbox is defined by an element with the CSS properties display:boxflex or
T F 2. A parent box can contain one or more child boxes.
T F 3. You cannot reverse the order of child boxes within a flexbox.
T F 4. A flexbox requires an outline or background color.
T F 5. An appropriate use for a grid layout is for an online newspaper or a game.

■ Competency Assessment
Scenario 5-1: Distinguishing between the Flexbox Box Model and the
Grid Layout Model
A co-worker named Cynthia is confusing the W3C CSS Flexbox Box model with the Grid
Layout model. What do you tell her to clarify both?

Scenario 5-2: Understanding Flexboxes and Flexbox Items

Miss Takeet is a teacher at Barely Tall Academy, a private pre-school. She wants to develop a
memory game to help her students learn about African animals. The game will include a lot
136 | Lesson 5

of boxes that contain images and questions. She has decided to use a flexible layout but has
no experience with HTML5 or CSS, and she’s growing frustrated trying to understand flex-
boxes and flexbox items. What do you tell Miss Takeet?

■ Proficiency Assessment
Scenario 5-3: Working Around Browser Incompatibility
Ed says that no matter how carefully he checks his CSS code and HTML markup, and has
validated his document at the W3C Markup Validation Service Web page, the document
doesn’t render as expected in his Web browser. Some of the flexbox properties simply don’t
work. What do you tell Ed?

Scenario 5-4: Understanding the Flex Property

Ed is back with another issue. He is experimenting with the flex property to create portions
of a Web page. He wants one child box to be double the size of the other child box on the
same row. He says he’s using a flex value of 2 for the second box but it doesn’t render twice as
large as the first child box. What do you tell him in order to help him better understand the
flex property?
Managing Text LE SS O N 6
Flow by Using CSS



Managing the Flow of Text Content Manage the flow of text content 3.3
by Using CSS by using CSS.
Understanding and Using Regions Manage the flow of text content 3.3
to Flow Text Content between by using CSS.
Multiple Sections

content container hyphenation
content source iframe
CSS Exclusions multi-column layout
CSS Regions named flow
flow-from positioned float

Stacey, the Web site manager at Malted Milk Media, has enjoyed learning about
HTML5 and CSS3 with your help. She has one last request: She would like to learn
more about content flow techniques using CSS3. She would like you to prepare an
electronic presentation on CSS Regions, multi-column layout, hyphenation, and CSS
Exclusions, and present the information during a lunch-time seminar for staff next week.

■ Managing the Flow of Text Content by Using CSS

Content flow has, historically, been a manual procedure in HTML documents. Today, CSS
THE BOTTOM LINE Regions, CSS Exclusions, and multi-column layouts help you flow content dynamically.

138 | Lesson 6

Complex page layout for print publications like magazines, newspapers, and books has been
finely tuned by software manufacturers such as Adobe and Microsoft. Adobe InDesign, Microsoft
Publisher, and even Microsoft Word 2010 handle the flow of content between columns efficiently.
InDesign and Publisher in particular are adept at flowing content between areas of a document
that aren’t contiguous (touching), such as those separated by images, boxes of content, or pages.
Desktop publishing software makes it easy to connect content in different areas, so that changes
made to one area allows content to reflow properly to other connected areas.
In HTML documents, content flow has been a challenge for Web and application design-
ers for years. Displaying a complex layout in HTML requires the same flexible placement of
boxes as desktop publishing software, but the tools to accomplish this type of content flow
have only recently become available.
CERTIFICATION READY Microsoft and Adobe collaborated with the W3C to create the concept of CSS Regions for
How is CSS used to Web-based content flow. CSS Regions allows developers to dynamically flow content across
manage the flow of text
multiple boxes, or containers, in HTML documents with fluid layouts. The content adjusts
content in an HTML
and displays properly whether a user views the document on a large computer monitor or on
a small tablet screen.
Although CSS3 enables you to use multi-column layout to separate content into columns
(see Figure 6-1), CSS Regions offer better control of content flow in more complex layouts.
You combine CSS Regions with CSS layout techniques, such as columns, flexboxes, and
grid layouts.

Figure 6-1
A Web layout with columns

Illustration: © Megan Tamaccio/iStockphoto

Content flow

Microsoft recommends Hyphenation, which breaks words between syllables at the end of lines, is also important
using CSS Regions to fluid layouts, enabling full justification of standalone paragraphs and those in columns.
for page layout and Positioned floats, now called CSS Exclusions, enable you to completely wrap text around im-
JavaScript when devel- ages, shapes, and containers of text.
oping Metro style apps
in Windows 8 and This lesson covers CSS Regions, CSS3 multiple columns, CSS3 hyphenation, and positioned
Internet Explorer 10. floats to help you learn how to flow and present content in dynamically adjusting HTML layouts.

For more information on CSS regions, hyphenation, and multi-column layout, Microsoft and Adobe both offer resources
worth checking out. Browse the Adobe “CSS3 regions: Rich page layout with HTML and CSS3” Web page at http:// For more information from Microsoft, visit the Microsoft “CSS” Web page at
Managing Text Flow by Using CSS | 139

■ Understanding and Using Regions to Flow Text Content

between Multiple Sections

CSS Regions lets you flow content between neighboring or distant areas in an HTML
THE BOTTOM LINE document. CSS Regions are defined areas (regions) of an HTML document where content
can flow. When there’s too much content to fit in one region, the remaining content auto-
matically flows into the next region. This is similar to how page layout programs work.

In a typical HTML document, you can display content in different sections or areas, but each area
is independent. If you want overflow text to move from one area to another, you generally have to
do so manually. This approach doesn’t work well when a user resizes the screen or uses accessibility
tools such as a screen magnifier. This method also doesn’t lend itself to automatic switching from
portrait to landscape orientation on tablets and smartphones. One solution is CSS Regions.
CSS Regions are defined areas (regions) of an HTML document where content can flow.
Similar to a page layout program, when there’s too much content to fit in one region, the
CERTIFICATION READY remaining content automatically flows into the next region. (See Figure 6-2.) If a user resizes
What are CSS Regions?
the screen on which the document is viewed, or views the document on a smaller or larger
screen, the content resizes and automatically reflows through the regions.

Figure 6-2
Content flow with CSS Regions

1 2 3

The regions don’t have to be next to each other within the document, and you can control
the order in which the flowed content appears. Figure 6-3 shows non-contiguous content flow
between regions. This type of flow is sometimes called “story threading” and makes it possible
to add pull quotes and sidebars to a document without disrupting the flow of the content.

Figure 6-3
Non-contiguous content flow
between regions

1 2
140 | Lesson 6

Flowing Content through Containers Dynamically

To implement CSS Regions, you need to specify a content source and content
containers. You accomplish both tasks using the flow-into and flow-from CSS

A content source may be one or more blocks of text in the same or a separate HTML docu-
What is a content source ment that holds the content you want to flow through a layout. The content is referred to as
and a content container a “content stream.”
in relation to CSS You also need content containers, which are the areas into which content is flowed. An
HTML document with content containers acts as a master page, like a template, in which
each container is sized and positioned where you want content to appear, but each container
is initially empty.
Within the content source, the element that contains the content to be flowed is assigned the
flow-into CSS property. The value of this property is called a named flow.
How do you flow text The following example begins with some CSS code for a content source. The flow-into
between multiple value is “main,” which is the named flow. Because the content will actually appear in an-
regions? other place (in the content containers), this source element itself will not be displayed on the
3.3 HTML page.
#source {
flow-into: main;

.region {
flow-from: main;
background: #9ACD32;

<div id="source">
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor ...</p>
<div id="region1" class="region"></div>
<div id="region2" class="region"></div>
<div id="region3" class="region"></div>

The W3C defines CSS Regions in the CSS Regions specification, which is a work in
progress as of this writing. So, like with flexboxes and grids as described in Lesson 5,
* you should use vendor prefixes with property names. You’ll see use of the vendor pre-
fix in the next step-by-step exercise.

Continuing in the same sample, the flow-from CSS property creates the content container,
which is a CSS Region. The value for the flow-from property must match the named flow
value of the flow-into property—this is how the content source and content container
Managing Text Flow by Using CSS | 141

are associated. (The example in this section includes the content source in the same HTML
document as the content containers for convenience. In a real-world application, you would
most likely use a separate HTML document for source and containers.)
When a browser renders the page with the content containers, the content flows into the con-
tainers and displays on the screen as shown in Figure 6-4. If you resize the screen, the content
reflows as shown in Figure 6-5.

Figure 6-4
Content flow into containers

Figure 6-5
Resizing the screen reflows the

You can also have multiple sources and assign the flow-into property to multiple elements.
The content will be pulled from the source in the order in which it appears in the Document
Object Model (DOM). This is referred to as the document order.

The DOM was introduced in Lesson 1 but should be revisited here. The DOM is a W3C
specification that describes the structure of dynamic HTML and Extensible Markup
* Language (XML) documents in a way that allows a Web browser to manipulate. The
DOM allows programs and scripts to update content, structure, and styles on the fly—
anything in an HTML or XML file can be modified.
142 | Lesson 6

In order for CSS Regions to work, content flow can’t affect the height of a region—you need
to define region heights in your CSS so they are not flexible. A region receives as much con-
tent as it can hold and then flows the remaining content into the next region.
If there is still content left over after all regions are filled, one of three situations can occur.
The overflow content in the last region will:
• Be truncated
• Continue overflowing and be visible
• Continue overflowing but be hidden
You can control how the last region handles overflow content using the region-overflow
and overflow properties.
region-overflow is set to either auto or break. Using the auto value, you can specify the
overflow property as visible or hidden. For example, if you want overflow content to con-
tinue to flow and be visible, you would use the following syntax:
.region {

Figure 6-6 shows visible content flowing past the end of the last region.

Figure 6-6
Overflow content is visible

Using the break value for region-overflow will prevent content from overflowing the last
region, truncating the content at that point. The syntax is:
.region {


Microsoft’s method of implementing CSS Regions varies a bit from the W3C version
described previously. Microsoft uses iframes, which are like mini boxes on a Web page that
contain external content embedded in an HTML document, as the content source. You must
also use the -ms- vendor prefix with the flow-into and flow-from properties.
Managing Text Flow by Using CSS | 143

For example, the following shows an iframe element with a unique ID, which you would add
to a master page:

<iframe id="main-data-source" src="source.html" />

Then you would create the named flow using a CSS selector that specifies the data source:

#main-data-source { -ms-flow-into: main; }

To create content containers, assign a class name to the elements you want to use as

<div class="region"></div>
<div class="region"></div>

The use of region in both instances is not a mistake! Just like applying any CSS rule, you
* can identify regions using a shared classname (as in this example) or list them using indi-
vidual IDs (as in the first example).

Then create a CSS selector that specifies the data source from which to accept the
content flow:

.region { -ms-flow-from: main; }

If you compare this Microsoft-specific code and markup to the general example shown previ-
ously, you should be able to see the similarities fairly easily.
There are a few more things to be aware of regarding the Microsoft version of CSS Regions,
which might appear on the 98-375 exam:

• msRegionUpdate: Allows you to manipulate regions dynamically

• msRegionOverflow: Handles content overflow, similar to the region-overflow
• msGetRegionContent: A script method defined by Microsoft as returning “an array of
Range instances corresponding to the content from the region flow that is positioned in
the region”

It’s possible you’ll see these constructs when researching or developing CSS Regions for use in
Windows 8 or Internet Explorer 10.


GET READY. To create CSS Regions, perform the following steps:
1. In an editing tool or app development tool, create an HTML document that includes
the following content:
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>CSS Regions Example</title>
<style type="text/css">
144 | Lesson 6

body, html { height:100%; width:100%; }

font-family: serif;
color: black;
font-size: large;

-webkit-flow-into: main;

-webkit-flow-from: main;
margin: 0 25px 0 0;
background: #EEE8AA;
padding: 20px;

width: 20%;
height: 50%;
float: left;

width: 20%;
height: 50%;
float: left;

position: relative;
padding: 25px;



<div id="source">
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor . . . mollis a ipsum.</p>

<div id="workarea">
<div id="region1" class="region"></div>
<div id="region2" class="region"></div>

The ellipsis (. . .) in the Lorem ipsum paragraph means some content has been omit-
ted for presentation purposes. In your HTML document, include a paragraph of dummy
text that’s 8 to 10 lines long.
2. Save the file as L6-regions-exercise.html.
3. Apply inline boldface on some paragraph text that’s about halfway through the para-
graph text.
4. Save the file again.
Managing Text Flow by Using CSS | 145

5. Notice that the CSS code uses the -webkit- vendor prefix. You must use a
command-line flag to enable CSS Regions in the browser. To do so, select Start, type
the browser name in the search box, right-click the browser name in the results
list, and then select Properties. The Properties dialog box opens. In the Target field,
cursor to the end of the field, enter a space, and then type --enable-css-regions.
6. Click OK.
7. Open L6-regions-exercise.html in the Web browser. Size the browser window so
that content appears in both containers and the bolded content is in the container
on the left. The results should look similar to Figure 6-7.

Figure 6-7
Content flowing into CSS
Regions containers

8. Decrease the size of the browser window to see the effect of overflow content.
9. How can you prevent content from overflowing the second container? Make the
necessary changes to the CSS code, save the file again, and view the results in the
10. Close the file but leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you complete the
next exercise in this session.

Visit the W3C “CSS Regions Module Level 3” Web page at for the latest
information on implementing CSS Regions. You can take a test drive of CSS Regions on the Microsoft Web site
at (Note: This page may require Internet Explorer 10 for proper rendering.)

Using Columns and Hyphenation to Optimize the Readability of Text

CSS3 enables you to create multi-column layouts that work much like the columns fea-
ture in Microsoft Word. You can also enable hyphenation to properly break words at the
end of lines, which avoids the problem of long words wrapping to the next line and leav-
ing a gap on the previous line.

A few more features that are new to CSS3 are multi-column layouts and hyphenation. You
can now create multiple columns—newspaper style—in HTML documents that scale based
on the user’s screen size. Hyphenation breaks words between syllables at the end of lines to
create a more uniform right margin and eliminate gaps of whitespace within paragraphs.
146 | Lesson 6

CSS3 properties for multi-column layout let you create columns by dividing text
across multiple columns, specify the amount of space that appears between columns
(the gap), make vertical lines (rules) appear between columns, and define where
columns break.
The main CSS properties you use to create and manipulate multiple columns in an HTML
document are:
• column-count: Sets the number of columns an element should be divided into; can
also use the columns property with values to set column-count and column-width
properties simultaneously
• column-gap: Specifies the gap between the columns, which is also known as the gutter
or alley
• column-rule: Creates a vertical line in the gap between columns and sets the width,
style (single or double line, solid, dashed, 3D, etc.) and color of the rule
CSS3 multi-column layout uses the concept of the “column box” to refer to the container
that holds content and displays it in columns. The column box is between the content box
and the content in the original CSS Box model. (Refer to Lesson 5 if you need a refresher on
the box model.)
Table 6-1 lists all column properties that work in CSS3.

Table 6-1
Multi-column properties used P ROPERTY V ALUES D ESCRIPTION
in CSS3
break-after auto Inserts a break after the generated
always column box

break-before (same as Inserts a break before the generated

break-after) column box
break-inside auto Inserts a break within the generated
avoid column box

column-count integer Sets the number of columns an element

auto will use
column-fill auto Specifies how to fill columns; balances
balance content equally between columns, if possible,
or fills columns sequentially

Managing Text Flow by Using CSS | 147

Table 6-1

column-gap length Specifies the gap between columns


column-rule column-rule-width Is a shorthand property that sets the

column-rule-style column-rule-width, column-rule-style,
column-rule-color and column-rule-color properties at the
transparent same place in a style sheet
column-rule- color Specifies the color of the rule between
color columns
column-rule- border-style Specifies the style of the rule between
style columns, such as solid or double, dashed,
and so on
column-rule- border-width Specifies the width of the rule between
width columns
column-span none Specifies whether an element should span
all no columns or all columns
column-width length Specifies the width of a column or columns

columns column-width Sets the column-width and column-count

column-count properties simultaneously

Now let’s look at how the CSS code works. This code uses the column-count property to
How do you create create three columns using the text in the HTML markup that follows:
multiple columns in an <head>
HTML document using <style>
.tricolumn { column-count: 3; }

<h2>Three Columns</h2>
<div class="tricolumn">
Lorem ipsum . . . orci.

Because CSS3 columns are still a work in progress, you may need to add vendor prefixes to
column-related property names. In this case, we modified the code as follows for all four of
the major browsers:
.tricolumn {
-ms-column-count: 3;
-moz-column-count: 3;
-o-column-count: 3;
-webkit-column-count: 3;
148 | Lesson 6

The results look like Figure 6-8 in the Mozilla Firefox Web browser.

Figure 6-8
Three columns

You could accomplish multiple columns using the columns property, which is a shorthand
way of setting the number of columns and the column width in one declaration. The follow-
ing code uses the auto value for column width:
.tricolumn { columns: 3 auto; }

Another way to use the columns property is to assign a number value to column-width and
leave column-count set to auto. This example sets column-width to 15em, which means
the multi-column element will have a column width of 15 ems (or 15 times the width of the
font size of the content in the column):
columns: auto 15em;
Now let’s add a column rule. This property sets the width, style, and color of the rule between
all columns. The syntax for a dashed blue line that’s 3 pixels wide is:
column-rule: 3px dashed blue;

To control the size of the gutter between columns, use the column-gap property. This prop-
erty uses an integer value, as shown below, or the keyword normal.
column-gap: 3em;

The combined effect of three columns with a column rule and a 3em gap is shown in Figure 6-9
(with vendor prefixes applied). Resizing the browser window also resizes the columns and reflows
the content between them, as shown in Figure 6-10.

Figure 6-9
Three columns with a larger
gap and a rule

Figure 6-10
Resizing the browser window
changes the columns

To specify whether an element such as a heading should span columns, use the column-
span property. This property is set to a number of columns to span or uses the all or none
Managing Text Flow by Using CSS | 149

keywords, which means an element spans all columns or does not span any columns,
column-span: all;
As you can see, the column-related properties provide flexible content display with minimal
CSS declarations.


GET READY. To create a multi-column layout, perform the following steps:
1. In an editing tool or app development tool, create a proper HTML document that
includes the following content:
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Three Columns</title>
.tricolumn {
-moz-column-count: 3;

<h2>My Three Columns</h2>
<div class="tricolumn">
Lorem ipsum . . . orci.

The ellipsis (. . .) in the Lorem ipsum paragraph means some content has been omitted
for presentation purposes. In your HTML document, include a paragraph of dummy text
that’s at least 10 lines long. Also notice the use of the Mozilla vendor prefix (-moz-).
We could have included all vendor prefixes, but used only one prefix for simplicity.
2. Save the file as L6-columns-exercise.html.
3. Specify a column gap of 2em and specify a column rule that’s 2px wide and solid green.
The syntax for the column-gap and column-rule properties are shown as follows:
.tricolumn {
-moz-column-count: 3;
-moz-column-gap: 2em;
-moz-column-rule: 2px solid green;

4. Save the file again and view it in the Firefox Web browser. The results should look
similar to Figure 6-11.

Figure 6-11
The results of the three-column
150 | Lesson 6

5. Resize the browser window to see the effect on the columns.

6. (Optional) Replace “My Three Columns” with a longer heading. Try spanning the head-
ing over all three columns.
7. Close the file but leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you complete the
next exercise in this session.

To learn more about multi-column layouts, visit the “Multi-column regions” section of the “CSS Regions
Module Level 3” Web page at and the page on CSS3 multiple columns at

Hyphenation is the process of connecting two words with a hyphen mark (-) or breaking
words between syllables at the end of a line. Hyphenation is highly useful for multi-column
CERTIFICATION READY layouts to eliminate whitespace within columns left by long words that automatically wrap
How do you enable to the next line, making text appear more professional. Generally, automatic hyphenation
hyphenation in an HTML attempts to justify text at the right margin.
document using CSS?
CSS3 introduces the hyphens property, which controls hyphenation. The property uses the
values none, manual, and auto:
• auto: Enables automatic hyphenation of words based on line-break opportunities within
words or by a “language-appropriate hyphenation resource”
• manual: Enables hyphenation of words based only on line-break opportunities within
• none: Prevents hyphenation

The W3C points out that you must declare a language using the HTML lang or XML
xml:lang attributes for correct automatic hyphenation to occur. That means if your entire
* HTML document is in the same language (English, for example) and you want to enable
A list of language
automatic hyphenation, add the attribute to your HTML element or doctype declaration,
codes is displayed on
such as:
“HTML Language Code <!doctype html>
Reference” Web page at <html lang="en-us">
http://www.w3schools. or
<html xmlns=""
xml:lang="en" lang="en">
You need to include vendor prefixes with the hyphens property, such as -ms-hyphens for
Internet Explorer 10, -moz-hyphens for Firefox, and so on.
Microsoft provides additional hyphenation properties that are specific to Microsoft environ-
ments, as follows:
• -ms-hyphenate-limit-zone: Specifies the width of the trailing whitespace (called the
hyphenation zone, illustrated in Figure 6-12) that can be left in a line before hyphenation
occurs; the property’s value is a length in pixels or a percentage
• -ms-hyphenate-limit-chars: Specifies the minimum number of characters in a
word that may be hyphenated; if the character count is lower than the minimum, the
word is not hyphenated
Managing Text Flow by Using CSS | 151

Figure 6-12
The hyphenation zone

Hyphenation zone

• -ms-hyphenate-limit-lines: Specifies the maximum number of consecutive

hyphenated lines that may contain hyphenated words

The following markup with inline CSS uses the -ms-hyphens property, which is set to auto:
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en-us">
<div style="width: 200px;
border: 2px solid orange;">

<p style="-ms-hyphens: auto;

text-align: justify;
font-size: 14pt;">
Hyphenation is the process of connecting . . .
more professional.</p>

This markup appears in Internet Explorer 10 as shown in Figure 6-13.

Figure 6-13
The -ms-hyphens property
rendered in Internet
Explorer 10
152 | Lesson 6

Although Microsoft has enabled several hyphenation properties in Internet Explorer 10

and Windows 8 applications, the W3C specification for hyphenation is still evolving.
* The W3C is working on the hyphenate-character, hyphenate-limit-zone,
hyphenate-limit-word, hyphenate-limit-lines, and hyphenate-limit-last
properties as of this writing.


GET READY. To enable automatic hyphenation, perform the following steps:
1. In an editing tool or app development tool, create an HTML document that includes
the following content. Notice that we’re using the Mozilla vendor prefix as an
example in this exercise. Replace the paragraph text that begins with “Hyphenation
is” with a four-line biography about yourself, your instructor, a classmate, or
a celebrity:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en-us">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Hyphenation Example</title>
<div style="width: 200px;
border: 2px solid orange;">

<p style="-moz-hyphens: auto;

text-align: justify;
font-size: 14pt;">
Hyphenation is . . . professional.</p>

2. Save the file as L6-hyphen-exercise.html and view it in the Firefox Web

3. Close the file but leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you complete the
next exercise in this session.

For further details on hyphenation, browse the “Hyphenation” section on the W3C “CSS Text Level 3” Web
page at Microsoft provides information on hyphenation
properties specific to Internet Explorer at

Using CSS Exclusions to Create Text Flow around a Floating Object

A positioned float is a CSS construct that enables you to position images, text,
and boxes anywhere in an HTML document and then wrap text completely around
these elements. Positioned floats are called CSS Exclusions in the latest W3C
Managing Text Flow by Using CSS | 153

You might have noticed that floats were used in the exercise on regions earlier in the les-
son. Both floats were assigned the left value, which made them appear side by side when
rendered. The placement was relative to the rest of the document. In addition, if you don’t
CERTIFICATION READY specify a height or width for a float, the element automatically resizes to fit its contents.
What is a positioned float With CSS Exclusions, you can control the position of a float precisely, at a specified distance
or CSS Exclusion?
from the top, bottom, left, or right sides of a container. You can also create a float in any
shape: rectangular, circular, triangular, and just about anything in between. The other parts of
the document simply flow around the exclusion.
The CSS Exclusions example shown in Figure 6-14 uses a multi-column layout with an exclusion
(referred to as positioned float on the Web site) in the middle. You can move the box anywhere
in the example layout and see that the surrounding text automatically flows around the blue box.

Figure 6-14
A positioned float in a multi-
column layout in Internet
Explorer 10

In another exclusions example, Figure 6-15 shows text surrounding a circle in the middle of
a paragraph. This image includes a margin around the circle, but the text could bump up di-
rectly against the circle.

Figure 6-15
A custom container in the
shape of a circle
154 | Lesson 6

Table 6-2 lists the W3C properties related to CSS Exclusions.

Table 6-2
shape-outside auto Creates the general shape of an exclusion

shape-inside outside-shape Modifies a shape’s contents


wrap wrap-flow Is a shorthand method of setting the

wrap-margin wrap-flow, wrap-margin, and
wrap-padding wrap-padding properties in one
wrap-flow auto Specifies how exclusions affect inline
both content within block-level elements

wrap-margin length Provides an offset for content outside the

wrap-padding length Provides a pad (an offset) for content inside
an element
wrap-through wrap Specifies how content should wrap around
none an exclusion element

To create a simple CSS exclusion, use the wrap-flow: both property to display content on
all sides of the exclusion. Another option is to use wrap-flow: clear, which displays con-
tent above and below the exclusion but leaves the sides blank.
You declare an exclusion shape using the shape-inside and shape-outside properties,
which define the content and the general shape of an exclusion, respectively.
Currently, CSS Exclusions do not work reliably in any of the major browsers. If you want to
experiment with CSS Exclusions, try Internet Explorer 10. To use any CSS Exclusions proper-
ties for rendering in Internet Explorer 10, add the -ms- vendor prefix. Microsoft also uses the
-ms-wrap-side and -ms-flow-wrap properties, which aren’t part of the W3C specification.


GET READY. To explore CSS Exclusions properties, perform the following steps:
1. Using a Web browser, go to the W3C “CSS Exclusions and Shapes Module Level 3” Web
page at
2. Browse the examples of CSS Exclusions.
3. In Internet Explorer 10, copy the code from an example that interests you, create a
proper HTML document, and test the file in Internet Explorer 10.
Managing Text Flow by Using CSS | 155

4. Visit the Microsoft Positioned Floats test drive at Access the page
using each of the major browsers. Select each setting one at a time to see the effects.
5. Close any open files and programs.

To learn more about CSS Exclusions, visit the W3C “CSS Exclusions and Shapes Module Level 3” Web page at http:// The Microsoft “Exclusions” Web page at provides information
on CSS Exclusions and Microsoft-specific properties for Windows 8 and Internet Explorer 10 applications.



• Content flow has, historically, been a manual procedure in HTML documents. Today, CSS
Regions, CSS Exclusions, and multi-column layouts help you flow content dynamically.
• CSS Regions lets you flow content between neighboring or distant areas in an HTML
• To create and work with CSS Regions, you need to identify a content source and create
content containers. You accomplish both tasks using the flow-into and flow-from
CSS properties.
• CSS3 enables you to create multiple columns—newspaper style—in HTML documents
that scale based on the user’s screen size.
• Hyphenation breaks words between syllables at the end of lines to create a more uniform
right margin and eliminate gaps of whitespace within paragraphs.
• A positioned float is a CSS construct that enables you to position images, text, and boxes
anywhere in an HTML document and then wrap text completely around these elements.
Positioned floats are called CSS Exclusions in the latest W3C specification.

■ Knowledge Assessment
Fill in the Blank
Complete the following sentences by writing the correct word or words in the blanks provided.
1. are defined areas of an HTML document where content can flow.
They’re used instead of multiple columns in more complex layouts.
2. CSS3 properties for let you create columns by dividing text across
multiple columns, specify the amount of space that appears between columns (the gap),
make vertical lines (rules) appear between columns, and define where columns break.
3. A may be one or more blocks of text in the same or a separate HTML
document that holds the content you want to flow through a CSS Regions layout.
4. are the part of CSS Regions into which content is flowed.
5. is the process of connecting two words with a hyphen mark (-) or
breaking words between syllables at the end of a line.
6. A is a positioned float that enables you to position images, text, and boxes
anywhere in an HTML document and then wrap text completely around these elements.
156 | Lesson 6

7. The CSS property creates a content container for CSS Regions.

8. The CSS property identifies the content source for CSS Regions.
9. A(n) is a mini HTML document embedded in an HTML document.
10. The value of the flow-into property is called a .

Multiple Choice
Circle the letter that corresponds to the best answer.
1. You are creating a CSS Regions content source named “main.” Which of the following is
the correct syntax?
a. flow-from: main
b. flow-into: main
c. main: flow-into
d. main: flow-from
2. You are creating a CSS Regions content container to be associated with a content source
named “main.” Which of the following is the correct syntax?
a. flow-from: main
b. flow-into: main
c. main: flow-into
d. main: flow-from
3. What are the options for handling overflow text in the last container of a CSS region?
(Choose all that apply.)
a. Truncation
b. Continue overflowing and be visible
c. Continue overflowing but be hidden
d. Duplication
4. How does Microsoft’s implementation of CSS Regions differ from the W3C’s
a. Microsoft uses the flow-into property.
b. Microsoft uses the flow-from property.
c. Microsoft does not use iframes.
d. Microsoft uses iframes.
5. Which CSS3 property creates scalable columns?
a. column-count
b. add-columns
c. wrap-columns
d. none of the above
6. Which CSS3 property creates a line between columns in a multi-column layout?
a. break-inside
b. column-fill
c. column-gap
d. column-rule
7. Which of the following is not a legal value for the CSS3 hyphens property?
a. none
b. lines
c. manual
d. auto
Managing Text Flow by Using CSS | 157

8. Which of the following specifies the width of the trailing whitespace that can be left in a
line before hyphenation occurs?
a. -ms-hyphenate-limit-chars
b. -ms-hyphenate-limit-lines
c. -ms-hyphenate-limit-zone
d. none of the above
9. Which of the following is the formerly used term for CSS Exclusions?
a. left/right floats
b. positioned floats
c. shape changer
d. the DOM
10. Which CSS3 property creates a CSS exclusion?
a. wrap-flow
b. flow-wrapper
c. shape-wrapper
d. wrapper-shape

True / False
Circle T if the statement is true or F if the statement is false.
T F 1. A CSS Exclusion must be either rectangular or circular in shape.
T F 2. You must declare a language using the HTML lang or XML xml:lang attributes
for correct automatic hyphenation to occur.
T F 3. You can center a heading across multiple columns using the column-span: all property.
T F 4. You combine CSS Regions with CSS layout techniques, such as columns, flexboxes,
and grid layouts.
T F 5. In CSS Regions, the value for the flow-from property must match the value of the
flow-into property.

■ Competency Assessment
Scenario 6-1: Flowing Content in a Newsletter
Changpu is fellow intern at Malted Milk Media. He was asked by his manager to create a
newsletter layout using HTML5 and CSS3. The newsletter will be viewed by employees
using PCs, tablets, and possibly smartphones. Changpu created a template with sections,
articles, a header and footer, and asides. He wants some items to automatically move over-
flow content to different areas of the layout, but he’s not sure how to do it. How do you
advise him?

Scenario 6-2: Distinguishing between Content Source

and Content Containers
Changpu decided to use CSS Regions to provide dynamic content flow in his newsletter, but
he’s confused about content sources and content containers. How do you explain the two fea-
tures to Changpu?
158 | Lesson 6

■ Proficiency Assessment
Scenario 6-3: Understanding Hyphenation Requirements
Salih is a friend of yours from college. He is creating an HTML document that has content
in Arabic for his language skills group, and he wants the document to be hyphenated. He
used the hyphens property and is viewing the document in a supported Web browser, but the
hyphenation isn’t working. Is there something else Salih needs to do to the document?

Scenario 6-4: Understanding CSS Exclusions Essentials

Gladys just transferred to the Web and application development team from the Web site
maintenance team. She is just beginning to research CSS Exclusions and saw you walking
past her work area. She stops and asks you for a jumpstart on basic information on CSS
Exclusions properties.
Managing the LE SS O N 7
Graphical Interface
by Using CSS


Managing the Graphical Interface Manage the graphical interface 3.4
with CSS by using CSS.

animation scale
border-radius property skew
drop shadow SVG filter
gradient transform
keyframe transition
linear gradient translate
opacity transparency
perspective Web Open Font Format (WOFF)
radial gradient Web safe

The Malted Milk Media development team is ready to freshen its own Web site with a
more contemporary look and feel. They’ve asked you to review the major areas of the
site and suggest graphical enhancements that are based on CSS3 and will help Malted
Milk stand apart from the competition.

Managing the Graphical Interface with CSS

New properties in CSS3 provide an easy means to a more graphical and appealing user
THE BOTTOM LINE interface for Web sites and applications.

CSS3 enables you to create stunning graphical elements for Web sites and applications, which
ratchet up the satisfaction of the user experience. You can create graphics effects such as
rounded corners and drop shadows, and apply 2D and 3D transformations like rotations and
160 | Lesson 7

scaling. Transitions and animations, performed completely with HTML and CSS3, bring life
In what ways can you to otherwise static images, boxes, and text.
manage the graphical In addition, many of the same CSS3 properties apply to canvas figures, and SVG comes with
user interface with CSS? a comprehensive set of filters that produce similar effects as CSS3 properties.

Creating Graphics Effects

CSS3 provides the border-radius property to create rounded corners, the

box-shadow property for drop-shadows, the opacity property for transparency
effects, and linear-gradient and radial-gradient properties for background

CERTIFICATION READY CSS3 enables you to easily apply several new graphics effects to HTML elements, making
Which new graphics the user interface more appealing. Some of the new graphics effects include rounded corners,
effects can you create drop-shadows, transparency, and background gradients. You can even apply some of these
with CSS3? properties, like shadows, to text.
You use the CSS3 border-radius property to create rounded corners around layout ele-
ments, like headers, footers, sidebars, graphics boxes, and outlines around images. border-
radius is a length, which is usually expressed in pixels or ems but can be a percentage.
CERTIFICATION READY The length is the radius of the circle that defines the “roundedness” of each box corner. The
Which CSS property lower the number, the less rounded the corner. Some browsers have problems rendering the
creates rounded corners
percentage properly, so use a pixel or em length whenever possible.
around layout elements?
3.4 To create a box with a rounded border, the CSS code and markup might look like this:

<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Rounded Corners</title>
<style type="text/css">
div {
padding: 40px 40px;
background: dodgerblue;
width: 400px;
color: #fff;
font-family: sans-serif;
font-size: xx-large;
border-radius: 25px;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
margin-top: 100px;

<div>A box with rounded corners</div>
Managing the Graphical Interface by Using CSS | 161

The rounded box renders in a Web browser as shown in Figure 7-1.

Figure 7-1
A box with four rounded

You can also round a single corner of a box using the following properties:
• border-top-left-radius
• border-top-right-radius
• border-bottom-right-radius
• border-bottom-left-radius
Figure 7-2 shows an example of each box.

Figure 7-2
Boxes with one rounded
corner each

If you plan to use single rounded corners on several elements in an HTML document, you
can save time by creating a separate class for each (top left, top right, bottom left, and bottom
right). The syntax would look similar to the following:
.top-left-corner { border-top-left-radius:25px; }

The Microsoft “Hands-on: border-radius” Web page at

* Graphics/hands-on-css3/hands-on_border-radius.htm lets you see how changes made to
the border-radius length affect a box’s corners.

CSS3 introduces the box-shadow property to create drop shadows around layout elements. A
drop shadow is a visual effect in which an object is repeated behind and slightly below itself
to create the illusion that the object floats over its background.
162 | Lesson 7

The CSS syntax for creating a shadow is:
Which CSS property box-shadow: h-shadow v-shadow blur spread color inset;
creates drop shadows
around layout elements? The h-shadow and v-shadow attributes indicate the horizontal and vertical position of the
3.4 shadow in relation to the box. Both of these attributes are required. The h-shadow value
defines the horizontal offset of the shadow. A positive value offsets the shadow to the right of
the element, and a negative value to the left. The v-shadow value defines the vertical offset
of the shadow. A positive value offsets the shadow from the bottom of the element, and a
negative value from the top.
The remaining attributes are optional. The blur attribute, in pixels, indicates the amount
of blur applied to the shadow. The spread attribute indicates the size of the shadow, color
specifies the color of the drop shadow, and inset moves the shadow from the outside to the
inside of the box.
Figure 7-3 shows an example of the rounded-corners box with a drop shadow. The shadow
was created from these values, which specify the horizontal and vertical shadow position, the
amount of blur, and the color of the shadow:
box-shadow: 10px 10px 5px #808080;

Figure 7-3
A drop shadow applied
to a box

CSS3 also provides the text-shadow property to apply shadowing to text. The attributes are
the same as the box-shadow property, except that spread and inset are not included.


GET READY. To create a box with rounded corners and a shadow, perform the following steps:
1. In an editing or app development tool, create an HTML document that includes the
following content:
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Rounded Corners</title>
<style type="text/css">
div {
border: 3px solid #000;
background-color: #000;
padding: 1em;
width: 300px;
border-radius: 8px;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
margin-top: 100px;
color: #fff;
font-family: sans-serif;
font-size: large;
text-align: center;
Managing the Graphical Interface by Using CSS | 163

<div>A box example</div>

2. Save the file as L7-box-exercise.html. View the file in a Web browser, which should
look similar to Figure 7-4.

Figure 7-4
A box with rounded corners

3. To add a drop shadow, add the following line to the style element:
box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px #999;

4. Save the file and view the results in a Web browser. The box should resemble
Figure 7-5.

Figure 7-5
A box with rounded corners
and a drop shadow

5. Leave the file, editing tool, and Web browser open if you complete the next exercise
during this session.

An opaque item does not let light pass through, whereas you can see through a transparent
item. Even though the terms are opposite, by reducing the opacity of an item or increasing its
transparency, you eventually reach the same point.
Figure 7-6 shows the effect of transparency (or reduced opacity) on an image. The original
image is on the left; the image with a 50% transparency applied is on the right.

Figure 7-6
Illustrations: © AVTG/iStockphoto

Transparency applied to
an image

Original With transparency

Which CSS property The syntax for applying a transparency to an image or other element is:
enables you to apply a
transparency to an image opacity: value
or element?
The value is a floating-point value between 0.0 (100% transparent) and 1.0 (100% opaque).
To apply a 45% transparency, for example, you would use the value 0.55 (1.0 – 0.45).
164 | Lesson 7


GET READY. To add transparency to a box, perform the following steps:
1. Open L7-box-exercise.html in an editing or app development tool, if it isn’t
already open.
2. Add the following line to the style element:
opacity: 0.6;

3. Save the file as L7-tranparency-exercise.html and view the results in a Web browser.
The box should resemble Figure 7-7.

Figure 7-7
A rounded-corner box, with
a drop shadow and 40%

4. Leave the file, editing tool, and Web browser open if you complete the next exercise
during this session.


A gradient is a smooth change of colors, either within the same hue, such as from dark green
to light green, or starting with one color and ending with a different color, such as starting
with blue and ending with yellow. Developers commonly use gradients for subtle shading
within backgrounds, buttons, and more.
The different types, or methods, of CSS3 gradients are:

• linear-gradient: Creates a gradient from top to bottom or vice versa, or from corner
to corner
• radial-gradient: Creates a gradient that radiates out from a central point
• repeating-linear-gradient: Creates a repeating linear gradient, which results in
straight bands of gradient color
• repeating-radial-gradient: Creates a repeating radial gradient, which results in
circular bands of gradient color

To apply a gradient to an HTML image, use the background property with one of
Which CSS property
the gradient methods listed above, along with the parameters specific to each method.
enables you to add a The possible values for the methods are listed on the W3C “CSS Image Values and
background gradient to Replaced Content Module Level 3” Web page at
an HTML container? #repeating-gradients.
3.4 A linear gradient is a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal gradient. To create a linear gradient
from black to white, use the following CSS code:
background: linear-gradient(black, white);

The default gradient goes from top to bottom. You can insert “top,” “bottom,” “right,” or
“left” as the first value to control the direction of the gradient. Figure 7-8 shows the black-to-
white gradient that spans from top to bottom.

Figure 7-8
A linear gradient from black
(top) to white (bottom)
Managing the Graphical Interface by Using CSS | 165

A diagonal gradient is a type of linear gradient that extends from one corner of a container
diagonally to another corner. The code for a diagonal gradient that starts in the lower-left
corner and extends to the upper-right corner of a container is:
background: linear-gradient(45deg, white, black);

CSS3 gradients also support color interpolation in the alpha color space, which is part of the
red blue green alpha (RGBA) color model, to produce smoother color transitions in gradients.
(You’ve probably seen some gradients where you can readily see the transition from one shade
to the next—they look like thin bands of color. Color interpolation in the alpha color space
eliminates the “bandy” look.) You can specify multiple color stops, with an RGBA color and
position for each one.
The following is an example of the use of rgba colors:
linear-gradient(to right, rgba(255,255,255,0)

Radial gradients start from a central point and radiate color out to the edges of a container.
The values for radials differ slightly from linear gradients. The general syntax for radial
gradients is:
radial-gradient(position,size and shape,color stops);

Let’s look at an example of a radial gradient that begins with light blue (indicated by the
hexidecimal code #99CCFF) at the center and changes to a darker blue (indicated by
#3D5266) at the edges. The code might look like the following, which renders in a browser
as shown in Figure 7-9.
radial-gradient(50% 50%, 70% 70%, #99CCFF, #3D5266);

Figure 7-9
A radial gradient

The first set of percentages (50% 50%) defines the horizontal and vertical center values.
In this case, the gradient starts in the center of the element. The second set of percentages
(70% 70%) specifies the size and shape of the gradient. Because a radial gradient resembles
an ellipse, the percentages refer to radii. The hexadecimal codes in the example are the
color stops; the first color stop is the starting point and the second color stop is the
ending point.

You might see the background-image property in some sources; it works the same as the
* shorthand background property.


GET READY. To apply a background gradient to a box, perform the following steps:
1. Open L7-tranparency-exercise.html in an editing or app development tool, if it isn’t
already open.
2. Add the following lines to the style element:
background: linear-gradient(black,white);
background: -ms-linear-gradient(black,white);
background: -moz-linear-gradient(black,white);
background: -o-linear-gradient(black,white);
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(black,white);
166 | Lesson 7

Notice the use of vendor prefixes in this code. By including all of the major vendor pre-
fixes, your HTML document is more likely to be rendered properly by the largest number
of users. As a reminder from Lesson 5, however, including all four vendor prefixes in your
code doesn’t guarantee the CSS3 feature will work within all of the browsers. A browser
* that doesn’t support a certain feature will not display the feature properly, even with a
vendor prefix. Some browsers offer partial support for a feature, which can produce mixed
results. During the transition to CSS3, you should test your code in all of the major
browsers before using a certain feature in HTML/CSS documents that will be displayed to
a wide audience.

4. Remove the border (not border radius), opacity, and box shadow lines from
the CSS.
5. Save the file as L7-gradient-exercise.html and view the file in various Web
browsers. Do all of the browsers display the gradient? The box should resemble
Figure 7-10 in any browser that supports linear gradients.

Figure 7-10
A box with a background
gradient applied

6. Close the file and the Web browsers but leave the editing tool open if you plan to
complete the next exercise during this session.

The Microsoft “Explore new ideas in website design and layout” Web page at provides
links to information on creating rounded corners, drop-shadows, and much more. The W3C “CSS Color
Module Level 3” Web page at provides the specification for color
properties and opacity. You can also visit the Web site and search for “CSS3” and the topic
of your choice.

Understanding Typography and the Web Open Font Format

Web developers are beginning to use the Web Open Font Format (WOFF) as a way to
enhance UIs with just about any font available or custom-created fonts. The flexibility
to use any font is a big change from the pre-WOFF restrictions on font usage in HTML

Typography is the art of arranging type, historically in printed matter, and fonts play a
prominent role in typography. You use CSS font-related properties such as font-family,
font-size, font-style, font-variant, and font-weight to style HTML documents.
For years, Web and application developers have been limited to a set of standard fonts that are
Lesson 4 discusses the considered Web safe, which means they are typically located on a user’s computer and there-
CSS-related aspects fore render consistently in the majority of browsers.
of typography, such
Web-safe fonts don’t work in every situation. For example, many companies use particu-
as fonts, font families,
lar fonts as part of their brand identity, which aren’t often part of the Web-safe font set.
monospace, and the
Designers and developers strive to make sites look interesting, more appealing, and unique,
@font-face rule.
which can’t always be accomplished with Web-safe fonts.
Managing the Graphical Interface by Using CSS | 167

To use a non-standard font in a heading, title, or block of text, developers have had to create
the content in a page layout or graphics program, save it as an image, and then use the <img>
tag in an HTML document. This method has several drawbacks:
• It’s time-consuming.
• It interferes with accessibility page readers; images of text cannot be read aloud.
• It reduces the effectiveness of search engine optimization (SEO) because search engines
look for text, not images of text.
What is the purpose Developers have also used embedded fonts, which are font sets loaded on their servers. The
of the Web Open Font designer inserts a link to the font set within an HTML document or CSS file, which helps
Format (WOFF)? the browser render the font properly. Although embedded fonts are still widely used, a new
3.4 and better technique for handling non-standard fonts is WOFF.
The Web Open Font Format (WOFF) is a means of bringing better typography to the Web.
WOFF allows Web developers to use custom fonts—pretty much any font—instead of being
limited to the standard Web fonts. WOFF files are compressed True Type, OpenType, or
Open Font Format fonts that contain additional metadata.
To use WOFF, you can host fonts on your server or use a Web font service. Free fonts are avail-
able from a variety of sources like fontsquirrel and the Open Font Library. Font services include
FontFont and FontShop, among others. They require a paid subscription, which gives you full
rights to use the font on your Web site as long as the subscription is current.
To use a WOFF font from a font vendor’s site, for example, include the @font-face rule in
the CSS file, similar to the following:
@font-face {
font-family: "font-family-name";
src: url("http://website/fonts/fontfile")

Some WOFF fonts work better than others depending on the browser in which they’re
being viewed. For example, where one Web browser might render the font perfectly, another
browser might display the font bitmapped or with inappropriate boldface. Before purchasing
a WOFF font or font package, be sure to research the font on the Web to find out if other
developers have had any problems using it. Some font vendors provide a way for you to pre-
view fonts in all of the major browsers before purchase.

The WOFF specification is on the W3C Web site at For an easier read about WOFF,
visit the “Fonts on the Web” page at and the “WOFF Frequently Asked Questions”
page at

Applying 2D and 3D Transformations

The CSS3 transform property translates, scales, rotates, skews, and even spins 2D and
* 3D elements.
JavaScript or some other
form of scripting would
be required to actually In HTML5/CSS3, a transform is an effect that lets you change the size, shape, and position
see a 2D or 3D trans- of an element. Transformations are either 2D or 3D, and include translating (moving),
formation taking place. scaling, rotating, skewing (stretching), and spinning elements.
Without scripting, you
You use the CSS transform property to specify different kinds of transformations made
only view the end result
to HTML elements. The transform property uses several methods for 2D and 3D
of a transformation.
transformations, as listed in Table 7-1.
168 | Lesson 7

Table 7-1
Methods for the transform V ALUE D ESCRIPTION
matrix (n,n,n,n,n,n) Specifies a 2D transformation using a six-value
matrix3d (n,n,n,n,n,n,n, Specifies a 3D transformation using a 4x4 matrix
n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n) of 16 values
perspective(n) Specifies a perspective view for a 3D element that’s
been transformed
rotate (angle) Rotates an element in 2D
rotate3d (x,y,z,angle) Rotates an element in 3D
rotateX (angle) Rotates an element in 3D along the x-axis
rotateY (angle) Rotates an element in 3D along the y-axis
rotateZ (angle) Rotates an element in 3D along the z-axis
scale (x,y) Scales an element in 2D (width and height)
scale3d (x,y,z) Scales an element in 3D (width, height, and an
arbitrary vector in 3D space)
scaleX (x) Scales an element in 3D along the x-axis
scaleY (y) Scales an element in 3D along the y-axis
scaleZ (z) Scales an element in 3D along the z-axis
(a vector in 3D space)
skew (x-angle,y-angle) Skews an element in 2D along the x-axis and
the y-axis
skewX (angle) Skews an element in 3D along the x-axis
skewY (angle) Skews an element in 3D along the y-axis
translate (x,y) Translates (moves) an element in 2D
translate3d (x,y,z) Translates (moves) an element in 3D
translateX (x) Translates an element in 3D using the x-axis
translateY (y) Translates an element in 3D using the y-axis
translateZ (z) Translates an element in 3D using the z-axis

Now that you understand the essence of 2D and 3D transformations, let’s look at some
specific examples.

Which CSS property
transforms elements? To translate an element means to move it, without rotating, skewing, or otherwise turning
3.4 the image. To move an element, you use the translate() method in CSS and provide
x- and y-axis values to position the element relative to its original or default position. The
x-axis value specifies the left position of the element, and the y-axis value specifies the top
What does it mean to
position. For example, the following code moves the element 100 pixels from the left and
translate an element? 50 pixels from the top:
transform: translate(100px,50px);
Managing the Graphical Interface by Using CSS | 169

An example of a translated element is shown in Figure 7-11.

Figure 7-11
The translated (moved) box
appears in the lower right

To scale an element is to increase or decrease its size. To grow or shrink an element dynamically,
What does it mean to
you use the scale() method in CSS and provide x-axis (width) and y-axis (height) values. For
scale an element? example, the following code increases the width of the element two times its original size, and
3.4 increases the height four times its original size:
transform: scale(2,4);

An example of a scaled element is shown in Figure 7-12.

Figure 7-12
The scaled box is two times
wider and four times taller
than the original box


GET READY. To translate and scale a 2D shape, perform the following steps:
1. In an editing or app development tool, create an HTML document that includes the
following content:
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<style type="text/css">
padding: 20px 20px;
background: tomato;
width: 150px;
height: 75px;
color: #fff;
font-family: sans-serif;
font-size: x-large;
170 | Lesson 7

<div>This element can move</div>

2. Save the file as L7-translate-exercise.html and view it in at least two different Web
browsers. The box should appear in the upper-left corner of the browser windows.
3. Add the following lines to the style element:
transform: translate(200px,100px);
-ms-transform: translate(200px,100px);
-moz-transform: translate(200px,100px);
-o-transform: translate(200px,100px);
-webkit-transform: translate(200px,100px);

4. Save the file and view it in the same Web browsers. The box should have moved down
and to the right.
5. To scale the box so that it’s twice as wide and twice as tall as the original box, add
scale(2,2) to the transform lines, as follows:

transform: translate(200px,100px) scale(2,2);

-ms-transform: translate(200px,100px) scale(2,2);
-moz-transform: translate(200px,100px) scale(2,2);
-o-transform: translate(200px,100px) scale(2,2);
-webkit-transform: translate(200px,100px) scale(2,2);

6. Change the div text to read This element can scale.

7. Save the file as L7-scale-exercise.html and view it in the Web browsers. The display
should look similar to Figure 7-13.

Figure 7-13
The box has moved and
is twice as large as the
original box

8. Close the file but leave the editing tool and Web browsers open if you plan to
complete the next exercise during this session.
Managing the Graphical Interface by Using CSS | 171

To rotate an element turns it clockwise by a specified number of degrees. To rotate an element,
you use the rotate() method in CSS and specify the degrees of rotation.
For example, the following code rotates an element by 30 degrees in the 2D plane:
transform: rotate(30deg);

An example of a 2D rotated element is shown in Figure 7-14.

Figure 7-14
The original and the 2D
rotated image

3D rotation uses the rotateX() and rotateY() methods. With rotateX(), the element
rotates around its x-axis, and rotateY() rotates the element around its y-axis.
Which transform method The following code rotates an element 180 degrees. If the element contains text, the text
rotates an element in 3D would appear upside down after the rotation, as shown in Figure 7-15. Remember, to see
around the x-axis? the 3D effect occurring requires JavaScript or some other form of scripting; what you see in
3.4 Figure 7-15 is the end result of the rotation.
transform: rotateX(180deg);

Figure 7-15
The original and the 3D x-axis
rotated image

Using the rotateY(180deg) method with an element that display text results in the text
appearing backwards, as shown in Figure 7-16.
Figure 7-16
The original and the 3D y-axis
rotated image
172 | Lesson 7

To skew an element is to stretch it in one or more directions. To skew an element using CSS,
you use the skew() method and provide x-axis and y-axis values, in degrees, to create an
angular shape. For example, the following code turns an element 20 degrees around the x-axis
and 30 degrees around the y-axis:
transform: skew(20deg,30deg);

An example of a skewed element is shown in Figure 7-17.

Figure 7-17
A skewed element

3D skewing uses the skewX() and skewY() methods to skew an element around its x-axis
Which transform method and y-axis, respectively. As an example, the following code skews an element 45 degrees, as
skews an element in 3D shown in Figure 7-18.
around the y-axis? transform: skewX(45deg);

Figure 7-18
A 3D skew around the x-axis


GET READY. To rotate and skew a 2D shape, perform the following steps:
1. Open L7-scale-exercise.html in an editing or app development tool, if it isn’t
already open.
2. Modify the transform lines to replace scale with a 30-degree rotation, as follows:
transform: translate(200px,100px) rotate(30deg);
-ms-transform: translate(200px,100px) rotate(30deg);
-moz-transform: translate(200px,100px) rotate(30deg);
-o-transform: translate(200px,100px) rotate(30deg);
-webkit-transform: translate(200px,100px) rotate(30deg);

3. Change the div text to read This element is rotated.

Managing the Graphical Interface by Using CSS | 173

4. Save the file as L7-rotate-exercise.html and view the file in the Web browsers. Are
the box and text rotated as shown in Figure 7-19?
Figure 7-19
A box rotated at a 30-degree

5. To skew the box by 45 degrees, replace rotate with skew in the transform lines,
as follows:
transform: translate(200px,100px) skew(45deg);
-ms-transform: translate(200px,100px) skew(45deg);
-moz-transform: translate(200px,100px) skew(45deg);
-o-transform: translate(200px,100px) skew(45deg);
-webkit-transform: translate(200px,100px) skew(45deg);

6. Change the div text to read This element is skewed.

7. Save the file as L7-skew-exercise.html and view it in the Web browsers. The display
should look similar to Figure 7-20.

Figure 7-20
A box skewed at a 45-degree

8. Close the file but leave the editing tool and Web browsers open if you plan to
complete the next exercise during this session.


Perspective, in terms of drawings and illustrations, is the convergence of lines that give the
What is the purpose of
illusion of depth. The CSS3 3D perspective property defines how a browser renders the depth
the CSS3 3D perspective of a 3D transformed element. The perspective property takes on a number value: lower values
property? (in the range of 1 to 1000) create a more pronounced effect than higher values. Another
3.4 important thing to remember is that perspective applies only to 3D transformed elements.
The general syntax for perspective is:
perspective: number;

An example of perspective with a 3D rotation applied is:

perspective: 600; margin: 100px 0 0 50px;
transform: rotate3d(0, 1, 1, 45deg);

The following is a complete markup example for perspective and is shown in Figure 7-21
using a webkit-supported browser.
<!doctype html>
<style type="text/css">
padding: 40px 40px;
background: #B8860B;
width: 150px;
174 | Lesson 7

color: #fff;
font-family: sans-serif;
font-size: xx-large;
margin: 100px;
perspective: 600; margin: 100px 0 0 50px;
-ms-perspective: 600; margin: 100px 0 0 50px;
-moz-perspective: 600; margin: 100px 0 0 50px;
-o-perspective: 600; margin: 100px 0 0 50px;
-webkit-perspective: 600; margin: 100px 0 0 50px;

transform: rotate3d(0, 1, 1, 45deg);

-ms-transform: rotate3d(0, 1, 1, 45deg);
-moz-transform: rotate3d(0, 1, 1, 45deg);
-o-transform: rotate3d(0, 1, 1, 45deg);
-webkit-transform: rotate3d(0, 1, 1, 45deg);

<div>Original element</div>
<div id="div2">Transformed element</div>

Figure 7-21
Perspective applied with
a 45-degree rotation

Now let’s focus on transitions and animation. A transition is a change from one
thing to another; in CSS, a transition is the change in an element from one style to
You can think of a gradient as a type of transition in that the background color
of a container changes from one color to another. However, a gradient is itself a static
thing—it’s either present or not. In CSS3, the action of a transition is visible. The
changes render onscreen in an animated fashion as if powered by a script, but no scripts
are involved.
You use the transition property to create a CSS3 transition. At a minimum, you must
What is a transition? specify the CSS property to be acted upon during the transition. This can be an ele-
3.4 ment’s position, size, color, background color, letter spacing, rotation, and so on. Most
transitions also specify the length (duration) of the transition. If the duration value is
not set, the default is 0. You specify CSS3 transitions using the properties described in
Table 7-2.
Managing the Graphical Interface by Using CSS | 175

Table 7-2
CSS3 transition properties P ROPERTY D ESCRIPTION
transition Is the shorthand way to specify settings for transition-
property, transition-delay, transition-duration,
and transition-timing-function at once
transition-property Specifies the CSS properties that are to be transitioned
transition-delay Specifies the amount of time that passes after the value
changes and before the transition starts; in seconds or
transition-duration Specifies the length of the transition in seconds or millisec-
onds; starts after the transition-delay property
transition-timing- Specifies the speed curve of the transition effect; allows
function a transition to change speed over its duration
Default value = ease, which starts relatively fast and slows
down toward the end

The following is an example of a simple transition that displays text in a box. When a user
hovers the mouse pointer over the box, the text changes. Figure 7-22 shows the before and
after boxes.
<style type="text/css">
#wrapper { transition-property: opacity;
transition-duration: 3s;
transition-delay: 1s;
transition-timing-function: linear; }
#wrapper #before, #wrapper:hover #after {
opacity: 1; }
#wrapper:hover #before, #wrapper #after {
opacity: 0; }

<div id="wrapper">
<div id="before">Now you see me</div>
<div id="after">Now you don't</div>

Figure 7-22
This simple transition hides text Transition
and displays new text when
hovering the mouse pointer
176 | Lesson 7


GET READY. To create a transition using CSS, perform the following steps:
1. In an editing or app development tool, create an HTML document that includes the
following content:
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Transition and Opacity Example</title>
<style type="text/css">
#wrapper {
padding: 40px 40px;
background: dodgerblue;
width: 200px;
font-family: sans-serif;
font-size: xx-large;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
margin-top: 100px;
color: #fff;

#wrapper #front, #wrapper:hover #back {

-ms-opacity: 1;
-moz-opacity: 1;
-o-opacity: 1;
-webkit-opacity: 1;

transition-property: opacity;
-ms-transition-property: opacity;
-moz-transition-property: opacity;
-o-transition-property: opacity;
-webkit-transition-property: opacity;

transition-duration: 1s;
-ms-transition-duration: 1s;
-moz-transition-duration: 1s;
-o-transition-duration: 1s;
-webkit-transition-duration: 1s;

transition-timing-function: linear;
-ms-transition-timing-function: linear;
-moz-transition-timing-function: linear;
-o-transition-timing-function: linear;
-webkit-transition-timing-function: linear;

#wrapper:hover #front, #wrapper #back {

opacity: 0;
-ms-opacity: 0;
-moz-opacity: 0;
Managing the Graphical Interface by Using CSS | 177

-o-opacity: 0;
-webkit-opacity: 0;

<div id="wrapper">
<div id="front">Knock knock</div>
<div id="back">Who's there?</div>


2. Save the file as L7-transition-exercise.html. Open the file in each of the major Web
browsers. Hover your mouse pointer over the box in each browser. The display should
look similar to Figure 7-23.

Figure 7-23
A simple transition Transition

3. To add a delay, enter the following after the transition-duration property lines:

transition-delay: 1s;
-ms-transition-delay: 1s;
-moz-transition-delay: 1s;
-o-transition-delay: 1s;
-webkit-transition-delay: 1s;

4. Save the file as L7-transition-delay-exercise.html. Open the file in each Web

browser and hover your mouse pointer over the box. Do you notice the delay?
5. Close the file but leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you plan
to complete the next exercise during this session.

An animation is the display of a sequence of static images at a fast enough speed to create the
illusion of movement. Like transitions, animations affect CSS properties and transformations,
and you can also specify timings. One difference is that animations use keyframes, a con-
struct that enables you to change values anywhere within the animation. You can also pause,
resume, and reverse animations.
To create an animation, you begin by specifying a CSS style within the @keyframes rule. For
CERTIFICATION READY example, a rule for a fadeout might look like the following:
What is a keyframe?
3.4 @keyframes fadeout {
from { opacity: 1; }
to { opacity: 0; }

Then you specify the animation’s properties. Many of the properties used in animations are
similar to transitions. The animation properties are described in Table 7-3.
178 | Lesson 7

Table 7-3
@keyframes Creates the animation
animation Is a shorthand way to specify all
animation properties at once, other
than the animation-play-state property
animation-name Specifies the @keyframes animation
animation-duration 0 Specifies the length of an animation; in
seconds or milliseconds
animation-timing- ease Specifies how the animation progresses
function during one cycle
animation-delay 0 Specifies when the animation starts
animation-iteration- 1 Specifies the number of cycles of an
count animation
animation-fill-mode none Specifies the values applied by the
animation outside the time it executes
animation-direction normal Specifies whether the animation plays
in reverse on alternate cycles
animation-play-state running Specifies the state of the animation;
values are running or paused

The following is a snippet of code that configures animation properties for a fadeout:
div { animation-duration: 3s;
animation-delay: 0s;
X REF animation-timing-function: ease; }
div:hover { animation-name: fadeout; }
Lesson 9 shows you
how to create animation This fadeout starts immediately when the user hovers the mouse pointer over a div element,
using JavaScript. lasts for three seconds, and uses and ease timing function.


GET READY. To create an animation using CSS, perform the following steps:
1. In an editing or app development tool, create an HTML document that includes the
following content:
<style type="text/css">
div { width: 200px;
height: 200px;
background: limegreen;
animation: a1 3s; }

@keyframes a1 { from {background: limegreen;}

to {background: dodgerblue;} }
Managing the Graphical Interface by Using CSS | 179


2. Save the file as L7-animation-exercise.html. Open the file in each of the major Web
browsers. The animation consists of a rectangular box that cycles from green to blue
and back to green. Did the animation occur in all of the Web browsers? Make a note
of which Web browsers support animation.
3. Replace the animation line in the CSS div section with the following:
animation-name: a1;
animation-duration: 4s;
animation-delay: 2s;

4. Save the file as L7-animation-mod-exercise.html. Open the file in the Web

browsers in which the animation occurred originally. Do you notice the delay?
5. Close the file but leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you plan to
complete the next exercise during this session.

Applying SVG Filter Effects

SVG filters are a way to style SVG graphics. The long list of filters range from
the feBlend filter, which combines images, to feOffset, which moves an image
relative to its current position, to several filters that affect the way lighting is
calculated in a figure.

Lesson 2 introduced you to SVG, or Scalable Vector Graphics, a language for describing 2D
graphics in Extensible Markup Language (XML). You saw a few examples of how to create
simple vector images using SVG, and learned that they render well whether viewed on large
or small screens.

This section takes a look at filter effects you can apply to SVG graphics. An SVG filter is a
What is the purpose of set of operations that use CSS to style or otherwise modify an SVG graphic. The enhanced
an SVG filter? graphic is displayed in a browser while the original graphic is left alone. The filters available
3.4 in SVG are:
• feBlend
• feColorMatrix
• feComponentTransfer
• feComposite
• feConvolveMatrix
• feDiffuseLighting
• feDisplacementMap
• feFlood
• feGaussianBlur
• feImage
• feMerge
• feMorphology
• feOffset
180 | Lesson 7

• feTile
• feTurbulence
• feDistantLight
• fePointLight
• feSpecularLighting
• feSpotLight

Many of the filter names are fairly intuitive. For example, the feBlend filter combines
images, feColorMatrix filters for color transformations, feOffset moves an image
relative to its current position, and the last four in the list filter for lighting.
You use the filter element to define SVG filters; you must include the id attribute to name the
filter. For example, the following code is an example feGaussianBlur filter, the results of
which are shown in Figure 7-24:

Figure 7-24
A Gaussian blur filter applied
to an SVG graphic

<filter id="a1" x="0" y="0">
<feGaussianBlur in="SourceGraphic"
stdDeviation="20" />
<rect width="150" height="150" stroke="plum"
stroke-width="3" fill="plum" filter="url(#a1)" />

The id attribute within the filter element specifies the filter name. The feGaussianBlur
element specifies the blur effect. Within this element are in="SourceGraphic", which
indicates the entire element will be blurred, and the stdDeviation attribute, which speci-
fies the amount of the blur. The rectangle being created is linked to the filter through the
filter="url(#a1)" attribute in the rect element.
In another example, the following feOffset filter creates a drop shadow under a rectangle.
A shadow fits the “action” of the offset filter because a shadow is merely a box that has been
moved down and to the right of the source image. The dx and dy attributes specify the
amount to move the image along the x-axis and y-axis, respectively. The rendered image is
shown in Figure 7-25.
Managing the Graphical Interface by Using CSS | 181

Figure 7-25
An offset filter applied to an
SVG graphic

<filter id="i1" x="0" y="0">
<feOffset dx="5" dy="5" />
<rect width="150" height="150" fill="grey"
filter="url(#i1)" />
<rect width="150" height="150" fill="plum" />


GET READY. To apply an offset and Gaussian blur to an SVG drawing, perform the
following steps:
1. In an editing or app development tool, create an HTML document with the following
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>SVG Offset and Gaussian Blur Example</title>

<filter id="i1" x="0" y="0">
<feOffset dx="5" dy="5" />
<rect width="150" height="150" fill="grey"
filter="url(#i1)" />
<rect width="150" height="150" fill="springgreen"
182 | Lesson 7

2. Save the file as L7-SVGoffset-exercise.html. Open the file in all of the major Web
browsers. The results should look similar to Figure 7-26. Did the image render with
an offset in all of the Web browsers? Make a note of which Web browsers support
the offset.

Figure 7-26
An SVG graphic with a drop

3. Add the following line in the filter element to apply the Gaussian blur filter:
<feGaussianBlur stdDeviation="5" />

4. Save the file as L7-SVGgblur-exercise.html and view it in the Web browsers that
support the SVG offset feature. The results should look like Figure 7-27.

Figure 7-27
An SVG graphic with a drop
shadow and Gaussian blur
applied to the offset

5. Close the file but leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you plan to
complete the next exercise during this session.

Using Canvas to Enhance the GUI

You can use CSS properties to add color and gradients, apply transformations and
animations, and make other enhancements to canvas object.

In addition to SVG, you learned about the canvas element in Lesson 2. You can use canvas
CERTIFICATION READY to draw pixel-based shapes. Although the canvas element accepts only two attributes—height
How can you use canvas and width—you can use most CSS properties to style the canvas element, adding color,
to enhance the graphical gradients, pattern fills, transformation, animation, and much more. This section walks you
user interface? through some of the stylistic effects you can apply to canvas drawings to enhance the graphi-
3.4 cal use interface (GUI).
Managing the Graphical Interface by Using CSS | 183

The following code creates a basic canvas box:

function f1() {
var canvas =
context = canvas.getContext("2d");
context.fillStyle = "blue";
context.fillRect(10, 20, 200, 100);

<body >
<canvas id="smlRectangle" height='300' width='500'>

This sample already uses the fillStyle attribute for the getContext("2d") object. Let’s
change the color to apply a gradient with coral as the start color and khaki as the end color.
Replace the fillStyle line with the following, which render as shown in Figure 7-28:
var grd=context.createLinearGradient(0,0,150,0);

Figure 7-28
A canvas object with a
gradient applied

To rotate the canvas, you use the formula degrees*Math.PI/180. You must also add
the rotation before the rectangle is generated. So, to rotate our canvas 20 degrees, add the
following line before the context-fillRect line:
context.rotate(20*Math. PI/180);

The result is shown in Figure 7-29. You can also translate (move), scale, and skew the object
similar to transforming HTML elements.

Figure 7-29
A canvas object rotated
20 degrees

Finally, let’s see how to generate text by using canvas (see Figure 7-30). You use the fillText
and font methods:
<canvas id="myText" width="400" height="250" style="border:3px
solid #0000FF;">
184 | Lesson 7

<script type="text/javascript">
var canvas = document.getElementById("myText");
context = canvas.getContext("2d");
context.font = "30px Arial";
context.fillText("Canvas-generated text", 40, 120);

Figure 7-30
Canvas-generated text
surrounded by a border

Whereas the fillText method creates solid-filled text in any color (black by default), you
can replace fillText with strokeText to create bordered letters (letters without fill).


GET READY. To enhance a canvas object, perform the following steps:
1. In an editing or app development tool, create an HTML document that includes the
following content:
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Canvas Exercise</title>
function f1() {
var canvas =
context = canvas.getContext("2d");
context.fillStyle = "coral";
context.fillRect(10, 20, 200, 100);
<body > <canvas id="smlRectangle" height='300' width='500'>

2. Save the file as L7-canvas-exercise.html. Open the file in a Web browser to verify
that you see a coral-colored rectangle.
3. Replace the solid color with a gradient that starts with light blue and ends with dark
blue. To do so, replace the current fillStyle line with the following:
var grd = context.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 150, 0);
grd.addColorStop(0.3, "lightblue");
grd.addColorStop(0.7, "darkblue");
context.fillStyle = grd;
Managing the Graphical Interface by Using CSS | 185

4. Scale the rectangle so that it’s five times as wide and five times as tall as the original
rectangle. To do so, add the following after the new fillStyle line:
5. Save the file again and view it in a Web browser. The results should look similar to
Figure 7-31.

Figure 7-31
A canvas rectangle with a
gradient and scaled to be five
times larger than the original

6. Close all files and applications.



• Some of the new graphics effects you can easily achieve with CSS3 are rounded corners,
drop shadows, transparency, and background gradients.
• The border-radius property creates rounded corners, the box-shadow property creates
drop shadows, the opacity property creates transparency effects, and the background
property with one of the four gradient attributes creates linear and radial gradients.
• The Web Open Font Format (WOFF) is a means of bringing better typography to the
Web. WOFF allows Web developers to use nearly any font instead of being limited to
the standard Web fonts.
• WOFF files are compressed True Type, OpenType, or Open Font Format fonts that contain
additional metadata.
• The CSS3 transform property translates, scales, rotates, skews, and even spins 2D and 3D
• Perspective, in terms of drawings and illustrations, is the convergence of lines that give
the illusion of depth
186 | Lesson 7

• A transition is a change from one thing to another; in CSS, a transition is the change in an
element from one style to another.
• An animation is the display of a sequence of static images at a fast enough speed to
create the illusion of movement.
• An SVG filter is a set of operations that use CSS to style or otherwise modify an SVG
graphic. The enhanced graphic is displayed in a browser while the original graphic is left
• Although the canvas element accepts only two attributes—height and width—you can
use most CSS properties to style the canvas element, adding color, gradients, pattern fills,
transformation, animation, and much more.

■ Knowledge Assessment
Fill in the Blank
Complete the following sentences by writing the correct word or words in the blanks provided.
1. A is a smooth change of colors, either within the same hue or starting
with one color and ending with another.
2. To an element is to increase or decrease its size.
3. A is a visual effect in which an object is repeated behind and moved
slightly below itself to create the illusion that the object floats over its background.
4. A is a change from one thing to another; in CSS, it is the change in
an element from one style to another.
5. The enables Web developers to use custom fonts—pretty
much any font—instead of being limited to the standard Web fonts.
6. The CSS3 property enables you to create rounded corners around
layout elements, such as headers, footers, sidebars, graphics boxes, and outlines around
7. is reduced opacity.
8. To an element means to move it, without rotating, skewing, or other-
wise turning the image.
9. In HTML5/CSS3, a is an effect that lets you change the size, shape,
and position of an element.
10. An SVG is a set of operations that use CSS to style or otherwise
modify an SVG graphic.

Multiple Choice
Circle the letter that corresponds to the best answer.
1. Which of the following creates a gradient from top to bottom, left to right, or from
corner to corner, without reiterating colors?
a. linear-gradient
b. radial-gradient
c. repeating-linear-gradient
d. repeating-radial-gradient
Managing the Graphical Interface by Using CSS | 187

2. Which of the following is not true of the border-radius property?

a. It creates rounded corners around layout elements.
b. It can be expressed in pixels.
c. It can be expressed as a percentage.
d. It can animate an object.
3. To apply a 60% transparency to an image or element, which property do you use?
a. opacity: 40
b. opacity: 0.4
c. transparency: 40
d. transparency: 0.4
4. Which of the following are disadvantages of Web-safe fonts? (Choose all that apply.)
a. They must be loaded on a Web server.
b. They are limited in number and variety.
c. They make brand identity difficult to achieve on the Web.
d. They are expensive.
5. Keyframes are associated with which of the following?
a. Rounded corners
b. Transitions
c. Animations
d. None of the above
6. When creating a transition, which of the following must be specified?
a. A start delay
b. The CSS property to be acted upon during the transition
c. The transition timing function
d. The keyframe
7. What is a primary advantage to using color interpolation in the alpha color space?
a. It produces smoother color transitions in gradients.
b. It enables you to add color to SVG drawings.
c. Both a and b
d. Neither a nor b
8. Which of the following do you use to add color to canvas text?
a. fillStyle
b. strokeStyle
c. textColor
d. strokeColor
9. What are the two play states of an animation?
a. started
b. running
c. paused
d. resumed
10. In the following code sample, what controls the amount of blur?
<filter id="a1" x="0" y="0">
<feGaussianBlur in="SourceGraphic"
stdDeviation="20" />
a. feGaussianBlur
b. SourceGraphic
c. stdDeviation
d. none of the above
188 | Lesson 7

True / False
Circle T if the statement is true or F if the statement is false.
T F 1. An opaque item does not let light pass through, whereas you can see through
a transparent item.
T F 2. In CSS, to rotate an element turns it counterclockwise by a specified number of
T F 3. An animation is the display of a sequence of static images at a fast enough speed
to create the illusion of movement.
T F 4. Radial gradients start from a central point and radiate color out to the edges of
a container.
T F 5. Perspective, in terms of drawings and illustrations, is the convergence of lines that
give the illusion of depth.

■ Competency Assessment
Scenario 7-1: Troubleshooting CSS3 Code
Ali is a vintage car enthusiast who restores old cars and sells them for a profit. He posts
photos and descriptions on his Web site, which he maintains himself. Ali is transitioning to
HTML5 and CSS3 as much as possible. He has been trying to apply the translate and scale
transformations to a 2D image on his site but neither transformation is working. This is the
code he’s using:
img { transform: translate(100px,50px);
transform: scale(2,4); }

What advice do you give to Ali?

Scenario 7-2: Displaying Before and After Images

Ali’s wife Linda thinks his vintage car Web site could use some enhancements to attract more
visitors. One of her suggestions is to show before and after photos of the cars that Ali has
restored. They ask you what options they have using CSS3 to make it easy on users to see the
photos. What do you tell them?

■ Proficiency Assessment
Scenario 7-3: Creating Buttons with Enhancements
Edward is creating a set of buttons for a Web application and wants the buttons to have
rounded corners and a small drop shadow that’s slightly blurred. He asks you which CSS3
properties to use. What do you tell him?

Scenario 7-4: Understanding 3D Perspective

Meghan is a university student who is studying for a fine arts degree. She’s learning about digital
graphics in one of her courses, and a fellow student said he’s interested in the CSS3 3D perspec-
tive. She hadn’t heard of it before, so she asks you to briefly explain it to her. What do you tell her?
Understanding L E S SO N 8
JavaScript and
Coding Essentials


Managing and Maintaining JavaScript Manage and maintain JavaScript. 4.1
Updating the UI by Using JavaScript Update the UI by using JavaScript. 4.2

callback JavaScript library
computer program jQuery
dynamic application library
event handler methods
events subroutines
function validation
identifiers variable

Malted Milk Media has a working, successful mobile application. It’s clumsy, though;
users must push more keys and wait longer than what’s generally acceptable. The
development team has decided that JavaScript will go a long way toward making the
app more responsive and annoyance-free.

■ Managing and Maintaining JavaScript

HTML5 and CSS3 make a great foundation for your Web site or mobile application.
To do anything more than presentation of structured content, though—to respond with
individualized data about a specific end user, or transact on-line commerce, or derive
THE BOTTOM LINE results based on data already entered, for instance—takes real programming. JavaScript is
a capable programming language with great abilities to express the interactions you want
your end users to have with your app.

190 | Lesson 8

Think of a service-related mobile application that displays the time of the next service visit to
a customer. It offers a hyperlink to telephone a dispatcher in case it’s necessary to reschedule.
That’s a silly thing to do, though, outside business hours when no one will be there to answer.
How can the hyperlink change, depending on the time of day?
Any job of this sort—the kind that, for a human worker, requires a decision, or a calculation, or
research—is the province of programming. For us, a computer program is a recipe we direct the
computer to execute that results in a particular display or action. Whereas many Web pages are
built to be static in that they look the same for all readers, under all circumstances, JavaScript
CERTIFICATION READY programming makes applications dynamic and interactive; they adjust and respond to particular
How does JavaScript end users and the actions of those end users. Interactivity enables an end user to take an action
make an application in an application, usually by clicking a button or pressing a key. A dynamic application adjusts
dynamic and interactive? and responds to such actions by end users. JavaScript also expands the opportunities to animate
displays, that is, to have parts of the display move and update while an end user watches.
With JavaScript programs, several different elements have to cooperate to get the result you’re
after. JavaScript differs from CSS and HTML in a few key aspects, and you’ll learn new con-
cepts to make the best use of JavaScript. HTML and CSS, for example, are largely focused on
getting things to look a particular way. In JavaScript, more of the attention is on how things
act. To test a JavaScript program, you often need to look at the display at several moments
through time, and perhaps to interact with it.
Even more than with HTML and CSS, your JavaScript work will depend on a development
environment you understand and that makes you comfortable. A useful development envi-
ronment can be as simple as a copy of Notepad and Internet Explorer, or as complex as an
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) with built-in editor, debugger, application
generator, and so on. While the exercises in this lesson assume the simplest possible tools,
they are easy to adapt to fancier facilities.

The terms program and script are near synonyms. Some people say “script” to emphasize
that a source is small, or not in C or Java, or for even more vaguely defined reasons. Don’t
* worry about the differences. For the purpose of this lesson, the terms program, script,
source file, and code are nearly the same.

This lesson focuses on creating JavaScript programs and using functions. You’ll learn how to
create simple programs from scratch, and use code from JavaScript libraries, jQuery, and other
third-party libraries. You’ll also learn how to locate and access elements, listen and respond to
events, show and hide elements, update the content of elements, and add elements on the fly.


GET READY. To create a simple JavaScript program, perform the following steps:
1. Using an editing or app development tool, create a file with the following content:
<!doctype html>
<title>My first JavaScript program</title>
<h1>My first JavaScript program</h1>
<p>This is text.
<button type = 'button' clicked the
button');">I'm a button; click me</button>
2. Save the file as L8-js1.html.
Understanding JavaScript and Coding Essentials | 191

3. To run the JavaScript program, open L8-js1.html in a Web browser. The results should
look similar to Figure 8-1.
Figure 8-1
Your first JavaScript program

If the JavaScript program doesn’t display, you need to enable JavaScript in your Web
browser’s preference settings. In Internet Explorer 9, for example, select Tools >
Internet options. In the Internet Options dialog box, click the Security tab. Click the
Custom level or Default level button, whichever is available. In the Security Settings
dialog box, scroll down to the Scripting section (see Figure 8-2). Click the Enable radio
button under Active scripting, and then click OK twice to close the dialog boxes. Try
opening the L8-js1.html file again in your Web browser to run the JavaScript program.
Figure 8-2
Checking JavaScript settings in
Internet Explorer
192 | Lesson 8

4. Click the button you created in JavaScript that’s shown on the screen. An alert
box displays, as shown in Figure 8-3. This indicates your JavaScript program is
working properly.

Figure 8-3
An alert box is a convenient
way to test the operation of a
JavaScript program


In previous lessons, you

learned the basics of ed-
iting HTML markup
and CSS code and view-
ing the resulting display. 5. Click OK to close the alert box.
Use the same skills to 6. Leave the HTML file, editing tool, and Web browser open if you plan to complete the
work with JavaScript. next exercise during this session.

This is your first JavaScript program. Not only does it have a particular appearance on
the screen but the appearance changes. This is typical of programs: they respond to
user actions.
It’s an unusual program, though, in that the JavaScript part of it is nearly invisible. Do you
see the JavaScript program? It’s the single fragment within quotes, as follows:
alert('You clicked the button');

The alert() itself is too intrusive to appear in production code released for use by
consumers, and thus almost never appears in reference documentation. At the same
time, it’s the simplest way to start with JavaScript and can be exceedingly useful during
development or debugging.
An ordinary JavaScript program is a sequence of statements. Statements are separated by
semi-colons, as you’ll see in the next exercise.


GET READY. To create a multi-statement JavaScript program, perform the following steps:
1. In an editing or app development tool, update L8-js1.html by replacing the
alert() with the following:

alert('This is the first alert'); alert('This is the

second alert');
2. Save the file.
Understanding JavaScript and Coding Essentials | 193

3. Run the updated JavaScript program by opening the HTML file in a Web browser.
4. When the first alert box displays, close it by clicking OK. The JavaScript program
proceeds to its next statement, that is, the second alert. The second alert is shown
in Figure 8-4.

Figure 8-4
The second alert box becomes
visible only after the first one
has been dismissed

5. Close the second alert box by clicking OK.

6. Close the HTML file, but leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you plan to
complete the next exercise during this session.

For more details about JavaScript, visit the JavaScript Web page at
js/default.asp. For information about Microsoft and JavaScript, search for msdn javascript using your favorite
search engine.

Creating and Using Functions

A function is a segment of a program defined and performed in isolation from

other parts. The action of a function is the sequence of the actions of the statements
inside of it.

In principle, an entire JavaScript program could be written with one statement following an-
other in the exact sequence they should execute. Programmers have found, however, that it is
useful to introduce symbols, or names, for special parts of a program.
CERTIFICATION READY The first such part is a function. In programming, a function is a segment of a program
What is a programming defined and performed in isolation from other parts. Think for a moment of a cooking
function? recipe. There is no need in each written recipe to explain all the steps involved in extraction
of an egg white from an egg; a conventional recipe simply writes, “add one egg white”
and assumes that the reader knows to look elsewhere for a detailed “implementation,” or
directions on how best to choose an egg, crack open the egg, separate its parts, and so on.
194 | Lesson 8

In the kitchen, it might even be the responsibility of an assistant to prepare egg whites
without direct involvement of the person following the recipe. Programming operates
analogously; it is common in programming to use functions written by other people,
sometimes without close inspection of exactly how they operate.
Writing a programming function serves two principal purposes:
• A task done in multiple situations can be defined only once and used in multiple cases
with confidence its behavior will be the same. This kind of “abbreviation” is more concise
and less error-prone than repetition of an entire sequence of steps in each context where
the sequence might be needed.
• For the convenience of the human who writes, maintains, or reads the program, it is
useful and informative to identify meaningful segments of operation with function
names. Just as books have chapters, with names that report their actions or themes,
computer programs have functions.
It’s important to understand that the action of a function is the sequence of the actions of the
statements inside of it. When you run a program that contains a function, the program sim-
ply runs statements within the function.
Also important is to distinguish definition and execution of a function. The expression of a
function—the “function example1() {. . .}” part—doesn’t perform any of the code
within the function. What you see in the source code is only the definition of a function.
Only when the function is invoked or executed or launched—these are synonyms, for our
purpose—does something useful happen.


GET READY. To learn how to use a JavaScript function, perform the following steps:
1. In an editing or app development tool, create L8-js2.html with the following
<!doctype html>
<title>First use of a function</title>
<script type = "text/javascript">
function example1() {
alert("This is the first alert.");
alert("This is the second alert.");
<h1>First use of a function</h1>
<p>This is text.
<button type = 'button' a button;
click me</button>

2. Open L8-js2.html in a browser. The program displays, as shown in Figure 8-5. Notice
the text and button; at this point, there’s no evidence of JavaScript.
Understanding JavaScript and Coding Essentials | 195

Figure 8-5
This program looks just like

3. Click the button. Compare the action of this page with the behavior of the L8-js1.html
file that contains two alerts. Do you see how they act the same although they are
written somewhat differently? The alert box looks the same whether called from
within a function definition or not.
4. Close the HTML file, but leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you plan to
complete the next exercise during this session.

This example introduces at least two other new concepts, beside use of a function. First, it
exhibits JavaScript embedded in <script> tags within HTML. There are several ways to
“connect” a JavaScript program to the HTML to which it applies. This use of <script>
within <head> is common, especially for medium-sized JavaScript projects.
Also, the name “example1” of the function deserves attention. This name is under our control.
When we write href as part of a hyperlink, or alert() to pop up an alert, we rely on keywords
defined in the standards for HTML and JavaScript, respectively. The function name example1,
though, is in no such standards. It is our choice. We simply must be consistent; if we write
"my_example" instead of “example1” in the definition of the function, then we must also use
While the function name is under our control, there are a few restrictions on our choice: the name
must be made up of letters, digits, underscores, and dollar signs, and the first character of the name
must be a letter, underscore, or dollar sign. "example$1" is a possible JavaScript function name,
but "not.with.periods", "1wrong", and "first name/last name" are not.
JavaScript programs have one other kind of symbolic abbreviation, or name, that’s common.
It is a called a variable. While a function names a sequence of actions, a variable stands for a
piece of data. You use the var syntax to define a new variable in JavaScript.

The rules for JavaScript identifiers—basically, the names of variables and functions—are
actually somewhat more complicated than written above. Identifiers cannot be the same as
words already used in the language; “if ”, for example, has a special meaning in JavaScript
* statements, and is not available as a variable name. However, the characters permitted in a
name might be from alphabets other than the English one, under certain circumstances. A
full definition of JavaScript’s naming rules is beyond the scope of this lesson.
196 | Lesson 8


GET READY. To use a variable in a JavaScript program, perform the following steps:
1. In an editing or app development tool, create L8-js3.html with the following content:
<!doctype html>
<title>First use of a variable</title>
<script type = "text/javascript">
function example1() {
var version_name = "serial number X358-AA-3T601-22"
alert("This is the first alert of " + version_name);
alert("This is the second alert of " + version_name);
<h1>First use of a variable</h1>
<p>This is text.
<button type = 'button' a button;
click me</button>

2. Open L8-js3.html in a browser and click the button. The first alert displays on-screen,
as shown in Figure 8-6.

Figure 8-6
The value of a variable displays
in an alert box

3. Click OK to dismiss the first alert and proceed to the second alert. Do you see how a
variable might be useful? A serial number or other important quantity might display in
several different places in a program. You don’t have to copy the value in each location;
instead, JavaScript lets you use the name of the variable that holds the value.
4. Click OK to close the second alert box.
5. Close the HTML file, but leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you plan to
complete the next exercise during this session.
Understanding JavaScript and Coding Essentials | 197

Using jQuery and Other Third-Party Libraries

The most effective programmers know how to make good use of what others write. A
programming library contains snippets of code, subroutines, classes, and other resources
you can re-use to create software. There are many JavaScript libraries available, and
jQuery is one of the most popular.

Other programmers have already thought about many of the tasks you’ll face, whether
your job involves confirmation that credit card numbers are invalid, display of medical
images, or construction of a chat facility for a team spread across four continents. You
can take advantage of what others have already written by use of JavaScript libraries. A
library is collection of resources, like pre-written function code and subroutines, that
developers use to create programs. (JavaScript programmers sometimes identify func-
tions that return no value as subroutines.) A JavaScript library is pre-written
JavaScript code.
Most workplaces will already have established before your arrival policy on which libraries to
use, and how to invoke them. The Web is full of advice about libraries and their applicability,
and supports a rich marketplace of available ones. Many, but not all, are available without fee.
Some have more-or-less formal “support” policies, that is, a commitment to respond when
CERTIFICATION READY faults are reported. Some are intended for only a small number of programmers—a library
What is jQuery? which facilitates development of applications which control industrial-scale bakeries, for
4.1 instance—while others are aimed at everyone who codes in JavaScript.
jQuery is the leading JavaScript library of this sort. Over half of the 10,000 most-visited Web
sites in the world use jQuery. jQuery is available for use with no fee and minimal restriction;
you’ll need to consult an attorney, of course, for details on how its licenses apply in your situ-
ation. Also note that Microsoft and other industry leaders make copies of jQuery available for
anyone to download and use.

GET READY. To use jQuery, perform the following steps:
1. In an editing or app development tool, create L8-js4.html with the following content:
<!doctype html>
<title>First use of jQuery</title>
<script type = "text/javascript"
src =
<script type = "text/javascript">
// Once the HTML document loads, execute
// the function within ready().
$(document).ready(function() {
// Each paragraph receives a "click" action:
// hide that particular paragraph.
$("p").click(function() {

198 | Lesson 8

<p>This is the first paragraph. Click on me to make me
<p>This is the second paragraph.
<p>This is the third paragraph.

2. Open L8-js4.html in a browser. The page displays, as shown in Figure 8-7. Notice
that three sentences display.

Figure 8-7
A simple HTML display, before
any JavaScript has been

3. Click anywhere within the first paragraph. The paragraph disappears, as shown in
Figure 8-8.

Figure 8-8
JavaScript has acted to hide a

4. Click anywhere in the second paragraph to make it disappear.

5. Close the HTML file, but leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you plan to
complete the next exercise during this session.

Do you see how this is a model for useful behavior in one of your Web or mobile or
CERTIFICATION READY game console applications? You might want the information displayed to your end users
What are examples of to change depending on circumstances. While it’s possible to write “pure” JavaScript,
third-party libraries other without jQuery, that behaves as L8-js4.html does, it takes considerably more coding.
than jQuery? jQuery makes many common operations shorter, easier to understand, and easier to
express correctly.
You might be called to use many third-party libraries beside jQuery. Most often, you’ll be given
explicit instructions about which library to use. When a choice is available to you, expect to be
able to find abundant information on the World Wide Web with a search for the name of the
Understanding JavaScript and Coding Essentials | 199

library. Aside from jQuery, other popular libraries include Dojo, MooTools, and YUI. When
using a third-party library, you typically need to include an element such as the following:
<script type = "text/javascript"
src = "web or local address of the JavaScript library

Why is it necessary to include this tag? When you want to use wonderful_function()
from a third-party library in one of the pages you are writing, the only way that the browser
knows what you mean by wonderful_function() is through reference to its appearance in
the library. The <script ...> provides that reference.
You also need to read the documentation for the library you intend to use, and perhaps make
licensing arrangements.

■ Updating the UI by Using JavaScript

JavaScript is essential for nearly all the effects of modern, responsive HTML-based
THE BOTTOM LINE applications.

You know the basic concepts of HTML: navigation by way of hyperlinks and the Back
button, data retrieved on submission of forms, and all the visual styling of traditional HTML
CERTIFICATION READY markup. Trusty Lawn Care wants an application that does more; it needs to display live
How do you use
updates about crew schedules, respond swiftly and in detail about account information,
JavaScript to update the
user interface?
customize advice depending on the individual and the weather, and much more. Only
4.2 JavaScript makes all this dynamism and interactivity possible.
For an example of what JavaScript makes possible, build a small in-browser calculator.


GET READY. To create an in-browser calculator using JavaScript, perform the following steps:
1. In an editing or app development tool, create L8-js5.html with the following content:
<!doctype html>
<title>In-browser calculator</title>

<h1>In-browser calculator</h1>
<form name="calculator">
<table border=4>
<input type="text" name="Input" Size="20">
<input type="button" name="one" value=" 1 "
> 200 | Lesson 8

+= '1'">
<input type="button" name="two" value=" 2 "
> += '2'">
<input type="button" name="three" value=" 3 "
> += '3'">
<input type="button" name="plus" value=" + "
> += ' + '">
<input type="button" name="four" value=" 4 "
> += '4'">
<input type="button" name="five" value=" 5 "
> += '5'">
<input type="button" name="six" value=" 6 "
> += '6'">
<input type="button" name="minus" value=" - "
> += ' - '">
<input type="button" name="seven" value=" 7 "
> += '7'">
<input type="button" name="eight" value=" 8 "
> += '8'">
<input type="button" name="nine" value=" 9 "
> += '9'">
<input type="button" name="times" value=" x "
> += ' * '">
<input type="button" name="clear" value=" c "
> = ''">
<input type="button" name="zero" value=" 0 "
> += '0'">
<input type="button" name="DoIt" value=" = "
> = eval(calculator.Input.value)">
<input type="button" name="div" value=" / "
> += ' / '">

Understanding JavaScript and Coding Essentials | 201

2. Open L8-js5.html in a browser. The calculator displays as shown in Figure 8-9.

Figure 8-9
A calculator created using

3. Try out your calculator. Click the buttons 7 × 14 + 2 = and observe the result. Did
the calculator display 100, as shown in Figure 8-10?

Figure 8-10
When you click or tap the
equal sign in your JavaScript
calculator, it immediately
computes a result, just as with
a conventional hand-held

4. Close the HTML file, but leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you plan to
complete the next exercise during this session.

This small example illustrates that a JavaScript program can do within the browser essen-
tially anything any other application does, and sometimes in only a few lines of source
code. JavaScript capabilities include data entry, response to keyboard strokes and mouse
movements, display of results, complex calculations, and more, as the following exercises
illustrate. Mobile applications built on an HTML5 basis of course have all the same

Locating and Accessing Elements

If you see something in your browser, JavaScript can “get at it” and put it under program-
matic control. You can use the getElementById() method to access display elements.
202 | Lesson 8

Often in your programming career, you’ll be able to give an English-language description
Which JavaScript method of what you want—something like, “then we need to check that what the end user
returns a reference to has entered is”—but won’t know how to translate the idea into JavaScript. Many times,
the first element with the challenge will be to identify and isolate what happens with a particular element
a specific ID or NAME you see on the screen. “Element” here might be a button, input field, figure, piece of
attribute? text, or so on.
One important way to access display elements is with the getElementById() method. This
method returns a reference to the first object with the specified id or NAME attribute.

“Object” is computer-speak for “thing” or “element”—the most general category of items

under consideration. Technically, JavaScript is an “object-based” language, that is, one
* which emphasizes that such programmatic instances as “first paragraph” have both proper-
ties and methods which provide information about the paragraph and opportunities to act
on the paragraph.


GET READY. To learn how to use the getElementByID() method to gather user input,
perform the following steps:
1. In an editing or app development tool, create L8-js6.html with the following content:
<!doctype html>
<title>Validation of a user entry</title>

<script type = "text/javascript">

function validate() {
var value = document.getElementById("input1").value;
if (isNaN(value)) {
modifier = "not ";
} else {
modifier = "";
var report = "You entered '" + value + "'; this is " +
modifier + "a valid number.";

<h1>Validation of a user entry</h1>

<form name="calculator">
<input type = "text" id = "input1"></input>
<button type = "button" me to see
what I think of your entry</button>


2. Open L8-js6.html in a browser.

3. Type a short word in the input area and then click the button. The results are shown
in Figure 8-11. Click OK to add your changes and close the dialog box.
Understanding JavaScript and Coding Essentials | 203

Figure 8-11
A model for validation of user
input by JavaScript

4. Type a number in the input area and click the button. How did the pop-up message
change from the previous step? Click OK to add your changes and close the dialog box.
5. Close the HTML file, but leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you plan to
complete the next exercise during this session.

Validation is an important responsibility for JavaScript: has the user entered a figure which fits
a budget constraint? Is it a legal credit card number? Is an email address permissible and not
in conflict with an existing one? The L8-js6.html file is a small model for the general theme of
validation. We often need to confirm that a user’s entry is, in fact, numeric, in the sense that
0 and 3.141 are proper numbers, but abc and 3.141. are not. While it would make sense for
JavaScript to have an is_a_number() function, for historical reasons it builds in only isNaN.
Why do we call getElementById a “method”? Doesn’t JavaScript build in a library of functions
to perform useful tasks?
Yes and no. Although JavaScript builds in a library of useful functions for many common
operations, some JavaScript capabilities are tied strongly to particular objects HTML defines.
These capabilities are called methods. They differ from functions only in that they’re always
associated and used with a particular object. isNaN() is an example of a JavaScript function,
which tests for “not a number.” If isNaN() returns a value of 0 (false), the value is a number.
document.getElementById() is an example of a JavaScript method; you can effectively
only use getElementById with the special document object.

Listening and Responding to Events

An “event” is a crucial concept in interactive programming. Much JavaScript programming

has to do with responses when something happens. The Load event is commonly used and
triggers when its owner is complete.

Many application requirements involve events, which are actions that trigger other actions to occur.
Descriptions in terms of “when” or “if” are typically coded in JavaScript in terms of events. This can
surprise programmers coming from other languages, where the emphasis is on sequence:
1. Do the first thing.
2. Then do the second thing.
204 | Lesson 8

3. Then do the third thing.

4. Complete the sequence.
Event-based programming, in contrast, looks more like a dialogue: a user takes some action,
then the JavaScript program responds, and so on.
All the JavaScript example programs presented to this point have involved events. To
assign a value to the onClick event handler for the Click event has this effect: “when
the end user clicks on the element in question, then execute the script given by the
onClick value.” In this case, the click action is the event, and the script is the response,
or callback.
JavaScript references tabulate all recognized events. Among those often programmed, beyond
clicking on an element, are as follows:
• submission of a form
• keystrokes
• other mouse maneuvers including double-clicks and moving the mouse
• selection of an item from a listbox
• the time when an image has finished loading
CERTIFICATION READY The onLoad event handler is more important than many beginners recognize. OnLoad
What does the onLoad “belongs” to HTML items; it triggers when its owner is complete. The onLoad for an
event handler do? <img> image occurs when the image is fully rendered and visible; the onLoad for a <table>
4.2 fires once all the cells in that table have been drawn.


GET READY. To use the onLoad event handler, perform the following steps:
1. In a text editor or app development tool, create L8-js7.html with the following content:
<!doctype html>
<title>The onLoad event handler</title>

<script type = "text/javascript">

function validate() {
var value = document.getElementById("input1").value;
if (isNaN(value)) {
modifier = "not ";
} else {
modifier = "";
var report = "You entered '" + value + "'; this is " +
modifier + "a valid number.";

function init() {
alert("At this point, it is guaranteed that all HTML
elements have loaded.")
<body > Understanding JavaScript and Coding Essentials | 205

<h1>The onLoad event handler</h1>

<form name="calculator">
<input type = "text" id = "input1"></input>
<button type = "button" me to see
what I think of your entry</button>


2. Open L8-js7.html in a browser. A form displays, as shown in Figure 8-12. The alert
that’s visible signals the <body> has finished loading; that’s the meaning of

Figure 8-12
Once all the HTML has
completely loaded, the onLoad
event fires

3. Click OK to close the dialog box.

4. Enter a value in the input field and click the button. Observe this program’s judgment
of the value, an example of which is shown in Figure 8-13.

Figure 8-13
The JavaScript of this example
reacts to the entered value
206 | Lesson 8

5. Experiment with other values.

6. Close the HTML file, but leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you plan to
complete the next exercise during this session.

One common symptom of flawed JavaScript programs is that they are erratic—they give dif-
ferent results at different times. In some cases, this is because the program is written in such a
way that it depends on the existence of a particular screen element but doesn’t assure that the
element exists. Launching the program at different times can result in slightly different load-
ing order, and thus results that look unpredictable. One tactic for such problems is to begin
calculations only after onLoad has “fired,” as in L8-js7.html.

Showing and Hiding Elements

You can show and hide elements using the HTML display attribute to make your
displays “intelligent,” showing the end user pertinent information and hiding it when
it’s no longer needed.

A particular display might show different kinds of information depending on the circumstances:
an after-hours telephone number outside of the business day, a warning about usage only dur-
ing a month with excessive traffic, or notices about the activity of other users only when those
other users are logged in. One convenient way to organize such variations is to lay out the
Which HTML attribute
display with all possible messages, then show only the pertinent ones. HTML elements have a
can you use to show display attribute useful for this approach.
elements using The next exercise has you create a small application that shows and hides a paragraph based
JavaScript? on the value an end user enters. The program displays a message if the user enters the value
80 or higher.


GET READY. To create an application that shows and hides a paragraph based on the value an
end user enters, perform the following steps:
1. In a text editor or app development tool, create L8-js8.html with the following contents:
<!doctype html>
<title>Show/hide responsively</title>

<script type = "text/javascript">

function check_range() {
var value = document.getElementById("price1").value;
var paragraph_list = document.getElementsByTagName("p");
var first_paragraph = paragraph_list[0];
if (value >= 80) {
display = "block";
} else {
display = "none";
} = display;
Understanding JavaScript and Coding Essentials | 207

<h1>Show/hide responsively</h1>
Enter a price: <input type = "number" id = "price1"
min = "1" max = "100"
> ></input>
<p style = "display:none;">Warning: you are within
20% of your limit.</p>


2. Open L8-js8.html in a browser. The results are shown in Figure 8-14.

Figure 8-14
The program interface

3. Using the keyboard, enter each of these “prices” by pressing the Enter key after each
one: 1, 50, 79, 80, 90, and 60. A warning displays after you enter 80 and 90, as
shown in Figure 8-15.

Figure 8-15
Your JavaScript program warns
you when the value you enter
approaches a particular range

4. Close the HTML file, but leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you plan to
complete the next exercise during this session.

A common mistake beginners make is to forget one of “show” and “hide.” L8-js8.html begins
with the warning paragraph hidden, then uses JavaScript to show it under certain circumstances.
208 | Lesson 8

Remember when you test show/hide functionality that your JavaScript hides again, through
assignment of the display attribute, once the conditions for “show” have passed. Otherwise,
once it is shown it will never turn off again.

Updating the Content of Elements

Does a part of a display depend on another part? Use JavaScript and the innerHTML
property to keep the two synchronized instantly.

The last exercise responded to entry of a price by showing or hiding a warning paragraph.
Which property does
JavaScript use to update
JavaScript has the ability to do far more complex calculations than just a show/hide. It can
the content of HTML compute a distance, a recommendation, or, as L8-js9.html shows, a total price.
elements? JavaScript uses the innerHTML property to change the current content of HTML elements
4.2 (referred to as “inner content”) or insert new content.


GET READY. To create an application that updates content visible on the screen, perform the
following steps:
1. In an editing or app development tool, create L8-js9.html with the following content:
<!doctype html>
<title>Compute element</title>

<script type = "text/javascript">

// check_range assigns the display style
// of the first paragraph as a function of
// the displayed price—whether it's 80 and
// above, or 79 and below.
function check_range() {
var value = document.getElementById("price1").value;
var paragraph_list = document.getElementsByTagName("p");
var first_paragraph = paragraph_list[0];
if (value >= 80) {
display = "block";
} else {
display = "none";
} = display;
// compute_total() has the responsibility
// to update the display with the total of
// the price and its tax.
function compute_total() {
var value = document.getElementById("price1").value;
if (isNaN(value)) {
} else {
// Assume an 8% tax.
total = 1.08 * value;
total = total.toFixed(2);
Understanding JavaScript and Coding Essentials | 209

var total_slot = document.getElementById("total");

total_slot.innerHTML = total;
<body><h1>Compute element</h1>
Enter a price: <input type = "number" id = "price1" min = "1"
max = "100"
></input> The total price, including tax,
is <span id = "total">INDETERMINATE</span>.
<p style = "display:none;">Warning: you are within 20% of your

2. Open L8-js9.html in a Web browser.

3. Using the keyboard, type the number 1 in the text box. A message displays, shown in
Figure 8-16, showing the price plus 8 percent tax on a $1 item. Notice how quickly
and smoothly the display updated.

Figure 8-16
JavaScript can compute
immediately a total that
includes sales tax based on a
user entry

4. Press Enter.
5. Type 50 into the text box and notice how the displayed message changes.
6. Repeat steps 3 and 4 using the values 79, 80, 90, and 60 each time.
7. Close the HTML file, but leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you plan to
complete the next exercise during this session.

Adding Elements

You can use the createElement command and the appendChild method in
CERTIFICATION READY JavaScript to add elements after the HTML is complete.
What does the
createElement JavaScript makes even more radical amendments to a display possible. When necessary, it is
command do? possible to create new elements and fit them into an existing display. This is accomplished
with the createElement command and the appendChild method.
210 | Lesson 8


GET READY. To create an application that adds elements to the display, perform the
following steps:
1. In an editing or app development tool, create L8-js10.html with the following content:
<!doctype html>
<title>Create a new element</title>
<script type = "text/javascript">
function add_paragraph() {
var original = document.getElementById("original");
var new_paragraph = document.createElement("p");
var current_time = new Date()
var this_text = "This new paragraph appeared at " +
current_time + ".";
// Even after the browser has rendered
// all HTML, it's possible to add *new*
// HTML elements. createTextNode()-
// appendChild()-insertBefore() is one
// typical pattern for adding new textual
// content.
var new_content = document.createTextNode(this_text);
document.body.insertBefore(new_paragraph, original);
<h1>Create a new element</h1>
<p id = "original">This is the text that appears when the
display first loads.</p>
<button type = "button" > "add_paragraph();">Click on me to
add new content</button>
<p style = "display:none;">Warning: you are within 20% of your
2. Open L8-js10.html in a Web browser. The program displays, as shown in Figure 8-17.

Figure 8-17
The initial program interface
Understanding JavaScript and Coding Essentials | 211

3. Click the button. The screen changes, as shown in Figure 8-18.

Figure 8-18
A display made up of simple
HTML elements along with
others created by JavaScript in
response to user action

4. Click the button a few more times to see the results.

5. Close the HTML file, but leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you plan to
complete the next exercise during this session.

It’s a bit more delicate an operation to create an element than to update an existing one; you
need to use JavaScript to create relations that HTML otherwise performs automatically on
your behalf.



• HTML5 and CSS3 make a great foundation for your Web site or mobile application. To do
anything more than presentation of structured content, though—to respond with indi-
vidualized data about a specific end user, or transact on-line commerce, or derive results
based on data already entered, for instance—takes real programming. JavaScript is a
capable programming language with great abilities to express the interactions you want
your end users to have with your app.
• A function is a segment of a program defined and performed in isolation from other parts.
The action of a function is the sequence of the actions of the statements inside of it.
• The most effective programmers know how to make good use of what others write. A pro-
gramming library contains snippets of code, subroutines, classes, and other resources you
can re-use to create software. There are many JavaScript libraries available, and jQuery is
one of the most popular.
• JavaScript is essential for nearly all the effects of modern, responsive HTML-based
• If you see something in your browser, JavaScript can “get at it” and put it under program-
matic control. You can use the getElementById() method to access display elements.
• An “event” is a crucial concept in interactive programming. Much JavaScript programming
has to do with responses when something happens. The onLoad event is commonly used
and triggers when its owner is complete.
• You can show and hide elements using the HTML display attribute to make your displays
“intelligent,” showing the end user pertinent information and hiding it when it’s no lon-
ger needed.
• You can use the createElement command and the appendChild method in JavaScript
to add elements after the HTML is complete.
212 | Lesson 8

■ Knowledge Assessment
Fill in the Blank
Complete the following sentences by writing the correct word or words in the blanks provided.
1. A is a recipe we direct the computer to execute to result in a particular
display or action.
2. You use the var syntax to define a new in JavaScript.
3. Many application requirements involve , which are actions, such as a
mouse click, that trigger other actions to occur.
4. You notice that a part of your JavaScript program represents a sequence of actions that is
logically separate from other parts of program. It likely will be useful to define a
to perform that specific sequence.
5. The event associated with <body> constitutes a guarantee that all
HTML has been displayed.
6. A common coding pattern is to attach an id to a specific HTML element, then access
that element through JavaScript with .
7. JavaScript are the names of variables and functions.
8. A is collection of resources, like pre-written code and subroutines, that
developers use to create programs.
9. A is pre-written JavaScript code.
10. More than half of leading Web sites use the JavaScript library.

Multiple Choice
Circle the letter that corresponds to the best answer.
1. JavaScript programming makes applications which of the following? (Choose all
that apply.)
a. static
b. dynamic
c. syntactically correct
d. interactive
2. Which of the following are JavaScript libraries? (Choose all that apply.)
a. Dojo
b. MooTools
c. YUI
d. jQuery
3. Which of the following names a valid JavaScript variable?
a. my.variable
b. 1st-variable
c. ord['a']
d. [TBC]var1_$
4. When can JavaScript not be used?
a. With HTML 4.01 and previous
b. When the user has set a browser preference to disable JavaScript
c. When the user hasn’t installed JavaScript on his or her desktop
d. none of the above
Understanding JavaScript and Coding Essentials | 213

5. JavaScript uses which property to change the current content of HTML elements?
a. changeHTML
b. modInnerHTML
c. innerHTML
d. HTMLinner

6. A particular Web page has a single <form>. How does JavaScript best reach this?
a. document. getElementsByTagName("form")[0]
b. document. getElementsByTagName("form")[1]
c. document. getElementsByTagName("form")
d. [document. getElementsByTagName("form")]

7. The user has checked a box in a form indicating that he has not traveled recently in a
country with an elevated incidence of hepatitis. How would you use JavaScript to hide
an advisory paragraph?
a. = "none"
b. = 0
c. hide(warning)

8. An individual statement in JavaScript ends in a ________.

a. hash mark
b. closing parenthesis
c. period
d. semicolon

9. Which of the following does JavaScript use to add new elements to a program display?
(Choose all that apply.)
a. createElement
b. appendChild
c. getElement
d. addChild

10. Which of the following can you use to show and hide elements in a JavaScript
a. display attribute
b. show-hide attribute
c. show command
d. innerHTML

True / False
Circle T if the statement is true or F if the statement is false.
T F 1. The names of functions are listed in the JavaScript standard.
T F 2. In HTML source, JavaScript typically appears inside a <script> element.
T F 3. It is possible to write JavaScript code in such a way that it executes before all
images are loaded.
T F 4. If function f2() uses function f1(), and the definitions for both functions
appear in the same <script>, then the definition for f1() must appear first.
T F 5. The getElementByElement() method returns a reference to the first object
with the specified id or NAME attribute.
214 | Lesson 8

■ Competency Assessment
Scenario 8-1: Validating Input
You’ve been asked to code a JavaScript function that judges whether a user entry might be a
valid U.S. Social Security number or not. How would you go about this? What would you
deliver back to your team?

Scenario 8-2: Understanding Function Names

Raymond is creating a program that includes several functions. He has listed his function
names and their descriptions in a table for easy reference while he develops his application.
Some of his applications aren’t working and he asks you for advice. You notice that the func-
tions in question begin with hash marks or slashes. What do you tell Raymond about naming

■ Proficiency Assessment
Scenario 8-3: Picking a JavaScript Library
CiCi wants to begin using JavaScript libraries to speed the production time of her programs,
but she’s not sure where to start. There are so many libraries available that it’s hard to choose.
What do you tell her?

Scenario 8-4: Distinguishing between Methods and Functions

Andre is new to JavaScript programming and is struggling to understand the difference be-
tween methods and functions. What do you tell him?
Creating Animations, LE SS O N 9
Working with Graphics,
and Accessing Data


Coding Animations by Using Code animations by using 4.3
JavaScript JavaScript.
Working with Images, Shapes, and Code animations by using 4.3
Other Graphics JavaScript.
Sending and Receiving Data Access data access by using 4.4
Loading and Saving Files Access data access by using 4.4
Using JavaScript to Validate User Access data access by using 4.4
Form Input JavaScript.
Understanding and Using Cookies Access data access by using 4.4
Understanding and Using Access data access by using 4.4
LocalStorage JavaScript.

animation JSON
AppCache LocalStorage
canvas element parsing
cookies recursion
data type XMLHttpRequest API

The Malted Milk Media development team has two new client projects to complete this
week. Attaboy Pet Services wants its logo animated when users first open the company’s
homepage, and Attaboy wants the logo created by the canvas element. The Trusty Lawn
Care mobile application project is at the point of needing code added to exchange data
with a server. The development team wants you to join both efforts to learn more about
these aspects of using JavaScript.
216 | Lesson 9

■ Coding Animations by Using JavaScript

HTML and CSS have a number of facilities for fast animation of common effects.
THE BOTTOM LINE However, JavaScript is far more flexible and can produce remarkable results.

Animation is the display of a sequence of static images at a fast enough speed to create the
CERTIFICATION READY illusion of movement. Regarding the user interface, animation has to do with changing a
What is an animation?
display to make it dynamic—not just a one-time change but a seamless one. JavaScript is
flexible enough to produce spectacular animation effects, in the right hands.
Recursion is a key part of animation. Recursion is a programming technique in which a
function calls itself. A common technique in JavaScript animation is to use setTimeout
recursively, that is, to have it invoke another execution of the same function from which the
setTimeout() was called. This is generally the most effective way to introduce a “timing
element” into JavaScript.

Outside of programming, recursion isn’t always considered good behavior. If you’re writ-
ing a dictionary or glossary term, for example, it’s a best practice to define a term without
using the same words that appear in the term. Let’s say you’re defining the word “politics.”
* A definition such as “the field of political behavior” might be frowned upon by many edi-
tors because of the use of “political.” For computing, recursion turns out to be not only
permissible but powerful.

Creating Animations

Remember that JavaScript is a powerful general-purpose programming language.

If you can imagine a particular animation, there’s probably a way to create it in

Animation, like other JavaScript effects, is under computational control. That means that suf-
Which JavaScript function ficiently clever coding can make animation do what you choose.
can you use to create an The move_paragraph() function in the source code of the following exercise is considered
animation? recursive because move_paragraph itself appears in the last statement that defines the func-
tion. This exercise creates a continuously updated animation in the style of a “ticker.”


GET READY. To create a simple application, perform the following steps:
1. Create L9-js1.html with the following content:
<!doctype html>
<title>Animate with JavaScript</title>

<script type = "text/javascript">

// Create a "ticker-tape" effect by sliding
// the paragraph of text one pixel to the
// right, over and over, until the right-hand
// limit of 300 pixels is reached. At that
// point, restart the animation all the way
// to the left.
Creating Animations, Working with Graphics, and Accessing Data | 217

function move_paragraph() {
next = current + "px";
current += 1;
if (current > 300) {
current = 0;
} = next;
// Pause for 18 milliseconds before
// the next move.
var rate = 18;
setTimeout(move_paragraph, rate);
function init() {
paragraph = document.getElementById("original"); = "absolute";
current = 0;
<body > <h1>Animate with JavaScript</h1>
<p id = "original">Do you see me scrolling across the


2. Open L9-js1.html in your Web browser. Does the paragraph move across your screen,
as shown in Figure 9-1?
3. Close the file but leave the editing tool and Web browser open.

Figure 9-1
Two snapshots of a “ticker”
display at different points
in time

A few seconds
later, the text is
at this position
in the browser
218 | Lesson 9


GET READY. To create an animation responsive to the action of a user, perform the follow-
ing steps:
1. Create L9-js2.html with the following content:

<!doctype html>
<title>Animate with JavaScript</title>

<script type = "text/javascript">

// This page acts much the same as L9-js1.html
// did, with the exception that the frequency
// of moving the paragraph depends on the numeric
// value the end-user has entered in the input
// field.
function move_paragraph() {
next = current + "px";
current += 1;
if (current > 300) {
current = 0;
} = next;
var rate = document.getElementById("rate").value;
setTimeout(move_paragraph, rate);
function init() {
paragraph = document.getElementById("original"); = "absolute";
current = 0;
<body >

<h1>Animate with JavaScript</h1>

<!-- The number <input> tag is new with HTML5.
It provides a convenient way to enforce that
the end-user inputs a valid numeral within a
specified range. -->
<input id = "rate" type = "number" value = "18" min =
"5" max = "100"></input>
<p id = "original">Do you see me scrolling across the screen?</p>


2. Open L9-js2.html in a Web browser. The interface displays, as shown in

Figure 9-2.
Creating Animations, Working with Graphics, and Accessing Data | 219

Figure 9-2
Nearly everything on the
screen is under JavaScript’s
control, including the speed of

3. Replace the rate value (which is 18, initially) with a number that’s higher or lower,
and note the effect on the animation. Do you see the speed of the animation acceler-
ate and decelerate as you adjust the input?
4. Close the file but leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you complete the
next exercise during this session.

For basic information and best practices on designing animation for the user interface, visit the Microsoft
“Animations and Transitions” Web page at The Animation Library at
provides a suite of animations developed by Microsoft that can be used to create Metro Style apps.

■ Working with Images, Shapes, and Other Graphics

You can use JavaScript to display an image when a button is clicked or some other event
THE BOTTOM LINE occurs. The createElement method works well for this use.
JavaScript can display different types of graphics, from JPG and PNG files to shapes like
boxes and circles. One method is to use the createElement() method. This method creates
CERTIFICATION READY a reusable function to display an image:
How can you display function show_image(src, width, height, alt) {
an image file using
var img = document.createElement("img");
img.src = src;
img.width = width;
img.height = height;
img.alt = alt;
// Adds it to the <body> tag

To display the image, include this code:

<button > ('path/filename', 276,110, 'Logo');">
Display logo</button>

Displaying an image when a button is clicked is a fairly simple task. Actually creating
graphics on the fly requires the canvas element or SVG. This lesson covers graphics creating
using canvas.
220 | Lesson 9

Manipulating the Canvas with JavaScript

With HTML5, JavaScript can readily control not only texts, forms, and static images,
but it also can draw complex graphics.

HTML5’s canvas element is a drawing area under programmatic control. The only graphical
elements common in earlier HTML were static, such as PNG and JPG. Dynamic and espe-
cially interactive effects were difficult. Canvas changes all that.
As you learned in Lesson 2, the canvas element creates a container for graphics, and uses
JavaScript to draw the graphics dynamically. With JavaScript, you can also animate objects by
making them move, change scale, and so on.
To draw a canvas object, the primary constructs you use are the getElementById() func-
How do you use
tion to find the canvas element, and canvas.getContext (sometimes abbreviated to
JavaScript to manipulate c.getContext) to create the canvas object. You can then use a variety of methods to draw
canvas elements? shapes, include images, and so on.
4.3 Entire applications, including impressive games and simulators, have been built with the
HTML5 canvas.


GET READY. To demonstrate use of HTML5’s canvas, perform the following steps:
1. Create L9-js3.html with following content:

<!doctype html>
<title>Analogue clockface illustrates JavaScript's
control of canvas</title>

<script type = "text/javascript">

function draw_leg(fraction) {
dctx.lineTo(center_x + length * Math.sin(2 *
Math.PI * fraction),
center_y - length * Math.cos(2 *
Math.PI * fraction));

function init() {
var canvas =
// The following variables are created as
// globals, so they can conveniently be
// accessed by other functions.
dctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
dctx.fillStyle = "black";
center_x = 100;
center_y = 100;
length = 100;

// A single hand is drawn as an isosceles triangle

// from the center to the edge of the clockface.
Creating Animations, Working with Graphics, and Accessing Data | 221

function show_hand(fraction, width) {

dctx.moveTo(center_x, center_y);
draw_leg(fraction - width);
draw_leg(fraction + width);

function show_hands() {
// Erase anything already present in the area
// that represents the clock face.
dctx.clearRect(0, 0, 200, 200);
// What is the time *now*?
var now = new Date();
seconds = now.getSeconds();
minutes = now.getMinutes() + seconds / 60;
hours = now.getHours() + minutes / 60;
// The second hand is "skinniest" of the three.
show_hand(seconds / 60, 0.002);
show_hand(minutes / 60, 0.005);
// The hour hand is twice as wide as the minute
// hand.
show_hand(hours / 12, 0.01);
var rate = 1000;
setTimeout(show_hands, rate);
<body >

<h1>Analogue clockface illustrates JavaScript's

control of canvas</h1>
<canvas id = "clockface" width = "200" height =


2. Open L9-js3.html in a Web browser. The display appears, as shown in Figure 9-3.
Figure 9-3
A snapshot of JavaScript-coded
clock hands representing the
time 11:47:28
222 | Lesson 9

3. Close the file and the Web browser, but leave the editing tool open if you complete
the next exercise during this session.

In another example, the following exercise creates an abstract drawing made by placing blocks
on an HTML5 canvas. The exercise illustrates that it takes relatively few lines of JavaScript to
produce quite complicated effects.


GET READY. To create animated shapes using the canvas element, perform the following
1. Create L9-js4.html with the following content:
<!doctype html>

<script type = "text/javascript">

// This page is "for play"—it just places blocks of
// color on the screen with a bit of randomization,
// to achieve mildly interesting visual effects.
// Recursion is used in a couple of distinct ways
// below: place_blocks() calls draw_spiral(), and
// draw_spiral() calls either place_blocks() or
// draw_spiral(), depending on how much of a spiral
// has been most recently drawn.
function init() {
var canvas =
dctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
function draw_spiral() {
// Once a block moves outside the drawing
// area, stop the current spiral, and create
// a new one.
if (x > 500 || y > 500 || x < 0 || y < 0) {
ratio = 1.6;
newx = x;
newy = y;
dx = size;
dy = size;
// Each block is turned 90 degrees away
// from the last one.
switch (direction) {
case "up":
dy = -size;
newy += dy;
direction = "left";
Creating Animations, Working with Graphics, and Accessing Data | 223

case "left":
dx = -size;
dy = -size;
newx += dx;
direction = "down";
case "down":
dx = -size;
newy += dy;
direction = "right";
case "right":
newx += dx;
direction = "up";
dctx.fillRect(x, y, dx, dy);
// Each successively-drawn block is larger
// than the last.
size *= ratio;
x = newx;
y = newy;
setTimeout(draw_spiral, delay);
function place_blocks() {
dctx.fillStyle =
x = 100 + 300 * Math.random();
y = 100 + 300 * Math.random();
delay = 100 + 2000 * Math.random();
size = 3 + 7 * Math.random();
direction = "up";
<body >

<canvas id = "drawing_area" width = "500" height =


2. Open L9-js4.html in a Web browser. The screen fills with colored blocks, as shown in
Figure 9-4.
3. Close the file but leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you complete the
next exercise during this session.
224 | Lesson 9

Figure 9-4
A snapshot of an abstract
drawing made by placing
blocks on an HTML5 canvas

■ Sending and Receiving Data

If an application accessible from your computer exposes data to you as an end user, there’s
THE BOTTOM LINE probably a way for JavaScript to reach the data. One of the most important roles of
JavaScript is to communicate in real-time with remote data sources.

Part of the power of modern computer applications is their ability to coordinate information
from many sources into a useful display: JavaScript can bring together server-side databases
of customer history, memory local to the desktop or handheld in use with current shopping
selections, the contents of the current page, and remote updates of pricing or weather details
for comparison and calculation.
Creating JavaScript programs that send and receive data is challenging, not because the
concepts are hard but because the JavaScript application has a different structure than any
of the others. Nearly all the JavaScript examples in Lessons 8 were constructed as small, self-
contained HTML pages. Each individual page can be loaded in a browser and fully exercised
in the browser in isolation.
However, a JavaScript program that sends and receives data must have more parts: there must
be a receiver or sender somewhere with which your JavaScript program can exchange data.
Most often, HTML pages or mobile applications communicate with a networked server at
some central application.
Creating Animations, Working with Graphics, and Accessing Data | 225

JavaScript data transactions often are presented as conceptually difficult and available only to
those who have mastered AJAX, XML, JSON, and a complicated stew of other acronyms. This
is not true. You already understand functions: functions are special little boxes that you sup-
ply zero or more arguments, then the box does something and perhaps returns a result to you.
JavaScript network communication is much the same: pass zero or more pieces of data, and
receive a result back. The great difficulty lies in first setting up your own “laboratory” with the
parts necessary to make this dialogue work. Once you have that first channel working smoothly,
you’ll find that you quickly learn the security, control-flow, and encoding rules peculiar to
Which API enables you JavaScript data communications.
to exchange data strings One of the most essential techniques for data transfer involves the XMLHttpRequest API
between a client and (sometimes abbreviated as XHR). XMLHttpRequest enables you to use JavaScript to pass
data in the form of text strings between a client and a server. The general syntax might look
like the following:
function load(url, data, callback) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url, true);
xhr. {

The XMLHttpRequest object creates a call to the server. The open method specifies the
HTTP method for contacting the server and provides the server’s Web address. The callback
function gets a response from the server. Finally, xhr.send(data) sends the data.
A few subsequent exercises, as you’ll soon see, require a Web server; the Application Cache,
for instance, only exists for sites accessed through a network connection. With the right
approach, however, nearly any Web server makes a good practice companion. Your instructor
will set up access to a Web server so you can try out Application Cache with little difficulty.
To send and receive data explicitly in JavaScript is different; to make it work requires a
dynamic Web server and server-side programming. Be sure you keep these distinctions clear:
• Most JavaScript functionality: can be demonstrated with a browser from the local
desktop filesystem.
• ApplicationCache and a few other HTML5 facilities in JavaScript: require a Web server.
Any Web server will do.
• XmlHttpRequest and comparable JavaScript data transmission facilities, including some
introduced by HTML5: require a dynamic Web server.
In the absence of a dynamic Web server, the following exercise shows a very simple example
of data access. When you do choose to work with Web servers, you’ll have quite a selection of
alternatives that are relatively easy for a newcomer to Web service. wamp for windows, mamp
for mac, and lamp for linux are among the simplest starting points.

GET READY. As a minimal example of JavaScript’s ability to access data, perform the follow-
ing steps:
1. Create L9-js5.html with the following content:
<!doctype html>
<title>JavaScript accesses data</title>
226 | Lesson 9

<script type = "text/javascript">

function init() {
var paragraph_object =
message = "Notice that the title of this page is
'" + document.title + "'.";
paragraph_object.innerHTML = message;

How is the <h1>JavaScript accesses data</h1>
getElementById() <p id = "paragraph"></p>
function used to access
4.4 </html>

2. Open L9-js5.html in a Web browser. The display appears, as shown in Figure 9-5.

Figure 9-5
A simple HTML page with
a paragraph computed by

3. Notice that JavaScript can access HTML content.

4. Close the file but leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you complete the
next exercise during this session.

What’s the point of this example? If a programmer needs the title of a Web page, why
wouldn’t she just copy and paste it from the HTML?
One frequent answer: JavaScript of this sort is intended for a site-wide library. There might be
a style or policy that is supposed to apply to all pages. In such a case, it’s far more convenient
and trouble-free to encapsulate the policy in a JavaScript library that knows how to retrieve
the title for itself, rather than having to copy-and-paste the title of all pages for the entire site.
Each page then includes an identical copy of the JavaScript library.

“Policy” is a word programmers use to mean, roughly, “style of action.” A visual style
might be something we humans express as “every page should appear with this particular
subtle background image”; an example of a policy is “every page should make its text
* visible nearly instantaneously, and should still be readable even if resized horizontally.”
JavaScript helper functions and site-wide standards for coding can help realize policies of
this sort.
Creating Animations, Working with Graphics, and Accessing Data | 227

“Encapsulate” is a bit of jargon programmers often say. In the JavaScript application that
drew an analogue clockface on a canvas, the show_hand() function “encapsulates” all
the trigonometry involved in drawing a single hand, whether for the hours, minutes, or
* seconds. The programmer uses show_hand() without concern for the details of what’s
“inside” (the capsule). For most people, it’s far easier to “draw a box” or capsule around
a piece of functionality, give the capsule a name, and think about the capsule as a whole,
rather than looking at all its parts each time it’s used.

Transmitting Complex Objects and Parsing

As a general-purpose language, JavaScript can communicate structured information

much richer than the simple values used in most of this lesson.

In real-world programming, JavaScript can handle highly complicated operations. One might,
What is parsing? for instance, receive an involved report on gasoline prices at a long list of retail outlets and
4.4 need the ability to isolate just one of those figures. Parsing is a term used to describe analysis
of complex information into constituent parts.


GET READY. To demonstrate JavaScript’s ability to parse complex data, perform the following steps:
1. Create L9-js6.html with the following contents:
<!doctype html>
<title>Parsing complex data</title>

<script type = "text/javascript">

// The next statement needs to appear

// on a single line.
sample_data = "Mobil-17: 3.49; Kroger-03: 3.36;
Exxon-01: 3.59; Kroger-04: 3.49;
Valero-A: 3.41; Chevron-01: 3.52";
of_interest = "Kroger-04";

// sample_data is an example of a typical piece of

// structured data: a string with parts separated
// by semi-colons, where each of the parts has two
// subparts separated by a colon. Many other formats
// are possible. To parse this particular format,
// init() splits on two distinct separators.
function init() {
var paragraph_object =
var data_list = sample_data.split(';');
for (j = 0; j < data_list.length; j++) {
parts = data_list[j].split(':');
var site = parts[0].trim()
if (site == of_interest) {
228 | Lesson 9

var message = "Given the sample data '" +

sample_data + "', this program parsed out the
price $" + parts[1].trim() + " for the " + site +
" site.";
paragraph_object.innerHTML = message;

<body >

<h1>Parsing complex data</h1>

<p id = "paragraph">Welcome.</p>


2. Open L9-js6.html in a Web browser. The display should look like Figure 9-6.

Figure 9-6
JavaScript can extract data
embedded in a complex format

3. Close the file but leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you complete the
next exercise during this session.

JavaScript and freely available JavaScript libraries supply a wealth of parsing facilities.
Extraction of data from a human-readable external Web page is only one instance among
many of how JavaScript can parse data.
For example, you can also use a subset of JavaScript called JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
to exchange JavaScript objects with a server. Using the JSON.parse and JSON.stringify APIs,
the code might look like the following:
function loadJSON(url, data, callback) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url, true);
xhr. {
callback( JSON.parse(xhr.responseText) );
xhr.send( JSON.stringify(data) );

loadJSON("my.json", { id : 1 }, function(response) {
Creating Animations, Working with Graphics, and Accessing Data | 229

This code is almost identical to the XMLHttpRequest code sample earlier in the lesson.
The XMLHttpRequest object creates a call to the server, and the open method specifies the
HTTP method for contacting the server and provides the server’s Web address. The callback
function uses JSON parse to get a response from the server. When the server responds, the
JSON.parse API is called, which creates the JavaScript object. The object is sent back to the
server. The data, however, is “stringified” first.

■ Loading and Saving Files

JavaScript can access files on your local computer and, with HTML5, can validate the
THE BOTTOM LINE file type before loading. JavaScript makes loading files a more interactive and error-
free process.

Many Web or mobile applications include a function to upload a file. This has long been
a weakness of HTML, in that there is no effective way to specify, for example, “only allow
CERTIFICATION READY uploads of images, as opposed to documents, and only if the images occupy less than 1.1
How can I restrict the megabytes.” Without this capability, it too often happens that users accidentally attempt to
type of file to load?
upload something other than what they intended or the application supports, and network
delays make correction of the error a time-consuming process.
HTML5’s ability to access local files means that an image intended for upload can be adver-
tised as a thumbnail and validated before the upload. JavaScript’s immediate actions help make
uploading a more interactive and error-free process.


GET READY. To demonstrate JavaScript’s ability to access a local file, perform the following
1. Create L9-js7.html with the following content:
<!doctype html>
<title>JavaScript accesses local files</title>

<script type = "text/javascript">

function acknowledge(file_handle) {
var size = file_handle.size;
var fname =;
var message = "You have chosen the file '" +
fname + "'. This appears to be a recognizable
image, totaling " + size + " bytes in size.";

function complain(fname) {
var message = "The file named '" + fname + "'
does not appear to have an acceptable extension.";

230 | Lesson 9

function handle_file_selection(item) {
var f = item.files[0];
var fname =;
var last_index = fname.lastIndexOf('.');
if (last_index == -1) {
var ext = fname.substr(last_index + 1);
if (ext.toLowerCase() in {'gif': '',
'jpg': '',
'png': '',
'tif': ''
}) {
} else {


<h1>JavaScript accesses local files</h1>

<input type = 'file'


2. Open L9-js7.html in a Web browser.

3. Click Browse and then navigate to and select a file on your local computer that’s
not an image. Click Open. The display should look like Figure 9-7. The message
box informs you that you selected the wrong file type. Click OK to close the
message box.

Figure 9-7
JavaScript can scan files before
loading and reject those that
don’t conform to restrictions
Creating Animations, Working with Graphics, and Accessing Data | 231

4. Repeat step 3 and this time open a file that is an image. The resulting message
Take Note
* box should look similar to Figure 9-8, informing you that you selected an accept-
The Mozilla Firefox
able type of file. Click OK to close the message box.
browser was used for
this exercise.

Figure 9-8
This file meets the require-
ments for file loading

5. Close the file but leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you complete the
next exercise during this session.

Notice this program doesn’t actually upload the selected file. The point of this exercise
is to show how JavaScript can access and manage the file and its contents even before

Using the Application Cache (AppCache)

Users want to be able to browse your site even when offline. The Application Cache
(AppCache) API makes this possible. AppCache differs from browser cache in that
browser cache contains all Web pages visited, whereas AppCache saves only the files
listed in the cache manifest.

AppCache saves a copy of your Web site files locally, in a structured form. The files include
What is the purpose of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, along with other resources the site needs to run. After a visi-
AppCache? tor has visited the site once, subsequent visits will load resources quickly from the local copy
4.4 rather than waiting on a network connection.
Recall from Lesson 1 that AppCache uses a text file called a cache manifest to specify the files
a Web browser should cache offline. Even if a user refreshes the browser while offline, the
page will load and work correctly.
AppCache is not the same as a browser’s cache. Whereas a browser’s cache saves all Web pages
visited, AppCache saves only the files listed in the cache manifest. You can apply AppCache
to a single Web page or an entire site.
232 | Lesson 9

For AppCache to work, the Web server must be configured with the correct MIME type, which
is text/cache-manifest. In addition, the preferred file extension for manifest files is .appcache.

GET READY. To demonstrate AppCache, perform the following steps:
1. Obtain privileges to use a Web server from your instructor. The server must have the
MIME type configured to text/cache-manifest. AppCache is only effective for network
accesses; it does not act when a Web resource is local.
2. Create L9-appcache.html with the following content:
<!doctype html>
<html manifest = "test.appcache">
<title>Minimal AppCache example</title>

<h1>Minimal AppCache example</h1>
<p>This page should reload after disconnecting from
the Internet and refreshing the Web page.

3. Close L9-appcache.html and then upload the file to the Web server. The instructor
will give you the Web address of the file.
4. In a Web browser, navigate to the Web address. The L9-appcache.html file opens.
5. Observe the display as shown in Figure 9-9. Does the page reload as expected?

Figure 9-9
Web page pulled from

6. Disconnect your local computer from the Internet.

7. Confirm that you cannot access Web pages—the MSDN homepage, for example.
8. Refresh the image of L9-appcache.html in your browser.
9. Note that it displays quickly, even though L9-appcache.html is now unavailable.
10. Close the HTML file but leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you complete
the next exercise during this session.

For a great tutorial on AppCache, visit the “A Beginner’s Guide to Using the Application Cache” Web page at
Creating Animations, Working with Graphics, and Accessing Data | 233

Understanding and Using Data Types

In JavaScript, data comes in a few different flavors. The most common are strings and
numbers. Other data types include array, Boolean, null, object, and undefined.

Values in JavaScript appear in special appearances or “dressings”, called data types. Most
often encountered are strings and numbers. “ABCD” and “1234” are both examples of
strings; the latter just happens to include only digits. The numeral “3” is a number, but “3
Which data types are dollars” is a string.
available in JavaScript? Other data types are more specialized, such as array, Boolean, null, object, and undefined.
4.4 Their use is relatively rare, and outside the scope of this lesson.
The main significance of data types at this level is that their definition leads to a few
surprises. In JavaScript, the following example has the value 123:
"'1' + 2 + 3"

But the following has the value 6 or ‘33’, depending on the JavaScript interpreter used:
"1 + 2 + '3'"

There are rules that define all this behavior, and each of the data types has its uses. For the
purpose of this lesson, be aware of the distinction between, for example, a number and the
characters that represent that number. If you accidentally run into a computation where
JavaScript’s handling of types surprises you, study MSDN reference material on data types.
In the meantime, program JavaScript simply and carefully.

■ Using JavaScript to Validate User Form Input

As end users enter data in a form, JavaScript can instantly validate entries and suggest alternatives.

You learned about HTML form input and validation in Lesson 3. With JavaScript, your
forms can do much more for you and your end users.
Suppose, for example, that an end user needs to enter a serial number of the form XXX-XXX-
XX-X, where each X is a digit. In the early days of Web application, end users typed this in
CERTIFICATION READY as best they could, then “submitted” a complete form. The server checked for any errors, and
How is JavaScript used to reported them back as best it could.
perform client-side entry
validation? With JavaScript, client-side entry validation in the form of feedback and correction is instan-
4.4 taneous.


GET READY. To demonstrate JavaScript’s ability to manage a form, perform the following steps:
1. Create L9-js8.html with contents:
<!doctype html>
<title>Form management</title>
234 | Lesson 9

<script type = "text/javascript">

// The action of the correct()

function is to
// test the characters the user has
// against the pattern 'XXX-XXX-XX-
X'. If the
// user's entry does not match this
// remove the last character. This
gives the
// user the impression that she or
he can only
// enter valid characters.
function correct() {
var input_object =
var value = input_object.value;
var current_length = value.length;
if (current_length) {
var last_character =
value.substring(current_length - 1);
switch (current_length) {
case 4:
case 8:
case 11:
if (last_character != '-') {
value = value.substring(0,
current_length - 1);
if (!/\d/.test(last_character)) {
value = value.substring(0,
current_length - 1);
if (current_length > 12) {
value = value.substring(0, current_length
- 1);
current_length = value.length;
switch (current_length) {
case 3:
case 7:
case 10:
value += "-";
input_object.value = value;

Creating Animations, Working with Graphics, and Accessing Data | 235

<h1>Form management</h1>
Enter here a serial number in the pattern XXX-XXX-XX-
X, where each X is a digit: <input id = "serial"
type = 'text' size = '12'
> "correct();">.

2. Open L9-js8.html in a Web browser. The display appears, as shown in Figure 9-10.

Figure 9-10
Client-side entry validation
is a good responsibility for

3. Begin typing characters. Notice that the entry field accepts only characters that
match the XXX-XXX-XX-X pattern, ignoring any that don’t match.
4. Close the file but leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you complete the
next exercise during this session.

A real-world application would require more validation: it’s not enough that an entry look like
a serial number, but the application also should confirm that it is a serial number. While an
end user might still enter a value incorrectly, simple JavaScript validation of form inputs goes
a long way toward helping ensure success. Also, even with this validation, a sufficiently deter-
mined end user can use the mouse to enter certain values that don’t match the serial-number
pattern. A more sophisticated validator might trap mouse movements and deletions.

■ Understanding and Using Cookies

Cookies have traditionally held information that allows for personalization, customization,
THE BOTTOM LINE and convenience. JavaScript can create and retrieve cookies.

Cookies are small text files that Web sites save to a computer’s hard disk that contain infor-
CERTIFICATION READY mation about the user and his or her browsing preferences. The content of cookies change as
What is a cookie?
a user revisits a site and selects different items or changes preferences. From the perspective of
JavaScript, a cookie is a variable, and you use JavaScript to both create and retrieve cookies.
Suppose you’re in charge of a computer game coded in HTML and JavaScript. It works well
enough, but requires a user to choose a “level” each time he begins a new game. Wouldn’t it be
better to have the game assume that the user wants to start one level beyond his last game, with an
option to adjust? Not only is that better, but JavaScript’s cookie capabilities make it easy to program.
236 | Lesson 9

GET READY. To demonstrate JavaScript’s ability to retain information on the desktop com-
puter even with the browser shut down, perform the following steps:
1. Create L9-js9.html with the following content:
<!doctype html>
<title>Use of cookies</title>

<script type = "text/javascript">

function getCookie(c_name) {
var i,x,y,ARRcookies=document.cookie.split(";");
for (i=0;i<ARRcookies.length;i++)
if (x==c_name)
return unescape(y);

function init() {
var message;
level_object = document.getElementById("level");
var welcome = document.getElementById("welcome");
var level = getCookie("level");
if (level == null || level == '') {
message = "It appears this is your first time
to play. You will start at level 1.";
level = 1;
} else {
message = "When you last played, you reached
level " + level +". You will start there now.";
welcome.innerHTML = message;
level_object.value = level;

function save_level() {
setCookie("level", level_object.value, 10);

function setCookie(c_name,value,exdays) {
var exdate=new Date();
exdate.setDate(exdate.getDate() + exdays);
var c_value=escape(value) + ((exdays==null) ? ""
: "; expires="+exdate.toUTC
document.cookie=c_name + "=" + c_value;
Creating Animations, Working with Graphics, and Accessing Data | 237

<body >

<h1>Use of cookies</h1>
<p id = "welcome">Welcome.</p>
You can update your level at any time. It is
currently set at
<input id = "level" type = "number" min = "1" max =


2. Obtain privileges to use a Web server from your instructor. Cookies can only be
enabled for Web pages accessed through the network, not locally.
3. Upload L9-js9.html to the Web server using a file transfer program, as described by
your instructor. Your instructor also needs to give you the Web address for the file.
4. In a Web browser, use the Web address to navigate to and open L9-js9.html.
5. Notice the level at which you start, as shown in Figure 9-11.
Figure 9-11
Cookies have often been used
to keep small pieces of data on
the client machine

6. Pretend you’ve played for a while and reached a different level. Enter that level in the
input area.
7. Close the application’s window.
8. Open L9-js9.html again. Do you see how the application “remembered” your position
from one browser session to another?
9. Using your browser’s preferences settings, remove the cookie created in this exercise
or, if more convenient, remove all cookies.
10. Open L9-js9.html again. Note that your level has reverted to the default of 1.
11. Close the file but leave the editing tool and Web browser open if you complete the
next exercise during this session.

■ Understanding and Using Local Storage

Cookies are limited in the information they store, and therefore in the effects program-
THE BOTTOM LINE ming with them can achieve. Plus, cookies pose a threat to data privacy. HTML5 provides
local storage to make personalization easier to program and more capable.
238 | Lesson 9

Cookies have limits. They have a bad reputation in some circles for contributing to spread of
What is local storage? personal information without permission, and they are clumsy for storage of all but the sim-
4.4 plest data. HTML5’s LocalStorage has better security and makes programming easier than
it is with cookies.


GET READY. To demonstrate JavaScript’s ability to save information without cookies, perform
the following steps:
1. Create L9-js10.html with the following content:
<!doctype html>
<title>Use of local storage</title>
<script type = "text/javascript">
// This page demonstrates a simple model for
// saving a player's "level" in local storage.
function init() {
var message;
level_object = document.getElementById("level");
var welcome = document.getElementById("welcome");
// "localStorage" is a keyword for an HTML5-
// capable browser. "localStorage.level" is
// a variable name chosen for use by this
// particular page.
var level = localStorage.level;
if (level == null || level == '') {
message = "It appears this is your first time
to play. You will start at level 1.";
level = 1;
} else {
message = "When you last played, you reached
level " + level +". You will start there now.";
welcome.innerHTML = message;
level_object.value = level;
function save_level() {
localStorage.level = level_object.value;
<body > <h1>Use of local storage</h1>
<p id = "welcome">Welcome.</p>
You can update your level at any time. It is
currently set at
<input id = "level" type = "number" min = "1" max =
Creating Animations, Working with Graphics, and Accessing Data | 239

2. Obtain privileges to use a Web server from your instructor. Local storage can only be
enabled for Web pages accessed through the network, not locally.
3. Upload L9-js10.html to the Web server using a file transfer program, as described by
your instructor. Your instructor also needs to give you the Web address for the file.
4. In a Web browser, use the Web address to navigate to and open L9-js10.html.
5. Notice the level at which you start, as shown in Figure 9-12.

Figure 9-12
The program’s initial interface

6. Pretend you’ve played for a while and reached a different level. Enter that level in the
input area.
7. Close the application’s window.
8. Open L9-js10.html again. Do you see how the application “remembered” your posi-
tion from one browser session to another?
9. Close the file and any open programs or windows.

Notice how much more succinct programming of local storage is than the corresponding
operations with cookies.



• HTML and CSS have a number of facilities for fast animation of common effects. However,
JavaScript is far more flexible and can produce remarkable results.
• JavaScript is a powerful general-purpose programming language. If you can imagine a
particular animation, there’s probably a way to create it in JavaScript.
• You can use JavaScript to display an image when a button is clicked or some other event
occurs. The createElement method works well for this use.
• If an application accessible from your computer exposes data to you as an end user,
there’s probably a way for JavaScript to reach the data. One of the most important roles
of JavaScript is to communicate in real-time with remote data sources.
• As a general-purpose language, JavaScript can communicate structured information much
richer than the simple values used in most of this lesson.
• JavaScript can access files on your local computer and, with HTML5, can validate the file
type before loading. JavaScript makes loading files a more interactive and error-free process.

240 | Lesson 9

• Users want to be able to browse your site even when offline. The Application Cache
(AppCache) API makes this possible. AppCache differs from browser cache in that browser
cache contains all Web pages visited, whereas AppCache saves only the files listed in the
cache manifest.
• In JavaScript, data comes in a few different flavors. The most common are strings and
numbers. Other data types include array, Boolean, null, object, and undefined.
• As end users enter data in a form, JavaScript can instantly validate entries and suggest
• Cookies have traditionally held information that allows for personalization, customization,
and convenience. JavaScript can create and retrieve cookies.
• Cookies are limited in the information they store, and therefore in the effects program-
ming with them can achieve. Plus, cookies pose a threat to data privacy. HTML5 provides
local storage to make personalization easier to program and more capable.

■ Knowledge Assessment
Fill in the Blank
Complete the following sentences by writing the correct word or words in the blanks provided.
1. is the display of a sequence of static images at a fast enough speed to
create the illusion of movement.
2. You need to draw a complex diagram as part of an HTML5 display. One way is with the
3. Before HTML5, the most common way to keep information on the client side of a Web
application—that is, on the user’s computer—was with .
4. enables you to use JavaScript to pass data in the form of text strings,
but not objects, between a client and a server.
5. is a programming technique in which a function calls itself.
6. is the label generally used for analysis of complex information into
constituent parts.
7. The API saves a copy of your Web site files locally, in a structured form.
8. Values in JavaScript appear in special different appearances, called ,
which are most often strings and numbers.
9. is a subset of JavaScript that enables you to exchange JavaScript objects
with a server.
10. is an alternative to cookies.

Multiple Choice
Circle the letter that corresponds to the best answer.
1. Which of the following is the most common way to code JavaScript with a delayed effect?
a. sleep()
b. delay()
c. wait()
d. setTimeout()
Creating Animations, Working with Graphics, and Accessing Data | 241

2. JavaScript can display different types of graphics, from JPG and PNG files to
shapes like boxes and circles. One method you can use to display graphics using
Javascript is:
a. createElement
b. move_paragraph
d. display
3. What are the two primary constructs used to draw a canvas object?
a. getElementById()
b. getCanvasContext
c. getElementByCanvas()
d. canvas.getContext
4. Sending and receiving data in JavaScript requires a dynamic Web server and:
a. client-side validation
b. server-side programming
c. CSS
d. none of the above
5. The canvas element builds in which set of methods?
a. drawRect(), outlineRect(), eraseRect()
b. fillRect(), strokeRect(), clearRect()
c. beginPath(), fillPath(), endPath()
d. beginPath(), fillPath(), closePath()
6. Which JSON API converts a JavaScript object to string data for exchange with
a server?
a. JSON.parsify
b. XMLHttpRequest
c. JSON.stringify
d. getObjectString
7. How does AppCache differ from browser cache?
a. AppCache saves copies of Web pages.
b. You first have to visit a Web page for it to be included in the cache.
c. AppCache saves only those files listed in the cache manifest.
d. AppCache and browser cache are the same thing.
8. Which of the following is not a data type used by JavaScript?
a. composite
b. string
c. number
d. Boolean
9. Which of the following poses a threat to data privacy?
a. AppCache
b. LocalStorage
c. cookies
d. animation
10. Which API enables you to work on remote files offline?
a. XMLHttpRequest
b. AppCache
c. JSON.parse
d. JSON.stringify
242 | Lesson 9

True / False
Circle T if the statement is true or F if the statement is false.
T F 1. JavaScript doesn’t allow recursion.
T F 2. You use XMLHttpRequest to create animations.
T F 3. It is possible to write JavaScript code in such a way that it executes before all images
are loaded.
T F 4. You can use LocalStorage to store a user’s personal data.
T F 5. A common technique in JavaScript animation is to use setTimeout recursively.

■ Competency Assessment
Scenario 9-1: Understanding Animation Basics
Roan works as an administrative assistant at a nonprofit organization that is producing an
encyclopedia on wild plants. The outreach volunteer asked Roan if he could animate the
graphic on the homepage so that it appears as though the seed grows to a full-grown swatch
of prairie grass in 5 or 6 seconds. Roan knows nothing about animation and asks you for a
quick summary.

Scenario 9-2: Creating a Warehouse Floor Plan App

Trudy is a warehouse manager. She wants a Web application that sketches an outline of the
floor plan of the interior of a warehouse. She’s supposed to submit a request to the develop-
ment team soon but doesn’t know the appropriate technology to include in her description.
Trudy wants your opinion. What do you tell her?

■ Proficiency Assessment
Scenario 9-3: Enhancing the Warehouse Application
Trudy has decided to expand her request to the development team, and now wants to include
an entry form that accepts stock-keeping unit (SKU) codes. The warehouse server has pho-
tographs of merchandise, indexed by SKU, as well as information on where in the warehouse
items of that description are currently located. Trudy wants the program to place a photo-
graph of the item on the aisle and shelf where it is currently located. Briefly, how can this be
done? She needs to add the description to her request.

Scenario 9-4: Reviewing Documents Offline

An existing online application collects and scores reviewers’ comments about different budget
items in a highly structured process: each item links to proposal details, personnel involved,
and so on. The application is successful. The reviewers complain, though, that it can only be
used when online; they can’t, for example, fill out the score sheets while on an airplane flight
and without an Internet connection. They propose to download all the linked materials and
fill out spreadsheets of their comments. What is your response?
JavaScript Coding for LE SS O N 10
the Touch Interface,
Device and Operating
System Resources,
and More


Responding to the Touch Interface Respond to the touch interface. 4.5
Coding Additional HTML5 APIs Code additional HTML5 APIs. 4.6
Accessing Device and Operating Access device and operating 4.7
System Resources system resources.

accelerometer polling
Blob resistive touch screen
capacitive touch screen session storage
civic data touch event
device-independent touch object
File API touchlist
geodetic data Web Hypertext Application Technology
Geolocation API Working Group (WHATWG)

gesture event Web Worker API

local storage WebSocket API


The Malted Milk Media development team has asked you to help them complete the
Trusty Lawn Care mobile application project. The app needs to include a touch interface,
so your responsibility is to learn how to capture and respond to gestures. You should also
become well-versed in geolocation, and hardware capabilities like GPS and accelerometer.

244 | Lesson 10

■ Responding to the Touch Interface

A touch-enabled device interprets finger movements on a touch screen, called gestures, and
THE BOTTOM LINE converts them to instructions for an application. Many gestures have mouse equivalents.

Touch screens have become the most popular form of smartphone interface, and there are a
fair number of desktop touch screen monitors in use. A touch-enabled device has a specially
developed screen that senses touch data (called points), which begin in the form of pressure
or electrical signals. There are two primary types of touch screens:
• A resistive touch screen is made up of several layers, the topmost of which flexes when
pressed and pushes into the layer underneath. Sensors detect the pressure, which is how
the system knows which part of the screen has been pressed. The touch screens used in
hospitals and restaurants are often resistive.
• Capacitive touch screens use electrodes to sense objects touching the screen. Because the
object must have conductive properties, a finger works but something like a stylus does
not. Most touch-screen smartphones and computer monitors are capacitive.

CERTIFICATION READY A touch screen processor gathers the touch data and interprets them as gestures. Depending
How do touch screens on the hardware involved, the data is sent from the processor directly to the user application,
respond to user input? or from the processor to the operating system to the application, where the application uses
4.5 the data to perform tasks.
A gesture is a technique using one or more fingers, or a pointing device like a stylus, over a
CERTIFICATION READY control or object on the screen to provide input to a touch-enabled application. Tapping
Which gestures provide selects an object or presses a button, swiping a finger scrolls a set of photos or a list of con-
input on touch screens? tacts on the screen, and a pinchopen action increases the size of the screen display (zooms
4.5 in). Microsoft defines gestures as shown in Table 10-1.

Table 10-1
Tap Left-click Tap a finger on the screen
Double tap Left double-click Quickly tap a finger twice on the screen
Two-finger tap N/A Tap two fingers on the screen simultaneously
Press and tap Right-click Press and hold one finger while tapping another
Press and hold Right-click Press and hold a finger on the screen, then
Selection/drag Mouse drag (selection) Drag a finger to the left or right
Panning with Scrolling Press and hold a finger on the screen and then
inertia drag the finger
Flick Move back or forward Press a finger on the screen, move it in any
Pan up or pan down direction, and then lift the finger to scroll
Rotate N/A Move two fingers over an object on the screen
in a circular motion
Zoom CTRL + mouse wheel Pinch an object inwards or outwards
forward or backward
JavaScript Coding for the Touch Interface, Device and Operating System Resources, and More | 245

You use the addEventListener method to attach an event handler to an HTML

element, which can be a div, link, or anything you want. Using addEventListener lets you
do something useful when an event is triggered. The following is general syntax for

object.addEventListener(event, eventListenerFunction);

For example, in the following code for a canvas drawing program, the startup function is
called when the Web page loads. The program listens for a user touching the screen (the
touchstart event), moving a finger (touchmove), and so on:

function startup() {
var el = document.getElementsByTagName("cdraw")[0];
el.addEventListener("touchstart", handleStart, false);
el.addEventListener("touchmove", handleMove, false);
el.addEventListener("touchend", handleEnd, false);
el.addEventListener("touchcancel", handleCancel, false);

Let’s look more closely at the handleStart function. It’s declared in the following
code, the same way other functions are declared in JavaScript except that the listener
function must have one argument to represent the event. You can use any identifier as
the event argument, but developers often use the letter “e” or an identifier that starts
with the letter “e.”
function handleStart(evt) {
var el = document.getElementsByTagName("cdraw")[0];
var context = el.getContext("2d");
var touches = evt.changedTouches;
for (var i=0; i<touches.length; i++) {
var color = colorForTouch(touches[i]);
context.fillStyle = color;
touches[i].pageY, 4, 4);

The evt.preventDefault method stops the browser from continuing to process the
touch event, which prevents it from scrolling in this instance. After getting the context
(e1.getContext), the list of changed touch points is pulled from the event’s changed-
Touches property. Then, the program deals with the touch objects in the touchlist. PageX
and pageY give the X and Y coordinates of the finger.
Gesture events are triggered for multi-finger gestures. The main gesture events are:
• gesturestart: Every new two-finger gesture triggers a gesturestart event.
• gesturechange: When both fingers move around the screen, a gesturechange
event occurs.
• gestureend: Lifting both fingers from the screen triggers a gestureend event.
Gesture events are types of touch events, so they receive event objects that contain touch
properties. In addition, gesture events may include these properties:
• scale: Indicates the amount of two-finger pinch zooming that occurred. The
decimal value of the property starts at 1.0; the value is less than 1.0 when the fingers
move toward each other, and the value is more than 1.0 when the fingers move apart.
246 | Lesson 10

Now that you understand the different types of touch gestures, let’s see how they’re captured
and used in applications.

Capturing and Responding to Gestures

The primary touch events are touchstart, touchmove, touchend, and

touchcancel. The primary gesture events are gesturestart, gesturechange,
and gestureend.

The action an application takes in response to a gesture is called a touch event. You can use
JavaScript to create touch events in touch-enabled apps. Developers can draw from a large set
of input application programming interfaces (APIs) that work with touch screen data.
The primary JavaScript touch events are:
• touchstart: Every new finger touch triggers a touchstart event.
• touchmove: When a finger moves around the surface of the screen, a touchmove event
occurs, which tracks the finger movement.
• touchend: Lifting the finger from the screen triggers a touchend event.
• touchcancel: The touchcancel event is triggered when the device launches another

The touchcancel event helps the browser keep track of active touch objects in the
touchlist. It can also reset variables used during touchstart and touchmove events.
* However, developers seldom use the touchcancel event, so you won’t see it very often
in scripts.

In JavaScript, the touch object detects input from touch-enabled devices. You reference
What are the four touch objects in the touchlist, which includes all of the points of contact with a touch screen.
primary JavaScript touch A single tap has one entry in the touchlist, whereas a three-finger gesture would have a total
events? of three entries. Touch objects are read-only and have the following properties:
4.5 • identifier: A unique identifier for the touch
• target: The HTML element that the touch affected
• clientx: Horizontal position, relative to browser window
• clienty: Vertical position, relative to browser window
• pagex: Horizontal position, relative to HTML document
• pagey: Vertical position, relative to HTML document
• screenx: Horizontal position, relative to the screen
• screeny: Vertical position, relative to the screen
Each touch event includes three different touchlists:
• touches: A list of all touch points currently in contact with the screen
• targetTouches: A list of touch points currently in contact with the screen and whose
touchstart event occurred within the same node (inside the same target element as the
current target element)
• changedTouches: A list of touch points that caused the current event to be fired; for
example, in a touchend event, this is the finger that was removed
JavaScript Coding for the Touch Interface, Device and Operating System Resources, and More | 247

• rotation: Indicates the amount of two-finger rotation that occurred. The value of
the rotation is in degrees; positive values are clockwise, and negative values are
You can combine gesture events with CSS visual effects to enable scaling and rotation. For
example, the following code implements the gesturechange event handler with scaling
and rotation:
function(event) {
console.log("Scale: " + event.scale + ",
Rotation: " + event.rotation);
}, false);

An implied listener function is being created in this example. The event handler passes
the event object as an implied argument called “event” to get specific information about
the event.
Screens that can display in portrait or landscape trigger an orientationchanged event
when the user changes the orientation of the screen. You can use orientationchanged to
test for the rotation of the device. Each event has a numeric value representing the scale
and rotation values.


GET READY. To check whether a user’s device is touch-enabled, perform the following steps:
1. In an editing or app development tool, create a file named L10-touch.html with
the following content:
<!doctype html>

<title>Detect Touch Screen</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />

<style type="text/css">
#canvas{background-color: dodgerblue;}

<script type="text/javascript">

init, false);

function init() {
var canvas =

if ("ontouchstart" in
document.documentElement) {
detect, false);
248 | Lesson 10

else {
detect, false);

function detect() {
if ("ontouchstart" in
document.documentElement) {
alert("Touch screen device
else {
alert("No touch screen device



<canvas id="canvas" width="100"
<br />
<p>Click the box to start touch screen detection.</p>

This code draws a canvas box on the screen, followed by a text line that states
Click the box to start touch screen detection. The initial function
assigns the canvas element, and then the event listener listens for a touch event
or a mouse click. If the user has a touch screen and touches the box, the program
displays a Touch screen device detected message. If a mouse click is
detected, the No touch screen detected message displays.
2. Open L10-touch.html in a Web browser. Your display should look like Figure 10-1.

Figure 10-1
The touch screen detection
program interface

3. Click the blue box. If you’re working on a computer with an ordinary monitor, the
alert box shown in Figure 10-2 appears. Otherwise, an alert box appears that displays
the text Touch screen device detected!
JavaScript Coding for the Touch Interface, Device and Operating System Resources, and More | 249

Figure 10-2
The alert box indicates that a
touch screen is not present

4. Click OK to close the alert box.

5. Close the file and Web browser but leave the editing tool open if you plan to
complete the next exercise during this session.

The W3C Touch Events version 2 specification is at Touch Events version 1 at

■ Coding Additional HTML5 APIs

The Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG) maintains a

living HTML specification that includes APIs that were not originally part of the HTML5
specification. These include Geolocation, Web Workers, WebSockets, and File API.

As you’ve learned throughout this book, there are many HTML5 APIs available that provide
new and enhanced functionality while easing development of HTML documents. What
hasn’t been specifically pointed out is that there are actually two versions of the HTML5
specification: one published by the W3C and another by WHATWG.
The Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG) was formed by
CERTIFICATION READY Apple, the Mozilla Foundation, and Opera Software to define and document the HTML5
What is WHATWG? specification. The WHATWG Web site at is a good resource
4.6 for learning more about new HTML5 elements and how to use them.
The living HTML specification maintained by WHATWG contains additional APIs to those
described in the original W3C HTML5 specification. The applicable APIs covered in the
following sections are Geolocation, Web Workers, WebSockets, and File API.

Coding to Capture GeoLocation

The Geolocation API gets a user’s geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude).
The API can also show a map with a marker showing the user’s location based on the
250 | Lesson 10

The Geolocation API defines an interface that provides a device’s location, usually using
latitude and longitude coordinates. The API exposes the latitude and longitude to JavaScript
in a Web page using the geolocation object.
The two primary geolocation functions are as follows:
CERTIFICATION READY • getCurrentPosition: Gets the device’s current geographic position using the
Which JavaScript function getCurrentPosition method.
gets a device’s current • watchPosition: Watches the device’s position as it changes over time using the
geographic position? watchPosition method, and generates an event if a change occurs. Calling
4.6 clearWatch stops the watch.

The following is a simple example of a call to getCurrentPosition. The showmap

callback function receives the latitude and longitude coordinates:
function showmap(position) {
var latitude = position.coords.latitude;
var longitude = position.coords.longitude;
// Code to display a map

You can present location data to users in two ways: geodetic and civic. Geodetic data
provides raw location data, such as longitude and latitude, or meters. Civic data is loca-
tion data that’s more easily understood by humans, such as a map or an address like
637 Park Street.
The Geolocation API returns geodetic data from the functions, which you can present in its
raw form or combine with an online mapping service like Bing Maps to display a map with
a pointer to the user’s location.
Be aware that privacy is a major concern for many users. Therefore, the Geolocation API
allows users to hide their location, and many implementations prompt the user for permission
to return the user’s location coordinates.
Geolocation is geared mainly for smartphones and other mobile devices, and doesn’t work
consistently for desktop computers. When a device has no means of locating itself, the API
generates a position unavailable error.


GET READY. To create a geolocation application that displays the user’s current latitude and
longitude, perform the following steps:
1. In an editing or app development tool, create a file named L10-geolocation.html
with the following content:

<!doctype html>
<title>Geolocation Example</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
var messageDiv =
JavaScript Coding for the Touch Interface, Device and Operating System Resources, and More | 251

function initLocation() {

var geolocation = navigator.geolocation;

if (geolocation) {
try {

} catch (err) {
messageDiv.innerHTML = 'Error';
} else {
messageDiv.innerHTML = 'Your browser
does not support geolocation.';

function successCallback(location) {
message.innerHTML = "<p>Latitude: " +
location.coords.latitude + "</p>";
message.innerHTML += "<p>Longitude: " +
location.coords.longitude + "</p>";

function errorCallback() {
messageDiv.innerHTML = 'There was an error
looking up your position';

<body > <div id="message">Looking Up Location</div>

This code is a good test of the HTML5 geolocation API. Here’s how the code works:
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition requests a position, which polls
the hardware device’s GPS feature or a computer’s router for location information. If
successful, the successCallback function displays the latitude and longitute coor-
dinates onscreen. If the information is not available, the There was an error
looking up your position message appears.
2. Open L10-geolocation.html in a Web browser. If the browser supports geolocation,
you should be asked for your permission for the browser to track your physical loca-
tion, as shown in Figure 10-3. Click Allow once or a similar command, depending on
the browser you’re using.
252 | Lesson 10

Figure 10-3
The browser prompting for
permission to track your
physical location

3. Your coordinates display, similar to that shown in Figure 10-4.

Figure 10-4
The display of coordinates
using the geolocation

4. Close the file and Web browser but leave the editing tool open if you plan to
complete the next exercise during this session.

The Microsoft “Geolocation” Web page at offers links to creating a location-aware Web page
and Internet Explorer tutorials. You should also check out the “12 Cool HTML5 Geolocation Ideas” article in
MSDN Magazine at

Understanding Web Workers

Web Workers are scripts that run in the background, performing calculations or other
CERTIFICATION READY actions that allow for a more responsive user interface.
Which types of applications
use Web Workers?
Web Workers are APIs that allow scripts to run in the background as parallel threads. These
background threads can connect to multiple Web pages, fetch real-time data like stock
JavaScript Coding for the Touch Interface, Device and Operating System Resources, and More | 253

updates, make network requests, or access local storage while the main HTML document
responds to the user input like tapping, scrolling, and typing. Web Workers help keep your
user interface responsive for users.
Web Workers objects run in isolated threads—they do not act directly on the main HTML doc-
ument or the DOM. That means you don’t use document or getElementById in your script.
(You can use setTimeout, setInterval, and XMLHttpRequest.) Instead, Web Workers pass
information through messages, executing code from a JavaScript file separate from the main
HTML document.
To use a Web Worker, you first need to create a Worker object in your main HTML document,
as follows:

var worker = new Worker('worker.js');

When the browser interprets this line, it creates a new worker thread, and then starts it with
the following method:


The postMessage() method accepts a string or JSON object as its argument. All browsers
support passing a string message, but only the latest versions of the major browsers support
JSON object passing.
As a simple example of message passing with a Web Worker, the following is a script in the
main HTML document:

var worker = new Worker("doWork.js");

// Watch for messages from the worker
worker. > // The message from the worker

The following code might appear in the doWork.js file:

> if ( === "start" ) {
// Perform an action or computation
function done(){
// Send results to main document
postMessage("Hello, I am done");

Instead of using the onmessage event handler, you could use addEventListener() in the
main HTML document, like this:

worker.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
254 | Lesson 10


GET READY. To create and run a Web Worker, perform the following steps:
1. In an editing or app development tool, create a file named L10-worker.html with the
following content:
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
var worker = new Worker('doWork.js');

// Send a message to start the worker and pass a

variable to it
var info = 'Web Workers';

// Receive a message from the worker

worker. (event) {
// Do something
<title>Web Workers Example</title>

2. Create a JavaScript file named doWork.js in the same folder as worker.html, with the
following content:
var info =;
var result = 'Hello ' + info + ' everywhere';

3. Open L10-worker.html in a Web browser. The alert box should display, as shown in
Figure 10-5.
Figure 10-5
The result of running
a Web Worker
JavaScript Coding for the Touch Interface, Device and Operating System Resources, and More | 255

4. Click OK to accept the settings and close the alert box.

5. Close the files and Web browser but leave the editing tool open if you plan to
complete the next exercise during this session.

Understanding WebSockets

The WebSocket API enables you to open a persistent connection between a client and
a Web server, and exchange text and binary files. WebSockets reduce the amount of
overhead required for real-time communications.

WebSocket is an API that offers full-duplex communication, which is simultaneous two-way

communication, through a single socket over the Internet. Developers use WebSockets mainly
for real-time Web applications like chat, multiplayer online gaming, and stock quotes.
To understand the power of WebSockets, you need a little background on what came before.
Originally, when a user entered a URL in a Web browser or clicked a link on a Web page,
the browser contacted the appropriate Web server for the page. Whenever the user wanted
to update or refresh something on the page, the browser would fetch a whole new page
from the Web server. You might still see this when clicking through a photo gallery. Each
time you click to a new photo, the page refreshes and you sometimes have to scroll back
to the gallery.
Technologies such as AJAX made it possible to refresh only a portion of a Web page. Comet
and similar “push” technologies introduced polling, in which a browser would contact the
Web server periodically (sometimes constantly) to see if new information was available to
present to the user. The problem with polling is that many requests are made to the server to
check for new data, which can cause performance problems.
WebSocket technology creates a persistent connection between a client and a Web server, so
that either one can send data to the other at any time. The persistent connection greatly
reduces the amount of overhead required for the communication channel.
How do WebSockets To establish a WebSocket connection, the client and server change from the HTTP
reduce performance protocol to the WebSocket (WS) protocol during their initial handshake. After a connec-
problems associated with tion is established, the client and server can exchange both text and binary files in full-
real-time applications? duplex mode.
There are three primary events associated with WebSocket communications:
• onopen: When a socket opens
• onmessage: When a message has been received from the Web server
• onclose: When a socket closes
You’ll see each of these events in the code snippets in this section. First, let’s look at the
JavaScript that opens a WebSocket connection:
var host = 'ws://';

Notice the use of ws rather than http in the URL. You can also use wss for secure WebSocket
connections, just like you use https for secure HTTP connections.
After initializing a Web connection, you should test it to make sure it was successful. You can
test by using the onopen event handler to know when the connection is opened. Here’s one
example that opens an alert box when the socket opens:
socket. > alert("Socket open");
256 | Lesson 10

Here’s another onopen example that displays a message:

socket. (openEvent) {
document.getElementById("serverStatus").innerHTML =
'Socket open';

Now you’re ready to send and receive data. To send text-based messages to the server, use the send
('message') method on the connection object. The code for sending a text-based message is:


A simple way to send binary data is to use a binary large object (Blob). A Blob is simply a
data type that can store binary data, like images or multimedia files. To send a file as a Blob,
you can use this code:
var file =

Then, to receive messages from the server, you can use the onmessage callback:
socket. > alert(msg); //Received!

Finally, to close a connection, use the onclose event handler, like this:
socket. {
alert("Connection closed.");

The WebSockets API specification is still in draft format as of this writing, and
WebSockets is not supported by all Web browsers. To get a feel for using WebSockets,
complete the following exercise.


GET READY. To create a WebSocket that tests whether your browser supports WebSockets,
perform the following steps:
1. In an editing or app development tool, create a file named L10-WebSocket.html
with the following content:
<!doctype html>
<script type="text/javascript">
function WebSocketTest() {
if ("WebSocket" in window) {
alert("Your browser supports
// Open a WebSocket
var socket = new
socket. () {
// Connected, send data
JavaScript Coding for the Touch Interface, Device and Operating System Resources, and More | 257

socket. (e) {

var received_msg =;
alert("Message received.");
socket. () {
// WebSocket closed
alert("Connection closed.");
else {
// Browser doesn't support WebSockets
alert("Your browser does not support
<a href="javascript:WebSocketTest()">Click to run
WebSocket demo</a>

2. Open L10-WebSocket.html in a Web browser.

3. Follow the prompts displayed by the program. If your browser supports WebSockets,
the first alert box that appears is shown in Figure 10-6.

Figure 10-6
An alert box confirms that your
browser runs WebSockets

4. Click OK to accept the settings and close the box.

5. A second alert box should appear, stating that the connection is closed, as shown in
Figure 10-7. Click OK.
258 | Lesson 10

Figure 10-7
An alert box confirms that the
connection is closed

6. Close the file and Web browser but leave the editing tool open if you plan to
complete the next exercise during this session.

To learn more about WebSockets, visit the Microsoft “WebSockets” Web page at

Using File API for File Uploads

You can use the File API to upload individual or multiple files from a local disk or a
device’s local storage to a remote server. You can also display uploaded image files in a
Web application.

The File API allows a browser or application to upload files from local storage to a remote
server without the need for a plug-in. For example, using File API, you can make an Open
dialog box appear and allow the user to select an image file. When the user clicks OK, a
thumbnail of the image file displays in the Web application. Developers use File API in
games and applications that work with media files, in offline mail clients, photo editors,
and video players.
The File API uses several interfaces for accessing files from local storage. Some of the
interfaces are:
• File: Includes read-only informational attributes about an individual file, such as its
name and media type, and reads in the file as a URL
• FileList: An array-like sequence of File objects; includes dragging a folder of files from
local storage
• Blob: Provides access to raw binary data
• FileReader: Provides methods to read and display a file
An easy way to load a file is to use the input type="file" element. Using the input
type="file" element returns the list of selected File objects as a FileList. The code
Which element do you
use to load a file using might look like this:
the File API? <input type="file" id="input"
4.6 > JavaScript Coding for the Touch Interface, Device and Operating System Resources, and More | 259

To enable the user to load multiple files at once, add “multiple” before onchange, as follows:
<input type="file" id="input" multiple


GET READY. To check the major browsers for File API compatibility, perform the following steps:
1. In an editing or app development tool, create an HTML file with the following content:
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>File API Browser Support Check</title>
if (window.File && window.FileReader && window.FileList &&
window.Blob) {
alert('Hurray! This browser supports File APIs.');
} else {
alert('This browser does not fully support File APIs.');


The if statement checks for support of the File, FileReader, FileList, and Blob APIs. If
the APIs are supported, the “Hurray” message appears. Otherwise the second message
2. Save the files as L10-FileAPI-checkBrowser.html and open it in each of the major
Web browsers. The display shown in Figure 10-8 appears when File APIs are not

Figure 10-8
Message showing File APIs are
not supported

3. Close the file and Web browsers but leave the editing tool open if you plan to
complete the next exercise during this session.
260 | Lesson 10

■ Accessing Device and Operating System Resources

The Windows Runtime environment enables developers to access in-memory resources as

THE BOTTOM LINE well as hardware using APIs.

As you learned in Lesson 1, the Windows Runtime (WinRT) is the operating system environ-
CERTIFICATION READY ment responsible for access to devices, media, networking, local and remote storage, and other
What operating items. This is the environment in which developers test their applications and where users run
system environment is
the apps. A developer can use APIs and the runtime environment to request access to user
responsible for access
devices and memory within an application.
to devices, local storage,
and more? The following sections walk you through in-memory resource access, and device and operat-
4.7 ing system access, which are functions of the WinRT.

A list of Windows Runtime and Windows Library for JavaScript APIs is at

Accessing In-Memory Resources

The Web Storage API includes local storage (for persistent data) and session storage (for
temporary data).

The Web Storage API provides a client-side method for saving session information locally
within the browser or device memory. The localStorage method allows users to save larg-
er amounts of data from session to session (persistent data), whereas the sessionStorage
method keeps data only for one session (until the browser is closed). The data is stored in
key/value pairs for both types of Web storage.
Local storage is persistent data and is useful for things like online to-do lists, contact lists,
calendars, and saved shopping cart data. You want this information to be available to the
user after the browser closes and the user reopens it at some point. The information is
held in persistent memory of Web applications and mobile devices. Session storage is
temporary data that’s kept for only one session, until the browser is closed. All of the data
in a session is saved in session storage and then erased from session storage when you close
the browser tab or window. An example of the proper use of session storage is a ZIP code
lookup program.
In JavaScript, you use the localStorage and sessionStorage objects with the following
methods to manage key/value pairs:
• setItem(key,value): Adds a key/value pair to the storage object
• getItem(key): Retrieves the value for a specific key
• removeItem(key): Removes a key/value pair from the storage object
• clear():Removes all key/value pairs from the storage object
This is the generic code for adding a key/value pair to a sessionStorage object:
sessionStorage.setItem('key', 'value');
var myVar = sessionStorage.getItem('key');
JavaScript Coding for the Touch Interface, Device and Operating System Resources, and More | 261

This is the generic code for local storage:

Which JavaScript method localStorage.setItem('key', 'value');
do you use to add a var myVar = localStorage.getItem('key');
key/value pair to a
sessionStorage or The getItem() and removeItem() methods use the same syntax. Using
localStorage object? sessionStorage.clear() removes everything from the list.


GET READY. To save a value to local storage, perform the following steps:
1. In an editing or app development tool, create a file named L10-localStorage.html
with the following content:
<title>localStorage Example</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function load() {
var value = localStorage.getItem("myKey");

if (!value) {
alert("Item not found, adding to
localStorage.setItem("myKey", "myValue");
else {
alert(value + " found!");
<body > </body>

2. Open L10-localStorage.html in a Web browser. Because the value "myValue" has

just been passed and the session is current, you should receive an alert box similar
to Figure 10-9. Click OK to accept the settings and close the alert box.
Figure 10-9
The first alert box indicates
the value is being added to
262 | Lesson 10

3. Close the Web browser, and then reopen L10-localStorage.html. Now you should see
the alert box shown in Figure 10-10. The value was saved in local storage and persist-
ed between browser sessions.

Figure 10-10
The second alert box confirms
that the value was saved

4. Close the Web browser.

5. In the HTML document, change each instance of localStorage to sessionStorage.
6. Save the file as L10-sessionStorage.html and open it in a Web browser. Notice what
displays in the alert box.
7. Close the Web browser, and then reopen L10-sessionStorage.html.
8. The alert box message should be the same—that the value was not found. This is
because you closed the Web browser, which cleared the value from session memory.
9. Press Ctrl+R or click your browser’s refresh button. An alert box appears, confirming
that the value is found.
10. Close the file and Web browser but leave the editing tool open if you plan to
complete the next exercise during this session.

The Microsoft “HTML5 Web Storage” Web page at provides the API for persistent storage of
key-value pair data.

Accessing Hardware Capabilities

Platform-independent applications run on a variety of desktop and mobile operating

systems, and device-independent applications are device agnostic. You use JavaScript to
access the Windows Runtime APIs for hardware devices.

HTML5 is considered platform-independent. That means you can use the HTML5 family
of technologies to create Web pages and apps that run on different desktop and mobile device
operating systems, such as Microsoft Windows, Internet Explorer, and Windows Phone. You
can also run them in Mac OS X, Android, iOS, and Blackberry OS. Because HTML5 is built
on an open standard, users of HTML5 apps do not have to download a plug-in or use devices
JavaScript Coding for the Touch Interface, Device and Operating System Resources, and More | 263

that have plug-in support. Instead, you can use any Web browser, whether on your PC or
mobile device, and get the same rich Web experience.
CERTIFICATION READY A program or interface that runs software that produces similar results on a wide variety of
What does device- hardware is also called device-independent. With HTML5, along with CSS and JavaScript,
independent mean? you can easily create device-independent applications. Some of hardware capabilities you can
4.7 access with device-independent applications are GPS, Accelerometer, and camera.
In a nutshell, you use JavaScript to access the Windows Runtime APIs for hardware devices.


Global positioning system (GPS) hardware, which is usually a chip or circuit board, is a
receiver that communicates with satellites to provide a device’s precise location in longitude
and latitude coordinates. Most modern phones are now equipped with GPS functionality, as
are laptops with WiFi and/or cellular broadband.
The Geolocation API you learned about earlier in the lesson works with the GPS chip to
gather raw geolocation data.

Many mobile devices include orientation and motion sensors, which detect the orientation
and motion of the device and use that information as input. For example, as a user holds the
device and swings his arm back and above his head, and then swings the arm forward as if
executing a tennis stroke, the device recognizes and records the motion.
An accelerometer is a device that measures acceleration, which is a change in speed or direc-
tion over a period of time. The Accelerometer sensor detects forces applied to the device, such
as movement (up, down, sideways) and gravity. In Windows-related systems, specific APIs
retrieve raw motion data from Accelerometer sensors, and then the Motion API combines the
data from those sensors and crunches the numbers that result in easy-to-use values.
The devicemotion event provides the acceleration of the device, in Cartesian coordinates,
and the rotation rate. A snippet of JavaScript that receives devicemotion events is as
function(event) {
// Process event.acceleration,
// event.rotationRate and event.interval
}, true);

Two related sensors are Compass and Gyroscope. The Compass sensor determines a
device’s orientation relative to the Earth’s magnetic north pole. You can use the Compass
* sensor along with the appropriate APIs to create apps for geocaching and navigation, for
example. The Gyroscope sensor uses motion (rotational forces) to detect the rotational
velocity of the device along its three primary axes.

The W3C HTML Media Capture specification uses a capture attribute with the input ele-
ment to capture data from cameras, camcorders, webcams, microphones, and so on. For
example, the following generic code uploads an image from a device’s camera:
<input type="file" accept="image/*" capture="camera">
264 | Lesson 10

However, this construct has limited support, working only with select mobile browsers.
There is movement toward the getUserMedia() method along with the navigator object as
an alternative, which accesses a device’s local camera and microphone stream. getUserMedia
plays well with the new HTML5 audio and video elements. Here’s a code snippet that
provides access to a device’s hardware:
navigator.GetUserMedia('audio, video',
function(localMediaStream) {
var video = document.querySelector('video');
video.src =
}, onFailSoHard);

The specification is in flux, so you should expect changes over time as the specification is
modified and browser vendors adopt the technology.


GET READY. To explore hardware capabilities, perform the following steps:
1. Visit the “Quickstart: detecting location using HTML5” MSDN Web page at
2. Copy and paste the JavaScript sample code into an editing or app development tool,
and save it as L10-geo-ms.html.
3. Open L10-geo-ms.html in a Web browser and test the application.
4. Compare the longitude and latitude coordinates with L10-geolocation.html, which you
created in an earlier lesson.
5. Visit the Microsoft “Quickstart: Responding to user movement with the accelerometer”
MSDN Web page at
6. Read through the JavaScript sample code and the HTML sample markup.
7. Answer the following questions, researching parts of the code and markup
if necessary:
a. Which function establishes a connection with the default accelerometer?
b. Which function captures new accelerometer data?
c. Which elements write new values to the screen?
8. Close all open files and programs.

Learn more about camera-related APIs at this MSDN Web page: To explore Windows
Runtime components, go to this MSDN Web page:



• A touch-enabled device interprets finger movements on a touch screen, called gestures,

and converts them to instructions for an application. Many gestures have mouse
• The primary touch events are touchstart, touchmove, touchend, and touch-
cancel. The primary gesture events are gesturestart, gesturechange, and
JavaScript Coding for the Touch Interface, Device and Operating System Resources, and More | 265

• The Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG) maintains a living
HTML specification that includes APIs that were not originally part of the HTML5 specifica-
tion. These include Geolocation, Web Workers, WebSockets, and File API.
• The Geolocation API gets a user’s geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude).
The API can also show a map with a marker showing the user’s location based on the
• Web Workers are scripts that run in the background, performing calculations or other
actions that allow for a more responsive user interface.
• The WebSocket API enables you to open a persistent connection between a client and a
Web server, and exchange text and binary files. WebSockets reduce the amount of over-
head required for real-time communications.
• You can use the File API to upload individual or multiple files from a local disk or a
device’s local storage to a remote server. You can also display uploaded image files in
a Web application.
• The Windows Runtime environment enables developers to access in-memory resources
as well as hardware using APIs.
• HTML5 Web storage includes local storage (for persistent data) and session storage (for
temporary data).
• Platform-independent applications run on a variety of desktop and mobile operating
systems, and device-independent applications are device agnostic. You use JavaScript to
access the Windows Runtime APIs for hardware devices.

■ Knowledge Assessment
Fill in the Blank
Complete the following sentences by writing the correct word or words in the blanks provided.
1. The action an application takes in response to a gesture is called a __________ event.
2. __________ data provides raw location data, such as longitude and latitude, or meters.
3. __________ are APIs that allow scripts to run in the background as parallel threads.
4. The __________ API offers full-duplex, two-way communication through a single
socket over the Internet.
5. The _______ API allows a browser or application to upload files from local storage to
a remote server without the need for a plug-in.
6. A program or interface that runs software that produces similar results on a wide variety
of hardware is also called ____________________.
7. An __________ is a device that measures acceleration, which is a change in speed over
a period of time.
8. A __________ touch screen is made up of several layers, the topmost of which flexes
when pressed and pushes into the layer underneath. Sensors detect the pressure, which
is how the system knows which part of the screen has been pressed.
9. A _______ is a data type that can store binary data, like images or multimedia files.
10. Comet and similar “push” technologies introduced __________, in which a browser
would contact the Web server periodically (sometimes constantly) to see if new
information was available to present to the user.
266 | Lesson 10

Multiple Choice
Circle the letter that corresponds to the best answer.
1. Which type of touch screen requires conductive properties?
a. Capacitive
b. Resistive
c. Electronic
d. none of the above

2. In JavaScript, which of the following contains a reference to all points of contact with a
touch screen?
a. Touch object
b. Identifier
c. Touchlist
d. Manifest

3. Which API defines an interface that provides a device’s location, usually using latitude
and longitude coordinates?
a. WebSocket
b. Geolocation
c. Web Workers
d. File

4. Web Workers do not use which of the following?

a. setTimeout
b. setInterval
c. XMLHttpRequest
d. getElementById

5. Which of the following are good examples of Web applications that benefit from
WebSockets? (Choose all that apply.)
a. Chat
b. Address book
c. Multiplayer online gaming
d. Stock quotes

6. Which API enables you to upload images and immediately display thumbnails in
HTML documents?
a. WebSocket
b. Geolocation
c. Web Workers
d. File

7. Which API uses ws rather than http when referencing URLs?

a. WebSocket
b. Geolocation
c. Web Workers
d. File

8. Which method allows users to save relatively large amounts of data that persists from
browser session to browser session?
a. localStorage
b. sessionStorage
c. postMessage
d. addEventListener
JavaScript Coding for the Touch Interface, Device and Operating System Resources, and More | 267

9. Which method accesses a device’s local camera and microphone stream?

a. getUserMedia
b. sessionStorage
c. addEventListener
d. getCameraSound
10. Which mobile device sensor detects the force of gravity along with any forces resulting
from the movement of the device?
a. GPS
b. Compass
c. Accelerometer
d. Gyroscope

True / False
Circle T if the statement is true or F if the statement is false.
T F 1. The W3C was formed by Apple, the Mozilla Foundation, and Opera Software to
define and document the HTML5 specification.
T F 2. In JavaScript, the touch object detects input from touch-enabled devices.
T F 3. Civic data is location data that’s more easily understood by humans, such as a map
or an address like 637 Park Street.
T F 4. Developers test their applications and users run the apps in the WinRT environment.
T F 5. The press and tap gesture is an equivalent to a left-mouse click.

■ Competency Assessment
Scenario 10-1: Understanding Gestures
Jerome is a co-worker and budding developer who is experimenting with a touch-enabled
application. He wants to know which gesture mimics a mouse click. What do you tell him?

Scenario 10-2: Gathering Customer Location Data

Austin Energy and Light wants customers to log in to their Web site and use an application
that pinpoints their exact location. The application must be very responsive to the user expe-
rience, and allow users to continue filling in form data. The location data will be sent to
handheld devices that technicians use in the field to quickly locate customer homes and
businesses. Which technologies do you suggest the company explore?

■ Proficiency Assessment
Scenario 10-3: Understanding Device Motion
Vong is a programmer for a major smartphone manufacturer. She was recently assigned to work
on a device motion project with a development team. She wants to quickly understand the differ-
ence between the Accelerometer, Compass, and Gyroscope sensors. What do you tell her?

Scenario 10-4: Exploring Web Storage

Vong has returned with a new question about Web storage. She believes Web storage refers to
saving files to a cloud service over the Web, but that doesn’t make sense in relation to her
smartphone project. How do you clarify Web Storage for her?
Appendix A
Exam 98-375 HTML5 Application
Development Fundamentals
Manage the Application Life Cycle
Understand the platform fundamentals. 1.1 1
Manage the state of an application. 1.2 1
Debug and test an HTML5-based touch-enabled application. 1.3 1
Publish an application to a store. 1.4 1
Build the User Interface by Using HTML5
Choose and configure HTML5tags to display text content. 2.1 2
Choose and configure HTML5 tags to display graphics. 2.2 2
Choose and configure HTML5 tags to play media. 2.3 2
Choose and configure HTML5 tags to organize content and forms. 2.4 3
Choose and configure HTML5 tags for input and validation. 2.5 3
Format the User Interface by Using CSS
Understand the core CSS concepts. 3.1 4
Arrange user interface (UI) content by using CSS. 3.2 5
Manage the flow of text content by using CSS. 3.3 6
Manage the graphical interface by using CSS. 3.4 7
Code by Using JavaScript
Manage and maintain JavaScript. 4.1 8
Update the UI by using JavaScript. 4.2 8
Code animations by using JavaScript. 4.3 9
Access data access by using JavaScript. 4.4 9
Respond to the touch interface. 4.5 10
Code additional HTML5 APIs. 4.6 10
Access device and operating system resources. 4.7 10


A Attributes, 23–24, 33, See also Input attributes

Absolute positioning, 100–102 global attributes, 24
with multi-columns, 101 Audio element, 47
Accelerometer, 263 Audio tags, 4, 47–49
Access data, 225–227 audio element, 47
Adding elements, 209–211 working with, 48–49
to display, 210 Autofocus attribute, 79
Animated boxes creation using canvas, 222–224 Automatic hyphenation, 152
Animations, 173–179, See also Canvas Automatic validation, 82
coding using JavaScript, 216–219
creating, 216–219
interactive animation, 218–219 B
simple animation, 216–219 Background gradients, 164–166
using CSS, 178–179 Basic markup, HTML, 22–29
3D, 173–179 Blob, 256
Application Cache (AppCache), 231–232 Block content flow, 96–98
for offline files, 11–12 Block-level element, 113
Application container, 8 Border, 112
Application life cycle, managing, 1–20, See also HTML5 Border-radius property, 160
AppCache for offline files, 11–12 Bounding box, 102
application states, understanding and managing, 10–12 Browser compatibility, WebSocket to test, 256–258
application state, 11
localStorage, 10
persistent state information, 11
session state, 11
Cache, 231, See also Application Cache (AppCache)
sessionStorage, 10
cache manifest, 11
storing state data using local and session storage, 11–12
Callback, 204
platform fundamentals, 2–10
Camera, 263–264
app samples, exploring, 8–10
application container, 8
canvas object, enhancing, 184–185
application package, 8
graphics creation with, 38–42
application programming interface (API), 7
canvas basics, 39–40
credentials, 10
outline of a shape, 40–41
host process, 7–8
shape creation, 39–40
identity permissions, 10
instead of SVG, 44
metro style user interface (UI), 3
manipulation with JavaScript, 220–224
packaging, exploring, 7–10
animated boxes creation, 222–224
permission sets, 10
canvas element, 220
runtime environment, exploring, 7–10
clockface creation, 220–222
Windows Runtime (WinRT), 7
Capacitive touch screens, 244
publishing an application to store, 16–17
Cascading style sheets (CSS), 2, 32, 87–109, 137–158, See also CSS
touch interfaces and gestures, 12–13
essentials; Graphical interface management
Windows Store marketplace, 16–17
appropriate tools, 88–89
Application package, 8
basic Web page creation, 90–91
Application programming interface (API), 4, 7
content and style, separating, 91–92
Application samples, exploring, 8–10
content flow, 87–109
Application state, 11
managing, 96–98
Article element, 61
CSS3, 88
Aside element, 61–64
declarations, 92–94
adding to HTML document, 63–64
fonts and font families, 94–96

270 | Index

Cascading style sheets (continued) border, 112

HTML and, link between, 89–91 content, 112
simple use of CSS with HTML, 89–90 Flexbox Box model, 113, See also individual entry
positioning, 87–109 Flexbox for simple layouts, 112–114
absolute positioning, applying, 100–102 grid for complex layouts, 112–114
float positioning, applying, 99–100 Grid Layout model, 114, See also Grid layouts
positioning individual elements, 99–102 inline elements, 113
scrolling overflow, 102–104 margin, 112
selectors, 92–94 padding, 112
styling, 87–109 parent/child relationship, 113
text flow management using, 137–158 vendor prefix, 111
between multiple sections, using regions in, 139–155 CSS Regions, See Regions, CSS
CSS Regions, Microsoft’s implementation of, 142–145
flow around a floating object, CSS exclusions in, 152–155
overflowing text, 142 D
readability of text ptimization, columns and hyphenation in, 2D rotation, 171–172
145–152, See also Columns; Hyphenation 3D rotation, 171–172
through containers dynamically, 140–145 2D scaling, 169–170
Child items direction in a flexbox, changing, 122–126 2D skewing, 172–175
Civic data, 250 3D skewing, 172–173
Class, 93 2D transformation, 167–169
Client-side validation, 82 3D transformation, 167–169
Clockface with moving hands, creating, 220–222 Data, 224–229
Codec, 45–46 accessing, 215–242
Coding essentials, 189–214 complex objects, transmitting,
Columns 227–229
creating, 146–150 parsing, transmitting, 227–229
column-count, 146 sending and receiving, 224–229
column-gap, 146 types, 233
column-rule, 146 Datalist element, 79
multi-column layout, 146, 149 Debugging, 13–16
three columns, 148 Declarations, 92–94
to optimize text readability, 145–152 Definition list, 71
<Command> element in HTML5, 31 Deprecation, HTML5 elements, 32–33
Complex objects, transmitting, 227–229 <acronym>, 33
Compression, 46 <applet>, 33
Computer program, 190 <basefont>, 33
Containers, flowing content through, 140–145 <big>, 33
Content, 112 <center>, 33
containers, 140 <dir>, 33
of elements, 208–209 effects of deprecated elements, 34
content visible on screen, 208–209 <font>, 33
updating, 208–209 <frame>, 33
flow, managing, 96–98 <frameset>, 33
block flow, 96 <noframes>, 33
content overflow, managing, 102–105 <strike>, 33
hidden overflow, 104–105 <tt>, 33
inline flow, 96 Device and operating system resources, JavaScript coding for,
visible overflow, 104–105 243–267
HTML5 tags to organize, 54–72 Device-independent hardware capability, 263
overflow, managing, 102–105 Device resources, accessing, 260–264
source, 140 Devicemotion event, 263
and style, separating, 91–92 Display
Cookies, 11, 235–237 add an element to, 210
Credentials, 10 hiding parts of, based on user action, 206–208
CSS essentials, 110–136 Doctype, 25–26
content, ordering and arranging, 126–128 Document Object Model (DOM), 7, 141
user interface (UI) content arrangement, 111–114 Drop shadow, 161
block-level element, 113 Dynamic application, 190
Index | 271

Elements, 23, See also Content: of elements Gaussian blur filter, 180–182
accessing, 201–203 Geodetic data, 250
adding elements, 209–211 Geolocation, coding to capture, 249–252
audio, 47 geolocation API, 250
hiding, 206–208 Gestures, 12–13, 245
locating, 201–203 capturing, 246–249
showing, 206–208 responding to, 246–249
updating the content of, 208–209 Getelementbyid() method for user input,
video, 45 202–203
Email attribute, 78 Global attributes, 24, 54
Empty tags, 22 Global positioning system (GPS), 263
Encapsulation, 226 Gradients, 164–166
Entities, 24–25 background gradients, 164–166
Event handler, 204 applying to a box, 165–166
Events, listening and responding to, 203–206 linear gradient, 164
Extensible Markup Language (XML), 42 radial gradient, 165
Graphical interface management using CSS, 159–188
canvas to enhance GUI, 182–185
F 2D rotation, 171–172
Figcaption elements, 35–38 3D rotation, 171–172
Figure elements, 35–38 2D scaling, 169–170
File API compatibility, 259 2D skewing, 172–173
File API for file uploads, 258–259 3D skewing, 172–173
interfaces for accessing, 258 2D transformation, 167–169
Files, 229–233 3D transformation, 167–169
loading and saving, 229–233 2D translation, 168–172
local file, accessing, 229–231 gradients, 164–166
Flexbox/Flexbox Box model, 113 graphics effects, creating, 160–166
child items direction in a flexbox, changing, 122–126 shadows, 161–163
for content alignment, direction, and orientation, 114–128 rounded corners, creating, 160–161
flexbox items, 114, 116–128 border-radius property, 160
with flex function, creating, 120–122 SVG filter effects, applying, 179–182
flexbox with flexbox items, creating, 119 Gaussian blur filter, 180
flex-order property, 127 Graphical use interface (GUI)
order of flexbox, reversing, 124–126 canvas to enhance, 182–185
proportional scaling within, 116–122 Graphics, 34–44, See also Media: HTML5 tags to play
for simple layouts, 112–114 canvas, graphics creation with, 38–42
working with, 116–128 HTML5 tags to display, choosing and configuring,
Flex-order property, 127–128 34–44
Float positioning, 99–100 alternate image for older browsers, 41–42
with multi-columns, 99–100 figcaption elements, 35–38
Floating object, creating text flow around, CSS in, figure elements, 35–38
152–155 raster image, 35
CSS exclusions, 152–154 vector image, 35
positioned float, 152 web page, image display in, 37
Fonts and font families, 94–96 SVG, creating graphics with, 42–44
monospace font family, 94–95 working with, 215–242
sans serif font family, 95 Grid for complex layouts, 112–114
Footer element, HTML document creation with, 6 Grid layouts, 114, 128–133
Form creation, 77–81 for content alignment, direction, and orientation, 128–133
simple Web form, 79–81 grid cells, 129
Form input, 73 grid items, 129
Forms, 73–81 grid lines, 129
HTML5 tags to organize, 54–72 grid tracks, 129
form input, 73 creating, using CSS properties for rows and columns, 130–132
Functions, 193 simple grid layout, 130–131
creating and using, 193–196 grid templates, 132–133
JavaScript function, 194–195 Grid templates, 132–133
272 | Index

H ms-hyphenate-limit-lines, 151
Hardware capabilities, 264 ms-hyphenate-limit-zone, 150
accessing, 262–264
device-independent, 263
platform-independent, 262 I
Header element, HTML document creation with, 56 Identifiers, 195
Hidden overflow, 104–105 Identity permissions, 10
Host process, 7–8 Iframes, 142
HTML5, 2–10 Images, 219–224
APIs, coding, 249–259 In-browser calculator using JavaScript, 199–201
to capture geolocation, 249–252 Individual elements, positioning, 99–102
apps, 5–7 Inline content flow, 96–98
app manifest, updating, 5 Inline elements, 113
building app, 6 In-memory resources, accessing, 260–262
debugging, 6, 13–16 Input attributes, 77–81
deploy, 6 autofocus attribute, 79
developer resources, 4, 6–7 email attribute, 78
packaging, 6 pattern attribute, 78
project planning, 5 placeholder text, 78
testing, 6, 13–16 required attribute, 78
UI designing, 5 Input, HTML5 tags for, 72–83
validation, 6 Integrated Development Environment (IDE), 88, 190
writing code, 6 Interactive animation, 218–219
HTML5 standard, exploring, 4 Interactivity, 190
user interface building by, 21–52, See also Media:
HTML5 tags to play
simple Web page, markup of, 26–29
tags to display graphics, 34–44, See also under Graphics
JavaScript, 189–214, 216–219
tags to display text content, 29–34, See also under Text
animations coding using, 216–219
valid, 26
canvas manipulation with, 220–224, See also under Canvas
new features, 4
coding, 243–267, See also under Touch interfaces
application programming interfaces (APIs), 4
accelerometer, 263
audio and video tags, 4
camera, 263–264
canvas, 4
civic data, 250
geolocation, 4
geodetic data, 250
media queries, 4
global positioning system (GPS), 263
modernizr, 4
in-memory resources, accessing, 260–262
new in, 3–5
polling, 255
platform-independent, 3
jQuery, 197–199
slate/tablet applications, skills and content for, 13
managing a form with, 233–235
validating a package, 14–16
multi-statement JavaScript program, 192–193
validating HTML5 code, 14
simple JavaScript program, creating, 190–192
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), 2, 22, See also HTML5
UI updation by using, 199–211, See also under
attributes, 23–24
User interface (UI)
basic markup, 22–29
use in user form input validation, 233–235
doctype, 25–26
variable use in, 196
element, 23
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), 228
empty tags, 22
jQuery, 197–199
entities, 24–25
essentials of, 22–29
nesting elements, 24
page structure, 22–29 K
renders, 22 Keyframes, 177
tags, 22–23
Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP), 11
Hyphenation, 150–152 L
automatic hyphenation, 152 Launcher icon, 5
to optimize text readability, 145–152 Library, 197–199
ms-hyphenate-limit-chars, 150 Linear gradient, 164
Index | 273

Lists Persistent state information, 11

creating lists, 69–72 Perspective, 173–179
tags in, 64–72 3D, 173–179
datalist element, 79 Placeholder text, 78
definition list, 71 Platform-independent, 3, 262
ordered list, 69–70 Polling, 255
unordered list, 69–70 Positioned float, 152
Local file, accessing, 229–231 Process, 8
Local storage, 10, 237–239, 260–262 Proportional scaling within flexbox, 116–122
save to, 238
storing state data using, 11–12
Radial gradient, 165
M Raster image, 35
Margin, 112 Recursion, 216
<Mark> element in HTML5, 31 Regions, CSS, 139
Markup language, 2 creating, 143–145
Markup validation service, W3C, 15 Microsoft’s implementation of, 142–145
Media, 21–52 Renders, 22
HTML5 tags to play, 45–49, See also Audio tags; Video tags Required attribute, 78
queries, 4, 127 Resistive touch screen, 244
Menu element, 72 Reversing order of flexbox, 124–126
Methods, 189–214 Rotation, 171–172
Metro-style user interface (UI), 3 2D rotation, 171–172
Microsoft’s implementation of CSS Regions, 142–145 3D rotation, 171–172
Monospace, 94–95 Rounded corners, creating, 160–161
Multi-column in CSS3, 146–147 box with, creating, 162–163
Multi-column layout, 146 Rules, 89
Multi-statement JavaScript program, 192–193 Runtime environment (RTE), 7

Sans serif font family, 94–95
Named flow, 140
Scalable vector graphics (SVG), 34, 42
Namespace, 8
canvas use instead of SVG, 44
Nav element, 59–61
creating graphics with, 42–44
adding to HTML document, 60–61
SVG vector graphic, 43–44
Nesting elements, 24
filter effects, applying, 179–182
.NET framework, 10
Gaussian blur, 181–182
Non-contiguous content flow between regions, 139
offset, 181–182
Scripting language, 2
Scrolling overflow, 102–104
O Section element, HTML document creation with, 57–59
Onload event handler, 204–206 Selectors, 92–94
Opacity, 163–164 Semantic HTML, 54–55
Operating system resources, 260–264 Semantic markup, 54
Ordered list, 69–70 Separation of content and style, 91–92
creating, 72 Server-side validation, 82
Overflowing text, 142 Session state, 11
Session storage, 10, 260
storing state data using, 11–12
P Shadows, creating, 161–163
Padding, 112 box with, creating, 162–163
Page structure, HTML, 22–29 drop shadow, 161
Parent/child relationship, 113 h-shadow, 162
Parsing, 227–229 v-shadow, 162
Pattern attribute, 78 Shape creation, using canvas, 39–40
Permission sets, 10 outline of a shape, 40–41
identity permissions, 10 Shapes, 219–224
274 | Index

Simple grid layout, 130 Transformations, 167–169

Simple Web form, creating, 79–81 2D, 167–169
using <p> tags, 81 3D, 167–169
Simple Web page, 26–29 Transitions, 173–179
creating, 26–29 creating using CSS, 176–178
markup of, 26–29 3D, 173–179
Skewing, 172–173 Translation, 168–172
2D, 172–175 2D, 168–169
3D, 172–173 Transparency, 163–164
Slate/tablet applications, HTML5 skills and content for, 13 Typography, 166–167
Software Development Kit (SDK), 14
Storing state data using local and session storage,
11–12 U
Subroutines, 197 Uniform resource locator (URL), 47
Unordered list, 69–70
User form input validation, JavaScript use in, 233–235
T User interface (UI), 3
Tables building, by using HTML5, 53–86, See also Forms; Validation
creating tables, 64–69 article element, 61
tags in, 64–72 aside element, 61–64
Tags, 22 content, 54–72
use to add structure to HTML document, 55–64 footer element, 6
Testing HTML5 apps, 13–16 form creation, 77–81
Text, 21–52 forms, 54–72
HTML5 tags to display, choosing and configuring, header element, 56
29–34 input, 53–86
alternate text for older browsers, 41–42 input attributes, 77–81
<b>, 30 lists, using tags to create, 64–72
<em>, 30 menu element, 72
HTML 4 text-related elements with new meaning or nav element, 59–61
functionality, 29–31 organization, 53–86
<i>, 30 section element, 57–59
<small>, 30 semantic HTML, 54–55
<strong>, 30 simple Web form, creating, 79–81
text-related tags in web page, modifying, 30–31 tables, using tags to create, 64–72
flow management using CSS, 137–158, See also under using tags, 55–64
Cascading style sheets (CSS) validation, 53–86
new text elements in HTML5, 31–32 values, 77–81
<command>, 31 content arrangement by using CSS, 111–114,
<mark>, 31 See also under CSS essentials
mark element use, 32 updating by using JavaScript, 199–211
<time>, 31 content of elements, 208–209
text elements not used in HTML5, 32–34, See also display parts hiding based on user action, 206–208
Deprecation, HTML5 elements elements, locating and accessing, 201–203
<Time> element in HTML5, 31 elements, showing and hiding, 206–208
Touch event, 245–249 events, listening and responding to, 203–206
Touch interfaces, 12–13 getelementbyid() method for user input, 202–203
capacitive touch screens, 244 in-browser calculator, 199–201
JavaScript coding for, 243–267 onload event handler, 204–206
resistive touch screen, 244
responding to, 244–249
gesture events, 245 V
primary JavaScript touch events, 246 Valid Web page, 26
touch object, 246 Validating a package, 14–16
touchlist, 246 Validating HTML5 code, 14
touch screen capability detection, 247–249 Validation, 81–83, 203
touch-screen simulator or emulator, 13 automatic validation, 82
Touch object, 245–246 client-side validation, 82
Touchlist, 245–246 fields addition to Web form, 83
Index | 275

HTML5 tags for, 72–83 Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group
server-side validation, 82 (WHATWG), 249
Values, 77–81 Web Open Font Format (WOFF), 166–167
Variable, 195 Web page, image display in, 37
in JavaScript program, 196 Web safe, 166
Vector image, 35 WebSockets API, 255–258
Vendor prefix, 111 in browser compatibility test, 256–258
Video compression, 46 polling, 255
Video element, 45 primary events associated with, 255
Video tags, 4, 45–47 Web worker API, 252–255
attributes available, 45 creating, 254–255
compression, 46 running, 254–255
video compression, 46 Windows Runtime (WinRT), 7, 260
video element, working with, 46–47 Windows Store marketplace, 16–17
Visible overflow, 104–105 World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), 2
CSS validation service, 15–16
markup validation service, 15
W WWAHost.exe, 8
Web form, 72
creating, 79–81
using <p> tags, 81 X
validation fields addition to, 83 XMLHttpRequest API, 225

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