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Concepts Business Solutions Personal Development Program PDP

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The key takeaways are that self motivation is important to achieve goals and be successful, and some ways to stay motivated include setting goals, taking action, reading success stories, and facing challenges.

Self motivation is important because you cannot always rely on others for encouragement, and it is needed to achieve goals, plan your life, take on new challenges and activities, and have courage despite setbacks.

Some steps to set goals and stay motivated include setting specific aims, committing to your goals, taking action, feeding your mind with motivational materials, measuring your performance, and dealing with challenges.

Concepts Business Solutions

Personal Development Program

Why do you need self motivation?
 You cannot always rely on others to encourage you, if you have
positive friends who are always there when you need them then
you are indeed lucky and very much in the minority. If you are
lonely or have few friends when you face any difficulties in your
life you must rely on your own motivation to get you through.
Lack of self motivation at that time could lead to depression.
 You need self motivation to achieve because if you don't
encourage yourself to accept opportunity and challenge who
 To plan and find direction in your life
 To take up a new activity, hobby or challenge
 To be enthusiastic about life and living
 To have the courage to see things through despite setbacks or
negative comments from others
 Set an Aim
This is the first and foremost step. Set an aim for yourself. Goal setting is the first step in
every field or subject. If you have a purpose - a definite goal - it will keep you going by
constantly ‘knocking’ at your mind. Try to be as specific as you can be regarding your
goal. After you have set a goal, try to break it into smaller goals. These smaller goals will
help you measure how much you have progressed towards your main goal.
 Commit Yourself to Your Goals
Attitude makes a lot of difference when it comes to self motivation. There is a huge
difference between saying “I’ll try my best to achieve my goals” and “I WILL achieve my
goals”. You must commit yourself to achieving your goals, no matter what happens. This
will make a huge difference to your motivation because your sub-conscious registers this
as being an ‘order’. It will change your whole attitude and give you the required
motivation whenever you need it.
 Take Action
Once you have set your goals and committed yourself to them, you need to start taking
action. The reason is that when the mind sees things happening around it, it gives you
that very essential self motivation drive. It starts radiating the self motivation energy
which is required to keep you going no matter what results you get.
 Take Motivation ‘Food’
While you are taking action on your plans, it is important that
you keep feeding your mind with some motivation food. Keep
challenging yourself. Keep imagining yourself achieving your
goals and the positive energy around you once you achieve them.
To be self motivated even more, keep reading the success stories
of small and big entrepreneurs, artists and other notable people
to inspire you to do even better.
 Measure Your Performance
In the first step, you had set small goals. To get even more
motivation; regularly measure your performance against your
goals. Don’t be disheartened if you fell short of your goal. It
simply means that you have to put in even more hard work till
your next ‘measurement exercise’.
Self motivation is a state of mind. It is the condition of the mind where
you focus and concentrate on your work so precisely that you lose
yourself in the work while doing it.
This often happens with various successful professionals in their
respective fields. Why do you think doctors are able to work so
efficiently in the most critical situations? Or how does an engineer
conceive such big and difficult to build buildings in the face of design
and technological challenges? Why are they so successful? The reason
is simple - they all have a self motivation drive.
A self motivation drive is a condition of the mind which makes you so
dedicated and focused on your work that you can easily overcome the
toughest of challenges that come your way.
So, how do you achieve this self motivation drive? This is easy to achieve if
you have three major ingredients that contribute to this drive:
 PURPOSE. Do you have a purpose? Do you have an ultimate aim? Do you have
something which all your activities are directed towards? This is called your
purpose. Your purpose is the main source of motivation. Whether you are in a job, a
business or any other profession, your purpose is what makes the difference. For
example, making your family happy is a purpose. Or making your mom proud of
you is a purpose. What methods you use to achieve this purpose are secondary. To
develop your self motivation skills and self understanding, you need to have a
primary purpose.
 PASSION. Are you passionate about your purpose? Are you willing to do anything
for your purpose? Are you ready to face anything and everything that comes your
way? This is passion. There exists a big difference between doing a work and doing a
work with passion. If you compare the results of the two, you can notice this
difference easily. Passion is an important source of the self motivation drive. It
keeps you going and doesn’t let you give up even in the most difficult circumstances.
 PERSISTENCE. Do you give up easily? Do you keep doing the work until you finish
it? Do you persist at everything that you do? Persistence is an important trait of your
personality to achieve success. Combined with your purpose, passion and your self
motivation drive, persistence will help you achieve any and every goal that you set
for yourself. Using your self motivation skills to your benefit, you can make yourself
persist in the most challenging situations, no matter how long it takes for you to
achieve your goals.
Today’s world is all about ideas. Time and again it has been proved that
revolutionary ideas lead to a huge amount of success for their thinkers. An idea
is a perfect source of self motivation and a sure shot way to success
To be able to generate ideas easily, you can follow a simple 7 step process which
will help you brainstorm ideas like a breeze
 Set A Goal
Define an end that you want to achieve. This would help you know your
direction and progress and act as a source of motivation
 Generate Ideas
Think of ways and methods you can follow to achieve the end you have set.
These ideas can be anything and everything that cross your mind. Let your
imagination run wild and write down everything you can think of whether it’s
practical or not
 Filter Ideas
From the list you have, strike out the ideas that are not practical. These are
ideas which are not executable normally because you are limited by your
resources and “social” duties.
 Group Ideas
Group similar ideas together. Every time you group the ideas based on
some characteristics, some will be left out of any group. Drop the ideas that
fall out of the groups the maximum number of times.
 Prepare an Action Plan
Now that you have ideas, prepare and action plan. This action plan will
keep you on track and with your self motivation skills; you can use it to
motivate you till you achieve your goals
 List Challenges
List probably challenges that you may face while executing the plan and
also list the ways you are going to deal with them. This would again act as a
source of self motivation by acting as a stimulant and making you work
harder and better
 Take Action
You have ideas, you have an action plan and you know how you will deal
with the challenges. Now it’s time to actually take action. Execute your
plan. Compare your performance to some standards regularly so that you
can know how much further you have to go. It works very well for your self
 1. Do not worry if you make mistakes. Making mistakes is one
way we can learn and improve in our life. There is no one that
has never made any mistake. The most important thing here is
you realize that you have made mistakes and do not repeat the
same mistakes again. You learn more from mistakes you have
made than any other way.
 2. Feel happy about your life. Happiness generates more
positive energy within you. This energy is important to keep you
more optimistic and enthusiastic about your life. Happy people
are always motivated to accomplish something in their life.
 3. Get out of your comfort zone. You need to learn to get into
unfamiliar surroundings to explore better opportunities. Do not
just stick around with the same people, same known places,
skills or work. Explore new things that will enhance your ability
to achieve your goals and keep you stay motivated.
 4. Think the unthinkable. Nothing will stop you from thinking
of goals you want to achieve. You have to dream high in order to
set high goals. Everything starts with a dream. Do not limit
yourself in your goals and dreams.
 5. Read and listen to inspirational materials. You have to
start spending time reading motivational books and listening to
inspirational tapes. But, you must also implement what you
learn from your reading and listening. New things you learn from
these exercises will give you excitement and energy to work
harder toward achieving your goals.
 6. Resolve problems instead of running away. Your ride to
success destination will not be smooth all the time. You will face
difficulties. Do not quit when you experience predicaments in
your quest to achieve your dreams. Frustrations and setbacks
naturally form as parts of your success venture.
 7. Appreciate every moment of your life. Think of what your life really is
as of now. Appreciate every moment you have currently. Thinking about
the past or day dreaming about the future will not bring you anywhere.
Appreciating your current conditions makes you feel much better and
realize the need to move forward to achieve your goals.
 8. Finish what you start. Once you have started something, finish it.
Never leave what you do halfway regardless of the end result. This will train
you to accomplish something out of things that you do.
 9. Face challenges one at a time. Challenges come to us almost all the
time. Take up one challenge at a time. Do not try to accumulate and face
them at one go. As the challenges accumulate, you will only feel less
motivated to face them and finally unable to complete anything.
 10. Care less about what people say. You may hear a lot of bad things
people say about you. Sometimes those bad comments may come from
somebody close to you. As long as you fully know what you are doing to
achieve your goals, you can let those comments fall into deaf ears.
Thinking too much about what people say will only make you weaker and
lose focus on your effort.

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