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Smart Notebook Lesson

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Systems of Linear Equations

Grade Level: 9 Subject: Algebra Date/Time: 60 minutes

Overview & Purpose (What will be

learned and why it is useful.) Students have been working on developing their skills and procedural fluency and understanding on linear
function, graphing, and systems of linear functions. The purpose of the activity for this lesson is to introduce
students to solving systems of linear equations by both substitution and elimination method. These are both
methods to find the ordered pair where the two equations intersect algebraically as opposed to graphically.
This lesson introduces the concept and allows for students to practice the skill.

Education Standards Addressed NYS/CCSS

(The state/national education CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSA.REI.C.5
standards that this lesson satisfies.) Prove that, given a system of two equations in two variables, replacing one equation by the sum of that
equation and a multiple of the other produces a system with the same solutions.

Solve systems of linear equations exactly and approximately (e.g., with graphs), focusing on pairs of linear
equations in two variables.

ISTE*S 2016
1. Empowered Learner 4. Innovative Designer
2. Digital Citizen X 5. Computational Thinker
X 3. Knowledge Constructor 6. Creative Communicator
7. Global Collaborator
(Specify skills/information that will be Students will be able to solve a system of equations by using the substitution method.
learned.) Be sure to include all 4 Students will be able to solve a system of equations by using the elimination method.
Essential Question(s)
How can you solve systems of equations?
What does the answer of a system of equations mean?
How do we use systems of linear equations to solve real world situations?

Information/Content to be Students will be introduced to two methods of solving linear equations: substitution method and elimination
covered method. A system of equations is more than one linear equation, or more than one line. Students have
(Give and/or demonstrate learned how to solve a system of equations graphically. Students know that the solution to a system of
necessary information; for ex. equations is the point of intersection between the lines. In this lesson students are going to learn two other
Outline of teacher notes)
methods, besides graphing, to solve systems of equations.

Instructional Introductory Instructional Method(s):

Design Activity and Lecture Video/DVD
adaptations: Procedures
Simplify directions PowerPoint Computer
(include time
X Presentation Outside speaker
frames) as you
provide details Notes Field Trip
Board work X Other (specify): Smart Notebook
Learning be sure to Details about this segment of lesson:
Strategies: include
Activating Prior instructional 1. Students will follow the normal daily entry procedure for the beginning of class.
Knowledge: method(s) used. 2. Students enter the classroom, before the late bell rings, and grab the “Do Now Sheet”. The do now
Through a series of If use groups be
guided questions, problems will be up at the front of the classroom on the SmartBoard. Also on the board is a timer with 5
sure to specify
the instructor helps
size and means
minutes which indicates to students who long they have to complete the do now.
students activate
their prior of group
knowledge of a creation. 10 minutes
specific topic to help
them comprehend
the content of a
story or article on
the same topic.
Linking new facts to
prior knowledge
increases a
student's inferential
(ability to place
novel information in
a meaningful
context by
comparing it to

partner work
Pose critical
thinking questions
to guide students
Instructional Developmental Instructional Method(s):
Design Activity and Lecture Video/DVD
adaptations: Procedures
Simplify PowerPoint Computer
(include time
directions. X Presentation Outside speaker
frames) as you
provide details X Notes Field Trip
Board work X Other (specify): Smart Notebook
Learning be sure to Details about this segment of lesson:
Strategies: include
Students who lack instructional 1. Students will then receive a notes sheet that will follow along with the Smart Notebook slides.
an efficient strategy method(s) used. 2. As a whole class, the teacher will go through the slides. Giving explanations on problems and descriptions
for note-taking can If use groups be
miss important of concepts of solving systems of equations by substitution. This takes places on slides 3-9.
sure to specify
lecture information,
size and means
3. After an introduction, the teacher will give students independent time to practice the concept they were
fail to make
meaningful of group just introduced to. Directions to how to solve these systems will also be on the slides.
connections creation. 4. After 5 minutes of students trying to solve problems, they will then be directed by the teacher to turn and
between facts and talk with the person seated next to them. They will describe how they solved the problem and what they
ideas being shared,
and overlook critical
were confused on.
new vocabulary 5. After allowing students to turn and talk, the teacher will put on slide 10. Slide 10 is an error analysis
terms. Strategic problem. Students in small groups will discuss the problem, what the error is, and how to fix it.
note-taking (Boyle,
2013) primes
6. Slides 11-13 describe the process of solving systems of equations by elimination method that will be
students to more addressed as a whole class.
fully understand 7. Repeat the same process for slides 13-16, except for elimination. Independ practice, partner turn and talk,
lecture content
through activating
small group, and then error analysis.
prior knowledge of 8. Slide 17 shows a system of equations. Instruct students to try solving these equations by both substitution
the topic, monitoring and elimination method.
teacher cues that
mark key points to
be included in notes, 40 minutes
recording novel
vocabulary items,
and pondering
between lecture
Focus on task
Circulate room,
make sure
students are on
Instructional Concluding Instructional Method(s):
Design Activity Lecture Video/DVD
adaptations: (Describe the
Simplify X PowerPoint Computer
directions. Presentation Outside speaker
cluding activity
to reinforce this Notes Field Trip
Board work X Other (specify): Smart Notebook
Learning lesson) as you Details about this segment of lesson:
Strategies: provide details
Group Response be sure to After finishing the notes section of the lesson, the last 10 minutes of the class will be devoted to the exit
Techniques: include ticket. The exit ticket is a formal means of assessment to see student’s understanding on the learning
When students instructional
respond as a group objective. Students will be solving the equations they set up in the do now problem by using substitution and
method(s) used.
to academic
If use groups be
elimination method.
content, they are
actively engaged sure to specify
and more likely to size and means 10 minutes
learn the material of group
being taught. Just
as important, the creation.
teacher can observe
student responses
to get immediate
feedback about
whether the majority
of students in the
class are truly
understanding the
academic content.
Here are two group-
techniques (Heward,
On task
Circulating room
Plans for students with diverse needs Accommodations:
Include self-regulation strategies to X Seating Assignment notebook
help students make adjustments to Segmented assignments Test/quiz accommodations
aid learning
Assignment length X Peer tutor
Directions clarified Resource room
Copy of teacher notes Other (specify):
Details about accommodations for student(s):

Students are in assigned seats based on the skill level that they demonstrated on their Algebra diagnostic in
the beginning of the year. Students who are low-skilled are sat next to student who have higher skills and
English Language Learners next to higher level ELL’s who can interpret information for them and provide
support. Also, the medium for which students learn the material has been predetermined based on their ways
of learning surveys earlier in the year.

Alternative activities
(emergency plans/flexibility) If technology issues occur, the teacher will write notes down on whiteboard.

Evaluation/Verification Type of Assessment(s):

(Steps to check for student Homework check Review
understanding which can but are not Test/Quiz Presentation
limited to assignments, in-class
Project Oral Responses
work, etc.)
Participation Observation
Include reference to the objective(s) Class work Other (specify)
Details & Connection to Objectives:

Exit Ticket

Materials Needed Textbook :

Paper Overheads (specify):
Pencil X Workbook/Handouts (specify): notes, daily sheet
Multimedia Materials (specify):
Other Resources
(e.g. Web, books, etc. be sure to Hands-on materials (specify):
include source information) Reference materials (specify):
Other (specify):
Educator Feedback:

The teacher giving feedback on ideas that these technologies were presented to is currently teaching high school mathematics at
various levels including, Algebra, Pre-Calculus, and AP Statistics. He has been a teacher for seven years. He thought the smart
notebook lesson that I have created is effective and appropriate for 9th grade algebra students. He thinks that the lesson addresses prior
knowledge while connecting to new learning and understanding. He thinks the smart notebook is a beneficial way to address
curriculum appropriately and effectively. The smart notebook slides also offer different approaches to diverse learning needs. The
slides are interactive and engaging for students. It meets all students of different learning styles and preferences. It has opportunities
for visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners to engage in the materials. He thinks that technology is a wonderful resource to combat
those feelings of nervousness and stubbornness to math that will still provide a meaningful educational opportunity that is more
comfortable and engaging for students.

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