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4 - NHC Site 201330a Division 3 Concrete

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A. Forms for Exposed Finish Concrete: Plywood panels, to
provide continuous, straight, smooth, exposed surfaces.
PART 1 GENERAL Furnish in largest practicable sizes to minimize number
of joints and to conform to joint system shown on
1.1 SUMMARY drawings.
1. Plywood complying with U.S. Product Standard
A. Section Includes PS-1 "B-B (Concrete Form) Plywood," Class I,
1. Formwork for cast-in place concrete, with Exterior Grade or better, mill-oiled and
shoring, bracing and anchorage. edge-sealed, with each piece bearing legible
2. Openings for other work. inspection trademark.
3. Form accessories.
4. Form stripping. B. Forms for Unexposed Finish Concrete: Plywood,
lumber, metal, or other acceptable material. Provide
B. Related Documents: lumber dressed on at least 2 edges and one side for
1. The Contract Documents, as defined in Section tight fit.
01110 - Summary of Work, apply to the Work of
this Section. Additional requirements and C. Lumber: Construction grade; with grade stamp clearly
information necessary to complete the Work of this visible.
Section may be found in other Documents.
2. River Oaks Properties General Conditions of the 2.2 PREFABRICATED FORMS
Contract for Construction.
A. Preformed Steel Forms: Minimum 16 gage, well
C. Related Sections: matched, tight fitting, stiffened to support weight of
1. Section 03200 - Concrete Reinforcement: concrete without deflection detrimental to tolerances and
Coordination between formwork and appearance of finished surfaces.
2. Section 03300 - Cast-in-Place Concrete: Supply B. Void Forms (Carton Forms): Moisture resistant treated
of concrete accessories for placement by this paper faces, biodegradable, structurally sufficient to
section. support weight of wet concrete mix until initial set.
Thickness indicated on drawings.
A. American Concrete Institute (ACI):
1. ACI 301 - Structural Concrete for Buildings. A. Form Ties: Factory-fabricated, removable or snap-off
2. ACI 318 - Building Code Requirements for type, metal, of fixed or adjustable length as applicable,
Reinforced Concrete. with cone ends. Designed to prevent form deflection
3. ACI 347 - Recommended Practice For Concrete and to prevent spalling concrete upon removal. Back
Formwork. break dimension, 1-1/2 inch from exposed concrete
surface. Provide ties that, when removed, will leave
B. United States Department of Commerce Product holes not larger than 1 inch diameter in concrete
Standard (PS): surface.
1. PS 1 - Construction and Industrial Plywood.
B. Form Release Agent: Colorless mineral oil which will not
1.3 SUBMITTALS (Not Required) stain concrete, or absorb moisture, or impair natural
bonding or color characteristics of subsequent coatings
1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE intended for use on concrete surfaces. Maximum VOC:
350 milligrams per liter.
A. Perform Work in accordance with ACI 347.
C. Corners: Chamfered, wood strip 3/4 x 3/4 inch size;
B. Where necessary, design formwork under direct maximum possible lengths.
supervision of a Professional Engineer experienced in
design of formwork and licensed in State where Project D. Dovetail Anchor Slot: Galvanized steel, 22 gage thick,
is located. foam filled, release tape sealed slots, anchors for
securing to concrete formwork.
E. Nails, Spikes, Lag Bolts, Through Bolts, and
A. Section 01600 - Product Requirements: Transport, Anchorages: Sized as required, of sufficient strength
handle, store, and protect products. and character to maintain formwork in place while
placing concrete.
B. Deliver void forms and installation instructions in
manufacturer's packaging.

C. Store off ground in ventilated and protected manner to

prevent deterioration from moisture.


C. Do not apply form release agent where concrete

surfaces will receive special finishes or applied
PART 3 EXECUTION coverings which are effected by agent. Soak inside
surfaces of untreated forms with clean water. Keep
3.1 EXAMINATION surfaces coated prior to placement of concrete.
A. Section 01700 - Execution Requirements: Verification of 3.5 INSERTS, EMBEDDED PARTS, AND OPENINGS
existing conditions before starting work.
A. Provide formed openings where required for items to be
B. Verification of Conditions: Verify that field embedded in passing through concrete work.
measurements, surfaces, and conditions are as
required, and ready to receive Work. B. Locate and set in place items which will be cast directly
1. Verify lines, levels and centers before proceeding into concrete.
with formwork. Ensure that dimensions agree
with Drawings. C. Coordinate with work of other sections in forming and
placing openings, slots, recesses, sleeves, bolts,
C. Report in writing to The Architect prevailing conditions anchors, other inserts, and components of other Work.
that will adversely affect satisfactory execution of the
Work of this Section. Do not proceed with Work until D. Install accessories in accordance with manufacturer's
unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. published instructions, straight, level, and plumb.
Ensure items are not disturbed during concrete
D. By beginning Work, Contractor accepts conditions and placement.
assumes responsibility for correcting unsuitable
conditions encountered at no additional cost to Owner. E. Provide temporary ports or openings in formwork where
required to facilitate cleaning and inspection. Locate
3.2 EARTH FORMS openings at bottom of forms to allow flushing water to
A. Hand trim sides and bottom of earth forms. Remove
loose soil prior to placing concrete. F. Close temporary openings with tight fitting panels, flush
with inside face of forms, and neatly fitted so joints will
3.3 FORMWORK INSTALLATION not be apparent in exposed concrete surfaces.
A. Install formwork, shoring and bracing to achieve design G. Install water stops in accordance with manufacturer's
requirements, in accordance with requirements of ACI published instructions continuous without displacing
301. reinforcement. Seal joints watertight.
B. Provide bracing to ensure stability of formwork. Shore or 3.6 FORM CLEANING
strengthen formwork subject to overstressing by
construction loads. A. Clean forms as erection proceeds, to remove foreign
matter within forms.
C. Arrange and assemble formwork to permit dismantling
and stripping. Do not damage concrete during stripping. B. Clean formed cavities of debris prior to placing concrete.
Permit removal of remaining principal shores.
C. Flush with water or use compressed air to remove
D. Align joints and make watertight. Furnish in largest remaining foreign matter. Ensure that water and debris
available sizes to minimize number of joints and to drain to exterior through clean-out ports.
conform to joint system indicated on Drawings.
E. Obtain Architect’s approval before framing openings in
structural members which are not indicated on Drawings. A. Site Tolerances:
1. Construct formwork to maintain tolerances
F. Provide chamfer strips on external corners of concrete required by ACI 301 and ACI 347.
members, to produce uniform, smooth lines and tight 2. Camber slabs and beams 1/4 inch per 10 feet in
edge joints. accordance with ACI 301.
G. Install void forms in accordance with manufacturer's 3.8 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL
published instructions. Protect forms from moisture or
A. Section 01450 - Quality Control: Field inspection and
B. Inspect erected formwork, shoring, and bracing to
A. Apply form release agent on formwork in accordance ensure that work is in accordance with formwork design,
with manufacturer's published instructions. and that supports, fastenings, wedges, ties, and items
are secure.
B. Apply prior to placement of reinforcing steel, anchoring
devices, and embedded items.



A. Do not remove forms or bracing until concrete has

gained sufficient strength to carry its own weight and
imposed loads.

B. Loosen forms carefully. Do not wedge pry bars,

hammers, or tools against finish concrete surfaces
scheduled for exposure to view.

C. Store removed forms in manner that surfaces to be in

contact with fresh concrete will not be damaged.
Discard damaged forms.



C. Portland Cement Association: Design and
Control of Concrete Mixtures.
1. Latest Edition of each of above
Governing Standards shall apply.
PART 1 GENERAL Except as modified in this section or the
other related sections, ACI 301 shall
1.1 REFERENCE STANDARDS: generally apply to all concrete work in
this project.
A. American Concrete Institute (ACI):
1. Recommended Practice of Evaluation of
Compression. Test Results of Field A. The proposed concrete mix design for
Concrete (ACI 214). each separate class of concrete shall
2. Specifications for Structural Concrete for be submitted by the Contractor for
Buildings (ACI 301). review by the Engineer.
3. Building Code Requirements for
Reinforced Concrete (ACI 318). B. Manufacturer's literature for
4. Recommended Practice for Selecting membrane-forming compounds for
Proportions for Concrete (ACI 613). curing and shall be submitted for
5. Selection and Use of Aggregates for review by the Engineer prior to their
Concrete (ACI Comm. 621). use on the project.
6. ACI Manual of Concrete Inspection (SP-
7. Recommended Practice for Measuring,
Mixing and Placing Concrete (ACI 614). A. During placing and finishing of concrete
8. Recommended Practice for Cold (including patching concrete pavement and/or
Weather Concrete (ACI 306), (ACI 605) the repair and replacement of spelled areas
9. Building Code Requirements for in existing concrete slabs), coordinate all
Reinforced Concrete (ACI 318). work and trades to insure that the
10. Recommended Practice for Hot requirements of the Contract Documents are
Weather Concrete (ACI 305). complied with.
11. Consolidation of Concrete (ACI Comm.
609). B. If concrete is supplied by a ready-mix
12. Curing Concrete (ACI COMM. 612). concrete producer, the Contractor shall
13. Manual of Concrete Inspection (SP-2). coordinate and control the mixing and
delivery of all off-site produced concrete.
B. American Society for Testing Materials

1. Standard Method for Making and Curing A. The Contract Documents, as defined within
Concrete Compression and Flexure this Section, apply to the Work of this
Test Specimens in the Field (ASTM Section. Additional requirements and
C31). information necessary to complete the Work
2. Standard Specifications for Concrete of this Section may be found in other
Aggregates (ASTM C33). sections.
3. Standard Method of Test for B. River Oaks Properties General Conditions of
Compressive Strength of Molded the Contract for Construction.
Concrete Cylinders (ASTM C 39).
4. Standard Method of Obtaining and
Testing Drilled Cores and Sawed PART 2 - PRODUCTS
Beams of Concrete (ASTM C 42).
5. Standard Specification for Ready-Mixed 2.1 PORTLAND CEMENT:
Concrete (ASTM C 94).
6. Standard Method of Test for Sieve of A. Portland cement shall conform to the
Screen Analysis of Fine and Coarse requirements for Type II ASTM C 150. (Air
Aggregate (ASTM C 136). entrained: 5 percent ± 1 percent air).
7. Standard Method of Test for Slump of
Portland Cement Concrete (ASTM C 2.2. FLY ASH:
8. Standard Specifications for Portland A. Fly ash: Conform to ASTM C618. The use
Cement (ASTM C 150). of a quality fly ash will be permitted as a
9. Standard Method of Sampling Fresh cement-reducing admixture (maximum 20%).
Concrete (ASTM C 172). The fly ash shall meet all of the requirements
10. Standard Specifications for Air- of ASTM C618, Class C or Class F, with the
Entraining Admixtures for Concrete following special requirements: The loss on
(ASTM C 260). ignition in Table 1 shall not exceed 3%.
11. Standard Specification for Chemical Compliance to Table 1A shall apply. The
Admixtures for Concrete (ASTM C 494). amount retained on the 325 sieve in Table 2

shall not exceed 20%. The chemical analysis A. The exact proportions of cement
of the fly ash shall be reported in accordance aggregate and water for each class of
with ASTM C114. Quality assurance testing concrete shall be determined by an
and reports for a minimum of six (6) months approved independent testing
shall be submitted by the fly ash supplier. laboratory. Mix design shall be based
The option to use fly ash must be approved on the saturated surface dry (SSD)
prior to use. condition of the aggregate. The
Contractor shall pay for all mix
B. Review by the Engineer of mix design
A. Fine aggregate shall consist of natural and/or submitted does not relieve the
manufactured sand having hard, strong and Contractor of the sole responsibility
durable particles and which conform to the for each mix design to produce
requirements of ASTM C33. concrete of the strength specified.

B. Coarse aggregate shall consist of C. The required minimum strength of

clean, hard, fine-grained, sound concrete cores at 28 days, minimum
crushed rock or washed gravel which laboratory strength in 28 days,
do not contain in excess of five (5) minimum number of sacks of cement
percent by weight of flat, chip-like, per cubic yard of concrete, maximum
thin, elongated, friable or laminated size of aggregate and required slump
pieces, or more than one (1) percent of the concrete as delivered at the job
by weight of shale or chert material. site for each of the indicated lasses of
Any piece having a major dimension concrete construction shall be as
in excess of two and one-half (2-1/2) shown in the Concrete Quality table
times the average thickness shall be that follows:
considered to be flat or elongated.
Coarse aggregate shall conform to CONCRETE QUALITY
the requirements of ASTM C 33. Minimum Minimum Minimum
Class of Core Lab No. of Required
Concrete Test @ 28 Test @ 28 Sacks of Slump
C. Refer to concrete quality table for Construction Days Days Cement
maximum sizes of aggregate (psi) (psi) per (cu. yd)
permitted for each class of concrete. Curb &
3750 3000 5 3/4 3
2.4 WATER: Misc.
A. Water shall be clean water from the
& 4200 3500 5.5 1 4
utility company mains, free from Slabs
acids, alkalis, oils or organic materials
and shall be suitable for drinking D. Slumps shown in the above Concrete
purposes. Quality table are at place of final
deposit of concrete. Slump tolerance
2.5 ADMIXTURES: shall be plus or minimum one (1) inch
for 3 1/2" or greater and plus or
A. Air-entraining admixtures shall minimum 1/2" for 3" slump or less.
conform to ASTM C 260.

B. All other admixtures shall conform to PART 3 - EXECUTION

ASTM C 494.
C. Approval of admixtures is required
before use in concrete. A. Protect all materials from damage or
contamination by water, dirt, or other
D. No calcium chloride shall be used as substances while stored at either the
an admixture under any project site or the production site and
circumstances in any concrete in this during delivery.
B. Store all materials above and clear of
2.6 EMBEDDED ITEMS the ground surface except for
A. All embedded steel plates, shapes,
etc. shall conform to the requirements C. The method of delivering the
of ASTM A 36 and shall be aggregates to the work and storing
galvanized. Coat with "Galvaweld" and handling shall be such that the
where galvanizing is moisture content of the aggregates as
damaged, at bends, and welds, etc. they come to the mixer shall not be
subjected to frequent or unnecessary
2.7 QUALITY OF CONCRETE: changes. Aggregate stockpiles shall
be arranged and used in a manner to

avoid excessive segregation or

contamination with other materials or 3.4 DELIVERY TICKETS:
with other sizes of like aggregates.
A. Duplicate delivery tickets, one for the
3.2 MIXING OF CONCRETE: Contractor and one for the Engineer,
shall be furnished with each load of
A. Measuring and mixing of concrete truck-mixed concrete delivered to the
shall be in accordance with the project sites.
recommended practices of ACI 614
and PCA. B. Delivery tickets shall provide the
following information:
B. All concrete shall be thoroughly mixed
in approved batch-mixer conforming 1. Ticket number
to the requirements of the Mixer 2. Date
Manufacturer Bureau of the 3. Name of ready-mix concrete
Associated General Contractor of producer
America. 4. Name or number of plant at
which concrete is batched
C. All concrete materials shall be 5. Truck number
batched by weight. Materials for 6. Contractor's name
concrete shall be measured within 7. Job name and location
the following percentages of 8. Type of cement used (i.e. I, Ill,
accuracy: air-entrained, etc.)
9. Class of concrete together
Cement 1% with required strength, cement
Water 1% content, maximum size of
Aggregates 2% aggregate and slump.
Admixtures 3% 10. Time, dispatched from plant,
time arrived at job site, time
D. Fine and coarse aggregates shall be left job site
separately measured and the water 11. Type, name and amount of
required by the concrete mix designs admixture, if any
shall include the water that is 12. Amount of concrete in load in
contained in the aggregates. The cubic yards
method used for measuring shall be 13. Amount of water added at job,
subject to the approval of the if any with signature of person
Engineer, and shall be such that all authorizing the added water.
mix ingredients can be uniformly and
accurately controlled and easily 3.5 USE OF ADMIXTURES:
checked. Fine and coarse
aggregates shall be measured loose A. Admixtures for the purposes of
and moist as delivered on the job. increasing workability or appearance
of the concrete, or for improving any
E. Each batch of 2 cubic yards or less other characteristic, will be permitted,
shall be mixed for not less than 1 1/2 but only with the approval of the
minutes after all ingredients are in the Engineer. Any proposed admixture
mixer. Mixing time shall be increased shall conform to the requirements of
15 seconds for each additional ASTM C 260 or C 494.
cubic yard or fraction thereof. Each
batch shall be completely discharged B. The Contractor shall be responsible
before another is mixed. for notifying the laboratory at least 12
hours before it is necessary to make
3.3 TRUCK-LINED CONCRETE: test cylinders. If the Contractor
places concrete without notifying the
A. The use of truck-mixed concrete will laboratory, the Engineer will have the
be permitted if consistent with the concrete tested by means of a core
general provisions of this section and test as specified in ASTM C 42 at the
ASTM C 94. Contractor's expense.

B. The mixing time length and the C. Sampling of fresh concrete shall be in
number of revolutions of mixing shall accordance with ASTM C 172.
conform to ASTM C 94. Concrete
shall be rejected if not placed within D. Slump tests shall be made every time
1-1/2 hours after water is first added test cylinders are made in accordance
or if 300 revolutions have taken place, with ASTM C 143 and reported by the
whichever comes first. testing laboratory. Additional slump
tests may be required if any batches
C. No water shall be added to any truck- or deliveries are in doubt as to quality
mixed concrete after leaving the and as required for good control. The
batching plant. Contractor shall have slump

measuring equipment available at the Engineer to insure concrete at

site at all times. Any slump test made adequate strength throughout the
by the Contractor shall be made in remainder of the work and no charge
the presence of the Engineer. shall be made to the Owner for this
increased cement content.
E. Test cylinders will be made of
concrete that is actually being placed D. If any 28 day laboratory tests indicate
at the project site and in accordance that concrete of low strength has
with ASTM C 31. One test shall been placed which cannot safely, in
consist of three cylinders: one for the opinion of the Engineer, sustain
testing at end of 7 days and two (2) the loads for which it has been
for testing at the end of 28 days. designed under laws and regulations,
One test shall be made for each 50 the concrete in question shall be
cubic yards or fraction thereof in each tested by taking cores from such
day's placing and for each separate portions of the work as the Engineer
specified class of concrete. may direct. At least three
representative cores shall be taken
F. The Contractor shall provide and tested as specified in ASTM C
adequate facilities as required by the 42.
testing laboratory for safe storage and
proper curing of concrete test E. If compression tests of the core
cylinders on the project site for the specimens show that the concrete is
first 24 hours as required by ASTM C inadequate for design loads and
31. stresses, the concrete shall be
strengthened, defective members or
G. If, Contractor desires to remove materials replaced, or load tests of
shoring earlier than at 14 days, at the area required as will be regulated
least two additional cylinders for the by the Engineer.
purpose of determining the
compressive strength of the concrete F. The taking and testing of core
slab at the time of removal of the samples, the replacement or
forms shall be made. Such test strengthening of defective concrete
cylinders shall be properly identified, and area load tests shall be entirely at
protected in the same manner that the expense of the Contractor.
the corresponding concrete is being
protected and left at the job site until 3.7 TESTING OF CONCRETE:
required for testing. The Contractor
shall pay for all of these tests. A. The Contractor will facilitate all
materials that are to be tested. The
H. Testing of cylinders will be in Owner will provide Testing Lab for all
accordance with ASTM C 39. testing. The Contractor shall notify
the testing laboratory 24 hours prior
to the placement of any concrete.
3.6 EVALUATION OF CONCRETE TESTS: The testing laboratory will submit
three (3) copies of each report to the
A. The concrete cylinder tests shall be City Engineer and two (2) copies of
evaluated in the following manner. the report to the Contractor. See
The concrete shall be considered General Requirements.
acceptable if the average of the two
28 day compression tests is equal to B. Concrete for each test shall be tested
or greater than the required at the place of deposit for slump and
laboratory minimum 28 day strength entrained air and these values
specified for each particular class of recorded on the test report.
concrete construction.
C. The Contractor shall keep a standard
B. If any one of the two tests is less than slump cone and bull nosed rod on the
the average of the two tests by more job site for any additional slump tests
than 10%, that entire test shall be required by the City Engineer where a
considered erratic and not indicative variation of slumps is visible.
of the concrete strength. Core
samples will be required of this 3.8 COMPRESSION AND STRENGTH TESTS:
A. The testing laboratory will take
C. Should any of the 28 day laboratory samples and make tests as herein
tests show an average compressive listed for each one hundred (100)
strength less than that specified for cubic yards of fresh concrete placed,
each class of concrete construction, of each class strength specified,
the cement content of the remaining but not less than one test for each
concrete to be placed shall be day's pour.
increased as will be regulated by the

B. Each test shall consist of four (4) well cleaned form work completed,
standard 6" x 12" cylinders. The four the forms or space to be filled with
cylinders of each test shall be made concrete thoroughly cleaned; forms, if
in accord with ASTM C-31, and not oiled, shall be wet; all
broken in accord with ASTM C-39 at reinforcement secured and cleaned;
the stages as follows: and expansion joint material, anchors
and other embedded items
1. One cylinder from each test, positioned.
break in 7 days.
2. Three cylinders from each B. Placing of concrete shall be in
test, break in 28 days. accordance with the recommended
practice of ACI 614 and PCA "Design
C. The average strength of the 28-day and Control of Concrete Mixtures"
cylinders shall be the basis for and "Patching Concrete Pavement".
evaluation of acceptable
concrete. This 28 day, three cylinder C. No concrete shall be placed during
average shall be at least 25% greater rain, sleet or snow. Rain-water shall
than the strengths specified on the not be allowed to increase the mixing
drawings or herein. water or to damage finish surfaces.

3.9 REINFORCEMENT OR STRENGTH: D. Excess form oil shall be wiped off and
no oil shall be allowed to coat
A. When the ultimate compressive reinforcing steel to the slightest
strength (average) of any test falls degree. Any oil used shall be of such
below the specified strength for the quality that later surface treatments
class of concrete specified, the City specified for concrete will not be
Engineer may order additional injured or prevented from application.
curing for that portion of the structure
where the questionable concrete has E. Concrete shall be handled as rapidly
been placed. as practicable from the mixer to the
place of final deposit by methods
B. In the event that such additional which prevent the separation or loss
curing does not give the strengths of ingredients. It shall be deposited
specified, determined from cores as nearly as practicable in its final
made in accord with ASTM C-42, and position to avoid re handling or
if such tests indicate the necessity, flowing.
the defective parts shall be removed
and replaced as directed by the City F. All vertical members shall be filled at
Engineer at the Contractor's expense, least two (2) hours ahead of
including the expense of the tests. horizontal members in order to allow
the concrete in the vertical members
3.10 REVIEW BY THE ENGINEER BEFORE to take its initial settlement. Vertical
CONCRETE PLACEMENT: members shall be filled in one
continuous operation, using drop
A. Review by the City Engineer is chutes of rubber or metal, if
required of all foundations, forms, necessary. The concrete shall not be
reinforcing steel, pipes, conduits, allowed to drop freely more than four
sleeves, inserts and other work (4) feet.
required to be built into the concrete
before the concrete is placed. G. Place concrete only when the
Review by the City Engineer does not ambient temperature is at least 40° F
relieve the Contractor from complying and rising, and will remain above 40°
with the requirements of the Contract for a period of at least 12 hours. A
Drawings and Specifications. calibrated thermometer shall be
provided at the project site.
B. The City Engineering Department
must be notified at least twenty-four H. Concrete shall be carefully worked
hours prior to the placing of any around reinforcing and other
concrete, and the placement of embedded items, along surfaces and
concrete before such notice is given into the corners of forms eliminating
and/or before review by the Engineer, all air or stone pockets.
is a valid reason for rejecting the
concrete so placed. I. Concrete shall be consolidated by the
use of vibrators in accordance with
ACI 609. Vibration must be by direct
action in the concrete and not against
3.11 PLACING CONCRETE: forms or reinforcements. Concrete
shall be vibrated until the water
A. Before any concrete is placed, mixing shows indications of rising, but not
and conveying equipment shall be until the water has risen. Vibrators

shall be used to transport concrete excessive stresses resulting from

laterally within the forms or footings. construction loads.
Vibrators shall have a minimum
frequency of 7000 revolutions per G. Sand floated finish shall be as
minute. Size of vibrator diameter follows: The forms shall be removed
shall be as required by space before the surface has fully
available between forms and hardened. The surface then shall be
reinforcing, embedded items, etc. and wet and rubbed with a wood float by a
suitable for the mass thickness of uniform circular motion, with fine sand
concrete being placed. A spare being rubbed into the surface until the
vibrator shall be kept at the project resulting finish is even and uniform in
site during all concrete placement color and texture. This finish
operations. shall be used for all wall exposed
concrete surfaces.
J. Place concrete for slabs to required
thickness and strike off at designed H. An as-cast finish shall be used for all
elevations and contours. After unexposed concrete surfaces.
screeding, the concrete surface shall
be tamped to force coarse aggregate I. When required by the City Engineer,
away from the surface. a broom finish shall be provided on
top of slab. Broom finish shall consist
3.12 PROTECTION AND CURING OF CONCRETE: of a scoured texture as directed by
the engineer by drawing a stiff broom
A. All concrete placed shall be protected across the concrete surface. This
such that the temperature at the operation shall follow immediately
surface shall be prevented from going after floating. Tolerances shall be
below 55° F for 72 hours after placing within 1/8-inch to promote the
and prevented from going below intended drainage.
freezing for 3 days thereafter.
B. The Contractor shall submit, for
review by the Engineer, the methods A. After forms are removed, joint marks,
proposed for protecting the concrete fins honeycombed areas, bulges,
against low or high temperatures. depressions, etc., on all concrete
The Contractor shall adhere to the surfaces shall be removed and/or
recommendations for cold or hot filled, leaving a smooth, dense and
weather concreting of ACI 306 and true surface.
605, respectively, as to temperature
of fresh concrete, heating or cooling B. All tie holes and all repairable
of concrete materials, use of defective areas shall be patched
accelerators and other admixtures, immediately using non-staining, non-
methods of protection, temperature shrink grout with a minimum
records, etc. compressive strength of 6000 psi.
The color of the patching grout shall
C. Prevention of loss of moisture from match that of adjacent concrete.
surface of concrete shall be
accomplished by keeping surface C. Honeycombed areas and other
or forms continuously wet for as long defective concrete shall be removed
as conditions require. Wet curing down to sound concrete as directed
shall extend for not less than seven by the Engineer before patching. All
(7) days. honeycombed areas shall be shown
to the Engineer.
D. Whatever curing method is used, it
shall be applied immediately after D. All areas to be patched shall be
final troweling, floating, or after forms thoroughly cleaned and dampened
are removed. The curing method before patching is begun.
used shall be coordinated with the
method of protection. 3.14 FINISHING OF FORMED SURFACES:

E. Membrane-forming compounds shall A. Rough Form Finish: For formed

be applied as soon as possible after concrete surfaces not exposed-to-
finishing operations. Apply view in the finish work or by other
compound in two (2) coats, the construction, unless otherwise
second at right angles to the first. indicated. This is the concrete
surface having texture imparted by
F. After concrete placement, protect form facing material used, with tie
concrete during other construction holes and defective areas repaired
activities as necessary to prevent and patched, and fins and other
damage from equipment and projections exceeding 1/4" in height
personnel movements and from rubbed down or chipped off.

C. Sawed grooves for longitudinal and

B. Smooth Form Finish: For formed transverse weakened plane joints
concrete surfaces exposed-to-view, shall be cut to a minimum
or that are to be covered with a depth of 1/4-thickness of slab and to
coating material applied directly to minimum width of 1/8-inch but in no
concrete, or a covering material case shall the width exceed 1/4-inch.
applied directly to concrete, such as
waterproofing, damp proofing, D. The exact time of sawing longitudinal
painting or other similar system. This and transverse weakened plane joints
is as-cast concrete surface obtained shall be the sawing contractor's
with selected form facing material, responsibility. Sawing transverse
arranged orderly and symmetrically weakened plane joints shall be
with a minimum of seams. Repair completed within 24 hours following
and patch defective areas with fins or paving. Sawing of longitudinal
other projections completely removed weakened plane joints shall be
and smoothed. completed within 48 hours.

C. Grout Cleaned Finish: Provide grout E. The sequence of sawing may vary
cleaned finish to scheduled concrete due to climatic conditions. The
surfaces, which have received contractor shall exert all possible
smooth form finish treatment. effort to prevent volunteer cracking.

Combine one part Portland cement to F. Transverse contraction and

1-1/2 parts fine sand by volume, and longitudinal contraction joints shall be
mix with water to consistency of thick sawed as shown on the plans. The
paint. Proprietary additives may be saw kerf shall be straight and true to
used at Contractor's option. Blend the required depth and width.
standard Portland cement and white Reference points will be supplied by
Portland cement, amounts owner or contracting agency where
determined by trial patches, so that joints are to be sawed. Joints should
final color of dry grout will match be flushed immediately after sawing
adjacent surfaces. to remove concrete laitance.

Thoroughly wet concrete surfaces G. All joints shall be sawed true to line,
and apply grout to coat surfaces and with their faces perpendicular to the
fill small holes. Remove excess grout surface of the pavement. Joints shall
by scraping and rubbing with clean not vary more than 1/4" from the true
burlap. Keep damp by fog spray for line. Transverse joints in succeeding
at least 36 hours after rubbing. lines shall be sawed in line matching
abutting joints in first lane.
D. Related Unformed Surfaces: At tops
of walls, horizontal offsets, and similar 3.16 REPAIR AND SEALING OF CRACKS:
uniformed surfaces occurring
adjacent to formed surfaces, strike-off A. Volunteer cracks are all cracks and
smooth and finish with a texture portions of cracks that are not
matching adjacent formed surfaces. coincident with constructed joints.
Continue final surface treatment of
formed surfaces uniformly across B. All volunteer cracks that occur during
adjacent unformed surfaces, unless the 10 calendar days following
otherwise indicated. placement of concrete shall be
repaired by injecting the entire length
3.15 SAWING GREEN CONCRETE: of crack with epoxy under pressure.
Volunteer cracks not requiring epoxy
A. The sawing contractor shall provide injection shall be limited to single,
sawing equipment adequate in units continuous, volunteer cracks without
and power to complete the sawing branch or connecting cracks that
operation as per plans and conform to either conditions
specifications. The sawing contractor described in section 1) or 2) below.
shall supply, except on very small
jobs, at least one stand-by saw in 1. Begin or end at a longitudinal
good working condition. An adequate joint or edge of pavement
supply of diamond saw blades shall which are not within 5
be maintained on job site. feet at any point along length
of crack of a transverse joint
B. Sawing method - the sawing method or another volunteer crack
shall consist of cutting a groove in the that has not been injected
pavement with a power driven with epoxy.
concrete saw.
2. Do not begin or end at a
longitudinal joint or edge of

pavement and are not: (a) B. Finished Surface of Slabs and Joints:
within 5 feet, at any point Faulted joints (longitudinal and
along length of crack of any transversal) shall be grinded on the
transverse joint; (b) within one high side of the faulted area. A self-
foot at any point along length propelled diamond bladed grinder
of crack of any longitudinal shall skim the entire area to provide a
joint-edge of alb or other uniform appearance and texture at a
volunteer crack that has not continuous motion. A vacuum system
been injected with epoxy. shall be used for cleanup.

C. Epoxy injection shall be completed Full depth repair and spall repair shall
within 90 days after pavement is be completed before grinding
placed. Any accumulations of epoxy operation. Joint sealing shall follow
in saw cuts shall be removed by thereafter.
resawing to the specific depth prior to
opening pavement to traffic.
D. Equipment used in sawing operations
must meet all OSHA standards and
specifications. Gas and air
equipment may only be used on
outside work areas due to noise and
fume pollution, unless vented to the


A. Full depth patching shall be

rectangular in shape and conform to
the dimensions and typical sections
shown on the plans. Patches shall be
sawed full depth and replaced on a
prepared subgrade to the same
thickness as the existing pavement.

B. Provide steel reinforcement similar to

that of whole slab replacement as
noted on the drawings.

C. Provide load transfer dowels drilled,

grouted and coated as specified.
Textures patch surfaces similar to
that of surrounding pavement.



A. Spalls shall be repaired by shallow saw

cutting in a waffle pattern within the
damaged area or 6 inches from the joint
or edge of spall, whichever is larger. All
unsound concrete should be removed,
spall cleaned and patched with specified
material and finish to match surface
texture of adjacent pavement.


A. Non-Slip Broom Finish: Apply non-slip

broom finish to sidewalks, exterior
concrete platforms, steps and ramps
and elsewhere as indicated.

Immediately after trowel finishing,

slightly roughen concrete surface by
brooming with fiber bristle broom
perpendicular to main traffic route.
Coordinate required final finish with
City Engineer before application.


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