Mitigating The Effect of Voltage Sags On Contactors in Industrial Plant and Substations
Mitigating The Effect of Voltage Sags On Contactors in Industrial Plant and Substations
Mitigating The Effect of Voltage Sags On Contactors in Industrial Plant and Substations
In this article the difference between electrical equipment in manufacturing plants and that in electrical power substations is discussed. Theses
differences dictate two different sets of requirements for supplying power to large AC contactors. The article offers two technical solutions: one
of which is based on the contactor remaining in the closed position at voltage sag; and the second is based on the instantaneous switching-
off of the contactor at voltage sag with a subsequent switching-on with time delay.
According to IEC 61000-4 [1, 2] voltage sags are brief reductions in These electronic devices use four levels of DC voltages for feeding
voltage, lasting from tens of milliseconds to 15 s (see Fig. 1). The main the contactor coil, which simulates the natural attraction force
cause of voltage sags in the 400 V network of the substation auxiliary characteristics at contactor pickups on AC. These electronic devices
supplies is short circuits in external high voltage grids. In manufacturing with integrated circuits (microchips) are not intended, however, for
plants such voltage sags are frequently associated with the working use with powerful contactors with low resistance coils (10 – 15 Ω) and
modes of high power electrical equipment, e.g. start-up of motors. high inrush currents. For example, the power consumed by the coil of
Voltage sags are an important criterion of the power quality. the 3NTF54 contactor at pickup is 1,6 kVA on AC and 1,2 kW on DC
(with a special starting coil).
For large contactors with powerful coils special devices have been
developed which work on another principle, shown in Fig. 2. The
device consists of undervoltage relay KU, timer K1 for an “Impulse-
on” standard function, and a simple DC power supply consisting of
transformer T, rectifier bridge VD2 and low voltage high capacity
capacitor C. When control switch S1 is closed, the 230 V AC voltage is
applied to the voltage relay KU which operates if the applied voltage
is more than the minimum required (180 V in our case) and closes its
contact in the feeding circuit of the KT timer, which instantly operates
and connects the contactor’s coil to the 230 V AC network through
Fig. 1: Example (from IEC 61000-4-11) of a 70% voltage sag
duration of 25 cycles. rectifier bridge VD1 and limiting resistor R1.
On the other hand, short voltage sags with durations of less than
200 - 300 ms (most frequent in 400 V network) do not harm the motors.
For these reasons the means for ameliorating sags in networks in
manufacturing plants have included technical solutions for keeping
the contactors closed during sag, special dynamic voltage sag
compensators, UPSs, etc. Because such compensators and high Fig. 2: Circuit diagram of the control device for high power AC contactor.
Research has shown that when feeding the contactor’s coil with
lowered DC current, its sensitivity to decreasing power supply voltage
level is sharply reduced. For example, the contactor that was tested
was held in the closed position at a voltage reduction on the coil
from 12 V down to 2 - 3 V, that is in 4 - 6 times. This positive property is
used in this device for holding the contactor for short-term downturns
of the voltage level in AC networks. For very deep voltage sags or
even full voltage loss, the energy of capacitor C1 holds the contactor
operated. From the results of tests it appears that small size capacitors
in the range of 47 000 µF at 40 V are capable of holding the contactor
for periods of 1,3 - 1,5 s. This is quite sufficient for short-term voltage
sags in real-life in AC networks. The rectifier bridge VD needs to be
selected with considerable care because high current pulses flow
through it during capacitor charging.
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