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Computers and Chemical Engineering 31 (2007) 419–425

A systematic approach for soft sensor development

Bao Lin a , Bodil Recke b , Jørgen K.H. Knudsen b , Sten Bay Jørgensen a,∗
a Department of Chemical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby 2800, Denmark
b FLSmidth Automation, Valby 2500, Denmark

Received 15 November 2005; received in revised form 25 May 2006; accepted 25 May 2006
Available online 25 July 2006

This paper presents a systematic approach based on robust statistical techniques for development of a data-driven soft sensor, which is an
important component of the process analytical technology (PAT) and is essential for effective quality control. The data quality is obviously of
essential significance for a data-driven soft sensor. Therefore, preprocessing procedures for process measurements are described in detail. First, a
template is defined based on one or more key process variables to handle missing data related to severe operation interruptions. Second, a univariate,
followed by a multivariate principal component analysis (PCA) approach, is used to detect outlying observations. Then, robust regression techniques
are employed to derive an inferential model. A dynamic partial least squares (DPLS) model is implemented to address the issue of auto-correlation
in process data and thus to provide smoother estimation than using a static regression model. The proposed methodology is illustrated through
applications to a cement kiln system for estimation of variables related to product quality, i.e., free lime, and to emission quality, i.e., nitrogen
oxides (NOx) emission. The case studies reveal the effectiveness of the systematic framework in deriving data-driven soft sensors that provide
reasonably reliable one-step-ahead predictions.
© 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Multivariate regression analysis; Soft sensing; Robust statistics

1. Introduction A data-driven soft sensor is an inferential model developed

from process observations. Early work on soft sensor develop-
Soft sensors have been reported to supplement online instru- ment assumed that a process model was available. Joseph and
ment measurements for process monitoring and control. Both Brosilow (1978) report an inferential model developed using
model-based and data-driven soft sensors have been developed. a Kalman filter. In case the process mechanisms are not well
If a first principle model (FPM) describes the process suffi- understood, empirical models, such as neural network (Qin &
ciently accurately, a model-based soft sensor can be derived McAvoy, 1992; Radhakrishnan & Mohamed, 2000) and mul-
(Prasad, Schley, Russo, & Wayne Bequette, 2002). However, tivariate statistical methods, are used to derive a regression
a soft sensor based on detailed FPM is computationally inten- model (Kresta, Marlin, & MacGregor, 1994; Park & Han, 2000).
sive for real-time applications. Modern measurement techniques Multiple linear regression (MLR) suffers from numerical prob-
enable a large amount of operating data to be collected, stored lems as well as degraded models when a data set is strongly
and analyzed, thereby rendering data-driven soft sensor devel- collinear. Principal component regression (PCR), partial least
opment a viable alternative. Application of standard multivariate squares (PLS) and canonical variate analysis (CVA) solve this
statistical approaches to operating data may lead to model degra- issue by projecting the original process variables onto a low
dation due to contaminating outlying observations. Therefore, number of orthogonal latent variables (LVs).
the objective of this paper is to present a systematic framework An inferential sensor provides valuable real-time informa-
for the development of data-driven soft sensors based on robust tion that is necessary for effective quality control. Therefore,
statistical techniques. soft sensors have been widely applied for the estimation of
quality measurements that are normally determined through
infrequent sampling, and often with off-line analysis, such as
∗ Corresponding author. Fax: +45 45932906. the product composition of a distillation column (Zamprogna,
E-mail address: (S.B. Jørgensen). Barolo, & Seborg, 2005) and particle size distributions in a

0098-1354/$ – see front matter © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
420 B. Lin et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 31 (2007) 419–425

grinding circuit (Casali et al., 1998). Soft sensor development detect and handle missing data related to severe operating inter-
in batch/fed-batch processes has been review extensively in ruptions. Specifically, a template is defined by using the kiln
Dochain and Perrier (1997) and James, Legge, and Budman drive measurement to identify missing observations. In case a
(2000). The 1990 Clean Air Act requires continuous emission small block (i.e., less than 2 h) of data is missing, interpolated
monitoring devices equipped for NOx, SO2 and CO2 for certain values based on neighbouring observations will be inserted. If
large sources, such as industrial boilers and furnaces (Dong, larger segments of missing data are detected, these blocks will
McAvoy, & Chang, 1995; Qin, Yue, & Dunia, 1997). Although be marked and not used to build a soft sensor.
costly online analyzers have been installed at many plants, the Missing data do not always show a systematic pattern. A
emission measurement from a sensor may become unavailable missing segment might exist in only one of the process mea-
due to instrument failure, maintenance or repair. Consequently, surements. In this case, such blocks can be replaced by using
applications of multivariate soft sensors to emission monitor- model-based interpolation methods that fill the missing gap
ing have been increasingly reported (Dong et al., 1995; Qin et with a model derived from the data set (Gupta & Lam, 1996;
al., 1997). Recently, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Nelson, Taylor, & MacGregor, 1996). Missing data are one type
introduces process analytical technology (PAT) into the pharma- of outliers. The second type denotes abnormal operating condi-
ceutical industry to ensure high and consistent product quality. tions. For example, the malfunction of process equipment might
An essential component of PAT is the real-time information of cause a change in process measurements that may affect sev-
product properties. Soft sensors derived with multivariate sta- eral successive samples. For detection of these outlying process
tistical approaches can be powerful tools for pharmaceutical observations, both univariate and multivariate approaches have
industry to facilitate process understanding, to monitor pro- been developed.
cess operation and quality, to detect abnormal situations and The 3σ edit rule is a popular univariate approach to detect
to improve process reliability (Hinz, 2006; Kourti, 2006). outliers (Ratcliff, 1993),
Online process measurements are often contaminated with
data points that deviate significantly from the true values due |x(i) − x̄| > t · σ (1)
to instrument failure or changes of operating conditions. Since
where x̄ is the mean of the data sequence and t = 3 is the threshold.
outlying observations may deteriorate the regression model,
This method labels outliers when data points are three or more
robust statistical approaches have been developed to provide
standard deviations from the mean.
reliable results in the presence of abnormal observations. This
Unfortunately, this procedure often fails in practice because
paper presents a systematic approach using robust multivariate
the presence of outliers tends to inflate the variance estimation,
techniques to build a soft sensor from available process mea-
causing too few outliers to be detected. The Hampel identifier
surements. The application examples are the estimation of free
(Davies & Gather, 1981) replaces the outlier-sensitive mean and
lime and NOx emission for cement kilns.
standard deviation estimates with the outlier-resistant median
The paper is organized as follows. First, a generic proce-
and median absolute deviation from the median (MAD). The
dure is presented. Data preprocessing in Section 2 includes
MAD scale estimate is defined as:
both univariate and multivariate approaches for detecting out-
lying observations. Robustified PCR and PLS approaches are MAD = 1.4826 median{|xi − x∗ |} (2)
described in Section 3. Section 4 contains illustrative applica-
tions on development of free lime and NOx soft sensors for where x* is the median of the data sequence. The factor 1.4826
cement kilns, followed by conclusions in Section 5. is chosen such that the expected MAD is equal to the standard
deviation σ for normally distributed data.
2. Data preprocessing Fig. 1 shows 300 samples of SO2 measurement from a cement
plant during otherwise steady operating conditions. Due to harsh
Outliers are commonly defined as observations that are operating conditions, especially the flying dust within the kiln
not consistent with the majority of the data (Chiang, Pell, & system that may block the measurement probe, the data seg-
Seasholtz, 2003; Pearson, 2002a), including missing data points ment of the gas analyzer measurement contains many outlying
or blocks, and observations that deviate significantly from nor- observations. It should first be noted that the mean value of the
mal values. A data-driven soft sensor derived with PCR or PLS sequence is biased significantly from the nominal value, while
deteriorates in the presence of abnormal observations, resulting the median value is close. In addition, outliers inflate the stan-
in model misspecification. Therefore, outlier detection consti- dard deviation such that most of the outlying observations are
tutes an essential prerequisite step for design of a data-driven treated as normal data. With the threshold of xMed ± 3 · xMAD ,
soft sensor. the Hampel identifier identifies most outliers successfully.
Although missing data with regular patterns are not com- A moving window Hample filter can be implemented with
mon in data from well-designed experiments, they often exist two tuning parameters: the threshold, t, and the width of the time
in operating data. For example, in the cement kiln system near window, K. The following choices are recommended (Pearson,
zero drive current data simply correspond to a stop of cement 2002b): 2 ≤ t ≤ 5, 3 ≤ K ≤ 5, implying that 7–11 points are used
kiln operation. During such a period, other kiln measurements for calculating the median and MAD of moving data window.
obviously will not be reliable or meaningful. Therefore, a heuris- Since process measurements from chemical processes are
tic approach has been implemented in the proposed procedure to not independent, detecting outliers using univariate diagnos-
B. Lin et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 31 (2007) 419–425 421

calculated using the residual matrix and Q statistics that mea-

sures the distance of a sample from the space of the PCA model
(Jackson & Mudholkar, 1979). Hotelling’s T2 statistics indi-
cates how far the estimated sample by the PCA model is from
the multivariate mean of the data; thus, this statistics provides
an indication of variability within the normal subspace (Wise,
The combined Q and T2 tests are used to detect remaining
abnormal observations. Given the significance level for the Q
and T2 statistics, measurements with Q or T2 values over the
threshold are classified as outliers. In the proposed procedure,
the significance level, α, has the same value in the two tests;
however, finding a trade-off between accepting large modelled
disturbances and rejecting large unmodelled behaviours for out-
lier detection clearly needs further investigation.
Fig. 1. Comparison between the standard 3σ edit rule and the Hampel identifier
on SO2 data from a cement kiln. is shown with (– · –, red) and median with 3. Robust statistics
(– – –, black). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend,
the reader is referred to the web version of the article.)
Scaling is an important step in PCA. Since numerically large
tics is not sufficient, but may result in masking and swamping. values are associated with numerically large variance, appro-
Masking refers to the case that outliers are incorrectly iden- priate scaling methods are introduced such that all variables
tified as normal samples, while swamping is the case when will have approximately equal weights in the PCA model. In
normal samples are classified to be outliers. Three hundred sam- the absence of a prior knowledge about relative importance of
ples of a kiln fuel flow rate measurement are shown in Fig. 2, process variables, autoscaling (mean-centering following by a
which contain a short period of reduced fuel flow rate due to division with the standard deviation) is commonly used. Since
mechanic problems. A Hampel identifier is able to detect uni- both mean and standard deviation are inflated by outlying obser-
variate outliers. Although the fuel measurements (marked by a vations, autoscaling is not suitable for handling data which are
circle) are within the bounds of Hampel identifier, the dynam- especially noisy. The proposed procedure applies robust scaling
ics of transition effect of the kiln operation lasts longer than approach before performing PCA (Chiang et al., 2003). This
the period of low fuel supply. Therefore, the observations up procedure replaces mean by median and the standard deviation
to the sample 150 belong to an abnormal operation period. by MAD.
Such outliers can be effectively detected using a multivariate There are two types of approaches for rendering PCA
regression model representing the nominal operation condition, robust. The first detects and removes outliers using a univari-
which is derived with the proposed approach in the following ate approach, then carries out a classic PCA on the new data set;
paragraphs. the second is multivariate and is based on robust estimation of the
Principal component analysis (PCA) is a multivariate analy- covariance matrix. The proposed procedure uses the ellipsoidal
sis method that projects the data matrix to a lower dimensional multivariate trimming (MVT) approach (Devlin, Gnanadesikan,
space spanned by the loading vectors. The loading vectors cor- & Kettenring, 1981). This trimming method iteratively detects
responding to the k largest eigenvalues are retained to optimally bad data based on the squared Mahalanobis distance:
capture the variations of the data and to minimize the effect of
di2 = (xi − xi∗ )T S ∗−1 (xi − xi∗ ) (3)
random noise. The fitness between data and the model can be
where x* is the current robust estimation of the location and
S* is the robust estimation of the covariance matrix. Since the
data set has been preprocessed with a Hampel identifier, 95%
of data with smallest Mahalanobis distance are retained in the
next iteration. Devlin et al. (1981) suggest that the iteration pro-
ceeds until the average absolute change in Fisher z transforms of
the elements of the correlation matrix between two successive
iterations is less than a predefined threshold, or the maximum
number of iteration is reached. In this study, the iterative trim-
ming procedure stops as late as the 10th iteration such that at
least 60% of the data is retained for the estimation of the covari-
ance matrix. Chiang et al. (2003) suggest the closest distance to
center (CDC) approach where 50% observations with the small-
Fig. 2. Kiln fuel flow rate measurement with multivariate outliers that cannot est deviation from the center of the data are used to calculate the
be detected with a univariate approach. mean value. The CDC method is integrated in the initialization
422 B. Lin et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 31 (2007) 419–425

step such that the initial covariance matrix is not disrupted by

outlying observations.
Principal component regression derives an inferential model
with score vectors and the dependent variable. During the regres-
sion step, zero weights are assigned to outlying observations
identified by the PCA model; a weight value of 1 is assigned to
normal data. PLS is another multivariate statistical approach for
relating input and dependent data matrices. The input data are
projected onto a k-dimensional hyper-plane such that the coordi- Fig. 3. PRESS of PCR model for CaO during validation period.
nates are good predictors of dependent variables. The outlying
measurements identified with the PCA model are also down- variables are selected as inputs based on process knowledge, as
weighted before PLS analysis. well as considering the reliability of process measurements. The
In summary, the systematic procedure of applying robust sta- standard measurements are logged every 10 min, whereas the
tistical techniques for soft sensor development consists of the laboratory analysis of free lime content of the clinker is logged
following steps: approximately every 2 h. A data block of 12,500 samples for
each of the standard measurements is selected in this study:
1. Handle missing data using a template defined with key pro- 6500 samples for modelling and 6000 samples for validation.
cess measurements. One-step-ahead prediction residual sum of squared errors
2. Detect outliers with a univariate approach (Hampel identifier) (PRESS) between the model and process measurement eval-
followed by a multivariate approach (robust PCA) using Q uated on validation data is used to select the number of principal
and T2 tests. components (PCs):
3. Derive regression model with weighted PLS.
4. Validate the soft sensor on independent process data. 
PRESS = (ŷ(i) − ym (i))2 (4)
The proposed procedure has been applied to many data sets
collected from several cement kilns. Results from a few of the where NV is the total number of samples during the validation
cases are given next. period. It is calculated only when a new laboratory measurement
is available.
4. Case studies The PRESS of regression models derived with PCR and PLS
are shown in Figs. 3 and 4, respectively. The PCR model with six
The rotary kiln is the most operationally complex and energy PCs has the minimum PRESS (39.5). A second model is devel-
consuming equipment in the cement industry. The product qual- oped with a standard PCR approach that uses the autoscaled data
ity of a cement kiln is indicated by the amount of free lime (CaO) and does not downweigh outlying observations. The PCR model
in clinker. The direct off-line measurement is at most available with seven PCs achieves the minimum PRESS of 43.6, which
with a time delay of about an hour. The measurement is also is about 10% larger than that of a robustified PCR model. The
very sensitive to operating perturbations within the kiln system, PLS analysis shows a minimum of PRESS (42.7) for two latent
which result in uncertain indication of the average quality. One variables, because PLS finds LVs that describe a large amount
indicator of the load on environmental quality is measured by of variation in X and are correlated with dependent variables, Y,
the nitrogen oxides (NOx) emission. These oxides are formed in while the PCs in PCR approach are selected only on basis of the
the cement kiln systems due to the high temperature in the burn- amount of variation that they explain in X.
ing zone. Traditional continuous emission monitoring is carried Given the PCA decomposition, weights of 0 are assigned
through analytical sensors, which are expensive and difficult to abnormal points to downweigh these observations before a
to maintain (McAvoy, 2002). It is therefore desirable to develop regression model is derived. Ninety-five percent significance
soft sensors that are able to accurately predict NOx and free lime level is commonly used for Q and T2 tests. The lower the signif-
in real time. A soft sensor based on FPM is difficult to derive icance level, the higher the chance to reject outlying points. For
due to exothermic and endothermic reactions taking place in both the robust PCR model with six PCs, the significance level varies
solid and gas phases, as well as the large number of components from 100 to 90%. As shown in Fig. 5, downweighing outlying
involved. The proposed systematic procedure is employed to
derive data-driven soft sensors in the sequel.

4.1. Case 1: free lime soft sensor

The operating data from a cement kiln log system are used to
derive a soft sensor of free lime in the clinker. There are totally
19 process measurements available, including kiln drive current,
kiln feed, fuel flow rates to calciner and kiln, plus several tem-
perature measurements within the kiln system. Thirteen process Fig. 4. PRESS of PLS model for CaO during validation period.
B. Lin et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 31 (2007) 419–425 423

Fig. 8. PRESS of CaO soft sensor with a DPLS model (order from 0 to 6)
Fig. 5. PRESS of PCR model with six PCs for CaO with significance level evaluated on validation data with 6000 samples.
varying from 100 to 90%.

validation period are shown. The PLS model is able to capture

more relevant information than the PCR model with a smaller
number of LVs. Although the robust PCR approach has a smaller
PRESS than that of the PLS model, it is obtained at the cost of
using four more principal components and thereby introducing
a higher noise level in the regression model.
The fundamental assumption of the PLS approach is that the
data matrix is not correlated in time. However, operating data
commonly exhibit auto-correlation due to process dynamics.
Fig. 6. Validation of robust PCR model (PRESS = 38.3) for CaO with six PCs
((*) laboratory measurements; (solid line) PCR). The PLS approach only constructs a linear static model from
the data matrix, thereby it cannot reveal the dynamic relations
observations is able to improve the predictability of the soft sen- between process variables. A dynamic PLS (DPLS) model is
sor. With the choice of an optimal significance level 97.5% for obtained by augmenting the original data block with time-lagged
a PCR model, a minimum PRESS of 38.3 is obtained, which is variables. The PRESS of the CaO soft sensor using a DPLS
about 12% less than that of a standard PCR model (43.6). The model with orders varying from 0 to 6 is shown in Fig. 8. DPLS
PRESS of a PLS model is reduced to 41.7 by downweighing with a model of order 4 achieves a minimum PRESS of 38.0. As
the outlying observations detected with the PCR model, around shown in Fig. 9, the CaO soft sensor with a fourth order DPLS
10% less than a standard PLS model (PRESS = 45.0). model is visibly smoother than a static PLS model (see Fig. 7).
Out of 6500 data points in the modelling block, 1289 samples Including time-lagged terms initially recovers additional infor-
are detected as outliers and downweighted in the PLS regres- mation and leads to a smoother prediction. However, including
sion analysis. It should be noted that the number of outliers further time-lagged terms introduces additional noise into the
detected with the proposed approach depends on several fac- model.
tors. The quality of process measurements determines partially Although deviations are observed when fast dynamics occur
the number of outlying observations. Parameters of the robust in the process, the CaO soft sensor developed with a system-
PCA algorithm are the second factor. Since the covariance is atic robust statistical approach captures the slow changes and
estimated through an MVT procedure, the PCA model and out- the trend of laboratory measurements reasonably well, which
liers detected with it, are affected by the number of iterations are important for process operation and control. This type of
and the ratio of measurements kept during the trimming proce- behaviour has been demonstrated on several cement kilns.
dure. Thirdly, the choice of the significance level is also influ-
ential, since it determines the threshold to detect multivariate 4.2. Case 2: NOx soft sensor
Comparisons of the PCR and PLS models with labora- The operating data from a cement kiln log system are used
tory measurements during the validation period are shown in to derive a NOx soft sensor. There are 43 process measurements
Figs. 6 and 7, respectively, where only 1000 samples during the that are sampled once per minute. A data block of 20,000 sam-

Fig. 7. Validation of robust PLS model (PRESS = 41.7) for CaO with two LVs Fig. 9. Validation of CaO soft sensor (PRESS = 38.0) with a DPLS with of order
((*) laboratory measurements; (solid line) PLS). 4 ((*) laboratory measurements; (solid line) DPLS).
424 B. Lin et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 31 (2007) 419–425

Fig. 10. PRESS of PCR model of NOx soft sensor during validation period. Fig. 13. PRESS of robust PLS model for NOx during validation period.

Fig. 14. Validation of robust PLS model (PRESS = 8.40 × 107 ) with two LVs
for NOx ((*) online measurements; (solid line) PLS).
Fig. 11. PRESS of PCR model with seven PCs for NOx with significance level
varying from 100 to 90%.

ples is selected: the last 10,000 samples for modelling and the
first 10,000 samples for validation.
Fig. 10 shows the relation of PRESS versus the number of
PC for a PCR soft sensor. Although PCR model with one PC has
the numerically smallest PRESS, the model hardly captures pro-
cess dynamics. The PCR model of seven PCs with the PRESS
of 8.58 × 107 is employed to determine optimal Q and T2 tests
Fig. 15. Validation of NOx soft sensor (PRESS = 8.39 × 107 ) with a 10th order
significance levels. As shown in Fig. 11, the minimum PRESS DPLS of two LVs ((*) online measurements; (solid line) DPLS).
is obtained with an optimal significance level 95.5%, which
detect 4155 outliers out of the 10,000 samples for modelling.
the NOx soft sensor with a standard PLS model. As shown in
It is observed that the optimal Q and T2 tests significance lev-
Fig. 14, the performance of the NOx soft sensor is significantly
els achieve the trade-off between rejecting outlying points and
improved by the univariate and multivariate outlier detection
essential process dynamics. In addition, optimal Q and T2 tests
significance levels also depend on the quality of the modelling
A dynamic PLS NOx soft sensor is also developed. The
data block.
study reveals that the PRESS curve levels off after introduc-
The PRESS value of the NOx soft sensor developed by
ing two time-lagged input blocks. As shown in Fig. 15, the 10th
the standard PLS procedure (see Fig. 12) is 9.89 × 107 . The
order DPLS soft sensor of two LVs (PRESS = 8.39 × 107 ) pro-
performance is slightly improved by incorporating the univari-
vides much smoother prediction than a static NOx soft sensor.
ate outlier detection procedure (PRESS = 9.48 × 107 ). Fig. 13
Compared to the PCR model with seven PCs, the PLS model
shows the relationship between the number of LVs and the
demonstrates the advantage of obtaining a similar PRESS with
PRESS of the NOx soft sensor from a PLS model following the
a much lower number of LVs.
RPCA outlier detection. The minimum PRESS of 8.40 × 107 is
obtained with three LVs, which is around 15% less than that of
5. Conclusions

This paper presents a systematic approach to build data-

driven soft sensors. Due to the low signal-to-noise ratio in oper-
ating data, data preprocessing is demonstrated to be an essential
step in the framework. Robust statistical techniques are inte-
grated to effectively extract process information in the presence
of outlying observations. The proposed methodology is applied
to predict free lime and NOx emission of cement kiln processes.
Fig. 12. Validation of a standard PLS model (PRESS = 9.89 × 107 ) for NOx Both soft sensors are able to provide reasonably accurate
with one LV ((*) online measurements; (solid line) PLS). prediction, providing complementary information to online gas
B. Lin et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 31 (2007) 419–425 425

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