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ComputeIT Teacher-Pack Sample

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The document discusses a series of resources called Compute-IT that are designed to help teach the new Key Stage 3 Computing Programme of Study. It provides lesson plans, student books, teacher packs and digital resources on the Computing curriculum.

The Compute-IT course covers a range of topics related to Computer Science including understanding computer hardware, computational thinking, drawing and manipulating shapes, creating animations, how the web works, programming, and more across 12 units.

The Compute-IT resources include student books, teacher packs, and digital resources accessible through the Dynamic Learning online platform. The teacher packs provide lesson plans, teaching guidance, learning objectives, differentiation strategies and assessment support.



Series Editors

Provisional contents
Unit 1: Under the hood of a computer
Unit 2: An introduction to computational thinking
Unit 3: Drawing and manipulating shapes
Unit 4: Creating an animation
Unit 5: The foundations of computing
Unit 6: How the web works
Unit 7: Web creation from the ground up
Unit 8: Designing for HCI: a mobile phone
Unit 9: Designing for HCI: an operating system interface
Unit 10: Representing photographs and drawings
Unit 11: Programming input, output, processing and storage part one
Unit 12: Programming input, output, processing and storage part two


Compute-IT – A series of print and digital resources that deliver the

new Key Stage 3 Computing Programme of Study
Are you looking for authoritative and imaginative resources to help you plan for
and teach the new Key Stage 3 Computing Programme of Study?
Are you looking for lessons that deliver the key strands of the curriculum and core
skills of computational thinking, planning, programming and review?
Do you want to feel confident in assessing learning outcomes to provide you with
a meaningful record of pupil attainment and progress?
If so, we have the complete solution for you.

Deliver innovative Key Stage 3 Computer Science and ICT lessons for
the new curriculum with confidence – using resources and meaningful
assessment produced by expert educators.
Developed by an expert author team including members of the Computing at Schools
Network and the Department for Education’s Teachers of Excellence in Computer
Science programme, this complete offering for Computer Science and ICT at Key
Stage 3 consists of:
three student’s books,
three teacher packs, and
a bank of digital resources and assessments delivered via Dynamic Learning an
online service from Hodder Education
Together, these form a cohesive and supportive learning package structured around
the key strands of Computing. Creative and flexible in its approach, Compute-IT
makes Computer Science and ICT for Key Stage 3 easy to teach, and fun and
meaningful to learn.
Deliver the new curriculum with confidence by following well-structured and
finely paced lessons along a variety of suggested routes through Key Stage 3
Make your course engaging and interesting using a range of files provided in
different programming languages
Ensure progression throughout the course with meaningful tasks underpinned by
unparalleled teacher and student support – including exemplification of expected
outcomes, answers to all activities provided in the student books and as digital
files, and assessment guidance
Assess learning outcomes confidently with ready-prepared formative and
summative tasks covering the statements outlined in the new programme of study
Ensure your students are well prepared for their chosen Key Stage 4 course
by monitoring their work against defined Learning Outcomes and Progression
Pathway statements*

*A note on assessment and the National Curriculum Programme of Study

Hodder Education has teamed up with leading Computer Science educators to define
learning outcomes that are mapped to our own Progression Pathway statements
and the Computing Programme of Study. This provides teachers with much-
needed support when planning their delivery of the curriculum and ensuring that
assessment is meaningful for both educators and learners.

© Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2014 Compute-IT 1 Unit 3 3


Our Series Editors

Mark Dorling has extensive secondary George Rouse has degrees in
teaching and industry experience. His mathematics and in technology. After
work including the Digital Schoolhouse spending time in industry, mostly
project (which featured as a case study with British Steel, George moved into
in the Royal Society Report) and the teaching mathematics and computer
2013 TES award for ICT has gained him science spending a large part of his
international recognition. Mark was a career at King Edward VI Camp Hill
member of the DfE working party of Boys’ School in Birmingham. George
experts responsible for recommending a has written several books for ICT
programme of study as part of the DfE and Computer Science. He is also
ICT National Curriculum review. He an experienced senior examiner of
currently sits on a DfE Initial Teacher Computing and ICT at GCSE and A level.
Training Expert Computing Group
and is National CPD coordinator for
Computing at School.

4 Compute-IT 1 Unit 3 © Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2014

Progression Pathways Grid

The purpose of the Progression Pathways grid is to support teachers in assessing their pupils’
progress in computing.
The progression statements in the grid have been created based on the 2014 National
Curriculum for Computing points of study.
The column headings are aligned to the different strands of computing found in Computing
at School’s curriculum, which provides guidance for teachers to help them accurately
interpret the National Curriculum.
The progression through each strand of computing is broken down in to rows. The rows are
colour coded (like karate belts) to help the teacher to assess whether students are showing
competence at different levels and to recognise achievement or attainment.
Schools can choose to assign arbitrary values (levels) to the coloured rows if they would like
to use them with existing reporting systems.
The focus of this assessment framework is progression through and across strands of
computing. If you plan to use this assessment framework with your existing assessment/
reporting system then you can agree the benchmark ‘level’ for the pupils entering a
particular key stage and assign the arbitrary benchmark value (level) to the appropriate
progression statements for each strand.
If your school uses a system to set targets for Computing based on performance in other
subjects then the flexibility of the Progression Pathways grid allows you to adjust the values
(levels) you choose to assign to the coloured rows.
It is suggested that secondary school teachers delivering key stages 3 and 4 focus on the
progression statements shown in the Purple through to Black rows for each strand of
computing. The white row represents statements that are pertinent at key stage 4/ GCSE.
You may decide that pupils entering a particular year group or key stage have prior learning
to suggest that they are on the yellow and orange rows for the various strands shown in the
grid. If this is the case then you would start your teaching at the appropriate level and assign
the arbitrary assessment/reporting values accordingly.

© Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2014 Compute-IT 1 Unit 3 5

Progression Pathways Grid

Computing Progression Pathways

Pupil Algorithms Programming & Development Data & Data Representation
Understands what an algorithm is and is Knows that users can develop their own Recognises that digital content can be
able to express simple linear (non-branching) programs, and can demonstrate this by represented in many forms. Distinguishes
algorithms symbolically. Understands creating a simple program in an environment between some of these forms and can explain
that computers need precise instructions. that does not rely on text e.g. programmable the different ways that they communicate
Demonstrates care and precision to avoid robots etc. Executes, checks and changes information.
errors. programs. Understands that programs execute
by following precise instructions.

Understands that algorithms are implemented Uses arithmetic operators, if statements, and Recognises different types of data: text,
on digital devices as programs. Designs simple loops, within programs. Uses logical reasoning number. Appreciates that programs can work
algorithms using loops, and selection i.e. if to predict the behaviour of programs. Detects with different types of data. Recognises that
statements. Uses logical reasoning to predict and corrects simple semantic errors i.e. data can be structured in tables to make it
outcomes. Detects and corrects errors i.e. debugging, in programs. useful.
debugging, in algorithms.

Designs solutions (algorithms) that use Creates programs that implement algorithms Understands the difference between data and
repetition and two-way selection i.e. if, then and to achieve given goals. Declares and assigns information. Knows why sorting data in a flat
else. Uses diagrams to express solutions. Uses variables. Uses post-tested loop e.g. ‘until’, file can improve searching for information.
logical reasoning to predict outputs, showing and a sequence of selection statements in Uses filters or can perform single criteria
an awareness of inputs. programs, including an if, then and else searches for information.

Shows an awareness of tasks best completed Understands the difference between, and Performs more complex searches for
by humans or computers. Designs solutions appropriately uses if and if, then and else information e.g. using Boolean and relational
by decomposing a problem and creates statements. Uses a variable and relational operators. Analyses and evaluates data and
a sub-solution for each of these parts operators within a loop to govern termination. information, and recognises that poor quality
(decomposition). Recognises that different Designs, writes and debugs modular programs data leads to unreliable results, and inaccurate
solutions exist for the same problem. using procedures. Knows that a procedure can conclusions.
be used to hide the detail with sub-solution
(procedural abstraction).

Understands that iteration is the repetition Understands that programming bridges the gap Knows that digital computers use binary
of a process such as a loop. Recognises that between algorithmic solutions and computers. to represent all data. Understands how bit
different algorithms exist for the same problem. Has practical experience of a high-level textual patterns represent numbers and images.
Represents solutions using a structured language, including using standard libraries Knows that computers transfer data in binary.
notation. Can identify similarities and when programming. Uses a range of operators Understands the relationship between binary
differences in situations and can use these to and expressions e.g. Boolean, and applies them and file size (uncompressed). Defines data
solve problems (pattern recognition). in the context of program control. Selects the types: real numbers and Boolean. Queries data
appropriate data types. on one table using a typical query language.

Understands a recursive solution to a problem Uses nested selection statements. Appreciates Understands how numbers, images, sounds
repeatedly applies the same solution to smaller the need for, and writes, custom functions and character sets use the same bit patterns.
instances of the problem. Recognises that including use of parameters. Knows the Performs simple operations using bit
some problems share the same characteristics difference between, and uses appropriately, patterns e.g. binary addition. Understands
and use the same algorithm to solve both procedures and functions. Understands and the relationship between resolution and
(generalisation). Understands the notion of uses negation with operators. Uses and colour depth, including the effect on file size.
performance for algorithms and appreciates manipulates one dimensional data structures. Distinguishes between data used in a simple
that some algorithms have different Detects and corrects syntactical errors. program (a variable) and the storage structure
performance characteristics for the same task. for that data.

Recognises that the design of an algorithm is Appreciates the effect of the scope of a variable Knows the relationship between data
distinct from its expression in a programming e.g. a local variable can’t be accessed from representation and data quality. Understands
language (which will depend on the outside its function. Understands and applies the relationship between binary and electrical
programming constructs available). Evaluates parameter passing. Understands the difference circuits, including Boolean logic. Understands
the effectiveness of algorithms and models between, and uses, both pre-tested e.g. ‘while’, how and why values are data typed in many
for similar problems. Recognises where and post-tested e.g. ‘until’ loops. Applies different languages when manipulated within
information can be filtered out in generalizing a modular approach to error detection and programs.
problem solutions (abstraction). Uses correction.
logical reasoning to explain how an algorithm
works. Represents algorithms using
structured language.

Designs a solution to a problem that depends Designs and writes nested modular programs Performs operations using bit patterns e.g.
on solutions to smaller instances of the same that enforce reusability utilising sub-routines conversion between binary and hexadecimal,
problem (recursion). Understands that some whereever possible. Understands the difference binary subtraction etc. Understands and can
problems cannot be solved computationally. between ‘While’ loop and ‘For’ loop, which explain the need for data compression, and
uses a loop counter. Understands and uses two performs simple compression methods. Knows
dimensional data structures. what a relational database is, and understands
the benefits of storing data in multiple tables.

Note: Each of the Progression Pathway statements is underpinned by one-or-more learning outcomes (due for publication in 2014), providing greater detail of what should be
taught to achieve each Progression Pathway statement and National Curriculum point of study.

6 Compute-IT 1 Unit 3
Hardware & Processing Communication & Networks Information Technology
Understands that computers have no Obtains content from the world wide web using Uses software under the control of the teacher
intelligence and that computers can do nothing a web browser. Understands the importance of to create, store and edit digital content using
unless a program is executed. Recognises communicating safely and respectfully online, appropriate file and folder names. Understands
that all software executed on digital devices is and the need for keeping personal information that people interact with computers. Shares
programmed. private. Knows what to do when concerned their use of technology in school. Knows
about content or being contacted. common uses of information technology
beyond the classroom. Talks about their work
and makes changes to improve it.
Recognises that a range of digital devices can Navigates the web and can carry out simple Uses technology with increasing independence
be considered a computer. Recognises and web searches to collect digital content. to purposefully organise digital content.
can use a range of input and output devices. Demonstrates use of computers safely and Shows an awareness for the quality of digital
Understands how programs specify the responsibly, knowing a range of ways to report content collected. Uses a variety of software to
function of a general purpose computer. unacceptable content and contact when online. manipulate and present digital content: data
and information. Shares their experiences
of technology in school and beyond the
classroom. Talks about their work and makes
improvements to solutions based on feedback

Knows that computers collect data from various Understands the difference between the Collects, organises and presents data and
input devices, including sensors and application internet and internet service e.g. world wide information in digital content. Creates digital
software. Understands the difference between web. Shows an awareness of, and can use a content to achieve a given goal through
hardware and application software, and their range of internet services e.g. VOIP. Recognises combining software packages and internet
roles within a computer system. what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour services to communicate with a wider
when using technologies and online services. audience e.g. blogging. Makes appropriate
improvements to solutions based on feedback
received, and can comment on the success of
the solution.
Understands why and when computers are Understands how to effectively use search Makes judgements about digital content
used. Understands the main functions of engines, and knows how search results are when evaluating and repurposing it for a
the operating system. Knows the difference selected, including that search engines use given audience. Recognises the audience
between physical, wireless and mobile ‘web crawler programs’. Selects, combines when designing and creating digital content.
networks. and uses internet services. Demonstrates Understands the potential of information
responsible use of technologies and online technology for collaboration when computers
services, and knows a range of ways to report are networked. Uses criteria to evaluate the
concerns. quality of solutions, can identify improvements
making some refinements to the solution, and
future solutions.

Recognises and understands the function Understands how search engines rank search Evaluates the appropriateness of digital
of the main internal parts of basic computer results. Understands how to construct static devices, internet services and application
architecture. Understands the concepts behind web pages using HTML and CSS. Understands software to achieve given goals. Recognises
the fetch-execute cycle. Knows that there is a data transmission between digital computers ethical issues surrounding the application
range of operating systems and application over networks, including the internet i.e. IP of information technology beyond school.
software for the same hardware. addresses and packet switching. Designs criteria to critically evaluate the
quality of solutions, uses the criteria to identify
improvements and can make appropriate
refinements to the solution.

Understands the von Neumann architecture in Knows the names of hardware e.g. hubs, Justifies the choice of and independently
relation to the fetch-execute cycle, including routers, switches, and the names of protocols combines and uses multiple digital devices,
how data is stored in memory. Understands e.g. SMTP, iMAP, POP, FTP, TCP/IP, associated internet services and application software
the basic function and operation of location with networking computer systems. Uses to achieve given goals. Evaluates the
addressable memory. technologies and online services securely, and trustworthiness of digital content and considers
knows how to identify and report inappropriate the usability of visual design features when
conduct. designing and creating digital artifacts for a
known audience. Identifies and explains how
the use of technology can impact on society.
Designs criteria for users to evaluate the
quality of solutions, uses the feedback from the
users to identify improvements and can make
appropriate refinements to the solution.

Knows that processors have instruction sets Knows the purpose of the hardware and Undertakes creative projects that collect,
and that these relate to low-level instructions protocols associated with networking computer analyse, and evaluate data to meet the needs
carried out by a computer. systems. Understands the client-server model of a known user group. Effectively designs and
including how dynamic web pages use creates digital artefacts for a wider or remote
server-side scripting and that web servers audience. Considers the properties of media
process and store data entered by users. when importing them into digital artefacts.
Recognises that persistence of data on the Documents user feedback, the improvements
internet requires careful protection of online identified and the refinements made to the
identity and privacy. solution. Explains and justifies how the use
of technology impacts on society, from the
perspective of social, economical, political,
legal, ethical and moral issues.

Has practical experience of a small Understands the hardware associated with Understands the ethical issues surrounding the
(hypothetical) low level programming networking computer systems, including WANs application of information technology, and the
language. Understands and can explain and LANs, understands their purpose and how existence of legal frameworks governing its use
Moore’s Law. Understands and can explain they work, including MAC addresses. e.g. Data Protection Act, Computer Misuse Act,
multitasking by computers. Copyright etc.

© 2014 Mark Dorling and Matthew Walker. Reviewed by Simon Humphreys and Sue Sentance of
Computing at School, CAS Master Teachers, and by teachers and academics from the wider CAS community.

© Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2014 7

Unit 3 Drawing and manipulating shapes

Prior learning outcomes required

Be aware that users can create their own programs
Produce algorithms to describe everyday activities, and be aware of how precise they need
to be
Understand that computers have no intelligence; they execute programs blindly
Understand that an algorithm is a sequence of predefined instructions or steps
Communicate safely and respectfully online
Use web browsers and understand that each web page has a unique address
Design simple algorithms and express them in natural language
Understand that an algorithm is an exact set of precise steps to solve a problem

Unit learning outcomes

Be aware algorithms are implemented as programs on digital devices (Lessons 2 and 3)
Create a simple program (Lessons 2 and 3)
Design algorithms using pre-defined blocks that are represented graphically or as images
(Lessons 1 and 2)
Use simple (do/don’t) selection in programs (Lessons 2 and 3)
Be familiar with a program development environment in which programs can be written
without using text (Lesson 2)
Detect semantic errors (errors in meaning) (Lessons 2 and 3)
Write a program to achieve a specific goal (Lessons 2 and 3)
Appreciate that sequences can be repeated (Lessons 1, 2 and 3)
Detect and correct errors in simple algorithms and programs (Lessons 1, 2 and 3)
Understand that computers need more specific instructions than humans (Lessons 1
and 3)
Appreciate that care and precision are necessary to avoid errors (Lessons 1 and 3)

Lesson 1
What do I need to know?
You will be getting students to appreciate the link between maths, art and computer science,
particularly the creativity and imagination required to create works of art and computer
programs based on both artistic and mathematical concepts. Some basic mathematical skills
will be reinforced by this session and much of the thinking will be based on the properties
of regular shapes. Students will be looking at triangles, squares, pentagons, hexagons and
possibly other regular shapes and repeating patterns.
In the second part of the lesson you will be helping students to understand simple algorithm
design and the importance of being able to identify the important ideas (abstraction) and
breaking down the problem into manageable units (decomposition). Students will also be
introduced to repetition (iteration) as one of the key constructs in programming. You will
help them discover how to design algorithms for some basic shapes.

8 Compute-IT 1 Unit 3 © Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2014

Lesson 1

Lesson objectives
Know and understand the basic features of regular shapes including sides and angles and
their relationships
Understand how patterns define relationships between objects and the concept of
repeating patterns
Know and understand how to write algorithms to create basic geometrical shapes
Be able to understand and explain the key concepts of decomposition and abstraction

Be able to identify key features for standard regular shapes including triangles, squares
and hexagons
Be able to define shapes by their key features
Be able to use iteration in simple algorithms, understanding why this is important

Research more complex regular shapes or shapes with more complex features including
rectangles, isosceles and other non-equilateral triangles
Write algorithms that draw a range of geometrical shapes
Be able to recognise and correct errors in algorithms (debug)

Links to Computing National Curriculum Programme

of Study:
Design, use and evaluate computational abstractions that model the state and behaviour of
real-world problems and physical systems

Cross-curricular links:
Maths: Geometrical shapes, angles and coordinates
PSHE/Every Child Matters: The world around us
Art: Shape, pattern and colour

Resources required Keywords

Pages 4–9 in Compute-IT Student Book 1 Abstraction
PowerPoint 3.1A How are computer science, art and maths linked? Generalisation
PowerPoint 3.1B How to draw a van Doesburg style square Geometrical shapes
Worksheet 3.1A Regular shapes Decomposition
Worksheet 3.1B Patterns Algorithm
Worksheet 3.1C Drawing shapes Coordinates
Worksheet 3.1D Writing algorithms Iteration
Animation 3.1A Algorithms for different shapes

Teaching notes
Starter: Shape and pattern, PowerPoint 3.1A
Begin the lesson by discussing the image of the original plans for the London 2012 Olympic
and Paralympic stadium on slide 1 of PowerPoint 3.1A. Students need to identify that
the plans were created using computer-aided design, that the structure contains various
geometrical shapes and that aesthetic considerations were taken into consideration during
the design process. One key aspect to bring out is the way the mathematician and the
computer scientist would have broken down the problem into simple geometric shapes,
abstracting the problem into a few key concepts. Slide 2 shows an example of how computer

© Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2014 Compute-IT 1 Unit 3 9

Unit 3 Drawing and manipulating shapes

scientists and artists work together to produce an end product. The image by Leonardo da
Vinci in the Student Book shows how one person can illustrate mathematics, art and science
working together. 3.1.1 Think-IT should lead to a brief discussion of these links.
Slides 3 to 5 of PowerPoint 3.1A include photographs of geometrical objects with key
features ‘picked out’. These can be used to support the section on ‘Shape’ in the Student
Book. The images also illustrate repeating patterns of regular mathematical shapes. This
provides an informal opportunity to assess students’ understanding of the concepts and
leads into the practical activity on shapes.

Main activity 1: Regular shapes and repeating patterns, Worksheets 3.1A

and 3.1B
Use Worksheet 3.1A to reinforce the concepts of regular shapes and their key features
(3.1.2 Think-IT), and use Worksheet 3.1B to reinforce the concepts of repeating patterns
(3.1.3 Think-IT). Collect ideas from the group to discuss in the plenary.

Main activity 2: Algorithms, PowerPoint 3.1B

Use PowerPoint 3.1B. The first slide shows a painting by van Doesburg. Use it to discuss the
shapes students can see in the painting (3.1.4 Think-IT). Explain decomposition using the
Student Book, identifying how the painting is made up of individual shapes.
Explain what an algorithm is and how an algorithm can be used to draw a simple shape
such as a square using the Student Book. Ask students to complete 3.1.5 Plan-IT. Follow
this with a class discussion about the activity, about the need for identifying the problem
appropriately before beginning, for accurate instructions, for decomposition and for
Students can now draw one square but does that mean they can recreate the van Doesburg
painting? What else do they need to be able to do? Encourage them to think about location.
This should lead into a discussion about coordinates. If there are lots of shapes on the page,
how do you tell the alien or the computer where to start drawing each shape? Read through
‘Refining an algorithm’ in the Student Book and ask students to complete 3.1.6 Plan-IT,
which is supported by Question 1 on Worksheet 3.1C. Ask for one or two volunteers to read
out their instructions while another student tries to draw the squares on the board. Return to
PowerPoint 3.1B (slide 2) and, as a class, discuss the lessons learned from the experiment.
Hopefully students will mention how repetitive the instructions are but, if they don’t, lead
them towards this conclusion.
As a class read ‘Using iteration in algorithms’ in the Student Book and ask students
to complete 3.1.7 Plan-IT as a Think–Pair–Share activity. This is Question 2 on
Worksheet 3.1C.
Ask students to complete 3.1.8 Plan-IT, which is supported by Worksheet 3.1D. They
should now be able to devise algorithms for triangles, rectangles, pentagons and hexagons.

Plenary: Gather, reinforce and summarise ideas

End the lesson by discussing the concepts introduced during the lesson (the close connection
between mathematics, art and design and computer science; the concept of decomposition
of a problem into smaller parts; the concept of abstracting ideas to form generalised
descriptions of situations; using algorithms to describe processes; and the use of iteration
to repeat a process) and run Animation 3.1A, showing how algorithms can be drawn for
different shapes to reinforce the learning from the lesson.

Differentiation and extension

Most students should be able to spot the shapes and outline them on Worksheet 3.1A. Most
will be able to identify some or most of the key features and the worksheet will support this
process. Some will skip one or more steps in the process of drawing the shape, identifying

10 Compute-IT 1 Unit 3 © Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2014

Lesson 1

the key features and devising the algorithm). These students should be encouraged to
explore other ways of producing the same end product and/or generalised solutions – such as
an algorithm for a polygon – as an extension activity.

Ask students to complete 3.1.9 Plan-IT for homework in preparation for the next lesson.
Remind students that they need to consider the key features of the shapes they include and
how iteration will be used in the algorithm to recreate them. This is also an opportunity
to mention the challenge for the unit – to write a computer program that creates Celtic or
Islamic art by drawing and positioning shapes – and to explain that this is the first step in
the process. Issue Worksheet 3.2A and ask them to complete their drawing on the grid

Suggested next lesson

Unit 3 Lesson 2

Links to qualifications
OCR Entry Level Computing:
2.2 Candidates should have knowledge and understanding of:
a method of planning the flow of a program (e.g. flowcharts, pseudo code or algorithms)
how instructions are executed in the sequence they are written
what is meant by a loop.

AQA GCSE Computer Science:

3.1.3 Students should:
understand how problems can be broken down into smaller problems and how these steps
can be represented by the use of devices such as flowcharts and structure diagrams
understand and be able to describe the basic building blocks of coded solutions (ie.
sequencing, selection and iteration)
know when to use the different flow control blocks (ie sequencing, selection and iteration)
to solve a problem.

OCR GCSE Computing:

2.1.7 Candidates should be able to:
(a) understand algorithms (written in pseudocode or flow diagram), explain what they do,
and correct or complete them
(b) produce algorithms in pseudocode or flow diagrams to solve problems
(g) understand and use sequence in an algorithm
(i) understand and use iteration in an algorithm (FOR, WHILE and REPEAT loops).
2.3.1 Candidates should be able to:
(b) understand and use the three basic programming constructs used to control the flow of a
program: Sequence; Conditionals; Iteration
(c) understand and use suitable loops including count and condition controlled loops.

3.1.2 Think-IT/Worksheet 3.1A
(a) Triangle with internal angles of 60 degrees.
(b) Hexagon with internal angles of 120 degrees.
(c) Pentagon with internal angles of 108 degrees.
(b) Square with internal angles of 90 degrees.

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Unit 3 Drawing and manipulating shapes

3.1.3 Think-IT/Worksheet 3.1B

(a) The first pattern is the eleven times table; in the second pattern the number doubles each
(b) … 55 66 77
… 32 64 128
(c) They contain ‘tessellated’ (tiling using geometric shapes leaving no gaps or overlaps)
patterns of hexagons, pentagons and squares forming surfaces.

3.1.5 Plan-IT
For example (wording and side length not important):

Forward 4 Forward 4
Right 90 Right 90
Forward 4 Forward 4
Right 90 Right 90

3.1.6 Plan-IT and 3.1.7 Plan-IT/Worksheet 3.1C

Students should be able to create three separate shapes in three different colours with pen
up and pen down instructions. For example, a black square would be:

Select Black Pen Forward 4

Pen Up Right 90
Move To 6,10 Forward 4
Pen Down Right 90
Forward 4 Forward 4
Right 90 Right 90

A version using iteration could look like this:

Select Black Pen Repeat 4

Pen Up Pen Down
Move To 6,10 Forward 4
Right 90
Pen Up

3.1.8 Plan-IT/ Worksheet 3.1D

a) External angles for a triangle are 120 degrees.
External angles for a pentagon are 72 degrees.
External angles for a hexagon are 60 degrees.
External angles for a rectangle are 90 degrees.
b) A circle.
Triangle: Rectangle: Pentagon: Hexagon:
Repeat 3 Repeat 2 Repeat 5 Repeat 6
Forward 5 Forward 5 Forward 5 Forward 5
Right 120 Right 90 Right 72 Right 60
Forward 7
Right 90

12 Compute-IT 1 Unit 3 © Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2014

Assessment grid Unit 3 Lesson 1

National Curriculum Activity or

Programme of Study Lesson objectives resource Reporting
statement Progression Pathway attainment statement Learning outcome(s) (Must, Should Could) reference statement
KS1, Bullet point 1: Algorithms: Appreciate that sequences can MUST understand 3.1.3 Think-IT/ Understands how
Understand what algorithms Understands what an algorithm is and is able to express simple linear be repeated (Lessons 1, 2 and 3) how patterns define Worksheet 3.1B patterns can define
are; how they are implemented (non-branching) algorithms symbolically. Understands that computers need relationships between relationships
Answers on p.11
as programs on digital devices; precise instructions. Demonstrates care and precision to avoid errors. objects and the concept of between objects
and that programs execute Algorithms: repeating patterns
by following precise and Understands that algorithms are implemented on digital devices as
unambiguous instructions programs. Designs simple algorithms using loops, and selection i.e. if
statements. Uses logical reasoning to predict outcomes. Detects and
corrects errors i.e. debugging, in algorithms.

© Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2014

KS1, Bullet point 1 Algorithms Design algorithms using MUST know and 3.1.6 Plan-IT and Can write a basic
(see above) (see above) pre-defined blocks that are understand how to write 3.1.7 Plan-IT/ algorithm to define
represented graphically or as algorithms to create basic Worksheet 3.1C a geometrical
images (Lessons 1 and 2) geometrical shapes shape
Answers on p.11
KS3, Bullet point 1: Algorithms: Design algorithms using MUST be able to 3.1.6 Plan-IT and Can decompose
Design, use and evaluate Shows an awareness of tasks best completed by humans or computers. pre-defined blocks that are understand and explain 3.1.7 Plan-IT/ a problem and
computational abstractions Designs solutions by decomposing a problem and creates a sub-solution represented graphically or as the key concepts of Worksheet 3.1C abstract ideas
that model the state and for each of these parts (decomposition). Recognises that different solutions images (Lessons 1 and 2) decomposition and
Answers on p.11
behaviour of real-world exist for the same problem. abstraction
problems and physical systems
KS3, Bullet point 1 Algorithms Understand that computers SHOULD be able to define 3.1.8 Plan-IT/ Can define the key
(see above) (see above) need more specific instructions shapes by their key features Worksheet 3.1D features used to
than humans (Lessons 1 and 3) define a shape
Answers on p.11
KS1, Bullet point 1 Algorithms Appreciate that sequences can SHOULD be able to use 3.1.7 Plan-IT/ Is able to use
(see above) (see above) be repeated (Lessons 1, 2 and 3) iteration to write simple Worksheet 3.1C iteration to write
algorithms, understanding simple algorithms
Answers on p.11
why this is important in the most
efficient manner
KS1, Bullet point 1 Algorithms Appreciate that sequences can COULD write algorithms 3.1.7 Plan-IT and Can use a range
(see above) (see above) be repeated (Lessons 1, 2 and 3) for a range of geometrical 3.1.8 Plan-IT/ of techniques
shapes Worksheet 3.1C in algorithms to
Use web browsers and
and 3.1D design efficient
understand that each web page
has a unique address Answers on p.11
Lesson 1

Compute-IT 1 Unit 3
KS1, Bullet point 1 Algorithms Use web browsers and COULD recognise and Worksheet 3.1C Can recognise and
(see above) (see above) understand that each web page correct errors in algorithms and 3.1D correct errors in
has a unique address algorithms
Answers on p.11

Unit 3 Drawing and manipulating shapes

Lesson 2
What do I need to know?
You will be getting students to write programs to draw shapes they have defined using
algorithms. It is important not to confuse algorithms and code. An algorithm is a set of
rules that defines a solution. It is possible to write an algorithm without using iteration
and implement it in code. However, for the purposes of this unit, writing the algorithm
using iteration should follow through into the code. Depending upon the programming
language you have chosen, instructions for selecting a pen, putting the pen up or down,
moving and turning will be required. We have supplied resources based on Version 2.0 of
Scratch but they are applicable to, or easily converted to support, a range of other graphical
programming languages.

Lesson objectives
Know and understand how to draw basic geometrical shapes using a graphical
programming language.
Understand how written algorithms can be translated into a graphical programming

Be able to identify and action how to write algorithms using graphical programming
Create their own van Doesburg-style artwork using a graphical programming language.

Undertake more advanced graphical programming to automatically position shapes and
add additional elements to their work.

Links to Computing National Curriculum Programme

of Study:
Design, use and evaluate computational abstractions that model the state and behaviour of
real-world problems and physical systems.
Use two or more programming languages, one of which is textual, each used to solve a
variety of computational problems.

Cross-curricular links:
Maths: Geometrical shapes, angles and coordinates
PSHE/Every Child Matters: The world around us
Art: Shape, pattern and colour

Resources required
Pages 10–11 in Compute-IT Student Book 1 Year 7 Scratch tutorial screencast
PowerPoint 3.2A A red square Compute-IT 3.2A.sb2
Worksheet 3.2A Creating an artwork Compute-IT 3.2B.sb2
Worksheet 3.3A Drawing your artwork Compute-IT 3.2C.sb2
Year 7 Scratch tutorial

14 Compute-IT 1 Unit 3 © Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2014

Lesson 2

Graphical programming

Teaching notes
Starter: Algorithms, PowerPoint 3.2A and Worksheet 3.2A
Use slide 1 of PowerPoint 3.2A to remind students about the van Doesburg artwork
they met during the last lesson. They should have identified some of the shapes and used
these to design their own van Doesburg-style artwork for homework. Using slide 2 of the
presentation, remind students of the algorithm for drawing a square in a specified position
in a specified colour. Get students to work in pairs to write down their algorithms for
the shapes they intend to use in their artwork. This is 3.2.1 Plan-IT and is supported by
Worksheet 3.2A, which students should have begun working on for homework.

Main activity: From algorithms to graphical programming language,

Worksheet 3.2A
It is important for students to understand that the computer will not understand their
algorithms and that they need to replace the commands they have written with commands
from a programming language the computer understands. The Student Book explains how
the algorithms must be written in a way a computer understands and includes some images
from graphical programming languages. Ask students to complete 3.2.2 Compute-IT, using
completed Worksheet 3.2A to help. Use the Year 7 Scratch tutorial and/or the Year 7 Scratch
tutorial screencast to help students complete the activity.
As an extension activity encourage students to use the help feature of the programming
language to explore the opportunities to write a program that will position the shapes
automatically to create a short animation once they have grasped the basic concepts.

Plenary: Looking ahead

Ask a selection of students to describe what they have learned during the lesson and display
their work on the board. Then ask students to read the section on ‘Celtic and Islamic art’ in
the Student Book and complete 3.3.1 Think-IT as preparation for the next lesson.

Differentiation and extension

All students will be able to produce simple shapes in a graphical programming language
and be able to identify the relationship between the algorithms and graphical programming
languages. Most will be able to produce working code in a graphical programming language
to draw a range of simple regular shapes and lines. Some will identify more efficient ways of
coding (or writing) their instructions. These students should be encouraged to explore more
efficient approaches and consider how they might automate processes.

Students should prepare for the next lesson by completing part (a) of Worksheet 3.3A.

Suggested next lesson

Unit 3 Lesson 3

Links to qualifications
OCR Entry Level Computing:
2.2 Candidates should have knowledge and understanding of:
a method of planning the flow of a program (e.g. flowcharts, pseudo code or algorithms)
how instructions are executed in the sequence they are written
what is meant by a loop.

© Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2014 Compute-IT 1 Unit 3 15

Unit 3 Drawing and manipulating shapes

AQA GCSE Computer Science:

3.1.3 Students should:
understand how problems can be broken down into smaller problems and how these steps
can be represented by the use of devices such as flowcharts and structure diagrams
understand and be able to describe the basic building blocks of coded solutions (ie.
sequencing, selection and iteration)
know when to use the different flow control blocks (i.e. sequencing, selection and
iteration) to solve a problem.

OCR GCSE Computing:

2.1.7 Candidates should be able to:
(a) understand algorithms (written in pseudocode or flow diagram), explain what they do,
and correct or complete them
(b) produce algorithms in pseudocode or flow diagrams to solve problems
(g) understand and use sequence in an algorithm
(i) understand and use iteration in an algorithm (FOR, WHILE and REPEAT loops).
2.3.1 Candidates should be able to:
(b) understand and use the three basic programming constructs used to control the flow of a
program: Sequence; Conditionals; Iteration
(c) understand and use suitable loops including count and condition controlled loops.

3.2.2 Compute-IT/ Worksheet 3.2A
Output will be in the form of a graphical programming language program and screen output
of van Doesburg-style artwork using lines and repeat blocks to produce a van Doesburg-style
drawing without colour blocks (see ‘Compute-IT 3.2A.sb2 ).

16 Compute-IT 1 Unit 3 © Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2014

Lesson 2

Students will, however, have noticed that van Doesburg used blocks of colour. There is no
easy ‘fill’ option in Scratch but coloured blocks could be created by drawing them on the
background and then adding the lines over the colours (see ‘Compute-IT 3.2B.sb2’).

There are other ways to add blocks of colour and students may think of using new sprites as
stamps (see Compute-IT 3.2C.sb2).

© Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2014 Compute-IT 1 Unit 3 17

Assessment grid Unit 3 Lesson 2
National Curriculum Programme of Lesson objectives Activity or
Study statement Progression Pathway attainment statement Learning outcome(s) (Must, Should Could) resource reference Reporting statement
KS1, Bullet point 2: Create and Programming and development: Create a simple program MUST Know and 3.2.1 Plan-IT Knows how to draw
debug simple programs. Knows that users can develop their own programs, and can (Lessons 2 and 3) understand how to basic geometrical
demonstrate this by creating a simple program in an environment draw basic geometrical shapes using graphical
Be familiar with a program
that does not rely on text e.g. programmable robots etc. Executes, shapes using a graphical programming
development environment in
checks and changes programs. Understands that programs execute programming language software
which programs can be written
by following precise instructions.
without using text (Lesson 2)

Compute-IT 1 Unit 3
KS1, Bullet point 1: Understand Algorithms: Be aware algorithms are MUST Understand how 3.2.2 Compute-IT Can translate a
what algorithms are; how they are Understands what an algorithm is and is able to express simple implemented as programs written algorithms can be written algorithm into
Answers on
implemented as programs on digital linear (non-branching) algorithms symbolically. Understands that on digital devices (Lessons 2 translated into a graphical a suitable graphical
devices; and that programs execute computers need precise instructions. Demonstrates care and and 3) programming language programming language
by following precise and unambiguous precision to avoid errors.
instructions Programming and development:
Creates programs that implement algorithms to achieve given goals.
Unit 3 Drawing and manipulating shapes

KS2, Bullet point 1: Design, write and

debug programs that accomplish specific Declares and assigns variables. Uses post-tested loop e.g. ‘until’, and
goals, including controlling or simulating a sequence of selection statements in programs, including an if, then
physical systems; solve problems by and else statement.
decomposing them into smaller parts.
KS2, Bullet point 2: Use sequence, Programming and development: Use simple (do/don’t) selection SHOULD Be able to 3.2.1 Plan-IT Can write algorithms
selection, and repetition in programs; Uses arithmetic operators, if statements, and loops, within in programs (Lessons 2 and 3) identify and action how to draw shapes
3.2.2 Compute-IT
work with variables and various forms of programs. Uses logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of to write algorithms using in a graphical
input and output programs. Detects and corrects simple semantic errors i.e. graphical programming Answers on programming
debugging, in programs. software pp.16–17 language.
KS1, Bullet point 2 Programming and development Create a simple program SHOULD Create their 3.2.2 Compute-IT Is able to use graphical
(see above) (see above) (Lessons 2 and 3) own van Doesburg-style programming
Answers on
artwork using a graphical software to create
Write a program to achieve a pp.16–17
programming language simple artwork
specific goal (Lessons 2 and 3)
KS2, Bullet point 2 Programming and development Use simple (do/don’t) selection SHOULD Be able to 3.2.1 Plan-IT Can write algorithms
(see above) (see above) in programs (Lessons 2 and 3) identify and action how to draw shapes and
3.2.2 Compute-IT
to write algorithms using patterns in a text-
text-based software Answers on based programming
pp.16–17 language
KS2, Bullet point 2 Algorithms: Appreciate that sequences COULD Undertake 3.2.2 Compute-IT Can use complex
(see above) Understands that algorithms are implemented on digital devices as can be repeated (Lessons 1, 2 more advanced graphical features of graphical
Answers on
programs. Designs simple algorithms using loops, and selection i.e. if and 3) programming to programming
KS2, Bullet point 1 pp.16–17

© Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2014

statements. Uses logical reasoning to predict outcomes. Detects and automatically position software to create
(see above) Write a program to achieve a
corrects errors i.e. debugging, in algorithms. shapes and add additional efficient solutions
specific goal (Lessons 2 and 3)
Programming and development elements to their work
(see above)
Lesson 3

Lesson 3
What do I need to know?
This is largely a practical session as students will be coding their artwork. You will need
to be comfortable with the language you have chosen and have the support materials
available for all students. We have provided support material for Berkeley Logo Version 6.0
but versions vary and you may need to revise these if you are using a different version.
Be prepared to look at the code and fix problems, but paired programming – where
students work together to help each other with their code – should minimise the need for

Learning objectives
Know and understand how to draw basic geometrical shapes using a text-based
programming language.
Know how to create patterns using shapes and a suitable text-based programming
Understand how written algorithms can be translated into a text-based programming

Be able to identify and action how to write algorithms using text-based programming
Create their own Celtic or Islamic-style artwork using a text-based programming
Understand how iteration can be used to create patterns using shapes.

Undertake more advanced programming to automatically define and position shapes and
add additional elements to their work.
Use iteration to produce suitable patterns.

Links to Computing National Curriculum Programme

of Study:
Design, use and evaluate computational abstractions that model the state and behaviour of
real-world problems and physical systems.
Use two or more programming languages, one of which is textual, each used to solve a
variety of computational problems.

Cross-curricular links:
Maths: Geometrical shapes, angles and coordinates
PSHE/Every Child Matters: The world around us
Art: Shape, pattern and colour

Resources required Keywords

Pages 12–15 in Compute-IT Student Book 1 Text-based programming language
Worksheet 3.3A Drawing your artwork
Worksheet 3.3B Text-based programming
Year 7 Logo tutorial
Year 7 Logo tutorial screencast

© Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2014 Compute-IT 1 Unit 3 19

Unit 3 Drawing and manipulating shapes

Teaching notes
Starter: Coding the artwork
Remind students about the challenge, what the unit is all about: to write a computer
program that creates Celtic or Islamic art by drawing and positioning shapes. Emphasise the
importance of iteration to repeat processes. Students should have prepared their artwork
using part (a) of Worksheet 3.3A for homework, so it’s all about getting them started on
coding as quickly as possible.
You might like to explain that one of the key differences between Celtic and Islamic art is
their subject matter. Unlike Celtic art, which includes lots of images of animals, Islamic art
doesn’t involve any representations of humans or animals because they may lead to idolatry.

Main activity: Using text-based programming to create a work of art

This is a practical activity, with students using paired programming to write algorithms for,
and code and debug programs, in a text-based programming language to create a piece of
Celtic or Islamic artwork.
First, use 3.3.2 Think-IT to introduce the key concepts in text-based programming and
highlight the similarities and differences between graphical-based programming and text-
based programming. Get the students to think about how text-based programming languages
can be used to create shapes using 3.3.3 Plan-IT and then enter the code for these shapes
using 3.3.4 Compute-IT. Worksheet 3.3B can be used to support these activities. Use the
Year 7 Logo tutorial and/or the Year 7 Logo tutorial screencast to help students complete
these activities.
Now it is time to complete the Challenge, for students to use all they have learned so
far to create shapes and patterns found in Celtic or Islamic art using 3.3.5 Plan-IT and
3.3.6 Compute-IT. Parts (b) and (c) of Worksheet 3.3A can be used to support these
activities. Most students will be able to produce relatively simple patterns but, as an
extension activity, encourage them to look at more advanced features to produce more
complex shapes and patterns.

Plenary: Text-based programs

Collect examples of the work produced and the code that produced them in electronic form
and use these to demonstrate at the front of the class what was achieved.

Differentiation and extension

All students will be able to create simple shapes and most will be able to use repetition to
create more complex objects. Some will use efficient techniques to automatically create
quite complex repeating patterns. Some will be able to demonstrate advanced features such
as ‘passing parameters’, i.e. sending values to the program automatically, to draw shapes.
Some will have created animated sequences that automatically draw their patterns.

Students should be encouraged review their code and find an alternative algorithm that
achieves the same result.

Suggested next lesson

Unit 4 Lesson 1

20 Compute-IT 1 Unit 3 © Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2014

Lesson 3

Links to qualifications
OCR Entry Level Computing:
2.2 Candidates should have knowledge and understanding of:
a method of planning the flow of a program (e.g. flowcharts, pseudo code or algorithms)
how instructions are executed in the sequence they are written
what is meant by a loop.

AQA GCSE Computer Science:

3.1.3 Students should:
understand how problems can be broken down into smaller problems and how these steps
can be represented by the use of devices such as flowcharts and structure diagrams
understand and be able to describe the basic building blocks of coded solutions (ie.
sequencing, selection and iteration)
know when to use the different flow control blocks (ie. sequencing, selection and iteration)
to solve a problem.

OCR GCSE Computing:

2.1.7 Candidates should be able to:
(a) understand algorithms (written in pseudocode or flow diagram), explain what they do,
and correct or complete them
(b) produce algorithms in pseudocode or flow diagrams to solve problems
(g) understand and use sequence in an algorithm
(i) understand and use iteration in an algorithm (FOR, WHILE and REPEAT loops).
2.3.1 Candidates should be able to:
(b) understand and use the three basic programming constructs used to control the flow of a
program: Sequence; Conditionals; Iteration
(c) understand and use suitable loops including count and condition controlled loops.

3.3.3 Plan-IT / 3.3.4 Compute-IT / Worksheet 3.3B

Red square: Yellow triangle: Green pentagon:

Set PenColor <code Set PenColor <code Set PenColor <code
for red> for yellow> for green>
PenDown PenDown PenDown
Repeat 4 [forward 100, Repeat 3 [forward 100, Repeat 5 [forward 100,
right 90] right 120] right 72]

3.3.5 Plan-IT / 3.3.6 Compute-IT / Worksheet 3.3A

Some standard shapes include:
A circle:

to circle
repeat 180 [forward 5 right 2]

© Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2014 Compute-IT 1 Unit 3 21

Unit 3 Drawing and manipulating shapes

A hexagon:

to hex
repeat 6 [forward 50 right 60]

A pattern is made by repeating the defined shape.

Repeating a circle:

repeat 20 [circle forward 5 right 18]

Repeating a hexagon:

Some students will be able to set the locations for patterns, may draw more than one on
the screen and may experiment with coloured pens. For example, there are three similar
patterns using a defined hexagon, circle and square:

Some may create patterns with their patterns, setting the coordinates or using a repeat loop
with a move and turn. For example:

22 Compute-IT 1 Unit 3 © Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2014

Assessment grid Unit 3 Lesson 3
National Curriculum Programme Lesson objectives Activity or resource Reporting
of Study statement Progression Pathway attainment statement Learning outcome(s) (Must, Should Could) reference statement
KS1, Bullet point 2: Create and Programming and development: Create a simple program MUST Know and 3.3.3 Plan-IT Knows how
debug simple programs Knows that users can develop their own programs, and (Lessons 2 and 3) understand how to draw to draw basic
Answers on p.21
can demonstrate this by creating a simple program in an basic geometrical shapes geometrical shapes
Be familiar with a program
environment that does not rely on text e.g. programmable using a text-based language using text-based
development environment in
robots etc. Executes, checks and changes programs. programming
which programs can be written
Understands that programs execute by following precise software
without using text (Lesson 2)
KS1, Bullet point 1: Understand Algorithms: Be aware algorithms are MUST be able to create 3.3.4 Compute-IT Can create
what algorithms are; how they Understands what an algorithm is and is able to express simple implemented as programs patterns using shapes patterns using
Answers on p.21

© Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2014

are implemented as programs on linear (non-branching) algorithms symbolically. Understands that on digital devices (Lessons 2 in a suitable text based shapes in a
digital devices; and that programs computers need precise instructions. Demonstrates care and and 3) language text-based
execute by following precise and precision to avoid errors. programming
unambiguous instructions. language
KS1, Bullet point 1 Algorithms Be aware algorithms are MUST understand how 3.3.6 Compute-IT Can translate
(see above) (see above) implemented as programs written algorithms can be algorithms into
Answers on pp.21–22
Programming and development: on digital devices (Lessons 2 translated into a text-based programs in a text-
KS2, Bullet point 1: Design, write
Creates programs that implement algorithms to achieve given and 3) programming language based language
and debug programs that accomplish
specific goals, including controlling goals. Declares and assigns variables. Uses post-tested loop Write a program to achieve a
or simulating physical systems; solve e.g. ‘until’, and a sequence of selection statements in programs, specific goal (Lessons 2 and 3)
problems by decomposing them into including an if, then and else statement.
smaller parts.
KS1, Bullet point 1 Programming and development Use web browsers and MUST appreciate that care 3.3.4 Compute-IT Understands that
(see above) (see above) understand that each web and precision are necessary care and precision
3.3.6 Compute-IT
page has a unique address to avoid errors are necessary to
Answers on pp.21–22 avoid errors
KS2, Bullet point 2: Use Programming and development: Use simple (do/don’t) selection SHOULD Be able to 3.3.3 Plan-IT Can write
sequence, selection, and repetition Uses arithmetic operators, if statements, and loops, within in programs (Lessons 2 and 3) identify and action algorithms to
3.3.6 Compute-IT
in programs; work with variables and programs. Uses logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of how to write iterative draw shapes in
various forms of input and output. programs. Detects and corrects simple semantic errors i.e. algorithms using text-based Answers on pp.21–22 a text-based
debugging, in programs. programming software programming
Algorithms: language
Understands that iteration is the repetition of a process such as
a loop. Recognises that different algorithms exist for the same
Lesson 3

Compute-IT 1 Unit 3
problem. Represents solutions using a structured notation. Can
identify similarities and differences in situations and can use
these to solve problems (pattern recognition).

National Curriculum Programme Lesson objectives Activity or resource Reporting
of Study statement Progression Pathway attainment statement Learning outcome(s) (Must, Should Could) reference statement
KS1, Bullet point 1 Programming and development Create a simple program SHOULD understand 3.3.4 Compute-IT Can use iteration
(see above) (see above) (Lessons 2 and 3) how iteration can be used to create patterns
3.3.6 Compute-IT
Algorithms to create patterns using and shapes
Write a program to achieve a
(see above) shapes Answers on pp.21–22
specific goal (Lessons 2 and 3)

Compute-IT 1 Unit 3
KS2, Bullet point 1 Programming and development Detect and correct errors SHOULD be able to test 3.3.4 Compute-IT Can test and refine
(see above) (see above) in simple algorithms and and refine a solution a program
3.3.6 Compute-IT
programs (Lessons 1, 2 and 3)
Answers on pp.21–22
KS2, Bullet point 2 Algorithms: Appreciate that sequences COULD Undertake 3.3.4 Compute-IT Can use additional
(see above) Understands that algorithms are implemented on digital can be repeated (Lessons 1, 2 more advanced text- advanced features
3.3.6 Compute-IT
devices as programs. Designs simple algorithms using loops, and and 3) based programming and of text-based
Unit 3 Drawing and manipulating shapes

KS2, Bullet point 1 selection i.e. if statements. Uses logical reasoning to predict use additional features Answers on pp.21–22 programming
Write a program to achieve a
(see above) outcomes. Detects and corrects errors i.e. debugging, in to automatically define software to
specific goal (Lessons 2 and 3)
algorithms. and position shapes and automatically
Programming and development patterns define and position
(see above) shapes and

KS2, Bullet point 1 Programming and development Write a program to achieve a COULD use iteration 3.3.4 Compute-IT Can use iteration
(see above) (see above) specific goal (Lessons 2 and 3) efficiently to create to correctly create
3.3.6 Compute-IT
KS2, Bullet point 2 Algorithms complex patterns complex patterns
Appreciate that sequences
(see above) (see above) Answers on pp.21–22
can be repeated (Lessons 1, 2
and 3)

© Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2014


Deliver innovative Key Stage 3 Computer Science and ICT lessons for the new curriculum with confidence – using
resources and meaningful assessment produced by expert educators.

The Compute-IT series has been edited by two experienced subject leaders with years of experience in developing
curriculum programmes of study and awarding body specifications, and resources for use by teachers and students.
Developed by an expert author team including members of the Computing at Schools Group and the Network of Excellence
Master Teachers programme, this complete offering for Computer Science and ICT at Key Stage 3 consists of three student’s
books, three teacher packs and a bank of digital resources and assessments delivered via the Dynamic Learning website.
Together, these form a cohesive and supportive learning package structured around the key strands of Computing.
Computational thinking, creativity and flexibility lie at the heart of the series’ approach, making Computer Science and ICT
for Key Stage 3 easy to teach, and fun and engaging to learn.
The Compute-IT Teacher Packs are designed to support specialists and non-specialists alike, and provide:
● Introductions on the teaching of the National Curriculum Programme of Study for Computing using the Compute-IT
● A flexible scheme of work that provides the basis for delivery of Computing at Key Stage 3
● Comprehensive lesson plans that incorporate:
– an outline of the contextual knowledge required by the teacher prior to delivery of each lesson
– teaching notes on how to deliver each lesson including ideas on how to use the accompanying student books and
digital resources
– lists of key learning objectives and learning outcomes
– effective strategies for differentiation
– references to the National Curriculum programme of study covered by lessons and units across the course
– unparalleled guidance on how to assess students’ understanding and practical work as the basis for progression /
evidence of student attainment
Each unit in the Compute-IT course provides a sound basis for the development of computational thinking skills and features
activities that are designed for use in class or as homework. The topics covered are developed further through practical
activities and digital files provided via the accompanying Student Books and Dynamic Learning website.
The Compute-IT
ompute- T course also provides a perfect foundation for students choosing to study GCSE Computer Science.

Dynamic Learning
Find out all about Compute-IT at
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