Financial Analysis of BOK (FIM)
Financial Analysis of BOK (FIM)
Financial Analysis of BOK (FIM)
400000000 Interest
300000000 Interest
Net interest income
2062/63 2063/64 2064/645 2065/66 2066/67
Fiscal Years
The above table reveals net interest income which is collected from the lending to
its customers. The income received from its client without making any expenditure to
collect the debt is called gross income from interest. The total expenditure made by bank
to collect the debt is termed as interest expenditure. Deducting interest expenditure from
interest income net income from interest is obtained. (Net Interest income = Interest
income – Interest expenditure)
In the fiscal year 2062/63 KIST generate a interest income of 44.30%. It reveals
that the bank spend more funds in collecting debtors thus its income ratio is creeping.
Again in the fiscal year 2063/64 and 2064/65 KIST has become successful in reducing the
interest expenditure and increased the net income which leads to increase the interest ratio
to 49.52% & 60.20% respectively. But in the fiscal year 2066/67 the interest ratio has
declined to 57.09% this may be because of political situation of the nation.
From above diagram it is found that the income from interest is increasing rapidly
every year. But the interest expenditure of the bank is little fluctuating this is although
they are providing quality service to customer and appropriate investment in different
sectors. The main reason to increase the interest earned by bank is also due to rise in the
number of customer whom KIST provide loan as per their investments.
A) Current ratio
Current ration (CR) is the quantitative relationship between current assets (CA)
and current liabilities (CL), current assets are those , which can m\normally be converted
into cash within a year. On the other hand, current liabilities refer to those obligation,
which must be paid within an accounting cycle. The CR shows banks ability to pay
liability, it is accurate and quick measure of the firms ability to meet current obligations.
It is calculated by dividing CA by CL.
Current Assets
Current ratio (CR) =
Current Liabilities
Current ratio
2062/63 2063/64 2064/65 2065/66 2066/67
Fiscal Years
The current ratio thus calculated measures the ability of the bank to meet
obligations due within one year. This assumes a regular cash flow and that both account
receivable and inventory can be readily converted into cash As a conventional rule the
ration2:1 is employed as a standard of comparison , CR is less then 2:1 are typically
considered very low and indicate financial difficulties for KIST the CR for the fiscal year
2062/63 to 2066/67 are 1.073 times, 1.064 times. 1.068 times and 1.052 times
respectively which seems to be poor however, CR is the quantitative test of a firm’s
liquidity. It does not consider the quality of current assets, therefore the ratio equals to or
greater than 2:1 may not be doing good due to slow paying debtors or less convertible
inventory. But a poor ratio less then 2:1 may be performing well if it has highly liquid
stock of quality account receivable.
B) Quick ratio
Quick ratio also termed as acid test ratio or liquid ratio is another measure of
short-term solvency of a firm. It defines the firm’s ability to pay its short-term obligation
without relaying on the sale of inventories. it establishes quantitative relationship between
quick assets and current liabilities. It is calculated as follows.
Current Assets - Inventories - Prepaid expenses
Quick ratio (QR) =
Current Liabilities
Total assets of the KIST shows the increasing trend and profit of the bank is also.
In the increasing trend except the fiscal year 2063/64, the return on the assets (ROA) are
1.46%, 1.10%, 1.34% and 1.65% respectively for the year 2062/63, 2063/64, 2064/65,
2064/65 and 2065/66 respectively. The ROA shows the fluctuation which indicates that
there in necessary of proper management to utilize available assets effectively and
B) Return on equity
Return on equity (ROE) is percentage of net profit (Income) on total equity of
the firm. It also shows how effectively the bank is utilizing is net income worth for profit
generation. The efficiency can be analyzed from the table below. This ratio can be used of
return on equity is better for owner’s. it is calculated as follows.
Net Profit
Return on equity (ROE) = Shareholders Equities
Fiscal Years
According to table and diagram, the return on equity is quite fluctuating and it is
decreasing trend in the fiscal year 2066/67. This result of ROE prove the way to
deteriorate the enthusiasm of present and potential investors of equity. Also it directly
affect the market value of shares and goodwill of bank.
C) Earning per share
Earning per share (EPS) is one of the strong tools of measuring the profitability of
the common shareholder’s investment. It is constantly being used to measure whether the
firm’s earning power per share has been changed over the given period or not EPS is the
result of net profit after tax loss preference dividend divided by the total number of
common share outstanding, Actually it reveals, the amount of earning attributable to each
common share outstanding.
Net Profit - Prefered Dividend
Earning per share (EPS) = No. of common Stock Outstanding
Since KIST has no preference share capital and no banks share issued. Therefore,
KIST has not required to give preference dividend but must adjust EPS by applying
adjustment factor.
Shareholders Equiyies 4635980900
No. of outstanding shares =
Par Value Per Share 100
Table 6: Earning per share of KIST
Fiscal Year Net profit No. of outstanding shares EPS
2062/63 9274782 4635809 Rs. 2.00
2063/64 82127662 4635809 Rs. 17.72
2064/65 127473189 4635809 Rs. 30.10
2065/66 139529721 4635809 Rs. 30.10
2066/67 202440627 4635809 Rs. 43.67
The EPS of KIST has been increasing continuously as a result of the effective and
efficient management of the firm. This has resulted the growth in the market has resulted
the growth in the market price per share in the fiscal year 2062/63 Rs.254.00 to Rs.850.00
in the fiscal year 2066/67 The management is able to maximize the value share which is
goods sign for the common shareholders, bank and the potential inventors.
Fig 4: Trend line for EPS of KIST
EPS in Rupees
25 EPS
2062/63 2063/64 2064/65 2065/66 2066/67
Fiscal Year
In the above diagram, the X-axis and Y-axis represent the fiscal year and the
earning per share. The curve represent the increasing trend of EPS in 2062/63 to 2064/65
fiscal year. EPS of KIST for the year 2061/62 i.e. Rs.2.00 and EPS for the year 2063/64,
2064/65, 2065/66, 2066/67 respectively as Rs. 17.72, Rs.27.30, Rs.30.10, Rs.30.10, Rs.
43.67. This clears that the banks EPS for several years. In 2062/63 KIST EPS was
minimum but in 2066/67 it’s EPS has increase to Rs. 43.67 As a result of the effective
management of the bank. The market price has increased this has resulted in continuous
growth in the EPS.
Amount in
Rupees Total Debt
4000000000 Total Equity
2062/63 2063/64 2064/65 2065/66 2066/67
Fiscal Years
From the debt holder point of view the firm with high DE ratio is unable to
provide the margin of safety to them. However the shareholder may consider it to be
significant because they enjoy trading equity and also use of high debt is tax deductive
source to them and use of high debt may be dangerous to the bank in the sense that
inability or may lead the bank to bankruptcy.
B) Debt assets ratio
The debt assets ratio (DA) simply known as debt ratio, shows the proportion of
total debt used in financing total assets of the firm. It is calculated by dividing total debt
by total assets. This ratio is calculated in order to assess proportion of total fund short and
long term provided by outsider to finance total assets.
Total Debt
Debt assets ratio =
Total Assets
2062/63 2063/64 2064/65 2065/66 2066/67
Fiscal Years
Year 2062/63 2063/64 2064/65 2065/66 2066/67
Fiscal Years
As the ICR is higher the greater will be the interest payment capacity of the firm.
But the above ICR in values proves that the bank’s deposit and debt serving capacity is
low. The interest coverage ratio of 1.094 for the year 2062/63 refers that the bank would
maintain its interest payment capacity even if interest expenses increases to 1.094 times
of its present level and so on. Due to the low interest coverage ratio it is more risky from
depositor’s and creditor’s point of view to deposit money in bank.
Amount in
Rupees Total deposit
Total lending
2062/63 2063/64 2064/65 2065/66 2066/67
Fiscal Years
In the above diagram, it can be seen that the demand for deposit in the bank is
increasing means the customers are largely attracted by this bank. But the bank has not
landed all the deposited amount in loan, the loan offered by KIST is following the deposit
trend. The more the ban received deposits, the more it will investor.
3.1 Summary
The main objective of the study is to fulfill the assessment required for practical
study of BBS (III) year of T.U. KIST is one of the successful banks operating the territory
of Nepal, Providing fair banking service to it’s customers namely remittance letter of
credit, loan, credit., locker, guarantees etc are major and one of the indirect investment for
the nation by KIST. So, this company is selected for the purpose of study, it started
operation in March 1995 with the objectives to fuel the Nepalese economy and take it to
hover height as well as to facilitate the nation economy to competitive globally.
All the data presented here are of secondary nature. The five fiscal year’s
published data of KIST are used in this study. Different methods are used in this study to
make the report precious. In this study different financial statement are applied whenever
necessary. In the sample of data of last five year the KIST is found to earned maximum
profit. By this analysis the position of KIST as well as its importance for the banking
sector and the nation is clearly understood.
3.2 Conclusion
During the visit to KIST branch office at Manigram for the purpose of collecting
data’s and information it was notice that the staff were highly efficient and hard working.
They were very concerned about the customer’s service. The number of customer are
increasing each year. The KIST’s head office and branch offices as well are providing
credit facility by which lost of customers have been benefiting. The list of the fiscal work
report of the KIST is presented as below:-
a. KIST has been mobilizing it’s fund in most of the sector of economy as per the need
of country.
b. The bank is able to pay it’s short term obligation in time out of it’s earnings.
c. The share holders, creditors of KIST and employee of the bank are found satisfied
from the return they receives from the bank.
d. The KIST’s interest coverage ratio is low.
e. The return on equity is quiet fluctuating over the year.
f. The EPS of the KIST’s is in increasing trend.
3.3 Recommendations
KIST is well experienced and successful to expand it’s business in different part of
nation. The financial statement of the company are presented in accordance with
generally accepted accounting practices as per guidelines issued by Nepal Rastra Bank
still if the bank takes care about the following things it will be more beneficial for the
a. The bank should try to mobilize it’s fixed assets as much as possible so that the return
on assets can be increased.
b. Liquidity position of the bank is through satisfactory, it should be taken in to
c. The bank’s return of equity must be maintained.
d. It should improve the interest paying capacity because it’s interest coverage is low.
e. They should increase the rate on deposit, so that more customer can be attracted.
f. They should at least open their branches in different headquarter of the rural district.
Finally it may be concluded that KIST seems to have know the fact that only a
large quantity of natural resources, skilled manpower, Unless there is well establishment
of financial institution to mobilize capital. The present study only consider the financial
ratios as a variable for comparison. So, it is recommended to include other variables too
in further study of the same topic.
Submitted by:
Archana Rayamajhi
P.U Regd. No: 2007-2-03-0005
Exam Roll No: 831579
An Internship Report
Submitted to:
Pokhara University
Tilottama Campus
Submitted by
Archana Rayamajhi
P.U. Regd. No2007-2-03-0005
Exam Roll No: 831579
Financial Analysis of KIST Bank Limited,
Manigram Branch
------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------
Mr. Rajendra Chhetri Mr. Tulsi Prasad Sapkota Dr. Ramchandra Achaya
(Supervisor) (Co-ordinator) ( Campus Chief)
Archana Rayamajhi
Tilottama Campus
List of Abbreviations
List of Tables
List of Figures
Table of Contents
% Percentage
CA Current Assets
CL Current Liabilities
DA Debt Assets
DE Debt Equity
DL Debt to Lending
EPS Earning Per Share
Fig Figure
ICR Interest Coverage Ratio
i.e. That is
No. Number
NRB Nepal Rastrya Bank
QA Quick Assets
QR Quick Ratio
Regd. Registration
ROA Return on Assets
ROE Return on Equity
Rs. Rupees
TD Total Debt
PU Pokhara University
Dangol, Ratna Man & Prajapati Keshab (2003), Financial Analysis & Planning
Accounting; Kathmandu, Taleju Publication.
Munankarmi, Shiva Prasad (2004), Text Book of Accountancy & Auditing; Kathmandu,
Educational Enterprises (P) Ltd.
Thapa, Sher Jung & Singh Hridaya Bir (2060), Banking, Principles & Legislation
Practice; Kathmandu, Nabin Prakashan.
A) Primary data
Under this method various types of data will be used to evaluate the bank’s
financial performance. Staffs of KIST were enquired directly and related data will be
collected from KIST, Manigram.
B) Secondary data
As it is already mentioned that mass coverage of this project work report will be
based on secondary source of data collection. Without which the financial analysis of
KIST, Manigram Branch was impossible to abstract. Secondary data sources will be as
c. Annual report of KIST foe each sample period.
d. Different books, newspaper and report published in behalf of KIST.
Branch Manager