Using Filters To Highlight Unconnected Nodes On Analytical Model
Using Filters To Highlight Unconnected Nodes On Analytical Model
Using Filters To Highlight Unconnected Nodes On Analytical Model
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How using filters on a analytical model to help indicate all the unconnected nodes.
Filters are a great way to override the graphic display and control the visibility of elements which share a common properties
within a view in Revit model.
When in an analyital model you may notice that the nodes which are unconnected show the same colour as the connected ones
which does make it difficult to pick out which is which. If you are going to export the model out for analysis to Robot Structural
Analysis or any other analysis program, its not going to be able to analysis beams or columns which aren’t connected. So I am
going show you how using a filter can help you see all the unconnected nodes in your model.
Creating a Filter
To create a filter we need to go the Ribbon View (tab) > Graphics > Filters.
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Another alternative is to access filters through the Visibility Graphics dialog window. To open the Visibility Graphics you can
either use the keyboard shortcut keys VV or VG, from the Ribbon View (tab) > Graphics > Visibility/Graphics. Also from the
properties window.
In the Visibility Graphics dialog window you will see a Filters tab. This is were you can add, remove and apply filters to you
To create a new Filter select the Edit/New icon. (As shown in below image).
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To add the filter select the Add icon on the bottom left hand side. (As shown in below image)
The Add Filters dialog box will appear on screen and your new filter should be list, select Unconnected Analytical Nodes, then
click OK. The filter should now appear in the Filters list. (As shown in below image)
Note: the Visibility should be selected automatically but its not you need to click to apply.
To apply the filter select the Overrides button for Lines (As shown in below image). It will open the Graphics dialog box, where
you can select the Line Graphics dialog box either Line Weight, Colour or Pattern.
As you will see in the above image I have selected the Colour RED to highlight all unconnected analyitical nodes.
If you select OK on Line Graphics dialog box. Then to apply the filter to the view you can either click Apply then OK, or just OK.
Then see the filter applied in your view.
I hope you have found this White Paper usefull and its give you a better insight to using Filters in Revit.
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