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Microbio Syllabi 2019 B

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Tagbilaran City, Bohol, Philippines

Tel. (038)4113101, Fax no. (038)4113101


UB VISION : A premier university transforming lives for a great future.

UB MISSION : To provide a holistic education anchored on the trinity of virtues: SCHOLARSHIP, CHARACTER AND SERVICE.
UB GOALS : Specifically, the University of Bohol has the following goals:

1. Development of self-reliant, self-sufficient, and globally competent students equipped with relevant knowledge and skills;
2. Achievement of aspirations towards socially acceptable ends: God-fearing, charitable, and morally upright;
3. Empowerment of students to be mindful of the needs of others and render unselfish service to God, country, and fellowmen; and
4. Commitment to love of country through the exercise of rights and duties as responsible citizens.


 Extra Miler
 Innovative
 Service-oriented
 Self-reliant
 Loyal
 God Loving

Syllabus in Micro/Para
A premier university transforming lives for a great future. 1
DEPARTMENT VISION: A prime producer of globally competent nurses.

DEPARTMENT MISSION: To provide holistic nursing education anchored on the trinity of virtues;

DEPARTMENT GOALS: The College of Nursing aims to produce graduates who are:

1. Advocates of the virtue of scholarship through demonstration of knowledge, display of attitude and skills in
rendering competent nursing care;

2. Nurse researchers to improve the practice of nursing care and quality of patient’s care;

3. Adherent to the virtue of character as manifested in ethico-moral, legal practices, and demonstration of social

4. Imbued with the virtue of service, showing compassion, dedication and competence in nursing care; and

5. Source of awareness on the importance of participatory and collaborative management of clients and
community needs.

PROGRAM OUTCOMES: By the time of graduation, the students of the program can:

A. Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural and health sciences and humanities in the practice of nursing care.

B. Perform safe, appropriate and holistic care to individuals, families, population.

C. Apply guidelines and principles of evidence-based practice in the delivery of care.

D. Practice nursing in accordance with existing laws: legal, ethical and moral principles.

E. Communicate effectively in speaking, writing and presenting culturally-appropriate language.

F. Report/ document client care accurately and comprehensively.

G. Collaborate effectively with inter-, intra-, and multidisciplinary and multi-cultural teams.

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A premier university transforming lives for a great future. 2
H. Practice beginning management and leadership skills using systems approach in the delivery of client care.

I. Conduct research with an experienced researcher.

J. Engage lifelong learning with passion to keep current with national and global developments in general and
nursing and health developments.

K. Demonstrate responsible citizenship and pride in being a Filipino.

L. Design and apply techno-intelligent care systems and procedures in health care and delivery.

M. Adopts the core values in the delivery of nursing care.


Assigned Role Beginning health care provider (Health Promotion Level)

Assigned Competency Demonstrates the fundamentals of nursing care
Assigned Value Caring
Assigned Goal 4
Assigned Outcome A,E,K
Assigned Co-curricular Activity Nursing Skills Lab. exposure on basic nursing procedures
Assigned Extracurricular Activity Knowledge and Skills festival
Assigned Community Inter-Agency visits (PHO, RHU, Birthing Centers, Hospitals),
Assigned Application Performs different experiment
Assigned Partner SPS, SSG, CESO, CSO

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A premier university transforming lives for a great future. 3
Tagbilaran City, Bohol, Philippines
(038)4113484, Fax no. (038)4113101

Institutional and Program Outcomes

Institutional Institutional Goals Core Values Program Outcomes
Scholarship 1. Development of Self- Innovative (1) Use knowledge of physical, social, natural and
reliant, self-sufficient Self-reliant health science and humanities in the practice of
and globally nursing.
competent students (3) Use guidelines and principles of evidence based
equipped with relevant practice in the delivery of care.
knowledge and skills (5) Communicate effectively in speaking, writing, and
presenting using culturally-appropriate language
in giving nursing care.
(6) Report and document up—to-date client care
accurately and comprehensively.
(9) Conduct nursing research in adherence to
standards of writing mechanics, ethical principles
and guidelines in all phases of the research study.
(10) Engage in life-long learning with a passion to
keep current with national and global
developments in general,and nursing and health
development in particular.
Character 2. Achievement of Loyal (4) Practice nursing in accordance with existing laws,
aspirations towards God-fearing legal, ethical and moral principles.
socially acceptable (7) Work effectively in collaboration with inter-intra-
ends; God-fearing, and multi-disciplinary, multi-cultural teams in the
charitable, and delivery of health care.
morally upright. 13) Uphold the nursing core values in the practice of
the profession
Service 3. Empowerment to be Extra-miler 2). Perform safe , appropriate, and holistic care to
mindful of the needs of Service-oriented individuals, families, population groups, and
others and render community utilizing nursing process

Syllabus in Micro/Para
A premier university transforming lives for a great future. 4
unselfish service to 8). practice beginning management and leadership
God, country and skills using systems approach in the delivery of
fellowmen. client care
4. Commitment to love of 11) Demonstrate responsible citizenship and pride
country through the being a Filipino
exercise of rights and (12) Use techno and intelligent care and systems and
duties as responsible processes in health care delivery.
citizens 14) Use entrepreneurial skills in the delivery of
nursing care


1 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th year

Role Beginning health Care Provider Advance beginning health care provider Proficient health care provider Expert nurse generalist
(Health Promotion Level) (Demonstrate acceptable performance) demonstrating holistic understanding of
the client
Competency Demonstrates basic nursing skills in Utilizes the nursing process in the care of Demonstrate safe appropriate and holistic Demonstrates safe , appropriate and holistic
rendering safe and appropriate normal and high risk mother and care of individuals, families and to a given group of clients ( individuals,
care utilizing the nursing process. newborn child, family, communities population groups and communities families, population groups and
and population groups in any with, physiologic and psychosocial communities ) with health problems
healthcare setting health problems and maladaptive and special needs and can assume first
patterns of behaviour in varied health level entry positions
care settings.
Values Caring Caring Caring God Loving , Commitment
Goals 4 2 3 1, 5
Outcomes A,E,K B,D,H, C,F,L G,I,J,M
Subjects  NCM 100 (TFN)  NCM 104 (Community Health Nursing  NCM 112 (Care of Clients with  NCM 118 (Nursing Care of Clients
 Anatomy And Physiology 1 Individual, and Family as Clients Problems in Oxygenation, Fluid and with Life Threatening Conditions,
 NCM 101 (Health Assessment with RLE) Electrolytes, Infectious, Inflammatory Acutely ill/Multi-Organ Problems, High
with RLE 102 hours)  NCM 105 Lab (Nutrition and Diet and Immunologic Response, Cellular Acuity and Emergency Situation Acute
 NCM 102 (Health Education) Therapy) Aberrations, Acute and Chronic with and Chronic with RLE 255 hours)
 NCM 103  NCM 106 (Pharmacology) RLE 306 hours)  NCM 119 (Nursing Leadership and
( Fundamentals Of Nursing Practice  NCM 107 (Care of Mother, Child,  NCM 113 (Community Health Management with RLE 153 hours)
with RLE 102 hours). Adolescent- Well Clients, with RLE) Nursing 2 Population Groups and  NCM 120
 NCM 108 (Health Care Ethics Community as Clients with RLE 51 (Disaster Nursing with RLE 51 hours)
(Bioethics) hours)  NCM 121
 NCM 109 (Care of Mother, Child at  NCM 114 (Intensive Nursing Practicum Hospital and
Risk or with Problems Acute and (Care of Older Adults) Community Settings RLE 408 hours).
Chronic  NCM 116 (Care of Clients with

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A premier university transforming lives for a great future. 5
Problems in Nutrition, and Gastro-
Intestinal, Metabolism and Endocrine,
Perception and Coordination Acute and
Chronic with RLE 204 hours)
 NCM 117 (Care of Clients with
Maladaptive Patterns of Behavior,
Acute and Chronic with RLE (204

Co-curricular  Utilization of the Different  RLE Exposure (Hospital and  Hospital/Community Affiliation  Hospital/Community Affiliation
Nursing Theories, Community Exposure) (Psychiatric Nursing Exposure) -(Head Nursing)
 Skills Laboratory Exposure on  Intra-partal and Immediate Newborn  Practicum on the Care of the Older -Intensive Nursing Practice,
Demonstration and Return Care Adults  Staff Development
Demonstration of basic Nursing  Dissemination of Initial Data Base
Procedures Through General Assembly
 Health Assessment Skills  Cooking Presentation of different
 Formulation of Information Therapeutic Diets
Education Campaign for Health  Demonstration and Return
Promotion and Disease Prevention Demonstration of the Different
Medication Routes
Extra-curricular  Knowledge and Skills Festival  Attendance of Capping Badge  Field Trip to Drug Rehabilitation  Act as Volunteer nurses during Medical
 Actual Health Education Activity Investiture and Candle Lighting. Centers Hospices/Leprosarium Missions, Disaster Management and
on the Promotion and Disease  Assisting Clinic Consultations, Community Extension Services
Prevention  Recollection Activities
Community  Inter-Agency Visits (PHO,  Home Visit  Undertake Diagnostic Procedures like  Conducts Inter-Agency Linkages and
RHU ,Birthing Center , Hospital)  Ante-partal Care , Newborn and Blood Sugar Monitoring, Cholesterol Collaboration of Identified Measures
 Vital Signs Monitoring in the Postpartum Care Screening and Snellen’s Tests for Community Development
Community.  School Nursing Education on Drug Abuse  Volunteer on Disaster Management and
 Outreach Programs Medical Missions
Application  Basic Nursing performance  Family Nursing Care Plan (FNCP)  Community Organizing Participatory  Efficiency rating on headnursing and
checklist  Presentation of different therapeutic Action Research staff nursing, and staff development
 Health Assessment performance diets  Case Study seminar
checklist  Drug study and graded return  Efficiency rating on didactics and actual
 Graded individual Laboratory demonstration of different medication perioperative nursing care

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A premier university transforming lives for a great future. 6
workbook preparation and administration  Efficiency rating on actual nursing care
 Portfolio on the different  Nursing Care Plan on Maternal and of patients with Problems in Nutrition,
Information Education Campaign Newborn Care and Gastro-Intestinal, Metabolism and
materials (IEC)  Efficiency rating on Didactics and Endocrine, Perception and
 Case analysis on the application of actual Perinatal care Coordination Acute and Chronic and
different nursing theories.  Case analysis utilizing nursing bio- patient’s with maladaptive behaviour
ethical principles  Process Recording and Nursing
Observation Guide for patients with
maladaptive patterns of behaviour.
 Case study on different elderly cases
Disaster Risk Reduction Management
Office (PDRRMO)

2 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th year

Role Beginning health care provider Health Facilitator/Educator Patient Confidant and Advocate Caring, Compassionate and Committed Nurse
(Health Promotion Level)
Competency Demonstrates the caring role of a Conducts health classes in varied health
Maintains complete and accurate reporting Provides safe and quality nursing care
nurse care settings system and confidentiality of utilizing ethico-moral reasoning and
Demonstrate basic nursing skills Execute a safe, appropriate and holistic
information. Establishes a therapeutic decision making
utilizing the nursing process care by conducting health education
nurse-patient relationship Practice nursing in accordance with existing
classes Establishes a therapeutic nurse-patient laws, legal, ethical and moral principles
relationship in advocating evidenced-
based practice
Values Caring, God-loving Caring, Commitment Integrity, Caring Integrity, Commitment
Goals 1, 4 1,4 2, 4 3
Outcomes A,E,K B,D,H, C,F,L G,I,J,M
Subjects  Anatomy and Physiology (Lec  NCM104(CHN 1)  NCM 102 (Health Education)  NCM 118 (Care of clients with Life
& Lab)  NCM 105 (Nutrition and Diet Therapy  NCM 105 with RLE Threatening Conditions, Acutely ill
 NCM 100 with RLE Lec & Lab) Multi-organ Problems, high Acuity and
(TFN)  NCM 106 (Pharmacology)  NCM 111 (Nursing Research 1) Emergency Situation- Acute and chronic)
 NCM 101 (Health Assessment  NCM 107 (Care of Mother, Child,  NCM 112 (Care of Clients with  NCM 119 (Nursing Leadership and
Lec and Lab) Adolescent) (well clients) problems in oxygenation, Fluid and Management
 NCM 102 (Health Education)  NCM 108 (Health Care Ethics/ Electrolytes, Infectious, Inflammatory  NCM 120 (Decent Work Employment

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A premier university transforming lives for a great future. 7
 NCM 103(Fundamentals of Bioethics) and immunologic Response, Cellular and Transcultural Nursing
Nursing Lec and lab)  NCM 109 (Care of Mother, Child at Aberrations –acute and chronic)
 MC 2 (Biochemistry Lec and Risk with Problems (acute and  NCM 113 (Community Health Nursing
Lab) chronic) 2)
 MC 3 (Microbiology and  NCM 110 (Nursing Informatics)  NCM 114 (Care of Older Adults)
Parasitology Lec and Lab)  PCOMM  NCM 115 (Nursing Research 2)
 NCM 116 ( Care of clients with
Problems in Nutrition, and Gastro-
intestinal, metabolism and endocrine,
Perception and Coordination)
 NCM 117 (Care of clients with
maladaptive Patterns of Behavior
Co-curricular Alternative Learning Experience Delivery Room Didactics Operating Room Didactics Advance Life Support Skills
DR Didactics, Case finding of pregnant OR Didactics, Practicum on the care of Refresher Program
Alternative Learning through case- cases, Formulation and distribution of Maladaptive Behaviour and care of the Advance Life Support Skills
finding and face-to-face IEC’s older adult Intensive Nursing Practice,
interview Refresher Program

Extra-curricular Promotion of Healthy Lifestyle Conduct Mothers’ Class Advocacy on Patients’ Rights Attendance to Pinning Ceremonies,
(HATAW Activities) Conduct Nutrition Class Recollection,
Volunteers for Operation Tuli and Medical
Community Health Education on Health and Conduct Mothers’ Class, Conduct Nutrition Support Advocacies on Patients’ Rights Attendance in Local Chapter PNA
Wellness Class Convention
Application  Basic Nursing performance  Family Nursing Care Plan (FNCP)  Community Organizing Participatory  Efficiency rating on headnursing and
checklist  Presentation of different therapeutic Action Research staff nursing, and staff development
 Health Assessment diets, drug study and graded return  Case Study seminar
performance checklist demonstration of different medication  Efficiency rating on didactics and actual
 Graded individual Laboratory preparation and administration perioperative nursing care
workbook  Nursing Care Plan on Maternal and  Efficiency rating on actual nursing care
 Portfolio on the different Newborn Care of Patients with Problems in Nutrition,
Information Education  Efficiency rating on Didactics and and Gastro-Intestinal, Metabolism and
Campaign materials (IEC) actual Perinatal care Endocrine, Perception and Coordination
 case analysis on the application  Case analysis utilizing nursing bio- Acute and Chronic and patient’s with
of different nursing theories. ethical principles maladaptive behaviour
 Process recording and Nursing

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A premier university transforming lives for a great future. 8
Observation Guide for Patients with
Maladaptive Patterns of Behaviour
 Case study on different elderly cases
Partners  PE Department  RHU  RHU  RHU
 “Gasa sa Gugma” Home for the Aged  PNA

3 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th year

Role Data gatherer (in terms of health Qualitative enumerator Beginning nurse researcher Nurse Researcher
Competency Gathers data utilizing different Classifies data gathered Analyzes data gathered and present Presents research outputs
methods research output
Values Integrity Integrity Integrity Integrity
Goals 4 2 3 1, 5
Outcomes C, E A,D L,F, I, G J, M
Subjects  NMC 101 (Health Assessment)  NCM 108 (Bioethics)  NCM 111 (Nursing Research 1) NCM 118 Nursing care of clients with
 RLE NCM in 101  NCM 106 (Pharmacology  NCM 115 (Nursing Research 2) life threatening conditions, acutely
 NCM 103 (Fundamentals of  NCM 104 (CHN 1) ill/multi-organ problems. High acuity
Nursing )  RLE NCM 104 (CHN 1)  NCM 112 (Care of Clients with and emergency situation, acute and
 RLE in NCM 103  NCM 107 (Care of Mother and Child, Problems in Oxygenation, Fluid and chronic
Adolescents (Well clients) Electrolytes, Infectious, Inflammatory
 RLE NCM 107 and Immunologic Response, Cellular RLE 118
 NCM 108 (Health care Ethics Aberrations- acute and chronic)
(bioethics).  RLE NCM 112
 NCM 109 (Care of Mother, Child at  NCM 113 (CHN 2)
Risk or with Problems (acute and  RLE NCM 113
chronic)  NCM 114 (Care of Older Adults)
 RLE NCM 109  RLE NCM 114
 NCM 110 (Nursing Informatics Lec and

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A premier university transforming lives for a great future. 9
Lab)  NCM 116 ( Care of Clients with
Problems in Nutrition, and Gastro-
intestinal, Metabolism and Endocrine,
Perception and Coordination -acute
and chronic)
 RLE NCM 116
 NCM 117 (Care of Clients with
Maladaptive Patterns of Behaviour-
acute and chronic)
 RLE NCM 117
Co-curricular  Conducts data gathering activity  Consolidation of Gathered Data from  Presentation of research design,  Presentation of Research Findings
through social Investigation, interviews, physical exam and social findings and case studies and case studies
comprehensive history taking and investigation
physical examination
Extra-curricular Community visit Participate Community Assembly Presentation of research studies in a Participate in a Research Forum outside
research forum the institution

Participate in Community extension Presentation of an intensive and

activity through health awareness and comprehensive case studies
facilitating trainor’s training program.
Community Community Profiling Presentation of the Consolidated Data to the Organize Community Assembly Participate in Research Forum
Community Members
Application Gathers data on varied medical cases Organize Community Assembly Oral defense Presentation and dissemination of research
utilizing appropriate tools, Presentation of Research findings output either through podium or
analysed and presents findings. poster presentation
Partners LGU, PHO, CESO LGU, PHO,CESO LGU, PHO, UBRC,CESO, research LGU, PHO, UBRC, other Institutional
agencies Research Agencies

4 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th year

Role Proactive member of a student Group/community leader Group activity organizer Proactive nurse leader-manager
Competency Performs and maintain Act Collaborates with RHU and LGUs Organizes health education programs and health services to clients in Assumes leadership and management
habitually a positive in the planning and the hospital and community role in providing nursing care
nursing practice in school implementation of intervention Use appropriate strategies/approaches to plan a health education Evaluate specific components of
and community activities measures programs and health services to client’s in the hospital and health programs and services
Collaborates and participate in the community based on parameters/criteria of
planning and implementation of leadership management role

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A premier university transforming lives for a great future. 10
RHU and LGUs activities to
enhance the performance of
intervention measures

Values Caring, God loving Commitment Commitment & Integrity Commitment & Integrity

Goals 5 4 3 1, 2, 5
Outcomes C, E A,D L,F I,M,B
Subjects  NCM 100(TFN)  NCM 104 (RLE)  NCM111  NCM 118 (RLE)
 Ana/Physio (LAB./LEC  NCM105 LEC & LAB  NCM112 (RLE)  NCM119 (RLE)
 NCM 101(LEC& LAB)  NCM106  NCM113 (RLE)  NCM120
 NCM 102  NCM 107 with RLE  NCM 114 (RLE)
 NCM 103 LEC.&LAB  NCM 108  NCM115  NCM121 (RLE)
 MICRO /PARA  NCM109  NCM116(RLE)
LEC&LAB.  NCM 110 LEC &LAB.  NCM117
Co-curricular Alternative Learning/  Case finding  OR didactics  Head nursing
School nursing activities(health
and Didactics (Normal pregnancy  Basic Life Support  Staff Development
education), Design an intrapartal/immediate nursing  Therapeutic Modalities  Community organizer on
Instructional flyer for care of newborn)  Health Education Classes Disaster preparedness drill
health promotion and  Conducts Health assessment  Practicum on  Mass casualty preparedness
prevention of illnesses and Health Education in Care of clients with Maladaptive patterns of behaviors and elderly  Triaging
hospital and community setting clients
Extra-curricular  CSO  UB Days First Aiders Sandugo Festival First Aiders Organizer Medical outreach program
 Campus Ministry  SSG Membership
Community School nursing (UB)  Community General Health  Psychiatric and elderly exposure  Volunteer on Medical-Dental
Assembly/  Operation Tuli Clinics
Community Diagnosis
Application Infection Control, Health  Organizing Community General  Organize and manage patient’s Therapy Sessions  Manage a Medical-Surgical
Promotion and prevention Health Assembly Activity
Program Activities  Organize Mothers Class
( handwashing,  Organize a staff development
immunization schedule, seminar
healthy lifestyle, diet,
exercise)  Facilitate case study presentation
Partners  LGU  SPS  RHU  GCGMH

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A premier university transforming lives for a great future. 11
 UB Grade School  DEPED  SPS  CESO


Course Title : Micro/Para

Course Name : Microbiology and Parasitology

Credit Units : 3 units lecture and 1 unit (Laboratory)

Total No. of Hrs. : 54 hrs. lecture/ 54 hrs. laboratory

Pre-requisite Subject : Chemistry IN Lec/Lab; Chemistry 2N Lec/lab; Ana/Physio Lec/Lab

I. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to assist students in the study of important microorganisms and parasites.
It explains the physiology and pathogenic properties of bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites as an
introduction to disease causing microorganisms and parasites, treatment and nursing responsibilities.
This will develop practical skills in identifying microorganisms in the clinical area as well as in the
community setting.


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A premier university transforming lives for a great future. 12
Institutional Institutional Goals Core Values Program Outcomes Course Outcomes
SCHOLARSHIP 1. Development of self-reliant, Innovative By the time of graduation, a At the end of the course, the students should
self-sufficient, and globally Self-Reliant Nursing Student shall have the be able to :
competent students ability to: 1. Integrate and apply the fundamentals of
1. Apply the fundamentals of microbiology in the real setting especially in
equipped with relevant
microbiology in the real setting the hospital and in the community.
knowledge and skills; especially in the hospital and in
the community.
2. Relate the study of
microbiology in the study of
nursing as a course and as a

CHARACTER 2. Achievement of aspirations Loyal 3. Apply the methods and 2.Utilize and Integrate the methods and
towards socially acceptable God-loving principles of aseptic techniques principles of aseptic techniques in order to
ends: God-fearing, in order to prevent the spread of prevent the spread of harmful microorganisms
charitable, and morally in the community during home visits and in
harmful microorganisms in the
upright. the clinical area.
community during home visits 3.Utilize principles and techniques in the
and in the clinical area. collection, handling of specimens and
identification of microorganisms and parasites
4. Utilize principles and involved in the infectious process.
techniques in the collection,
handling of specimens and
identification of microorganisms
and parasites involved in the
infectious process.

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A premier university transforming lives for a great future. 13
Institutional Institutional Goals Core Values Program Outcomes Course Outcomes
SERVICE 3. Empowerment of students Extra-miler 5. Develops the skills in 5. Demonstrate the skills in identifying
to be mindful of the needs Service-Oriented identifying infectious and non- infectious and non-infectious and as well as
of others and render infectious and as well as beneficial and harmful microorganisms.
unselfish service to God, beneficial and harmful
country, and fellowmen; microorganisms.

4. Commitment to love of
country through the
exercise of rights and
duties as responsible


Course Time Frame and Student Activity Assessment Resources

Outcomes Course Content
1 6 hrs. Pre-Activity: Class Participation Englekirk,P.G.,Burton, G.R.W (2019).Burton’s
I. Microbiology  Prepare metacard. Criteria: Microbiology for Health Sciences, 11th ed.
Each metacard contains *Contribution Philadelphia: Lippincott Wiiliams & Wilkins.
 Scope of the letters (M I C R O B I  Listening
O L O G Y) let the  Attitude

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A premier university transforming lives for a great future. 14
Course Time Frame and Student Activity Assessment Resources
Outcomes Course Content
 Organisms that students describe
makes the microbiology in one
microbial world word.
and the  Main-Activity:
development of
Let the students share
their ideas about
 Division of microbiology

 Significance of

 Practical
application of

 Evolution of
Basic laboratory
equipment and
procedures in
the study of
9 hrs.
I. Microscopy Pre-Activity: Student’s Participation Bognot, F.B. et al. (2015).Laboratory Manual in
Brain Storming about the Criteria: Microbiology and Parasitology for Allied Medical
*The Microscope concept of Microbiology Attendance Courses 2nd ed. Philippines : C & E Publishing
 Processing on the Level of engagement in Inc.
*Culture preparation
student’s output of brain Class
storming Listening Skills
 Discussing the different Behavior

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Course Time Frame and Student Activity Assessment Resources
Outcomes Course Content
Rules and Regulation for Preparation
Safety Laboratory Used


Introducing the following:

*The Microscope
-Essential in Microbiology
-Discussing the Parts and
-Actual manipulation of the
microscope by the students
-viewing of prepared slides

* Culture
- Introducing Culture
- Presenting the materials
and equipment needed in
culturing microorganisms.

* Staining
- Presenting the idea of
gram staining
-video presentation of
gram staining
- Let the student identify the
different solutions
-assess the students
understanding of the

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A premier university transforming lives for a great future. 16
Course Time Frame and Student Activity Assessment Resources
Outcomes Course Content
-let the students explain
the value of observing
proper timing

2 II. Microorganisms Pre- Activity: Group Activity

 Group students into 6, Criteria:
A. General each group is given a
Morphology of specific topic on the Contribution
microorganisms different categories and Cooperation
morphology of the On task
 Bacteria
following: communication
 Bacteria
 Virus
 Viruses
 Protozoa  Protozoa
 Fungi
 Fungi  Helminths
 Arthropods
 Helminthes
Main Activity:
 Arthropods  Let the students present
3 hrs. their output to the whole
B. Classifying
 Their differences and
 Metabolic
their morphologic
Requirements arrangement
 Laboratory

3 hrs.

C. Normal Human

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Course Time Frame and Student Activity Assessment Resources
Outcomes Course Content
microbial flora

 Symbiosis
 Opportunistic

D.Capabilities of a


E. Protozoan and
helminthes disease
of man


II. Normal Flora of Pre-Activity:

the human body -Give assignment prior to Group Experiment Bognot, F.B. et al. (2015).Laboratory Manual in
experiment on related Criteria: Microbiology and Parasitology for Allied Medical
12hrs. issues -Contribution Courses 2nd ed. Philippines : C & E Publishing
-Research Work on the -Cooperation Inc.
*Collection of different microorganisms -On Task
specimen , sputum
and the associated -Communication
and blood, urine
and culture swabs

6 hrs. Main-Activity:
-Group Students into four
 Testing the (4) groups
effectivity of -Let the students gather the
chemical agents different cultured

Syllabus in Micro/Para
A premier university transforming lives for a great future. 18
Course Time Frame and Student Activity Assessment Resources
Outcomes Course Content
microorganisms from
 Antibiotic previous experiment of
susceptibility varied sources like,
testing sputum,urine,blood and
culture swabs from
6 hrs.
varied environment of
Modelling disease
different kinds of
- bacteria
-microscope viewing of the
different microorganisms
-Identify the different
-let the students identify its
-Brainstorming on its
capability in causing
diseases and its
significance in Nursing

9 hrs.
III. Infection and
host resistance

 Principles of

Syllabus in Micro/Para
A premier university transforming lives for a great future. 19
Course Time Frame and Student Activity Assessment Resources
Outcomes Course Content

 Host response
to infection

>Non-specific host

>Specific Host


 Nosocomial


III. Pathogenic Pre-Activity Bognot, F.B. et al. (2015).Laboratory Manual

Microorganisms Group Experiment in Microbiology and Parasitology for Allied
 Bacteria - Let the students have Criteria: Medical Courses 2nd ed. Philippines : C & E
research on the different -Contribution Publishing Inc.
 Protozoa
leading question pertaining -Cooperation
 Fungi to the specific activity on -On Task
specific exercise indicated -Communication
 Parasitic on the Microbiology Manual
-Questions and answer
forum by the instructor on
the given assignment.

-Let the students watch

Syllabus in Micro/Para
A premier university transforming lives for a great future. 20
Course Time Frame and Student Activity Assessment Resources
Outcomes Course Content
video related to the specific
exercise indicated on the

-processing of the said



-Conduct experiment on the

different exercises indicated
on the manual

- Allow the students to see

these pathugens under the
microscope and its
relevance on infection
control and behavioral risk
3 24 hrs. Pre-Activity:
IV. Microbial Control Group Experiment Bognot, F.B. et al. (2015).Laboratory Manual in
- Let the students have Criteria: Microbiology and Parasitology for Allied Medical
 Medical Asepsis research on the different Courses 2nd ed. Philippines : C & E Publishing
> Physical Method leading question pertaining -Contribution Inc.
to the specific activity on -Cooperation
>Chemical Method
 Surgical Asepsis
specific exercise indicated -On Task
on the Microbiology Manual -Communication
 Standard
Precaution -let the students defend the
given question in each
 Transmission- group

Syllabus in Micro/Para
A premier university transforming lives for a great future. 21
Course Time Frame and Student Activity Assessment Resources
Outcomes Course Content

- Video Presentation on
medical asepsis.

-let the students explain the

significance of medical

-let the students apply the

principle of medical asepsis
to the experiment performed
3 hrs. Group Experiment Bognot, F.B. et al. (2015).Laboratory Manual in
V Chain of infection Pre-Activity: Criteria: Microbiology and Parasitology for Allied Medical
-Contribution Courses 2nd ed. Philippines : C & E Publishing
- Let the students have -Cooperation Inc.
research on the different -On Task
leading question pertaining -Communication
to the specific activity on
specific exercise indicated
on the Microbiology Manual

-let the students give

examples on the chain of
infection ,and let them
explain it in relation to the
experiment performed


Syllabus in Micro/Para
A premier university transforming lives for a great future. 22
Course Time Frame and Student Activity Assessment Resources
Outcomes Course Content
-let the students see video
presentation on the chain of

-process the video

presentation by asking
question related to the video
and experiment performed

-let the students answer the

remaining question in the
Bognot, F.B. et al. (2015).Laboratory Manual
VI. National Pre-Activity: Group Experiment in Microbiology and Parasitology for Allied
tuberculosis Criteria: Medical Courses 2nd ed. Philippines : C & E
Program-Directly -let the students see video -Contribution Publishing Inc.
Observed Short
on the manner of -Cooperation
transmission of the different -On Task
pathogens -Communication
*Transmission and
Pathogenesis of -questions and answers on
tuberculosis the manner of transmission

*Tuberculosis Main-Activity
-visual presentation of the
different manner of
transmission of pathogens
and its application to

Syllabus in Micro/Para
A premier university transforming lives for a great future. 23
Course Time Frame and Student Activity Assessment Resources
Outcomes Course Content

VII. Communicable
Diseases involving
different Organ

 Skin and Eyes

 Nervous System

 Cardiovascular

 Respi

 Digestive

 Urinary

 Reproductive

9 hrs.
Pre-Activity: Group Experiment Bognot, F.B. et al. (2015).Laboratory Manual in
* Parasitic
-Research Work on the Criteria: Microbiology and Parasitology for Allied Medical
different communicable Courses 2nd ed. Philippines : C & E Publishing

Syllabus in Micro/Para
A premier university transforming lives for a great future. 24
Course Time Frame and Student Activity Assessment Resources
Outcomes Course Content
diseases involving different Contribution Inc.
organ systems and its Cooperation
causative agent. On task
-audio visual presentation of
the different pathogens, its
nature, its diseases
involving different organ
systems and drug sensitivity

Main –Activity:

-Video presentation of the

different communicable

-Let the students identify the

different communicable
diseases and its causative
agent, and drug sensitivity

-Let the students

demonstrate an attitude of
awareness of the existence
of the different pathogens
and its risk.


A. Requirements:

Syllabus in Micro/Para
A premier university transforming lives for a great future. 25

Research assignment on the different microorganisms

Micro/Para Manual Product Output
Documentations on the different experiments
Research on the pathogenesis and mode of transmission of the different microorganism.

Experiment on the different Micro/Para procedures

Group or individual presentation/performance task
Topic report
Official examination
Oral recitation

B. Grading System/Components:

Written Work ( including Quizzes) 15%

Official Test ( Term Exams.) 35%
Performances ( Activities, Projects, Performances, Outputs, & Outcomes) 50%
100 %

(Please see separate file for the rubrics)


Syllabus in Micro/Para
A premier university transforming lives for a great future. 26
1. Anderson, D.G. (2016).Nester’s Microbiology: a human perspective, 8th ed.New York: McGraw-Hill Education.
2. Bognot, F.L. ( 2015). Laboratory Manual in Microbiology and Parasitology for Allied Medical Courses, 2nd ed.
Philippines: C & E Publishing, Inc.
3. Cowan, MK.(2015).Microbiology: a system approach, New York: McGraw-Hill.
4. Englekirk, P.G., Burton, G. R.W. ( 2019).Burton’s Microbiology for the Health Sciences, 11th ed. Phillipines:
C & E Publishing, Inc.
5. Eugene, W., Nester, Denise G. Anderson, C., Evans Roberts, j., Nancy N. Pearlsall & Martha T. Nester.Microbiology : A Human Perspective International
6. Hawley, L., Ziegler, R.J., Clarke, B.L. (2014). Microbiology and Immunology, 6th ed. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer.
7. Jolin L. Ingraham & Catherine A. Ingraham. Introduction to Microbiology : A Case History Approach

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Date Approved:

Instructor Dean, UBCN Vice President for Academic Affairs



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Syllabus in Micro/Para
A premier university transforming lives for a great future. 28

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