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Nursing Education in The Philippines

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The key takeaways are that the nursing curriculum in the Philippines will be changed to a 5-year program instead of 4 years. This is causing concerns from students, parents, and educators about the additional time and costs imposed. The document also discusses the philosophy and goals of the nursing education program at the CPU College of Nursing.

The new 5-year nursing curriculum will require students to take more units in the first year, have additional hours for hospital training, and require an additional 3 summers of schooling. It will also include new subjects in the first and second semesters.

Concerns being raised include additional financial burdens on parents, pressure on students due to higher family expectations, and a lack of inclusion of foreign language subjects to better equip students for working abroad as nurses.


Nursing Education Update: Nursing Education the Philippines will never be the same again.  Nursing,
as a course in college, may no longer be as attractive as before starting this school year. In my post
“New Philippine Nursing Curriculum and Opposing Views”, the Philippine Nursing Curriculum has
dramatically changed since the Commission on Higher Education’s issuance of CHED Memorandum
Order (MO) No. 5, series of 2008 otherwise known as “Policies and Standards for Bachelor of Science
in Nursing Program”. This CHED Memo makes BSN a five-year course.
Here in Ilocos Norte, Nursing schools have started the implementation of CHED MO this school year
(2008-2009). Many people (parents, students and teachers interviewed by this author) have protested
either in silence or explicit ways the implementation of CHED MO No. 5 saying that this will only add to
the burdens of parents and benefactors of Nursing students (usually relatives abroad).
From my initial findings, the new Nursing Curriculum in the Philippines will effect these changes:
 Instead of the usual 79 units taken up by first year nursing students, the new guidelines will
require students to take up 93 units in 2,632 hours.
 Additional 357 hours for hospital training or Related Learning Experiences (RLEs) which will
make RLEs 2,499 hours from the previous 2,142 hours
 28 additional units or about three summers of schooling
For freshmen Nursing students, the “Theoretical Foundation in Nursing” is included in the first
semester, and “Fundamentals of Nursing Practice” in the second.
From a parent’s standpoint, these changes have huge impacts on their family’s finances and other
children’s education. Some parents I have interviewed said they might be forced to sacrifice the
education of some of their children just to give way to their child taking up BS Nursing. There is now
more pressure on the part of the Nursing student because family expectations have become higher.
From an educator’s standpoint, if CHED intended to “upgrade” or improve the existing Nursing
Curriculum, they should have included in the new one some foreign language subjects (French,
German, Norwegian or Spanish). This is because the ultimate goal of most Filipino Nurses is to go
abroad and earn more money. Since this is the case, why shouldn’t CHED include in the New Nursing
Curriculum subjects that will help our Nursing students communicate better with foreigners speaking
languages other than English? This is perhaps an oversight on the part of our policy makers. If CHED
wanted to equip our Nursing students with new tools, it should have been in the area of
communication and NOT in the the area of Related Learning Experiences because Nursing students
have enough RLEs. Well, that’s just my take.
Is the 5 year nsg curriculum in the phil a feasible proposal?

The proposed 5-year Nursing Curriculum in the Philippines by virtue of CHED MO No 5 has raised
concerns from all sectors of the society particularly Nursing students and parents. The proposal of
CHED to implement a 5-year Nursing Curriculum has been viewed as waste of money and time by
concerned parties. Here in Ilocos Norte, as part of my freelance research work, the results of our
series of consultations with parents, clinical instructors and some school administrators are the same –
people are apathetic about the plan to implement a 5-year curriculum in BS Nursing starting SY 2009-

For the better understanding of the 5-year Nursing Curriculum, I will be posting a little later the whole
curriculum. For readers who are members of the academe, your comments will be highly valued since
this will add to existing data this author already has.
However, partial results analyzed reveal that the 5-Year Nursing Curriculum is generally viewed by
many as “insignificant and waste of resources”. This now brings us to ponder whether this proposal is
really a feasible solution to improving Nursing education in the Philippines. As a researcher, I cannot
readily give an answer. This is because I would like to be impartial on this matter and let the data do
the talking. I will have my personal take on this later, of course.
Data gathered will be revealed after collation and further research on this subject. The method used in
gathering data for this Nursing research was quanti-quali (quantitative-qualitative combo) since
statistics and qualitative verbalization of opinions were obtained from select but qualified respondents.
Is the 5-Year Nursing Curriculum a feasible plan? We’ll find out when the majority has



Professional Nursing Education is a dynamic, therapeutic, interpersonal process which inculcate holistic
caring of people in various settings. As a vital component of the country’s health system, it is
responsive to the needs of the society. As health educators, nurses possess an attitude of constant
inquiry, research, leadership abilities, communication skills and spiritual ideals through Exemplary
Education for Life (EXCEL). Within the context of health and development the College of Nursing
continues to involve multisectoral groups in the promotion/ maintenance, restoration of health,
prevention of illness, allevation of suffering and preservation of health at all cost. Utilizing the nursing
process as framework for practice, nursing education endeavors to develop a globally competitive,
competent, caring, confident and compassionate nurse who is conscientious of his/her ethico-moral
and legal obligations.


In 1906,  the Union Mission Hospital (now Iloilo Mission Hospital), Iloilo City,  Philippines,  set
the stage for nursing as a profession in this country.  Nursing education in  the  Philippines was
pioneered by Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Hall, Presbyterian missionaries.  Like other  professions, 
nursing in the Philippines evolved from the apprenticeship system.  This system  laid the
foundation upon which the Iloilo Mission Hospital School of Nursing (then Central Philippine
College  College of Nursing and now Central Philippine University College of Nursing) was 
built and after which other  schools of nursing  were later patterned.

            The school grew under the able leadership of the following American and Filipino

            Miss Elizabeth Brinton, 1906-1916; Miss Teodora Sumbalon 1916; Miss Rose Nicolet,
1916-1923; Miss Hazel Mann, 1923-1931; Miss Flora G. Ernst, 1931-1932; Miss Dorothy
Stevens; 1932-1934; Miss Flora G. Ernst, 1934-1942.  The operations of the school  stopped 
during  the  Japanese  occupation, 1941-1945. When the war ended, Miss Loreto D. Tupaz 
initiated  the  reopening of  the school.  Dr. Henry S. Waters as director of Iloilo Mission
Hospital was also the principal of the IMH School of Nursing in 1946-1947.  He  pressed  for 
the  offering, with Central Philippine College, a collegiate course leading to the BSN degree.  
The director of the  Bureau  of   Private Schools  and  the  members of the board of examiners for
nurses authorized the opening of the BSN four-year course in 1947.

            Dr. Henry S. Waters  served as acting dean of the new College of Nursing at Central
Philippine College (1947-1948).   When  Dr. Waters  returned  to  the United States,  Dr. Teofilo
Marte served as the executive secretary (1948-1949);  and  Miss  Loreto  D. Tupaz  who finished 
the  BSN  degree at  CPU, was the acting dean from 1949 to 1950 and served in this capacity
until the arrival of Miss Esther Salzman, MSN, ABFMS missionary nurse, who held the
deanship from 1950 to 1961.  During her term, the college offered three curricular programs: the
BSN four-year course, the GN-BSN Supplemental Course and the BSN five-year course.

            Miss Tupaz and  Miss Salzman  worked together to develop Central Philippine College of
Nursing (later-the Central Philippine University College of Nursing) into a college of distinction,
recognized both in the Philippines and abroad.  Miss Salzman served as dean until 1961 when 
she retired  in  the  United States.       Miss Lily Plagata, MSN, was appointed to the  deanship
(1961-1974).  When the latter resigned and went abroad, she was replaced by Miss Carmen
Centeno, MS, during the remaining months of 1963.  Miss Centeno, however, also left for the
United States and Miss Loreto D. Tupaz, who finished her MA degree at CPU, resumed the
deanship (1963-1970), assisted by Miss Maria Pablico, MSN (1969-1970).  Miss Pablico also
resigned  to  work in the U.S.A.  From 1963-1973 Miss Tupaz continued to administer the three
course programs of the college---the BSN five year course,  the CCT (Clinical Teaching) course,
and the BSN Supplemental Course.   

On May 1, 1972, Mrs.Natividad C. Caipang, GN, BSN, MA, (CPU); CPH (UP),  was
appointed assistant dean  in preparation for the retirement of Miss Tupaz in 1974.  In 1973,  Mrs.
Caipang  went on  the Exchange Visitor’s Study Tour Program in the United States and
Southeast Asia to  visit  nursing  schools.  This tour was jointly sponsored by the American
Baptist Foreign Mission Society and CPU.   Miss Tupaz was appointed as  nursing consultant to 
Mrs. Caipang  until her  retirement in February 1974.  

            Mrs. Caipang served as dean from 1973 to 1989.  Under her administration, the college 
curricula underwent  several  changes  in  response to  the  trends in the nursing education at the
national level.  It was also during her term that the College was accredited with  Level II
deregulated status (MECS Order No. 36 s. 1984) and later  with  Level III (DECS Order No. 32s.

                After 16 years of deanship,  Mrs. Caipang retired on May, 1989.   During the search 
for a qualified educational leader  for the college,   an administrative committee chaired by Mrs.
Wilma S. Punzalan with Mrs. Lydia F. Robles and Mrs. Genera S. Maglaya as members, was
appointed  to  administer  the College until May 1990.  

On  May 1, 1990, upon her return from the U.S.A. as a recipient of a doctoral enrichment
program in nursing education at the George Mason University in Virginia, U.S.A.,  Dr. Betty T.
Polido  (BSN, MA Ed, MAN,           Ed D)  was  appointed  Dean,  a position  she  held until 
May, 2000.  During her  nine-year stint as a dean she  accomplished  the   following : 
Implementation of Associate in  Health Science Education  as a preparatory course in Nursing
(AHSE);   Level III  Reaccreditation  granted  in   1994  and 1999  each  for five years ; 
transcultural  Nursing Program with Truman State University;  inclusion of the College among
the Outstanding  Schools with Highest  Performance in the Nurses’ Licensure Examination;  the 
strengthening of the outreach program of the College of Nursing  with the  setting up  of  the 
KABALAKA  Reproductive Health Center as  training institution, implementer  of various
health programs and services and recipients of grants and funds from local and international
support agencies; and upgrading of the New  Level  2 Skills Laboratory.

On June 1, 2000,  Mrs. Lily Lynn V. Somo (MAN) was appointed  Officer-In Charge of
the College of Nursing  for school year 2000-2001  and is currently the Dean of the college.

 Philosophy and Purpose  

            The philosophy, purpose and objectives of the educational programs of the CPU College
of Nursing give direction to all aspects of the curriculum and operations.  The statements of
philosophy, purpose, and objectives, re-analyzed and revised on January 19, 1999 and accepted
by the faculty members, are expressed as follows:

       Statement of Philosophy 

            Professional nursing as a vital component of any country’s health systems is responsive
to the needs of the society.  It is a dynamic, therapeutic, and interpersonal process which
incorporates holistic view for and caring about people in various settings and conditions.  It is
acompetency  and  community-based program  using selected cognitive, affective, and
psychomotor competencies in the nurturing process.  Professional nurses are distinguished by an
attitude of constant inquiry and by leadership ability in nursing practice.  Within the context of
health and development, the College of Nursing continues to involve the multisectoral groups in
the promotion of health, prevention of illness, alleviation of suffering, restoration of health, and
inculcation of the spiritual ideals.

          The faculty believes that:

     (a) professional nursing education should lead to professional competence,

understanding of social realities, ethical behavior, and careful observance of the laws
and regulations that guarantee the safety and comfort of the nurse’s clientele;

    (b) professional education should produce a nurse who is fully prepared for the staff
nurse position in the hospitals in community health nursing, and in other health
    (c) professional nursing education should provide opportunities for students to work
cooperatively with the health team in mobilizing and assisting the individuals,
families, and communities to become self-reliant;

    (d) professional nursing education provides opportunities for the development of
research attitude in nurses for continued improvement of professional competence.

      Statement of Purpose

             The purpose of the program which leads to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing
is to prepare a graduate to function in  a professional program which endeavors to develop a
foundation for advanced studies to prepare nurses for positions of leadership in nursing.

            At the end of  the  senior year, the graduating student will have:

1.      developed a sensitive awareness of the health problems/needs of society and concern for 
commitment to people who need skilled nursing care;

2.      acquired the necessary knowledge, attitudes, and skills for the promotion of health,
prevention of illness/alleviation of suffering, restoration of health of clients in the various
settings and conditions;

3.      developed research attitude needed for the improvement of the nursing profession;

4.      acquired leadership abilities in the various nursing functions and responsibilities; inculcating
Christian ideals as she delivers health care to clients in various settings.

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