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�The Source for Calibration Professionals

Portable Dry Blocks, Liquid Baths

and Multi-functional Heat Sources

The Advanced, BASIC & SITE Range

of Portable Temperature Calibrators
A Guide to the three versions - Basic, Site & Advanced . .................................................................... 4

A Guide to the ISOCAL-6 .............................................................................................................. 6 - 7

Hyperion and Drago -25°C to 250°C 65mm Calibration Volume .................... 8 - 11
Europa, Venus and Calisto -45°C to 250°C 35mm Calibration Volume.................. 12 - 15

A Guide to Dry Blocks . ............................................................................................................. 16 - 17

Jupiter 35°C to 660°C 35mm Calibration Volume ................. 18 - 21
Gemini 35°C to 700°C 65mm Calibration Volume ................. 22 - 25
Pegasus 150°C to 1200°C 33.5mm Calibration Volume .............. 26 - 29

Isotech Innovation
We have been providing calibration solutions for more than 30 years, from Primary Standards
for National Metrology Institutes through to handheld calibrators for
service engineers.

Our portable calibrators have set a number of world firsts, the first Dry Blocks to
feature an independent inbuilt temperate indica­tor and the first Dry Blocks to reach
-100°C. The award winning ISOCAL-6 was the first calibrator to offer both Dry
Block and Liquid Bath use. It remains the only device to offer six modes of

Isotech Dry Block Range - expanded

and upgraded
n New Rugged Lightweight Outer Cases
n Custom moulded components brings lighter and stronger
Portable Calibrators
n New ADVANCED model - more features than ever before

The Advanced Models include automatic temperature cycling which

saves time and money with the calibrator automatically logging data
over a series of calibration points

The company is always willing to give technical advice and assistance where appropriate.

Equally because of the programme of continual development and improvement, we reserve the
right to amend or alter characteristics and design without prior notice.

This publication is for information only.

Products in this catalogue are all Compliant


Product Comparison Chart

Ø 65mm Ø 65mm Ø 35mm Ø 35mm Ø 35mm Ø 65mm Ø 35mm Ø 33.5mm

Isocal-6 Dry Block Calibrators



Metal Block Bath

       
Stirred Liquid Bath
    
Stirred Ice/Water Bath
  
Blackbody Source
       
Surface Sensor
     
ITS-90 Fixed Point
    
Temperature Range (°C)

150°C  1200°C
35°C  700°C
500° 35°C  660°C
100° 30°C  250°C 30°C  250°C
0° -25°C  140°C -45°C  140°C -35°C  140°C



Isotech Portable Calibrators
Available in three different versions
Isotech calibrators are available in three different versions; they all feature the same rugged casing with award winning
calibration volumes. The range of features varies with the ADVANCED offering extra performance in terms of resolution
and temperature stability. All models have common block sizes, interchangeable options and benefits to bring calibration
volumes with superior temperature uniformity and capacity for industrial probes.

Choose to suit your application:


BASIC n Features
n Calibrate the entire loop by using a heat source rather than
an electrical simulator, a test instrument and sensor can be
calibrated as a system

n Simple To Use and Outstanding Value

n Rugged Case

n Calibrate all Sensor Types

n Ramp to Set Temperature

n Supply Voltage Power Correction and Digital Filtering

n PC Interface and Software


SITE n Features
As Basic but adds independent temperature indicator for
reference probe

n Accepts Platinum Resistance Thermometers, Process

Inputs Including 4 - 20mA, Thermocouples including Types
K,N,R,S,L,PL2,T,J and E.
n Thermostat Testing, Stand Alone or with PC
n Configurable Units °C, °F or K


n View from anywhere
advanced n 21st Century Connectivity with
Ethernet and inbuilt webserver
n Connect to the network and
view the calibrator from anywhere, on
your Notepad, Tablet or Smartphone

n Best performance
n Benefit from advanced temperature
controller that provides best performance
n Save time and money
n Resolution to 0.001°C - Superior Stability Automatic Temperature Cycling
n Control parameters automatically n Program the ADVANCED with the
optimised with temperature temperature points you need, store
commonly used ranges. The calibrator
can then automatically follow these points
and log your data

n View easily in all conditions

n Large Bright Colour Display n Safely store and secure
n Similar to Smartphone all the data you need
n Crystal clear display with full colour n Massive Internal Memory can safely store
graphics all your data
n Store a lifetime of data on a USB Drive
n Choose Open CSV Files or Tamper Proof
Data with Secure File Format for Data

n Supports five languages

n English, French, German, Italian and Spanish
n Simple to use with clear user interface

n Connect more probes

n Inbuilt reference system with two universal
inputs for PRT, Thermocouple or Process
Input and a third thermocouple input
n Input types: Process Inputs including
4-20mA, PRT, and Thermocouple Types B,
C, D, E, J, K, L, N, R, S, T, U

n Greater accuracy
n Offset Elimination
n Connect a reference probe to one of the
external probe inputs and the calibrator can
trim the block temperature to remove offsets

n Thermostat testing n The software you need

n Test Two Thermostats Simultaneously n PC Tools for reviewing data and creating
calibration temperature programs


Isocal-6 Introduction:
The multifunction temperature calibration system
The award winning ISOCAL-6 consists of a range of The ISOCAL-6 is a complete temperature calibration
temperature calibrators designed to calibrate all laboratory in a simple easy to use package.
temperature sensors. As a multi function temperature
calibrator it can be used as a Dry Block with accessories A system designed to expand with you, to fulfill all future
added to allow use as a Stirred Liquid Bath, a Blackbody calibration needs. Giving the flexibility to add accessories
Source, a Surface Temperature Calibrator, an ITS-90 Fixed when needed and meet current budgetary demands.
Point System and for low temperatures a Stirred Ice Bath.

Metal Block Bath

A Metal Block Bath, (Dry Block Calibrator) provides fast and
clean calibration of thermocouples, PRTs and other industrial
temperature sensors. Isotech blocks use a combination of
multi zone and advanced materials technology to ensure
constant temperature zones to enable high accuracy
calibration. Interchangeable 35mm diameter blocks allow
several sensors to be calibrated simultaneously with fast heat
up and cool down. For larger probes blocks are available up
to 65mm diameter and with immersion depth of up to 300mm.
An unmatched combination of leading performance and
calibration capacity.

Stirred Liquid Bath

Remove the metal block and the Isocal-6 can be converted
to a stirred liquid bath. Liquid bath operation allows angled
or awkward shaped probes to be calibrated. Accuracies are
improved over Dry Blocks alone and with a suitable reference
probe performance of 0.005°C is achievable. In stirred liquid
bath mode a reference probe should be used.

Stirred Ice / Water Bath

The ISOCAL-6 models that operate below 0°C can be used to
provide a 0°C stirred ice / water bath. This provides a simple
low cost way of checking that standards have not drifted in
between calibrations.


Blackbody Source
Adding the blackbody target allows the testing of infrared
thermometers. Low cost non-contact IR thermometers are
increasingly being used in industry and the ISOCAL-6 is
ideal to test and check these devices. The IR thermometer is
focused on the target and compared to a reference probe in
the block pocket.

5 Surface Sensor Calibrator

With the Surface Sensor Kit the test sensor is compared to
a platinum resistance thermometer located just below the
surface of the block. Again save the cost of buying additional
equipment by adding accessories as required to expand the
ISOCAL-6 for new calibration applications.

ITS-90 Fixed Point Apparatus

For the best possible performance with uncertainties to
0.0005°C (0.5mK) add an ITS-90 Fixed Point Cell. The most
popular is the B8 Water Triple Point Cell, it is surprisingly
affordable and simple to use - the triple point can be both
created and maintained in the apparatus without the need for
any other equipment or supplies.


-25 to 250°C
ISOCAL - 6 Range
Across range

Hyperion • Drago
g MultiFunction: Six Modes including Dry Block and
Liquid Bath
g 65mm Volume: Ideal Liquid Bath
g Calibrateentire measurement loop - using a heat
source rather than an electrical simulator, a test
instrument and sensor can be calibrated as a system

The Hyperion and Drago have large calibration volumes,

65mm x 160mm deep, which makes them ideal to use as
portable liquid baths. Stirred liquid baths are suitable for
temperature sensors of all types, sizes and shapes. Liquid
Baths can provide smaller calibration uncertainties than dry
blocks and when used with suitable reference thermometers,
accuracies of up to 0.005°C can be achieved.
These models are part of the award winning Isocal-6 family
and with a reference probe can be used with different
accessories for Dry Block, Infrared, Surface Calibration and
even with ITS-90 Fixed Point Cells for uncertainties to
0.001°C. In Dry Block Mode, the large 65mm diameter
block allows for the calibration of either larger probes or for
calibrating many sensors simultaneously.
As a Liquid bath the sensors can be placed directly into the
stirred liquid thus avoiding the need for specially drilled
blocks. If the liquid is directly in the block then the controller
only model, or Basic (B) model, can be selected. However,
instead of putting liquids directly in the block liquid
containers can be used to facilitate rapid change of fluids.
For greater accuracy, or when using a liquid container, Dry
Alternatively the SITE or ADVANCED model can be
Block Insert, Blackbody Target or the Surface Sensor Kit a
selected; the SITE includes a temperature indicator for a
separate reference thermometer should be used to
reference probe. The ADVANCED also includes inputs for
compensate for the varying offset between the controller
test thermometers, automatic temperature cycling, logging
and the accessory temperature.
and additional sophisticated features.
An ideal arrangement would be to include the handheld
I-Cal EASY calibration software can be added to create a
Isotech TTI-10 or the bench top Isotech milliK Precision
powerful and automatic solution for the automatic
Thermometer and Model 935-14-16 Semi Standard
calibration of thermometers.
Platinum Resistance Thermometer.

advanced site BASIC



Hyperion 4936 Drago 4934

Temperature Range -25°C to 140°C 1
30°C to 250°C2
Stability: Dry Block / Liquid Bath ±0.005°C ±0.005°C
Display Resolution 0.001°C over whole range 0.001°C over whole range
Input Channel Accuracy: Thermocouple E,J,K,N: ±0.2°C @ 660°C R: ±0.6°C S: ±0.7°C @ 660°C T ±0.2°C @ 150°C
CJC Accuracy ±0.35°C
Input Channel Accuracy: RTD ±0.05°C ±0.005% RDG
Basic / Site Range
Stability ±0.03°C ±0.03°C
Display Resolution 0.01°C from -19.99 to 99.99°C then 0.1C: 0.01°C Over PC Interface
Common Specifications
Stability Blackbody ±0.3°C Surface Sensor ±0.5°C ITS-90 Cells ±0.0005°C
Display Accuracy 3 0.15°C 0.15°C
Uniformity - Radial, Liquid Bath Mode <0.009°C <0.007°C
Uniformity - Axial, Liquid Bath Mode <0.011°C <0.013°C
Uniformity - Radial, Dry Block Mode <0.008°C <0.008°C
(Between Wells)
Uniformity - Axial, Dry Block Mode <0.040°C <0.040°C
Heating Time -20°C to 140°C: 40 Mins 30°C to 250°C: 40 Mins
Cooling Time 140°C to 20°C: 90 Mins 250°C to 30°C: 90 Mins
20°C to -25°C: 80 Mins
Insert Size 65 x 160mm
Insert Types Standard 8 x 8mm + 2 x 4.5mm, Undrilled or Custom Drilled
Power 115 or 230Vac 50/60Hz 200 Watts 115 or 230Vac 50/60Hz 1000 Watts
Dimensions 384H (including handle) x 212W x 312D mm
Weight 12kg 8kg
(1) In ambient of 20°C: Minimum Temperature is 45°C Below Ambient, Absolute Minimum -35°C
(2) In ambient of 20°C
(3) Dry Block Mode only: Comparing 4.5mm Well to Controller Display Value.


Digital Display of Set and

Yes Yes Yes
Nominal Block Temperature
PC Interface Ethernet Serial Serial
Test Thermostats Yes - Two Inputs Yes - Single Input No
Independent Temperature
Yes Yes No
Indicator for Reference Probe
Up to 3: Two universal
inputs for prt,
Additional Inputs for Units
Thermocouple or Process No No
Under Test
inputs and a further
Thermocouple input
Automatic Temperature
Yes No No
Data Logging Yes - Export to USB. No No
Yes - block can follow
Offset Elimination No No
reference input
Choose English, French,
Yes - on full colour display No No
Italian or Spanish Language
In Built Web Server Yes No No
Yes - Suitable for life
Tamper Proof Data science, automotive and No No
aerospace applications


Hyperion / Drago
ISOCAL-6 Accessories
Liquid & Dry Block Dry Block Mode with Inserts
936-06-01a Standard Insert is:
8 x 8mm + 2 x 4.5mm all 157mm Deep.
All Inserts have a 4mm tapped hole to suit
Metal Block Bath supplied extractor tool.
Dry Block Calibrator provides fast and clean calibration of Alternative Inserts
thermocouples, PRTs and other industrial sensors. Isotech 936-06-01b Blank Insert
blocks use a combination of multi zone and advanced 936-06-01c Special Insert.
materials technology to ensure constant temperature zones
for high accuracy calibration. Stirred Liquid Mode with Liquid
Container Kit 936-06-02
Allows liquid bath use, includes container,
Stirred Liquid Bath magnetic stirrer, probe guide and sealing
Remove the metal block to convert to a stirred liquid bath.
Liquid bath operation allows angled or awkward shaped
Stirred Ice Bath Mode with Liquid
probes to be calibrated. Accuracies are improved over Dry
Blocks alone and with a suitable reference probe performance Container Kit
of 0.005°C is achievable. Uses same liquid kit to provide 0°C
reference as a stirred ice bath.
Thermometer Support Kit 936-06-08
Stirred Ice / Water Bath Supports up to eight thermometers into
liquid. Suits probes 5mm - 8mm in
The ISOCAL-6 models that operate below 0°C can be used to diameter.
provide a 0°C stirred ice / water bath. This provides a simple
low cost way of checking that standards have not drifted in
936-06-07 C10 Oil -35°C – 140°C 1L
between calibrations. 580-06-09 C20 Oil 20°C – 200°C 1L
915/09 VH Oil 150°C – 250°C 1L

Infrared Calibration Mode with Blackbody

Target 936-06-03
Blackbody Source Use optional Probe 936-14-61DB.
Adding the blackbody target allows the testing of infrared
thermometers. Low cost non-contact IR thermometers are
increasingly being used in industry and the ISOCAL-6 is
ideal to test and check these devices. The IR thermometer is Surface Sensor Calibration with Surface
focused on the target and compared to a reference probe in
Sensor Kit 936-06-04
the block pocket.
Includes an Insert and an angled platinum
resistance thermometer.
Surface Sensor Calibrator
With the Surface Sensor Kit the test sensor is compared to ITS-90 Fixed Point Cells
a platinum resistance thermometer located just below the
B8 Water Triple Point Cell (Hyperion)
surface of the block. Again save the cost of buying additional
equipment by adding accessories as required to expand the
17401 Slim Gallium Slim Cell
ISOCAL-6 for new calibration applications. 936-06-09 Cell Holder Assembly

ITS-90 Fixed Point Apparatus Includes three point traceable calibration
For the best possible performance with uncertainties to certificate for block temperature
0.0005°C (0.5mK) add an ITS-90 Fixed Point Cell. The most UKAS Calibration
popular is the B8 Water Triple Point Cell, it is surprisingly UKAS Calibration available to order, legally
affordable and simple to use - the triple point can be both traceable in more than 70 countries.
created and maintained in the apparatus without the need for
any other equipment or supplies. Standard Probe 935-14-61/DB
Platinum Resistance Thermometer. 4mm

Current Loop Interface 935-06-161

24VDC Power Supply and Terminal Box.
World’s First Powers 4-20mA Current Transmitters with

Multi-Functional 4mm terminal posts for easy connection.

Baths Carrying Case 931-22-112

SIX FUNCTIONS Sturdy case accommodates the unit with
room for accessories
Isocal-6 Performance and Use
Hyperion Performance - Dry Block Drago Performance - Dry Block
0.1°C 0.1°C
0.08°C 0.08°C

0.06°C 0.06°C

0.04°C 0.04°C

0.02°C 0.02°C
0.004 0.001
0.002 -0.001
0°C 0°C

-0.02°C -0.02°C

-30°C 0°C 30°C 60°C 90°C 120°C 150°C 0°C 25°C 50°C 75°C 100°C 125°C 150°C 175°C 200°C 225°C 250°C

g Audit Calibration (Similar Sensors) S model with UKAS option See Evaluation Reports for full details
g Radial Homogeneity

Alternative Methods of Calibrating with an Isocal-6

Advanced Model

Basic Model
Site Model

advanced Model site Model Basic Model

n Digital Display of Set and n Digital Display of Set and n For Quick and Easy Testing
Nominal Block Temperature Nominal Block Temperature n Digital Display of Set and
n Inbuilt three channel indicator for n Inbuilt single channel indicator Nominal Block Temperature
reference probe and units under for reference probe n Use with a separate external
test n Best Practice calibration with indicator to compensate for
n Advanced features including established traceability and gradients and loading
automatic Temperature Cycling uncertainty
and Logging
n Best Practice calibration with
established traceability and

UKAS Calibration available for these systems - International Traceability - Best Practice See page 31


-45 to 250°C
ISOCAL - 6 Range
Across range

Europa Venus Calisto

g MultiFunction: Six Modes including Dry Block and
Liquid Bath
g Fast Response 35mm x 160mm Calibration Volume
g Calibrate Whole Measurement Loop
These models will calibrate temperature probes from -45°C
to 250°C with unrivalled flexibility. As a traditional Dry Block,
several thermometers can be quickly calibrated.
Accessories are available to convert to a stirred liquid bath,
for surface sensor calibration, to calibrate infrared
thermometers and even to use as an ITS-90 Fixed Point
System with calibration uncertainties as small as 0.0005°C.
With excellent stability and distributed heating cooling
zones for good uniformity these calibrators offer proven
thermal performance.
These award winning calibrators are easy to use and are
available in three versions – the Basic, the Site and the
ADVANCED. The Basic has a digital display of set and
nominal temperature, the Site additionally includes an in-
built independent temperature indicator for a reference
probe. The ADVANCED controller has inputs for reference
and test thermometers with a further range of sophisticated
features including automatic temperature cycling, secure
data logging and full colour high resolution display.
Compatible with the leading I-Cal Easy automatic
calibration software, you can also benefit from the
combination of award winning flexibility and large
calibration capacity.
These models meet the calibration capacity requirements
of EURAMET/cg-13/v.01, “EA Guidelines on the Calibration
of Temperature Block Calibrators, formerly EA10/13.
accuracy and best performance.

advanced site BASIC


Parameter Model
Europa 4520 Venus 4951 Calisto 4953
Temperature Range -45°C to 140°C (1) -35°C to 140°C (2) 30°C to 250°C (3)
Advanced Range
Stability: Dry Block / Liquid Bath ±0.01°C ±0.01°C ±0.02°C
Display Resolution 0.001°C over whole range 0.001°C over whole range 0.01°C over whole range
Input Channel Accuracy: Thermocouple E,J,K,N: ±0.2°C @ 660°C R: ±0.6°C S: ±0.7°C @ 660°C T ±0.2°C @ 150°C
CJC Accuracy ±0.35°C
Input Channel Accuracy: RTD ±0.05°C ±0.005% RDG
Basic/Site Range
Stability ±0.03°C ±0.03°C ±0.03°C
Display Resolution 0.01°C from -19.99 to 99.99C then 0.1C: 0.01C Over PC Interface
Common Specification
Stability Blackbody ±0.3°C Surface Sensor ±0.5°C ITS-90 Cells ±0.0005°C
Uniformity - Between Wells Dry
<0.008°C <0.008°C <0.02°C at 250°C
Block Mode (Radial)
Uniformity - Lower 40mm
<0.040°C <0.040°C <0.25°C
(Axial) Dry Block Mode
Uniformity - Radial Liquid Bath
<0.02°C <0.02°C <0.011°C at 250°C
Uniformity - Lower 40mm
<0.026°C <0.026°C <0.02°C at 250°C
(Axial) As Liquid Bath
Heating Time -30°C to 140°C: 15 Mins -30°C to 140°C: 15 Mins 25°C to 250°C: 15 Mins
Cooling Time 140°C to 0°C: 15 Mins 140°C to 0°C: 15 Mins 250°C to 30°C: 25 Mins
Calibration Volume 35 x 160mm
Standard Insert 6 pockets, 2 x 4.5mm, 2 x 6.4mm, 1 x 8.0mm, 1 x 9.5mm diameter, all 157mm deep
Insert Types Choice of Three - See Accessories
Ethernet - supporting software and USB Host
CJC Accuracy: 0.35°C
Dimensions 384H (including handle) x 212W x 312D mm
Power 300 Watts 150 Watts 300 Watts
Voltage 115Vac or 230 Vac 50/60Hz
Weight 14kg 10.2kg 8kg

(1) In ambient of 20°C: Minimum Temperature is 65°C Below Ambient, Absolute Minimum -55°C (3) In ambient of 20°C
(2) In ambient of 20°C: Minimum Temperature is 55°C Below Ambient, Absolute Minimum -45°C (4) Dry Block Mode only: Comparing 4.5mm Well to Controller Display Value.


Digital Display of Set and

Yes Yes Yes
Nominal Block Temperature
PC Interface Ethernet Serial Serial
Test Thermostats Yes - Two Inputs Yes - Single Input No
Independent Temperature
Yes Yes No
Indicator for Reference Probe
Up to 3: Two universal inputs
Additional Inputs for Units Under for prt, Thermocouple or
No No
Test Process inputs and a further
Thermocouple input
Automatic Temperature Cycling Yes No No
Data Logging Yes - Export to USB. No No
Yes - block can follow reference
Offset Elimination No No
Choose English, French, Italian
Yes - on full colour display No No
or Spanish Language
In Built Web Server Yes No No
Yes - Suitable for life science,
Tamper Proof Data automotive and aerospace No No


Europa Venus Calisto
ISOCAL-6 Accessories
Liquid & Dry Block

Dry Block Mode with Inserts
951-02-15 An Insert is included:
(2 x 4.5mm, 2 x 6.4mm, 1 x 8mm &
1 x 9.5mm) x 157mm Deep.
All Inserts have a 4mm tapped hole to suit
supplied extractor tool.
Metal Block Bath Alternative Inserts
Dry Block Calibrator provides fast and clean calibration of 951-06-07 Alternative Insert type B 13mm,
thermocouples, PRTs and other industrial sensors. Isotech 10mm, 8mm, 5mm and 3.5mm dia. holes,
blocks use a combination of multi zone and advanced all 157mm deep
materials technology to ensure constant temperature zones 951-06-08 Alternative Insert type C 8mm, 6
for high accuracy calibration. x 6.5mm dia. holes, all 157mm deep
951-02-15a Blank Insert without pockets for
local machining. Includes M4 tapped hole
for supplied extractor tool.
Stirred Liquid Bath 951-02-15c Custom insert. Isotech can
Remove the metal block to convert to a stirred liquid bath. provide custom drilled pockets, minimum of
Liquid bath operation allows angled or awkward shaped 3mm separation between holes.
probes to be calibrated. Accuracies are improved over Dry Contact Isotech with your requirements
Blocks alone and with a suitable reference probe performance
of 0.005°C is achievable. Stirred Liquid Mode with Liquid Container
Kit 951-06-01
Allows liquid bath use, includes container,
magnetic stirrer, probe guide and sealing cap.
Stirred Ice / Water Bath Stirred Ice Bath Mode with Liquid
The ISOCAL-6 models that operate below 0°C can be used to Container Kit
provide a 0°C stirred ice / water bath. This provides a simple Uses same liquid kit to provide 0°C
low cost way of checking that standards have not drifted in reference as a stirred ice bath (Not Calisto)
between calibrations.
Thermometer Support Kit 921-02-06
Allows three thermometers to be
suspended in the bath, including liquid in
glass types.
Blackbody Source 520-05-01 C10 Oil -35°C – 140°C 0.1L
951-06-06 C20 Oil 20°C – 200°C 0.1L
Adding the blackbody target allows the testing of infrared
thermometers. Low cost non-contact IR thermometers are
953-04-01 VH Oil 150°C – 250°C 0.1L
increasingly being used in industry and the ISOCAL-6 is
ideal to test and check these devices. The IR thermometer is Infrared Calibration Mode with
focused on the target and compared to a reference probe in Blackbody Target 951-06-04
the block pocket. Use optional Probe 934-14-82/DB placed in
the auxiliary block pocket for use as a
Surface Sensor Calibrator
With the Surface Sensor Kit the test sensor is compared to Surface Sensor Calibration with Surface
a platinum resistance thermometer located just below the Sensor Kit 951-06-02
surface of the block. Again save the cost of buying additional Includes angled platinum resistance
equipment by adding accessories as required to expand the thermometer.
ISOCAL-6 for new calibration applications.

ITS-90 Fixed Point Cells 17724M

Slim Mercury Cell (Europa Only).
ITS-90 Fixed Point Apparatus B8 Water Triple Point Cell (Venus and
For the best possible performance with uncertainties to Europa)
0.0005°C (0.5mK) add an ITS-90 Fixed Point Cell. The most 17401M Slim Gallium Cell (Europa, Venus
popular is the B8 Water Triple Point Cell, it is surprisingly and Calisto)
affordable and simple to use - the triple point can be both
created and maintained in the apparatus without the need for Standard Probe 935-14-82/DB
any other equipment or supplies. Platinum Resistance Thermometer.
Probe diameter 4mm, recommended
pocket size 4.5mm. Angled head feature
avoids sensors in block.

Current Loop Interface 935-06-161

24VDC Power Supply and Terminal Box.
Powers 4-20mA Current Transmitters with
World’s First 4mm terminal posts for easy connection.

Multi-Functional Carrying Case 931-22-111

Baths Sturdy case with room for accessories.
Features wheels and pull out handle.
Isocal-6 Performance and Use
Venus and Europa Calisto
0.5°C 0.5°C

0.4°C 0.4°C

0.3°C 0.3°C

0.2°C 0.2°C

0.1°C 0.1°C

0°C 0°C

-50°C 0°C 50°C 100°C 150°C 50°C 100°C 150°C 200°C 250°C

g Uncertainty with Reference Probe with optional UKAS Calibration

g Audit Calibration: Method comparing a PRT to UKAS Calibrated model See Evaluation Reports for full details
g Radial Homogeneity. Use for similar probes and external indicator

Alternative Methods of Calibrating with an Isocal-6

Advanced Model

Basic Model
Site Model

advanced Model site Model Basic Model

n Digital Display of Set and n Digital Display of Set and n For Quick and Easy Testing
Nominal Block Temperature Nominal Block Temperature n Digital Display of Set and
n Inbuilt three channel indicator for n Inbuilt single channel indicator Nominal Block Temperature
reference probe and units under for reference probe n Use with a separate external
test n Best Practice calibration with indicator to compensate for
n Advanced features including established traceability and gradients and loading
automatic Temperature Cycling uncertainty
and Logging
n Best Practice calibration with
established traceability and

UKAS Calibration available for these systems - International Traceability - Best Practice See page 31


The world’s leading National Metrology Institutes
choose Isotech - shouldn’t you?

A Guide to
Portable Calibration
Isothermal Technology manufacture a full range of temperature calibration
equipment from Primary Standards used in National and Primary
Laboratories, for Secondary Laboratory Equipment used in accredited
calibration laboratories and through to the Dry Blocks featured here.

We have been pioneering the latest High Accuracy Reference Probes

developments in Temperature Metrology for
The Jupiter ADVANCED operates to a maximum
more than 30 years, benefit from our know how, Four distributed heat/cooling
of 660°C; matched to the upper limit of our high zones for optimum uniformity

experience and global network.

temperature Semi Standard Platinum Resistance
Four Zones for Optimal Uniformity Thermometers. This allows maximum accuracy
with no risk of exceeding the temperature limit of
Isotech blocks with active heating and cooling
the PRT.
feature specially designed thermoelectric heat
pumps positioned in four heating / cooling Optimised Furnace
zones around the block to ensure good
The Pegasus advanced features a small
uniformity for high accuracy calibration.
tube furnace to allow operation to 1200°C
Excellent Stability in a portable case. With a ceramic furnace
construction temperature gradients are larger Superior uniformity by using copper
The Advanced models automatically block with extended length heating
than with lower temperature metal blocks.
compensate for power fluctuations and feature
advanced PID algorithms with digital filtering to The Isotech furnace benefits over other designs
deliver world class control and superior stability. by using a specially wound furnace tube
assembly. They are manufactured in our factory
High Temperature Uniformity
with the turns concentrated at the ends of the
The Jupiter ADVANCED calibration block furnace, where the heat losses are greatest.
features uniform heating with a custom wound This gives an improved temperature profile and
heater over an extended length of the block. lower uncertainty.
The block itself is made from copper which has
Insulators are provided for the top and
a very high thermal conductivity; much superior
bottom of the furnace which further improve
to the aluminium bronze alloys used elsewhere.
temperature uniformity.
A propriety process is used to protect the
copper from oxidising. This combination of
materials and expert knowledge delivers
superior performance.


Using Isotech’s Dry Blocks Dry Block pre-purchase check list
Traceable Calibration 1 Does the supplier have an accredited laboratory?
UKAS accreditation, “the means by which, in the public
For best practice the recommendation is that a calibrated interest, the integrity and competence of independent
probe is placed into the Dry Block Insert and the evaluators is confirmed and declared”. Isotech can
thermometers under test “can be related to appropriate issue a UKAS certificate with the performance
expressed in the manner that you will need, not to
standards, generally international or national standards, some confusingly expressed specification that is made
through an unbroken chain of comparisons”. Thus meeting with no confirmation of integrity and competence.
many quality systems including the requirements of ISO 9000.
2 Experience
Using the Dry Bock itself as the Reference (or standard) Does the producer have experience? Do they
raises a number of issues, such as how is the uncertainty understand the difference between accuracy and
of the Dry Block calculated. In practice it can vary uncertainty? Can they tell you how to calculate the
significantly and there are some poor designs from many uncertainty of a probe being calibrated in the block?
Isotech can.
suppliers where it is not possible to achieve this in a
satisfactory manner. Recently, International Guidelines have 3 Expandable
been published from EURAMET that give guidance, and Can the Dry Block be used with other sensors? Are
requirements, for the calibration of Dry Blocks EURAMET/ there accessories available for future expansion? With
cg-13/v.01 (formerly EA10-13). For the most demanding Isotech products they are.
applications we continue to recommend that a reference
4 PC Support
probe is used, the same method as used in secondary
Can it be connected to a computer? Is there software
temperature laboratories, but for less demanding available, can it be automated? Isotech Dry Block
calibration, and the quick testing of sensors the Dry Block Calibrators have a range of software options.
can be used without a reference probe, refer to the Dry
Block’s Evaluation Report for typical performance. 5 Documented
Is the bath fully documented? Can you download a full
evaluation report from the Web Site? Does it come with
a comprehensive handbook and tutorial? Is training
available? Isotech provide all of these free of charge.

6 Practical
Isotech Dry Blocks are practically designed with a
strong metal case, and are a compact portable size. If
you are going to carry it around don’t forget to check
the size and weights. It is surprising how large some
other blocks are, even though they take the same
number of probes. Beware if the specification does not
include the weight.

7 Value
Check the prices, all the above come at an amazingly
competitive price when you choose Isotech.

Dry Block Calibrator Dry Block Calibrator

of Poor Design Meeting ISO9000 Requirements
Calibrated Probe

Industrial Probe
Industrial Probe
Ack Mode

Insert Insert Calibrated Indicator

Heat / Cool Heat / Cool

Metal Block Metal Block

Ack Mode Ack Mode

Sensor Sensor
Controller Controller


35 to 660°C
Dry Block Calibrator
g Wide Operating Range to 660°C
g Fast Response
g Calibrate Whole Measurement Loop
The Jupiter Dry Block range offers industry-leading
performance in an easy to use portable package - ideal for
the calibration of thermocouples and platinum resistance
thermometers. It has been designed for fast heating and
cooling for convenient field use. For flexibility surface
sensor and infrared thermometer accessories can be
The standard insert can hold up to six thermometers. For
larger blocks see the Gemini range.
These award winning calibrators are easy to use and are
available in three versions – the Basic, the Site and the
ADVANCED. The Basic has a digital display of set and
nominal temperature, the Site additionally includes an in-
built independent temperature indicator for a reference
probe. The ADVANCED controller has inputs for reference
and test thermometers with a further range of sophisticated
features including automatic temperature cycling, secure
data logging and full colour high resolution display.
Isotech is a world leader in temperature calibration,
providing many nations with their Primary Standards and
operates a full scale UKAS accredited calibration
laboratory. We can offer a range of calibration options to
meet your requirements.
Benefit from our experience and understanding in
calibration at all levels, our evaluation reports, our tutorials
and uncertainty calculations.
These models meet the calibration capacity requirements
of EURAMET/cg-13/v.01, “EA Guidelines on the Calibration
of Temperature Block Calibrators, formerly EA10/13.

advanced site BASIC


Dry Block
Parameter Model

Jupiter 4852
Temperature Range 35°C to 660°C
Stability ±0.015°C @ 100°C ±0.025°C @ 650°C
Display Resolution 0.01°C over whole range
Input Channel Accuracy: Thermocouple E,J,K,N: ±0.2°C @ 660°C R: ±0.6°C S: ±0.7°C @ 660°C T ±0.2°C @ 150°C
CJC Accuracy ±0.35°C
Input Channel Accuracy: RTD ±0.05°C ±0.005% RDG
Basic/Site Range
Stability ±0.02°C @ 100°C ±0.03°C @ 650°C
Display Resolution 0.01°C from 30.00 to 99.99°C then 0.1°C: 0.01°C Over PC Interface
Common Specifications
Blackbody Source ±0.3°C
Surface Sensor Calibrator ±0.5°C
Cools from 650°C to 150°C in 60 minutes
Heats from 30°C to 650°C in 20 minutes
Best Performance See Graph
Calibration volume 35mm diameter by 148mm deep
Standard Insert 6 pockets, 2 x 4.5mm, 2 x 6.4mm, 1 x 8.0mm, 1 x 9.5mm diameter, all 140mm deep
Indicator units °C, °F, K
Power 115Vac or 230Vac 50/60Hz 1000 Watts
Dimensions 384H (including handle) x 212W x 312D mm
Weight 8.5kg


Digital Display of Set and

Yes Yes Yes
Nominal Block Temperature
PC Interface Ethernet Serial Serial
Test Thermostats Yes - Two Inputs Yes - Single Input No
Independent Temperature
Yes Yes No
Indicator for Reference Probe
Up to 3: Two universal
inputs for prt,
Additional Inputs for Units
Thermocouple or Process No No
Under Test
inputs and a further
Thermocouple input
Automatic Temperature
Yes No No
Data Logging Yes - Export to USB. No No
Yes - block can follow
Offset Elimination No No
reference input
Choose English, French,
Yes - on full colour display No No
Italian or Spanish Language
In Built Web Server Yes No No
Yes - Suitable for life
Tamper Proof Data science, automotive and No No
aerospace applications)

UKAS Calibration available for these systems - International Traceability - Best Practice See page 31


Jupiter Accessories
Dry Blocks Metal Block Insert 852-07-11
Standard Insert included.

fast response Size: 2 x 4.5mm, 2 x 6.4mm, 1 x 8mm and 1

x 9.5mm all 140mm deep
Alternative Inserts
852-09-03 Alternative Insert type B 13mm,
10mm, 8mm, 5mm and 3.5mm diameter
holes, all 140mm deep
Metal Block Bath 852-09-04 Alternative Insert type C 8mm, 6
x 6.5mm diameter holes, all 140mm deep
The Jupiter is supplied with an insert suitable for a wide range 852-07-07 Blank Insert without pockets for
of sensors as standard. local machining. Includes M4 tapped hole
for supplied extractor tool.
852-07-07C Custom Insert. Isotech can
provide custom drilled pockets, minimum of
3mm separation between holes.
Contact Isotech with your requirements.
Blackbody Source Blackbody Kit 852-09-05
Add the Blackbody accessory to allow calibration of infrared Includes a Blackbody target and Sensor.

Surface Sensor Kit 852-07-15

Includes angled thermocouple.
Surface Sensor Calibrator
The Jupiter can calibrate surface sensors by adding the
surface sensor kit.

Includes three point traceable calibration
certificate for block temperature
UKAS Calibration
Recommended: Options for block
temperature and reference thermometer
inputs (simulation). Legally traceable in
more than 70 countries.

Air Cooling 853-04-02

For use with an air supply this accessory
allows air to be blown into the block for
rapid cooling.

Standard Probe 935-14-72/DB

Platinum Resistance Thermometer for use
up to 660°C. Probe diameter 6mm,
recommended pocket size 6.5mm.

Current Loop Interface 935-06-161

24VDC Power Supply and Terminal Box.
Powers 4-20mA Current Transmitters with
4mm terminal posts for easy connection.

Carrying Case 931-22-111

Sturdy case with room for accessories.
Features wheels and pull out handle.
Dry Block
The world’s leading National Metrology Institutes
choose Isotech - shouldn’t you?
Isotech manufacture the widest superior to the aluminium bronze
range of temperature calibration alloys used elsewhere. A propriety
equipment from hand held process is used to protect the copper
thermometers to Primary Standards. from oxidising. This combination of
With Isotech solutions you can materials and expert knowledge
expand your equipment no matter delivers superior performance.
what the requirement.
660°C Operation
Isotech have been pioneering the
latest developments in Temperature n The Jupiter ADVANCED operates to
Metrology for more than 30 years, a maximum of 660°C; matched to the
benefit from our know how, experience upper limit of the high temperature
and global network. Isotech Semi Standard Platinum
Resistance Thermometers. This
Jupiter Benefits allows maximum accuracy with no
risk to exceeding the temperature
n The Jupiter calibration block features limit of the PRT. This gives greater
uniform heating with a custom accuracy than extending the range
wound heater over an extended beyond 660°C and having to use an
length of the block. The block itself inferior thermometer or
is made from copper which has a thermocouple. Superior uniformity by using copper
very high thermal conductivity; much block with extended length heating

Audit Calibration (Similar Sensors)





Radial Homogeneity
0.02°C (difference between holes)


0°C 100°C 200°C 300°C 400°C 500°C 600°C 700°C

g Audit Calibration (Similar Sensors)

g Radial Homogeneity

See Evaluation Reports for full details

How To Order
1 - Select Desired Options and Accessories
2 - Supply Voltage:
Specify either 115Vac 50/60hz or 230Vac 50/60Hz


35 to 700°C
Dry Block Calibrator
g Calibrate Large Diameter Probes
g High Capacity Blocks 64 x 160mm
g Calibrate Whole Measurement Loop
The Gemini range of Dry Blocks have high capacity
allowing a large number of probes to be calibrated
together. They are also suitable to accept large diameter
probes with the block volume of a nominal 64 x 160mm.
Whilst the large block takes longer to heat and cool than
the Jupiter it can calibrate thermocouples, resistance
thermometers, thermostats and sensors that are too large
for the smaller blocks.
These award winning calibrators are easy to use and are
available in three versions – the Basic, the Site and the
ADVANCED. The Basic has a digital display of set and
nominal temperature, the Site additionally includes an in-
built independent temperature indicator for a reference
probe. The ADVANCED controller has inputs for reference
and test thermometers with a further range of sophisticated
features including automatic temperature cycling, secure
data logging and full colour high resolution display.
Compatible with the leading I-Cal Easy automatic
calibration software you can also benefit from the
combination of award winning flexibility and large
calibration capacity.
Available with a fixed block with four 8mm and four 19.5mm
pockets or the LRI version which has a removable block.
With the LRI model, blocks can be drilled to custom
Isotech is a world leader in temperature calibration,
providing many nations with their Primary Standards and
These models meet the calibration capacity requirements
operates a full scale UKAS accredited calibration
of EURAMET/cg-13/v.01, “EA Guidelines on the Calibration
laboratory. We can offer a range of calibration options to
of Temperature Block Calibrators, formerly EA10/13.
meet your requirements.

advanced site BASIC


Dry Block
Parameter Model: Gemini 4857

550 700
Temperature Range 35°C to 550°C 50°C to 700°C
Absolute Stability over 30 mins ±0.01°C @ 100°C | ±0.015°C @ 300°C | ±0.03°C @ 550°C
Display Resolution 0.01°C over whole range
Input Channel Accuracy: Thermocouple E,J,K,N: ±0.2°C @ 660°C R: ±0.6°C S: ±0.7°C @ 660°C T ±0.2°C @ 150°C
CJC Accuracy ±0.35°C
Input Channel Accuracy: RTD ±0.05°C ±0.005% RDG
Basic/Site Range
Absolute Stability over 30 mins ±0.02°C @ 50°C | ±0.03°C @ 250°C | ±0.04°C @ 550°C
Display Resolution 0.01°C from 30.00 to 99.99°C then 0.1°C: 0.01°C Over PC Interface
Common Specifications
Cools from 550°C to 275°C 35 mins (LRI: 132 mins) -
from 550°C to 60°C 345 mins (LRI: 420 mins) -
Heats from 30°C to 550°C 35 mins (LRI: 60 mins) -
from 50°C to 700°C - 110 mins (LRI: 120 mins)
Best Performance See Graph
Calibration volume 65mm diameter x 160mm deep
Indicator units °C, °F, K
Voltage 115Vac or 230Vac 50/60Hz
Power 600 Watts (LRI: 1000 Watts)
Dimensions 384H (including handle) x 212W x 312D mm
Weight 8.5kg 14kg


Digital Display of Set and

Yes Yes Yes
Nominal Block Temperature
PC Interface Ethernet Serial Serial
Test Thermostats Yes - Two Inputs Yes - Single Input No
Independent Temperature
Yes Yes No
Indicator for Reference Probe
Up to 3: Two universal
inputs for prt,
Additional Inputs for Units
Thermocouple or Process No No
Under Test
inputs and a further
Thermocouple input
Automatic Temperature
Yes No No
Data Logging Yes - Export to USB. No No
Yes - block can follow
Offset Elimination No No
reference input
Choose English, French,
Yes - on full colour display No No
Italian or Spanish Language
In Built Web Server Yes No No
Yes - Suitable for life
Tamper Proof Data science, automotive and No No
aerospace applications)

UKAS Calibration available for these systems - International Traceability - Best Practice See page 31


Gemini Accessories
Dry Blocks Metal Block Sleeves
Gemini 550

LARGE VOLUME Set of four Sleeves to suit the block.

Optional single hole sizes 4, 6, 8, 10, 12,
14mm diameter all 150mm deep.
857-07-01 Undrilled sleeves
for local machining.
857-07-03 1 sleeve with 2 holes 4.5mm x
150mm deep.
Gemini 700
Set of four Sleeves to suit the block.
Optional single hole sizes 4, 6, 8, 10, 12,
14mm diameter all 150mm deep.
857-07-02 Blank sleeves
for local machining.
Gemini 857-07-04 1 sleeve with 2 holes 4.5mm x
150mm deep.
Fixed Block Note: The use of sleeves will introduce an additional thermal gradient into the block.
Four 8mm Pockets This can be avoided by using the LRI model with a block drilled for specific probes.
Four 19.5mm Pockets
Removable Inserts
Gemini 550 LRI
976-07-01a Included as Standard
Removable insert with eight 8mm pockets
976-07-01b Blank Insert
Insert without pockets for local machining
976-07-01c Custom Insert
Contact Isotech with your requirements
Gemini 700 LRI
976-07-02a Included as Standard
Gemini LRI Removable block with eight 8mm pockets
976-07-02b Blank Insert
Removable Block Insert without pockets for local machining
Eight 8mm Pockets 976-07-02c Custom Insert
Can be custom drilled Contact Isotech with your requirements

Includes three point traceable calibration
certificate for block temperature
UKAS Calibration
Recommended: Options for block
temperature and reference thermometer
inputs (simulation). Legally traceable in
more than 70 countries.

Current Loop Interface

935-06-161 24VDC Power Supply and
Terminal Box. Powers 4-20mA Current
Transmitters with 4mm terminal posts for
easy connection.

Standard Probe
935-14-72/DB Platinum Resistance
Thermometer for use up to 650°C.
935-14-63 Type N Thermocouple for use
up to 700°C.

Carrying Case
931-22-111 - Gemini 550 / 700
931-22-112 - Gemini 550 LRI / 700 LRI
Sturdy case with room for accessories.
Features wheels and pull out handle.
The world’s leading National Metrology Institutes
choose Isotech - shouldn’t you?
Isotech manufacture the widest range of Gemini
temperature calibration equipment from 0.12°C
hand held thermometers to Primary
Standards. With Isotech solutions you 0.1 0.1 0.1
can expand your equipment no matter
Audit Calibration (Similar Sensors)
what the requirement. S model with UKAS option
Isotech have been pioneering the
latest developments in Temperature
Metrology for more than 30 years,
benefit from our know how, experience
Gemini 550
and global network. Gemini 550 LRI
Radial Homogeneity

Gemini Benefits 0.02°C

(difference between holes)
0.011 0.017
0.005 0.001
n The Gemini has a large block with 0.0035
sufficient mass to accommodate
0°C 100°C 200°C 300°C 400°C 500°C 600°C 700°C
larger sensors or a larger number of
sensors. The fixed block has four
19.5mm pockets and four 8mm
n The LRI model with its removable
block can be custom drilled. Whilst
the larger block takes longer to heat
than the fast response models they
do allow larger probes to be
accommodated and can be used
with custom blocks to simulate
applications, allowing probes that
would otherwise be unsuitable for
Dry Block calibration to be

How To Order
1 - Select Desired Options and Accessories
2 - Supply Voltage:
Specify either 115Vac 50/60hz or 230Vac 50/60Hz


150 to 1200°C
Dry Block Calibrator
g High Temperature Thermocouple Calibration Furnace
g Custom Furnace Design with Optimised Profile
g Calibrate Whole Measurement Loop
The Pegasus range offers extreme high temperature
calibration in an easy to use portable package - ideal for
the calibration of high temperature thermocouples. It has
been designed for fast heating and finds applications in the
glass, electrical power, automotive and material processing
A Blackbody target can be added for the calibration of
infrared thermometers.
The standard insert has four 8mm pockets 80mm deep.
The metal insert is strategically placed beneath 50mm of
insulation to provide optimal performance over the radiant
temperature range.
The optional Blackbody target is used with a specially
angled Type R thermocouple that sits immediately behind
the target area.
These award winning calibrators are easy to use and are
available in three versions – the Basic, the Site and the
ADVANCED. The Basic has a digital display of set and
nominal temperature, the Site additionally includes an in-
built independent temperature indicator for a reference
probe. The ADVANCED controller has inputs for reference
and test thermometers with a further range of sophisticated probe and indicator, such as the milliK. The thermocouples
features including automatic temperature cycling, secure under test should be calibrated by comparison to the
data logging and full colour high resolution display. external probe.

The B model should be used with an external reference

UKAS Calibration available for these systems - International Traceability - Best Practice See page 31

advanced site BASIC


Dry Block
Parameter Model

Pegasus 4853
Temperature Range 150°C to 1200°C
Stability ±0.05°C @ 150°C ±0.08°C @ 1200°C
Display Resolution 0.01°C over whole range
Input Channel Accuracy: Thermocouple E,J,K,N: ±0.2°C @ 660°C R: ±0.6°C S: ±0.7°C @ 660°C T ±0.2°C @ 150°C
CJC Accuracy ±0.35°C
Input Channel Accuracy: RTD ±0.05°C ±0.005% RDG
Basic / Site Range
Stability ±0.1°C @ 150°C ±0.2°C @ 1200°C
Display Resolution 0.1°C from 150°C to 999.9°C then 1°C: 0.01°C Over PC Interface
Common Specifications
Blackbody Source ±0.3°C
Cools from 1200°C to 800°C in 50 minutes*
1200°C to 200°C in 180 minutes*
*substantially reduced by the cooling adaptor
Heating Rate 25°C / minute
Best Performance See Graph
Calibration volume 33.5mm diameter by 130mm deep
Standard Insert 4 x 8mm Pockets all 80mm deep + 50mm top insulator
Indicator units °C, °F, K
Power 115Vac or 230Vac (50 / 60 Hz) 800 Watts
Dimensions 384H (including handle) x 212W x 312D mm
Weight 13kg


Digital Display of Set and

Yes Yes Yes
Nominal Block Temperature
PC Interface Ethernet Serial Serial
Test Thermostats Yes - Two Inputs Yes - Single Input No
Independent Temperature
Yes Yes No
Indicator for Reference Probe
Up to 3: Two universal
inputs for prt,
Additional Inputs for Units
Thermocouple or Process No No
Under Test
inputs and a further
Thermocouple input
Automatic Temperature
Yes No No
Data Logging Yes - Export to USB. No No
Yes - block can follow
Offset Elimination No No
reference input
Choose English, French,
Yes - on full colour display No No
Italian or Spanish Language
In Built Web Server Yes No No
Yes - Suitable for life
Tamper Proof Data science, automotive and No No
aerospace applications)


Pegasus Accessories
Dry Blocks Metal Block Insert
Standard Insert Included

high temperature Four 8mm pockets. Pocket depth 80mm +

50mm insulator. Effective depth 130mm.
853-06-02 Blank Insert
Insert without pockets for local machining
853-06-02b Custom Insert
Contact Isotech with your requirements
Metal Block Bath Blackbody Kit 853-06-03
The Pegasus includes an insert suitable for high temperature Includes a Blackbody target and Sensor
calibration of thermocouples.

Includes three point traceable calibration
certificate for block temperature
Blackbody Source UKAS Calibration
Add the Blackbody accessory to allow calibration of infrared Recommended: Options for block
thermometers. temperature and reference thermometer
inputs (simulation). Legally traceable in
more than 70 countries.

Standard Probe 935-14-91

Type R Platinum Thermocouple for use up
to 1200°C.

Air Cooling 853-04-02

For use with a compressor this accessory
allows air to be blown into the block for
rapid cooling.

Ceramic Insulators 853-06-04

Spare insulation pack Includes 2 x standard
tops and 2 x standard bottoms.

Current Loop Interface 935-06-161

24VDC Power Supply and Terminal Box.
Powers 4-20mA Current Transmitters with
4mm terminal posts for easy connection.

Carrying Case 931-22-111

Sturdy case with room for accessories.
Features wheels and pull out handle.
Dry Block
The world’s leading National Metrology Institutes
choose Isotech - shouldn’t you?
Pegasus Benefits improved temperature profile and lower
The Pegasus features a small tube Insulators are provided for the top and
furnace to allow operation to 1200°C in bottom of the furnace which further
a portable case. With a ceramic improve temperature uniformity.
furnace construction temperature
The effective immersion depth is
gradients are larger than with lower
130mm, 80mm in the metal insert and
temperature metal blocks.
then a further 50mm in the furnace
The Isotech furnace benefits by using a tube.
specially wound furnace tube
assembly. They are manufactured in
our factory with the turns concentrated Benefit from Isotech’s design and
at the ends of the furnace, where the experience
heat losses are greatest. This gives an



Audit Calibration (Similar Sensors)
S model with UKAS option
Radial Homogeneity
(difference between holes) 0.2


0°C 200°C 400°C 600°C 800°C 1000°C 1200°C 1400°C

g Audit Calibration (Similar Sensors)

g Radial Homogeneity

See Evaluation Reports for full details

How To Order
1 - Select Desired Options and Accessories
2 - Supply Voltage:
Specify either 115Vac 50/60hz or 230Vac 50/60Hz


Temperature Cycling and Logging
Features of the ADVANCED models

Automatic Temperature Cycling

n Save Time
n Save Money
n Store up to 100 Programs

Calibration temperatures and dwell

times can be combined into ‘programs’
for the ADVANCED calibrator to follow,
up to 100 programs can be stored,
with each program having up to 25
Programs can be edited from the
front panel or on a PC with Set Point
Program Editor.
As the program runs all measurements
are recorded to the large internal
Automatic temperature cycling saves time and money with the calibrator automatically logging data over a series of
calibration points

Data Logging
n Large Internal Memory to Store Your Data are found to have been tampered with then Review Lite will
n Creates CSV Files For Spreadsheets reject the record as corrupt.
n Creates Secure Tamper Proof Data to aid compliance to
Data files can be shared automatically across the network
via FTP, transferred manually via USB or ‘pulled’ into
The ADVANCED models log data to internal memory, the Review’s database.
data is logged in a CSV format that can readily be opened For users working in regulated industries these features,
and edited. when used in conjunction with company procedures and
Data is also recorded in a secure tamper proof format as a other equipment or process, aids compliance to standards
binary ‘UUH File’. These files can be opened with Review such as FDA 21 CFR 11 and AMS2750E.
Lite software – download from our website. If the records


Offset Elimination
n Block Adjusted to Reference Probe
n Remove Offsets
n Use in Combination with Automatic

There can be an offset between the

set temperature and the temperature
measured by a reference probe located
in the calibration block. Using the
‘Offset Elimination’ feature the block set
point is internally trimmed to match the
value of an external reference probe
connected to Channel 1.

Calibration Options CERTIFICATE


2nd February 2009
Isotech’s UKAS accredited calibration laboratory was established in 1980 and DATE OF ISSUE:

09-01 -123

has grown to be a full scale laboratory providing calibration to the smallest of Page 1of 6
Approved Signatory
uncertainties. Isotech certificates are formally recognised in over 70 countries Name:

and carry the ILAC-MRA logo.

We can provide different certificates, reporting the temperature only (UKAS- lumbus Calib ration.
TEMP), additionally we can include the inbuilt temperature indicator channels
ER: 1492

calibrating by electrical simulation, (UKAS-SYST) or we can just calibrate the DESCRIPTION: Isotec
h Model 17401 Galliu
m Fixed Point Cell.

input channels (UKAS-SIM). N: Ga 454

th ry 2009
2009 to 26 Janua
: From 21 January
ratory Reference
to one of the Labo
been inter-compared
TION: The cell has
The following Calibration Options are Available BASIS OF CALIBRA
The temperature scale
in use in this Labo
ratory is the Intern ationa
l Temp erature Scale of 1990

(ITS 90). ational Standard

the recognised Intern
is accre dited in accordance with ical competence for
This laboratory demonstrates techn (refer joint
. This accreditation y management system
BASIC, SITE and ADVANCED 5 point calibration for block temperature; for Site and
ISO/IEC 17025:2005
defined scope and
the opera
of a laboratory qualit
dated January 2009). UKAS-TEMP
ISO-ILAC-IAF Comm cations and
Advanced when ordered also includes reference probe The Joint Communiqu
e is available on the
ILAC website at www on the publi

resources page.
logy Limited
Isothermal Techno
tion Laboratory of
tory is the Calibra provides
ature Primary Labora tation Service. It
The Northern Temper Kingdom Accredi

ADVANCED 5 point calibration for block temperature and reference probe UKAS-SYST
ents of the United l Laboratory or other
ry accreditation requirem at the National Physicaapproval of the issuing
nce with the laborato s and to units of measurement realized written
issued in accorda except with the prior
This certificate is ment to recogniz ed national standard
be reproduced other than in full,
traceability of measure certificate may not
s laboratories. This

(when ordered) and electrical simulation of indicator

recognized national

ADVANCED Calibration of input channels, electrical simulation only UKAS-SIM

Industry Leading Instrumentation

n World Class Control and Data Security
n Better Performance
n Better Control Algorithm

The ADVANCED models include features specifically designed for Isotech

Portable Calibrators by Eurotherm. Eurotherm invested 15 man years of
effort in the two million GBP development of the nanodac controller, building
on their 40+ years of experience in precision temperature control. The
combination of Eurotherm, a world leader in temperature control and
Isotech, a world leader in temperature metrology, deliver an unmatched
combination of innovation, reliability and excellence.


üThe Source for Calibration Professionals

Telephone: +44 (0)1704 543830

Fax: +44 (0)1704 544799 Email:

Isothermal Technology Limited

Pine Grove, Southport, Merseyside PR9 9AG England

Edition 3: 1215

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