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Sources Early Cholas Cholas in Sangam Literature

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Early Cholas

The Cholas were a Tamil kingdom of the pre and post Sangam period (1400 BCE – 200 CE) were one of the three main
kingdoms of the ancient Tamil country. Their early capitals were Urayur and Kaveripattinam. Along with Pandyas and Cheras,
Chola history goes back to the period where written records were scarce.

Early Cholas
Cholas in Sangam literature
Karikala Chola
Nalankilli and Nedunkilli
Social conditions
See also

Ancient Tamil Nadu contained three monarchical states, headed by kings called Vendhar and several chieftaincies, headed by the
chiefs called by the general denomination Vel or Velir.[1] Still lower at the local level there were clan chiefs called kizhar or
mannar.[2] The Tamil area had an independent existence outside the control of these northern empires. The Tamil kings and
chiefs were always in conflict with each other mostly over property. The royal courts were mostly places of social gathering
rather than places of dispensation of authority; they were centres for distribution of resources.[3]

The names of the three dynasties, Cholas, Pandyas, and Cheras, are mentioned in the Pillars of Ashoka (inscribed 273–232 BCE)
inscriptions, among the kingdoms, which though not subject to Ashoka, were on friendly terms with him.[4][5] The king of
Kalinga, Kharavela, who ruled around 150 BCE, mentioned in the famous Hathigumpha inscription of the confederacy of the
Tamil kingdoms that had existed for over 100 years.[6]

Another source for the available information of the early Cholas is the early Tamil literature of the Sangam Period. Karikala
Chola was the most famous early Chola. He is mentioned in a number of poems in the Tamil Sangam literature.[7] There are also
brief notices on the Chola country and its towns, ports and commerce furnished by the Periplus of the Erythraean Sea (Periplus
Maris Erythraei). Periplus is a work by an anonymous Alexandrian merchant, written in the time of Domitian (81 – 96 CE) and
contains precious information of the Chola country. Writing half a century later, the geographer Ptolemy has more to tell us about
the Chola country, its port and its inland cities.

Mahavamsa, a Buddhist text, also recounts a number of conflicts between the inhabitants of Ceylon and the Tamil immigrants
from Chola Country.
Chronicles such as the Yalpana Vaipava Malai and stone inscriptions like Konesar Kalvettu recount that Kulakkottan, an early
Chola king and descendant of Manu Needhi Cholan, was the restorer of the ruined Koneswaram temple and tank at Trincomalee
in 438 CE, the Munneswaram temple of the west coast, and as the royal who settled ancient Vanniar (not to confuse with present-
day Vanniar or Palli caste .[8][9]

Early Cholas
The inscriptions of the Medieval Cholas are replete with history about the Early Chola kings. The Cholas were looked upon as
descended from the sun. These historic incidents speak of the Chola king Kantaman, supposed contemporary of the sage Agastya,
whose devotion brought the river Kavery into existence. There is also the story of the king Manu who sentenced his son to death
for having accidentally killed a calf. Mahavamasa portrays King Elara who was defeated by Duttha Gamini (c. 3rd century BCE)
as the just king who '..had a bell with a rope attached at the head of his bed, so that all who sought redress might ring it..'. King
Sibi who rescued a dove from a hawk by giving his own flesh to the hungry hawk was also part of the early Chola history.

These historic incidents received enormous emphasis in the later Chola period in the long mythical genealogies incorporated into
the copper-plate charters of the 10th and 11th centuries. The earliest version of this is found in the Anbil Plates which gives
fifteen names before Vijayalaya Cholan including the historical ones of Karikala, Perunarkilli and Kocengannan. The
Thiruvalangadu Plate swells this list to forty-four, and the Kanyakumari Plate runs up to fifty-two. There are other lists gathered
from literary works such as Kalingathuparani. No two of these lists agree, although some names and details are common to all.

Cholas in Sangam literature

The earliest Chola kings of whom we have tangible evidence are those mentioned in the Sangam literature, written in the period
200 BCE–300 CE.[10][11] Unfortunately, it has not been possible to piece together an internal chronology of the Sangam works.
Due to this, we know of several rulers, but not their chronology. All three kings have been portrayed as fighting the war or
involved in feeding both the armies at that legendary war.

Karikala Chola
Karikala Chola (c. 90 BCE) stands pre-eminent amongst all those mentioned in Pattinappaalai. Karikala's father was
Ilamcetcenni, a brave king and a hard fighter. 'Karikala' means 'elephant feller' or 'charred leg', which is assumed to be a reference
to an accident by fire which befell the prince early in his life. Pattinappaalai describes this accident and the enterprising way in
which the prince escaped and established himself in the Chola throne. Pattinappalai is a long poem on the then Chola capital
Kaveripattinam. This work also describes the numerous battles Karikala fought against the other two Tamil kings in one of which
the Chera king was disgraced (received a wound on his back) and committed suicide. Karikala thus broke the confederacy that
was formed against him and established hegemony over Pandyas and Cheras.

In later times Karikala was the subject of many legends found in the
Cilappatikaram and in inscriptions and literary works of the 11th and 12th
centuries. They attribute to him the conquest of the whole of India up to the
Himalayas and the construction of the flood banks, Grand Anicut, of the Kaveri
River with the aid of his feudatories. These legends however are conspicuous by
their absence in the works of Sangam.

Nalankilli and Nedunkilli Kallanai / Grand Anicut built by

Karikala Cholan, on the River Kaveri,
near Tiruchirappalli
The poet Kovur Kilar mentions a protracted civil war between two Chola chieftains Nalankilli and Nedunkilli. Nedunkilli shut
himself in a fort in Avur, which was being besieged by Mavalattan, Nalankilli's younger brother. The poet chided Nedunkilli to
come out and fight like a man instead of causing untold misery to the people of the city.

In another poem, the poet begs both the princes to give up the civil war as whoever wins, the loser will be a Chola.

Kalavali by Poygayar mentions the Chola King Kocengannan and his battle with the Chera king Kanaikkal Irumporai. The Chera
was taken prisoner and Poygayar, who was a friend of the Chera, sang a poem praising the Chola King Kochchenganan in 40
stanzas. The Chola king, pleased with the work, released the Chera. Kalavali describes the battle fought at Kalumalam, near the
Chera capital. Kocengannan is one of the 63 nayanars.

Kocengannan became the subject of many instances in later times and is portrayed as a pious Siva devotee who built many fine
temples for Siva along the banks of the river Kaveri.

Social conditions
Sangam literature gives an unusually complete and true picture of the social and economic conditions during the early chola
period. The culture is best described as an amalgam of the Dravidian and Aryan. The stories of Mahabharata and Ramayana
were well known to the Tamil people, shown by the claims of some kings to have fed both the opposing army in the Mahabharata
War. The claim that Shibi, who gave his own flesh to save a dove, as a Chola is obviously influenced by northern legends.

The land of the Cholas was fertile and there was ample food. Sangam poems say that in the Chola country watered by the river
Kaveri, in a space in which an elephant could lie, one can produce enough grain to feed seven.

Hereditary monarchy was the prevailing form of government. Disputed succession and civil war was not uncommon. The sphere
of the state activity was limited. In a society steeped in respect for custom, even the most perverse dictator could not have done
much harm.

The Chola monarchs were approachable by subjects and justice was meted out directly by the king in most occasions. This is in
marked contrast to the magnificent empires of the later Cholas where the Emperor was kept much away from contact with the lay
people. The kings often took the field in person in battles and if the kings was killed or wounded in battle, his army immediately
gave up the fight and surrendered.

The trade that flourished between the Chola country and the ancient Roman Empire is given in much detail by Periplus of the
Erythraean Sea (c. 75 CE).

See also
Historic early Chola kings
Sangam literature

1. K.A.N. Sashtri, A History of South India, pp 109–112
2. 'There were three levels of redistribution corresponding to the three categories of chieftains, namely: the Ventar,
Velir and Kilar in descending order. Ventar were the chieftains of the three major lineages, viz Cera, Cola and
Pandya. Velir were mostly hill chieftains, while Kilar were the headmen of settlements...' —"Perspectives on
Kerala History" (
s.htm). P.J.Cherian (Ed). Kerala Council for Historical Research. Archived from the original (http://www.keralahist on 26 August 2006. Retrieved 15 November 2006.
3. K.A.N. Sastri, A History of South India, p 129
4. 'Everywhere within Beloved-of-the-Gods, King Piyadasi's domain, and among the people beyond the borders, the
Cholas, the Pandyas, the Satyaputras, the Keralaputras, as far as Tamraparni...' —"Ashoka's second minor rock
edict" ( Colorado State University. Retrieved 15 November
5. K.A.N. Sastri, The CōĻas, 1935 p 20
6. "Hathigumpha Inscription" (
HISTORY/PRIMARYDOCS/EPIGRAPHY/HathigumphaInscription.htm). Epigraphia Indica, Vol. XX (1929–1930).
Delhi, 1933, pp 86–89. Missouri Southern State University. Archived from the original (
ctsouthasia/HISTORY/PRIMARYDOCS/EPIGRAPHY/HathigumphaInscription.htm) on 17 November 2006.
Retrieved 15 November 2006.
7. Pattinappaalai, Porunaraatruppadai and a number of individual poems in Akananuru and Purananuru have been
the main source for the information we attribute now to Karikala. See also K.A.N. Sastri, The Colas, 1935
8. Tamils and the meaning of history. Contemporary South Asia. 3. Routledge. 1994. pp. 3–23.
doi:10.1080/09584939408719724 (
9. Schalk, Peter (2002). "Buddhism Among Tamils in Pre-colonial Tamilakam and Ilam: Prologue. The Pre-Pallava
and the Pallava period". Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Uppsala University. 19-20: 159, 503. "The Tamil stone
inscription Konesar Kalvettu details King Kulakottan's involvement in the restoration of Koneswaram temple in
438 A.D. (Pillay, K., Pillay, K. (1963). South India and Ceylon);"
10. Kamil Veith Zvelebil, Companion Studies to the History of Tamil Literature, p12
11. Nilakanta Sastri, A History of South India, p 105

Nilakanta Sastri, K.A. (1955). A History of South India, OUP, New Delhi (Reprinted 2002).
South Indian Inscriptions -
Nagaswamy, R, Roman Karur, Brahadish Publications (1995)
Krishnamurthy, R Non-Roman Ancient Foreign Coins from Karur in India, Garnet Publishers, Chennai
Codrington, H. W. A short History of Ceylon, London (1926) <>.
Keay, John (2000). India: A History. New Delhi: Harper Collins Publishers. ISBN 0-00-255717-7.

Succeeded by
Preceded by Chola empire:
- Early Cholas

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