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Best in Class Med Rep

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Medical Reps…
… apply the
ELITE Program
 Prescriber Insight
 Brand Preference Tactic
Tools  High Impact Interactions
Smart Pharma  Job Passion

“Best-in-class med reps make each physician feel unique”

Smart Pharma Consulting

ELITE Program

Table of Contents

 ELITE Program – Introduction p.3  Smart Pharma Consulting – Services p.24

− Consulting p.25
 ELITE Program – Presentation p.7
→ ELITE Program Implementation

− Prescriber Insight p.8 → STAR1 Program Implementation

− Training p.27
− Brand Preference Tactic p.12
→ Seminar
− High Impact Interactions p.15 • Pharma Strategy & Marketing2

→ Masterclasses
− Job Passion p.19
• Action Plans for Med Reps
• The Four Pillars of the ELITE Program
 ELITE Program – Conclusion p.22
− Publishing p.31
→ Pharma Marketing Tool Box (Book)

Sources: Smart Pharma Consulting

1 Sales Techniques Application for Results – 2 Including sessions about sales force activities and
sales force effectiveness

Best-in-Class Medical Reps must apply the ELITE Program 2 April 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
ELITE Program – Introduction Context

As prescription decisions increasingly depend upon multiple clients, pharma

companies need to adopt a more complex and coordinated promotional approach
New pharma marketing & sales model (1/2)

Multi-sources Multi-channels Multi-clients

Calls to Pharmacy INFLUENCERS

Calls to Paramedic calls
 Health authorities
 External
communication Calls to Influencer calls DECISION-
MAKERS  “Politics”
 Economic affairs PHYSICIANS  Public health
Press Meetings¹
 Public affairs insurance
 Medical affairs Detailing  Private health
 Sales forces BUYERS insurance
 Marketing Others² Clinical trials PATIENTS  Patient advocacy
 etc. groups
E-detailing E-mailing Social
networks  Professional
Opinion leaders SMS - MMS Web-conferences associations
(Journalists – KOLs…)
Websites e-learning3 Others4

Digital marketing

Sources: Smart Pharma Consulting ¹ Round tables, symposiums, congresses, etc. – ² Sampling, gimmicks, grants, prescription pads… -
³ Continuous medical education through a digital interface – 4 Screen savers, popup windows…

Best-in-Class Medical Reps must apply the ELITE Program 3 April 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
ELITE Program – Introduction Context

Prescribers should be offered exceptional experiences during interactions with med

reps to ease access and increase the preference to the brands they promote
New pharma marketing & sales model (2/2)

 Lower number of breakthrough innovative products with high sales potential

 Increasing price pressure and narrowing of the target patient population by payers

 Tighter control of marketing activities  Redefine the level of marketing and

(incl. medical calls) by authorities sales investments
 Higher proportion of physicians  Switch priority from efficacy to
refusing to be called upon Implications
efficiency (better return on investment)
for pharma
 Portfolio evolution from primary to companies  Adapt communication…
secondary care products
– … content to regulatory constraints
 Increasing role of other stakeholders1
influencing physician prescriptions – … channels to other stakeholders1

 Development of CRM2 and CLM3 tools enabling a more precise profiling of physicians

1 Policy-markers, payers, purchasers, physicians, pharmacists, patients, patient

Sources: Smart Pharma Consulting
advocacy groups – 2 Customer Relationship Management – 3 Closed Loop Marketing

Best-in-Class Medical Reps must apply the ELITE Program 4 April 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
ELITE Program – Introduction Context

Smart Pharma Consulting has identified four main reasons explaining the limited
impact of med reps on the opinion and behavior of the prescribers they interact with
Med reps performance limiters

 Smart Pharma Consulting has identified four main factors responsible for med reps

Factor #2 Factor #3

Factor #1 Difficulty to create Low value Factor #4

prescriber interactions
Poor prescriber preference with prescribers
No passion
for the job
and understanding

 To remove these limiting factors, we have recently developed the ELITE Program which
helps med reps reinforce the preference of prescribers for the brands they promote

Sources: Smart Pharma Consulting

Best-in-Class Medical Reps must apply the ELITE Program 5 April 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
ELITE Program – Introduction

The ELITE Program can help med reps create interactions that are better valued by their
customers and thus contribute to strengthen the preference for their promoted brands
Objective of the ELITE Program

“Looking for useful and/or
interesting interactions”
External Influencers Internal Influencers
(Key stakeholders) Face-to-face (Brand Preference Mix1)
Policy makers
Pharma competitors
Physicians company Pharmacists Med Reps

Medical Congresses
Patients & PAGs meetings symposiums Brand Services
Payers & Purchasers

“Expecting to strengthen physicians’

preference in favor of their brands”
Medical Representatives

The ELITE Program assumes that prescribers opinion and corresponding prescribing behavior depend on:
‒ External influencers (key stakeholders) ‒ Their willingness to interact with med reps
‒ Internal influencers (Brand Preference Mix) ‒ Med reps ability to create highly valued interactions

1 Corresponds to the three levers (i.e. product attributes, corporate reputation and quality of
Sources: Smart Pharma Consulting
services) that can be activated by med reps to influence the prescribers

Best-in-Class Medical Reps must apply the ELITE Program 6 April 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
ELITE Program – Presentation

The ELITE Program is based on 4 pillars enabling med reps to interact more efficiently
with prescribers and to optimize the prescription share of the brands they promote
The Four Pillars of the ELITE Program

1. Prescriber Insight

Better Knowledge
& TO Better Convince
Better Understanding

2. Brand Preference Tactic 3. High Impact Interactions

Reputation Face-to-face
Med Reps Program Interactions

Medical Congresses
Brand Services meetings symposiums

4. Job Passion

Job More & Higher

Passion Better Work Performance

Sources: Smart Pharma Consulting

Best-in-Class Medical Reps must apply the ELITE Program 7 April 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
ELITE Program – Presentation 1. Prescriber Insight

The in-depth knowledge and understanding of individual customer opinion and behavior
are essential to set the optimal mix and level of activities to be devoted to each of them
How to build In-depth Prescriber Insight?

Insight = Knowing + Understanding Decision-making

Better Knowledge Better Understanding TO Better Convince

 Med reps must regularly collect  For each of these collected facts  Based on their prescribers
key facts and figures related to and figures, med reps must insight, med reps will be
each individual prescriber: systematically probe their able to define, prescriber by
– What are the profile of his patients? prescribers to discover the prescriber:
– What is the evolution of the number
underlying reasons – The most convincing
of his patients? messages regarding their
 Thus, they must identify – brands, the associated
– What are his prescribing habits? prescriber by prescriber – and services and their company
– What does influence him (externally better than their competitors –
and internally)? – The preferred and most
what drives their opinion and effective communication
– What does he expect from behavior channels to convey these
interactions with med reps? messages
– Which communication channels  The accuracy of insight will help – The right behavior to have
does he prefer? med reps determine the actions while interacting with them
– What are his personality traits? which will raise the prescriber – The optimal level of effort
– Etc. preference to their brands (investment) to make

Sources: Smart Pharma Consulting

Best-in-Class Medical Reps must apply the ELITE Program 8 April 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
ELITE Program – Presentation 1. Prescriber Insight

While interacting with med reps, physicians look for: information, services, and/or
emotion, knowing that one of these expectations is generally predominant
The “Seeker Portrait” Model – Principle

 Physicians expectations vis-a-vis med reps depend on:

– External influencers1
– Internal influencers (i.e. the history of their interactions
with med reps and other collaborators2 of their company)
– Their personality
Information Services
 The “Seeker Portrait” model can help med reps characterize Seeker Seeker
what physicians will predominantly expect while interacting
with them: Information – Services – Emotion
 If physicians expectations are in fact a mix of these three
types, one will be dominant, reflecting their personality, their
influences and their specific needs at a point of time Emotion
 Physician dominant expectations may vary: Seeker
– Over time
– With the brand status (innovative or me-too, new or
– With med reps (according to their past interactions)

1 Policy-markers, payers, purchasers, physicians, pharmacists, patients, patient advocacy groups and pharma competitors –
2 From pharmaceutical companies, like MSLs (Medical Science Liaisons), KIMs (Key Institution Managers), KAMs (Key Account
Sources: Smart Pharma Consulting
Managers) may also have a direct or indirect impact on physicians opinion and behavior

Best-in-Class Medical Reps must apply the ELITE Program 9 April 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
ELITE Program – Presentation 1. Prescriber Insight

To increase the probability of influencing favorably the opinion and behavior of each
physician, med reps must define their dominant type of expectations
The “Seeker Portrait” Model – Features

Information Services
 “Information-Seekers” Seeker Seeker  “Service-Seekers”
expect from med reps Physicians expect from med reps
information based on Expectations service delivery such as:
clinical studies and – Invitation to enroll
evidence-based their patients in
medicines (EBM) Emotion
Seeker adherence programs
 They want to be kept – Completion of patient
informed about the registries
latest disease-related – Compilation of
news (i.e. new clinical scientific information
studies about the promoted  “Emotion-Seekers” expect to have a good time, a
product and its competitors, pleasant exchange while interacting with med reps – Invitations to CME1
new medical guidelines, (e.g. about its medical practice, its hobbies, the Med Reps programs
scientific events, new experience, the company he works for, etc. )
regulations from health – Invitations to
authorities, or new  They expect med reps to be trusted advisors, congresses /
conditions of co-payment by delivering unbiased information, demonstrating symposiums
payers, etc.) empathy, respect, etc.

Sources: Smart Pharma Consulting 1 Continuous medical education

Best-in-Class Medical Reps must apply the ELITE Program 10 April 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
ELITE Program – Presentation 1. Prescriber Insight

The different types of dominant expectations require from med reps different sets of
skills and an adjustment of their behavior while interacting with physicians
The “Seeker Portrait” Model – Implications for med reps

Information Services
Seeker Seeker
 Med reps must have a Expectations  Med reps should be clear
solid expertise in about what they can
analyzing and presenting deliver or not, in order to
clinical studies Emotion satisfy physicians
 They should have a Seeker
 They should make sure
strong understanding of that the proposed service
science, including is valued and then…
disease state, therapeutic  Med reps should benefit from a high emotional
options, etc. intelligence to perceive and analyze physicians  … perfectly executed
 They should deliver up- emotions and adapt their behavior accordingly
 It is easier to differentiate
to-date information that  Thus, they will have to add emotion to their from competitors through
will help physicians make communication about the attributes (efficacy, a higher quality of
better clinical decisions safety, convenience) of the brands they promote execution than through
 They should also be well-  Med reps will contribute to make the brands the service itself, because
trained regarding the perceived as unique, with their own personality, companies generally
healthcare environment likely to match physicians expectations provide similar services

Sources: Smart Pharma Consulting

Best-in-Class Medical Reps must apply the ELITE Program 11 April 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
ELITE Program – Presentation 2. Brand Preference Tactic

The Brand Preference Mix determines the key drivers that can be activated by the
med reps to enhance the preference of their targeted physicians
The Brand Preference Mix (BPM) – Principle

 Med reps should communicate  Prescribers using several brands for a

once or twice a year information given pathology:
about their company (e.g. R&D Corporate
news, CSR1 initiatives, etc.) to reputation – The challenge for the med reps is to
those of their targeted physicians, increase the preference of physicians for
that are likely to find it appealing their brands

 Med reps should

 To do so, med reps must activate the
highlight brand components of the Brand Preference Mix:
attributes, taking
Med Reps
– The perceived value of their brand
into account the attributes
“Seeker Portrait”
model… Brand Services – The perceived quality of the services they
attributes quality offer and deliver to physicians
 … while leveraging
corporate reputation – The reputation of their company
& service offer
 The links between these three
 Med reps should propose and deliver services that are highly valued based
components should be well established
on their level of: Interest – Utility – Practicality – Quality of execution in the mind of prescribers
 These services should lead to corporate and / or brand preference  Med reps are instrumental in optimizing
 They should make sure they are related to the company and / or the brand the Brand Preference Mix

Source: “Building prescriber loyalty”, J.-M. Peny et al., SCRIP Magazine, September 1993 – Smart 1 Corporate
Pharma Consulting social responsibility

Best-in-Class Medical Reps must apply the ELITE Program 12 April 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
ELITE Program – Presentation 2. Brand Preference Tactic

The Brand Preference Mix Index (BPMI) enables to evaluate the brand performance
on each of its preference components, over time and compared to its competitors
The Brand Preference Mix (BPM) – Tool #1

Brand Preference Mix Index

 The Brand Preference Mix Index (BPMI) is a
measurement tool that takes into account:
20% – The relative importance of each BPM component
(i.e. corporate reputation, brand attributes and
Corporate associated service quality) per brand
Brand reputation – The score of the brand, on a 10-point scale, for
attributes each of its preference components
 The BPMI can be defined per customer1, per
indication, per form, etc.

Visual Analog Scale  The BPMI scores the customer perception at

a given point in time, making possible to track
0 5 6 8 9 10 the evolution of this perception over time and to
x x x compare it to competitors, considering:
– External events (i.e. related to health authorities,
competitors and customers’ behaviors)
(70% x 9) + (20% x 8) + (10% x 6) = 8.5 / 10
– Internal events (i.e. related to operational activities2,
calculation quality of services offered, communication strategy)

Source: “Building prescriber loyalty”, J.-M. Peny et al., SCRIP Magazine, September 1993 – Smart 1 Physicians, patients, pharmacists, nurses, payers, health authorities, etc.
Pharma Consulting – 2 Medico-marketing-sales

Best-in-Class Medical Reps must apply the ELITE Program 13 April 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
ELITE Program – Presentation 2. Brand Preference Tactic

Med reps can monitor the brand performance with the “Brand Preference Mix Index”
while calling upon their targeted physicians and thus, fine-tune their activities
The Brand Preference Mix (BPM) – Tool #2

Assessment guide for medical reps

 Recent experiences have shown that:
– >95% of physicians accept to be questioned
5. Dans le cadre de la prise en charge du patient, quel degré d’importance accordez-vous à la prise en charge de la maladie :
 élevée  moyenne  basse


9. Comment évaluez-vous les services associés au produit en termes…
on the three components of the BPM

[0= opinion très négative et 10= opinion très positive)]
6. Comment évaluez-vous le produit en termes… Date: [0= opinion très négative et 10= opinion très positive)]
a) …d’efficacité
b) …de tolérance
a) …de quantité ?
b) …d’intérêt ?
c) …de qualité d’exécution ?
Nom :
Etablissement :
>80% of physicians consider that the BPM
c) …de facilité d’utilisation – sa forme galénique – ses dosages

Globalement Globalement ?
ABC vient de lancer un programme pour améliorer la qualité de ses interactions avec les néphrologues.
Pour ce faire, je souhaiterais faire un point avec vous : approach conveys a positive image

Sur votre appréciation : du laboratoire – du produit – des services associés au produit
- = +
1 2
= 2
Sur vos recommandations pour nous améliorer sur ces 3 dimensions
+ 7
9 10 >85% of medical reps say that the BPM helps
10. Sur chacune de ces dimensions, estimez-vous
1. Comment que
que ceux associés à ses concurrents, en termes…
les servicesl’image
évaluez-vous associés
duau produit sont
7. Sur chacune de ces dimensions, estimez-vous que le produit est : meilleur – identique – moins bien que ses concurrents ?
a) …de quantité ?
: meilleurs
? [0=

 Meilleurs
– identiques
opinion très négative et –10=

 Identiques  Moins bien

moins bien
opinion très positive)]
improve their insight into physicians
a) Efficacité -  Meilleur  Identique  Moins bien
 Meilleurs =
 Identiques  Moins bien +

 Once physicians have evaluated the

b) …d’intérêt ?
b) Tolérance  Meilleur  Identique  Moins bien
c) …de qualité d’exécution ?
c) Facilité d’utilisation – sa forme galénique – ses dosages 0 Meilleur 1  Identique 2 
3 Meilleurs
Moins bien
4  Identiques
5 6 Moins bien7 8 9 10

Globalement ?
 Meilleur  Identique 
 Meilleurs
Moins bien
 Identiques  Moins bien
2. Pour quelles raisons ? 3. Estimez-vous que l’image du laboratoire est :
11. Que nous recommandez-vous de faire pour améliorer la qualité du produit ?
8. Que nous recommandez-vous de faire pour améliorer la qualité du produit ?  Meilleure  Identique  Moins bonne
que les autres laboratoires en néphrologie
brand with the BPM, they are asked:
recommandez-vous ETaméliorer
notre image ?
– What is the rationale supporting these
a) de l’image du laboratoire
Smart Pharma Consulting
12. Lorsque vous décidez de prescrire la marque XYZ, quel est le poids relatif - sur une base 100% :
% b) des caractéristiques du produit % c) des services associés %
Smart Pharma Consulting

– What should be done to raise their

Smart Pharma Consulting
preference to the brand?

From observation to decision: The 4 Ws approach  Then, med reps can fine-tune their
messages, their activities, physician by
WHAT? WHY? SO WHAT? WHAT TO DO? physician, based on the feedback
What are the Why did the What are the What should be  The collected information should be
scores of the physician give implications of done to reinforce shared with marketers who will define
brand by each these scores? his assessment the preference to specific initiatives to reinforce prescribers’
physician? for the brand? the brand? preference to the brand

Source: Smart Pharma Consulting

Best-in-Class Medical Reps must apply the ELITE Program 14 April 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
ELITE Program – Presentation 3. High Impact Interactions

By offering physicians exceptional experiences while interacting with them, med reps
access will be eased and the preference to the brands they promote increased
Why to create High Impact Interactions?

 Smart Pharma Consulting has developed the “H2I Program” (High Impact Interactions Program)
to help med reps1 create a continuum of exceptional interactions with physicians so that they:
– Accept (or even ask for) more regular contacts with med reps
– Increase their preference for the brands promoted by the med reps

Continuum of med reps – physicians touch-points

Face-to-face Local Medical Congresses &

Detailings Meeting Symposiums

1 Other collaborators from pharmaceutical companies, like MSLs (Medical Science Liaisons), KIMs (Key Institution
Sources: Smart Pharma Consulting
Managers), KAMs (Key Account Managers) may also have a direct or indirect impact on physicians opinion and behavior

Best-in-Class Medical Reps must apply the ELITE Program 15 April 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
ELITE Program – Presentation 3. High Impact Interactions

Physicians experience while interacting with med reps will depend on their
assessment of the four determinants of the three following types of interactions
High Impact Factors Identification

Information Med Rep

(medical / non-medical)


Information Type of events Speakers

(medical / non-medical) & Topics (for symposiums)

Medical Congresses /
Meetings Symposiums
Meeting Invitees
Logistics Logistics
Management Management

Sources: Smart Pharma Consulting

Best-in-Class Medical Reps must apply the ELITE Program 16 April 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
ELITE Program – Presentation 3. High Impact Interactions

To create High Impact Interactions, med reps need to move up the pyramid of
expectations in an attempt to offer physicians a continuum of unique experiences
High Impact Interactions (H2I) Program – Principles

1. Ultra Expectations
 They are not consciously expected and thus can create a
surprise, and hopefully a “wow effect”
 They can have a strong positive and differentiating effect
on physicians opinion and possibly on their behavior
Hierarchy of Expectations

2. Extra Expectations
 Extra Expectations will fulfill physicians’ additional needs
 They are a “plus” which may help differentiate positively
the med rep interactions from competitors

3. Basic Expectations
 While interacting with physicians, med reps need to fulfill
physicians basic expectations regarding calls, medical
meetings or invitations to congresses / symposiums

Pyramid of Expectations

Sources: Smart Pharma Consulting

Best-in-Class Medical Reps must apply the ELITE Program 17 April 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
ELITE Program – Presentation 3. High Impact Interactions

For each of the five steps of the H2I Program, enabling tools will be designed to
facilitate their proper execution by med reps
High Impact Interactions (H2I) Program – Framework & Tools
H2I Tracker & Gap Analyzer : Medical calls H2I Physician Insight Questionnaire
Priority Gaps Rationale Solutions to fill Gaps Expectations
Portrait Medical Congresses
Information 1 2 3 4 5
Medical Calls
Meetings Symposiums
Med Rep 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Service 1 2 3 4 5 Service
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5 Emotion
Management 1 2 3 4 5
Physician Insight
Fill the 5
Potential Gaps
Develop a H2I Plan
per Physician
Measure & Analyze 4
the Results 3

Implement the H2I

H2I Check-List Physician Plans H2I Individual Physician Plan

Pre Post Medical Congresses

Interaction Medical Calls
Meetings Symposiums
Interaction Interaction
Portrait  --------------  --------------  --------------
 ---------------  ---------------  ---------------
  --------------  --------------  --------------
---------------  ---------------  --------------- Expectations  --------------  --------------  --------------
 ---------------  ---------------  ---------------
 ---------------    --------------  --------------  --------------
--------------- --------------- Actions  --------------  --------------  --------------

Sources: Smart Pharma Consulting

Best-in-Class Medical Reps must apply the ELITE Program 18 April 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
ELITE Program – Presentation 4. Job Passion

Job passion lies on six key drivers that pharma companies may manage carefully if
they want their med reps to give their best to achieve their objectives
What is Job Passion?

 Job passion is influenced by six key  Passion for a job is a strong inner emotion
drivers: which is expressed by:

Sense of Purpose

Achievement Challenges

Motivation Enthusiasm
Leading to

Recognition Rewards Consistently More & Better Work

Autonomy “Passion is the difference between

having a job or having a career”

Sources: Smart Pharma Consulting

Best-in-Class Medical Reps must apply the ELITE Program 19 April 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
ELITE Program – Presentation 4. Job Passion

As passionate med reps deliver better results than those who are not, pharma
companies must recruit them, sustain their feeling and secure their loyalty
Why to stimulate Job Passion?

Impact of Passion on Performance  Passionate employees1 being more

satisfied with their job and more
motivated, they will tend to work longer

hours and to work better

Med Reps Feeling for Job

 Therefore, it is of the utmost importance
for pharma companies to:

– Recruit med reps that are passionate for

their job
– Create the working conditions to keep

their passion up
– Put in place a plan to retain them
Low High “Pleasure in the job
Quantity & Quality of Work
puts perfection in the work” – Aristotle

Sources: Smart Pharma Consulting 1 In a study carried out by Deloitte in 2014, 88% of interviewed people said they are not passionate at work

Best-in-Class Medical Reps must apply the ELITE Program 20 April 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
ELITE Program – Presentation 4. Job Passion

Pharma companies and especially area managers should keep up or even stimulate
the passion of their med reps at work with the help of the six following drivers
How to stimulate Job Passion?

The Six Job Passion Drivers

 Passionate med reps want to understand  Setting challenging objectives will
how their contribution makes a difference contribute to reinforce passion of med reps
 They want to make sure they are working  However, these objectives must be
for something that matters and in line Sense of Purpose achievable and quantitative as well as
with their own values qualitative

Achievement Challenges

 Job achievements that med reps

can be proud of are essential Job “Passionate med reps are
 Thus, managers should support Passion more convincing & engaging”
med reps through constructive
feedbacks and useful advise
Recognition Rewards

 Recognition by prescribers1 of Autonomy  If rewards are not the most

important driver, they are however
med reps scientific knowledge and
a prerequisite
emotional intelligence is highly
valued by the latter  Autonomy is an important component to favor  Rewards like pay raises, bonuses,
incentives, etc. participate to
 Recognition of professionalism and people passion at work
increase job satisfaction, provided
performance by their managers  Micromanagement and excessive controlling are they are fair, transparent and
and peers is also determinant not compatible with job passion development2 easily understood

1 The ELITE Program, if correctly designed and implemented, will boost the perception of med reps by the prescribers
Sources: Smart Pharma Consulting
they interact with – 2 However, med reps and their managers should keep in mind that autonomy is earned and not a right

Best-in-Class Medical Reps must apply the ELITE Program 21 April 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
ELITE Program – Conclusion

The best performing companies are able to develop deeper physicians insight and to
create sustainable physicians experiences that stimulate their desire and preference
Key Success Factors (1/2)

Develop  Interactions should be used to better know and understand physicians needs…
Insight  … and to identify what is likely to please, impress, delight, or positively surprise them

 The ELITE Program should come from the top management and disseminate
Instill a
throughout the company to reach med reps who need to understand the benefits they
Culture will draw from such a program

 The ELITE Program should be part of a broader strategy aiming at strengthening

Define a physicians preference to the promoted brands
Strategy  Thus, it should be integrated into the brand marketing and sales strategy

 The ELITE Program should be implemented, according to a well-defined process, to

Design a ensure a consistently high quality of execution…
Process  … and monitored with specific metrics to fill the gaps, if any, with proper solutions

“Excellence is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well” – John W Gardner

Sources: Smart Pharma Consulting

Best-in-Class Medical Reps must apply the ELITE Program 22 April 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
ELITE Program – Conclusion

To obtain quick and tangible results, “ELITE Med Reps” would need to adjust their
behavior, certain traits of their personality and improve their technical skills
Key Success Factors (2/2)

1. Personality
 Enthusiast  Creative
 Self-confident  Empathic / Emotional
 Curious  Organized / Rigorous

4. Behavior 2. Knowledge
 Adjustment to the context of  Healthcare environment
each interaction and…  Disease environment
 … to each physician profile 
“ELITE Med Reps” Therapeutic approaches
 Regular identification of  Promoted brands
physicians expectations…
 Physicians profiles, fields of
 … and assessment of their interests, needs, wants, etc.
level of satisfaction
3. Analytical Skills
 Understanding of physicians expectations
 Analysis of interactions with physicians
 Definition of actions to carry out

Sources: Smart Pharma Consulting

Best-in-Class Medical Reps must apply the ELITE Program 23 April 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Smart Pharma Consulting – Services

Smart Pharma Consulting services related to med reps performance include

consulting support, organization of specific trainings and regular publications

Consulting Training Publishing

 Our consulting services related to  Trainings are developed and  Books

med reps range from lectures at carried out by our training center: ‒ The “Pharma Marketing Tool Box”
Smart Pharma
seminars to implementation of (2 editions: 2008 and 2015)
‒ Pharma Market Insight & Strategy
innovative methods such as the Institute of Management (4 books analyzing the future of the
ELITE or the STAR1 programs global pharma market and the
implications for pharma companies)
 Thus, we help pharma companies  Inter-company programs
improve: ‒ A comprehensive 5-day seminar:  Articles
“Pharma Strategy & Marketing”3 ‒ 42 published in specialized journals
‒ Their customer targeting (see ‒ Four Masterclasses, of one or two  Position papers
“Best-in-Class Pharma Marketing”2) days dedicated to med reps ‒ 7 since 2013 (e.g. organizational
benchmarking of sales forces, evolution
‒ The organization of their sales
forces (sizing, territorialization,  Intra-company programs of physicians expectations from med
reps, best practices in sales plans, etc.)
activity prioritization and planning at ‒ Customized programs to match the
national, area, territory levels, etc.) specific needs of pharma companies  Reports
regarding their sales force ‒ 15 since 2012 (e.g. generics, OTCs,
‒ The management of their med reps biosimilar markets, digital marketing,
(motivation, development of ‒ In general one- or two-day programs distribution and retail pharmacies
collaborators) by their managers economic trends, market access, etc.)

Source: Smart Pharma Consulting

1 Sales Techniques Application for Results – 2 – 3 Including
sessions about sales force activities and sales force effectiveness

Best-in-Class Medical Reps must apply the ELITE Program 24 April 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Smart Pharma Consulting – Services Consulting

As the author of the ELITE Program and considering their operational experience,
Smart Pharma consultants are well positioned to facilitate its implementation
ELITE Program Implementation

 Smart Pharma Consulting has an in-depth expertise in improving sales force efficiency coming from:
‒ General management experiences in France and abroad for pharma companies
‒ Numerous sales force effectiveness consulting projects carried out since 2001 (e.g. 4 in 2016)
 The ELITE Program which has been developed by Smart Pharma Consulting proposes an holistic and practical
approach to obtain a significant improvement of med reps efficiency and efficacy
 Smart Pharma Consulting can help pharma companies implement the ELITE Program as follows:
1. Prescriber Insight
1. Craft a communication 4. Develop specific training
strategy demonstrating to Better Knowledge
& TO Better Convince modules1 for med reps and
med reps the benefits they Better Understanding their managers to help them
will draw from the program master:
2. Brand Preference Tactic 3. High Impact Interactions
‒ The concepts
2. Design a framework that fits Reputation Face-to-face Calls ‒ The methods
the company ambition and ELITE
takes into account its current ‒ The tools
Program Interactions
situation Med Reps
related to each of the four
Medical Congresses pillars that constitute the
3. Create specific and user- Product Services Meetings Symposiums ELITE Program
friendly tools to facilitate the
execution of the four pillars 4. Job Passion 4. Adjust the organization to
of the ELITE Program by the best support the execution of
Job More & Higher
med reps Passion Better Work Performance
the ELITE Program

1 TheSmart Pharma Institute of Management, which is the training

Source: Smart Pharma Consulting
department of Smart Pharma Consulting, is registered since 2001

Best-in-Class Medical Reps must apply the ELITE Program 25 April 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Smart Pharma Consulting – Services Consulting

The STAR (Sales Techniques Application for Results) program can be entirely
customized to pharma companies needs and rolled out in a timely manner
STAR Program Implementation

Identification of sales force needs and expectations Program roll-out

techniques Med reps Area Managers Sales Directors
Internal needs Modules Modules Modules
(Sales force survey)
 Market1 and  Med reps  Area
Benchmarking Reps Area Managers brand coaching managers
(Pharma & non pharma) coaching Coaching knowledge coaching
 Selling skills
 Selling skills  Selling skills
Smart Pharma
Consulting experience Customized training program contents Performance Monitoring Tools

 Evaluation of sales force teams needs and  Train the trainers sessions with area managers and
expectations through an internal survey sales force directors
 Proposition of adjustments or deep changes  National launch of the customized STAR program
matching needs and expectations (seminar)
 Enrichment of the program with external analyses  Regional roll-out (regional meetings and dual call
(benchmarking) days with area managers & med reps)
 Finalization of the program in view of company  On-going program adjustments in view of strategic
portfolio and culture priorities and sales force needs

1 Including the healthcare system, the pathology, the therapeutic alternatives,

Source: Smart Pharma Consulting
the physicians called upon, etc.

Best-in-Class Medical Reps must apply the ELITE Program 26 April 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Smart Pharma Consulting – Services Training

Smart Pharma Consulting proposes a 5-day seminar for seasoned Marketers and
Sales Managers who want to reinforce their strategic and operational marketing skills
Seminar: Pharma Strategy & Marketing1

Day 1: Strategic thinking applied to companies Day 4: Specialized market segment analysis
– Worldwide Pharma and Biotech sectors – Marketing of generics and biosimilar products
– Evolution of the Pharma business model by 2020 – Marketing of OTC products and Rx-to-OTC switches
– Strategic management of Pharma companies – Management of mature products
– Marketing of niche and hospital products
Day 2: Marketing strategic thinking
Day 5: Development of managerial skills
– Optimization of brand value: Brand Preference Mix, etc.
– Sales force effectiveness
– Dynamic prescribers segmentation: Behavioral Prescribers
Segmentation (BPS) approach – Team leadership
– Sales forecasting and performance objectives setting – Corporate behavior
– Brand Planning: Advanced SWOT, Strategy Card, etc. – Communication principles

Day 3: Marketing tactical thinking Target Audience

– Digital marketing and multi-channel approach
– Marketing executive (e.g. – Strategic planners
– Promotional resource allocation marketing managers, group – Medical executives (e.g.
– Definition of Key Execution Indicators (KEIs) and Key product managers, product MSLs, medical managers)
Performance Indicators (KPIs) managers)
– Sales force executives
– Integration of new marketing tools: Integrated Promotional – Market research (e.g. sales force managers,
Strategy (IPS) approach executives area managers)

1 Inter-company program proposed both in English and in French. Since 2005, 133 experienced
Source: Smart Pharma Consulting
executives from 32 pharma companies have attended this seminar

Best-in-Class Medical Reps must apply the ELITE Program 27 April 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Smart Pharma Consulting – Services Training

This Masterclass will help med reps better understand how they must build and then
use action plans to improve the efficiency and efficacy of their daily activities
Masterclass1: Action Plans for Med Reps

Day 1 Day 2
 9:00 Introduction to the masterclass  9:00 Introduction to the 2nd day
 9:10 Review and discussion of activity planning objective,  9:10 Case study #2: Objective setting and strategy crafting:
concepts, methods and tools sent to participants as a - Primary care brand (group A)
pre-read - Secondary care brand (group B)
 10:30 Lecture by and discussion with an expert:  11:10 Break
“How to build useful action plans benefiting primarily  11:30 Presentation of the working groups A & B outputs,
to the med reps?” discussion and agreement on key learnings
 11:45 Break  13:00 Lunch
 12:00 Case study #1: Analysis of the situation at territory  14:00 Case study #3: Development of specific actions to
level – External & Internal analysis: support the territory strategy previously set and
- Primary care brand (group A) selection of activity and performance indicators:
- Secondary care brand (group B) - Primary care brand (group A)
 13:00 Lunch - Secondary care brand (group B)
 14:00 Case study #1: cont.  15:30 Break
 16:00 Break  15:45 Presentation of the working groups A & B outputs,
 16:15 Presentation of the working groups A & B outputs, discussion and agreement on key learnings
discussion and agreement on key learnings  16:45 Co-development with participants of key learnings
 17:45 End of the 1st day  17:45 End of the masterclass

Source: Smart Pharma Consulting 1 Inter-company programs proposed both in English and in French

Best-in-Class Medical Reps must apply the ELITE Program 28 April 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Smart Pharma Consulting – Services Training

Smart Pharma Consulting proposes one-day sessions to familiarize participants

(med reps and/or their manager) with the four pillars supporting the ELITE Program
Masterclass1: The Four Pillars of the ELITE Program (1/2)

Pillar #1: Prescriber Insight Pillar #2: Brand Preference Tactic

 9:00 Introduction to the session  9:00 Introduction to the session
 9:10 Review and discussion of the concept, methods and  9:10 Review and discussion of the concept, methods and
tools sent to participants as a pre-read tools sent to participants as a pre-read
 10:30 Lecture by and discussion with an expert:  10:30 Lecture by and discussion with an expert:
“Customer Insight – Lessons from FMCG2 “How do non-pharma companies proceed to
companies“ strengthen customer preference to their brands?“
 11:45 Break  11:45 Break
 12:00 Case study: Application of the “Seeker Portrait”  12:00 Case study: Application of the “Brand Preference
Model developed by Smart Pharma Consulting to: Mix” approach by med reps at:
- Individual prescribers (group A) - Individual prescriber level (group A)
- Individual hospital departments (group B) - Individual hospital department level (group B)
 13:00 Lunch  13:00 Lunch
 14:00 Case study: cont.  14:00 Case study: cont.
 16:00 Break  16:00 Break
 16:15 Presentation of the working groups A & B outputs,  16:15 Presentation of the working groups A & B outputs,
discussion and agreement on key learnings discussion and agreement on key learnings
 17:45 End of the session  17:45 End of the session

Source: Smart Pharma Consulting 1 Inter-company programs proposed both in English and in French – 2 Fast Moving Consumer Goods

Best-in-Class Medical Reps must apply the ELITE Program 29 April 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Smart Pharma Consulting – Services Training

Smart Pharma Consulting proposes one-day sessions to familiarize participants

(med reps and/or their manager) with the four pillars supporting the ELITE Program
Masterclass1: The Four Pillars of the ELITE Program (2/2)

Pillar #3: High Impact Interactions Pillar #4: Job Passion

 9:00 Introduction to the session  9:00 Introduction to the session
 9:10 Review and discussion of the concept, methods and  9:10 Review and discussion of the concept, methods and
tools sent to participants as a pre-read tools sent to participants as a pre-read
 10:30 Lecture by and discussion with an expert:  10:30 Lecture by and discussion with an expert:
“How to create unique touchpoints with customers? – “How to boost your passion for your work? – A
Lessons from FMCG2 companies“ practical approach“
 11:45 Break  11:45 Break
 12:00 Case study: Application of the “H2I”3 Program  12:00 Case study: Identification of the drivers likely to
developed by Smart Pharma Consulting to: stimulate the passion of med reps for their job:
- Individual prescribers (group A) - Job-related drivers (group A)
- Individual hospital departments (group B) - Company-related drivers (group B)
 13:00 Lunch  13:00 Lunch
 14:00 Case study: cont.  14:00 Case study: cont.
 16:00 Break  16:00 Break
 16:15 Presentation of the working groups A & B outputs,  16:15 Presentation of the working groups A & B outputs,
discussion and agreement on key learnings discussion and agreement on key learnings
 17:45 End of the session  17:45 End of the session

1 Inter-company programs proposed both in English and in French – 2 Fast

Source: Smart Pharma Consulting
Moving Consumer Goods – 3 High Impact Interactions

Best-in-Class Medical Reps must apply the ELITE Program 30 April 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Smart Pharma Consulting – Services Publishing

Smart Pharma Consulting has recently published a 2nd edition of the “Pharma
Marketing Tool Box” which has been specifically designed for pharma executives
Pharma Marketing Tool Box

Jean-Michel Peny Presentation

The book provides a clear, precise and concise review of the
most relevant and useful concepts in the context of
Pharma Marketing Tool Box pharmaceutical marketing. The author presents:
‒ Innovative marketing and sales approaches
‒ Specific analyses
‒ Practical tools
This user-friendly “tool box” has been structured to
encourage the rigor and relevance of marketing thinking of
2nd Revised & Augmented Edition pharmaceutical executives
Smart Pharma Institute of Management
A division of Smart Pharma Consulting Brief Content
 Introduction

Author: Jean-Michel Peny is President of the Strategy and Management

 Part 1 – Market Research
consulting firm Smart Pharma Consulting, Director of Smart Pharma Institute  Part 2 – Strategic Marketing
of Management, Lecturer in Pharmaceutical Strategy and Marketing at the
ESSEC business school, at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Paris XI)  Part 3 – Operational Marketing
and of Medicine (Paris VI)
 Part 4 : Marketing Planning
Editor Smart Pharma Consulting – 246 pages – 250 euros

Source: Smart Pharma Consulting

Best-in-Class Medical Reps must apply the ELITE Program 31 April 2017 Smart Pharma Consulting
Smart Pharma Consulting
Consulting company dedicated to Strategy, Management and Organization services in the pharmaceutical sector

Core capabilities
1 Strategy 2 Management

 Assessing the attractiveness of markets (Hospital  Facilitation and structuring of strategic

/ retail innovative products - Vaccines - OTC - Generics) thinking for multidisciplinary product teams
 Growth strategy  Key challenges identification
 Optimization of marketing / sales investments  Strategic options formalization
 Development of a company in the hospital market  Resource allocation optimization program
Business  Training of marketing and market research
 Valuation for acquisition teams to sales forecast techniques (modeling
 Portfolio / franchise assessment and scenarios development)
 Extension of product life cycle performance  Development and implementation of a "coaching
 Improvement mature products performance program" for area managers
 Adaptation of price strategy  Sales reps coaching
 Defense strategies vs. new entrants  Regional action plans roll-out

 Competitive strategies in the hospital market  Development and implementation of a "sales

techniques program" for sales forces (STAR1)
 Strategic partnerships companies / pharmacies 1 Sales Techniques Application for Results (training courser


3 Organization

 Rethink of operational units organization

 Improvement of sales force effectiveness
 Improvement of the distribution channels covering the hospital and retail markets
 Development of a strategic planning process

1, rue Houdart de Lamotte – 75015 Paris – France • Tel.: +33 6 11 96 33 78 • E-mail: • Website:
Smart Pharma Consulting

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