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Philippine Association of Colleges of Pharmacy


1. The special law on counterfeit drug is known as RA__________

E.NOTA ( none of the above )
2. Counterfeit drug refer to the mdicinal products.
A. recognized in USP/NF
B. article intended for use in diagnosis, cure, mitigation and treatment of disease.
C. without active ingredient results in the reduction of drugs safety, efficacy, quality or strength
D. A & C only
E. AOTA ( all of the above )
3. Which of the following is a prohibited act under the special law on counterfeit drugs?
A. possession of the drug
B. manufacture, sale, offer for sale, donation, trafficking or importation of drug
C. unregistered imported drug products
D. A & B only
4. The parties liable in RA 8203 include:
A. the pharmacist
B. inspector
C. manufacturer
D. customer
E. A & C
5. If the seized drug was found to counterfeit, the business establishment must be directed for preventive
closure for a period of :
A. 15 days
B. 10 days
C. 30 days
D. 20 days
E. 60 days
6. Administrative sanctions for any violators of special law on counterfeit drugs:
A. fine NLT 100,000 pesos and NMT 500,000 pesos
B. permanent closure of establishment and revocation of its license to do business
C. forfeiture, confiscation and destruction of products found to be counterfeit
D. A & C only
7. RA 8203 was signed into law on:
A. Sept. 4, 1996
B. Sept. 13, 1988
C. Oct. 4, 1996
D. Sept. 13, 1986
E. Sept. 4, 1992
8. Drugs, as defined in RA 8203, refer to:
A. any article recognized in the official USP/NF
B. any article intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of disease in man
or animals
C. herbal and/ or in traditional drugs which are articles of plant or animal origin used in folk medicine
D. A & B only
9. A certain drug is considered counterfeit if it contains less than how many percent of the active ingredient it
purports to possess?
B. 75
C. 60
D. 85
E. 90
10. As defined in RA 8203, this refers to any entity, whether a single proprietorship, partnership or
corporation engaged in or doing business in Philippines.
A. brokering
B. business establishment
C. residency
D. ownership
11. Any person in possession of counterfeit drugs shall be exempted from liability after:
A. presentation of sales invoices, official receipts or legally acceptable document evidencing his
purchase from a drugstore an indicating therein the batch and lot numbers and expiry dates of such drugs
B. presentation of certificates evidencing the importation and exportation of drugs
C. presentation of duplicates legally acceptable documents evidencing the purchase and importation or
exportation of the drugs
D.A & B only
12. Upon finding that the drugs examined are counterfeit, the Bureau shall file an appropriate proceeding
against the registered pharmacist with the PRC for the___________ of professional license.
A. revocation
B. suspension
C. cancellation
D. A or B
13. The commission of the acts prohibited in RA 8203 shall be punished by:
A. imprisonment of NLT 6 months and one day but NMT 1 year if the counterfeit drug is intended for
B. imprisonment of 6 years and one day but NMT 10 years
C. fine of NLT 100,000 pesos but NMT 500,000 pesos
D. B or C
14. If the counterfeit drug is proximate cause of death of victim who unknowingly purchased and took the
counterfeit drug, the penalty to be imposed shall be:
A. life imprisonment
B. fine of 500,000 pesos to 5M pesos
C. fine of 100,000 pesos to 10M pesos
D. A & B only
E. A & C only
15. If the illness sought to be cured is aggravated by the use of the counterfeit drug, the punishment to be
imposed shall be:
A. imprisonment from 12 years to 15 years
B. life imprisonment
C. fine of 100,000 pesos to 500,000 pesos
D. A & C only
E. B & C only
fine of 100,000 pesos to 500,000 pesos
16. RA 5921 was signed into law on:
A. June 23, 1969
B. June 23, 1963
C. June 22, 1969
D. June 22, 1963
17. A complete pharmacy internship are based on RA 5921 article III section 18c shall consist of at least:
A. 480 hours
B. 960 hours
C.160 hours
D. 980 hours
E. 940 hours
18. RA 5921 provides for and shall govern:
A. standardization and regulation of pharmaceutical education
B. examination and registration of graduates of schools of pharmacy
C. supervision, control and regulation of the practice of pharmacy in Philippines
D. A & C only
19. For the purpose of implementing RA 5921, this/these was/were created:
A. Board of Pharmacy
B. Council of Pharmaceutical Education
D. A & B only
20. The Council of Pharmaceutical Education was created for the implementation of RA 5921. This council is
composed of:
A. Secretary of Education
B. BFAD administrator
C. Chairman of Board of Pharmacy
D. A & C only
22. The Board of Pharmacy was created for the implementation of RA 5921. This Board is composed of a
chairman and _______ members.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
E. 6
23. Who shall appoint the chairman and the members of the Board of Pharmacy?
A. BFAD director
B. BFAD administrator
C. President of the Philippines
D. Sec. of Department of Education
E. Commissioner of Civil Service
24. To be appointed member of the Board of Pharmacy, a person shall be a duly registered pharmacist and
has been in the practice of Pharmacy for at least _________ years.
A. 5
B. 7
C. 8
D. 10
E. 12
25. According to RA 5921, the qualifications of members of the Board of Pharmacy include:
A. natural born citizen in Philippines
B. of good moral character and of recognized standing in the pharmaceutical profession
C. a member of good standing of any bona fide national pharmaceutical association of the Philippines
D. A & B only
26. For how many years shall the chairman and members of the Board of Pharmacy hold office after appointment?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
E. 2
27. Which of the following statement is/are correct about the tenure of office and fees of board members?
A. The chairman or member may be reappointed for another term of 3 years but in no case shall he serve
continuously for more than 6 years
B. The most senior of the Board shall automatically be the chairman
C. The chairman and members shall receive the sum of 60 pesos for each applicant examined
D. A & B only
28. If found guilty and neglect duty, incompetence, malpractice, unprofessional or dishonorable conduct, after
having been given the opportunity to defined himself in an administrative investigation, the Chairman or Members of
the Board may be removed by:
A. President of the Philippines
B. Chairman of the Council of Pharmaceutical Education
C. BFAD administrator
D. PRC Commissioner
E. Civil Service Commissioner
29. According to RA 5921, who shall be the Executive Officer of the Board?
A. President of the Philippines
B. Chairman of the Council of Pharmaceutical Education
C. BFAD Administrator
D. PRC Commissioner
E. Civil Service Commissioner
30. The Board of Pharmacy is vested with the authority to:
A. examine applicants for the practice of pharmacy
B. issue certificates of registration of pharmacists
C. study the conditions affecting the practice of pharmacy in the Philippines
D. A & B only
31. Any person who shall be employed as detailman by any pharmaceutical establishment shall be required to
register with the:
C. Board of Pharmacy
E. Council of Pharmaceutical Education
32. As defined in RA 5921, he is the one who represents any duly authorized manufacturer, dealer, distributor,
representative or wholesaler of drugs, pharmaceutical and biologic products whose primary duty is to introduce the
product made by the manufacturer.
A. broker
B. owner
C. detailman
D. retailer
E. wholesaler
33. Which of the following statement is/are true for detailman?
A. he shall be, preferably, a graduate of a college of Pharmacy
B. an initial fee of 20 pesos is needed upon registration
C. to be employed, he needs to possess the necessary credentials issued by the PRC
D. A & B only
34. Any of the following shall be sufficient ground for reprimanding a pharmacist, or for suspending or revoking his
certificate of registration:
A. immoral or dishonorable conduct which includes conviction by a competent court of any criminal offense
B. fraud or deceit in the acquisition of the certificate of registration
C. insanity
D. A & B only
35. Any of the following shall be sufficient ground for reprimanding a pharmacist, or for suspending or revoking his
certificate of registration:
A. acting as dummy of an alien or a person who is not a qualified to establish or operate a retail drugstore
B. gross negligence, or ignorance or incompetence in the practice of his profession resulting in the injury or
death of another
C. violations of any provisions of the code of ethics
D. A & B only
36. Under RA 5921, administrative investigation shall be conducted by all members of the Board of Pharmacy. In
case of suspension, it shall be for a period of not more than:
A. 60 days
B. 6 months
C. 30 days
D. 3 months
E. 1 year
37. The Board of Pharmacy, upon receipt of a formal complaint under oath against a pharmacist, shall furnish the
latter a copy of the complaint which he shall answer within _______ days from receipt.
A. 15
B. 5
C. 10
D. 30
E. 60
38. A candidate for Board examination in pharmacy shall have the following qualification/s:
A. shall be a citizen of the Philippines
B. shall be of good moral character
C. shall have graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy or with an equivalent degree from a
school, college or university duly accredited by the Council of Pharmaceutical Education, completing a standard
pharmacy course of not less than 4 academic years.
D. A & C only
39. The Pharmacist Examination shall consist of theoretical examination on the subjects in:
A. Chemistry
B. Biological science
C. Pharmacy
D. A & C only
40. A person is deemed to be practicing pharmacy within the meaning of Article IV of RA 5921, if he:
A. prepares or manufactures, analyzes, assays, preserves, stores, distributes, or sells any medicine, drug,
chemicals, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals
B. renders pharmaceutical service in any office or drug and cosmetic establishment where scientific,
technological or professional knowledge of pharmacy is applied
C. engages in teaching scientific, technological or professional pharmacy subject in the college of pharmacy
D. A & B only
41. Filling and refilling of prescription shall be done by:
A. registered pharmacist
B. intern with the supervision of a registered pharmacist
C. nurse
D. pharmacy aide
E. A & B only
42. Every prescription for external use filled in the drugstore shall bear what label?
A. red label
B. white label
C. red label showing in blank ink the components and the word “For external use only”
D. white label showing in red ink the word “For external use only”
43. All prescription dispensed in the drugstore shall be recorded in the books kept for the purpose indicating:
A. name of the manufacturer
B. address of the manufacturer
C. lot and control numbers of the main ingredients of the prescription
D. A & C only
44. The following substances are included in the list of violent poisons stated in RA 5921:
A. atropine
B. nitrobenzene
C. strychnine
D. B & C only
45. If a pharmacists dispenses or sells any of the violent poisons intended for medicinal use, he shall enter into a
separate book detail such as:
A. name and address of purchaser
B. date of sale
C. purpose of purchase
D. name and quantity of poison
46. The pharmacist shall affix to every box, bottle or other package containing any dangerous or poisonous drug the
A. a label of white paper with the word POISON in red ink
B. a label of red paper
C. the word ‘Poison’ in large letters
D. a vignette representing skull and bones
E. B, C and D only
47. The book kept for the purpose of recording the sale of poisons shall be open at all times for inspection and shall
be preserved for a period of at least________ years after the last entry.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 5
E. 7
48. The pharmacist in charge of a drugstore after filling a prescription containing abortive or anti- conception
substances or devices shall record in a separate register book for abortive and anti- conception the following data:
A. number and date of prescription
B. name and address of physician
C. date of filling a prescription
D. name, quantity and manufacturer of drug
49. Any person who shall make false representation to procure a registration certificate as pharmacist for himself or
for another shall be sentenced to:
A. A fine of NLT 1000 pesos but not exceeding 4000 pesos
B. An imprisonment of NLT 6 months and one day but NMT 4 years
C. An imprisonment of NLT 4 months and one day but NMT 4 years
D. A & B only
E. A & C only
50. This means a method of secret writing that substitutes other or characters for the letter intended, or transposes
the letter after arranging them in blocks or squares.
A. code
B. cipher
C. secret keys
D. substitution
51. This means a system of words or others system arbitrarily used to present words.
A. Code
B. Cipher
C. Secret keys
D. Substitution
52. This means characteristic styles or symbols kept from the knowledge of others or disclosed confidentially to only
one or few.
A. Code
B. Cipher
C. Secret keys
D. Substitution
53. It is any drug, active principle or preparation of the same, capable of destroying life or seriously endangering
health when applied externally to the body or introduced internally in moderate doses.
A. Adulterated drug
B. Misbranded drug
C. Counterfeit drug
D. Poison
54. This term means any drug, preparation or mixture of drugs marked under a trade name and intended for the
cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of disease in man or animals.
A. Pharmaceuticals
B. Proprietary medicines
C. Pharmaceuticals specialties
D. A & C only
55. Under Ra 5921, Drug means:
A. article in the current official USP/NF
B. articles other than food, intended to affect the structure or any function of the body of man and animals
C. herbal and/or traditional drugs which are articles of plant or animal origin used in folk medicine
D. A & B only
56. RA 3720 is also known as:
A. Pharmacy Law
B. Consumer Act of the Philippines
C. Food, Drugs and Cosmetics and Devices Act
D. Senior Citizens Act
E. Special Law on Counterfeit Drugs
57. RA 3720 was signed into law on:
A. June 22, 1963
B. June 22, 1969
C. June 23, 1969
D. July 22, 1969
E. July 22, 1963
58. In accordance with the provision of RA 3720, the Government through the DOH shall:
A. establish standards and quality measures for foods, drugs and devices and cosmetics
B. adopt measures to ensure pure and safe supply of foods and cosmetics
C. strengthen the BFAD
D. A & B only
59. This division shall take charge of the inspection of food, drug and cosmetic establishment engaged in their
manufacture and sale.
A. Licensing Division
B. Inspection Division
C. Inspection and Licensing Division
D. Laboratory Division
E. C & D
60. Under RA 3720, The Board of Food Inspection is converted into the Board of Food and Drug Inspection which
shall consist of:
A. Representative of DOH
B. Representative of Dept. of Agriculture and Natural Resources
C. Representative of Dept. of Commerce and Industry
D. A & C only
61. Under RA 3720, the Board of Food Inspection is converted into the Board of Drug Inspection which shall consist
A. An authorized designate of the Commission of Custom
B. Pres. of the Phil. Medical Association
C. Pres. of the Phil. Pharmaceutical Association
D. Representative of Dept. of Commerce and Industry
62. Who shall be designated by the Sec. of Health to be the Chairman of the Board of Food and Drug Inspection?
A. Representative of the DOH
B. Pres. of the Phil. Medical Association
C. Pres. of the Phil. Pharmaceutical Association
D. Representative of Dept. of Commerce and Industry
63. Which Executive order abolished the Food and Drug Administration and created the BFAD?
A. EO 137
B. EO 851
C. EO 951
D. EO 147
E. EO 150
64. The term Secretary, in RA 3720, means:
A. Secretary of DOH
B. Secretary of Dept. of Commerce and Industry
C. Secretary of Education
D. Secretary of Dept. Agriculture and Natural Resources
65. This means a quantity of any drug device produced during a given cycle of manufacture.
A. Batch number
B. Lot number
C. Batch
D. Control number
66.’New Drugs’ means any drug, the component of which is such that said drug is not generally recognized among
experts qualified by scientific training and experience to evaluate the safety, efficacy and quality of drugs as safe,
efficacious and good quality for use. New drugs shall include drugs:
A. containing a newly discovered active ingredient
B. containing a new fixed combination of drugs
C. in an additional dosage of strength of the dosage form
D. A & B only
67. Among the prohibited acts under RA 3720 are:
A. manufacture for sales, offer for sale, distribute in commerce or import into the Philippines any consumer
product which has been declared as banned consumer product
B. adulteration or misbranding of any food, drug, device or cosmetic
C. manufacture, importation, exportation, sale, offering for sale, distribution or transfer of any drug or device
which is not registered to BFAD
D. B & C only
68. As stated in RA 3720, any person who commits the following shall subject to imprisonment of NLT 1 year but
NMT 5 years or a fine NLT 5000 pesos but NMT 10000 pesos or both:
A. sale or offering for sale of any drug or device beyond its expiration date
B. release for sale or distribution of a batch of a drug without batch certification when required
C. forging, counterfeiting, stimulating or falsely representing without proper authority using any mark, stamp, tag
authorized by regulations
D. A & C only
69. The manufacturer, importation, exportation, sale, offering for sale, distribution or transfer of any food, drug,
device, or cosmetic that is adulterated or misbranded is a prohibited act under:
A. RA 3720
B. RA 5921
C. RA 8203
D. RA 9165
E. RA 7432
70. Under RA 3720, if a food bears or contains any poisonous or deleterious substance which may render it
injurious to health, it is deemed to be:
A. poison
B. adulterated
C. misbranded
D. counterfeit
E. hazardous
71. Under RA 3720, if a food’s container is composed, in whole or in part of any poisonous or deleterious substance
which may render the contents injurious to health, the food is deemed to be:
A. poison
B. adulterated
C. misbranded
D. counterfeit
E. hazardous
72. A food shall be deemed to be adulterated if:
A. it has been prepared, packed or held under unsanitary conditions
B. damage or inferiority has been concealed in any manner
C. it is offered for sale under the name of other food
D. A & B only
73. A food shall be deemed to be adulterated if:
A. it is, in whole or in part, the product of a diseased animal or an animal which has died otherwise than by
B. any substance injurious to health has been added or substituted
C. it bears or contain a coal tar color other one which is permissible
D. A & B only
74. Under RA 3720, if the food is an imitation of other food, then the food is deemed to be:
A. fake
B. misbranded
C. misleading
D. adulterated
E. counterfeit
75. Under RA 3720, if the food labeling is false or misleading in any particular, then the product is deemed to be;
A. an imitation
B. misbranded
C. misleading
D. counterfeit
E. B & C
76. Who is authorized to suspend immediately upon notice any permit issued under authority if it found that any of
the conditions of the permit have been violated?
A. Secretary of health
B. BFAD administrator
C. Pres. of the Philippines
D. BFAD inspector
E. PRC Commissioner
77. Under RA 3720, if a drug’s strength differs from or its safety, efficacy, quality or purity falls below the standards
set forth in the compendium, then the drug is deemed to be:
A. mislabeled
B. adulterated
C. counterfeit
D. under quality
E. ineffective
78. A drug or device shall be deemed to be misbranded if it is for use by mans and contains any quantity of _______
which is/are not specified in the label.
A. barbituric acid
B. codeine
C. heroin
D. B & C only
79. To whom shall any person submit an application for Licensing and Registration of any drug or device?
A. Secretary of Health
B. BFAD Director
C. PRC Commissioner
D. Licensing Officer
E. Commissioner of Customs
80. Any person who wish to file an application shall submit the following:
A. full list of articles used as components of such drug or device
B. full statement of the composition of such drug or device
C. full description of the methods used in and the facilities and control used for the manufacture of such drug or
D. specimen of the labeling proposed to be used for such drug or device
81. Within how many days after filling of an application for Licensing registration of drugs or devices shall the
secretary approve or give the applicant notice of an opportunity for a hearing?
A. 150
B. 180
C. 200
D. 120
E. 60
82. In order to manufacture, sell, offer for sale, import or distribute any drug or device, a license to operate should
be first secured from:
C. Dept. of Trade and Industry
D. Dept. of Commerce
83. The RA provide for certification of batches of drugs composed wholly or partially of any kind of antibiotic.
A. RA 7432
B. RA 8203
C. RA 3720
D. RA 9165
E. RA 5921
85. These drug are promulgated by the Secretary to be exempted from any requirements under Section 22c Article
IX of RA 3720:
A. intended for investigational use
B. which are to be stored, processed, labeled or repacked at establishments other than where manufactured
C. Which conform to applicable standards of identity, strength, quality and purity
D. A & C only
86. If a certain brand of face powder which claimed to be hypoallergenic causes itchiness and redness on the skin of
the user, the product is considered to be:
A. of high quality
B. misbranded
C. has acceptable side effects
D. adulterated
E. counterfeit
87. Drugs are considered to be adulterated if:
A. the label is misleading
B. it is an imitation of the product
C. it differs from USP standard
D. A & B
88. The division in BFAD that certifies batches of antibiotics:
A. Product services
B. Laboratory services
C. Legal, Information and Compliance
D. Administrative
E. Inspection services
89. It means to bring into the Philippines by sea, land or air.
A. import
B. export
C. distribute
D. manufacture
90. Who shall prescribe regulations for the efficient enforcement of the provisions of Section 30 of RA 3720, which is
about the Importation and Exportation of food, drugs, devices and cosmetics?
A. Secretary of Health
B. BFAD director
C. Commissioner of customs
D. A & B
E. A & C
91. According to RA 3720, these shall be published by the Bureau to serve as reference by manufacturers,
distributors, physicians, and consumers.
A. Drug reference manual
B. Drug bulletin
C. Drug information newsletter
D. A & B only
92. In addition to the Administrative sanctions provided for under Letter of Instruction no. 1223, the Secretary is
authorized to impose __________ for any violation of RA 3720.
A. life imprisonment
B. imprisonment of NLT 5 months but NMT 5 years
C. administrative fine NLT 1000 pesos and NMT 5000 pesos
D. fine of NLT 2000 pesos and NMT 5000 pesos
E. any of the above
93. Who shall take care and deliver to the Bureau the samples taken at random from every incoming shipment of
food, drugs, devices and cosmetics which are being imported or offered for import into the Philippines?
A. BFAD director
B. Civil service commissioner
C. Commissioner of customs
D. Secretary of health
94. A food, drug, device or cosmetic intended for export shall not be deemed to be adulterated or misbranded under
RA 3720 if:
A. it conforms with the specification of the foreign purchaser
B. it is not in conflict with the laws of the country to which it is intended for export
C. it is labeled on the outside of the shipping package to show that it is intended for export
D. A & B only
95. RA 3720 was amended by EO NO.________:
A. 881
B. 851
C. 175
D. 170
E. 54
96. The Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 is:
A. RA 6425
B. RA 9165
C. RA 6675
D. RA 9465
E. RA 5921
97. A certified true copy of the record of dangerous drugs must be submitted to:
98. Amount of morphine subject to life imprisonment to death penalty and a fine of 500,000 pesos to 10M pesos:
A. 500g
B. 50g
C. 10g
D. 1g
E. 20g
99. Substances covered by RA 9165
A. prescription drugs
B. dangerous drugs
C. controlled precursors and essential chemicals
D. B & C only
100. Prescription for dangerous drug are written in:
A. duplicate
B. triplicate
C. one copy
D. four copies
101. Pharmacists are required to maintain and keep an original record of dangerous drugs.
A. sales
B. purchases
C. acquisition
D. A & B only
102. The original copy of the prescription of dangerous drug is retained by the pharmacist for a period of ________
years from the date of sale or delivery of such drug.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5
103. Regular member of the DDB:
A. Secretary of health
B. Director of NBI
C. Secretary of Justice
D. President of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines
104. Head of the PDEA:
A. Secretary of Health
B. Director General
C. NBI Chief
D. PNP Chief
E. BFAD Director
105. Permanent consultant of the DDB:
A. Secretary of the Health & Director of BFAD
B. NBI Director & PNP Chief
C. NBI Chief & BFAD Director
D. President of the Philippines
107. This refers to any facility for the illegal manufacture of any dangerous drug/or controlled precursors and
essential chemical.
A. Clandestine laboratory
B. Laboratory equipment
C. Instrument
D. Den, Dive or Resort
108. ________ is a place where any dangerous drug and/or controlled precursor and essential chemical is
administered, delivered or stored for illegal purposes, distributed or sold in any form.
A. Clandestine laboratory
B. Den, Dive or Resort
C. Centers
D. School
109. This is an act of knowingly planting, growing, raising or permitting the planning, growing or raising of any plant
which is the source of the dangerous drug.
A. Cultivate
B. Culture
C. Illegal trafficking
D. Planting of evidence
E. A & B only
110. Illegal trafficking means the illegal __________ of any dangerous drug and/or controlled precursor and
essential chemical.
A. Cultivation and Culture
B. Delivery
C. Administration
D. Possession
111. This refers to act of knowingly passing a dangerous drug to another, personally or otherwise and by any
means, with or without consideration.
A. dispense
B. deliver
C. administer
D. manufacture
112. Chemical diversion refers to the __________ of legitimately imported, in-transit, manufactured or procured
controlled precursors and essential element in diluted, mixtures or in concentrated form to any person engaged in
the manufacture of dangerous drugs.
A. sale
B. distribution
C. supply & transport
D. A & B only
113. A practitioner is any person who is a licensed:
A. Physician
B. dentist
C. chemist
D. A & B
114. __________ is any act of giving away any dangerous drug and/or controlled precursor and essential chemical
Whether for money or other consideration
A. Deliver
B. Dispense
C. Sell
D. Administer
115. This refers to any person who pays for, raises or supplies money for, or underwrites any of the illegal activities
prescribed under RA 9165.
A. financier
B. drug syndicate
C. pusher
D. B or C
116. Methylenedioxymethampethamine ( MDMA ) is:
A. shabu
B. marijuana
C. ecstasy
D. opium poppy
117. Cannabis is also known as:
A. shabu
B. marijuana
C. ecstasy
D. indian hemp
E. B & D only
118. Any person who shall import or bring into the Philippines any dangerous drug, regardless of the quantity and
purity shall have the penalty of:
A. life imprisonment to death
B. Fine of 500,000 pesos to 10M pesos
C. fine of 500, 000 pesos to 5M pesos
D. A & B
E. A & C
119. Any person who shall import ________ unless authorized by law, shall be punished by imprisonment from 12
years and one day to 20 years and a fine of 100, 000 pesos.
A. opium poppy
B. controlled precursor
C. essential chemical
D. B & C
120 _________ shall be imposed on anyone who shall import into the Philippines any dangerous drug and/or
controlled precursor and essential through the use of diplomatic passport.
A. Life imprisonment
B. Maximum penalty
C. Minimum penalty
D. Fine of 500, 000 pesos
E. Death
121. Under RA 9165, the penalty of 12 years and one day to 20 years of imprisonment and a fine of 100, 000 pesos
to 500, 000 pesos shall be imposed upon any person who acts as a:
A. financier
B. protector
C. coddler
D. B & C
122. Maximum penalty shall be imposed if the sale, trading, administration, delivery or distribution of dangerous
drug and/or controlled precursor and essential chemical transpires within ________ meters from school
A. 50
B. 75
C. 100
D. 125
E. 150
123. The presence of any_________ in the clandestine laboratory is a prima facie proof of manufacture of any
dangerous drug.
A. controlled precursor
B. essential chemical
C. laboratory equipment
D. A & B
124. Amount of shabu subject to imprisonment to death penalty and a fine of 500, 000 pesos to 10M pesos:
A. 10g
B. 20g
C. 50g
D. 100g
E. 500g
125. Amount of marijuana subject to life imprisonment to death penalty and a fine of 500, 000 pesos to 10M pesos:
A. 10g
B. 20g
C. 50g
D. 100g
E. 500g
126. Amount of heroin subject to life imprisonment to death penalty and a fine of 500, 000 pesos to 10M pesos:
A. 10g
B. 20g
C. 50g
D. 100g
E. 500g
127. Methampethamine HCL:
A. shabu
B. marijuana
C. ecstasy
D. opium poppy
128. These are dangerous drugs:
129. Penalty for unlawful prescription of drugs:
A. life imprisonment to death
B. fine of 500, 000 pesos to 10M pesos
C. fine of 100, 000 pesos to 500, 000 pesos
D. A & B
E. A & C
130. Who shall take charge and have the custody of all dangerous drugs, plant sources, controlled precursor and
essential chemicals that are confiscated, seized or surrendered.
E. A & C
131. The confiscated or seized dangerous drugs, plant sources, controlled precursor and essential chemicals shall
be submitted to the PDEA Forensic Laboratory for a quantitative examination within:
A. 24 hours
B. 12 hours
C. 2 days
D. 72 hours
E. 3 days
132. The following are unlawful acts under RA 9165 and any attempt to commit them shall be penalized:
A. importation of any dangerous drug and/or controlled precursor and essential chemical
B. maintenance of den, dive or resort where any dangerous drug is used in any form
C. manufacture of any dangerous drug and/or controlled precursor and essential chemical
D. A & C only
133. Any person who is found guilty of planting any dangerous drug and/or controlled precursor and essential
chemical shall suffer the penalty of:
A. life imprisonment
B. death
C. fine of 100,000 pesos to 500,000 pesos
D. A & C only
134. If the government officials and employees are found guilty of the unlawful acts under RA 9165, they shall be
penalized by:
A. maximum penalty
B. disqualification from any public office
C. life imprisonment
D. A & B only
E. minimum penalty
135. Who shall accredit and monitor drug testing laboratories to safeguard the quality of results?
136. Every pharmacist shall maintain and keep an original record of sales, purchases, acquisitions and deliveries of
dangerous drugs indicating the following information:
A. License number and address of pharmacist
B. Quantity and name of dangerous drug purchased
C. Date of purchase
D. Name, address and community tax certificate number of buyer
137. To prescribe and promulgate rules and regulations governing the establishment of centers as described in RA
9165 is a duty of:
E. Pres. of Philippines
138. _________shall be the policy-making and strategy-formulating body in the planning and formulation of policies
and programs on drug prevention and control
139. The other members of DDB who shall be ex officio members are:
A. Sec. of DOJ or his representative
B. Sec. of DOH or his representative
C. Sec. of DND or his representative
D. A & B only
140. The presence of ____members shall constitute a quorum whenever DDB calls a meeting.
A. 6
B. 7
C. 8
D. 9
E. 10
141. The appointed Executive Director of DDB shall act as the:
A. Secretary of the Board
B. Assistant Secretary of the Board
C. Auditor
D. Vice Chairman
E. Moderator
142. To initiate, conduct and support scientific, clinical, social, psychological, physical and biological researches on
dangerous drugs prevention and control measures is a function of:
143. PDEA stands for:
A. Philippine Drug Empowerment Agency
B. Philippine Drug Enforcement Affiliation
C. Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency
D. Philippine Drug Establishment Agency
144. Responsible for the efficient and effective law enforcement of all the provisions on any dangerous drug and/or
controlled precursor and essential chemical:
145. Has the power to reclassify, add or remove, from the list of dangerous drugs:
146. To set the guidelines and overall framework to monitor and ensure the proper implementation of RA 9165 is a
function of:
A. Congressional Oversight Committee
147. ________ means any substance which will cause on normal living tissue, allergy or photodynamic quality of
hypersensitivity which becomes evident on reapplication of the substance.
A. strong sensitizer
B. corrosive
C. irritant
D. toxic
E. radioactive
148. Any substance or mixture of substances which is toxic, corrosive, irritant, is a strong sensitizer, is flammable or
generates pressure through decomposition heat or other means:
A. counterfeit substance
B. hazardous substance
C. poisonous substance
D. radioactive substance
E. adulterated substance
149. Revised regulations for the Licensing of Drug establishments and outlets:
A. AO 56
B. AO 52
C. AO 53
D. AO 61
E. AO 62
150. Labeling, sale and distribution of Hazardous Substances
A. PD 881
B. PD 781
C. PD 551
D. EO 175
E. AO 56
151. The Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002” is also known as _________
A. RA 9165
B. RA 6675
C. RA 9257
D. RA 7394
152. RA 9165was approved on __________
A. March 13, 1972
B. March 3, 1972
C. June 7, 2002
D. April 30, 1972
153. Opium is an example of a/an __________drug.
A. prohibited drug
B. regulated drug
C. exempt dangerous drug
D. none of the above
154. Which of the following is/are example of prohibited drug?
A. heroin
B. morphine
C. phenobarbital
E. both A & B
155. Which of the following is/are example of regulated drug?
A. morphine
B. heroin
C. secobarbital
D. opium
156. RA 5921 is more commonly known as__________.
A. Senior Citizen’s Act
B. Pharmacy Law
C. Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act
D. Special Law on Counterfeit Drug
157. The pharmacy law was signed by former Pres. Ferdinand E. Marcos last________
A. June 23, 1966
B. June 29, 1969
C. June 26, 1969
D. June 23, 1969
158. This is a “place of establishment where drugs, chemical products, active principles of drugs, pharmaceuticals,
proprietary medicines or pharmaceutical specialties, devices and poisons are sold at retail and where medical,
dental, and veterinary prescriptions are compounded and dispensed.”
A. pharmacy
B. drugstore
C. pharmaceutical laboratory
E. both A & B
159. This term “includes every person who acts as a merchant, broker, or agent, who sells, or distributes for resale
pharmaceuticals, proprietary medicines or pharmaceutical specialties.”
A. wholesaler
B. person
C. dealer
160. The definition of drugs, as amended by EO NO.174 include/s
1. article in current official USP/NF, official Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the US., official Drug Formulary, or
any supplement
2. articles intended for use in the prevention of diseases in man or animals; and
3. articles ( other than food ) intended to affect the structure or any function of the body of man or animals
4. refers to viruses, sera, toxins, and analogous products used for the prevention or cure of human diseases.
B. 1 & 2
C. 1, 2, & 3
161. This is a method of secret writing, substitutes other letters or characters for the letter intended, or transposes
the letter after arranging them in blocks or squares.
A. cipher
B. code
C. secret keys
D. Any of the above
162. This means “a system of words or other systems arbitrarily used to present words”
A. Cipher
B. Code
C. Secret keys
D. Any of the above
163. This means “characteristic styles or symbols kept from the knowledge of others or disclosed confidentially to
only one or a few”
A. Cipher
B. Code
C. Secret keys
D. Any of the above
164. This is the requirement for the opening of drugstore
A. Filipino registered pharmacist
B. 7×5 drugstore space
C. Drugstore label
D. record books
165. An ordinary prescription shall be preserved for a period of ___________
A. 5 years
B. 1 year
C. 3 years
D. 2 years
166. The records for the sale of poisons must be kept for a period of __________
A. 5 years
B. 1 year
C. 3 years
D. 2 years
167. Who can issue prescriptions for the dispensing of violent poisons?
A. physician
B. dentist
C. veterinarian
168. What is the color of the label for prescriptions used externally?
A. white
B. red
C. green
D. blue
169. The age requirement in order to practice pharmacy in the Philippines
A. 18
B. 25
C. 21
D. 20
170. This a proof that a person is a licensed pharmacist
A. transcript of record
B. diploma
C. certificate of registration
D. certificate of internship
171. Which of the following is a practice of Pharmacy?
I. teaching pharmacy subjects
II. analyzing drug
III. conducting research
IV. manager of a chain drugstore
A. 3 only
B. 1 & 2 only
C. 1, 2 & 3 only
172. Basis for non renewal of LTO
A. failure to comply with PRC standards and requirements
B. persistent performance that assures safety, efficacy, and quality of drugs products
C. serious repeated, rampant violation of existing laws, rules, and regulations
D. poor housekeeping
173. This is the “act of introducing any dangerous drug into the body of any person, with or without his knowledge by
injection, ingestion or other means or of commiting any act of indispensable assistance to a person in administering
a dangerous drug to himself’.
A. administer
B. cultivate
C. deliver
D. both A & B
E. both B & C
174. This is the act of knowingly planting, growing, raising of any of plant which is the source of a prohibited drug.
A. administer
B. cultivate
C. culture
D. both A & B
E. both B & C
175.”Employee” of a prohibited drug den, dive, or resort include/s____________
A. caretaker
B. lookout
C. watchman
E. A & B only
176. Indian hemp is also known as
I. bhang
II. churrus
III. hashish
IV. she-bang
A. I only
B. I & II
C. I, II & III
177. It refers to a state of psychic or physical dependence, or both on any dangerous drug, arising in a person
following administration or use of that drug on a periodic or continuous basis
A. druggist
B. drug dependence
C. pusher
D. coddler
178. What penalty shall be imposed upon any person who imports prohibited drugs?
A. reclusion perpetua to death
B. fine ranging from 500,000 pesos to 10M pesos
C. fine ranging from 100,000 pesos to 1M pesos
D. both A & B
E. both B & C
179. What penalty shall be imposed upon a person who, unless authorized by law, shall sell, administer, deliver,
give away to another, distribute, dispatch in transit or transport any prohibited drug, or act as a broker in such
A. reclusion perpetua to death
B. fine ranging from 500,000 pesos to 10M pesos
C. fine ranging from 100,000 pesos to 1M pesos
D. both A & B
E. both B & C
180. What penalty shall be imposed upon any person or group of persons who shall maintain a den, dive or resort
where any prohibited drug is found.
A. reclusion perpetua to death
B. fine ranging from 500,000 pesos to 10M pesos
C. fine ranging from 100,000 pesos to 1M pesos
D. both A & B
E. both B & C
181.”The Expanded Senior Citizens Act” is also known as_________
A. RA 9265
B. RA 9165
C. RA 9275
D. RA 9257
182. This is the S- license for physicians, dentist, or veterinarian, who prescribes dangerous drugs
A. S-1
B. S-2
C. S-3
D. S-4
183. This is a policy and program of the National government to ensure that the safe and effective drugs are made
available to all Filipinos at any time and place and at reasonable and affordable cost.
A. National Drug Policy
B. National Formulary
C. Dangerous Drugs Board Policy
184. What are the pillars of the National Drug policy?
I. Quality Assurance of Drug
II. Quality Control
III. Rational Use of Drug
IV. National Self-sufficiency in Pharmaceuticals
A. 1 & 2
B. 1, 2 & 3
C. 1, 3 & 4
D. 1, 2 & 4
185. The former president of the Philippines who enunciated the National Drug Policy
A. Fidel V. Ramos
B. Corazon C. Aquino
C. Ferdinand E. Marcos
D. Ramon Magsaysay
186. This refers to the practice of using only the necessary and effective drugs in treating an illness
A. cost- effectiveness
B. quality assurance
C. rational use of drugs
D. rational procurement
187. This is a simpler term for the scientifically recognized active ingredient of a drug.
A. generic name
B. brand name
C. chemical name
D. street name
188. This list refers to those drugs, which cure the vast majority of illnesses and should be affordable and available
to all persons. It is prepared and periodically updated by the DOH on the basis of health conditions in the
A. Essential Drug list
B. Core list
C. Complimentary list
189. RA 6675 is more commonly known as__________
A. Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act
B. Pharmacy Law
C. Food, Drug and Device and Cosmetic Act
D. Generics Act of 1988
190. This refers to the prohibited and regulated drugs
A. List A
B. List B
C. Rx
191. Betamethasone tablet and Methotrexate tablet belong to
A. List A
B. List B
C. Rx
D. OTC drugs
192. For drugs in list A containing the list of prohibited drugs and regulated drugs, which of the following is/are
A. The S-2 license of a prescriber
B. The use of special DDB form
C. The observance of a recording system following pertinent DDB regulation
E. both A & B
193. This is the act by a validly registered pharmacist of filling a prescription or doctor’s order on the patient’s chart.
A. dispensing
B. generic dispensing
C. any of the above
194. This means dispensing the patient’s or buyer’s choice from among the generic equivalent.
A. dispensing
B. generic dispensing
195. This are pharmaceutical products of a or drug preparations that are to be dispensed only upon written order of
a validly registered physician, dentist or veterinarian for the management or treatment of a condition or disease.
A. prescription drugs
B. ethical drugs
C. OTC drugs
E. both A & B
196. When the generic name is not written in a prescription, this is a case of
A. violative prescription
B. erroneous prescriptions
C. impossible prescriptions
197. The generic name must be
A. enclosed by an outline circle
B. smaller font size than the trade name
C. printed in full and not abbreviated
D. written after the trade name
198. Generic prescribing is also known as
A. AO 61
B. AO 62
C. AO 63
D. AO 64
199. What is to be done with violative prescriptions?
A. shall be filled and kept
B. shall not be filled and kept for reporting to the nearest DOH office
C. shall be marked with red ink
D. shall be torn
200. Which of the following is an example of an erroneous prescription?
A. generic name is not legible and brand name is legible
B. brand name is not in parenthesis
C. only generic name is written but it is not legible
201. When the generic name and brand name are not legible, this is a/an __________prescription.
A. violative
B. erroneous
C. impossible
202. Sanctions for violation of the labeling requirement
A. confiscation of the LTO
B. cancellation of the certificate of registration of the pharmacist
C. recall of misbranded products
D. administrative fine of Php 6,000
203. This administrative order is about labeling requirements for pharmaceutical products
A. AO no. 67
B. AO no. 55
C. AO no. 65
D. AO no. 57
204. The generic name of the drug must be in accordance with
205. For products containing 3 or more ingredients, the official name for the combination shall be determined by
206. In prescribing list B drugs, which needs strict precautions in their use, the prescriber must comply with a set of
guidelines. One guideline requires the prescriber to write the strength or dose level using units in the
A. metric
B. apothecary
C. international unit
D. avoirdupois
207. According to AO NO.56,s. 1989, grounds for the revocation of LTO
A. lapses in record keeping of invoices and receipts of distribution records
B. violation of BFAD standards on quality, efficacy, purity and safety of drugs
C. sale or distribution of antibiotic products with batch certification by BFAD
D. absence of pharmacist on first inspection
208. This is all about the revised rules and regulation of registration of pharmaceutical products
A. AO no. 57
B. AO no. 55
C. AO no. 65
D. AO no. 67
209. RA 7432 is more commonly known as the__________
A. Expanded Senior Citizens Act
B. Generics Act of 1988
C. Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act
D. Consumer’s Act
210. The term “senior citizen” shall mean any resident citizen of the Philippines at least _____years old.
A. 50
B. 60
C. 55
D. 65
211. The senior citizens shall be entitled the grant of ________ of discount from all establishments relative to the
utilization of transportation services, restaurants and purchase of medicine anywhere in the country.
A. 20%
B. 25%
C. 10%
D. 15%
212. The government agency which issues national ID card and purchase slip booklet
213. The discount privileges of the senior citizen shall be
A. non-transferable
B. transferable but limited use only for the senior citizen
C. limited and exclusive for the benefit of the senior citizen
D. both A & C
214. Which of the following must be presented by a senior citizen when buying prescription drugs?
I. purchase slip booklet
II. prescription
III. birth certificate
IV. national identification card
A. 1 & 2
B. 2 & 3
C. 1, 2 & 4
D. 1, 2 & 4
215. __________shall mean any person whether related to the senior citizen or not who takes careof him/her as a
A. head of the family
B. relative
C. benefactor
D. care-giver
216. Supplies or medicines to be given to senior citizens should not exceed
A. one day supply
B. one week supply
C. one month supply
D. one year supply
217. Violation of any provision of Senior Citizen’s Act is punishable by
A. a fine not exceeding 2,000 pesos
B. imprisonment not exceeding one month and a fine not exceeding 1,000 pesos
C. imprisonment not exceeding 2 months
D. both A & C
218. OSCA refers to
A. Office of the Senior Citizen’s Affiliate
B. Office of the Senior Citizen’s Affairs
C. Office of the Senior Citizen’s Academy
219. It is written order and instruction of a validly registered physician, dentist, or veterinarian for the use of specific
drug product for a specific patient
A. prescription
B. medical certificate
C. medical chart
D. drug chart
220. It is the act of a validly registered pharmacist of filling a prescription or doctor’s order on the patient’s chart
A. dispenser
B. dispensing
C. selling
D. dispensary
221. When the drug product prescribed is not registered in BFAD, this is a case of
A. violative prescription
B. impossible prescription
C. erroneous prescription
D. coded prescription
222. If the brand name precedes the generic name, prescription is considered
A. violative
B. impossible
C. erroneous
D. coded
223. When a pharmacist receive a prescription wherin the generic does not correspond to the brand name, the
A. shall advice the prescriber
B. May dispense or fill the said prescription
C. instruct the customer the proper prescription
D. both A & B
224. Quantities less than 1 milligram shall be written in
A. gram
B. microliter
C. micrograms
D. kilogram
225. Quantities less than 1 gram shall be written in
A. milligram
B. microliter
C. micrograms
D. kilogram
226. The following are the violations of Generics act on the part of dispensers and outlets
A. failure to record and keep prescription filled
B. imposing a particular brand or product on the buyer
C. failure to report to the nearest DOH office prescription which complied to the said law
D. both A & B
227. Under the Generics Law, Which of these prescriptions shall be filled?
A. violative
B. impossible
C. erroneous
D. none of these
228. The term “drug outlet” pertain/s to
I. drugstore
II. drug trader
III. pharmacy
IV. botica
A. 1 & 2
B. 3 & 4
C. 1, 2 & 3
D. 1, 3 & 4
229. These are pharmaceutical products or drug preparations that can be dispensed even without a prescription for
the use of consumers for the prevention or symptomatic relief of minor or self-limiting ailments
A. OTC drugs
B. ethical drugs
C. non-prescription drugs
D. both A & C
230. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct
A. Erroneous prescription should not be filled by the pharmacist, prescription kept and reported to the DOH
B. violative prescription should be filled, prescription kept and reported to the DOH
C. impossible prescription could be filled, prescription kept and reported to the DOH
D. violative prescription should not be filled, prescription kept by the pharmacist, and reported to the DOH
231. ____________has the power to reclassify, add to, or remove from the list of dangerous drugs.
232. Permanent consultant of the Dangerous Drugs Board
A. Secretary of health
B. secretary of justice
C. President of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines
D. Director of the NBI
233. Rules and regulations to Implement Dispensing Requirements
A. AO. 63
B. AO. 62
C. AO. 67
D. AO. 64
234. Revised Rules and Regulations for the Licensing of Drug Establishment
A. AO. 55
B. AO. 56
C. AO. 42
D. AO. 62
235. Revised Rules and Regulations of Registration of Pharmaceutical Products
A. AO. 63
B. AO. 62
C. AO. 67
D. AO. 42
236. Drug registration of herbal and/or traditional drugs both local and imported
A. AO. 62
B. AO. 63
C. AO. 42
D. AO. 67
237. Re-application for LTO after revocation may be done within ________ year(s).
A. 3
B. 5
C. 2
D. 1
238. What physico-chemical assay is required for vitamin preparations?
A. pH meter
B. oven drying
D. Fluorophotometer

239. Prescription without specification of the generic name of the prescribed product is a violation of RA _________.
A. 5921
B. 6675
C. 6425
D. 3720
240. The ultimate objective of PNDP is/are to provide
A. low-cost high quality drugs
B. free consultation from the physician
C. high quality but expensive drug
D. both A & B
241. __________ means any substance which has a flash point at or below negative six and six-tenths degrees
centigrade as determined by the Tagliabue Open Club tester
A. extremely flammable
B. combustible
C. both A & B
D. neither A & B
242. ___________ contains the rules and regulations to implement dispensing requirements under the Generics Act
of 1988.
A. AO. No. 63
B. AO. No. 64
C. AO. No. 65
D. AO. No. 66
243. Which of the following is the Dangerous Drugs?
C. both A & B
244. This means any substance which on contact with living tissue will cause destruction of tissue by chemical
A. corrosive
B. bleaching agent
C. disinfectant
D. irritant
245. This a substance which on immediate, prolonged or repeated contact with normal living tissue will induce local
inflammatory action.
A. corrosive
B. irritant
C. disinfectant
D. bleaching agent
246. RA. 7394 was signed into a law on
A. April 13, 1992
B. Feb. 7, 1992
C. Sept. 13, 1992
D. April 7, 1992
247. RA. 6675 was signed into a law on
A. Sept. 23, 1998
B. Sept. 13, 1998
C. Sept. 4, 1998
D. Sept. 30, 1998
248. RA. 7432 was signed into a law on
A. Feb.7, 1992
B. April 7, 1992
C. Feb. 13, 1998
D. April 13, 1992
249. Which of the following does not required a prescription?
A. finasteride
B. ibuprofen 200mg
C. zafirlukast
D. esomeprazole
250. EO. No.______ institutionalizes the Continuing Professional Education ( CPE ) Programs of the various
Professional regulatory Boards ( PRBs ) under the supervision of the Philippine Regulatory Commission.
A. 851
B. 265
C. 266
D. 267
251. Inspection Section and Licensing Section are under what organizational unit of BFAD?
A. Regulation Division I
B. Regulation Division II
C. Product Services Division
D. Laboratory Services Division
252. Cash collection and Disbursement Section, and Personnel Section are under what organizational unit of
A. Product Services Division
B. Laboratory Services Division
C. Legal, Information and Compliance Division
D. Administrative Division
253. This BFAD organizational unit plans, directs, organizes, and controls the activities of the Bureau with the
assistance of the Divisions and Units under it.
A. Office of the Director
B. Regulation Division I
C. Regulation Division II
D. Product Services Division
254. The Laboratory Services Division Of BFAD includes
A. food
B. toxicology
C. cosmetic
D. household hazardous substance
255. The Division in BFAD that certifies batches of antibiotics
A. Product Services
B. Laboratory services
C. Legal, Information, and Compliance
D. Administrative
256. This is the Division of the BFAD that provides assistance to person/establishment in complying with BFAD legal
A. Laboratory Services
B. Legal, Information, and Compliance
C. Product Services
D. Regulation Division I
257. The Laboratory Division of BFAD has the duty of
A. testing, analyzing, and doing trials on submitted products
B. inspection of drug outlets
C. taking samples from different drug establishment
D. assist in the of factual evidences
258. This order prescribes the conditions and requirements for good manufacturing practice applied to premises,
equipment, personnel, product and warehouse.
A. AO. No. 202
B. AO. No. 220
C. AO. No. 221
D. AO. No. 223
259. CGMP means
A. current general manufacturing process
B. current good manufacturing procedure
C. current good manufacturing practice
D. current good manufacture practice
260. CGMP assures drug meets the requirements of the act as to
A. safety
B. identity
C. strength
D. purity
261. Equipment used for manufacturing, processing, packing, labeling, testing and control of drugs must be
A. of suitable size
B. absorptive
C. non-reactive
D. both A & C
262. Test for components
A. Microbiological test
B. Test for heavy metals
C. Microscopic examination
D. all of the above
263. The amount of reserve sample of all active ingredients to be kept for all required test in the laboratory to be
performed are
A. 5×
B. 2x
C. 3x
D. 4x
264. Approved records of components which must be maintained for future reference
A. name of customer
B. lot component
C. date and amount received
D. batch uniformity
265. Production record must be kept for
A. 2 years after expiration of the product
B. 2 years after batch distribution is completed
C. 1 year after batch distribution is complied
D. 2 years before expiration date
266. Each critical step in production process must be performed and checked by _________ competent and
responsible individual
A. 1
B. 3
C. 4
D. 2
267. Laboratory controls are required for
A. finished products
B. in process drug
C. components
D. all of the above
268. This mean any ingredient intended for use in the manufacturing of drugs, including those that may not appear
in the finished product.
A. component
B. raw material
C. inactive ingredient
D. both A & B
E. both A & C
269. This means a batch or any portion of a batch of a drug produced by continuous process, an amount of drug
produced in a unit time or quantity in a manner that assures its uniformity and either case which is identified by a
distinctive lot number and has uniform character and quality within specified limits.
A. lot
B. lot number
C. control number
D. none of the above
270. This means any distinctive combination of letters or numbers, or both by which the complete history of the
manufacture, control, packaging, and distribution of a batch or lot of a drug is determined.
A. lot
B. lot number
C. control number
D. A & B
E. B & C
271. According to AO. No. 42, the test for alcohol content in quality control requirements should not more than ___
A. 15%
B. 10%
C. 20%
D. 30%
272. This is the required test for suppositories and pessaries
A. weight variation
B. dissolution
C. melting point
D. boiling point
273. Ointments, creams, and other semi-solid preparations are tested for
A. impalpability
B. homogeneity
C. melting point
D. all of the above
274. Validity of the initial registration for herbal and traditional drugs
A. 5 years
B. 2 years
C. 1 years
D. 3 years
275. Herbal and Traditional drugs must be registered with the
276. This means any drugs Establishment that procures raw materials, active ingredients and/or finished products
from local establishments for local distribution on wholesale basis.
A. importer
B. exporter
C. wholesaler
D. drug trader
277. This means any organization or company involved in the manufacture, importation, repacking, and/or
distribution of drugs or medicines.
A. drug establishment
B. drug outlet
C. drug manufacturer
D. drug trader
278. This a drug which has been used for at least 5 years and involving at least 5,000 patients.
A. investigational drugs
B. tried and tested drugs
C. established drugs
D. none of the above
279. This a drug whose safety and efficacy has been demonstrated through long years of general use and can be
found in current official USP-NF, and other internationally recognized pharmacopeias.
A. investigational drugs
B. new drug
C. established drugs
D. none of the above
280. This refers to a new chemical or structural modification of tried and tested or established drug proposed to be
used for a specific therapeutic indication.
A. investigational drug
B. new drug
C. both A & B
D. neither A or nor B
281. This refers to a new chemical or structural modification of tried and tested or established drug proposed to be
used for a specific therapeutic indication, which has undergone adequate clinical pharmacology Phase I, II, III
studies but which needs further Phase IV Clinical Pharmacology Studies before it can be given regular registration
A. investigational drug
B. new drug
C. both A & B
D. neither A nor B
282. This is also refer to as the Price Act
A. RA. 7581
B. RA. 8203
C. RA. 7432
D. RA. 6425
283. The requirements for labeling materials is under what Administrative Order?
A. AO. No. 51
B. AO. No. 52
C. AO. No. 54
D. AO. No. 55
284. __________ refers to the instructions and special care required in the use of product to avoid undesired effects
and to ensure the safe and effective use of the drug.
A. Precautions
B. Contraindications
C. Warning
D. none of the above
285. This refers to statements regarding the occurrence of potential hazards and side effects associated with the
use of the product and limitation of its use.
A. Precautions
B. Contraindications
C. Warning
D. none of the above
286. This refers to a statement regarding the conditions wherein the use of the product may cause harm to the
A. Precautions
B. Contraindications
C. Warning
D. none of the above
287. __________ refers to the classification of the product based on its therapeutic action.
A. dosage form
B. mode of action
C. formulation
D. pharmacologic category
288. Pursuant to AO. No. 55, s. 1988, the alcohol content in the formulation shall be expressed in _______
A. mg%
B. %
C. ml
D. v/v
289. The net content shall indicate the total amount/quantity/number of dosage form in a given container of the
product expressed in _______
A. Arabic numeral
B. avoirdupois
C. metric system
D. roman numeral
290. What type of font was specified for printing the Generic name if the name of the product is presented using a
special typeface exclusively designed for it?
A. Arial
B. Helvetica medium
C. universe medium
D. both A & B
E. both B & C
291. Expiry date expressed in terms of
A. month and day
B. month and year
C. day and year
D. year, day and month
292. If the expiry date of the product is indicated as “January 2005”, the expiry date of the product is assumed to be
A. January 1, 2005
B. January 15, 2005
C. January 20, 2005
D. January 31, 2005
293. __________ indicates the number given by BFAD for the product code.
A. manufacture date
B. expiry date
C. registration number
D. lot number
294. Drugs with multiple components must be arranged in order of _________
A. decreasing pharmacologic activity
B. increasing pharmacologic activity
C. alphabetically
D. according to the amount of use
295. _________ contains the active ingredient and quantity of drug per dosage unit.
A. dosage form
B. mode of administration
C. formulation
D, pharmacologic category
296. Additional information for injections
A. recommended routes of administration
B. ”use only one” or “discard the remaining portion” if an anti-microbial agent is not included in the product
C. both A & B
D. Neither A nor B
297. Which of the following is exempted in the labeling requirement?
A. product for external use
B. product placed in small container
C. drugs for investigational purposes
D. large volume injections
298. The word “single use” must be included in the label for
A. biological products
B. individually wrapped products
C. large volume injections
D. small containers
299. In accordance to Administrative order No. 56, s. 1989, the initial License to Operate has a ______ years.
A. 5
B. 2
C. 1
D. 3
300. Under Administrative Order No. 56, s. 1989, the renewal of the License to Operate has a ______years
A. 5
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3

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