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L a w s o f S a la h


Shaikh-e-Tareeqat Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat,
Founder of Dawat-e-Islami, Hazrat Allama Moulana
Muhammad Ilyas Attar Qadiri Razavi

Rendered into English by Majlis-e-Tarajim

All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced or distributed in any manner
without the explicit permission of the publisher, except in the case of
quotations with complete citations.

Laws of Salah
Copyright © 2009 Maktaba-tul-Madina


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ssalāmualaikum dear Islamic brothers, Dawat-e-Islāmī’s Majlis-e-
Tarājīm, a department responsible for reproducing Ameer-e-Ahl-e-
Sunnat Maulana Ilyās Qādri’s works into various languages of the
world, is proud to present this renowned work “Namaz Ke Ahkam” (Laws of
Salah) in English.

Although any translation is inevitably a form of interpretation, we

have tried our level best to convey the thoughts of the author in its true sense,
using a choice of words which help maintain the interest of the reader and
drive the point home. Our hope is to pass on same flavour, which is a
captivating and distinctive feature of the original text.

The good in this work which you have before you is only that which
Allah granted, the generous gaze of his Beloved
              and the
blessings of the Shaykh-ut-Tariqah, Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnah, the Founder of
Dawat-e-Islami, the Honourable, Allama, Maulana, Abu Bilal Muhammad
Ilyas Attar Qadiri Radawi  
  !"#. Similarly, any flaw you find is without
doubt the result of our shortcomings, and in no way reflects on the original
author. If you discover any shortcomings in this translation, please notify us
at the following address.

Majlis-e-Tarājim (Translation Department)

International Madanī Markaz, Faizan-e-Madina
Muhallah Saudagran, Old Sabzi Mandi,
Bab-ul-Madina, Karachi, Pakistan
Phone: (92-21) 3492-1389, 90, 91
Excellence of Durood Shareef 1
The Prophetic Love of Usman-e-Ghani  (  &%
 $ ' 1
Story of Sins being Erased 2
The whole Body will be Purified 3
Excellence of Sleeping in a State of Wuzu 3
The One who dies in a State of Wuzu is a Martyr 3
A Tip to Avoid Calamities 4
7 Benefits of Staying in a State of Wuzu At All times 4
Double the Reward 4
Method of Wuzu (Hanafi) 5
This Dua should be Read After Wuzu 7
All 8 Gates of Heaven are Opened 7
The Excellence of Reading Sura Qadr after Wuzu 7
Will never Suffer from Weak Eyesight 8
4 Faraiz of Wuzu 8
Definition of 'Washing' 8
12 Sunan of Wuzu 8
26 Desirable Acts of Wuzu 9
15 Makroohaat (undesirable acts) of Wuzu 12
An Important Ruling about Used Water 13
Attention all Paan Eaters! 13
A Great Madani Point of Tasawwuf (Mysticism) 14
5 Rulings Regarding Bleeding 15
Do Injections Nullify Wuzu? 15
Tears Due to Illness 16
Blisters and Pimples 16
When does Vomiting nullify ones Wuzu? 17
Laughing 17
Does looking At a Persons Sitr break Wuzu? 18
The Wuzu Done during Ghusl is Sufficient 18


Bleeding from Your Teeth 18

Urine and Vomit of a Baby 19
5 Rulings Regarding Doubtful Situations in Wuzu 19
If a Dog Touches Your Body! 20
Breaking of Wuzu due to sleep 20
The Wuzu Facilities in Masajid 22
Make a Wuzu Area in Your Home 22
How to Construct a Wuzu Area? 23
10 Madani Flowers of a Wuzu Area 23
6 Rulings for Someone who cannot maintain His Wuzu 25
7 Miscellaneous Rulings 27
Wasting Water in Wuzu 28
Wastage at a River 28
Ala-Hazrat’s    ) *  ' Fatwa 28
Mufti Ahmad Yaar Khan    ) *  ' Explanation 29
Don't Waste Water 29
Wasting is a Satanic Act 29
Asking for a White Palace in Heaven? 29
Injustice 30
Use Demonstrations to Learn Wuzu 30
Wastage of Water in the Masajid and Madaris 31
7 Tips to Avoid Wastage by AlaHazrat    ) *  ' 31
14 Madani Flowers for Avoiding Wasting Water 33


Acceptance of Islam due to the Philosophy of Wuzu 36
Seminar in Western Germany 37
Wuzu and High Blood Pressure 37
Wuzu and Paralysis 37
Appreciator of Miswaak 38
To Improve Memory 38
Three Ahadith Regarding Miswaak 39
Cure for Blisters in the Mouth 39
Damage Caused by the Tooth-brush 39

Do You Know How to Use the Miswaak? 40

14 Madani Flowers 40
Benefits of Washing Hands 42
Benefits of Washing the Mouth 42
Benefits of Washing the Nose 42
Benefits of Washing the Face 43
Protection from Blindness 44
Washing the Arms 44
Wiping the Head 44
Doctor for the mentally ill 45
Washing the Feet 45
Water Left over from Wuzu 46
Human on the Moon 46
Toy of Light 47
Splitting of the Moon 47
Only for the Sake of Allah     48
The Hidden Part of Wuzu 49
Sunan Don’t Need Scientific Research 49

Excellence of Durood Shareef 51
A Strange Punishment! 51
Method of Ghusl (Hanafi) 52
The 3 Faraiz of Ghusl 53
(1) Rinsing the Mouth 53
(2) Sniffing Water up the Nose 54
(3) Washing the Entire Body 54
20 Precautions for Both Men and Women During Ghusl 54
6 Precautions for Women 56
Bandaged Wounds 56
5 Things that Necessitate Ghusl 57
Important Information about Nifaas 58
5 Important Rulings 58
Punishment for Masturbating 59

Performing Ghusl in Flowing Water 60

Showers are Similar to Flowing Water 60
Precautions when Using a Shower 61
Make Sure the Position of Your Toilet is Right 61
When is it Sunnah to Perform Ghusl? 61
When is it Desirable to Perform Ghusl? 62
Several Intentions for the Same Ghusl 63
Performing Ghusl in the Rain 63
Looking at People who are Wearing Tight Clothing 63
Precautions when Bathing Nude 63
What should I Do If I Fear I’ll Catch a Cold If I Perform Ghusl? 64
Precautions to Take when Using a Bucket for Ghusl 64
Knotted Hair 64
10 Rulings Related to Reciting or Touching Holy Qur’an in a State of Impurity 64
Handling Religious Literature without Wuzu 66
Reciting Durood in a State of Impurity 67
Will Ink on My Fingers Affect My Wuzu? 67
When does a Child Reach Puberty? 67
Order of Books 67
Using Written Paper for Packaging 68
Holy Ka’ba on Prayer Mats 68
One of the Causes of Evil Thoughts 68
Tayammum 69
Faraiz of Tayammum 69
10 Sunan of Tayammum 69
Method of Tayammum (Hanafi) 70
25 Madani Flowers Regarding Tayammum 70
Saying of the Holy Prophet

Excellence of Durood Shareef 75
Four Narrations About the Blessings of Azan 75
(1) Insects will not Enter the Grave 75
(2) Domes of Pearls 75

(3) Previous Sins are Forgiven 76

(4) Fish Also Seek Pardon 76
Excellence of Replying to Azan 76
Earn 30 Million and 24 Hundred Thousand Good Deeds 76
The Replier of Azan is Heavenly 77
The Method of Replying to Azan and Iqaamat 78
14 Madani Flowers of Azan 79
9 Madani Flowers About Replying to Azan 81
7 Madani Flowers About Iqaamat 82
11 Desirable Times for Giving Azan 83
To Say Azan in the Masjid is against Sunnah 84
Earn the Reward of 100 Martyrs 84
Read this Durood before Azan 85
First Kalima: Sanctity 92
Second Kalima: Evidence 92
Third Kalima: Glory of Allah 92
Fourth Kalima: Oneness of Allah 93
Fifth Kalima: Repentance 93
Sixth Kalima: Refutation of Disbelief 94
Destructions of Betel leaves (Paan) and Betel nuts (Gutka) 95
Paan, Gutka and Stomach Cancer 96
Paan or Gutka and Throat Cancer 96

Excellence of Durood Shareef 97
The First Question on the Day of Judgement 98

Light for the Person who Prays 98

Who will you be Resurrected with? 98
Salah in a Severely Wounded State 99
Salah Either Shines Brightly Or is Covered in Darkness 99
Dying a Bad Death 100
The Salah Thief 100
The 2 Types of Thieves 100
Method of Salah (Hanafi) 101
A Few Differences for Sisters 106
Both should Pay Attention to this! 107
6 Conditions of Salah 107
(1) Cleanliness (Taharah) 107
(2) Covering of the body (Sitr-e-Aurat) 108
(3) Facing the Qibla (Istiqbal-e-Qibla) 109
(4) Time (Waqt) 109
3 Makrooh Times 110
What if the Makrooh Time Begins During Salah? 110
(5) Intention (Niyyat) 110
(6) Takbeer-e-Tahreema 112
7 Faraiz of Salah 112
(1) Takbeer-e-Tahreema 112
(2) Qiyaam 114
(3) Qira’at 116
To Pronounce the Letters Properly is Vital 117
Madrasa-tul-Madina 118
(4) Ruku’ 119
(5) Sujood 119
Disadvantages of Carpets 120
How to Purify an Impure Carpet 121
(6) Qa’dah Akheerah 121
(7) Khurooj-e-Bi’sun’ehee 122
30 Wajibaat of Salah 122

Approximately 96 Sunan of Salah 125

Sunan of Takbeer-e-Tahreema 125
Sunan of Qiyaam 125
Sunan of Ruku’ 126
Sunan of Qaumah 127
Sunan of Sajdah 128
Sunan of Jalsah 129
Sunan of Getting up for the Second Rak’at 129
Sunan of Qa’dah 130
Sunan of Salaam 131
Sunan After Saying the Salaam 132
Sunan of the Sunan-e-Ba’diyyah 132
An Important Ruling Regarding the Sunan 133
The Previous 86 Sunan Apply to Islamic Sisters Aswell 133
Now Follow 10 Sunan Specifically for Islamic Sisters 133
14 Desirable Acts of Salah 134
Umar Bin Abdul Aziz ◌  (  &%
 $ ' 136
Excellence of a Dusty Forehead 136
29 Things that Invalidate Salah 136
Crying During Salah 137
Coughing in Salah 138
Reading Something in Salah 138
Definition of Excessive Movement 139
Dressing During Salah 139
Eating in Salah 139
Turning Away from the Qibla During Salah 140
Killing a Snake 141
Scratching in Salah 141
Mistakes in Saying ‫ ﻛ‬
33 Makroohaat-e-Tahreema of Salah 142
Hanging a Mantle over Your Shoulders 142
Desperate for the Toilet 142
Moving Pebbles During Salah 143


Cracking Knuckles 143

Holding Your Hips 144
Looking up At the Sky 145
Looking At a Person who is Praying Salah 145
Face of a Donkey 147
Salah and Pictures 148
32 Makroohat-e-Tanzeehi of Salah 149
Praying Salah in a T-Shirt 152
The Last 2 Nafl of Zuhr 152
Imaamat (Leading Others in Salah) 153
13 Conditions of Following an Imaam 153
The Imaam should Make Following Announcement After the Iqaamat 154
Jama’at (Congregation) 154
20 Valid Reasons for Missing Jama’at 155
Fear of Dying a Disbeliever 156
9 Madani Flowers for Sala-tul-Witr 157
Dua-e-Qunut 158
Sajda-e-Sahw 159
Very Important Ruling 160
Incident 161
Method of Sajda-e-Sahw 162
What If You Forget to Do Sajda-e-Sahw? 162
Sajda-e-Tilawat and the Destruction of Satan 162
In’shaa-Allah      You’ll Get What You Want 162
8 Madani Flowers Regarding Sajda-e-Tilawat 163
Warning! Beware! 164
Method of Sajda-e-Tilawat 164
Sajda-e-Shukr 164
Walking Pass a Praying Person is a Serious Sin 165
15 Rulings Regarding Walking Pass a Praying Person 165


The Excellence of Durood Shareef 168


Travelling According to Islamic Law 169

When does One Become a Traveller? 169
What is Meant By Leaving the “Populated Area”? 170
Definition of “City Surroundings” 170
The Conditions of Becoming a Traveller 170
The types of Land (watan) 171
There are Two Types of Watan: 171
When is the Watan-e-Iqaamat Invalidated? 171
Two Routes 171
For how Long is a Traveller Considere a Traveller 171
What if the Journey is Impermissible? 172
The Employer and Employee Travelling Together 172
Once I have Finished My Work I will Go! 172
The Ruling of Travel for Women 172
Woman at her Husband’s Family Home and at her Parent’s Family Home 173
People Staying in Arabia with a Visa 173
Important Ruling for Travellers to Madina 174
Staying for Hajj on an Umra Visa 175
Qasr is Wajib 175
What if Someone Made the Intention of 4 Instead of Qasr? 176
Traveller Imaam and Resident Congregate 176
Last Two Rak’at of a Resident Congregate 176
Can a Traveller Miss his Sunan of Salah? 177
4 Madani Flowers Regarding Praying Salah in a Moving Car 177
What if a Traveller Stands for his Third Rak’at? 178
Qaza Salah During a Journey 178


Excellence of Durood Shareef 179
The Punishment for Those who Miss their Salah 179
Head Crushing Penalty 180
Flames of Fire in her Grave 181
What if One was to Forget to Perform Salah? 181


Does One Gain the Same Reward for Performing Salah in its Proper Time if
he Prays it Late Due to a Problem? 181
Sleeping in the Latter Part of the Night 182
Sleeping Late 182
Definitions of Ada, Qaza and Wajib-ul-I’adah 182
The 3 Essentials of Repentance 183
It Is Wajib to Wake a Sleeping Person for Salah 184
Wake Up, It’s Time for Fajr! 184
Story 184
A Story About Public Rights 185
Perform Qaza Salah as Soon as Possible 186
Do not Expose Your Qaza Salah 186
Performing Qaza on the Last Friday of Ramazan 186
A Lifetime of Missed Salah 187
Order of Missed Salah 187
Method of Praying Qaza Salah (Hanafi) 187
Performing Qaza of Qasr salah 188
Salah Missed as a Murtad (Apostate) 188
Praying at the Time of Childbirth 189
When can Someone Ill Miss his Salah? 189
Repeating a Whole Lifetime of Salah 189
What if You Forget to Mention the Word “Qaza”? 190
Praying Qaza Salah Instead of Nafl 190
Praying Nafl is not Permissible After Fajr and Asr Salah 190
What if I Miss My 4 Sunan Before Zuhr? 190
What if I Miss My 2 Sunan Before Fajr? 191
Is There only a Short Amount of Time for Maghrib? 191
What About the Qaza of Tarawih? 192
The “Fidyah” for Missed Salah 192
A Ruling Concerning the Fidyah for a Deceased Woman 193
Heelah for 100 Strikes 194
How did the Practice of Piercing Ears Start? 195
Cows Meat as a Gift 195
A Valid Heelah for Zakah 196

100 People will be Rewarded Equally 196

Definition of a “Faqeer” 197
Definition of a “Miskeen” 197
Questions and Answers Concerning Heelah for Zakah 198


Excellence of Durood Shareef 206
The Blessings of Participating in the Funeral Salah of a Saint 206
The Forgiveness of Those who are Respectful 207
Shroud Thief 207
The Forgiveness of the Funeral Salah Participants 208
The First Gift in the Grave 208
The Funeral of a Heavenly Person 208
The Reward of Accompanying the Deceased 208
Reward Equal to Mount Uhud 209
The Funeral Salah is Giving a Lesson 209
The Excellence of Bathing the Deceased 209
What he Recited when He Saw the Dead Body 210
The Funeral Salah is Farz-e-Kifaya 210
There are 2 Essential Acts and 3 Sunnah of the Funeral Prayer 210
The 2 Essential (rukn) Acts are: 210
The 3 Sunnah-e-Mu’akkadah are: 210
Method of Funeral Salah (hanafi) 211
Dua (supplication) for a Mature Male and Female 211
Dua for a Male Child 212
Dua for a Female Child 212
To Read Funeral Salah whilst Standing on Shoes 212
Funeral Salah in the Absence of the Body 212
Method for Offering More than One Funeral Salah 213
How many Rows should there be in Funeral Salah? 213
What if One did not Gain the Full Funeral Salah? 213
Funeral of an Insane or Someone who Committed Suicide 213
Laws and Rulings Pertaining to a Deceased Child 214
Virtues and Excellences of Carrying the Deceased 214

Method of Carrying the Deceased 214

Method of Carrying the Body of a Child 215
Rulings Pertaining to Returning Back from the Funeral 215
Can a Husband Carry the Body of his Wife? 215
Funeral of a Disbeliever 215
The Marriage has Broken! 216
Do not Enquire About the Disbelievers 217
Make the Following Announcement before the Funeral of an Adult 217

Excellence of Reciting Durood Shareef on a Friday 219
When did our Prophet
   Perform his First Friday Salah? 220
Meaning of the Word Jumu’ah 221
What is Total Number of Friday Salah that Prophet
   Performed? 221
Sealed Heart 221
The Excellence of Wearing an Imaama (turban) on Friday 222
Cure Enters 222
Protected from Calamities for Ten Days 222
A Reason for Decrease in Ones Provision 222
Angels Write the Names of the Fortunate 223
The Enthusiasm of the Muslims in the First Century Regarding Friday 223
Hajj (pilgrimage) of the Poor 224
Rushing Towards Friday Salah is Hajj 224
The Reward of Hajj and Umra 224
The King of Days 225
Supplications are Accepted 226
Search between Asr and Maghrib 226
Opinion of the Author of Bahar-e-Shariat 226
When is the Moment of Acceptance? 226
Story 227
14,400,000 are Released from Hell Every Friday 227
Saved from the Punishment of the Grave 228
Sins between two Fridays are Pardoned 228


Reward of 200 Years Worship 228

Deceased Parents are Presented with ones Actions every Friday 229
Five Special Actions for Friday 229
Heaven Becomes Wajib 229
Avoid Fasting only on Friday 230
Saying of the Holy Prophet
Reward of Fasting for 10,000 Years 230
Reward for Visiting Parents Graves on Friday 230
Reward of Reciting Sura Yaseen at the Graves of ones Parents 230
Forgiven 3000 Times 231
Souls get Together 231
Blessing of Reciting Sura Kahf 231
Light between Two Fridays 232
Light until the Ka’ba 232
Benefit of Sura HaMeen AdDuhkaan 232
Forgiveness of 70,000 angels 232
All Sins are Forgiven 233
After Friday Salah 233
Attending a Gathering of Knowledge 233
11 Conditions of Friday Salah 234
The Sunan of Friday 235
When should One have a Bath on Friday? 235
Having a Bath on Friday is Sunnah-e-Ghair Mu’akkadah 236
The Excellence of Sitting Close to the Khateeb During the Sermon 236
No Reward of Friday 236
Listening to the Sermon Silently is Farz 236
One cannot Recite Durood during the Sermon 237
Listening to the Nikah Sermon is Wajib 237
All Business is Prohibited as Soon as the First Azan is Given 237
7 Madani Flowers Regarding the Friday Sermon 238
Important Ruling regarding Leading Friday Salah 239


The Excellence of Reciting Durood Shareef 240

The Heart will Remain Alive 240

Heaven becoming Essential 240
The Sunnah before Attending the Eid Prayers 241
The Sunnah of Departing and Returning from the Eid Prayer 241
The Method of Eid Salah (Hanafi) 241
Upon whom is Eid Prayer Essential (wajib)? 242
The Sermon of Eid is Sunnah 242
The Time for Eid Prayer 242
If One Finds himself in the Middle of the Jama’at 243
What should You do if the Congregation of Eid is not Found? 243
The Rulings for Eid Sermon 244
20 Sunan of Eid 244
One Desirable Action of Eid-ul-Adha 246
8 Points about Takbeer-e-Tashreeq 246
Punishment for Forgetting Hifz 248
Sayings of the Holy Prophet 248
Stamp of Goodness and Pardoning of Sin 250
Dua-e-Attar 251

Cause of Forgiveness 259
Funeral Rights & Ceremonies 259
Shroud for Men 259
Shroud for Women 259
More about the Shroud 259
How to Give Ghusl to the Deceased 260
Method of Shrouding a Woman 261
After The Funeral Prayers 261

(1) Reward for an Accepted Hajj 264
(2) Reward for Ten Hajj 264


(3) Charity on Behalf of One’s Parents 265

(4) Being Deprived of Blessings in One’s Provisions 265
(5) Excellence of Visiting Graves on Friday 265
Shrouds in Pieces 265
Benefits of Sending Reward of Good Actions to Souls of the Deceased 266
The Blessings of Dua (supplication) 266
Waiting for Someone to Send Reward 266
Excellence of Praying for Someone’s Forgiveness 266
An Easy Way to Earn Billions of Deeds 266
Bright Garments 267
Bright Tray 267
Reward According to the Number of Deceased 267
The Dead will Intercede 268
Reward of Sura Ikhlaas 268
A Well for Umm-e-Sa’d ,-(  $&' 268
17 Madani Flowers of Sending Reward of One’s Actions to Someone else 269
Method of Sending the Reward of One’s Actions 272
The Prevailant Method of Sending the Reward of Ones Actions 273
Method of Fatiha Practised by AlaHazrat  (  $ ' 275
Method of Doing Dua at the End 276
Warning! 277
Method of Visiting the Tombs of Pious People 277


Please read this booklet from beginning to end.

There is a good chance of you becoming aware of many shortcomings
in the way you perform your wuzu.


uthority and Master of Both worlds, Beloved Rasool of

A Allah
   has said, “Anyone who recites
Durood upon me three times in the day and three times
in the night due to love and devotion for me, Allah      will
forgive the sins he committed during that day and night.”
(At’targheeb wat’tarheeb, V2, P328)

3,     2/      . 
&% '

Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Usman-e-Ghani  (     &%

 $ ' once had some
water brought for him in order to perform Wuzu. After the
completion of Wuzu, he  (     &%
 $ ' smiled and asked his
companions if they knew why he had smiled. Upon
answering himself, he  (     &%
 $ ' said, “Once Sarkar-e-Madina


   performed Wuzu at this very place and then
smiled and asked his companions, “Do you know why I
smiled?” The companions replied, “Allah and His Rasool


          know best”. The Holy Prophet

Laws of Salah

“When a person performs Wuzu and washes his hands, the sins
of his hands are washed away and when he washes his face the
sins of his face are washed away and when he wipes his head
the sins of his head are washed away and when he washes his
feet the sins of his feet are washed away.”” (Mulakhkhasan Musnad
Imam Ahmad, V1, P130, Hadith 415, Dar-ul-Fikr Beirut)

Dear Islamic Brothers! So you see how the blessed companions’

 . & %   
% - 
5 would imitate every single habit and Sunnah of the Holy
   with great passion and devotion. This
narration also tells us a remedy for sins. Alhamdu-Lillah     
rinsing the mouth results in the sins of the mouth being washed
away, washing the nose results in the sins of the nose being
washed away, washing the face results in the sins of not just the
face but also the eyelids being washed away, washing the
hands results in the sins of not just the hands but the nails being
washed away, wiping the head (and ears) results in the sins of
the head and ears being washed away and washing the feet
results in not only the sins of both feet but the sins beneath the
toenails being washed away.


Hazrat-e-Allama Abdul Wahhab Sha’rani      ) *  ' says that once
Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Imam-e-Azam Abu Hanifa  (     &%
 $ ' was in
the Wuzu area of the Jami’ Masjid in Kufa and saw a young
man performing Wuzu. Drops of water were dripping from his
body. The Imam  (    &%
 $ ' said, “Son! Repent from disobeying your
parents”. The young man instantly replied, “I repent”. The
Imam  (     &%
 $ ' then saw drops of water dripping from the body of
another man and said, “Brother! Repent from adultery”. The
man replied, “I repent”. The Imam  (     &%
 $ ' then saw drops of
water dripping from the body of a third person and said,
“Repent from consuming alcohol and listening to music”.
He replied, “I repent”. Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Imam Abu
Method of Wuzu

Hanifa  (      $ &% ' had been given the power of kashf (spiritual
insight) and was able to see the faults of people but he asked
Allah      to take this power away from him. Allah      accepted
his request and from then on he could no longer see the sins of
people during Wuzu. (Al Mizan-ul-Kubra, V1, P130, Dar-ul-Kutubul Ilmiyyah

3,  2/      . 


Two Hadith summarised tell us that anyone who begins Wuzu
saying  ‫ 

ﻢ‬purifies his whole body from head to toe, but
anyone who does not say these words will only purify the limbs
that are washed”. (Sunan Dar Qutni, V1, P158-159, Hadith 228-229)


A Hadith states, “A person who sleeps in a state of Wuzu is
similar to someone who worships in a state of fasting”. (Kanzul-
Ummal, V9, P123, Hadith 25994)


   said to Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Anas
 (    &%
 $ ' , “Son! If you can spend all your time in a state of Wuzu
then do so, because when the Angel of death captures the soul
of a person in a state of Wuzu, he is written down as a martyr”.
(Kanzul-Ummal, V9, Hadith 26060, Dar-ul-Kutubul Ilmiyyah Beirut)

Ala-Hazrat Imam Ahmad Raza Khan 6  *    ) *  '  %    says that to
remain in a state of Wuzu at all times is desirable. (Fatawa-e-
Razaviyah, V1, P702, Raza Foundation Lahore)

3,  2/      . 
Laws of Salah


 %   , “O Musa! If
Allah      said to Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Musa 789 
you face a calamity when you are not in a state of Wuzu then
only blame yourself”. (ibid)

“Remaining in a state of Wuzu at all times is a sunnah of

Islam”. (ibid)


Imam-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat Imam Ahmad Raza Khan 6 *   ) *  '  %   says,
“Some Gnostics    ;  %

 - *
 ' have said that anyone who stays in a
state of Wuzu at all times will be awarded 7 benefits by Allah

(1) Angels will desire to be in his company.

(2) The pen will constantly write good deeds for him.
(3) His limbs will praise Allah     .
(4) He will never miss his Takbeer-e-Tehreema (first
takbeer of Salaah). (5) When he sleeps, Allah      will send
Angels to protect him from the evil of jinn and humans. (6)
He will die an easy death.
(7) He will remain in the protection of Allah      for as long
as he is in this state. (ibid, P702-703)

3,     2   /      . 


We all know that performing Wuzu is hard when it’s cold or
when we are tired or suffer from flu, headache or any other
illness, but if someone does succeed in performing Wuzu in a
state of difficulty then according to Hadith he will be rewarded
Method of Wuzu

twice as much. (Mulakhkhasan al mu’jamul awsat, V4, P106, Hadith 5366, Dar-
ul-Kutubul Ilmiyyah Beirut)


To sit on an elevated seat facing Qibla is desirable. To make
intention for Wuzu is Sunnah. Intention means to focus with
the heart, but to verbally pronounce it is even better. You
should say: “I am making Wuzu in order to fulfil the command
of Allah      and to purify myself.” It is Sunnah to say  ‫

ﻢ‬. If
you say ‫

و ﻟ ﺤ ﻤﺪﻟ
ﻠ‬, Angels will write good deeds for you for
as long as you are in that state. Wash both hands up to the
wrists three times each and do khilaal of the fingers as well
(with the tap closed). Then use a Miswaak to clean your teeth,
both top and bottom, washing the Miswaak each time. Hujja-
tul-Islam Imam Muhammad Ghazali     ) *  ' says, “Whilst using
a Miswaak, your intention should be to clean your mouth in
order for you to recite the Holy Qur'an and to do the Zikr of
Allah     .” (Ihya-ul-Uloom, V1, P182 Dar-us-Saadir Beirut) Now rinse
your mouth three times with three handfuls of water (closing
the tap off each time) making sure that water reaches all parts
of the mouth and gargle as well if you are not fasting. Now
using three half handfuls, sniff water into the nose. It is
necessary to sniff the water right up to the hard bone and if you
are not fasting then intake the water right up to the top of the
bone. Keeping the tap turned off, use the small finger of the left
hand to clean the inside of the nose. Wash the whole face three
times making sure that water flows on every part of the skin
from the top of the forehead (the point where the hair naturally
begins to grow) to the bottom of the chin and from one earlobe
to the other. If you have a beard and are not in state of Ihram
then do khilaal (with the tap turned off) by inserting the fingers
into the beard from the neck towards the front. Now wash the
right arm, making sure you wash every part of skin from the
Laws of Salah

tips of the fingers up to (and including) the elbow three times

and then wash the left arm in the same manner. To wash up to
halfway up the upper arm is desirable. Many people take a
small amount of water in their hand and tip it over their arm
expecting it to wash the whole arm, whereas the elbows and
wrists will probably remain unwashed if this is done.
Therefore, they should be washed properly as mentioned. Once
they have been washed, there is no need to tip a handful of
water over the arms. In fact, doing this (without a proper
excuse) despite having washed both arms is a waste of water.
Now (with the tap closed) wipe the head; this should be done
by joining the tips of the three fingers, other than the index
fingers and thumbs of both hands and placing them on the
forehead. They should then be pulled towards the back of the
neck without letting the palms touch the head. Each palm
should then be placed on either side of the head and pulled
across the sides back to the forehead. The index fingers and
thumbs should not have touched the head yet. Now use the
index fingers to wipe the insides of the ears, the thumbs for the
back and the small fingers should be inserted inside the ears.
Now wipe the back of the neck using the back of both hands.
Some people are seen to be wiping the front of the neck and the
forearms and wrists, this is not Sunnah. Make a habit of turning
the tap off before wiping the head. To allow water to be wasted
by leaving the tap open completely or partially is a sin. Now
wash both feet three times, first the right and then left,
beginning from the toes up to the top of the ankles. In fact, it is
desirable to wash up to halfway up the shin. To do khilaal of all
the toes of both feet is Sunnah. The tap should be kept turned
off during khilaal. The desirable way to do this is to use the
small finger of the left hand and begin with the small toe of the
right foot and work your way up to the big toe. Then, using the
same finger of the left hand, work your way from the big toe of
the left foot to the small toe. (Common books)

Method of Wuzu

Hujja-tul-Islam Imam Muhammad Ghazali      ) *  ' says, “When
washing each limb, you should hope that the sins of that limb
are being washed away.” (Mulakhkhasan Ihya-ul-Uloom translation, V1,

3,     2/      . 


(With Durood before and after)

6  ?%-% @  =A  6 "%  >%   %

  % . = 6 " >%   
 - : 

Oh Allah     ! Make me amongst those who repent abundantly

and make me amongst those who stay clean.
(Jami’ Tirmizi, V1, P9)


One Hadith mentions, “If a person does Wuzu correctly and
then looks towards the sky and reads Kalima-e-Shahadah, all 8
gates of Heaven are opened for him and he may enter through
whichever one of them he pleases.” (Mulakhkhas az Sahih Muslim, V1,


One blessed Hadith mentions, "If a person reads Sura Qadr
once after completing Wuzu, he will be amongst the truthful
and if he reads it twice he will be amongst the martyrs and if he
reads it three times, Allah      will keep him with His prophets
on the day of judgement”. (Kanzul-Ummal, V9, P132, Hadith 26085, Dar-
ul-Kutubul Ilmiyyah Beirut)

3,  2/      . 
Laws of Salah


If a person looks up to the sky after Wuzu and reads Sura Qadr,
In'shaa-Allah      his eyesight will never become weak. (Masail-ul-
Qur'an, P291)

3,     2/      . 

(1) Washing the face.
(2) Washing both arms including the elbows.
(3) Wiping a quarter of the head.
(4) Washing both feet including the ankles.
(Fatawa-e-Alamgiri, V1, P3)

Washing a limb means that at least 2 drops of water must flow
over that limb. If the limb is simply moistened by rubbing a wet
hand over it, or if only 1 drop of water flows over it then it will
not be considered washed and the Wuzu or ghusl will not be
considered complete. (Maraqil falah ma’ Hashiya-tut-tahtawi, P57 Fatawa-e-
Razaviyah, V1, P218, Raza Foundation)

Some sunan and desirable acts have already been mentioned
under the heading “Method of Wuzu (Hanafi)”. Further details

(1) Making intention.

(2) Reading  ‫

ﻢ‬. If you read ‫ 

و ﻟ ﺤ ﻤ ﺪﻟ
ﻠ‬before making
Wuzu, angels will write good deeds for you for as long as you
Method of Wuzu

are in the state of Wuzu. (Majma-uz-zawaid, V1, P513, Hadith 1112, Dar-ul-
Fikr Beirut)

(3) Washing both hands up to the wrists three times.

(4) Cleaning teeth with a Miswaak three times.
(5) Rinsing the mouth three times using three handfuls of
(6) Gargling if you are not fasting.
(7) Sniffing water into the nose three times using three half
handfuls of water.
(8) Doing khilaal of your beard (when you are not in a state
of ihram).
(9) Doing khilaal of the fingers and toes.
(10) Wiping the whole head only once.
(11) Wiping the ears.
(12) Maintaining the order of the faraiz (i.e. washing the face
first, then the arms, then wiping the head and then washing the
feet) and washing each following limb before the previously
washed limb dries. (Dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V1, P235 -
Fatawa-e-Alamgiri, V1, P6)


(1) Sitting facing the Qibla on an elevated seat.
(2) Rubbing the limbs with the hands whilst washing them.
(3) Doing Wuzu calmly.
(4) Moistening the limbs first, especially in winter.
(5) Avoiding taking assistance from anyone without necessity.
(6) Rinsing the mouth using the right hand.
Laws of Salah

(7) Inserting water into the nose using the right hand.
(8) Using the left hand to clean the nose.
(9) Inserting the small finger of the left hand into the nostrils.
(10) Using the back of the hands to wipe the back of the neck.
(11) Inserting the small finger of each hand into each ear
whilst wiping the ears.
(12) Loosening and moving any ring you have on your
finger if you are sure the skin beneath it has been washed
without loosening it. If it is stiff (and the skin beneath cannot be
washed unless the ring is moved) then to move it will become
farz. (Khulasa-tul-Fatawa, V1, P23)
(13) Doing Wuzu before the time of the Salaah has begun if
you are not a ma'zoor-e-Shari' (further detail regarding this will
follow shortly).
(14) For a person who takes care in his Wuzu (i.e. does it
properly) to take special care when washing the corners of his
eyes, his ankles, heels, soles, the gaps between one’s fingers and
toes and one’s elbows is desirable. For someone who does not
take care, taking special care with these areas will become farz.
It is often seen that these parts are left dry due to being careless.
Such carelessness is Haraam and to be mindful of these things
is farz. (Bahar-e-Shariat, Part 2, P19, Madina-tul-Murshid Bareilly Shareef)
(15) Keeping the lota (traditional vessel used for
istinja/Wuzu) towards your left hand side. If you use a tub for
Wuzu, it should be kept towards your right side.
(16) Spreading the water across the forehead when washing
the face allowing some hair above the forehead to be washed as
(17) Extending the light of the face, hands, and feet; this
means washing more than the farz areas, (washing the arms to

Method of Wuzu

halfway up the upper arm and washing the feet beyond the
ankles up to halfway up the shins.)
(18) Using both hands when washing the face.
(19) Starting from the fingers and toes when washing the
hands and feet.
(20) Wiping each part with your hands after washing it so
that drops of water do not fall upon your body or clothes
especially when you intend to enter a Masjid because letting
drops of water drop on to the floor of the Masjid is Makrooh-e-
Tahreemi. (Khulasah az Bah-rur-raiq, V2, P530 – Bahar-e-Shariat, Part 2, P20
Madina-tul-Murshid Bareilly Shareef)

(21) Maintaining the intention for Wuzu at the time of

washing/wiping each part.
(22) Reciting Durood Shareef and Kalima-e-Shahada as well
as  ‫ 

ﻢ‬at the beginning.

(23) Do not unnecessarily dry the washed limbs. If you have

to, you should avoid drying them completely; in other words
preserve some wetness, because on the day of judgement it will
be weighed amongst the pious deeds.
(24) Do not shake your hands because this is the fan of
Satan. (Kanzul-Ummal, V9, P136, Hadith 26133 Beirut)
(25) Flicking water on to the front of ones shalwaar. (Kanzul-
Ummal, V9, P134, Hadith 26101 Beirut) (When flicking water on to the
shalwaar, it is wise to keep the front part of the shalwaar
hidden under the kurta. In fact keeping this part of the
shalwaar concealed throughout the whole of the Wuzu and at
all other times using your shirt or a blanket is closer to modesty).
(26) Praying two rak’at nafl (if it is not Makrooh at that
time). These nawafil are called Tahiyya-tul-Wuzu. (dur-e-mukhtaar
ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V1, P266)
Laws of Salah


(1) Sitting in an impure place for Wuzu.
(2) Allowing the water to fall on an impure surface.
(3) Allowing drops of water to fall back in the vessel being
used for Wuzu (When washing the face, drops of water usually
fall into the hand. This should be avoided)
(4) Spitting, blowing phlegm, or rinsing your mouth in the
direction of Qibla.
(5) Using too much water. (Sadrush-Shariah Mufti Maulana
Amjad Ali      ) *  ' says in Bahar-e-Shariat, (Part 2, P23, Publishers
Madina-tul-Murshid Bareilly Shareef), “Half a handful of water is
sufficient for inserting water into the nose so filling all the hand
with water will be considered wasting.”)
(6) Not using enough water to allow yourself to wash
according to the Sunnah (in other words the tap shouldn’t be
opened too much but not too less either, in fact it should be
kept at a reasonable level allowing an appropriate flow of
(7) Smacking the water on your face.
(8) Blowing when pouring water over your face.
(9) Washing the face with only one hand as this is a practice
of rawafiz and Hindus.
(10) Wiping the front of the neck.
(11) Rinsing the mouth or inserting water into the nose using
the left hand.
(12) Cleaning the nose with the right hand.
(13) Using three sets of fresh water to wipe the head three
Method of Wuzu

(14) Using water that has been heated by the sun.

(15) Closing the eyes and lips tightly. If this prevents these
parts from being washed, the Wuzu will actually become
invalid. To leave out any Sunnah of Wuzu is Makrooh and to
leave any Makrooh of Wuzu is Sunnah. (Bahar-e-Shariat, Part 2, P22,
Madina-tul-Murshid Bareilly Shareef)

3,     2/      . 


If you are without Wuzu and your hand, fingertip, fingernail,
toenail, or any other part of your body that must be washed
during Wuzu comes into contact with water covering less than
the surface area of 25 square yards/225 square feet (Fatawa-e-
Mustafawiyyah P139, Shabeer Brothers Lahore) for example, a bucket or
tub of water, that water will be classed as musta’mal (used), and
unfit to use for Wuzu or ghusl, regardless of whether this was
done deliberately or unintentionally. Similarly, if you must do
ghusl and any unwashed part of the body comes into contact
with water, it will no longer be fit to use for Wuzu or ghusl.
However, if the hand or area was washed before it came into
contact with the water, it will not affect it. (Bahar-e-Shariat, Part.2,
P48) (Please study part 2 of Bahar-e-Shariat for more information on
musta’mal water)


Ala-Hazrat Imam Ahmad Raza Khan      ) *  ' says, “Those who
are addicted to paan know from experience that small particles
of the paan get stuck in all parts of the mouth (especially when
there are gaps in the teeth) and rinsing the mouth three times or
even ten times does not help in cleaning it properly. In fact,
even using a toothpick or Miswaak does not help, whereas
cleaning the mouth properly has been stressed greatly. It has
Laws of Salah

been mentioned in numerous Hadith that when a person stands

to pray salah, an angel places its mouth next to his mouth and
anything he recites leaves his mouth and enters the mouth of
the angel. If at that time there are particles of food stuck in his
teeth, the angel feels disgusted more than ever.
Beloved Rasool of Allah
              said, “When you stand at
night to pray, you should clean your teeth with a miswaak
because when you recite the Qur'an an angel places its mouth
next to yours and anything coming out of your mouth enters
the mouth of that angel.” (Kanzul-Ummal, V9, P319) And there is a
report narrated by Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Abu Ayyub Ansari  (    &%
 $ '
in the Kabeer written by Imam Tabarani that there is nothing
more disliked by both angels than seeing their companion
praying with pieces of food stuck in his teeth. (Mu’jamul Kabeer, V4,
P177 Fatawa-e-Razaviyah, V1, P624-625, Raza Foundation Markaz-ul-Auliya Lahore)


Hujja-tul-Islam Imam Muhammad Ghazali    ) *  ' says, “When
you turn your attention towards salah after completing your
Wuzu, think to yourself; “The parts of my body that people can
see are clean but to stand in the court of Allah      without a
clean heart is contrary to shame, because Allah      can see
hearts as well as outer appearances”. He further goes on to say
that one should remember that the purity of the heart is to
repent, abandon sins and adopt praiseworthy characteristics. A
person who neglects the inner purity and only pays attention to
the outer purity is like a person who invites a king to his house
for a feast, and in order to please the king he cleans, polishes,
and colours the outside of his house but neglects the interior.
How will the king feel when he enters his house and sees filth
everywhere? Will he be happy or disappointed? Everyone
knows the answer to this. (Mulakhkhas az Ihya-ul-Uloom, V1, P185,
Publishers. Dar-us-Sadir Beirut)

Method of Wuzu


(1) Blood or pus that is discharged by the body which flows
(or can flow) onto a part of the body which must be washed
either in Wuzu or ghusl will invalidate the Wuzu. (dur-e-mukhtaar
ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V1, P286)

(2) If the blood only rises to the surface and does not flow,
for example when the skin is cut slightly with the point of a
sewing pin, or knife, or when using a toothpick, or when using
the Miswaak to clean your teeth, or when biting an apple
causes slight bleeding, or if you see traces of blood on your
finger after inserting it into your nose (considering that blood
did not flow), the Wuzu will not be affected. (Mulakhkhas az Fatawa-
e-Razaviya, V1, P280, Raza Foundation Lahore)

(3) If it flows but not on to a surface of skin that must be

washed in Wuzu or ghusl (e.g. you have a spot in your eye that
bursts but the fluid remains within the eyelids, or you feel
bleeding inside your ear canal but the blood stays inside), the
Wuzu will not be affected. (Mulakhkhas az Fatawa-e-Razaviya, V1, P280,
Raza Foundation Lahore)

(4) Even if the wound is quite large and the fluid is visible,
the Wuzu will not break unless the fluid (pus/blood) flows
from the wound. (ibid)

(5) If you wiped away the blood and did not allow it to flow
then you must ask yourself; “If I had left it would it have
flown?” If the answer is yes then the Wuzu has become null
otherwise not. (ibid)


(1) Injecting a needle into a muscle will only nullify Wuzu if
the amount of blood discharged can flow.

Laws of Salah

(2) However, when a fluid is to be injected into the veins

then blood is first drawn into the needle and enough is
discharged to nullify the Wuzu.
(3) Similarly, when liquid glucose is inserted into the body
via a drip, the Wuzu will no longer remain valid because in
such cases blood flows into the tube. If somehow, blood does
not enter the tube the Wuzu will not be affected.
(4) Having blood removed for a blood test will also nullify
the Wuzu. This blood is as impure as urine, therefore, praying
salah with a tube of blood in one’s pocket is prohibited.


(1) Tears that are due to an infection or illness of the eyes are
impure and nullify Wuzu. (dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V1, P554)
Unfortunately, many people are unaware of this ruling and
therefore wipe away such tears with their sleeves believing
them to be ordinary tears but in fact they make their clothes
(2) The fluid discharged by the eye of a blind man is impure
and nullifies Wuzu. (dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V1, P554)
(3) Any fluid that is discharged by the body but does not
nullify Wuzu is not impure (Makhooz Fatawa-e-Razaviya takhreej shudah,
V1, P280); examples are blood or pus that do not flow, or vomit
that is less than a mouthful.


(1) If a blister is burst, the Wuzu will break if any fluid flows
from it, otherwise not. (Fathul Qadeer, V1, P34)
(2) If a spot or pimple that has healed and is empty on the
inside, gets full of water which is then discharged due to
external pressure, then the flowing of this water will not nullify
Method of Wuzu

ones Wuzu. (Khulasa-tul-Fatawa, V1, P17) However, if there is blood

or pus inside it, the Wuzu will no longer remain valid and the
water will be considered impure. (Fatawa-e-Razaviya takhreej shudah,
V1, P356, Raza Foundation) (3) If a spot or pimple has burst and there
is no flowing fluid underneath, but the outer layer of skin has
peeled off to leave the wet and sticky flesh exposed, then no
matter how many times your clothes touch that area of flesh
they will remain clean. (Makhooz az Fatawa-e-Razaviya takhreej shudah, V1,
P280) (4) During cleaning the nose, if dried up blood is seen, it
will not affect the Wuzu; however, repeating the Wuzu is
preferred. (ibid, P281)


Vomiting food or water that is a mouthful invalidates Wuzu. It
is considered a mouthful when it cannot be prevented easily.
This vomit is as impure as urine, so it is vital to protect the
clothes and body from being stained by it. (dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-
dul-muhtaar, V1, P289)

(1) If a Muslim who has reached puberty laughs loud
enough for a second person to hear in a salah that consists of
ruku' and sujood, not only will his Wuzu be nullified but so
will his salah. If he laughs only loud enough for himself to hear,
his salah will be invalidated but not his Wuzu. Smiling (without
creating a sound) invalidates neither the Wuzu nor the salah.
(Maraqil falah ma’ Hashiya-tut-tahtawi, P91)

(2) If a Muslim of the same age category laughs loudly in a

funeral prayer, his salah will become invalid but not his Wuzu.

(3) Laughing other than in salah does not invalidate Wuzu

but to repeat it is preferable. (Maraqil falah ma’ Hashiya-tut-tahtawi, P84)
Laws of Salah

Our Holy Prophet

                 never laughed loudly so we
should attempt to revive this blessed Sunnah and avoid
laughing out aloud. Our Holy Prophet
                has said:
Smiling is from Allah      and laughing is from the devil. (Al
Mu’jamus Saghir Littabarani, juz 2, P104, Dar-ul-Kutubul Ilmiyyah Beirut)

3,  2/      . 
Many amongst the public believe that exposing ones own knees
or sitr or looking at ones own or someone else knees or sitr
nullifies Wuzu, this is definitely wrong. (Makhooz az Fatawa-e-
Razaviya, V1, P352, Raza Foundation) However, to keep the sitr
concealed is preferable throughout the whole of Wuzu; in fact
the sitr should be concealed immediately after istinja. (Ghuniya-tul-
mustamli, P30) To expose the sitr unnecessarily is prohibited (even
when alone) and to expose it in front of others is Haraam.


Once Wuzu is done during ghusl, it does not need to be
repeated again. In fact, even if one does not perform Wuzu
during ghusl, because the parts of Wuzu are washed anyway,
he will be considered to have performed it. Changing your
clothes does not affect Wuzu either.


(1) If there is bleeding in the mouth and the blood dominates
the colour of the spit, it will invalidate the Wuzu, otherwise not.
The blood will be considered dominant if the spit is redder than
white, and this spit will be impure. If the spit is yellowish in
colour it will be considered dominant and therefore the Wuzu
will not break and neither will the spit be impure. (dur-e-mukhtaar
ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V1, P291)

Method of Wuzu

(2) In the case of blood being dominant, if one was to drink

water from a cup or container, both the cup and all the water
inside will be impure. In this case, it is better to fill the hand
with water and use it to rinse the mouth out away from the cup
and away from your clothes and body (before drinking).


(1) The urine of a one day old baby is as impure as anyone
else’s. (dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V1, P574)
(2) If a baby vomits a mouthful of milk, it is as impure as urine,
but if the milk had not reached the stomach and had only yet
reached the chest it will not be impure. (Bahar-e-Shariat, Part 2, P29,
Madina-tul-Murshid Bareilly Shareef)


(1) If you find yourself doubting whether or not you have
washed a particular area, you must think to yourself whether or
not this is the first time in your life you have had this doubt. If
it is the first time, you should wash it but if you have had the
same doubt before, ignore it. The same applies if you find
yourself in doubt after Wuzu as well. (dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-
muhtaar, V1, P309)

(2) If you had Wuzu but later found yourself doubting

whether or not it had become invalid, you are in Wuzu, because
doubt does not affect the Wuzu. (dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar,
V1, P309)

(3) Doing Wuzu in cases of wasawis (satanic whisperings) in

the name of “precaution” is in fact obedience to Satan.
(4) Wuzu will remain valid until you are so certain that you
can swear it has been nullified.

Laws of Salah

(5) If you know you have left an area unwashed but cannot
recall which area it was, wash your left foot. (dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-
dul-muhtaar, V1, P309)


Clothes do not become impure if they come in to contact with
the body of a dog, even if it is wet. (Makhooz az Fatawa-e-Razaviya, V4,
P452, Raza Foundation Lahore) However, the saliva of dogs is impure.
(dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V1, P425)


Two things break Wuzu due to sleeping: -

(1) The buttocks not being pressed firmly against the floor
(or any other surface).
(2) Sleeping in a manner which does not prevent negligence.
So sleeping with the buttocks not pressed firmly in a position
that does not prevent you from indulging in deep sleep will
nullify the Wuzu. If there is one without the other the Wuzu
will not be affected.
The following are ten positions of sleeping that do not affect
Wuzu: -
(1) Sleeping with both buttocks pressed firmly on the ground
and both legs spread out in front of you. (This applies to sitting
on a chair, in a bus, train etc.)
(2) Sitting with both buttocks on the ground and both knees
raised, regardless of whether your hands are wrapped around
your knees or on the ground, and whether or not your head is
tucked into your knees.
(3) Sitting with your legs folded, regardless of whether you
sit on the ground or a bed etc.
Method of Wuzu

(4) In the position of tashahhud with your back straight.

(5) Sitting on a saddled horse or mule.
(6) Sitting on a bare backed horse or mule if it is walking
upwards or straight (the buttocks will remain pressed firmly
against the animal’s body in this case).
(7) Sleeping against a pillow with the buttocks firmly on the
ground, even if removing the pillow causes you to fall over.
(8) Standing.
(9) In ruku' position.
(10) In the position of sajdah when it is done according to
Sunnah (with a gap between the stomach and thighs, arms and
Sleeping in these positions will not nullify Wuzu. Even if one is
in salah, the salah will not be nullified either, even if one was to
sleep deliberately. However, the part of salah that is spent
asleep must be repeated. If any action is done partly awake and
partly asleep, the portion done awake does not need to be
repeated but the portion done asleep must be.

The following are ten positions of sleeping that nullify Wuzu:-

(1) In a half sitting position (with the buttocks not touching
the ground).
(2) Sleeping on ones back.
(3) Sleeping on one’s stomach.
(4) Sleeping on one’s side.
(5) Sleeping with one elbow raised.
(6) Sitting down leaning to one side with one or both
buttocks lifted off the ground.
(7) Sitting on a bare backed animal walking downwards.
Laws of Salah

(8) Sleeping in the position of tashahhud with the stomach

pressed against the thighs and both buttocks not pressed firmly.
(9) Sitting with your legs folded and your head resting on
your thighs or shins.
(10) In the position of sajdah if it is done according to the
female method (stomach pressed against the thighs, arms
against sides, forearms on the ground).

Sleeping in any of these positions will nullify the Wuzu

regardless of whether or not a person is in salah. However,
deliberately sleeping in any of the mentioned postures will
nullify the salah too. If it is unintentional, only the Wuzu will
break and not the salah. After completing Wuzu, one can
continue the salah from where he left off (under certain
conditions) but if he is unaware of the conditions he should
start from the beginning. (Makhooz az Fatawa-e-Razaviya Shareef takhreej
shudah, V1, P365 – 366, Raza Foundation)


Cleaning the teeth with a Miswaak sometimes results in bleeding
that dominates the spit making it impure. Unfortunately, because
the Wuzu areas in the Masajid are usually shallow, this causes
drops of impure spit to splash on one’s clothes and body when
rinsing one’s mouth. This is worse in household bath tubs as
their hard surfaces cause more splashing.


People nowadays tend to do Wuzu in the sinks at home standing
up, which means they miss a desirable act. It is a shame how
people spend huge amounts of money on extending their
homes and buying luxuries but no one seems to consider
making their own little Wuzu area inside the house. I plead to
all Islamic Brothers who are concerned about following the
Method of Wuzu

Sunnah; if possible you must definitely have a Wuzu area with

at least one tap inside your homes. Make sure the water does
not splash everywhere when it falls, in fact have a drain
constructed to prevent impure spit from splashing on the
clothes and body. An example of a possible Wuzu area has been
added at the end of this booklet and can be used as a guideline
for anyone wishing to construct one. Drops of water usually
end up being splashed around the ankles when doing istinja in
the toilet; therefore, one should wash the ankles afterwards as a


A household Wuzu area should cover an area of 40 square
inches and be raised 16 inches off the ground with a 9 inch high
seat (10.5 inches wide and 40 inches long). The distance
between the seat and the wall ahead should be 26 inches. The
drain should not be wider than 3.5 inches. There should be a
sloped surface at the front of the platform but this slope should
not cause the drain to be wider than 3.5 inches. Leave slightly
more space than the length of your feet for standing on
(approximately 11.5 inch). Dig another slope 4.5 inches wide in
the centre of the platform, but remember, this slope should not
allow the drain to become wider than 3.5 inches. The slope
should be smooth all the way down without any bumpy areas.
The tap should be fitted at a height of 32 inches from the drain
and it should be a mixture tap. The water should drop onto the
deeper slope in the centre and should therefore In'shaa-Allah
     make it easier for you to protect your clothes and body
from being stained by blood and other impurities. With slight
changes, these guidelines can also be used for Wuzu areas in


(1) If possible, use the plan at the back of this booklet to
construct Wuzu facilities in your home.
Laws of Salah

(2) Ignore the builder’s arguments and get him to make the
front slope 2 inches.
(3) If you are having more than one tap fitted, there should
be a gap of 25 inches between each tap.
(4) Have a nipple fitted onto the tap if necessary.
(5) If the water pipe is fitted on the outside of the wall, the
seat should be made one or two inches further away.
(6) It is safer to construct the Wuzu area temporarily first
and then to use it a few times to check it. If you are satisfied,
you can get the work completed permanently.
(7) For safety reasons, if you are having tiles fixed on to the
floor of the Wuzu area or bathroom, make sure they are slip
(8) To be on the safe side, have checked tiles fitted on to the
Wuzu surface to avoid accidents.
(9) If you do not have checked tiles fitted, make about 2
inches of the edge of the foot area and the same amount of the
slope in front of the foot area rough, stony and round to make
cleaning the soles of the feet easier by rubbing them against the
rough surface if needed.
(10) When making a drain in your kitchen, bathroom, toilet,
on the roof, in the Masjid or anywhere else where water will
gather, don’t trust the plumber when he tells you how wide the
slope of the ground alongside the drain should be. Make sure it
is slightly wider than what he tells you (if he says 2 inches
make it 3). The plumber will probably try to convince you not
to worry and that the water will flow without stopping but
listening to him might cause problems. Usually water is seen
splashed around the drain on the floor.

3,  2/      . 
Method of Wuzu


(1) Wuzu is nullified by the exiting of urine or air, flowing
of blood or pus, flowing of tears due to illness of eyes, flowing
of water from the navel, ears, or breasts, and the exiting of fluid
from a pimple. As an illness, if someone constantly experiences
one of the above to the extent that the whole time for salah
passes without having the opportunity to do Wuzu and pray
farz salah, he will be considered ma’zoor (excused). He can do
Wuzu and pray as much as he wants within the present prayer
time; his Wuzu will not be nullified due to the cause of illness.
(Maraqil falah ma’ Hashiya-tut-tahtawi, P149)

(2) The Wuzu of a ma’zoor remains unbroken until the time

of the present prayer comes to an end, but this is if the uzr
(excuse) is experienced during or after the wuzu. If not, the
Wuzu will not break despite the ending of the prayer time
(unless another cause for the nullification of Wuzu is
experienced). (Mulakhkhasan dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V1, P556)
The Wuzu of a ma’zoor is automatically nullified by the
termination of the prayer time, so if someone does Wuzu for
Asr it will automatically end as soon as the sun sets and Wuzu
done in Zuhr time will automatically end as soon as the time for
Asr begins. (Alhidayah ma’ Fathul Qadeer, V1, P160)

(3) Once an uzr has been confirmed, the person will be

considered ma’zoor for as long as that uzr is experienced within
one prayer time, even if it is only experienced once throughout
the whole prayer time. For instance, if someone experiences a
constant discharge of urine and finds it impossible to do Wuzu
and pray salah without having a discharge he will be classed
ma’zoor. Now, later on if it does become possible for him to do
Wuzu and pray salah without a discharge within a prayer time
but he still experiences a discharge within that time then he
remains ma’zoor. However, if a complete prayer duration
passes without experiencing the uzr a single time, he will not
Laws of Salah

remain ma’zoor. If later on he again experiences an uzr for the

complete duration of a prayer time he will become ma’zoor
again. (Fatawa-e-Alamgiri, V1, P41)

(4) The Wuzu of a ma’zoor person will not be affected by

the cause of his uzr but it will be affected by any other cause,
for instance, someone with the uzr of passing wind will break
his Wuzu due to urine discharge, and vice versa.
(5) If a ma’zoor does Wuzu due to hadath (anything that
nullifies Wuzu) and during Wuzu he does not experience his
uzr but after Wuzu he does then this Wuzu will break (this is if
he does Wuzu for a reason other than his uzr. If it is due to the
uzr then Wuzu will not break when he experiences it
afterwards), for instance, someone is ma’zoor due to a constant
discharge of urine, now due to the exiting of air he does Wuzu
and during the Wuzu he does not experience the discharge of
urine, but afterwards he does, his Wuzu will break. If he
experienced a discharge of urine during the Wuzu it will not
break afterwards. (dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V1, P557)

(6) If the uzr causes one’s clothes to become impure, and the
stain is larger than the area of a dirham, considering it is
possible to purify them and pray wearing clean clothes, it is
farz for one to do so, but if one knows that despite purifying
them they will definitely become stained again to the same
surface area, it is not necessary to clean them. His salah is valid
even if the prayer mat becomes stained with impurity. (dur-e-
mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V1, P556 – Fatawa-e-Razaviya, V4, P375, Raza
Foundation Lahore)

(For detailed rulings regarding the Wuzu of a ma’zoor refer

to Bahar-e-Shariat, Part 2)

3,  2/      . 

Method of Wuzu

(1) The exiting of urine, excretion, wadi, mazi, or semen from
the private parts of a man or woman will break Wuzu. (dur-e-
mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V1, P286)

(2) The exiting of even a minor amount of air from the rear
will nullify Wuzu. (ibid) The exiting of air from the front of
either a man or woman will not nullify Wuzu. (dur-e-mukhtaar ma’
rad-dul-muhtaar, V1, P286)

(3) Loss of consciousness nullifies Wuzu. (Fatawa-e-Alamgiri, V1,


(4) There is a misconception that mentioning the word pig

nullifies the Wuzu. This is false.
(5) If one’s Wuzu breaks whilst he is performing it, it must
be started again. The washed parts will be considered
unwashed. (Makhooz az Fatawa-e-Razaviya, V1, P255, Raza Foundation)
(6) To touch the Holy Qur'an, or any verse within it,
regardless of whether it is in Arabic or a translation, is Haraam
without Wuzu. (Fatawa-e-Alamgiri, V1, P38)
(7) There is no harm in reciting the Qur'an without touching
it or off by heart without Wuzu.

3,  2/      . 
Oh Rabb of Mustafa
            give us the ability to avoid
wasting water and to perform Wuzu properly and remain in a
state of Wuzu at all times.

   < "%  B  $% %CD  E% F % < "%  

3,     2   /      . 
Laws of Salah


Nowadays, many people open the taps too much when doing
Wuzu and allow a great deal of water to be wasted. In fact,
some open the tap as soon as they reach the Wuzu area and
then start rolling their sleeves up allowing water to be wasted.
The majority of people leave the tap running whilst wiping the
head as well. We must all fear Allah      and avoid such
wastage because on the day of judgement each drop will be
accounted for. Here are 4 Ahadith warning against wastage.
Read them and tremble:

(1) Nabi-e-Rahamat, Shafi-e-Ummat, Shahanshah-e-Nubuwat,
   passed by Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Sa’d
 & %
 (   $ ' whilst he was performing Wuzu. Beloved Rasool of Allah


   asked, “Why this wastage (of water)?” Hazrat-e-
Sayyiduna Sa’d  (    &%
 $ ' requested, “Can a person waste water in
Wuzu?” He
              replied, “Yes, even at a river” (even if a
person is sat on a river bank doing Wuzu). (Ibn-e-Majah, Hadith 425,
V1, P254, Dar-ul-Ma’rifah Beirut)


AlaHazrat, Imam-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat    ) *  ' comments on this
Hadith saying, “This Hadith proves wastage of water even at a
river and wastage is disliked by Shariah. The verse

<ۡ %J% 9ۡ  ۡA /

 % K  B  G  H%
‘Verily he does not like those who waste.’ (Para 8, Al An’aam, V141)
encompasses all types of wastage, which means that even this
wastage is disliked and prohibited. In fact, Hadith specifically

Method of Wuzu

prohibit wastage of water during Wuzu and this prohibition

means Haraam. (Fatawa-e-Razaviya Shareef takhreej shudah, V1, P731)


The renowned Mufassir Hazrat-e-Mufti Ahmad Yar Khan
   ) *
  ' explains verse 141 of Sura Al An’aam mentioned by Ala-
Hazrat    ) *  ' in his fatwa by saying, “Spending on prohibited
things is a wastage, spending everything one owns and leaving
the family without anything is also a wastage, spending more
than necessary is also a wastage, this is why washing the parts
of Wuzu four times (without a proper reason) is considered a
wastage”. (Noor-ul-Irfan, P232)


(2) Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Abdullah bin Umar , -  (     %
 ' narrates
that Sultan-e-Makka-tul-Mukarramah, Tajdar-e-Madina-tul-
   saw someone performing Wuzu and
said, “Do not waste, do not waste”. (Ibn-e-Majah, Hadith 434, V1, P254
Dar-ul-Ma’rifah Beirut)


(3) Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Anas  (     &%
 $ ' says, “There is no good in
using great amounts of water in Wuzu, this is from Satan”.
(Kanzul-Ummal, Hadith 26255, V9, P144)


(4) Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Mughaffal  (     &%
 $ ' heard
his son saying the following words in his prayer, “Ya Allah     
I ask you for the white palace on the right side of Heaven”. He
 (     &% 
 $ ' said, “Son! Ask Allah      for paradise and protection
from Hell. I heard the Rasool Allah
            say that

Laws of Salah

there will be people in this Ummah who will exceed limits in

Wuzu and du’ā (prayer)”. (Abu Daood, Hadith 96, V1, P68 Dar Ihyaittura-

Dear Islamic Brothers! The renowned Mufassir Hazrat-e-Mufti

Ahmad Yar Khan      ) *  ' comments on this Hadith by saying,
“Exceeding limits in salah refers to specifying things
unnecessarily the way his son did. It is best to ask for Firdous
(the greatest Heaven); if someone was to ask for this he
wouldn’t be specifying a particular thing. He would only be
specifying the category. Exceeding limits in Wuzu could refer
to either of two things; exceeding the number of washes (more
than three) and exceeding the surface to be washed (washing
the feet up to the knees, washing the arms up to the armpits),
both are prohibited. (Mir’aat, V1, P239)

A Bedouin asked the Holy Prophet
   how to
perform Wuzu. Makki Madani Mustafa
showed him and washed each part three times. Then he


   said, “This is how Wuzu must be performed,
anyone who does more or less has done wrong and injustice”.
(Nasai, V1, P88, Dar-ul-Jeel Beirut)


Dear Islamic Brothers! This blessed Hadith proves that it is
Sunnah to practically demonstrate the method of Wuzu in
order to teach others. Mubaligheen (preachers) should follow
this Sunnah and demonstrate the method of Wuzu to Islamic
Brothers, avoiding wasting water at the same time by using just
about enough water to wash the limbs three times each. Make
sure no limb is washed four times without a good reason, and
then anyone else willing to demonstrate can do so and have his

Method of Wuzu

mistakes pointed out to him by the Mubaligh. This Madani task

can be accomplished very easily if one was to travel on a
Dawat-e-Islami Madani Qafila in the company of Ashiqaan-e-
Rasool for the education of the Sunnah. You must definitely learn
the proper method of Wuzu. It is difficult to comprehend the
complete method of Wuzu by reading it only once, you will have
to practice it again and again.


The water in Masajid and Madaris (Islamic Schools) is classed
as being “waqf”, there is a difference between this water and
household water. Anyone who carelessly splashes water in the
Wuzu areas in Masajid or washes his limbs more than three
times due to carelessness or ignorance must read this blessed
fatwa (ruling) carefully, tremble with the fear of Allah      and
repent for the future. AlaHazrat Imam-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat Imam
Ahmed Raza Khan      ) *  ' says, “To use more than necessary
amounts of waqf water is Haraam in the eyes of all scholars, the
same ruling applies to the water in Islamic schools. This water
is waqf for only those who perform Wuzu correctly”. (Fatawa-e-
Razaviya Shareef takhreej shudah, V1, P658, Raza Foundation)

Dear Islamic Brothers! Anyone who does not prevent himself

wasting water should use his own water (household water) for
Wuzu. Allah      forbid, this does not mean that it is
permissible to waste one’s personal water. What it means is that
he should use the water at home to practice the proper method
of Wuzu so that he does not commit a Haraam sin by wasting
the water of the Masjid.


(1) Some people allow the hands to overfill when filling
them with water, this should be avoided.
Laws of Salah

(2) The hands do not always have to be filled to the top with
water; one must think as to what purpose he is taking the water
for. For instance, only half a handful of water is needed when
inserting water into the nose, a handful is not even needed for
rinsing the mouth.
(3) If a pot is being used to pour water, the nozzle should
not be too tight or too wide (in which cases the water will either
flow very slowly and more time will be taken to perform Wuzu
or too much water will pour out). The difference is evident
when a person uses a pot (without a nozzle) for Wuzu, as a
great deal of water is used in this case. If a pot does have a wide
nozzle, care must be taken and rather than tilting the pot fully it
should be tilted slightly so that a narrow stream of water pours
out (the same precautions should be kept in mind when using
(4) It is preferable to wet the limbs before washing. This
helps the water to flow easily, and therefore less water will be
required, especially in winter because experience has shown
that when water is poured on to very dry skin it does not flow
easily in fact the stream of water splits in two as it flows.
(5) Hair on the back of one’s hands should be removed as
they will require extra amounts of water, but shaving these
hairs will make them stiffer therefore, it is preferable to use an
electronic hair remover for this purpose, and even better is hair
removal powder/cream (the use of this is proven from
Sunnah): Ummul mu'mineen Hazrat-e-Sayyidatuna Umm-e-
Salamah - (     $ &% ' says, “When the Rasool Allah
used to use noorah (a type of hair removal powder), He


   would apply it to his blessed sitr with his own
blessed hands and it was applied to other parts of the blessed
body by one of the chaste wives - (    &%
 $ ' ”. (Ibn-e-Majah, Hadith 3715, V4,
P225 Dar-ul-ma’rifah Beirut) In case of this hair not being removed, it
should be moistened and flattened using the other hand
Method of Wuzu

because if these hairs are left standing there is a good

possibility of the roots being washed but the tips remaining
(6) If you are using a pot for Wuzu, the stream of water
should be moved from the fingers/toes towards the
elbows/ankles constantly so that all parts are washed only once
in one go, otherwise the slow movement of the pot will result in
water being poured on the same spot several times (which will
result in wastage of water).
(7) Some people pour the water from the fingers to the
elbows (or toes to the ankles) and then keep the water flowing
as they bring it back to the fingers to start a second wash and
then bring it back (with the water still flowing) for a third wash
whereas in fact this results in washing the arm 5 times instead
of 3. Instead of this, the flow of water should be stopped when
it reaches the elbows or ankles, the pot should be then moved
back to the fingertips and the water be poured again, and the
same method should be applied the 3rd time round. To start the
flow of water from the fingers and toes and not the elbows and
ankles is Sunnah.

To summarise what has been said, one should think carefully

when doing Wuzu. Imaam Shafi’ee    ) *  ' has very rightly said,
“If care is taken, even a little amount is sufficient but if not then
even great amounts do not suffice”. (Az Ifadat: Fatawa-e-Razaviya
Shareef takhreej shudah, V1, P765 – 770, Raza Foundation)


(1) You must repent for all the water that you have wasted
in the past and try your best to avoid this in the future.
(2) Figure out for yourself the best way to perform Wuzu
and ghusl according to Sunnah by avoiding wasting water at

Laws of Salah

the same time. Warn yourself that you will have to answer for
every drop on the day of judgement.
(3) Open the tap carefully when performing Wuzu and keep
one hand on the tap all throughout the Wuzu so that you can
turn it off whenever it is not needed (this will result in turning
it off several times).
(4) Less water is consumed when using a pot than a tap, so
if possible one should use a pot. If the use of a tap cannot be
avoided but it is possible to use a pot for some parts then a
suggestion would be to use both the tap and pot. There is no
harm in using a tap but wasting water must be avoided in
whatever possible way.
(5) Not a single drop of water should be dripping from the
pot or tap whilst using a miswaak, rinsing one’s mouth,
gargling, cleaning one’s nose, passing one’s wet fingers through
the fingers, toes or beard, and whilst wiping one’s head.
(6) In winter, instead of pouring out the cold water already
in the pipes and letting it go to waste whilst waiting for the
warm water to reach the tap in order to perform Wuzu or ghusl
or wash one’s clothes or plates, let the cold water pour into a
container and avoid wasting it.
(7) Water must also be used carefully when trying to create
foam from soap in order to wash the hands and face. Foam can
be created by taking a few drops of water in one hand (and
turning the tap off). If one was to hold the soap in his hand and
then pour water on top it would result in excessive amounts of
water being used.
(8) After using a soap bar it should be placed in a dry soap
box as water cause the soap to dissolve and be wasted. Also
avoid placing it on the sink edges as this will also bring it into
contact with water.

Method of Wuzu

(9) Leftover water after drinking from a glass and water left
in a jug after a meal should not be spilt; in fact it should be
stored for later use.
(10) Nowadays people tend to use much more water than is
needed when washing fruits, clothes, plates, floors, in fact even
a cup or spoon. A sensitive person finds it extremely difficult to
observe such carelessness!
(11) As is seen in many households, lights and fans are left
operating throughout the whole day. Make a habit of turning
lights and fans off when not needed. We should all fear the
judgement in the afterlife and avoid wastage in all things.
(12) In toilets, instead of pipes, pots should be used because
less water is used and pipes usually result in water splashing
over one’s ankles. After using the toilet for urination, take a pot
of water and sprinkle some water on the edges of the toilet and
then (avoiding splashes) pour some onto the toilet hole. This
will In'shaa-Allah      put a stop to foul odours and the
spreading of germs. Too much water is consumed when
flushing the toilet.
(13) If there is a leak in your tap you must have it fixed
immediately or else a large amount of water will be wasted. No
one usually bothers if there is a leaking tap in a Masjid or
Madrassa, whereas the people in charge should accept their
responsibility and for the sake of their afterlife should get the
problem solved.
(14) Special care should be taken not to waste a single drop
or piece when eating, drinking, slicing fruits etc. and to use
every single bit.

Ya Rab-e-Mustafa
         ! Make us avoid wastage of
anything and make us do Wuzu properly and remain in a state
of Wuzu at all times.
By reading this Bayan, you will In’shaa-Allah    
Increase your knowledge about Wuzu.

aster of Madina-tul-Munawwarah, Sultan of both

M worlds, Merciful Prophet

   has narrated,
“The one who loves another for the sake of Allah     
and when he meets his brother and shakes hands with him and
recites Durood Shareef upon the Holy Prophet
   , before
departing their past sins are forgiven.” (Musnad abi ya’la, V3, P95,
Hadith 2951, Dar-ul-Kutubul Ilmiya Beirut)

3,     2/      . 


A Muslim invited a university student in Belgium towards
Islam and to his surprise, the student asked about the scientific
benefits of Wuzu. The Muslim became speechless so he took the
student to a scholar but the scholar could not tell him either.
Eventually, a person told this student many benefits of Wuzu
but could not tell him the benefits of wiping the neck so the
student left. A few days later, the student came and said,
“During a lecture, my professor said that if you wipe the back
of your neck on both sides with a few drops of water, you will
be saved from spinal illnesses. Upon hearing this I fully
understood the virtue and benefits of wiping the neck in Wuzu
and therefore, I want to accept Islam” and he became a Muslim.
Laws of Salah


Depression is on the rise in the western countries and more
mental asylums are becoming full with patients. Psychiatrists
are always investigating cures for depression. A Pakistani
psychiatrist who holds a diploma in Western Germany states
that a seminar took place in Western Germany on a cure for
depression without the need for medication. A doctor attended
this seminar and surprised the audience by saying that he was
treating his patients by making them wash their face 5 times a
day and within a short period of time the treatment started to
have an effect. He then treated another group of patients by
making them wash their hands, feet and face 5 times a day and
they also started to recover from their illnesses. At the end of
the speech the doctor said, “I confess that fewer Muslims suffer
from depression as they wash their hands, face, and feet many
times in a day by performing Wuzu.”

3,     2/      . 


A heart specialist says with importance that those who have
high blood pressure should be advised to perform Wuzu. Their
blood pressure will definitely become normal. A Muslim doctor
says, “The best cure for depression is Wuzu.” Western doctors
treat their patients by placing water on some parts of their
body, which is just like Wuzu.


While performing Wuzu, the body parts are washed in a certain
order and there are many benefits regarding this. When the
hands are washed first, the nerves become aware of the water.
Slowly, the effects travel to the face and the veins of the brain.
The one who washes his hands first during Wuzu followed by
Wuzu and Science

rinsing of the mouth and sniffing of the nose, then washing the
face followed by the rest of the body parts is saved from
becoming paralysed. If the individual starts Wuzu by washing
his face and neck first, he/she will have many illnesses.

Dear Islamic brothers! There are many sunan in Wuzu and
every Sunnah has its own benefit. Take the example of the
Miswaak. Every child knows that using the Miswaak in Wuzu
is Sunnah and what can one say about the benefits of this
Sunnah! A businessperson once visited Switzerland and said, “I
met a new Muslim and I gave him a Miswaak as a gift.” The
new Muslim became happy. He took the Miswaak, kissed it,
and then placed it on his eyes. Tears started to flow from his
eyes. He took a handkerchief out of his pocket, unfolded it, and
took out a tiny Miswaak, which was approximately 2 inches in
length. The new Muslim said, “When I embraced Islam, I was
given this as a gift, I was using it with great care and now it is
nearly finished and I was very anxious. Allah      has showered
his mercy and you have gifted me with a Miswaak”. Then he
added, “I had a continuous infection in my teeth and gums and
the dentists had no cure for it. I started to use the Miswaak and
after a few days, I felt better. I went to see the doctor who was
very surprised to see that I was cured. The doctor said, ‘you
cannot be cured in such a short period of time with the
medication I gave you. Just think carefully what you have
used.’ I thought carefully and remembered that I had become a
Muslim and recently started to use the Miswaak and due to
using the Miswaak, I was blessed. When I showed the Doctor
the Miswaak, he was greatly amazed by this.”

Dear Islamic brothers! The Miswaak has many benefits for this
world and the Hereafter. The Miswaak has many natural
Laws of Salah

minerals which prevent the teeth from many infections. Hazrat-

e-Sayyiduna Ali  (     &% &%
 $ ' , Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Ata  (    
 $ ' and
Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Abdullah bin Abbas  (     $ &% ' state, “Miswaak
strengthens a persons memory and eyesight, cures headaches
and relieves the veins in the head, it gets rid of phlegm, keeps
the person healthy and helps digest food, increases intelligence,
helps increase the family lineage, old age comes late and
strengthens the back.” (Hashiya-tut-tahtaavi, P28)


(1) Whenever Sarkar-e-Madina
                would enter his
blessed home, he would use the Miswaak first. (Sahih Muslim, V1,
P128, Afghanistan)

(2) Whenever the Holy Prophet

   would wake up
from his sleep, he would use the Miswaak. (Abu Dawood, V1, P36,
Hadith 57, dar ahya-tut-turaathul Arabi)

(3) Hold onto the Miswaak because it cleans your mouth

and pleases Allah     . (Musnad Imam Ahmad, V2, P438, Hadith 5869, Dar-
ul-Fikr Beirut)


Doctors have stated, “Sometimes due to heat or the acids of the
bladder, blisters can develop in the mouth and due to this
infection, many germs spread in the mouth. To cure this
infection, chew on a fresh Miswaak and keep the saliva in your
mouth for a few minutes. By doing this, many infections and
germs shall be cured.”


According to research, 80% of illnesses are caused due to bad
teeth or the stomach. Sometimes the teeth are not cleaned

Wuzu and Science

properly and therefore many germs settle in the gums. These

germs travel to the stomach and cause many illnesses.
Remember! The tooth-brush is not an alternative to the
Miswaak. Experts have researched that: -

(1) After the toothbrush has been used the first time, germs
settle on the brush and even if it is washed with water, the
germs multiply.
(2) The toothbrush removes the natural brightness and
whiteness of the teeth.
(3) When a toothbrush is used, the gums gradually move
from their place which causes gaps in between the gums and
the teeth, making it easy for the food to be caught in between
them and which in turn gives room for bacteria to grow. Many
illnesses are caused due to this and amongst them is weakness
of the eyesight. In some cases, one can lose their eyesight


You may think that I have been using the Miswaak for such a
long time but my teeth and stomach are still bad.

Dear Islamic Brothers! The Miswaak is not at fault here, it is

you. I have come to the decision that only half in a million
people know how to use the Miswaak properly. Most of us
usually rub the Miswaak quickly over our teeth while
performing Wuzu and put it away. In fact, we are just following
the tradition.

(1) The width of the Miswaak should be equal to your little

Laws of Salah

(2) The Miswaak should not be longer than a span otherwise

Satan will sit on it.
(3) The bristles of the Miswaak should be soft. Hard bristles
will cause a gap between the gums and teeth.
(4) If the Miswaak is fresh then brilliant otherwise soak it in
a glass for a while until it becomes soft.
(5) Cut the bristles everyday. The bristles are only effective
when they are bitter.
(6) Rub the Miswaak over the width of your teeth.
(7) Use the Miswaak 3 times whenever you use it.
(8) Wash it each time.
(9) Hold the Miswaak in your right hand with your little
finger under the Miswaak, the middle 3 fingers above it and the
thumb on the edge of the Miswaak.
(10) First clean the top right side of the teeth then the left
side and then clean the bottom right side and then the left side.
(11) A person is at risk of his spleen growing if he lies down
and uses Miswaak.
(12) By closing your fists around the Miswaak there is a risk
of you suffering from piles.
(13) Miswaak is Sunnah for Wuzu but if one has bad breath,
using Miswaak is Sunnah-e-Mu’akkadah. (Fatawa-e-Razaviya, V1,
P223, Raza Foundation)

(14) Don’t throw away the bits that come the used Miswaak
which cannot be used any longer. Instead, you should put them
away in a safe place, bury them, or throw them into the sea.

(For further information please study part 2, pages 17 and 18

of Bahar-e-Shariat)

Wuzu and Science


In Wuzu, the hands are washed first and there are many
benefits. People hold many things in their hands causing
bacteria to spread and grow on the skin. If the hands are not
washed during the day, there is a possibility of getting many
types of skin diseases:- (1) Heat spots, (2) itchy skin, (3) eczema,
(4) bad skin, (5) change in the skin colour etc. When we wash
our hands, rays come out from the tips of our fingers and create
a circle around our hand and due to this, our inner electrics
come into motion, which makes our hands more beautiful.

3,     2/      . 


First the hands are washed therefore they become clean from
bacteria. If the hands were not washed, the bacteria would
travel into the stomach via the mouth producing many illnesses
in the stomach. Due to the air, many germs travel into our
mouth and some bacteria stay in the mouth from bits of food
left in between the teeth. By washing the mouth and using a
Miswaak, the bacteria will be removed. If the mouth is not
cleaned, one can be affected from the following illnesses: - (1)
one of the first signs of aids is the swelling of the mouth, (2)
edges of the mouth splitting; (3) moniliasis of the mouth and
lips, (4) mouth becomes sore etc. If the person is not fasting, it is
Sunnah to gargle. The one who gargles water will not get
tonsillitis and he will be saved from many throat illnesses
including cancer in the throat.


The lungs need air free from pollution and it should contain
80% moisture and should be more than 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
To attain this type of air, Allah      has blessed us with a nose.
Laws of Salah

To make the air moist, the nose creates a quarter of a gallon of

moisture and the hair in the nostrils stop dirt going inside the
lungs. There is a microscopic brush in the nose. This brush
contains small particles which kill the bacteria that travel
through the air and enter the nose. These particles also defend
the lysozium, which assist and save the eyes from infection.
Alhamdu-Lillah     , the one who does Wuzu, rinses his nose and
due to this the nose is cleaned and due to the water entering the
nose, a Muslim is saved from many illnesses of the nose. It is
very beneficial for a person to do ‘Ghusl of the nose’ (to sniff
water up the nose) if he suffers from wounds in the nose and
from catarrh.


Nowadays the pollution in the atmosphere is increasing. Many
chemicals and dirt fly into the eyes and on the face. If the face
and the eyes are not washed, they are at risk of becoming
infected. A European doctor wrote a thesis called ‘Eye, water
and Health’. In this thesis he encouraged people to wash their
eyes many times in a day, otherwise you risk catching many
dangerous illnesses. Very rarely do you get spots if you wash
your face. Beauticians agree that all types of creams and lotions
leave marks on your face and you should wash your face a
number of times in a day to make your face look beautiful. A
member of the American Council for beauty, ‘Beychar’ has
stated a very interesting fact. She states, “Muslims do not need
any type of chemical lotions as they wash their face many times
in a day during Wuzu which safeguards it from many
illnesses.” Experts say, “The face should be washed over and
over again to save it from allergies.”
Alhamdu-Lillah     ! This is only possible during Wuzu.
Alhamdu-Lillah      the face is massaged when performing
Wuzu, the blood circulates around the face and the dirt is
removed from the face and it becomes more beautiful.
Wuzu and Science


Dear Islamic Brothers! I will bring to your attention such a
disease in which the real moisture of the eyes become less or
finishes completely and the patient eventually becomes blind.
Physicians have researched that if the eyebrows are wet
frequently then one can be protected from this dangerous
disease. Alhamdu-Lillah     ! The one who performs Wuzu and
washes his face means that his eyebrows will also become wet.
Those lucky individuals who have decorated their faces with
the beautiful beard should listen carefully as Professor George
Ail states, “When one washes the face and the beard, the
bacteria on the face and the beard are cleansed. The roots of the
hair will become strong when water reaches them. If one passes
the fingers through the beard (with the intention of acting upon
the Sunnah) he will not get nits. Not only that but if one leaves
water in the beard, he will be saved from pain in the veins in
the neck, thyroid gland and other such illnesses of the neck.”


There are three major veins in the elbow that are connected to
the heart, liver and the brain. The elbow usually stays covered
with clothing and if water and air does not reach these parts,
one may suffer from mental problems. To wash this part in
Wuzu is obligatory and when the moisture reaches theses veins
it will strengthen the heart, liver and the brain and In’shaa-Allah
     it will save the person from illnesses. Also, by washing the
arms including the hands, a link is created in between the
person and the particles of light and the particles begin to flow.
This action makes all the body parts strong.


There is a major vein in the body that lies between the back of
the head and neck. This vein has a connection with the spinal
Laws of Salah

cord, the brain and the small veins spread in the body. When
one wipes the back of his neck, the rays from his hand are
passed into the spinal cord, spread into the small veins and give
strength to the various parts of the body.


Someone has stated that I was doing my Wuzu at a place in
France; a man stood there was observing me very closely. After
I had finished, the man asked me, “Who are you and where are
you from?” I replied, “I am a Muslim and I am from Pakistan.”
He asked me, “How many mental institutes do you have in
Pakistan?” I was shocked at this question but I replied, “Maybe
2 or 4.” He asked me, “What did you just do now?” I replied,
“Wuzu”. He then asked, “Do you do this everyday?” I replied,
“Yes. 5 times a day.” He was puzzled and he said, “I am a
surgeon in a mental institute and I have done a lot of research
about this illness. It is in my knowledge that the brain sends out
all signals to the body and the body functions. Our brain is
always floating in fluid. This is why we are always moving and
it does not affect the brain. If the brain was rigid it would have
collapsed by now. Some small veins run from the brain to the
back of our neck, which then run to the rest of our body. If hair
is over grown and the back of the neck remains dry, these veins
will also remain dry and there is a risk that the brain of that
individual stops functioning and that person becomes mental.
Therefore, I have learnt that one should moisten the back of the
neck at least twice a day. I noticed that while you were washing
your hands and face you also did something to your neck.
Indeed, you people cannot become insane.” Also, wiping the
neck prevents one from fever.


A lot of dust gathers around the feet and infections usually start
between the toes. By washing the feet during Wuzu, bacteria
Wuzu and Science

and dust from the feet will be cleaned and the bacteria that are
left are removed by passing your fingers through your toes.
Therefore, by washing your feet according to Sunnah, you save
yourself from lack of sleep, dryness of the brain, nervousness
and depression.


There is cure in drinking the water left over from doing Wuzu.
Regarding this, Muslim doctor states, “(1) The first effect of this
is upon the bladder because it cures any difficulties in your
urine, (2) one is freed from unlawful lust, (3) it cures the
burning of the liver, stomach and bladder.” It is also reported,
“If one performs Wuzu using water from a container and if any
water is left over, it is obligatory to stand facing the Qibla and
drink this water.”


Dear Islamic brothers! The topic of Wuzu and science is being
discussed and nowadays many people are looking towards
science. There are some people who not only look up to the
scientist but they are well impressed by the English scientists. It
is a request to these people that there are some issues that even
the scientist cannot solve and our Holy Prophet
solved these matters a long time ago. Scientists claim that they
have been to the moon but Sarkar-e-Madina
travelled beyond the moon when he
   went on the
night journey (Shab-e-Mairaaj) about fourteen hundred and
fifty years ago. I took part in the Urs Mubarak of Ala-Hazrat
 (     &%
 $ ' at Dar-ul-Uloom Amjadiya, Alamgir Road, Baab-ul-
Madina Karachi, where some poems were read from Hadaiq-e-
Bakshish Shareef, amongst those poems this line of the poem
was read:
‘The head is that head which is sacrificed at your feet’
Laws of Salah

The writer of Bahar-e-Shariat, Hazrat-e-Sadrush Shariya

Moulana Mufti Muhammad Amjad Ali Azami’s    ) *  ' son, the
writer of the commentary of the Holy Qur’an, Hazrat Allama
Abdul Mustafa Azhari    ) *  ' read one line of the poem:

‘They say that the human went to the moon,

The king of Tayba went beyond the skies’

Meaning that it is claimed that the human has gone up to the

moon. In reality the moon is so close that Sultan-e-Makka-tul-
Mukarramah, Tajdar-e-Madina-tul-Munawwarah
left the moon behind on the night of Mairaaj and travelled
beyond the seven skies.

Dear Islamic brothers! The moon to which the scientists claim to
have reached is obedient to The Holy Prophet
   . It is
narrated in ‘Al Khasais-ul-Kubra’ that the uncle of Tajdar-e-
   , Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Abbas bin Abdul
Muttalib  (    %
 $ ' narrates, “I asked the Holy Prophet
“Ya Rasool Allah
                     , I saw in your childhood such
a thing which proves your Prophethood and this is one of the
reasons why I accepted Islam. I saw that you were talking to the
moon while in your cradle and I saw that the moon would
move to wherever you pointed your finger.” Sarkar-e-Madina


   replied, “I used to talk to the moon and it used to
talk to me, the moon used to play with me when I used to cry
and I could hear it fall when it used to go into prostration to
Allah     .”


When the non-believers of Makkah came to know that magic
cannot work in the sky, (on the moon, sun and stars) because
they thought that (Allah      forbid) The Holy Prophet

Wuzu and Science

was a magician, they gathered together and asked Tajdar-e-

   to give them proof of Prophethood. The
Holy Prophet
              asked them as to what proof they

wanted. They replied, “If you are speaking the truth then split
the moon into two pieces. The Holy Prophet
“Look at the sky.” The Holy Prophet
   pointed his
finger to the moon and the moon split into two pieces. The Holy
   said, “Become a witness!” and they replied,
   detained our eyes.” Allah      says in
the 1 and 2 verse of chapter 27, Sura Al Qamar:
st nd

%  =9" U % ..M  ?.&% ? S)? ? 5% 0 ,M N O  H ) 9 

0 T  ,
            !%  P Q%

Translation Kanzul-Imaan:
The Hour came near and the moon was split. And if they see a miracle, they
turn away their faces and say: “This is perpetual magic.”
(Chapter 27, Sura Al-Qamar, Verses 1-2)

3,     2/      . 

Dear Islamic Brothers! After hearing the scientific facts about
Wuzu you must be pleased but may I tell you that science is all
based upon a persons own presumptions. Scientific research
does not remain the same as it is changed every so often. In
reality, the orders of Allah     and his Beloved Rasool
will always remain. We should not act upon the sunan to gain
the scientific benefits but we should do this to please Allah     .
Therefore, we should not do Wuzu to lower our blood pressure
or ‘become fresh after performing Wuzu’, or keep a fast so that I
can diet, visit Madina Shareef so that the atmosphere will
change and I will be away from my home and work, or gaining

Laws of Salah

Islamic knowledge just to pass time. Those who have these

types of intentions will not receive any reward for these acts. If
we do these things only to please Allah     then we will receive
those benefits as well. Therefore, to receive all the revealed and
disclosed benefits of Wuzu one should only consider the
intention of pleasing Allah     when he performs Wuzu.

3,     2/      . 


Hujja-tul-Islam Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Imam Muhammad Ghazali
   ) *
  ' says, “When you turn your attention towards salah after
completing your Wuzu, think to yourself; “The parts of my
body that people can see are clean but to stand in the court of
Allah      without a clean heart is contrary to shame, because
Allah      can see hearts as well as outer appearances”. He further
goes on to say that one should remember that the purity of the
heart is to repent, abandon sins and adopt praiseworthy
characteristics. A person who neglects the inner purity and only
pays attention to the outer purity is like a person who invites a
king to his house for a feast, and in order to please the king he
cleans, polishes, and colours the outside of his house but
neglects the interior. This person is not worthy of praise and
reward but rather the anger of the king. (Ihya-ul-Uloom, V1, P160,
Dar-ul-Kutubul Ilmiya Beirut)


Dear Islamic Brothers! Remember! The Sunnah of my Beloved


   doesn’t need scientific research to be proven and
our mission is not to follow science. Our mission is to follow the
Sunnah and let me say that when the European experts finish
their investigation after so much research, they will end up
with the Sunnah of The Holy Prophet
   . One can

Wuzu and Science

enjoy this life as much as he wants, he can live all his life in
luxury but your heart will not find peace. Peace will only be
found in the remembrance of Allah     . Your heart will only
find peace in the love of The Holy Prophet
   . The
luxuries of this world and the hereafter cannot be found in the
TV, VCR or Internet, they can only be found in following the
Sunnah. If in reality you want the betterment in this life and the
hereafter, hold on securely to the salah and Sunnah and to learn
this, travel with the Madani Qafilas of Dawat-e-Islami. All
Islamic brothers should make the intention that In’shaa-Allah
     I will travel with the twelve month Madani Qafila, every
twelve months I will travel for thirty days and every month I
will travel for three days - In’shaa-Allah     .

3,     2   /      . 


Please read this booklet completely,

it’s very likely that you may realise many of your shortcomings.


ntercessor on the Day of Judgement, Knower of the

I Unknown, Mercy for the Universe

              said, “Send
Durood upon me in abundance, this will purify you.”
(Musnad Abi Ya’la, V5, P458, Hadith 6383, Dar-ul-Kutubul Ilmiyyah Beirut)

3,     2/      . 

Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Junaid Baghdadi      ) *  ' narrates that Ibn-
ul-Kuraiybi      ) *  ' said, “One day I had a wet dream so I
intended to perform ghusl (bath) immediately, but because it
was very cold, my ego (nafs) acted lazy and said, “There’s a
great part of the night left, what’s the rush, you can have a bath
calmly in the morning”, therefore, I immediately vowed to
punish my nafs in an unusual way by performing ghusl
without taking my clothes off and by not drying them later, and
leaving them to dry upon my body. So that is what I did.
Indeed, this is how a disobedient ego should be punished when
it slacks in fulfilling the commands of Allah     . (Kimiya-e-Sa’adat,
V2, P892, Kutub Khana Ilmi Iran)

Laws of Salah

Dear Islamic brothers! Did you see how much trouble our pious
ancestors   ;  %
 - *
 ' would go through to avoid falling for the tricks
of their egos? A lesson should be learnt here by Islamic brothers
who have wet dreams at night and then miss Fajr salaah with
jama’at, or Allah      forbid, miss the salaah altogether because
they are ashamed of letting the family know (and are not
bothered about being ashamed in the afterlife), or simply
because they are lazy in such matters!

One should perform ghusl as soon as it becomes farz to do so. It

is reported in a Hadith that angels do not enter a house in
which there are pictures, dogs or people that must perform
ghusl. (Sunan Abi Dawood, V1, P34)


Without pronouncing anything verbally, make an intention in
your heart to perform ghusl (“I am performing ghusl in order to
purify myself”). First wash both hands up to your wrists 3
times, and then wash the private parts (regardless of whether or
not you can see any impurity). Then wash any impurity off
your body (if any). Perform Wuzu the way you would for salah
but do not wash your feet (unless you are standing on
something elevated, like a stool). Rub water on the whole of
your body like oil, especially in winter (this is when you can
rub soap over your body). Pour water three times over your
right shoulder, then three times over the left, and then the same
number of times over your head and the rest of the entire body.
After doing this, step aside from where you were standing and
if you did not wash your feet during Wuzu, wash them now.
Do not face the Holy Ka’ba whilst performing ghusl. Rub your
hands all over your body whilst washing. Make sure that no
one can see you while you are performing ghusl. If this is not

Method of Ghusl

possible then men should cover their private areas (navel to

knees) with a thick piece of cloth. If something thick is not
available then two or three layers of thin cloth should be
wrapped around the body, because a thin piece of cloth will
stick to the body when wet, Allah      forbid, allowing the
colour of the thighs or knees to be visible. Women should be
extra cautious whilst performing ghusl. Whilst performing
ghusl you must not talk or even read a Dua. There is no harm in
drying yourself with a towel once you have finished. Get
dressed immediately after performing ghusl. It is desirable to
read 2 rak’at nafl salah considering it is not Makrooh to do so at
that particular time. (Well Known books of Hanafi Jurisprudence)


(1) Rinsing the mouth.
(2) Sniffing water up the nose.
(3) Washing every visible part of the entire body. (Fatawa
Alamgiri, V1, P13)


Quickly throwing a little water into your mouth and then
spitting it out is not sufficient. You must make sure that you
wash every fold of skin, and every corner of your mouth, from
the lips to the throat. (Khulasa tul Fatawa V1, P21)

Water should reach the area behind the back teeth, inside the
depths of the cheeks, through any gaps in the teeth, the gums,
and over the whole tongue (right back to the edge of the throat).
(dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V1, P254) If you are not fasting, you
should gargle as well (it is Sunnah to do so). Bits of peas or
meat that remain stuck in the teeth must be removed, unless it
is harmful to do so. (Fatawa-e-Razaviya, V1, P441, Raza foundation Lahore)
If prior to performing ghusl you did not realise that there were
Laws of Salah

pieces of meat stuck in your teeth, and not only did you
complete your ghusl but you prayed your salah as well, then
the salah is valid, but you must instantly remove the pieces of
meat and wash that area again (it is farz to do so). (Makhooz az
Fatawa-e-Razaviya, V1, P206) If a moving tooth has been kept in place
using a fixing agent or braces and water does not get through
underneath them, the ghusl will still be valid. (Fatawa-e-Razaviya,
V2, P453) The type of rinsing that must be done once (and is farz)
for ghusl should be done three times in Wuzu in order to fulfil
the Sunnah.


Quickly splashing a bit of water onto the tip of your nose is not
sufficient; in fact, the entire soft part of the inner nose (up to the
beginning of the hard bone) must be washed thoroughly.
(Khulasa-tul-Fatawa, V1, P21) This can only be done by sniffing the
water upwards. Remember, if even an area the size of a single
hair is left dry then the ghusl will be invalid. It is farz to remove
dried phlegm from within the nose. (Fatawa Alamgiri, V1, P13) It is
also farz to wash the nasal hairs. (Bahar-e-Shariat, part 2, P34, Madina-
tul-Murshid Bareilly Shareef)


It is farz to wash every part of the body from the hair on your
head right down to the soles of your feet. There are some parts
which will remain dry unless special care is taken. (Fatawa
Alamgiri, V1, P14)


(1) If a man’s hair is braided, it is necessary for him to undo
the braids and wash them from the roots right to the tips.
Women only need to wash the roots, it is not essential for them
to undo their braids. However, if the hair is braided so tightly
Method of Ghusl

that water cannot reach the roots then they will have to undo
them. (Fatawa Alamgiri, V1, P13)
(2) If you have pierced your nose or ears then it is farz to
make sure that water flows through the piercing. During Wuzu,
water only needs to flow through the piercing of the nose but
during ghusl it must flow through the piercing of both the nose
and ears.
(3) Every single hair of the eyebrows, moustache and beard
must be washed from root to tip and the skin beneath them
must also be washed.
(4) Wash all parts of the ear and the opening of the ear canal.
(5) The hair behind the ears will have to be lifted in order to
wash the back of the ears.
(6) The joint between the chin and the throat will not be
washed unless you lift your head upwards.
(7) The arms will have to be lifted properly in order to wash
the armpits.
(8) Wash all parts of the arms.
(9) Wash every single part of the entire back.
(10) Lift the folds of the stomach in order to wash it properly.
(11) Pour water into your navel. If you suspect that the navel
has not been washed properly then insert a finger inside it and
(12) Wash every single hair on the body from root to tip.
(13) Wash the joint between the thigh and the area beneath
the navel.
(14) If you perform ghusl in a sitting position you must
remember to wash the back of the knee.

Laws of Salah

(15) The area where both buttocks join, especially when

performing ghusl in a standing position.
(16) All sides of the thighs (especially the back).
(17) The side and back of the shins.
(18) All parts of the penis and testicles (especially
underneath) up to the root.
(19) Bottom of the testicles.
(20) An uncircumcised man should lift the foreskin and
wash beneath (if possible). (Mulakhkhas az Bahar-e-Shariat, part 2, P34)


(1) Lifting breasts and washing beneath.
(2) The line where the stomach and breasts meet.
(3) All external parts of the vagina (above and below every
fold of skin).
(4) Inserting the finger inside the private organ is desirable
and not compulsory.
(5) If a woman is bathing at the termination of her menses or
pro-child birth bleeding then she should use an old piece of
cloth to clean traces of blood from within the vagina (this is
(6) It is farz for women to remove nail polish from their
nails; otherwise the ghusl will be invalid (however myrtle will
not affect it).

If one has a bandage wrapped over a wound and opening it is
difficult or will prove harmful for the wound then wiping over
the bandage will be sufficient. Likewise, if washing a limb

Method of Ghusl

causes harm due to an illness or pain, then one can wipe it with
his hands. The bandage must not cover any area of the skin
unnecessarily, or else wiping it will not be sufficient. If it is not
possible to wrap the bandage without covering unwounded
areas of the skin (e.g. if the wound is on the upper surface of the
arm but the bandage has to be wrapped around the back of the
arm as well, resulting in a good area of unaffected skin being
covered up) then one must see if he can open up the bandage
and wash that unwounded area, if not (it is impossible to open
the bandage in the first place, or if it is possible to open it but
re-wrapping it in the same manner afterwards will be
extremely difficult and cause damage to the wound) then
wiping over the whole bandage is acceptable. Washing the
unwounded areas will no longer be necessary in such cases.
(Hashiya-tut-tahtawi wa maraqilfalah, P143)

3,  2/      . 
(1) Discharge of sperm (when it leaves its origin due to lust).
(Fatawa Alamgiri, V1, P4)

(2) Wet dreams. (Khulasa-tul-Fatawa, V1, P13)

(3) Insertion of the head of the man’s penis into the woman’s
vagina. Regardless of whether or not this happens in a state of
lust and whether or not there is seminal discharge, both of them
will have to perform ghusl. (Maraqilfalah ma’ hashiya-tut-tahtawi, P97)
(4) After the termination of menses (haiz). (ibid, P97)
(5) After the termination of pro-child birth bleeding (nifaas).
(Tabyi-nul-haqaiq, V1, P17)

Many women believe that a woman is considered impure after

childbirth for a definite period of 40 days, whereas this is not
true. Please read the following explanation of nifaas:
Laws of Salah


The blood that is discharged after childbirth is termed ‘nifaas’.
The maximum period for nifaas is forty days (if it continues
after this period the woman will be considered ill), therefore
one should bath at the end of this 40 day period and if the
bleeding stops within 40 days (even if only a minute following
the birth) she should perform ghusl and instantly begin her
salah and fasting. If the bleeding restarts within the 40 day
period then all the days from the birth of the child up until the
complete termination of the bleeding are considered nifaas. For
instance, if the bleeding stops 2 minutes after the birth, and the
mother then performs ghusl and begins her salah but then the
bleeding restarts when there are only 2 minutes left to the end
of the 40th day, all 40 days are considered nifaas. Therefore, all
the salah that were prayed, or fasts that were kept, will be
considered invalid. If during that time she performed qada salah or
qada fasts, they must also be repeated. (Makhooz az Fatawa-e-Razaviya,
V4, P354-356, Raza Foundation Lahore)

(1) Sperm that does not leave its origin in a state of lust
(other reasons include lifting a heavy load or falling from a
height or using force to open your bowels when excreting) does
not necessitate ghusl. It does however nullify ones Wuzu.
(Maraqilfalah ma’ hashiya-tut-tahtawi, P96)

(2) Drops of thin sperm that are discharged whilst urinating

(or just whilst standing around) without a feeling of lust, do not
necessitate ghusl, but they will nullify ones Wuzu. (Bahar-e-
Shariat, part 2, P38 Maktaba Razaviya)

(3) If you remember a wet dream but there are no affects of

it on your clothing (or bed sheet etc.) then you do not have to
perform ghusl. (Fatawa Alamgiri, V1, P15)

Method of Ghusl

(4) If you were experiencing lust whilst performing salah

and could feel sperm moving but finished your salah before
you actually experienced a discharge (which took place
immediately after the salah) then your salah is valid, but you
will now have to perform ghusl. (Fathul Qadeer, V1, P54)
(5) Causing a seminal discharge deliberately by masturbating
will necessitate ghusl. It is a sin to do so. It is reported in Hadith
that the one who does so is cursed. (Maraqilfalah ma’ hashiya-tut-
tahtawi, P96) This (shameful act) leads to weakness in ones
reproductive abilities and experience has proven that many a
time it leaves a man unfit to marry.

3,  2/      . 


Ala-Hazrat Moulana Shah Ahmad Raza Khan     ) *  ' was asked
the following question: A majlooq (one who masturbates)
despite being told off, does not refrain from this shameful act,
what will be his consequences? Please state a Dua that will help
him refrain from this act.

Ala-Hazrat    ) *  ' replied: He is a sinner, disobedient, guilty of

committing a major sin (due to persistence) and a wrongdoer.
On the day of Judgement, the palms of such people will look
pregnant, and they will be disgraced in front of the greatest
gathering of humans. This is if they do not repent. Allah     
forgives those whom he wishes and punishes those whom he
pleases. Such a man should recite ‫ ﻟ  ﻌ
ﻈ ﻴﻢ‬%$ 
&‫ﻻ ﺣ ﻮ ل و ﻻ ﻗ ﻮ ة 

ﻟ  ﻌ‬
excessively and when Satan tempts him to masturbate, he
should immediately turn towards Allah      and recite ‘‫’ ﻻ ﺣ ﻮل‬
from the depths of his heart. He should pray the five daily salah

Laws of Salah

persistently. After the morning salah he should constantly read

Sura Ikhlaas. Allah      knows best. (Fatawa-e-Razaviya, V22, P244)

(It is written in ‘Shajra-e-Attariya’ that if one reads Sura Ikhlaas

11 times every morning, Satan will not succeed in making him
sin (even if he tries with his whole army), unless he himself
commits sin.) (For detailed information concerning the shocking
harms of masturbating please read a booklet that I have
compiled by the name of; ‘Amrad pasandi ki tabahkariyan’)


If you are performing ghusl in water that is flowing (e.g. a river
or a stream), then staying in the water for a little while will
mean that the sunan of washing the limbs three times,
maintaining the prescribed order and performing Wuzu will
automatically be fulfilled (without even moving the limbs).
However, if performing ghusl in a pool (where the water is still)
you will have to move your limbs 3 times or shift your body to
3 different areas of the water in order to fulfil the sunnah of
washing the limbs three times. The same ruling applies to
standing in the rain (or under a tap or fountain) or performing
Wuzu; soaking the limbs for a short while (in flowing water)
and moving them three times (in still water) is equivalent to
washing them three times. (Dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V1,
P320) In both cases (Wuzu and ghusl) you are still required to
rinse your nose and mouth.


“Fatawa-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat” (unpublished) states that performing
ghusl under a fountain (or shower) is similar to having a bath in
flowing water, which means that if one remains under it for the
time it takes to perform Wuzu or perform ghusl then the
sunnah of washing the limbs three times will be fulfilled. The
book ‘dur-e-mukhtaar’ mentions that if one stands in flowing

Method of Ghusl

water, a large pond, or under the rain for the time it takes to
perform ghusl and Wuzu then he has performed the complete
Sunnah. (dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V1, P291) Remember, you
are required to rinse your mouth and sniff water up your nose
when performing ghusl and Wuzu.


If you have a shower fitted in your bathroom then you must
take a close look to see whether or not you face the direction of
the holy Ka’ba or have your back towards it when having a
shower. You must take a close look at your toilet as well (to see
if you face the holy Ka’ba or have your back towards it whilst
seated). Having your face or back in the direction of the holy
Ka’ba refers to being within a 45 degrees angle of it, so you
must be facing an angle that is over 45 degrees away from the
direction of the Ka’ba. There are many people who are not
aware of this problem.


Please use a compass to check the direction of your shower and
toilet. If it is wrong then please change it so that this minor
worldly difficulty protects you from the horrific torment of the
hereafter. It is even better to turn the toilet 90 degrees away
from the angle of the Ka’ba so that it faces the direction that you
turn your head towards at the end of salah (in salaam). Builders
often focus on constructional ease and fancy appearances; the
direction of the Ka’ba is not an issue for them. Muslims should
care about improvements in the hereafter rather than
unnecessary improvements in their homes.


It is Sunnah to perform ghusl on Friday, Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-
Azha, the day of ‘Arafah (9th Zul-Hajj) and when wearing
ihram. (Fatawa Alamgiri, V1, P16)
Laws of Salah


Performing ghusl is desirable in the following situations:

(1) For the stay in Arafat.

(2) The stay in Muzdalifah.
(3) When visiting the Blessed Haram.
(4) When visiting the Holy Prophet
(5) For tawaaf.
(6) When entering mina.
(7) For the three days that Hajis throw pebbles at the devil.
(8) Shab-e-Bara’at.
(9) Shab-e-Qadr.
(10) The night of ‘Arafah.
(11) For a milad gathering.
(12) For other auspicious and blessed gatherings.
(13) After washing the body of a deceased person.
(14) For a madman once he recovers from a state of madness.
(15) On recovering from unconsciousness.
(16) Recovering from a state of intoxication.
(17) For repentance from a sin.
(18) For wearing new clothes.
(19) On returning from a long journey.
(20) On the termination of “istihaazah” (vaginal bleeding
due to illness).
(21) For the salah performed at the occurrence of a solar and
lunar eclipse.
(22) For “Salaa-tul-Istisqa” (the prayer for rainfall).
(23) In times of fear, extreme darkness and severe storms.
Method of Ghusl

(24) If ones body is stained with impurity but he does not

remember where the stain actually is. (Bahar-e-Shariat, part 2, P41)


One who has to perform ghusl for several reasons (for instance,
if he has had a wet dream, and it’s Eid as well, and it’s a Friday
too) can perform ghusl once intending to perform it for all three
occasions, in which case he will have performed ghusl for all of
them, and he can also expect to be rewarded for all of them.
(Dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V1, P341)


Performing ghusl whilst exposing ones sitr (private parts) in
front of others is Haraam. (Fatawa-e-Razaviya, V3, P306) When
bathing in the rain (or any other public place), you should wrap
a thick shawl over your trousers so that the colour of your
thighs is not exposed in case your trousers stick to your body.


It is forbidden to look at someone wearing tight clothes, or
clothes that (are loose but) are pushed tightly against his body
by the wind, or clothes that (despite being thick) are pushed
tightly against his body exposing the shape of a complete limb
of his sitr (e.g. the thighs), when bathing in the rain or a
reservoir. The same applies to those who wear clothes so tight
that they expose the shape of a complete limb of the sitr (to look
towards that part of the body will be prohibited).


If you are naked when performing ghusl or you are wearing
trousers that reveal the colour of your thighs when wet, you
must take care not to face or turn your back towards the
direction of the holy Ka’ba.
Laws of Salah


If you have a cold, an eye infection or any other illness and you
seriously think that washing the whole body will result in the
illness intensifying, or being struck by other illnesses then you
should rinse your mouth and nose and perform ghusl without
washing your head (from the neck downwards), but wipe the
whole head with wet hands. This will be sufficient for your
ghusl. Once you regain your health you must wash your head
but repeating the whole of the ghusl will not be compulsory.
(Bahar-e-Shariat, part 2, P36, Madina-tul-Murshid Bareilly Shareef)


If you are using a bucket to perform ghusl, the bucket should be
placed on top of a stool or something similar so that drops of
water do not splash off your body and back into the bucket.
You should also avoid placing the jug (being used to pour
water) on the bathroom surface.

You do not have to untangle strands of hair that get tied with
each other. (Bahar-e-Shariat, part 2, P36, Madina-tul-Murshid Bareilly Shareef)



(1) It is Haraam for someone who must perform ghusl to

enter a Masjid, perform tawaaf, touch the Holy Qur’an, recite it
even without touching, write a verse of the Qur’an, write a
Qur’anic ta’weez (writing a verse of the Holy Qur’an is only
prohibited if it requires touching the actual verse, or the Holy
Qur’an itself) (Fatawa-e-AhleSunnah–unpublished), to touch such a
Qur’anic ta’weez, to touch or wear a ring that has Qur’anic

Method of Ghusl

verses (even Huroof-e-Muqatta’aat) inscribed upon it. (dur-e-

mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V1, P343) (There is no harm in wearing or
touching a ta’weez that is wrapped in plastic and sewn in
leather or any other material)
(2) There is no harm in touching a case containing the
Qur’an without Wuzu or ghusl. (Al hidayah ma’ Fathul Qadeer, V1, P149)

(3) There is also no harm in touching the Holy Qur’an using

a cloth or handkerchief which is not attached to your body or
the Holy Qur’an itself. (Makhooz az rad-dul-muhtaar, V1, P248)

(4) It is Haraam to touch the Holy Qur’an with your sleeve,

the corner of your head scarf (whilst you are wearing it), or the
corner of your shawl (when it is over your shoulders) because
all of these things are considered to be parts of your body in
these cases. (dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V1, P537/Bahar-e-Shariat,
part 2, P42, Madina-tul-Murshid Bareilly Shareef)

(5) There is no harm in reciting a verse of the Holy Qur’an

intending to use it as a Dua or for blessings such as
‘‫’ﺴﻢﻟﺮﺣﻤﻦﻟﺮﺣﻴﻢ‬, or to express thanks (such as ‘) *
‫  ﻟ ٰﻌ ﻠﻤ‬,$ ‫)’ ﻟ ﺤ ﻤ ﺪ

ر‬, or

reciting ‘‫ 
ﻟ ﻴ
ﺟ ﻌ ﻮن‬1‫ ’
ﻧ‬upon hearing news of a Muslims death
(or any other sad news), or intending to praise Allah      with
the recitation of Sura Fatiha, Aya-tul-Kursi or the last three
verses of Sura Hashr. (Makhooz az Fatawa Alamgiri, V1, P38)

(6) The last three chapters of the Holy Qur’an can be recited
with the intention of praising Allah     . In this case, the word
‫ ’ﻗ‬should be omitted at the beginning of all three chapters.
Reciting them with the word ‘‫ﻞ‬ ‫ ’ﻗ‬is prohibited even though
ones intention may be to praise Allah     . This is because it is
obvious that now the Qur’an itself is being recited and in this

Laws of Salah

case the intention will be insignificant. (Bahar-e-Shariat, part 4, P43

Bareilly Shareef)

(7) It is Haraam to touch the Holy Qur’an or any Qur’anic

verse without Wuzu. However, there is no harm in reciting it
off by heart or by looking at it (without touching). (Rad-dul-
muhtaar, V1, P352–Bahar-e-Shariat, part 2, P43, Madina-tul-Murshid Bareilly

(8) It is Haraam to touch any utensils (such as plates and

cups) that have Qur’anic verses inscribed upon them if one is
without Wuzu or ghusl. (Fatawa-e-Razaviya, V1, P39)
(9) Using such utensils (no matter who it is) is disliked,
however, using them with the intention of curing oneself by
drinking water out of them is acceptable. (Bahar-e-Shariat, part 2,

(10) The same rules apply to touching or reciting a

translation of the Holy Qur’an, whether it is in Urdu, Persian,
or any other language. (Fatawa-e-Alamgiri, V1, P39)


It is disliked (Makrooh-e-Tanzeehi) for someone needing to do
Wuzu or ghusl to touch books of Fiqh, Tafseer and Hadith.
(Fatawa Alamgiri, V1, P39) However, there is no harm in touching
them using a piece of cloth, even if it is something that you are
wearing. However, touching any Qur’anic verses or their
translations is Haraam even in these books. (Bahar-e-Shariat, part 2,
P43, Madina-tul-Murshid Bareilly Shareef)

One should take care when reading Islamic books, in fact, even
newspapers and magazines (in Muslim countries) when not in
a state of Wuzu, because they usually have Qur’anic verses or
the translations printed inside them.

Method of Ghusl


(1) There is no harm in reciting Durood and Dua when in
need of ghusl, however, it is preferable to rinse ones mouth out
or perform Wuzu first. (Bahar-e-Shariat, V2, P43)
(2) Replying to Azaan is also permissible. (Fatawa Alamgiri, V1, P38)


Flour for a cook, ink for a writer and stains left by flies and
mosquitoes (for everyone) will not affect ghusl if left unwashed
without realising. (dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V1, P316)
However, when one does realise, he will have to remove the
stain and wash his skin, but any salah performed prior to
realising the stain will be considered valid and will not have to
be repeated. (Jad-dul-mumtaar, V1, P111)


Boys are considered mature when they have their first wet
dream between the ages of 12 and 15, and girls between 9 and
15. From this age onwards they are obliged to follow the
commands of Shariah. Therefore, if they have matured through
a wet dream they must perform ghusl but if no signs of
maturity are apparent, both will be considered mature when
they reach 15 (according to the Islamic calendar). (Al lubaab fi
sharhil kitaab, V2, P16)

(1) The holy Qur’an should be placed above all other types of
books, followed by books of Tafseer, then Hadith, then Fiqh and
then other Islamic books. (Dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V1, P354)
(2) Avoid placing anything above books, not even a pen; in
fact, even if a book is inside a box, you should avoid placing
anything above that box.
Laws of Salah


(1) It is prohibited to use pages of religious literature that
have writings inscribed upon them (even if only a company
name) for packaging purposes, or mats (used for eating on the
ground), beddings etc. (Makhooz az dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar,
V1, P355-356)

(2) The letters of all languages should be respected. (Rad-dul-

muhtaar, V1, P607)

(For further details please refer to the chapter of ‘Faizan-e-Bismillah”

in Faizan-e-Sunnat)

(3) Also remove company labels attached to the bottom of

prayer mats.


You should try to avoid using prayer mats that have pictures of
the Holy Ka’ba or the blessed green dome printed upon them as
there is a good chance of them being treaded upon by ones feet
or knees. (Fatawa-e-AhleSunnat)


Evil thoughts are caused by urinating in the bath. Hazrat-e-
Sayyiduna Abdullah bin Mughaffal  (    &%
 $ ' has narrated that the
Holy Prophet
   taught not to urinate in the ghusl area
and said, “It causes evil thoughts.” (Jami’ Tirmizi, V1, P5)

3,     2   /      . 

Method of Ghusl


There are three Faraiz in Tayammum:

(1) Intention
(2) Wiping the entire face
(3) Wiping both arms entirely including the elbows. (Bahar-e-
Shariat, part 2, P65, Madina-tul-Murshid Bareilly Shareef)


(1) Reciting ‘‫’ﺴﻢﻟﺮﺣﻤﻦﻟﺮﺣﻴﻢ‬.

(2) Hitting your hands on the ground.

(3) Pulling the hands back and forth on the ground.
(4) Keeping the fingers spread out whilst on the ground.
(5) Shaking excess dust off the hands by hitting the base of
one thumb against the other (avoid creating a clapping sound).
(6) Wiping the face before the hands.
(7) Wiping them both immediately one after the other.
(8) Wiping the right arm first.
(9) Passing fingers (khilaal) through the beard
(10) Passing the fingers of one hand through the other is
Sunnah if they are already covered in dust. However, if they are
not (if tayammum is being performed using a material that is
not covered in dust e.g. stone) then this khilaal will become
Farz. (Bahar-e-Shariat, part 2, P67, Madina-tul-Murshid Bareilly Shareef)

3,  2/      . 
Laws of Salah


Intend to perform tayammum (this intention is compulsory,
pronouncing it verbally is desirable. Appropriate words for
pronouncing the intention would be “I am performing
tayammum to purify myself from minor, or major or both types
of impurity”). Read ‫ ﺴﻢﻟﺮﺣﻤٰﻦﻟﺮﺣﻴﻢ‬and with your fingers spread
wide open, place your hands on something pure that is
amongst the natural minerals of the earth (e.g. stones, lime,
bricks, walls, soil etc.) and pull them back and forth. You can
shake some of the dust off your hands if there is too much.
Then wipe your entire face with your hands, making sure that
not even a single hair is left untouched, otherwise tayammum
will not be valid. Place your hands on the ground again and
wipe both arms from the fingertips up to (and including) the
elbows. The best way to do this is to firstly place all four fingers
of the left hand, except the thumb, on the back of the right
hand, and then pull the left hand, beginning at the fingertips of
the right hand, up to the right elbow. Then, pull the same left
hand along the inside of the right arm, from the elbow up to the
right wrist. Finally, use the inside of the left thumb to wipe the
back of the right thumb. The left arm should be wiped in the
same manner. (Fatawa tataarkhaniya, V1, P227)

If you were to wipe the whole arm with one movement of the
hand (grabbing the top and bottom of the arm at the same
time) the tayammum will still be valid, regardless of whether
you begin at the fingertips or the elbows, however, this will not
be the sunnah method of doing so. The head and feet are not
wiped whilst performing Tayammum. (Well known books of fiqh)


(1) Anything that will not burn or melt is considered a
natural mineral (of the earth), and can therefore be used to
Method of Ghusl

perform tayammum. Such minerals include soil, lime,

antimony, sulphur, stone, emerald, Cornelia and others,
regardless of whether or not they are covered in dust. (Bahrurraiq,
V1, P256)

(2) Tayammum can be performed using bricks or utensils

made of porcelain or clay. However, if they are covered with a
layer of something that is not a natural mineral (e.g. glass), then
they can no longer be used for tayammum. (Fatawa Alamgiri, V1,

(3) The soil, stone etc. that is being used must be pure, in
other words, it must be clean of all impurities, whether visible
or invisible. (dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V1, P435) If a piece of
land, a wall, or mud on the ground, becomes stained with
impurity but the stain then dries and vanishes due to the
blowing of the wind or the heat of the sun, they are considered
pure for salah, but not for tayammum.
(4) One does not need to be suspicious regarding the land
(or object) and think “it might have been dirty at one time”.
(5) A piece of wood, cloth, carpet etc. can be used for
tayammum if it is covered in so much dust that if you were to
place your hand above it you would leave a handprint. (Fatawa
Alamgiri, V1, P27)

(6) A lime, mud or brick wall can be used for tayammum,

whether it is the wall of your house or the Masjid, unless it is
covered in something that is not a natural mineral (oil paint,
plastic paint, mat finish, wallpaper etc). Marble is acceptable.
(7) If you have to perform Wuzu or ghusl but do not have
access to water then you can perform tayammum. (Fatawa Qadi
Khan ma’ Alamgiri, V1, P53)

(8) An illness that will be intensified or prolonged if Wuzu

or ghusl are performed (there must be a high possibility of this
Laws of Salah

happening, or previous experience, or a qualified practicing

Muslim doctor must have proven this) is a valid reason for
performing tayammum instead of Wuzu. (Dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-
dul-muhtaar, V1, P441)

(9) If washing your head during ghusl causes harm then

you should wash from the neck downwards and wipe your
head (with wet hands). (Bahar-e-Shariat, part 2, P60, Madina-tul-Murshid
Bareilly Shareef)

(10) Tayammum is permissible if there is no water within a

1 mile radius. (Dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V1, P441)
(11) If there is sufficient Zam Zam water to perform Wuzu
then tayammum is not permissible. (Bahar-e-Shariat, part 2, P61,
Madina-tul-Murshid Bareilly Shareef)

(12) If it is so cold that you fear you will fall ill or die if you
perform ghusl and it is impossible to protect yourself from the
cold after the ghusl, you are allowed to perform tayammum.
(Fatawa Alamgiri, V1, P28)

(13) If a prisoner is not given permission to perform Wuzu,

he can perform tayammum and pray his salah but he must
repeat it later. If he is not allowed to pray either, he must pray
using gestures, and then repeat his salah later. (ibid)
(14) If you know that searching for water will make you lose
sight of your caravan (or miss your train) then you can perform
tayammum. (ibid)
(15) If you were sleeping in the Masjid and it became
obligatory for you to perform ghusl, you should perform
tayammum instantly (wherever you are). This is the most
precautious ruling. (Makhooz az Fatawa-e-Razaviya, V3, P492 Raza
Foundation Lahore) You must then instantly leave the Masjid. Any
delay is Haraam. (Fatawa Alamgiri, V1, P28)

Method of Ghusl

(16) If you do not have enough time to perform Wuzu or

ghusl and then pray salah, you are allowed to perform
tayammum and pray, but later you must perform Wuzu or
ghusl and repeat the salah. (Fatawa-e-Razaviya, V3, P307)
(17) A woman can perform tayammum if her bleeding
period (haiz or nifaas) has ended but she does not have access
to water. (Bahar-e-Shariat, part 2, P64, Madina-tul-Murshid Bareilly Shareef)
(18) If you are somewhere where you have access to neither
water nor soil, then, when the time comes, you should act out
all the movements of salah but without intending to actually
pray salaah. (Bahar-e-Shariat, part 2, P65) However, you will have to
perform Wuzu or tayammum and pray your salaah when you
gain access to water or soil.
(19) The tayammum for both Wuzu and ghusl is performed
in the same manner. (ibid, P65)
(20) If you need to perform ghusl, you do not have to
perform tayammum separately for Wuzu. Intending to perform
both of them in the same tayammum is sufficient. In fact, you
can make the intention for only one of the two (and it will be
valid) (Fatawa Qadi Khan, ma’ Alamgiri, V1, P53)
(21) The factors that nullify Wuzu or necessitate ghusl will
also nullify tayammum. Access to water will also nullify
tayammum. (Fatawa tataarkhaniya, V1, P249, Idara-tul-Qur’an)
(22) If a woman is wearing a flower (or ring) in her nose then
she must remove it, because this will prevent her from wiping
that area of her nose. (Bahar-e-Shariat, part 2, P66)
(23) There is a part of the lips that is visible when the mouth
is closed in a natural position (not too tight), this must
definitely be wiped. If you close your lips very tightly whilst
wiping your face in tayammum and due to this a small portion
of skin is not wiped, it will mean that the tayammum is not
Laws of Salah

valid. The same applies to closing the eyes very tightly. (Bahar-e-
Shariat, part 2, P66)

(24) If you are wearing a ring or watch, you must remove it

and wipe the skin underneath (it is Farz to do so). (Maraqilfalah ma
hashiya-tut-tahtawi, P120) Islamic sisters should move their bangles
in order to wipe the skin beneath. More care needs to be taken
whilst performing tayammum than Wuzu.
(25) If someone cannot perform tayammum due to a sickness
or because his hand or foot has been amputated then someone
else should do it for him. In this case, it is the intention of the
sick person that will count and not the person performing the
tayammum for him. (Alamgiri, V1, P26)


Reading ‘Method of Wuzu’ will be helpful in learning

the rules concerning wudu and ‘Method of Salah’ for learning
the rulings of salah.

Oh Allah     , make us read, understand, and explain to

others the rules of ghusl over and over again and make us
perform ghusl according to sunnah.

“Whoever avoids arguing despite being on the truth, I will
guarantee him a house in the highest Heaven”. (Sunan Abi Dawood,
V4, P1332, Hadith 4800)

   < "%  B  $% %CD  E% F % < "%  

3,     2/      . 
Read this booklet from start until the end. Most probably, many of your
mistakes will become apparent.


uide for Allah’s Creation, Leader of the Sons of Adam,
Munificent Prophet
                has said, “Whoever
recited the Holy Qur’an, praised Allah     , recited
Durood Shareef upon me and then asked forgiveness from
Allah     , he has succeeded in seeking goodness from its

3,     2/      . 



   said, “The person who gives Azan
in order to gain reward is like a martyr who is covered in blood
and when he dies, insects will not enter his grave.”


Nabi-e-Rahamat, Shafi-e-Ummat, Shahanshah-e-Nubuwwat


   has said, “I went in Heaven, there I saw domes of
pearls and its mud was musk. I asked, “Oh Jibra’eel! Who are
these for?” He replied, “For the Imaam (the one who leads
Laws of Salah

salah) and Mu’azzin (the one who gives Azan) from your


It is a saying of The Holy Prophet
   that whoever said
Azan five times a day with faith and for the sake of reward, his
previous sins will be forgiven and whoever lead the five times
salah with faith and for reward, his previous sins will also be


It is stated in Hadith that everything prays for the forgiveness
of a Mu’azzin, even the fish. While the Mu’azzin says Azan,
angels also repeat with him and when he finishes, the angels
pray for his forgiveness until the day of judgement. Whoever
dies whilst giving Azan will not face the torments of the grave
and remains safe from the agonies of death and the hardness
and narrowness of the grave.


The Holy Prophet
                once said, “Oh women!
Whenever you hear Bilal calling for salah, you should also say
what he says because Allah      will write one hundred
thousand good deeds for every word, increase you one
thousand times in grade and will remove one thousand of your
sins.” After hearing this, the women asked, “This is for us.
What is for the men?” Sarkar-e-Madina
“Men get twice the reward.”


Dear Islamic Brothers! Look how easy Allah      has made for
us to earn good deeds, raise our ranks and to get our sins

Blessings of Azan

forgiven. However, in spite of so many conveniences, we

remain the victim of negligence. Detail of the previous Hadith
about replying to Azan is given below. ‘‫ ’  ﻛ  ﻛ‬are two
words. Likewise, there are 15 verses in the full Azan. If an
Islamic sister replies to one Azan, meaning she says what the
Mu’azzin says, she will get 15 hundred thousand good deeds,
will be raised 15 thousand times in rank and 15 thousand sins
will be removed and it is double for Islamic brothers. In the
Azan of Fajr, ‫ﻣ ﻦ ﻟ ﻨ ﻮم‬$ 4 *‫ﻟﺼﻠٰﻮ ة ﺧ‬
6  is said twice so now there are 17
words. The person replying will now get 17 hundred thousand
good deeds, will be raised 17 thousand times in rank and 17
thousand sins will be forgiven and for the Islamic brothers it is
doubled. In Iqaamat, ‫
ﻟﺼ ﻠٰﻮة‬:‫ ﻗ ﺪﻗ ﻣ‬is said twice, so in Iqaamat also
there are 17 words, and the reward of replying to Iqaamat is the
same as that of Azan of Fajr salah. In short, if any Islamic sister
succeeds in answering the Azan five times daily and Iqaamat
five times daily, she will receive 10 million 62 hundred
thousand good deeds, will be raised one hundred 62 thousand
times in rank and 1 hundred 62 thousand sins will be forgiven
and Islamic brothers will get double meaning 30 million 24
hundred thousand good deeds, will be raised 3 hundred
thousand 24 thousand grades times in rank and 3 hundred
thousand 24 thousand sins will be forgiven.


Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Abu Huraira  (    &%
 $ ' narrates that a man,
who did not have any apparent big deeds died. Sultan-e-
   said to the blessed companions 5  . & %   
% - , “Do
you know that Allah      has sent him to Heaven.” The people
present became confused therefore, one of the companions
went to that person’s house and asked his widow about any
special deed that he did. She replied, “I do not know of any
special deed but whether it was day or night, whenever he used
Laws of Salah

to hear Azan, he would reply without fail.” (Mulakhkhas az ibn-e-

asaakar, V40, P412-413, Dar-ul-Fikr Beirut)

May Allah      bless him and forgive us on his behalf.


The Mu’azzin should say the Azan with breaks. ‫  ﻛ ط   ﻛ ط‬
both are one word if you combine them. After saying this, he
must stop (meaning go silent) and the length of the silence
should be such that the replier can reply. The leaving of silence
is prohibited and to repeat such Azan is desirable. (dur-e-mukhtaar
The replier should say  ‫  ﻛ‬,  ‫  ﻛ‬
ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar V2, P66)
during the silence of the Mu’azzin. Similarly, he should reply to
the other words. When the Mu’azzin says
 ‫  ﺷ > ﺪ ن ﻣ ﺤﻤﺪ= ر ﺳ ﻮ ل‬the
first time, the replier should say,

 V .  '? W   

I send Durood upon you Ya Rasool-Allah
(Rad-dul-muhtaar, V1, P293, Mustafa-al-baabi Egypt)

When the Mu’azzin repeats these words again, the replier

should say,

% V .  ' Q
 %  Y Z  
  ? W%  X
Ya Rasool Allah
          ! You are the coolness of my eyes.

Each time, touch your eyes with your nails and at the end say,

% [  C  \% , 9 %  X %

 % =" 
 - : 
Ya Allah     ! Give me reward from my powers of listening and seeing. (ibid)

Blessings of Azan

Whoever will do this, The Holy Prophet

              will make
him enter Heaven following him. (ibid)

In reply of ‫ ﻟﺼ ﻠٰﻮة‬% &‫ ﻋ‬% A and ‫  ﻟ ﻔﻼح‬% &‫ ﻋ‬% A (four times), you should say,

‫ ﻻ ﺣ ﻮ ل و ﻻ ﻗ ﻮ ة
ﻻ‬and it is better to say both (meaning what the
Mu’azzin says and lahaul) but you should also add:-

6 `  ? 
  O  ? 
  "   5
   ]^_  "
Whatever Allah      desires happens and whatever is not desired by Allah
     does not happen.

(Dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V2, P82, Alamgeeri, V1, P57)

In reply of ‫ﻣ ﻦ ﻟ ﻨ ﻮم‬$ 4 *‫ﻟﺼﻠٰﻮ ة ﺧ‬

6  you should say,

 M @  H  %N  1 %   a '     ! Q3 

You are virtuous and trustworthy and have said right.
(ibid, P83)

Replying to Iqaamat is desirable. Its reply is also the same. The

only difference is that in reply to ‫
ﻟﺼ ﻠٰﻮة‬:‫ ﻗ ﺪﻗ ﻣ‬you should say,

  !% " #" -" #  -" Q

b '  B  a  ., 9
Allah      keep him alive until there are heavens and earth.
(Alamgeeri, V1, P57)


1. It is Sunnat-e-Mu’akkadah to give Azan for the five
daily salah in the Masjid for the first Jama’at which also
includes Jumu’ah (Friday salah) and its ruling is like Wajib so if

Laws of Salah

Azan is not given, everybody there will be a sinner. (Dur-e-

mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V2, P60)

2. If somebody performs salah in the city or at home, the

Azan of the local Masjid will be enough but it is desirable to say
Azan again. (ibid, P62)
3. If somebody is out of the city and is in a village, garden
or farm, the Azan of that area will be enough but it is better to
say Azan again and if he’s not near, it will not be enough. The
distance of nearness is that the sound of Azan should reach
there. (Alamgeeri, V1, P54)
4. If a traveller did not say Azan or Iqaamat or both, it is
undesirable and if he said only Iqaamat then it is not a problem,
but it is better to say Azan also, whether he is alone or with
other companions. (Dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ dur-e-mukhtaar, V2, P78)
5. Azan should be given after the start time. If it is said
before the time begins or if it is started before the time starts
and during the Azan the time begins, Azan should be repeated
again. (Alamgeeri, V1, P54) The Mu’azzin should make a habit of
looking at the timetable. In some places, the Mu’azzin starts
giving Azan before the time begins. It is a Madani request to the
Imaams and the Masjid committee to keep a close eye on this
6. It is undesirable for women to say Azan or Iqaamat
whether they are praying salah or Qaza. (khulaasa-tul-fatawa, V1, P48)
7. It is Makrooh-e-Tahreemi for women to pray salah with
Jama’at. (Al bahrur raiq, V1, P614)
8. A clever child can give Azan. (Alamgeeri, V1, P54)
9. To say Azan without Wuzu is correct but is undesirable.
(Maraqil falah ma’ hashiya-tut-tahtaavi, P199/Fatawa-e-Razaviya, V5, P373)

10. Azan of a eunuch, open sinner even if he is a scholar,

intoxicated person, mad man, the one who needs to do Ghusl
Blessings of Azan

and unwise child is undesirable. This Azan should be repeated.

(Dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V2, P75)

11. It is better if the Mu’azzin is also the Imaam. (ibid

P88/alamgeeri, V1, P54)

12. Azan should be given outside the Masjid whilst facing

the Qibla with the fingers inside the ears with a loud voice but
to give Azan in a voice louder than your strength is
undesirable. (alamgeeri, V1, P55)

ٰ ‫ ﻟﺼ‬%&‫ ﻋ‬% A should be said whilst facing towards the right
and ‫  ﻟﻔﻼح‬%&‫ ﻋ‬% A should be said whist facing the left side even if the
Azan is not for salah e.g. said in the ear of an infant. This
turning is only of the face and not of the whole body. (dur-e-
mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V2, P66) Some Mu’azzineen move their

face slightly whilst saying

ٰ ‫ ﺻ‬and ‫ﻓﻼح‬. This is not correct. The
correct method is to first turn to the right or left completely and
then start saying the world % A.

14. It is desirable to say ‫ﻣ ﻦ ﻟ ﻨ ﻮم‬$ 4 *‫ﻟﺼﻠٰﻮ ة ﺧ‬

6  after ‫  ﻟﻔﻼح‬% &‫ ﻋ‬% A in Fajr
Azan. (dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V2, P67) If it is not said, Azan
will still be complete. (Qanoon-e-Shariat, P77)


1. As well as replying to the Azan of salah, the reply of
other Azan e.g. at the time of the birth of a child should also be
given. (Rad-dul-muhtaar, V2, P82)
2. The follower (in salah) should never reply to the Azan
for the sermon (this is better). If the reply to Azan (between two
sermons) or Dua is done in the heart and not with the tongue
then there isn’t a problem. If the Imaam replies with the tongue
to reply to Azan or Dua, it is permissible without a doubt.
(Fatawa-e-Razaviya, V8, P301.330)
Laws of Salah

3. It is ordered for the hearer of Azan to reply. (Alamgeeri, V1,

P57) A Junub (person who needs Ghusl) should also reply to
Azan. Whereas a woman in menses, hearers of the sermon,
performer of funeral salah, a person having intercourse or
someone in the toilet should not reply. (Maraqil falah ma’ hashiya-tut-
tahtaavi, P203)

4. When Azan is given you should stop every work,

salaam or reply of salaam, even recitation of The Holy Qur’an
and listen to the Azan carefully and also reply. The same
should also be done for Iqaamat. (Dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-mukhtaar,
V2, P86\alamgeeri, V1, P57)

5. It is better to stop walking, eating, picking or putting

things down, playing with children, talking using sign
language during Azan.
6. The person who continued talking during Azan should
be fearful of a bad death. (Bahar-e-Shariat, Part 3, P36, Madina-tu-Murshid
Bareilly Shareef)

7. If anybody hears the Azan while walking, it is better for

him to stand still, keep silent and reply to the Azan. (Alamgeeri, V1,

8. If anybody hears more than one Azan, it is only

necessary to reply to the first one but better to reply to all of
them. (Dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V2, P82)
9. If anybody did not reply during the Azan and not much
time has passed, he should still reply. (Rad-dul-muhtaar, V2, P81)


1. It is better to say Iqaamat just behind the Imaam in the
Masjid and if not behind him then on the right hand side.
(Mulakhkhas az: Fatawa-e-Razaviya, V5, P372)

Blessings of Azan

2. Iqaamat is a more emphasised Sunnah than Azan. (Dur-e-

mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-mukhtaar, V2, P68)

3. It is desirable to reply to Iqaamat. (Alamgeeri, V1, P57)

4. Say the words of Iqaamat quickly and do not take a
break in between. (Dur-e-mukhtaar, ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V2, P68)
5. During Iqaamat, turn your face right and left whilst
ٰ ‫ ﻟﺼ‬% &‫ ﻋ‬% A and ‫  ﻟﻔﻼح‬%&‫ ﻋ‬% A. (Dur-e-mukhtaar, ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V2,

6. Iqaamat is only the right of that person who has given

Azan. Anyone can say Iqaamat but with the permission of the
Mu’azzin. If the Iqaamat is said without the permission of the
Mu’azzin and it displeases him, then it is undesirable. (Alamgeeri,
V1, P54)

7. If a person came during Iqaamat, it is disliked to wait

while standing but instead, he should sit down and similarly
the people who are already sitting in the Masjid should also
keep sitting and only stand when the Mukabbir says  
%&‫ ﻋ‬% A .
This ruling also applies to the Imaam. (ibid, P55)


(1) Children, (2) Depressed, (3) Epileptic people, (4) Furious and
grumpy people, (5) In the ears of an irritable animal, (6) In the
intensity of a fight, (7) During a fire, (8) After the burial of dead
body, (9) Disobedience of Jinn (or when a Jinn possesses
someone), (10) If way is forgotten in the forest and there is
nobody to show the way and (11) during the period of
Epidemic. In all these times, it is desirable to give Azan. (Dur-e-
mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V2, P50)

3,  2/      . 
Laws of Salah


Nowadays a trend has started where Azan is given in the
Masjid. This is against Sunnah. It is stated in Alamgeeri etc. that
Azan should be given outside the Masjid and not inside. (Fatawa-
e-Alamgeeri, V1, P55) Ala-Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan    ) *   '
says that it is not proven even once that Our Holy Prophet


   had ordered for the Azan to be given in the Masjid.
(Fatawa-e-Razaviya takhreej, V5, P214) Ala-Hazrat    ) *   ' further says
that to say Azan in the Masjid is disrespectful to both the
Masjid and the court of Allah     . (ibid, P411) The veranda of the
Masjid and the place where shoes are taken off are not
considered as part of the Masjid and to say Azan here is no
doubt in accordance with the Sunnah. (ibid, P408) The second
Azan of Jumu’ah which nowadays is given (before the sermon)
in the Masjid in front of the pulpit of the Imaam is also against
Sunnah. The second Azan of Jumu’ah should also be said
outside the Masjid but the Mu’azzin should be in front of the
Imaam. (Fat-hul-qadeer, V2, P29)


Ala-Hazrat      ) *  ' says, to act according to the Sunnah is the
special duty of scholars and in general for the Muslims for
whom it is possible. The Muslims of every city or at least in
their own Masjid should bring this Sunnah of saying Azan and
the second Azan of Jumu’ah outside the Masjid. Bring this
Sunnah to life and earn the reward of 100 martyrs. (Fatawa-e-
razaviya takhreej, V5, P403) The Holy Prophet
   has said
that whoever holds onto my Sunnah tightly in the time of
tribulation upon my Ummah, he will get the reward of 100
martyrs. This has been narrated in Baihaqi in abstinence.
(Mishkaat-ul-masaabih, P30) For further details about this, read the
fifth volume of Fatawa-e-Razaviya called “Al-Azan wal
Iqaama” published by Raza Foundation.
Blessings of Azan


Before Azan and Iqaamat, read ‫ ﺴﻢﻟﺮﺣﻤﻦﻟﺮﺣﻴﻢ‬and the following

four verses of Durood Shareef:

: /0c? 
 W% U  W   : V. '? W  789 
;   Z. [  
: '.  H ? W% U  W   : $ CH ? W  789 
;   Z. [  
To create a gap between Durood Shareef and Azan, say the
following: “In respect of the Azan, please stop whatever you
are doing including talking and reply to the Azan and get good
deeds in abundance.” After this, give Azan. Between Durood
and Iqaamat, say the following: “Make the intention of I’tikaaf,
if you have a mobile phone please switch it off.” The reason I
am requesting that you recite tasmiyah and then Durood
Shareef is that so I get continuous reward also and the
suggestion of having a gap (between Durood Shareef and
Azan) is taken from Fatawa-e-Razaviya. On being asked a
question, Imam-e-AhleSunnat    ) *  ' said, “There is no problem
with reciting Durood Shareef before Iqaamat but there should
be a gap between the two or the sound of Durood Shareef and
Iqaamat should be different (for example, the sound of Durood
Shareef is less than the sound of Iqaamat) so that the public
doesn’t think that Durood Shareef is a part of Iqaamat.” (Fatawa-
e-Razaviya takhreej, V5, P386)

3,  2/      . 
In the time of the Prophet
   and the blessed Caliphs
 . & %   
% - , Durood Shareef was not read before Azan therefore
doing such an act now is a bid’ah (innovation) and a sin. (Allah
Laws of Salah


If we accept the rule that whatever was not done in that era is a
bad addition and sin to do in this age then the whole system of
this age will be disturbed. Many examples can be given but I
am only presenting 12 examples of things that were not done in
that blessed time and now everyone is using them.
(1) Hajaj Bin Yousuf added the punctuations in the Holy Quran
in the year 95A.H.
(2) He was the person who used full stops at the end of each
(3) Publication of the Holy Qur’an.
(4) There was no shelf like arch in the centre of the Masjid for
the Imaam to stand. Sayyiduna Umar bin Abdul Aziz  (     &%
 $ '
invented this in the period of Waleed Marwani. Today no
Masjid is without it.
(5) Six Kalimay.
(6) Sarf and Nahv.
(7) Knowledge of Hadith and its different kinds.
(8) Dars-e-Nizami.
(9) Four schools of thought.
(10) Intention of salah with the tongue.
(11) Journey of Hajj by aeroplane.
(12) Holy war with the latest scientific weapons.
All these works were not present in that Holy period but today
nobody considers it a sin then why it is a bad innovation and
sin to say Durood before Azan and Iqaamat?! Always
remember that in any matter, lack of argument is itself a reason
for its agreement. Surely, each and every new thing, which
Blessings of Azan

Shariah did not prohibit is a good innovation and legal and it is

an apparent fact that saying Durood before Azan is not
prohibited in any Hadith. Therefore, not forbidding is in itself
permission and it is encouraged by the Holy Prophet
himself to invent good new things in Islam. The Holy Prophet


   has said (Muslim Shareef, book of knowledge)

% % % % "
f / =e  fE3   -%   , J S)(9 c S)(   78  B  d  6   6 
]T $ _ 
 h% '% .   6 "%  i M(? % "%  %
    B   -%   ,  6         g"
Whoever invented any good method among Muslims and after that it was
acted upon, the reward of the followers will also be written in his account (the
person who started it) and the reward of the followers will not be lessened.
(Sahih Muslim, V2, P341)

The meaning of this Hadith is that whoever starts any good act
in Islam deserves great reward. Without any doubt, the person
who started the trend of Durood before Azan and Iqaamat also
deserves continuous reward. Muslims who continue acting on
this until the Day of Judgement will get rewarded, and the
reward of both will not be lessened. It’s possible that a question
arises in someone’s mind that in Hadith it is stated,

“'( d % )j  8&      T   8&  )j  3 %   ”

Every innovation is misleading and every misleading thing takes you to Hell.
(Mishkaat Shareef, P30)

What is the meaning of this Hadith? Its answer is that the

Hadith is right. In this Hadith, innovation means bad innovation
and every innovation is bad which is against Sunnah or is
capable of finishing a Sunnah. Therefore, Sayyiduna Sheikh
Abdul Haq Muhaddith Dehlvi    ) *  ' says that every innovation
Laws of Salah

which does not go against Shariah or Sunnah is called a good

innovation and whichever innovation is against Shariah and
Sunnah is called a misleading innovation. (Ashi’atul lam’aat, V1,


3,  2/      . 

Blessings of Azan


 e ;
 :   k
  e ;
 e ;
:  k
  e ;
Allah is the Greatest Allah is the Greatest
Allah is the Greatest Allah is the Greatest

 ;   % %   % % 
 : B    m B  5 3 -_    : B    m B  5 3 -_  
l l

I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah

I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah

l % : V. ' 3S ,  4  5 3 -_  

 ;  l % :  V. ' 3S ,  4  5 3 -_  
I bear witness that Muhammad
             is the Messenger of Allah
I bear witness that Muhammad
   is the Messenger of Allah

 Z% 8[
    n l
 Z% 8[
Come to salah Come to salah

 o% 8p     n l
 o% 8p     n
Come to success Come to success

  e ;
  e ;
Allah is the Greatest Allah is the Greatest

 ;  % % 
 : B   q

There is none worthy of worship but Allah.

Laws of Salah


After the Azan, the Mu’azzin and the listener’s should read
Durood Shareef and then this Dua:

)% , r^% M Z%  . [   )% "^

 = Z% .  3  E% s% h t ' 
 - : 
Oh Allah     , sovereign of the perfect call and of this standing prayer!

)%J  ) ' 3   ) u% p   )  % .   %5 3 ,  4  H3  %   a%   
Grant to our leader, Sayyiduna Muhammad
   , waseelah (special station
in paradise) and fazeelat (excellence) and the highest rank,

 p _  (Qx ' ` 3   v s%   %5 #.,  4 "M"   g  

and make him stand at the Maqaamm-e-Mahmood (the praise worthy position) which
you have promised him and make him our intercessor

% % l% %
#%A  y z  B W H  ),  M 7 .  ? 

on the Day of Judgement. Of course, You do not do anything against Your promise.

l % %   
c ' ^? W%=*
%  *
 <    %
Have mercy on us, for You are the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful!

3,     2   /      . 

Blessings of Azan

c%    %6*   
% 9%

Allah     , in whose name I begin, is the Most Compassionate,
the Most Merciful

Faith in detail

%  }  '% 3 M  % }%  B  7% .    % % '  % %C{e   % %=` %|m "   ;
 E% ~ % : %  !("

I believe in Allah, His Angels, His (revealed) Books, His Messengers, the Day of
Judgement; that all good or bad destiny

 a% .  A  3   % C   % : 6 "%  E% %  _ 
emanates from Allah; that there will be resurrection after death.

Faith in brief

% "% c  \  %‚  !  %CQ  % %p%   % r^% € % . h , e ;
% : %  !("
I solemnly declare my belief in Allah as He is with all His names and attributes, and
have accepted (to obey) all His commands

% 9  % %  7 'T  Q%
 /%  M%  7 NT  ?3% [   5
by pledging to do them with my tongue and confirming them with all my heart.

3,     2/      . 

Laws of Salah



% : V. '  3T ,  4  ;  % %

;        : B   q

There is none worthy of worship but Allah Muhammad

             is the
Messenger of Allah.


3 -_   ` W?% _  B `E3 c   ;   % %

 : B   B  5  3 -_  
I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but Allah. He is alone and He has
no partners and I bear witness

`.  '  `E3  C  3S ,  4  5  
that Muhammad
   is His servant and His Messenger.


k  % %  %% % : 5UC
  e ;  : B   q  ;: 3 ,  1   ; 
 :   ;   
Glory be to Allah and all praise be to Allah and there is none worthy of worship but
Allah, and Allah is great


%  ƒ%  $% %  ;
% : %  B% Z. Q  B V .c  B
and there is no power to keep away from sins and no ability to do good but from Allah
who is very majestic.

3,     2   /      . 

Blessings of Azan


$% K  3 ,  1      W A     ` W?% _  B `E3 c   ;  % % 

 : B   q
There is none worthy of worship but Allah. He is alone. He has no partners. All
kingdom is for Him and all praise are for Him. He gives life

 7%  e%B   V%  8… †  l 3S    3S    a . „  B $ c . h   !  „%  
and He gives death. He is alive; death will never come to him. The Majestic and the
Blessed one.

T  ?3% Q j]$ _ %     . h   l ~  ‡  E% 3%  %
In His hand is all grounds and He has power over everything.


S)%H8 S % S Š@ }  3S ,  `=0H† /j  H† %   6 "%   ˆ % '  ; %
:  p‰=   
Oh my Lord I seek forgiveness for all the sins I have committed knowingly or
unknowingly, openly or secretly

   q  v s%   /%  Hs  6 "%  
    m v s%   /%  Hs  6 "%  %   % t .   
and I repent from the sins that I am aware of and the sins that I am unaware of,

V . c  B  t% .  Hs  '  ‰  %

 p ‹   t% .     ' =    t% .     7  8 !  H WH
for you are the knower of all the secrets and the concealed, and of all the faults and
forgiver of all sins, and there is no


%  ƒ%  $% %  ;
% : % B% Z. Q  B
strength and power except that of Allah, the Almighty and the Greatest.

Laws of Salah


 % _  5  6 " W% † .    m % % 
 - : 
% %  
    ^H  S |Y_  W%  Œ
Oh Allah I seek your refuge from associating anything with you knowingly,

%  O% % p `   6 "%  a k

Œ      (  !  C  % %  
   q  A%  Œ %

and I seek your forgiveness for what I do not know. I have reputed from it and I have
freed myself from disbelief, idolatry,

%  =-C  Ž% c% . p    )% ,  ,% (  )%  3 %C  )%  CY%‰  t% s `%  

lying, backbiting, bad innovations, gossiping, indecency, accusations

: V .  ' 3T ,  4  ;
 ;  % %  Q % %
 : B   q V .     ! ,     -  $ A 
and all day sins. I have submitted and say there is none worthy of worship but Allah
   is the Messenger of Allah.

3,     2   /      . 


Blessings of Azan



Written by:
Sheikh-e-Tareeqat, Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat, Hazrat’e Allama Moulana,
Abu Bilal Muhammad Ilyas Attar Qadiri Razavi Ziyaee  

adly! Today, paan, gutka, saunf supari (sweet scented
fennel), main puri, (mixture of tobacco & paan) and
cigarettes have become very common. If you are addicted
to any of them, then please accept this sympathetic advice from
an ‘ordinary’ well-wisher of the Ummah of Tajdar-e-Madina
       and get rid of this nasty habit straight away before it


is too late and you have to see a doctor. Sometimes, it is painful
to see Islamic brothers who have reddened and stained their
mouths by constantly chewing paan and gutka. On the contrary
it is very pleasing to hear when an Islamic brother says that he
has given up smoking, and stopped chewing paan and gutka.
As I (Sag-e-Madina ( p‹) am passionate for the welfare & well-
being of the Ummah, I kindly tell you that those people who
frequently chew on paan and gutka are constantly harming
themselves, as paan causes inflammation and diseases of the
mouth. Once, there was an Islamic brother who had reddened
and stained his mouth by regularly chewing gutka. Because I
was concerned for his welfare, I kindly asked him to open his
mouth for me but as it was painfully sore he could only open it
a bit. I then asked him to show me his tongue but he could only
take a bit of his tongue out because it was sore and painful,
anyway, I asked him ‘Have you got mouth ulcers?’ He replied,
‘Yes, I have’. I politely advised him to stop chewing paan.
Alhamdu-Lillah     , it was pleasing to know that this person
stopped chewing paan and gutka (as they caused his mouth to
swell in the first place). Those people who chew on paan and
gutka should examine their mouths because its frequent use
Laws of Salah

hardens the mouth’s soft and sensitive areas and therefore

becomes painfully difficult to open the mouth. Continually
using lime damages and injures the inner part of the mouth
which later results in ulcers. A person developing these
symptoms must immediately stop chewing paan, gutka and
main puri, otherwise these painful ulcers and sores might
worsen and become highly infectious or even, Allah      forbid,


Think to yourself for a moment that the lime which can cut and
pierce the upper layers of the mouth can also cause tremendous
damage in the stomach. This lime can also pierce the layers of
the intestines. In the beginning, one might not feel anything
significant, but, as time progresses and if it is continuously used
over a long period of time, ulcers, such as the common stomach
ulcer, start developing and begin to cause pain. This stomach
ulcer worsens and hence becomes dangerously cancerous.


The voice of the person who chews paan and gutka regularly
will first start to deteriorate & change, which, progresses on to
loss of voice. If one does not recognise this pain and change as a
warning sign, then this chain of throat problems will lead to,
Allah      forbid, throat cancer. It is said that 60-70% of the
people who have throat cancer are those who consumed paan
and gutka.

Oh Allah      ! Be pleased with us forever and save us from the
destructions of chewing paan, gutka and smoking.

   < "%  B  $% %CD E% F % < "%  

3,     2/      . 
No matter how hard the devil tries to prevent you from reading this booklet
please read it through completely, In’shaa-Allah      you will see the benefits
for yourself.


eloved Rasool of Allah, Comforter of Hearts, Highly

B Celebrated Prophet
   said to a person who
prayed salah and then praised Allah      and read
durood, “Pray; it will be accepted, ask; it will be granted”. (Sunan
Nasai v.1 p.189 Babul Madina Karachi)

3,     2/      . 
Dear Islamic brothers! The Qur’an and Ahadith mention many
virtues of praying salah and severe punishments for neglecting
it. The 9th verse of Suratul-Munafiqun in Part 28 says:

 % †  p  ? 6 "  %% e†%  6   

 e # B   q  
 `  . "  
 ` -%   B . (" 6  ?s%  - ? m?
‫ ۝‬5   9%  ‡  
 h W  %|m J
Translation Kanzul Iman
O believers! Do not let your wealth or your children distract you from the
remembrance of Allah      and those who do are in loss.

Laws of Salah

Sayyiduna Imam Muhammad bin Ahmad Zahabi    ) *  '
narrates that the honourable mufassirin say, “in this Holy verse
the remembrance of Allah      refers to the five daily salah,
therefore anyone who remains occupied with his wealth,
buying and selling, earning his livelihood, merchandise and his
children, and does not pray his salah is in loss. (Kitabul-Kaba’ir, P20,


Knower of the Unknown, Sultan of Both Worlds, The Noble
Prophet of Madina
   has said, “The first action that a
man shall be questioned about on the day of judgement is salah;
if it is sound he shall succeed but if it is incomplete, he shall be
disappointed and suffer loss.” (Kanzul-Ummal, V7, P115, Hadith 18883,
Darul-kutubil-Ilmiyyah, Beirut)


Sarkar-e-do aalam, Noor-e-mujasam, Shah bani Adam, Rasool-
   has said, “Whoever protects his
salah, it will be light, proof and salvation for him on the day of
judgement; but whoever does not protect it, there will be no
light, proof or salvation for him on the day of judgement and
on that day he will be with Fir’oun, Qarun, Haman and Ubay
bin Khalaf”. (Majma-uz-Zawaid, V2, P21, Hadith 1611, Darul-Fikr, Beirut)


Dear Islamic brothers! Sayyiduna Imam Muhammad bin
Ahmad Zahabi    )  *  ' narrates, “Some honourable scholars

 - *
 ' say that anyone who neglects salah will be with these 4
(Fir’oun, Qarun, Haman and Ubay bin Khalaf) on the day of
resurrection because people usually miss their salah due to
wealth, property, administrative work and business.

Method of Salah

Anyone who misses his salah due to being occupied with

government affairs will be with Fir’oun.

Anyone who misses his salah due to wealth will be with

Qarun. If the reason for missing salah is administrative work
then he will be with Fir’oun’s administrator Haman and if the
reason for missing salah is business then he will be with Ubay
bin Khalaf the head trader of unbelievers in Makkatul-
Mukarramah.” (Kitabul Kaba’ir, P21, Dar Maktabatul-Hayah, Beirut)


When Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Umar Farooq-e-Azam  (     &%
 $ ' was
severely wounded he was told, “Oh leader of the believers, the
salah!” He  (    &%
 $ ' said, “Yes, truly! Anyone who forsakes salah is
to have no share in Islam”, and thereupon he prayed whilst his
wounds were bleeding. (ibid)


Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Ubada bin Samit  (     &%
 $ ' narrates that our
Makki Madani Mustafa
   said, “The one who does
wuzu well and then stands for salah and completes the ruku’,
sujud and recitation, his salah says, “May Allah      protect you
the way you have protected me”. The salah is then elevated to
the sky and it sparkles with light. The gates of the skies are
opened for it so that it reaches the court of Allah      and then it
intercedes for the one who prayed it.

If he does not do his ruku’, sujud and recitation properly then it

says, “May Allah      abandon you the way you have ruined
me”. The salah is then taken to the skies and is covered in
darkness. The gates of the skies are closed for it and it is then
wrapped up like an old piece of cloth and thrown onto his
face”. (Kanzul-Ummal, V7, P129, Hadith 19049)

Laws of Salah


Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Imam Bukhari      ) *  ' says that Hazrat-e-
Sayyiduna Huzaifah bin Yaman  (     $ &% ' saw a person not
performing his ruku’ and sujud properly during his salah, so he
 (     &%
 $ ' said to him, “If you die whilst praying the way you have
just prayed you will not die on the path of Hazrat-e- Sayyiduna
             ”. (Sahih Bukhari, V1. P112)

The report in Sunan Nasai mentions that he  (    &%
 $ ' asked (the
man), “For how long have you been praying this way?” The
man replied, “40 years”. He  (    &%
 $ ' said, “Then you haven’t
prayed for the past 40 years; if you die in this state you will not
die following the religion of Muhammad
   ”. (Sunan
Nasai, V2, P58 Darul-Jeel, Beirut)


Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Abu Qatadah  (    &%
 $ ' narrates that Beloved
Rasool of Allah
          said, “The worst of thieves is he
who steals in his salah”. He was requested, “Ya Rasool-Allah


          , who steals in his salah?” He
“The one who does not do his ruku’ or sujud properly”. (Musnad
Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, V8, P386, Hadith 22705 Dar-ul-Fikr, Beirut)

3,     2/      . 


The famous Qur’anic commentator, Hakeem-ul-Ummat Hazrat
Mufti Ahmad Yar Khan    ) *  ' comments on this Hadith saying,
“This tells us that the salah thief is worse than the money thief
because although an ordinary thief will gain worldly profit
despite being punished (in the hereafter), a salah thief will be
punished but gain no profit at all. An ordinary thief betrays

Method of Salah

people but a salah thief disobeys Allah     . These are the
people that pray their salah incompletely; so those who do not
pray at all should learn a lesson.” (Mir’at V, 2 P, 78 Zia-ul-Quran

Dear Islamic brothers! Many of us do not pray at all and the

majority of those that do pray are deprived of praying properly
due to a lack of interest in learning the Sunnah. What follows is
a brief description of how to pray salah. For the sake of Madina!
Please read it carefully and correct your salah.


Stand facing the qibla in a state of wuzu with a distance of four
fingers between your feet. Now raise both hands and touch
your ear lobes with your thumbs. Your fingers should not be
too wide apart or too close together; in fact they should remain
in a normal position and be facing the qibla. At this point you
should look at the place of sajdah (prostration). Now make a
firm intention in your heart regarding the salah that you are
about to pray. To say it verbally is even better (for example, “I
intend to pray 4 rak’at for today’s farz Zuhr salah”. If you are in
a congregation then add the phrase “behind this Imaam”).

Now say the Takbeer-e-Tahreema (‫ )  ﻛ‬as you lower your
hands and place them beneath your navel with your right palm
on the back of your left wrist joint, your 3 middle fingers on the
back of your left forearm and your thumb and small finger on
either side of your wrist. Now recite sana like this:-

 ~ %   3    3% , ’% 
 - :  W(U  C 
  ”   q “     W    “
 €  '
  C  “
Glory is to You Oh Allah     ! I recite Your praise, Blessed is Your name,
You are the most exalted and none is worthy of worship besides You.

Laws of Salah

Then recite the ta’awwuz:-

%  %    %6@  O  6 "%  ;
% : % † .  ◌

I seek the protection of Allah      from the accursed Satan

Then recite the tasmiyah:-

%  c%    %6*   ; 
% :
% 9%

Allah’s     name I begin with, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful.

Then recite the whole of Sura Fatiha:-

  ?%  3  CH “
 “   ?%  %6?3 %  7% .  ? W % % " B 
% c%   %6*  B < ,%   t% ' ; %%
    : 3 ,  1  
B %  H3% h %l<%=9H

 -%    ! , H 6  ?s%   l  %  B
  %M=9 A  l  [  
%   B 
-%   t% .u  ‰A  ~
<   ^u        %  ”
Translation Kanzul-Imaan:
All praise unto Allah     , Lord of the worlds, the most Affectionate, the
Merciful. Master of the Day of Requital. We worship You alone, and beg You
alone for help. Guide us in the straight path. The path of those whom You
have favoured. Not of those who have earned Your anger nor of those who
have gone astray.

Once you have finished Sura Fatiha say ) *‫

ﻣ‬G quietly and then
recite either 3 (short) verses, one long verse which is equivalent
to three short verses, or any chapter such as Sura Ikhlaas: -


%  c%    %6*   ; 
% :
% 9%

Allah’s     name I begin with, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful.

Method of Salah

3T c  .S p e  • 6 `  ? 
    B 3  . ? 
   B 3 % ? 
    3 , [ 
 ;:   3T c  ;
 :  .    Q
Say, He is Allah     , the One. Allah     the Independent, Care free. He
begot none nor was He begotten. And nor is anyone equal to Him.

Now say ‫   ﻛ‬and (simultaneously) bow down into ruku’. Hold
your knees firmly with both palms and keep your fingers
spread out. Your back should be lowered (straight) and your
head should be parallel with it (not lower or higher); in ruku
you should preferably look at your feet. Read ‫ ﻟ  ﻌﻈ
ﻴﻢ‬% H I‫ ٰﺤ ﻦ ر‬J‫ﺳ‬
(Glory to my Magnificent Lord) at least three times in ruku’.
Then say the tasmee’ ‫( ﺳﻤ
ﻊ   ﻟ 
ﻤ ﻦ ﺣﻤ
ﺪﮦ‬Allah      heard whoever
praised Him) as you stand up again; the standing after ruku’ is
called qaumah. If you are a munfarid (someone praying alone)
  (Oh our Lord! All praise is for You).
then say ‫ﻟﻠ > ﻢ ر ﻨ و ﻟﻚ  ﻟ ﺤ ﻤﺪ‬

After this ‫   ﻛ‬say and do the sajdah; first place your knees on
the ground, then hands and then head (nose first and then
forehead) in between your hands.

You must make sure that your nasal bone (not just the tip of
your nose) touches the ground and that your forehead firmly
presses against the ground; in sajdah you should preferably
look at your nose; keep your arms away from your sides, your
stomach away from your thighs and your thighs away from
your calves (but if you are in a congregation then keep your
arms close to your body).

The soles of all ten toes should face Qibla. Your palms should
be flat on the ground with your fingers pointing towards qibla,
but make sure your forearms do not touch the ground.

Laws of Salah

Now recite %ٰ&‫ ﻻ  ﻋ‬% H I‫ ٰﺤ ﻦ ر‬J ‫( ﺳ‬Glory to my great Lord) at least 3 times;
then lift your head (forehead first then nose and then hands)
and sit up straight; keep your right foot upright with its toes
facing Qibla; lay your left foot flat and sit on it; place your
palms on your thighs close to your knees with your fingers
facing Qibla.

Sitting in between two prostrations is called jalsa. You must

stay in this position for at least the amount of time it takes to

‫“  ﻟﻠ > ﻢ ﻏ‬Oh Allah
say  ‫ ٰﺤ ﻦ‬J ‫ ﺳ‬once (to say %
NO      forgive me” in
jalsa is desirable).

Now say ‫   ﻛ‬and perform a second sajdah the same as the

Then stand up straight (put pressure on your toes), lifting your

head first then your hands and then your knees (place your
hands on your knees as you get up); do not rest your hands
unnecessarily on the ground when you stand.

You have now completed one whole rak’at.

In the second rak’at start with‫ 

ﻟ ﺮ ﺣ ٰﻤ
ﻦ ﻟ ﺮﺣ

ﻢ ﮦ‬and then recite
Sura Fatiha and another sura, then do the ruku’ and sujud as
you did for the first rak’at.
After completing the second sajdah (of the second rak’at) sit up
straight with your right foot upright and your left foot flat.

To sit after the second sajdah of the second rak’at is called


In qa’dah you must read tashahhud:

Method of Salah

 7  89 % : ) *
    •     ;    '   $ %CD -?  W     7  89     !  CY% @ % : %  a
   a  . [   ;   U% =
l l

3 -_    ;  % %  % % : ;  % : #% C %   (Y 

 : B    m B  5 3 -_    <   U [ 
  .  '  ◌E 3  C   3S ,  4  5  
All types of worship, oral, physical and monetary are for Allah     . Peace be
upon you Oh Prophet and the mercy and blessings of Allah     . Peace be
upon us and the righteous Servants of Allah     . I bear witness that there is
none worthy of worship except Allah     and I bear witness that
   is His Servant and Rasool.

When you get close to saying the word ‫ ﻻ‬in tashahhud, form a
circle with the middle finger and thumb of your right hand and
close your small finger and the finger next to it; as soon as you
begin to say the word “laa” (immediately after “ash-hadu-al”),
raise your index finger without waving it from side to side.
When you reach ‫ 
ﻻ‬put it down and straighten your hand out

If you are praying more than two rak’aat then say ‫   ﻛ‬and
stand up straight.
If it is farz salah then in the 3rd and 4th rak’aat read

%  c%    %6*   ; 
% :
% 9%

and Alhamd Shareef (only); an additional Sura is not needed.
The rest of the actions must be performed the same as before.
However, if it is a Sunnah or nafl salah then an additional sura
must be added after surah Fatiha in the 3rd and 4th rak’aat (You
must remember that if you are standing behind an Imam you
cannot recite anything in the qiyam of any rak’at, you must
stand quietly).
Laws of Salah

Once you have prayed all 4 rak’aat, sit in Qa’dah Akheerah

(the last sitting), and then recite tashahhud plus the Durood-
 %   :-
e-Ibrahim  789 

 3T  *%   W  H% 

h%   % V%    
h%   %  !   ,e 3j ,  4  V%       3j ,  4   %   
 - : 
 W  H% 
  h%   % V%     
  h%   %   ! e' j j   '%   
 - :  o3T %—
   , e3,  4  V%      3,  4     “ 
o3T  %—  3T  * %
O Allah      send Durood on (Our Master) Muhammad and on his Family
as you sent Durood on (our Master) Ibrahim and his family. Indeed you
alone are praise worthy and Glorious. O Allah      shower your blessings on
(our Master) Muhammad and his family like you showered blessings on (our
Master) Ibrahim and his family. Indeed You are praise worthy and Glorious.

Then read any Dua-e-Mathurah e.g:-

'% ( t % % % %
 s  (Q  S)(9 c   Z }B  d%    S)(9 c  H3  d%  (^( ' 
 - : 

O Allah     ! Our Lord! Grant us the good of this world and the good of the
hereafter and save us from the punishment of the fire.

To end the salah, first look at your right shoulder and say
 ‫ﻟﺴﻼ م ﻋﻠ ﻴﻜ ﻢ و ر ﺣ ﻤ ﺔ‬
  and then do the same for your left shoulder.
Now your salah has ended. (Maraqilfalah ma’a Hashiyatut-Tahtawi, P278,
Ghunya-tul-Mustamli, P261, Karachi)


The method mentioned is for an Imaam or a man praying on
his own. An Islamic Sister should lift her hands to her
shoulders for the Takbeer-e-Tahreema and keep them tucked
inside her mantle. (Al Hidayah ma’a Fathul Qadeer, V1, P246)

Method of Salah

In the position of qiyam, she should place her hands below her
chest with her right palm on top of her left. She should bend
only slightly in ruku’, enough to place her hands on her knees;
she should not push her knees or grab them tightly, her fingers
should be kept close together and knees slightly bent, not
completely straight like men. (Fatawa Alamgiri, V1, P73)

In sajdah, she should cuddle her body together, i.e. her arms
should touch her sides, her stomach should touch her thighs,
her thighs should touch her calves and her shins should touch
the ground. (Al Hidayah ma’a Fathul Qadeer, V1, P267)

Both her feet should point backwards in sajdah and in qa’dah

both feet should be pointing towards the right and she should
sit on her left buttock; both hands should be in the centre of
both her thighs. The remaining detail is the same. (Al Hidayah ma’a
Fathul Qadeer, V1, P272)


Some of the things in the described method of salah for both
Islamic brothers and Islamic sisters are farz (without which the
salah is invalid), some are wajib (to miss any of these
deliberately is a sin, to repent and repeat the salah is wajib, and
if any of these is missed unintentionally then Sajda-e-Sahw
becomes wajib), some are Sunnah-e-Mu’akkadah (making a
habit of missing these is a sin), and some are mustahab
(performing these is a virtuous act missing them is not a sin).
(Bahar-e-Shariat, Part 3, P66, Madina-tul-Murshid Bareilly Shareef)



Your body, clothes and place of prayer must be pure from all
types of impurity. (Mariqilfalah ma’ Hashiyatut-Tahtawi, P207)
Laws of Salah


(1) Men must have all the skin from below the navel to
below the knees covered (this area of a man’s body is his “sitr”).
However, women must have the whole body covered except
five areas: (i) the face, (ii & iii) both palms and (iv & v) the soles
of both feet. According to one fatwa the salah of a woman will
be valid if both hands (up to her wrists) and both feet (up to her
ankles) are completely exposed. (Dur-e-Mukhtaar ma’a Rad-dul-Muhtaar,
V2, P93)

(2) If you wear very thin clothing that reveals any part of
your body which must be covered, or makes the colour of your
skin recognisable then your salah will not be valid. (Fatawa
Alamgiri, V1, P58)

(3) Nowadays, the trend of wearing extremely thin clothing

is becoming more popular by the day. Wearing such thin
trousers that expose your thighs or any other part of your sitr is
Haraam even when not praying salah. (Bahar-e-Shariat, Part 3, P42,
Madina-tul-Murshid Bareilly Shareef)

(4) Wearing thick clothes that conceal your body but fit very
tightly and reveal the outline of your sitr will not invalidate
your salah but it is not permissible for other people to look at
that area of your body. (Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P103)

To wear such clothes in front of others is prohibited and this

prohibition is stricter for women. (Bahar-e-Shariat, Part 3, P42, Madina-
tul-Murshid Bareilly Shareef)

(5) Some women wear scarves made of muslin that reveals

the blackness of their hair, or clothes that reveal the colour of
their skin; salah is not valid in such clothes.

3,  2/      . 
Method of Salah


(1) If you turn your chest away from the qibla deliberately
without a proper reason then your salah will become invalid,
even if you turn back instantly. However, if it was unintentional
and you turned back towards the qibla before the time it takes
to say ‘Subhan-Allah’ 3 times, your salah will still be valid. (Al
Bahrurra'iq, V1, P497)

(2) If only your face is turned away from Qibla then it is

wajib to turn back instantly and your salah will be valid,
however to do this without a proper reason is Makrooh-e-
Tahreemi. (Ghunya-tul-Mustamli, P222, Karachi)
(3) If you are in a place where there is no means to
determine the direction of qibla and neither is there a Muslim to
ask the direction then you must do taharri, i.e. concentrate, and
wherever your heart guides you, face that direction; wherever
you face will be Qibla for you. (Al Hidayah ma’a Fathul Qadeer, V1, P236)
(4) If after doing taharri, you pray your salah and then
realise that you weren’t facing qibla, your salah will still be
valid, it does not need to be repeated. (Fatawa Alamgiri, V1, P64)
(5) If someone has done taharri and whilst praying his salah
another person sees him and without doing taharri himself
faces the same direction then his salah will not be valid; the
second person must also do taharri. (Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P143)


It is important that the time for the present salah has begun. For
example if you are praying today’s Asr you must make sure
that the time for Asr has begun. It will not be valid if it is
prayed before the time begins. (Ghunya-tul-Mustamli, P224)

(1) There are usually timetables available in the Masajid to

determine the times for salah. To use a timetable that is compiled
Laws of Salah

by a reliable astronomer and certified by an Ahl-e-Sunnah

scholar is convenient.
(2) It is desirable for Islamic sisters to pray Fajr early, and
they should wait for the men to have finished praying with the
congregation for the other prayers. (Dur-e-Mukhtaar ma’a Rad-dul-
Muhtaar, V2, P30)

(1) From sunrise up until 20 minutes after, (2) From 20 minutes
before sunset up to sunset and (3) From mid-day to when the
sun begins to decline. Salah, whether it be farz, wajib, nafl or
qaza is not permissible in these three times.

However, you can pray the Asr of the present day if you have
not yet prayed it, even if the Makrooh time has begun, but
delaying it to this extent is Haraam. (Dur-e-Mukhtaar ma’a Rad-dul-
Muhtaar, V2, P40–Bahar-e-Shariat, Part 3, P23, Madina-tul-Murshid Bareilly


The salaam for Asr should be said at least 20 minutes before
sunset. AlaHazrat Imam Ahmad Raza Khan      ) *  ' says, “The
more Sala-tul-Asr is delayed the better, however, it should be
completed before the Makrooh time begins.” (Fatawa-e-Razaviya
Shareef jadeed, V5, P156)

“If someone is precautious and prays a lengthy salah and the

Makrooh time begins during his salah then this is alright.”
(Fatawa-e-Razaviya Shareef jadeed, V5, P139)


Niyyat means “firm intention.” (Hashiyatut Tahtawi P215)

Method of Salah

(1) To pronounce the intention verbally is not necessary but

it is better. (Fatawa Alamgiri, V1, P65) If you do say it verbally, it isn’t
necessary to say it in Arabic; it can be in Urdu or any other
language. (Mulakhkhas az Dur-e-Mukhtaar ma’a Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P113)
(2) It is not the words pronounced that matter, for example
if you intend to pray Zuhr in your heart but you say the word
Asr then your Zuhr salah will still be valid. (Dur-e-Mukhtaar ma’a
Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P112)

(3) The least extent of the intention is that if someone was to

ask you what salah you are praying, you should be able to
answer immediately without having to think. If you need time
to think (about the answer) then your salah is not valid. (Fatawa
Alamgiri, V1, P65)

(4) If the salah is farz, the intention for farz must also be
included, e.g. I am praying the farz of today’s Zuhr. (Dur-e-
Mukhtaar, Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P116)

(5) For salah that is either nafl, sunnah or Taraweeh, the

general intention of salah is sufficient (without mentioning nafl,
sunnah or Taraweeh), this is the strongest opinion, but as a
precaution you should make the intention for “Taraweeh” or
the “present sunnah” for the Taraweeh salah and make the
intention for “sunnah” or “Imitation of the Prophet
for the other sunan, because some mashaikh    ;  %
 - *  ' have
declared it insufficient to make a general intention for these
salah. (Munyatulmusalli, ma’a Ghunya-tul-Mustamli, P245)

(6) For nafl salah, the general intention of salah is sufficient

even if the concept of nafl is not intended. (Dur-e-Mukhtaar, Rad-dul-
Muhtaar, V2, P166)

(7) To mention that your face is towards Qibla is not a


Laws of Salah

(8) If a person is following an Imaam, he can say, “I intend

to pray the same salah that the Imaam is praying” (saying this
will be sufficient). (Alamgiri, V1, P66)
(9) The intention for the funeral salah is: “This salah is for
Allah      and the dua (that I make) is for this deceased.” (Dur-e-
Mukhtaar, Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P126)

(10) To intend “wajib” for a salah that is wajib (is necessary),

and it should also be specified; for example Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-
Azha, nazr (oath), the salah after Tawaaf (Wajib-ul-Tawaaf) or
the nafl salah that was deliberately invalidated (because the
qaza of such a salah is also wajib). (Hashiyatut-Tahtawi, P222)
(11) Sajda-e-Shukr is nafl but despite this, its intention is
necessary; e.g. I am performing a Sajda-e-Shukr. (Dur-e-Mukhtaar
ma’a Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P120)

(12) According to the author of ‘Nahrul-Faiq’, the intention is

necessary even for Sajda-e-Sahw, i.e. one should know in his
heart that he is doing Sajda-e-Sahw.


Starting salah by saying ‫   ﻛ‬is compulsory. (Alamgiri, V1, P67)

(1) Takbeer-e-Tahreema, (2) Qiyaam, (3) Qira’at, (4) Ruku’, (5)
Sujood, (6) Qa’dah Akheerah, (7) Khurooj-e-bi’sun’ehee (Ghunya-
tul-Mustamli, P253-286)

In actual fact Takbeer-e-Tahreema (also called Takbeer-e-Oola)
is amongst the conditions for salah but because it is attached so

Method of Salah

closely to the actions within salah it is also included amongst

the faraiz. (Ghunya-tul-Mustamli, P253)

(1) If the muqtadi (one behind the Imaam) says the word
‘Allah’ of the Takbeer-e-Tahreema with the Imaam but the
word ‘Akbar’ before him then his salah will not be valid.
(Alamgiri V1, P68)

(2) If the muqtadi sees the Imaam in ruku’ and joins him by
instantly bending for ruku’ and saying the Takbeer at the same
time (i.e. if he was to stretch his arms out and by the time he
finishes the Takbeer his hands would reach his knees); his salah
will not be valid. (Khulasatul-Fatawa, V1, P83) (What he should do is
say the Takbeer-e-Tahreema whilst standing straight and then
say Allahu Akbar again and do ruku’). If you manage to join
the Imaam in ruku’ for a split second, that rak’at will be taken
in to account, but if the Imaam stands up before you join him in
ruku’, that rak’at will not be taken into account.
(3) If any one is unable to pronounce the Takbeer because he
his dumb or for any other reason, then he does not have to say
it; to make the intention in his heart is sufficient for him.
(Tabyinul-Haqaiq, V1, P109)

(4) If the word “Allah” is read with a stretched alif (Aallah),

or the word “Akbar” is read with a stretched alif (Aakbar) or
stretched ba (Akbaar) then the salah will be invalid. In fact, if
anyone deliberately says any of these despite understanding
what they mean, he will become a kafir (due to the gross
change in the meaning). (Dur-e-Mukhtaar, Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P177)

Mukabbirs are sometimes used when there are a lot of people in

the congregation to convey the Takbeer to people standing at a
distance from the Imaam, but nowadays, due to a lack of
knowledge, mukabbirs are heard saying ‘Akbaar’ instead of
Akbar; this invalidates their own salah as well as the salah of all

Laws of Salah

the people who pray following their voices. Therefore, one

should refrain from becoming a mukabbir without learning the
necessary rulings.
(5) If you do the ruku’ of the first rak’at with the Imaam, you
will gain the blessings of Takbir-e-Oola. (Alamgiri, V1, P69)

(1) The minimum requirement for qiyam is to stand so that
if you were to let your arms drop down, your hands would not
reach your knees; the full qiyam is to stand straight. (Dur-e-
Mukhtaar, Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P163)

(2) The duration for qiyam is the same as for the qira’at; to
stand for farz qira’at is farz, to stand for wajib qira’at is wajib
and for Sunnah qira’at is Sunnah.
(3) Qiyaam is farz for all prayers that are farz, witr, Eidain
and the sunan of Fajr salah. If anyone was to pray any of these
prayers in a sitting position without a proper reason it would
not be valid.
(4) Simply feeling a slight amount of pain when standing is
not a valid excuse to sit down, in fact, praying in a sitting
position will only be permissible in the following cases; if
standing or prostrating is not possible, if standing or prostrating
causes bleeding, if standing causes a discharge of urine, if
standing results in a quarter of the sitr being exposed, if you are
not able to recite the Qur’an in a standing position, if standing
is possible but results in a sickness being intensified or
prolonged, or if standing results in unbearable pain. (Ghunya-tul-
Mustamli p.258)

(5) If it is possible for you to stand leaning on a staff, servant

or wall then it is farz to do so. (Ghunya-tul-Mustamli, P258)

Method of Salah

(6) If it is only possible for you to stand for the Takbeer-e-

Tahreema then it is farz for you to say Allahu Akbar whilst
standing and then (if it isn’t possible for you to remain
standing) you can sit down. (Ghunya-tul-Mustamli, P259)

The people who pray their farz salah sitting down due to slight
amounts of pain must look very carefully at the above ruling; it
is farz to repeat every salah that was prayed sitting down
despite having the ability to stand. Similarly, every salah in
which it was not possible for you to stand unaided but standing
with the help of a staff, wall or person was possible but you sat
down and prayed is invalid and to repeat all such prayers is
farz. (Mulakhas az Bahar-e-Shariat part 3 p.64 Madina-tul-Murshid Bareilly

The same rule applies to women, i.e. they cannot pray in a

sitting position without a valid reason.
Some Masajid provide chairs to facilitate needy people but they
are used (to pray salah) by people who have walked to the
Masjid and can be seen standing and talking to others; if such
people pray sitting down without a valid reason their salah will
not be valid.
(7) It is permissible to pray nafl salah in a sitting position
despite having the ability to stand, however, it is better to pray
them standing. Sayyiduna Abdullah bin Amr  (    &%
 $ ' narrates
that the Mercy for the Universe, King of Mankind, the Master of
Madina, Our Dear and Beloved Prophet
   said, “The
salah of the one sitting down is half of the one standing up (the
reward is half).” (Sahih Muslim, V1, P253)

However, the reward will not be reduced if you pray it sitting

due to a valid reason. Nowadays, praying nafl salah sitting has

Laws of Salah

become a trend. It seems as if people believe it’s better to pray

these sitting down; if that’s the case they are mistaken. The
same ruling applies to the 2 rak’at nafl after the witr (to pray
them standing up is better). (Bahar-e-Shariat, V4, P17, Madina-tul-Murshid
Bareilly Shareef)

(1) Definition of qira’at: ‘To pronounce each and every letter
from its correct place of origin so that each letter is clearly
different to every other letter’. (Alamgiri V1, P69)
(2) Even when reciting quietly, you must be able to hear
yourself. (Ghunya-tul-Mustamli, P271)
(3) If the letters are pronounced correctly but not loud
enough for you to hear (considering there is no obstruction,
such as noise or being hard of hearing) then your salah will not
be valid. (Alamgiri, V1, P69)
(4) Even though it is necessary for the reader to be able to
hear himself, it is important to remember that care must be
taken not to allow others to hear your recitation in any ‘sirri’
(silent) salah. The same care should be taken regarding the
tasbihat (in salah).
(5) The same ruling applies to words that are said or recited
outside salah, you must be able to hear yourself say them,
examples are: when giving a divorce, freeing a slave, or saying
the name of Allah      when slaughtering an animal. In all these
cases the words must be said loud enough for you to hear. (ibid)
The same should be kept in mind when reading Durood
Shareef and other spiritual formulas.
(6) To recite one verse in the first two rak’at of a farz salah
and in every rak’at of witr, sunan and nawafil salah is farz for
an Imaam and munfarid. (Maraqil Falah ma’a Hashiyatut-Tahtawi,
Method of Salah

(7) A muqtadi is not allowed to recite anything in salah, not

Sura Fatiha nor any other verse; not in a sirri (silent) salah nor a
jahri (loud) salah. The qira’at of the Imam is sufficient for the
muqtadi. (Maraqil Falah ma’a Hashiyatut-Tahtawi, P227)
(8) If you did not do qira’at in any rak’at at all or only one
rak’at then your salah will be invalid. (Alamgiri, V1, P69)
(9) You should recite the Qur’an slowly in farz salah and at
a medium pace in Taraweeh. To read quickly in nawafil of the
night is permissible, however the words should be
understandable, i.e. the maddat (stretches) should be of the
minimum duration set by Quranic reciters (qurra) or else it is
Haraam, because we have been commanded to recite the
Qur’an with tarteel (calmly). (Dur-e-Mukhtaar, Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V1,

The way huffaz read these days makes it hard to understand

anything other than ya’lamun and ta’lamun (never mind the
maddat); they do not pronounce the letters properly, in fact
many letters are even missed out, and above this the huffaz
boast amongst themselves about their speed of recitation.
Reading in such a manner is Haraam, strictly Haraam. (Bahar-e-
Shariat, V3, P86-87, Madina-tul-Murshid Bareilly Shareef)


The majority of people does not distinguish between
   f  f 
f  f . Remember, if changing the sound
of a letter causes a major change in the meaning of a word then
your salah will not be valid. (Bahar-e-Shariat, Part. 3, P108, Maktaba

For example, if someone says ‫ ﻋﺰ

ﻳ ﻢ‬instead of ‫( ﻋﻈ
ﻴﻢ‬with a ‫ ز‬instead
of a ‫ )ظ‬in ‫ ﻟ  ﻌﻈ
ﻴﻢ‬% H I‫ ٰﺤ ﻦ ر‬J ‫ ﺳ‬, his salah will become invalid. If someone

Laws of Salah

cannot read ‫ ﻋﻈ

ﻴﻢ‬properly, he should say ‫ﻳ ﻢ‬W

 X % H I‫ ٰﺤ ﻦ ر‬J ‫ ﺳ‬instead.
(Qanun-e-Shariat, Part 1, P119, Farid Book Stall Lahore)


Someone who cannot pronounce the letters properly should not rely
on a mere bit of practice; in fact he must practice hard day and
night. If such a person can pray behind someone who recites
properly then it is farz for him to do so, or he must only read verses
that he can recite properly. If neither of these is possible then
during his practice period, his own salah will be valid. A lot of
people these days have this problem. Many do not know how to
read the Qur’an but do not try to learn either. Remember, this ruins
your salah. (Mulakhkhas az Bahar-e-Shariat Part3, P116)

If someone spends his days and nights practicing but fails to

succeed (some people are unable to pronounce the letters
properly) then he must practice all day long and during his
practice period he will be considered excused. His own salah
will be valid but he will not be allowed to lead those who can
read properly, however, if others make the same mistakes as
him (i.e. they can’t pronounce the same letters) then he can lead
them in prayer during his practice period; but if he does not
make any effort at all then even his own salah is not valid,
never mind leading others. (Makhuz az Fatawa-e-Razaviya, V6, P254, Raza
Foundation Lahore)

Dear Islamic brothers! You have now probably realised the
importance of correcting your qira’at. Any Muslim who does
not learn how to recite the Holy Qur’an correctly is very
unfortunate. Alhamdu-Lillah      ! Numerous religious institutes
by the name of ‘Madrasa-tul-Madina’ have been established by
the international non political religious movement of the

Method of Salah

Qur’an and Sunnah, Dawat-e-Islami. In these institutes, girls and

boys are taught hifz and nazira free of charge.

Apart from this, adults are taught how to recite the Holy Quran
properly usually after Sala-tul-Isha as well as being given
training regarding the blessed Sunnah. I wish everyone would
start teaching and learning the holy Qur’an in their homes. I
wish every Islamic brother who knows how to read the Qur’an
properly starts teaching all Islamic brothers who don’t know.
Islamic sisters should do the same. Those Islamic sisters who
can recite properly should teach those who cannot; and those
who cannot recite properly should learn from them. In’shaa-
Allah      then we will see the teachings of the Qur’an
blossoming everywhere; those that learn and teach will earn
huge amounts of reward, In’shaa-Allah     .

(4) RUKU’
The minimum amount of bowing that is required for ruku’ is
enough to allow yourself to touch your knees if you were to let
your arms drop. (Dur-e-Mukhtaar, Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P166) However,
the full ruku’ is to straighten your back (horizontally). (Hashiyatut-
Tahtawi, P229)

The beloved Rasool of Allah

         has said, “Allah     
does not look at the salah of a person in which he does not
straighten his back during ruku’ and sujood.” (Musnad Imam Ahmad
bin Hanbal, V3, P617, Hadith 10803, Darul Fikr Beirut)

3,     2/      . 

(1) The beloved Rasool of Allah
         said, “I have
been ordered to prostrate on 7 bones: (i) the face, (ii & iii) both

Laws of Salah

hands, (iv & v) both knees and (vi & vii) both feet, and I have
been commanded not to fold my clothes and hair. (Sahih Muslim,
V1, P193)

(2) Two prostrations are farz in each rak’at. (Dur-e-Mukhtaar,

Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P167)

(3) It is important that your forehead is pressed firmly

whilst prostrating. Pressing firmly means that you must be able
to feel the hardness of the ground. If your forehead is not
pressed, your prostration will not be valid. (Alamgiri, V1, P70)
(4) If you prostrate on something soft like grass, wool or a
carpet and your forehead is pressed firmly onto it (i.e. you’ve
pressed it so hard that it cannot be pressed any more), your
sajdah will be valid, otherwise not. (Tabyinul-Haqaiq, V1, P117)
(5) Our Masajid usually have carpets in them these days (in
fact, some Masajid have foam underneath the carpets).
Therefore, it is important that you press your forehead firmly
when doing sajdah on these carpets otherwise your salah will
not be valid. If your nasal bone does not press against the
ground, your salah will be Makrooh-e-Tahreemi and must be
repeated. (Mulakhkhas az Bahar-e-Shariat, Part 3, P71)
(6) It is not possible to press one’s forehead on a spring
mattress therefore salah will not be valid on this. (ibid)

Carpets make it very hard to do sajdah properly and apart from
this they are very rarely cleaned properly, which means that
dust and germs accumulate inside them. The dust and germs
enter our bodies during breathing in sajdah. If particles of the
carpet are inhaled they may enter your body and stick to your
lungs which, Allah      forbid could lead to cancer. Sometimes
children vomit or urinate on these carpets, or animals may stain

Method of Salah

them, and in such cases no one bothers to purify them. I wish

this trend of laying carpets in Masajid would end.

3,  2/      . 
Wash the impure area of the carpet and let it hang, until not
even a single drop of water falls from it. Then wash it again and
let it hang for a second time until it stops dripping again.
Repeat this a third time. Now the third time it stops dripping it
will be considered pure. Rugs, shoes and clay pots that absorb
water should be washed according to this method.
Another way of purifying these things is to dip the impure
carpet or cloth in flowing water (a river, stream, or under a tap)
long enough to give you the impression that the impurity has
been washed away. If a small child urinates on a carpet, then
simply splashing a few drops of water onto it is not enough.
Remember, the urine of even a one-day old baby is impure. (For
detailed information see part 2 of Bahar-e-Shariat)


Sitting at the end of the final rak’at for the time it takes to read
the whole of tashahhud (attahiyyat) up to “warasuluhu” is farz.
(Alamgiri, V1, P70).

If you are praying a four rak’at salah and forget to sit at the end
of the fourth rak’at and you have not yet done the sajdah of the
fifth rak’at, you must sit down immediately.
However, if you have done the sajdah of the fifth rak'at (or in
case of Fajr the sajdah of the third rak’at and in case of Maghrib
the sajdah of the fourth rak’at), the farz will become invalid.
In this case you should add on an extra rak’at for each salah
except Maghrib. (Ghunya-tul-Mustamli, P284)
Laws of Salah

This means doing salaam, talking, or anything else after the
qa’dah akheerah deliberately to end your salah. However,
doing anything other than salaam deliberately will make it
necessary for you to repeat your salah, but if it is done
unintentionally then your salah is valid. (Ghunya-tul-Mustamli P286)

3,  2/      . 


(1) Using the phrase ‘‫ ’  ﻛ‬for Takbeer-e-Tahreema.

(2) Reading Alhamd Shareef in every rak’at of every salah

except the last two rak’at of farz salah. To add another Sura or
one long verse of the Holy Qur’an (equivalent to 3 short verses)
or 3 short verses.
(3) Reading Alhamd before the Sura.
(4) Avoiding saying anything between Alhamd and the Sura
other than ‘) *‫
ﻣ‬Y’ and ‘‫’ﺴﻢﻟﺮﺣﻤﻦﻟﺮﺣﻴﻢ‬.

(5) Bowing for ruku’ immediately after qira’at.

(6) Doing one sajdah straight after the other (in order).
(7) Staying in Ta’deel-e-Arkaan, i.e. ruku’, sujood, qaumah
and jalsah for (at least) the time it takes to say ‘ ‫ ٰﺤ ﻦ‬J ‫ ’ ﺳ‬once.

(8) Qaumah, i.e. standing straight after ruku’ (some people

do not straighten their backs after ruku and therefore miss a
(9) Jalsah, i.e. sitting upright in between two sajda (some
people go down into the second sajdah without sitting upright
after the first one which means that they miss a wajib. No

Method of Salah

matter how much of a hurry you are in, you must sit up straight
or else your salah will become Makrooh-e-Tahreemi and to
repeat it will be wajib).
(10) The first qa’dah is wajib even in a nafl salah (in actual
fact every qa’dah in nafl salah is the ‘last qa’dah’ and is
therefore farz; if you miss this qa’dah and stand up and then
remember, you must return before you reach the sajdah of the
3rd rak’at and do Sajda-e-Sahw at the end). (Bahar-e-Shariat, Part 4,
P52, Madina-tul-Murshid Bareilly Shareef)

If you have done the sajdah of the 3rd rak’at, finish off 4 and
do Sajda-e-Sahw. This Sajda-e-Sahw is wajib because even
though every qa’dah of nafl is farz, as soon as you did the
sajdah of the 3rd/4th rak’at, the first qa’dah became wajib
instead of farz. (Mulakhkhasan Tahtawi, P466)

(11) Not reading anything after tashahhud in farz, witr or

Sunnah-e-Mu’akkadah prayers.
(12) Reading the whole of “tashahhud” in both sittings. If
even one word is missed, you will have to do Sajda-e-Sahw.

(13) If you unintentionally read ‫ ﻣ ﺤ ﻤﺪ‬%ٰ&‫ ﻋ‬$‫ ﻟ ﻠ > ﻢ ﺻﻞ‬or ‫ﻴﺪ
ﻧ‬$ ‫ ﺳ‬%ٰ&‫ ﻋ‬$‫ﻟ ﻠ > ﻢ ﺻﻞ‬Z

after tashahhud in the first qa’dah you will have to do Sajda-e-

Sahw; if you say it deliberately you will have to repeat the
salah. (Dur-e-Mukhtaar, Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P269)

 ’ twice when turning your head

(14) Saying the word ‘‫ﻟﺴ ﻼم‬

to the left and right is wajib; saying the word ‘‫ ’ ﻋﻠ ﻴﻜ ﻢ‬is Sunnah.

(15) Saying the Takbeer of Qunut in witr.

(16) Reading Dua-e-Qunut in witr.
(17) The 6 Takbeers of the Eid salah.

Laws of Salah

(18) Saying the Takbeer of ruku’ in the second rak’at of Eid

salah and using the words ‘‫ ’  ﻛ‬for it.

(19) For the Imaam to recite loudly (so that at least 3 people
can hear) in the first two rak’at of Maghrib and Isha and in
every rak’at of Fajr, Jumu’ah, Eidain, Taraweeh and the Witr of
(20) Reciting quietly in the “quiet prayers” (Zuhr and Asr).
(21) Keeping every farz and wajib in its prescribed order.
(22) Bowing for ruku’ only once in each rak’at.
(23) Prostrating (sajdah) only twice in each rak’at.
(24) Avoiding doing qa’dah before the second rak’at.
(25) Avoiding doing qa’dah in the 3rd rak’at of a 4 rak’at
(26) Doing the prostration of recitation if a verse of
prostration is recited.
(27) Doing Sajda-e-Sahw if it has become wajib.
(28) Avoiding a pause of 3 tasbihat (the time it takes to say
‘ ‫ ٰﺤ ﻦ‬J ‫ ’ ﺳ‬3 times) in between 2 faraiz, 2 wajibaat or a farz and a
(29) Remaining silent when the Imaam is reciting the Qur’an,
whether the recitation is aloud or silent.
(30) Doing what the Imaam does through the whole salah,
except reciting the Holy Qur’an. (Dur-e-Mukhtaar, Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2,
P181 – Alamgiri, V1, P71)


3,  2/      . 
Method of Salah


(1) Raising your hands for Takbeer-e-Tahreema.
(2) Keeping your fingers in a normal position (not spread out
and not too close).
(3) For the insides of your fingers and palms to be facing
(4) Avoiding lowering your head whilst saying Takbeer-e-
(5) Raising both hands to your ears before you say the
(6) The same sunan apply to the Takbeer of Qunut and
(7) The Takbeers of the two Eid prayers. (Dur-e-Mukhtaar, Rad-dul-
Muhtaar, V2, P207)

(8) For the Imam to say ‫  ﻛ‬

(9) ‫ ﺳﻤ
ﻊ  ﻟ 
ﻤ ﻦ ﺣﻤ

(10) Salam loudly (raising ones voice louder than necessary

is Makrooh). (Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P 208)
(11) Folding your hands immediately after the Takbeer is
Sunnah (some people say the Takbeer and then drop their
hands to their sides or sway their arms backwards and then
fold their hands; this is not Sunnah). (Dur-e-Mukhtaar, Rad-dul-
Muhtaar, V2, P229)

(12) Men should tie their hands beneath their navels with
their right palms on the back of their left wrist joints, their
Laws of Salah

thumbs and small fingers should be around their wrists and

their remaining fingers should be on their forearms. (Ghunya-tul-
Mustamli, P294)

(13) Reading sana first and then

 ‫ ) ﻋ ﻮذ 

ﻣ ﻦ‬and then
(14) Ta’awwuz (‫ﻟﺸ ﻴ ٰﻄ
ﻦ ﻟ ﺮ
ﺟ ﻴ ﻢ‬

(15) Tasmiyah (‫)

ﻟ ﺮ ﺣ ٰﻤ
ﻦ ﻟ ﺮﺣ

(16) Reading the previously mentioned three things

immediately one after the other.
(17) Saying them quietly. (Dur-e-Mukhtaar, Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P210)

(18) Saying ) *‫

(19) Saying this quietly too.

(20) Reading Sana immediately after Takbeer-e-Oola. (ibid)
(Ta’awwuz and tasmiyah are joined to the qira’at and because
the muqtadi does not have to do qira’at, it is not Sunnah for
him to read ta’awwuz and tasmiyah either; however, if a
muqtadi misses one or more of his rak’at he should read these
in the missed rak’at). (Al-Hidayah ma’a Fathul Qadeer, V1, P253)
(21) Ta’awwuz should only be read in the first rak’at.
(22) Tasmiyah is Sunnah at the beginning of every rak’at.
(Alamgiri V1, P74)


(23) Saying ‫   ﻛ‬for ruku’ (Al-Hidayah ma’a Fathul Qadeer, V1, P257)

(24) Saying ‫ ﻟ  ﻌﻈ
ﻴﻢ‬% H I‫ ٰﺤ ﻦ ر‬J ‫ ﺳ‬three times in ruku’

(25) For men to hold their knees and

(26) Spread their fingers apart and

Method of Salah

(27) Keep their legs straight in ruku’ (some people bend their
legs slightly like a bow, this is Makrooh) and (Alamgiri, V1, P73)
(28) Bend their backs properly to the extent that if a cup of
water was placed on their backs it wouldn’t spill. (Maraqil Falah
ma’a Hashiyatut Tahtawi, P266)

(29) Moving your head up and down, it should be parallel

with your back.
   said, “The salah of a person who
does not keep his back straight in ruku’ and sujood is
incomplete”. (Assunanul-Kubra, V2, P126, Dar-ul-Kutubul Ilmiyyah Beirut)

The Holy Prophet

   said, “Do your ruku’ and
sujood properly for I swear by Allah     ! I can see you from
behind myself.” (Muslim Sharif, V1, P180)

(30) You should preferably begin to say ‫   ﻛ‬as you start to
bow for ruku’ and finish saying it when you fully reach the
ruku’. (Alamgiri, V1, P69) To cover this space, stretch the “laam” of
Allah, and not the “baa” of Akbar (or any other letter). (Bahar-e-
Shariat, Part 3, P72, Madina-tul-Murshid Bareilly Shareef) Saying Aallahu,
Aakbar or Akbaar will invalidate your salah. (Dur-e-Mukhtaar, Rad-
dul-Muhtaar, V1, P232)

3,  2/      . 
(31) Letting your hands drop down to your sides when
standing after ruku’.

(32) For the Imaam to say ‫ ﺳﻤ

ﻊ  ﻟ 
ﻤ ﻦ ﺣﻤ
ﺪﮦ‬when getting up from
the ruku.
(33) For the muqtadi to say ‫ﻟﻠ > ﻢ ر ﻨ و ﻟﻚ  ﻟ ﺤ ﻤﺪ‬
Laws of Salah

(34) For the munfarid (one praying alone) to say both is

Sunnah. The sunnah will be fulfilled even if you say the words
‫ ر ﻨ و ﻟﻚ  ﻟ ﺤ ﻤﺪ‬but it is better to have the letter “‫ ” و‬after the word
 ” added on is even better and to add both is
“‫ ;” ر ﻨ‬having “‫ﻟﻠ > ﻢ‬
even better; in other words you should say ‫ﻟﻠ > ﻢ ر ﻨ و ﻟﻚ  ﻟ ﺤ ﻤﺪ‬
(Ghunya-tul-Mustamli, P310)

(35) The munfarid should say ‫ﺪﮦ‬ ‫ ﺳﻤ

ﻊ  ﻟ 
ﻤ‬as he gets up

‫ﻦ ﺣﻤ‬
from ruku’, and when he has stood up straight he should say
‫ ﻟﻠ > ﻢ ر ﻨ و ﻟﻚ  ﻟ ﺤ ﻤﺪ‬. (Alamgiri, V1, P74)


(36) Saying ‫   ﻛ‬when going into sajdah and

(37) When getting up from sajdah. (Al-Hidayah ma’a Fathul-Qadeer,
V1, P261)

(38) Saying %ٰ&‫ ﻻ  ﻋ‬% H I‫ ٰﺤ ﻦ ر‬J ‫ ﺳ‬at least three times in sajdah. (ibid)
(39) Placing your palms on the ground in sajdah.
(40) Keeping your fingers close together facing the qibla.
(41) When going into sajdah, first place your knees on the
ground and then your
(42) Hands and then your
(43) Nose and then your
(44) Forehead.
(45) Getting up the opposite way, meaning:
(46) Lifting your forehead first and then your
(47) Nose and then your

Method of Salah

(48) Hands and then your

(49) Knees.
(50) It is Sunnah for men to keep their arms away from their
sides and their
(51) Thighs away from their stomachs during sajdah. (Al-
Hidayah ma’a Fathul Qadeer, V1, P266)

(52) Do not lay your forearms on the ground. If you are with
others in a row then do not keep your arms away from your
sides. (Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P257)
(53) All ten toes of both feet should be pressed against the
ground so that they face the qibla. (Al-Hidayah ma’a Fathul Qadeer, V1,

3,  2/      . 

(54) Sitting between both sujood is called jalsah.
(55) Sitting on your left foot with your right foot upright and
left foot flat.
(56) Facing the toes of your right foot towards the qibla.
(57) Placing both hands on your thighs. (Tabyinul-Haqaiq, V1,


(58) After the completion of both sujood, it is Sunnah to
stand up for the second rak’at whilst applying pressure on your
toes as you stand.
(59) Rest your hands on your knees as you stand; however,
resting your hands on the ground for support when standing
due to weakness or pain is acceptable. (Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P262)
Laws of Salah

(60) After completing the sujood of the 2nd rak’at, it is
Sunnah for a man to lay his left foot flat,
(61) Sit with both buttocks on his left foot,
(62) Keep his right foot upright and
(63) Face the toes of his right foot towards the qibla. (Al-
Hidayah ma’a Fathul Qadeer, V1, P75)

(64) Keeping your right hand on your right thigh and

(65) Your left hand on your left thigh.
(66) Leaving your fingers in a normal state, not too close
together or too wide apart.
(67) Having your fingertips close to your knees, but do not
hold your knees. (Dur-e-Mukhtaar ma’a Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P265)
(68) Pointing whilst saying the shahadah in attahiyyat; close
your small finger and the finger next to it, form a circle with
your thumb and middle finger and lift your index finger as you
say the word “Laa”; your finger should be kept still and be
dropped when you say the word “Illa”, then spread all your
fingers out again. (Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P266)
(69) Sitting in the second qa’dah the same way as the first.
Tashahhud must be read in the second qa’dah as well as the
(70) Reading Durood Shareef after tashahhud. (Al-Hidayah ma’a
Fathul Qadeer, V1, P273) Reading Durood-e-Ibrahim is preferable.
(Bahar-e-Shariat, Part 3, P85)

(71) Reading Durood Shareef after tashahhud in the first

qa’dah of nafl and ghair mu’akkadah sunan is also Sunnah. (Rad-
dul-Muhtaar, V2, P282 – Ghunya-tul-Mustamli, P322)

Method of Salah

(72) Reading a dua after Durood Shareef. (Dur-e-Mukhtaar ma’a

Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P283)

(73) Saying salaam twice using the following words:

‫ﻟﺴﻼ م ﻋﻠ ﻴ ﻜ ﻢ و ر ﺣ ﻤ ﺔ‬

(74) Turning your head to the right first and
(75) Then the left.
(76) Saying both salaam loudly is sunnah for the Imaam, but
the second should be slightly quieter than the first. (Alamgiri V1,

(77) The Imaam will terminate the salah as soon as he says

the word ‘salaam’ the first time even if he does not say the
word ‘alaikum’, therefore, a latecomer cannot join the
congregation at this time. However, if the Imaam says salaam
and then does the prostration of forgetfulness (Sajda-e-Sahw),
considering he does have to do it, then the latecomer can still
join the congregation. (Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V1, P352)
(78) When the Imaam turns his head to the right, he should
intend to greet the people to his right and when he turns to the
left, the people on his left, but he should not intend to greet any
woman (even if there are any in the congregation).

Kiraman Katibin and the protecting angels should also be

greeted during both salaam but you should not think of a
particular number of angels. (Dur-e-Mukhtaar, V1, P354)

(79) The congregates should intend to greet the people and

angels on both sides too but they should also intend to greet the
Imaam as they turn towards him. If the Imaam is straight in
front of you then intend to greet him in both salaam. A

Laws of Salah

munfarid should intend to greet only the angels. (Dur-e-Mukhtaar,

V1, P356)

(80) For the muqtadi to follow the movements (ruku’, sujud

etc.) of the Imaam throughout the whole salah.


(81) It is Sunnah for the Imaam to turn right or left after
saying the salaam, preferably the right. To sit facing the
congregates is also acceptable but only when there isn’t a single
person still praying directly behind him (even if he’s in the last
row). (Ghunya-tul-Mustamli, P330)
(82) It is permissible for a munfarid to stay in his position
and make dua without turning around. (Alamgiri, V1, P77)

3,     2/      . 
(83) You should avoid talking after the faraiz that have
sunan following them. If you do talk, the sunan will still be
valid but their reward will be reduced. To delay the sunan is
Makrooh; similarly, long aurad (spiritual formulas) are not
permitted (after the faraiz and before the sunan). (Ghunya-tul-
Mustamli, P331, Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P300)

(84) The dua that you make after the faraiz and before the
sunan should preferably be kept short or else the reward of the
sunan will be reduced. (Bahar-e-Shariat, Part 3, P81, Madina-tul-Murshid
Bareilly Shareef)

(85) The strongest opinion regarding speaking between the

sunan and faraiz is that the sunan will not become invalid but
their reward will be reduced; the same applies to any other
Method of Salah

action that opposes Tahreema. (Tanwirul-Absar ma’a Rad-dul-Muhtaar,

V2, P558)

(86) You should preferably pray your sunan by moving to a

different spot or at home and not in the same place (as the
faraiz). (Alamgiri, V1, P77)

(The sunan are not affected by the time taken to go home. It

is a sin to walk past someone praying his salah or to turn and
face him in order to change your place or to walk home,
therefore, if you do not find room to move, you should pray the
rest of your salah in the same place as the faraiz.)


The Islamic brothers that start walking around and talking after
praying the sunan before or after the faraiz should learn a
lesson from the following blessed fatwa of Ala-Hazrat    ) *  ' . In
reply to a question he was asked, Ala-Hazrat    ) *  ' answered,
“The best time for the sunan before the faraiz is the beginning
time of the salah; but this is if speaking or any other act that
contradicts salah is avoided between the faraiz and sunan. It is
best to pray the latter sunan immediately after the faraiz, unless
you decide to come home and pray, in which case a delay
would be acceptable. However, any delay due to contradictory
actions should be avoided; such a delay will result in losing the
reward of the sunan before and after the faraiz and will take
them out of the prescribed Sunnah method.” (Fatawa-e-Razaviya
Jadeed, V5, P139, Raza Foundation, Markaz-ul-Auliya Lahore)



(1) Lifting the hands up to the shoulders for Takbeer-e-
Tahreema and Takbeer-e-Qunut is Sunnah for Islamic sisters.
(Al-Hidayah ma’a Fathul Qadeer, V1, P236)
Laws of Salah

(2) In qiyaam, women and eunuchs should place their left

palms just below their chests with their right palms on top.
(Ghunya-tul-Mustamli, P294)

(3) It is sunnah for Islamic sisters to place their hands on

their knees in ruku’ and to avoid spreading their fingers. (Al-
Hidayah ma’a Fathul-Qadeer, V1, P258)

(4) Islamic sisters should bow only slightly in ruku’ (just

enough for their hands to reach their knees). Their backs should
not be completely straight and they must not push down on
their knees (simply place their hands above them); their fingers
should be close together and legs should be slightly bent, not
completely straight like men. (Alamgiri, V1, P74)
(5) Keeping their bodies close together in sajdah; in other
words making their arms touch their sides.
(6) Make their stomachs touch their thighs.
(7) Make their thighs touch their calves.
(8) Make their shins touch the ground.
(9) After completing the sujood of the second rak’at they
should point both their feet towards the right.
(10) They should sit on their left buttocks. (Al-Hidayah ma’a
Fathul-Qadeer, V1, P75)


(1) Verbally pronouncing the intention. (Tanwirul-Absar wa’ Rad-
dul-Muhtaar, V2, P113) This is considering you have made the
intention in your heart because if haven’t, your salah will not be
(2) Standing with a gap of four fingers between both feet.
(Alamgiri, V1, P73)

Method of Salah

(3) Looking at the place of prostration when standing.

(4) Looking at the back of your feet in ruku’
(5) Looking at your nose in sajdah.
(6) Looking at your lap in qa’dah.
(7) Looking at your right shoulder in the first salaam and
(8) Looking at your left shoulder in the second salaam.
(Tanwirul-Absar wa’ Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P214)

(9) For a munfarid to say the tasbih more than three times in
ruku’ and sujood (but in odd numbers i.e. 5, 7, 9) (Rad-dul-Muhtaar,
V2, P242)

(10) The book “Hilyah” as well as others mentions that

Sayyiduna Abdullah bin Mubarak  (     $ &% ' and other scholars
have said that it is desirable for the Imaam to say the tasbihat 5
(11) It is desirable to prevent yourself from coughing as
much as possible. (Maraqil Falah ma’a Hashiyatut-Tahtawi, P277)
(12) If you feel the need to yawn then keep your mouth
closed but if this not possible then bite your lip; if this does not
help either then cover your mouth using the back of your right
hand in qiyaam, and the back of your left hand in every other

An extremely affective way to prevent yawning is to think

that the Holy Prophet
   and all the other Prophets

% -  never yawned. In’shaa-Allah      this thought will prevent
78 9 
you from yawning. (Mulakhkhasan Dur-e-Mukhtaar wa Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2,

(13) For the Imaam and congregates to stand when the

mukabbir says ‫  ﻟﻔ ﻼ
ح‬%ٰ &‫ ﻋ‬% A. (Alamgiri, V1, P57, Maktaba Haqqaniyyah)

Laws of Salah

(14) Prostrating without anything in between your forehead

and the ground. (Maraqil Falah ma’a Hashiyatut-Tahtawi, P371)

&% '

Hujja-tul-Islam Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Imam Muhammad Ghazali

   ) *  ' narrates that Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Umar bin Abdul Aziz
 (    &%
 $ ' always prostrated on the ground without laying a prayer
mat or anything else. (Ihya-ul-Ulum, V1, P204, Beirut)

3,     2/      . 
Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Wasila bin Asqa’  (    &%
 $ ' narrates that the
Holy Prophet
   said, “None of you should clear his
forehead (from dust) until he has finished his salah, because
angels pray for his forgiveness for as long as the mark of
prostration remains on his forehead.” (Majmauz-zawaid, V2, P311,
Hadith 2761, Darul-Fikr, Beirut)

Dear Islamic Brothers! It is preferable to avoid clearing off dust

from your forehead during salah and Allah      forbid to clear it
out of arrogance is a sin. If you leave dust on your forehead,
Allah      forbid, to show people that you are a man who prays
his salah, then you will be showing off and this will lead to
Hell. If someone fears that he will begin to show off then he
should clear the dust off his forehead after the salah.


(1) Talking. (Dur-e-Mukhtaar ma’a Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P445)
(2) Saying salaam to someone.
(3) Answering someone else’s salaam. (Maraqil Falah ma’a
Hashiyatut-Tahtawi, P322)

Method of Salah

(4) Answering someone when they sneeze, (if you sneeze

yourself you should remain quiet) even if you do say Alhamdu-
Lillah it will not affect your salah. If you didn’t say it instantly,
wait for the salah to finish and then say it. (Alamgiri, V1, P98)
(5) Saying Alhamdu-Lillah on hearing good news. (Alamgiri, V1,

(6) Saying ‫ 
ﻟ ﻴ
ﺟ ﻌ ﻮ ن‬1‫ 
ﻧ‬on hearing bad news (or news of
someone’s death). (ibid)
(7) Answering the azan. (Alamgiri, V1, P100)

(8) Saying ‫ﻞ ﺟ ﻼ ﻟ‬

 ‫ ﺟ‬on hearing the name of Allah     . (Ghunya-

tul-Mustamli, P420)

(9) Reading Durood Shareef, for example

              , on
hearing the honourable name of the Holy Prophet
(Alamgiri, V1, P99)

(If you say •  8     or

   without the intention of
replying, then your salah will not be affected)


(10) The salah will break if (out of pain or grief) the sounds
‘aah’, ‘ooh’, ‘uff’, ‘tuff’ are uttered or if letters are uttered as you
cry. However, it is alright if one cries without uttering letters.
(Alamgiri, V1, P101) If a person begins to cry in salah due to the
recitation of the Qur’an by the Imaam and utters the words
“na’m”, or “yes” then the salah will still be valid because this is
due to concentration. However, if he says these words due to
the Imaams (attractive) style of recitation then it will become
invalid. (Dur-e-Mukhtaar, Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P456)

3,     2/      . 
Laws of Salah

(11) The salah will not break if a sick person helplessly
utters words like “aah” and “ooh”. The same applies to letters
uttered helplessly whilst sneezing, yawning, coughing, or
burping etc. (Dur-e-Mukhtaar, V1, P416)

(12) If you blow without creating a sound then it is the

same as breathing and therefore will not affect your salah; but it
is Makrooh to blow (or puff) deliberately; however, if even two
letters are uttered whilst blowing, (uff, tuf etc.) then your salah
will break. (Ghunyah, P427)
(13) Uttering two letters (e.g. “ukh”) to clear your throat
will invalidate your salah; however, if there is a desperate need
or proper purpose to do so, for example if you are clearing your
throat (so that you can recite properly) or you are informing the
Imaam of a mistake or trying to catch the attention of someone
who is about to walk past you, then there is no harm in
coughing. (Dur-e-Mukhtaar, Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P455)


(14) Reciting off a copy of the Qur’an Shareef, a piece of
paper or the mihrab etc. (if you are reciting off by heart but
happen to be looking at a copy of the Qur’an, mihrab etc. at the
same time, then your salah will not be affected. If there is a
piece of paper or something else with verses written on them
and you look at them and think about them without reading
them, then your salah will not be affected). (Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2,
(15) To deliberately stare at and ponder over an Islamic
book or article during salah is Makrooh. (Alamgiri, V1, P101)

If the information is worldly it is worse, therefore, before

salah you should place any books, bags with writing on them,

Method of Salah

mobile phones, watches etc. that are near you in a manner that
doesn’t allow you to see the written material or throw a
handkerchief over them. One should also avoid staring at
stickers, posters and frames hanging on the pillars inside the


(16) Excessive moment invalidates salah, considering the
movement is not something done in salah or something that is
done to rectify the salah. Any movement that gives an onlooker
a strong impression that you are not in salah is “excessive”.
If the onlooker is in doubt as to whether or not you are in
salah then the movement is minor and will therefore not
invalidate your salah. (Dur-e-Mukhtaar ma’a Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P464)


(17) Wearing a kurta, pyjama or tehband during salah. (Rad-
dul-Muhtaar, V2, P465)

(18) Praying one whole rukn (part) of the salah with your
sitr exposed or allowing your sitr to remain exposed for the
amount of time it takes to say  ‫ ٰﺤ ﻦ‬J ‫ ﺳ‬3 times. (Dur-e-Mukhtaar ma’a
Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P467)

(19) Eating or drinking even a small amount of food or
drink, (even something the size of a pea or a drop of water).
(Ghunya-tul-Mustamli, P418)

(20) If there was something stuck in your teeth prior to

starting the salah and during the salah you swallowed it then
you will have to consider its size; if it was the same size or
larger than a pea then your salah is invalid, but if it was smaller
Laws of Salah

it will only make it Makrooh. (Maraqil Falah ma’a Hashiyatut-Tahtawi,


(21) If you ate something sweet prior to your salah and there
are no pieces of food left in your mouth except some taste in
your saliva then swallowing it will not invalidate your salah.
(Khulasatul-Fatawa, V1, P127)

(22) If there is sugar or anything similar in your mouth that

melts and goes down your throat, your salah will become
invalid. (ibid)
(23) If you bleed from your teeth, you must consider the
amount of blood; if the saliva is dominant and is swallowed
then your salah will not be affected, otherwise it will become
invalid. (Alamgiri, V1, P102) (Being dominant means being able to
taste the blood; this will invalidate your salah). When deciding
whether or not your salah is invalid, you will have to consider
the taste, but when deciding whether or not your wuzu is
invalid, you will have to consider the colour.

When the saliva becomes mainly red, wuzu no longer

remains valid, but if it is yellowish in colour, it will not be


(24) Turning your chest 45 degrees or more away from the
direction of qibla without a proper excuse will invalidate your
salah, unless you have a valid reason to do so, for example, if
you thought your wuzu had broken and turned away from
qibla but then realised that you were wrong, then if you have
not yet stepped out of the Masjid your salah will remain valid.
(Dur-e-Mukhtaar ma’a Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P468)

3,  2/      . 
Method of Salah

(25) Killing a snake or scorpion will not invalidate your
salah but if it requires walking 3 steps or striking 3 times then it
will. (Ghunya-tul-Mustamli, P423) Killing a snake or scorpion is
permissible if it passes in front of you and you fear it will harm
you. If there is no danger of it causing harm then killing it is
Makrooh (disliked). (Alamgiri, V1, P103)
(26) Plucking 3 hairs one after the other or killing 3 head lice
or making three attempts to kill the same lice will invalidate
your salah; if it is not done consecutively your salah will remain
valid but it is Makrooh. (ibid)

(27) Scratching 3 times in one rukn (section) will invalidate
your salah; this means scratching once and then lifting your
hand, scratching again and lifting your hand again, if this is
done a third time your salah will become invalid. Scratching
three times with your hand in the same place will not affect
your salah (this will be considered scratching once only).
(Alamgiri, V1, P104 – Ghunya-tul-Mustamli, P423)


(28) The salah will become invalid if the “alif” in the phrase
‫   ﻛ‬is lengthened during the Takbeers when changing
positions (e.g. saying Aallah or Aakbar) or if an “alif” is added
after the “ba” (i.e. Akbaar). Remember, if this happens in the
Takbeer-e-Tahreema the salah will not even begin. (Dur-e-Mukhtaar
ma’a Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P177) Mukabbirin (congregates who say
the Takbeer aloud for those who cannot hear the Imaam) often
make these mistakes and ruin not only their own salah but the
salah of other people too, therefore, someone who does not
know these rulings shouldn’t act as a mukabbir.
Laws of Salah

(29) Making a serious mistake in recitation or other phrases

in salah that grossly changes the meaning will invalidate your
salah. (Dur-e-Mukhtaar ma’a Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P473)

(1) Fidgeting with your beard, body or clothes. (Alamgiri, V1,

(2) Gathering your clothes like some people nowadays who

lift their trousers slightly from the front or behind when going
in to sajdah. (Ghunya-tul-Mustamli, P337) If your clothes stick to your
body then there is no harm in using one hand to lift them off.


(3) Hanging a piece of cloth, for example hanging a mantle
or handkerchief over your head or shoulders so that both ends
hang down. There is no harm if one end is left hanging and the
other is swung over the opposite shoulder. (Dur-e-Mukhtaar ma’a
Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P488)

(4) Some people nowadays hang handkerchiefs over their

shoulders with one end hanging over the back and the other
over the stomach, to pray salah in this manner is Makrooh-e-
Tahreemi. (Bahar-e-Shariat, Part 3, P165)
(5) If either of both sleeves is rolled up more than half way
up your forearm your salah will become Makrooh-e-Tahreemi.
(Dur-e-Mukhtaar ma’a Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P490)


(6) Feeling the urge to use the toilet. If a person finds himself
desperate even before the salah begins then considering there is
plenty of time, it is a sin for him to even begin his salah in such
a state; however, if he feels that the salah time will end by the

Method of Salah

time he goes to the toilet and makes wuzu then he should pray
first. If a person feels this urge during his salah then
considering there is enough time, it is wajib for him to break his
salah; to continue in this state is a sin. (Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P492)


(7) Moving pebbles during salah is Makrooh-e-Tahreemi.
(Ghunya-tul-Mustamli, P338)

Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Jabir  (     &%

 $ ' says that he asked The Holy
                a question about moving pebbles during
salah, he
   replied, “Only once; and avoiding it is
better than having 100 black-eyed camels.” (Sahih ibn Khuzaimah,
Hadith 897, V2, P52 Al Maktaba-tul-Islami Beirut)

However, if it becomes difficult to prostrate according to the

Sunnah method then it is permissible to move them once and if
they prevent you from fulfilling a wajib then it is wajib for you
to move them even if it takes more than one attempt.

(8) Cracking your knuckles in salah. (Dur-e-Mukhtaar ma’a
Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P493)

Allama ibn Abidin Shami    ) *  ' says that ibn Maja narrates:
the Holy Prophet
   said, “Do not crack your knuckles
during salah”. (Sunan ibn Maja, V1, P514, Hadith 965, Darul-Ma’rifah Beirut)
He also writes with reference to “Mujtaba” that the Holy
   forbade cracking knuckles whilst waiting
for salah. Another report states that Beloved Rasool of Allah


   forbade cracking ones knuckles whilst going
towards salah.

Three points are proven from these sacred ahadith;

Laws of Salah

(a) Cracking your knuckles during salah or during anything

connected to the salah (walking towards the salah or waiting in
the Masjid for salah) is Makrooh-e-Tahreemi,
(b) Cracking your knuckles unnecessarily outside of salah
(including the activities linked to salah) is Makrooh-e-Tanzeehi.
(c) Cracking your knuckles outside salah for a proper
reason, e.g. to relax them, is permissible (without even being
Makrooh). (Dur-e-Mukhtaar ma’a Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P409, Pub Multan)

(9) Tashbeek (interlocking the fingers of both hands). (Ghunya-

tul-Mustamli, P338)

The Holy Prophet

   said, “When a person leaves
his house and heads to the Masjid, he must not do tashbeek
because it (walking towards salah) is the same as being in
salah.” (Musnad Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, Hadith 18126, V6, P320, Darul-Fikr

Both the above mentioned are Makrooh-e-Tahreemi when

walking towards salah and aswell as waiting for salah. (Maraqil
Falah ma’a Hashiyatut-Tahtawi, P246)


(10) Placing your hands on your hips. (ibid P347) You should
not place your hands on your hips without a good reason even
when not praying salah. (Dur-e-Mukhtaar ma’a Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P494)

The Beloved Rasool of Allah

         said, “Putting
the hands on the hips is the relaxing of the dwellers of hell.” (As-
Sunanul-kubra, V2, P408, Hadith 3566, Darul-kutubil-Ilmiyyah Beirut)

This refers to the Jews because they will go to hell (as far as the
dwellers of Hell are concerned, there is no relaxing for them).
(Hashiyah Bahar-e-Shariat, Part 3, P115, Maktabah Islamiyyah Lahore)

Method of Salah


(11) Looking towards the sky. (Al-Bahrurra'iq, V2, P38) The
Beloved of Allah
          said, “Those who raise their
eyes to the sky should refrain from it or else their eyesight will
be taken away from them.” (Sahih Bukhari, V2, P103)
(12) Turning your face, whether slightly or fully. To look
around unnecessarily without turning your face (only your
eyeballs) is Makrooh-e-Tanzeehi, but if there is a need to do so
then there is no harm. (Alamgiri, V1, P106)

The Holy Prophet

   said, “When a person is
praying salah, the special mercy of Allah      remains focused
on him until he begins to look around; when he turns his face,
the mercy of Allah      turns away from him too.” (Abu Da’ood, V1,
P334, Hadith 909, Daru-Ihya Itturathil Arabiyy Beirut)

(13) For men to rest their forearms on the ground when in

sajdah. (Dur-e-Mukhtaar ma’a Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P496)


(14) Praying salah facing someone. It is a sin for someone to
directly face a praying person. If someone is already facing a
particular direction and then another person comes and starts
to pray facing him then this second person will have committed
a sin, otherwise the one facing him will be the sinner (if he had
already started and someone stood or sat in front of him to
directly face him). (Dur-e-Mukhtaar ma’a Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P496)

All those people who finish their congregational salah and then
turn around to look at the person directly behind them, and
those who stand up to face someone who is praying and wait
for him to finish so that they can walk out, and those who sit or
stand directly in front of a praying person in order to make an
announcement, give a dars or speech, should all repent.
Laws of Salah

(15) Hiding your nose and face in salah. (Alamgiri, V1, P106)
(16) Unnecessarily bringing phlegm to the mouth. (Ghunya-tul-
Mustamli. P339)

(17) Yawning deliberately. (Maraqil Falah ma’a Hashiyatut-Tahtawi,

P354)(There is no harm if it is unintentional but to prevent it is

   said, “If someone yawns in
salah he should prevent it as much as possible because Satan
enters his mouth.” (Sahih Muslim, P413)

(18) Reciting verses of the Qur’an in the wrong order (for

example, reciting “Tabbat” in the first rak’at and “Izaa jaa-a” in
the second)
(19) Missing a wajib. (Maraqil Falah ma’a Hashiyatut-Tahtawi, P345)
For example, bowing for ruku’ or the second sajdah before
straightening your back in qaumah and jalsah. (Alamgiri, V1, P107)
A very large number of Muslims seem to be committing this
sin. Remember! It is wajib to repeat every salah that is prayed in
this incorrect manner.
(20) Reciting the Holy Qur’an in any position other than
qiyam. (Maraqil-Falah ma’a Hashiyatut-Tahtawi, P351)
(21) Ending the qira’at in ruku’
(22) For a congregate to do ruku’, sujood, etc. before the
Imaam, or to get back up before him (Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P513)

Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Imam Malik  (    &%

 $ ' narrates on the
authority of Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Abu Hurairah  (    &%
 $ ' that the
Holy Prophet
   said, “He who raises and lowers his
head before the Imaam has the hair on the front of his head in
the hand of Satan.” (Muwatta Imam Malik, Hadith 212, V1, P102 Darul-
Ma’rifah Beirut) Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Abu Huraira  (    &%
 $ ' narrates

Method of Salah

that Sarkar-e-Madina
              said, “Does the person who
raises his head before the Imaam not fear that Allah      will
turn his head into that of a donkey”. (Sahih Muslim, V1, P181)

Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Imam Nawawi      ) *  ' travelled to a very
famous scholar in Damascus to learn Hadith from him. He used
to teach without letting people see him. Imam Nawawi      ) *  '
studied with him for quite a long period but had not yet seen
his face. After a long time, when the muhaddith was certain of
Imam Nawawi’s extreme enthusiasm with regards to Hadith,
he decided to show him his face.

Imam Nawawi     ) *  ' saw that he had the face of a donkey! The
muhaddith said, “Dear son! Beware of preceding the Imaam
during the congregation, when I heard this hadith, I didn’t
believe it (due to the weakness of some narrators) and therefore
I deliberately preceded the Imaam in my salah and this is what
happened to my face.” (Bahar-e-Shariat, Part 3, P95, Madina-tul-Murshid
Bareilly Sharif)

(23) Praying salah wearing only trousers despite the

availability of other clothing.
(24) For the Imaam to make the prayer longer for a late
comer who he knows (in order to please him). (Alamgiri, V1, P107)
There is no harm in saying one or two extra tasbihat to help him
with his salah. (ibid)
(25) Praying on maghsoob land (land obtained by force), or
(26) On someone else’s field in which there are crops, or
(Maraqil-Falah ma’a Hashiyatut-Tahtawi, P258 – Dur-e-Mukhtaar ma’a Rad-dul-
Muhtaar, V2, P52)

(27) On a ploughed field, or (ibid)

Laws of Salah

(28) Facing a grave (if there is nothing in between you and

the grave). (Alamgiri, V1, P107)
(29) Praying in the worship places of non-believers, in fact it
is not even permissible to enter them. (Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P53)
(30) Praying wearing clothes inside out; or having such
clothing hanging over your body.
(31) It is Makrooh-e-Tahreemi to have the buttons of your
shirt open allowing your chest to be seen; if there is a second
piece of clothing underneath preventing the chest from being
exposed then it is Makrooh-e-Tanzeehi.


(32) It is Makrooh-e-Tahreemi to pray wearing clothes that
have images of living beings printed on them; wearing such
clothes is prohibited even when you are not praying. (Dur-e-
Mukhtaar ma’a Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P502)

(33) Having an image above your head (on the ceiling), on

the place of sajdah, in front of you, or towards your left or right
makes the prayer Makrooh-e-Tahreemi; having it behind you is
also Makrooh but not as bad as the other cases.

If the picture is on the floor and not at the point of sajdah

then there is no harm; there is also no harm in having pictures
of lifeless objects (like rivers or mountains) around you.

If the picture so small that you can’t see the details of the
body parts if you stand up and put the picture on the floor (like
scenes of people doing Tawaaf of the Ka’ba) then it will not
affect your salah. (Ghunya-tul-Mustamli, P247–Dur-e-Mukhtaar ma’a Rad-dul-
Muhtaar, V2, P503)

However, it will not be permissible if even one face amongst

the crowd of people doing Tawaaf can be seen clearly.
Method of Salah

There is also no harm in having pictures without the faces (only

the hands, feet, back, back of the head) or pictures of faces
which have the eyes, nose, lips etc. erased.

3,  2/      . 
(1) Praying in work clothes despite having other clothes
available. (Ghunya-tul-Mustamli, P337)
Praying with something in your mouth; your salah will be
invalid if this prevents you from reciting the Qur’an or causes
you to say words that are not from the Qur’an. (Dur-e-Mukhtaar,

(2) Praying with your head uncovered due to laziness.

If your cap falls down during salah, it is
(Alamgiri, V1, P106)
preferable for you to pick it up without moving excessively
(moving excessively will invalidate your salah). If the cap has to
be picked up several times it is better to leave it where it is. If
picking the cap up obstructs your concentration then it is
preferable to leave it. (Dur-e-Mukhtaar ma’a Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P491) If
someone is praying bare headed or his cap has fallen off, a
second person should not pick it up for him and place it on his
(3) Saying the tasbih less than 3 times in ruku’ or sajdah
without a proper reason (if there is a shortage of time or if you
fear you may miss your train then there is no harm in doing so).
If a congregate has not yet completed 3 tasbihat and the Imaam
lifts his head then he should follow him.
(4) Clearing dust or grass from your forehead. There is no
harm in doing so if it distracts you.
(5) Turning your toes away from qibla in sajdah or any other
part of the salah. (Fatawa Qadi Khan ma’a Alamgiri, V1, P119)
Laws of Salah

(6) For men to make their stomachs touch their thighs in

sajdah. (Alamgiri, V1, P109)
(7) Answering someone’s salaam using your head or hand.
(Dur-e-Mukhtaar ma’a Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P497) To answer verbally will
invalidate your salah. (Maraqil Falah ma’a Hashiyatut-Tahtawi, P322
Qadimi Kutub Khana)

(8) Sitting in salah with your legs folded unnecessarily.

(Ghunya-tul-Mustamli, P339)

(9) Stretching out (as you do when waking up from sleep).

(10) Coughing deliberately. (Ghunya-tul-Mustamli, P240) There is
no harm in coughing if you have to.
(11) Placing your hands on the ground before your knees
without a good reason when doing sajdah. (Alamgiri, V1, P107)
(12) Lifting your knees before your hands when getting up
from sajdah. (Ghunya-tul-Mustamli, P335)
(13) Not having your head level with your back in ruku’.
(Ghunya-tul-Mustamli, P338)

(14) Saying ta’awwuz, tasmiyah and ameen loudly in salah.

(Alamgiri, V1, P107)

(15) Leaning against a wall or anything else unnecessarily.

(16) Avoiding placing your hands on your knees in ruku’
(17) Not placing your hands on the ground in sajdah.
(18) Swaying from side to side. [Tarawuh, i.e. transferring
your body weight from one foot to the other is Sunnah] (Alamgiri,
V1, P107) It is desirable to apply pressure on your right side
when going into sajdah and on the left when getting up from
sajdah. (ibid, P101)

Method of Salah

(19) Closing your eyes in salah; closing your eyes will

become preferable if it helps you to concentrate. (Dur-e-Mukhtaar,
Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P499)

(20) Praying in front of burning fire. Praying in front of a

candle or light will not affect your salah. (Alamgiri, V1, P107)
(21) Praying in front of something which distracts your
attention, such as attractive articles or games. (Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V1,

(22) Running for salah.

(23) Praying in the following places; on a public street,
(24) A rubbish dump,
(25) Where animals are slaughtered,
(26) In a stable,
(27) In a bathroom,
(28) On a farm (especially where camels are kept),
(29) On the roof of a toilet, or
(30) In a desert without a barrier in front of you (considering
there is a possibility of people walking past you). (Ghunya-tul-
Mustamli, P339)

(31) Swatting a fly or mosquito with your hand unnecessarily.

[If you are being bothered
(Fatawa Qadi Khan ma’a Alamgiri, V1, P118)
by lice or a mosquito in salah then there is no harm in killing it
as long as excessive movement is not required. (Bahar-e-Shariat)]
(32) Any slight movement that is in the interest of the salah
is permissible, otherwise it is Makrooh. (Alamgiri, V1, P109)

3,  2/      . 
Laws of Salah


Praying salah in a t-shirt despite having other clothes available
to wear is Makrooh-e-Tanzeehi. Sadrush-Shariah Mufti
Muhammad Amjadi Ali A’zam      ) *  ' says, “It is Makrooh-e-
Tanzeehi to pray wearing a t-shirt or vest when you have a full
sleeved shirt available to wear, but if you have no other clothes
then it is not Makrooh.” (Fatawa Amjadiyyah part.1 p.193 Maktabah
Razawiyyah Babul Madinah Karachi)

Mufti-e-Azam Pakistan, Qibla Mufti Waqaruddin Qadiri Razavi

     ) *
  ' says, “T-shirts are classed as work clothes, therefore, if
someone hesitates to confront honourable people wearing a t-
shirt then it will be Makrooh-e-Tanzeehi for him to pray salah
wearing it, but if he does not hesitate to confront such people
wearing a t-shirt then his salah will not be Makrooh.” (Waqarul-
Fatawa, V2, P246)

3,  2/      . 


Praying 4 rak’at after Zuhr is desirable because a hadith states,
“If someone protects the 4 before Zuhr and the 4 after, Allah
     shall make it Haraam for the fire of Hell to burn him.” (Sunan
Nasai, Hadith 1817, P2207, Darul-Heel Beirut)

Allama Sayyid Tahtawi      ) *  ' comments on this saying, “This
person shall not enter the Hell fire at all, his sins shall be
forgiven, and Allah      shall please those people whose rights
he has violated; or it could mean that Allah      shall make him
do good actions that shall prevent him from being punished”.

Allama Shami      ) *  ' says, “The good news for him is that his
ending shall be blissful and he shall not enter Hell.” (Shami, V2, P452)

Method of Salah

Dear Islamic brothers! Alhamdu-Lillah     ! We already pray 10

rak’at of Zuhr salah. How long would it take for a person to
add on 2 more rak’aat and make them twelve rak’aat for the
sake of the 12th of Rabi-un-Noor Shareef? Convince yourselves
to pray these two rak’aat punctually.


There are six conditions for a man to qualify as an Imaam:- (1)
Being a Muslim of the correct creed, (2) Having reached the age
of puberty, (3) Sanity, (4) Being male, (5) Ability to recite
correctly and (6) Being without a disability. (Dur-e-Mukhtaar ma’a
Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P284)


(1) Intention.
(2) For the iqtida (act of following an Imaam) and intention
of iqtida to be at the same time as the Tahreema. The intention
can be made before the Tahreema as well but in this case there
must not be an unrelated action separating the intention and
(3) For the Imaam and muqtadi to be in the same place.
(4) For both of them to be praying the same salah or for the
Imaam’s salah to include the muqtadi’s salah.
(5) For the Imaam’s salah to be correct according to the
school of thought of the muqtadi.
(6) For both the Imaam and muqtadi to believe the validity
of the salah.
(7) For a woman not to be standing next to a man (there are
some conditions for this).
(8) The muqtadi must not be standing ahead of the Imaam.

Laws of Salah

(9) Being aware of the Imaams movements.

(10) Being aware of whether or not the Imaam is a traveller.
(11) Following the Imaam in all his movements.
(12) For the muqtadi to carry out his actions which are the
same as or less than the Imaam.
(13) For the muqtadi not to exceed the Imaam in conditions.
(Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P284 to 285)



Position your heels, necks and shoulders in line with each other
and straighten your rows. It is a sin to leave space between two
people. To make your shoulders touch is wajib. To straighten
your rows is wajib. Deliberately starting your salah at the back
without the row in front being filled to both corners is missing a
wajib, Haraam and a sin. Do not let children less than 15 years
of age stand inside the rows, do not let them stand in the
corners either, the row for young children should be made at
the very back.
(For detailed information refer to: Fatawa-e-Razaviya, V7, P219 to 225, Raza
Foundation Lahore)

It is wajib for a sane, mature (having reached the age of
puberty), free and able person to attend the first jama’at in the
Masjid. Anyone who misses jama’at even once without a valid
reason commits a sin and is worthy of punishment. If he makes
a habit of this, he will be classed as a sinner, unqualified to act
as a witness and will be punished severely. If his neighbours
remain quiet they will also have committed a sin. (Dur-e-Mukhtaar,
Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P287)

Method of Salah

Some of the Honourable Scholars    ;  %

 - *
 ' say, “Anyone who
hears the azan and then waits for the Iqaamat at home will be a
sinner and his testification (in legal matters) will not be
accepted.” (Bahrurra’iq, V1, P451, 604)


(1) A sick man that finds it difficult to get to the Masjid.
(2) A disabled person.
(3) Someone with an amputated leg.
(4) A stroke patient.
(5) A very old man who is unable to get to the Masjid.
(6) A blind man; even if there is someone who can hold his
hand and take him.
(7) Intense rain.
(8) Being obstructed by severe mud.
(9) Severe cold weather.
(10) Intense darkness.
(11) A storm.
(12) Fear of possessions or food being damaged.
(13) Fear of a creditor, if you are poor.
(14) Fear of a tyrant.
(15) Strong urge to excrete or
(16) Urinate or
(17) Release wind.
(18) Presence of food (with a strong desire to eat).
(19) Fear of fellow travellers leaving without you.
(20) Minding a sick person (if you feel that your absence will
cause him distress). (Dur-e-Mukhtaar ma’a Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P292 to 293)

Laws of Salah


It is definitely not permissible to miss the first jama’at of the
farz salah in the Masjid due to reasons like iftar parties,
invitations, khatams and Naat gatherings.
In fact, people who hold Taraweeh congregations at home, in
halls or in compounds despite the presence of a Masjid close by,
must first pray their farz rak’at in the local Masjid with the first
jama’at; this is wajib. Anyone who misses the first jama’at in the
Masjid for the farz salah without a valid reason despite being
able to, should worry because the Holy Prophet
warned, “He who wishes to meet Allah      tomorrow as a 
Muslim should punctually pray these five prayers (with
jama’at) where the azan is called because Allah      has
commanded your Prophet
   to abide by the sunan-ul-
huda (customs of guidance) and these prayers (with jama’at)
are among the sunan-ul-huda, and if you abandon the sunnah
of your Prophet you will go astray.” (Muslim Sharif, V1, P232)

This hadith indicates that whoever punctually prays with the

first jama’at will die a good death and whoever misses the first
jama’at in the Masjid without a valid reason could, Allah     
forbid, die a disbeliever.
Those people who fail to pray the whole jama’at out of sheer
laziness must pay attention to the following statement of
AlaHazrat Imam-e-AhleSunnat Maulana Shah Ahmad Raza
Khan      ) *  ' with reference to “Bahrurra’iq”: “It is in
Quniyyah that if he heard the azan and waited for the Iqaamat
to enter the Masjid, he will have committed a sin.” (Fatawa-e-
Razaviya, V7, P102 – Al-Bahrurra’iq, V1, P604)

On the same page of Fatawa-e-Razaviya Shareef, he     ) *  ' says,

“Someone who hears the azan and then waits at home for the
Iqaamat shall not be accepted as a witness”. (Al-Bahrurra’iq, V1, P451)

Method of Salah

Dear Islamic brothers! According to some respected Jurists

š   ;  %
 - *
 ' , whoever does not enter the Masjid until he has heard
the Iqaamat is a sinner and unworthy of acting as a witness; so
where does this leave all those people who pray with jama’at at
home without a valid excuse, don’t even pray with jama’at, or
Allah      forbid don’t pray at all!

Oh Rabb of Mustafa
         ! Grant us the good fortune
of forever praying all five salah in the Masjid, with the first
jama’at, in the first row, with the Takbeer-e-Oola.

< "%  B  $% %CD E% F % < "%  


3,     2/      . 


(1) The Witr salah is wajib. (Bahrurra’iq, V2, P66)
(2) In case it is missed, it must still be prayed as a qaza salah.
(Dur-e-Mukhtaar, Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P532)

(3) The time for witr is from the end of the Isha farz to subh-
e-sadiq (dawn). (Maraqil Falah ma’a Hashiyatut-Tahtawi, P178)
(4) If possible, it is preferable to sleep a short while and then
get up in the latter part of the night to pray tahajjud (first) and
then the witr salah. (Ghunya-tul-Mustamli, P403)
(5) The Witr salah consists of three rak’aat. (Maraqil-Falah ma’a
Hashiyatut-Tahtawi, P375)

(6) The first qa’dah (sitting) is wajib; recite only tashahhud

and then stand (for the 3rd rak’at).
(7) In the 3rd rak’at it is wajib to say the Takbeer-e-Qunut
after the qira’at. (Dur-e-Mukhtaar ma’a Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P533)

Laws of Salah

(8) The Takbeer-e-Qunut should be said the same as the

Takbeer-e-Tahreema (first lift your hands to your ears and then
say ‫)  ﻛ‬. (Hashiyatut-Tahtawi, P376)

(9) Then place your hands beneath your navel and read Dua-


 B  “   ` O  H   ~  ‡  W

    X  %  œH  W  %  6 "% ›  H  “
      .  =H  W   p%  ‰=9  H  W  (Y%=9  H H% 
 - : 
  Ÿ9  H W  %  3 ž 9  H   % [  H W   ?% 
 - :   “  ž p  ? 6 "  “   p `  H
   3  CH “  P    H  \     “
l %
 NT U " '% p `  %  W   s   5 % W   s   ¡      W   =*  '  .    H  3 p%    
Oh Allah     ! We seek Your help and we seek Your forgiveness and we
believe in You and we trust You and we praise You and we thank You and
we are not ungrateful to You and we abandon and stay away from anyone
who disobeys You. Oh Allah     ! It is only You we worship and for only
You we pray and prostrate and it is You we run towards and You whom we
obey and hope to gain Your mercy and we fear Your punishment; indeed
Your punishment is for the non believers.

(10) To recite Durood Shareef after the Dua-e-Qunut is

preferable. (Ghunya-tul-Mustamli, P402)
(11) Anyone who does not know Dua-e-Qunut should recite:

'% ( t % % % % % %
 s   (Q    S)(9 c  Z }B  ¢   S)(9 c  H3  ¢ ( ^( ' 
 - : 

Oh Allah     ! Our Lord! Grant us goodness in the world and in the
hereafter and save us from the punishment of the fire.

Or you can read this:

‫(  ﻟﻠ > ﻢ ﻏ‬Oh Allah      forgive me). (Maraqil-
Falah ma’a Hashiyatut-Tahtawi, P385)

Method of Salah

(12) If you forget to read Dua-e-Qunut and go into ruku’

then you must not return. Instead, carry on and then do Sajda-
e-Sahw at the end. (Alamgiri, V1, P110)
(13) If you are praying the witr with congregation (as is done
in the month of Ramazan) and the Imaam bows for ruku’ before
you manage to complete the Dua-e-Qunut then you should
follow the Imaam (and leave it incomplete). (Alamgiri, V1, P110 -
Tabyinul Haqaiq, V1, P171 Multan)

(1) Doing Sajda-e-Sahw becomes wajib whenever any wajib
act of salah is unintentionally omitted or if any wajib or farz act
is unintentionally delayed. (Dur-e-Mukhtaar ma’a Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2,

(2) If Sajda-e-Sahw is omitted despite having to do it then

the entire salah must be repeated. (ibid)
(3) If a wajib is missed deliberately then Sajda-e-Sahw is not
sufficient, in fact the entire salah must be repeated. (ibid)
(4) If you miss something that is wajib but not one of the
wajibat of salah then you don’t have to do Sajda-e-Sahw; for
example, reciting the Holy Qur’an in the wrong order is a sin
(and reciting it in the proper order is wajib) but this is a wajib of
reciting the Holy Qur’an and not of the salah, therefore Sajda-e-
Sahw is not needed (but you must still repent). (ibid)
(5) Missing out a farz invalidates the salah and Sajda-e-Sahw
does not make up for it, therefore the salah must be repeated.
(6) Leaving out a Sunnah or desirable act like Sana,
ta’awwuz, tasmiyah, ameen, any of the Takbeers said when
changing positions or any of the tasbihat does not necessitate
Sajda-e-Sahw, (Fathul Qadeer, V1, P438) but to pray the salah again is
Laws of Salah

desirable, regardless of whether or not the Sunnah or desirable

act was omitted deliberately.
(7) Even if you miss 10 wajibat, you only need to do Sajda-e-
Sahw once (2 sajday). (Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P655)
(8) If Ta’deel-e-Arkaan1 is unintentionally omitted then you
must perform Sajda-e-Sahw. (Alamgiri, V1, P127)
(9) Sajda-e-Sahw is wajib if Dua-e-Qunut or the Takbeer-e-
Qunut are omitted unintentionally. (Alamgiri, V1, P128)

(10) If you spend the duration of saying  ‫ ٰﺤ ﻦ‬J ‫ ﺳ‬three times

“thinking” (and not doing anything) whether it is in qira’at or
any other position, then it will be wajib for you to do Sajda-e-
Sahw. (Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P655)
(11) Attahiyyat is wajib even after Sajda-e-Sahw; in fact it is
preferable to read Durood Shareef too in both sittings (before
and after the Sajda-e-Sahw). (Alamgiri, V1, P125)
(12) If the Imaam has to do Sajda-e-Sahw then the
congregates must follow him and do Sajda-e-Sahw too (it is
wajib for them as well). (Dur-e-Mukhtaar ma’a Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P658)
(13) If a congregate makes a mistake whilst he is behind the
Imaam, he does not need to do Sajda-e-Sahw (Alamgiri, V1, P128)
and he doesn’t have to repeat the salah either.


Many Islamic brothers ruin their salah due to unawareness of
the following ruling so lease ead it very carefully;
(14) A masbuq (one who comes late and misses one or more
rak’at behind the Imaam) is not allowed to say salaam with the

e.g. standing up straight after ruku’ and sitting straight in between 2 sujood for the duration of
saying  ‫ ٰﺤ ﻦ‬J ‫ ﺳ‬once
Method of Salah

Imaam; if he does so deliberately he will invalidate his salah, but if

he says it unintentionally at exactly the same time as the Imaam
then his salah will not be affected (but this is a very rare case); and
if he unintentionally says it slightly after the Imaam, he must stand
up to complete his salah and then do Sajda-e-Sahw himself at the
end. (Dur-e-Mukhtaar ma’a Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P659)

(15) A masbuq must do Sajda-e-Sahw along with the Imaam

even if the mistake was before he joined the congregation; if he
does not do Sajda-e-Sahw with the Imaam and stands to
complete his salah then he must do it at the end; if the masbuq
then makes a mistake himself whilst reading his missed rak’at
(or rak’aat) then the same Sajda-e-Sahw will be sufficient.
(Alamgiri, V1, P128)

(16) Sajda-e-sahw will become wajib if the phrase

‫ ﻣ ﺤ ﻤﺪ‬%ٰ&‫ ﻋ‬$‫ ﻟ ﻠ > ﻢ ﺻﻞ‬is said after tashahhud in the first qa’dah. This
isn’t due to reciting Durood Shareef, in fact it is due to the delay
in standing for the 3rd rak’at; if you stood quietly for the same
duration you would still have to do Sajda-e-Sahw.

Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Imam Abu Hanifa  (     &%
 $ ' saw the Makki
Madani Mustafa
   in a dream. The Holy Prophet

   asked him, “Why have you decided that anyone
who reads Durood Shareef has to do Sajda-e-Sahw?” The Imam
 (     &%
 $ ' humbly requestd, “Because he read it in a state of
negligence.” The Blessed Prophet
         was pleased with
this answer. (Dur-e-Mukhtaar ma’a Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P657)
(17) Sajda-e-Sahw must be done if any part of tashahhud is
omitted in any of the sittings, regardless of whether the salah is
nafl or farz. (Alamgiri, V1, P127)

3,  2/      . 
Laws of Salah

Read the whole of attahiyyat; in fact it is preferable to read the
whole of Durood Shareef as well; then turn your head to the
right and say salaam, and then prostrate twice. After this, read
attahiyyat again along with Durood Shareef and the Dua and
then end with the salaam to both sides. (Fatawa Qadi Khan ma’a
Alamgiri, V1, P121)


If someone has to do Sajda-e-Sahw but forgets to do it, then he
can return and do it as long as he has not left the Masjid, (Dur-e-
Mukhtaar ma’a Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P556) but if he is in a field then he
can return as long as he does not walk pass the rows or the
point of prostration in front of him. However, if any action that
contradicts the salah (e.g. speaking) is done after the salaam
then he cannot return and do the Sajda-e-Sahw. (Dur-e-Mukhtaar
ma’a Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P556)


The Holy Prophet
   said, “Whenever someone recites
a verse of prostration and then prostrates, Satan moves away
and cries, “I’m doomed! The son of Adam was commanded to
prostrate and he did, for him is Heaven; I was commanded but
rejected and now Hell is for me.” (Sahih Muslim, V1, P61)


If someone recites all 14 verses of prostration and prostrates for
each one, keeping in mind a particular wish, Allah      will
fulfil it. This can be done by reciting each verse separately
followed by a sajdah or reciting all 14 verses together and
prostrating 14 times at the end. (Ghunyah – Dur-e-Mukhtaar and others)

Method of Salah


(1) Reciting or listening to a verse of sajda makes it wajib to
do Sajda-e-Tilawat. The recitation must be loud enough for you
to hear (if there is nothing that prevents you from listening).
This sajdah will become wajib even if you do not listen to the
verse deliberately. (Alamgiri, V1, P132)
(2) Sajdah will become wajib even if the translation of the
verse is recited, regardless of whether or not the listener
understands it is the translation of a verse of sajdah. However,
if he did not know then he must have been told that it was the
translation of a verse of sajdah, but if the Arabic verse was
recited, it is not necessary to tell the listener (that it is a verse of
sajdah). (Alamgiri, V1, P133)
(3) Sajda-e-Tilawat is only wajib when the whole verse is
recited, however, according to some of the later scholars it will
become wajib if only the word containing the message of sajdah
is recited along with the word preceding or following it,
therefore it is safer to do the sajdah in both cases. (Mulakhkhasan
Fatawa-e-Razaviya, V8, P223-233, Raza Foundation Lahore)

(4) If a verse of sajdah is recited whilst not being in a state of

salah then doing the sajdah instantly is not wajib, however, if
you have wudu then delaying it is Makrooh-e-Tanzeehi.
(Tanwirul-Absar ma’a Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P583)

(5) To do the sajdah instantly in salah is wajib. If it is delayed

(i.e. more than three verses are recited after it) you have
committed a sin, and will have to do Sajda-e-Sahw as well as
Sajda-e-Tilawat at the end (as long as you are in the salah or
have finished the salah but have not yet done anything that
contradicts the salah). (Dur-e-Mukhtaar ma’a Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P584)

3,  2/      . 
Laws of Salah

(6) In the blessed month of Ramazan, if a person is not
taking part in the Taraweeh or shabinah (even if he is praying
his own salah) he will still have to do Sajda-e-Tilawat if he
hears any verse of sajdah. It will become wajib for you to do
Sajda-e-Tilawat even if you hear the verse from a non-believer
or a child.
If you have missed many sujood of tilawat since reaching the
age of puberty then you must make a rough calculation of these
and make up for them in a state of wuzu.

(7) Start by standing up and then say ‫   ﻛ‬and go into sajdah

 H I‫ ٰﺤ ﻦ ر‬J ‫ ﺳ‬at least three times, then say ‫   ﻛ‬and stand
and say %ٰ&‫ ﻻ  ﻋ‬%
up. Saying ‫   ﻛ‬before and after the sajdah is Sunnah and
standing before and after is desirable. (Alamgiri, V1, P135)

(8) Raising your hands when saying ‫   ﻛ‬before the Sajda-e-
Tilawat is not necessary, nor does this sajdah contain
tashahhud or salaam. (Tanwirul-Absar ma’a Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P580)

It is desirable to do sajda-e-shukr when you are granted a
blessing, whether it is the birth of a child, attainment of wealth,
retrieving lost property, curing of a patient, returning from a
journey, or anything else. This sajdah is done in exactly the
same way as the Sajda-e-Tilawat. (Alamgiri, V1, P136)

Doing this sajdah when you hear good news is also a means of
earning reward; some examples are, being granted a visa to

Method of Salah

travel to beautiful Madina, success in doing Infiradi Koshish

upon someone and convincing him to travel in a Madani Qafila
of Dawat-e-Islami, casting a glance at a practising sunni scholar,
seeing a good dream, passing an exam, being relieved of a
calamity, or the death of an enemy of Islam etc.


(1) Authority and Master of Both Worlds, Comfortor of the
Hearts, Beloved Rasool of Allah
   said, “If any one
knew what (harm) there is in walking past his brother whilst he
is praying, he would prefer to stand for 100 years than to take
that one step.” (Sunan Ibn Majah, Hadith 946, V1, P506 Darul-Ma’rifah Beirut)

(2) Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Imam Malik  (     &%

 $ ' narrates that
Hazrat-e- Sayyiduna Ka’bul Ahbar  (     &%
 $ ' said, “If the person
walking pass a praying man knew what a sin he has
committed, he’d prefer to be eaten up by the earth than walk
pass him.” (Muwatta Imam Malik, Hadith 371, V1, P154 Darul-Ma’rifah Beirut)

The one walking past a man who is praying his salah is

definitely a sinner but this does not affect the man’s salah.
(Mulakhkhas Fatawa-e-Razaviya, V7, P254 Raza Foundation Lahore)


(1) Walking past a man who is praying salah in a field or a
huge Masjid from his feet to the “area of prostration” is not
permissible. (The area of prostration is the total area that you
can see when you stand and look at the spot of earth where
your forehead will be in sajdah). (Tabyinul-Haqaiq, V1, P160) This is
approximately 3 yards from ones feet. (Qanun-e-Shariat, Part 1, P131,
Farid Book Stall, Markazul-Auliya Lahore) Therefore, to walk past a
praying person in a field from a distance of three yards or more
is permissible.

Laws of Salah

(2) Walking past a praying person in a house or small Masjid

is not permissible from any distance right up to the wall ahead
of him (considering he does not have a barrier in front of him).
(Alamgiri, V1, P104)

(3) If there is a barrier in front of the person praying, it will

be permissible to walk past him. (ibid)
(4) The barrier must be (at least) an arms length
(approximately half a yard) high and thick as a finger. (Maraqil-
Falah ma’a Hashiyatut-Tahtawi, P365)

(5) If the Imaam has a barrier in front of him then the

congregates do not need one; this means that walking past a
congregate when his Imaam has a barrier in front of him is not
a sin. (Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P484)
(6) Trees, humans and animals can be used as barriers too.
(Alamgiri, V1, P104)

(7) If you use a person as a barrier, he must have his back

facing you. (Hashiyatut-Tahtawi, P365 – Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P496) (If
someone sits or stands facing a praying man then he is the one
making the mistake and not the man praying, so you should
take care not to turn around and face the people behind you
after the Imaam has finished the salah because if someone is
praying directly behind you it is a sin for you to turn and face
(8) If someone is walking past a praying person and a second
person sees him and walks along with him (at the same pace)
using him as a barrier then the first person will have sinned
(and not the second). (Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P483)
(9) If someone stands to pray in the back row despite having
space in the front row then a newcomer can leap over him
because the first has himself damaged his own honour. (Dur-e-
Mukhtaar ma’a Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P483)

Method of Salah

(10) If you want to pass someone who is praying on a higher

level (e.g. a raised platform) than you, you must look to see
whether or not any part of your body confronts him, if not then
there is nothing wrong with walking past him. (Alamgiri, V1, P104)
(11) If there are two people who wish to walk past a praying
man then this is how it can be done; one of them should stand
with his back facing the praying man, the second should then
use the first (who is stood with his back towards the praying
man) as a barrier and walk past; then he should stand behind
the first the same as he did (with his back facing the praying
man); the first should now use the second person as a barrier
and walk past; then finally the second should step back to the
side that he came from. (ibid)
(12) If someone tries to walk past you whilst you are
praying, you are allowed to stop him in your salah; this can be
done by either saying  ‫ ٰﺤ ﻦ‬J ‫ ﺳ‬or “reciting the Qur’an” loudly, or
alerting him using a gesture of the hand, head or eyes; no more
than this is allowed (eg. grabbing his clothes or hitting him).
Remember, if you move excessively your salah will become
invalid. (Dur-e-Mukhtaar, Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2, P483 – Marqil Falah ma’a
Hashiyatut-Tahtawi, P367)

(13) To do both the gesture and raise your voice

unnecessarily is Makrooh. (Dur-e-Mukhtaar ma’a Rad-dul-Muhtaar, V2,

(14) If someone is walking past a woman, she should use

tasfeeq to stop him/her, this means hitting the back of the left
hand with the fingers of the right hand. If a man uses the
method of tasfeeq and a woman raises her voice, their salah will
still be valid but this contradicts the Sunnah. (ibid)
(15) Someone doing Tawaaf of the Holy Ka’ba is allowed to
walk past a praying person during his Tawaaf. (Rad-dul-Muhtaar,
V2, P482)

Please read this booklet completely.
In’shaa-Allah      you will see the benefits.


ercy for Both the Worlds, Master of Makkah and

M Madina, Sublime Prophet

   has said, “When
the day of Thursday arrives, Allah      sends His angels
who have with them papers made of silver and pens of gold.
They write down the names of all the people who recite Durood
Shareef upon me in abundance on Thursday and Thursday
night.”(Kanzul-Umaal, V1, P250, Hadith 2174, Dar-ul-Kutubul Ilmiyah Beirut)

3,     2/      . 
Allah      states in Sura Nisa, Verse 101, Translation from Kanzul-

%  [  6"% [ M 5  o

 `  (%{p  ? 5  
 =p } % 5 % ¤ Z. %
    T  ( 
 `    £  Y J b% '  B  d %
 =  & †
‫ ۝‬S(Y%C"  S 3   
 `  .  H 6  ?%p% ` 5 % l   p e 6  ?s%  
And when you travel in the land, it is no sin for you to shorten some of your
obligatory prayers; if you fear that disbelievers may cause you harm;
undoubtedly the disbelievers are open enemies to you.

Hazrat-e-Allama Maulana Sayyid Muhammad Naeem-ud-Deen

Muradabadi    ) *  ' states that fear of non-believers is not a

Laws of Salah

condition to do qasr (shortening the prayer). Hazrat-e-

Sayyiduna Ya’la bin Ummayah  (    &%
 $ ' said to Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna
Umar Farooq-e-Azam  (   $ &% ' that we are in a state of security
and safety then why should we do qasr. He  (    &%
 $ ' replied, “I
was also surprised on this matter so I requested The Holy
   then Sultan-e-Madina
that this is a charity for you from Allah      so accept this
charity.” (Sahih Muslim, V1, P231)

The mother of the believers, Hazrat-e-Sayyidatuna Aisha

Siddiqa - (     &%
 $ ' narrates that two rak’at salah was made farz, but
after the migration to Madina the two rak’at was increased to
four rak’at and the travellers salah was left at two rak’at like it
was made farz before. (Sahih Bukhari, V1, P560)

Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Abdullah bin Umar , - (  $ &% ' narrates that
              set two rak’at when travelling and
this is the complete salah even though apparently it may seem
like there are two rak’at less, the two are equal to the four rak’at
in reward. (Sunah Ibn-e-Majah, V2, P59, Hadith 1194, Dar-ul-Ma’rifa Beirut)


According to Shariah (Islamic law), a traveller is that person
who travels 57.5 miles (approximately 92km) from his place of
stay (home) for example when he leaves his village or city.
(Mulakhkhasan Fatawa-e-Razaviya, V8, P270, Raza foundation, Markaz-ul-Auliya


One does not become a traveller by merely intending to travel;
in fact he becomes a traveller once he departs the populated
area (of his city or village). It is important for an inhabitant of a
city to depart the populated area adjacent to the city too. (Dur-e-
mukhtar ma’ rad-dul-muhtar, V2, P599)

The Travellers Salah


When talking about leaving the ‘populated area’, one will
consider the area in the direction that he is heading towards,
even though other areas along side it (within the same
city/village) may still be populated. (Ghunya-tul-mustamli, P536)


It is not compulsory to depart villages and gardens (even if
their guardians reside there) that are adjacent to the city
surroundings. (Rad-dul-muhtaar, V2, P599) City surroundings is a
term used to refer to the areas on the outskirts of a city that
facilitate the needs of the inhabitants of that city (for example
graveyards, fields for training horses, rubbish pits etc); If these
areas are adjacent to the city then it is necessary to depart them
too, however if they are not and there is a distance between the
two then it is not necessary to depart them. (ibid, P600)


It is also necessary that the traveller has the intention of
travelling a distance of three days (approximately 92km). If he
intends to travel for two days (in other words less than 92km)
and he reaches his destination and intends again to travel less
than 92km (distance of three days) he will not be considered a
traveller, even if in this way he travels the whole world.
(Ghuniyah – dur-e-mukhtaar, V2, P209) The other condition is that one
must intend to travel for three days consecutively. If he intends
to travel the distance of two days and then attend some work
and then to travel a further distance of one day, he will not have
intended to travel for three days consecutively and will therefore
not be classed as a traveller. (Bahar-e-Shariat, Part 4, P77)

3,  2/      . 
Laws of Salah



(1) Watan-e-Asli - birth land or place of residence.
(2) Watan-e-Iqaamat - the land where a traveller intends to
stay for at least fifteen days. (Alamgeeri, V1, P145)


One Watan-e-Iqaamat invalidates another, in other words, if
one was to intend to reside for 15 days in a particular place and
then proceeded to another destination and intended to stay
there for 15 days, the first destination would not remain his
Watan-e-Iqaamat if he was to return to it (regardless of whether
or not the distance between the two places in 92km). Similarly,
the Watan-e-Iqaamat is invalidated due to Watan-e-Asli or
travelling. (Alamgeeri, V1, P145)

If there are two routes to a particular destination and one of
them is 92km but the other is shorter, one will use the route that
he travels in order to decide whether or not he is a traveller.
(Alamgeeri, V1, P138, dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V1, P603)


A person is a traveller until he reaches his destination or until
he makes an intention to stay in a place for at least 15 days. This
is after he has travelled for 3 days or 92km approximately. If
before travelling the full 92km he decides to return, he will not
remain a traveller even if he was in a jungle (forest). (Dur-e-
mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V2, P604)

3,  2/      . 
The Travellers Salah


If the journey is for a permissible reason or not, the rules of
travelling will still apply. (Alamgeeri, V1, P139)


If an employee who earns a monthly or an annual wage travels
with his employer, the employee will obey the employer. An
obedient son obeys his father and that student whose teacher
provides food for him must obey his teacher. Whatever he
commands must be obeyed. The employee must ask his
employer and must fulfil his commands. If the employer does
not give an answer then it will be taken into consideration
whether he is a traveller or not. If the employer is not a traveller
then the employee will not be a traveller. If the employer is a
traveller then the employee will also be considered as a
traveller. If this is not known then after travelling the distance
of approximately 92km, the employee should shorten his salah.
Before this he should read the full salah. If he does not ask his
employer, the same ruling will apply as for the one who asks
his employer and does not receive an answer. (Rad-dul-muhtaar, V2,


The traveller intends to stay in a place for some work or he is in
a state of waiting for his companions for two or three days or
thirteen or fourteen days or he has this intention that when the
work is completed I will go. In both states if he says I will travel
today or tomorrow and if he does for a year, he will be considered
a traveller and he will shorten his salah. (Alamgeeri, V1, P139)


A woman is not permitted to travel without a mahram (non-
marriageable relative) for the distance of approximately 92km
Laws of Salah

(three days) or more, in fact she can’t even travel one day. A
woman is also not permitted to travel with a child or a slightly
insane person. It is necessary for a woman to have an adult
mahram or her husband with her. (Alamgeeri, V1, P142) A woman is
permitted to travel with a murahiq (a boy who is close to
becoming an adult) who is trustworthy. The murahiq is
considered as an adult. (Fatawa Alamgeeri, V1, P219) It is necessary
for the mahram to not be an extreme sinner, fearless and
insecure. (Bahar-e-Shariat, Part 4, P84, Madina-tul-Murshid Bareilly Shareef)


If a woman, after her marriage, lives in in-laws’ house then her
original home (her parent’s home) will no longer be her Watan-
e-Asli. If her in-laws home is approximately 92km away from
her parents’ home and she goes to her parents’ home without
the intention of staying there for fifteen days, she will shorten
her salah (qasr). If she has not left her parents home and she
goes to her in-laws house temporarily, when she arrives back to
her parents house she will no longer be a traveller and she will
pray the full salah. (Bahar-e-Shariat, Part 4 Page 84, Madina-tul-Murshid
Bareilly Shareef)

3,     2/      . 


These days’ people travel to other countries with their families
to earn a living with a limited visa, for example, in UAE a
person is granted a temporary visa to stay in the country for a
maximum of 3 years, this visa can be renewed at the end of the
3-year period in exchange for a set fee. Now because the visa is
limited, despite having one’s family with one’s self, one cannot
intend to stay there permanently and therefore the UAE can never

The Travellers Salah

become his Watan-e-Asli, even if he was to stay there for a hundred

years. Whenever he returns from a journey he will have to
intend to reside there for 15 days or more, for example, let’s say
that a resident of Dubai travels on a Madani Qafila of Dawat-e-
Islami to Abu Dhabi (capital of UAE) which is approximately
150km away. On the way back, if he wants to be classed a
resident he must intend to stay in Dubai for 15 days or more or
else he will be considered a traveller. However, if it is already
understood that he will stay in Dubai for 15 days or more then
he will be classed a resident automatically. If his job requires
him to travel frequently and does not allow him to spend 15
complete days and nights in Dubai, he will remain a traveller
even if he spends years travelling to and from Dubai to meet his
family, he must therefore pray qasr salah throughout his stay in
Dubai (even though he lives there). These rulings must be
learnt especially by traders, drivers etc. who travel to other
cities and countries frequently to supply goods.


If someone intends to reside in a particular place for 15 days or
more but his state shows that he will not be able to do so then
his intention will be of no use. For example, let’s say a man goes
to perform Hajj, and then despite the fact that the month of Zil
Hijjah has begun, he decides to stay in Makka-tul-Mukarrama for
15 days, now this intention is of no use because he is there to do
Hajj which means that he will most certainly have to be in Mina
on the 8th of Zil Hijjah and in Arafat on the 9th which means it is
impossible for him to stay in Makka-tul-Mukarama for 15 days.
There is no harm in making the intention after returning from
Mina, (Dur-e-mukhtaar, V2, P729 – alamgeeri, V1, P140) keeping in mind
that it must be possible for him to stay in Makka-tul-
Mukarrama for 15 days, because if he feels there is more chance
of him heading for Madina-tul-Munawwara or back home within
this time, he will remain a traveller.
Laws of Salah


Those who illegally reside in Arabia in order to perform Hajj
with an Umra visa or people who remain resided in a country
illegally despite their visa expiring will become travellers as
soon as the visa expires, their intention of residing is now
useless because the decision of how long they remain in the
country is now up to the government. They will have to pray
qasr salah no matter how many years they stay there for. Any
government law which does not contradict Islamic law but
results in being disgraced, having to bribe someone or lie if not
abided by, is wajib for Muslims to follow. (Mulakhkhasan Fatawa-e-
Razaviyah, V17, P370, Raza Foundation Markaz-ul-Auliya Lahore)

So to stay in any country of the world, including staying to

perform Hajj without a visa is not permitted. Succeeding in
illegally staying for Hajj and then (Allah      forbid) saying “It is
due to the blessings of Allah and His Messenger
         ” is
a great dare.
It is wajib for a traveller to do qasr, in other words, perform two
rak’at farz instead of four rak’at. For a traveller, two rak’at are
his full salah. If he prays four deliberately with sitting after the
first two rak’at, the farz will be valid but the last two will
become nafl and he will have committed a sin and is worthy of
the hell fire because he has omitted a wajib and must therefore
repent. If he does not sit after the first two rak’at, the farz are
not considered valid and the whole salah will become nafl.
However, if he doesn’t sit after the first two rak’at but decides
to become a resident before performing the sajdah of the third
rak’at, the farz will still be valid but he will have to repeat the
qiyaam and ruku’, but if he makes the decision in the third
rak’at, the farz will not be valid. Similarly, if he does not recite
the Qur’an in either of the first two rak’at or both of them, the
salah will become invalid. (Alamgeeri, V1, P139)
The Travellers Salah


If a traveller intends to pray four rak’at instead of two at the
beginning of his salah but remembers after starting and then
performs salaam at the end of two, the salah will be valid. It
will also be valid if a resident intends to perform two instead of
four at the beginning of his salah but completes all four. The
respected jurists of Islam    ;  %
 - *
 ' say, “The number of rak’aat
does not have to be included in the intention at the beginning of
the salah because it is implied anyway. Making a mistake at the
beginning of the salah when thinking of the number of rak’aat
is not harmful” (Dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V2, P97-98)


One of the conditions for a person to be led by someone in salah
is that the congregate must know whether or not the Imaam is a
traveller or a resident, whether one realises before the salah has
commenced or during it. Therefore, the Imaam should inform
the congregates of his state prior to beginning the salah, if he
does not mention it at the beginning he can announce at the
end, ‘The Islamic brothers who are residents must finish off
their salah as I am a traveller”. (Dur-e-mukhtaar, V2, P611-622) He can
let the people know after the salah despite telling them
beforehand as well, so that those who were absent know as
well. If everyone knew beforehand that the Imaam was a
traveller, making this announcement after the salah is desirable.
(Dur-e-mukhtaar, V2, P735-736, Dar-ul-Ma’rifah Beirut)


In qasr salah, after the traveller Imaam has said his salaam, the
resident congregate should stand up and in the third and fourth
rak’at instead of reciting Sura Fatiha he should remain silent for
the approximate time it would have taken him to recite it anyway.
(Mulakhkhasan Bahar-e-Shariat, Part 4, P82, Madina-tul-Murshid Bareilly Shareef)

Laws of Salah


There is no qasr for the sunan which means that they must be
prayed fully in a state of ease but can be missed in a state of fear
or worry. (Alamgeeri, V1, P139)

3,  2/      . 
(1) One is allowed to perform nafls on any moving vehicle
(bus, car) when he is outside the city (this refers to the point
from which a traveller has to do qasr) but he must face the
direction the vehicle is heading (otherwise the salah will not be
valid). Also, keep in mind that one does not have to be facing
qibla even at the beginning. The ruku’ and sujood should be
performed with gestures when on any form of transport,
keeping in mind that the gesture for the sujood must be lower
than that for the ruku’ (i.e. bow lower for the sujood). (Dur-e-
mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V2, P487) However, one must face qibla if
there is enough space to do so; for example, a train.
(2) A villager can perform his nafl salah on any moving
vehicle when he has passed the borders of his village. (Rad-dul-
muhtaar, V2, P486)

(3) If someone had started performing his salah on a

transport outside his city but entered the city before finishing
the salah, he can finish it before he reaches his home. (Dur-e-
mukhtaar, V2, P487-488)

(4) It is not permissible to perform any farz, the sunan of

Fajr, any wajib (witr, nazr, or nafl that had been terminated)
and the sajdah of recitation (if the verse of sajdah was recited on
the ground) in a moving vehicle without a valid reason. If there
is a valid reason, one must face the qibla if possible, otherwise
wherever possible. (Dur-e-mukhtaar, V2, P488)
The Travellers Salah


If a traveller starts to pray a third rak’at when he was only
supposed to pray two, he has two options:

(1) If he had sat for the duration it takes to recite the

tashahhud after the first two rak’at then he must return to the
sitting position before he performs the sajdah of the third rak’at
and perform the sajdah sahw at the end. If he does not return
and instead does the salaam whilst he is standing, the salah will
still be valid but he would have missed a Sunnah. If he had
performed the sajdah of the third rak’at, he should add a fourth
rak’at and then do sajdah sahw at the end and finish the salah.
The last two rak’at will be considered to be nafl.
(2) If he stood up for the third without sitting for tashahhud,
then he must return before performing the sajdah of the third,
and do sajdah sahw and complete his salah. If he had performed
the sajdah of the third rak’at (without sitting for the tashahhud
previously), the farz will become invalid, in which case he
should add a fourth rak’at, do sajdah sahw and then complete
the salah; in this last case all four will be considered nafl (he is
therefore still required to perform his two farz). (Ma’khoozaaz dur-e-
mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-mukhtaar, V2, P550)


The salah missed whilst being a resident must be prayed fully if
they are made up for whilst travelling and qasr salah missed
whilst travelling must be prayed as qasr even if they are made
up for as a resident.

3,     2/      . 



uthority and Master of Both Worlds, Beloved Rasool

A of Allah, Knower of the Unknown, Merciful Prophet

   said, “Reciting Durood upon me will be light
on the bridge of Siraat. One who recites Durood upon me 80
times on Friday will have 80 years worth of sins forgiven.” (Jami’
Saghir, P320, Hadith 5191, Dar-ul-Kutubul Ilmiyah Beirut)

3,     2/      . 


The 4th and 5th verses of Sura Ma’oon (part 30) speak of those
who deliberately miss their salah:

% % % %
 % 8   6   
 h  6 ?s ‫< ۝‬
‫ ۝‬5.
       [ ,   T  ?.J
Translation Kanzul-Iman:
Then woe to those salaah performers. Who are heedless of their salah.

When Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Sa’d bin Abi Waqas  (    &%
 $ '
asked the Holy Prophet
   about the 5 verse of Sura

Ma’oon, he
   said, “(it refers to those) who perform
their salah after their prescribed times”. (Sunanil Kubra lil Baihaqi, V2,
P214, Dar-us-Saadir Beirut)

Laws of Salah

Verse number 4 mentions the word “wail”. Sadrush Shariah

Hazrat-e-Maulana Muhammad Amjad Ali Azami    ) *  ' says,
“There is a horrific valley in Hell that even Hell itself seeks
refuge from it. This valley is called “wail” and it is for those
who miss their salah deliberately”. (Bahar-e-Shariat, Part 3, P7, Madina-
tul-Murshid Bareilly Shareef)

Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Imam Muhammad bin Ahmad Zahabi    ) *  '

says, “It has been said that there is a valley in Hell by the name
of “wail”. Its extreme heat will melt even mountains. It is the
home of those who slack behind in their salah and perform
them after their due times, unless they regret their actions and
plead to Allah      for forgiveness”. (Kitab-ul-Kabair, P19, Dar Maktaba-
tul-Hayah Beirut)


The Holy Prophet
              said to his Blessed Companions
 . & %   
% - , “Two angels (Jibra’eel and Mika’eel 789 
5  %  ) came to me
tonight and took me to the sanctified land. I saw a man lying on
the ground with another man stood beside his head holding a
rock in his hand. He repeatedly smashed his head with the rock
and every time his head would return back to normal. I asked
the angels, ‘Subhan-Allah      who is this?’ They told me to
proceed further (and after showing me other punishments) they
said, ‘the first person you saw had memorised the Qur’an and
then forgotten it and he used to remain asleep at the time of
salah, (so) he will be punished like that until the day of
judgement’.” (Mulakhkhas az Sahih Bukhari, V2, P1043)

Dear Islamic Brothers! This is a warning for those who memorise

one or more verses of the Holy Qur’an and then forget them
and especially those who miss their Fajr salah due to sleeping
negligently. Here is a narration about the painful torment of the
grave inflicted upon a woman who used to miss her salah
Method of Missed Salah


A man’s sister once died. When he returned after burying her,
he realised that he had dropped a bag of money inside her
grave so he returned to the grave in order to dig it out. When he
dug it open he saw a terrifying scene. He saw flames of fire
burning in his sister’s grave. He began to cry and quickly threw
the soil in to the grave again and rushed home where he met his
mother in a terrified state and asked her concerning his sister’s
deeds. She said, “Son why do you ask?” He replied “I’ve just
seen flames in her grave”. On hearing this, his mother began to
cry too and said, “Your sister used to miss her salah and pray
them after their due times”. (Mukashifa-tul-Quloob, P189, Dar-ul-Kutubul
Ilmiyyah Beirut)

Dear Islamic Brothers! If these are the consequences of

performing the salah after their prescribed times then what will
be the consequences of not performing salah at all?


The Beloved Rasool of Allah
          said, “If anyone
misses his salah due to sleep or forgetfulness, he must pray it
when he remembers, that will be its time”. (Sahih Muslim, V1, P241)

The respected jurists š  ;  %

 - *
 ' say, “If one misses his salah
due to sleep or forgetfulness, it is farz for him to make up for it;
however, he will not get the sin of reading after the time. It is
makrooh to delay it once he does remember or wakes up. He
should perform it instantly (unless a makrooh time period has
begun)”. (Alamgeeri, V1, P124)

Here is a fatwa concerning whether or not one will earn the
reward of an “ada” Fajr salah (one prayed in its prescribed
Laws of Salah

time) if he prays it as “qaza” salah (one prayed after its

prescribed time) if missed due to sleep: AlaHazrat Imam
Ahmad Raza Khan      ) *  ' says on page 161 (volume 8) of
Fatawa-e-Razaviya, “As far as the reward for the ada salah is
concerned, it is up to the will of Allah     .”


If a person goes to sleep after the time for Fajr has started and
then the time ends with him still asleep, he will definitely have
sinned (unless he was confident that he would get up or that
there was someone else who would wake him up), in fact, he
will have sinned even if he goes to sleep even before the time
for Fajr begins (if he has spent the most part of the night awake
and knows that if he was to sleep now he will miss his Fajr).
(Bahar-e-Shariat, Part 4, P42, Madina-tul-Murshid Bareilly Shareef)

Dear Islamic Brothers! If one fears that he will miss his Fajr
salah due to staying up late in the night in gatherings of Zikr
and Naat, he should sleep in the Masjid (with the intention of
I’tikaaf) throughout the night, or sleep where he knows that he
will be woken up by someone, or make sure he has a reliable
alarm clock beside him to wake him up. In fact, one should not
rely on a single alarm clock but instead have two or more clocks
beside him in case he turns it off without realising or it fails to
work. The respected scholars š   ;  %
 - *
 ' say, “If one fears that he
will miss the Fajr salah, he is not allowed to stay awake until
late in the night, without a valid reason”. (Rad-dul-muhtaar, V2, P27,


Ada means performing a task within its prescribed time period.
(Dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V2, P627)

Method of Missed Salah

Qaza means performing a task after the time period has

finished. (Dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V2, P632)
I’adah means repeating a task in order to compensate for any
faults experienced during its accomplishment. (Dur-e-mukhtaar ma’
rad-dul-muhtaar, V2, P629)

If one was to say Takbeer-e-Tehreema within the time period,

his salah will be classed as ada and not qaza. (Dur-e-mukhtaar ma’
rad-dul-muhtaar, V2, P628) This excludes Fajr, Jumu’ah, and Eid salah
because for these salah it is vital that the (whole salah
including) salaam be performed within the prescribed time
period otherwise they will not be valid. (Bahar-e-Shariat, Part 4, P42,
Madina-tul-Murshid Bareilly Shareef)

To miss salah without a valid reason is a major sin. To perform

qaza and repent are both farz. Repentance or an accepted Hajj
will In’shaa-Allah      compensate for the delay (in offering the
salah). (Dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V2, P626) Repentance will
only be considered valid if one performs qaza of the salah.
Repentance without performing qaza is not considered (sincere)
repentance because he still hasn’t performed the salah that he
was obliged to do so, so how is he considered to have repented
if he has not yet refrained from the sin? (Dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-
muhtaar, V2, P628)

Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna ibn Abbas , - (  $ &% ' narrates that the Tajdar-
e-Risalt, Shahanshah-e-Nubuwat, Mahboob-e-RabbulIzat


         said, “One who repents and continues to sin (at
the same time) is like a man who jokes with Allah     .” (Shu’ubul
Iman, Hadith 7178, V5, P436, Dar-ul-Kutubul Ilmiyyah Beirut)


Hazrat-e-Allama Sayyid Muhammad Naeem-ud-Deen
Muraadabaadi      ) *  ' says, “Repentance is a combination of
Laws of Salah

three essentials: (1) admitting the sin, (2) shame, (3)

determination not to repeat the sin. Compensation is also a
condition (if this is possible), for example, if one has missed a
salah, his repentance will only be considered valid if he makes
up for it (does qaza)”. (Khazain-ul-Irfan, P12, Raza academy Bombay)


If you see someone sleeping, or you think that he has forgotten
to perform his salah, it is wajib for you to wake him or make
him aware. (Bahar-e-Shariat, Part 4, P43) (If you do not, then you
have sinned) Remember! Awakening someone or reminding
him will only be wajib if you know that there is a good
possibility of him praying (otherwise it is not wajib).


Dear Islamic Brothers! Wake up fellow Muslim brothers for
salah and earn heaps of reward. In Dawat-e-Islami, we use the
term ‘Sada-e-Madina’ to refer to “awaking Muslims for the Fajr
salah”. Sada-e-Madina is not wajib, however awaking Muslims
for Fajr salah is (undoubtedly) an act of great reward and
something that every Muslim should definitely try. One must
take care not to disturb Muslims whilst doing Sada-e-Madina.

An Islamic brother told me that he, along with other Islamic
brothers, was once doing Sada-e-Madina with the aid of a
(handheld) megaphone at the time of Fajr. He said that they
met a man who told them to turn off their megaphone because
his son had not slept all night and that he had just about
managed to fall asleep. The brothers were angry to see a
Muslim stopping them from carrying out such a pious task,
anyhow, the next day they returned in the same manner (doing
Sada-e-Madina) and saw the same man standing sadly at the
Method of Missed Salah

corner of the street telling them that his son had not slept all
night again and that he had just about managed to fall asleep
and that he had stood there to ask the Islamic Brothers to walk
through his street quietly. This incident shows that Sada-e-
Madina should be done without the aid of a megaphone, and
even when calling it out without the help of such a device, one
should not raise his voice too loudly in case he disturbs those
Muslim sisters who are performing their salah, or reciting the
Holy Qur’an inside their homes, or the old, weak, and sick, or
children, or those who have fallen asleep after performing the
salah in its earlier period. Rather than bursting into an
argument when confronted by someone who disapproves of
doing Sada-e-Madina, one should humbly apologise and think
well of him, convincing himself that. “Surely no Muslim can
disapprove of awaking people for Fajr! He probably has a good
reason to do so”. Even if he is someone who does not pray his
salah, one is still not allowed to display an aggressive attitude
towards him. He must search for an opportunity to do Infiraadi
Koshish to politely encourage him to perform his salah. People
who use the Masjid speakers in the morning other than the Fajr
azan or people who use speakers in gatherings that are held at
home or in the neighbourhood should be considerate of
Muslims that are worshipping inside their homes, patients,
babies and those that are asleep.


To be considerate of public rights is absolutely vital. Our pious
ancestors were very careful of this matter. Hujja-tul-Islam
Sayyiduna Imaam Muhammad Ghazali    )  *  ' narrates that
Sayyiduna Imaam Ahmad bin Hanbal    ) *  ' had a student who
spent years in his company acquiring knowledge. One day, as he
approached the Imaam, the Imaam turned his face away (and
expressed his disappointment); the student insisted that his
teacher tells him why he was annoyed, so he    ) *  ' said, “You

Laws of Salah

have expanded the area of your house by bringing out your

wall into the public street, whereas the street is used by Muslims”.
In other words, “how can I be pleased with you when you have
made it difficult for Muslims to pass through your street!” (Ihya-
ul-Uloom, V5, P96, Dar-us-Saadir Beirut) This should be a lesson for
those who make extensions at the front of their homes and
consequently obstruct public pathways.


Anyone who has qaza salah to make up for must perform them
as soon as possible (it is wajib to do so), however, delaying
these salah due to being occupied with earning a living and
other basic necessities is permissible. Therefore, one can
continue to earn a living and make up for missed salah in his
spare time, until there is not a single salah left to pray. (Dur-e-
mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V2, P646)

3,     2 /      . 


Avoid letting others become aware of you performing qaza
salah (even family members and close friends), because,
publicising a sin is also a sin (Makrooh-e-Tahreemi). (Rad-dul-
muhtaar, V2, P650) Therefore, one must not make comments such
as, “I missed Fajr today”, or, “I’m making up for salah that I’ve
missed”. Hence, do not raise your hands for the Takbeer of
Qunoot if you perform qaza of your Witr salah in the presence
of others.


A misconception that exists amongst some people is that if qaza
salah is offered with Jama’at on the last Friday of Ramzan, that

Method of Missed Salah

one salah will compensate for a whole life time of missed salah.
There is no truth in this at all. (Makhooz az sharhuz zarqani alal
mawahibulla duniyyah, V7, P110, Darul Ma’rifa Beirut)

The renowned Qur’anic commentator, Hazrat-e-Mufti

Ahmad Yar Khan Naeemi      ) *  ' says, “On the last Friday of
Ramzan, one should perform 12 rak’at of salah (in two’s)
between Zuhr and Asr, reciting Aya-tul-Kursi (once), Sura
Ikhlas (3 times), Sura Falaq and Sura Nas (once each) after Sura
Fatiha in each rak’at. The advantage of this is that In’shaa-Allah
     he will be pardoned for the sin off missing the salah that he
has compensated for (done qaza of), but this does not mean that
he does not have to perform qaza of those salah. (Islami Zindagi,


If there is someone who has not prayed a single salah in his life
and now he wants to make up for them, he must work out how
many salah he has missed since reaching the age of puberty. If
he does not remember the exact year, he should work it out
from the age of 12 (9 for Islamic sisters), just to be on the safe
side. (Makhooz az fatawa-e-Razaviya, V8, P154, Raza Foundation Lahore)


When making up for the salah, one has a choice of either
praying all the Fajr salah first, then all the Zuhr, and then all the
Asr, Maghrib etc. (Fatawa qadi khan ma’ alamgeeri, V1, P109)


There are 20 rak’at to make up for in a day (2 farz for Fajr, 4 for
Zuhr, 4 for Asr, 3 for Maghrib, 4 for Isha and 3 Witr). Make the
following intention, “I am making up for the very first Fajr that
I missed” (the same should be intended for every salah). If one
Laws of Salah

has a large quantity of missed salah to make up for, he can use

the following shortcuts:

(1) Saying the tasbihaat in ruku’ and sujood (‫ ﻟ  ﻌﻈ

ﻴﻢ‬% H I‫ ٰﺤ ﻦ ر‬J ‫& ﺳ‬
%ٰ&‫ ﻻ ﻋ‬% H I‫ ٰﺤ ﻦ ر‬J ‫ ) ﺳ‬once instead of three times. However one must
make sure that he begins to pronounce the ‘‫ ’س‬of ‫ ٰﺤ ﻦ‬J ‫ ﺳ‬once he is
fully in ruku’ and that he begins to lift his head back up from
ruku’ only after he has completed the ‘‫ ’م‬of ‫ ﻋﻈ
ﻴﻢ‬. The same
applies to the tasbihaat in sajdah.

(2) Saying ‘
 ‫ ٰﺤ ﻦ‬J ‫ ’ ﺳ‬3 times in the 3rd and 4th rak’at instead of
reciting Sura Fatiha, but remember you must recite both the
Sura Fatiha and additional verses in the 3rd rak’at of Witr.
(3) Saying only ‘

‫ﻟ‬G ‫ ﻣ ﺤ ﻤ _ﺪ و‬%ٰ&‫ ﻋ‬$‫ ’ﻟ ﻠ > ﻢ ﺻﻞ‬instead of reciting the
whole Durood and Dua after the tashah’hud.

(4) Saying ‘%NO

‫ ﻏ‬,$ ‫ ’ ر‬once or three times instead of the Dua of
Qunoot in the third rak’at of Witr. (Mulakhas az Fatawa-e-Razaviya, V8,
P157, Raza Foundation Lahore)


If a salah that was missed whilst on a journey is performed as
qaza later on, it must be prayed as qasr salah (even though one
is not a traveller anymore) and if a salah that was missed in a
normal state (as compared to being on a journey) is prayed as
qaza in a state of travelling, it must be prayed fully (and not as
qasr). (Rad-dul-muhtaar, V2, P650)


If someone, Allah      forbid, becomes a kaafir and then reverts
to Islam, he does not have to make up for the salah that he

Method of Missed Salah

missed in the state of disbelief, but he does have to make up for

those that he missed as a Muslim before he became an apostate.
(Rad-dul-muhtaar, V2, P537)


A midwife can miss her salah if she fears that a new born child
could die if she is not with him. (Rad-dul-muhtaar, V2, P519) If the
time for salah is coming to an end and a woman is in labour,
and the head of her child is visible but the rest of the body is
still inside her, then it is still farz for her to pray her salah, she
will have sinned if she does not (but she does not have to pray
in this state if her “nifas” has started). (Rad-dul-muhtaar, V2, P565)
She should place the child’s head into a container so that it is
not harmed and pray her salah, but even in this if there is a risk
of the child dying, she can delay (miss) her salah (she will have
to do qaza after the termination of her nifas). (Rad-dul-muhtaar, V2,
P519, Multan)


If a physical illness is so extreme that one cannot perform his
salah even using gestures and he is like this for the whole
duration of six prayers, he does not have to do qaza of those
salah. (Rad-dul-muhtaar, V2, P570, Multan)


If you realise that you have not been performing your prayers
correctly then it is preferable for you to repeat them all. If you
do, make sure that you do not pray them after Fajr or Asr, and
pray every rak’at with Sura Fatiha and additional verses. In the
Witr, add on an extra 4th rak’at (as well as reading the Qunoot
and sitting at the end of the 3rd). (Rad-dul-muhtaar, V1, P138, Multan)

3,  2/      . 
Laws of Salah


Ala-Hazrat Moulana Shah Ahmad Raza Khan     ) *  ' says, “Our
scholars have clearly stated that it is permissible to perform a
qaza salah with the intention of ada and an ada salah intending
to do qaza.” (Fatawa-e-Razaviya, V8, P161, Raza Foundation Markaz-ul-Auliya


Making up for missed salah is more important than performing
nafl salah which therefore means that one should replace all
nafli salah with qaza salah until he has made up for them,
however he should not replace the Taraweeh salah and the 12
rak’at that are Sunnah-e-Mu’akkadah. (Rad-dul-muhtaar, V1, P536,


It is Makrooh (tahreemi) to perform nafl salah after Fajr and Asr
salah, this includes Tahiyya-tul-Masjid, nafl of nazr (swearing
an oath), nafl of tawaaf, and any salah that was terminated once
it was begun. It also includes the Sunan of Fajr and Asr
themselves. (Dur-e-mukhtaar, V1, P61)

There is no specific time for offering ones qaza salah; in other

words, he will have freed himself of this obligation whenever
he prays them, however, he must remember that he cannot
pray qada salah at the 3 Makrooh times (sunrise, sunset, and
mid-day) because praying any salah within these periods is
prohibited. (Alamgeeri, V1, P134, Quetta)


If one prayed his Zuhr farz (without praying the 4 sunan prior
to them), he should pray the 4 sunan after performing the 2

Method of Missed Salah

rak’at that come after the farz. Ala-Hazrat      ) *  ' says, “If
someone misses the 4 sunan before the farz, he should pray
them after, in fact, the soundest opinion is that he should pray
them after the 2 sunan that follow the farz, providing he is still
in the Zuhr time period”. (Mulakhkhasan Fatawa-e-Razaviya, V8, P148,
Raza Foundation Markaz-ul-Auliya Lahore)


If one fears that praying his sunan will result in missing the Fajr
jama’at, he should join the jama’at without praying them, but
remember, he cannot pray them after completing his farz. It is
desirable for him to pray them 20 minutes after sunrise until
mid-day. (Makhooz az Fatawa-e-Razaviya jaded, V7, P424 – Bahar-e-Shariat,
Part 4, P12)

3,  2/      . 


The time period for Maghrib salah begins when the sun sets,
and it ends at the beginning time for the Isha period. This
duration actually varies in terms of varying dates and places.
For example, according to Baab-ul-Madina Karachi timings, the
duration for the Maghrib salah will be at least 1 hr 18 minutes.
The respected scholars š   ;  %
 - *
 ' say, “It is always desirable to
offer Maghrib salah quickly (as soon as the time begins) unless
the sky is cloudy. Delaying it more than the time it takes to
perform 2 rak’at of salah is Makrooh-e-Tanzihi and delaying it
to the extent that even the smaller stars become clearly visible is
Makrooh-e-Tahreemi. (Dur-e-mukhtaar, V1, P246 – alamgeeri, V1, P48)

Ala-Hazrat Moulana Shah Ahmad Raza Khan      ) *  '
says, “The desirable time to pray Maghrib is before the stars
become clearly visible in the sky. To delay it until even the

Laws of Salah

smaller stars (as well as the larger ones) become visible, is

Makrooh (Tahreemi).” (Fatawa-e-Razaviya, V5, P153, Raza Foundation

The rak’at before the Asr and Isha salah are Sunnah-e-ghair
Mu’akkadah and therefore one does not have to do qaza if they
are missed.


One does not have to make up for missed taraweeh salah. If
someone does, they will be classed as nafl (and not taraweeh).
(Mulakhkhasan dur-e-mukhtaar, V1, P61)

3,     2/      . 


Those whose relatives have passed away should definitely read the following

Work out the age of the deceased, subtracting 9 years (prior to

puberty) for women and 12 years for men. From the remaining
number of years work out how many years the deceased
missed salah or fasting (if one is not sure then it is safer to count
more than less, in fact to be safe, work out all the years from
puberty onwards). Now, for each salah, donate the amount of
one Sadaqa-e-Fitr, which is approximately 2.5 kg of wheat or
flour, or their price in money. There are 6 salah in a day (5 farz
plus 1 Wajib Witr), so if, for example, 2.5 kg of wheat costs 12
rupees, then one will donate 72 rupees per day, 2160 rupees per
month, and approximately 25,920 rupees per year, so if a
deceased relative of yours has 50 years of missed prayers, you
will be required to donate 1,296,000 rupees on behalf of him.
Now, obviously, not everyone can pay such a large amount,
and therefore our respected scholars’ š   ;  %
 - *
 ' have mentioned a

Method of Missed Salah

method of getting round this problem (heelah). This is the

method; one should find a faqeer (definitions of “faqeer” and
“miskeen” will follow shortly) and give him, lets say, one
month’s fidyah (2160 rupees) and make him the owner. Now
the faqeer can then return the money back to you (making you
the owner again), and you can then pass it back to him a second
time, and so on, until you have handed the money back and
forth (handing over complete ownership of the money each
time) enough times to be able to say that you have paid him the
equivalent to the total number of prayers missed. (Makhooz az
Fatawa-e-Bazaziya ma’ alamgeeri, V4, P69) One month’s fidyah was used
as an example. If one has enough money to donate the fidyah
for all 50 years at once, he can clear the fidyah of all 50 years in
just one transaction (and have the money returned to him).
Remember to use the current cost of wheat when making
calculations. The same applies to fasting (one Sadaqa-e-Fitr per
fast). (Dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V2, P644)

One can pay off the fidyah for fasts that have been missed by
his deceased relatives’ after paying off for the salah in the same
manner. This “heelah” can be used by the rich as well as the
poor. If the heirs of a deceased do this on behalf of him they
will have helped him a great deal. It will remove the burden of
farz salah off the deceased person and it will earn heaps of
reward for the heirs. A misconception existing amongst some
people is that they believe that the fidyah for all of the
deceased’s prayers is paid by simply donating a copy of the
Holy Qur’an in the Masjid, this is a mistake. (For details see: Fatawa-
e-Razaviya, V8, P168, Raza Foundation Lahore)


When calculating the number of prayers that a woman had
missed one should exclude her menstrual period for each
month. If her exact number of days is unknown, you should

Laws of Salah

extract 3 days from each month (from the age of 9). However,
you must not extract these days from her pregnancy period (as
she does not experience her menses, and is therefore, still
obliged to perform her salah). If her period of bleeding after
childbirth is known, it should be excluded after every
childbirth, if it is not known then there will be no exclusion
(because there are no number of days for the least period of
bleeding after childbirth, as it is possible that the bleeding only
lasted a single minute). (Ma’khooz az Fatawa-e-Razaviya, V8, P154, Raza
Foundation Lahore)

3,     2/      . 


Dear Islamic Brothers! The previous mentioned method of
solving the “fidyah problem” is not something that I have
myself made up. In fact, the permissibility of using such
methods has been proven by the holy Qur’an, Hadith and
reliable books of Hanafi jurisprudence. During the time Hazrat-
e-Sayyiduna Ayyub 789   %    was ill, his noble wife - (     &%
 $ ' was once
late in arriving in his blessed presence and so he 789   %    swore
that he would hit her 100 times. When he regained his health,
Allah      told him to strike her once with a broom made of
splinters. The Holy Qur’an mentions this story:

  (¥ B  % %  t % & JSg‰& % Œ

   3%  % s } 

Translation Kanzul-Iman:
And We said, 'take in your hand a broom of dry grass and strike there with
and break not your oath.
(Part 23, Ruku’ 13) (Fatawa alamgeeri, V6, P390)

There is a whole chapter on the topic of heelah called “Kitabul

Hiyal” in the famous Hanafi book “alamgeeri”. It states, “It is

Method of Missed Salah

Makrooh to use a heelah to deprive someone of his right, or

make it doubtful for him, or to deceive him, but there is nothing
wrong with using a heelah to avoid committing Haraam, or in
order to attain something Halaal for oneself. The following
verse is proof of the permissibility of such types of heelah:


Here is another piece of evidence for the permissibility of using
a heelah; Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Abbas , - (  $ &% ' narrates that
once Hazrat-e-Sayyidatuna Sarah and Hazrat-e-Sayyidatuna
Hajirah , - (  $  &% ' had a dispute, which resulted in Hazrat-e-
Sayyidatuna Sarah - (    &%
 $ ' swearing that if she had the
opportunity she would cut a limb of Hazrat-e-Sayyidatuna
Hajirah - (    &%   %   
 $ ' . Allah      sent Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Jibra’eel 789 
to Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Ibraheem 789  %
   to make him reconcile
between the two. Hazrat-e-Sayyidatuna Sarah  - (     &%
 $ ' asked,

a‫( ” ﻣ ﺣ
ﻴ ﻠ ﺔ ﻳﻤ
ﻴ‬How can I fulfil my oath?) A revelation was sent to
Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Ibrahim 789   %   to tell Hazrat-e-Sayyidatuna
Sarah - (    &%
 $ ' to pierce the ear of Hazrat-e-Sayyidatuna Hajirah
- (    %
 $ ' . That is how the custom of piercing ears began. (Ghamz
‘uyunil basair sharhul ashbahi wannadhair, V3, P295, Idaara-tul-Qur’an)


The Mother of the Believers, Hazrat-e-Sayyidatuna Aisha
Siddiqa - (    &%
 $ ' narrates that once a piece of cow meat was
presented to the Holy Prophet
   and he
was informed that the meat was donated (Sadaqah) to Hazrat-
e-Sayyidatuna Bareerah - (     &%   
 $ ' , Sarkar-e-Madina

replied, “‫ﺔ‬4 ‫ﺪ ﻳ‬

b ‫ﺔ و ﻟ ﻨ‬4 ‫ ﻮ ﻟ > ﺻ ﺪ ﻗ‬b” (meaning for her it is sadaqah, but for
us it is a gift). (Sahih Muslim, V1, P345)

3,  2/      . 
Laws of Salah


This Hadith shows that Hazrat-e-Sayyidatuna Bareerah - (    &%
 $ '
(who was liable to accept sadaqah) was offered meat of a cow,
which was then classed as sadaqah for her but once she
transferred it onto the Sarkar-e-Madina
   it was no
longer considered sadaqah, in fact it was then classed as a gift.
Therefore, one who is liable to accept zakah can take it and then
give it to another person (who is not liable for zakah), or to a
Masjid, and when he passes it on, it will no longer remain
zakah, in fact it will simply turn into a gift.
The respected scholars    ;  %
 - *
 ' have stated the valid heelah for
zakah to be this; zakah money cannot be used to pay for the
burial or shrouding expenses of a deceased, and it cannot used
to pay for Masjid expenses either, because the paying of zakah
requires that it be handed to a faqeer (giving him full
ownership over it). However, if one desires to spend zakah
money in the mentioned causes he can hand it over to a faqeer,
who can then spend it (on burial expenses or a Masjid, etc), and
both of them will be rewarded”. (Rad-dul-muhtaar, V3, P343)


Dear Islamic Brothers! So you see! Zakah money can be used for
burial expenses or in a Masjid using a valid heelah because it is
considered zakah for the faqeer (but not for the Masjid that he
hands it over to), once he has gained possession over it he is
free to do whatever he wants with it. Using this heelah, one
manages to pay off his zakah, and at the same time the faqeer
earns himself heaps of reward by spending his money on the
Masjid. There is nothing wrong with explaining this ruling to a
faqeer, in fact, if the money is transferred through several
people they will all manage to gather heaps of reward for
themselves, for example, if you give 12 hundred thousand
rupees to a faqeer as zakah, and then he gives it (as a gift) to
Method of Missed Salah

another Islamic brother, who then passes it on to a third Islamic

brother with the same intention, and so forth, finally ending
with the last Islamic brother handing it over to the Masjid
committee (or whatever purpose the heelah was used for),
In’shaa-Allah      each and every one of those Islamic brothers
will earn the reward of donating 12 hundred thousand rupees
as sadaqah. Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Abu Huraira  (    &%
 $ ' narrates
that beloved Rasool of Allah
         said, “If sadaqah is
transferred through 100 hands, then each one of them will earn
the same reward as the one who (initially) gives it, without a
reduction in his reward”. (Tareekh Baghdad, V7, P135, Dar-ul-Kutubul
Ilmiyyah Beirut)

3,  2/      . 

A faqeer is someone who; (a) possesses only a little amount of
wealth, but not as much as the nisaab, or (b) possesses wealth
equivalent to the amount of nisaab, but it comprises of his basic
necessities which include a house, household items, transport,
tools for a craftsman, clothes, a servant, and necessary books
(for a student), or (c) is in debt, and if he was to deduct the total
amount of debt that he owes from his savings he will be left
with less than the amount of nisaab (even though he might
posses the amount of wealth that adds up to several nisaab).
(Rad-dul-muhtaar, V3, P333)

A miskeen is one who does not even posses the basic necessities
of life (food and clothing); begging is permissible for a miskeen.
It is Haraam for a faqeer (one who possesses a days food and
clothing) to beg unnecessarily, and to give him something, if he
does beg, it is also Haraam (and the giver will have sinned).
(Fatawa alamgeeri, V1, P188)
Laws of Salah

Dear Islamic Brothers! This tells us that beggars who are

capable of earning a living but do not do so, and instead, beg to
people unnecessarily, are sinners, and for one to give his zakah
and sadaqah to such beggars, despite being aware of their
situation, is also a sin (he will also be destroying his zakah and
sadaqah by giving it to them).

3,  2/      . 


Question: How can I use a heelah for my zakah money?

Answer: You must give your zakah to a faqeer or his waqeel

(agent/representative). Once he has gained possession of it he
can use it for anything he pleases (including Masjid expenses).
Like this, as well as paying off your zakah, you and the faqeer
will also earn reward - In’shaa-Allah     .

Question: You said “a faqeer or his wakeel”, what is a

Answer: Someone who receives zakah for a faqeer on his
behalf (with the faqeer’s permission).

Question: Can the wakeel spend the zakah on anything he

pleases once he gets hold of it?
Answer: No he cannot, unless the faqeer gives him permission
to do so (or if he asks for permission himself).

Question: If a faqeer does give his waqeel permission to

spend the zakah wherever he pleases, does that mean that the
faqeer then no longer has to take possession of the wealth?
Answer: Yes, because the wakeels possession is considered
‘possession for the faqeer’ (because he was the one who
authorised it).
Method of Missed Salah

Question: Please state what appropriate words one can use

when handing over money to be used for religious or social
Answer: An example of appropriate words to be used in
such a situation (for example giving sadaqah or using a heelah
to donate ones zakah to Dawat-e-Islami) is:
“Dawat-e-Islami can spend this money on any permissible
and religious task that they feel appropriate”.

Question: How should a faqeer take possession of zakah and

then authorise his wakeel to give Dawat-e-Islami full authority
to spend it on any of its Madani tasks?
Answer: The following are appropriate words in this case: “I
want you to give whatever zakah you receive on behalf of me to
Dawat-e-Islami (or any other individual or group) and tell them
that they can spend it on any permissible and virtuous task that
they please”.

Question: What should one say when he is on the receiving

end of someone’s sadaqah?
Answer: If you are on the receiving end of someone’s zakah,
fitrah or any other sadaqah wajiba, you do not have to make
him give you full authority over the money, because the afore
mentioned three types of sadaqah require handing over
complete ownership to someone “liable”, now when people
hand their sadaqaat over to Dawat-e-Islami, they are not
actually transferring ownership over to it, they are in actual fact
using the movement as a “wakeel”. Dawat-e-Islami actually
then uses a valid heelah to spend it on its religious activities
(the method and appropriate words to be used for this have
already been mentioned). Any sadaqah that is not Wajib, is nafl.
Appropriate words to be used when taking nafl sadaqah
(including animal skins at the time of Eid-ul- Azha) are: “give
Laws of Salah

Dawat-e-Islami permission to spend your sadaqah (or the

money received for selling the animal skin) on any permissible
and virtuous task that they please”, the donor should then
grant permission (simply saying “yes” is enough). If permission
is not sought in the afore mentioned manner then the money
can only be spent on well known activities of the movement,
and not other (uncommon) activities (even if they are of a
religious nature), otherwise one would have to compensate for
it (he must repay it from his own personal money). It will be
convenient (and safe) to have the aforementioned statement
printed on all receipts and be clearly visible for the donor to
read himself or for the recipient to read out to him.

Question: How will I compensate for the money?

Answer: By paying back the donor from your personal

money, or by spending it with his permission.

Question: This is almost impossible to do when I’ve collected

a huge amount of money from numerous people that I cannot
even trace. Is there an easier way of getting around this
Answer: In this case, the exact amount of money should be
spent on the cause that it was initially donated for by the donor.
For example, if you were given money to spend on a Masjid,
but you spent it on your Madrasa, you must pay the equivalent
amount on the Masjid from your own personal money.

Question: If someone donated money for a Madrasa, can it be

used for other Dawat-e-Islami activities?
Answer: No. There will be compensation if it is because
sadaqah must be used according to the cause of donation. In
fact, if there is money left over (after using it) it must be
returned to the donor, or spent with his permission.

Method of Missed Salah

Question: How must I repent if I have used zakah or sadaqah

money where it should not have been used without the means
of heelah?
Answer: Ignorance is not an excuse. You must ask yourself
why you did not learn the necessary rulings! If someone has
spent this money wrongly without the means off a heelah, he
must not only repent, in fact he must also compensate for the
money he has misused. For example, if someone gives his
zakah to Dawat-e-Islami, and the brother responsible, spends it
on the construction of a Masjid, or for paying a teacher in the
Madrasa or on any other such virtuous task, without the means
of a heelah, then he must compensate for it all (as mentioned),
even if the sum is in millions, merely repenting is not sufficient.

Question: What can one do if he has wrongly spent hundreds

of thousands of rupees of zakah money without the means of a
heelah, but does not own enough to compensate for it?
Answer: If he himself is a faqeer, he can be given the amount
that he must compensate for (by someone else) as zakah
(because he himself is liable to accept it), and then he can
compensate for the money that he misused using this zakah
(that he now personally owns).

Question: What can a Sayyid do if he makes this mistake

(because Sayyids cannot be used for a zakah heelah)?
Answer: If a Sayyid misuses someone’s zakah, let’s say one
hundred thousand rupees, this is the way he can get around it:
a faqeer should be given someone’s zakah (equivalent to one
hundred thousand rupees), who should then give it as an
offering (not as sadaqah) to the Sayyid, and then the Sayyid can
use it to compensate for the money that he misused, as well as
repent for his sin.

Laws of Salah

Question: Dawat-e-Islami is a huge organisation and not

everyone is aware of the rulings that you have stated, so how
can we solve such a big problem?
Answer: Someone who is obliged to pay zakah is also obliged
to learn the necessary rulings that are involved (it is fardh to do
so), and so are the recipients of such donations (whether they
are individuals or organisations).

All those in charge of such responsibilities must make sure

that they do not allow anyone to accept donations (and animal
skin) until they have been given the necessary

Question: When using a heelah, can I tell the faqeer to give

me the money back and that he can’t keep it?
Answer: One should avoid saying such words to the faqeer;
anyhow, saying them will not affect the zakah or the heelah in
any way because saying such conditional sentences when
offering ones sadaqah, zakah or other offerings holds no
significance. AlaHazrat Moulana Shah Ahmad Raza Khan    ) *  '
narrates with reference to Fatawa-e-Shaami (Kitabuz zakah, baab-ul-
masraf, V3, P293, Multan), “Hibah (gift) and sadaqah (charity) are not
invalidated by invalid conditions”. (Fatawa-e-Razaviya, V10, P108, Raza
Foundation Markaz-ul-Auliya Lahore)

Question: If I give my zakah to a faqeer with the intention of

using him as a heelah, but he does not return the money, can I
force him to give it in order to use it for virtuous activities?
Answer: No you cannot, because the money now belongs to
him. (ibid)
Question: How can I use a faqeer for a heelah then (if I
cannot trust him)? What if I give him thousands of rupees and
he does not return them?
Method of Missed Salah

Answer: Ala-Hazrat     ) *  ' says, “Here is an example of how

this can be done; if you wish to give 20 rupees out of your
zakah money to a Sayyid or Masjid then what you can do show
a faqeer (sane, having reached puberty, liable for zakah) a hat
or some clothing and offer him to buy it from you for 20 rupees,
explaining that you will give him the money yourself, this will
convince him to take your money and then buy the cloth from
you, knowing that in the end he will be gaining possession of
the clothing for free. You should then hand over 20 rupees
(intending to pay your zakah) and then sell the cloth to him in
exchange for the same money. The faqeer will not argue
because he was not expecting to keep the money in the first
place (it was the clothing he would have been expecting to gain
possession of), but even if he does, then you are allowed to
snatch it off him because he is considered to be in debt (with
you being the lender), and it is permissible for a lender to take
what is owed to him without the debtors permission. Therefore
he can take the money and hand it over to the Sayyid or Masjid,
and consequently both objectives are fulfilled.” (Fatawa-e-Razaviya,
V10, P108, Raza Foundation Markaz-ul-Auliya Lahore)

Question: Can you please explain this ruling in an easier

Answer: Here is a humble attempt (with the blessings of
Imam Ahmad Raza      ) *  ' ): lets say that you want to use Zaid
(who is liable for zakah) for a heelah of one hundred thousand
rupees of zakah money but you fear that he will keep the
money. What you can do is sell, lets say a pen, to him for one
hundred thousand rupees that you let him pay for later (so he
has not paid you for the pen but now he owes you 1 hundred
thousand rupees). Now you can give him your zakah of 1
hundred thousand rupees and then ask him to give you the
hundred thousand rupees that he owes you (for the pen). If he
does not repay it, you are allowed to snatch it off him.

Laws of Salah

Question: If I cannot find a faqeer to use for a heelah, is there

any way I can turn someone who isn’t a faqeer into one?
Answer: Yes, this can very easily be done. For instance, if
Zaid has 50,000 rupees excluding his basic necessities then his
wealth has reached the legal “nisaab” (and he therefore cannot
take zakah). Now what you can do is burden him with such a
large debt which will turn him into a faqeer, for example, sell
him a bottle of perfume for 1 hundred thousand rupees. Once
he has gained possession of the bottle he will become a faqeer
because even if he spent all his money to pay off the debt, he
will still have to pay 50,000 rupees. You can now give him your
zakah. He can then pay off his debt and use the remaining
money to be spent on any religious task as well, or, he can give
the entire amount to be spent on a Masjid, and then, if you
want, you can relieve him (forgive him) of his debt. In fact, you
can relieve him of his debt as soon as you gain possession of his
zakah money.

Remember, if the debt is paid, or the lender relieves the

debtor of his debt then Zaid will remain with enough money
that reaches the limit of the nisaab (even though he may have
returned the zakah money through the heelah process) because
after paying his debt or being relieved of it he will still be in
possession of 50,000 rupees apart from his basic necessities.

If you want to use him for a heelah a few more times then
you can leave him in a state of debt, or repeatedly convert him
into that state.

Question: Can we use cheques in the heelah process?

Answer: No. Zakah cannot be paid using cheques.

Question: It is extremely difficult to withdraw large sums of

money from the bank to give to a faqeer for the heelah process

Method of Missed Salah

and then return the money to the bank once it is complete,

please tell me of an easier method.
Answer: A faqeer should open a bank account and then you
should transfer your zakah money into his account (with his
knowledge). Once the sum has been transferred the zakah is
considered paid, so now he can spend it on any virtuous task
that he pleases (details of this have already been explained).

3,     2/      . 

Even though Satan may try hard to stop you from reading this booklet, you
should read it from beginning to end and In’shaa-Allah you will see the
benefits for yourself.


he beloved Rasool of Allah

T the one who recites Durood once, Allah      commands
one carat of compensation to be written down for him in
his book of deeds and one carat is equivalent to Mount Uhad.”
         has said that

(Musannaf abdur raz’zaaq, V1, P51, Hadith No. 153)

3,     2/      . 


One person participated in the funeral salah of Hazrat-e-
Sayyiduna Sirri Saqti    ) *  ' and after attending the funeral he
saw Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Sirri Saqti    ) *  ' in his dream the
following night. This person asked the saint “How did Allah
     deal with you?” The saint    ) *
  ' replied, “Allah      has not
only forgiven me but has also forgiven all the people who
participated in my funeral salah.” This person then said that I
had also come and offered your funeral salah. The saint then
took out a list but that persons name was not written on that list
but when the saint looked at the names in detail, he saw that
the name of that person was written in the margin. (Sharh-us-
sadoor, P279)
Laws of Salah


After the death of Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Bishr Haafi    ) *  ' , Qasim
bin Munabbih      ) *  ' saw him in his dream and asked, “How
did Allah      deal with you?” He replied, “Allah      forgave
me and told me ‘Oh Bishr! I have forgiven you and I have
forgiven all of those people who attended your funeral salah.’ I
then requested, ‘Oh Lord     , forgive those people who love
me.’ Allah      said, ‘Whoever until the Day of Judgement loves
and respects you, I have forgiven them!’” (Sharh-us-sadoor, P275)

Dear Islamic brothers! The remembrance of the friends of Allah

     is a reason for the descending of mercy and compassion.
Our contact with them is of great privilege and honour, their
companionship is great blessing in this world and the next, to
visit the blessed shrines and mausoleums of these blessed saints
removes the disease of sin and error away from our minds and
hearts, to respect and love them is a way of us being forgiven in
the hereafter. Alhamdu-Lillah     ! We also love and highly
honour the great saints and highly honour Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna
Bishr Haafi    ) *  ' who is a true saint of Allah     . Oh Allah     !
Forgive us for his sake!
Once a shroud thief attended the funeral salah of a woman and
went with the funeral procession to the graveyard and
remembered the location of the grave. When night came, he
started to dig the grave so that he could steal the shroud.
Suddenly, the deceased woman started speaking! She said
“Subhan-Allah     ! A person worthy of forgiveness is stealing the
shroud of a forgiven woman! Listen, Allah      has forgiven me
and has also forgiven all those people who had read my funeral
salah and you were also among them.” After hearing these
words from the woman, he quickly covered the grave and
sincerely repented. (Sharh-us-sadoor, P201)
Method of Funeral Salah


Dear Islamic brothers! Did you see how auspicious and
honourable it is to attend the funeral salah of the pious?
Whenever you get the opportunity, you should always try your
best to attend their funeral salah because it is possible that we
may be forgiven by attending the funeral salah of a pious
person. Look at the great mercy of Allah      that when he
forgives any deceased person, He      also forgives those people
who had attended the funeral salah. It is narrated by Hazrat-e-
Abdullah bin Abbas  (   $ &% ' that the Holy Prophet
said, “The very first reward that the true believer will receive
after his death is that all those who had participated in his
funeral salah shall be forgiven.” (Shu’oo-bul-imaan, V7, P7, Hadith No.


It is the beautiful saying of Sarkar-e-Madina
   that the
very first gift a true believer will receive when entering the
grave is that all of those people who had participated in his
funeral salah are forgiven. (Kanzul-Ummal, V15, P595)


The Holy Prophet
   said, “when a Heavenly person
passes away, Allah      says that those people will not be
punished who had carried him and those who walked behind
him and those who had offered his funeral salah.” (Al firdous bima-
soo-rul-khitaab, V1, P282)


Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Da’wood 789   %   asked Allah     , “Oh Allah
    ! Whoever accompanies the dead body for your pleasure,
what is his reward?” Allah      said, “The day that person dies,
Laws of Salah

the angels will participate in his funeral procession and I will

forgive him.” (Sharh-us-sadoor, P101)


Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Abu Huraira  (     &%
 $ ' says that Sarkar-e-
   said, “Whoever (with the intention of good
deeds) leaves his house to participate in the funeral, offers
funeral salah and remains with the deceased until its burial, for
him is the reward of two carats and every carat is equal to
Mount Uhud. Whoever had only offered the funeral salah and
returned for him is the virtue of one carat.” (Sahih Muslim, V1, P307)


It is the blessed saying of Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Abu Zar Ghifarai
 (    &%   
 $ ' that Tajdar-e-Risalt, Shahanshah-e-Nubuwat
said to me, “Visit the graves so that you remember the
Hereafter and bathe the deceased because to touch a dead body
is a valuable lesson and read the funeral salah so that it makes
you sad because a sad person is under the Mercy of Allah     
and he does good deeds.” (Al mustadrak-lil-haatim, V1, P11, Hadith No.

3,     2/      . 


It is narrated by Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Ali  (     &%
 $ ' that The Holy
                           said, “Whoever bathes, shrouds,
fragrances and perfumes, carries and offers the funeral salah of
a deceased person and hides anything which he sees unpleasant,
becomes cleansed of sins like the day he was born from his
mothers womb.” (Sunan-e-ibn-e-majah, V2, P201, Hadith No. 1462)

Method of Funeral Salah


After the death of Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Malik bin Anas  (     &%
 $ ' ,
someone saw him in a dream and asked, “How did Allah     
deal with you?” He replied, “I was forgiven because of a few
words which Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Usman-e-Ghani  (    &%
 $ ' used to
read when ever he would see a dead body: c‫ ﻟﺬ
ی ﻻ ﻳ ﻤ ﻮ‬%$ f ‫ ٰﺤ ﻦ  ﻟ‬J ‫( ﺳ‬Pure
is Allah (from all deficiencies) who is alive and will never die). Hence,
whenever I would see a dead body, I would recite these words
and because of these words, Allah      forgave me.” (Mulakh’khasan
Ihya-ul-Uloom, V5, P266)


The Funeral salah is Farz-e-Kifaya, meaning that even if one
person offered it, everyone would be relieved of the
responsibility and if no one reads it then those who are aware
of it will have committed a sin. (Fatawa tataari khaania, V2, P153)
Jama’at is not a condition for this salah therefore if one person
reads it, the Farz will be fulfilled. (Fatawa Alamgiri, V1, P162) To
reject the salah as Farz is Kufr. (Fatawa tataari khaania, V2, P154)




1. To recite ‫   ﻛ‬four times.

2. Qiyaam.


1. Sana
2. Durood Shareef.

Laws of Salah

3. Supplication for the deceased. (Dur-e-muhtaar ma’ rad-dul-

muhtaar, V3, P124)

3,  2/      . 


The people reading the funeral salah should first make the
intention in the following way: ‘I make the intention to pray
funeral salah for Allah      , Dua for this dead person, behind
this Imam.’ (Fatawa tataari khaania, V2, P153) After making the
intention, the Imam and the followers should lift their hands up
to the ears and whilst saying ‫  ﻛ‬, fold them below the navel

h ‫ ﺟ‬%ٰN‫ ﻌ‬i ‫ ’ و‬read ‘≈ *‫’ و ﺟ ﻞ ﺛ ﻨ ء≈ و ﻵ 

ﻟ  ﻏ‬. Without
and read Sana’. After ‘≈‫ﺪ‬
raising the hands, say ‫   ﻛ‬and recite Durood-e-Ibrahim.
Without raising the hands again, say ‫   ﻛ‬and recite the Dua
(the Imam should say the Takbeer loudly and the followers
should say it quietly to themselves. The rest of the salah should
be done in a low voice by the Imam and the followers). After
the Dua, without raising the hands, say ‫  ﻛ‬, release the hands
and give Salaam on both sides. (Haashia-tut-tahtaavi, P584)


 - :  l (œH  H% e†  H~ %  %Ce  H~ %  %‰   (%  %]^”  H3% h% _   (%{%"    (Y%  1%  p% ‹  
 - : 

  %5„ %B   `J .  =J ("%  `=YJ .  6 "   7% 8  %B  $  % %c J("%  `=Yc  6 "  
Oh Allah      ! Grant forgiveness to our living and to our dead, and to those
who are present and to those who are absent, and to our young and our old
folk, and to our males and females. Oh Allah      ! Whomsoever you grant to
live, from among us, help him to live in Islam, and whomsoever of us you
cause to die, help him to die in faith.
Method of Funeral Salah


 Sp O "  S %J_  (   

  S } †  S    ^(    
   ¦S  J (    

 - : 
Oh Allah      ! Make him our fore-runner, and make him for us a reward and
a treasure, and make him for us a pleader, and accept his pleading.


 S)Sp O "  S)%J_  (  - 
  S } †  S    ^(  - 
   ¦S  J (  -  

 - : 
Oh Allah      ! Make her our fore-runner, and make her for us a reward and a
treasure, and make her for us a pleader, and accept her pleading.
(Mishkaa-tul-masaabih, P146, fatawa alamgeeri, V1, P164)


Some people read funeral salah with their shoes on or whilst
standing on their shoes. If shoes are worn, it is necessary for
both the shoes and the ground beneath the shoes to be pure
from all kinds of impurities. If the salah is read whilst standing
on shoes, it is necessary for the shoes to be pure. (Haashia-tut-
tahtaavi, P582) As a precaution, it is better to stand on the ground
rather than shoes. If you want, you could place a handkerchief
under your feet.

3,  2/      . 


It is important for the body to be in front. Funeral salah of the
absent deceased cannot be done. (Dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar,
V3, P123) It is desirable for the Imam to stand in front of the chest
of the deceased. (Maraqilfalah ma’ haashia-tut-tahtaavi, P583)

Laws of Salah


Many funerals can be offered at the same time. There are
different options of placing the bodies. Bodies can be placed in
such a way that the chests of all the bodies are in front of the
Imam or in a line meaning that the feet of the first body will be
by head of the second body and the feet of the second body will
be by the head of the third body etc. (Bahar-e-Shariat, Part 4, P157)


It is better that there are three rows in the funeral salah as it is
mentioned in Hadith, “Whoever’s funeral salah consisted of
three rows, he shall be forgiven.” (Jamia tirmizi, V1, P22) If there are
only 7 people, one should become an Imam, three should stand
in the first row, two in the second row and one in the third row.
(Ghunya-tul-mustamli, P541) In the funeral salah, the final row is greater
than all of the rows. (Dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V3, P131)


The Masbooq (the person who has missed some of the Takbeer)
will say his remaining Takbeer after the Imam has said Salaam
on either side and if he feels that if he reads the Dua, and even
before finishing it, the people will raise the body up to the
shoulders, it is better to just say the Takbeer and leave the Dua
out. (Ghunya-tul-mustamli, P537) If a person had come after the fourth
Takbeer, he should join the congregation before the Imam says
Salaam and after the Imam says Salaam, he should say his
remaining three Takbeer and then say Salaam. (Dur-e-mukhtaar ma’
rad-dul-muhtaar, V3, P136)


Whoever is insane from birth or became insane before reaching
the age of puberty and died in the state of insanity, the Dua for
Method of Funeral Salah

a child should be recited. (Makhooz az haashia-tut-tahtaavi, P587) The

funeral salah of the one who committed suicide will be offered.
(Dur-e-mukhtaar, V3, P108)


If a Muslims child was born alive meaning that he was alive
whilst the majority of his body was out during (labour) but then
died, he will be bathed, shrouded and his funeral salah will be
offered otherwise he will be washed, wrapped inside a cloth
and buried. According to the Sunnah way, there is no bathing
and his funeral salah will not be offered. The ‘majority’ from
the head point is from the head down towards the chest.
Therefore, if the child’s head had exited and was crying but
died before coming out up to the chest, his funeral salah will
not be offered. From the feet, the measurement of ‘majority’ is
up to the waist. If the child was born alive, dead or even if there
was a miscarriage, he should be given a name as he will be
raised on the Day of Judgement. (Dur-e-mukhtaar, rad-dul-muhtaar, V3,


It is stated in Hadith that whoever carries (gives shoulder) the
deceased and walks 40 steps, 40 of his major sins will be
forgiven. (Al’tabraani fil’ausat, V4, P260, Hadith No. 5920) If he gives
shoulder to all four corners, Allah      will forgive him forever.
(Al joohar-tun-nayyira, V1, P139)


It is an act of worship to give shoulder to the deceased. (Tataari
khaania, V2, P150) It is Sunnah to give shoulder to all four corners
one after the other and walk 10 steps each time. The complete
Sunnah is to first give shoulder to the right side of the body

Laws of Salah

near the head and then the right side near the foot, then the left
side near the head and then the left side near the left foot and to
walk 10 steps each time will make a total of 40 steps. (Muraqilfalah
ma’ haashia-tut-tahtaavi, P604) Some people announce in the funeral
procession to walk two steps. They should instead announce,
“Give shoulder to all four sides and walk 10 steps each time”


There is no problem if one person carries the body of a young
child in his arms and the rest of the people can hold the child in
their arms in turns. (Bahrur’raik, V2, P335) It is impermissible for the
women to walk along in the funeral procession (whether it is
the funeral of young or old). (Dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V3,


Whoever is with the funeral should not return home without
reading the funeral salah and after the salah, he can get
permission from the guardians of the deceased and return
home. There is no need to ask permission after the burial.
(Alamgiri, V1, P165)


The husband can carry, lower in the grave and can also see the
face of his deceased wife. He is however prohibited from
bathing his wife and directly (skin to skin) touching her body.
(Dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V3, P105) A woman can bath her
husband. (Dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V3, P107)

To take part in the funeral salah or funeral procession of a
murtad (someone who turned away from Islam) or disbeliever
Method of Funeral Salah

with the thought that it is permissible and rewarding is Kufr.

Ala-Hazrat Imam Ahmad Raza Khan    ) *  ' says that if a person
goes with this belief that a murtads or disbelievers funeral salah
is worthy of participating in, he will himself become a Kafir.
However, if this is not his belief then it is strictly Haraam. It is
mentioned in Hadith that if the funeral procession of a
disbeliever comes ahead, you should walk whilst staying away
from it because Satan walks in front of him joyfully with a
flame of fire in his hand and says I have received my success for
the effort on one person. (Malfuzaat, Part 4, P359)


To attend the funeral salah of a disbeliever or murtad because
of worldly reasons is strictly forbidden (Haraam-e-Qat’i) and
the person who attends the funeral of a disbeliever with the
thought that it is rewarding and to think that the deceased
disbeliever is worthy of prayer of forgiveness, he himself will
no longer remain a Muslim therefore his marriage has broken
and he should renew his faith and his marriage. (Mulakh’khas az
Fatawa-e-Razaviya, V9, P173)

Allah      says inside the Qur’an,

 % % .  '  %%   pe 

  § % l E% k  "  
 - ("% 3j c     %  [  B 
%  Q    
M B  3S    a

o 5 . M 9%  J 
h  .  " 
Translation Kanzul-Iman:
And pray you never over any of their dead, and not stand over his grave. No
doubt, they rejected Allah and His Messenger and died while they were
disobedient. (Surah Tauba, Ayat 84)

Hazrat-e-Allama Sayyid Naeem-ud-deen Muraad Abadi      ) *  '

says in the commentary of this verse, “It is evident from this
Laws of Salah

verse that the funeral salah of a disbeliever is not permissible at

all and it is forbidden to stand besides the grave of a disbeliever
or to visit it.” (Khazain-ul-irfaan, P321)


It is narrated by Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Jabir bin Abdullah 5 . & %   
% - 
that Sarkar-e-Madina
   said, “If they fall ill don’t go to
see them, if they die don’t go to their funerals.” (Sunan ibn’e majah,
Hadith 92, V1, P70)

3,     2/      . 



The friends and relatives of the deceased are requested to pay

attention. If the deceased in his life had ever hurt you or violated
your right, then please forgive him, In’shaa-Allah      this will
benefit the deceased, and you will also be rewarded. If there is
anything the deceased owed you or if you owe anything to the
deceased then please contact the deceased’s inheritors. Please listen
carefully to the intention and the method of the funeral salah. ‘I
make the intention to pray funeral salah for Allah      , Dua for this
dead person, behind this Imaam.’ If you do not remember these
particular words then there is no harm, so long as this intention is
firm inside the heart that ‘I am offering funeral salah for this
deceased person’. When the Imaam says ‫   ﻛ‬raise both your hands
up to the ears, say ‫   ﻛ‬then fold them below the navel and read
sana’. When the Imaam says ‫   ﻛ‬the second time, without raising
your hands, say ‫   ﻛ‬and read Durood-e-Ibraheem. When the
Imaam says ‫   ﻛ‬the third time, without raising your hands, say ‫  ﻛ‬
and read the Funeral Dua for a mature deceased (or if it is the
funeral of a male or female child then announce to read the Dua for

Method of Funeral Salah

the deceased child). When the Imaam says ‫   ﻛ‬the forth and (final)
time, say ‫   ﻛ‬and let go of both your hands and give Salaam on
both sides.

3,     2/      . 


No matter how lazy Satan makes you feel you must read the whole of this
booklet thoroughly and enlighten your faith.


nower of the Unknown, Comfortor of the Hearts, Guide

K for Allah’s Creation, Merciful Prophet

said, “If anyone recites Durood upon me 200 times on a
Friday, 200 years worth of his sins will be forgiven.” (Kanzul


Ummal, V1, P256, Hadith 2238, Dar-ul-Kutubul Ilmiyya Beirut)

3,     2/      . 
Dear Islamic Brothers! We are very fortunate that Allah      has,
for the sake of His Beloved Rasool
   , granted us the
auspicious day of Friday (Jumu’ah). Unfortunately, we treat
this blessed day as any other and spend it in negligence.
Friday is a day of Eid, Friday is the chief of days, the fire of Hell
is not kindled on Fridays, the gates of Hell are kept closed
every Friday night, Friday will appear like a bride on the day of
resurrection, a person dying on Friday obtains the rank of
martyrdom and is protected from the punishment of the grave.

The renowned Mufassir, Hakeem-ul-Ummat, Mufti Ahmad Yar

Khan      ) *  ' says, “A Hajj performed on a Friday earns the
reward of 70 Hajj, a good act carried out on a Friday earns 70
Laws of Salah

times more (than ordinary days).” (Mulakhkhasan mir’aat, V2, P323/325)

The punishment for a sin committed on a Friday is also 70 times
more. (ibid, P236)

What can one say regarding the virtues of Friday? Allah      has
revealed a complete chapter named after this blessed day, this
chapter is in the 28th section of the Holy Qur’an, and is called
Sura Jumu’ah. Allah      says in the 9th verse:

 \  0 ' † %% e†%   %.   J )% ,  …  7% . ? 6 "% Z. %  [  %  v #% .  H†% m. ( "   6  ?s%  -? m?
‫۝‬5 . ,   
 =  D e  5 %
 `  T~ } 
 ` % †
Translation Kanzul Imaan:
Oh People who believe! When the call for prayer is given on (Friday) the day
of congregation, rush towards the remembrance of Allah and stop buying and
selling; this is better for you if you understand.

Hazrat-e-Allama Maulana Sayyid Muhammad Naeem-ud-deen
Muradabadi      ) *  ' says, “When Makki Madani Mustafa


   migrated towards Madina, he stopped at Quba at
the time of “chaasht” on Monday the 12th of Rabi-ul-Awwal. He
remained there for four days (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday) during which he laid the foundation for a Masjid.
On Friday he proceeded towards Madina. By the time they
reached the area of the Bani Saalim Ibn ‘Auf it was time to
perform the Friday salah so that is where the Holy Prophet


   performed the (first) Friday salah and delivered a
sermon.” (Khazain-ul-Irfaan, P667, Lahore)

Alhamdu-Lillah      ! The glorious Masjid-e-Jumu’ah can

still be found there at this very moment in time where visitors

Blessings of Friday

go to earn blessings and perform nafl salah. Alhamdu-Lillah     

this sinner has also been blessed with the privilege of visiting
this blessed Masjid several times.


The renowned Mufassir, Hakeem-ul-Ummat Hazrat-e-Mufti
Ahmad Yar Khan      ) *  ' writes, “This day (Friday) is called
Jumu’ah because this is the day that the whole of creation was
gathered (mujtama’) together, and the clay of Hazrat-e-
  Z . [  %    (Y% %CH $  was collected (jam’), and because
Sayyiduna Adam 78 9
people gather (jam’) and perform the Friday salah on this day.
Before the advent of Islam, the Arabs called this day ‘Aroobah.
(Mir’aat, V2, P317)


The Rasool of makind, the peace of our heart and mind, the
most generous and kind
   performed approximately
500 Friday salah. This is because the Friday salah began after
the migration, after which he
   stayed upon the face
of this earth for a period of ten years (therefore the number of
Fridays throughout a period of ten years is approximately 500).
(Mir’aat, V2 P346)

The Holy Prophet
   warned, “If anyone misses three
Friday salah due to negligence, Allah      will seal his heart.” (Al
mustadrak, V1, P589, Hadith 1120, Dar-ul-Ma’rifah Beirut)

Performing Friday salah is Farz-e-‘Ain and its obligation is more

stressed than that of Sala-tuz-Zuhr and to deny its obligation is
kufr (disbelief). (Dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V3, P3)
Laws of Salah


The Holy Prophet
   has said, “Indeed, Allah      and
His Angels send Durood upon those who wear an Imaama on
Friday.” (Majma uz’zawaid, V2, P394, Hadith 3075, Dar-ul-Fikr Beirut)

Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Humaid Bin Abdur Rahman , - (   $ &% ' narrates
on the authority of his father, “If anyone trims his nails on a
Friday, Allah      will remove disease from him and insert
cure.” (Musannaf ibn Abi Shaibah, V2, P65, Dar-ul-Fikr Beirut)


Sadrush Shariah Hazrat-e-Maulana Muhammad Amjad Ali
Aazami      ) *  ' says, “A Hadith mentions that if one trims his
nails on a Friday, Allah      protects him from calamities until
the following Friday plus three extra days: - ten days in total.
(Tazkira-tul-mauzoo’aat li ibnil qaisrani, Hadith 765, assalfiyyah Beirut)

Another narration mentions that if one trims his nails on a

Friday, mercy will arrive and sins will depart. (Tanzeehush-sharia-til-
marfoo’ah, V2, P269, Dar-ul-Kutubul Ilmiyyah Beirut – Bahar-e-Shariat, Part 16,
P195, Madina-tul-Murshid Bareilly Shareef)

It is preferable to have ones hair cut and nails trimmed after the
completion of Friday salah. (Dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V9,
P581, Multan)


Sadrush Shariah Hazrat-e-Maulana Muhammad Amjad Ali
Aazami     ) *  ' says, “It is desirable to trim ones nails on Friday
but if they are very long one should not wait for Friday because
letting his nails grow long is a cause for a decrease in his

Blessings of Friday

provisions.” (Bahar-e-Shariat, Part 4, P195, Madina-tul-Murshid Bareilly



Intercessor on the day of Judgement, Knower of the
Unknown, Merciful Prophet
              said, “On the day of
Friday, angels are appointed to every door of the Masjid and
they make a record of everyone that comes. The one coming
early is like the one who donates a camel in the path of Allah
    . The one coming after is like the one who donates a cow,
and he who comes after him is like the one who donates a
sheep, and then it is as if a hen, and then an egg have been
donated in the path of Allah     . When the Imam takes his seat
(in order to deliver the sermon), the angels gather their records
and come to listen to the sermon.” (Sahih Bukhari, V1, P127)

The renowned Mufassir, Hakeem-ul-Ummat Hazrat-e-

Mufti Ahmad Yar Khan Naeemi      ) *  ' says, “Some Scholars
have said that the angels stand there from dawn, some say
when the rays of sunlight become visible, but the truth is that it
is when the sun begins to decline because this is when Friday
begins. This also tells us that the angels know the names of
everyone that arrives. Remember, if 100 people enter the Masjid
first at the same time then they will all be classed as the “first”.
(Mir’aat, V2, P345)

3,     2/      . 


Hujja-tul-Islam Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Imam Muhammad
Ghazali     ) *  ' says, “During the first century, the streets would
be crowded with people at the time of sehri and after Sala-tul-

Laws of Salah

Fajr. They would have lights in their hands and would be

walking towards the central Masjid for the Friday salah. It
would seem as if it was the day of Eid, but then it came to an
end. They say that the very first innovation to have crept into
Islam is abandoning rushing towards the central Masjid.
Unfortunately, Muslims do not take warning from the Jews
who head for their temples early in the morning on Saturdays
and Sundays and shopkeepers and traders head towards the
marketplace early in the morning in their wish to earn wealth.
Why don’t the seekers of the after life compete with them?”
(Ihya-ul-Uloom, V1, P246 Dar-us-Saadir Beirut)


Hazrat-e- Sayyiduna Abdullah bin Abbas , - (  $ &% ' narrates that
the Tajdar-e-Risalat, Shahanshah-e-Nubuwat, Mahboob-e-

]% ©
ª Mp  ¨ c )j  ? '%  d%   < %
  e9  A  ¨ c  ) ,  …  
Meaning that Friday salah is the Hajj of the poor (Kanzul Ummal,
V7, P290, Hadith 21027-21028, Dar-ul-Kutubul Ilmiyyah Beirut)


Nabi-e-Rahamat, Shafi-e-Ummat, Shahanshah-e-Nubuwat


said, “There is one Hajj and one Umra for you in
every Friday. Rushing for Friday salah is Hajj and waiting for
Asr salah after Friday salah is Umra.” (As sunna-nul-kubra lil Baihaqi,
Hadith 5980, V3, P342, Dar-ul-kutubul Ilmiyyah Beirut)


Hujja-tul-Islam Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Imam Muhammad
Ghazali      ) *  ' says, “One should remain in the Masjid (after
Friday salah) until Sala-tul-Asr. Remaining there until Sala-tul-
Blessings of Friday

Maghrib is even better. They say that if one was to remain in the
Jami’ (central) Masjid (after Friday salah) and perform his Sala-
tul-Asr there, he will earn the reward for performing Hajj and if
one was to remain there until Sala-tul-Maghrib (and perform
it), he will earn the reward of performing Hajj and Umra.” (Ihya-
ul-Uloom, V1, P249 Dar-us-Saadir Beirut) A Jami’ Masjid is one where
Friday salah is offered.


Authority and Master of Both Worlds, Beloved Rasool of
Allah, Mercy for the Universe, Pristine Prophet
“Friday is the king of all days and the greatest in the sight of
Allah     . In the sight of Allah     , it is greater than Eid-ul-Azha
and Eid-ul-Fitr. This day is special for five reasons:

 %    was created,
(1) This is the day that Sayyiduna Adam 789 
 %    descended upon the earth on this
(2) Sayyiduna Adam 789 
 %    passed away on this day,
(3) Sayyiduna Adam 789 
(4) There is a moment within this day in which any wish a
person makes will be granted, as long as he does not ask for
anything Haraam,
(5) Judgement day will be a Friday.
There is no angel, sky, earth, wind, mountain, or river that does
not fear Friday. (Sunan ibn-e-Majah, V2, P8, Hadith 1084, Dar-ul-Ma’rifa

Another report mentions that the Holy Prophet

said, “There is no animal, except man and jinn, which does not
scream from morning to sunrise every Friday, due to fear of the
Day of Judgement.” (Muwatta Imam Malik, V1, P115, Hadith 246, Dar-ul-
Ma’rifa Beirut)
Laws of Salah


Authority and Master of Both Worlds, Beloved Rasool of
Allah, Mercy for the Universe, Pristine Prophet
“There is a special moment on Friday, if one was to ask Allah
     for anything in that moment He      would definitely give it
to him. That moment is very short.” (Sahih Muslim, V1, P281)


   said, “Look for the special moment
on Friday from Asr until sunset.” (Tirmizi, V2, P30, Hadith 489, Dar-ul-
Fikr Beirut)


Hazrat-e-Sadrush Shariah Moulana Muhammad Amjad Ali
Aazami      ) *  ' writes, “There are two very strong opinions
concerning the ‘moment of acceptance’:

(1) From the moment the Imaam sits for the sermon up to
the end of the salah,
(2) The end of the time for Friday salah. (Bahar-e-Shariat, Part
4, P86, Madina-tul-Murshid Bareilly Shareef)


The renowned Mufassir Hakeem-ul-Ummat Mufti Ahmad Yar
Khan Naeemi      ) *  ' writes, “There is a moment of acceptance
every night, but Friday is the only time when there is such a
moment in the day time. However, it is not known for certain
which moment it actually is. There is a good chance of it being
the moment between both sermons or a short while before
Maghrib.” The respected Mufti comments on another Hadith,
“There are 40 different opinions concerning this moment, out of

Blessings of Friday

which two seem the most likely, the first is in between both
sermons, and the second is when the sun is setting.”

3,  2/      . 

Hazrat-e-Sayyidatuna Fatima Zahra - (     $ &% ' used to sit inside at
the time of sunset and make her maid Fizzah - (     &%
 $ ' stand
outside and tell her when the sun was setting, at that moment
Hazrat-e-Sayyidah - (     &%
 $ ' would raise her blessed hands and
supplicate. It is preferable that one make a concise supplication at
that moment, for instance this Qur’anic supplication:

'% ( t % % % % % %
 s  (Q S)(9 c Z }B  ¢ S)(9 c H3  ¢ ( ^( '
Translation Kanzul-Imaan:
Oh our Lord! Give us good in the world and give us good in the Hereafter
and save us from the torment of Hell.
(Part 2, Sura Baqara, Verse 201) (Mulakhkhasan mir’aat, V2, P319-325)

One can intend to supplicate by reciting Durood Shareef as

well, because Durood Shareef is itself a great supplication.
Preferably one should supplicate in between both sermons
without raising his hands and without verbally pronouncing


   has said, “There are 24 hours in a
Friday, (and out of them) there is not a single hour in which
Allah      does not release 600,000 (of his creation) from Hell,
each of whom had been destined to enter the fire.” (Musnad Abi
Ya’la, V3, P235, Hadith 3471, Dar-ul-Kutubul Ilmiyah Beirut)

Laws of Salah


   said, “One who dies on a Friday,
whether it is in the day or night, will be saved from the torment
of the grave and will be seen on the day of judgement with the
seal of martyrs.” (Hilya-tul-Auliya, V3, P181, Hadith 369, Dar-ul-Kutubul
Ilmiyah Beirut)


Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Salman Farsi  (   &%
  $ ' narrates that The Holy
   said, “One who has a bath on Friday and
cleans himself as much as possible, applies oil and perfume and
then goes towards salah, and avoids creating mischief between
two people (if two people are sitting down he must not force
himself in between them) and performs the salah that has been
ordained for him, and observes silence during the Imaam’s
sermon, he will be pardoned for the sins he had committed
between this Friday and the previous Friday.” (Sahih Bukhari, V1,


Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Siddiq-e-Akbar and Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna
Imran bin Haseen , - (   $ &% ' narrate that the Holy Prophet


   said, “If one has a bath on Friday, his sins and
shortcomings are erased, and when he walks he is granted 20
good deeds for every step.” In another narration it is mentioned
that for every step, 20 years of good deeds are added to his
record. (Al mu’jamul awsat lit tabarani, Hadith 3397, V2, P314, Dar-ul-Kutubul
Ilmiyyah Beirut)

And when he finishes his salah, he is given the reward of 200

years of worship. (ibid, Hadith 292, V18, P139, Dar ihya-ut-turasil Arabi

Blessings of Friday


   said, “Ones actions are brought
before Allah      every Monday and Thursday and they are
brought before the Prophets 78 9  
% -  and one’s parents every
Friday. Good actions please them and increase the glory and
light that shines upon their faces, therefore fear Allah      and
avoid disappointing your deceased by committing sins.”
(Nawadirul usool lit-tirmizi, P213, Dar-us-Saadir Beirut)

3,  2/      . 


Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Abu Saeed  (    &%
 $ ' narrates that the Holy
   said, “One who does these five in the same
day will be written amongst the dwellers of Heaven by Allah

(1) Visiting a sick person,

(2) Attending a funeral salah,
(3) Fasting,
(4) Praying the Friday salah,
(5) Freeing a slave.
(Sahih ibn Habban, V4, P191, Hadith 2760, Dar-ul-Kutubul Ilmiyyah Beirut)


Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Abu Umaamah  (     &%
 $ ' narrates that the
Holy Prophet
   said, “One who prays Friday salah,
fasts (on the same day), visits a sick person, attends a funeral salah
and attends a wedding procession, Heaven will be Wajib upon
him.” (Al mu’jamul Kabeer, V8, P197, Hadith 7484, Dar ihya-tut-turath Beirut)

Laws of Salah


It is Makrooh-e-Tanzeehi to fast only on a Friday or a Saturday.
However, there is no harm in fasting on these days if a specific
date happens to fall on a Friday or a Saturday, for example if
the 15th of Sha’baan or the 27th of Rajab etc. fall on a Friday or

“Friday is Eid for you. Do not fast on this day unless you
add a fast one day before or after it.” (At’targheeb wat’tarheeb, V2, P26)


Ala-Hazrat Imam Ahmad Raza Khan      ) *  ' says, “The fast of
Friday, when it has the fast of Thursday or Saturday added to
it, is equivalent to 10,000 years of fasting.” (Fatawa-e-Razawiya new
edition, V10, P653)


Nabi-e-Rahamat, Shafi-e-Ummat, Shahanshah-e-Nubuwat,
   said, “If one visits the graves of one
or both of his parents on Friday, Allah      will forgive him for
his sins and he will be counted amongst people who behave
well with their parents.” (Nawadirul usool lit tirmizi, P24, Dar-us-saadir


   said, “One who visits the graves of
either or both of his deceased parents on a Friday and recites
Sura Yaseen will be forgiven.” (Al Kamil li ibn ‘adee, V5, P1801, Dar-ul-
Fikr Beirut)

Blessings of Friday


Tajdar-e-Risalat, Shahanshah-e-Nubuwat
   said, “If
one visits the graves of one or both of his parents on a Friday
and recites Sura Yaseen, Allah      will pardon him for each
letter of the Sura.” (Ittihafus saadatil mutaqeen, V10, P363 Beirut)

Dear Islamic Brothers! What can one say about the person who
visits the grave of either one or both of his deceased parents on
a Friday and recites Sura Yaseen. Alhamdu-Lillah      there are 5
ruku’ (sections), 85 verses, 729 words, and 3000 letters in Sura
Yaseen, if these figures are correct in the sight of Allah     , that
person will In’shaa-Allah      get the reward of being forgiven
3000 times.


One who recites Sura Yaseen during Friday morning or evening
(night between Thursday and Friday) will be pardoned. Souls
get together on Friday, therefore one should visit graves on this
day, and Hell is not ignited on this day. (Bahar-e-Shariat, Part 4, P104,
Madina-tul-Murshid, Bareilly Shareef)

3,     2/      . 
Ala-Hazrat Imam Ahmad Raza Khan    ) *  ' says, “The best time
to visit graves is after the morning salah on Friday.”(Fatawa-e-
Razawiya, V9, P523 Raza Foundation Lahore)


Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Umar , - (  $ &% ' narrates that the
Holy Prophet
   said, “If one recites Sura Kahf on
Friday, there will be light shining from his feet to the sky. This
light will shine for him on the day of judgement and he will be

Laws of Salah

forgiven for the sins that he committed between two Fridays.”

(At’targheeb wat’tarheeb, V1, P298, Dar-ul-Kutubul Ilmiyyah Beirut)

3,  2/      . 
Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Abu Saeed  (    &%
 $ ' narrates that Sarkar-e-
   said, “If one recites Sura Kahf on Friday, a
light will shine for him between two Fridays.” (At’targheeb
wat’tarheeb, V1, P297, Dar-ul-Kutubul Ilmiyyah Beirut)


One narration mentions: “If one recites Sura Kahf on a Friday
night (the night in between Thursday and Friday), a light will
shine for him from where he is until the blessed Ka’ba.” (Sunan
darimi, V2, P546, Hadith 3407, Karachi)


Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Abu Umaamah  (    &%
 $ ' narrates that Tajdar-
   said: “If one recites Sura HaMeem
AdDukhaan on a Friday (day or night), Allah      will make a
house for him in Heaven.” (Al mu’jamul Kabeer lit tabarani, Hadith 8026,
V8, P264 Dar ihya-tut-turath Beirut)

Another report mentions that he will be forgiven. (Jami’ tirmizi, V4,

P407, Hadith 2898, Dar-ul-Fikr Beirut)


   said: “If someone recites Sura
HaMeem AdDukhaan on Friday night, 70,000 Angels will ask
for forgiveness on his behalf.” (Jami’ tirmizi, V4, P406, Hadith 2897, Dar-
ul-Fikr Beirut)

Blessings of Friday


Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Anas bin Malik  (    &%
 $ ' narrates reports that
Master of Makkah and Madina, Sultan of Both Worlds, Guide
for Allah’s Creation, Merciful Prophet
   said, “If one
says ‫ 
ﻟ ﻴ‬, ‫ ﻮ‬o ‫ ﻮ و‬b ‫ ﻟﺬ
ی ﻻ
ﻟ ٰ  

‫ ﻐ‬n ‫  ﺳ‬3 times after Fajr salah on a Friday,
he will be forgiven for the sins that he has committed, even if
they are as much as the foam of the ocean.” (Majma uz’zawaid, V2,
P380, Hadith 3019, Dar-ul-Fikr Beirut)


Allah      says in the 10th verse of Sura Jumu’ah (Part 28):

  e † % % u J 6 "% . ‰=   b% '  B  ¢%   O% =HJ Z . [  !%  u% Q †%J
5 . U % p   
 `  S~ %ge
Translation Kanzul-Imaan:
Then, when the prayer is finished, disperse in the land, seek grace of Allah,
and remember Allah much; haply you may prosper.

Hazrat-e-Allama Maulana Sayyid Muhammad Naeem-ud-Deen

Muraadabadi        )  * ' explains this verse in his Qur’anic
commentary Khazain-ul-Irfan; now (after the Friday salah) it is
permissible for you to occupy yourselves in worldly affairs, or
searching for knowledge, visiting the sick, attending funerals,
visiting scholars or other similar affairs and earn reward.


Attending a gathering of religious knowledge after Friday salah
is desirable. (Tafseer-e-Mazhari, V9, P418, Lahore) Hujja-tul-Islam
Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Imaam Muhammad Ghazali      ) *  ' reports
that Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Anas bin Malik  (    &%
 $ ' says, “This verse

Laws of Salah

does not refer to worldly trade and business (only), rather, it

refers to seeking knowledge, visiting brothers, visiting the sick,
attending funerals and other such activities.” (Kimiya-e-Sa’aadat, V1,
P191, Intisharat Ganjeenah Tehran)

Dear Islamic Brothers! There are eleven conditions for one

being obliged to perform Friday salah, in case of the absence of
even a single one of them, it no longer remains Farz for one to
perform it, but it will still be valid if it prayed (despite being
exempt from it), in fact, it is preferable for a sane, adult male to
perform it regardless of whether or not he is obliged to do so.
The Friday salah performed by a child will be classed as nafl
because it is not obligatory for him to pray yet. (Dur-e-mukhtaar ma’
rad-dul-muhtaar, V3, P26-29)


(1) Residence in a city
(2) Good health (A sick person does not have to pray the
Friday salah. One will be considered sick if his sickness
prevents him from reaching the Masjid, or if travelling to the
Masjid results in his illness intensifying or prolonging. A very
old man falls under this category too).
(3) Freedom (A ‘slave’ is not obliged to perform the Friday
salah and so his master has the right to forbid him from doing
(4) To be male (women are not obliged to pray the Friday
(5) Reaching the age of puberty
(6) Sanity (conditions number 5 & 6 apply to every form of
worship and not just the Friday salah)
(7) Vision (A blind man is exempt from the Friday salah)

Blessings of Friday

(8) Ability to walk

(9) Freedom (as opposed to being imprisoned)
(10) Security (as opposed to fear of oppression from a tyrant
or thief)
(11) Absence of fear of loss of property due to severe rainfall,
a storm or intense cold temperatures. (ibid)
Those who are required to perform the daily salah but not the
Friday salah are not exempt from the Zuhr salah of that day
(and must therefore pray it).

3,  2/      . 


Leaving early for Friday salah, cleaning ones teeth with a
miswaak, wearing clean white clothes, applying oil and
perfume and sitting in the first row are all desirable acts and
having a bath is Sunnah. (Alamgeeri, V1, P149)


Hakeem-ul-Ummat Hazrat-e-Mufti Ahmad Yar Khan      ) *  '
says, “Some scholars    ;  %
 ' are of the opinion that having a
bath on Friday is a Sunnah of Friday salah and not Friday itself,
(and therefore) having a bath on Friday is not Sunnah for
someone who is not required to perform the salah. Some
scholar’s    ;  %
 - *
 ' say that one should have a bath close to the
time of the actual salah and perform it with the same wuzu
(performed during the bath). Anyhow, the time for Friday’s
bath starts from the break of dawn”. (Mir’aat, P334) So this tells us
that it is not Sunnah for women, travellers, etc. (those who are
not required to perform the Friday salah) to have a bath on
Laws of Salah


Allama ibn Abideen Shaami      ) *  ' says, “Having a bath for
Friday salah is amongst the Sunan-e-Zawaid (extras) and so one
must not be blamed for leaving it.” (Dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-
muhtaar, V1, P308)


Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Samurah bin Jundab  (   $ &% ' narrates that the
Holy Prophet
   said, “Be present at the time of the
sermon and sit close to the Imaam because the further someone
is from the Imaam, the later he will enter Heaven, even though
he will enter it (meaning a Muslim).” (Abu dawood, V1, P410, Hadith
1108, Dar ihya-tut-turasil arabi Beirut)

One who talks during the Imaam’s sermon is like a donkey
carrying a burden. One who says “be silent” to his fellow
brother during the sermon will not gain the reward of Friday.
(Musnad Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, V1, P494, Hadith 2033)

3,  2/      . 


Anything that is Haraam during salah (eating, drinking,
greeting, answering, etc.) is also Haraam during the sermon. In
fact, even inviting towards good is not permitted during the
sermon (for the attendees); but the khateeb can do so if he
wishes. All attendees must listen to the sermon silently (it is
farz to do so). Those who are at a distance from the Imaam and
cannot hear his voice must also remain silent (it is Wajib for
them to do so). If one witnesses another doing something
Blessings of Friday

wrong he can be prohibited using gestures of the head or hand

but not verbally (as this is prohibited). (Dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-
muhtaar, V3, P35-36)


When the blessed name of the Holy Prophet
mentioned during the sermon, the listeners should recite
Durood in their hearts and must avoid pronouncing it verbally.
The same applies when hearing the names of any of the
respected companions’ 5 . & %   
% - . (ibid, P32)


Listening to sermons other than the Friday sermon is also Wajib
(Eid sermon, Nikah sermon etc.). (Dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar,
V3, P32)


One must begin his efforts to head towards the Friday salah as
soon as the first Azan is given (this is Wajib) and it is Wajib for
him to avoid anything that interferes with these efforts (such as
business, trade etc.). In fact, one is not allowed to buy or sell
anything even on his way to the Masjid. Trading inside the
Masjid is a severe sin. If one is eating and fears he may miss the
Friday salah if he continues to do so then he must refrain from
eating any further and make his way to the Masjid. One should
make his way to the Masjid in a dignified manner. (Alamgeeri, V1,
P149, dur-e-mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V3, P38)

Due to a lack of religious knowledge these days, mistakes are

made during the Friday sermon as well as during other acts of
worship and consequently sins are committed. Therefore, I
request every khateeb to read out the following rulings prior to

Laws of Salah

the second Azan and before he sits upon the pulpit and
consequently earn heaps of reward:


(1) A Hadith states, “One who climbs over people on
Friday makes himself one of the bridges of Hell.” (Tirmizi, V2, P48,
Hadith 513, Dar-ul-Fikr Beirut) One of the explanations of this Hadith
is that people will climb over such a person when walking into
the fire.
(2) Sitting facing the Khateeb is a practice of the Blessed
Companions 5 . & %   
% - . (Mulakhkhas az mishkaat, P123)
(3) Some of our pious predecessor’s   ; :
 - * % ' have said, “One
should listen to the sermon sitting on both knees (as one would
sit in salah), holding the hands (under ones navel) in the first
sermon and placing them on his thighs in the second, will
In’shaa-Allah      earn the reward for performing two rak’at of
salah. (Mir’at sharh mishkaat, V2, P338)
(4) Ala-Hazrat Imam Ahmad Raza Khan    ) *  ' says,
“When one hears the blessed name of the Holy Prophet


   during the sermon he should recite Durood in his
heart (and not verbally) as it is farz for one to remain silent.”
(Fatawa-e-Razawiya, V8, P365 Raza Foundation Lahore)

(5) It is mentioned in ‘dur-e-mukhtaar’, “Eating, drinking,

talking (even saying   6 U  C  ), replying to another’s greeting, and
inviting towards good are all Haraam during the sermon.” (Dur-e-
mukhtaar ma’ rad-dul-muhtaar, V3, P35)

(6) Ala-Hazrat      ) *  ' says, “Walking during the sermon is
Haraam. In fact, the respected scholars š   ;  %
 - *
 ' say that if one
enters the Masjid during the sermon he must stop wherever he
is (and not proceed further) because any form of activity is

Blessings of Friday

prohibited at this time.” (Fatawa-e-Razawiya, V8, P334, Raza Foundation


(7) Ala-Hazrat      ) *  ' says, “Turning ones head to look
around is (also) Haraam during the sermon.” (ibid)


Amongst the many issues that people nowadays are unaware of
is that of leading Friday salah. We often think that the Friday
salah is the same as the others, in the sense that anyone and
everyone is allowed to lead it, whereas this is prohibited.
Establishing Friday salah is the responsibility of the king or his
deputy and where these do not exist, the greatest rightly guided
scholar is responsible (he replaces the Islamic ruler in affairs of
Shariah) and Friday salah cannot be established without his
permission. If an area is deprived of such a scholar, then
whoever the common public appoint to lead the salah. The
common people are not authorised to appoint someone in the
presence of a scholar neither is it permissible for merely a few
men to appoint someone on their own behalf. (Bahar-e-Shariat, Part
4, P95, Madina-tul-Murshid Bareilly Shareef)

3,     2 /      . 

Even though Satan may try hard to stop you from reading this book,
You should make an effort to read this book from beginning to end.


ultan of Both Worlds, Intercessor on the day of Judgement,
Merciful Prophet
   has said, “Whoever reads
Durood upon me 100 times during the night of Friday and
on Friday, Allah      will fulfil 100 of his needs, 70 needs of the
hereafter and 30 worldly.” (Tafseer-e-Dar-e-Mansoor, V6, P684)

3,     2/      . 


Intercessor on the day of Judgement, Master of Makkah and
   has said that whoever stood up for worship
(spent the night in worship) in the two nights of Eid (meaning
the night of Eid-ul-Fitr and the night of Eid-ul- Azha) to gain
good deeds, his heart will not die on the day when all other
hearts will die. (Ibn-e-Maja, Hadith No. 1782, V2, P365)


It is narrated by Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Mu’aaz bin Jabal  (     &%
 $ '
that whoever stays awake (for worship) in the following five
nights, Heaven will become essential on that person. The nights
are the 8th, 9th and 10th of Zul Hijjah, the fourth is the night of
Laws of Salah

Eid-ul-Fitr and the fifth is the 15th night of Sha’baan-ul-

Mu’azzam (Shab-e-Bara’at). (At’targheeb wat’tarheeb, V2, P98)


Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Buraida  (     &%
 $ ' states, “On the day of Eid-ul-
Fitr, Tajdar-e-Risalat, Shahanshah-e-Nubuwat, Mahboob-e-
         would not go to the Eid Gah without
eating and on Eid-ul- Azha he would not eat anything until
after salah.” (Tirmizi, Hadith No. 542, V2, P70) And it is stated in
Bukhari Shareef that Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Anas  (    &%
 $ ' stated,
“On the day of Eid-ul-Fitr, Sarkar-e-Madina
              did not
go to the Eid Gah (place of Eid prayer) until he had eaten a few
dates in odd numbers.” (Sahih Bukhaari, V2, P4)


It is narrated by Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Abu Huraira  (     &%
 $ ' that the
Holy Prophet
              would go to read Eid salah using one
path and would return from another. (Tirmizi, Hadith No. 541, V2, P69)


The following intention should be made: “I intend on offering
two rak’ats of Eid-ul-Fitr (or Eid-ul-Azha) salah with six
additional Takbeers for Allah     , behind this Imam.” After
making this intention, start the salah by raising the hands up to
the ears and saying ‫   ﻛ‬and then folding the hands. Recite
Sana and then say ‫   ﻛ‬three times. Each time you say ‫  ﻛ‬,
you should raise your hands to your ears just as you do for
Takbeer-e-Tahreema. After saying each Takbeer, let your hands
rest by your sides. In between each Takbeer, you should pause
to such an extent that you can read  ‫ن‬
 ‫ ﺤ‬J ‫ ﺳ‬three times. After the
third Takbeer, you should not rest your hands but fold them.
Method of Eid Salah

Remember it in this way that wherever something is read after

Takbeer, the hands are folded and wherever something is not read
the hands will be rested at the sides. (Makhoozaaz Dar-e-Mukhtaar, Rad-ul-
Muhtaar, V3, P66)

The Imam should then read ta'awwuz and tas’miyah

quietly and Sura Fatiha and another Sura loudly. After this
perform the Ruku’. In the second Rak’at, the Imam should first
recite Sura Fatiha and another Sura aloud. After this, he should
say three Takbeers but after the third Takbeer he should not
fold his hands but instead leave them at his sides. He should
then say one more Takbeer without raising the hands and go
into Ruku’. (Fatawa Alamgeeri, V1, P150)


The salah of both Eids (Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Azha) are Wajib
(essential) (Fatawa Alamgeeri, V1, P149), but not upon everyone. Eid
salah is only Wajib for those people upon whom Jumu’ah salah
is Wajib (Al Hidaya ma’ Fath-al-Qadeer, V2, P39). There is neither Azan
nor Iqaamat in the salah of both Eids. (Bahar-e-Shariat, Part 4, P106)


The conditions that have been mentioned for Jumu’ah (Friday)
salah, apply for the Eid salah as well. With the exception that
for the Jumu’ah salah the sermon is a condition, while for the
Eid salah it is Sunnah. Furthermore, the Jumu’ah sermon is
delivered before the salah while for the Eid salah, the sermon is
delivered after. (Khulaasa-tul-Fatawa, V1, P213)


The time for Eid salah starts when the sun has risen above the
height of a spear, as seen by the naked eye, and continues until
the sun is approaching its zenith or 20-25 minutes after sunrise.
Laws of Salah

However it is desirable to slightly delay the Eid-ul-Fitr salah

and desirable to read Eid-ul-Azha salah early. (Khulaasa-tul-Fatawa,
V1, P214)


If a person joins the Eid salah when the Imam has already
completed saying the Takbeers, then if he joined the Jama’at
while they were still in the standing posture, he should
immediately make the Takbeers even if the Imam is busy with
his qira'at. If he joins the salah while the Imam is in Ruku’, he
should make his Takbeers only if he feels that he will be able to
catch up with the Imam in his Ruku’ but if he fears that he will
not be able to catch up with the Imam, he should go straight
into Ruku’. Instead of reading the tasbih in Ruku’, he should
recite the Takbeers. However, when he makes the Takbeers in
his Ruku’, he should not raise his hands. If the Imam stands up
from the Ruku’ before he can complete his Takbeers, he should
not try to complete them. Instead, he should stand up with the
Imam. The Takbeers which he missed will be forgiven. If a
person misses the first rak’at of Eid salah, when he stands up to
complete it, he should first recite Sura Fatiha, another Sura and
then make the Takbeers. Although, according to the rule he
ought to have made the Takbeers first, however he should not
do this because if he does this, then the takbeers of both the
rak’ats will come one after the other. (Makhoozaaz Dar-e-Mukhtaar,
Rad-ul-Muhtaar, V3, P55-57)


If the Imam has read the salah and somebody remained behind,
whether he missed the jama’at or joined the jama’at but for
some reason his salah became void, he should read his Eid
salah in the next available place. He cannot read it without a
jama’at. It is better for that person to offer 4 rak’ats of Chaasht
salah instead. (Durr-e-Mukhtaar, V3, P58, 59)
Method of Eid Salah


After the Eid salah, the Imam should read two sermons. The
Sunan that apply to the Jumu’ah sermon are also applicable to
the Eid sermon and what is disliked in the Jumu’ah sermon is
also disliked in the Eid sermon. There is a difference of only
two things. Firstly, it is Sunnah for the Imam to sit before the
first sermon of Jumu’ah and in the Eid salah it is not. Secondly,
in the Eid sermon it is Sunnah for the Imam to recite ‫   ﻛ‬9
times before the first sermon and 7 times before the second
sermon and 14 times before coming down from the pulpit and
these are not Sunnah for Jumu’ah salah. (Durr-e-Mukhtaar, V3, P57-58
- Bahar-e-Shariat, Part 4, P109)

The following things are Sunnah on Eid day:
1. Cutting hair (cut your hair according to Sunnah).
2. Cutting nails.
3. Having a bath.
4. Doing Miswaak (this is apart from Miswaak done
during wuzu).
5. Wear nice clothes. If they are new then wear them,
otherwise wear washed ones.
6. To put Itr on.
7. Wearing a ring (whenever you wear a ring, keep in
mind that it should be not more than 4 grams in weight of silver
and wear only one ring. There should be only one stone in this
ring. Don't wear a ring without a stone. There is no limit for the
weight of the stone. A ring made of any other metal another
cannot be worn).
8. Offer Salaa-tul-Fajr in the Masjid in your area.
Laws of Salah

9. Before going to Eid-ul-Fitr salah, eat some dates - 3, 5, 7

or any amount (in odd numbers). If dates are not available then
eat something sweet. Even if nothing is eaten before the salah it
is not a sin but if nothing is eaten till Salaa-tul-Isha then he will
be reprimanded.
10. To offer Eid prayer in Eid gah (place allocated for Eid salah).
11. To go walking to the Eid gah.
12. There is no harm in going on any sort of transport, but it
is better to walk and there is no harm in coming back on any
sort of transport.
13. When going for Eid salah, choose one path and when
coming back come on another path.
14. Giving Sadaqa-e-Fitr (charity) before Eid salah (it is
better to give it before Eid salah but if that’s not possible then
give it after the salah).
15. Showing happiness.
16. Giving a lot of charity.
17. To go to the Eid gah relaxed and dignified with eyes
kept down.
18. Congratulating each other.
19. Shaking hands after Eid salah. It is better to embrace one
another, like the usual custom of the Muslims, since it shows
affection. (Alhadiqa-tun-Nadya, V2, P150 – Maswi, V2, P221)
20. To say Takbeer quietly while going for Eid-ul-Fitr salah
and loudly while going for Eid-ul-Azha. The following Takbeer:

% : %  l k e ;:  l k e ;

 3,  1  ;  % %  l  e ;:  l k e ;: 
     :    ;  : B     q   k
"Allah      is great. Allah      is great. There is none worthy of worship
except for Allah      and Allah      is great. Allah      is Great
and all the praise is for Allah      ."
Method of Eid Salah


The rulings of Eid-ul-Azha are very much similar to the rulings
of Eid-ul-Fitr. There are however some differences. It is
desirable not to eat anything before reading the Eid-ul-Azha
salah whether or not he is giving Qurbani. If he did eat
something it is not a problem.


The Takbeer:

% : %  l k e ;:  l k e ;

 3,  1  ;  % %  l  e ;:  l k e ;: 
     :   ;  : B     q   k
(Tanveer-ul-Absaar, Rad-ul-Muhtaar, V3, P701)

1. It is Wajib for the one that performs salah with the

Jama’at to recite this Takbeer loudly once and better to recite it
3 times after every farz salah from the morning of the 9th of Zul
Hijjah (Day of Arafah) till salah-tul-Asr on the 13th of Zul Hijjah.
(Tabyee-nul-Haqaiq, V1, P227)

2. Takbeer-e-Tashreeq immediately becomes Wajib as soon

as one ends his salah. If he comes out of the Masjid or
deliberately breaks his Wuzu or even forgetfully starts talking
then the Takbeer will become void and if the Wuzu was broken
unintentionally then there is no harm in saying the Takbeer.
(Durr-e-Mukhtaar, Rad-ul-Muhtaar, V3, P73)

3. Takbeer-e-Tashreeq is Wajib upon that person who is a

resident of the town or city or upon whoever has followed this
resident whether that follower is a traveller or a resident of the
town and if they don’t follow him then it is not Wajib upon them
(traveller and the resident). (Darr-e-Mukhtaar, Rad-ul-Muhtaar, V3, P74)
4. If the resident has followed the traveller then it is Wajib
upon the resident but not upon that travelling Imam. (Darr-e-
Mukhtaar, Rad-ul-Muhtaar, V3, P73)

Laws of Salah

5. The Takbeer is not Wajib to recite after Sunnah, Nafl

and Witr prayers.
6. The Takbeer is Wajib to be recited after Jumu’ah salah
and it should also be said after the Eid (baqar) salah.
7. The Takbeer is also Wajib upon a Musbooq (the late
comer who has missed one or more rak’ats of salah) but he
should say it when he says Salaam and ends his salah. (Tabyee-
nul-Haqaiq, V1, P227)

8. The Takbeer is not Wajib upon the Mufard (person who

is reading prayer individually) (Gunya-tul-Mustamli, P26) however he
too should recite it because according to jurists it is Wajib for
the individual person to recite too. (Bahar-e-Shariat, Part 4, P111)

To learn about the excellence and greatness of Eid in detail, read the section
called Blessings of Eid-ul-Fitr included in the book Blessings of

Oh Allah      bless us with the ability to celebrate the occasion of
Eid according to the way of the Sunnah. Bless us with the
ability to perform Hajj again and again and to see Madina and
the Leader of Madina

   < "%  B  $% %CD  E% F % < "%  

3,     2/      . 

Method of Eid Salah


here is no doubt that memorising the Holy Qur’an is an

T act of great virtue, but remember, memorising it is easy,

remembering it for the rest of one’s life is very hard.
Huffaz should recite at least one part every day. The huffaz that
revise their recitation a few days before the arrival of Ramazan
in order to recite it in Taraweeh salah and Allah      forbid,
forget numerous verses throughout the whole year out of
negligence should read the following again and again and
tremble with the fear of Allah     . Anyone who has forgotten
even one verse must memorise it again and repent sincerely for
forgetting it.
(1) One who forgets the Holy Qur’an after memorising
(they) will be raised blind on the day of judgement. (Part 16, Sura
Ta Ha, V125-126)

3,  2/      . 


(2) The good deeds of my Ummah (nation) were presented
to me. From them I even saw a splinter which a person took out
from the Masjid. The sins of my Ummah were also presented to
me and I had not seen a greater sin than somebody knowing
one chapter or one verse of the Qur’an and then forgetting it.
(Jamia Tirmizi, Hadith 2916)

(3) Whoever memorises the Qur’an and then forgets it will be

raised as a cripple on the Day of Judgement. (Abu Dawood, Hadith 1474)

(4) On the Day of Judgement my Ummah will get the

complete punishment of this sin that amongst them someone
had memorised any chapter of the Qur’an and then forgot it.
(Kanzul Ummal, Hadith 2846)

Laws of Salah

(5) Ala-Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan      ) *  ' says, “How
unwise that person is whom Allah      had blessed with such an
ability of memorising the Qur’an and then that person forgets
and loses it and if this person had known the great virtue and
excellence of memorising the Holy Qur’an which had been
promised for him, he would have looked after the
memorisation more than himself.” Imam Ahmad Raza Khan  ) *  '
    further says that however much possible, a person must try
very hard to teach the Qur’an, help others memorise the Qur’an
and he himself must do constant revision of the memorised
Qur’an so that he may gain the virtues and excellences that
have been promised and so that he does not be raised blind and
crippled on the Day of Judgement. (Fatawa-e-Razaviya V23, P645, 647)

3,     2/      . 

Method of Eid Salah


Written By:
Sheikh-e-Tareeqat, Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat, Hazrat’e Allama Moulana, Abu
Bilal Muhammad Ilyas Attar Qadiri Razavi  

I t is narrated by Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Abu Huraira  (    

the Holy Prophet
gathering and has spoken abundantly and before departing he

 $ ' that
   said, “Whoever attends a


‫۝‬W   p%  ‰=    !  H q %  % q  5 3 -_   “
  % t .     “   3% , ’%  
 - :  W
  (U  C 
Then those present in the gathering will be forgiven.” (Jamia
Tirmizi, Kitab-ud-da’wa, P655)

3,  2/      . 


Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Abdullah bin Amru bin Aas  (     $ &% '
says, “Whoever reads the following Dua three times when
leaving a gathering, his mistakes will be pardoned and
whosoever recites it during a gathering of goodness and of
remembrance, then the benefit in that gathering will be sealed
for him. The Dua is;

‫۝‬W   p%  ‰=    !  H q %   %q  “

  % t .     “  3% , ’%  
 - :  W
  (U  C 
Oh Allah      you are pure from all deficiencies and for you alone are all the
qualities and excellences, there is none worthy of worship but you, I seek
forgiveness from you, and repent to you.

Laws of Salah

‘O Allah     , whoever has a habit of reading these Duas at the
end of the Ijtima, Dars, study circles in Madani Qafilay and
religious and social sittings, either to himself or out aloud when
having the opportunity to do so, grant him the neighbourhood
of your Beloved
             in Janna-tul-Firdous and accept this
Dua in my right also.’

   < "%  B  $% %CD  E% F % < "%  

3,     2/      . 


lhamdu-Lillah     , at this very moment I am sitting in
the Masjid of the Prophet
   after Sala-tul-Fajr
and I am fortunate to write “Arba’eena wasaayaa minal
Madina-til-Munawwara” (meaning 40 wills from Madina-tul-
Munawwara). Today is my last morning in Madina Shareef, the
sun is about to give Salaam to the dome of the Masjid of the
   . If I don’t get buried inside Janna-tul-Baqi
by tonight, I will have to leave Madina. My eyes are shedding
tears and my heart is upset.
My heart is drowning with sorrow. The tormenting worry of
separation from Madina has made me a grieving picture. It
looks as if someone has snatched the smile from my lips. Very
shortly, Madina will be left behind. The heart will break. The
separation of Madina is like a small child who is snatched from
his mother - he keeps on looking back with longing eyes that
his mother will call him back and that she will again put him in
her lap, cling him to her chest, read a lullaby and put him to
Now, with a broken heart I am going to mention my 40 wills
with the hope that you will have mercy on me and find the best
way for my success in the hereafter. Also, my wills are for all
the brothers and sisters who are attached to Dawat-e-Islami. My
children and my family members must also pay attention to
these wills. I wish death to a sinner like me comes in the shade
of the green dome and the minarets. I wish I could die with the
splendid sight of the Beloved of Allah
                       and if
only 2 metres of ground could be made available for me in
Janna-tul-Baqi. Otherwise wherever possible…….
Laws of Salah

MADINA 1: If you find me in the agonies of death, turn my face

towards the Qibla and straighten my feet. Before death, recite
Sura Yaseen and some Naats written by Imam Ahmad Raza
Khan      ) *  ' because Naats written by him are according to
Shariah and commentary of the Qur’an and Hadith and the
sayings of the pious people š  ;  %
 - *
 ' .

MADINA 2: After the soul has departed, keep in mind the sunan
regarding shrouding and burial at all times (meaning to be
quick in shrouding etc.). Act upon the sayings according to
Bahar-e-Shariat (part 4).
MADINA 3: The size of the grave should be according to the
Sunnah. Make a niche as this is Sunnah. (There are 2 types of
graves: (1) Coffin: Today in the sub continent coffins are used.
(2) Niche: The way to make a niche is that after digging the
grave, dig towards the Qibla and place the corpse. Niche is a
Sunnah. If the ground is capable then act upon this, but if the
ground is soft then there is no harm in using a
coffin. Remember to put a lid on top of the niche. The
gravedigger might say to put the blocks slanted but do not
listen to him.)
MADINA 4: The inner walls of the grave must be earth. Do not
use bricks. If it is necessary to use bricks then cover them with
MADINA 5: If possible, recite Sura Yaseen Shareef, Sura Mulk
and Durood-e-Taj and blow inside the grave.
MADINA 6: The shroud should be from my own money. In the
case of poverty, take money from someone with correct beliefs
(Sunni Muslim).
MADINA 7: Ghusl should be given by someone with a beard and
Imaama and according to the Sunnah. (If a Sayyid gives my
dirty body Ghusl, I would consider it as disrespect to him).

Madani Will

MADINA 8: During Ghusl, the Sitr-e-Aurat (from navel to the

knees) must be covered properly. If two sheets of blanket are
put over from the knees to the navel, it might reduce the
chances of the Sitr opening. It is important for water to reach
every part of the body.
MADINA 9: It will be my good fortune if the shroud is soaked
in Zam Zam or the water of Madina or even better if soaked in
both. I wish a Sayyid can place a green Imaama over my head.
MADINA 10: After Ghusl and before covering the face with the
shroud, write ‫ ﺴﻢﻟﺮﺣﻤٰﻦﻟﺮﺣﻴﻢ‬with the index finger on the forehead.

MADINA 11: In the same way write the first kalima:

 ‫ ﻻ ﻟٰ ﻻ  ﻣﺤﻤﺪ رﺳﻮل‬on the chest.

MADINA 12: Over the heart write

               ‫ﻳ رﺳﻮل‬.
MADINA 13: Between the belly button and the chest write,
 (     &%
 $ ' *‫ﮕ‬n‫ﻳ ﻏﻮ
ث  ﻋﻈ ﻢ دﺳ‬,  (     &%
 $ ' ‫ﻳ ﻣم  ﺣﻨﻴﻔ‬,  (     &%
 $ ' ‫ ﻳ ﻣم  ﺣ ﻤﺪ رﺿ‬and
 (    &%
 $ ' ‫ﺪﻳﻦ‬6 ‫ﻳ ﺷﻴﺦ ﺿ
ﻴ ء ﻟ‬.

MADINA 14: Hence from the belly button to the head (excluding
the back), write ‫ﻣﺪﻳﻨ ﻣﺪﻳﻨ‬. Remember, all this should not be done
by an ink pen but with the index finger. I wish a Sayyid could
write all this.
MADINA 15: If possible, sprinkle the dust of Madina on my face
and put thorns from Madina over my eyes and if not thorns
then the seeds of dates from Madina.
MADINA 16: When walking with the funeral procession, keep in
mind all the sunan.
MADINA 17: In the funeral procession, all Islamic brothers
should recite the Naat written by Imam Ahmed Raza  (     &%
 $ ' :

Laws of Salah

‘Kaa’bay ke Badrud-duja tum pe karoron durood’. (Naats other than

this can be read but only those written by scholars of AhleSunnah)

MADINA 18: The funeral salah should be led by a rightly guided

Sunni scholar or an Islamic brother who acts upon the sunan or
if my family is capable then my children can lead the salah but
Sayyids should be given priority.
MADINA 19: I wish a Sayyid could bury me in the grave with his
merciful hands.
MADINA 20: Make a place in the grave near the face where an
Islamic brother who acts upon the sunan can put the Ahad
Nama, print of the blessed shoes (Naal-e-Paak), picture of the
green dome, Shajra Shareef and other Holy relics.
MADINA 21: If it is my good fortune to be buried inside Janna-
tul-Baqi then let it be or else bury me close to the grave of a
friend of Allah     . If not then wherever the brothers wish but do
not bury me in a place taken by force as it is Haraam (forbidden).
MADINA 22: Give Azan by the grave.

MADINA 23: It will be my good fortune if a Sayyid can instruct

me (Talqeen). (Benefit of Instructing (Talqeen): The Holy Prophet


said, “When your Muslim brother dies and you have
buried him, one amongst you should stand at the head part of the
grave and say, “Oh so son of so”. He will listen but will not
reply. Again call out to him “Oh so son of so”. He will sit up
straight. Again call out to him “Oh son of so”. He will say, “May
Allah      have mercy on you, instruct me”. But you will not be able
to hear him. Then say:

 3S ,  4  5   ;   % % "% } e

 : B    B 5  Z#-_  H3  6  !     "   †
      ; :  ¬ٗ◌ .  '  ٗ◌ E3  C 
"" %  %5© M  %  S %0H ­
    :  ¬  3j , U ®
% %% % % : %  ! &% ' WH
  ;    (?# 78  B  %  S '  ;   
Madani Will

Munkar and Nakeer will hold each other’s hands and say, ‘lets
go from here what’s the point sitting with someone who has
been taught his lesson.’ Someone asked the Prophet
“What if we don’t know the name of his mother?” The Prophet

   replied “relate him to Hawa - (   
   $ ' (Rawa-hutabrani fil-
kabeer, Hadith 7979, V8, P250, Dar Ihya-it-turasil Arabi Beirut)

In the place of “Son of so and so” mention his name and his mothers name,
e.g ‘Oh Ilyas son of Amina’. If you do not know the name of the dead person’s
mother, then mention the name of Hawa - (     $ &% ' . The instruction must only
be in Arabic.)

MADINA 24: If possible, those who love me should sit besides

my grave for 12 days. If this is not possible then for at least 12
hours and keep my heart amused by reciting the Qur’an, Naat
and Hamd. In’shaa-Allah      I will get used to my new place. In
this period, keep in mind the time for salah with Jama’at.
MADINA 25: If I owe anybody anything then pay them from my
belongings. If that’s not possible then my children or anyone
who has love for me should pay. Allah      will reward you
greatly. (The announcement should be made in various Ijtima’aat
that if Muhammad Ilyas Qadiri has hurt anyone’s feelings then please
forgive him. If there is any debt then contact the appropriate people or
forgive him.)

MADINA 26: I will be grateful if you could do Esaal-e-sawab and

pray for my forgiveness.
MADINA 27: Everyone should stay steadfast on the path of
AhleSunnah and upon the true Islamic teachings of Imam-e-
Ahl-e-Sunnat Moulana Shah Ahmed Raza Khan  (    &%
 $ ' .

MADINA 28: Keep yourself well away from the company of

people with corrupt beliefs as this can be an obstacle in having
a good death.
Laws of Salah

MADINA 29: Stay steadfast upon the Sunnah of The Prophet


   because there is no salvation without it.

MADINA 30: Do not be lazy in salah, fasting, Hajj etc. and any
other compulsory (farz) duties.

MADINA 31: IMPORTANT WILL: Stay loyal to Markazi Majlis-e-

Shura of Dawat-e-Islami. Obey its every brother and all your
Nigraan within the boundaries of Shariah. I am upset with that
person who goes against Shura or any other responsible of
Dawat-e-Islami without a valid reason in Shariah.

MADINA 32: Every Islamic brother should take part in Naikey ki

Dawat with Elaqa-e-Daura at least once a week from beginning
to end and should travel on a Madani Qafila for 3 days every
month, 30 days in 12 months and 12 months continuous within
his lifetime. In order to rectify themselves, Islamic brothers and
sisters should act upon the Madani In’aamaat and hand the
card/booklet to their zimadaar at the end of every month.

MADINA 33: Keep on spreading the message of love and Sunnah

of the Holy Prophet
   all around the world.

MADINA 34: Keep fighting the war against false beliefs, bad acts,
love of the world, Haraam earnings, fashion and other sins.
Keep on spreading Invitation to good (Naikey ki Dawat) with
sincerity and Madani sweetness.

MADINA 35: Never let anger and silly talk come close to you or
else the work of religion will become hard.

MADINA 36: It is a Madani request to my family to save

themselves from earning worldly wealth from my books and
Bayan cassettes.

MADINA 37: Act according to Shariah regarding my estate.

Madani Will

MADINA 38: I have in advance forgiven anyone who swears at

me, causes me harm, injures me and hurts my feelings.
MADINA 39: No one can take revenge from them.

MADINA 40: If someone martyrs me, I have forgiven him. and I

request my next of kin to also forgive him. If, because of the
intercession of the Prophet
             , I am blessed on the Day
of Judgement, In’shaa-Allah      I will take that person who
martyred me with me in Heaven on the condition that he died
as a Muslim.

(If I do get martyred then do not riot or create trouble. If ‘riot’ means to
forcefully close the businesses of Muslims and to pelt shops and cars etc. with
stones then no Mufti can classify this as being allowed in Islam. Riots like
this are Haraam and are acts which can take a person to Hell. There are no
worldly or religious benefits of doing such acts. Usually, rioters give up
easily and are then caught by the authorities.)

I wish that the most merciful Allah      forgives me for the sake
of His beloved Rasool
   . Oh Allah     ! As long as I
live, keep me drowned in the love of the Prophet
and in the remembrance of Madina. May I continue to invite
people towards good. May I be blessed with the intercession of
the Prophet
   and be forgiven. May I be blessed with
the neighbourhood of your Beloved
                . I wish I am
drowned with the sight of the Prophet
   . Oh Allah
    ! Send unaccountable salutations on your Beloved


   . Forgive all of his Ummah as this was his wish. May
Dawat-e-Islami flourish. May all brothers and sisters achieve a
heart full of the love of Madina.

< "%  B  $% %CD  E% F % < "%  

‘Madani will’ was written approximately 3 and a half years ago

(Muharram 1411ah) in Madina-tul-Munawwara and had a few

Laws of Salah

changes made to it. Now it has been presented with few more
changes. (14th Jamadi-ul-Akhir 1424ah)

The Holy Prophet
              said, “Whoever dies with the will
(after making a will) has died on a great sunnah. His death will
be on piety and martyrdom and whoever dies in this state will
be forgiven.” (Mishkaat Shareef, P266)


Shroud for Men

(1) Lifafa, (2) Trousers (Izaar), (3) Shirt

Shroud for Women

Previous three and two extra: (4) Chest cover, (5) Head cover. (A
Eunuch should also be given a shroud like a woman)

More about the Shroud

(1) The Lifafa (meaning cloak) should be so long that it can
be tied from both ends of the body.
(2) The trouser should be from the top of the head to the
bottom of the feet.
(3) The shirt should be from the neck to underneath the
knees and should be the same length on both sides. It should
not be torn with arms. Men’s shirt should be torn toward the
shoulders and women’s shirt should be torn towards the chest.
(4) Chest covers should be from the breast to the belly
button but it is better if it is up to the thighs.

Madani Will


Burn incense around the platform 3, 5 or 7 times (meaning go
around the platform). Place the deceased on the platform as you
would place them in the grave. Cover the body between the
navel up to the knees (the cloth should be such that it does not
cling to the body and show the skin colour). The one who is
giving the Ghusl should cover both his hands and give the
deceased Istinja on both sides. Make wuzu of deceased as for
Salah (meaning wash the face 3 times, arms 3 times, taking the
wet hands over the head (Masah) and then washing the feet 3
times). When making the wuzu of the deceased, you do not
need to wash the hands up to the wrists, clean the mouth and
clean the nose of deceased. Instead, you should wet some wool
and clean the teeth, the lips and the nose. Then wash the head
and the beard. Place the deceased on the right side and wash
with water mixed with berry leaves or if not then with ordinary
warm water so that the water reaches the platform. Then place
the deceased on the left side and repeat the same thing.
Massage the bottom of the stomach and wash away anything
that comes out. Wuzu and Ghusl do not have to be repeated
again. At the end, wash the body from the head to toe with
musk water. Gently dry the body. To pour water over the body
once is compulsory (Farz) and 3 times is Sunnah.

Give fumigation to the shroud once, 3, 5 or 7 times then place it

such that the Lifafa is first then the trousers and then the
shirt. Place the deceased on it and put on the shirt. Put perfume
on the beard (otherwise the chin) and the rest of the body. Put
musk on the places on which the prostration is performed,
meaning forehead, nose, hands, knees and feet (This is done the
same for both men and women). Then wrap the trousers from the
left side first and then the right side so that the right side
remains on the top. At the end, wrap the envelope again
starting from the left hand side.

Laws of Salah


When you have made the deceased woman wear a shirt, divide
her hair in tow parts and place them over the shirt on the
chest. Put on the head cover by placing it under the back and
placing it over the head like a Niqaab so that it remains on the
chest. Its length should be from one ear lobe to the other
lobe. Some people put the head cover as women do in their
lives; this is against Sunnah. Then wrap the trousers and the
shirt. At the end, tie the chest cover with some string after
placing it over the breasts up to the thigh. (Today the lifafa is
placed at last. If the chest cover is put at last it is okay, but it is better
to put the chest cover at last)


(1) Place the body towards the Qibla so that the deceased is
placed in the grave from the direction of the Qibla. Do not place
the body on the head side and bring it from the feet side.
(2) As required, 2 or 3 pious people should place the body
in the grave. The body of a woman should be placed in the
grave by the Mahram, if not then the relatives and if not then
any pious people.
(3) Cover the woman’s body until it is placed and about to
be covered by planks.
(4) Read this Dua when placing in the grave:

% % % : %  ;  %
    "    ;
: V% . ' !
          ;   :
% 9 %


(5) Place the body on the right side so that it faces the Qibla
and open the strings, which were tied around the shroud. There
is no harm if you do not open them.

Madani Will

(6) Close the grave with unbaked bricks. (Bricks made using
fire cannot be placed inside the grave but this has become very
common nowadays. The slabs and bricks that are placed inside a
grave should be covered with mud. May Allah      save Muslims

from the effects of fire.

 ‫` ﻻ‬$ u
ﻣ* ) 
ﻟ ﻨ‬Z) If the ground is soft,
   ) *‫ﻣ‬

you can place wood planks.

(7) Now put earth over the grave. It is desirable to stand

near the head side and use both hands. The first time say,
ﻣ ﻨ > ﺧ ﻠ ﻘ ٰﻨﻜ ﻢ‬We created you from the earth). Second time say
ﻴﺪ ﻛ ﻢ‬x > ‫ﻓ
ﻴ‬, ◌(And take you back into it) and third time say,
‫ی‬z  ‫ ر =ة‬o ‫ ﺟﻜ ﻢ‬y
ﻣ ﻨ > ﻧ‬And will raise you from it) (Para 16, Ruku 12 – Kanzul-
Iman) Now place the rest of the soil using a spade
(8) To put more soil than which was taken out is
undesirable (Makrooh).
(9) Make the grave like a hump of a camel and not with four
corners (as it is made after a few days using bricks).
(10) The grave should be at least one span high or a bit more
than that (Alamgeeri, V1, P166)
(11) To sprinkle water after burial is Sunnah.
(12) To sprinkle water for the flowers is acceptable after that.
(13) Today the water that is sprinkled over the graves is
quoted in Fatawa-e-Razaviya, V4, P185 as a waste of water.

6 ۤ‫ ﻟ‬to ‫ ﻣ ﻔﻠ
ﺤ ﻮن‬on the head side
(14) It is desirable to read from ‫ﻢ‬
and from ‫ ﻣ ﻦ ﻟ ﺮ ﺳ ﻮ ل‬G to the end of the Sura on the feet side.

(15) Instruct the dead person (as mentioned before).

(16) Say the Azan whilst standing near the head side and
facing the Qibla.
Laws of Salah

(17) To place the flowers on the grave is better because as

long as they remain fresh, they will praise Allah      and keep
the deceased’s heart satisfied. (Rad-dul-muhtaar, V3, P184)

3,     2/      . 


ou must not neglect your parents if both or one of them

Y has passed away. You must visit their graves and send
the reward of good deeds to their souls. Here are 5
merciful sayings of the Holy Prophet
   on this
important issue:-


“Anyone visiting the graves of one or both of his parents in
order to earn reward will earn the reward of an accepted Hajj
and if someone visits them in abundance, angels will come to
visit his grave (when he dies).” (Kanzul Ummal, V16, P200, Hadith 45536,
Dar-ul-Kutubul Ilmiyyah Beirut)

3,  2/      . 


“If someone performs Hajj on behalf of his parents, he himself
will gain the reward for ten Hajj.” (Dar-e-Qutni, V2, P229, Hadith 2587)

Subhan-Allah     ! Whenever you perform nafl Hajj you should
intend to do it on behalf of your deceased parents as well so
that they too can gain the reward for Hajj. This will not affect
your Hajj; in fact you will gain ten times as much reward. If
either of your parents passed away without performing Hajj,
despite them being obliged to perform it, then you should
perform ‘Hajj-e-Badal’ (details of this can be found in my book
Laws of Salah


“Whenever one donates something in the way of Allah     , he
should do it on behalf of his parents so that they benefit from its
reward. Keep in mind that you yourself will also be rewarded
without your share being decreased.” (Shu’ubul Imaan, V6, P205,
Hadith 7911, Dar-ul-Kutubul Ilmiyyah Beirut)


“A man’s provisions are cut off when he stops praying for his
parents.” (Kanzul Ummal, V16, P201, Hadith 45548, Dar-ul-Kutubul Ilmiyyah


“One who recites Sura Yaseen at the grave of either or both of
his parents on a Friday will have his sins forgiven.” (Ibn A’di fil
Kamil, V6, P260, Dar-ul-Kutubul Ilmiyyah Beirut)

Dear Islamic Brothers! The mercy of Allah      is endless; His
doors of mercy and bounties are kept open for Muslims even
after they die. Here is a story about the endless mercy of Allah
    . Read and rejoice!

The Prophet of Allah     , Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Armiya 789   %   
once passed by the graves of some people who were being
punished. A year later he passed by the same graves but saw
that the punishment was no more. He asked Allah      to tell
him why the punishment had stopped. He 789   %    was told, “Oh
Armiya! I pitied them because their shrouds had torn to pieces,
their hair was messy and their graves were destroyed, pitying
such people is something I (often) do.” (Sharhus sudoor, P313, Dar-ul-
Kutubul Ilmiyyah Beirut)

Method of Fatiha




   has said, “The people of my
ummah will enter their graves carrying the burden of their sins
but when they rise from them they will be sinless because their
sins would have been forgiven due to the Dua of the believers.”
(Tabarani Awsat, V1, P509, Hadith 1879)


                has stated, “A deceased in his
grave is like a drowning man, he waits impatiently for his
father’s, his mother’s, his brother’s, or his friend’s Dua to reach
him and when it does reach him he treasures it more than
anything else in the world. Allah      gives the deceased the
reward that is gifted to him by his relatives in the form of
mountains. The gift of the living to the dead is to ask for their
forgiveness.” (Baihaqi Shu’ubul Imaan, V6, P203, Hadith 7905, Dar-ul-Kutubul
Ilmiyyah Beirut)


“The one who prays for the forgiveness of all believing men
and women, Allah      will write a good deed in exchange for
each believing man and woman”. (Majma-uz-zawaid, V10, P352, Hadith


Dear Islamic Brothers! You have just learnt an easy way to earn
millions and billions of good deeds! There are millions of
Muslims in the world at this moment in time and billions have
passed away (since the beginning of creation), therefore
Laws of Salah

praying for the forgiveness of the whole Ummah will earn for
us a treasure of billions of good deeds. Here is a Dua that can be
used for one’s self and every believing man and woman.
In’shaa-Allah      it will help you earn immense deeds (recite
Durood 3 times before and after): j ‫ و ﻣ ﺆ
ﻣ ﻨ ◌ﺔ‬j ‫ﻦ‬
◌ ‫ ﻣ ﺆ
ﻣ‬$‫ وﻟ

‫( ﻟﻠ > ﻢ ﻏ‬Oh
Allah     , forgive me and every believing man and woman)

   < "%  B  $% %CD  E% F % < "%  

Recite the previous mentioned Dua in Arabic, or Urdu (or

English) or both instantly and if possible make a habit of
reciting it after each salah.

One saint saw his deceased brother in a dream and asked,
“Does the Dua of the living reach the dead?” he replied, “Yes
(they do), they reach us in the form of bright garments that we
then wear”. (Sharhus sudoor, P305)

When anyone sends the reward of good deeds to a deceased
 %    places them in a bright tray and stands
person, Jibra’eel 789 
with it at the grave and says, “Oh dweller of this grave! Your
family members have sent a gift, accept it.” On hearing this, he
becomes happy, but the dwellers of the other graves feel
grieved for being deprived of such a blessing. (Sharhus sudoor, P308)


One who recites Sura Ikhlaas in a graveyard and sends its
reward to the dead will be rewarded for each and every dead
person. (Kashful Khifa, V2, P371, mu’assasatur risala Beirut)

Method of Fatiha


Nabi-e-Rahamat, Shafi-e-Ummat, Sahanshah-e-Nubuwat,
   has stated that if someone passes by
a cemetery and recites Sura Fatiha, Sura Ikhlaas and Sura
Takasur and then does Dua, “Oh Allah     ! Send the reward of
whatever I have recited to the believing men and women”, then
those buried in that cemetery will intercede for him on the day
of judgement. (Sharhus sudoor, P311)


Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Hammad Makki      ) *  ' said, “One night I
slept in the graveyard of Makka-tul-Mukarrama, I saw the
bodies (alive and) standing in circles in the graveyard, I thought
it was the day of judgement. They told me that it was not, and
that in fact they have been distributing the reward of recitation
of Sura Ikhlas by a Muslim brother, who had sent it to them, for
a year”. (Sharhus sudoor baab fi qira’atul Qur’an lil mayyit, P312)

Hazrat-e-Sayyiduna Sa’d bin Ubada  (     &%
 $ ' asked, “Ya Rasool
                       my mother has passed away (and so I
want to donate some form of sadaqa (charity) on behalf of her),
what sadaqa would be best for her?” The Holy Prophet


   replied, “Water”. So Sayyiduna Sa’d  (      $ ' had a
well dug and said, “This is for Umm-e-Sa’d (Sa’d’s mother).”
(Sunan Abu Daood Shareef, V2, P53, Hadith 1681, Dar-ul-Fikr Beirut)

Dear Islamic Brothers! The statement; “This well is for Umm-e-

S’ad”, meant that the well was dug to send the reward gained
by allowing people to drink from it, to the mother of Sa’d  (    &%
 $ ' .
The previous mentioned Hadith shows that it is permissible for
Muslims to associate an animal to be slaughtered with a Saint,

Laws of Salah

by saying things like, “This is the goat of Sayyiduna Ghous-e-

 $ ' ”, because this too refers to the “reward that will be
Paak  (   
gained” for sacrificing the animal being sent to Sayyiduna
Ghous-e-Azam  (    &%
 $ ' . Such statements should not really cause
confusion amongst Muslims because we hear people referring
to the animals that are sacrificed after the Hajj as being “theirs”
anyway! If you see someone coming towards you with a goat or
cow (in the Hajj season) and ask who it belongs to, he will
obviously say, “This is my goat”, so if there is nothing wrong
with him saying this then there shouldn’t be anything wrong
with saying, “Sayyiduna Ghous-e-Paak’s goat”. Everything
really belongs to Allah      and whether the animal is for the
ritual sacrifice after the Hajj or for Ghous-e-Paak, it is the name
of Allah      that is mentioned at the time of slaughtering. May
Allah      protect us from satanic temptation.

   < "%  B  $% %CD  E% F % < "%  


(1) The reward for any action whether it be farz, wajib,
sunnah, nafl, salah, fasting, Zakat, Hajj, delivering a speech or
Dars, travelling in a Madani Qafila, practising the Madani
In’aamaat, inviting towards good, studying a religious book or
making an individual attempt to accomplish a Madani task etc.
can be sent to anyone you please.
(2) Arranging public gatherings for this particular purpose
on the 3rd, 10th, or 40th day after someone’s death, or celebrating
their anniversary in this manner are all commendable. The absence
of proof forbidding such events is itself proof of permissibility.
Praying for the deceased (which is the basic concept behind
these gatherings) is proven by the Holy Qur’an (Part 28, Sura
Hashr, verse 10):
Method of Fatiha

5„ %B %  H. M  C   6  ?s%  (%H. } %B%   (  p% ‹ ( ' 5 .  . M  ? 
 h% 3%  76 "%   ]^ %
   6  ?s
Translation Kanzul-Iman:
And those who came after them submit, O our Lord! Forgive us and our
brothers who preceded us in the faith

(3) The deceased’s wealth can only be used to pay for the
food that is served in these gatherings if all of the inheritors
have reached the age of puberty and every single one of them
gives permission to do so. Otherwise not (if even one of the
inheritors is a child then spending the money will be Haraam).
However, the inheritor(s) that has reached this age is allowed to
spend from his personal share of the wealth if he pleases.
(Mulakhkhas az Bahar-e-Shariat)

(4) If the family of the deceased cook food on the 3rd day
after the death then only the poor can eat from it (not the rich).
(Mulakhkhas az Bahar-e-Shariat)

(5) The reward for actions can even be sent to a one day old
baby. There is no harm in organising gatherings on the 3rd etc.
for a baby either.
(6) It can also be sent to living people as well as the
deceased, in fact even to those who are not yet born.
(7) It can also be sent to Muslim jinn.
(8) Celebrating Giyarveen Shareef, Rajabi Shareef (the death
anniversary of Sayyiduna Imam Ja’far Sadiq   (   $ &% ' on the 22nd of
Rajab) etc. is permissible. To serve rice pudding in a “koonda”
(vessel used to serve) only in the Rajabi shareef gathering is not
necessary; it can be served in other plates too. It can also be
taken out of the house.
(9) ‘Nazr-o-Niyaz’ is the respectful term used to refer to the
food served in gatherings in which the reward of actions is sent
Laws of Salah

to Saints. This niyaz is “tabarruk” (auspicious) and can

therefore be consumed by the rich as well as the poor.
(10) Inviting guests is not compulsory when such gatherings
are held at home, in fact there will be nothing wrong if only the
people of the house are present and if they eat amongst
(11) If one eats with the intention of developing strength in
order to worship with ease and comfort then this act of
consuming food will earn him reward. Therefore it would be
good to send the reward for eating each meal every time you
consume food (to anyone you please). For example, when
eating breakfast one could say to himself, “May the reward of
this breakfast reach The Holy Prophet
   and through
his mediation, every other Noble Prophet 789  %
  ”, and when
eating lunch one could say, “May the reward of the food that I
have eaten (or will eat) reach Sayyiduna Ghous-e-Azam  (    &%
   $ '
and every other Saint 5 . & %   
% - ”, and when having one’s evening
meal one could think to himself, “May the reward of the food
that I am about to eat reach Imam-e-AhleSunnat Imam Ahmad
Raza Khan    ) *  ' and every other Muslim man and woman”.
(12) Sending the reward is acceptable both before and after
(13) If possible put aside 1% of your earnings every day and
spend this on buying and distributing Islamic literature or any
other virtuous act. In’shaa-Allah      you will see the benefits of
this yourself.
(14) “Dastaan-e-Ajeeb”, “Shehzadey ka sar”, “Das Bibiyon
ki kahani”, and “Janab-e-Sayyida Ki Kahani” etc. are all
fabricated and false tales avoid reading them. A pamphlet by
the name of “Wasiyyat Nama” (Will) mentioning the dream of
a man called “Shaikh Ahmad” is also circulated amongst
Muslims, this is also fake. At the bottom it mentions the virtues
Method of Fatiha

of photocopying and distributing it and the harms of not doing

this; one must not trust this either.
(15) If you send reward to a large number of people, you can
hope that Allah      will send the complete reward to each and
every one of them, without it being divided amongst them. (Rad-

(16) None of the reward is reduced for the one sending it; in
fact he can hope to receive the total of what each and every
person has been sent. Let’s say for instance that one does an act
of piety for which he is rewarded 10 good deeds, he then sends
that reward to 10 deceased people, now each one of them will
receive 10 good deeds but he himself will receive 110, if he
sends it to 1000 people he will receive 10010 and so forth.
(Mulakhkhas az Fatawa-e-Razawiyah)

(17) The reward of one’s actions can only be sent to Muslims.

Sending it to a disbeliever or renegade (murtad), or calling
either of them ‘marhoom’ (late) after death is disbelief.

3,  2/      . 


To send the reward of one’s actions making an internal intention
is sufficient. For instance, if you give a rupee as charity, or
recite Durood once, teach someone a Sunnah, invite someone
towards good, or deliver a Sunnah inspired speech etc. you can
say to yourself (in your heart), “May the reward for the Sunnah
that I have just taught reach The Holy Prophet
In’shaa-Allah      it will reach him, in fact it will hopefully reach
anyone else that you intend to send it to. Verbally pronouncing
your intention as well as thinking it is a practice of the blessed
companion’s 5 .& %   
% -  as has been seen in the previously
mentioned Hadith in which Sayyiduna Sa’d  (     &%
 $ ' had a well
dug and then said, “This is for Sa’d’s mother”.
Laws of Salah


The method of sending reward that is commonly practised by
Muslims these days is commendable (a description follows).
Firstly, the food that will be served, along with a glass of water
should be placed in front of one’s self (either all the food that
will be served or a small portion of each type). Then one should
 ‫  ﻋ ﻮذ 

ﻣ ﻦ‬and then the following (once):
recite ‫ﻟﺸ ﻴ ٰﻄ
ﻦ ﻟ ﺮ
ﺟ ﻴﻢ‬


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Method of Fatiha


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Laws of Salah


   ;   % "% %CD   :   
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3,  2/      . 

Now raise your hands to do Dua. The person appointed to

make the supplication should say “Al Fatiha” loudly, after
which every one should recite the Sura Fatiha quietly. He
should then announce, “Dear Islamic Brothers! Give me the
reward of whatever you have recited”. The attendees should all
then say, “We have given it to you”, and then he can send the
reward. Before writing the words that should be used for
sending the reward, here is a list of the chapters of the Holy
Qur’an that Imam-e-Ahle-Sunnat Ala-Hazrat Moulana Shah
Ahmad Raza Khan    ) *  ' used to recite before doing Fatiha:-



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Method of Fatiha


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Oh Allah     ! Grant us reward, not according to our pathetic
worships but according to your immense mercy, for whatever
has been recited (if there is food present then you can say) and
the food that has been prepared, rather, for every weak and
incomplete act of worship that we have performed up to this
day, and send it as nazr on behalf of ourselves to the court of
Your Beloved
   . For the sake of Sarkar-e-Madina


   send it to the presence of all the honourable Prophets
78 9 

% - , all the blessed Companions 5  .& %   
% - , and all the noble
Saints š   ;   ' as nazr. For the sake of our Prophet
 - *     
send the reward to every Muslim human and jinn that have
lived between now and the time of Sayyiduna Adam 789   %    and
those that will come until the day of judgement. During this
you can mention the name of any Saint that you want to mention
specifically. Send the reward to your parents, other relatives and
your Murshid (spiritual guide), because mentioning the names
of deceased people pleases them. Then finish the Dua as normal
Laws of Salah

(if you had placed small portions of each type of food and
water in front of yourself, pour it back into the other food and

If you arrange any type of gathering such as niyaz, and during
it the time for salah arrives, provided there isn’t a valid reason
not to do so, using Infiradi Koshish (individual effort) you must
attend the Jama’at in the local Masjid along with all your
guests. In fact, one should avoid holding an invitation at a time
when people are expected to pray their salah. After Sala-tuz-
Zuhr would be an appropriate time for inviting guests in the
daytime, and after Sala-tul-Isha would be appropriate for
inviting them in the evening. This would ensure that they do
not miss their Jama’at. Everyone including the host, the cooks,
the people serving the food etc. should leave whatever they are
doing and make preparations for the Jama’at. Missing the
Jama’at due to a Saint’s “niyaz” is a big mistake.


One should approach the tomb of a saint from his feet and walk
towards his head because, if approached from the head, he will
be troubled by having to turn his head in order to observe the
person arriving. Therefore, one should approach the Saint from
his feet and walk towards his head. Stand at a distance of
approximately 2 yards, with one’s back facing qibla and one’s
face facing his face, greet him in these words:

    % ) * '  % %   ? W  78

One should then recite Sura Fatiha once and Sura Ikhlaas 11
times (with Durood once before and once after) and then raise
his hands and pray for the reward to be sent to him using the

Method of Fatiha

method explained earlier (mentioning the name of that particular

Saint). The book “Ahsanul Wi’aa” says, “Supplications are
accepted in the presence of Saints”.

3,     2/      . 

Adhān Call for prayers
Collective I’tikaf The I’tikaf in which a group of Muslims
take part in the same Masjid
Dhahwa Kubra Midday
Du’ā Supplication
Durūd and Salām Blessing and Peace on the Prophet
Eid ul Fitr Islamic festival celebrated on 1st Shawal
Donating the Reward of a Good Deed to
Esāl-e-Sawab any Muslim
Fard Obligatory
Ghusl Bath for purification
Hadith Prophetic Tradition
The one who has memorized the entire
Hafiz Qur’an by heart
Halāl Lawful (in shariah)
Harām Unlawful (in shariah)
Hifz Memorizing the Qur’an by heart
I’tikaf To make retreat in the Masjid
Iqāmaĥ Call to Congregational Salah
Jā’iz Permissible
Jamā’at Congregational Salāh
Kaffara Compensation / Expiation
Makrūh Tahrīmī Prohibitively Disliked
Makrūh Tanzihi Disliked
Masjid A Muslim Place of Worship
Mu’takif/Mutakifeen The one/those taking part in I’tikaf

Laws of Salah

Murīd Disciple
Na’at Poetry in praise of the Prophet
Nafl Voluntary
Nazr-e-Ghair Muayyan Unspecified oath
Nazr-e-Muayyan Specified oath
Mustahab Preferable
Raka’at Cycle of prayer (Salah)
To consume something before closing
Sahari one’s fast at the time of Subh us Sadiq
Sajdaĥ Prostration
Salāh Ritual Prayer
Sayyidunā Our Master
an Arabic term of respect translated as
Shaykh “his Honour”
Subh-e-Sadiq Dawn
Taĥajjud Night Vigil Prayer
Takbīr-e-Ūla First Takbir of the Salah
A sunnah salah offered in the night
[following the ‘Isha salah], throughout
Taraweeh the month of Ramadan
Tasbeeh Remembrance and praise of Allah
That consumed at the time of sunset to
Iftar end the fast
To make up or compensate for any act of
Qada worship
Wājib Required
Wudū Ablution

Glossary & Terms


Devotees of the Prophet

Aashiqan e Rasul   
Ilaqa-e-Dorah The tour to invite people towards
Bara-e-Naiki ki Dawat goodness.
Reading Passages aloud to a group of
Fikr-e-Madina Self Reflection
Ijtimā’ Congregation/Gathering
Infradi Koshish Individual Efforts
Jami’a-tul-Madina Islamic University of Dawat-e-Islami
Shaikh-e-Tareeqat Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat,
Founder of Dawat-e-Islami, Hazrat Allama
Moulana Muhammad Ilyas Attar Qadiri
Razavi has, in this sinful era, for the
Madanī In’āmāt purpose of performing good deeds with
ease and saving oneself from sins,
compiled a series of comprehensive syllabi
of the acts from shari’a and tariqa by this
Travels to attain knowledge of the
Madanī Qāfila fundamentals of Islam and spread the
“invitation to goodness”
Madrassa-tul-Madinah Evening classes to learn or rectify ones’
for Adults recitation of the Qur’an
Muballigh Preacher
Sadā-e-Madina Waking others up for Fajr
Madanī Phūl Madani Flowers
Madanī Muzākrah Question and Answer Session
Naiki ki Da’wat Invitation to Goodness

Laws of Salah

Spiritual Lock of Madina – this means to

Qufl-e-Madina save oneself from that which is haram,
and the desires of our nafs [ego]
Purdah upon Purdah Overlay (double-covering)


Mentioned after the name or title of

 Allah ¹     º and is translated as
“Exalted is He.”
Mentioned after the name or title of
Prophet Muhammad ¹

   and is translated as “Allah’s ¹     º Bless
him and Grant him peace.”
Mentioned after the Names of Prophets
% - º and is translated as “Allah’s
   Z. [
78 9 %  
    º Blessing and Peace Upon him.”

Mentioned after the name of a

Companion of Prophet Muhammad
  (   %
 L ' ¹
   º and is translated as
“Allah ¹     º be pleased with him.”

-(    % Same meaning as above except that is is

 L  ' used for females
Mentioned after the name of a pious
%  )
  ' Muslim and is translated as “Allah’s
¹    º Mercy be upon him.”

%  ) Same meaning as above except that is

-    *
  ' used for females

May their blessings continue


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