Surveying111111 PDF
Surveying111111 PDF
Surveying111111 PDF
1. A certain angle was measured ten times by observer A with the following results, all measurements
being equally precise:
740 38’ 18”, 200 15’ 21”, 240 16’ 22”, 170 19’ 13”
(The degrees and minutes remained constant for each observation.)
The same angle was measured under the same conditions by observer B with the following results:
740 36’ 10”, 210 25’08”, 150 20’ 28”, 110 18’ 24”
Determine the standard deviation for each observer and relative weightings.
2. Two sides and the included angle of a triangle were measured as under:
a = 757.64 ± 0.045 m
b = 946.70 ± 0.055 m
C = 54°18' ± 25"
Compute the area of the triangle and its standard error.
3. A steel tape of nominal length 30m was suspended between supports to measure the length of a line.
The measured length of the line on slope of angle 30 50’ is 29.859m. The mean temperature during the
measurement was 120c and the pull applied was 100N. If standard length of the tape is 30.005m at
200c and the standard pull is 45N, calculate the corrected horizontal length. Take:-
w= 0.15N/m
A= 2.5mm2
ᾱ= =1.15*10-5 /0c
4. For the construction of rectangular building surveying setting out is per formed using standard steel
tape and leveling instruments and the following data are measured
Using leveling instrument stadia reading at points A, B, C & D are (2.1), (2.8), (2.8), (2.1)
respectively. Elevation at point A is 1200m
Field tape standardized at catenary 30m
Standard T=25 C, P= 100N,
Filed 30m
T=300C, P=80N flat A D
Tape properties
Cross-section area A=4mm2, W= 20N, ᾱ= 12*10-6 /0C E= 2*106 N/m2
(All readings from one instrument setup)
a) Determine the necessary corrections for the horizontal measurements.
b) How much volume of sol is Cut/fill to horizontal flat the ground surface at elevation 1201m?
5. The following data refer to a section of base line measured by a tape hung in catenary.
Length of tape between 0 and 30m graduations when horizontal at 200C and under 5 kg tension is
29.9988m; cross-sectional area of tape = 2.68mm2; tension used in the field = 10 kg; temperature
coefficient of expansion of tape = 11.16 × 10−6 per 0C; elastic modulus for material of tape = 20.4
×104 N/mm2; weight of tape per meter length = 0.02 kg; mean radius of the Earth = 6.4×106 m.
Calculate the corrected length of this section of the line.
6. A tape of nominal length 30 m was standardized on the flat at the NPL, and found to be 30.0520 m at
20◦C and 44 N of tension. It was then used to measure a reference bay in catenary and gave a mean
distance of 30.5500 m at 15◦C and 88 N tension. As the weight of the tape was unknown, the sag at
the mid-point of the tape was measured and found to be 0.170 m.
Given: cross-sectional area of tape = 2mm2; Young’s modulus of elasticity = 200 × 103 N/mm2;
coefficient of expansion = 11.25 × 10−6 per ◦C; and difference in height of measuring heads = 0.320
m. Find the horizontal length of the bay. If the error in the measurement of sag was ±0.001 m, what is
the resultant error in the sag correction? What does this resultant error indicate about the accuracy to
which the sag at the mid-point of the tape was measured?
7. The details given below refer to the measurement of the first 30-m bay of a base line. Determine the
correct length of the bay reduced to mean sea level. With the tape hanging in a catenary at a tension
of 10 kg and at a mean temperature of 13◦C, the recorded length was 30.0247 m. The difference in
height between the ends was 0.456 m and the site was 500 m above MSL. The tape had previously
been standardized in catenary at a tension of 7 kg and a temperature of 16◦C, and the distance
between zeros was 30.0126 m. R = 6.4 × 106 m; weight of tape per m = 0.02 kg; sectional area of
tape = 3.6mm2; E = 210 ×103 N/mm2; temperature coefficient of expansion of tape = 0.000 011 per
8. Five bays of a line AB were measures under a tension of 53N and the following data was recorded.
Field temperature = 100C
The tape was standardized on the flat under a pull of 89N and at temperature 200C
Length of span (m) 29.149 29.944 29.474 29.514 29.690
Rise b/n ends o span (m) 0.027 0.196 0.126 0.055 0.336
Tape details:
Coefficient of thermal expansion 1.1x10-5/0C, Young’s Modulus 207KN/mm2, Density 7700 Kg/m3,
Cross sectional area 6 mm2,How long is line AB?