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PERDEV - Lesson 3 Readings

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LESSON 3 READINGS: ➢ Nonnormative life events – unusual

occurrences that have major impact

The Life-span Perspective:
on an individual’s life
Development: pattern of change that begins at 7.) Development involves Growth,
conception through the life span Maintenance, and Regulation of Loss – the
mastery of life often involves conflicts and
Life-span Perspective: the perspective that
competition among 3 goals of human
development is lifelong, multidimensional,
development: growth, maintenance,
multidirectional, plastic, multidisciplinary, and
regulation of loss
8.) Development is a Co-construction of
- Involves growth, maintenance, and Biology, Culture, and the Individual –
regulation example, the brain shapes culture, but it is
- Constructed through biological, also shaped by culture
sociocultural, and individual factors
Culture: behavior patterns, beliefs, and all other
working together
products of a group that are passed on from
Characteristics of the life-span perspective: generation to generation

1.) Development is Lifelong – early adulthood Cross-cultural studies: comparison of one culture
isn’t the endpoint of development, no age with one or more other cultures
period dominates development
Ethnicity: characteristic based on cultural heritage,
2.) Development is Multidimensional – no
nationality characteristics, race, religion, and
matter what your age might be, your body,
mind, emotions, and relationships are
changing and affecting each other Socioeconomic Status: grouping of people with
3.) Development is Multidirectional – some similar occupational, educational, and economic
dimensions or components of a dimension characteristics
expand, and others shrink
Gender: characteristics of people as males or
4.) Development is Plastic – you can still
improve in some areas through practice
and training Social Policy: government’s course of action
5.) Developmental Science is Multidisciplinary designed to promote the welfare of its citizens
– psychologists, sociologists,
The Nature of Development:
anthropologists, neuroscientists, and
medical researchers are involved Biological Processes: changes the individual’s
6.) Development is Contextual – all physical nature
development occurs within a context, or
Cognitive Processes: changes an individual’s
thought, intelligence, and language
➢ Normative age-graded influences:
influences that are similar for Socioemotional Processes: changes an
individuals in a particular age group individual’s relationships with other people,
➢ Normative history-graded influence emotions, and personality
– influences common to people of a
Periods of Development:
particular generation because of
historical circumstances 1.) Prenatal Period – time from conception to
birth; 9 months
2.) Infancy – from birth to 18 or 24 months; ➢ Chronological Age - The number of years
time of extreme dependency upon adults that have elapsed after birth
3.) Early Childhood – from 3 through 5 years ➢ Biological Age – a person’s age in terms of
of age; preschool years biological health
- Children learn to become more self- ➢ Psychological Age – an individual’s
sufficient and to care for themselves, adaptive capacities compared with those
develop school readiness skills, and spend of other individuals of the same
many hours playing with peers chronological age
4.) Middle and Late Childhood – 6-10 or 11 ➢ Social Age – connectedness with others
years; elementary school years and the social roles adopt
- Children master the fundamental skills of
Developmental Issues:
reading, writing, and arithmetic, and they
are formally exposed to the larger world Nature-Nurture Issue – a debate about whether
and its culture development is primarily influenced by biological
- Self-control increases inheritance or environmental experiences
5.) Adolescence – transition from childhood to
Stability-Change Issue – debate on whether we
early adulthood; from 10-12 to 18-21
become older renditions of our early experience
years of age
or whether we develop into someone different
- Rapid physical changes, dramatic gains in
from who we were at an early point in
height and weight, changes in body
contour, and development of sexual
characteristics Continuity and Discontinuity Issue – debate about
- More time is spent outside the family the extent to which development involves gradual,
6.) Early Adulthood – early 20s through the cumulative change or distinct stages
30s; time of establishing personal and
Theories of Development:
economic independence, advancing in
their career, and for many, selecting a Scientific Method – an approach that can be used
mate to obtain accurate information
7.) Middle Adulthood – 40-60; time of
Theory – interrelated, coherent set of ideas that
expanding social involvement and
helps to explain phenomena and facilitate
- Assisting the next generation in becoming
competent, mature individuals; and of Hypothesis – specific assumptions and predictions
reaching and maintaining satisfaction in a that can be tested to determine their accuracy
8.) Late Adulthood – 60-70 until death; time Psychoanalytic Theories: describe development as
primarily unconscious and heavily colored by emotion
of review, retirement, and adjustment to
new social roles and diminishing strength - Behavior is merely a surface characteristic, and
and health the symbolic workings of the mind have to be
- Longest span of any period of development analyzed to understand behavior
- Early experiences with parents are emphasized
Significance of Age: 1.) Freud’s Theory: as children grow up, their
focus of pleasure and sexual impulses shifts
➢ Happiness increases as one ages
from the mouth to the anus and eventually to
Conceptions of Age: the genitals
a.) Oral Stage: infant’s pleasure centers are
on the mouth
b.) Anal Stage: child’s pleasure focuses on the Cognitive Theories: emphasizes conscious thoughts
1.) Piaget’s Cognitive Developmental Theory –
c.) Phallic Stage: child’s pleasure focuses on
theory stating that children actively construct
the genitals
their understanding of the world and go
d.) Latency Stage: child represses sexual
through 4 stages of cognitive development
interest and develops social and intellectual
a.) Sensorimotor Stage: birth to 2 yrs.; infants
construct an understanding of the world by
e.) Genital Stage: a time of sexual
coordinating sensory experiences with
reawakening; source of sexual pleasure
physical actions
becomes someone outside the family
- Progresses from reflexive, instinctual action at
2.) Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory: contrary to
birth to the beginning of symbolic thought
Freud’s theory, rather than sexual motivations,
toward the end of the stage
humans also reflect a desire to socialize and
b.) Preoperational Stage: 2-7; child begins to
affiliate themselves with others
represent the world with words and images
- Increased symbolic thinking and go beyond the
connection of sensory information and physical
c.) Concrete Operational Stage: 7-11; child
can now reason logically about concrete
events and classify objects into different
d.) Formal Operational Stage: adolescent
reasons in more abstract, idealistic, and
logical ways
2.) Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Cognitive Theory:
emphasizes how culture and social interaction
guide cognitive development
3.) Information-processing Theory emphasizes that
individuals manipulate information, monitor it,
and strategize about it. Central to this theory
are the processes of memory and thinking

Behavioral and Social Cognitive Theories: emphasize

continuity in development and argue that development
does not occur in stage-like fashion

1.) Skinner’s Operant Conditioning: operant

conditioning the consequences of a behavior
produce changes in the probability of the
behavior’s occurrence
2.) Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory: behavior,
environment, and cognition are the key factors
in development
- Modelling – learning that occurs through
observing what others do

Ethological Theory

Ethology – behavior is strongly influenced by biology,

is tied to evolution, and is characterized by critical or
sensitive periods
Ecological Theory: emphasizes environmental factors 2.) Correlational: goal is to describe the strength
of the relationship between two or more events
1.) Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory:
or characteristics
development reflects the influence of several
- Correlational coefficient: a number based on
environmental systems
statistical analysis that is used to describe the
a.) Microsystem – setting where the individual
degree of association between 2 variables
3.) Experimental: carefully regulated procedure in
- Most direct interactions with social agents
which one or more of the factors believed to
- The individual is not a passive recipient of
influence the behavior being studied are
experiences in these settings, but someone who
manipulated while all other factors are held
helps construct the settings
b.) Mesosystem – relations between
microsystems or connections between Time Span of Research:
1.) Cross-Sectional Approach: individuals of
c.) Exosystem – links between a social setting
different ages are compared at one time
which the individual doesn’t have an active
2.) Longitudinal Approach: the same individuals
role in
are studied over a period of time, usually
d.) Macrosystem – the culture in which the
several years or more
individuals live
3.) Cohort Effects: effects due to a person’s time
e.) Chronosystem – the patterning of
of birth, era, or generation rather than a
environmental events and transitions over
person’s actual age
the life course, as well as sociohistorical
circumstances Conducting Ethical Research
Eclectic Theoretical Orientation: doesn’t follow any one 1.) Informed Consent
theoretical approach but rather selects from each 2.) Confidentiality
theory whatever is considered its best features 3.) Debriefing
4.) Deception
Research in Life-Span Development:
Minimizing Bias
Methods for Collecting Data:
1.) Gender Bias
1.) Observation: observation needs to be
2.) Cultural and Ethnic Bias
systematic in order for it to be effective
- Naturalistic Observation – studies that involve ADOLESCENCE:
observing behavior in real-world settings
2.) Survey and Interview: best and quickest way to Menarche: a girl’s first period
get information Puberty: a period of rapid physical maturation,
- Useful when information from many people is occurring primarily in early adolescence, that involves
needed hormonal and bodily changes
3.) Standardized Test: test with uniform procedures
for administration and scoring; allow a Hormones: powerful chemical substances secreted by
person’s performance to be compared with the the endocrine glands and carried through the body by
performance of other individuals the bloodstream
4.) Case Study: in-depth look at a single Testosterone: hormone associated in boys with genital
individual development, increased height, and deepening of the
Research Designs voice

1.) Descriptive: designed to observe and record Estradiol: type of estrogen that in girls is associated
behavior with breast, uterine, and skeletal development

➢ The corpus callosum thickens in

➢ The amygdala matures earlier than the analytical and one experimental, that compete
prefrontal cortex with each other
Sexually Transmitted Infections: infections Top-dog Phenomenon: moving from the top
contracted primarily through sexual contact, position in elementary school to the lowest
including oral-genital and anal-genital contact position in middle or junior high school
Anorexia Nervosa: eating disorder that involves Service Learning: form of education that promotes
the relentless pursuit of thinness through starvation social responsibility and service to the community
- Weigh less than 85% of what is considered SOCIOEMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN
normal for their age and height ADOLESCENTS:
- Intense fear of gaining weight that does
Narcissism – self-centered and self-concerned
not decrease with weight loss
approach toward others
- Distorted image of their body shape
- Amenorrhea (lack of menstruation) in girls Crisis – period of identity development during
who have reached puberty which the individual is exploring alternatives
Bulimia Nervosa: individual consistently follows a Commitment – personal investment in identity
binge-and-purge pattern
4 Statuses of Identity:
Hypothetical-deductive reasoning: Piaget’s formal
➢ James Marcia
operational concept that adolescents have the
1.) Identity Diffusion: status of individuals who
cognitive ability to develop hypotheses, or best
have not yet made any commitments
guesses, about ways to solve a problem
- Undecided on occupational and
Adolescent Egocentrism: heightened self- ideological choices
consciousness of adolescents - Likely to show little interest in such matters
2.) Identity Foreclosure: status of individuals
- David Elkind points out that adolescent
who have made a commitment but not
egocentrism has 2 key components
experienced a crisis
1.) Imaginary Audience: adolescents believe
- Often when parents hand down
that others are as interested in them as
commitments to their adolescents
they themselves are, as well as attention-
3.) Identity Moratorium: status of individuals
getting behavior motivated by a desire to
who are in the midst of a crisis but whose
be noticed, visible, and on stage
commitments are either absent or are only
2.) Personal Fable: part of adolescent
vaguely defined
egocentrism that involves an adolescent’s
4.) Identity Achievement: status of individuals
sense of uniqueness and invincibility (or
who have undergone a crisis and made a
Cognitive Control: effective control in a number of
Ethnic Identity: an enduring basic aspect of the
areas, including controlling attention, reducing
self that includes a sense of membership in an
interfering thoughts, and being cognitively flexible
ethnic group and the attitudes and feelings related
Cognitive Flexibility: being aware that options and to that membership
alternatives are available and adapting to the
Cliques: small group of about 5-6 individuals that
may form among adolescents who engage in
Dual-Process Model: a view of thinking in which similar activity
decision making is influenced by 2 systems, one
Crowds: larger than cliques and less personal - Females are more likely to attempt suicide,
but males are more likely to succeed in
3 Developmental Stages in Dating and Romantic
committing suicide
Successful Programs in Preventing and Reducing
1.) Entry into romantic attractions and
Adolescent Problems:
affiliations at about 11-13 years of age:
initially triggered by puberty, adolescents 1.) Intensive Individualized Attention: high-risk
become intensely interested in romance adolescents are attached to a responsible
2.) Exploring romantic relationships at adult who gives the adolescent attention
approximately 14-16 years of age: 2 types and deals with the adolescent’s specific
of romantic involvement occur: needs
- Causal dating emerges and only last for a 2.) Community-wide Multiagency
few months or weeks Collaborative Approaches: a number of
- Dating in groups is common and reflects programs and services have to be in place
embeddedness in the peer facilitators of a 3.) Early Identification and Intervention:
potential dating relationship by reaching younger children and their
communicating their friend’s romantic families before children develop problems
interest and confirming whether this or at the onset of their problems is a
attraction is reciprocated successful strategy
3.) Consolidating dyadic romantic bonds at -
about 17-19 years of age: more serious
romantic relationships develop
Early Bloomers: 11-13 years old adolescents in
romantic relationships
Late Bloomers: 17-19 years old adolescents who
have not been into romantic relationships and
others have not have any last more than 4 months
Rite of Passage: ceremony or ritual that marks an
individual’s transition from one status to another
1.) Juvenile Delinquency
- Juvenile Delinquent – an adolescent who
breaks the law or engages in behavior that
is considered illegal
- Causes of Delinquency – low-income
neighborhoods, inadequate parental
monitoring, delinquent peers, delinquent
2.) Depression and Suicide
- Suicide is the third leading cause of death
among adolescents

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