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EDUSCOPE, Juli, 2020, Vol. 06 No.

01 p-ISSN :2460–4844 e-ISSN : 2502 – 3985



Nurul afidah
KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah University

The purpose of this study is designing electronic-based materials of reading comprehension skill for the second semester
at the first grade students of senior high school. It can be categorized as the Research and Development (R&D) which
adapted the model of Sadiman (1986). It was consisted of seven phases such as(1) need analysis, (2) formulating
objective, (3) formulating the materials, (4) formulating validity measurement, (5) writing media sheets, (6) testing, and (7)
revising. The subjects were the first grade students of MAN Malang I. The product was developed based on the students
and teachers’ need which was obtained from distributed questionnaire and interview, and it showed that both students
and teacher need an interactive English instructional media which is based on computer with the percentage (92.3%).
Furthermore, based on the validation of some experts, it was known that the product was valid. Finally, the result product
was electronic-based materials which was consisted the reading materials of the second semester of the first grade of
senior high school such as narrative, descriptive, and news item texts. Each kind of text has its own evaluation which is
in the form of multiple choices and true or false questions.

KEYWORDS: Electronic-Based Materials, Reading Comprehension, Reading Material

60 Nurul : Designing E-Reading Material For The First Grade Of Senior High Students

the application of computers in language learning.

INTRODUCTION Therefore, it enables learners to enjoy their
English and computer became main English activities, especially in reading. Although
qualification that should be met by people who reading activities on computer have already existed
wants to survive in the world competition. As we since 1990s, many teachers, especially Indonesian
know that our life today is full of competition. teachers, they have not maximally applied this kind
Therefore, it demands people to fulfill themselves of activities. They still concern on text-based reading
with a specific skill, such as English and computer. that make almost all of learners feel bored in
English is important because it becomes an reading. Therefore, many learners lose their interest
international language that is used in many aspects on reading. Then based on the result of analysis on
of life. Moreover, computer is essentially needed in students and teacher needs, it was known that the
our lives, for the modern era is IT (Information students and the teacher need an electronic-based
Technology) based that we can access so many reading material.
information through it. Therefore, if both English Moreover, the use of media is very useful for
and computer are integrated, it will be an ideal students in comprehending the materials, for more
combination to compete in the world competition. abstract the object, and the more difficult to be
English and computer are also essential in understood by the learners. In the contrary, the
education aspect because English is considered as more concrete the object the easier to be
global language. Therefore, there are many books understood. In addition there are four kinds of
that written in English. Of course, it influences learning experiences; they are 1) watching and
students’ style in gathering the knowledge that interacting with verbal symbols such as listening to
affect to their achievement. Besides, computer is lecture, 2) watching and interacting with mediated
extremely needed in the modern system of events such as watching slide, video, and film, 3)
education. As we know that there are many sources watching and interacting with actual events such as
that can be accessed through computer. Moreover, field trip, demonstration, and role play, 4) doing the
in all educational system, the use of communication direct experience such as cooking and gardening
and technology has certain place. Therefore, (Dale in Warsita, 2008).
computers play significant role in the learning To be familiar with the development of
process. Teaching English for a second-language electronic English media, a similar study had been
learner can take benefit from using a computer. conducted by Pratama (2013). He had developed
Indeed, a computer is a tool and medium that computer-based reading materials to foster the
facilitates people in learning a language, although reading skills of 10th grade students of SMK. Several
the effectiveness of learning depends totally on the software utilized to develop the product were
users (Hartoyo as cited in Suharyadi, 2010). In short, Microsoft Office 2010, Notepad, Adobe Flash 9 /
English and computer are primarily effective to get CS3, Paint, and WinRAR 4.6. This product
the horizon. concerned to descriptive texts in the form of riddle
The using of computer in language learning and adjective word order, and it was based on the
is called Computer-Assisted Language Learning standard of competence and basic competence 1.3
(CALL). CALL is a program derived from CAL written in curriculum for SMK. The other study was
(Computer-Assisted Learning) which is implemented also done by Nanulaitta (2011). Mulitimedia-based
to language, but the use of computer here is mainly Instructional media of English for XI IPA I SMA
aimed at providing a language learning tutorial Negeri 2 Ambon was the product that had been
program (Hartoyo as cited in Suharyadi 2010). Then developed. the developer try to use multimedia as a
CALL means students learn language in any context new supporting tool for instructional strategy of
with, through, and around computer technologies. delivery system in teaching English.
From both definitions, the main focus of CALL is on In such a way, the researcher also

EDUSCOPE, Juli, 2020, Vol. 06 No. 01 p-ISSN :2460–4844 e-ISSN : 2502 – 3985
61 Nurul : Designing E-Reading Material For The First Grade Of Senior High Students

developed electronic-based materials, but this

research has different on the subject or target of
development, for the subject or target of
development of the researcher were senior high
school students. Actually, there are some reasons
why the researcher developed the materials of SMA.
The first, senior high school students are prepared to
continue their study in the university (Oideachais.
2012). As we know that University students should
be independent in acquiring the knowledge. Besides Picture 1: the process of (R&D) adapted from Sadiman
that, they should master operating computer.
Moreover, the researcher chose the first grade, for The subject of this study was the first
the first class is a reference that will be taken into grade students of MAN Malang I. The researcher
consideration for determining the major in class XI used cluster sampling to choose the group that will
(Oideachais. 2012). Therefore, at this time, students be analyzed, and they are group A and B which
must be prepared carefully to be able to adapt to consisted of 71 students. Moreover, to get the data
the major in accordance with their wishes. the researcher used questionnaire and interview
Therefore, in this case, the researcher guide. The questionnaires were used to obtain the
wants to conduct a research relating to the data of students’ need and product validity. Then
development of electronic reading materials. Then the interview guide was to reveal the need of the
the objective of the study was formulated as teacher.
designing electronic-based materials of reading
comprehension for the second semester students at Finding and Discussion
the first grade of senior high school. Dealing with the analysis on students and
teachers’ need, it was found that the students and
METHOD also the teacher need an interactive English
The research design of this study is namely instructional media which is based on computer to
Research and Development (R&D). According to foster the students’ interest on reading, especially to
Latief (2009) research and development (R&D) is a comprehend some texts with the percentage 92.3%,
process used to develop and validate educational and they expected that the media can be operated
product. To develop the media, the researcher will independently by the students.
use Sadiman model recommended by Sadiman et After the media was produced, the
al (1986). This development model meets the developer then validated the media to check
learners’ characteristics, and it is also considered whether it was feasible or not to use as instructional
as a simple and effective model to develop an media. In this case, the developer cooperated with
interactive learning device. This model explains the some experts such as media, content, and
detail process of creating media from analyzing the practitioner experts. Those valuators were experts
learners’ need until the final product resulted. The on their own field. Then the result of validation was
following picture is the detail steps of research and that media expert gave 90.9%, content expert gave
development process adapted from Sadiman 71%, and practitioner expert gave 93.65%. Based
(1986). on those scores of percentage, it can be concluded
that the electronic-based material of reading
comprehension skill for the second semester
students at the first grade of senior high school was
valid although it still needed little revision. The
followings are the detail information of validation
EDUSCOPE, Juli, 2020, Vol. 06 No. 01 p-ISSN :2460–4844 e-ISSN : 2502 – 3985
62 Nurul : Designing E-Reading Material For The First Grade Of Senior High Students

result. interractive task.

- The number of text
is sufficient.
Table 1. The Result of Media Expert Validity
- The selection of the
No Criteria X Y Percentage text is rich.
(%) 3 The selection of the 3 4 100
1 The use of letter is 4 4 100 vocab is
appropriate, clear appropriate to the
and readable. target situation.
2 The typing is clear, 3 4 75 4 The grammar is 3 4 75
tidy, and regular. correct and
3 The spacing is 4 4 100 accurate.
appropriate and 5 Presentation is 3 4 75
consistent. clear, educative,
4 The lay out is 3 4 75 and conttructive.
attractive and 6 The product can 3 4 100
clear. motivate and foster
5  The product can 4 4 100 reading skills of
be extracted. students.
 The product is 7 Scoring system is 2 4 100
easy to be fair and well
operated. regulated.
6 Scoring system is 4 4 100 8 The level of 3 4 100
fair and well difficulty of each
regulated. question is proper
7 The click-buttons 4 4 100 with the score.
can be operated
8 The time of 3 4 75 Total Score 23 32 71.87
answering is
9 The color that 4 4 100
applied in the
product is Table 3. The Result of Practitioner Expert
appropriate. Validity
10 The music is 4 4 100 No Criteria X Y Percentage
appropriate (%)
11 The selection of 3 4 75
1 The use of letter is 4 4 100
the images is
appropriate, clear,
and readable.
2 This typing is clear, 4 4 100
Total Score 40 44 90.9
neat, and regular.
3 The spacing is 4 4 100
appropriate and
Table 2. The Result of Content Expert Validity 4 The layout is 3 4 75
attractive and
No Criteria X Y Percentage
5 The organization 3 4 75
1 The organization of 3 4 100 of the materials in
the materials in the the form of text
form of text and and activities is
activities is appropriate.
appropriate. 6 -The text can be 3 4 75
2 - The text can be 3 4 75 exploited into
exploited into

EDUSCOPE, Juli, 2020, Vol. 06 No. 01 p-ISSN :2460–4844 e-ISSN : 2502 – 3985
63 Nurul : Designing E-Reading Material For The First Grade Of Senior High Students

interractive task. case, the developer mainly focused revising on the

-The number of text grammar of the content of media. Moreover, the
is sufficient.
developer also revised the product based on the
-The selection of
the text is rich. experts’ suggestion and recommendation.
7 The selection of 4 4 100 Finally, the product of electronic-based
the vocab is material of reading comprehension skill for second
appropriate to the semester at the first grade students of senior high
target situation.
school is in the form of instructional compact disc
8 The grammar is 3 4 75
correct and (CD) which can be used by teachers in teaching
accurate. process in the classroom. Besides, it also can be
9 Presentation is 4 4 100 used independently by students to learn English,
clear, educative, especially reading. The materials which consist of
and constructive.
narrative, descriptive, and news item texts were
10 The product can 4 4 100
motivate and foster developed from Kurikulum Tingkat
reading skills of SatuanPendidikan (KTS) of English for senior high
students. school. Moreover, this instructional media consisted
11  The product can 4 4 100 of six main parts such as (1) home (it displays the
be extracted. main menu of the media), (2) competencies
 The product is
easy to be
(displaying the standard and basic competences
operated. and also the indicators of the material), (3)
12 Scoring system is 4 4 100 instruction (displaying some information about the
fair and well media), (4) materials (displaying the materials
regulated. which are consisted of narrative, descriptive, and
13 The click-buttons 4 4 100
can be operated
news item texts), (5) evaluation (displaying the
14 The time of 4 4 100 evaluation of each kind of text which is in the form
answering is of multiple choices and true or false) , and (6)
adequate. profile (displaying the identity of developer).
15 The color that 4 4 100
applied in the
product is
appropriate. The proposed of electronic-based material
16 The level of 3 4 75 of reading for reading comprehension skill was
difficulty of each packaged in the form of Compact Disc which
question is proper adapted the research and development procedure
with the score.
17 The music is 4 4 100
of Sadiman. The procedure included seven steps
appropriate such as (1) need analysis, (2) formulating objective,
18 The selection of 4 4 100 (3) formulating the materials, (4) formulating validity
the images is measurement, (5) writing media sheets, (6) testing,
appropriate. and (7) revising. Then the result product was
Total Score 67 72 93.65
electronic-based materials. Several software were
utilized to develop the product were Microsoft Office
2010, Adobe Flash CS3, paint, and WinRAR 4.6. It
Based on those tables, it was known that was consisted the reading materials of the second
the lowest percentage of validity belongs to the semester of the first grade of senior high school
content, for many errors are available on the media such as narrative, descriptive, and news item texts.
which are related to the grammar. Therefore, in this Each kind of text has its own evaluation which is in
the form of multiple choices and true or false

EDUSCOPE, Juli, 2020, Vol. 06 No. 01 p-ISSN :2460–4844 e-ISSN : 2502 – 3985
64 Nurul : Designing E-Reading Material For The First Grade Of Senior High Students

questions. And the last was that the materials were Warsita, B. (2008). TeknologiPembelajaran;
developed based on KTSP curriculum. Landasan&Aplikasinya. Jakarta: RinekaCipta
Based on the result, the researcher
suggested for students and teachers to understand
the instruction for use the media before utilizing.
Furthermore, it is important for English teacher to
review the materials and evaluation on the media.
And for further researchers that want to conduct
similar study, it will be better if he or she tries the
media out to the real students after revising the

Hartoyo. 2008. Individual Differences in Computer
Assisted Language Learning (CALL).
Semarang: Universitas Negeri Semarang
Latief, M. A. 2012. Research Methods on Language
Learning an Introduction. Malang: State
University of Malang Press.
Nanulaitta, V. C. 2011. Pengembangan Media
Pembelajaran Berbasis Multimedia Pada
Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI IPA I
SMA Negeri 2 Ambon.Unpublished Thesis.
Surabaya: Universitas Negeri Surabaya.
Oideachais. 2012. Perbedaan Sekolah Menengah
Atas (Sma) dan Sekolah Menengah Kujuran
(SMK). (Online),
l, accessed in 07 March 2014)
Pratama, G. L. H. 2013. Developing
Computer-Based Reading Materials to Foster
the Reading Skills of 10th Grade students of
SMK. Unpublished Thesis. Malang: State
University of Malang.
Sadiman, A. S., et all. 1986. Media Pendidikan
Pengertian, Pengembangan, dan
Pemanfaatannya. Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo
Suharyadi, M. 2010. The Impact of Computer
Assisted Language Learning (CALL) In
Language Teaching. Jakarta: University of
Prof. Dr. Hamka.

EDUSCOPE, Juli, 2020, Vol. 06 No. 01 p-ISSN :2460–4844 e-ISSN : 2502 – 3985

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