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Company Profile: 1.1 Founder'S Message

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Madhucon Sugar and Power Industries Limited (MSPIL) was a cooperative sector
entity since 1983 at Rajeswarapuram in Telangana State. It was formally taken over by
Madhucon Group in the year 2002. Madhucon group was established as one of the reputed
Business Houses under the eminent leadership of Sri.
Nama Nageshwara Rao. Madhucon Group, with divergent business interests in
mining, construction and finance is committed for industrial development along with social
progress. At the time of acquisition, Realizing the high potential for growth of the sugar
factory, the crushing capacity was enhanced to 3500 TCD in the year 2007 from initial 1250
TCD capacity. In addition to this a 24.2 MW co-generation power plant was also added to use
by-product Bagasse more effectively and efficiently. Subsequently a 65 KLPD Distillery for
producing Ethanol was also added to make use of the byproduct generated i.e., Molasses
considering the benefits that accrue due to policy of Government mandating 5% blending of
Ethanol with Petrol.


From our beginning in the year 1983, today grown into a powerful industrial house
with all your enthusiasm and support. Over these years we have continuously expanded our
Business Segments and Production facilities and also diversified into many streams of
business like infrastructure under taking Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC)
and Build, Operate and Transfer (BOT) projects, power, granites, mining, sugar and
Ethanol.Our success as a Group is attributed to the concentrated effort and commitment
towards business values and social welfare initiatives which has been always foremost in the
minds of everyone. We always bear this in mind and create value for our customers through
our products, nurture those who are part of us like employees, value add to those associated
with us as vendors, ensure rewards and accolades to all stakeholders and above all to the
sections of society which need support from us to lead a life with dignity and quality.
We have been following a unique business model of working hand in hand with the
sugarcane farmers by providing them farm inputs, credit facilities and subsidies, etc.,
depending on the needs that arise from time to time and maintaining healthy relations with
employees on continuing basis and this has led to all-round improvement in the socio-
economic well- being of the rural class. We are committed towards overall development of
the nation to provide better living standard for the people.


Aggressive cane development programme, taken up by the company, has resulted in

gradual improvement in the cane availability and resulted in more than 90% plant capacity.
The plant performance is further improving on account of adopting latest technologies and
innovative methodologies.

Cane Development Programme envisaged includes bringing more area under sugar
cane cultivation and increase in the cane yield on par with the best in the industry by making
available the latest technologies to farmers and monitoring implementation on a regular basis
and bringing about corrective steps where necessary to achieve 100% capacity utilization
consistently. As a part of this programme company has identified new resources in the factory
zone and growers are persuaded to take up sugar cane cultivation. Similarly field
demonstrations and personal counseling of the growers is being practiced continuously to
make growers follow cultural and agricultural practices to improve the yield to 35 MT/acre
on an average in the factory zone.

The Sugar Factory has five mill tandem with GRPF for first and last mill for better
capacity and extraction of juice. Quick mill by pass system is incorporated to facilitate mill
maintenance for avoiding hindrance to the crushing operations. The factory follows the
standard double sulphitation process with 3 1/2 Massecuite boiling scheme for production of
direct plantation white sugar.

MSPIL introduced many improvement programmes in line with the latest

technologies available continuously which include improvement in energy and water
conservation front. Established various steam saving devices like Direct contact heaters,
installed bottom mounted pan mechanical circulators for efficient utilization of low pressure
steam for pan boiling as well as continuous pans for B and C Massecuite boiling.
Conventional gear systems for reducing the speeds with planetary gears and
automation with variable frequency drives where required conserving electrical energy and
improving consistent output.
Processing systems like juice clarification have been upgraded and syrup and melt
clarification systems have been installed to produce premium grade white sugar below 50 IU
with minimum sulfur content. Sugar is being packed in standard 50 kg capacity HDPE bags
suitable for export.

The Company has established a 24.2 MW Co-generation unit in the year 2008 with a
multi fuel high pressure high capacity boiler. Bagasse, by-product of sugar mill, is used for
electricity generation. The surplus power beyond plant requirement is being supplied to
Telangana State Govt. to support their needs.

The temperature & pressure configuration (120 TPH, 540 degrees C, 105 ata) for
boiler and 24.2 MW double extraction/condensing type TG set are selected for cogeneration
plant and it is rated to be one of the most modern and state of the art plant. Being run by an
environment friendly fuel (bagasse) this process does not add to net Carbon Dioxide emission
(a greenhouse gas) into the atmospere.


Cogeneration is also a major de risking activity for our sugar business which suffers
from the cyclicality of the sugar market as the power generation from bagasse helps to
mitigate the same. Our Co-gen plant is one of the most efficient bagasse based plants in the
State and it bagged SISTA awards three years for its best performance and particularly on
account recording lowest auxiliary power consumption.
The Company has established a Most modern and state of the Art 65 KLPD Capacity
Distillery Plant to manufacture RS/ENA/Ethanol from Molasses and Grains. The company
has installed 24 TPH Spent Wash Incineration Boiler as a part of Zero Effluent Discharge
along with 2.4 MW Captive Power Plant in order to meet the Steam and Power Requirements
of the Distillery Plant.


The Distillery Effluent called Spent wash will be concentrated in the Integrated
Evaporation plant to concentrate to 60 % solids and the same will be burnt in a specially
designed Boiler to produce steam and power
Bagasse is a fibrous residual of cane stalk that is obtained after crushing and
extraction of juice. It consists of water, fiber and relatively small quantities of soluble solids.
The composition of bagasse varies based on the variety of sugarcane, maturity of cane,
method of harvesting and the efficiency of the sugar mill. Bagasse is usually used as a
combustible in furnaces to produce steam, which in turn is used to generate power. It is also
used as a raw material for production of paper and as feedstock for cattle. By making use of
bagasse sugar mills have been successful in reducing dependence on State Electric Boards,
for their captive power requirement


Press mud, also known as Filter cake or press cake, is the residual output after the
filtration of the muddy juice. It is mixed with spent wash from the distillery and cultivated to
produce high quality bio-manure. MOLASSES
Molasses is the only by-product obtained in the preparation of sugar through repeated
crystallization. The yield of molasses per ton of sugarcane varies within the range of 4.5% to
5%. Molasses is mainly used for manufacturing of alcohol and cattle feed. Alcohol in turn is
used to produce ethanol, rectified spirit, potable liquor and downstream value added
chemicals such as acetone, acetic acid, butanol, acetic an-hydride, MEG etc. FLY ASH

Fly Ash is the residual output from the boiler furnace after bagasse has completely
burnt out in the Cogen power plant. This is being sold to Brick manufacturers to use as
additive in the brick manufacturing process. POTASH

Potash is produced from the Spent wash incineration boiler after spent wash in
incinerated in the boiler. It is rich in potash and is being supplied to farmers to use as

Distillers Dried Grain with Solubles is WDG that has been dried with the
concentrated thin stillage to 10-12 percent moisture DDGS have an almost indefinite shelf
life and may be shipped to any market regardless of its proximity to an ethanol plant.



 Maintaining process parameters regularly e.g. pH and transmittancy of clear juice,

temperature of treated Juice and syrup clarification.

 Maintaining good sanitation at mills and in the Boiling house.

 Using minimum, tested, good quality chemicals for processes.

 Adopting innovative technologies.

 Avoiding direct steam application to intermediate sugar products.

 Doing special analysis to ensure optimum ICUMSA of all intermediate products and
the final product.

 Sugar Quality Grades

1. M - 30
2. S - 30
 Ethanol / ENA

1. 99.98% v/v, meeting the requirements for ethanol blending and also for the
pharmaceutical industries.

2. 96% v/v, Extra Neutral Alcohol(ENA) suitable for high quality IMFL’s


Every year Madhucon Sugar & Power industries ltd. Forming a groups based on plant
and ratoon dates, age of the crop and varietal composition. Before commence the crushing
season cane team conducts a pre-maturity survey by through field level brix small mill test at
Lab level, for knowing sucrose levels in the cane. Based on these results permits will be
generated for procuring the cane.

Post this massive exercise, every farmer within the command area of the mill is
provided with a calendar, which tells him when he can expect a Mill Supply. After receiving
the permit the farmer harvests the cane and transports it either in a bullock cart, tractor trolley


Sri N. Seethaiah, a Civil Engineer by profession, has vast experience in project

construction works and infrastructure development. He has conceptualized various advanced
models and processes for teams to follow while handling large scale construction projects. He
has been instrumental in providing strategic and operational leadership guidance to the group.


Sri N. Krishnaiah, has extensive experience in Project Management. As a young and
dynamic team leader, he guides the group in adopting advanced approaches, models and
practices of Project Management for effective project execution.

He chairs the Borads of all major group companies in India and Globally and with his
innovative approach he has led the group to an altogether higher growth trajectory. Currently
he is the Managing Director of Simhapuri Energy Private limited, Managing Director of
Madhucon Granites Limited, Director of Madhucon Sugars and Power Industries Limited,
President Director of PT Madhucon, Indonesia. Sri. N. Krishnaiah is a qualified mining



Mr. Srinivasa Rao, a graduate in Agriculture has started his career in sugar industry as
an agricultural officer and grown today as whole time director in a span of 8 years. His vast
experience in Cane Technology, Development and Extention programmes has added value to
the company's growth.



Sri Nama Pruthvi Teja pursued his B-Tech in Civil Engineering from the renowned
VIT University in Vellore and has also completed Masters in Project Management &
Business Development from SKEMA Business School in Paris. He is a 2nd generation
entrepreneur who is interested in development of sustainable business through innovation and
workforce welfare.



Sri Bharadwaja Gentela is basically a Mechanical Engineering graduate with

additional qualifications in Law and Business management. He has vast experience and
exposure in sugar industry in India and abroad in different capacities. He also served as
member on the expert committee constituted by AP government and drafted a comprehensive
report on revival of cooperative sugar factories in Andhra Pradesh and submitted to the


1.7.1 VISION
To become a key contributor as a trusted conglomerate with diverse portfolions such
as Sugar, Power, towards development of national rural economy.

To become a one of the leading and efficient leading and low cost power generation
company delivering sustainable and quality power to the nation.


To establish higher capacity power plants of excellence, utilizing the state-of-the-art

technology, process and efficient project management methods.
 Consistently deliver quality power to customers and become a partner of choice.
 Cultivate a culture of sustainability and growth in all operations of the company.
 Sustain professional competence at all levels through continuous training.
 Commitment to preserve environment and caring for the community.

 2014 – 2015
 1st Award in Best Performing for Co-Generation
 2012 – 2013

 1st Award in Best Performing for Technical Efficiency

 1st Award in Best Performing for Cane Development
 2nd Award in Best Performing for Co-Generation
 2011-2012
 1st Award in Best Performing for Co-Generation
Our values govern the guiding principles of our behavior, attitude and actions. The
values have been set out to ensure that we would act in union as a cohesive entity.

 Respect for the individual irrespective of his position in the organization.

 Honesty & Integrity in our business conduct.
 To enhance the Manpower efficiency by imparting suitable development programmes.
 Achievement of business objectives by promoting employee satisfaction towards his
 Fostering team spirit and creating a cordial environment at work place.
 We value the ownership that encourages innovative Technologies / Methods /
Systems, creativity and risk taking at all levels in our production processes.

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