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Tracer Study Survey Questionnaire

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Republic of the Philippines

Southern Leyte State University

College of Aquatic and Applied Life Sciences
San Ramon, Bontoc, Southern Leyte
Telefax Nos. (053) 382-312/ (053) 382-2607 Email:

Date: August 9, 2018

Dear Respondent:


We are truly grateful for your commitment and dedication to helping our SLSU-CAALS Research Team with their study
“Tracking the progress of Fisheries and Marine Biology Graduates from the Southern Leyte State University-College
of Aquatic and Applied Life Sciences (SLSU-CAALS)”. It is the intention of this research to provide substantial
information as to the present employment status of the SLSU-CAALS Fisheries and Marine Biology graduates and
potentially use this information for further programme development and course offerings. Rest assured that all
information provided will be taken with utmost confidentially.

You may send us the completed form at (kindly include in the CC list Alieza Del Socorro, MSc at and the SLSU-Research and Development Office at Please
feel free to contact us any time by email or phone at +639288789132 if there are certain points in the survey
questionnaire you wish to be clarified with.

We wish to receive the completed form no later than August 23, 2018.

We are looking forward for a fruitful collaboration with you. GOD bless!


(Sgd) Gladys Ludevese-Pascual, PhD

Study Leader

1|Graduate Tracer Study

Republic of the Philippines
Southern Leyte State University
College of Aquatic and Applied Life Sciences
San Ramon, Bontoc, Southern Leyte
Telefax Nos. (053) 382-312/ (053) 382-2607 Email:

Date: __________________
Graduate tracer study (GTS): Tracking the progress of Fisheries and Marine Biology Graduates from the Southern
Leyte State University-College of Aquatic and Applied Life Sciences (SLSU-CAALS)

INSTRUCTIONS: Please read carefully and write the corresponding information in the space provided. For multiple-
choice questions, indicate your answer by checking the appropriate box(es). Kindly send the completed form to ( and/or the following Facebook accounts: gladys
ludevese/alieza del socorro. You may send an SMS at +639288789132 to notify us once the completed form is sent.

Section A: PROFILE
1. Full name Family name: ASIS
Given name: RUFA
Middle name:BONGHANOY
Permanent address
Present address
Gender _____Male ___✓__Female
Age 23
Civil status ____✓_Single _____ Separated/Divorced _____Single Parent
_____Married _____Married but not living with spouse
_____Widow or Widower
Contact information Email address:
Telephone number:
Mobile phone number:
Social network ID: Facebook________________
Others (please specify):_________________________
Birthdate (Month/Day/Year) November 24, 1994
Degree Bachelor of Science in Fisheries
Year graduated 2016
Honor(s), Award(s),
Recognition(s) Received
Licensure / Eligibility Please check more than one answer if applicable (please provide the date
Examination(s) Passed taken and corresponding rating):

2|Graduate Tracer Study

Date Taken Rating (if
(Month/Day/Year) applicable)

_____Environmental Planner or EIA

_____Fisheries Technologist
_____National Certification (NC1,
Please give relevant details:
Food Processing NC2

_____Civil Service Eligibility

Please give relevant details:

_____Others (please specify):

Reasons for taking the BS You may check more than one answer, if applicable:
Fisheries/BS Marine Biology _____Good grades in relevant subjects in high school
degree _____Influence of parents or relatives
___✓__Peer influence
_____Inspired by a role model
_____Strong passion for the profession
_____Prospect for immediate employment
_____Status or prestige of the profession
___✓__Availability of course offering in chosen institution
_____Prospect of career advancement
___✓__Affordable for the family
_____Prospect of attractive compensation
_____Opportunity for employment abroad
_____No particular choice or no better idea
_____Others (please specify):__________________________________

Graduate degree(s) You may check more than one answer, if applicable:
_____Master's (M.Sc., M.Ed., M.Bio., M.A.)
_____M.Sc. candidate
_____Doctorate (Ph.D., D.Sc., Dr. rer. nat.)
_____Ph.D. candidate
_____Others (please specify)_________________________________

Note: Kindly provide specialization.

Section C: EMPLOYMENT (Note: parts are numbered)

1. Are you presently ___✓__Yes
employed? _____No

If No or Never, please answer Question 2.

If self-employed, please answer Question 3
2. Please state reason(s) You may check more than one answer, if applicable:
why you are not or never _____Advance or further study
been employed. _____Family concern and decided not to find a job
_____Health-related reason(s)
3|Graduate Tracer Study
_____Lack of work experience
_____No job opportunity
_____Did not look for a job
_____Others (please specify):__________________________________

3. Self-employment type You may check more than one answer, if applicable:
_____Aquaculture/Capture fisheries
_____Others (please specify): _______________________________

What skills acquired in college were you able to apply in your work?
NC2 food processing

4. Present occupation You may check more than one answer, if applicable:
_____Officials of Government and Special-Interest Organizations, Corporate
Executives, Managers, Managing Proprietors and Supervisors
_____Research and/or Extension
_____Service workers and Shop and Market Sales Workers
_____Farmers, Forestry Workers and Fishermen
__✓___Trades and Related Workers
_____Plant and machine operators and assemblers
_____Laborers and skilled workers
___✓__Others (please specify):______Qc

5. Name of the LC Avrasya (Leylam) Guadalupe,Cebu City

and address:

6. Type of Organization You may check more than one answer, if applicable:
_____Non-government unit (NGO) / International non-governmental
organization (INGO)
_____ Others (please specify):_______production

7. Major line of business of You may check more than one answer, if applicable:
the company you are _____Agriculture, Hunting and Forestry
presently employed in. _____Fishing/Aquaculture/Coastal Resource Management
_____Mining and Quarrying
_____Electricity, Gas and Water Supply
_____Wholesale and Retail Trade, repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and
personal and household goods
_____Hotels and Restaurants
_____Transport Storage and Communication
4|Graduate Tracer Study
_____Financial Intermediation
_____Real State, Renting and Business Activities
_____Public Administration and Defense; Compulsory Social Security.
_____Education, Health and Social Work
_____Other community, Social and Personal Service Activities
_____Private Households with Employed Persons
_____Extra-territorial Organizations and Bodies
_____Others (please specify):_________________________________

8. Job status Check only one answer:

_____Regular / Temporary
_____Others (please specify): probationary

9. Job level position QC inspector

10. Date of appointment July 19, 2018
11. What is current monthly Check only one answer:
income? Optional. _____Below P 10,000
___✓__P 10,000 - P 20,000
_____P 21,000 - P 30,000
_____P 31,000 - P 40,000
_____P 41,000 - P 50,000
_____P 51,000 - P 60,000
_____P 61,000 - P 70,000
_____P 71,000 - P 80,000
_____P 81,000 - P 90,000
_____P 91,000 - P 100,000
_____Above P 100,000

12. Employer Verification Name of the verifying authority:


Phone (Office):



Can we contact your current employer?

_____ Yes
_____ No
13. Is this your first job after Check only one answer:
college? _____Yes

If YES, proceed to question 14

If NO, proceed to question 15

5|Graduate Tracer Study

14. What are the reason(s) You may check more than one answer, if applicable:
for staying on the job? _____Salaries and benefits
_____Career challenge
_____Related to special skill
_____Related to course or program of study
_____Proximity to residence
_____Peer influence
_____Family influence
_____Others (please specify):__________________________________

15. What were your You may check more than one answer, if applicable:
reason(s) for changing ___✓__Salaries and benefits
job? _____Career challenge
_____Related to special skill
_____Related to course or program of study
_____Proximity to residence
_____Peer influence
_____Family influence
_____Others (please specify):_____end of

16. Is your first job related to Check only one answer:

the degree you took up ____✓_Yes
in college? _____No

If NO, please proceed to question 17.

17. What were your reasons You may check more than one answer, if applicable:
for accepting / engaging _____Salaries and benefits
the job? __✓___Career challenge
_____Related to special skill
_____Proximity to residence
_____Peer influence
_____Family influence
_____Others (please specify):__________________________________

18. How did you find your You may check more than one answer, if applicable:
first job? _____Response to an advertisement
____✓_As walk-in applicant
_____Recommended by someone
_____Information from friends
_____Online job search
_____Family business
_____Job fair or Public Employment Service Office (PESO)
_____Others (please specify):__________________________________

19. How satisfied are you Check only one answer:

with your present job? _____Very satisfied
_____Somewhat satisfied
_____Very dissatisfied
6|Graduate Tracer Study
20. How long did it take you 1 month
to land your first job (in

21. How useful are the

following competencies Rate (by checking) the following competencies/skills:
/skills learned in college Competencies/ Not at all Slightly Somewhat Very Extremely
in your present job? Skills useful useful useful useful useful
Communication ✓
Problem-solving ✓
Information ✓
Logical / critical ✓
Laboratory / field / ✓
Entrepreneurial / ✓
Human relations ✓
Teaching ✓
Others (please
22. Which of the following
best represent major
strengths and
weaknesses of the BS 1 2 3 4 5 N/A
Fisheries/ BS Marine Range of
Biology programmes? subjects
Number of
optional /
Relevance of
the program
to your
Teaching /
Quality of

7|Graduate Tracer Study

Laboratory, Check
etc) the
Others (please
number which best suits your answer (with 1 as the lowest and 5 being the
highest, N/A if not applicable):

23. Please list down all

professional or work-
related trainings,
seminars and Title of Inclusive Implementing Other
conferences you have Training/Seminars/Conferences dates agencies/Host(s) information
attended after college. and (e.g. paper
You may use extra sheet venue presenter,
if needed organizer,

24. Would you recommend Check only one answer:

prospective students to ____✓_Yes
take BS Fisheries/BS _____No
Marine Biology degree

25. List down suggestions/

recommendations to They must perform and conduct all the laboratory subject in laboratories.
further improve the BS They must let the students use laboratory apparatus and chemicals. Hands on
Fisheries/ BS Marine is necessary.
Biology programme

8|Graduate Tracer Study

How frequently do you Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very
participate in the following Often
activities? Please indicate your Participating in cultural ✓
answer by checking the and folk activities (e.g.
appropriate column. Heritage and cultural
Engaging in political ✓
activism and organizing
Doing charitable work ✓
and voluntary
community service
Participating in religious ✓
activities and faith-based
Engaged in sport and ✓
fitness activities
Based on your experiences since Low Moderate High
completing your degree in SLSU- Job skills
CAALS, what impact do you Skills with computers and information ✓
believe it has had on your skills technology
and knowledge in the following Ability to work productively in teams or ✓
areas? Please indicate your groups
answer by checking the Ability to make effective oral presentations ✓
appropriate column. Ability to produce effectively written ✓
documents for multiple purposes
Ability to proficiently interpret and utilize ✓
numbers and statistics related to my field of
Ability to consistently execute planned tasks ✓
in a timely manner
Theoretical knowledge in my field of study ✓
Practical job skills in my field of study ✓
Entrepreneurial skills
Ability to prepare effective business plans ✓
Understanding of capital markets and ✓
potential business opportunities
Ability to negotiate deals and business ✓
Ability to effectively organize time and other ✓
resources to provide a service/product
Critical thinking skills
Ability to synthesize information from ✓
multiple sources to improve my
understanding of a topic
Ability to analyze and critique the work of ✓
others based on my knowledge and
9|Graduate Tracer Study
Ability to apply my learning to solve ✓
problems or innovate
Ability to use feedback from others to ✓
improve the quality of my work
Citizenship and service
Knowledge of major national issues (social, ✓
political, economic)
Sensitivity to issues of the ethnic and cultural ✓
Commitment to use my learning to make a ✓
difference in my community
Understanding of moral values and ethical ✓
Commitment to make sound moral decisions ✓
and act ethically
Looking back at your experiences
while completing your degree in Extremely Poor Moderate Good Excellent
SLSU-CAALS, how would you now Poor
rate the following areas? Please
indicate your answer by checking
the appropriate column. Overall teaching quality ✓

Opportunities for ✓
learning in the
programme (emphasis
on connection between
different disciplines)
Industry relevance ✓
Research opportunities ✓
Availability of work ✓
attachment / industry
Quality of facilities and ✓
equipment available
Overall admissions and ✓
registration processes
Overall exams ✓
administration process
Quality of student ✓
records management
Availability of ✓
counselling services
Availability of student ✓
development / life
Please select the activities in Please check more than one answer if applicable:
which you think the SLSU-CAALS _____Alumni magazine/newsletter/e-bulletin/website
Fisheries/Marine Biology Alumni _____Professional development for alumni
_____Career fairs for alumni (recruiters and job seekers)

10 | G r a d u a t e T r a c e r S t u d y
Association should be engaged ___✓__Mentorship for current students or recent graduates
in. ____✓_Reunions
_____Awards/recognition functions for alumni
_____Faculty recognition functions
_____Fundraising for Scholarships, Bursaries and Grants
___✓__Community-based charitable work
_____Other (please specify): ______________________________________

Thank you for your participation!

Survey questionnaire patterned and modified from the following references:

Research and Policy Unit. 2016. Graduate Tracer Study: Final Report. 64 p.

Schomburg Harald. 2016. Carrying out tracer study: Guide to anticipating and matching skills and jobs volume 6. 300 p.

Van der Aa Ruud, Willemsen Anja & Warmerdam Susan. 2012. Evaluation of the Netherlands Fellowship Programme (NFP) 2002-2010. 310 p.

CHED Graduate Tracer Study

11 | G r a d u a t e T r a c e r S t u d y

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