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GPSA Engineering Data Book 14th Edition: Revision Date Reason (S) For Revision

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GPSA Engineering Data Book 14th Edition


0 4/1/2017 Initial release

GPSA Engineering Data Book 14th Edition

FIG. 10-1
A = area of heat transfer surface, sq ft NR = modified Reynolds number, (in • lb)/(sq ft • s • cp)
Ai = inside surface of tube, sq ft Nt = number of tubes
Ab = outside bare tube surface, sq ft ΔP = pressure drop, psi
Ax = outside extended surface of tube, sq ft PF = fan total pressure, inches of water
At = tube inside cross-sectional area, sq in. (see Fig 9-25) ρa = density of air, lb/cu ft
ACFM = actual cubic feet per minute ρw = density of water, lb./cu ft
APF = total external area/ft of fintube, sq ft/ft P = temperature ratio (see Fig 10-8)
APSF = external area of fintube, sq ft/sq ft of bundle face area PWL = sound pressure level
AR = area ratio of fintube compared to the exterior area of 1 in. PWLN = PWL for Nf fans
OD bare tube
B = correction factor, psi (see Fig 10-14) Q = heat transferred, Btu/h
Cp = specific heat at average temperature, Btu/(lb • °F) rd = fouling resistance (fouling factor), (hr • ft2 • °F/Btu)
CMTD = corrected mean temperature difference, °F rf = fluid film resistance (reciprocal of film coefficient)
dB(A) = overall weighted level of sound at a point distant from rmb = metal resistance referred to outside bare surface
noise source based on "A" weighting system
D = fan diameter, ft rmx = metal resistance referred to outside extended surface
Di = inside tube diameter, in. R = distance in feet (see Eq 10-6)
Do = outside, tube diameter, in. R = temperature ratio (see Fig 10-8)
DR = density ratio, the ratio of actual air density to the density RPM = fan speed, rotations per minute
of dry air at 70 °F and 14.7 psia, 0.0749 lb/cu ft (see Fig
f = friction factor (see Fig 10-15) S = specific gravity (water = 1.0)
F = correction factor (see Fig 10-8) SPL = sound pressure level
Fa = total face area of bundles, sq ft t = temperature air-side, °F
Fp = air pressure drop factor, in. of water per row of tubes T = temperature tube-side, °F
FAPF = fan area per fan, ft2/fan U = overall heat transfer coefficient, Btu/(h • ft2 • °F)
FPM = fan tip speed, feet per minute W = mass flow, lb/hr
g = local acceleration due to gravity, ft/s2 Y = correction factor, psi/ft (see Fig 10-14)
G = mass velocity, lb/(sq ft • s) Δt = temperature change, °F
Ga = air face mass velocity, lb/(hr • sq ft) of face area μ = viscosity, cp
Gt = tube-side mass velocity, lb/(sq ft • s) μw = viscosity at average tube wall temperature, cp
ha = air-side film coefficient, Btu/(h • sq ft • °F) φ = viscosity gradient correction
hs = shell-side film coefficient based on outside tube area,
Btu/(h • sq ft • °F)
ht = tube-side film coefficient based on inside tube area, Btu/ Subscripts
(h • sq ft • °F)
HP = fan horsepower a = air-side
J = J factor (see Fig 10-13) b = bare tube surface basis
k = thermal conductivity, Btu/[(hr • sq ft • °F)/ft] s = shell-side
L = length of tube, ft t = tube-side
LMTD = log mean temperature difference, °F x = extended tube surface basis
N = number of rows of tubes in direction of flow 1 = inlet
Nf = number of fans 2 = outlet
NP = number of tube passes
GPSA Engineering Data Book 14th Edition

Example 10-1 -- Procedure for determining a rough, preliminary heat transfer surface area, required plot space, and fan power for an air-cooled Example 10-1 -- Procedure for determining a rough, preliminary heat transfer surface area, required plot space, and fan power
exchanger for an air-cooled exchanger

Required data Operating Conditions

Fluid = Process Cooling Water Fluid = Process Cooling Water
Heat Load, Q = 20,000,000 Btu/hr Heat Load, Q = 20,000,000 Btu/hr
Temperature In = 300 °F Temperature In = 300 °F
Temperature out = 150 °F Temperature out = 150 °F
Ambient temperature = 100 °F Ambient temperature = 100 °F
Fouling factor = 0.002 hr-ft2-degF/Btu Fouling factor = 0.002 hr-ft2-degF/Btu
Heat release curve = Linear Heat release curve = Linear
Cp air = 0.25 Btu/lb-degF Cp air = 0.25 Btu/lb-degF
Basic Assumptions Air Cooler Design
Type = Forced draft, 2 fans Type = 2 Fans, forced draft
Fintube = 1 in OD, 5/8 in high fins OD (fintube) = 1 in.
Tube pitch = 2-3/8 in triangular Fin height = 0.625 in. high fins
Bundle layout = 4 tube passes, 6 rows of tubes Tube pitch = 2.375 in. triangular (Δ)
Np = 4 tube passes
First Trial N = 6 tube rows
1. Pick an appropriate overall heat transfer coefficient,
= 5.2 Btu/hr-ft2-degF (see Fig 10-10, for Process Water and 5/8 inch by 10)
Ux Air CoolerThermal Parameters
2. Determine the appropriate external area of fintube ft2/ft2 (see Fig 10-11, for 6 rows, 5/8 high fins, 2-3/8 triangular tube
= 169.6 Ux = 5.2 Btu/hr-ft2-degF Fig 10-10
per sq.sf. of bundle area, APSF pitch)
Dimensionless. Use 1.0 for 3 or more tube passes, otherwise use Figs.
3. Determine the LMTD correction factor = 1 APSF = 169.6 ft2/ft2 Fig 10-11
10-8 or 10-9.
4. Assume t2 and calculate the CMTD, with
countercurrent temperature profile. = 200 degF LMTD correction factor = 1 Dimensionless.

Calculate CMTD = (F)(LMTD) = 72.1 degF t2, assumed = 200 degF Change until it agrees with t2, actual.
5. Calculate Ax = 53,319 sq. ft. t2, Actual
= 314.4 sq. ft. CMTD = 72.1 degF
6. Based on APSF, calculate the air-side face area, Aa
7. Calculate the air-side mass flow rate (Wa, lb/hr)
using Aa and based on a typical face velocity of 600 = 848,829 lb/hr Ax = 53,319 sq. ft.
Std. ft/min.

8. Check actual t2 from exchanger (t2,actual) = 194.25 °F Aa = 314.4 sq. ft.

9. Repeat steps 4 through 8 by iterating t2 until = 196.2 °F Wa = 848,829 lb/hr

convergence is achieved

Recalculation of Step 4, CMTD = 73.65 °F t2,actual = 194.25 °F

Recalculation of Step 5, Ax = 52,219 sq. ft.

Recalculation of Step 6, Aa = 307.9 sq. ft. Air Cooler Dimensions
Recalculation of Step 7, Wa = 831,321 sq. ft. Bay width = 10.24 ft Bay width does not exceed 15 feet
Recalculation of Step 8, t2,actual = 196.2 °F Bay length = 30.71 ft Bay length does not exceed 45 feet
The recalculated Step 6, face area (Aa), shows a bay size of 10 ft X 30 ft (300 sq.ft) will be adequate.
Bay width = 10 ft Fan Horsepower
Bay length = 30 ft Fan horsepower = 19 bhp per fan

Calculate fan horsepower by extrapolating from two

= 18 bhp per fan (two required)
40 BHP fans on a 15 ft X 45 ft unit.

Length to width ratio is typically 3:1

Truck shippable units do not exceed 15 ft X 45 ft

The sample calculations, equations and spreadsheets presented herein were developed using examples published in the Engineering Data Book as published by the Gas Processor Suppliers Association as a service to the gas processing industry. All information and calculation formulae has been compiled and edited in cooperation with Gas Processors Association (GPA).
While every effort has been made to present accurate and reliable technical information and calculation spreadsheets based on the GPSA Engineering Data Book sample calculations, the use of such information is voluntary and the GPA and GPSA do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, efficacy, or timeliness of such information. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, calculation method, process, or service by trade-name, trademark, and service mark manufacturer or otherwise does not constitute or imply endorsement, recommendation or favoring by the GPA and/or GPSA.
The Calculation Spreadsheets are provided without warranty of any kind including warranties of accuracy or reasonableness of factual or scientific assumptions, studies or conclusions, or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of intellectual property.
In no event will the GPA or GPSA and their members be liable for any damages whatsoever (including without limitation, those resulting from lost profits, lost data or business interruption) arising from the use, in
These calculation spreadsheets are provided to provide an “Operational level” of accuracy calculation based on rather broad assumptions (including but not limited to: temperatures, pressures, compositions, imperial curves, site conditions etc) and do not replace detailed and accurate Design Engineering taking into account actual process conditions, fluid properties, equipment condition or fowling and actual control set-point dead-band limitations.

Heat Release Curve


GPSA Engineering Data Book 14th Edition

Example 10-2 Part 1 -- Procedure for estimating transfer surface, plot area, and horsepower Example 10-2 Parts 1 & 2 -- Procedure for estimating transfer surface, plot area, and horsepower

Given Data: Given Data:

Required Data For Hot Fluid Required Data For Hot Fluid

Name and Phase = 48°API hydrocarbon liquid API = 48 °API

Physical Props at avg temp = 200 °F Phase = hydrocarbon liquid
Specific Heat Cp = 0.55 Btu/(lb • °F) Avereage Temperature = 200 °F
Viscosity μ = 0.51 cp Cp = 0.55 Btu/(lb • °F)
Thermal Conductivity k = 0.0766 Btu/[(hr • sq ft • °F)/ft] μ = 0.51 cp
Heat Load Q = 15,000,000 Btu/hr k = 0.0766 Btu/[(hr • sq ft • °F)/ft]
Flow Quantity Wt = 273,000 lb/hr Q = 15,000,000 Btu/hr
Temperature In T1 = 250 °F Wt = 273,000 lb/hr
Temperature Out T2 = 150 °F T1 = 250 °F
Fouling Factor rd t = 0.001 (hr • sq ft • °F)/Btu T2 = 150 °F
Allowable Press Drop ΔPt = 5 psi rdt = 0.001 (hr • sq ft • °F)/Btu
Required Data For Air ΔPt (allowable) = 5 psi
Ambient Temperature t1 = 100 °F Required Data For Air
Elevation = Sea level See Fig 10-16 for Altitude Correction t1 = 100 °F
C Pair = 0.24 Btu/(lb • °F) Elevation = Sea level See Fig 10-16 for Altitude Correction

= 0.0749 lb/cu.ft CPair = 0.24 Btu/(lb • °F)

Air density, 70 degF, sea level
Density Ratio Air DR, air = 0.94 dimensionless Air density, 70 degF, sea level = 0.0749 lb/cu.ft
Basic Assumptions DR, air = 0.94 dimensionless
Type = 2 Fans, Forced Draft Basic Assumptions
Fintube Do = 1 in. OD Type = 2 Fans, Forced Draft
0.625 in. high fins Fan Efficiency = 70%
Tube pitch = 2.5 in. triangular (Δ) Fan Motor Speed Reducer Efficiency = 92%
Bundle Layout NP = 3 tube passes Fintube
N = 4 rows of tubes Do = 1 in. OD
L = 30 ft long tubes Fin Height 0.625 in.
Data Collected From Figures in Text Tube pitch = 2.5 in. triangular (Δ)
APSF = 107.2 sq.ft./sq.ft. Fig 10-11 Bundle Layout
APF = 5.58 sq ft/ft Fig 10-11 NP = 3 tube passes
At = 0.5945 in2 Fig 9-25 N = 4 rows of tubes
Di = 0.87 in. Fig 9-25 L = 30 ft long tubes
φ = 0.96 dimensionless Fig 10-19 Data Collected From Figures in Text
k • [(Cp • μ)/k]1/3 = 0.12 sq.ft./sq.ft. Fig 10-12 APSF = 107.2 sq.ft./sq.ft. Fig 10-11
AR = 21.4 sq ft/sq ft Fig 10-11 APF = 5.58 sq ft/ft Fig 10-11
At = 0.5945 in2 Fig 9-25
To determine Approximate Air Temperature Rise Di = 0.87 in. Fig 9-25
φ = 0.96 dimensionless Fig 10-19
Δta = [(Ux+1)/10] • [((T 1+T 2)/2)-t1] k • [(C p • μ)/k]1/3 = 0.12 sq.ft./sq.ft. Fig 10-12
See Intermediate Calculations below. AR = 21.4 sq ft/sq ft Fig 10-11
To determine t2 Data to be collected subsequent to with Surface Area calculations
Y = 14.5 psi/ft Fig 10-14
t2 = t1 + Δta B = 0.25 psi/tube pass Fig 10-14
f = 0.0024 Fig 10-15
To determine LMTD J = 1,900 Fig 10-13
ha = 8.5 Btu/(hr-degF-ft2) Fig 10-17
LMTD = (GTTD-LTTD)/ln(GTTD/LTTD) Fig 9-3 Fp = 0.1 in. H 2O/row of tubes Fig 10-18
DR = 0.94 Fig 10-16
To determine CMTD
Air Cooler Thermal Parameters
CMTD = LMTD • F1 Ux = 4.2 Btu/(h • ft2 • °F)
F1 = 1.00 Dimensionless Fig 9-4
To determine Outside Extended Surface of Tube Corrected Mean Temperature Difference
Δta = 52 °F
Ax = Q/(Ux • CMTD) t2 = 152 °F
Hot side Δt = 98
To determine Total Face Area of Bundles Cold side Δt = 50
GTTD = 98 °F
Fa = A x/APSF LTTD = 50 °F
LMTD = 71.3 °F
To determine the Unit Width CMTD = 71.3 °F

Width = Fa /L Surface Area

Ax = 50,070 ft2
To determine the Number of Tubes Fa = 465 ft2
Width = 15.50 ft
Nt = Ax/(APF • L) Tube Suface Area = 465 ft2
Extended Tube Surface Area = 49,848 ft2
To determine the Tubeside Mass Velocity
Tubeside Pressure Drop
Gt = (144 • W t • Np)/(3600 • Nt • At) Nt = 299
Gt = 184 lb/(ft2 • sec)
To determine the Modified Reynolds Number NR = 314
Specific Gravity = 0.79
NR = (Di • Gt )/μ ΔPt = 4.0 psi Calculated ΔP < Allowable ΔP

To determine the Tube-Side Pressure Drop Heat Transfer

ht = 252
ΔPt = [(f • Y • L • Np)/φ] + (B • N p) Fig 10-14, 10-15 Wa = 1,201,923 lb/hr
Ga = 2,585 lb/hr-sq.ft. face area
Intermediate Calculations (not shown) A x/Ai = 24.6
1/Ux = 0.240
1. Pick Approximate Overall Transfer Coefficient from Fig 10-10 Ux = 4.17 Btu/(h • ft2 • °F)
Ux = 4.2 Btu/(h • ft2 • °F)
If Ux calculated is equal or slightly greater than Ux assumed at beginning and calculated pressure drop is within allowable pressure drop, the solution is
2. Calculate Approximate Air Temperature Rise solution is acceptable. Otherwise repeat steps assuming a new Ux between original assumed value and calculated value.
Δta = [(4.2+1)/10] • [((250+150)/2)-100] = 52 °F
Fan Calculations
t2 = 100 + 52 = 152 °F FAPF = 93.0 ft2
D = 11 ft
3. Calculate CMTD hot side cold side T a, avg = 126 °F
Hydrocarbon 250 150 ΔPa = 0.43 in. H 2O
Air 152 100 Actual Air Volume = 284,522 ACFM Total
98 50 = 142,261 ACFM per Fan
PF = 0.56 in. H 2O
GTTD = 98 °F bhp per fan = 17.81 hp
LTTD = 50 °F Fan Motor hp = 19.4 hp
= 20 hp
LMTD = (98-50)/[ln(98/50)] = 71.3 °F
Alternatively, use Fig. 9-3 LMTD diagram
Use Fig 9-4 to Find F1
F1 = 1.00

CMTD = 71.3 • 1.0 = 71.3 °F

4. Calculate AX
Ax = 15000000/(4.2 • 53.5) = 50,070 ft2

5. Calculate Face Area Using APSF factor from Fig 10-11

Fa = 50,700/107.2 = 465 ft2

6. Calculate Unit Width with Assumed Tube Length

Width = 465/30 = 15.50 ft

7. Calculate the Number of Tubes Using APF factor from Fig 10-11
Nt = 50,070/(5.58 • 30) = 299

8. Calculate Tube-Side Mass Velocity from Assumed number of passes and reading At from Fig 9-25 for a 1 in. OD x 16 BWG tube
Gt = (144 • 273000 • 3)/(3600 • 299 • 0.5945) = 184 lb/(ft2 • sec)

9. Calculate Modified Reynolds number

NR = (0.87 • 184)/0.51 = 314

10. Calculate Tube-Side Pressure Drop using Equation from Fig 10-14 and Fig 10-15
Use Fig 10-14 to find Y and B
Y = 14.5 psi/ft
B = 0.25 psi/tube pass

Use Fig 10-15 to find f using NR

f = 0.0024

ΔPt = [(0.0024 • 14.5 • 30 • 3)/0.96] + (0.25 • 3) = 4.0 psi

Example 10-2 Part 2 -- Procedure for estimating transfer surface, plot area, and horsepower

To determine the Tube-Side Film Coefficient

ht = [J • (k • ((Cp • μ)/k)1 /3) • φ]/D i Fig 10-13

See Intermediate Calculations below.
To determine Air Quality

Wa = Q/(0.24 • Δta )

To determine Air Face Mass Velocity

Ga = W a/Fa

To determine Ax/A i

Ax/A i = (AR • Do )/D i

To determine Overall Transfer Coefficient

1/U x = [(1/ht) • (A x/Ai )] + [(rdt • (Ax/Ai )] + rmx + (1/h a)

To determine Minimum Fan Area Per Fan

FAPF = (0.4 • Fa )/Nf

To determine Fan Diameter

D = [(4 • FAPF)/π] 0.5

To determine Air Static Pressure Drop

ΔPa = (Fp • N)/DR

To determine Actual Air Volume

ACFM = W a /(D R • 60 • D R, air)

To determine the fan Total Pressure

PF = ΔPa + [ACFM/(4005 • ((π • D 2)/4))]2 • DR

To determine the Brake Horsepower Per Fan

bhp = [(ACFM/fan) • PF]/(6356 • 0.7)

Intermediate Calculations (not shown)

11. Calculate Tube-Side Film Coefficient using Equation from Fig 10-13
Using Fig 10-13 to find J Factor using NR = 314 from Part 1.
J = 1,900

ht = (1900 • 0.12 • 0.96)/0.87 = 252

12. Calculate Air Quantity

Wa = 15000000/(0.24 • 52) = 1,201,923 lb/hr

13. Calculate Air Face Mass Velocity

Ga = 1201923/465 = 2,585 lb/hr-sq.ft. face area

14. Read Air-Side Film Coefficient from Fig 10-17

ha = 8.5 Btu/(hr-degF-ft2)

15. Calculate Overall Transfer Coefficient

Ax/A i = (21.4 • 1.0)/0.87 = 24.6

1/U x = [(1/252) • 24.6] + (0.001 • 24.6) + (1/8.5) = 0.240

Note: rmx is ommitted since metal resistance is small
compared to other resistances
Ux = 1/0.240 = 4.17 Btu/(h • ft2 • °F)
If Ux calculated is equal or slightly greater than Ux

16. Calculate Minimum Fan Area

FAPF = (0.4 • 465)/2 = 93.0 ft2

17. Calculate Fan Diameter

D = [(4 • 93)/π] 0.5 = 11 ft

18. Calculate Air Static Pressure Drop

T a, avg = (100+152)/2 = 126 °F

Use Fig 10-18 to find Fp using Ga

Fp = 0.1 in. H2O/row of tubes

Use Fig 10-16 to find DR using T a, avg

DR = 0.94

ΔPa = (0.1 • 4)/0.94 = 0.43 in. H2O

19. Calculate Actual Air Volume using D R of Air at Fan Inlet

ACFM = 1201923/(0.94 • 60 • 0.0749) = 284,522 Total
= 142,261 per Fan
20. Approximate Fan Total Pressure using DR of Air at Fan and Fan Area
PF = 0.43 + [142261/(4005 • ((π • 112)/4))]2 • 0.94 = 0.56 in. H2O

21. Approximate Brake Horsepower Per Fan, using 70% Fan Efficiency
Fan Efficiency = 0.7
bhp = (142261 • 0.56)/(6356 • 0.7) = 17.81

Actual Fan Motor needed for 92% Efficient Speed reducer

= 0.92
bhp = 17.81/0.92 = 19.4 hp
= 20 hp
Calculate Extended Surface Area

A = 15.5 • 30 = 465 ft2

A = 465 • 107.2 = 49,848 ft2

One Unit having

49,848 ft2 of extended area
11 ft diameter fans
20 hp fan drivers

The sample calculations, equations and spreadsheets presented herein were developed using examples published in the Engineering Data Book as published by the Gas Processor Suppliers Association as a service to the gas processing industry. All information and calculation formulae has been compiled and edited in cooperation with Gas Processors Association (GPA).
While every effort has been made to present accurate and reliable technical information and calculation spreadsheets based on the GPSA Engineering Data Book sample calculations, the use of such information is voluntary and the GPA and GPSA do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, efficacy, or timeliness of such information. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, calculation method, process, or service by trade-name, trademark, and service mark manufacturer or otherwise does not constitute or imply endorsement, recommendation or favoring by the GPA and/or GPSA.
The Calculation Spreadsheets are provided without warranty of any kind including warranties of accuracy or reasonableness of factual or scientific assumptions, studies or conclusions, or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of intellectual property.
In no event will the GPA or GPSA and their members be liable for any damages whatsoever (including without limitation, those resulting from lost profits, lost data or business interruption) arising from the use, inability to, reference to or reliance on the information in this Publication, whether based on warranty, contract, tort or any other legal theory and whether or not advised of the possibility of such damages.
These calculation spreadsheets are provided to provide an “Operational level” of accuracy calculation based on rather broad assumptions (including but not limited to: temperatures, pressures, compositions, imperial curves, site conditions etc) and do not replace detailed and accurate Design Engineering taking into account actual process conditions, fluid properties, equipment condition or fowling and actual control set-point dead-band limitations.

GPSA Engineering Data Book 14th Edition

Limit air out temp to 200 degF. Prevent damaging fan blades, bearings, V-belts.
Use forced air fan for process fluids above 350 degF. Prevent fan blade and bearing failure.
Angle condensing surfaces to allow positive drainage.
Fan size ranges from 3 to 28 ft. diameter.
Limit fan tip air speed to 12,000 fpm.
Use V-belt drives up to about 30 bhp. Gear drives above 30 bhp.
Limit driver size to 50 bhp.
Use tension wrapped finned tubes for service below 400 deg F process fluid.

Air face velocity is typically 600 SCF/min.

For warm air recirculation, keep air flow below 500 ft/min.
Truck shippable air coolers do not exceed typically 15 ft X 45 ft

Avoid placing bank of coolers downwind from other heat gererating equipment.
Normally, the bank should be oriented such that the wind flows parallel to the long axis of the bank of coolers.

The sample calculations, equations and spreadsheets presented herein were developed using examples published in the Engineering Data Book as published by the Gas Processor Suppliers Association as a service to the gas processing industry. All information and calculation formulae has been compiled and edited in cooperation with Gas Processors Association (GPA).
While every effort has been made to present accurate and reliable technical information and calculation spreadsheets based on the GPSA Engineering Data Book sample calculations, the use of such information is voluntary and the GPA and GPSA do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, efficacy, or timeliness of such information. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, calculation method, process, or service by trade-name, trademark, and service mark manufacturer or otherwise does not constitute or imply endorsement, recommendation or favoring by the GPA and/or GPSA.
The Calculation Spreadsheets are provided without warranty of any kind including warranties of accuracy or reasonableness of factual or scientific assumptions, studies or conclusions, or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of intellectual property.
In no event will the GPA or GPSA and their members be liable for any damages whatsoever (including without limitation, those resulting from lost profits, lost data or business interruption) arising from the use, inability to, reference to or reliance on the information in this Publication, whether based on warranty, contract, tort or any other legal theory and whether or not advised of the possibility of such damages.
These calculation spreadsheets are provided to provide an “Operational level” of accuracy calculation based on rather broad assumptions (including but not limited to: temperatures, pressures, compositions, imperial curves, site conditions etc) and do not replace detailed and accurate Design Engineering taking into account actual process conditions, fluid properties, equipment condition or fowling and actual control set-point dead-band limitations.

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