Contactors and Contactor Assemblies: 3TF, 3TG, 3TB, 3TD, 3TE, 3TK, 3TC Contactors
Contactors and Contactor Assemblies: 3TF, 3TG, 3TB, 3TD, 3TE, 3TK, 3TC Contactors
Contactors and Contactor Assemblies: 3TF, 3TG, 3TB, 3TD, 3TE, 3TK, 3TC Contactors
Technical data
General technical data Page Further specific technical data Page
3TK1 3/194
90° 90°
3TF6 3TF68 and 3TF69 (AC operation) 1)2) Not suitable
3TF68 and 3TF69 (DC economy circuit) 1)2)
Technical data
Contactor Type 3TG10..-0... 3TF68 and 3TF69 3TB50 ... 3TB56 3TK1
3TC44 ... 3TC56
s, u and U ratings of the auxiliary contacts
Rated voltage max. AC V 600 600 600 600
Auxiliary switch
Making and breaking capacity A 600, Q 300 A 600, P 600 A 600, P 600 A 600, P 600
thermal current:
10 A at AC 240 V
Contactor Type 3TF68 and 3TF69 4) 3TC44 ... 3TC56 4) 3TB50 ... 3TB56
Positively driven operation between welded main contacts and
auxiliary NC contacts:
Positively driven contacts of
3TF, 3TC, 3TB contactors
The contacts are positively driven if they are linked together mechanically in such a way that the NO and NC contacts cannot be closed at the same
time (positively driven operation between welded main contacts and auxiliary NC contacts).
Basic unit
Basic unit and mounted
auxiliary switches
Basic unit and laterally mounted x x x
auxiliary switches
1) With tab connectors 16 A. 3) The values in brackets apply to auxiliary con- be connected in series.
2) If the three main conducting paths are loaded tacts with a late-opening NC contact.
with 20 A and I > 10 A, the permissible ambient 4) In the case of the 3TF68 and 3TF69 as well as
temperature for the fourth conducting paths the 3TC44, one NC contact belonging to each
40 °C. of the left and right auxiliary switch blocks must
Technical data
10 -2 2 3 4 6 8 10-1 2 3 4 6 8 10 0 2 3 4 6 8 10 1 2
Ia ( A )
Technical data
2 2
2 6 10
10 8 6
10 6 8 6 8
8 6
4 6
6 4
2 2
2 5
10 5 8 5
5 8 10
10 6 8
8 6
4 6
6 4
4 2
2 4
4 10
10 8 4
8 10
10 4 6 8
8 6 6
6 4
2 10
10 3 3
100 200 400 600 1000 2000 4000 II a (A) 6000
820 I e (A)
335 PN (kW)
Operating cycles at 500 V
105 10
4 8
8 4
103 50 100 150 200 250 300 Ia (A) 400
10 20 40 100 200 400 600 1000 2000 Ia (A) 4000
PN = Ratings of
three-phase motors with
squirrel-cage rotor at 400 V
Ia = Breaking current
Ie = Rated operational current
3TG10 contactors
Technical data
General data
Mechanical endurance operating 3 million
Electrical endurance at Ie operating AC-1 0.1 million
cycles AC-3 0.4 million
Rated insulation voltage Ui (pollution degree 3) V 400
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp kV 4
Safe isolation acc. to DIN VDE 0106 Part 101 and A1 (draft 2/89) V up to 300
between coil and contacts
Permissible ambient temperature in operation 1) °C –25 ... +55
when stored °C –50 ... +80
Degree of protection acc. to IEC 60 947-1 and IEC 60 529 (VDE 0470 Part 1) IP 00, coil system IP 20
Shock resistance
Rectangular pulse AC and DC operation g/ms 5.1/5 and 3.5/10
Sine pulse AC and DC operation g/ms 7.9/5 and 5.2/10
Short-circuit protection
Fuse links
Utilization category gL/gG NH Type 3NA
acc. to IEC 60 947-4/DIN VDE 0660 Part 102 Type of coord. "1" 2) A 25
Type of coord. "2" 2) A 10
Miniature circuit-breaker C-characteristic A 10
Control circuit
Coil voltage tolerance 0.85 ... 1.1 × Us
Power consumption of the coils (with coil in cold state and 1.0 × Us)
AC operation VA 4.4
p.f. 0.9 (hum-free)
DC operation W 4
1) If the three main conducting paths are loaded 2) According to excerpt from IEC 60 947-4-4 Type of coordination "2":
with 20 A and I > 10 A, the permissible ambient (VDE 0660 Part 102): No damage can be tolerated to the overload
temperature for the 4th conducting paths is Type of coordination "1": relay, but contact welding on the contactor is
40 °C. Destruction of the contactor and the overload permitted if the contacts can be easily sepa-
relay is permissible. The contactor and/or over- rated.
load relay must be replaced if necessary.
3TG10 contactors
Technical data
Main circuit
Load ratings with AC
Switching gas discharge lamps with correction, electronic ballast Parallel correction El. ballast, 1 lamp El. ballast, 2 lamp
per main conducting path at 50 Hz 230 V
Rating per lamp W 18 36 58 18 36 58 18 36 58
Capacitor µF 4.5 4.5 7 6.8 6.8 10 10 10 22
Rated operational current per lamp A 0.11 0.21 0.32 0.10 0.18 0.27 0.18 0.35 0.52
Number of lamps units 15 15 10 39 39 26 2 x26 2 × 26 2 x1
AC-5b utilization category, switching incandescent lamps kW 1.6
per main conducting path at 50 Hz 230 V
Load ratings with DC
DC-1 utilization category, switching resistive load ( ---- ≤ 1 ms)
Rated operational currents Ie
Conducting paths connected in series 1 2 3 4
up to 24 V A 16 16 18 20
60 V A 6 16 18 20
110 V A 2 6 16 20
220 V/240 V A 0.8 1.6 6 20
DC-3 and DC-5 utilization categories, ( ---- ≤ 15 ms)
shunt and series motors R
Technical data
Contactor Size 14 14
Type 3TF68 3TF69
General data
Mechanical endurance operating cycles 5 million
Electrical endurance operating See page 3/182
Rated insulation voltage Ui V 1 000
(pollution degree 3)
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp kV 8
Safe isolation 1) between coil and main contacts V up to 1 000
Permissible ambient temperature in operation °C –25 ... +55
when stored °C –55 ... +80
Degree of protection acc. to IEC 60 947-1 and DIN 40 050 IP 00/open type, control system IP 40
Shock resistance Rectangular pulse AC g/ms 8.1/5 and 4.7/10 9.5/5 and 5.7/10
DC g/ms 9/5 and 5.7/10 8.6/5 and 5.1/10
Sine pulse AC g/ms 12.8/5 and 7.4/10 13.5/5 and 7.8/10
DC g/ms 14.4/5 and 9.1/10 13.5/5 and 7.8/10
Short-circuit protection
Main circuit
Fuse links, utilization category gL/gG
– acc. to IEC 60 947-4/EN 60 947-4-4 Type of coord. "1" 2) A 1 000 1 250
(VDE 0660 Part 102) Type of coord. "2" 2) A 500 630
Weld-free 3) A 400 500
Auxiliary circuit
Fuse links, utilization category gL/gG A 10
(weld-free protection at Ik ≥ 1 kA)
or miniature circuit-breaker with C-characteristic (Ik < 400 A)
Control circuit
Coil voltage tolerance 0.8 Us min ... 1.1 × Us max
Power consumption of the coils (with coil in cold state and 1.0 × Us)
AC operation Hz 50/60 50/60
Us min Us max Us min Us max
closing VA 1200 1850 600 950
p.f. 1 1 0.98 0.98
closed VA 13.5 49 12.9 30.6
p.f. 0.47 0.15 0.43 0.31
DC economy circuit closing 4) W 1010 5) 960 5)
closed W 28 5) 20.6 5)
Operating times at 0.8 ... 1.1 × Us (The values apply with the coil in the cold state and
Break-time = opening time + arcing time at operating temperature)
AC operation closing time ms 70 ... 120 (22 ... 65) 6) 80 ... 120
opening time ms 70 ... 100 70 ... 80
DC economy circuit closing time ms 76 ... 110 86 ... 280
opening time ms 50 19 ... 25
Arcing time ms 10 ... 15 10
1) Acc. to DIN VDE 0106 Part 101 and A1 Type of coordination "2": 3) Test conditions acc. to IEC 60 947-4-1.
(draft 2/89). No damage can be tolerated to the overload 4) At DC 24 V; deviations up to ± 10 % are possible
2) According to excerpt from relay, but contact welding on the contactor is with other voltages.
IEC 60 947-4 (DIN VDE 0660 Part 102): permitted if the contacts can be easily sepa- 5) Reversing contactor supplied.
Type of coordination "1": rated.
6) The values in brackets apply to contactors with
Destruction of the contactor and the overload shortened operating times.
relay is permissible. The contactor and/or over-
load relay must be replaced if necessary.
Technical data
Contactor Size 14 14
Type 3TF68 3TF69
Main circuit
Load ratings with AC
AC-1 utilization category, switching resistive load
Rated operational currents Ie at 40 °C up to 690 V A 700 910
at 55 °C up to 690 V A 630 850
at 55 °C up to 1000 V A 450 800
Ratings at 230 V kW 240 323
of three-phase loads with 400 V kW 415 558
p.f. = 1 at 55 °C 500 V kW 545 735
690 V kW 720 970
1000 V kW 780 1385
Minimum conductor cross-sections with Ie load at 40 °C mm2 2 × 240 Ie ≥ 800 A: 2 × 60 × 5
at 55 °C mm2 2 × 185 Ie < 800 A: 2 × 240
Technical data
Contactor Size 14
Type 3TF68 3TF69
Main circuit
Load ratings with AC
Used as stator contactors (up to 690 V)
(AC-2 utilization category)
Stator currents Ies
Relative ON period 1) 10 % A 1144 1544
with intermittent duty 20 % A 970 1307
40 % A 768 1039
60 % A 690 925
80 % A 630 850
Auxiliary conductor:
Solid mm2 2 × (0.5 ... 1); 2 × (1 ... 2.5)
Finely stranded with end sleeve mm2 2 × (0.5 ... 1); 2 × (0.75 ... 2.5)
Pin-end connector (DIN 46 231) mm2 2 × (1 ... 1.5)
Solid or stranded AWG 2 × (18 ... 12)
Tightening torque 0.8 ... 1.4 Nm
(7 ... 12
Technical data
Contactor Size 14
Type 3TF68 3TF69
s and u ratings
Rated insulation voltage AC V 600 600
Technical data
Contactor Size 6 8 10 12
Type 3TB50 3TB52 3TB54 3TB56
General data
Mechanical endurance operating cycles 10 million
Control circuit
Coil voltage tolerance 0.8 ... 1.1 × rated control supply voltage
Power consumption of the coils (with coil in cold state and 1.0 × Us)
closing = closed W 25 30 60 86
Operating times at 0.8 ... 1.1 × Us (The values apply up to and including 20 % undervoltage and
Break-time = opening time + arcing time 10 % overvoltage, and with the coil in the cold state and at operating
closing time ms 105 ... 360 115 ... 400 105 ... 400 110 ... 400
opening time 4) ms 18 ... 30 22 ... 35 24 ... 55 40 ... 110
arcing time ms 10 ... 15 10 ... 15 10 ... 15 10 ... 15
1) Acc. to DIN VDE 0106 Part 101 and A1 4) The opening times may increase if the contactor 6) The contact endurance (approximately 200 000
(draft 2/89). coils are protected against voltage peaks. operating cycles) has been rated for typical
2) Completely weld-free. 5) Industrial furnaces and electric heaters with applications; see characteristic curves on
3) Slight, separable contact welding, no further resistance heating, for example (higher current page 3/181.
damage. input allowed for during heating up).
Technical data
Contactor Size 6 8 10 12
Type 3TB50 3TB52 3TB54 3TB56
Main circuit
Load ratings with AC
Switching low-inductance (low-loss,
metallized-dielectric) three-phase capacitors 1)
Rated operational current Ie at 400 V A 87 144 217 289
Ratings of 230 V kvar 35 58 87 115
individual capacitors at 50 Hz 400 V kvar 60 100 150 200
500 V kvar 80 130 190 265
690 V kvar 60 100 150 200
Ratings of capacitor banks (minimum 230 V kvar 30 40 66 85
inductance between parallel capacitors 400 V kvar 50 70 115 150
6 µH) at 50 Hz 500 V kvar 66 90 145 195
690 V kvar 50 70 115 150
Technical data
Contactor Size 6 8 10 12
Type 3TB50 3TB52 3TB54 3TB56
Conductor cross-sections
Screw connection Main conductor:
Finely stranded with cable lug mm2 16 ... 70 35 ... 95 50 ... 240 50 ... 240
Stranded with cable lug mm2 25 ... 70 50 ... 120 70 ... 240 70 ... 240
Busbars mm 15 × 3 20 × 3 25 × 5 2 × (25 × 3)
Terminal screw M6 M8 M 10 M 10
Auxiliary conductor:
Solid mm2 1 ... 2.5
Finely stranded with end sleeve mm2 0.75 ... 1.5
Pin-end connector (DIN 46 231) mm2 2 × 1 ... 2.5
Protective conductor:
Stranded with cable lug mm2 – 25 ... 70 35 ... 70 50 ... 120
s and U ratings
s Conventional thermal current Free air A 150 170 240 300
Enclosed A 135 153 215 270
Ratings of three-phase motors 115 V hp 25 30 40 50
at 60 Hz (enclosed) 230 V hp 50 60 75 100
460 V hp 100 120 150 200
575 V hp 125 160 200 250
Overload relay Type 3RB1056 3RB1056 3RB1066 3RB1066
Setting range A 50 ... 200 50 ... 200 50 ... 250 200 ... 540
EEMAC SIZE contactors Size 4 4 4 5
Starters (contactors and overload relays, enclosed) Size 3 4 4 5
Technical data
Contactor Size 14
Type 3TD68
s and u ratings
Rated insulation voltage AC V 600
NEMA/EEMAC ratings
Conventional thermal current Free air A 600
Enclosed A 540
Ratings of three-phase motors at 60 Hz at 200 V hp 150
230 V hp 200
460 V hp 400
575 V hp 400
Technical data
Short-circuit protection
Main circuit
Fuse links, utilization category gL/gG
– acc. to IEC 60 947-4-1/EN 60 947-4 (VDE 0660 Part 102)
Type of coord. "1" A 1000
Type of coord. "2" A 500 2)
Auxiliary circuit
Fuse links, utilization category gL/gG A 10
(weld-free protection at Ik ≥ 1 kA)
or miniature circuit-breaker with C-characteristic (Ik < 400 A)
Short-circuit protection with fuses for motor feeders with short-circuit currents up to 50 kA and 690 V
Contactor Rated motor Overload Current setting range Permissible short-circuit fuses for starters, comprising contactor assemblies and overload
assembly current relay (the overload relays relays. Single or double infeed 2)
must be set to 0.58 Fuse links
times the rated motor NH Type 3NA NH TYPE 3ND Siemens u-listed British Standard fuses
current) DIAZED Type 5SB Utilization category Canada fuses BS88
Style II
Type of coordination Type of coordination Type of coordination
"1" "2" "2" "1" "2"
Type A Type A A A A A A A A
3TE68 346 ... 935 3RB10 66 200 ... 540 1000 500 630 1000 1200 1000 500
520 ... 1090 3RB10 66 300 ... 630 CLASS L
1) See the circuit diagrams of the control circuits on 2) The maximum rated motor current must not be
page 3/204. exceeded.
Technical data
Electrical endurance operating mill. 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.65 0.5 0.4
at Ie/AC-1 and 55 °C cycles
Degree of protection IP 00
acc. to IEC 60 947-1 and DIN 40 050
NH Type 3NA
– acc. to IEC 60 947-4-1 Type of coord. "1" A 250 355 800 1000
(DIN VDE 0660 Part 102) Type of coord. "2" A 250 315 630 850
Auxiliary circuit
(Short-circuit current Ik ≥ 1 kA)
Fuse links, utilization category gL/gG
DIAZED Type 5SB A 10
NEOZED Type 5SE A 10
Control circuit
Coil voltage tolerance 0.85 ... 1.1 × Us
Technical data
Short-time current at 40 °C in cold state up to 10 s A 900 1200 1600 1600 5300 5300 6400
Operating frequency
Operating frequency z
Contactors without No-load operating frequency 1/h 3600
overload relays for AC-1 1/h 300
for AC-3 1/h 300
Dependence of the operating frequency z’ on the
operational current I’ and the operational voltage U’:
Conductor cross-sections
Main conductor:
Stranded with cable lug mm2 2 × 70 2 × 120 2 × 120 2 × 300
Solid or stranded AWG MCM 2 × 00 2 × 250 2 × 250 2 × 600
Connecting bars (max. width) mm 30 30 33 55
Terminal screw M6 M 10 M 10 M 10
Tightening torque Nm 5 16 16 16
lb. in 42 135 135 135
Auxiliary conductor:
Solid mm2 2 × (0.5 ... 2.5)
Finely stranded with end sleeve mm2 2 × (0.5 ... 2.5)
Solid or stranded AWG MCM 2 × (20 ... 14)
Tightening torque Nm 1.2
lb. in 10
Technical data
Contactor Size 2 4 8 12
Type 3TC44 3TC48 3TC52 3TC56
General data
Mechanical endurance operating cycles 10 million
Degree of protection acc. to IEC 60 947-1 and DIN 40 050 IP 00/open type, with AC operation, control system IP 40
Shock resistance Rectangular pulse g/ms 7.5/5 and 3.4/10 10/5 and 5/10 12/5 and 5.5/10 12/5 and 5.6/10
Control circuit
Coil voltage tolerance 0.8 ... 1.1 × Us
Auxiliary circuit
(Short-circuit current Ik ≥ 1 kA)
Fuse links, DIAZED Type A 16
utilization category gL/gG 5SB
Miniature circuit-breaker with C-characteristic A 10
Technical data
Contactor Size 2 4 8 12
Type 3TC44 3TC48 3TC52 3TC56
Main circuit
Load ratings with DC
DC-1 utilization category, switching resistive load (L/R ≤ 1 ms)
Rated operational currents Ie (at 55 °C) up to Ue 750 V A 32 75 220 400
Minimum conductor cross-section mm2 6 25 95 240
Rating at Ue 220 V kW 7 16.5 48 88
440 V kW 14 33 97 176
600 V kW 19.2 45 132 240
750 V kW 24 56 165 300
Technical data