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A thesis presented

Robert F. McCarthy

The School of Education

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Doctor of Education

in the field of


College of Professional Studies

Northeastern University
Boston, Massachusetts
December 2014


Athletic participation is a major component of the high school experience for many students

across the country, yet in difficult economic times athletic funding is often the first area reduced

when education budgets need to be balanced. These cuts are usually performed without data on

or inquiry into the relationship between athletic participation and academic achievement. If a

relationship could be proven, advocates of athletics would have a stronger argument for the

preservation of funding. This study utilized a quantitative, causal-comparative design to

examine the relationship between athletic participation and academic achievement. Grade point

averages of students who participated in high school athletics three years in a row were

compared with those of students who did not participate for three years in a row. The study

focused on the growth rate, or change in grade point average over the three years, in order to

make a stronger argument that differences in achievement between the two groups could be

attributed to participation (or lack of participation). On average, the achievement of athletes was

significantly higher than that of non-participants during the first year, but athletes lost some of

this advantage over the course of the study, meaning that they experienced negative growth.

Non-participants did experience positive growth that was statistically significant, however the

effect size was small, meaning that the practical significance is minimal. Based on the results of

the study, it is difficult to make the argument that athletics are linked to improved academic

achievement. While athletic participation can still be considered part of the overall education of

students with numerous benefits such as the development of leadership and teamwork skills,

these benefits do not seem to translate to the classroom. Because the practical significance is

low, there are no recommendations based on the results of this study in relation to funding or

policy changes, although school districts may want to consider making the funding of activities

proven to have a direct link to improved academic achievement their top priority. Future

research in this area should continue to focus on growth rate rather than overall performance and

attempt to first duplicate these results at additional sites. The rate of participation (number of

sports played) should also be introduced to the conversation as it may affect results. Future

studies may also wish to investigate why the rate of academic growth was so low for all students.

Keywords: grade point average (GPA), athletic participant, non-athletic participant,

academic achievement.

Table of Contents


Statement of the Problem .....................................................................................................7
Significance of the Problem ...............................................................................................10
Positionality Statement ......................................................................................................14
Research Question .............................................................................................................15
Theoretical Framework ......................................................................................................16
Zero-Sum Model Theory ..............................................................................................16
Developmental Theory..................................................................................................17
Theoretical Framework Conclusion ..............................................................................22
Definition of Terms............................................................................................................23
Chapter One Summary.......................................................................................................23


Introduction ........................................................................................................................24
Athletic Participation and Academic Achievement: Negative Findings ...........................24
Athletic Participation and Academic Achievement: Positive Findings .............................27
Athletic Participation and Academic Achievement: Inconclusive Findings .....................32
Chapter Two Summary ......................................................................................................35


Introduction ........................................................................................................................37
Research Design.................................................................................................................37
Population and Sampling ...................................................................................................39
Data Collection ..................................................................................................................40
Data Analysis .....................................................................................................................40
Validity, Reliability, and Generalizability .........................................................................45
Protection of Human Subjects ...........................................................................................47
Conclusion .........................................................................................................................47


Introduction ........................................................................................................................50
Sample and Data Entry ......................................................................................................50
Assumption Testing ...........................................................................................................51
The Independent t-tests ......................................................................................................56
Growth Rate .......................................................................................................................59
Significance of the Growth Rate ........................................................................................61
Summary of Data Analysis ................................................................................................64


Research Question and Theoretical Framework ................................................................69
Results of Mann-Whitney U Tests and t-tests ...................................................................70
Growth Rate and Academic Performance Change Results................................................72
Discussion of Results .........................................................................................................73
Summary of Results ...........................................................................................................74
Implications for Practice ....................................................................................................75
Implications for Future Research .......................................................................................76
Conclusions ........................................................................................................................79

REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................81

Athletic Participation and Academic Achievement: Negative Findings .........................101
Athletic Participation and Academic Achievement: Positive Findings ...........................102
Athletic Participation and Academic Achievement: Inconclusive Findings ...................104

List of Tables and Figures

Figure 1: Developmental Theory…………………………………………………………18

Table 1: Kolmogorov-Smirnova and Shapiro-Wilk Tests for All Three Study Years
Grouped by Participant / Non-Participant Variable ...........................................................54

Table 2: Levene’s Test: Equal Variances Assumed .........................................................56

Table 3: GPA Summary Statistics for 2011, 2012, and 2013 ............................................57

Table 4: Mann-Whitney U Results for 2011......................................................................58

Table 5: Independent t-test Results for 2012, and 2013: Equal Variances Assumed ........58

Table 6: Kolmogorov-Smirnova & Shapiro-Wilk Tests for Acad. Performance Change 63

Table 7: Mann-Whitney U Results for Academic Performance Change ...........................64


The Effect of Athletic Participation on the Academic Achievement of High School Students

Chapter One: Introduction

Statement of the Problem

Many public schools in Massachusetts are experiencing a period of extreme budget cuts

in education, necessitated by a decrease in funding due to poor economic conditions. As revenue

has diminished, the tightening of budgets has produced a heightened perception of the need for

accountability in school programs. The emphasis has been on academic achievement, and

funding has been reduced in areas like athletics, as resources have been perceived as being better

used elsewhere (Lederman, 2012). However, numerous researchers have provided evidence that

athletic participation is positively associated with academic achievement. In his seminal study,

Marsh (1988), using a large, national sample, found that athletic participation was favorably

related to numerous senior and post-secondary outcomes, including academic achievement and

educational aspirations, as well as subsequent college attendance. Marsh looked at numerous

extracurricular activities and found that sports are the most beneficial in relation to academic

achievement. As a teacher and coach at a large high school, this researcher is concerned about

cuts to athletic budgets, as he has seen firsthand the benefits of athletic participation in regards to

student achievement.

Athletic budgets at high schools are being cut significantly without any understanding of

the true benefits of athletic participation. (2011), an organization that provides

support to youth sports programs around the country, provides some telling statistics about the

current state of athletic funding. During the 2010–2011 school year, $1.5 billion was cut from

school sports budgets nationwide. This was on top of $2 billion cut in 2009–2010. Forty percent

of school districts nationwide charge participation fees, and cuts in athletic programs are being

made in all areas of the country, whether traditionally affluent or disadvantaged.

Athletics have often been targeted for cuts by education leaders who do not understand

their benefits (Eide & Ronan, 2001). The researcher was present at a meeting in 2008 at our

sample school when the budget was reduced to zero and one member of the school committee

was still calling for the elimination of all ninth grade sports, even though these teams were being

self-funded through user fees and cutting them would not reduce the budget shortfall at all.

Massachusetts, which leads the United States in educational achievement in many different

areas, has numerous communities cutting athletic budgets and seriously considering the

elimination of high school sports (Cole, 2012; Gallotta, 2010; Kurtz, 2011; Lederman, 2012;

Popke, 2007; Wagner, 2013). This situation is not specific to any one school or state and is

indeed playing out all over the nation. According to Ulmer (2011), school districts in Oregon are

continuing to slash athletic budgets and raise participation fees. One Oregon high school

basketball coach stated that in his eleven years of coaching, “I’ve never seen anything come back

that was cut, I’m very scared that [high school sports] are going to go away” (Ulmer, 2001, para.

6). A quick Internet search hits on similar issues regarding the elimination of sports in Ohio

(Garcia, 2009), New Jersey (Procida & Previti, 2010), Idaho (Roberts, 2012), California and

Florida (Smith, 2012), as well as New York (Webb, 2011). A recent New York Times article

sums up the current situation perfectly: “In education, many administrators are quick to cut

athletics, band, cheerleading, art and music because they have the vague impression that those

are luxuries. In fact, they are exactly the programs that keep kids in school and build character”

(Brooks, 2011, para. 8). All over the nation, athletics budgets are being cut (Arrue, 2010;

Demarest, 2010), user fees are being increased (Balise, 2010; Chirls, 2011), and sports programs

are being eliminated (Aquije, 2010; Berman, 2011).

While other areas are also targeted for budget reduction, such as music, art, and health

education, these subjects are usually taught during the school day and so are viewed as having

more academic legitimacy than athletics. Because athletic participation takes place outside of the

school day and students do not receive grades for participation as they do for their academic

classes, many policy makers view athletic participation as recreation only, lacking any

educational value, and therefore find this area an easy place to cut when funds are limited. In our

sample public high school in Massachusetts, the athletic budget, which had previously been

$500,000, was reduced to $300,000 for the 2007–2008 school year, and then to zero for 2008–

2009. A $100,000 budget was reinstated for 2009–2010 but was eliminated for both 2010–2011

and 2011–2012. According to the athletic director, the athletic department needs the

reinstatement of at least $100,000 or it will be forced to eliminate all junior varsity sports for the

2012–2013 school year (Mackin, 2012). The cuts have been deep and made without a needs

assessment or any investigation into a possible link between participation and its impact on

academic performance. Most cuts to athletic budgets are made on entirely financial grounds and

are uninformed by empirically based knowledge regarding the effects of athletics on adolescent

development, including academic performance (Holland & Andre, 1987). Because the athletic

department has been almost completely self-funded over the last few years, student user fees

have increased dramatically (Mackin, 2008). These user fees make it difficult for many students

to continue participation. Budget cuts in high school athletic programs are severely limiting

access to athletic opportunities, which are a valuable component of the education of students

(Lederman, 2012).

As athletic funding decreases and programs are eliminated, school sports participation is

diminished. For many students, sports are their primary engagement with school, and if their

athletic opportunities are gone they may lose their incentive to perform academically as well

(Burnett, 2000). In a national study considering data for close to 725,000 students, schools in

which more than half of the students participate in athletics have a significantly higher

graduation rate than schools in which less than half participate (Price, 2013). The elimination of

athletic programs could result in even higher dropout rates (Burnett, 2000; Price, 2013; Stephens

& Schaben, 2002).

The numerous benefits of sports participation include the development of positive self-

image, sportsmanship, and sense of community and citizenship, characteristics that will help

students for the rest of their lives (Fejgin, 1994). Students also develop strong work ethics by

participating in sports and experience a carry-over to their academic performance (Fejgin, 1994).

As a history teacher as well as a lacrosse and football coach, the researcher has seen the benefits

of athletic participation, both on the field as well as in classroom performance. Many student-

athletes who do not aspire to go to college put forth effort in class so that they can be

academically eligible to participate (Burnett, 2000). Others find that sports can open doors to

higher education that seemed previously closed. Students become more engaged with school

when they play high school sports and perform better in the classroom (Stephens & Schaben,


Significance of the Problem

We live in an era where interscholastic athletics are being phased out of school systems

as funding is limited. If athletics do in fact lead to improved academic performance, this trend

could have significant negative effects as academic achievement could decrease. As stated, the

researcher has witnessed the benefits of athletic participation on students in his home district.

Positive results of the proposed study could lead to heightened awareness of the academic

benefits of athletic participation and help to change both school district policies and practices

related to athletics as well as make a significant contribution to research in this area.

Significance to Policy

Findings that document a connection between participation and school performance while

also addressing some of the shortcomings of previous studies could help to foster a whole new

attitude about the role of athletics in schools. A conversation may begin that could include a

wide variety of topics, including minimum grade point average requirements, current

disciplinary codes for athletes, tutoring, coaches’ training and stipends, alumni networks,

fundraising policies, publicity for athletic events, community outreach, and special events and

assemblies. Rather than students being removed from sports participation as punishment for

infractions or poor grades, alternate punishment or education could be provided if participation is

understood to be a positive undertaking. Rather than any athletic activity, whether it be

announcing game times or scores over the school public address system or having students wear

their team jerseys on game days, being viewed as a distraction from learning, it can be

understood to be an important component of the overall learning process.

Significance to Practice

Evidence of a connection between athletics and achievement would increase the

likelihood that educators would encourage more students to participate. Events like pep rallies,

awards ceremonies, or sign-up fairs that many criticize as a waste of time when they occur

during the school day might gain legitimacy as solid practice directed at increasing student

involvement. Administrators, teachers, and parents who might believe the stereotype of the

“dumb jock” may adjust their thinking to appreciate and emphasize the positive attributes that

develop due to athletic participation. The evidence may also change the practice of parents

removing students from teams as a punishment for poor grades or other infractions as they come

to understand that positive behavior is associated with participation.

At the sample school and many like it, teachers roll their eyes when classes are

interrupted for announcements about upcoming athletic events or results from previous games.

Rather than being treated as a source of school and community pride, teachers complain about

these announcements to the point that many schools do not make them anymore. Rather than

encouraging more participation, these attitudes discourage it and must change. Because of tight

budgets, spectators of athletic events are often charged at the gate before they can view an event.

While this practice may be necessary to a certain extent in the current economic climate,

charging students to go to a game and cheer on their classmates has a negative impact on

attendance as well as the attitude many students have toward athletics. A student who goes to a

big game and sees the excitement of the competition may be inspired to participate but is

discouraged by the practice of charging students admission to events at their own school.

While many educators and community members understand the value of athletics, many

others, often those who never participated themselves, do not. While much has been made of the

preference given to athletes in some settings, there is also a reality that athletes are discriminated

against in some circumstances (Burnett, 2000). While it is commonly accepted for students to

miss class time due to special events for drama, band, chorus, or technical skills competitions, an

athletic director who asks for a team to be dismissed a half hour early to travel to a playoff game

is met with much resistance, and the in-school pep rally before the Thanksgiving football game is

a thing of the past in many districts. Data indicating a link between sports and grades will help to

change some of these negative practices. While also encouraging more students to participate in

sports, it could also lessen the apathy many have toward putting forth effort in their physical

education classes.

Significance to Research

The proposed study will attempt to replicate the positive findings of numerous inquiries

into this area of study while also addressing some of the shortcomings of previous studies. Many

early studies that refuted the claim that there was a connection between athletic participation and

academic performance are at best out of date studies of an era of different circumstances and

participation patterns (Burke, 1963; Hanks & Eckland, 1976; Lupetow & Kaiser, 1974) or at

worst do not adhere to the principles of the scientific method (Coleman, 1961; Kniker, 1974).

Many studies have found a positive connection between the variables in question, but

have been criticized by reviewers for a variety of reasons. These criticisms include the cross-

sectional, “snapshot” nature of many of the samples (Holland & Andre, 1987; Lupetow &

Kayser, 1974; Marsh, 1988; Rehberg, 1969), definition of what “performance” actually means

(Holland & Andre, 1987; Marsh, 1988), and failure to prove a causal relationship between

athletic participation and academic achievement (Hauser & Lueptow, 1978; Melnick & Sabo,

1992; Melnick, VanFossen & Sabo, 1988). The researcher hopes to address these shortcomings

in a satisfactory manner by comparing the change of grade point averages (GPAs) of athletes and

non-athletes over a three-year period.

This study will be a quantitative, longitudinal study concerned with the relationship

between athletic participation and academic achievement. This study will provide additional

evidence of the connection between athletic participation and student academic achievement and

contribute to the conversation that exists on this topic. As there are some studies that refute the

claim of a positive relationship between the variables in question or are at best inconclusive, this

research may help to strengthen the argument that increased student involvement has numerous

benefits. The primary contribution will be in the longitudinal nature of the study and that fact

that the study will be concerned with academic growth. By completing t-tests comparing the

GPAs of athletic participants versus those of non-participants for the same students over three

school years, the study will attempt to address the concerns over the cross-sectional data used in

previous research. Another issue from previous studies is that many researchers have looked at

student-athlete GPAs at the beginning of the study period and again after participation, and if

there had been any increase it was attributed to the benefits of playing sports. This study will

attempt to determine if there is a statistically significant difference between athletes and non-

athletes in terms of GPA change from 10th grade to 12th grade. By focusing on change rather

than overall GPA the study will control for preexisting advantages that some students may have

over others.

There has also been a tendency in previous studies to group all activities under the

“extracurricular activities” label, lumping sports together with music, art, drama, the math team,

etc., which are all very different types of activities (Silliker & Quirk, 1997; Sweet, 1986; Zaff,

2003). Intramural or club sports have also been grouped in this category, which are a very

different animal as far as time commitment and intensity are concerned. This study will consider

just members of high school-sponsored athletic teams.

Positionality Statement

As someone who has been involved in coaching for close to fifteen years, I must

acknowledge considerable bias in relation to the chosen problem of practice. I have seen

firsthand the positive impact that athletic participation has had on individual students, and it is

also my opinion that athletes tend to be among the “good kids” in school who do their work and

cooperate with teachers. I have also seen firsthand the negative impact that budget cuts have had

on the ability to maintain athletic programs, including the need to cut more individuals from

teams, and the effects of fields, uniforms, and equipment that are in less than ideal condition. It is

quite obvious that as a coach I am someone who feels very passionately about the benefits of

athletics and that I hope this study will show that there is a positive relationship between athletic

participation and academic achievement. It is vital, then, as I move forward that I remain aware

of my own bias in order to conduct honest and accurate research.

Research Question

Although existing literature has revealed inconclusive or conflicting results, a number of

studies have suggested a positive correlation between athletic participation and academic

achievement. In an attempt to replicate the positive findings of Marsh (1988) and others, the

purpose of this study is to further examine the topic by addressing design issues associated with

many of the previous empirical studies.

Research question: To what extent does athletic participation affect academic

achievement among students in a Massachusetts high school?

Athletic participation is the independent variable in the study and is defined by student

membership in one or more of the offered interscholastic sports at the participating

Massachusetts high school at any level of competition (freshmen, junior varsity, or varsity) for

each of the three years of the study. Academic achievement is the dependent variable and is

defined by student GPA. Specifically, this research will be concerned with the change in GPA

from year one to year three.


Theoretical Framework

There are currently two theoretical perspectives regarding the relationship between

participation in athletics and academic achievement: that participation diverts attention from

academic goals or has a positive effect on academic achievement. The first, Zero-Sum Model

Theory, is derived from the work of Coleman (1961), who concluded that adolescent society

emphasizes peer acceptance and an indifferent approach to academic achievement. The second is

the Developmental Theory, a reaction to Coleman which instead offered that participation aids in

the overall development of athletes, including academically. It is this second perspective that

informs the hypothesis of this study that athletic participation leads to increased academic


Zero-Sum Model Theory

Holland and Andre (1987) described Coleman’s theory to mean that an emphasis on

extracurricular activities subverts the academic goals of education. This became known as the

Zero-Sum Model. Coleman’s (1961) position was that a commitment to academic, social, or

athletic pursuits necessitates a reduction in commitment to the other two. Because sports are both

athletic and social in nature, participation is said to detract from academics. Although this is an

important theory, there is a lot of evidence against it (Marsh, 1988). Participation in athletics has

often been found to facilitate academic outcomes rather than detract from them (Marsh, 1988).

Developmental Theory

Holland and Andre (1987) provided evidence for an alternative, the Developmental

Theory, in which athletics are viewed as experiences that enhance the total development of

students. From the developmental perspective, athletics may facilitate not only nonacademic

goals but also academic goals. “Participation…may, for example, enhance perceived social status

which in turn influences educational aspirations and behaviors” (Marsh, 1988, p. 4). Participation

enhances self-concept and self-efficacy, which in turn has positive effects on other outcomes,

like academic performance (Snyder & Spreitzer, 1990).

The study will be conducted based on the framework of the developmental perspective.

According to this theory, athletic participation aids the students’ overall development, including

academic. Participation in athletics may lead to experiences, attitudes, and self-perceptions that

enhance academic performance as there may be an increased interest in school, including

academics, generated through participation in sports. Athletes may be motivated to perform at

higher academic levels in order to remain eligible, and athletic success may lead to a heightened

sense of self-worth that spills over into academic performance. As coaches, teachers, and parents

take an interest in athletes, including their classroom performance, athletic participation may lead

to membership in elite peer groups and an orientation toward academic success, and athletes may

have the hope or expectation of participating in athletics at the collegiate level (Snyder &

Spreitzer, 1990).


Increased interest in Heightened sense of More attention from

school self-worth coaches & teachers

Membership in Desire to meet Aspirations to

elite peer groups eligibility participate in college

Improved academic

Figure 1. Developmental Theory as applied to the relationship between athletic

participation and academic achievement, as defined by Snyder and Spreitzer (1990).

Developmental Theory and Student-Athletes: As stated above, according to the

Developmental Theory, athletic participation leads to numerous positive outcomes, including

improved academic performance. Much of the rationale behind the theory is found in the work of

Bandura (1995, 1997) on self-efficacy and motivation. When students feel good about

themselves because of athletic participation, there is a snowball effect, which results in improved

academics. Feelings of self-worth affect how much effort individuals are willing to put forth and

how they persevere in the face of obstacles or failures (Bandura, 1997).

Students with a high sense of efficacy will participate more readily, work harder, and

persist longer when they encounter obstacles that hinder their progress. Self-efficacy is linked to

rate of performance and expenditure of energy as well as to mental effort and achievement in a

number of academic areas, including mathematics and reading comprehension. Students with the

same ability may achieve differently because successful performance requires self-regulation and

motivation. Because self-efficacy fosters engagement in learning and motivation, it improves

academic achievement (Bandura, 1995, 1997).

Self-esteem and the belief that success is possible directly relate to success in the

classroom (Bandura, 1997). Self-efficacy beliefs bring about changes in behavior and

achievement. “Self-referent thought activates cognitive, motivational, and affective processes

that govern the translation of knowledge and abilities into proficient action” (Bandura, 1997, p.

37). Individuals will perform differently depending on their beliefs of personal efficacy. A

resilient sense of efficacy enables individuals to do extraordinary things in the face of obstacles

(Bandura, 1997). Student-athletes learn this fact during competition, and it carries over to the rest

of their endeavors (Snyder & Spreitzer, 1990).

The connection between self-efficacy and motivation that is developed through athletic

participation also aids low-achieving, low-aspiring students. Most students at risk of academic

failure are in the position because they lack interest, motivation, and a sense of purpose

(Bandura, 1995). Some athletes are at-risk students and realize that they must meet a certain

minimum academic requirement in order to be eligible to participate. They initially perform

better academically out of this motivation, and the efficacy gained from athletics helps keep

them on the right track. Many of these students would not come to school otherwise, and

athletics help to develop them into good school citizens. Other students’ love for sports

competition results in a desire to compete in college. They come to understand that they must

have good grades to get into college, and athletics motivates them to do well in school to get to

the next level (Snyder & Spreitzer, 1990).

The motivation that develops due to athletic participation can enhance cognitive

processing and lead to improved academic performance (Bandura, 1997). Athletes come to

believe that they can produce desired effects by their actions, “the power to originate actions for

given purposes” (Bandura, 1997, p. 3). Efficacy beliefs regulate aspirations, behaviors, effort,

and reactions to events. The student feels competent and empowered (Bandura, 1997).

Developmental Theory and Previous Research: Numerous studies have relied upon

aspects of the Developmental Theory when looking into the relationship between athletic

participation and academic performance. In 1993, Marsh developed the

Identification/Commitment Model, proposing that athletic participation enhances identification,

involvement, and commitment to school in a way that enhances both academic as well as

nonacademic outcomes. In a six-year longitudinal study with a large, nationally representative

sample, Marsh and Kleitman (2003) found that athletic participation positively impacted student

grades, along with many other positive outcomes including educational and occupational

aspirations and attainment. Based on their results, the researchers pointed out in their summary

how important it is, in difficult economic times, that cost-cutting measures not lead to schools

eliminating sports as athletics have numerous benefits for students (Marsh & Kleitman, 2003).

Further evidence in support of the Developmental Theory is found in the work of Dobosz

and Beaty (1999), who found that athletic participation leads to decisiveness, determination,

loyalty, self-efficacy, and self-discipline, all characteristics found to relate to improved academic

performance. Baines and Stanley (2003) offered evidence as to the valuable role that coaches

play in assisting student athletes with academic deficiencies. They also suggested that academic

leaders study the teaching strategies of successful coaches, specifically how they maximize

student potential. Francois (2013) pointed to the importance of the coach as an additional

academic counselor monitoring grades. He also mentioned codes of conduct, including minimum

grade rules for eligibility, as part of the framework for the overall success of student-athletes.

The Developmental Theory also led to the creation of the Personal Excellence Model

outlining the role of the coach in the athlete’s success. The main idea of this model is the

utilization of the whole-person approach, wherein coaches emphasize learning and improving in

all aspects of life as the priority, with winning just a natural by-product of this design. Coaches

work to maximize physical, psychological, social, and academic development (Burton &

Raedeke, 2008).

Athletic participation can also increase social status, which can influence educational

aspirations (Spady, 1971). The value a school or community puts on an activity impacts the

developmental variables (Holland & Andre, 1987). In the United States, sports are highly

regarded at every level of competition, so the emphasis on athletic achievement leads to

significant development of motivation and overall development (Spady, 1971). Because in many

high schools athletes achieve higher levels of popularity, they often receive greater notice and

academic encouragement from teachers and guidance counselors (Sprietzer & Pugh, 1973).

Theoretical Framework Conclusion


From the perspective of the Developmental Theory, growth takes place during the

process of pursuing goals in athletics, with the emphasis being on hard work, delayed

gratification, planning, competition, cooperation, organization, and the development of skills and

values that lead to success (Hanson & Krauss, 1998). Observing, working, and exchanging ideas

with others are vital components of development (Abdal-Haqq, 1989; Hollander, 1979). Students

learn “by participating in legitimate activity” (Roth & Lee, 2007, p. 192), and student-athletes

learn how to play better as they try to win. When individuals contribute to positive activities,

they also increase action possibilities for themselves. Characteristics of culture such as working

toward objectives, motivation, division of labor, and identity are distributed to individuals who

are part of the team (Roth & Lee, 2007).

Through this process, student-athletes become more engaged and interested in school as

they develop a heightened sense of self-worth and belief in their ability to succeed (Snyder &

Spreitzer, 1990). High school athletes also receive extra attention from adults in the school,

including not only coaches but teachers and guidance counselors, who take pride in the

achievement of the teams (Snyder & Spreitzer, 1990). The motivation of the student-athlete

increases, not only due to positive peer pressure and the desire to remain eligible to compete, but

because increased self-efficacy often results in a desire to compete at the collegiate level (Snyder

& Spreitzer, 1990). The resulting effect is that athletic participation leads to increased academic


Definition of Terms

1. GPA—Grade point average (Stephens & Shaben, 2002).

2. Athletic participant—Any student who participated in one or more interscholastic

sports for all three years of the study (Stephens & Shaben, 2002).

3. Non- athletic participant—A student who did not participate in interscholastic sports

for all three years of the study (Stephens & Shaben, 2002).

4. Academic achievement—Measured by grade point average (Stephens & Shaben,


Chapter One Summary

In Massachusetts and across the nation, difficult economic conditions have led to budget

shortfalls for numerous school districts. Many of these districts have chosen to cut athletic

funding in order to balance their budgets (Lederman, 2012). These cuts have been implemented

without needs assessments or any understanding of the potential benefits of athletic participation

to the overall learning and cognitive growth of students (Holland & Andre, 1987). Cuts to

athletic budgets and the resulting decreased participation opportunities restrict the cognitive

development of children. Students who participate in athletics learn from coaches and teammates

through the socialization of the team structure, and this learning leads to development

(Vygotsky, 1978). The elimination of athletic opportunities could result in decreased motivation

and learning and therefore decreased cognitive growth and academic achievement (Burnett,

2000; McLeod, 2007). If a positive association between athletic participation and academic

achievement could be revealed, the evidence could be used to argue for the preservation of

athletic funding and participation opportunities for high school students.


Chapter Two: Literature Review


In order to understand whether or not there is a positive relationship between high school

athletics and academic achievement, historical perspectives must be explored. An examination of

the existing literature allows the researcher to understand what is already known and what still

needs to be understood. The following literature review is divided into four sections, studies that

found a negative relationship between athletic participation and academic achievement, studies

that found a positive relationship, those that found no relationship, and a section on gaps in the

research that provide direction for further inquiry into this subject.

Athletic Participation and Academic Achievement: Negative Findings

The trailblazer in the study of the connection between athletic participation and academic

achievement was Coleman (1961), whose research has been the starting point for all subsequent

inquiry. Coleman concluded that athletic participation diverts attention from academics as the

primary goal of participation is popularity rather than academic achievement. He has been the

reference point for study in this area for the last half century as subsequent researchers have

attempted to affirm or dispel his assertions (Davidson, 2010).

The rationale for the negative relationship between athletic participation and academic

achievement was that the time and energy spent at sports practice and games negatively impacted

the participants’ academic outcomes. Coleman also claimed that getting good grades ranked very

low in priority with students, much lower than the social status attained by being a star athlete.

“The organization of activities in these high schools acts to dampen enthusiasm for concentrating

one’s energy on scholarly matters” (Coleman, 1961, p. 193). Many researchers of the time came

to similar conclusions. Ballantine (1981) summarized over forty studies from the 1960s and even

earlier that concluded non-athletes perform slightly better academically than athletes. While

there is some validity to their findings, it can be argued that they represent a different era when

grades were not as important as many students did not aspire to go to college, nor was a college

education necessary for a successful career.

Coleman’s (1961) main criticism of athletics was that it was more important to students

than academic achievement. Coleman’s research was the basis of his book on the subject, The

Adolescent Society: The Social Life of the Teenager and Its Impact on Education, reviewed by

Campbell (1962), who noted that while Coleman did utilize a questionnaire in his research there

is no theory, use of statistics, explanation of methodology or rationale, or discussion of validity.

Campbell and Gordon (1963) both noted the lack of theoretical formulation or hypotheses to

focus his study. These are serious issues and bring to light the shortcomings of Coleman’s

inquiry. Coleman’s key finding, according to another reviewer, was that “athletics…were clearly

more important than scholarship as a basis for social status” (Gordon, 1963, p. 378). Coleman

did not find unequivocally that athletic participation led to decreased student achievement, but

many drew this conclusion from his work. Coleman’s study led to calls to cut athletics by many,

including Burke (1963), who also implied that minimum grade requirements for athletes were a

“joke” as principals made sure key players passed.

Lupetow and Kayser (1974) contributed to the conversation by acknowledging the

validity of Rehberg’s (1969) statement that a causal relationship needed to be shown using

evidence of grade improvement for the students in their sample throughout all four years of

athletic participation in high school. Their study considered grades from school records for

academic achievement and questionnaires filled out by seniors for post-graduate plans while

controlling for intelligence as well as parental education. When they looked at the overall data,

they found a connection between athletic participation and academic outcomes, including

achievement and educational aspirations. The next step in their study included an analysis of data

for the same students over a four-year period. While there was a negligible change in GPA over

the first three years, all students, both athletes and non-athletes, showed an increase in GPA from

eleventh to twelfth grade. Therefore, according to Lupetow and Kaiser (1974), “athletic

involvement is not significantly associated with higher levels or amounts of upward grade shifts

during the high school period” (p. 32).

It appeared that if a study controlled for initial differences between students, athletic

participation did not lead to increased student achievement during high school. This study

increased the credibility of Coleman’s (1961) findings as the GPAs of athletes increased at a

slightly lower rate than those of non-athletes during the high school years (Lupetow & Kaiser,

1974). Association between athletic involvement and academic achievement appeared to be due

to initial differences in the two groups rather than the effects of athletic involvement itself.

Hauser and Lueptow (1978) sought to refute some of the claims of a positive relationship

between the variables in question and replicate the findings of Coleman (1961) and others who

found a negative relationship between athletic participation and academic outcomes, and

concluded that Coleman’s original findings were correct. Like many others, Hauser and Lueptow

(1978) were very critical of studies that based claims of a causal relationship between athletic

participation and academic achievement on cross-sectional data (despite this criticism, numerous

studies right up to the present day will continue to make this claim). The researchers

acknowledged that while athletes had higher GPAs when graduating than they did when starting

high school, they did not gain as much as non-athletes, which is a relative decline in

achievement. Their findings were consistent with the idea that any gains by athletes over non-

athletes could be attributed to initial differences between the two. Their study showed that

athletes were better students to begin with but lost a portion of their advantage during their years

of athletic involvement (Hauser & Lueptow, 1978). Other more recent studies at both high

school and college levels have resulted in similar findings, including Cantor and Prentice (1996),

Haynes (1990), Melnick and Sabo (1992), and Melnick, VanFossen and Sabo (1988). Melnick,

Vanfossen, and Sabo (1988) found that sports participation did not lead to increased academic

achievement. Melnick and Sabo (1992) suggested that most athletes do not experience higher

GPAs as a result of participation.

Athletic Participation and Academic Achievement: Positive Findings

While some scholars agreed with Coleman (1961), others of the same era found evidence

of a connection between participation and achievement (see, for example, Eidsmore, 1963;

Krauss, 1964; Rehberg & Shafer, 1968; Shafer & Rehberg, 1970). However, by the late 1960s,

some researchers had begun questioning the claims of a causal relationship between athletic

participation and grades as most of the work done was cross-sectional rather than longitudinal in

nature (Rehberg, 1969). A longitudinal study is important because in order to conclude that there

is a causal relationship between the variables, a researcher needs to prove that achievement

differences between athletes and non-participants are not the result of initial or prior differences

between the groups. This is the primary criticism of most of the studies in this area.

A major milestone in this field of study was the work of Holland and Andre (1987).

Holland and Andre reviewed numerous previous studies looking at the relationship between

athletics and academic achievement, educational aspirations and attainment, and other factors.

They discussed methodological limitations—cross-sectional data, difficulty proving causal

relationship, sample structure, design, lack of control for socioeconomic status (SES), etc. Many

of the limitations they noted have been addressed, but not all. Since 1987, many studies have

replicated positive findings while trying to improve upon previous studies’ methods (Marsh,

1988; Stephens & Schaben, 2002).

To address the criticism of the cross-sectional nature of most of the studies in this area,

Marsh (1988) considered a large, national sample of data from students’ sophomore and senior

years in order to note changes in academic achievement, attitudes, and behaviors in the last two

years of high school, as well as subsequent college attendance or other post-secondary outcomes.

Data for students two years after graduation was also utilized. Multiple regression was used to

relate participation to senior and post-secondary outcomes. Marsh found that athletic

participation was favorably related to numerous senior and post-secondary outcomes, including

academic achievement and educational aspirations, and subsequent college attendance. Marsh

looked at numerous extracurricular activities and found that sports are the most beneficial.

Marsh’s work is an important study in this field as it was longitudinal and because he

concluded not only that there was a positive association between athletic participation and

academic achievement, but that out of all possible extracurricular activities offered at the high

school level, athletics are the most beneficial. However, there are some issues with Marsh that

future researchers could attempt to resolve. Even though he did control for other variables,

Marsh was still essentially comparing the overall academic performance of athletes to that of

non-athletes. While it is promising to see that athletes were ahead both as sophomores and as

seniors, it is very difficult to claim a causal relationship as there still could be other intrinsic

factors aiding athletes. Rather than overall GPAs, the growth in GPA for the two groups in

question from grade ten to grade twelve would be a better indicator that athletic participation

positively affects academic achievement. Marsh did seem to understand this point to a certain

extent but made the perplexing statement that he did not interpret the higher academic

achievement of sophomore athletes as being the result of athletic participation, but he did for

seniors. Marsh was also primarily concerned with “total activity scores” (p. 17) and focused on

overall extracurricular participation rather than just athletics.

While the 1980s and 1990s seemed to bring more positive findings, some results were

still mixed, and many researchers were incredibly still relying on cross-sectional data. Positive

associations from the 1990s included that athletic participation promoted student engagement in

school and aided academic achievement (Lamborn, Brown, Mounts, & Steinberg, 1992), helped

students develop support networks of high-achieving peers and adults (Reis & Dias, 1999), and

led to confidence that spilled over to the classroom (Snyder & Spreitzer, 1990).

More recent literature also supports the positive relationship between participation and

academic achievement (see, for example, Broh, 2002; Crosnoe, 2001; Eccles & Barber, 1999;

Gerber, 1996; Hanson & Kraus, 1998; Marsh & Kleitman, 2003; McHale, Crouter & Tucker,

2001). Many recent studies have found some of the connections discussed here, including the

relationship between athletics and self-concept, motivation, academic achievement, and post-

secondary goals. Stephens and Schaben (2002) found an association between interscholastic

sport participation and higher academic achievement and argued that this link should inform

decisions regarding the allocation of money, time, and personnel for athletics. Feldman and

Matjasko (2005) reviewed numerous studies and noted the positive consequences of

participation. Broh (2002) found that sports participation led to more time spent on homework

and improved math and English grades. Marsh and Kleitman (2003) found that athletic

participation was related to college enrollment and higher levels of achievement while also

controlling for many other factors related to educational outcomes. O’Bryan (2010) found that

varsity sports participation was a significant positive predictor of college preparedness and that

participation in athletics does not deter students from academics. O’Bryan concluded that athletic

participation led to more parental involvement, which had positive impact on student


There exists a considerable number of larger, longitudinal studies that claim a positive

relationship between athletic performance and academic achievement such as Whitley (1999),

Jordan (1999), Carlson et al. (2005), Eide and Ronan (2001), and Videon (2002). Videon found

an association between participation and positive educational outcomes like higher GPAs using

national longitudinal data. Whitley (1999) utilized data from three different school years (1994,

1995, and 1996) and the findings were remarkably consistent over the three years. Athletes did

better three years in a row, but it is not known whether their performance grew at a faster rate

than that of non-athletes.

Whitley (1999) compared different subgroups of students using paired t-tests and found

that athletes overall have a 22.66% higher GPA than non-athletes. This study seems to stand out

due to the large sample size (data from close to 300,000 students) and the positive findings.

Whitley’s (1999) findings were consistent with both Soltz (1986) and Nuhn (1991), who found

that the GPAs of athletes were higher. Whitley also measured numerous subgroups of athletes

against non-athletes, including groups broken out by race and gender, and found that the GPAs

of all of the subgroups were significantly higher than those of the non-athletes. “The analysis of

the data for the different subgroups showed that all of the athlete subgroups outperformed the

non-athlete group as a whole, as well as their non-athlete subgroup peers” (Whitley, 1999 p.

229). Into the twenty-first century, most studies in this area were still using cross-sectional data,

and even those that were longitudinal proved only that athletes kept their advantage for more

than one year but did not prove a causal relationship.

Even after decades of inquiry, many studies still rely on cross-sectional data, which

means the debate and criticism over this practice continues. Filsinger (2012) looked at 300

students at five high schools and found that female athletes were the top academic performers on

average. Francois (2013) looked at all students at a high school in Wisconsin and found athletes

achieved at a significantly higher level than non-athletes. Oldencamp (2012) also had positive

results looking at one year’s performance. Sziraki (2011) and Thompson (2012) offered more of

the same. On the surface, Price’s (2013) study looked like a good one with a national sample of

more than half a million students and athletes with an overall GPA of 3.01 compared to non-

athletes at 2.72. However, only data from one school year, 2011–2012, is considered. Macaluso

(2013) and McCorkle (2012), in qualitative single case studies, both found positive relationships.

Even current research that is not cross-sectional, like Powers (2011), a longitudinal study

utilizing standardized test scores from 2007–2010 that compared athletes to non-athletes, still

compared the overall GPA of athletes to that of non-participants rather than GPA change for the

two groups. A much stronger claim of a relationship between athletic participation and academic

achievement can be made if there is a statistically significant difference in the change in GPAs

for the two groups rather than considering only overall GPA.

As stated previously, with cross-sectional data, issues of causal ordering are problematic.

Because of this, associations between athletic participation and academic achievement may not

indicate that participation in sports leads to increased academic achievement (Videon, 2002). The

other possibility, as described by Spreitzer (1994), is that highly motivated and disciplined

students are naturally drawn to the competition, achievement, and goal orientation that are

inherent in athletics. Are better outcomes due to athletics, or do athletics simply attract more

motivated and capable students? Manlove’s (2013) mixed-methods study is a great example of

the issues in this area. The quantitative data show a positive relationship between athletics and

performance, while the qualitative data point to other factors affecting performance such as

emotional support and intrinsic drive.

Athletic Participation and Academic Achievement: No Relationship or Inconclusive


While some studies seemed to confirm Coleman’s (1961) findings regarding a negative

relationship between athletic participation and academic achievement while others instead

declared that the relationship is positive, still others continue to question both sides. According to

Coleman, time spent playing sports was time away from studying (Hanks & Eckland, 1976). It is

wrong to assume time spent on one is automatically subtracted from another, as that is an

empirical question that must be studied. The research of Hanks and Eckland (1976) had an

important impact on the causal status of the question as they surveyed high school students in

1955 and followed up with them in 1970. They concluded that “athletic participation is largely

unrelated to ability, grades, or even curriculum” (Hanks & Eckland, 1976, p. 281). They went on

to state that any evidence of higher grades for athletes could be attributed to teacher bias toward

athletes. While their study could be interpreted as confirming the findings of Coleman (1961),

they did, however, also find that athletic participation led to higher educational expectations and

that students were more likely to participate if they hoped to go to college. It is also important to

note that Hanks and Eckland (1976) found no evidence that participation in athletics is

detrimental to academic performance. Their study brought up an important question: Does

participation lead to good grades, or do you need good grades in order to participate?

While some researchers found no evidence of a connection, Kniker (1974), in a review of

many studies from the 1960s, stated that even when research confirms differences between

athletes and non-athletes, one must be careful when stating that athletics are the cause of the

differences. In a useful summary of work in the area up to that point, including those with

positive findings and those with negative, he concluded that neither side had proven its case. He

also noted that at that time “90% of the student body at the high school level does not participate

in interscholastic programs” (Kniker, 1974, p. 188). These were different times, and many earlier

arguments or findings do not have much bearing today. Access to athletics was more restricted.

Title IX was only two years old at the time, and as opportunity was beginning to increase, so

were the benefits of participation. In the 1970s, “the research done in the area of values and

athletics has been sparse…[and] neither the proponents nor the critics of athletics were able to

offer substantial evidence to prove that athletics is either beneficial or harmful” (Kniker, 1974, p.


While Marsh (1988), Whitley (1999), and others with positive findings provided

encouragement for this researcher, the fact remains that over the fifty years of study in this area

the results have been mixed. Even recent inquiry has yielded some mixed or even negative

results. While most studies of the last twenty years indicate that students who participate in

sports do better academically, earlier inquiries dating back to the 1960s and 1970s concluded no

advantage for athletes and found in many cases that non-athletes did slightly better (Ballantine,

1981). Early analyses were inconsistent at best (Broh, 2002). More recently, Sabo et al. (1993)

found that athletic participation is unrelated to achievement in grades, test scores, aspirations, or

college attendance.

Other recent studies with mixed results include Rees and Sabia (2010), who

acknowledged that numerous studies have found that athletes get better grades and have higher

educational and occupational aspirations, but they concluded with ordinary least squares

estimates that “sports participation is associated with an increase in GPA of approximately 0.17

points” (Rees & Sabia, 2010, p. 753). Other tests used by the researchers found that “the

relationship between sports participation and grades are usually much smaller in magnitude or

are the opposite sign” (p. 753). Rees and Sabia concluded that results were mixed and any

positive results could be attributed to characteristics of the individual student-athletes rather than

to participation. While they did not find any conclusive evidence of a relationship between

participation and improved academic performance, they acknowledge some evidence of positive

spillover of sports in relation to college aspirations.

Schlesser (2004) used a two-way analysis of variance to examine the relationship

between gender, extra-curricular participation, and GPA. He found for both males and females

that participation was associated with higher GPAs. However, he noted that the study showed no

causal evidence that the participation was what led to the higher GPAs and lists other possible

reasons such as teacher bias toward participating students and parents’ influence on participation.

Other more recent studies, including Bell (2012), have noted that factors other than athletic

participation have a greater impact on academic achievement.

These studies have created room for debate and helped inform the decision to focus on

this issue. The researcher heeds the advice of Holland and Andre (1987), who suggest that more

research should take place regarding this subject. While some has been done since then, the

mixed results suggest that it is still worthwhile to heed their advice.


Chapter Two Summary

Fifty years of inquiry into this subject have yielded mixed results, and while most of the

more recent studies have pointed to a positive association between the variables in question,

many of those have still been criticized for cross-sectional data or the lack of evidence proving a

causal relationship. The most important methodological issue regarding this field is whether the

correlation between athletic participation and positive academic achievement reflects a causal

influence (Marsh, 1988). There have been two predominate experimental designs regarding

inquiry into this area: cross-sectional, one-wave designs that correlate participation with outcome

variables and longitudinal, multi-wave designs that relate changes in outcome variables to

participation. Because the goal “is to infer the consequences of participation, there is little

justification for single-wave designs even though this type of study predominates” (Marsh, 1988,

p. 5). It is impossible in a single-wave study to determine if participation is a cause or an effect

of academic outcomes. It is clear that the proposed study must be longitudinal in nature.

However, because athletics are a self-selected intervention, there may never be a completely

adequate answer to whether participation causes improved achievement (Marsh, 1988).

Based on the literature review, a contribution to the ongoing conversation in this area of

study could be made with a research study that compares the change in GPA for athletes during

the high school years to the change in GPA for non-athletes during the same period. Although

this type of study can still be criticized as lacking evidence proving the casual relationship

between athletic participation and academic achievement, it may be impossible to prove this

relationship completely and this proposed study is at the very least an improvement upon what

has been done previously. “These associations [athletic participation and academic achievement]

may simply be a reflection of unobservables correlated with both sports participation and the

outcome under study as opposed to casual in nature” (Rees & Sabia, 2010, p. 751).

Chapter Three: Methodology


This study examined the nature of the relationship between athletic participation and

academic achievement in high school students. As noted in chapter one, difficult economic times

have resulted in cuts to high school athletic budgets without any consideration of the benefits of

high school athletic participation. If a link could be shown between athletic participation and

higher academic achievement, advocates of athletics would have a stronger argument when

attempting to preserve funding for high school athletic programs. This chapter includes the

discussion of research design, population and sampling strategies, data collection, and data

analysis methods as well as sections on validity, reliability, and generalizability of the study’s

results and the protection of human subjects involved in this study.

Research Question

To what extent does athletic participation affect academic achievement among students in

a Massachusetts high school?


There will be a statistically significant greater GPA increase for students who

participated in high school athletics three years in a row than those who did not participate for

three years in a row.

Research Design

This quantitative study utilized a causal-comparative research design to identify whether

athletic participation has any effect on high school students’ academic achievement. A causal-

comparative design was chosen because the study attempts to determine the consequences of

differences between two groups that already exist (Fraenkel, Wallen, & Hyun, 2012). This

research design is typically used to compare two or more groups of subjects, often comparing

averages (Fraenkel et al., 2012). Causal-comparative design allows the researcher to study the

potential effect of a variable on another one where a true experimental design is not possible as

the variables in question cannot be manipulated. The group difference variable in this case is

athletic participation, and the members of the sample population have previously either

participated or not participated in athletics. The results in question are the GPAs of the students

in the two groups. Student performance was compared to see if there are significant differences

between athletic participants and non-participants.

While a causal-comparative design is ideal for this study because it is often used in

researching the effects of group membership (Fraenkel et al., 2012), it is not without its

limitations. The most significant limitation is the lack of control over threats to internal validity

(Fraenkel et al., 2012). Because athletic participation is a self-selected intervention, there is a

lack of randomization in the forming of the two groups and manipulation of the independent

variable has already occurred, so while it may be possible to identify relationships, causation

cannot be fully established. Causal-comparative studies are more likely to provide weaker

evidence for causation than experimental studies where the independent variable can be

manipulated (Fraenkel et al., 2012). In a causal-comparative study, it is always possible that the

groups are not equivalent in some way, that another important variable or variables apart from

the identified group membership variable will impact the outcome in a significant manner.

Causes can be effects, effects can be causes, or something else—intrinsic motivation,

socioeconomic status, gender, or ethnicity, to name a few variables—could have an impact on

the research results.


Although it may not be possible to prove a causal relationship between athletic

participation and academic achievement with a causal-comparative design, the results of this

study have the potential to contribute to the conversation in this area as previous studies

regarding the relationship in question have been criticized for the failure to account for pre-

existing differences between participants and non-participants. Because this study is longitudinal

in nature and concerned with changes in GPA over a three-year period for athletes versus non-

athletes, the research design inherently controls for preexisting subject characteristics. Although

the question being considered may never be completely answered to the satisfaction of everyone,

if a positive relationship is found it could strengthen the arguments in favor of maintaining

athletics and at the very least supply policy makers with more information to aid in their

decision-making regarding school funding.

Population and Sampling

The site of this study is a high school in eastern Massachusetts, an urban community of

close to 60,000 inhabitants where the researcher has taught history and coached lacrosse and

football for more than a decade. For the 2013–2014 school year, there were 2,053 students

enrolled. The student body is 84.5% white, 5.4% Hispanic, 4.3% African American, 3.5% Asian,

and .3% Native American, Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander. English language learners make up

6.7% of the population. Thirty-one percent of students are classified as low income, with the

same percentage receiving free or reduced lunch. In addition, 40.3% of students are classified as

“high needs” by the state department of education. Each year, just over half of the seniors go on

to attend a two or four-year college.

The participants in this study are students from the school, athletes and non-athletes, for

the school years 2010–2011, 2011–2012, and 2012–2013. This site was chosen with the hope

that the results of this study would have a positive impact in the researcher’s home district,

specifically in preserving and increasing funding for high school athletics. Although a

convenience sample is not ideal, a random sampling would not be practical as athletic

participation is optional for students and the formation of the teams predates the study.

Nonetheless, with more than 2,000 students at the school and three years’ worth of data, the

sample school is a more than adequate setting for this type of study. However, because this is a

convenience sample, a study conducted with data from a site that was accessible to the researcher

(Creswell, 2003), there is a limitation on the generalizability of study findings to other


Data Collection

In order to determine whether there is a correlation between athletic participation and

academic achievement, student archival data was examined. Preexisting data sets for the students

in question include GPA and whether they participated in high school athletics over the three-

year period of the study. Permission to collect and use this data was granted by the

superintendent of schools, and the researcher has obtained printouts of these data for the 2010–

2011, 2011–2012, and 2012–2013 school years. GPA information was provided by the school

guidance department and athletic participation information by the athletic department.

Data Analysis

The first step in data analysis was reviewing the GPA printouts and athletic team rosters

to determine which students could be included in the study. The student information must be

screened so that only relevant, clean data are used in the analysis. In order to be included, a

student must have attended the school for all three years. Any student that did not attend three

years was immediately excluded. In conducting the proposed study, the operating definitions of

“athletic participant” and “non-participant” are extremely important. An athletic participant is

defined as any student who was a member of at least one high school athletic team for each of

the three years. A non-participant is defined as any student who was not a member of a high

school athletic team for any of the three years. This categorization eliminated a substantial group

of students from the study who participated only one or two years. The remainder of the sample

for the study is 110 athletic participants and 110 non-participants, allowing the researcher to

reach the goal of 100 students per sample group. Samples of less than 100 are generally

considered small, while “samples between 100 and 200 can be good enough provided there are

relatively few factors each with only a small number of indicator variables” (Field, 2009, p. 647).

More specifically, Fraenkel et al. (2012) recommend a sample size of 30 in each group for

causal-comparative studies, so the sample is more than adequate. There are actually 192 non-

participants, but only 110 were used, matched by gender. The researcher wanted the groups as

similar as possible in order to explain differences on the dependent variable as being due to

group membership (Fraenkel et al., 2012). The sample students, as well as their GPA

information, were next entered into the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS)

software. After the data was entered, student names were removed and replaced with unique

identification numbers.

In order to account for preexisting subject characteristics, the study considered changes in

GPA over the three years of the study for athletic participants as compared with changes for non-

participants. Because student overall performance is affected by so many other factors, such as

socioeconomic status and parental involvement, this study is not concerned primarily with the

overall means of the two groups, but rather the change, either negative or positive, in student

GPA over the three years when students were either participating or not participating in athletics.

If the hypothesis is correct, the GPAs of the athletic participants would increase at a statistically

significant higher rate.

The statistical technique utilized was an independent t-test to compare the means of the

changes in GPA for each of the two groups. “The t-test is a parametric statistical test used to see

whether a difference between the means of two samples is significant” (Fraenkel et al., 2012, p.

233). The t-test compares the means for two independent groups (Fraenkel et al., 2012). The

study was focused on determining whether or not there is a statistically significant difference in

the GPA change for the two groups during the years of the study. When utilizing a t-test, the

“effect” of athletic participation is the difference between the two group means. Under the null

hypothesis, there is an expectation that athletic participation will have no effect on the

participants, therefore the sample means should be very similar (Field, 2009). However, if the

difference between the samples collected is larger than expected based on the standard error, it

represents a genuine difference between the samples and the null hypothesis is incorrect (Field,

2009). If the null hypothesis is incorrect, the researcher gains confidence that the sample means

differ because of the different conditions for each group.

An independent t-test is a parametric test and, like most parametric tests, must meet four

assumptions for the results to be considered reliable (Field, 2009). First, the sample must be

normally distributed. Normal distribution, the “bell-shaped curve,” assumes that the majority of

scores fall around the center of the distribution. This assumption can be checked by plotting a

graph of the GPAs for each group. This graph, known as a frequency distribution or histogram, is

very useful for assessing properties of the distribution of scores (Field, 2009). Both the

Kolmogorov-Smirnova test and the Shapiro-Wilk test were conducted to compare the scores in

the sample to a normally distributed set of scores with the same mean and standard deviation

(Field, 2009).

The second assumption is that data are measured at least at the interval level (Field,

2009). The level of measurement refers to the relationship between what is being measured and

the numbers that represent what is being measured. An interval variable is a type of continuous

variable that gives a score for each person in the sample on the measurement scale being used—

in this case, a grade point average out of a maximum of four. For data to be considered interval,

“equal intervals on the scale [must] represent equal differences in the property being measured”

(Field, 2009, p. 9). GPA meets this assumption as it is a clearly defined and accepted

measurement scale and each student receives a score using the same scale.

Because an independent t-test is used to test different groups of people, it also assumes

homogeneity of variance, that the variances in the populations are the same throughout the data

(Field, 2009). With two groups of data in the proposed study, the variance in the outcome

variable, GPA, should be the same for both groups. With two groups and three years’ worth of

data for each group, the assumption of homogeneity of variance means that the spread of scores

around the mean will stay the same for both groups for each of the years, even if the means

increase or decrease. Levene’s test was used to determine homogeneity of variance (Field, 2009).

It tests the null hypothesis that the variances in the groups are zero, looking at the difference

between each score and mean of the group from which it came. The final assumption is that

scores are independent because they come from different people. It is assumed that the behavior

of one participant does not influence the behavior of another (Field, 2009). With GPA, it is a safe

assumption that students are working independently and that the integrity of the school’s grading

system is intact.

If assumptions are violated, there are options for reducing the impact. The first and most

basic is to verify that all data have been entered correctly. If no errors have been made, other

options can be explored. The second would be to remove the data for the person who contributed

the outlier (Field, 2009). This is not a very attractive option unless extenuating circumstances are

suspected. For example, a GPA of 0.00 might mean that a student left school before the

completion of the year and did not receive credit for any courses taken. Because a t-test is a

parametric test, a third option is to run its non-parametric test, the Mann-Whitney test, to look for

differences between the two samples.

Non-parametric tests like the Mann-Whitney test are used when it is not possible to easily

correct problems with the distribution of a data set. The Mann-Whitney test ranks data and then

analyzes the ranks, rather than the actual data to overcome issues of distribution (Field, 2009).

For this study, the lowest GPA change score would be assigned a rank of 1, the next lowest a

rank of 2, and so on. If all of the scores were ranked from lowest to highest ignoring the group

to which a person belonged, if there was no relationship between athletic participation and

increased academic performance, one would expect to find a similar number of high and low

ranks in each group and the summed total of each group to be close to the same. If athletic

participation does in fact impact academic achievement, one would expect the higher ranks to be

in the participation group and the sum of the ranks to be higher for this group (Field, 2009). For

this study, it was necessary to utilize the Mann-Whitney U test twice as the assumption of

normal distribution was violated for 2011 GPA non-participants as well as when calculating the

academic performance change rate.

Validity, Reliability, and Generalizability


Establishing validity and reliability are significant in order to obtain results that can be

trusted and utilized to make inferences about relationships that could affect policy and practice.

A test is valid if it measures what it is claiming to measure (Creswell, 2003). GPA was chosen as

the dependent variable because it is the most common and widely accepted measure of academic

performance. As the study is concerned with the effects of athletic participation on GPA,

participation is to be compared with non-participation. Historically, possible preexisting

differences between participants and non-participants that could impact GPA have led to

questions about the validity of this type of study (Fraenkel et al., 2012). Because students choose

to participate in athletics and the research design is causal-comparative, meaning variables have

already been manipulated and cannot be changed by the researcher, it will always be possible

that other factors are impacting research outcomes. The inability to prove causality is sometimes

referred to as the third-variable problem, which states that “causality between two variables

cannot be assumed because there may be other measured or unmeasured variables affecting the

results” (Field, 2009, p. 173). The proposed study will attempt to counter this threat to the

validity of the results by looking at the change in GPA for the two groups over the three-year

period of participation or non-participation. Thereby, only students with three years of data were

included in the study.

Validity is a necessary but not sufficient condition of a measure. A second condition is

reliability, which is the ability to produce consistent results when the same entities are measured

under different conditions (Field, 2009). Reliability is concerned with whether consistent data

will result no matter how many times the tests are run and who is collecting the data and running

the tests (Creswell, 2003). The key to the reliability of the results of the proposed study is that

the study focuses on GPA change rather than overall GPA. This difference minimizes the effects

of variables other than athletic participation. For example, a student from a wealthy background

who has parents who check his homework every night might have a higher GPA overall, but this

study is concerned only with the change in his GPA over the three years in question, which will

account for his higher starting position. In addition, the non-participation group serves as a

control group in this study, as the intervention, athletic participation, only impacts the

participants group.

Another important factor to consider is generalizability. Quantitative research attempts to

determine trends, opinions, and attitudes of a population by generalizing the study of a sample of

that population (Creswell, 2003). Both the nature of the sample and the setting of the study must

be weighed when considering generalizability (Fraenkel et al., 2012). As stated above, the use of

a convenience sample limits the generalizability of study findings to other populations. Also, as

the research is causal-comparative rather than experimental, a causal relationship between the

variables in question can only be implied, not proven. It is the position of the researcher that the

study can still positively impact the education of students despite these limitations.

Protection of Human Subjects

Although this study does include adolescent participants, they cannot be harmed in any

way as participation is limited to archival athletic and achievement data and student names were

removed from data lists. Athletic participation and academic achievement have occurred

regularly at the school apart from this study, and the study will not attempt to manipulate these

practices but rather provide a systematic, quantitative analysis of the effects of athletic

participation on academic achievement. Permission was granted by the superintendent of schools

for the researcher to obtain the necessary data, and other school officials, including members of

the guidance and athletic departments, supplied the researcher with all requested data. The

researcher currently works as a teacher at the school where the sample was obtained and so can

be certain of the above conditions.

As stated, all student data used in this study was coded by number. No student, teacher,

or coach names appear in any of the data. The researcher has kept this data in a secure location

and has not shared it with anyone. All of the materials will be destroyed at the conclusion of the

study. The researcher has not and will not have any interaction with students related to their

participation in this study, and no participants were deceived in any way.


This chapter indicates how the research study responds to a problem of practice by

addressing a gap in the literature. Previous studies related to this topic utilized cross-sectional

data and looked at only overall GPA without accounting for preexisting differences that might

give athletes an initial advantage in their achievement. By executing a longitudinal study that

focuses on the change in GPA over a three-year period, the researcher hopes to better account for

any other factors that might impact student achievement. Assessing the effect of athletic

participation on student academic achievement is a complicated undertaking, and even if the

hypothesis of this study was determined to be true, only a relationship could be claimed, not

causation. No study can completely answer the question: Does athletic participation impact

academic achievement? However, the results of this study could inform decision-makers

determining the role and financial support for athletics in school systems.

The study was conducted at a large high school in Massachusetts. Participants include

students who attended the school during the last three years divided into two groups: those that

were members of high school athletic teams for all three years, and those that were not members

for any of the three years. A total of 110 students were included in each group, divided equally

by gender. Along with athletic participation information, data collection also included archival

GPA information for the sample population. The researcher employed independent t-test as well

as Mann-Whitney U test analysis to compare the change in GPA for the two groups over the

three years of the study. By looking at the change mean rather than the overall mean, the

researcher accounted for preexisting differences like socioeconomic status or intelligence that

might give some students an advantage over others. In addition, assumptions have been taken

into account and were checked during the course of the analysis. The researcher has also

established procedures to ensure validity and reliability and has identified the limitations. The

researcher has ensured the protection of all human subjects participating in this study.

The researcher has watched as athletics in the sample district have been dismantled in

these difficult economic times. In the last few years at the sample high school, most athletic user

fees have increased 100% while some have increased 400% (Mackin, 2008). These increases are

not the exception but are in fact typical of schools systems in the area. Extracurricular activities

as a whole are usually just 1–3% of the entire school budget while engaging 60–70% of students

(Suffolk University Law Review, 2006). In the sample district, the athletic budget is less than

.2% of the entire education budget (Massachusetts, 2007; Mackin, 2008). And yet there are those

that call for more cuts.

Not only does the researcher hope to make a contribution to the ongoing conversation

regarding the effects of athletic participation on academic performance with a sound research

design that attempts to address some of the unanswered questions on this topic, he hopes through

the research to have an impact on the home school district and others like it where athletics are

seen by more and more decision makers as a waste of money, a simple diversion that perhaps

should not be a part of the offered curriculum, or at the very least should be the first area cut

when funds are short. The researcher hopes to help preserve the beneficial opportunities that he

and so many others have been able to enjoy and learn from. The ultimate goal of education is to

maximize the achievement of students. Through this investigation the researcher can help to

foster informed decision-making so that all students have a chance to reach their full potential.

Chapter Four: Research Findings


The purpose of the research was to determine the nature of the relationship, if any,

between athletic participation and academic achievement. As previously mentioned, three years

of archival data were utilized and independent t-tests and Mann-Whitley U tests administered in

order to compare the GPA means of student athletic participants and non-participants, the results

of which are presented below. As stated previously, early studies in this area have been

criticized for their cross-sectional design (Holland & Andre, 1987) as well as focus on overall

GPA rather than change in GPA (Marsh, 1988). While tests were run to compare the overall

GPA means for each of the years and that data is included, the primary focus of this study is to

compare the change in GPA for athletic participants as well as non-participants over the three

years in question. This was done by calculating the GPA growth rate for each group, and testing

the significance of the growth rate through the academic performance change test. The position

of the researcher is that the GPA growth of athletic participants must be statistically significant

and higher than that of non-participants in order for any claim of a relationship between

participation and academic achievement to be made.

Sample and Data Entry

The athletic participant data consists of 62 males and 48 females for a total of 110. All of

these students participated in at least one high school sport for all three years of the study. As

stated in chapter three, there are 192 non-participants, so an online randomizer program was

utilized ( to select 62 males and 48 females in order to match the other group not

only by number but by gender. Student names were then replaced by numbers so that the data

entered into the SPSS software would be anonymous. The “names” 1 through 110 are the

athletic participants, and 111 through 220 the non-participants. After the data was entered into

SPSS version 19, testing could begin.

Assumption Testing

Because an independent t-test is a parametric test, assumptions must be met before the

tests are run if they are to be considered accurate. Before running the actual t-tests, histograms

were created using the SPSS software in order to determine if the data from the samples in both

groups were normally distributed. As evident from the presence of the “bell-shaped curves” in

Charts 1, 2, and 3 below, the majority of the scores fall around the center of the distribution and

so by this test the first assumption has been met. While it is important and necessary to run the

Kolmogorov-Smirnova and Shapiro-Wilk tests, histograms should always be considered along

with them as with large samples these tests can come back as significant even when scores are

only slightly different from a normal distribution (Field, 2009).

Chart 1: 2011 GPA Frequency Distribution Stacked Histogram

Chart 2: 2012 GPA Frequency Distribution Stacked Histogram


Chart 3: 2013 GPA Frequency Distribution Stacked Histogram

The next step in checking if the assumption of normal distribution has been met is to run

the Kolmogorov-Smirnova test or the Shapiro-Wilk test to compare the scores in the sample to a

normally distributed set of scores with the same mean and standard deviation (Field, 2009).

Both of these tests were run for each year utilizing the participant / non-participant grouping in

the factor field. As noted in Table 1, there were some p values (the Sig. column) less than .05,

indicating a deviation from normality. For the Kolmogorov-Smirnova test, In Table 1, for GPA

2011 athletic participant, D(110) = .074, p ≥ .05 is normal, and GPA 2011 non-athletic

participant, D(110) = .089, p ≤ .05 is significantly non-normal. For GPA 2012 athletic

participant, D(110) = .059, p ≥ .05 is normal, and GPA 2012 non- athletic participant, D(110) =

.081, p ≥ .05 is normal. For GPA 2013 athletic participant, D(110) = .067, p ≥ .05 is normal, and

GPA 2013 non- athletic participant, D(110) = .077, p ≥ .05 is normal.

Table 1

Kolmogorov-Smirnova and Shapiro-Wilk Tests for All Three Study Years Grouped by
Participant / Non-Participant Variable
Variable Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

GPA 2011
Athletic .074 110 .182 .980 110 .096

GPA 2011 .089 110 .032 .975 110 .039


GPA 2012
Athletic .059 110 .200 .985 110 .238

GPA 2012 .081 110 .072 .986 110 .318


GPA 2013
Athletic .067 110 .200 .986 110 .288

GPA 2013 .077 110 .111 .987 110 .381


While some of the deviations were significant, one should keep in mind that the sample is

large. The results could possibly reflect the bimodal distribution found in GPA scores (Field,

2009). When the tests were run for all three years by group, the results point to normal

distributions for all sections for both tests, except for 2011 non-participants. This is important,

because the analysis in this study involves comparing groups, so what is important is not the

overall distribution but the distribution in each group (Field, 2009). In addition, as noted above,

these tests can be significant in large samples even if the scores are only slightly different from

normal. Also, the Shapiro-Wilk test has more power to detect differences from normality (Field,

2009), yet in most cases these p values are higher, signifying the distribution is normal.

While there is significant evidence to support normal distribution, the Mann-Whitney U

test was run as the significance test for the 2011 GPA data, the results of which are included in

Table 4. A non-parametric test such as Mann-Whitney is useful when an assumption has been

violated as it works on the principle of ranking the data (Field, 2009). Each score is ranked from

lowest to highest, ignoring the group to which a subject belonged, and if there is no difference

the summaries of the ranks should be close to even. The results for 2011 will be discussed in the

next section.

As the second assumption has been met due to the fact that GPA is a clearly defined and

accepted measurement of student academic achievement at the interval level, the next

assumption to address is homogeneity of variance. This means that with groups of data, the

variance of the dependent variable should be the same for both athletic participants and non-

participants. The spread of scores around the mean for each group in each year should stay the

same, even if the means increase or decrease. The best method for determining homogeneity of

variance is by utilizing Levene’s test (Field, 2009). Levene’s test tests the null hypothesis that

the variances in the two groups are equal, which means that the difference between the variances

is zero. If the result of Levene’s test is that p ≤ .05 then the null hypothesis is incorrect, the

variances are significantly different, and the assumption of homogeneity of variance has been


As listed in Table 2, for Levene’s test for each of the three years of the study, p ≥ .05,

meaning that the variances are equal and the assumption of homogeneity of variance has been

met. For GPA 2011, F = 1.88, p ≥ .05, variances are not significantly different. GPA 2012, F =

.350, p ≥ .05, variances are not significantly different. GPA 2013, F = .290, p ≥ .05, variances

are not significantly different.

Table 2

Levene’s Test: Equal Variances Assumed

Variable F Sig.

GPA 2011 1.884 .171

GPA 2012 .350 .554

GPA 2013 .290 .591


The final assumption to be considered is that scores are independent because they come

from different people. As stated in chapter three, one can safely assume that the integrity of

grades from a public high school are beyond questioning and that this assumption has been met.

With that said, all assumptions have been reasonably met, and no other steps must be taken in

order to ensure the quality of the data.

The Independent t-tests

Independent t-tests were run with the grouping variable being whether students were

athletic participants or non-participants. As noted below in Table 3, the GPAs for athletic

participants are higher than those for non-participants in each of the three years of the study

(Mean column). In previous studies, this result led to claims of a relationship between athletic

participation and academic achievement (Holland & Andre, 1987; Marsh, 1988). However,

because overall GPA does not account for pre-existing differences, this study will take the

calculations a step further.

Table 3

GPA Summary Statistics for 2011, 2012, and 2013


Variable N Mean St. Deviation St. Error Mean

GPA 2011
Ath. Participant 110 2.88 .617 .059

GPA 2011 110 2.67 .717 .068


GPA 2012
Ath. Participant 110 2.78 .630 .060

GPA 2012 110 2.62 .676 .064


GPA 2013
Ath. Participant 110 2.75 .601 .057

GPA 2013 110 2.69 .626 .060


Because the assumption of normality of distribution was violated for 2011 non-

participants, a t-test cannot be used to determine significance. Instead, the Mann-Whitney U test

was run for 2011 and the results are in Table 4. For this test, scores are ranked from lowest to

highest regardless of group, so the group with the lowest mean rank is the group with the greater

number of lower scores in it (Field, 2009). The higher mean rank for athletic participants

coordinates with the higher 2011 GPA mean from Table 3 above. The sum of ranks is also

higher for athletic participants. The test statistic is also included, as well as the most important

part of the table, the significance value of the test. For this data, the Mann-Whitney U test is

significant (p ≤ .05).

Table 4

Mann-Whitney U Results for 2011


Test Statistics: U Z Sig.

5023 -2.18 .030

Variable N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks

GPA 2011
Athletic 110 119.84 13182

GPA 2011 110 101.16 11128


The second table produced when an independent t-test is run contains the main test

statistics. After examining the results of Levene’s test, it is known that the variances for each of

the groups are equal, so the “Equal variances assumed” row of the SPSS output file is the one

that should be considered. Table 5 below contains a summary of the results of the independent t-

test for 2012 and 2013. As noted, because the assumption of normality was violated for 2011,

the independent t-test cannot be used to test for significance for that year.

Table 5
Independent t-test Results for 2012, and 2013: Equal Variances Assumed

Variable t Sig. Mean Differ. St. Error Differ.

GPA 2012 1.79 .075 .157 .088


GPA 2013 .766 .445 .063 .083


Tables 3, 4, and 5 are utilized for the reporting of the test results. As noted, 2011

includes results from the Mann-Whitney U test, and 2012 and 2013 include results from the

independent t-tests. For 2011, on average, athletic participants had higher GPAs (M = 2.88, SE

= .059) than non-participants (M = 2.67, SE = .068). This difference was significant, U = 5023,

Z = -2.18, p ≤ .05; representing a small-sized effect r = -.15.

For 2012, on average, athletic participants had higher GPAs (M = 2.78, SE = .060) than

non-participants (M = 2.62, SE = .064). The difference was not significant, t(218) = 1.79,

p = ≥ .05; representing a small-sized effect r = .12.

For 2013, on average, athletic participants had higher GPAs (M = 2.75 , SE = .057) than

non-participants (M = 2.69, SE = .060). The difference was not significant, t(218) = .77, p ≥ .05;

representing a small-sized effect r = .05.

As discussed in the literature review, a number of previous studies have cited this type of

data as proof that athletic participants achieve higher academically than non-participants (Marsh,

1988). In this paragraph, it would be noted that the difference for 2011 was statistically

significant, and, even though athletes lost part of their advantage during the second and third

years of the study, they still outperformed non-participants. However, the unique contribution of

this study is to acknowledge that this type of logic is flawed, as it does not account for pre-

existing differences between athletic participants and non-participants. Whether it be intrinsic

motivation that makes some students put forth more effort and energy which results in going out

for sports or studying for tests, or perhaps parental involvement, socioeconomic status, or a host

of other possibilities, athletes often have a higher starting point than non-athletes. It would make

sense then that their overall achievement level would be higher if they start ahead, but can that be

attributed to participation? In order to better isolate the effect of athletic participation, this

study’s main focus is on the change in GPA from year one to year three, what will be referred to

as the growth rate. If athletic participation results in higher academic achievement, the GPAs of

athletes should grow at a higher rate than those of non-participants.

Growth Rate

To determine the change for the GPAs of the two groups, a growth rate formula can be

applied. To this point the term “GPA change”, rather than “GPA growth” has been used as it is

understood that it is possible that one or both of the groups will not see an increase in GPA over

the three years of the study, so “growth” may not be applicable. Nevertheless, a growth rate

formula needs to be utilized to determine GPA change, so use of the word growth should be

understood to mean either positive growth or negative growth.

The growth rate could be calculated by utilizing a simple formula as follows:

present – past or 2013 GPA mean – 2011 GPA mean

past 2011 GPA mean

However, while the above formula for simple growth rate would be useful for this study,

it does not take into account that the study is considering data from three years. For this study, a

slightly more complex formula will be utilized for calculating the growth rate over all three

years. The following growth rate formula is useful when data exists over regular time intervals,

such as school years, with a corresponding value for quantity (GPA). This method will calculate

an annual growth rate for each of the years:

present = past x (1 + growth rate)ⁿ (Where n is the number of time periods)

Next the growth rate is isolated by manipulating the equation to get it on one side:

growth rate = (present/ past) ¹/ⁿ -1

The equation is as follows for athletes, where the 2013 mean GPA equates to “present”

and the 2011 mean GPA is “past”:

growth rate = (2.75/2.88)¹/³ - 1

growth rate = (.95)¹/³ - 1

growth rate = .98 -1

growth rate = - .02

As a percentage = -2%

During the years of participation, the change (growth) in GPA for athletic participants

was negative two percent. This is clearly in contradiction to the hypothesis that athletic

participation is related to improved academic performance.

The same calculation needs to also be performed for non-participants:

growth rate = (2.69/2.67)¹/³ - 1

growth rate = (1.01)¹/³ - 1

growth rate = 1 – 1

growth rate = 0

As a percentage = 0%

For non-participants, the growth rate is zero, meaning that there was no change in

average GPA over the three years of the study.

Significance of the Growth Rate

The next step in relation to the growth rate is to determine if the difference in the growth

rate for the two groups is statistically significant. This could be done by running an independent

t-test comparing the growth rate means for each of the groups. An additional variable, called

“academic performance change”, was calculated by applying the growth rate formula utilized

above (growth rate = (present/ past) ¹/ⁿ -1) to each of the 220 subjects in the two sample groups.

After the data entry and growth rate calculations were performed, it was necessary to test

for assumptions related to the new variable. A stacked histogram was created (Chart 4) to check

the frequency of the distribution and to provide the means and standard deviations in academic

performance change for athletic participants and non-participants.

Chart 4: Academic Performance Change Frequency Distribution Stacked Histogram

The Kolmogorov-Smirnova and Shapiro-Wilk tests were run to determine if the samples

were normally distributed. As noted in Table 6, for both athletic participants and non-

participants in each of the tests the samples are not normally distributed (Sig. column: p ≤ .05).

Table 6

Kolmogorov-Smirnova & Shapiro-Wilk Tests for Acad. Performance Change

Variable Status Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

Academic Athletic
Performance Participant .169 110 .000 .892 110 .000

Academic Non-
Performance Participant .171 110 .000 .877 110 .000

Because the first assumption, normality, has been violated a t-test cannot be used.

Instead, the Mann-Whitney U test was utilized to check for significance. As noted below in

Table 7, in relation to academic performance change, non-participants had a higher mean rank

and summary of ranks. This calculation determined that the differences were significant (p


Table 7

Mann-Whitney U Results for Academic Performance Change


Test Statistics: U Z Sig.


4817.50 -2.62 .009


Variable Status N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks

Academic Athletic
Performance Participant 110 99.30 10922.50

Academic Non-
Performance Participant 110 121.70 13387.50

Academic performance change for athletic participants did differ significantly from that of non-
participants (M = .01), U = 4817.50, Z = -2.62, p ≤ .05, representing a small–sized effect r = -.18.

Summary of Data Analysis

In this chapter, the researcher presented the findings of the study based on the analysis of

the data. The research results were organized so that information regarding assumption testing

was presented first, followed by Mann-Whitney U and independent t-test results. The results

were then utilized to calculate the GPA growth rate. Along with the growth rate calculation,

individual academic performance change scores were calculated and the Mann-Whitney U test

conducted to see if the difference in the scores for the two groups is significant. The results of

the tests and growth rate calculations allowed the research to answer the research question: To

what extent does athletic participation affect academic achievement among students in a

Massachusetts high school?


Data consisting of 110 athletic participants and 110 non-participants was analyzed using

SPSS software. Assumptions for parametric tests were met for 2012 and 2013 GPA data

utilizing the Kolmogorov-Smirnova and Shapiro-Wilk Tests to test for normal distribution, and

Levene’s test for homogeneity of variance. For 2011, the assumption of normal distribution was

not met for non-participants, so the Mann-Whitney U test was utilized to test for significance

between the groups. Independent t-test were then run to compare the means of the two groups for

2012 and 2013. For all three years of the study athletic participants outperformed non-

participants in academic achievement by the chosen measure, GPA. For the first year, 2011, the

difference was statistically significant. In 2012 and 2013 athletes lost part of their advantage as

the GPA means were closer and the differences were not statistically significant. On this basis,

one could argue, perhaps convincingly, that the answer to the research question: To what extent

does athletic participation affect academic achievement among students in a Massachusetts high

school? is a resounding “somewhat”, as there was a significant advantage for one year of the

study, and even though non-participants seemed to be catching up, athletes held on to their lead

through senior year. As stated, other researchers have made this argument in the past and this

argument has been criticized for not controlling for other variables that might affect academic


Because the hypothesis of this study is: There will be a statistically significant greater

GPA increase for students who participated in high school athletics three years in a row than

those who did not participate for three years in a row, it is not enough for athletes to have higher

GPAs than non-participants. If there is a relationship between athletic participation and

academic achievement, the mean GPA for the athlete group should increase during the years of

participation. This clearly was not the case, as there was a small but steady decrease in the

average GPA for athletes over the three year periods, resulting in a -2% growth rate. Non-

participant GPAs went down slightly year two, and then up slightly year three, resulting in a 0%

growth rate. Overall, from year one to year three, the GPA mean of athletic participants went

down .13, and the mean for non-participants increased .02.

One final test was run in order to determine if the difference in the growth rate is

statistically significant. An academic performance change variable was calculated by applying

the growth rate formula to each individual subject in both sample groups. As this variable failed

the assumption test for normal distribution, the Mann-Whitley test was run to test for

significance. There is a statistically significant difference in the academic achievement change

of athletic participants and non-participants, but the effect size is less than .20 indicating a small-

sized effect. While statistically significant, the practical significance is weak.

As a result, there is no statistical basis for an argument that there is a relationship

between athletic participation and academic achievement. On the contrary, with a negative

growth rate for athletic participants along with a statistically significant lower score in academic

performance change, one may be tempted to make the opposite argument. However, while the

academic performance change difference is statistically significant, the small effect size means

that the practical significance is weak.

To what extent does athletic participation affect academic achievement among students in

a Massachusetts high school? Participants of athletics three years in a row in high school differ

significantly in academic achievement growth from non-participants of athletics three years in a

row. The hypothesis that the GPAs of athletes would increase at a greater rate than those of non-

participants is rejected. However, the practical significance is weak as the effect size is

extremely small, so no recommendations for changes in policy or practice will be made based on

the results of this study.


Chapter Five: Discussion of Research Findings


The purpose of this study was to gain a deeper understanding into the impact, if any, that

athletic participation has on academic performance. While some previous researchers have

claimed that there is no relationship (Lupetow & Kayser, 1974), others have claimed that

participation has a positive effect on academic performance (Marsh, 1988). In the 21st century,

as budgets are tighter and legislation mandating educational programs (and spending) continues

to increase, school policy makers have to make difficult decisions as to the allocation of limited

education funds. If a positive relationship between athletic participation and student academic

achievement could be found, a stronger case could be made for the adequate funding of high

school athletics.

Research claiming a positive relationship between athletics and academics has been

criticized for being cross-sectional in nature, as well as not controlling for pre-existing

differences (Holland & Andre, 1987). Even with a longitudinal study that looks at achievement

over two or three years, factors other than athletics could be contributing to the higher

achievement of the athletic participant group. This study attempted to address this criticism by

focusing not on academic achievement itself, measured by GPA, but on the growth (change) of

GPA over the course of athletic participation. For any claim of a positive relationship between

athletic participation and academic achievement to be made, the GPAs of athletes must increase

at a higher rate during the years of participation than those of non-participants at the same

school, in the same grades, and with the same gender makeup, during the same time period, and

this positive academic performance change must be statistically significant. By concentrating on

GPA growth rate, this study has focused on the effects of participation alone. If there are other

variables helping students of either sample group, whether they be socio-economic status,

intrinsic motivation, or parental involvement, these students will have a higher starting GPA than

those without such advantages, and the purpose of this study is to negate the starting advantage

by focusing solely on the growth of GPA over the course of the study.

Research Question and Theoretical Framework

As athletics have played a significant role in the high school experience of many

students, both past and present, and funding or lack thereof has become such a crucial issue, this

research contributes to the existing research regarding the relationship between athletic

participation and academic achievement. The researcher, using a quantitative, causal-

comparative design asked one research question: To what extent does athletic participation affect

academic achievement among students in a Massachusetts high school?

This question was evaluated based on the Developmental Theory, where athletics are

considered experiences that enhance the total development of students (Holland & Andre, 1987).

Under this theory, participation may influence academic goals by enhancing social status and

self-efficacy, which lead to increased educational aspirations and behaviors (Marsh, 1988;

Snyder & Spreitzer, 1990).

The researcher’s hypothesis, that: there will be a statistically significant greater GPA

increase for students who participated in high school athletics three years in a row than those

who did not participate for three years in a row, was informed by this theory. The ideas that

athletes develop an increased interest in school through participation in sports and athletic

success leads to a heightened sense of self-worth that spills over into the classroom, were central

to the researcher’s position that a positive relationship would be found.


However, a second theory, known as the Zero-Sum Model Theory, contends that

adolescent society emphasizes peer acceptance and interaction along with indifference toward

academic achievement (Coleman, 1961). According to this theory, there are only so many hours

in a day to be divided between academic, social, or athletic pursuits, and an increase in one

necessitates a decrease in time spent on the others. Because sports are both athletic and social by

nature, Coleman (1961) contended that they detracted from academic achievement.

Statistical analysis was completed using SPSS software and the following sections provide

results and discussion related to the research question and hypothesis.

Results of Mann-Whitney U and independent t-tests

A fundamental concern of any research study is whether or not research findings are

actually answering the question being asked. Early studies (Eidsmore, 1963; Shafer & Rehberg,

1970) were criticized for claiming a causal relationship between athletic participation and

academic achievement while utilizing cross-sectional data. A longitudinal study was necessary

in order to prove that differences in achievement were not the result of prior differences between

the two groups. Along with the use of cross-sectional data, the sample structures, research

designs, and lack of controls for other variables such as socioeconomic status of studies claiming

positive results have been criticized (Holland & Andre, 1987).

Some researchers attempted to respond to these criticisms with the use of longitudinal

data and by controlling for other variables that could affect achievement. Marsh (1988)

considered data from students’ sophomore and senior years to determine changes in academic

achievement. Marsh (1988) claimed to have found a positive relationship between athletic

participation and academic achievement as the GPAs for athletes were higher both in grade 10

and in grade 11.


These findings are very similar to the initial test results for this study. For all three years,

the GPAs for athletes are higher than those of non-participants. For 2011, the GPA mean for

athletes was 2.88, while for non-participants it was 2.67. This difference is statistically

significant. A cross-sectional study, such as those run in the 1960s and 1970s, might look at the

data for 2011 and claim a positive relationship between athletic participation and academic

achievement. Even a longitudinal study, like those run in more recent years, would look at the

higher GPA for athletes for all three years (2012: athletes GPA 2.78, non-participants GPA 2.62;

2013: athletes GPA 2.75, non-participants GPA 2.69) and make the claim that athletic

participation has a positive effect on academic achievement. The Developmental Theory would

be cited and the results would be claimed as evidence that there is a connection between athletics

and improved academic achievement.

However, by looking more closely at the test results it is difficult to claim a positive

relationship. While athletes started with a statistically significant higher mean GPA than non-

athletes (2.88 to 2.67 for 2011), as noted many times previously, this initial advantage could

have been caused by other factors. In addition, the GPAs of the athlete group went down in each

of the two subsequent years (from 2.88 in 2011 to 2.78 in 2012 to 2.75 in 2013). If any claim of

a positive relationship is to be made, the mean GPA for athletes should increase in years two and

three, not decrease. In addition, while non-participants did lose some ground from year one to

year two (2.67 in 2011 to 2.62 in 2012), the 2.69 GPA in year three (2013) is the highest of all

three years for non-participants, which can be interpreted to mean that not participating in

athletics does not disadvantage a student academically in any way and results in a slight

academic advantage.

The results to this point make this study similar in many ways to that of Lupetow and

Kayser (1974). Their study acknowledged that a relationship could only be claimed if there was

evidence of grade improvement for the student-athletes over multiple years of participation.

Their findings included an initial achievement advantage for athletes in the first year, following

by a negligible GPA change for both athletes and non-athletes over the three years of the study.

For Lupetow and Kayser (1974), both groups actually had slight increases in GPA that were not

statistically significant. The test results for the current study are very similar, except that a slight

decrease in GPA resulted for the athlete group. These negative results are made even clearer

when the growth rate formula and academic performance change are considered.

Growth Rate and Academic Performance Change Results

As stated previously, the key contribution of this study is the concept that the GPA

growth rate, or change in GPA from year one to year three, and the academic performance

change test are the most important results because if a relationship between athletic participation

and academic achievement is to be claimed, the GPAs of athletes must grow at a higher rate than

those of non-participants over the period of the study and the difference must be statistically

significant. The finding that the mean GPA growth rate for athletes is -2% means that only one

conclusion can be drawn, that there is no relationship between athletic participation and

improved academic achievement. In fact, a better case could be made that there is a negative

relationship between athletic participation and academic achievement.

In addition, even though the t-tests show that the mean GPA for non-participants

decreased slightly from year one to year two and then increased in year three, this difference was

so small that non-participants had a growth rate of zero, meaning that students that do not

participate in high school athletics do not experience any change to their academic performance,

be it positive or negative. Based on the growth rate results, a student who wants to do his or her

best in high school would have a slight advantage if athletic participation was avoided.

After the growth rate formula was applied to all test subjects for the calculation of the

academic performance change variable, the Mann-Whitney U test found that the higher academic

performance change rate for non-participants was statistically significant. The effect size is

small, meaning that practical significance of this result is weak.

Discussion of Results

The -2% growth rate for athletes compared to the steady academic performance of non-

participants, as well as the statistically significant advantage of non-participants in regards to

academic performance change must lead the researcher to question the Developmental Theory

and take a closer look at the Zero-Sum Model Theory proposed so many years ago (Coleman,

1961). According to the Developmental Theory, athletic participation leads to increased interest

in school, a heightened sense of self-worth, more attention from adults such as teachers and

coaches, membership in elite peer groups, a desire to meet eligibility requirements, as well as

aspirations to compete in college (Snyder & Spreitzer, 1990). While all of this may still be true,

there is no evidence in this study to suggest that any of these factors leads to improved academic

performance. Coleman (1961) would definitely interpret “membership in elite peer groups” to

mean “popularity” and see this factor as a negative in relation to academic achievement. In fact,

if any or all of these advantages result from athletic participation and athletes are still

experiencing negative GPA growth it is possible that the earliest negative theories regarding

athletic participation and academic achievement are the ones that are correct.

After analyzing the results of this study it is apparent that renewed attention should be

paid to the Zero Sum Model Theory. Perhaps the athletic and social aspects of high school

sports are not leaving enough time or energy for academic pursuits. Whether it be the pressure to

win that results in a requirement to be on time for practice every day and leaves little time to

make up school work or get extra help, or long bus rides for away games, or the fact that practice

and games can leave competitors both physically and mentally exhausted, student-athletes may

not have enough time or energy to improve their academic performance. Concussions have

also recently become a detriment to the academic achievement of athletes as, while the modern

understanding of their effects is an excellent improvement for the health of student-athletes, the

new knowledge results in student concussion sufferers in school for half days only with serious

restrictions on school work, often giving student-athletes an insurmountable mountain of work to

make up when cleared to resume academic activities. While the above possibilities may all be

factors that are detrimental to student-athlete academic performance, they are ultimately similar

to what Coleman said back in 1961, that athletic participation diverts attention from athletic


Summary of Results

The research question proposed was: To what extent does athletic participation affect

academic achievement among students in a Massachusetts high school? The answer is that

participants of athletics three years in a row in high school differ significantly in academic

achievement growth from non-participants of athletics three years in a row. However, while this

seems like and is disappointing news for advocates of athletic funding, the results are not

significant enough to affect policy. The practical significance is weak as the effect size is

extremely small, so no recommendations should be made to academic leaders regarding the

allocation of funding or other decisions related to athletic policy based on the results of this


Along with the weak practical significance from the academic performance change test,

other conclusions can be drawn that make it difficult to make any policy recommendations based

on these results. Because the GPA mean differences resulting from the t-tests were not

statistically significant, it would be difficult to claim that athletic participation has a negative

impact on academic achievement, although it should be noted that there was a slightly negative

GPA growth rate (-2%) for athletes and when compared to the steady achievement of non-

participants. It is accurate to conclude that students who participate in high school athletics have

a slight academic disadvantage compared to those who do not. The hypothesis that: there will be

a statistically significant greater GPA increase for students who participated in high school

athletics three years in a row than those who did not participate for three years in a row, has

clearly been rejected. While in year one of the study athletes had a statistically significant higher

GPA than non-participants, this advantage could be the result of pre-existing differences between

the two groups, and, while athletes continued to have higher GPAs in years two and three, these

differences were not statistically significant and in fact the GPAs of the athlete group actually

went down.

Implications for Practice

Based on the results one cannot make the argument that athletics are linked to improved

academic achievement. While athletic participation can still be considered an important part of

the overall education of students, helping to develop teamwork, leadership, and perseverance,

these benefits do not translate to the classroom. Any future arguments for the preservation of the

funding of athletic programs should be made based on these factors, as well the recreational

benefits of athletics, but not based on a relationship to increased academic performance. Playing

sports in high school is a great experience for a number of students and funding should continue,

but not at the expense of other programs that are directly related to academic achievement.

Coaches should be encouraged to allow students to be late for practice if receiving extra help or

making up academic work, and practice and game schedules should be created with

consideration given to the need of students to have time for homework and studying. Activities

such as pep rallies for sporting events perhaps should be kept to a minimum if they interfere with

the normal academic school schedule. The argument made by many that athletic funding should

be cut to avoid budget shortfalls has more credence as a result of this study if the alternatives are

laying off teachers or increasing class size. However, it is important to state again that there is

no claim made in this study to the practical significance necessary to make recommendations

regarding funding or policy changes.

Implications for Future Research

The literature review utilized in this research provides a robust method of understanding

the history and the issues associated with attempting to ascertain the nature of the relationship

between athletic participation and academic achievement. This research has attempted to address

the fundamental criticism of past studies, that claims of a positive relationship are inaccurate as

initial, pre-existing differences were not accounted for. Future research should first attempt to

replicate this study’s results as this research, focused on GPA growth rate, is the first of its kind.

The inclusion of additional research sites of differing types would also allow for an improved

understanding and validation of these results as this research was conducted at a single site.

If similar findings result, future research should focus on Coleman’s (1961) Zero Sum

Model Theory in an attempt to understand why athletic participation does not lead to improved

academic performance. Coleman’s (1961) position that popularity is the main goal of high

school and that it is often achieved through athletics could be explored in a mixed methods study

that analyzes the attitudes and roles of athletes along with their academic achievement through

interviews. Other factors in the equation, such as teachers and their influence and attitudes

toward athletes compared to non-participants, should be explored. This would include the

impact, if any, of teachers’ academic support to athletes beyond regular class time whether it be

for extra help or additional time for assignments missed so that athletes remain eligible to

compete. Coaches should also be interviewed in order to determine how their attitudes and

influence impact achievement. The question of post-secondary aspirations should also be

explored as a factor affecting the achievement of both athletic participants and non-participants.

Future studies should also determine if participants differ significantly in academic

performance growth based on the rate of participation, be it one sport, two, three, or even more.

It is possible that participation rate was an intervening variable to the results of this study but its

effects are unknown at this point. If there is any validity to the Zero Sum Model Theory,

students who participate in two or more sports for three years might experience negative

academic growth while playing just one sport might be the right amount for participation to have

a positive impact. A study comparing one sport participation to two or more sport participation

would help to answer this question.

Another interesting group that was not analyzed in this study is students who were

athletes for a year or two but then ended their participation. It is important to investigate why

this occurs and to analyze the academic results for these students. It seemed to this researcher,

while gathering sample data for this study, that some students ended participation due to low

GPAs that did not meet the minimum requirement to participate, but others were doing well

academically. Did they stop participating because they were not good athletes, or did they find,

as Coleman theorized, that the time spent participating was taking away from their academic

pursuits? If students who participate in athletics often have pre-existing advantages such as

intrinsic motivation, involved parents, and leadership qualities, and if students who have these

advantages and then stop participating have higher GPA growth rates than those who continue to

participate, then a strong case could be made in support of the Zero Sum Model Theory.

Another concept that must be examined is student resilience. Current educational theory

holds that student work ethic, or “grit” as it is being called, is more important for future success

that overall intelligence or achievement in high school. Students for whom everything comes

easy often do not have the grit or resilience to succeed in college or beyond when encountering

challenging circumstances. If this idea is true, then a strong case could be made that athletics,

where students are constantly working to improve and overcome obstacles, are an important

component of the overall success of students. This may be the key area of inquiry for those who

believe that athletics are contributing to the success of students.

If the preceding recommendations are implemented and the results are the same for both

groups as in this study, then the bigger question that needs to be asked is why students, both

athletes and non-participants, do not experience growth in their GPAs throughout their high

school careers. If, as students grow older, they are accumulating new knowledge and skills, why

is their performance static? Are they taking harder courses as they get older, resulting in a lack

of perceived growth results, or are there other variables involved? Future studies should attempt

to determine if additional course rigor is impacting achievement by utilizing a weighted GPA

rather than the simple GPA used here. Do teachers grade harder as students get older? It would

seem that as students mature, they should become more concerned about the future, whether it be

attempting to get into college or preparing for the workplace, and an increase in focus on the

future would result in improved academic performance, but this is not the case.


The purpose of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between

athletic participation and academic achievement. The researcher has noted many calls for a

reduction in athletic funding without any analysis of the academic benefits of athletic

participation. This study attempted to account for the impact on academic achievement of

variables other than athletic participation by focusing on GPA growth rate, rather than overall

GPA, the argument being that if athletic participation is related to improved academic

achievement, the GPAs of athletes should increase at a higher rate than those of non-participants.

After comparing the means of the two groups by running the Mann-Whitney U test and

independent t-tests and then utilizing this data to calculate the GPA growth rates of both groups,

the researcher found that athletes had a GPA growth rate of -2%, compared to 0% for non-

participants. The growth rate formula was then applied to all individual subjects in the two

sample groups in order to calculate the academic performance change rate for each. Not only was

the hypothesis that athletes would see an increase in GPA that was higher than that of non-

participants rejected, athletes actually saw negative growth, while non-participants stayed the

same. The Mann-Whitney U test for academic performance change resulted in a higher change

rate for non-participants that is statistically significant. While the difference is significant, the

effect size is small, meaning that the practical significance is weak and no recommendations for

change should be made based on the results of this study.

With these results, it is not possible to make the argument that there is a relationship

between athletic participation and increased academic performance. Policy-makers should keep

this in mind when making decision regarding school funding. While high school athletics are

still important, they should not be funded if teachers or small-sized classes must be sacrificed in

order to do so. It is recommended that future researchers attempt to duplicate these findings at

different sites, and address the researcher’s suggestions such as utilizing interviews of athletes,

teacher, coaches, and other entities related to this question. Student resilience should be

examined in order to determine its relationship to student success. A weighted GPA variable

should also be explored in order to better determine if the lack of perceived academic growth for

all students is due to the increased difficulty of higher level courses or other factors.


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Appendix A: Athletic Participation and Academic Achievement: Negative Relationship

Coleman 1961
Burke 1963
Lupetow & Kaiser 1974
Hauser & Lupetow 1978
Landers, Feltz, Obermeier & Brouse 1978
Ballantine 1981
Melnick, VanFossen & Sabo 1988
Haynes 1990
Meyer 1990
Melnick & Sabo 1992
Maloney & McCormick 1993
Parham 1993
Pascarella, Bohr, Nora & Terenzini 1995
Cantor & Prentice 1996
Simons, Van Rheenen & Covington 1999

Appendix B: Athletic Participation and Academic Achievement: Positive Relationship

Eidesmore 1963
Krauss 1964
Edwards 1967
Rehberg & Shafer 1968
Shafer & Armer 1968
Shafer & Rehberg 1970
Phillips & Shafer 1971
Spady 1971
Buhrmann 1972
Dowell, Badgett & Hunkler 1972
Spreitzer & Pugh 1973
Picou & Curry 1974
Rehberg & Cohen 1975
Otto & Alwin 1977
Landers & Landers 1978
Laughlin 1978
Picou 1978
Hanks 1979
Joekel 1985
Marano 1985
McNamara, Haensley, Lupkowski & Edlind 1985
Stanfort 1985
Cheong, Toney & Stinner 1986
Durbin 1986
Harvancik & Golson 1986
Soltz 1986
Sweet 1986
Holland & Andre 1987
McCormick & Tinsley 1987
Marsh 1988
Calabrese & Poe 1990
Camp 1990
Hendrix, Sederberg & Miller 1990
Snyder & Spreitzer 1990
Nuhn 1991
Lamborn, Brown, Mounts & Steinberg 1992
Gerber 1995
Mihoces 1996
Jenkins 1997
Mahoney & Cairns 1997
Silliker & Quirk 1997
McNeal 1998

Eccles & Barber 1999

Jordan 1999
Reis & Diaz 1999
Whitley 1999
Barron, Ewing & Waddell 2000
Burnett 2000
Stegman & Stephens 2000
Crosnoe 2001
Eide & Ronan 2001
McHale, Crouter & Tucker 2001
Broh 2002
Brown & Evans 2002
Stephens & Schaben 2002
Videon 2002
Eccles, Barber, Stone & Hunt 2003
Marsh & Kleitman 2003
Schmidt 2003
Zaff, Moore, Papillo & Williams 2003
Carlson, Planty & Thompson 2005
Darling, Caldwell & Smith 2005
Feldman & Matjasko 2005
Trudeau & Shepard 2008
Rosewater 2009
Davidson 2010
O’Bryan 2010
Sziraki 2010
Powers 2011
Filsinger 2012
McCorkle 2012
Oldenkamp 2012
Thompson 2012
Francois 2013
Macaluso 2013
Manlove 2013
Price 2013

Appendix C: Athletic Participation and Academic Achievement: No Relationship or Inconclusive

Campbell 1962
Campbell & Gordon 1963
Kniker 1974
Stevenson 1975
Hanks & Eckland 1976
Stuart 1985
Anderson 1990
Pascarella & Smart 1991
Hood, Craig & Ferguson 1992
Spreitzer 1994
Schlesser 2004
Rees & Sabia 2010
Bell 2012

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