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Physics 73.1 Syllabus Midyear 17

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Midyear 2017
Teacher and Student’s Copy

Class Schedule: __________________________ Course Credit: 1.0

Instructor: ______________________________ Consultation Hours: ________________
Instructor’s E-mail: _______________________

Prerequisite: Physics 72.1 Co-requisite: Physics 73

At the end of the term, the student should be able to
1. understand and appreciate the basic concepts of thermodynamics and modern physics and their application
to simple systems;
2. reinforce basic experimental skills and the practice of learning as a group; and
3. present scientific findings formally both in oral and written forms.

1 Course Introduction Class Policies/Class List Finalization/Orientation
1. Operate different temperature sensors.
2. Measure the thermal time constant of different
temperature sensors.
Experiment 1: Temperature
2 3. Determine the minimum waiting time before reading
measurements of temperature sensors.
4. Characterize the response of different thermal sensors
with temperature.
1. Determine the heat capacity ratio of air using Rüchardt’s
2. Compare the heat capacity ratio obtained experimentally
3 Experiment 2: Heat Capacity Ratio
with the model of air made up of diatomic gas particles.
3. Show that the surrounding air is made up of mostly
diatomic particles.
1. Understand the concept of thermal conductivity.
4 Experiment 3: Heat Conduction
2. Determine the thermal conductivity of brass.
1. Determine the relationship between thermodynamic
state variables (pressure, volume, and temperature) for
5 Experiment 4: Gas Laws an ideal gas.
2. Calculate the number of particles in a gas using the ideal
gas equation.
1. Identify the thermodynamic processes involved in the
Ericsson cycle.
2. Calculate the net thermodynamic work done in a heat
6 Experiment 5: Heat Engine engine cycle.
3. Establish the connection between the net
thermodynamic work done during a cycle and the
mechanical work done by a heat engine in lifting a mass.
1. Determine the turn-on voltage of light-emitting diodes
(LEDs) from their IV-curve.
Experiment 6: Determination of
7 2. Relate the turn-on voltage of an LED to the bandgap
Planck’s Constant
3. Experimentally determine Planck's constant using LEDs.
1. Differentiate between continuous and discrete line
spectra of light sources.
Experiment 7: Light 2. Be familiar with the line spectra of elemental light
Spectra/Investigative Project Proposal sources.
3. Observe bright and faint first order-spectral lines for the
helium gas discharge tube.
1. Identify the basic parts of a spectrometer.
9 Experiment 8: Student Spectrometer
2. Align a student spectrometer.
1. Compute the wavelength of the incident light from the
Experiment 9: Determination of
10 angular readings of a spectrometer.
Grating Constant
2. Determine the grating constant of a diffraction grating.
11-12 Experiments on Investigative Project
13 Investigative Project Presentation Consultation
14 Mini-conference
Discussion of Experiments 1-9
Deadline for late submission of worksheets
16 Practical Exam

C. GRADING SYSTEM Grade Equivalent

92.00 ≤ x < 100.00 1.00
Worksheets 50% 88.00 ≤ x < 92.00 1.25
Technical Reports 10% 84.00 ≤ x < 88.00 1.50
Investigative Project/Presentation 10% 80.00 ≤ x < 84.00 1.75
Investigative Project Final Paper 5% 76.00 ≤ x < 80.00 2.00
Lab Performance 5% 72.00 ≤ x < 76.00 2.25
Practical Exam 15% 68.00 ≤ x < 72.00 2.50
Prelab Sheets 5% 64.00 ≤ x < 68.00 2.75
Total 100% 60.00 ≤ x < 64.00 3.00
50.00 ≤ x < 60.00 4.00
D. WORKSHEET GUIDELINES 0 ≤ x < 50.00 5.00
• All worksheets will be done BY GROUP.
• Data will be checked at the END OF EVERY EXPERIMENT. Students are not allowed to clear their setup unless
authorized by the Instructor.
• After accomplishing the activity, worksheets should be submitted at the START of the following meeting.
Students are not allowed to work on the previous meeting’s worksheet during class hours.
• Worksheets submitted after the start of the following meeting will be marked LATE. Late worksheets will be
given a 50% DEDUCTION per week late.
• The following grading scheme will be used: 0% blank submission, 50% partial credit, 100% full credit.

• The following activities require technical report which will be done BY GROUP:
1. Heat Conduction
2. Determination of Grating Constant
• To make sure that everyone is involved in writing the technical report, an EXTRA PAGE that describes the
roles of each member in the completion of the paper must be included. A groupmate who does not participate
in the completion of the paper gets ZERO.
• The first page of the technical report must be signed by all the members of the group to taken to mean that
all signatories swear that their submitted work is free from any form of scientific misconduct (i.e. plagiarism,
falsification of data, etc.)
• If the technical report is plagiarized, all group members will be subject to disciplinary action.
• A copy of the technical report matrix must be attached on the last page.
• Technical reports are submitted one week after the experiment.


• The topic for the project may be a modification, investigation, or application of any of the nine activities or
Physics 73 concepts.
• Students will be given access to lab equipment for the project during a specified period.
• The investigative project will be done BY GROUP.
• Each group must submit at least three formal typewritten project proposals on or before the deadline. The
proposals are subject to the Instructor’s approval.
• If the group has already finished the experiments for the investigative project on the first day, they are still
required to attend the second and third day for consultations with their Instructor and/or assessment of their
• A written final technical report on the project is required and to be submitted on the day of the Practical Exam.


• A mini-conference will be conducted to present everyone’s work. Each group shall prepare a 10‐minute slide
presentation for this mini‐conference. An additional mandatory five minutes will be given for questions from
the class and a panel of instructors.
• The presentation’s grade will be based from the rubric given by the Instructor.
• If a group fails to present during the scheduled mini‐conference, everyone in the group automatically gets a
ZERO score for the presentation (10% of the grade).
• If a member fails to present but with a valid excuse, he/she will be presenting on his own. He should consult
his Instructor for the schedule.

• The performance of each member in the group will constitute 5% of the grade. The student will assess both
himself/herself and his/her peers, and may also be assessed by his/her Instructor.

• The practical exam will consist of at least 9 stations, one for each experiment, and will be multiple‐choice
question type.

• A student is responsible for knowing the proper operation of any apparatus/equipment assigned to him/her
or his/her group. Any student who has damaged (repairable/irreparable) any apparatus/equipment shall be
liable for the repair or replacement of the equipment. The repair or replacement should be done at the present
semester. Failure to do so may be grounds for ineligibility to enroll in the next semester(s).
• A student who arrives 15 minutes after the official start time of the class will be considered late. A student
who arrives beyond 30 minutes after the official start time of the class will be considered absent and will
automatically get a ZERO for the activity.
• A student is given a grade of 5.0 if the accumulated absences reach more than 20% of the class meetings.
• MAKEUP ACTIVITIES will be given ONLY to missed activities with a VALID EXCUSE. An excuse is valid if a valid
excuse slip/letter is submitted on or before the first day the student is able to come to class. A VALID EXCUSE
SLIP is in the form of either (1) a medical certificate from the UP Health Service, (2) a death certificate of
immediate family member noted by the student’s guardian/parent or (3) official university representation.
Other reasons will be subjected to course group discretion. Students only have ONE DESIGNATED CLASS DAY
to make-up for missed experiments.
• Missed activity (experiment, IP, IP Presentation) due to UNEXCUSED ABSENCE is given a ZERO.
• In the event a student misses the practical exam, a grade of “INC” is given with the remark “missed the
practical exam” PROVIDED that the student has a pre‐final grade of 45% or better and that the absence in the
exam has a VALID EXCUSE. In this case, the valid excuse slip must be presented to the instructor one day after
the exam date.
• The “INC” has to be completed within a year by taking the practical exam in any of the next two semesters.
Otherwise, the student would automatically get a grade of ZERO for the practical exam.
• In the event a student misses the practical exam without a valid excuse (e.g. not informed of an exam, got up
late for the exam), his/her practical exam grade is ZERO.
• A grade of “DRP” is given upon the INITIATION OF THE STUDENT ONLY. There is no automatic dropping of
the subject after the attendance sheet is finalized. The student must inform the instructor at least 2 days
before the deadline of dropping.
• A student granted an LOA will only be given a grade of either DRP or 5.00. A grade of 5.00 is given if the LOA
is granted after the deadline for dropping has lapsed and the student’s class standing is failing; otherwise, a
grade of DRP is given.
• A grade of “4.00” implies that the student should retake the course. THERE IS NO REMOVAL EXAM.
• The last day of returning of all prelab sheets, worksheets and technical reports is on the day of the practical
exam. A student who does not surrender ALL his/her prelab sheets, worksheets and technical reports gets
an “INC”.

• Any form of cheating in examinations or any act of dishonesty in relation to studies, such as plagiarism, shall
be subject to disciplinary action.

• Young, H and R. Freedman, University Physics, 13th ed., Addison‐Wesley, 2012.
• Tipler, P. Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 4th ed., W.H. Freeman and Co./Worth Publishers, Inc., 1999.

List the names of your groupmates on the table below. Get the best modes of getting in touch with them in case you
have concerns regarding the course.

Start of Classes Jun 13 (Tue)
UP Foundation Day Jun 18 (Sun)
Mid-semester Jun 26 (Mon)
Deadline for Dropping Jul 4 (Tue)
End of Classes Jul 12 (Wed)
Deadline for Submitting Grades Jul 25 (Tue)

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